Libellus Magicus

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Libellus Magicus

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Libellus Magicus
a nineteenth-century manuscript of conjurations. INTRODUCTION Johann Scheible first published the Verus Jesuitarum Libellus, or, The true Magical Work of the Jesuits, also called the Libellus Magicus, in Stuttgart, Germany in 1846 (Note). In 1875, Major Herbert Irwin made a manuscript translation of this work and a second work published by Scheible (1847), the Praxis Magica. The manuscript is now in the John G. White Collection of the Cleveland Public Library. The English translation has never been published, although A.E. Waite discusses the manuscript and cites words and phrases from it in several of his works. The Libellus Magicus is noteworthy in that it presents the dark arts in a Christian context: devils find their proper place in hell, and angels are called on to appear with assistance. The work is curious in a number of other ways. For example, "treasures from the sea" is a constant refrain in the manuscript; both devils and angels are called on to retrieve these treasures. The name of God in various ancient languages and the symbols of the passion and death of Christ are called on to keep devils and demons in line. One aspect of this type of incantation literature that is particularly noticeable are the long lists of real and made-up names for angels, demons, powers, and potencies. "European magic frequently makes use of 'words of power' which are names of gods and spirits (although some of them are gibberish words whose original meaning has been lost)" (from Man, Myth & Magic: The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Mythology, Religion and the Unknown (New York: Marshall Cavendish, 1995), volume 13, p. 1823). These names are given magical powers: To tap divine power, magicians used various biblical names and titles of God in their incantations, including El, Elohim and Eloa ("the god"), Adonai ("the Lord"), Sabaoth ("Lord of Hosts") and Shaddai ("the Almighty"). But the name which is closer to the inner reality of the god of the Old Testament is the Tetragrammaton, or name of four letters (transliterated YHWH or JHVH), which means "he is" and which used to be rendered Jehovah and is now usually spelled Yahweh. Yah or Jah, and Ehyeh ("I am"), are variants of it. (from Man, Myth & Magic: The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Mythology, Religion and the Unknown (New York: Marshall Cavendish, 1995), volume 13, p. 1824) Other names or words frequently cited in incantations include Anaktam Pastam Paspasim Dionsim (these words have no known meaning and are from the 13th-century Sefer Raziel; Metatron (the angel who guided the Israelites through the wilderness); Yod (the first letter of the Tetragrammaton); Cados (Hebrew Kadosh, "holy One"); Joth a variant of Yod(a name Jacob learned from the angel with whom he wrestled); Agla (which Lot heard and was saved from the destruction of Sodom); Emmanuel ("God with us," which Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego cried out in the fiery furnace); Alpha and Omega (the first

and last letters of the Greek alphabet); Sabaoth (with which Moses brought the plague of frogs upon the Egyptians); Escerchie Ariston (Greek words for "mighty" and "noblest," with which he turned the rivers of Egypt into blood); Elion (a Hebrew title of God, which brought the plague of hail); Hagios (the Greek word for 'holy"); Jetros (Greek for "healer"); Paracletus (the Holy Ghost); and the three holy and secret names Agla, On (another name for Heliopolis, the Egyptian city of the sun), and Tetragrammaton. The noted scholar A.E. Waite owned the manuscript before it came into the possession of the Cleveland Public Library. In his book The Book of Black Magic and of Pacts (Chicago: The de Laurence Company, 1940), Waite dedicated several paragraphs to the manuscript; these references fall under the subheading "Minor and Spurious Rituals of Black Magic" (pages 84-87). Waite wrote The Verus Jesuitarum Libellus, or "True Magical Work of the Jesuits, containing most powerful conjurations for all evil spirits of whatever state, condition, and office they are, and a most powerful and approved conjuration of the Spirit Uriel; (note 1) to which is added Cyprian's Invocation of Angels, and his Conjuration of the Spirits guarding Hidden Treasures, together with a form for their dismissal," -purports to have been published at Paris in the Latin tongue, and in the year 1508. It was reprinted by Scheible at Stuttgart in 1845, forming part of the curious collection of Faust documents already mentioned. Finally, in the year 1875, the late Major Herbert Irwin made an English translation, which remains in MS. The date placed on the title-page of the original edition at once betrays the imposture. It will be almost needless to say that in the first decade of the sixteenth century there were no Jesuits; the Society originated with St. Ignatius, who died in 1556, being two years after the confirmation of the Society by Pope Paul III. The Conjurations are excessively curious. The first addressed to a spirit whose name is not indicated, but he is supposed to have been obedient to Abraham and Isaac, and is directed to bring the magician out of the depths of the sea so many millions -- the number is not specified, and depends upon the cupidity of the operator -- of the best Spanish gold; otherwise, says the Conjuration, I will condemn thy body (sic) and thy soul. In the second formula, the spirit is cited by the knowledge and exorcising power of Agrippa, (1. Cornelius Agrippa died in 1535.) which again puts a definite limit to the antiquity of the collection, were it otherwise necessary. The third Invocation is addressed to the spirit Zayariel, who is conjured by Agla Scheffert and the great Jehova Podashocheia. The remainder, to the number of seven in all, are nearly identical in character and quite in purpose, the demon being invariably required to bring that which is desired by the operator from the depths of the sea, or from the abyss of the waters, or from the spiritual abyss. The Discharge or Absolution which concludes the series is really an additional conjuration. The "Citation of St. Cyprian" is presumably an experiment in White Magic, seeing it addressed to an Angel who was the guest of Lot and Abraham. As the object is "help in need," it is apparently appropriate for every strait in life, and should be, therefore, noted for reference by those who may think it work [i.e. worth] while; it is too cumbrous and tedious for these pages. A similar observation would apply only too truly to the "Process for the Magical Acquisition of Hidden Treasures," but it is much more complete than the rest, and has so much connection with the Summum Bonum, the desire of the eyes of all Ceremonial Magic, that it is necessary to give it. It is, however, an operation of Necromancy, and will be found in its proper place in the Second Part. (2. Part II. C.9.) The Verus Jesuitarum Libellus closes with a fuliginous conjuration of the entire hierarchy of Infernus, which continues for many pages, and contains more unintelligible words than several combined Grimoires. In the absence of all knowledge of its original edition, it is impossible to throw any light upon this singular exposture. The Praxis Magica Fausti, or "Magical Elements of Dr. John Faust, Practitioner of Medicine," claims to have been printed from the original MS. In the Municipal Library of Weimar, and is dated 1571, at which period it must be respectfully affirmed that there was no Municipal Library in the birthplace of Goethe. Furthermore, the existing collection does not include the MS. Whether the original edition was antedated cannot be certainly affirmed, as it is exceedingly scarce, and we are acquainted with it only in the reprint of Scheible, and in an unprinted transcript by Major Irwin. The work consists of a few curious plates, in the manner of the seventeenth century, and a few unintelligible conjurations, all exceedingly brief. The third of these exhorts the Evil Spirit on the quaint ground that now it is the time of the Great Name Tetragrammaton. The purpose of the citation is not indicated; the formul are Christian, broken by innumerable crosses, and by the names and terms which defy conjecture as to their significance. The hierarchy of the spirit is determined by the closing words: "I command thee, O Spirit Rumoar, even by Lucifer, thy mighty sovereign." (from Waite, A.E. The Book of Black Magic and of Pacts (Chicago: The de Laurence Company, 1940), p. 84-87. (Note 1: The modern reprint of Scheible reads Usiel throughout, as does also the MS. English translation. Supposing the latter to have followed the original edition, it would seem conclusive that the blunder--for such it evidently is--occurs also in that.) The English-language manuscript at the Cleveland Public Library presents certain challenges in addition to the problems pointed out by Waite. As mentioned above, the Latin and German sources for the two main works included in the manuscript translation are known: Scheible's Kloster. However, the translation confuses the spelling of a great number of the nonsense words included in both the

translation and the source works. The mistakes in the manuscript are such that one is led to believe that the translation was made from a longhand transcription of the printed sources, and the common errors in reading handwriting account for the difficulties. In the text of the manuscript given below, some of these errors are pointed out with the word from the printed source supplied in brackets after the manuscript word. In many instances, the manuscript word is not clear enough to venture a certain guess, and the word as found in the printed sources is used instead.

Half-title on recto of first leaf: Libellus Magicus M. S.

Title page on recto of second leaf: Verus Jesuitarum Libellus or The true Magical Work of the Jesuits Containing Most powerful charges and Conjurations for all Evil Spirits of whatever State - Condition or office they are And a Most powerful and approved conjuration of the Spirit p To which is added Cyrprians [Cyprians] Invocation of Angels And his Conjuration of the Spirits Guarding hidden treasure - together with a form for their dismissal Paris 1508 Translated from the Latin by Herbert Irwin - 1875Leaf [1] The True Book of the Jesuits ================= "Somnia, Terroses [i.e. Terrores], Magicos, Miracula. Sagas Noctuiroos [i.e. Nocturnos], lemures, - portentaque Thessala risu Eccipio [i.e. Excipio] - [p] 1st Conjuration =============

I N_____ The most unworthy creature of our Lord J. C. and servant of God, beg, call, and exorcise thee, Spirits by Water + air + fire + and by earth - and by all those which have life, being and moving therein - and by the most Holy name J. C. : Agios + ischiros + paracletus + Alpha and Omega + beginning and end + God + and Man + Zebaoth + Adonai + p + Tetragrammaton

+ Abua + Deus + Elijon [i.e. Eljon]+ Jana + Jehovah +God + Sachnaton + arumna + Messias + Cherub + Misol + Amburel [i.e. Ambriel] + Achteol + Jachenas + and by the power of God the Father + and by the strength of God the Son + and by the virtue of the Holy Spirit + and by the words with which Solomon
Leaf [2] and Manasses exorcised the spirits and by the words which have power over thee + That thou immediately - even as thou wert obedient to Isaac and to Abraham -- render due obedience unto me - and appear before me, in a beautiful. mild and human form - and bring to me (out of the depths of the Seas) N millions of the best and true spanish gold without tumult or else I will condemn thy body and thy soul + I command thee - abstaining from all harm and without noise - thunder - or tempest - without tenor and without trembling - to place thyself before me - beyond this circle

- I command this to thee Spirit + by the virtue of God the Father + of God the Son + and of God the Spirit + and by the power with which all are created and made ++++
+Let it be done +

Leaf [3] Conjuration II I N______ Servant of God + command, call, and exorcise thee - O Spirit! by the Holy apostles and disciples of God + By the Holy Evangelists - + By st Matthew + By St Mark + By St Luke + By St John + and by the most holy men Shadrach + Mesach + and Abedingo [i.e. Abednego] + and by all the holy Patriarchs + Prophets + and Confessors + Priests + and Levites + and by the chastity of all the holy virgins + and by the most holy and terrible words Aphriel Diefriel + Zada + Zadai + Lamabo + Lamogella + Caratium + Lamogellay + Logim + Lassein [i.e. Lassim] + Lepa + Adeo + God + alenaboy [i.e. aleu aboy] + aboy + alon=pion dhon + Mibizime + Mora + Abda + Zind [i.e. Zeud] and by the most holy Magi Caspai + Milchisi + and Balthusai + and by that which Solomon + Manasseo + Agrippa Cyprian Knew and exorcised the spirits and by the ascension of Christ into the highest realms of peace +

Leaf [4] That thou appearest before me in a beautiful affable, and human form - and bring to me (out of the depths

of the waters) N - without tumult - without hurt to me - without the noise of thunder and of tempests without terror - and without trembling, and place it before this circle - and this I command to thee by the Most Holy Mary + Mother of God + and by the principal merits of the Mother of God +

Leaf [5] Conjuration III I. N. the servant of God call cite and command thee - Spirit - By all the holy angels and archangels + by the holy Michael + by the holy Gabriel + By the holy Raphael + by the holy Ariel [Note]+ by the holy Thrones + Dominions + Principalities + Powers + and Virtues + by the Cherubim + and by the Seraphim + who incessantly proclaim by their voices Holy + Holy + Holy + and by the most Holy word Noah Soter + Emmanuel + Adonai + El + Elly + Eloy [i.e. Elloy] + Braum [i.e. Braun] + Joseph + Jona + Calphia + Calphas + and by that word by which Solomon and Manasses Agrippa and Cyprian - knew the spirits - and by that which the power to exorcise thee and as Jesus was obedient to his parents so be thou obedient unto me - and appear before me in a beautiful, affable, and human form - and bring to me out of the depths of the waters + + + + [Note] without tumult - failing which I condemn thee both spiritually and materially - abstain from all evil towards me and without noise, without thunder and without trembling and without fear, appear and place thyself before this circle, and this do I command thee by the power of God the Father

Leaf [6] God the Son and God the Holy Spirit + I . N. do cite thee spirit of Iayariel to appear before me though aroram Lasunabula Sol Jesus Christus the victor by Schehostia Schelam Jehova Votmehasehla Schebevek adonay Proemischoea avit By the wonderous power of the names agla Schaffort. And by the great spirit Jehova Podashocheia

Leaf [7] Conjuration IV =========== I. N._______ Servant of God, call command and exorcise thee, O Spirit! by the wisdom of Solomon + by the obedience of Isaac + by the blessing of the tribe of Abraham - by the piety of Jacob + and of Noah + who sinned not against God + By the Serpent of Moses + and by the twelve tribes of Israel + and by the most holy words + Abill + Dellia + Dellion + Ensusellas + Jazy + Zatael + Olam + Dithaton + Sathos + Reckamaton + Anab + Illi + Hogo + Adathgiur + Gueb + Suna + Amon + Deuth + alos + Gaoth + Egaoth + Lilu + and by the works with which Solomon, and Manasses - Agrippa and Cyprian Knew the spirits - and as God commanded His Most Holy Mother to St. John, when he was departing from this material world - so do I also commend myself to thee and do command thee immediately to appear before me in a beautiful - affable - and human form

and bring to me out of the depths of the Sea (N ++++++ [Note]) which if thou dost not I will condemn thee in body and soul - without hurt to me - without noise of thunder - nor tempest without terror and without trembling - and place it before

Leaf [8] me in this circle - This do I command thee by the most Holy Trinity +

Leaf [9] Conjuration . V . ============== I N________ Servant of God - call - cite, and command thee O Spirit + + + By the most holy in= carnation of J. C. by the most Holy Nativity + Circumcision + Flagillation [sic] + coronation + His bearing of the Cross + His + Crucifixion + his bitter passion and death - and Resurrection + and his ascension + by the sending of his holy comforting Spirit + and by the most terrible words of the God of Gods Elhor + Genio + Jophiel + Zophiel + Camael + Elemiach + Ricol [i.e. Richol] + Hoamiach + [Note] Imaniach+ Namuel + Damobiach + and + by those words by which ---- Solomon + Manasses +Agrippa+ and cyprian + Knew the Spirits + and by those words which have special power over thee - as Jesus came into the world - even so come thou to me and appear thou before me in a beautiful affable and human form - and bring to me (N + + + [Note]) out of the great abyss - which

Leaf [10] if thou does not I will condemn thee to spiritual and material torments - abstaining from all evil to= wards me, without noise either of thunder, or of tempest without fear and without trembling and place thyself before this circle - and I command thee by the all powerful and Eternal God that thou Spirit art obedient unto me +

Leaf [11] Conjuration VI I N _ _ _ Servant of God, call, cite and exorcise thee Spirit! + + By the bleeding and by the sweating of J. C. by his Divine love and Mercy, By his Providence + omnipotence + and immensity and by all the virtues of J.C. and by all which he has suffered for the human race - and by the seven words which he uttered when on the cross to his Heavenly Father when he gave up his holy Spirit and by the most Holy and terrible words - agios + Tetragrammaton+ Ischyros + Athanatos + Abua +Agla + Jod + Jadoth + Menoch + Alpha and Omega + Raphael +

Michael + Uriel + Schamaiadiel [i.e. Schmaradiel] + Zadia + and by all by which Solomon + Manasses + Agrippa + and + Cyprian + assembled the Spirits + and by which thou art summoned + and even as God shall come to judge the

Leaf [12] living and dead - so come thou to me and appear before me in a beautiful affable, and human form - and bring to me (N****[Note]) out of the abyss of waters - which if thou dost not I will curse thy body and soul abstain from all harm - come without noise of thunder or tempest - without terror and without trembling - and place thyself before this circle this do I command thee by the true Living God Fiat ===

Leaf [13] Conjuration VII I N_ _ _ Servant of God do conjure, cite, and exorcise thee, O Spirit! by the five most holy wounds of J.C. by his flesh and blood, by his torments and passion, by his life and death and by the precious drops of blood which he has shed for the salvation and sanctification of the human race - by his anguish and distress, and by the most Holy and terrible words - Soter + Choma + Geno + Jehovah + Elohim + Rilach [i.e.Velaoch] + Devoch [i.e. Divoch] + Alvoch + Alrulam + Stopiel + Zophiel + Jophiel + fabriel + Elophoi [i.e. Elopha] + Alisomas [i.e. Alesomas] +Difred Mabach [i.e. Malach] + and + by + the words by which Solomon + Manasses +Agrippa+ and cyprian + called together the Spirits - and even as J.C. sent from him his spirit - and delivered it up onto the hands of his heavenly Father - so do I command thee that thou appearest without delay, and comest before me, in a most beautiful affable and human form - and bring to me (out of the Spiritual Abyss (N + + +[Note]) without doing injury

Leaf [14] to me, without tumult - without thunder without tempest, without fear - and without trembling and place before this circle - and this I command thee by the Deity and humanity of J.C. Amen

Leaf [15]

To discharge the Spirits Now I command and charge thee Evil Spirit! that thou shalt bring to me immediately that which I commanded thee - and shalt depart from the circle - abstaining from all noise - terror - tumult and ill savour [sic] - which if thou dost not I will punish thee both in body and in soul - abstaining from all evil to any creature or thing and depart immediately to the place which the justice of God hath set apart for you Depart from my sight thou cursed spirit This I command thee in the name and virtue, potency and power, of the most Holy Trinity + Father + and Son + and Holy Spirit + Behold the Cross of Lord + fly to the adverse parts + The Lion of the tribe of Judah + of the root of David conquers + Allelujah + Allelujah + Allelujah + Hasten now bring to me what I require, and depart from this circle, by the virtue of the name of our Lord J.C. and by virtue of his words

Leaf [16] his words [sic] which caused the Earth to trembleIn his name - and by his power I command thee, that thou dost immediately, and without delay withdraw thy accursed presence from my sight - by virtue of the words Messias + Soter + Emmanuel + Zebaot + Adonai + Hagios ho + Thess [i.e. Theos] + Ischyros + athanatos + Eleison + hymas +Tetragrammaton+ our Lord J.C. by that most Holy name I constrain + thee, I force + thee I compel + thee and urge, and confine + thee, to the place to which the justice of God hath sent thee, therefore recede immediately and continually - neither return hither again unless I do call thee - this I command by the uncreated Father + by the uncreated Son + by the uncreated Holy Spirit + Behold the Cross of the Lord! + By the sprinkling of the blood of J.C. + by the virtue of the Holy Water + by the virtue and power of the most High + shalt disperse thee thou evil spirit + The word is made flesh and dwells amongst us + _____ Amen _____

Leaf [17] The Symbol of Athanasius, and the 132 Psalm "De profundis" - are to be used __________ ________ _____ __

Leaf [18]

The Conjuration of Usiel Hear Usiel _ _ I N _ _ _ an unworthy Servant of God, conjure, require, conquer and call thee - O Spirit Usiel! not by my power - but by the strength, virtue, and potency of God the Father and by the Redemption and Salvation of God the Son and by the power and victory of God the Holy Spirit and by the strength and potency of the words Eli - El - Lama Assabtham Emmanuel Agios Tetragrammaton by Adonai Ejeh El Schadai Chije Ischyrion Agla Chab and Hoim Aron Alpha and Omega Shoch [i.e. Ohoch] Lauth Doffuaphi Sohuffo [i.e. Lohuffo] Rugo Dolah by the Father Lord by J.C. and by the Holy Spirit Allelujah by God of Abraham the God of Isaac the God of Jacob by the God who appeared to Moses his servant on Mount Sinia [sic] and who led the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt. By this I conjure thee O spirit Usiel - be thou either on high or in the abyss in water, or in fire, or in

Leaf [19] or in [sic] earth - I command thee Spirit Usiel immediately to appear before me in a proper human form - visibly to shew thyself and modestly to submit thyself - and readily to appear and bring to me out of the abyss of the Earth, or of the Sea, that which I desire [Note] - in all tranquility and patience - without tumult without detriment to me - onto the bodies and souls of all created things - without blinding, or dumbness, without falsity or fallacy - according to the manner in which I have called thee - without danger - without whispering - without thunder without hail - without explosion - without puffing up - without trembling - and place yourself before this circle in that part which I appoint you This I N _ _ _ command thee Usiel by the holy passion of J.C. and by all the secret mysteries of J.C. and by all the Holy martyrs who gave up their bodies and their lives for Christ, and by all the words which have proceeded out of the mouth of the Creator of Heaven and of Earth against the Spirits of Evil - or I will again disturb - govern - and torture thee, when I have need of thee

Leaf [20] thee [sic] to perform my commands Therefore be not disobedient, for I N _ _ _ conjure thee, command and compel thee - O Spirit Usiel! by the judgements of the Most High, and by the shining sea which is before the face of the Divinity - and by his Majesty - and by the angelical virtues of his omnipotence, and by that fire which is before the throne of G. O. D. and

by the domination of the sacred and Holy Trinity by the song which is sung ever before the throne of by the holy angels "Gloria in Excelsis"! and by the most high wisdom of the Omnipotent and by the most terrible passing away of the Heavens and of the Earth - and by the most holy majesty of the names Agla Noab Soter Emmanuel Adomatai Hurai Amaton Elle Eloi Vision Adon Madai Prog Joseph Jonas Calphia Calphas by the last and terrible day of Judgement by the power of Affei by the holy name Primlumaton [i.e. Primeumaton] which Moses used and Dathan [i.e. Datan] Corah and Abyron were swallowed up into caverns and abysses of the Earth - by the power of the word

Leaf [21] word [sic] Primeumaton and by the power which it exercises over the super = celestial - and Celestial worlds, and by the strength and power of the sacred and holy names Chet Hetoi Agla Jad Rabonni Aglos Zachlor Septro Phanuel and Sion Onothion Seneon Olohe Lamech and by the potent name of J.C. - and by the most High name - at which the whole world - and the Infernal Abyss trembles Dan Ana Agla Loth Bezer Phanum also by the spiritual efficacy of the words by which the Bread and Wine was changed into the body and blood of God "This is my body" - "this is the command of the Lord thy God" the Merciful One Redeemer of the world have compassion on me and this do I (N _ _ _) order thee that thou Spirit Usiel shalt come immediately to this place, whether thou art in the Abyss of Hell, or the Earth or in whatever parts thou mayest be - and shall appear - visibly and modestly in a human form before me - submitting thyself to me, and obediently bringing before this circle (or place) which I have

Leaf [22] marked ) [sic] that which I have commanded thee - This I (N _ _ _) order thee Spirit Usiel - not by my power - but by the strength virtue and potency of God the Father and by the binding [?] of God the Son - and by the healing of God the Holy Spirit by the power of Tetragrammaton Agla Adonai Amen! Amen! Amen! Jesus! Sancta Maria! I command and order thee not to delay, but to do that which I have commanded thee! come! come! come! why dost thou delay? Hasten for I order thee - in the name of Adonai Shadai King of Kings El Ali Titeis Azia Kin [i.e. Hin] Jen Chimosel Achadan vai va ej ha ejeh Eke hau hau hau va va va a el el a hy

Requiel Atatriel Scholiel Hanel Hamaliel Phaiamech Oriph Machiduel Barbiel Zacheriel Orphiel Zamuel Rugo Hamaliel Ziriel come now by all the most powerful words Tetragrammaton adonai agla and by the wounds of J.C. by the prophets

Leaf [23] by the apostles and by all the saints who live with God in holiness by the power of Duisa and of Zebaoth Dujam Dujam Dujam

Leaf [24] The Angelical Citation of St. Cyprian I call - cause - cite - and exorcise thee: O Almaziel Ariel Anathamia Ezebul Abiul Ezea Ahesin and Calizabin - by the most Holy Angels of God by all the dominations thrones powers and angelical principalities by all the beatitudes and ineffable delights of Heaven By the Angel which announced to the Shepherd the Incarnation and nativity of the Saviour - by the four and twenty elders who cry incessantly before the Divine throne. Holy Holy Holy is the Lord our God and by the Holy intercourse of the Angels who have the Knowledge of Jesus by the Cherubim and by the Seraphim and by all the archangels- by the infinity and omnipotency of God and by the creation of the world - that thou helpest me in this my need even as thou didst assist Lot and Abraham who were your hosts - as also Jacob and Moses Joshua and Samson and many others whom you have deigned to visit - come o ye angelic ones in beautiful form, full of dignity and

Leaf [25] brightness - and do all that which I have requested thee - in the name of the Triune Jehovah whose praises all spirits incessantly sing giving honour to the all Powerful who is thy Lord as he is mine Amen _____ ___ _

Leaf [26] A Conjuration for Spirits Guardians of

Hidden Treasure I cite, require, and urge thee, human spirit, who frequented this place, and in thy life hast buried or hidden thy treasure in this place - and not long since _ _ _ in the days of _ _ _ _ or in the night of _ _ _ _ about the hour of _ _ _ _ shewn thyself in the form of a fire above the place, by God the Father + by God the Son + by God the Holy Spirit + by the most glorious and holy Mother + of God + by the most holy wounds of our Saviour, by all miracles performed through his holy sorrows, passion and tears and by his material death by his descent into Hell by his triumphant resurrection - and by his most glorious ascension into Heaven and by his sitting on the right hand of the Father - from thence, giving to his angels government over the whole Earth + by the terrible day of Judgement + By the power and

Leaf [27] virtue of St. John the Baptist + By all the Martyrs - Apostles - and Prophets - to come instantly to me, and I conjure and beseech thee, by the terrible and ineffable and Divine Name inscribed on this sheet - that thou reverencing and acknowledging the power of this most holy name - shall come to me - making thy sign visibly to appear, doing this without lightning - without thunder - and without the sound of terrible tempests = without loud or frightful noises, without causing fear or trembling - without causing any hurt to our bodies and souls - or even annoying us in any which manner - doing my will in all things I shall order you - by the great virtue of the stupendous and holy name which even the adverse and inferior powers of the Abyss venerate and adore - Even acknowledging the All Powerful whose creature we as well as you are __ And let it be done by the virtue of God the Father + and by his blessed Son + and by the union of the Holy Spirit + and by the Trinity in unity which liveth and reigneth - for ever - and ever - Amen +

Leaf [28] Incessantly do I call, adjure, conjure, order, and require you - human Spirit - by the most Holy and Indivisible Trinity - by the Immortality which cometh after death by the power and by the triumph of Hell, and by the bearer of the Seven Swords - by the most holy and Secret Seal - and by the Sacred love of Jesus and by all the Servants, and Archangels of God Orphanim + Aralim + Hasmalim + Cherubim + and Seraphim + Malachim + and by the terrible torments of demons By the good angels Maluzim [i.e. Malazim] + Peripalabim + and Calizantin + by all the powers of Heaven + by the Earth + and by the torments of Hell - by all these mysteries do I adjure

thee by the Crcifixion and by the most sorrowful scourging - and by the crowing with thorns and by al the bitterness of his death - by his most holy and Ineffable name Jesus + which is to all who profess to be Christians most sweet, and most adorable, but to the evil it is fraught with terrible anguish - for they have refused the salvation which has been offered ...

Leaf [29] to them - By the Great Living God That thou shalt immediately, and without delay come before me in a human and visible form as thou didst appear in life when thou didst hide thy treasure - and appear before this circle and answer me faithfully - without falsehood - and without Enigmas all that I shall ask thee This I command thee in the name and by the power of the Triune God - and by virtue of the Son - and of the Holy Ghost Amen ____ __ _

Leaf [30]

When the Spirit maketh visible apparition ================ Thou shalt say Adonai Zebaoth Adon Schadai Eljon Amanai Eljon Pneumoton Elji Alnoal Messias Ya Heynanan Tetragrammaton + + + + Amen +

Then use the following Conjuration Adonai Zebaoth Adon Schadai Eljon Tetragrammaton Eloi Elohim Messias Ya Hagios ho Theos Amen

Leaf [31]

Then repeat the following Conjuration inwardly Alley Fortissian Fortissio Allinoson Ron + +

The spirit is to be dismissed by the following Omysoma Epyn Segok Satany Degony Eparygon Galligonon Zagogen Ferstigon

Leaf [32]

A Conjuration compelling Obedience I adjure - require - and command thee, Human Spirit who visiteth this place and hath in thy life hidden and buried thy treasure therein - that in this hour of the night - in the day of _ in the month of _ _ _ thou shall appear before me under the form of a fire - by the Ineffable name Jehovah - by the Ineffable and Incomprehensible Fiat ----- by the power of which all things are created, made known, and strengthened - - I conjure - require - and adjure thee human Spirit - to appear visibly unto me beyond this circle - by the great goodness of God who hast created men in his own likeness - - by the great power of his Justice, by virtue of which he has expelled the deomens [i.e. demons] and hast enchained them within the Infernal Abyss - - by the infinity of his mercy in sending his son to redeem us from the penalties of our sins - and by all the other Divine attributes and names - - - by the omnipotency of our saviour J.C. by which he distroyed [sic] all the works of Hell and

Leaf [33] caused a blessing to fall upon the seed of the woman giving it power to crush the head of the serpent, that thou now answer me faithfully - rendering due obedience unto me, I conjure thee by the Ineffable name Tetragramma= =ton which is written on this role. that by the virtue of this most holy name thou shalt immediately render obedience unto me - answering me without deception - lying or equivication [i.e. equivocation] - by virtue of the omnipotency of our savior who shall come to judge both the quick and dead, to judge both thee and me both the living and the dead -

Leaf [34] Conjuration To be used if the Spirit refuseth obedience to the preceeding [sic] one.

===================== I conjure thee human Spirit by the Ineffable name of God - written on this sheet which I dare not to pronounce and by my blood which was most sacred and excellently redeemed, and consecrated by the Lord of the Prophets J.C. by his most glorious Mother - by the insignia of his humility - by the great book of the judgements of God - by the terrible and last day of judgement - by all the angels - archangels and by all the host of Heaven that thou art obedient unto me, who art a Christian baptized in the holy waters of Jordan - and answer me faithfully without enigma - falsehood - or pretence and on thy own part reveal to me truthfully and exactly what is the power that aids thee - this do I order thee by the most holy name of God, who has condemned thee to frequent and to guard this place in which thou hast buried thy treasure - Amen! - Amen! - Amen! -

Leaf [35] Citation Colpiziara [i.e. Cohiziara] Offina Alta Netera fuara Menuet Colpiziara [i.e. Cohiziara] Offina Alta Netera fuara Menuet Colpiziara [i.e. Cohiziara] Offina Alta Netera fuara Menuet X X A Charge Alim Jehoh Jehovah agla On Tetragrammaton. X

Leaf [36] Names of the Principal Spirits of Hell with their offices [Note] 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Lucifer Belial Satan Beelzebub Astaroth Pluto Ariel Mephistophiles Moubnel Ariel Amguel Anisel Barfael the King Viceroy Governers

Great Princes

Leaf [37] [Note] 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Abbadon Chamus Milea Lapasis Merapis Milpeza Secretary Chinicham Pimpam Masa Lissa Dromdrom Lomta Palasa Baufa Luna Poia Laya Wunsolary


Familiar Spirits

Leaf [38] [Note] A Conjuration of Infernal Spirits Come O ye Spirits and Princes of Hell Astaroth Berith and Beelezebub I conjure and call ye by the terrible passion of J.C. and By all his Sorrows and By the terrible scourging which he suffered By all his instruments, and By all his wounds, and By all the precious drops of his blood By his Cross and By the bitterness of his death, and By the Father Creator By the Son Reedeemer [sic] By the Sanctifying Come Astaroth, Berith and Beelzebub! Come Astaroth, Berith and Beelzebub! Come Astaroth, Berith and Beelzebub!

Leaf [39] [Note] By the name of the all Powerful Father By the name of the Son Redeemer By the name of the Sanctifying Spirit Again I conjure and command ye Spirits, and princes of Hell - Astaroth - Berith and Beelzebub by these sacred holy and powerful names and words Gang Egg yy and by the creation

of Adam - and by the power of Altho Geng= ia and by the words Joth annathon annathom Aura phamanatoma ana Phohetona by the wisdom of Aaron - and by the wonderful power which he exercised over all Spirits and by the names Saloth Orista Oristion Oriston Onesta Onsta Onltiani Oresoresta Elli Elli Age Ellion Ellona - and by the power of the names Antim Gege Artyra Gega anphectesta Gephaaton, and Rypheton Seplatony arbetri Arso Arbitria Eyam Elgas Ellyorum now again do I call conjure and evoke ye Spirits and princes of Hell Astaroth Berith - and Beelzebub - by the power

Leaf [40] [Note] of Panthess Patheton aromanom argmon Pantharaton Bumon Ygenion Ye Yedeon Yencon on Osystrioirus Phanenis Atirat Aunalons nonon Anagbany ngyron Eggion Pantheony Iscetan Jarch Ega Gareh Ega Gadech Ponte Raton Eyin Pantagrion, Hana, Strage and by the love of the Adonai Laniag Ardomaj Calafati Lameag Yhui Amno Caranoag and by Adonai Lagryageas Langetatha Leaschomag Lanathir Josim Lagtratin In Epyhaltham Lebama Libatoraty Lelaglegon Lethafata and by In Ell Ellog Ella Ellyrny belleyrm Yoel Hy Clryla Goeti Saretho Dellyo Boyla Ellony Riel Eveta Batavitos Sorel Aieg Etna Paulim Agtath Pantheronia Ethion Aget Phemeton Sarapha Panthryon Yaetitia and by Emmanuel ominua Ihog Domus Eroel Abiel - Usinet - Phatena - Coroy - Isherong - Veha Cyaba - Eha - Hya - Crerus - Ella Ellarcha Athereon vava Jana - Sother - Messias Yiase Halredion - aheetion arappa Yphaeton Zepherion - Ejata - Abica Yet Pronry Gayin by the powers of the morning and of the evening

Leaf [41] [Note] by the Spirit of Life and by the Spirit of Death and by the final destruction of the world by fire Now again do I conjure and call you spirit and Princes of Hell Astaroth Berith and Beilzebub by all secret places by the most holy and powerful words and names of the omnipotent God our Father-- and by the Son our Redeemer and by the Holy Spirit our Sanctifier - Jonna Oceanga Agta Adonai Sabaott Sother Emmanuel alpha and

Omega Tetragrammaton Elleator Usyton Vevuna Veseomagi Unel Eolli Irethern Noyna Messiah Sothery Emmanuelis Sabaoth Joel Hath Aglay Croon Metoch Asor Lathleon Lanag Lanestas Maoth Oriel Elli Adony Sadai Alphor and Omega Dathe Dabe Jagthe Asese Us Yon Lanthay Hee Radoing Elames Heth Agta Nobaret ananiat Mathriel Amayg - and those who govern you - Ayos O Oros Isoberos Athanatos Clerson Uma Yolli Adonai the all Powerful all seeing and all

Leaf [42] [Note] loving God full of might majesty and dominion - Blessed be his holy Holy name for ever - Jisana Ag - God was in the beginning and so shall be in the end agla Noah Ellog Yina Pateragata Loth Leger Nayog Hego Debuchmor Hachera Boj Adyo Arapheus Panthon Adonai Ellog and by the most holy Tetragrammaton, and by the most wonderful and almighty names of the most Holy one God without beginning nor end whose name shall be praised eternally by the Spiritual as well as the natural Amen ====

Leaf [43] The Dismissal of Cyrian Now I conjure thee O Human Spirit! by the omnipotency, wisdom, and justice of God the Father of the Omnipotency of God the Son by the immensity of His Mercy and charity towards men by the omnipotency of the Holy Spirit - by his infinite wisdom, and inscrutable clemency By the Holy archangel Michael and all the host of Heaven, to abstain from lightnings from frightful and loud noises and tumult without rain - and without thunder to be peaceable and quiet without danger or injury to our bodies or souls - I command thee to depart from this place, and to appear not again unless I summon thee May the peace of the Triune God, be with us now and preserve us from all danger O God be with us and have mercy upon us O God turn this Spirit N_ _ _ to the path of righteousness and give us peace

Glory be to the Father! and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit Amen J.O [Note]

Leaf [44] ========================================== Finis April IX die Ionis Anno Christi 1875 ==========================================

Leaf [45] [NOTE]

__ ___ ____ ========== Praxis Magica Fausti ______ ____ 1875 ___ __ -

Leaf [46] Praxis Magica Fausti = And or The Magical Elements of Doctor John Faust - Practitioner of Medicine ______________ ============ From the original Manuscript in the Municipal Library of Weimar Passan anno adventionis Christi .1571.

Leaf [47] Praxis Magica Karuze X Karoth X Karathoi X Kemelton X Achatum Ella X Dyestim + Rim + Warmat + Ko + Nemarram + Palat + Themat + Amarrh + Gyseton + Ralapharos + O Sachman + Machey + Gacles + Bachat + Gyrta + Somon + + + Now do I call thee + + + Plate

Leaf [48] Teome [i.e. Twsme] + Qaror + amathema + Jamhay + Schea + Stal + Salmazan + Pamphilos + Aziel + Alechemelor + Raphael + Salathiel + Ve Sar + Amathemach + Heroe + Somini + By the loving Kindness of the Holy Incomprehensible and invisible God - which is displayed in all his works - for all things which he hath created are good and holy + Barion Salmafan + Raphael + Neman + Azan + Raphael + come thou I call thee vehemently +

Leaf [49]


O Spirit by the power and virtue of the letters which I have inscribed - do I command thee to give me a sign of thy arrival

I command thee to be obedient unto me - and now is it the time of the great name Tetragrammaton and I command you to appear before me in a beautiful and pleasing form.

Leaf [50]

Larabay + Belion + Sonor + Soraman + Bliar + Sonor + Arotan + Niza + Raphael + Alazaman + Eman + Nazaman + Tedoyl + Teabicabal + Ruos, Acluaar + Iambala + Cochim [i.e. Iochim] +

Zebaman + Sehemath + Egibut + Philomel + Gazaman + Delet + Azatan + Uriel + Facal + Alazamant + Nisia + By the most sacred and holy mercy of God + Zeyhomann + Acluaas + Niza + t Tachal + Neciel + Amatemach + Her somina [i.e. somini] + By this I compel thee to appear unto me before this circle and to do what I command thee [Note]

Leaf [51] [Note] Now do I conjure and command thee O Evil Spirit by the powers of Heaven and by the words of life + Maji, Staeti, Sche, agla, Naob, Sother, Emmanuel, Adonay + Adomaty + Auray + Amaton, Elle + Elloy + Vision + By the great love of Jesus Christ and by his triumph over death and hell and by the omnipotency of God - who is - who was and who ever shall be - by the word paymow - and Mephistophilis and by the power of the words +Tetragram + Agla + Adonay + Amin + Amin _m

J +S+M+

Leaf [52] I command cite and conjure thee to come quickly

and without delay + I call thee + + Requiet + + Hamaliel + + Hanel + + Atatiel + + Scholiel + + Phacamech Oriph + + Malchidaet + + Barbiel + + Zacheriel + + Oriphiel Zamuel + + Hamaliel + + Ziriel + + Rugs )

Come now I conjure thee by all the most powerful words Tetragrammaton _ Adoney _ Agla _ and by the wounds of J.C. - by the Prophets - by the Apostles - and by all the saints who live in the holiness and love of God Come now by the mystic words + Duisa + Fortis + Zebaoth _ I do conjure thee to come + Dujam + Dujam + Dujam _____________ __________


Leaf [53] [Note] I conjure each and all of ye Spirits - by the seven archangels - Governors of the Planets Ouphiel + Zacheriel + Samoel + Michael + Gabriel + Raphael + who are your Governors to do that which I command - In the name of the Triune God + + Amen + + +

Leaf [54] [Note] Now I conjure thee to come from thy abode even from the farthest parts by these great and mighty names - Tetragrammaton - Adonai Agla - and to appear before me receiving and executing my demands truly and without falsehood I command thee O Spirit Rumoar -, even by t[h]y great sovereign Lucifer I command thee in the name of God the Father + of the Son + and of the Holy Spirit + and by the power of the name Jesus

of Nazareth Amen.

Leaf [55] 24844W [accession number]

[caption]: Magic Figure for Exorcisms. =========================

Leaf [56] [blank]

Leaf [57]


Leaf [58] [blank, unlined back free endsheet]

Inside back cover SHARLAND ACTON.

A term derived from Qabbalistic literature and widely used in demonological texts as a power word for the exorcism of demons. The word appears in many of the old grimoires, and is found also in such popular contexts as Reginald SCOT in connection with a ritual knife used in both conjuration and exorcism. The word is made from the initial letters of the Hebraic Athah gabor leolam, Adonai ('Thou art powerful and eternal, Lord'). (from Gettings, Fred. Dictionary of Demons: A Guide to Demons and Demonologists in Occult Law. (London: Rider, 1988), p. 25)

Agrippa, Heinrich Cornelius.

Born in Cologne in 1486, Agrippa studied philosophy, theology, and medicine in Paris, meanwhile acquiring a tremendous knowledge of occult sciences... ...he wrote On the Nobility and Pre-eminence of the Feminine Sex, commented on the work De verbo mirifico (1494) by the German humanist Reuchlin (1455-1522) -- an attempt, under the influence of Neoplatonic philosophy and Pico della Mirandola, to blend Cabala and Christianity -- and began the De occulta philosophia, his main work. ...After serving in Antwerp at the court of the duke of Bourbon in 1529, and following the deaths f his wife and several children during an outbreak of the plague, Agrippa accepted a position as archivist and historiographer for the emperor in Malines, then capital of the Low Countries. In 1530 the De incertitudine appeared, followed shortly thereafter (1531-1533) by the abovementioned On Occult Philosophy. Though these two works tend to contradict one another, they were both quite successful -and equally controversial: the De incertitudine itself was condemned by theological faculties of the Sorbonne and Louvain, prompting Agrippa to write an Apologia... After a short trip to Lyon, where he was briefly imprisoned by Francis I, Agrippa died mysteriously at the age of 49 in 1535 in Grenoble. De occulta philosophia is a sort of encyclopedia written for the purpose of establishing occult sceinces as natural magic and eliminating superstitious practices. The first draft of the book, finished before 1511, had wide circulation in mnauscript, contributing to the rumor that Agrippa was a magician... In part one, after a discussion of the four elements and of the properties of matter, Afrippa alleges that angels as well as demons can be summoned to help the magus, especially by use of words. (from Witches, Devils, and Doctors in the Renaissance: Johann Weyer, De praestigiis daemonum, ...Translation by John Shea. (Binghamton, New York: Medieval & Renaissance Text & Studies, 1991), p. 670-671.)

Circle. In medieval and modern European textbooks of ritual magic the circle is of great importance.
The magician and his assistants stand inside a circle to protect themselves from the spirits, demons or forces they intend to conjure up. ... The magic circle should be nine feet in diameter, drawn on the floor or the ground with a sword or a knife, or with charcoal or chalk. Inside this circle is drawn a slightly

smaller one, eight feet in diameter. In the narrow rim between the two circles are bowls of water, crosses, names of power and plants like vervain, which demons are said to dislike, to reinforce the barrier against hostile forces. There must be no gap or break in the circle, through which an evil influence could get into it and take possession of the magician, and when the magician has entered the circle he must close it carefully behind him. (from Man, Myth & Magic: The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Mythology, Religion and the Unknown (New York: Marshall Cavendish, 1995), volume 3, p. 423)

Scheible, Johann.Das Kloster. Weltlich und geistlich. Meist aus der ltern deutschen Volks-,
Wunder-, Curiositten-, und vorzugsweise komischen Literatur. Zweiter Bund. Fnfte bis achte Zelle. (Stuttgart: Verlag des Herausgebers; Leipzig: Theodor Thomas, 1846). The Verus Jesuitarum Libellus is reproduced as part II., pages [835]-851. The illustrations in the English translation do not appear in the German editions, and the illustrations in the German editions do not appear in the English manuscript. The second half of the English-language manuscript, the "Praxis Magica," is found in a later volume of Scheible's Kloster: Das Kloster. Weltlich und geistlich... Fnfter Band, 17 bis 20 Zelle (Stuttgart: Verlag des Herausgebers; Leipzig: Expedition des Klosters, 1847). This volume has its own title page: Die Sage vom Faust bis zum Erscheinen des ersten Volksbuches, mit Literatur und Vergleichung aller folgenden... (Stuttgart: Verlag des Herausgebers; Leipzig: Expedition des Klosters, 1847). The "Praxis Magica" is included as unnumbered plates between pages 1156 and 1157. The title-page of the original German edition of the "Verus Libellus" reads Verus Jesuitarum Libellus, seu, Fortissima coactio et constrictio omnium malorum Spirituum cujuseunque geeneris, conditionis, status vel officii sint. Et Conjuratio fortissima et probatissima in Usuelem huic est annixa Cypriani citatio angelorum, ejusque conjuratio spiritus, qui thesaurum abscondidit, una cum illorum dimissione. Pasisiis, 1508. The title page bears the following footnote: Dieses ist der berchtigte Meergeist, von Horst und Stiegltz erwhnt, aber nicht gekannt; dort aufgefhrt als "Doctor Faust's groer und gewaltiger Meergeist, worin Lucifer und drei Meergeister, um Schatze aus dem Meere zu holen beschworen werden." The original title page of the German edition of the "Praxis Magica" is as follows: Praxis Magica Fausti ANA oder der von Doct Iohann Faust, Practicirte und beschworne Hllen Zwang. Passau Anno 1527. Despite the German in the title page, the work is in Latin with the exception of the text for leaf 51 that reads: Nn beschwore ich dich Gottes heil. Maje StFti S'che Nahmen Agla, Naob, Sother, Emanuel, Adomatay, Auray, Amaton Elle, Elloy ViSion und bei dem Fngsten Gerichte Jesu Xtiu bei der strcke dieser heil, Nahmen Chel, Heoti Agla jat da du mir Zwei mahl Hundert Tausend N hier in diesen Krei bringest das gebiethe ich dir Paymon und MephiStophiles die Macht Tetragram Agla, Adonay Amin Amin. J + S + M + Cito Cito Cito veni nec morare velis. The German text that should have fallen between leaves 52 and 53 is not included at all in the English translation: Nn fahret und weichet von hinnen bei diesem Groen Nahmen und Macht Porten Tetrag: Adonay Agla denn ich gebe rlaub fahret hin in friede ohne allen Rumor Schauer Hagell und gefahr ohne Verletzung meines Kreiser Meiner und Meiner gesellen in Nahmen Gottes der Vatters + der Sohnes + und der heilige Geistes + Weichet von Hinnen in Nahmen Jesu von Nazareth Amen. The title page on page 1157 follows the text of the manuscript. The eight-page text should have been bound after page 1157, not before it: Fausti Praxis magica (in der Grossherzoglichen Bibliothek zu Weimar, auf Pergament) ist auf nachfolgenden acht Blttern lithographirt nachgeahmt. There are differences between the Latin and the English texts. For example, the Latin text spells out the name "Jesu Christi" whereas the English manuscript invariably abbreviates the name "J.C." Other differences between the Latin text and the English translation are the following: 1. The quote on the first page is given to "HORATIUS" in the Latin edition (Leaf 1). 2. "Ariel" is used instead of "Uriel." (Leaf 5) 3. Phrases are sometimes omitted or abbreviated such as on leaf 5 and again on leaf 7, leaf 9, leaf 12, and leaf 13 where the symbol "(N + + + +) is used instead of the phrase "N. milliones optimi auri et expensibilis ubique [leaf 5 leaves out the "ubique"] monetae hispanicae." This same concept is given another expression on leaf 19 where the phrase "that which I desire" takes the place of the Latin, "nonaginta novem millia dimidium scutatorum et duplonorum in auri monetis cursivis." Other phrases are added such as the lengthy one at the bottom of leaf 6: I . N. do cite thee spirit of Iayariel to appear before me though aroram Lasunabula Sol Jesus Christus the victor by Schehostia Schelam Jehova

Votmehasehla Schebevek adonay Proemischoea avit By the wonderous power of the names agla Schaffort. And by the great spirit Jehova Podashocheia (Leaf 6). 4. If the text of the translation did not otherwise so closely follow the Latin text published by Scheible, certain changes would suggest a different source. For example on leaf 9 in the fifth conjuration, after the nonsensical word "Hoamiach," the Latin text continues " jerozel, habel, vechne, daniel, stachios, imaniach, namuel, damobiach, et per illa verba, quibus Salomon, Manasses..." The text on leaf 54 does not seem to appear at all in the German edition of the "Praxis Magica." 5. One lengthy passage in the English manuscript translation does not appear at all in the Latin original (Scheible). The entire text on leaves 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, and 42 is not present in the Latin edition. The Latin text takes up again with the Dismissal of Cyprian (Dimissio Cypriani) on leaf 43. 6. The Latin text of the "Libellus" ends with leaf 43of the English translation. 7. Throughout both works, the English translation supplies diagrams and symbols not present in the German editions. In addition, the "Praxis Magica" has several symbols, illustrations, and diagrams that are not transcribed into the English translation. A noteworthy example is the string of letter-like symbols wanting on leaf 49. 8. Curiously enough, "controversial" phrases in the German edition have been ommitted in the English translation. A good example is the phrase that should have appeared at the end of leaf 50: "Lucifer amicus meus dilectus et Servus."

Tetragrammaton. The four Hebrew letters of the name of God in the Old Testament, spoken
as Jehovah or Yahweh; regarded with profound awe it was rarely pronounced, and in the ordinary services in the synagogue the names Adonai or Elohim were substituted for it; it passed into European magic as one of the major "names of power." (from Man, Myth & Magic: The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Mythology, Religion and the Unknown (New York: Marshall Cavendish, 1995), volume 18, p. 2590)

Uriel. Uriel, whose name means "fire of God," is one of the leading angels in noncanonical lore. He is
identified variously as a seraph, cherub, regent of the sun, flame of God, angel of the presence, presider over Tartarus (hell), archangel of salvation, and, in later Scriptures, as Phanuel, "face of God." The name Uriel may be derived from Uriah the prophet. In apocryphal and occult works Uriel has been equated with Nuriel, Uryan, Jeremiel, Vretil, Sariel, Puruel, Phanuel, Jehoel, and Israfil... It is asserted that the divine discipline of alchemy was brought down to earth by Uriel, and that Uriel gave the Cabala to man, although this key to the mystical interpretation of Scripture is also said to have been the gift of Metatron. (from Lewis, James R. and Oliver, Evelyn Dorothy. Angels A to Z (Detroit: Visible Ink Press, 1996), p. 402)


(Uziel, Uzziel, "strength of God")--in the cabala generally, as in Targum Onkeles and Jonathan, Usiel is an angel that fell, and is therefore evil; he was among those who wedded human wives and begat giants. Of the 10 unholy sefiroth, Usiel is listed 5th. In The Book of the Angel Raziel, Usiel (Uzziel) is among the 7 angels before the throne of God and among 9 set over the 4 winds. (from Davidson, Gustav. A Dictionary of Angels, Including the Fallen Angels (New York: The Free Press, 1967), p. 299301)

Waite, A. E. In the 1890s, when its members

were quarrelling among themselves, Arthur Edward Waite took over the stewardship of the London branch of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. At once he set about Christianizing its rituals to the dismay of his more pagan brethren, who resigned by the score. A formidable scholar, Waite was responsible for, among other things, translating Eliphas Lvi's books into English. Waite's autobiography, Shadows of Life and Thought, has two chapters on the history and organization of the Golden Dawn. (from Conway, David.Magic, an Occult Primer (New York: E.P. Dutton, 1972), p. 281)

from Voorhis, Harold V.B. Arthur Edward Waite: A Check List of His Writings (Red Bank, N.J.: Privately Printed for the Author, 1932), frontispiece.
A self-proclaimed mystic whose theories have become accepted occult doctrine, Arthur Edward Waite was born in 1857 in the unromantic Brooklyn area of New York. Soon after his birth his mother returned with him to England, where she became a Roman Catholic; and Waite was to remain under the influence of Church ceremony all his life... In 1881 Waite discovered the writings of the French magus Eliphas Levi... and his first "occult" work (1885) was a digest and codification of Levi's teaching... (from James Webb, "A.E. Waite," in Man, Myth & Magic: The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Mythology, Religion and the Unknown (New York: Marshall Cavendish, 1995), volume 20, p. 2759)

Portrait of A.E. Waite

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