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Consumer survey Questionnaire

Q1. Have you purchased any consumer durable during Exhibitions? a) Yes b) No Q.2While purchasing consumer durable which parameter influences you? a) Price b) Product feature c) Brand d) Service e) Durability Q3. From where you prefer buying consumer durables a) Exhibitions b) Co.shoppee c) Showroom Q.4.You prefer to buy from the same as you have mentioned in Q.3 because of following reasons a) Attractive Price b) Service c) Demonstrations d) Offers e) Convenience

Q.5.Which consumer durable you have and of which brand? a) CTV b) LCD c) PLASMA D) REF E) WM F) MW G) AC -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Q.6. How frequently you change your consumer durables? a) 1-3 years b) 3-5 years c) 5-10 years d) More than 10 years

Q.7.Do you prefer any financing scheme to purchase consumer durables? a) Yes b) No

Questionnaire prepared for customers of Big Bazaar

1. How frequently do you visit Big Bazaar? a) Weekly b) Monthly c) Quarterly d) On a unplanned basis 2. Apart from Big Bazaar do you intend to visit any other retail outlet in a Mall? a) Yes b) No

3. If yes then what are the other retail outlets do you intend to visit in a mall? a) Garment Outlet b) Footwear Outlet c) Food Court d) Entertainment e) Gift Corner f) Jewellery and Watches store 4. What is the purpose behind visiting Big Bazaar? a) Shopping b) Outing c) Dating 5. What type of products do you mostly purchase in Big Bazaar? a) Cloths b) Grocery c) Food Item d) Leather Item

e) Electronic Item f) Gift Item g) Any other Item

6. On an average how much amount of money do you spend in a visit to Big Bazaar? a) Below 500 b) 500 1000 c) 1000 1500 d) 1500 2000 e) More than 2000 7. How much time do you spend in a visit to Big Bazaar? a) Less than half an hour b) Half an hour to 1 hour c) 1 hour to 1 hours d) 1 hours to 2 hours e) More than 2 hours 8. Which days of the week do you prefer to visit Big Bazaar? a) Week days b) Weekends 9. Which time of the day do you mostly prefer to visit Big Bazaar?

a) 10am 6pm b) 6pm 10pm 10. Do you go with a planned list of products to be purchased from Big Bazaar? a) Yes b) No

11.Do you prepare a list of brands in advance when you visit to Big Bazaar? a) Yes c) Depends on category 12. In which categories of products do you pre-decide the brands? a) Cloths b) Leather Items c) Electronic Items d) Grocery e) Gift Items f) Any other Item b) No


What is your mode of payment in Big Bazaar? a) Cash payment b)Credit Card


What encourages you to visit Big Bazaar? a. Price

b. Service c. Ambience d. Product Variety e. Product Quality f. Convenience

15.How would you rate the services of the sales personnel in Big Bazaar on a 1 5 scale? a. Very good b. Good c. Ok d. Poor e. Very poor

16.What is your convenience to Big Bazaar? a) Hired vehicle b) Two-wheeler c) Four-wheeler d) Any other

17. How is the parking space availability in Big Bazaar? a) Less than adequate b) Adequate c) More than adequate 18. Do you go to Kirana store? a) Yes b) No

1. Compare your nearest Kirana store with Big Bazaar on the following parameters. i. Price ii. Service iii. Variety iv. Quality v. Convenience vi. Shopping Experience .. 1. Name: 2. Age: 3. Sex: 4. Location/Address: 5. Qualification: -

6. Profession: 7. Whats your monthly income? a) Below 10,000 b) 10,000 20,000 c) 20,000 40,000 d) 40,000 60,000 e) More than 60,000


Age 16-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 Total 15 15 3 17 50

Interpretation From the survey conducted I have tried to target all age groups and make this project as informative as possible so as to know the behavior of consumers towards fairness creams from all age groups. Every age group has a different opinion and this opinion is what I am trying to unify in this project.

Occupation Student Business Others

frequency 29 14 7

Age 16-20 20-30 30-40 40-50

yes 5 5 2 3

no 10 10 1 14


Fairness cream brands Emami Fair & Handsome Garnier Nivea Fairone Fairever Menz Active- Fair & Lovely Others Total 2 14 23 1 1 7 2 50


Frequency of use Weekly Fornightly Monthly On Impulse

NO 5 2 15 27



Factors affecting Purchase Advertisements Suggestions from friends Attractive Displays Brand Ambassador

No 21 17 8 3


Preference of brand Quality Reliabilty Price Content

No 36 7 3 3


Acquisition of Product Buy it yourself Borrow from your friend Sample

No 39 4 6


Purpose Lighten your complexion Sunguard After shave Impulse

No 14 27 6 2



Attribute of the product Fairness property Smell Sunguard Package Other influence

No 13 6 23 7 0


Rating 1 2 3 4 5

Rating 7 11 16 9 6


Product Preference Price Quality Package Experience

No 10 32 2 5


Brand Loyalty Lower Prices More incentives Bigger Celebrity Brand Ambassador Better content Brand Loyal

No 6 2 2 8 31


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