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Nothing wrong with that! Its your money and you want to call the shots. Makes sense. Thats why you keep your spare cash in the bank. This, of course, makes no sense at all. After tax and inflation, youre actually losing money. A high price to pay for control! Where else can you put it? You ask. Unit trusts, thats where! The only difference here is, you get performance and control. But you want to talk control first dont you? Unit trusts do not lock you in. You can get all your money back without penalties in one day. You can miss monthly payments, also without penalties. And there are no up front admin fees, so 100% of your money works from day one. And, thanks to the power of compounding over time, your returns will far exceed anything you imagined possible. Put another way, this is a no brainer! You owe it to yourself to find out more. 1. Contact your Old Mutual Financial Adviser or your Broker 2. Call 0860 WEALTH (932584) 3. Visit

Classic 5
Old Mutual Enhanced Income Fund

Old Mutual Stable Growth Fund

Old Mutual Balanced Fund

Old Mutual Flexible Fund

Old Mutual Top Companies Fund

Old Mutual Investment Group (South Africa) (Pty) Limited is a licensed financial services provider. Unit trusts are generally medium- to long-term investments. Past performance is no indication of future growth. Shorter term fluctuations can occur as your investment moves in line with the markets. Fluctuations or movements in exchange rates may cause the value of underlying international investments to go up or down. Unit trusts can engage in borrowing and scrip lending. Fund valuations take place on a daily basis at approximately 15h00 on a forward pricing basis. The funds TER reflects the percentage of the average Net Asset Value of the portfolio that was incurred as charges, levies and fees related to the management of the portfolio.




Niks is daarmee verkeerd nie! Dis jou geld en jy wil self besluit wat jy daarmee wil doen. Dit het sin. Dis hoekom jy jou spaargeld in die bank hou. Dt het natuurlik geen sin nie. Na belasting en inflasie is jy eintlik besig om geld te verloor. n Duur prys om te betaal vir beheer! Wat is die alternatief? Vra jy. Effektetrusts! is die antwoord. Die enigste verskil is hier kry jy beheer n prestasie. Maar jy wil eers oor beheer gesels, n?

Effektetrusts bind jou nie. Jy kan al jou geld in een dag terugkry, sonder afkoopboetes. Jy kan maandelikse betalings oorslaan ook sonder om gepenaliseer te word. En daar is geen aanvanklike administrasiefooie nie 100% van jou geld begin dus van dag een af werk. En danksy die krag van saamgestelde rente oor die langer termyn, sal jou opbrengste jou stoutste verwagtings ver oortref Anders gestel dit spreek vanself! Bewys jouself n guns om meer uit te vind. 1. Kontak jou Old Mutual Finansile Adviseur of jou Makelaar 2. Skakel 0860 WEALTH (932584) 3. Besoek

Cl a la ic K s sis ek e 5
Old Mutual Enhanced Income Fund

Old Mutual Stable Growth Fund

Old Mutual Balanced Fund

Old Mutual Flexible Fund

Old Mutual Top Companies Fund

Old Mutual Investment Group (South Africa) (Pty) Limited is n gelisensieerde finansile diensverskaffer. Effektetrusts is gewoonlik medium- tot langtermynbeleggings. Vorige prestasie is nie n aanduiding van toekomstige groei nie. Skommelinge kan oor die korter termyn voorkom, terwyl jou belegging in ooreenstemming met die markte beweeg. Wisselkoersbewegings of -skommelinge kan meebring dat die waarde van onderliggende internasionale beleggings styg of daal. Effektetrusts kan by leen en die uitleen van skrip betrokke wees. Fondswaardasies word daagliks, teen ongeveer 15:00, op n vooruitprysingsgrondslag bereken. Die fonds se TOV weerspiel die persentasie van die gemiddelde Netto Batewaarde van die portefeulje wat as koste, heffings en fooie met betrekking tot die bestuur van die portefeulje aangegaan is.


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