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Key Stage 3: Writing styles

Persuade Purpose of this type of writing: To convince Argue To show both sides To persuade Formal Report To give an unbiased account To inform Dialogue To express 2 or more views on a single issue Transcript Formalised discussion

You must:

Rhetorical question Emotive words Imperatives Statistics & facts for every point One sided Present tense Forceful opening sentence Crescendo ending

Emotive words Rhetorical questions Clear and logically sequenced points Biased conclusion Both sides or one sided Statistics & facts for every point Crescendo ending Present tense

Headings Subheadings Objective & Impersonal Statistics & facts Both sides equally discussed Logical sequence

Simple and complex sentences Emotive language No introduction Conflict & resolution Script 1st person Fact and opinion Present tense Chronological structure

Simple and complex sentences One paragraph per person No introduction No conclusion Organised dialogues Anecdotes Expert evidence Text should be verbatim account

You could:

Anecdotes Expert opinions Rule of 3 Simple & complex sentences Hyperbole 1st, 2nd & 3rd person

Expert opinions Hyperbole Rule of 3 2nd, 3rd & 1st person Anecdotes Expert opinions

Expert opinions Graphs/charts Anecdotes Descriptive, detail language factual not poetic- focus on verbs not adjectives Concise style Concision

Question and answer possible Incorporates responses which are shaped by a previous response, interaction

Depending on context, can be persuasive


Speech Newspaper Letter

Newspaper Magazine Speech

Serious magazines e.g. Nat Geog

Television radio

Radio Reports, court witness interviews, evidence accounts, text of speech

Letter Purpose of this type of writing: To inform To persuade To offer an opinion/suggestion

Diary To record personal opinions, feelings & thoughts

Information booklet To inform To deliver facts To persuade

Newspaper report To inform To deliver facts & opinions


To reduce a text or idea to its main points or specific areas of interest

You must:

Style depends on target audience Expressive language Possibly persuasive techniques Formal language Facts and opinions Logical sequence

Emotive, descriptive Chronological sequence First person Past tense No introduction

Facts & statistics Expert quotes Persuasive Headings Subheadings Maps/graphs Illustrations Impersonal, direct, third person

Sensationalised Can be biased Interviews Sub headings 3rd person Attention grabbing headlines Simple & complex sentences Summary for 1st paragraph Vocabulary according to target audience(tabloid/br oadsheet) Use of puns Can be sensationalised or biased

Use facts only No personal opinions No quotation No introduction No conclusion Simple & complex sentences Paragraphing No bullets or lists No description Simple adjectives and adverbs

You could:

This is so pink.

Write like crazy

Layout design Bullet point lists an option

No explanation Tense depends on original texts


Magazines newspaper

Diary Books

Tourist brochures Campaign leaflets


IGCSE Exam, film reviews, orally, IN newspaper reports (first paragraph only)

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