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THATS ENGLISH! Mdulo 5 Unit 2. Ready, Steady, Go!

Unit 2: Ready, Steady, Go! Topic Vocabulary

Aerobics aerobic Athletics atletismo Basketball baloncesto Boxing boxeo Cricket cricket Cycling ciclismo Darts dardos Football ftbol Handball balonmano Hockey hockey Jogging ftin Jumping salto Rugby rugby Running corer Sailing vela Skiing esqu Swimming natacin Tennis tenis Volleyball vleibol Windsurfing windsurf Team sports deportes de equipo Individual sports deportes individuals Indoors sports deporte Outdoor sports deportes al aire libro To keep fit mantenerse en forma To be fit estar en forma To get fit ponerse en forma Sports club gimnasio To join a sports club apuntarse a un gimnasio To train entrenar To play sports hacer deporte IN STRUCTIONS To lie down tumbarse To bend ones knees doblar las rodillas To pull tirar To push empujar To stretch estirar To lift levantar Match partido Court pista, cancha (tenis, hierba, baloncesto)

I.E.S. Virgen de Valme

Prof. D. Ral Escalera Maestre

2 Track pista (atletismo) Rink pista (patinaje) Field / Pitch campo (de ftbol) Course campo (golf) Ball pelota, bola Racket raqueta Net red

THATS ENGLISH! Mdulo 5 Unit 2. Ready, Steady, Go!

Grammar Non-finite verb forms: The Gerund

1.- Form
We add ing to the stem of the verb: wear wearING

2.- Use
- As subject: - As verb complement: - As prepositional object Smoking can be bery harmful She likes reading English novels. Im looking forward to meeting her.


We can add emphasis to an adjective in two ways. We can: Use an intensifying adverb (really, very) in front of an adjective. Its really cold. Replace a normal adjective (cold, warm) with an extreme adjective. Its cold Its freezing

1. Intensifying Adverbs Very, really, terribly, extremely, hardly, quite, rather, Quite and Rather are similar in meaning. However rather is preferred: To intensify negative adjectives She is rather disappointed To show surprise (with positive adjectives) I think this film is rather exciting.

I.E.S. Virgen de Valme

Prof. D. Ral Escalera Maestre

THATS ENGLISH! Mdulo 5 Unit 2. Ready, Steady, Go!

QUANTIFIERS: enough / too

ENOUGH + noun enough chairs Adjective + ENOUGH old enough TOO + adjective too old TOO MANY/MUCH + noun too many cars / too much food

(Prefix) + root + (suffix) PREFIXES Ab [away] absent Ad [to] adverb De [the opposite] deforestation Dis [reverse, opposite] dishonest In/Im/Il/Ir [not] incapable Inter [between/among] international Intra [within] intrapersonal Pre [before] prefabricate Post [after] postpone Sub [under] submarine Trans [across] translate Un [not] unhappy SUFFIX NOUN + -ful = Adjective help => helpful NOUN + -less = Adjective use => useless ADJECTIVE + -ly = Adverb beautiful => beautifully NOUN + -ship = Abstract noun champion => championship


I.E.S. Virgen de Valme

Prof. D. Ral Escalera Maestre

THATS ENGLISH! Mdulo 5 Unit 2. Ready, Steady, Go!

Pronunciation VOWELS: //, / e/

<a> hand <e> bed <ea> head <a> many <u> bury SIMILAR TO VALENCIAN SPANISH /a/ SIMILAR TO SPANISH /e/ in pleito


Flash Mass Rack Bad Bag Man Pat Lag Sat

Flesh Mess Wreck Bed Beg Men Pet Leg Set

I.E.S. Virgen de Valme

Prof. D. Ral Escalera Maestre

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