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707 Broadway, Suite 905, San Diego, CA 92101 P: (619) 234-6423 F: (619) 234-7403 www.sdcta.

org April 17, 2013

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Contact: Tony Manolatos | 619.549.0137

Taxpayers Association Names Felipe Monroig President & CEO

A Bilingual Attorney, Monroig tapped for his independence, policy and business experience
Felipe Monroig was named President and CEO of the San Diego County Taxpayers Association (SDCTA) today. The Taxpayers Association is very pleased Felipe is joining our team, and were certain he will do great things as our President and CEO, said SDCTA Board Chairman Greg Stein. This decision is incredibly important for the Association. As such, we performed a thorough search to identify the right leader with the energy, commitment and experience to leverage prior accomplishments and raise expectations for the organizations continued development. Monroig, 36, said: I am looking forward to working with the Board to achieve the mission and goals of this important voice for taxpayers. I have a longstanding passion and interest in protecting taxpayers in the pursuit of good government, and look forward to building relationships with all of the elected officials and stakeholders throughout San Diego County. Monroig most recently spent three years as Chief of Staff for Council District Five at the City of San Diego. Prior to that, he worked as an attorney in Maryland and held various positions with the Performance Institute in Washington D.C. Felipe replaces Lani Lutar, who led SDCTA for seven years and was recently named Executive Director of the Equinox Center. It is a testament to the prestige of the Association that we interviewed a number of well-qualified and dynamic candidates, Stein said. And to our Executive Committee for ultimately coming to consensus on Felipes selection. SDCTA is recognized for its detailed analysis and independent approach to taxpayer issues. SDCTA has become an authority in the region on numerous issues, including public pensions, water rates and school bonds. During the past five years, SDCTA took a leadership role to defeat 11 local ballot measures. Cumulatively, these victories prevented over $832 million in tax and fee increases in communities across San Diego County.
The San Diego County Taxpayers Association is a non-profit, non-partisan organization dedicated to promoting accountable, cost-effective and efficient government and opposing unnecessary taxes and fees. Founded in 1945, SDCTA has spent the past six decades saving the regions taxpayers billions of dollars, as well as generating information to help educate the public. You can follow SDCTA on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube.

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