Anna University Question Bank From The Year 2004 Formats

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Anna University Question Bank from the year 2004 formats

-OBJECT ORIENTED ANALYSIS AND DESIGN Time:Three hours Maximum: 100 marks Answer ALL questions PART A- (10 x 2 =20 marks) 1. Give the characteristics of object oriented system. 2. What is an object? Give an example. 3. Give a note on patterns and its necessity. 4. Mention the models in Object Modelling Techniques in Rambaugh methodology and its role for describing the system. 5. List out the steps for finding the attributes of a class? 6. Give the hint to identify the attributes of a class? 7. Define axiom along with its types. 8. For the schema employee (emp-id, emp-name, street, city) give the class representation along with the attribute types. 9. Mention the purpose of view layer interface. 10. What are client/server computing? Give two applications which work on this basis? PART B- (5 X 16 = 80 marks) 11. (a) Explain and develop the payroll system using the steps of Object oriented approach. [ Marks 16 ] Or (b) Explain the following (i) Object Modelling Technique [ Marks 8 ] (ii) Compare Aggregation and Composition with a suitable example. [ Marks 8] 12. (a) Explain the relationships that are possible among the classes in the UML representation with your example. [Marks 16 ]

Or (b) What are the various diagrams that are used in analysis and design steps Of Booch Methodology? Explain with your own example. [Marks 16 ] 13. (a) Explain the method of identifying the classes using the common class approach with an example. [ Marks 16 ] Or (b) Consider the Hospital Management System application with the Following requirements System should handle the in-patient, out-patient information through receptionist. Doctors are allowed to view the patient history and give their prescription. There should be a information system to provide the required information. Give the use case, class and object diagrams. [ Marks 4+8+4 ] 14.(a) With a suitable example explain how to design a class. Give all possible representation in a class (name, attribute, visibility, methods, responsibilities)[Marks 16 ] OR (b) Design the access layer for the Students information management which includes personal, fees and mark details. [ Marks 16 ] 15.(a) (i) Explain the various testing strategies. [ Marks 12 ] (ii) Give the use cases that can be used to generate the test cases for the Bank ATM application. [ Marks 4] or (b) (i) How will you measure the user satisfaction? Describe. [ Marks 6 ] (ii) Perform the satisfaction test for any client/server application. [ Marks 10] ........ OBJECT ORIENTED ANALYSIS AND DESIGN

PART A (10 x 2 = 20 Marks) 1. What is an object? Give an example 2. What is the main advantage of object oriented development? 3. What are the phases of OMT? 4. List the difference between patterns and Framework 5. Mention the elements used in the Use-case model. 6. When to use CRC cards? 7. How do you distinguish transient data from persistent data? 8. What is Design Axiom? 9. Describe UI design rules. 10. What is Quality assurance? PART B - (5 x 16 = 80 Marks) 11. (a) (i) Discuss the advantages of Object Oriented Approach. (ii) Briefly explain the elements of object model Or (b) (i) Briefly explain about Object oriented systems developments life cycle. (ii) Describe state, behaviour, and identity with respect to an object with relevant example. 12. (a) (i) Compare and contrast the Object oriented methodology of Booch, Rumbaugh and Jacobson. (ii) Write short notes on Unified approach. Or (b) Draw the class diagram, use-case diagram, interaction diagram for Library management system. 13. (a) (i) Describe the basic activities of Object oriented analysis and explain how Use-Case modeling is useful in analysis. (ii) Draw the Use-Case model for ATM Bank operation Or (b) (i) Discuss the importance of proper classification. Briefly explain the different approaches used for identifying classes and objects. (iii) Explain the relationship exit among objects. 14. (a) Write short notes on the following : (i) Object interoperability (ii) Access Layer Or (b) (i) Briefly explain, how design axioms help to avoid design pitfalls.

(ii) Explain the principles and metrics of good Object oriented design. 15. (a) (i) Explain the macro and micro process of a view layer design. (ii) How do you develop a custom form for a user satisfaction test? Or (b) (i) Describe the different testing strategies. (ii) Create a User satisfaction test for bank system application. ..... MC1753- OBJECT ORIENTED ANALYSIS AND DESIGN JUNE 2009 MCA EXAMINATION, MAY /JUNE 2009 PART A l. What is meant by dynamic binding? 2. What are meta classes and abstract classes? 3. What is the use of an interaction diagram? 4. Define extensibility? 5. What is the significance of use case model? 6. Define object responsibility? 7. Mention the general purpose of a view layer interface? 8. Mention the major activities involved in the micro development process? 9. What is meant by a Test plan? 10. Write about usability testing? Part B 1 1. a)i)What is meant by object oriented modeling and design ? Describe the general aspects of object oriented approach[Mark 12] ii) write a note on information hiding. [Mark 4] Or b) Explain the object oriented system development life cycle in detail with suitable example? [Mark 16] 12.a) Write notes on following: i)Unified approach to object Modeling. [Mark 6] ii)Static UML notations. [Mark 6] iii)Patterns and frameworks. [Mark 5] Or b)Design a system for electronic voting machine with the following diagrams iii)Object diagram iv)Interaction diagram 13.a) Write notes on following; [Mark 4 * 4=l6] i) Documentation ii)Classification

iii) Super sub classes iv) Use case model Or b) Explain as to how you would identify the relationship among classes in OOA in detail with suitable example? [Mark 16] 14. a) i) Explain the rules involving design of a classes and method in detail with suitable example. [Mark 8] ii) Describe the macro process of object oriented development. [Mark 8] Or b) Explain in detail the purpose of a view layer interface and process of designing interface object with suitable example.[Mark 8] l5.a) i)Define satisfaction in testing strategies and explain satisfaction testing with the guidelines for development satisfaction testing. [Mark 8] ii) what is meant by s/w quantity assurance'? Describe the importance of s/w quantity assurance plan. [Mark 8] Or b)i)What are test cases ? Mention the objectives and the guidelines for developing Test cases [Mark 8] ii) What are Top down testing and Bottom up Testing? Discuss their adv and disadv [Mark 8] OBJECT ORIENTED ANALYSIS AND DESIGN 1) What do you mean by analysis and design? 2) What are the steps involved in designing? 3) What are the main underlying concepts of object orientation? 4) What do u meant by "SBI" of an object? 5) Differentiate persistent & non-persistent objects? 6) What do you meant by active and passive objects? 7) What is meant by software development method? 8) What are models and meta models?

9) What do you meant by static and dynamic modeling? 10) How to represent the interaction between the modeling elements? 11) Why generalization is very strong? 12) Differentiate Aggregation and containment? 13) Can link and Association applied interchangeably? 14) What is meant by "method-wars"? 15) Whether unified method and unified modeling language are same or different? 16) Who were the three famous amigos and what was their contribution to the object community? 17) Differentiate the class representation of Booch, Rumbaugh and UML? 18) What is an USECASE? Why it is needed? 19) Who is an Actor? 20) What is guard condition? 21) Differentiate the following notations? 22) USECASE is an implementation independent notation. How will the designer give the implementation details of a particular USECASE to the programmer? 23) Suppose a class acts an Actor in the problem domain, how to represent it in the static model? 24) Why does the function arguments are called as "signatures"?

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