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Contingency Plan

I will need to consider alternative options to many aspects of my production, as there is always the chance things could go wrong, which is why a contingency plan is essential for my production planning. Below I have listed some issues and how they can be combatted or otherwise changed in order for production to carry on, I have also included a rating depending on how easy or difficult it will be to resolve the issue. Key: (Note: the first three ratings will not directly affect production/ post production) VE- Very Easy, can be sorted the same day E- Easy, can be sorted same day M- Moderate, can possible be sorted same day but may have a delay MD- Moderately Difficult, could cause a delay to filming/editing D- Difficult, will directly affect filming and may cause production date to be moved I- Implausible, a completely new plan will be needed

Issue Member of production crew is unable to make filming. TV Studio is unavailable due to double booking

Ease of Compromise E

Solution I will make sure to have a backup crew member in the event of crew sickness or an emergency. I do have an idea of setting up a mini studio in my clients house, which I could do by using a white sheet in order to put effects in later. To do this however I will need to make sure I can book out the appropriate camera and lighting equipment. Alternatively I could move filming to another day, providing I am not stuck for time. I can take the equipment back to college and explain to the appropriate person whats happened and swap it for another. In case this does happen, I plan to load as much footage into my editing suite as possible and as soon after filming as possible, this way I will have two copies of raw footage. This would probably be the worst possible scenario I come across. If this happens I will need to find a new client as soon as possible so as to pass the


We arrive on location and some of the equipment doesnt work


A DV tape with a substantial amount of footage is wiped


Client pulls out of project altogether

One or more of the cameras do not work in the studio


Premier Pro crashes which leads to all work that session becoming lost.


unit. If two cameras are functioning properly, I would be able to compromise and use them to the best of my ability. If two cameras are out of action, again I will try to use the one camera which is working in order to get a variety of shots, which can be done as the cameras can be moved around on wheels. There are ways I can prevent this, for example by saving at regular intervals during editing. If this happens before I am able to save then I will be sure, if the programme freezes for example, to make a note of the location of what edit and where it is on the time code, to save me a little bit of time when I redo the editing.

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