Task Focus 2. What Should You Do? 3. Notes: Assignment 3 Understand The Task: What Is Your Purpose?

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Assignment 3 Understand The Task: What is your purpose?

engage in critical reflection of a personal decision making situation use appropriate academic theories, models and frameworks


Prepare the full story as you did with assignment 1, to use as a resource for yourself; Have a good overall understanding of this course so you can analyse your story with some insight;

As you reflect on your case, select theories etc from MUU that will support your discussion in a relevant way; you could research further, but focus your research on theories etc from this course; the purpose is to show that you can apply the knowledge gained in this course Dont spend a lot of time describing the decisions; move beyond that to identify the issues. What is the difference between a decision, and its issues?

to identify the relevant decision- Work out the issues making issues that arose in your case,

evaluate why these issues arose Critically discuss = Explain and analyse Perhaps several issues are symptoms of one common cause. and the cause/source of the issues This analysis will be similar to all case study analysis (refer to your lecture case study activities, and to the NBS student manual pp62-66) how you might have dealt with Explain what you would do now, knowing All relevant theories from MUU to support your explanation these issues, if you had been what you do after MUU: would you do the exposed to the academic theories, same, better or different or a mix of models and frameworks covered in these? Why? this course, at that time.

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