Near Field

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T. G. Zimmerman, Personal Area Networks: Near-field intra-body communications, IBM Systems Journal, V.35, No 3 + 4, 1996 Thushara D. Abhayapala, Rodney A. Kennedy, Nearfield broadband array design using a radially invariant model expansion, Research School of Information Sciences and Engineering, Australian National Univ., Canberra ACT 0200, Australia Giuseppe Abreu, Ryujl Kohno, Adaptively Sampled Near-field Smart Array Antenna for Indoor Wireless Communications, IEICE. Trans. Comm., Vol. E84-B, No.7, July 2001 Adolph and Erich Erdmann, Experiment with Faster than Light Receiving Antenna, Using the Local Radio Station, The General Science Journal. Adolph and Erich Erdmann, Faster than Light, the Revolutionary Radio Antenna that Conquers Space The General Science Journal. Thomas Chen, William D. Walker, Jurg Dual, Gravitational Forces with Strongly Localized Retardation, Institute of Mechanics, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, 8092 Zurich, Switzerland. William D. Walker, J. Dual, Propagation Speed of Longitudinally Oscillating Gravitational and Electrical Fields, (As above) William D. Walker, Superluminal Near-Field Dipole Electromagnetic Fields, International Workshop Lorentz Group CPT and Neutrinos Zacatecas, Mexico June 2326, 1999 William D. Walker, Experimental Evidence of Near-Field Superluminally Propagating Electromagnetic Fields Royal Inst. of Tech., KTH- Visby, Dept. of Elec. Eng., Visby, Sweden. Vigier III Symposium: Gravitation and Cosmology, Berkeley, CA, USA August 21-25, 2000. --------------Analysis of Causality Issue in Near-field Superluminally Propagating Electromagnetic and Gravitational Fields(As next above) --------------Near-field Analysis of Superluminally Propagating Electromagnetic and Gravitational Fields, Orebro University, Dept. of Technology, Sweden --------------Theoretical Numerical and Experimental Evidence of Superluminal Electromagnetic and Gravitational Fields Generated in the Near-field of Dipole Sources, Presented at Dayson Diffraction Conf., St. Petersburg, Russia, June 2005

William D. Walker, Superluminal Electromagnetic and Gravitational Fields Generated in the Near-field of Dipole Sources, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NYNU) -------------- Near-field Electromagnetic effects of Einstein Special Relativity, (As next above) Sarfattis On-Line Guide to The Feynman Lectures of Gravitation, Addison-Wesley, 1995 Fred H. Thaheld, A New Empirial approach in the search for extraterrestrial Intelligence: Astrobiological Nonlocality at the Cosmological Level. A. Ray Howland, Carl W. Sirles, Michael H. Sewell, Novel Spherical Near-field Antenna Measurement Techniques Advance State-of-the Art.ATDS-Howland, Buford, GA, USA 30518 AMTA Educational Seminar 2002 Near-field Antenna Measurements Theory, NSI, Near-field Systems,Inc.2002 J.C. E. Sten, A. Hujanen, Aspects on the Phase Delay and Phase Velocity in the Electromagnetic Near-field, Technical Research Centre of Finland, VTT Information Technology, VTT-Espoo, Finland. Pavel A. Belov, Yan Zhao, Yang Hae, Clive Parini, Enhancement of Evanescent Waves inside Media with Extreme Optical Anisotropy, Dept.of Elec. Eng., Queen Mary Univ. of London, UK. Akhlesh Lakhtakia, Total Internal Reflection of Evanescent Plane Waves, Nanoengineered Materials Group, Dept. of engineering Science and Mechanics, Pennsylvania State University, Univ. Park Penn, PA. Jackson, J. D., How an Antenna Launches its input power into radiation: the pattern of the Poynting vector at and near an Antenna Physics Dept.,Univ. of CA, Berkeley, CA. Perelman, Mark E.,Near-field in Quantum electrodynamics: Green functions, Lorentz condition, nonlocality in the small, frustrated total reflection, The Racah Inst. of Physics, The Hebrew Univ. of Jerusalem, Israel. Bullock, James, Near Field Cosmology with TMT, Center for Cosmology, Univ. of CA. Irvine, CA

De, B. R., Rapid Communication; A New Mode of radio communication, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 27 (1994) 2448-2450 Ashworth, R. A., Confirmation of Helical Travel of Light Through Microwave Waveguide Analysis, Physics Essays, Volume 11, number 3, 1998. Broe,J. and Keller,O. Superluminal interactions in Near-field optics, J. of Microscopy, Vol. 202, Pt 2,May 2001, 286-295. Near-Field Systems, Inc. Near-Field, Near-Field vs Far-Field Sharma, M. D.,Strains of Scattering of near-field of a point source Dept. of Mathematics, Kurukshetra University, India Schantz, Hans Gregory, A Near-Field Propagation Law and A Novel Fundamental Limit to Antenna Gain Versus Size The Q-Track Corp., 515 Sparkman Dr.,Huntsville, AL 35816 Carey, John J.,Near-Field Effects of Terahertz Pulses, Dept. of Physics, Univ. of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK Brudny, Vera L. On the apparent superluminality of evanescent waves, Univ. of Buenos Aires, Argentina Nimtz, G., Do Evanescent Modes Violate Relativistic Causality? Physikalisches Institut, Universitat zu Koln, Koln, Germany. Wynne, Klaas; Jaroszynski, Dino A., T-Rays in the Near-Field Dept. of Physics and Applied Physics, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK Straus, Isidor, Near and Far Fields, From Statics to Radiation, Curtis- Straus LLC. Kirchner, W. H., Hearing in Honey bees: the mechanical response of the bees antenna to near-field sound, Journal of Comparative Physiology A: Neuroethology, Sensory, Neural, and Behavior Physiology, Vol. 175, Number 3, Sept. 1994. Bayles, Jerry E.; Non- Propagation Action At a Distance Budko, Neil V.; Observation of negative impulse velocity in free Space, Laboratory of Electromagnetic Research, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, 2008 Filip Kondapaneni; Hynek Bartik; Far Field Method Antenna Measurements in Near Field, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic.

S. V. Korobkov; M. E. Gushchin; A. V. Kostrov; A. V. Strikovskii; C. Krafft, Near Field of a Loop Antenna Operating in Plasma in the Whistler Frequency Range, Institute of Applied Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Nizhni Novgorod, Russia. Paul Nicholson, The Real Science of Non- Hertzian Waves. D. G. Yurth, Torsion Field Mechanics: Verification of Non-Local Field Effects in Human Biology. Rohan Bhutkar; Sahil Sapre; Wireless Energy Transfer using Magnetic Resonance, Pune Institute of Computer Technology, Pune, India. Vladimir I. Korobejnikov, Structure of Electromagnetic Fields-Waves Dynamic Electron. Andrzej B. Przedpelski, Near Field Communication,RF Design, March/April Dan Slater, Near-Field Vs Far- Field. NSI. Charles Capps, Near-Field or Far- Field, EDN, August 16, 2001. Aura Communications, Near-Field Magnetic Communication Properties, 2003 Aura Com. D. J. Taylor; M. G. Parent; S. Samadder, EMI and EM Energy Transport in the Near Field, Navel Research Lab, NRL. Frederick David Tombe, Bernoullis Principle in the Antenna, Royal Belfast Academical Institution. Tom Lecklider, The World of the Near Field, EMC, A Master Thesis. Wang Zhi-Yong; Xiong Cai-Dong, Superluminal Behaviors of Electromagnetic NearFields, Univ. of Elec. Sci. and Tech. of China, Chengdu.610054 Juan Miguel Aunon, Manuel Nieto-Vesperinas, Photonic Forces in the Near-Field of statistically homogeneous fluctuating Sources, Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid. Reuven Gordon, Limits for super focusing with finite evanescent wave amplification, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Univ. of Victoria

Wm. Bialek, Andrea Cavagna, Irene Giardina, Thierry Mora, Edmondo Silvestri, Massimiliano Viale, and Aleksanda M. Walczak, Statistical mechanics for natural flocks of birds, Kendra Krueger, Biocommunication in plants: Two schools of thought, An analysis paper. Edge of Science, spring 2011 Caglar Tuncay, On the Space and Time evaluation of regular or irregular human heart or brain signals, Dept. of Physics, Middle East Technical Univ., Ankara, Turkey Po-Nan Li, Hsiu-Hao Tsao, Jer-Shing Huang, and Chen-Bin Huang, Sub-wavelength localization of Near-fields in coupled metallic spheres for single emitter polarization analysis, National Tsing Hua Univ., Hsinchu, Taiwan A. Widom, J. Swain, Y. N. Srivastava, S. Sivasubramanian; Electromagnetic Signals from Bacterial DNA. Northeastern Univ., Boston, MA M. Nieto-Vesperinas, J. R. Arias-Gonzalez; Theory of Forces Induced by Evanescent Fields. Raghu, Hoffmann, Gamari, Reeves; Near-field ablation threshold of cellular samples at mid-IR wavelengths. Dept. of Physics, George Washington Univ.,WA, DC Rodriguez, Janssen, Lozano, Omari, Hens, Rivas; Near-field Resonance at Far-field AntiResonance: Plasmonically Enhanced Light Emission with Minimum Scattering Nanoantennas. Philips Research Labs, The Netherlands Daniele Funaro; On the Near-field of an Antenna and the Development of New Devices. University of Modena, Modena, Italy Broe, J., Keller, O.; Superluminal interaction in Near-field Optics. Aalborg Univ., Aalborg Ost, Denmark Chun Tung Chou; Extended Master Equation Models for Molecular Communication Networks. Univ. of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia Huping Hu, Maoxin Wu; New Nonlocal Biological Effects. QuantumDream, Stony Brook, NY

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