Personal Reflection - f4

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Assignment 3 - Preliminary Plan 1. SECTION 2. WHAT GOES IN IT?

Explains the purpose of the report, identifies key issues and outlines its structure; If necessary, a 2nd background paragraph could give a brief summary of the situation; alternatively, this background can be briefly summarised in each issue as you discuss it.

3. WHY?
Orientates the reader to what the report is about, how it is organised, and the circumstances in which it was produced.

4. %, WORDS

Written after the body is completed. You should assume you are writing for the intelligent reader, who shares a general background with you, but may not be familiar with the specifics of this situation


10-15% 200-300

Sections (with headings, and possibly sub-headings) based on the issues you consider; Explain the cause of the issues, and the You are providing outcome or effect/s the reader with a logical organisation Depending on your analysis of the case, of your ideas about you might want to: the case, and your a) Reflect on each decision making reflections of what, issue one at a time in hindsight, you OR would do differently. b) Have a separate reflection section where you explain overall how you would respond to the situation now 70-80% 1500-1700 (how many topics/issues can you discuss?)

Body sections

Each reflection creates its own structure; the sequence of headings & sub-headings should tell a logical story by themselves (see examples that follow)

Your reflection could include your reflection on what you think would be the outcome if you did things differently.


Key points of the whole discussion

Summarises the important points for the reader

5-10% 100-200

Do not include any new ideas here its just a summary of key point to remind the reader about what was most important in your analysis and reflection.

NB: Clear structure, formatting and referencing contribute 20% of your mark. Click on the Close button (top right of this window) to return to the module

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