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Early Life Moses is born during the Jewish enslavement in Egypt, during a terrible period when Pharaoh decrees that all male Hebrew infants are to be drowned at birth. His mother, Yocheved, desperate to prolong his life, floats him in a basket in the Nile. Hearing the crying child as she walks by, Pharaoh's daughter pities the crying infant and adopts him (Exodus 2:1-10). It surely is no coincidence that the Jews' future liberator is raised as an Egyptian prince. Had Moses grown up in slavery with his fellow Hebrews, he probably would not have developed the pride, vision, and courage to lead a revolt.

Source Citation Jewish Virtual Library. American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise. 2012.

The Exodus This is one of the most important chapters of Jewish history and is told in Exodus, the second book of the Torah. It is the story of how God freed the Hebrews from slavery in Egypt and led them back to the land of Canaan. The word exodus means a mass departure. Many scholars think the Exodus tool place around 1250 BCE. According to the traditional Biblical story, the Hebrews were enslaved in Egypt four hundred years before the Exodus.

Commandments The Ten Commandments of the Tablets of the Law are the laws that God gave to the people of Israel through Moses after leading them out of Egypt. In essence, they are a summary of the hundreds of laws found in the Torah. They offer basic rules of behavior for spiritual and moral living. Jews believe that God delivered the Torah to Moses along with 613 commandments. Some of them, such as commandments concerning animal sacrifice, no longer apply today. The most famous of these are the Ten Commandments, which form an important part of Judaism and Christianity. Some examples of the Ten Commandments are 2.) You shall have no other gods before me, you shall not make for yourself a graven imageand bow down to worship them. 5.) Honor your father and mother. 6.) You shall not murder 8.) You shall not steal. 9.) You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.


Use History Alive! Pages 106-107 to complete the following. Write complete sentences with specific details from the text. Be thorough in your answers. Input Charts are the primary source for Unit Exams (30% HISTORY category) and they need to be used as study guides. PROMPT 1.) Define prophet. 2.) What did the pharaoh of Egypt do because of the Hebrews increased numbers and growing strength? 3.) What happened when Moses went before the pharaoh to free the Hebrews? 4.) Define plague. 5.) Define Exodus. 6.) Define the Ten Commandments 7.) Identify five of the commandments. 8.) Define Sabbath. 9.) Why is obeying the commandments important to the Hebrews? 10.) List Moses key contributions to Judaism. YOUR ANSWER A person who speaks or interprets for God to other people.

A terrible disaster affecting many people and thought to be sent by God as a punishment. The escape of the Hebrews from Egyptian slavery The ten laws said to be given to Moses by God. The seventh day of the week to be used for rest and worship, according to one of the Ten Commandments.


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