China Inquiry-Final

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Bella Hill 3/22/13 6th period

China Inquiry -- History 30% Project History Department Essential Learning: Make connections and use the
knowledge of the past to address current issues

Explore current China through the news. *Question provided for this inquiry.
Compare and contrast cultural diffusion (sharing of ideas and goods) of ancient and modern China. One thousand years ago, China was a major global economic trading partner to the west. As a result of the great wealth generated by the silk road trade, big cities that were progressive, cosmopolitan centers of culture sprung up. Similar to the days of the silk trade, China now is a major trading partner all around the world, and in fact is the United States 2nd largest goods trading partner. Also, as a result of the significant trade across the globe major population centers have formed again that are vibrant with independent, forward-thinking, academically advanced people. Back in the days of the silk road, because of the great wealth that was transported, there were thieves and criminals that took advantage of it. The same pattern is occurring in modern times, where there is a great deal of product counterfeiting, and internet/technical crimes. However, the type of crimes are different, because the types of goods traded are different. One thousand years ago, the items traded were silk, jewels, precious metal, and spices. However now, the main exports from China are electronics, equipment, machinery, toys and footwear.

1.) Inquiry

2.) Prediction What do you think you will find?

(3-5+ sentences Stretch your thinking; Be specific; Draw connections from past history and current events)
The Chinese shared their language, ideas, and religion etc. mostly from trading. As the country continues to spend time trading globally, the population will continue to be exposed to many different cultures with interesting ideas. As in the past, where trading partners with China discovered new fabrics, colors, and inventions, current society will benefit from global trade.

Use to properly cite the reference materials that you use for your investigation within the selected news site. Select APA format. Alphabetize.

3.) Citations of References A. China Revealed Silk Road Embedded Video (Only watch the first 3 minute video) B. Office of the US Trade Representative Text-- Website

Bella Hill 3/22/13 6th period A) "Classic Discovery Shows." Discovery Channel. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Mar. 2013. <>. B) "China." Office of the United States Trade Representative. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Mar. 2013. <>.

(Expected and unexpected answers, insights, and questions related to the inquiry focus. Use Language Toolkit 2 for help with citations using APA style)
1.) China is currently our 2nd largest goods trading partner with $503 billion in total (two ways) goods trade during 2011 2.) The five largest import categories in 2011 were: Electrical Machinery ($98.7 billion), Machinery ($94.9 billion), Toys and Sports Equipment ($22.6 billion), Furniture and Bedding ($20.5 billion), and Footwear ($16.7 billion). 3.) Where great wealth flowed, robbers were never far behind. 4.) In the 2nd century before the birth of Christ, the Chinese invented the worlds first trade superhighway. (1)(2) "Classic Discovery Shows." Discovery Channel. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Mar. 2013. <>. (3)(4) "China." Office of the United States Trade Representative. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Mar. 2013. <>. Miss Childress I could not find the Language 2 Toolkit online. Was that something handed out before I arrived?

4.) Investigation (2+ pieces of evidence per Citation = 4+ Pieces of Evidence)

5.) Analysis (5-8 sentences Follow PEEER Overview model)

Bella Hill 3/22/13 6th period

Write a PEEER paragraph that answers the Inquiry Question

Compare and contrast cultural diffusion (sharing of ideas and goods) of ancient and modern China.

For your Evidence statement use one of your Direct Quotes Color-code your paragraph -One thousand years ago, China was a major economic trading partner to the west. As a result of the great wealth generated by the silk road trade, big cities that were progressive, cosmopolitan centers of culture sprung up. Similar to the days of the silk trade, China now is a major trading partner globally. The US government says, China is currently our 2nd largest goods trading partner with $503 billion in total (two ways) goods trade during 2011*. As a result of the significant trade across the globe, major population centers have formed again that are vibrant with independent, forward-thinking, academically advanced people. Back in the days of the silk road, where great wealth flowed, robbers were never far behind.** The same pattern is occurring in modern times, where there is a great deal of product counterfeiting, and internet/hi-tech crimes. However, the type of crimes now are different, because the goods that were traded are different. In fact The five largest import categories in 2011 were: Electrical Machinery ($98.7 billion), Machinery ($94.9 billion), Toys and Sports Equipment ($22.6 billion), Furniture and Bedding ($20.5 billion), and Footwear ($16.7 billion).* Whether its silk, jewels, or t-shirts, and tennis shoe, China continues to remain a major global trade partner. *"China." Office of the United States Trade Representative. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Mar. 2013. <>. **"Classic Discovery Shows." Discovery Channel. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Mar. 2013. <>. Miss Childress I do not know what you mean by color coding. Was that something that was taught to the class before I arrived?


A Properly uses the 5 Ws of Website Evaluation and without exception Ideas and elaboration include thorough and insightful historical connections. Includes variety in sentence structure

B Properly uses the 5 Ws of Website Evaluation and with few exceptions. Ideas and elaboration include insightful historical connections. Includes variety in sentence structure

C Somewhat uses the 5 Ws of Website Evaluation and properly. Ideas or elaboration includes insightful historical connections. Includes a lack of variety in sentence

D Does not use the 5 Ws of Website Evaluation and properly. Ideas nor elaboration include historical connections. Includes a lack of variety in sentence

Historical Connections

Written Expression

and high-level word choice throughout. Is free of most errors conventions.

and high-level word choice occasionally. Is generally free of most errors in conventions. Follows instructions with one or two omissions, and includes Del Mar header, 12 point Cambria or Times New Roman font.

structure and highlevel word choice. Has some errors in conventions.

Quality of Work

Follows instructions completely and includes Del Mar header, 12 point Cambria or Times New Roman font.

Follows instructions with several omissions, may not include Del Mar header, or 12 point Cambria or Times New Roman font.

Bella Hill 3/22/13 6th period structure and high-level word choice throughout. Contains errors in conventions, so serious that meaning is somewhat obscured. Follows instructions with multiple omissions, and does not include Del Mar header, or 12 point Cambria or Times New Roman font.

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