Sample Persuasive Speech

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The Attention Step A.

One out of every 25 older Americans residing in a nursing home will be a victim of elder abuse this year; that is roughly one million elders. (Human Services 3). 1. 2. 3. Americans are living longer and the nations elderly population is growing at an unprecedented rate, increasing the need for nursing homes. In 50 years, the majority of us will be in our 70s and will depend on others for our daily care, just like many abused nursing home residents. After extensive research, I have come to the conclusion that elder abuse in nursing homes is a rampant and increasing problem which must be stopped.

B. C.

Our government should pass stricter regulation laws when it comes to nursing homes. During the course of my speech, I will show you how the elder populations need for elder homes is increasing, shocking statistics on elder abuse in nursing homes, who the perpetrators of elder abuse are, and three solutions which if adapted could stop the inhuman cycle of elder abuse.

The Need Step A. Americans are living longer, and the nations elderly population is growing at an unprecedented rate, particularly as a result of new technologies and medical advances. (Resident Abuse: Respondent1). 1. 2. B. There are now 28 million people aged 65 or older; by the year 2030, they will number more than 60 million or 21.2 percent of the total population. As individuals live longer, their need for nursing home care increases.

National abuse statistics are not available because different states vary in how they define abuse and collect statistics. (Resident Abuse: respondent 6). 1. In a survey conducted on 232 knowledgeable individuals involved directly or indirectly with nursing home care, there were four major findings. (Resident Abuse: Resolving ii) a. b. c. 95 percent of all respondents indicated abuse is a problem for nursing home residents. Physical, verbal, and emotional neglect and abuse are perceived as the most prevalent forms of abuse. Nursing home staff, medical personnel, other patients, and family or visitors all contribute to abuse; however, aides and orderlies are the primary abusers for all kinds of abuse except medical neglect. Respondents believe nursing home staff lack training to handle stressful situations.

d. 2.

There was a survey conducted in 1988 designed to assess the scope and nature of physical and psychological abuse in nursing homes. (Resident Abuse: Respondent 2). a. b. 36 percent of the sampled nurses and nurses aides had seen at least one incident of physical abuse in the previous year. 10 percent reported that they had committed one or more physically abusive acts.


Nursing aides and orderlies have the principal responsibility for the daily care of nursing home residents. (Resident Abuse: Respondent 14). 1. As the primary caregiver to nursing home residents, most respondents say nursing home staff (especially direct-care staffaides and orderlies) are responsible for most incidents of abuse except medical neglect. a. Direct care nursing home staff frequently must cope with stressful situations. (Resident Abuse: Respondent 16).


Many respondents indicate staff are inadequately trained to deal with the physical, emotional, and psychological aspects of caring for the elderly and disabled. (Resident Abuse: Respondent 16).


There are some reasons why nursing home staff may resort to abuse. a. b. c. d. e. Job frustration High stress Cultural differences Inadequate supervision of staff Staffs personal problems


Inadequate supervision of staff, low staff-to-resident ratios, high staff turnover, and low wages are cited as factors contributing to abuse of nursing home residents. (Resident Abuse: Respondent 19). a. Low wages and the absence of employee benefits, recognition, and opportunity for advancement may all contribute to job dissatisfaction and rapid turnover among nurses aides. Because of the high turnover rate, there are usually some openings for positions. (Resident Abuse: Respondent 20). 1. 2. 3. In order to meet State or Federal requirements many nursing home administrations have chosen to use temporary services. This habit (procedure) seems to be on the rise. Although temporary employees can fill critical staff shortages, several respondents expressed that temps may not have been adequately screened or trained to care for nursing home residents.


Satisfaction Step A.mNursing home staff training 1. 2. 3. Training should be provided for staff who deal day-to-day with the elderly. Training should be a prerequisite to obtain certification. Staff needs training in stress management, the aging process, and how to cope with and avoid confrontational situations.

B.mInadequate supervision 1. 2. Supervision in elderly homes must increase to avoid reoccurring abuse. By increasing supervision, the opportunities for physical abuse and property theft will decrease.

C.mA plan to maintain both staff and patients happiness and safety. 1. 2. Nursing home staff should organize a union who will represent them. The union should seek higher pay, a higher ratio of staff to residents, and employee benefits. a. b. This will lower the turnover rate. Avoid temporary workers who are not trained and are hired just to maintain Federal or State regulations.

Visualization Step A. If no action is taken to put an end to abuse in nursing homes, we may end up becoming victims ourselves.

1. 2. B.

In 50 years, the majority of us will be in need of some help in our daily lives. Many of us will live in nursing homes.

If government regulations are imposed and strictly followed, our future life as elderly people will be safe and happy. 1. 2. 3. We will enjoy our last years in a peaceful environment. As elders, we will feel respected and not violated. We should not only do this for ourselves but also for upcoming generations.

Action Step A. B. In conclusion, we must realize that elderly abuse in nursing homes is a problem which affects everyone. Our government should pass stricter regulation laws when it comes to nursing homes. This problem must stop! As future elders we will not allow such behavior to continue without any legal action. Therefore, I am requesting your signature on a petition that I am sending to Congress. I sincerely hope that we as young Americans can unite and put pressure on government agencies to put an end to elder abuse and that the one million victims who suffer yearly will be able to live out their last days in peace and with dignity.


Bibliography in MLA At least 10 sources.


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