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Time Gist DRM Channel

9:20:32 6 Otis fighters going home 2 2

9:21:00^11 still airborne, report from ZBW Scoggins 1J 7
9:21:28 Commotion in background 1 15
9:21:38 Scoggins says he got the info from Washington Center 1 7
9:21 :46 AA1 1 still up there, hijack headed for DC ( 1j 15
9:21:39 He's headed toward... you hear that, still up there 2 2
9:22:00 Oh God, They'd better call the President 1 3
9:22:30 Better get Lanley guys up 1 15
9:22:35 What did I just say, scramble Langley 1 15
9:22:38 Scramble Langley 2 13
9:22:56 Want me to just put them over BWI? 2 13
9:22:58 In background, Powell initiates the scramble order call 2 13
9:23:02" In background, N334AA 1 4
9:23:13 ID Techs talk to Felzer at ZNY, ZNY has no info on AA1 1 1 7
9:24:00 End of Scramble alert 2 13
9:24:04 Scoggins calls again re AA1 1 1 7
9:24:17 2 4, scramble time 2 4 for LFI, two four 1 3
9:24:18 Hold [the fighters] in BWI area 2 17
9:24:31 Langley Command Post calls for heading and altitude [Quit] 1 3
9:24:36 Steven [Ovens] has NY TRACON on 1 4
9:25:14 ID/ZDC re AA11. ZDC just got word from Boston or somewhere, lot of I l! 4
different things going on
9:25:22 Scoggins alerts NEADS there may be 3 a/c missing, a 3d, no call sign yet 1 7
9:25:38 Barrett.ZNY, calls Richmond, much confusion, Richmond tells Mo Dooley he 1 15
needs someone, now, to confirm AA1 1 still flying
9:26:00 Fragment of Steve Richmond conversation with Bruce Barrett ZNY T 3
9:26:10J"N334AA" background 1 4
9:26:28 Langley Command Post calls again to verify primary frequency r — -it 3
9:26:34 Boston now missing another aircraft 1 4
9:26:53 Richmond tells Barrett, ZNY, not sure, can't confirm 1 15
9:27:19 Richmond asks MCC if we have a position, answer "no" 1 15
9:27:24 ID call to ZDC, Felzer transfers them to Lynn Becker 1 7
9:27:45 Put them North of NCA, in an intercept position, 10 miles north 1 11
9:28:28 Fox summarizes and gives instructions to get fighters up and put them in a 2 11
particular area
9:28:43 We're looking but we don't see any radar only [target] 1} 15
9:28:28 In background, Fox, "N334AA" i 2 17
9:28:56 ID on call to ZNY, 3 missing, ZNY has no info on AA1 1 ; 1 4
9:28:58 "Oh my God" that's the third one 1 15
9:29:31 Someone better get the President 1 4
9:29:33 Powell calls ZDC for Mode 3 on Quit 2 11
9:29:53 1 ID tells ZNY that ZDC is not serious and needs to hear from the centers 1; 4
9:29:58 Powell is told Mode 3 is 4650 out of Langley ^ 2; 11
9:30:08 Richmond directs SIM switches be turned off (we don't know what this is) I 1 15
9:30:15 Quit airborne 2 11
9:30:26 Three fighters out of Langley 1 11
9:30:28 I'd have the President airborne, wherever j 1 4
9:30:35 Quit airborne 1j 11
9:30:50 AA1 1 headed toward Washington, first Z point established 1 4
9:30:57; Voice says, I'm watching Washington 1 15
9:31:18 ID call to Scoggins re AA1 1 , Told 3 a/c missing, don't have call sign on 3d, 1 4
9:31:21 Once he's done I want you to sit [position] 8 and watch Washington 7j 15
9:31:53 1/2 way between BWI and ? 2 17
9:32:03 Need another tracker looking at NCA area 1] 15
9:32:18 [division of labor] You've got NY, he's got Washington 1_i 15
9:32:14 ZDC, Gary Johnson initiates call to NEADS, gets rundown from Stacia 1 4
9:32:33 Quit 25 is headed toward W386....I have no idea why 1 11
9:32:52 [positions[ 6, 8, look for search, definitely looking for search 1 15
9:32:53 When you talk to them send them direct Baltimore 2 17
9:32:58 Thy're paired, right there [Quit to the Z point] 1 11
9:33:32 [positions] 6, 8 get search targets, call out to me [Richmond] 1 15
9:33:33 Request to Ian Sanderson for Culbertson to come up and use his STU III 1 11
9:33:45 hijackers know what they are doing in the cockpit 1 15
9:33:48 ZDC, Johnson, tells NEADS that AA77 is also lost in Indy space 1 4
9:33:56 In background, AA77 1; 11
9:33:57 That's why we look for search targets, that's why we train, buddies 15
9:34:11 To Giant Killer, need Quit direct BWI, not take them in W386 1 11
9:34:16 background, 3d aircraft, AA77, Boston to LAX 1 15
9:34:28 I've got a track, went straight search, North of 52 [Boston area] B030 1 15
9:34:45 Tell Center [ZDC] they have to go to Baltimore 1 11
9:35:00 Got it, I see him, North of Long Island 1 15
9:36:03 ID call to Indy Center for last known position of AA77 1 4
9:36:03 Simultaneously, in background, ...6 miles E of White House 1 4
9:36:12 I've got a search only, down there 1 15
9:36:24 a/c 6 miles East of White House I 1 11
9:36:28 I'm looking, I'm looking 1L 15
9:36:38 Monster Mash 1 11
9:36:48 ...SE of White House if 15
9:36:48 Fox, straight in, run them 1 11
9:36:53 Got it [Richmond], B032 right next to NCA, search only 1 15
9:36:58 AFIO 1 11
9:37:02 See him? Right next to NCA 1 15
9:37:10 To Giant Killer, going AFIO, expedite it, GK is talking to Center 1 11
9:37:21 Turning into NCA iL 15
9:37:32 B032, tell out off of 50 [Plains radar] 1i 15
9:37:34 Radar only 1 11
9:37:41 B032 1 11
9:37:42 B032 089, 31 miles, search only, get rid of that map! 1 15
9:37:52 Fading, let's get a Z point 1 15
9:37:52 No altitude, I got him, just lost track, get a Z point 1 11
(:38:17 Where's Langley, Langley, Where are the fighters 1 11
9:38:20 Guy has faded 1i 15
9:38:42 Extrapolate that guy 1 15
9:38:58 I've got it... he's gone 1 15
9:38:58 I don't care how many windows you break 1 11
9:39:13 It was search, search only, it faded, its gone 1 15
9:39:13 Indy passes coordinates of AA77 last known position at 1256Z, headed west ] 1 /
at 270, speed unknown
9:39:40 What are they doing? Giant Killer sent them to W386. GOD DAMMIT _J 1 11
9:40:52 Delta, Delta what 1 U 11
9:40:57 Delta 1 989 alert received 1 4
9:41:08 Quit is squawking 7777, received from Quit 1 11
9:41:28 B089 is Delta 1989, Special 15 l! 4
9:41:33 D89 is another hijack 1 15
9:41:38 Quit establish a CAP over Washington 1 11
9:42:03 There he is, OK 1 15
9:42:32 ID call to Indy alerting them to D1989 1 4
9:42:56 Special 1 5, B089 1, 15
9:43:43 a/c spotted near Pentagon 1 1 15
9:44:20 By my count that's four 1 15
9:44:42 Four, possibly five 1 4
9:44:54 Trying to contact Selfridge, 3 a/c up [Langley] Otis in a turn 1 11
9:44:52 ID call to ZOB, TMO Dukelin, re D1989, transferred to female voice 1 4
9:45:37 Talking to Toledo right now, talked to both [Toledo and Selfridge], Duluth, no 1 11
fighters, Selfridge is coming down
9:47:57 Toledo questions under whose authority NEADS is acting 1 11
9:48:01 In process of trying to get [additional] a/c up right now 1 4
9:51:11 Aircraft available at Alpina 1 11
9:53:58 re Alpina, 3d a/c is a threat to Chicago, Alpina out of gas, could be airborne in
15-20 minutes with guns

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