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PEAR Libraries - Developer Zone - OpenX Wiki

PEAR Libraries
Added by andrew.hill, last edited by andrew.hill on Jun 11, 2008 ()


Managing the PEAR Libraries in OpenX

Draft document. Do no use. All PEAR libraries in OpenX should be managed via the PEAR system. To ensure that you manage the libraries correctly, please perform the following actions to install or upgrade new PEAR libraries. In the following process, "/home/pear/openx-2.8" is used as an example path to your local Subversion checkout of the version of OpenX you wish to update the PEAR libraries for. Replace with the correct path, if required but if the local copy is not in the created "pear" user's home directory, but another user's, ensure that the "pear" user can access the directory. 1. Create a new local user to manage the libraries:
useradd pear

2. Become that user:

su - pear

3. View the current PEAR system configuration:

pear config-show

You may need to specify the full path to the pear command, especially if you have more than one version of PHP installed.

Remember to use an appropriate version of PHP for the version of OpenX you are working on. If you are installing/updating PEAR libraries for OpenX 2.6 or less, use pear from a PHP 4 installation. If you are installing/updating PEAR libraries for OpenX 2.7 or greater, use pear from a PHP 5 installation. 4. View the currently installed PEAR libraries:
pear list

This is not the list of PEAR libraries installed in OpenX. This is the list of libraries installed as part of your local PHP installation. The purpose of obtaining this list is to compare it with the list of PEAR libraries installed in OpenX later, to ensure that your PEAR configuration has been updated correctly in the next step.

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Thursday 18 April 2013 04:03 AM

PEAR Libraries - Developer Zone - OpenX Wiki

5. Update your PEAR system configuration so that it is "looking" in you local Subversion checkout of OpenX:
pear config-set php_dir /home/pear/openx-2.8/lib/pear

6. View the currently installed PEAR libraries in OpenX:

pear list

This is a repeat of this command, so that you can compare the output from before. If the package list has not changed, you have not correctly set up PEAR to look in your local Subversion checkout of OpenX. 7. Update your local Subversion checkout of OpenX:
cd /home/pear/openx-2.8 svn up


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Thursday 18 April 2013 04:03 AM

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