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|ompot|b|e w|th
1h|s |s the t|rst oooon tor the Morve| Un|verse |o|ep|oy|ng
Come MU||CJ. |t oonto|ns new ohorooters, new o||en rooes
ono new oot|ons. 1h|s oooument |s //oo.
Mony thon|s go to members ot the Morve| Un|verse
|o|ep|oy|ng Booro oreoteo by |3u||soyo
cxtro thon|s go to s|str|ko, he eo|teo most ot the Morve|
ohorooters presenteo here.
^nother gooo stort|ng po|nt tor the MU||C |s the Morve|
Un|verse ||C |on 3|te |oooteo ot
http.,,murpg.|robb|t.oom,J. You oon o|so oown|ooo o tresh
vers|on ot th|s ||| there. 1he webmoster yrobon prov|oeo
some ot the ohorooters boo|grounos tor the Morve| wr|teups.
My MU||C webs|te |s |oooteo ot
http.,,,murpg,. You oon o|so oown|ooo th|s
||| there. ||us o|| the stutt |n th|s ||| |s there, too, but |n
1Ml tormot.
C0Y|GH1 N01|CL: 1h|s oooument |s |n no woy ott|||oteo w|th
Morve|. ^|| the moter|o| presenteo here |s not meont to
|ntertere w|th Morve|'s r|ght to use the some ohorooters ono
o|st|not|ve |||enesses tor oommero|o| purposes.
1h|s |s ,ust o ||FF tonboseo pro,eot, mooe trom the MU||C
tons tor the tons. |t |s not meont to mo|e ony prot|t but to
support the MU||C oommun|ty w|th some tree moter|o|.
^|| homegrown ohorooters ono oot|ons ore toggeo w|th the|r
respeot|ve outhors ono useo w|th perm|ss|on.
Vors|on 0.3 - 2004/06/22
|ooument oreoteo by oo|em|te <m|ohoe|>
1h|s oooument |s oreoteo us|ng X3l1|0
1h|s |s st||| o |o|o re|eose, so |t |s not oomp|ete. |r|nt |t ot your
own r|s|. 1here w||| be o more oomp|ete vers|on out soon.
|nto|||gonco 3
5trongth 6
Ag|||ty 6
5pood 6
Durab|||ty 7
Hoa|th 7
Lnorgy 21
oa|namo ^nn|h||us
5poc|os ^rthros|on,||onet ^rthros |n the Negot|ve Zone
0ccupat|on |onqueror, oestroyer ot ||te
Appoaranco 5',11, 200|bs, green eyes, no ho|r, green s||n
C|oso Combat: 2
/5|/oo|| o/ Woooo VoJ|/|o/j
vh||e t|y|ng
angod Combat: 6
/Woooo VoJ|/|o/j
veopon 3ystems
|osm|o |ontro| |oo
cnergy veopons
vh||e ||y|ng
|||ght: 4
Loadorsh|p: 6
M|||tary 5k|||s: b
veopon 3ystems
Voh|c|o 0porat|on: b
Negot|ve Zone ^stronomy
Lng|noor|ng: b
cnergy veopons
veopon 3ystems
6 |nseoto|o ^rmor, no 2x ono no ^|, ||te support
1 Mento| |etense
veo|th 9
Cosm|c Contro| od:J
J Unog|ng, |nvu|nerob|||ty vs ||seose, |oo|ot|on,
eot, |o|o
J moy |noreose on ob|||ty to 10 ot the stort ot o
J 10 ||reBo|ts ot |osm|o cnergy, 2x |omoge,
J Mostery ot Non0rgon|o Motter. 10,
oreote,mon|pu|ote, oooumu|ote energy
J |||ght. 10
loo|s Nonumon
lust tor |ower
|osm|o |ontro| |oo oepenoenoy. ^nn|h||us get
3r tor eooh oot|on, beg|ns to oge ono |ose 1
|urob|||ty per wee| |t he |s not oontro|||ng the roo.
^nn|h||us oommonos on ormy ot M|n|ons.
|nte|||genoe. 1
3trength. 2
^g|||ty. 2
3peeo. 2
|urob|||ty. 1, eo|th 1, cnergy. 3
||ose |ombot. 3
/5|/oo|| o/ Woooo VoJ|/|o/j
|ongeo |ombot. 3
/Woooo VoJ|/|o/j
Energy Weapons
|||ght v|ngeo. 3J
Maximum Speed 2
veh|o|e 0perot|on. 2
Mod|t|ors: 2 ||ows
3ome M|n|ons hove |owers
Type A: Energy Blast: 4
Type B: Str: 4, Durability 4
Type C: Modifiers: +4 Toughness
Type D: Type A and Type C
Type E: Type B and Type C
woapons 5ystoms
^nn|h||us o|so hos oooess to h|gh|y oeve|opeo
||y|ng 1on|s.
|rew. 4
||tt|ou|ty to 0perote. 2
|es|stonoe to 0perote. 2
|etense Moo|t|er. 4
veh|o|e |omoge. B0
Moneuver Moo|t|er. 3
3peeo. 5
ve|ght. 9
veopons. B |onnon, ^|, 2x oomoge, ronge 4
|nto|||gonco 2
5trongth 2,4
Ag|||ty 3
5pood 7
Durab|||ty 4
Hoa|th 4
Lnorgy 12
3tr 4 |n |egs on|y
oa|namo JeonneMor|e Beoub|er
5poc|os Mutont
0ccupat|on ^oventurer
Appoaranco 5'11, 125|bs, b|ue eyes, b|oo| ho|r, po|nteo eors
C|oso Combat: 2
/5ooJ o/ Woooo VoJ|/|o/j
|gh 3peeo |ombot
1ro|neo by vo|ver|ne ono |uo|
5upor unn|ng: *
oon oreote oreote oyoones by runn|ng |n o|ro|es,
3trength 5
|un up wo||s or ooross woter ot 3peeo 5
Use 3peeo to oeterm|ne oroer ot ^ot|ons
|||ght: 9
L|ght Gonorat|on: 6
^reo, ronge 3
|t the ottoo| |s suooesstu| more thon the oetense
stones ot the torget, toughness ooes not oountJ
the torget |s b||noeo tor 3 pone|s ono o|| oot|ons
ore 3r
5oc|a| 5k|||s: 3
|rotooo| ^|pho |||ghtJ
Gonora| Know|odgo: 4
3 |et|ex|ve |ooge
15 vs 3ense Mutont
1eom. ^|pho |||ght
1 toughness speo|o| tobr|o oostume to proteot
her trom tr|ot|on
Mu|t|p|e|ersono||t|es||soroer. ot |eost two
persono||t|es ore |now o rother shy ono on
ogress|ve, tun|ov|ng persono||ty
Nonumon ^ppeoronoe os 3osquotoh
|nto|||gonco 4,53|J
5trongth 2,4
Ag|||ty 1,3
5pood 1,2
Durab|||ty 1,4
Hoa|th 1,4
Lnorgy B|J,12
oa|namo ^bner Jen||ns
5poc|os umon w|th powereo ormor
0ccupat|on tormer meohon|o, now protess|ono| or|m|no|
Appoaranco 5'11, 175|bs, brown eyes, brown ho|r
C|oso Combat: 1*/3
/5|/oo|| 3ooos o/ Woooo VoJ|/|o/j
|owereo ^rmor
angod Combat: 2
/Woooo VoJ|/|o/j
|owereo ^rmor
A Boam woapon: 6
^|, 2x |omoge
|onge 3
A |||ght: 2
A wa||-Craw||ng: 2
1ochno|ogy: b
/|o|o|||ooco 3ooosj
|nvont|ng: 3
/|o|o|||ooco 3ooosj
1h|ov|ng: 2
//||||y 3ooosj
3etup,||no ^mbush
1h|ov|ng: 3
|r|m|no| Unoergrouno
|r|son |u|ture
3o|ent|t|o ||ro|es
4 |^ 1oughness, no ^|, no 2x oomoge
|^ |reoogn|t|on
2 |^ 1orget|ng
veo|th 3
1eom. Mosters ot cv||
|r|ven by |evenge
|eoo|y cnem|es. 3p|oerMon, |ontost|o |our
|nto|||gonco 4
5trongth 3
Ag|||ty 4
5pood 4
Durab|||ty 4
Hoa|th 4
Lnorgy 12
oa|namo 1'|ho||o
5poc|os Mutogen|o
0ccupat|on ||ng ot vo|onoos, so|ent|st
Appoaranco 6', 1B5|bs, brown eyes, b|oo| ho|r
C|oso Combat: b
//||||y o/ Woooo VoJ|/|o/j
^orobot|o ||ght|ng
|ot|||e ||ght|ng
angod Combat: 3
/Woooo VoJ|/|o/j
1hrow|ng |n|ves
Acrobat|cs: b
//||||y 3ooosj
1ochno|ogy: 4
/|o|o|||ooco 3ooosj
1ochno|ogy: 4
5oc|a| 5k|||s: b
vo|onoo |o||t|os
vo|onoo longuoge,|u|ture
curopeon |u|ture
vor|ous longuoges ^rob|o, |renoh, cng||sh,
|uss|on, 3pon|sh, ousoJ
Hunt|ng/1rack|ng: 7
^n|mo| |ore
3etup,||no trops
3etup,||no ombush
|o||ow 1roo|
1rooe 3oent
Mod|ca| Hoa||ng: 1
3 1orget|ng
4 |et|ex|ve |ooge
5 ^n|mo| 3enses
veo|th 7
1eom. ^vengers
3 v|bron|um |ostume no ^|J
3 retrootob|e ||ows
3 retrootob|e ||ows
2 cnergy |ogger, ronge 4, mor|es v|ot|m w|th
un|que s|gnoture
3 Boots vs |o|||ng |omoge, o|so enob|e h|m to
run up bu||o|ngs
|moge |nouoer. 3hope |honge 4
||moyo |oros. |||e C|3, useo to troo| the
s|gnoture ot on energy oogger.
|nto|||gonco 2
5trongth 3
Ag|||ty 4
5pood 3
Durab|||ty 4
Hoa|th 4
Lnorgy 12
oa|namo cr|o Morr|s
5poc|os umon, ho|t vomp|re
0ccupat|on |r|vote oeteot|ve, ooou|t |nvest|gotor, vomp|re hunter
Appoaranco 6'2, 1B0|bs, brown eyes, b|oo| ho|r
C|oso Combat: 6
//||||y o/ Woooo VoJ|/|o/j
|otono,3omuro| 3woro
Mort|o| ^rts
angod Combat: b
/Woooo VoJ|/|o/j
1hrow|ng |n|ves
Dr|v|ng: 4
0ccu|t|sm: b
vomp|re lore
0oou|t lore
Hunt|ng: b
5onso 5upornatura|: 2
to sense vomp|res, oon be oomb|neo w|th
3 1orget|ng
1 Mento| |etense
2 |et|ex|ve |ooge
1 teeth, B|ooe oon en|orge h|s vomp|re teeth.
3 cnhonoeo 3me||
3 cnhonoeo eor|ng
|mmun|ty to vomp|res. he oonnot be oontro||eo by
vomp|r|o powers nor ooes o vomp|r|o b|te
tronstorm h|m |nto o vomp|re
3 |oub|eBorre| Cun ob|e to shoot woooen
sto|es, |onge 2 ||||s vomp|res |t |t h|ts heort, 4
res|stonoe to h|t the heortJ
2 Brooosworo
3,5 |otono,3omuro| 3woro 5 vs vomp|resJ
2 1hrow|ng |n|ves BxJ
vomp|r|o onoestry
otes vomp|res
Berser|er |oge. |t he |s oown to 1 or |ess eo|th,
he must use o|| energy ovo||ob|e every pone| to
ottoo| unt|| the t|ght |s over
|nto|||gonco 3
5trongth B
Ag|||ty 2
5pood 2
Durab|||ty 7
Hoa|th 7
Lnorgy 21
oa|namo B|ostoor ot Bo|uur
5poc|os Bo|uur|on,||onet Bo|ur |n the Negot|ve Zone
0ccupat|on Monoroh,|u|er ot Bo|uur
Appoaranco 6',6, 520|bs, groy eyes, groy ho|r, groy s||n
Lnorgy B|ast: 9
^|, 2x |omoge
5oc|a| 5k|||s: b
1he ^N |s 3 |t he w|thout h|s ormor, 7 w|th |t
C|oso Combat: 2
/5|/oo|| o/ Woooo VoJ|/|o/j
angod Combat: 2
/Woooo VoJ|/|o/j
Bo|uur|on ||reorms
vh||e ||y|ng
|||ght (ockotJ: 9
Loadorsh|p: b
M|||tary 5k|||s: 4
4 Booy ^rmor, no 2x ono no ^|
3e|t3ustenonoe. e oon enter o suspenoeo stote
tor months ono vo|untor||y reowo|en whenever
he wonts.
1 Mento| |etense
veo|th 3
loo|s Nonumon
lust tor |ower
|uth|ess |u|er ot the Bo|uur|on cmp|re
cnem|es. |ontost|o |our
|nto|||gonco 2,2
5trongth 2,B
Ag|||ty 2,6
5pood 2,5
Durab|||ty 2,5
Hoa|th 2,5
Lnorgy 6,15
oa|namo ||etus |osooy
5poc|os umon,^||en3ymb|ote
0ccupat|on |onv|ot
Appoaranco 6'1,190|bs, green eyes, reo ho|r
C|oso Combat: 3
/5|/oo|| o/ Woooo VoJ|/|o/j
3ymb|ote veopons
angod Combat: 3
/Woooo VoJ|/|o/j
3ymb|ote veopons
1h|ov|ng: 3
//||||y 3ooosj
wa||-Craw||ng: b
//||||y 3ooosj
on|y w|th 3ymb|ote
L|ongat|on: 3
on|y w|th 3ymb|ote
3 ||ows
|mmun|ty to 3p|oerMon's senses
3 |et|ex|ve |ooge
1enor||s. o||ows veb3||ng|ng. 5 or tor cntong||ng
ottoo|s 6 res|stonoe vs strengthJ. Moter|o|
o|so|ves otter 5 pone|s
veb 3hooter. 6, 6, o|so|ves otter 5 pone|s
loo|s nonhumon
|r|m|no||y |nsone
cnem|es. 3p|oerMon, venom
3ymb|ote. 3on|o ottoo|s 2x oomoge, ||re,eot
2x oomoge
^t 0 eo|th the 3ymb|ote |s unoono|ous tor 10
pone|s, ono |s removeo trom ||etus
|nto|||gonco 2
5trongth 7
Ag|||ty 3
5pood 3
Durab|||ty 6
Hoa|th 6
Lnorgy 1B
oa|namo |h'oo
5poc|os 1|mor|on
0ccupat|on 3pooe p|rote, treeoom t|ghter
Appoaranco green, sour|on|||e oreoture
C|oso Combat: 6
/5|/oo|| o/ Woooo VoJ|/|o/j
3h|'or Mort|o| ^rts
angod Combat: b
/Woooo VoJ|/|o/j
cnergy Cuns
B|ost ||t|e
5w|mm|ng: 6
||ot|ng: 3
3h|'or spooesh|ps
1ochno|ogy: 4
3torsh|p cng|neer|ng
5oc|a| 5k|||s: 4
|et. |reee
5 1oughness vs phys|oo| 8 energy
2 1orget|ng
2 ||ows
5 B|oster p|sto| 2x oomogeJ, 5 ronge, th|s r|t|e
o|so hos on 3 oxe ot the muzz|e eno
|reee |s |h'oo's wh|te turry pet, thot o|woys s|ts
on h|s shou|oer |nte|||genoe. 3, ^g|||ty 5, o|| other
ottr|butes 1J
|nto|||gonco 2
5trongth 2
Ag|||ty 3
5pood 2
Durab|||ty 3
Hoa|th 3
Lnorgy 9
oa|namo |hr|stopher 3ummers
5poc|os umon
0ccupat|on 3pooe p|rote, treeoom t|ghter, |eooer ot the 3tor,ommers
Appoaranco 6'3, 175|bs, brown ho|r, brown eyes
C|oso Combat: 4
/5|/oo|| o/ Woooo VoJ|/|o/j
Mort|o| ^rts
angod Combat: 4
/Px Woooo VoJ|/|o/j
B|oster ||sto|s
Loadorsh|p: 4
||ot|ng: 6
3h|'or spooesh|ps
terrest|o| o|rorotts
5c|onco: b
3h|'or veopons
terrest|o| veopons
1ochno|ogy: 3
3torsh|p cng|neer|ng
1 |et|ex|ve |ooge
2 1orget|ng
3 sobre
po|r ot wr|stbonos set w|th ,ewe|s to proouoe 2
4 b|oster p|sto|s 2x oomogeJ, |onge 4
|nto|||gonco 3,53|J
5trongth 2,B
Ag|||ty 2,6
5pood 2,5
Durab|||ty 3,7
Hoa|th 3,7
Lnorgy 9,21
oa|namo vo|ent|n 3hoto|ov
5poc|os umon w|th powereo ormor
0ccupat|on v|||o|n
Appoaranco unreveo|eo, weors reo power ormor, power ormor |s 6'10,
C|oso Combat: 1*/3
/5|/oo|| 3ooos o/ Woooo VoJ|/|o/j
|owereo ^rmor
3hou|oer |oms
angod Combat: 2
/Woooo VoJ|/|o/j
|owereo ^rmor
A Boam woapon: 6
^|, 2x |omoge
|onge 3
A |||ght: 3
A LCM: 4
wor|s |||e |nv|s|b||ty, on|y vs |ooors ono s|m||or
B|ack 0ps (KGBJ: 4
3etup,||no ^mbush
5oc|a| 5k|||: 4
|uss|on |u|ture,longuoge
Mon|pu|ot|on ^mbush
6 |^ 1oughness, no ^|, no 2x oomoge
|^ v|s|on. 6 |ntroreo v|s|on, 3 |^ M|orowove
1 3hou|oer |oms
3e|tsusto|neo. 1 hour o|r support, |B| system
tor 450 hours
veo|th 5
|nto|||gonco 6,63|J
5trongth 1,4
Ag|||ty 1,6
5pood 1,5
Durab|||ty 1,5
Hoa|th 1,5
Lnorgy 12|J,15
oa|namo |r. Jomes Moo|ono|o uoson
5poc|os umon w|th powereo ormor
0ccupat|on tree|onoe ooventurer,leooer ot ^|pho |||ght
Appoaranco 6'2, 190|bs w|thout |^J, brown eyes, b|oo| ho|r
C|oso Combat: 1/3
//||||y 3ooos o/ Woooo VoJ|/|o/j
|owereo ^rmor
angod Combat: 1/3
/Woooo VoJ|/|o/j
|owereo ^rmor
cnergy Beom
A Boam woapon: 6
^|, 2x |omoge
|onge 5
A |||ght: B
A D|gg|ng: 4
oroness up to 6 w|th o speeo ot 4
A 1o|oport: 10
th|s |s o speo|o| system bu||t |nto the ormor, he |s
reo||y t|y|ng, but |t oppeors os te|eportot|on
1ochno|ogy: b
/|o|o|||ooco 3ooosj
|nvont|ng: b
/|o|o|||ooco 3ooosj
Loadorsh|p: b
6 |^ 1oughness, no ^|, no 2x oomoge
veo|th 4
1eom. ^|pho |||ght
|ontoots. vo|ver|ne, |onoo|on government
|nto|||gonco 2
5trongth 2
Ag|||ty 4
5pood 3
Durab|||ty 4
Hoa|th 4
Lnorgy 12
oa|namo unpronounoeob|e by humons
5poc|os Meph|sto|o humon|||e te||nesJ
0ccupat|on 3pooe p|rote, treeoom t|ghter
Appoaranco temo|e w|th wh|te s||n,eyes, po|nty eors ono o|so |ong wh|te
ho|r, o|ows, to||
C|oso Combat: 3
/5|/oo|| o/ Woooo VoJ|/|o/j
3h|'or Mort|o| ^rts
angod Combat: b
/Woooo VoJ|/|o/j
cnergy Cuns
||ot|ng: 3
3h|'or spooesh|ps
1ochno|ogy: 3
3torsh|p cng|neer|ng
Hunt|ng: b
1 1orget|ng
1 |et|ex|ve |ooge
2 ||ows
1 1o||
4 ypersens|t|ve 3me||
5 N|ghtv|s|on
4 B|osterr|t|e2x oomogeJ, 4 ronge
|onot|o. |||| 3h|'or
|nto|||gonco 2
5trongth 10
Ag|||ty 3
5pood 3
Durab|||ty 7
Hoa|th 7
Lnorgy 21
oa|namo eroo|es Cree| nome tor erou|esJ, orry ||eese
5poc|os member ot the goos ot 0|ympus
0ccupat|on ^oventurer, Mov|e ^otor
Appoaranco 6' 5, 325|bs, b|ue eyes, oor| brown ho|r
C|oso Combat: 4
/5|/oo|| o/ Woooo VoJ|/|o/j
Cree| vrest||ng
B|unt veopons
Co|oen Mooe
angod Combat: 3
/5|/oo|| o/ Woooo VoJ|/|o/j
Mytho|ogy: 3
^no|ent Cree| lore
0|ymp|on lore
0|ymp|on Coos
5oc|a| 5k|||s: 6
^no|ent Cree|,0|ymp|on ct|quette,|rotooo|
0|ymp|on |o||t|os
Cree| longuoge,|u|ture
^vengers |rotooo|
Coo|||e |emeonor
6,10 1oughness no 2x oomoge, no ^|J,10
on|y vs t|re, oo|o, tox|nsJ
2 ret|ex|ve oooge
3 1orget|ng Bows on|yJ
|nvu|nerob|||ty vs. ||seose
^ooe|eroteo eo||ng |ote
veo|th 3
1eom.eroes |or |re, ^vengers, member ot the
0|ymp|on Coos
6 1he Co|oen Mooe, mooe ot enohonteo
|nto|||gonco 3
5trongth 3
Ag|||ty 4
5pood 2
Durab|||ty 3
Hoa|th 3
Lnorgy 9
oa|namo Joson |h||||ps Mooenoo|e, Jr.
5poc|os umon
0ccupat|on tree|onoe terror|st,ossoss|n
Appoaranco 6'1, 210|bs, brown eyes, b|oo| ho|r
C|oso Combat: 3
//||||y o/ Woooo VoJ|/|o/j
Mort|o| ^rts
angod Combat: 4
/Woooo VoJ|/|o/j
vr|st B|oster
Crenooe 1hrow|ng
B|ack 0ps (1orror|stJ: 3
1h|ov|ng: 3
//||||y 3ooosj
Voh|c|o 0porat|on: 3
0nemon hoverorott
1ochno|ogy: 4
/|o|o|||ooco VoJ|/|o/j
|nvont|ng: 3
/|o|o|||ooco VoJ|/|o/j
1 |et|ex|ve |ooge
veo|th 3
|ostume. 4 1oughness no ^|, no 2x oomogeJ,
e|met shopeo |||e o pum||nheooJ mo|nto|ns o
|ow oens|ty t|ome ono o 3 hour o|r supp|y, 5
|ntroreo v|s|on, 360oegree v|s|on oon't be
Crenooes shopeo |||e pum||ns or spheresJ.
these ore oreo weopons
teor gos gren. 2, vs |urob|||ty, oot|ons ore ot
2 tor 2 pone|sJ
ho||uo|nogen|o gos gren. 2, vs |nte|||genoe,
oot|ons ore ot 2 tor 2 pone|sJ
regurg|tont gos gren 2, vs eo|th, oot|ons ore
ot 2 tor 2 pone|sJ
smo|e grenooes 2r oetense tor h|m, but h|s
ottoo|s ore o|so 2rJ
oonouss|on grenooes 3 oomogeJ
vr|st B|oster. |onge 4, 3 e|eotr|o oomoge
0nemon overorott. 3peeo 3, ||tt|ou|ty 3, veh|o|e
|omoge 4, Moneuver Moo|t|er 3, |etens|ve
Moo|t|er 1
Nonumon oppeoronoe |n oostume
or|m|no||y |nsone
|nto|||gonco 3
5trongth 4
Ag|||ty 2
5pood 2
Durab|||ty 7
Hoa|th 7
Lnorgy 21
oa|namo U|ysses ||ow
5poc|os umon,extrophys|oo| energy torm
0ccupat|on cxso|ent|st, protess|ono| or|m|no|
Appoaranco 5'11, 175|bs, reo eyes, no ho|r
C|oso Combat: 2
/5|/oo|| o/ Woooo VoJ|/|o/j
angod Combat: 2
/Woooo VoJ|/|o/j
3on|o |onverter
5c|onco: 4
/|o|o|||ooco 3ooosj
3on|o cnergy
|nvont|ng: 3
Booy 1ronstormot|on. ||ow's booy hos been
|rrevers|ob|e rep|ooeo by son|o energy. e ooes
not eot, or|n|, breothe or s|eep. e oonnot be
hormeo |n normo| woys see |ho||engesJ
6 1oughness vs 3on|o ottoo|s
5on|c Convortor rep|ooes r|ght honoJ.J
J 3on|o B|ost. 6, ^|, 5 |onge oost 3r to use,
oomb|neo w|th stones |n rongeo oombotJ
J |reote 3on|o |oroe ||e|o. ^N 6, 1 stone tor
J |reote 3on|o 0b,eots. ^N 4, 1 stone tor
J |reote 3on|o oreotures one oreoture per
pone|, oost 4 stones to oreoteJ 3tr 4, ^g|||ty. 2,
cnouronoe 4, ||ose |ombot. 2 3trength bonusJ
J see o|so |ho||enges
loo|s nonhumon
No r|ght hono, tos|s us|ng both honos ore ot 2r
cxposure to vooouum mo|e h|m |ose 1 heo|th
every pone|.
|erto|n trequeno|es moy oouse ||ow to to||
unoono|ous. ||tt|ou|ty 6 3o|enoe to t|no these
trequenoy. e must speno 6r stones out ot h|s
energy poo| to res|st these trequeno|es or to||
unoono|ous unt|| the trequenoy |s removeo
veopons mooe ot souno oompen|ng v|bron|um
oo tu|| oomoge
1he presenoe ot more thon 10|bs ot souno
oompen|ng v|bron|um oouses h|s energy poo| to
go oown to 0 |t he ooes not speno 6r stones to
res|sts |t.
3on|o ottoo|s oo tu|| oomoge
|t h|s heo|th |s reouoeo to 0, he |s obsorbeo by
h|s son|o oonverter.
|estroy|ng the son|ooonverter 5 toughness, 6
heo|th, oestroyeo ot 0, 3r to h|t |tJ w||| mo|e h|m
unoonso|ous |t he oonnot speno 6r stones to
|nto|||gonco 4
5trongth 4
Ag|||ty 4
5pood 4
Durab|||ty 4
Hoa|th 4
Lnorgy 12
oa|namo 3erge| |rov|nott
5poc|os Mutogen|o
0ccupat|on |rotess|ono| hunter
Appoaranco 6', 235|bs, brown eyes, b|oo| ho|r, gootee beoro
An|ma| 1am|ng: 3
vs |nte|||genoe ot the on|mo|
must be |n oontoot or |n o|ose oombot ronge
C|oso Combat: 6
/5|/oo|| o/ Woooo VoJ|/|o/j
^n|mo| ||ght|ng 3ty|es
Mort|o| ^rts
angod Combat: 6
/Woooo VoJ|/|o/j
1hrow|ng ^xes
c|eotro B|oster
Hunt|ng: 7
^n|mo| |now|eoge
|o||ow 1roo|s
3et,||no 1rops
5oc|a| 5k|||s: 4
|uss|on |u|ture,longuoge
|nvont|ng: 1
/|o|o|||ooco 3ooosj
1 Nerve str||e, ooes not oo oomoge, but |t
oomoge stones ore equo| or greoter thon |uro.
the opp. |s |noo|eo out tor 3 pone|s
1 |et|ex|ve |ooge
5 ^n|mo| 3enses
veo|th 2
2 ^xes
1 |orts
3 c|eotroB|oster, |onge 3
1 |o|son Cos vs |uro., stuns tor 2 pone|s,
1 Noroot|o |ust 3proyer ronge 2, vs |urob|||ty,
oot|ons ore 2r tor 2 pone|sJ
1 |noo| out po|son opp||eo by oorts or s|m||or,
oort oomoge |no|uoeo , vs |urob|||tyJ
0 vh|p, moy gropp|e vs 3trength
0 Net, moy gropp|e vs ^g|||ty
0 Monoo|es 3trength 4J
unt|ng obsess|on
|eoo|y cnem|es. 3p|oerMon
|nto|||gonco B
5trongth 2
Ag|||ty 2
5pood 2
Durab|||ty 3
Hoa|th 3
Lnorgy 16|J
oa|namo 3omue| 3terns
5poc|os Mutogen|o
0ccupat|on vou|obe wor|o oonqueror
Appoaranco 5',10, 140|bs, green eyes when presentJ, b|oo| ho|r, green
s||n, m|sshopen heoo oovereo w|th bumps ono bo||s
C|oso Combat: 1
/5|/oo|| o/ Woooo VoJ|/|o/j
angod Combat: 2
/Woooo VoJ|/|o/j
Loadorsh|p: b
1o|opathy: 6
/|o|o|||ooco 3ooosj
Mento| Bo|ts
|ontro| 0thers
must touoh t|rst, ooes not wor| on gommo
|rrot|oteo be|ngs
|t sub,eot |s o|tereo by oosm|o roys, |t gets 4r
5oc|a| 5k|||s: 3
3o|ent|t|o ||ro|es
Unoergrouno vor|o
1o|ok|nos|s: 2
/|o|o|||ooco 3ooosj
Gonot|c Lng|noor|ng: 2
/|o|o|||ooco 3ooosj
1ochno|ogy: 6
/|o|o|||ooco 3ooosj
|nvont|ng: 4
4 Mento| |etense
|hotogroph|o Memory
2x Noturo| eo||ng |ote
yper|nte||eot. he oon ooo 4 tree stones to ony
tos| requ|r|ng |nte|||genoe otter one pone| ot
veo|th 7
1 3tun ||sto|, vs ourob|||ty, |onge 3
3 |oroe ||t|e, |onge 4
1 cntong|e, 3trength 6 oob|e, |onge 2
M|no |ontro| |ev|oe. 4 tree stones m|no
oontro|, no neeo to touoh v|ot|m, ronge 4
Nonumon oppeoronoe
or|m|no||y |nsone
lust tor |ower
|mmotur|ty, |mpot|enoe, se|t|sh
|eoo|y cnem|es. u||
3pooe 3tot|on.
||tt|ou|ty to operote. 0 oontro||eo by 0mn|voo the
|es|stonoe to operote. 0 oontro||eo by 0mn|voo
the oomputerJ
|etense Moo|t|er. 9
veh|o|e |omoge. 200
Moneuver Moo|t|er. 0
3peeo. 1
veopons. B
1|meMooh|ne, o||ows 1|me1rove|
|o|o| V|o|oos
|nte|||genoe. 1
3trength. 6
^g|||ty. 5
3peeo. 3
|urob|||ty. 5
||ose |ombot. 3
|ongeo |ombot. 2
|||ght. 3
cnergy B|ost. B
6 Booy ^rmor
mento||y oontro||eo by the leooer, these robots
usuo||y oome by the oozenJ
3 |oroe ||t|e, |onge 4
||o| 5||oooJ ooooo|Js
|nte|||genoe. 1
3trength. 3
^g|||ty. 1
3peeo. 1
|urob|||ty. 2
||ose |ombot. 2
|ongeo |ombot. 2
c|ost|oty. 1
1eohno|ogy. 3 |nte|||genoe Bonus, speo|o||zeo |n
Booy ^rmor. 6
3 |oroe ||t|e, |onge 4 orm|es ot 100 to 1000J
|nto|||gonco 4
5trongth 3
Ag|||ty 3
5pood 3
Durab|||ty 4
Hoa|th 4
Lnorgy 12
oa|namo l||onoro, cmpress ot the 3h|'or Co|oxy
5poc|os 3h|'or
0ccupat|on cmpress ot the 3h|'or Co|oxy
Appoaranco |emo|e 3h|'or, 5',11, 110|bs, b|ue eyes, b|oo| teothers
C|oso Combat: 4
/5|/oo|| o/ Woooo VoJ|/|o/j
3h|'or Mort|o| ^rts
|eremon|o| 3woro
loser 3woro
angod Combat: 3
/Woooo VoJ|/|o/j
3h|'or loser ||sto|
|u|se |onnon
1o|opathy: B
te|epoth|o ||n| w|th |hor|es Xov|er
Loadorsh|p: 4
5h|'ar 5c|onco: 3
/|o|o|||ooco 3ooosj
3h|'or spooesh|ps
Gonora| Know|odgo: b
/|o|o|||ooco 3ooosj
3h|'or |e||g|on
3h|'or 1eohno|ogy
5oc|a| 5k||: b
3h|'or |eremon|es
2 Mento| |etense
1 |et|ex|ve |ooge
veo|th leve| 10 oou|o be even h|gherJ
4 B|osterr|t|e2x oomogeJ, 5 ronge
6 loser 3woro
6 Booy ^rmor vs |hys|oo| ono cnergy
15 |u|se |onnon, 2 |onge, |oooteo |n her
|nto|||gonco 4,4
5trongth 1,B
Ag|||ty 2,2
5pood 2,2
Durab|||ty 3,6
Hoa|th 3,6
Lnorgy 9,1B
oa|namo |r. |o|v|n Zobo
5poc|os Mutogen|o
0ccupat|on |rotess|ono| or|m|no|
Appoaranco 6'5, 420|bs, brown eyes, brown ho|r
C|oso Combat: 2
/5|/oo|| o/ Woooo VoJ|/|o/j
Chom|stry/B|ochom|stry: 6
|nvont|ng: 1
/|o|o|||ooco 3ooosj
5oc|a| 5k|||s: 3
3o|ent|to ||ro|es
6 1oughness no 2x oomoge, no ^|J, on|y 3 vs
3 vs t|re, heot, oo|o, oorros|ves ono tox|ns
5 Mento| |etense
1eom. Mosters ot cv||
veo|th 1
v|o| ot tronstormot|on po|son
lust tor |ower
or|ven by vengeonoe
Neeos h|s tronstormot|on po|son to o|ter h|s
ottr|butes, to|es 1 pone| to tronstorm
|nto|||gonco B
5trongth 3
Ag|||ty 1
5pood 1
Durab|||ty B
Hoa|th B
Lnorgy 24
oa|namo Mo,o
5poc|os ^||en
0ccupat|on |u|er, s|ove oeo|er
Appoaranco un|nown he|ght ono we|ght, ye||ow eyes, no ho|r
C|oso Combat: 1
/5|/oo|| o/ Woooo VoJ|/|o/j
Bos|o ono to ono
angod Combat: 2
/|o|o|||ooco o/ Woooo VoJ|/|o/j
veopons on h|s orow|er
M|nd Contro|/Hypnot|sm: B
|orco Bo|ts: 6
5p|r|t Contro|: 9
otteot torget oreoms
|ntord|mons|ona| 1ravo|: 10
h|s trove| |s ronoom ono ungu|oeo, un|ess he |s
oooompon|eo by 3p|ro|
Voh|c|o 0porat|on: 2
|row|er see equ|pmentJ
2 Mento| |etense
3 1oughness
veo|th 9
^s moster ot h|s own o|mens|on, Mo,o hos
oooess to oovonoeo oe||u|or teohno|ogy.
eo||ng. 75 t|mes toster thon normo| Meo|oo|
eo||ng 9J
|egenerote lost booy ports
^ooe|erote phys|oo| oeooy, v|ot|m |oses 1 |ur per
|one| unt|| oeoth, |onge 3
6 |e||uror o|srupt|on b|ost, |onge 4
|row|er. 3peeo 1, |ur 6, |||ght 2, 5 toroe bo|ts
4 unusuo| |oo|s
Mog|oo| ^nt|l|te Noture. th|s storts ot ^N 1 ono
ronge 1 when he |s not |n h|s home o|mens|on,
ono these vo|ues ooub|e every hour. 1h|s power
ooes not oost h|m ony energy, ono turns oro|nory
th|ngs |nto ohoos. Mo,o preters to oeo| w|th other
o|mens|on through th|ro port|es, beoouse h|s
ont|||te power o|so otteots h|mse|t os |t ooes h|s
Mo,o oonnot move w|thout h|s orow|er
|nto|||gonco 4
5trongth 3
Ag|||ty 3
5pood 2
Durab|||ty 3
Hoa|th 3
Lnorgy 9
oa|namo N|oho|os Joseph |ury
5poc|os umon
0ccupat|on |ub||o ||reotor ot 3|cl|
Appoaranco 6'1, 225|bs, brown eyes, brown ho|r w|th wh|te ot temp|es,
weors o oosmet|o eyepotoh over h|s |ett eye
C|oso Combat: 7
//||||y o/ Woooo VoJ|/|o/j
eovyve|ght Box|ng
ono1oono |ombot cxpert
Creen Beret 1ro|n|ng
B|oo| Beret 1ro|n|ng
M|||tory o|ose oombot weopons
Mort|o| ^rts
sporreo w|th |opto|n ^mer|oo
angod Combat: 7
/Woooo VoJ|/|o/j
m|||tory weopons
Loadorsh|p: 9
1ochno|ogy: 6
Mod|ca| Hoa||ng: 3
Voh|c|o 0porat|on: 6
s|ng|e,2 eng|ne prop. o|rorott
|unor m|ss|on s|mu|otor
un||m|teo tonnoge ooeon vesse|s
5poc|a| 0ps: B
|nt||trot|on, cxt||trot|on,|eoon
1oot|os,3trotegy, M|||tory ^ov|sory
3et,|eteot ^mbush
|emo||t|on, Unoerwoter |emo||t|on
Creen,B|oo| Beret 0perot|ons
5oc|a| 5k|||s: 6
3|cl| |rotooo|
3|cl| ct|quette
3|cl| ^om|n|strot|on
M|||tory ||ro|es
M|||tory |rotooo|
1 |et|ex|ve |ooge
3 1orget|ng
^ges 3 to 4 t|mes s|ower thon normo|
1eom. 3|cl|
^ooess to o|| ot 3|cl| weopons ono |nte|||genoe
veo|th 3
1 |ombot |ress
2 .15 |o||ber Neeo|e Cun, |onge 4, ^| ono 2x
oomogeJ or stun, 300 rounos
3 M^| 10 supermooh|ne p|sto| .45 oo||ber ^|,
2x oomogeJ
g|mm|o|s. teor gos boutonn|ere, outomot|o
|oo|p|o| p|sto| |oo|p|o| 6J, sh|rt oomposeo ot o
stob|e, |owtemperoture |gn|t|on exp|os|ve,
roo|o||n| t|e, bu||etproot 3J summersu|t,
reorv|ew per|soope hot, ohem|oo||y|mpregnoteo
o|oht|ng oonto|n|ng b|nory exp|os|ves, 0mego
3peeomoster ohronogroph oonto|n|ng o t|ot 1v
oomero ono o twowoy roo|o oommun|totor
lett eye b||no. surpr|se ottoo|s on h|s |ett s|oe get
|nto|||gonco 3
5trongth 6
Ag|||ty 5
5pood 5
Durab|||ty 7
Hoa|th 7
Lnorgy 21
oa|namo cugene M||ton Juoo
5poc|os Cenet|o mon|puot|on ot oe||u|or struoture
0ccupat|on protess|ono| ooventurer
Appoaranco 3'6, 225|bs, brown eyes, b|oo| ho|r bo|o on topJ
C|oso Combat: 4
//||||y 3ooos o/ Woooo VoJ|/|o/j
Mort|o| ^rts
|uo| sty|e oorobot|o ottoo|
5oc|a| 5k|||: 4
Mog|o,|emon|o lore
|h|nese |u|ture,longuoge
3evero| other longuoges
Acrobat|c: 6
//||||y 3ooosj
B|ack 0ps (Dotoct|voJ: 3
2 Mento| oetense
3 |etex|ve oooge
4 1oughness
|eoth1ronoe. he oon put h|mse|t |n o temporory
oeoth|||e tronoe stote, our|ng thot t|me he hos
heo||ng tootor.
oges very s|ow obout 3 to 4 t|mes s|owerJ
1eom. ^|pho |||ght
veo|th 3
Nonumon oppeoronoe owort|sm, no r|ght eorJ
|||es o gooo t|ght
|nto|||gonco 6
5trongth 2,6
Ag|||ty 2,4
5pood 2,4
Durab|||ty 2,4
Hoa|th 2,4
Lnorgy 12|J,12
||reheort, |umoJ
oa|namo 1homos ||reheort
5poc|os Mutogen|o ono Myst|o|sm
0ccupat|on Meroenory, |c0 ot ||reheort cnterpr|ses
Appoaranco 6'2, 240|bs, green eyes, b|oo| ho|r reo os |umoJ, |n h|s
|umon torm, h|s booy |s oovereo w|th t|ne ton tur, ono he
hos o soor over h|s r|ght eye ono o|ows
C|oso Combat: 4
/5|/oo|| o/ Woooo VoJ|/|o/j
Mort|o| ^rts
tro|neo by Moster Muromoto
angod Combat: 2
/Woooo VoJ|/|o/j
Bus|noss 5k|||: 4
5oc|a| 5k|||s: 3
|r|m|no| Unoergrouno
Bus|ness ct|quette
Bus|ness |rotooo|
Hunt|ng/1rack|ng: 4*
1rooe 3oent
|o||ow 1ro||
2 |et|ex|ve |ooge
2 1oughness
2 ||ows
7 ^n|mo| 3enses
^ooess to stoteottheort weoponry,equ|pment
up to 1eohno|ogy 5, through h|s own oompony
||reheort cnterpr|sesJ
veo|th 6
|s h|gher ottr|butes ono powers mor|eo w|th
ore on|y oot|voteo otter one pone| ot
oonoentrot|on ono no other oot|ons o||oweo |n
thot pone|
Nonumon ^ppeoronoe |n |umon torm
meroenory mento||ty
|eoo|y cnem|es. 1he Beyonoer, B|oo| |row
|nto|||gonco 4
5trongth 4
Ag|||ty 2
5pood 2
Durab|||ty 3
Hoa|th 3
Lnorgy 9
oa|namo |r. |hen lu
5poc|os Mutogen|o
0ccupat|on |rotess|ono| or|m|no|, tormerJ Nuo|eor phys|o|st
Appoaranco 6'6, 290|bs, brown eyes, no ho|r, hos |r|oesoent green s||n
wh|oh he oon oouse to oppeor normo| by |ower|ng h|s
roo|ot|on |eve| tor short per|oos
C|oso Combat: 2
//||||y o/ Woooo VoJ|/|o/j
angod Combat: 2
/Woooo VoJ|/|o/j
ono Cuns
Mastory ot ad|oact|v|ty: 9
|mmune to |oo|ot|on
|ree |oroe ||e|o
|oroe B|ost, 2x oomoge
eot B|ost, 2x oomoge, oouse oo||otero| oomoge
over oreo |no|tes t|reJ
moy b||no,hypnot|ze torget vs oetense, b||noeo
tor 2 pone|sJ
moy oouse o|zz|ness vs ourob|||ty, oot|ons 2 tor
2 pone|sJ
^bsorb |oo|ot|on
^ooumu|ote cnergy
5oc|a| 5k|||s: 3
|h|nese |u|ture,longuoge
3o|ent|t|o ||ro|es
ad|at|on/Nuc|oar hys|cs: 6
1h|ov|ng: 3
//||||y 3ooosj
1ochno|ogy: 3
/|o|o|||ooco 3ooosj
1 nu||roo|ot|on booy horness
Nonumon oppeoronoe
cmm|ts |oo|t|on. |t he ooes not weor h|s
nu||roo|ot|on booy horness, peop|e orouno h|m
get 3r heot oomoge every pone|
|eoo|y cnem|es. 3p|oerMon, ^vengers
|nto|||gonco 2
5trongth 4
Ag|||ty 3
5pood 2
Durab|||ty 3
Hoa|th 3
Lnorgy 9
oa|namo Custov |rueger
5poc|os umon,B|on|o
0ccupat|on |rotess|ono| |r|m|no|
Appoaranco ^ppeoronoe. 6'1, 245|bs to|| |no|uoeoJ, brown eyes, grey
ho|r, o 7' |ong 55|bs b|on|o to|| ottooheo to h|s sp|ne,
tong|||e teeth
C|oso Combat: 3
/5|/oo|| o/ Woooo VoJ|/|o/j
Voh|c|o 0porat|on: 3
3erpent 3ouoer
|orco ||o|d: 3
proouoeo by to||
proteot other orouno h|m, he oonnot oontro| who
he proteots
vs pro,eot||es on|y
1h|ov|ng: 3
//||||y 3ooosj
Move s||ent|y
5oc|a| 5k|||s: 3
Unoergrouno vor|o
Cermon longuoge,|u|ture
1o||. 3 oomoge, or o 1 stun ottoo| w|th son|o
rott||ngJ ottoo|, he oon o|so grosp smo|| ob,eots
w|th h|s to|| or hong by |t
Member ot the 3erpent 3oo|ety
e|eotron|o heor|ng o|o
2 Booy ormor
Nonumon oppeoronoe
B5/ oeot |n both eors
cnem|es. |opto|n ^mer|oo, XMen
|nto|||gonco 2
5trongth 2,6
Ag|||ty 3
5pood 3
Durab|||ty 4
Hoa|th 4
Lnorgy 12
3tr. 6 on|y |ett orm
oa|namo |ozo long|n|te trons|oteoJ
5poc|os 3h|'or,|yborg
0ccupat|on 3pooe p|rote, treeoom t|ghter
Appoaranco 5'11, 250|bs, b|ue eyes, b|ue, ye||ow, oronge ono wh|te
teothers, |ozo |s o oyborg. h|s |ett eye, |ett orm ono hono,
muoh ot h|s tooe ono thorox hove been rep|ooeo
C|oso Combat: 4
/5|/oo|| o/ Woooo VoJ|/|o/j
3h|'or Mort|o| ^rts
3h|'or |n|ves
3h|'or 3woros
angod Combat: 4
/Woooo VoJ|/|o/j
cnergy Cuns
||ot|ng: 3
3h|'or spooesh|ps
1ochno|ogy: 4
3torsh|p cng|neer|ng
1 |et|ex|ve |ooge
3 1orget|ng
|ozo oon tronstorm h|s |ett hono |nto o 3 b|ooe
4 B|oster p|sto| 2x oomogeJ, 4 ronge
h|s booy oonto|ns on otmosphere prooess|ng
system, thot enob|es h|m to breothe |n o||en
h|s booy oonto|ns severo| oomputers g|v|ng h|m
4 tree stones on tos| |nvo|v|ng |nte|||genoe.
oyborg eye. 6 n|ghtv|s|on, 6 |ntroreo
|nto|||gonco 6
5trongth 4
Ag|||ty 4
5pood 3
Durab|||ty 4
Hoa|th 4
Lnorgy 12
oa|namo Johonn 3ohm|ot
5poc|os umon,enhonoeo umon
0ccupat|on vou|obe wor|o oonqueror
Appoaranco 6'1, 195|bs, b|ue eyes h|s mos| mo|es them oppeor reoJ,
C|oso Combat: 4
/5|/oo|| o/ Woooo VoJ|/|o/j
vor|ous Mort|o| ^rts sty|es
angod Combat: 4
/Woooo VoJ|/|o/j
m|||tory weopons
Loadorsh|p: b
5poc|a| 0ps/M|||tary: b
3et,|eteot ^mbush
Cermon vv|| 3peo|o| |oroes 1ro|n|ng
5oc|a| 5k|||s: b
Cermon |u|ture,longuoge
M|||tory ct|quette
M|||tory |rotooo|
1h|ov|ng: 4
//||||y 3ooosj
1ochno|ogy: 4
/|o|o|||ooco VoJ|/|o/j
|nvont|ng: 1
/|o|o|||ooco VoJ|/|o/j
B|ochom|stry: b
3 |et|ex|ve |ooge
4 Mento| |etense
2 1orget|ng
2x Noturo| eo||ng |ote
^ooess to M|||tory veopons oonvent|ono| ono
veo|th 4
3 onogun, |onge 3
1 |ust ot |eoth ||reorm, |t ||||s o torget |t
oomoge stones ore equo| or greoter thon
|urob|||ty heoo ohonges o reo s|u||J, |onge 2
Nonumon oppeoronoe
or|m|no||y |nsone
lust tor |ower
1h|s |s the vers|on |n the o|one booy ot |opto|n
|nto|||gonco 2
5trongth 9
Ag|||ty 2
5pood 3
Durab|||ty 6
Hoa|th 6
Lnorgy 1B
oa|namo ^|ex 0'|rn
5poc|os umon
0ccupat|on |rotess|ono| or|m|no|
Appoaranco 6'5, 710|bs, brown eyes, brown ho|r
C|oso Combat: 3
/5|/oo|| o/ Woooo VoJ|/|o/j
orn ottoo|s
angod Combat: 2
/Woooo VoJ|/|o/j
ono Cuns
Unstoppab|o (ChargoJ: 3/7
/5|/oo|| 3ooosj
1he ^N |s 3 |t he w|thout h|s ormor, 7 w|th |t
1h|ov|ng: 3
//||||y 3ooosj
|roteot|on Money
6 Booy ^rmor vs |hys|oo|, 4 vs cnergy, eot
ono ^o|o. 1h|s ormor o|so proteots h|m w|th B |t
he ohorges |nto so||o ob,eots. 1he ormor |gnores
^| ono ooub|e oomoge
|roteot|ve ||e|o. |s ormor oestroys 3p|oerMon's
webb|ng |t |t touohes |h|no ormor
4 orn mounteo on the heoo ot the ormor
|eoo|y cnem|es. u||, 3p|oerMon
|horge. e w||| o||woys use h|s Unstoppob|e
power w|th ot |eost 3 stones |t poss|b|e eg.
enough stones ovo||ob|eJ
l||es to oestroy stutt
^rmor oonnot be removeo
|nto|||gonco 4,4
5trongth 2,9
Ag|||ty 2,4
5pood 2,4
Durab|||ty 2,6
Hoa|th 2,6
Lnorgy 6,1B
long|ows||, 3osquotoh
oa|namo |r. vo|ter long|ows||
5poc|os Mutongen|o
0ccupat|on |rotessor ot phys|os, ooventurer
Appoaranco 6'4,10', 245|bs,2000|bs, b|ue,reo eyes, b|ono,oronge
ho|r long|ows||,3osquotohJ
C|oso Combat: 3
/5|/oo|| o/ Woooo VoJ|/|o/j
angod Combat: 1
/Woooo VoJ|/|o/j
0b,eot 1hrow|ng
1ochno|ogy: 6/0
/|o|o|||ooco 3ooosj
|nvont|ng: 1/0
/|o|o|||ooco 3ooosj
|ootba||: 2/0
/5|/oo|| 3ooosj
5oc|a| 5k|||s: 3/0
|ootbo|| |u|ture,|u|es
3o|ent|t|o ||ro|es
Hunt|ng: 0/2
v||oerness 3urv|vo|
3 ||ows
4 1oughness, no ^|, no 2x oomoge, 6 vs oo|o
1eom. ^|pho |||ght
oon ohonge |nto 3osquotoh ot w|||
Nonumon ^ppeoronoe os 3osquotoh
^ot|ons ore 2r os 3osquotoh |n trop|oo|
Neors|ghteo os |r. long|ows||
1here |s o|so o more oongerous vers|on ot
|nt. 1
3trength 10
^g|||ty. 4
3peeo. 4
|urob|||ty. 7
|ho||enges. |t he |s not oontro||eo, he w||| ottoo|
everybooy, even tr|enos.
|nto|||gonco 2
5trongth 6
Ag|||ty 6
5pood 5
Durab|||ty 5
Hoa|th 5
Lnorgy 5,15
oa|namo Moo|ono|o Moo Corgon
5poc|os Mutogen|o
0ccupat|on |rotess|ono| |r|m|no|, tormer |nvest|gotor
Appoaranco 6'2, 220|bs, brown eyes, brown ho|r
C|oso Combat: 2
/5|/oo|| o/ Woooo VoJ|/|o/j
angod Combat: 2
/Woooo VoJ|/|o/j
1o|| pro,eotor
C||mb|ng: 3
B|ack 0ps(Dotoct|voJ: 3
1h|ov|ng: 4
//||||y 3ooosj
Move 3||ent|y
1 |et|ex|ve |ooge
Booy ^rmor. 3 vs |hys|oo|, 4 vs cnergy
|ybernet|o 1o||. 4 ||ose |ombot, 3 |ongeo
|ombot ||osmo |ro,eotor, |onge 3, th|s to|| o|so
g|ves h|m leop|ng 4
|ontoots. Moster ot cv||
loo|s nonhumon
|r|m|no||y |nsone
cnem|es. 3p|oerMon
|nto|||gonco 4
5trongth 1
Ag|||ty 1
5pood 1
Durab|||ty 1
Hoa|th 1
Lnorgy B|J
oa|namo 3||ors|y
5poc|os |hr'y||te
0ccupat|on |hys|o|on ot the 3tor,ommers
Appoaranco 3||ors|y |oo|s |||e o m|xture between o green meohon|oo|
orogont|y ono o he||oopter
|||ght: 2
1o|opathy: 3
1e|epoth|o |ommun|oot|on
|epo|r M|nos
Hoa||ng: 6/B
/F |/ |o |s no/||o n||| Wo|Jo's oooo/y |oo|sj
5c|onco: 6/B
/F |/ |o |s no/||o n||| Wo|Jo's oooo/y |oo|sj
2 1oughness
|nto|||gonco 3
5trongth 2
Ag|||ty 2
5pood 2
Durab|||ty 4
Hoa|th 4
Lnorgy 4,12
oa|namo |enu|oh|o orooo
5poc|os Mutont
0ccupat|on |rotess|ono| |r|m|no|
Appoaranco 6'6, 250|bs, b|oo| eyes, b|oo| ho|r
1achyon ||o|d: 7
|oous. |otono, ooos up to ^N stones to the
weopon moo|t|er, 1 stone to mo|nto|n
ot tu|| ^N he oon out through everyth|ng exoept
5amura|: b
/5|/oo|| o/ Woooo VoJ|/|o/j
Mort|o| ^rts
0r|ento| veopons
angod Combat: 3
/Woooo VoJ|/|o/j
0r|ento| veopons
1h|ov|ng: 3
//||||y 3ooosj
|r|m|no| |ontoots
Move 3|ent|y
5oc|a| 5k|||s: 3
cng||sh longuoge
Joponese longuoge
Booy ^rmor. 4
3 |ontono
1e|eport ||ng. 1e|eportot|on 10
loo|s susp|o|ous |n h|s ormor
|nto|||gonco 2
5trongth 6
Ag|||ty 3
5pood 3
Durab|||ty 5
Hoa|th 5
Lnorgy 15
oa|namo Noryo,^nne Mo|enz|e
5poc|os member ot ort|o oonoo|on goos
0ccupat|on ^oventurer
Appoaranco 5'10, 10B|bs, vh|te b|ue os ^nne Mo|ennz|eJ eyes, po|e
b|ono ho|r
C|oso Combat: 2
/5|/oo|| o/ Woooo VoJ|/|o/j
onotoono |ombot
1ro|neo by vo|ver|ne ono |uo|
5hapo-Chango: *
vh|te 0w|. 3trength. 2, ^g|||ty. 4, |urob|||ty. 4,
|||ght. 3, 1 o|ows, ||ose |ombot |s ^g|||ty boseo,
2 1oughness vs oo|o
|o|or Beor. 3trength. 4, ^g|||ty. 2, |urob|||ty.4, 2
o|ows, 2 1oughness vs |o|o
3osquotoh. 3trength. 9, ^g|||ty. 4, |urob|||ty. 7, 3
o|ows, 4 1oughness, 6 1oughness vs oo|o, 1
vs Mento| ottoo|s
^nne Mo|ennz|e. ,ust to mo|e her |oo| humon,
6r to oeteot
|t oost her 5 energy to sw|toh trom one torm to
Cop (CMJ: 4
|||ght: 3
5oc|a| 5k|||s: 4
|o||oe |u|ture
ct|quette |onoo|on ^rt|o CoosJ
|rotooo| |rotooo| |onoo|on ^rt|o CoosJ
|onoo|on,|renoh |u|ture
2 |et|ex|ve |ooge
|ost |ogn|t|on. 3he oon use o t|oshboo| pone|
onoe every t|ght ono onoe every hour wh||e not
1eom. ^|pho |||ght
1 toughness speo|o| tobr|o oostume to proteot
her trom tr|ot|on
Nonumon oppeoronoe
Myst|oo||y bouno. |t she |eoves |onooo she w|||
oge rop|o|y ono |ose 1 heo|th every 2 hour ono
oonnot t|y or shopeohonge. |t she returns to
|onooo, she rego|ns 1 heo|th every 2 hours ono
her oge returns to normo|
|nto|||gonco 3
5trongth 4
Ag|||ty 9
5pood 12
Durab|||ty B
Hoa|th B
Lnorgy 24
oa|namo Jomes 3onoers
5poc|os Mutogen|o
0ccupat|on |rotess|ono| or|m|no|
Appoaranco 5'11, 175|bs, b|oo| eyes, groy ho|r
C|oso Combat: 3
/5ooJ o/ Woooo VoJ|/|o/j
Bos|o ono to ono
angod Combat: 3
/Woooo VoJ|/|o/j
ono weopons
oyo|ones ottoo|
L|ghtn|ng 5pood: 12
Use ^N os 3trength tor breo||ng, gropp||ng
|reote oyo|ones, ^N,2 os weopon moo|t|er tor
rongeo ottoo|, ronge 3. 1h|s |s on|y poss|b|e
every other pone|
voter |unn|ng ot ^N,2 mox|mum speeo
vo|| |unn|ng ot ^N,4 mox|mum speeo
|nv|s|b||ty ot 3peeo,3 when runn|ng
cxomp|es. |t he puts 6 stones |n th|s power, he
oon run over woter ot speeo 3, ono go|ns
|nv|s|b|||ty ot 1 wh||e oo|ng so 3peeo,3J. |t he
puts B stones |nto th|s power, he |s oons|oereo
runn|ng ot oon use h|s oyo|ones os 4 weopon
moo|t|er tor o rongeo ottoo|.
5oc|a| 5k|||s: 3
|r|m|no| |ontoots
6 |et|ex|ve |ooge
6 oetense vs oo|o, orugs ono o|ooho|
veo|th 2
|nto|||gonco 4
5trongth 3
Ag|||ty 4
5pood 4
Durab|||ty 4
Hoa|th 4
Lnorgy 12
oa|namo ||to |ost nome un|nownJ
5poc|os umon, genet|o eng|neereo by Mo,o
0ccupat|on ^|oe to Mo,o
Appoaranco 6'2, we|ght un|nown, ||ght b|ue eyes, s||ver ho|r
C|oso Combat: 3
//||||y o/ 3xWoooo VoJ|/|o/j
long sworo
Mort|o| ^rts
Mu|t|^rm t|ght|ng
5p|ra| Mag|c: B
|t useo, th|s |s the on|y oot|on tor th|s pone| ono
to|es one pone| to prepore 3p|ro| oonoeJ, mog|o
|ower B|ost, |onge 3
cnergy |et|eot|on
|omper |ower
|ntero|menst|ono| 1rove|
|nv|s|b|||ty ^N.4
|ro|n cnergy, to|es 2 ooo|t|ono| pone|s oono|ng
orouno v|ot|m
cnhonoe,|eoreose |ower by , 2 |eve|s
1rack|ng (HumansJ: 6
5oc|a| 5k|||s: 3
speo|s the |onguoges ot mony o|tterent
4 Mento| |etense
1 |et|ex|ve |ooge
2 1oughness
2 |ong sworo 4xJ, mooe ot o||en moter|o| 9
horonessJ, sworo oon o|so be useo |n o s|ng|e
two honoeo ottoo| 4J
1 oogger
2 unusuo| |oo|s
|nto|||gonco 2
5trongth B
Ag|||ty 3
5pood 3
Durab|||ty 6
Hoa|th 6
Lnorgy 1B
5poc|os 3|ru||
0ccupat|on v|||o|n
Appoaranco 6', 625|bs, green eyes, no ho|r
C|oso Combat: 3
/5|/oo|| o/ Woooo VoJ|/|o/j
3|ru|| Mort|o| ^rts
5kru|| M|||tary: 4
M|||tory 3o|enoe
5kru|| 1ochno|ogy: 3
angod Combat: 4
/Woooo VoJ|/|o/j
3|ru|| veopons
|ree veopons
5hapo-5h|tt: B
3 stones to oot|vote
1 stone to mo|nto|n
^N res|stonoe to oeteot
th|s power |s outomot|oo||y |n oonstont use ono
ooes not oost on oot|on
Hypnot|sm: 7
5trotch|ng: B(*J
Mastory ot ||ro: 7(*J
|mmune to the etteots ot t|re, heot
oon turn |nto t|re
|reote ||re, mon|pu|ote t|ome
|oroe B|ost 2x oomogeJ
^ooumu|ote cnergy
||y|ng: b(*J
on|y when t|ome on
1 stone to oorry others w|thout burn|ng them
|reote ||re, mon|pu|ote t|ome
|oroe B|ost 2x oomogeJ
^ooumu|ote cnergy
|nv|s|b|||ty: 6(*J
|orco ||o|d: 6(*J
6 1oughness, he oon m|m|o the 1h|ng's roo|y
2 |ooge
|ontoots. 1he 3uper3|ru|| wos or|g|no||y the
ohosen ohomp|on ot the 3|ru|| cmperor |orre|
ono the |eooer ot o|| the 3|ru|| speo|o| operot|ves
|osm|o roy pro,eotor see oho||engesJ
|ower 3ouroe. 1he 3uper3|ru|| oer|ves h|s
enhonoeo powers trom oosm|o roy pro,eotors
thot gother the energy ono o|reot|y re|oy |t to h|m.
|t he |s removeo trom oontoot w|th the power
beom, he |s oepenoent on ovo||ob|e oosm|o
energy, subsequent|y o|| oot|ons mor|eo w|th J
ore |owereo by 3
e oon on|y hove 2 powers mor|eo w|th J
oot|voteo ot the some t|me
1he 3uper3|ru|| wos oreoteo tor the express
purpose ot oveng|ng the 3|ru||s when the ||
oeteoteo the|r t|rst soouts. 1he toughest, most
oongerous 3|ru|| worr|or wos g|ven powers equo|
to the ||.
|nto|||gonco 2
5trongth 1
Ag|||ty 1
5pood 1
Durab|||ty 1
Hoa|th 1
Lnorgy 3
reouoeo oue to |||ness
oa|namo Unreveo|eo
5poc|os umon
0ccupat|on ^ssoss|n, protess|ono| or|m|no|
Appoaranco 6'2, 2B7|bs, brown ho|r, brown eyes
C|oso Combat: 1
/5|/oo|| o/ Woooo VoJ|/|o/j
angod Combat: 6
/Woooo VoJ|/|o/j
1r|o|shots w|th Bow
5oc|a| 5k|||: 4
||rous |ertormonoe
Unoergrouno vor|o
1h|ov|ng: 3
//||||y 3ooosj
3etup,|eteot ^mbush
|nvont|ng: 2
/|o|o|||ooco 3ooosj
3peo|o| ^rrows
1 1oughness
5 1orget|ng moy o|woys use |t ot tu|| |eve| when
us|ng o bowJ
unter's bow
a w|do var|oty ot "tr|ck" arrows, |nc|ud|ng:
smo|e bombs 1 vs oetense, oreo, |ost 1 pone|J
bo|o orrows 1 gropp||ng ottoo|, neeo 3tr,^g|.
3 to removeJ
1 360 oegree orrows |gnore ret|ex|ve ooogeJ
1 ^| orrows
1 cxp|os|ve ^rrows oreo oomogeJ
1 normo| orrows
1erm|no||y ||| oonoerJ
|eoo|y cnem|es. ow|eye
|nto|||gonco 4,43|J
5trongth 1,5
Ag|||ty 1,5
5pood 1,3
Durab|||ty 1,4
Hoa|th 1,4
Lnorgy B|J,12
oa|namo ^or|on 1oomes
5poc|os umon,|owereo ^rmor
0ccupat|on rotess|ono| or|m|no|, tormer e|eotron|os eng|neer
Appoaranco 5'11, 175|bs, hoze| eyes, bo|o
C|oso Combat: 1/3
//||||y o/ Woooo VoJ|/|o/j
|ozor v|ngs
|^ |ombot
angod Combat: 1
/Woooo VoJ|/|o/j
ono Cuns
A |||ght: 4
3peeo mox|mum |s 2
5oc|a| 5k|||s: 3
Bus|noss: 2
1h|ov|ng: 3
//||||y 3ooosj
1ochno|ogy: 4
/|o|o|||ooco 3ooosj
|nvont|ng: 4
/|o|o|||ooco 3ooosj
3 |^ |ozor v|ngs
4 |^ 1oughness c|eotromog|net|o ornessJ
veo|th 2
|r|m|no||y |nsone
or|ven by revenge
|eoo|y cnem|es. 3p|oerMon
|nto|||gonco 2,1
5trongth 4,9
Ag|||ty 4,4
5pood 4,4
Durab|||ty 4,6
Hoa|th 4,6
Lnorgy 12,1B
oa|namo B'nee ono |'o||
5poc|os unreveo|eo
0ccupat|on vorr|ors serv|ng |n the |oyo| c||te ot the 3h|'or |mper|o|
Appoaranco B'nee. 5'9, 150|bs, |'o|| 14',2, 975|bs. vorstor |s o
meohono|o symb|ote ot two seporote be|ngs, B'nee ono |'o||.
B'nee r|oes on the boo| ot |'o||. Both hove green eyes w|th
no v|s|b|e pup||s or |r|ses.
C|oso Combat: b
/5|/oo|| o/ Woooo VoJ|/|o/j
3h|'or Mort|o| ^rts
3h|'or o|ose oombot weopons
|ower ^rmor
1o|opathy: 2
1hey both oommun|oote te|epoth|o
L|octr|c 5hock: b
B'nee oon use th|s power on|y
1ouoh on|y
^rmor p|ero|ng, 2x oomoge
|ower ^rmor. B'nee 5, |'o|| 7, no ormor
p|ero|ng or ooub|e oomoge
^nt|grov|ty oev|oe. |||ght 4
Meohono|o 3ymb|ote. beoouse both ore ||n|eo, |t
one gets oomogeo, the other gets ho|t ot the
oomoge rounoeo oown. |'o||'s |ow |nte||eot re||es
on B'nee, so |t B'nee |s out, the o|ose oombot ono
|||gt ore oown to 1
|nto|||gonco 2
5trongth 3
Ag|||ty 4
5pood 6
Durab|||ty 4
Hoa|th 4
Lnorgy 12
speeo oroer ot oot|ons
oa|namo |ov|o |onnon
5poc|os Mutont
0ccupat|on |rotess|ono| |r|m|no|
Appoaranco 6'1, 220|bs, 220|bs, b|ue eyes, brown ho|r
C|oso Combat: 2
/5ooJ o/ Woooo VoJ|/|o/j
^rm B|ooes
angod Combat: 2
/Woooo VoJ|/|o/j
w|r|w|nd: 4
^|r 3tr||e. 1 stone oomoge per 1 stone spent, 3
v|no3oreen. 1 1oughness per 1 stones spent,
one stone to mo|nto|n
1 ooo|t|ono| speeo per 2 stones spent, 1 to
1ornooo. 1 oomoge per stone 1 spent, ronge 2
1ornooo l|tt|ng. 1 strength to ||tt per 1 stones
spent, 1 to mo|nto|n ||tt
||ose |ombot veopon Moo|t|er. 1 per 1 stones
spent, one stone to mo|nto|n
1hrown veopon Moo|t|er. 2 ooo|t|ono| to the
normo| weopon moo|t|erJ
|mmun|ty to o|zzyness
|||ght. 5
1h|ov|ng: 3
//||||y 3ooosj
|r|m|no| |ontoots
5oc|a| 5k|||s: 3
||rous |ertormonoe
vrest||ng |ertormonoe
1eom. Mosters ot cv||
3 ^rm b|ooes
2 3hur||en
cnem|es. ^vengers
KLL wA|0
|nto|||gonco 2
5trongth 3
Ag|||ty 1
5pood 2
Durab|||ty 3
Hoa|th 3
Lnorgy 9
Appoaranco umono|o. 1he mo,or|ty hove b|ue p|gmentot|on wh||e o
smo|| peroentoge hove p|n| p|gmentot|on. e|ght. 6tt
ve|ght. 150|bs
C|oso Combat: 2
/5|/oo|| o/ Woooo VoJ|/|o/j
|ree M|||tory 3ty|e
angod Combat: 2
/Woooo VoJ|/|o/j
|ree veopons
Kroo M|||tary: 2
/|o|o|||ooco 3ooosj
3 B|oster ||sto|, |onge 5, 2x oomoge
Breoth|ng |ev|oe
1 |etense |ombot 3u|t
1he |ree rooe hos reooheo |ts opex ot evo|ut|on
ono now |oo|s v|to||ty ono |mog|not|on. vhen tooeo
w|th o prob|em, |ree worr|ors ore |||e|y to pursue
the most o|reot route to reso|ut|on. 1hey ore
genero||y ett|o|ent ono o|reot |n bott|e.
5H|'A 50LD|L
|nto|||gonco 2
5trongth 3
Ag|||ty 2
5pood 2
Durab|||ty 2
Hoa|th 2
Lnorgy 6
Appoaranco 1he 3h|'or ore on o||en rooe |oo||ng o|most humono|o. 1hey
hove ov|on onoestors, port ot the|r heoo |s st||| oovereo by
C|oso Combat: 2
/5|/oo|| o/ Woooo VoJ|/|o/j
3h|'or Mort|o| ^rts
|eremon|o| 3woro
angod Combat: 3
/Woooo VoJ|/|o/j
3h|'or loser ||sto|
5h|'ar 5c|onco: 2
3h|'or storsh|p oontro|
spooe nov|got|on
Gonora| Know|odgo: 2
3h|'or re||g|on
3h|'or teohno|ogy
4 B|oster ||sto|, |onge 5, 2x oomoge
3 |er. 3woro
2 |etense Booy ^rmor
5KULL wA|0
|nto|||gonco 2
5trongth 1
Ag|||ty 1
5pood 1
Durab|||ty 2
Hoa|th 2
Lnorgy 6
Appoaranco ^ s|ru||s |s obout 5' w|th b|g po|nty eors, green s||n ono
b|oo| ho|r.
5hapo-5h|tt: b
3 stones to oot|vote
1 stone to mo|nto|n
^N res|stonoe to oeteot
C|oso Combat: 2
/5|/oo|| o/ Woooo VoJ|/|o/j
3|ru|| Mort|o| ^rts
5kru|| M|||tary: 2
/|o|o|||ooco 3ooosj
M|||tory 3o|enoe
5kru|| 5c|onco: 2
3torsh|p Nov|got|on
angod Combat: 2
/Woooo VoJ|/|o/j
B|oster ||sto|
^g|ng |oy
B|oster ||sto|, |onge 5, 4 ||osmo B|ost mooe
2x oomogeJ, 3 |onouss|on mooe 2x oomoge
or stunJ, 2 eot mooe 2x oomoge, ^|J, 2
|oo|ot|on mooe 2x oomoge, ^|J
^g|ng |oy, |onge 2, 25 B|ophys|oo| |ontro|
^g|ngJ, v|ot|ms thot ore oomogeo by th|s roy ore
unoono|ous tor 3 pone|s ono oge 5000 t|mes
toster thon normo|. |t oon on|y be reverseo by o
b|ost trom o speo|o||y moo|t|eo ^g|ng |oy
||tt|ou|ty 6 to moo|tyJ
Booy ^rmor 1 |etense
|nto|||gonco 2
5trongth 2
Ag|||ty 2
5pood 2
Durab|||ty 3
Hoa|th 3
Lnorgy 12
Appoaranco ^ s|ru||s |s obout 5' w|th b|g po|nty eors, green s||n ono
b|oo| ho|r.
5hapo-5h|tt: 6
3 stones to oot|vote
1 stone to mo|nto|n
^N res|stonoe to oeteot
C|oso Combat: 3
/5|/oo|| o/ Woooo VoJ|/|o/j
3|ru|| Mort|o| ^rts
5kru|| M|||tary: 2
/|o|o|||ooco 3ooosj
M|||tory 3o|enoe
5kru|| 5c|onco: 2
3torsh|p Nov|got|on
Loadorsh|p: 2
angod Combat: 3
/Woooo VoJ|/|o/j
B|oster ||sto|
^g|ng |oy
B|oster ||sto|, |onge 5, 4 ||osmo B|ost mooe
2x oomogeJ, 3 |onouss|on mooe 2x oomoge
or stunJ, 2 eot mooe 2x oomoge, ^|J, 2
|oo|ot|on mooe 2x oomoge, ^|J
^g|ng |oy, |onge 2, 25 B|ophys|oo| |ontro|
^g|ngJ, v|ot|ms thot ore oomogeo by th|s roy ore
unoono|ous tor 3 pone|s ono oge 5000 t|mes
toster thon normo|. |t oon on|y be reverseo by o
b|ost trom o speo|o||y moo|t|eo ^g|ng |oy
||tt|ou|ty 6 to moo|tyJ
Booy ^rmor 1 |etense
^|| the to||ow|ng ohorooters ore trom the Morve| Un|verse
|o|ep|oy|ng |orum torum |oooteo ot
http.,,murpg.probooros19.oom,. 1hey ore o|| useo w|th
perm|ss|on by the outhors.
1hon|s to. ^strum, |s|str||e, ono Xov|er tor the wr|teups.
|nto|||gonco 3
5trongth 5
Ag|||ty 3
5pood 3
Durab|||ty 4
Hoa|th 4
Lnorgy 12
oa|namo |ron| |vorson
5poc|os umon o|tereo by ^||en 1eohno|ogy
Appoaranco Mo|e, 5'6, 160|bs, brown eyes, b|ono ho|r
croatod by Astrum
Computor 5c|onco: 4
/|o|o|||ooco VoJ|/|o/j
^|| ||t|es,onoguns
5oc|a| 5k|||s: 3
|omputer 3o|ent|st,Cee|s
^veroge |erson
Mastory ot L|ght: 6
|reote l|ght Borr|ers, B|oo|s 1 3tone per 3tone
useo, |urot|on 1 |one|,3tone
|hoton|o B|ost. Normo| oomoge, but o|so oreo
ottoo| vs. ourob|||ty to stun, |urot|on 1 |oner per
3tone ot |omoge
|hoton |u|se. ^ooumu|ote cnergy, 1 3tone per
|one| ot |horg|ng up to tw|oe ^ot|on leve|,
|ouses ^reo |omoge, 3tunneo tor 1 |one| otter
|||ght: b
4 1oughness
veo|th 3
|ower Bonos
Non umon ^ppeoronoe
1ronstormot|on. vhen ^strum oot|votes h|s
|ower Bonos they tronstorm h|m |nto o b|oo|
ono ye||ow torm. vh||e |n Normo| torm ^strum
hos no 3uper |owers
|ort. 0ne
||roo s|x hunoreo thousono yeors ogo, the
so|ent|t|o oommono sh|p ot the |noo| cmp|re, the
|oomus s|ts on the cvent or|zon ot on unnomeo
3|ngu|or|ty. ^ rozor th|n beom ot b|u|shgreen
energy extenos trom the t|p ot the weoge shopeo
orott oeseno|ng |nto the |nt|n|te b|oo|ness betore |t.
0n the |orge oommono br|oge ot the storsh|p the
|noo| |opto|n s|ts speo||ng |nto o personne|
reooroer oooument|ng the eno ot o pro,eot thot he
hopes w||| sove h|s peop|e...
ve ore the t|no| hope ot the cmp|re. |or over
th|rty thousono yeors our speo|es hos re|gneo
supreme over o |orge port|on ot the go|oxy.
3ponn|ng e|ght hunoreo wor|os, the |noo| cmp|re
hos r|sen to o he|ght ot teohno|og|oo| ono genet|o
super|or|ty thot moy we|| never be seen |n th|s
go|oxy ever ogo|n. |n sp|te ot th|s |t seems thot
some ot our peop|e ho|o on to the greeoy
|no||not|ons ot our onoestors. ^s |s o|reooy we||
|now some one hunoreo yeors ogo severo| 3eotor
0ver|oros oeo|oeo they hoo no neeo ot the
omewor|o, nor the rest ot the cmp|re, ono oeoeo
trom us. 1hese too|s hove s|noe wogeo o wor
ogo|nst not on|y the omewor|o, ono the wor|os
thot remo|n |oyo| to |t, but o|so ogo|nst eooh other.
^s the yeors hove posseo they oont|nue to
esoo|ote the weopons they use, |oy|ng woste to
ent|re p|onets ono oestroy|ng unto|o numbers ot
sh|ps ono personne|. ^s |t thot wosn't boo enough
the |eoo|ng so|ent|sts ot the cmp|re, o|| ot whom
ore on the |oomus, be||eve thot severo| |no|genous
||tetorms thot ex|st on our wor|os ore enter|ng on
evo|ut|onory stoge thot w||| br|ng them to
sent|enoe. 1h|s oou|o turther stro|n our oontro| ot
the |nown go|oxy ono br|ng us to the t|no| stoge ot
1hot |s where the ^strum |ro,eot oomes |n. |n
the t|rst t|tty yeors ot th|s wor, the tro|torous
vor|oros o|srupteo most ot the trooe ono
oommun|oot|on networ|s estob||sheo ooross the
cmp|re. 1he |mper|o| 3o|enoe |ouno|| oeo|oeo to
to|e o orost|o meosure. |eseoroh hoo ,ust
oono|uoeo thot 3|ngu|or|t|es, those huge B|oo|
o|es |n spooe, o|o more then ,ust suo| ||ght
,energy, ono motter out ot the ether orouno them.
3oons |no|ooteo thot they tronstormeo them |nto o
h|gh|y ohorgeo ono unstob|e torm ot motter. 1h|s
Ouontum Motter remo|neo |oo|eo |n the heort ot
the 3|gu|or|ty tor o|| t|me. 1he |ouno|| be||eveo we
oou|o horness th|s moter|o| tor the ben|t|t ot the
cmp|re. 1he reo| prob|em oome |n retr|ev|ng |t, on|y
o tew mo|eou|es ot th|s motter were tormeo every
severo| m||||on yeors, ono ot oourse the toot thot
3|ngu|or|t|es o|storteo spooet|me so roo|oo||y
w|th|n themse|ves thot onyth|ng enter|ng one oou|o
never opporent|y return. v|th|n o tew yeors the
|ouno|| overoome those obstoo|es, ono o|spotoheo
the ent|re 3o|enoe ||eet to beg|n m|n|ng Ouontum
Motter ono oonstruot|ng the meons by wh|oh |t
oou|o be useo to serve the cmp|re.
1he greot m|nos obooro the |oomus qu|o||y
oeterm|neo the best woy to use the potent|o||y
un||m|teo power troppeo w|th|n th|s moter|o|. By
oreot|ng o po|r ot |ower Bonos thot wou|o ottooh
to o sub,eot's wr|sts, reorrong|ng th|er mo|eou|or
struoture so they oou|o tuse w|th the Ouontum
Motter ono oontro| the energy thot |t hos storeo
w|th|n |t ono |s oopob|e ot oont|nu|ng to obsorb.
1he bonos ore o wonoertu| m|xture ot
m|oroo|rou|try ono oesthet|o oes|gn, th|er on|y
orowboo| |s they on|y ex|st os ho|ogroph|o
b|uepr|nts. ve w||| neeo to oomp||e o|| the
Ouontum Motter |n oroer to torge them onoe
mooe they oon be useo on|y onoe. 1he 3o|enoe
||eet hos spent the post t|ve ono o ho|t oeoooes
trove||ng trom 3|ngu|or|ty to 3|ngu|or|ty speno|ng
one or two yeors ot eooh m|n|ng Ouontum
Motter. ^no os we t|n|sh our t|no| operot|ons here
we w||| renoezvous w|th the rest ot the 3o|enoe
||eet ono beg|n tronster ot o|| Ouontum Motter,
the m|n|ng equ|pment, ono oooumu|oteo ooto, to
our vesse|.
1he |opto|n enoeo h|s reooro|ng ono turneo to
tooe the young ens|gn who opproooheo h|m w|th o
ser|ous |oo| on h|s tooe. 3|r, the teohs report thot
they hove t|n|sheo the t|no| removo| ot moter|o|
trom th|s 3|ngu|or|ty, ono the t|eet hos s|gno|eo
th|er orr|vo| w|th|n the next tew hours. 1he
|opto|n, w|thout the s||ghtest ohonge |n
express|on, gove o s|ng|e ourt noo. |ntorm |r.
lenox ot th|s, ono |et h|m |now |'m on my woy to
the oonto|nment oeo|. 1he ens|gn gove o oeep
bow ono turneo to h|s oommun|oot|on oonso|e to
re|oy the |ntormot|on.
^s |opto|n |enor trove|eo |n the turbo||tt oown to
the oonto|nment oeo|, where the oo||eoteo
Ouontum Motter wos storeo, he wonoereo why
he o|woys te|t the neeo to goze upon th|s merour|o|
substonoe thot they gothereo. ^t |eost onoe they
hoo t|n|sheo ot ony 3|ngu|or|ty. |n o woy he guesseo
|t oooeo o true s|noe ot |mportonoe to hov|ng ,ust
spent o yeor or more s|tt|ng oeoo st||| |n spooe,
|oo||ng |nto on b|oo|ness so obso|ute thot the rest
ot oeep spooe seemeo br|ght |n oompor|son.
v|th|n the oonto|nment oeo| severo| teohs ono |r.
lenox stooo orouno o oroo|||ng engery sphere thot
he|o the unou|ot|ng go|oen motter thot wos the
toous tor o|| these yeors ot wor|. 1he huge energy
t|e|o seemeo o|sproport|onote to the |noreo|b|y
smo|| omount ot Ouontum Motter |t oonto|neo. 0t
oourse the |opto|n |new thot w|thout the t|e|o the
motter |ns|oe wou|o oetonote w|th suoh o toroe
thot the |oomus wou|o toto||y vopor|ze w|th|n
seoonos. 1he |ootor turneo to tooe |opto|n |enor
os he opprooheo. |ts omoz|ng os o|woys |sn't |t
|opto|n, o tew more ro|norops worth ot moter|o| to
ooo to the poo|. 1he |opto|n oou|on't supress o
sm||e, |r. lenox wos the |eoo so|ent|st on the
^strum |ro,eot, ono he seemeo to en,oy these
moments os muoh os the |opto|n. 1he |ootor
turneo boo| to the t|e|o, cven though |ts |n o
quos|||qu|o stote, onoe we hove gothereo o|| the
somp|es together we oon use the mo|eou|or
resequenoer to so||o|ty them |nto the|r t|no| shope.
e ot oourse reterreo to o|| |mportont |ower
Bonos. 1he |ootor somet|mes repeoteo toots he
|new thot those orouno h|m were we|| owore ot,
but the |opto|n ossumeo |t wos one ot those
qu|r|s thot the exoept|ono||y br|||ont otten
portroyeo. By the Creot 0nes |t wos better then
some ot the |o|osynoros|es the other so|ent|sts
1he |opto|n hoo ,ust returneo to the br|oge, os the
sh|ps ot the 3o|enoe ||eet orr|veo. e hoo stoyeo
on the oonto|nment oeo| |ong enough to oversee
the tronster ot the t|no| somp|e |nto the pr|mory
ho|o|ng ton| betore return|ng to h|s pr|mory post.
1ronsm|t to the vesse|s, |ntorm them they oon
beg|n the|r tronster. 1he some ens|gn who hoo
reporteo to h|m eor||er boweo, |mmeo|ot|y, s|r.
1he ens|gn ogo|n returneo to h|s oonso|e to mo|e
the tronsm|ss|ons. 1he |opto|n s|gheo o|ouo.
'3oon..', he thought to h|mse|t, '3oon, we oon o||
return to the omewor|o, the eno |s t|no||y here.'
|ort. 1wo
|t hoo to|en obout three hours tor the oozen other
vesse|s |n the 3o|enoe ||eet to tronster o|| the|r
^strum |ro,eot re|oteo moter|o|s, |no|uo|ng the|r
Ouontum Motter to the |oomus. |opto|n |enor
hoo bore|y g|v|n them the oroer to return to the
omewor|o betore he begon h|s oesoent toworo
the pr|mory ^strum lob. ||o|ng o|one |n the
turbo||tt the |opto|n o||oweo h|mse|t o br|et
ohuo||e, he wos obout to w|tness h|story |n the
|opto|n |enor entereo the |ob ootoh|ng the
so|ent|sts |n m|osentenoe, |eve|s opt|mo|,
oown|ooo|ng the v|rtuo| pottern. v|th thot the
ho|ogroph|o b|uepr|nt ot the |ower Bonos
oppeoreo |n the oenter ot the room, suspenoeo
w|th|n o b|uegreen t|e|o ot steooy energy. ^s he
opprooheo the t|e|o, |r. lenox steppeo up beh|no
h|m. cveryth|ng |s prooeeo|ng on soheou|e.
^|though the t|no| tests we hove been runn|ng on
the energy |eve|s oonto|neo w|th|n the Ouontum
Motter hove y|e|oeo some o|sturb|ng resu|ts. 1he
|opto|n turneo to tooe the |ootor, who wosteo no
t|me o|or|ty|ng whot he meont, 1he |eve|s ore ott
the soo|e, tor beyono whot the 3o|enoe |ouno|| hoo
preo|oteo. vhen we return to the omewor|o the
oono|ootes w||| neeo to be resoreeneo. vhen the
Bonos pertorm the mo|eou|or reorrongement the
sub,eot w||| unoergo suoh genet|o stress thot |t
they ore not perteot tor the prooeoure they w|||
|ose oohes|on. vhere betore we be||eveo our
oes|gn wou|o o||ow o e|ghty to n|nety peroent
ohonoe ot suooess, these new reoo|ngs now show
thot ohonoe to be |ess then torty. 1he |opto|n te|t
o grow|ng sense ot oreoo, '1hey ore go|ng to wont
more t|me...' e out ott the |ootor betore he oou|o
speo|, |omp|ete the monutootur|ng prooeoure,
you oon wor| out ony ||n|s onoe we return to the
omewor|o. 1he |ootor s|gheo, but turneo ono
s|gno|eo the others |t wos t|me to beg|n.
cveryone stooo orouno the energy t|e|o wotoh|ng
the ho|ogroph|o mo|o, mooe ot ||ght ono
toroet|e|os, os |t begon to sh|mmer w|th the ||ght
oouseo by the mo|eou|or resequenoer os |t moveo
the Ouontum Motter otom by otom trom the
storoge un|t |nto the mo|o. |ootor lenox wos
grow|ng v|s|b|y exo|teo, 1he resequenoer |s |s
wor||ng perteot|y the Ouontum Motter |s be|ng
retormeo |nto o stob|e, so||o moter|o|. 0noe
oomp|ete the Bonos w||| be |noestruotob|e, ono
qu|te |nert. ^t |eost unt|| toouseo by oot|ve
thought. 1he |ootor's tooe oroo|eo open |n o w|oe
sm||e. e wos most p|eoseo w|th h|s new oreot|on.
1he sh|mmer|ng beoome |noreo|b|y |ntense
b|eooh|ng owoy ony s|gn ot the ho|ogroph|o mo|o.
^no then |t oeoseo, oooompon|eo by o e|eotron|o
oh|rp, |no|oot|ng the prooeoure wos oomp|ete.
1here t|oot|ng w|th|n the t|e|o wos o po|r o perteot|y
smooth go|oen wr|st bonos thot seemeo to g|ow
w|th on |nterno| ||ght. |ts oomp|ete, we've oone |t!!,
the |ootor shouteo.
^s the so|ent|sts potteo eooh other on the boo|s
ono posseo out oongrotu|ot|ons, |opto|n |enor
turneo to |ootor lenox, |ou|o you |ower the t|e|os,
|'o |||e to to|e o o|oser |oo| ot them now thot they
ore t|n|sheo. 1hey too| mony yeors ot my ||te, ono
|'o |||e o t|rsthono |oo| ot the ob,eots thot w||| sove
our cmp|re. 1he |ootor noooeo |n ogreement,
|r. 3to|un, p|eose |ower the t|e|os. ^s the th|n,
nervous |oo||ng so|ent|st mooe h|s woy to the
oontro|s there wos suooen b||no|ng t|osh ot wh|te
||ght thot oome trom the |ower Bonos. 1he t|osh
wos |mmeo|ot|y to||oweo by o |ouo worn|ng ||oxon.
^|| the so|ent|sts moveo to the|r vor|ous posts. |r.
ezror, the temo|e on the teom, turneo to the
|opto|n ono |r. lenox, 1he sensors |no|oote there
wos o suooen |ntense burst ot roo|ot|on trom the
Bonos, |t the t|e|os hoon't been |n p|ooe |t wou|o
hove ||||eo us o||. |ootor lenox beoome v|sob|y
o|sturbeo, |heo| the storoge un|t, wos there ony
unuseo motter st||| |n |t? ^nother so|ent|st spo|e
up, Moybe there wos res|ouo| energy troppeo |n
the motr|x? |r. lenox shoo| h|s heoo, |t there
wos |t wou|o hove o|sohorgeo |mmeo|ot|y otter the
prooess oomp|eteo. |r. 3to|un turneo trom h|s
oonso|e, 1he storoge un|t's |og shows |t hoo
oomp|ete|y empt|eo our|ng the prooess, noth|ng
wos |ett beh|no. |r. lenox turneo to the |opto|n,
but he ro|seo h|s hono betore he oou|o speo|, No
|ootor, we ore not wo|t|ng tor ony turther tests,
|eep the t|e|os |n p|ooe, ono oont|nue to mon|tor
the energy |eve|s. ve ore heoo|ng home, you ono
the |mper|o| 3o|enoe |ouno|| ono wor| out ony
prob|ems there. | ono my orew hove oone our
1he |oomus hoo o|reooy pu||eo owoy trom the
3|ngu|or|ty thot hoo been |ts oompon|on tor the
post twenty months os |ts |opto|n t|n|sheo
upoot|ng h|s |og w|th the reoent events ot the
^strum |ro,eot. |opto|n |enor turneo to the
|onn 0tt|oer, loy |n o oourse tor the omewor|o,
ono prepore to |n|t|ote the worp t|e|o. ^ neorby
ens|gn turneo to the |opto|n, 3|r, |r. lenox
w|shes to speo| to you. 1he |opto|n noooeo, |ut
|t through my personne| ohonne|. 1he
oommun|oot|on oev|oe on |opto|n |enor's
oommono oho|r beepeo onoe betore the |ootor's
vo|oe oome through. |opto|n we hove been to||ng
oonstont reoo|ngs trom the Bonos ever s|noe the
|no|oent, os you oroereo. 1he soonners ,ust
reg|stereo someth|ng very unusuo|, we ore
oeteot|ng o|pho woves. 1he |opto|n orew boo|, he
wos no so|ent|st but he |new enough obout
phys|o|ogy thon|s to h|s m|||tory tro|n|ng. |ootor
ore you soy|ng the Bonos ore o||ve?
|ort. 1hree
|opto|n |enor storeo ot the oonso|e |n o|sbe||et.
1he |ootor's vo|oe snoppeo boo| o|most |nstont|y,
| wou|on't oo|| |t o||ve |n onywoy we wou|o
unoerstono, the potterns ore h|gh|y |rregu|or. 1he
|opto|n out h|m ott, loo| |ootor the cmp|re
neeos |ts u|t|mote worr|or. 3o un|ess whot your
te|||ng me |s go|ng to toto||y oestroy thot p|on we
must get unoer woy. 1he |opto|n hoon't meont to
be so short w|th the |ootor, but he hoteo th|s
tee||ng thot someth|ng wos go|ng to prevent h|m
trom gett|ng home. 1he |ootor s|gheo, |'m sorry
3|r, but | ,ust wonteo to |eep you |ntormeo. 1he
|opto|n oo|meo h|mse|t , 1hots o|r|ght |ootor, |
shou|on't hove been so short. ||eose seoure your
equ|pment ono personne|, we ore obout to enter
worp. |opto|n |enor enoeo h|s oommun|oot|on
w|th the |ootor ono turneo to the ens|gn, |ntorm
o|| oeo|s we ore obout to mo|e the ,ump to worp.
1he ens|gn noooeo, ono mooe the onnounoement.
^s he t|n|sheo, h|s oonso|e mooe o s|gno||ng beep.
^tter severo| moments he turneo to the |opto|n,
3|r, we ore reo|ev|ng woro trom the rest ot the
t|eet. |t oppeors vor|oro |oroox |s mov|ng h|s
ottoo| t|eet |nto the 3erp|o 3ystem. 1he |opto|n
s|ommeo h|s t|st ogo|nst the orm ot h|s oommono
oho|r, h|m, he must be try|ng to estob||sh o
tront on wh|oh to ottoo| the omewor|o. 1he
ens|gn spo|e ogo|n, 3|r they report h|s vesse|s ore
re|eose|ng some sort ot non|te m|net|e|o....|ts
teor|ng the|r vesse|s oport.
|onn, |oy |n o new oourse. 1o|e us orouno the
outer r|m, we w||| oome |nto the omewor|o's
seotor trom the oppos|te o|reot|on. |t moy to|e o
||tt|e |onger, but we hove ||tt|e oho|oe. 1he |onn
0tt|oer noooeo, New oourse |o|o |n 3|r. 1he
|opto|n mooe o qu|o| gesture w|th h|s hono,
|n|t|ote vorp. 1he |oomus rooteo qu|o||y |n
spooe ono os the worp t|e|o enve|opeo the orott |t
|eopeo out ot normo| spooe oooe|erot|ng to o
speeo muoh toster then ||ght.
1he |oomus hoo been speeo|ng o|ong |ts oourse
tor more then three hours when the ever present
ens|gn turneo boo| to the |opto|n, 3|r |ts |ootor
lenox ogo|n. |opto|n |enor turneo trom the
toworo soreen to tooe the ens|gn, |ut h|m
through. 1he |opto|n's oommun|ootor beepeo ono
the |ootor's worr|eo vo|oe sp|||eo out, |opto|n we
moy hove o s|tuot|on oown here. 1he Bonos hove
re|eoseo severo| more h|gh energy pu|ses ono the
o|pho wove potterns ore |noreos|ng ono oropp|ng
w|th o tr|ghten|ng regu|or|ty. 1he |opto|n out h|m
ott, ^re the oonto|nment t|e|os st||| ho|o|ng? ^go|n
the |ootor's worr|eo vo|oe spo|e boo|, yes, but
the Bonos ore em|tt|ng o oonstont energy wove
thot the seems to be oegroo|ng the t|e|o struoture.
1he oomputer hos been ob|e to oompensote by
oo,ust|ng the t|e|o trequeno|es, but |'m not sure
how muoh |onger they oon |eep |t up. 1he |opto|n
turneo to the |onn 0tt|oer, |onn whots our
|ooot|on? ^tter severo| qu|o| tops on h|s oonso|e
the |onn 0tt|oer turneo to the |opto|n, ve're
opproooh|ng o ||oss C ye||ow stor, our ourrent
oourse wou|o hove us oropp|ng trom worp os...
1he |onn 0tt|oer stoppeo os o o|sturb|ng
e|eotron|o beep oome trom h|s oonso|e. 3|r the
oomputer |s reg|ster|ng o t|uotuot|on |n the worp
t|e|o. 1he |ootor's vo|oe ,o|neo |n trom the
oommun|ootor, 3|r |'m reg|ster|ng onother energy
sp||e trom the Bonos. 1hot t|uotuot|on oou|o be
oom|ng trom them. |opto|n |enor |oo|eo to the
|onn 0tt|oer, ^ttenuote the worp t|e|o ono br|ng
us |nto normo| spooe os we opproooh the system.
1he ott|oer noooeo ono mooe severo| oo,ustments,
^ttenuot|ng t|e|o now. ^ suooen shr||| o|orm
erupteo trom the oonso|e, to||oweo by o oooophony
ot eorp|ero|ng soreoms trom the |opto|n's
More soreoms wou|o hove hove eohoeo ooross
the |oomus os oonso|es ono oonou|ts exp|ooeo |n
o huge e|eotr|oo| surge. ^t |eost they wou|o hove |t
the wove ot |ntense roo|ot|on thot preoeoeo them
hoon't struo| the ||te out ot evey ||v|ng oreoture on
the vesse| moments betore |t hoppeneo.
1he huge |noo| storsh|p v|broteo ono begon teor|ng
|tse|t oport os the worp t|e|o surrouno|ng |t
oontorteo, ono begon to oegrooe |n on
unoontro||eo tosh|on. 0n booro, the sh|p's
oomputer system oo||eo out vor|ous worn|ngs |n
s|urreo ono sporoo|o bursts o|| over the vesse|.
v|rtuo||y o|| ot the e|eotr|oo| systems on booro hoo
suttereo some torm ot oomoge trom the roo|ot|on
burst thot hoo r|ppeo through the sh|p. 3por|s ono
burn|ng p|eoes ot mo|ten meto| ro|neo through the
smo|e t|||eo o|r ot the |nter|or. |ropp|ng on ono
burn|ng not on|y vor|ous other p|eoes ot
smo|oer|ng equ|pment, but on the ohorreo ono st|||
remo|ns ot the orew os we||.
|eep w|th|n the |oomus the go|oen |ower Bonos
t|ooteo |n m|oo|r, hover|ng |n the some p|ooe the
energy oonto|nment t|e|os onoe he|o |t. 1here |n o
ent|re|y un|que peroept|on ot the un|verse they
begon to reo||ze whot they hoo oone. |,ve hove
oone someth|ng wrong....mony ot the energy t|e|os
orouno me,us hove beoome o|storteo or
e||m|noteo. vos thot po|n ono teor |,we te|t os
|,we reooheo out? 1he |oomus wos now
v|brot|ng so v|o|ent|y the moss|ve t|ssures |n the
struoture begon to r|p open o|| over the hu||. ^s
they o|o goses ono port|o|es trom the |ns|oe venteo
|n to the empt|ness ot spooe.
v|thout o orew, or even o tunot|on|ng oomputer, to
oontro| |ts poth the |oomus begon to tumb|e ono
to|| toworo the ||oss C stor thot wos to be |ts t|rst
woypo|nt. ^s the sh|p ooreeneo toworo th|s ste||or
turnonoe the |ower Bonos w|th|n senseo the
opproooh|ng energy souroe, 1h|s torm thot
oorr|es me,us w||| not w|thstono thot reg|on ot
energy, the she|| thot |eeps |t together ot th|s
speeo hos been hompereo by me,us. |,ve w|||
g|ve our strength to |t, |,we moy oeose but |,we
must try to he|p those |,we hove hormeo. v|th
th|s se|toeo|orot|on the |ower Bonos poureo
the|r energy |nto the worp t|e|o try|ng to stob|||ze |t.
1he |oomus stoppeo tumb||ng ono begon to veer
owoy trom the stor thot tought to o|o|m |t. But os
the stress r|ppeo ot the sh|p, huge seot|ons ot |t
tore tree ono, |t storteo to |ose thot bott|e. 1he
|ower Bonos empt|eo more ot |tse|t |nto the t|e|o
try|ng to oo,ust the oourse. 1hen grov|ty ono the
the t|e|o |tse|t oonsp|reo ono t|me ono spooe
shottereo orouno the vesse|.
1he remo|ns ot the |oomus so||eo momentor||y
through o oor|ness so obso|ute thot |t present, the
mony 3|ngu|or|t|es |t hoo v|s|teo wou|o hove shone
|||e br||||ont suns. ^no then |t tumb|eo out ot th|s
obyss |nto normo| spooe, speeo|ng owoy trom the
stor, but no |onger mov|ng toster then ||ght. 1he
storsh|p wos so boo|y oomogeo thot |t wos bore|y
stoy|ng together sheoo|ng |orge p|eoes ot |tse|t os
|t hur|eo toworo the th|ro p|onet ot th|s system. ^
smo|| b|ue ono green wor|o thot hoo seen the
poss|ng ot m|||enn|o s|noe the |oomus hoo t|rst
entereo th|s system. ^s the vesse| te|| toworo the
surtooe ot th|s wor|o the remo|n|ng vest|ges ot
|nte|||genoe |ett w|th|n the |ower Bonos sought to
enoose the sh|p |n o t|e|o thot wou|o |eep |ts
hurt||ng wreo|oge trom horm|ng onyth|ng e|se. ^no
then |t struo| the surtooe, whot wos |ett ot the sh|p
erupteo |nto on otom|o t|rebo||, thot wos oonto|neo
by the t|e|o, vopor|z|ng the |oomus. ^s the
s||enoeo, |mpotent b|ost tooeo, the t|e|o o|ss|poteo
|eov|ng the |ower Bonos rest|ng |n on
unohorooter|st|oo||y sho||ow oroter.
||roo the present ooy, severo| wee|s ogo |ron|
|vorson wos o|ognoseo w|th term|no| oonoer. 3|noe
then he hos spent every even|ng s|tt|ng |n h|s oor
here outs|oe ot New Yor| ||ty wotoh|ng the stors,
ono ret|eot|ng on h|s ||te. 0r ot |eost whot he hoo
thot posseo tor one. |or yeors | hove wor|eo,
o|one, progromm|ng tor o heort|ess oorporot|on
thot w||| bore|y even reg|ster my poss|ng. 3ure
peop|e who wor| |n my oeportment w||| soy, Cee
|ts o shome the tunny guy hoo to o|e, but thots
obout the on|y eu|ogy |'|| get. Moybe | shou|o hove
morr|eo, then ot |eost |'o hove some tom||y....
|ron|'s se|tp|ty |s suooen|y o|srupteo os one ot the
stors obove t|ores ono beg|ns to grow br|ghter ono
br|ghter. ey, o meteor. Moybe | shou|o mo|e o
w|sh. |ron| o|oses h|s eyes ono s||ent|y mo|es o
w|sh os he hoo so mony t|mes os o oh||o. ^s he
opens h|s eyes he reo||zes the meteor |s st||| to|||ng.
|t shou|o hove burneo up by now. ^no w|th o
s||ent streo| |t str||es the eorth.
1he t|osh |s b||no|ng, but ooo|y s||ent. ono wh||e
some o|rt |s ||o|eo up by the |mpoot |t seems tor
to ||tt|e tor the s|ze ot the meteor. , thot
shou|o hove ||||eo me. |ron| |eops trom h|s oor
ono ooshes over to the smo||ng ho|e |ett |n the
grouno by the to|||ng stor. 1here |y|ng on the
grouno wos o po|r ot go|oen brooers |orge enough
thot they oou|o hove t|t orouno someones wr|sts
who wos three t|mes |ron|s's s|ze. ve|| |'|| be
oomneo, |t those ore so||o go|o |'|| be o r|oh mon.
moybe | shou|o hove w|sheo tor o oure. 0h we||,
oon't |oo| o g|tt horse |n the mouth. 0t oourse the
r|ght th|ng to oo wou|o be to to|e these to o
un|vers|ty....yeoh, r|ght. |ron| p|o|eo up the
brooers, they were tor ||ghter then he expeoteo.
^no ,ust tor |oughs he s||ppeo them onto eooh
orm. o|o|ng out h|s honos he morve|eo ot how b|g
they were. 1hen w|thout worn|ng they oontrooteo.
B|t|ng |nto h|s wr|sts. ^s he or|eo out |n surpr|se o
br|ght t|osh enve|opeo h|m.
|or o moment |ron| te|t h|s m|no teor oport then
s|ow|y h|s sense ot se|t returneo. vhot wos thot?
loo||ng oown ot h|s wr|sts he oou|o no |onger see
the brooers, but he |new they were st||| there. e
o|so |new w|th but o thought he oou|o br|ng them
boo|. someth|ng hos hoppeneo to me... v|thout
the he|p ot ony meo|oo| protess|ono|s |ron| |new
h|s oonoer wos gone, |n toot he te|t better then he
ever hoo. | oon't even th|n| |'m og|ng
onymore...whot the he||. | neeo to t|no out whot e|se
hos hoppeneo to me. But | hove o tee||ng |'m gunno
|||e |t. loo|s |||e | oome out here to o|e, but | hove
o tee||ng |'m t|no||y go|ng to stort to ||ve.
|nto|||gonco 6
5trongth 1
Ag|||ty 2
5pood 2
Durab|||ty 2
Hoa|th 2
Lnorgy 12|J
oa|namo 3ton |or|son
5poc|os Mutont
0ccupat|on v||||on
Appoaranco Mo|e, 5'B, 140|bs, so||o ye||ow eyes, str|ngy b|oo| ho|r, 24
yeors o|o
croatod by s|str|ko
Ac|d 5p|t: 6
|onge 2
2x |omoge
C|oso Combat: 1
/|o|o|||ooco 3ooosj
Gonora| Know|odgo: 2
/|o|o|||ooco 3ooosj
Man|pu|ato Mutagon|c ||o|d: b
5oc|a| 5k|||s: 4
|rotess|ono| |r|m|no|
4 |es|st ^o|o
3ense Mutonts
veo|th 4
loo||ng nonhumon so||o ye||ow eyesJ
|ower |s po|ntu| to use Mon|pu|ote Mutogen|o
ounteo |ostMuroereo own porentsJ
3ton wos born |nto o r|oh tom||y ono prov|oeo w|th
everyth|ng o ||o oou|o wont.^ smort oh||o ono
our|ous h|s porents got h|m o pr|vote teooher.
|esp|te h|s young oge he |eorneo mony th|ngs
|no|uo|ng genet|os ono the noture ot mutot|ons by
the oge ot 13 yeors o|o.
But th|s o|| ohongeo when he wos 16 yeors o|o ono
ot sohoo|.|ee||ng s|o| he te|t |||e he wos go|ng to
throw up when he ||tero||y sp|t out o g|ob ot ye||ow
gun| wh|oh when |t h|t the povement me|teo r|ght
through |t |||e |t wos noth|ng.
e tr|eo to |gnore th|s but |oter |n the ooy he oome
|nto oontoot w|th o tootbo|| p|oyer who o|woys
p|o|eo on h|m when he suooen|y te|t o po|n shot
through h|s booy.e touno on energy go|ng trom
h|m |nto the tootbo|| p|oyer who suooen|y wos
grow|ng |orger ono tougher.By the t|me the ,oo|
qu|t grow|ng he hoo burst through the sohoo|
oe|||ng ono wos 60' to||.
3ton t|gureo out thot somehow he oon oot|vote the
|otent potent|o| ot mutonts ono |otent
mutonts.3ooreo ot the thought ot th|s ot t|rst he
ron home ono to|o h|s porents whot
hoppeneo.1hey were h|gh|y ont|mutont but never
|et the|r son |now th|s.Now the|r own son wos one
ono they w|sheo to |||| th|s monster wh|oh hoo
to|en the|r son's p|ooe.
^ttoo|eo by h|s own porents 3ton wos enrogeo
ono spot oo|o ot h|s porents w|sh|ng to |||| them
tor th|s betroyo| ot h|s |ove ono trust.1h|s oouseo o
t|re wh|oh burneo h|s home oown ono even the
po||oe thought thot on ooo|oento| t|re hoo been the
3ton |nher|teo h|s porents' money ono hos been
||v|ng ott ot |t s|noe.e o|so touno thot he oon
oeteot other mutonts ono storteo h|s own smo||
or|me r|ng,otter|ng to oot|vote mutonts |otent
powers |n exohonge tor the|r wor||ng tor h|m.
|o|ep|oy|ng Notes.3ton |s o ooworo who o|woys
got h|s woy ono never |eorneo to respeot
others.Now he uses others to oo h|s o|rty wor|
ono on|y ooes wor| h|mse|t when no one e|se
oon.e |s not obove muroer but w||| on|y oo |t when
he th|n|s he oon get owoy w|th |t.^|so otter h|s
porents' betroyo| he hos o horo t|me trust|ng
others ono w||| mon|pu|ote onyone to get whot he
wonts.0ne t|no| note |s thot he |s s||ght|y mento||y
unstob|e beoouse ot |||||ng h|s own porents ono |t |t
ever got out he wou|o go oomp|ete|y |nsone trom
the gu||t |t st||| oouses h|m.
|nto|||gonco 3
5trongth 3
Ag|||ty 3
5pood 3
Durab|||ty 3
Hoa|th 3
Lnorgy 9
oa|namo Morv|n |eterson
5poc|os umon
0ccupat|on |r|m|no|,1h|et
Appoaranco Mo|e, 5'9, 160|bs, b|ono ho|r, b|ue,b|ooo ruby reo eyes, 79
yeors o|o, oppeors 26 yeors o|o
croatod by s|str|ko
C|oso Combat: 3
//||||y 3ooosj
5oc|a| 5k|||s: 4
|rotess|ono| |r|m|no|
1ochno|ogy: b
/|o|o|||ooco 3ooosj
1h|ov|ng: 4
//||||y 3ooosj
3to|en |roperty
veo|th 0
Cursod B|oodstono uby Nock|aco:
^ ourseo neo||ooe w|th o |orge b|ooostone ruby
|n the oenter.|t oon not be removeo by the
weorer ono requ|res o strong soroerer to
remove |t.
|ro|n cnergy.B, uses weorer's own energy to
oot|vote vomp|r|o |ro|n|or every 3 energy
oro|neo heo|s power user by 1 wh|te stone ot
heo|th.2 |l 0pt|onJ, |eoth |ootor
veorer go|ns cxtenoeo l|te Moo|t|er.
Myst|o |nv|s|b|||ty.5,MN|es|stonoe to oeteot|on
by mog|oo| meons.1h|s wor|s on the weorer ono
on the neo||ooe when |t |s not worn by someone.J
veorer go|ns |eoonst|tute 3e|t Moo|t|er
Mento| |oroe ||e|o.4 vs. Mento| |owersJ
|urseo|on not be remove by the weorer,toroes
weorer to oro|n others energy even |t they oon't
wont to,ono requ|res o 3oroery ^ot|on ot ||tt|ou|ty
10,|es|stonoe B,000 to removeJJ
loo||ng nonhumon B|ooo ruby reo eyesJ
|on't go |nto ohurohes
ounteo post|urseo th|etJ
Morv|n |eterson oome trom o poor home ono
oeo|oeo |t wosn't tor h|m.e stort to steo| ot the
oge ot 15 yeors o|o ono got very gooo beoouse ot
o noturo| to|ent tor |t. 1h|ngs ohongeo one totetu|
ooy boo| |n 1953 when he too||sh|y sto|e o
neo||ooe trom |omon|o rumoreo to be
ourseo.vhen esoop|ng the oreo he put the
neo||ooe on to try ono h|oe |t unoer h|s sh|rt.
Un|nown to h|m the ourse wos reo| ono |ntuseo
the person w|th o neeo to oro|n to the energy ono
||tetoroe trom others.Morv|n tr|eo to remove |t but
to no ovo||.e hos sought he|p to remove |t over
the yeors but w|th no suooess. e hos o|so touno
thot the ourseo neo||ooe won't |et h|m oge or
o|e.Now he's try|ng to ohonge h|s woys ono he|p
others |n hope thot by oo|ng gooo oeeos w|th ||tt
the ourse.3t||| he must oro|n the energy ot others
to ||ve ono tee|s gu||ty everyt|me he must oo so.
|nto|||gonco 2
5trongth 6
Ag|||ty 3
5pood 3
Durab|||ty 4
Hoa|th 4
Lnorgy 12
oa|namo N'Nor, th|s |s term tor s|ove oreoteo by the cns|overs
see be|owJ
5poc|os genet|oo||y oreoteo
0ccupat|on cx3|ove, |r|m|no|
Appoaranco 6'B, 220|bs, wh|te s||n o|most o|b|no, but no pup||s eyebo||s
ore o|so wh|teJ.
angod Combat: 3
/Woooo VoJ|/|o/j
3n|per ||t|es
M|m|c Act|on/Mod|t|or: b
he oon store up to 5 ^NJ powers
the mox|mum leve| ot the oop|eo power |s 7
^N|ntJ or the ootuo| leve| ot the power oop|eo,
but o|woys the |ower |eve|
the powers ore gone otter ^N hours ot the
or|g|no| power, e.g. |t he m|m|os o |oroe B|ost7,
th|s power |s gone otter 7 hoursJ
he must ootuo||y see someone us|ng o power to
restore o power ono use |t ogo|n.
C|oso Combat: 3
/5|/oo|| o/ Woooo VoJ|/|o/j
5hapo-5h|tt|ng: B
3 1oughness
eosy to persuooe
h|oeous oppeoronoe |n or|g|no| torm
N'Nor wos not born he wos oreoteo by o soo|st|o
o||en rooe oo||eo the cns|overs, thot uses genet|o
moter|o| to bu||o |eg|ons ot s|oves. 1hese poor
s|oves ore strong ono qu|o| to moster even the
o|rt|est ono horoest ,ob. But the cns|overs o|so
|nown tor o boo toste ot humor none ot the|r
s|oves hove sexuo| orgons.
N'Nor wos port ot o reg|ment ot s|oves thot he|peo
to bu||o o pyrom|otype bu||o|ng tor one ot the
cns|overMosters. 1h|s pyrom|o o|so hoo o seoret
room w|th o o|mens|ono| ooor, but thot wos not
|nown to the s|oves, they on|y o|o the o|rty wor|.
^ revo|t storteo ono the s|oves neor|y too| over,
but the cns|overMosters oou|o esoope to the|r
mothersh|p ono nu|eo the p|onet. Most ot the
s|oves o|eo. 1he m|xture ot gommoroys ono the
genet|o onoestry ot the s|oves gove some surv|vors
speo|o| powers. N'Nor |s one ot them.
0ne ooy N'Nor o|soovereo the seoret room w|th
the ooor. Be|ng o our|ous ono oesporote guy,
N'Nor steppeo through |t ono |onoeo on p|onet
0n corth he wonoereo orouno tor o ooup|e ot
month, but he got |n the honos ot the wrong guys.
ov|ng st||| the mento||ty ot o s|ove, he oooepteo to
wor| tor o or|m|no| group ... ogo|n oo|ng the o|rty
|nto|||gonco 5
5trongth 2
Ag|||ty 3
5pood 3
Durab|||ty 2
Hoa|th 2
Lnorgy 10|J
oa|namo |oth|een Jone
5poc|os Mutont
0ccupat|on Booyguoro
Appoaranco |emo|e, 5'6, 135|bs, brown eyes, reo ho|r
croatod by Xav|or
Acrobat|cs: 3
//||||y 3ooosj
C|oso Combat: 3
/5ooJ 3ooosj
Bu||et 1|me
angod Combat: 4
/Woooo VoJ|/|o/j
Bu||et 1|me
cnergy veopons
Dotoct|ng/ursu|t: b
|rowoeo oreo
3etUp,3pot ^mbush
3etUp,3pot 1rops
5oc|a| 5k|||s: 4
3tunt protooo|
1ochno|ogy: 2
/|o|o|||ooco 3ooosj
Voh|c|o 0porat|on: 3
Bu||et 1|me
Mastory ot 1|mo: 4
^reo etteot
|n oon,unot|on w|th onother ^ot|on on|y
see boo|grouno tor more |ntos
2 1orget|ng
1 Mento| |etense
2 |et|ex|ve |ooge
veo|th 3
Bu||ets, exp|os|ves. ooo 1 to the weopon moo|t|er
Bu||ets, ormor p|ero|ng. ooo the ^rmor ||ero|ng
quo||ty to the weopon moo|t|er
onoguns. po|r ot moo|t|eo .357 |esert cog|e
w|th the cxo|us|v|ty moo|t|er MU||C p.7BJ.
|roper t|ngers pr|nt requ|reo.
|eoo|y enemy. Bu||seye
|syoho|og|oo|. ^oreno||ne ^oo|ot
5poc|a| ru|os
er mostery ot t|me g|ve her the ob|||ty to s|ow|ng
t|me orouno her. Come meohon|os.
this action doesn't count against the maximum
2 actions/panel
each stone allocated to this mastery must be
re-allocated between those other actions: Close
Combat, Ranged Combat, Acrobatics and
Vehicle Operation.
|oth|een |s o mutont w|th the |nnote ob|||ty to
s|ow|ng,oooe|erot|ng t|me orouno her. 3|ow|ng
t|me g|ves her more t|me to th|n| obout the
s|tuot|on, see |noom|ng ottoo|s ono ovo|o themJ or
o|m ooourote|y o weopon. 3peeo|ng t|me |s more o
motter ot oooro|not|on ono perm|ts her to hove o
gooo t|m|ng between her oot|ons ono the
env|ronment. |or exomp|e, |t she neeo to ,ump over
o br|oge, she oon oooe|erote t|me |n oroer set on
|noom|ng truo| ot the gooo p|ooe |t shou|o be too
|ote otherw|seJ so she oon |ono on the root.
^s on oot|on mov|es ton, she t|no |nsp|rot|on tor
numerous stunt etteots ono th|s |eoo her to o
oombot or|enteo protess|on. 3he oeo|oeo to
beoom|ng o booyguoro beoouse she |||es the |oeo
ot r|s||ng her ||ve tor others ono th|s protess|on
g|ve her the opportun|ty to opproooh mov|e stors,
to test her s||||s ono to use her mostery ot t|me.
3he oeep|y oppreo|ote to see everyth|ng orouno
her mov|ng s|ow|y, th|s g|ve her the tee||ng ot be|ng
|n those oot|on mov|es she |||es so muoh. 1h|s oon
|eoos her to reseoroh o more v|o|ent so|ut|on ot o
g|ven prob|em rother thon o o|p|omot|o one.
Born |n 3on |rono|soo, |oth|een hoo o|woys
oreomeo ot beoom|ng o stuntwomon, |||e her
porents. But th|s wor| rop|o|y bothereo her. you
hove to speno o |ot ot t|me |n preporot|on tor ||tt|e
oot|on ono her tother on|y |et her to oss|st h|m.
3he neeoeo more oot|on. ^rouno her 16th
b|rthooy, otter wor|, she w|tnesseo o ||onopp|ng
ottempt p|onneo by the Mogg|o ogo|nst o tomous
mov|e stor. 3he oeo|oeo to ,ump |nto oot|on ono
oeteoteo o|one the tour mobsters. 3he wos he|peo
by the t|rst mon|testot|on ot her |nnote ob|||ty. ^t
t|rst she o|on't unoerstono whot hoppen|ng but she
sure |oveo |t ! ^tter the t|ght, the ootor's
booyguoro, who wos boo|y wounoeo ot the
beg|nn|ng ot the t|ght, wos very |mpresseo by the
t|ght|ng prowess' ot the young g|r|. e ottereo her
to tro|n her ono prom|seo her o tu|| t|me ,ob |n h|s
booyguoros ogenoy. ^go|nst her porents w|||, she
oooepteo. ^tter o tew yeors she beoome we||
|nown omong the booyguoro oommun|ty ono hoo
openeo her own ogenoy |n NewYor|.
3he hoo the opportun|ty to tought Bu||seye who
wos h|reo to |||| her o||ent on |mportont w|tness
tor the tr|o| ot o mob |eooerJ ono suooesstu||y
oountereo h|m w|th the he|p ot |oreoev||J.
0noe she even tought the |un|sher who wos try|ng
to |||| her very r|oh o||ent. |op|o|y she o|soovereo
thot her o||ent wos o ser|o| ||||er who h|reo her by
teor ot the |un|sher. 3he then oeo|oeo to teom up
w|th the |un|sher, prov|ng thot she |s not greeoy
ono the moro||ty ot her o||ent motters to her.
|nto|||gonco 2
5trongth 2
Ag|||ty 3
5pood 3
Durab|||ty 4
Hoa|th 4
Lnorgy 12
oa|namo Jeo|o|oh vh|st|er
5poc|os Mutont
0ccupat|on v|||o|n, leooer ot the oyseeos
Appoaranco Mo|e, 5'10, 150|bs, |ett eye brown, r|ght eye wh|te, grey
croatod by Astrum
angod Combat: 7
/Woooo VoJ|/|o/j
^|| ||reorms
^|| 1hrown veopons
C|oso Combat: 4
//||||y 3ooos o/ Woooo VoJ|/|o/j
Loadorsh|p: b
wh|st||ng: 3
5oc|a| 5k|||s: 3
Mounto|n |o||
4 1orget|ng
5 |et|ex|ve |ooge
^ooe|eroteo eo||ng |ootor
Jeo|o|oh vh|st|er |s the heoo ot the Mutont tom||y
oo||eo the oyseeos, ono hos on |nhumon ooourooy
w|th m|ss|e weopons ot o|| types. |s po|e wh|te
s||n ono ho|r os we|| os h|s oorpse|||e r|ght eye,
he|peo h|m eorn h|s n|o|nome. |eooeye, os he |s
oo||eo, hos o greot ottoohment to h|s ent|re tom||y.
1o h|m h|s tom||y oomes t|rst ono |ost, onyth|ng
outs|oe the tom||y |s not even worthy ot ||te. 1h|s
oomp|ete o|sregoro tor others hos |eoo |eooeye to
pertorm some extreme|y orue| ono ev|| oots ,ust |n
the nome ot tom||y pr|oe. voe be to onyone who
oomes between h|m ono h|s ||n.
|nto|||gonco 3
5trongth 3
Ag|||ty 4
5pood 3
Durab|||ty 4
Hoa|th 4
Lnorgy 12
oa|namo louo|on Co|onooe|
5poc|os M|x1 quorter e|t,1 quorter orogon,1 ho|t humonJ
0ccupat|on ^oventurer
Appoaranco Mo|e, 5'7, 140|bs, eyes w|th go|oen |r|ses, go|oen b|no ho|r,
24 yeors o|o |oo|s on|y 15 yeors o|oJ
croatod by s|str|ko
Acrobat|cs: 2
//||||y 3ooosj
C|oso Combat: 4
/5|/oo|| 3ooosj
3woro ||ght|ng
angod Combat: 3
/Woooo 3ooosj
Bow ono orrow
Hunt|ng/1rack|ng: 4
|o||ow 1ro||
v||oerness 3urv|vo|
5oc|a| 5k|||s: 3
|ersuos|on, |horm
|rogon longuoges,|u|ture
6 cnhonoeo v|s|on. see |n oor|ness, see ouros
ono mog|oo| toroes
eo||ng |ootor
3 Mento| |etense
2 |et|ex|ve |etense
1 1oughness
veo|th 1
1 c|v|sh longbow, |onge 3
1 3||ng |onge 2
2 Ouorterstott
Mog|oo| 3woro Moonwh|sper.5,^rmor
||ero|ng, |noestruot|b|eJ1h|s sworo |s 6 |bs.,mooe
ot on un|nown myst|oo| po|e b|ue meto|,ono g|ows
w|th on ouro |||e moon||ght.
^no|ent c|ven |ho|nmo||.3 |etense,
loo||ng nonhumon, M|xeo rooe3ee speo|es
oboveJ,Co|o |r|ses,po|nteo eors
|ompu|s|on to st|o| up tor unoeroog
vor|o o|sp|ooeo3t||| |eorn|ng obout corth,|ts
ou|ture,ono most ot o|| |ts teohno|ogyJ
louo|on wos born on onother wor|o to o ho|te|t
tother ono o ho|tgo|o orogon mother.|o|seo |n o
s|mp|e v|||oge h|s porents tought h|m how to
surv|ve ono be o s||||eo hunter ono t|ghter.
1ought sworosmonsh|p,orohery,ono hunt|ng
teohn|ques by h|s tother he beoome h|gh|y s||||eo
ot o young oge.|s mother |ns|steo thot he |eorn ot
mog|o but the most she oou|o oo wos teooh h|m
how to reoogn|ze |t ono to oeo| w|th mog|o users |n
o po||te woy.
e hoo |nher|teo h|s tother's
og|||ty,speeo,|nte|||genoe, ret|exes,ono noturo|
senses ono o|so possesses h|s mother's
ourob|||ty,stom|no,strength,rop|o ob|||ty to heo|,
ono res|stonoe to |n,ury.
||no||y o|o enough to |eove home h|s porents gove
the|r b|ess|ng os we|| os some ot the tom||y re||os
|no|uo|ng the mog|oo| |ongsworo
Moonwh|sperthe cng||sh woro tor h|s c|v|sh |ost
nomeJ ono on ono|ent but powertu| ormor ot c|ven
Co|ng out |nto the wor|o oompe||eo to he|p those |n
neeo he touno h|mse|t on severo| ooventures.1he
|ost ooventure on h|s homewor|o wos ogo|nst o
powertu| w|zoro who oeo|oeo to use louo|on to
test o new spe|| out.|t openeo o porto| through
wh|oh louo|on wos t|ung |nto on un|nown wor|o.
lono|ng unhormeo |n tront ot the ^vengers
mons|on he o|on't |now whot to th|n| ot th|s
wor|o.vhen the v|s|on oppeoreo trom out ot the
o|r obove h|m he thought th|s wos o monster sent
by the w|zoro to |||| h|m.Betore onyth|ng hoppeneo
though |opto|n ^mer|oo showeo up ono o|sormeo
louo|on reo||zeo they meont h|m no true horm ono
exp|o|neo whot hoppeneo to h|m.3oor|et v|toh
reo||zeo t|rst whot hoo hoppeneo ono to|o louo|on
he wos on o o|tterent wor|o ono there moy never
be o woy tor h|m to get home.
|ooeo w|th th|s ono no p|ooe to go |opto|n
^mer|oo ottereo to tro|n h|m ono he oou|o stoy ot
the ^vengers mons|on os |ong os neeoeo.Now he
oo||s h|mse|t |rogonb|ooe to honor h|s mother ono
t|ghts somet|mes w|th ^vengers on m|ss|ons.
|nto|||gonco 5
5trongth 2
Ag|||ty 3
5pood 4
Durab|||ty 3
Hoa|th 3
Lnorgy 10|J
^ot|on oroer boseo on
oa|namo v||||om ||ne
5poc|os Mutont
0ccupat|on |r|me buster
Appoaranco Mo|e, 5'10, 175|bs, b|ue eyes, b|onoe ho|r
croatod by Xav|or
C|oso Combat: 3
/5ooJ 3ooosj
Bus|noss 5k|||: 1
/|o|o|||ooco 3ooosj
angod Combat: 4
/Woooo VoJ|/|o/j
|ur|ng |gh 3peeo |hose
vh||e t|y|ng
5oc|a| 5k|||s: 2
|oo|ng oommun|ty
1ochno|ogy: 1
/|o|o|||ooco 3ooosj
Voh|c|o 0porat|ons: 4
/5ooJ 3ooosj
||ose 1erro|n
4 3onor 3ense
veo|th 2
|||ght 3u|t. 2 ormor
Jetpoo| some os Cob||n C||oerJ
|eoo|y cnemy Creen Cob||nJ 3
|ompu|s|on to st|o| up tor unoeroog 3
sycho|ogy & owors
1he mo|n ohorooter|st|o ot v||||om |s h|s h|ghteneo
ret|exes, ooup|eo w|th on unoonny spot|o| sense,
thot mo|e h|m o torm|oob|e p||ot ot ony veh|o|e ono
port|ou|or|y ot the ,etpoo| oes|gneo by h|s o|oer
brother. 1he Creen Cob||n ||||eo h|s brother ono
the hotreo tor th|s v|||o|n or|ve h|m. 3|noe, he |s
unob|e to ootoh h|m, tor o wh||e, v||||om hos
reporteo h|s hotreo ogo|nst or|me |n genero| ono
speno o |ot ot t|me to t|ght or|m|no|s ono to oeteno
v||||on hoo o|woys been tono ot speeo. v|th ^|on,
h|s brother ono o very gooo meohon|os, he won o
|ot ot |ooo| oor roo|ng. ^|on hoo o|so o pro,eot ot
h|s own. the oes|gn ot o oompet|t|ve ,etpoo| ono
v||||om wos h|s test p||ot. ^tter some yeors, the
,etpoo| wos reooy ono the too brothers oontooteo
0sborn |noustr|es |n oroer to negoo|ote o poss|b|e
oommero|o||zot|on. Normon 0sborn wos |nteresteo
s|noe he wos ourrent|y wor||ng ot the
|mprovement ot h|s own g||oer. 0sborn mo|eo on
otter but the two brothers retuseo ono oeo|oeo to
go to 3toro| |noustr|es.
1he some n|ght, the Creen Cob||n oome to the
brothers' goroge ono oestroyeo everyth|ng. ^|on
wos oeoo|y wounoeo our|ng the ottoo|. cnrogeo,
v||||on too| the un|que prototype ot the ,etpoo|
ono ohoseo the Creen Cob||n unt|| 0sborn
|noutr|es. 1here wos o t|ght between the two men
thot enoeo by the orosh ot v||||om through o
ohem|oo| oompouno worehouse be|ong|ng to
0sborn |noustr|es. 3evere|y wounoeo, v||||on wos
|ett tor oeoo. e t|ne|y wo|e up ono t|ee |n oroer to
reoover ono to repo|r the ,etpoo|. |t seems thot
our|ng the orosh, v||||om wos exposeo to severo|
ohem|oo| oompouno thot hoo g|ven h|m some
speo|o| hob|||t|es |||e toster ret|exes ono o speo|o|
spoo|o| sense. v||||om hope thot |t w||| he|p h|m
our|ng h|s next t|ght ogo|nst the Creen Cob||n.
v||||on suspeot o oonneot|on between the Creen
Cob||n ono 0sborn |noustr|es. e |s unob|e to
prove onyth|ng but oonston|y |nvest|gote.
|nto|||gonco 6
5trongth 1
Ag|||ty 2
5pood 2
Durab|||ty 2
Hoa|th 2
Lnorgy 12|J
oa|namo |oye unter
5poc|os Mutont
0ccupat|on oo|er
Appoaranco |emo|e, 5'1, 112|bs, b|ue eyes, b|ueb|oo| ho|r, 14 yeors o|o
croatod by s|str|ko
B|ocomput|ng: 3
|ntertooe w|th |omputers
C|oso Combat: 1
/|o|o|||ooco 3ooosj
angod Combat: 2
/Woooo 3ooosj
cnergy veopons
Computors: 6
/|o|o|||ooco 3ooosj
||reot |ntertooe 0pt|on
orowore |es|gn
Gonora| Know|odgo: 3
/|o|o|||ooco 3ooosj
|omputer 3o|enoes
|oronormo| sub,eots
5oc|a| 5k|||s: 3
oo|er ou|ture
Mutont ou|ture
|omputer 1rons|ot|on
2 Mento| |etense
|hotogroph|o Memory
4 |syoho|entr|o |ower 1emp|ote
1eom ^tt|||ot|on. XMen
veo|th 3
1 Booy ^rmor
^ovonoeo oomputer.^n oovonoeo oomputer thot
oon store vost omounts ot ooto.1 to |omputer
^ot|ons tor use w|th |t,vost storoge
oopoo|ty.||tt|ou|ty to 0perote.4 |omputers,
1eohno|ogyJ. |es|stonoe to 0perote.2.1eoh |eve|
6 to repo|r or moo|ty, |.400.Note.B|ooomput|ng
ono |syoho|entr|o 1emp|ote oon be oooeo to
overoome ony ot the ||tt|ou|ty or |es|stonoe to
use or |epo|r. ve|ght.04
|bs.J,oroness.3,|.12.J3he bu||t th|s w|th |orge's
he|p.|ost.2 vh|te 3tones
vr|st B|oster.3J,2x |omoge,|onouss|ve
|oroe,3tun 0pt|on,Bu||t tor her by |orge ono oost
6 vh|te stones.
Neors|ghteo,weors g|osses or persor|pt|on
1een ongst
ounteo post|nown hoo|er,wonteo unoer the
hoo|er nome |yber|hontomJ
3tonesounteo poster porents were ||||eo by
rogue grem||ns.3he |nows but hos to|o no one.J
|oye unter wos o young g|r| ot 4 when her
porents were ||||eo.|o|seo |n toster home otter
toster home over the yeors,th|s mooe her su||en
ono w|thorown.
|ue to the noture ot her porent's oeoths she
beoome obsesseo w|th the poronormo| ono put
her noturo| |nte|||genoe ono oomputer s||||s toworo
t|no|ng out o|| she oou|o.
By the oge ot 10 she wos o s||||eo hoo|er who
went by the nome ot |yber|hontom on||ne.3he
touno government ooouments te|||ng obout
supernoturo| oreotures but whenever she tr|eo to
te|| onyone they wou|o |ough ot her.
By the t|me she wos |n ,un|or h|gh she wos the
sohoo| we|roo ono most|y |gnoreo exoept to be
p|o|eo on.Be|ng w|thorown ono soo on the ooy ot
her porent's oeoths she suooen|y touno her
oomputer s||||s were better then ever.3he hoo
somehow mento||y||n|eo w|th o sohoo| oomputer
she wos us|ng ono touno her m|no wos wor||ng
|||e o oomputer.
^b|e to |ntertooe w|th oomputers o|reot|y now,she
put her new s||||s to wor| on prov|ng the ex|stonoe
ot the poronormo| ono hos hoo|eo government
systems severo| t|mes to get the |nto out.
v|th|n 3 months ot her powers oot|vot|ng she wos
oontooteo by |rotessor Xov|er to ,o|n h|s sohoo| to
|eorn to use her powers better ono to he|p others
w|th them. 3he o|most retuseo unt|| he useo h|s
te|epothy to to|| to her.1h|s got her ottent|on ono
she went w|th h|m |n the be||et he oou|o he|p her to
get the messoge out thot the poronormo| wos
3he hos been ot the |nst|tute tor the post 9
months now ono hos gotten better oontro| ot her
|ersono||ty.|oye |s shy ono w|thorown but w|||
oome out ot her she|| when orouno those she trust
ono other hoo|ers.3he |s obsesseo w|th prov|ng to
the who|e wor|o thot the poronormo| |s reo|
|no|uo|ng grem||nsher mo|n toousJ.3he preters to
hong out w|th her oomputer then w|th peop|e
exoept tor |orge who she sees os o tother t|gure.
|nto|||gonco 3
5trongth 2
Ag|||ty 3
5pood 3
Durab|||ty 3
Hoa|th 3
Lnorgy 9
oa|namo |ex M|||er
5poc|os Mutogen|o
0ccupat|on v||||on
Appoaranco 6', 1BB |bs both vor|ob|eJ, 29 yeors o|o mo|e, brown eyes,
b|oo| short ho|r, 3ooys beoro, b|ue ,eons, b|oo| Johnn|e
vo||er sh|rt.
C|oso Combat: 3
/5|/oo|| o/ Woooo VoJ|/|o/j
Mort|o| ^rts
|oo|et lounohers
angod Combat: 3
/Woooo VoJ|/|o/j
3n|per ||t|es
ono Cuns
Dons|ty |ncroaso: 6
he oon |noreose h|s own oens|ty to mo|e h|m
stronger ono tougher
he t|rst must put o number ot stones |nto th|s
oot|on to |noreose h|s oens|ty up to o mox|mum
ot 6, otter thot he on|y neeos one stone to
mo|nto|n the oens|ty
eooh |eve| oot|voteo mo|es h|m 100|bs heov|er
ono 3 to||er
ot |eve| 4 ono obove he oonnot sw|m onymore
ono w||| s|n|
tor eooh 3 |eve|s rounoeo oownJ oot|voteo, h|s
og|||ty,speeo ono ret|x. oooge go oown by one, but
to o m|n|mum ot 1 tor 3peeo ono ^g|||ty, ono 0
tor ret|x. oooge
tor eooh |eve| oot|voteo, h|s strength ono
toughness go up by one
tor eooh 2 |eve|s rounoeo upJ oot|voteo, h|s
|urob|||ty goes up by one, th|s o|so etteots eo|th
ono cnergy.
B|ack 0ps (|B|J: b
Computor 5c|onco: b
/|o|o|||ooco 3ooosj
|omputer |rogromm|ng
|omputer oo||ng
1 |et|ex|ve |ooge
4 soweoott shotgun
cnem|es. |B|
|eoo|y cnem|es. looo| ^uthor|t|es ot h|s
|ex oonnot remember muoh ot h|s eor|y oh||ohooo,
but h|s porents were o|woys very n|oe to h|m, he
o|woys got more stutt trom h|s porents thon h|s
tr|enos, moybe beoouse he wos the|r on|y oh||o.
v|th h|s remor|ob|e ottr|butes he wos some reo|
smort ono og||e ||o. e wos o|so o huge Jomes
Bono ton, wh|oh mooe h|m ,o|n the |B| |oter.
^tter severo| m|ss|ons tor the |B| he reo||y got |nto
oomputers, so he wos oss|gneo to the |B|
oomputer stott. 0ne ooy he wos exom|n|ng some
oomputer t||es, ono stumb|eo ooross some ot h|s
own t||es. v^1! 1he |B| ||||eo h|s reo| porents.
0 N0! |s toster ooo wos the muroer, but |t wos
on|y on ooo|oent, os |t wos wr|tten oown |n those
seoret t||es. e oou|o not be||eve |t. 1hot wos the
ooy the who|e or|n||ng stutt storteo.
|oup|e ot ooys |oter he wos reo||y orun| ot the
home ot h|s toster porents, neor|y try|ng to hurt h|s
muroerooo w|th o bosebo|| bot, but he o|on't.
^t thot po|nt he wos on eosy torget. ^n o|ooho||o
|B| ogent |s ,ust whot | neeo M|no Me|ter
thought, superso|ent|st ono on enemy ot the |B|
ono the U3^ |n genero|. 1he M|no Me|ter sent h|s
henohmon to ooptureo |ex. ^ reo||y orun| guy |s
not horo to oopture. loter ot the M|no Me|ter
|oborotory, |ex wos bro|nwosheo to even hote the
|B| more ono to th|n| the |B| ootuo||y ||||eo h|s
porents tor tun. But thot wos not the eno ot the
M|no Me|ter Mooness.
v|th o tough guy |||e |ex, M|no Me|ter's |otest
exper|ment oou|o reo||y wor|, genet|o soons where
o|| perteot, so he useo h|s |otest tormu|o on |ex
w|th suooess. |ex oon now oontro| h|s own booy
oens|ty. |ex ,ust |ett the bu||o|ng ... to mo|e the |B|
poy ... but he neeos some or|n|s t|rst.
|nto|||gonco 4
5trongth 1
Ag|||ty 1
5pood 1
Durab|||ty 1
Hoa|th 1
Lnorgy B|J
oa|namo Jeo|o|oh vh|st|er
5poc|os Mutont
0ccupat|on v|||o|n, motr|oroh ot the oyseeos
Appoaranco temo|e, 5'4, 120|bs, brwon eyes, grey ho|r
croatod by Astrum
Mastor ot Mag|c: 3
/|o|o|||ooco 3ooosj
|noreose ^ot|on Moo|t|er
w|tchcratt: 6
/|o|o|||ooco 3ooosj
angod Combat: 3
/Woooo VoJ|/|o/j
Non^utomot|o ||t|es,onoguns
C|oso Combat: 3
//||||y 3ooos o/ Woooo VoJ|/|o/j
5oc|a| 5k|||s: b
Mounto|n |o||
Cratts: b
6 Mog|oo| |etense
6 Mento| |etense
cxtenoeo l|te,|mmorto||ty
cster vh|st|er |s the motr|oroh ot the oyseeos.
1h|s o|o hog|||e womon se|oom |t ever speo|s,
|nsteoo us|ng her trooemor| ooo||e to express
herse|t. 3he hos on unoy|ng oevot|on to her
husbono, |eooeye, ono she |s w||||ng to oo onyth|ng
he b|os. exx's on|y Mutont |ower |s her greot|y
extenoeo ||tespon, she oges opprox|mote|y one
yeor tor every three yeors thot ootuo||y poss. exx
|s o very powertu| mounto|n w|toh, oopob|e ot
pertorm|ng o w|oe vor|ety ot teots us|ng her
myst|oo| powers. Most ot her mog|o seems to
oome trom totems thot she mo|es herse|t, but she
hos been |nown to oost spe||s w|th ,ust o gesture.
|nto|||gonco 6
5trongth 2
Ag|||ty 2
5pood 2
Durab|||ty 2
Hoa|th 2
Lnorgy 12|J
oa|namo M|ohoe| |o|eson
5poc|os Mutont 8 Mutogen|o
0ccupat|on 3o|ent|st
Appoaranco Mo|e, 5'2, 145|bs, b|ue eyes, b|onoe ho|r
croatod by Xav|or
C|oso Combat: 3
//||||y 3ooosj
Gonora| Know|odgo: b
/|o|o|||ooco 3ooosj
Ouontum |hys|os
|hoos 1heory
|uzzy log|o
^|ternote |eo||t|es
5oc|a| 5k|||s: 3
3o|ent|t|o oommun|ty
Negot|ve Zone longuoge,|u|ture
Mastory ot robab|||t|os: 4
/|o|o|||ooco 3ooosj
oo||otero| oomoges
stones oon't be sp||t between ottoo| ono oetense
1 to 1e|eportot|on oost |eve|
1 to Comb||ng oost |eve|
Duantum Loap: 4 (to|oportat|onJ
power ot ot oontro| w|thout oev|oe
te|eport to other o|mens|ons, p|ones, o|ternote
reo||t|es, ...
must speno 1r per guest
Gamb||ng: b
/|o|o|||ooco 3ooosj
|o|er, B|oo|,oo|
||oe, |ou|ette
1ochno|ogy: 4
/|o|o|||ooco 3ooosj
|nvont|ng: 1
/|o|o|||ooco 3ooosj
Cooo luo| 1
4 Mento| |etense oontuse m|noJ
veo|th 3
|syoho|og|oo|. oontuseo
sycho|ogy & owors
M|ohoe| |s ob|e to oontro| |n o ||m|teo woy the
outoome ot the evenements thot hoppen orouno
h|m. 1h|s oontro| oome trom on |nnote ob|||ty to
mon|pu|ote the t|e|o ot the poss|b|||t|es. |s power
|s o|reot|y ||n|eo to some quontum phys|os
theor|es. when someone mo|e o oho|oe between
severo| poss|b|||t|es, o|ternote wor|os ore oreoteo
tor eooh poss|b|||t|es. M|ohoe| hos the ob|||ty to
ohonge ot wor|o when someone mo|e o oho|oe
who o|on't p|eoseo h|m. |or exemp|e, when o v||||on
oeo|oe to ottoo| h|m, he oon sh|tt the probob|||t|es
ono goes |nto o wor|o where th|s v|||o|n ooesn't
ottoo| h|m but h|s ne|ghbor. ^oo|t|ono|y, M|ohoe| |s
ob|e to te|eport h|mse|t ono others |n o|ternote
reo||t|es |n oroer to exp|ore o|| ||no ot o|mens|ons
ono o|ternote wor|os. But, |n oroer to reoover h|s
own wor|o, M|ohoe| neeo o smo|| oev|oe poo|et
wotoh s|zeJ.
M|ohoe| |s essent|o|y o so|ent|st ono speno o |ot ot
t|me w|th oomp|ex mooh|nery ono oomputers. But
M|ohoe| seems to oeve|op o greoter |nterest
toworo t|e|o test|ng |n oroer to oontront h|s
theor|es w|th reo| ||te oont|ngeno|es.
M|ohoe| hos o|woys been very oontuseo w|th
strong o|tt|ou|t|es ot oonoentrot|on. ||sp|te h|s |oo|
ot oonoentrot|on he hos o|woys been o br|ght oh||o.
vhen h|s powers owo|en our|ng h|gh sohoo| o |ot
ot |no|oent storteo to hoppen orouno h|m. 1hose
|no|oents torgeteo other stuoents who hoo
prev|ous|y onnoyeo M|ohoe| ono some teoohers.
3oon |t beoome o|eor thot there |s someth|ng
wrong w|th th|s boy. |s tortunote porents hove
heoro obout some sort ot new sohoo| who
we|oom|ng speo|o||y g|tteo oh||oren ono seno
M|ohoe| to |hor|es Xov|er. 1here, he |eornt to use
h|s powers ono oeve|oppeo o toso|not|on tor
mothemot|os ono quontum phys|os. M|oheo| wos
oerto|n thot h|s power w||| perm|t h|m to ooh|eve o
better unoerstono|ng ot the un|verse ono storteo
two |h | |n quontum phys|os ono ohoos theory.
0ne n|ght he wos oeve|op|ng o new oev|oe
oes|gneo to trove| |nto other o|mens|ons when he
ooo|oent|y or |uo|||y. vho |nows ?J orop o oup ot
oottee on o oomputer stort|ng on unoontro||eo
expos|t|on to roo|ot|ons oom|ng trom o|tterents
o|ternote o|mens|ons. ^no |ost but not |eost,
M|ohoe| wos ootopu|teo |nto the Negot|ve Zone.
|ortunote|y, |t seems thot h|s mostery ot
probo||t|es proteoteo h|m trom ont|motter.
M|ohoe| wos o|soovereo by the |nhob|tont ot
1Y^NN^, o teohno|og|oo| wor|o, home o h|gh|y
oovonoeo o||en rooe. 1here, M|ohoe| spent severo|
yeors ono |eornt o |ot ot th|ngs oonoern|ng o||en
teohno|ogy, so|ent|t|o theor|es ono obout the
Negot|ve Zone. ||no|y, he enoountereo the
|ontost|o |our ono oeo|oeo to go boo| home w|th
them. Upon h|r return, he o|soovereo h|s new
power. the ob|||ty to trove| |nto other o|mens|ons ot
w|||. But, s|noe he hos some o|tt|ou|t|es to oontro|
th|s power, he oon't use |t too muoh.
Now, M|ohoe| speno h|s t|me between |our
|reeooms ||ozo he|p|ng Mr |ontost|o on vor|ous
pro,eotsJ ono h|s wor| ot lonoeou, luo|mon 8
lo|e os `extroterrestr|o| o|mens|ons t|e|o ono|yst.
|nto|||gonco 2
5trongth B
Ag|||ty 3
5pood 3
Durab|||ty 6
Hoa|th 6
Lnorgy 1B
oa|namo Jethro vh|st|er
5poc|os Mutont
0ccupat|on v|||o|n, youngest member ot the oyseeo
Appoaranco Mo|e, 6'B, 550|bs, brown eyes, brown ho|r
croatod by Astrum
angod Combat: 4
/Woooo VoJ|/|o/j
Non^utomot|o ||t|es,onoguns
C|oso Combat: 6
//||||y 3ooos o/ Woooo VoJ|/|o/j
5oc|a| 5k|||s: 2
Mounto|n |o||
D|st||| L|quor: 4
5 1oughness, Nu|||t|es ^| ono 2x |omoge
6 vs 1ox|ns |es|stont to o|| torms ot 1ox|nsJ
Jethro vh|st|er |s the youngest member ot the
oyseeos, but poss|b|y the most unstob|e. Moo
Mounto|neer, or ,ust Moo, |||es to or|n| homemooe
wh|s|ey os otten os poss|b|e. 1h|s tenos to g|ve
Moo o very short tuse, ono h|s reoot|on to onyth|ng
thot ongers h|m |s the some, smosh |t. Moo hotes
the no|ses ot mooern o|v|||zot|on ono th|s hos been
|nown to throw h|m |nto oestruot|ve roges thot
hove oost mony the|r ||ves. cven |t he |s sober |t |s
best to ovo|o th|s mon beoouse |||e h|s s|ster,
somet|mes he ||||s th|ngs ,ust tor the en,oyment ot
wotoh|ng them sutter.
|nto|||gonco 3
5trongth 7
Ag|||ty 2
5pood 1
Durab|||ty 5
Hoa|th 5
Lnorgy 15
oa|namo 3|o |orr
5poc|os Mutont
0ccupat|on ||gger
Appoaranco Mo|e, 5'7, 745|bs, bo|o, brown eyes
croatod by Xav|or
C|oso Combat: 4
/5|/oo|| 3ooosj
|mprov|seo weopons
3tone weopons
Unstoppab|o: 3
oon't be |mproveo by ooo|ng ||nes
to|en w|th mostery ot stone
5tono 1ravo|: 4
to|en w|th mostery ot stone
perm|ts Morb|e to trove| unoergrouno ot runn|ng
5oc|a| 5k|||s: 4
Unoergrouno oen|zens
Mastory ot 5tono: b
|egenerote when |n e|ement |.e. bur|eo |n
|oroe B|ost x2 w|th oo||otero| oomoges
4 1oughness, nu|||t|es ^| ono 2x oomoge trom
t|reorms or pro,eot||es
1eom ott|||ot|on. Mor|oo|s
veo|th 0
loo||ng nonhumon
sycho|ogy & owors
3|o |s o mutont w|th o noturo| ott|n|ty w|th stone.
1h|s ob|||ty g|ve h|m the power to oreote ob,eots
os weoponsJ trom rough moter|o|s. e oon o|so
shope those stones on oreot|ng |mpress|ve etteots
|||e h|s stones woves who oon engu|t h|s
opponents. ||no|y, he oon o|g through grouno ot
|mpress|ve speeo.
Morb|e o|so possess on |noreo|b|e strenght ono
h|s morb|e|||e s||n oon enoure extreme
Morb|e |s rother gent|e ono poss|ve. e rore|y
onger ono |s very oout|ous w|th the weo| peop|e
|||e o oh||oJ. But when |t |s t|me to oeteno h|mse|t
or others, tew th|ngs oon stop h|m.
^s o oh||o, 3|o wos ruth|ess, o|woys seoroh|ng o
new prey o weo|er,younger oh||oJ |n ooer to
torment her. ^t 14, h|s power stort|ng to mon|test.
||rst he beoome stronger ono |t wos t|ne. But
soon, h|s booy begon to ohong|ng, beoom|ng |||e
stone. ||rst he o|on't unoerstooo whot hoppen|ng
to h|m ono wos very sooreo. |e,eoteo by h|s
porents ono moo|eo by h|s tr|enos, he t|eo |nto the
streets. 1hen he wos o|soovereo by the Mor|oo|s
who ottereo h|m o new tom||y.
Now he uses h|s powers to shope tunne|s ono
she|ters tor the mor|oo| oommun|ty. 3omet|mes
he return to the surtooe ono proteot other
home|ess even nonmutont ones.
|nto|||gonco 6
5trongth 2
Ag|||ty 3
5pood 2
Durab|||ty 3
Hoa|th 3
Lnorgy 12|J
oa|namo John 3m|th
5poc|os Mutont
0ccupat|on o||en hunter
Appoaranco Mo|e, 5'11, 175|bs, b|oo| eyes, brown ho|r
croatod by Xav|or
|nv|s|b|||ty: b
C|oso Combat: 4
//||||y 3ooosj
3|cl| tro|n|ng
U3 ormy mu|t|sty|e
3tronge 0pponents
angod Combat: 4
/Woooo 3ooosj
cnergy weopons
||ose quorter oombot
Gonora| Know|odgo: 3
/|o|o|||ooco 3ooosj
|onsp|rot|on 1heory
^||en |ooes
|oreno|os 1heory
5oc|a| 5k|||s: 4
^||en protooo|s
B|ack 0ps/5py|ng: b
Dotoct|ng/ursu|t: b
3pot,3etUp ^mbush
3pot,3etUp 1rops
1ochno|ogy: 2
/|o|o|||ooco 3ooosj
Voh|c|o 0porat|ons: 6
1eom ott|||ot|on. 3|cl|
veo|th 3
Memory |emover 4 see MU||C p. 126J
3ung|osses w|th || ono energy potterns 6J
sycho|ogy & owors
John hos the power ot beoom|ng unnot|oeo. |t's not
exoot|y |nv|s|b|||ty, |t's ,ust thot nobooy see or th|n|
obout h|m.
John |s o b|t porono|o. he |s th|n||ng thot there |s o
|ot ot o||en speo|es on eorth ono they ore
everywhere ono oon shopesh|tt |nto humon torms.
|n port|ou|or, he |s susp|o|ous obout h|s ne|ghbors.
|s outy |s to unoover those o||ens ono |ntorm the
|ur|ng |ght 3ohoo|, John to||oweo on overoge
soho|orsh|p w|th very tew tr|enos ono no g|r|tr|enos.
1eoohers o|on't not|oe h|m ono h|s porents hove
o|most noth|ng to soy obout the|r qu|et son. John
storteo to oeve|oppeo on |mog|nory ||te tor more
exoot|ng thon the reo| one. 1h|s |mog|nory ||te wos
t|||eo w|th U|0s ono stronge o||en speo|es ono
John wos here to proteot the eorth ogo|nst those
spooe |nvooers. Noturo|y, John storteo to oo||eot
ooto obout U|0s spott|ng, o||en obouot|ons, orop
o|ro|es ono other oonsp|rot|on theor|es.
^tter the to|| ot o meteor|te not tor trom h|s
porent's torm, John oeo|oeo to |nvest|gote h|mse|t.
e o|soovereo true o||en |nv|oers ! e hos to|en
some p|otures ono exposeo them on h|s webs|te.
1he 3..|.cl.|. wos o|reooy ot wor| ono surveyeo
o|so the meteor|te's orosh. 3..|.c.l.| ogent
o|soorvereo those p|otures on the web ono hoo
orresteo the poor John. N|o| |ury o|soovereo the
potent|o| ot the young mutont tor o spy|ng ogenoy
ono suggesteo o reoru|tment. John oooepteo ono,
otter o tro|n|ng progrom our|ng the un|vers|ty, he
,o|neo the 3..|.c.l.|. os on o||en speo|es speo|o||st.
^tter o oommon m|ss|on w|th the |ontost|o |our,
John wos n|o|nomeo `M|B by Ben Cr|mm. M|B
beoome h|s oooenome ono they beoome tr|enos.
v|th Ben, John |eornt to operote spooeorotts ono
o |ot ot more th|ngs obout o||en teohno|ogy.
|nto|||gonco 6
5trongth 5
Ag|||ty 1
5pood 1
Durab|||ty 5
Hoa|th 5
Lnorgy 12|J
oa|namo 1her|on von |row|ey
5poc|os umon
0ccupat|on v|||o|n
Appoaranco Mo|e, 6'1, 170|bs, no eyes ono no ho|r
croatod by Astrum
Mastory ot Mag|c: 3
/|o|o|||ooco 3ooosj
|noreose ^ot|on Moo|t|er
C|oso Combat: 2
/5|/oo|| o/ Woooo VoJ|/|o/j
M|||tory onotoono
angod Combat: 2
/Woooo VoJ|/|o/j
^|| ||t|es,onoguns
5oc|a| 5k|||s: 3
Noz| Covernment
|mmorto| 3epu|oher |s Unoeoo ono theretore
ooes not oge onymoreJ
4 1oughness, no 2x oomoge
|mmune 1o 1ox|ns Be|ng Unoeoo 3epu|oher |s
|mmune to o|| tox|ns ono o|seosesJ
v|ther|ng 1ouoh |or every |one| 3epu|oher |s |n
oontoot w|th someone he |s ob|e to |ro|n 1
vh|te 3tone or 3 |eo 3tones, v|ot|ms oho|oe,
trom torget. 3epu|oher oon p|ooe the 3tones |nto
h|s eo|th or cnergy. Be|ng ob|e to oonvert 3 |eo
3tones |nto 1 vh|te 3tone or 1 vh|te |nto 3
|eo. cxoess 3tones obove normo| oopoo|ty oro|n
ott ot 1 3tone per |one|.J
N|ght v|s|on 3epu|oher |s ob|e see perteot|y |n o||
|eve|s ot ||ghtJ
Vo/c|, 1939
l|ghtn|ng sp||t the oor|ness obove |row|ey |ost|e,
punotuot|ng the events thot tronsp|reo w|th|n.
|eep w|th|n |t's bowe|s the oost|e's Moster sot
betore o huge woooen wor| tob|e. 1he tob|e
oonto|neo vor|ous |mp|ements ono |ngreo|ents thot
1her|on von |row|ey hoo po|nsto||ng|y gothereo
ooooro|ng to the tormu|mo he hoo spent most ot
h|s tortune ooqu|r|ng. e g|onoeo ot the o|o o|oo|
hong|ng on the |oborotory wo|| ono ponoereo the
events thot hoo |eoo to th|s moment.
|t |s neor|y M|on|ght, the v|toh|ng our. 3oon | w|||
|nsure thot the |eo 3|u|| w||| s|eze h|s r|ghttu|
p|ooe, ono remove the ooomeo Noz| |orty trom |t's
m|sgu|oeo seot ot power. 1her|on oooeo o spr|n||e
ot some rore herb to o bo|||ng pot os he
murmureo woros not spo|en |n over o three
thousono yeors. ^s |t s|zz|eo he oont|nueo to muse
on the events ot hono, |t|er |s oorreot obout the
eventuo| oom|nonoe ot the Moster |ooe, but he |s
wrong obout whot |t to|es to be o member ot thot
rooe. |t hos noth|ng to oo w|th re||g|on, s||n oo|or,
or p|ooe ot b|rth. |nsteoo |t |s os err 3|u|| hos
so|o, those w|th true power w||| ru|e over the |ower
torms ot th|s wor|o. ^no |'m obout to go|n the
u|t|mote |n power. ^s the woros |ett h|s mouth
onother oroo| ot ||ghtn|ng shoo| the wo||s ot h|s
oost|e ooo|ng o tontore to h|s om|nous woros.
3ome t|ve yeors eor||er 1her|on von |row|ey wos o
||o|son between the Noz| |orty ono o sp||nter group
ron by the |eo 3|u||. |ur|ng thot t|me 1her|on
begon to to||ow the woros ot thot group's |eooer.
vhen he reo||zeo thot one ooy the poronormo|s ot
the wor|o wou|o oontro| o|| the power ono
resouroes to be hoo, he |new he hoo to t|no o woy
to ,o|n them. 1her|on hoo seen the |orge omounts
ot moter|o|s ono reseoroh the Noz|s hoo oone |n
the oreo ot the ooou|t. |s port|ou|or oeportment
o|so oversow the o|oss|t|oot|on ot suoh |tems. |s
own persono| |nvest|got|on po|nteo to someth|ng
the Noz|s hoo gothereo, but hoo not |oent|t|eo tor
whot |t reo||y wos. 3evero| weother worn poges,
reoovereo trom o nome|ess tomb |n the M|oo|e
cost, bore |nsor|pt|ons thot hoo ooou|t symbo|ogy.
1hey seemeo to oonvey on |mportonoe, but were
|noomp|ete. ^t |eost to those who |oo|eo the
proper |now|eoge ot cgypt|on h|story. 1her|on von
|row|ey hoo thot |now|eoge.
1her|on von |row|ey hoo oome trom on extreme|y
weo|thy, ono nob|e, Bovor|on tom||y. vh||e he wos
to||, he hoo on overoge bu||o. |s b|onoe ho|r ono
b|ue eyes mooe h|m |oo| oute, os he obv|ous|y wos
o mon who o|o not pertorm muoh phys|oo| oot|v|ty
thot wou|o requ|re exert|on. But he hoo o|woys
been th|s woy, ono os suoh he spent most ot h|s
t|me stuoy|ng vor|ous sub,eots he touno |ntr|gu|ng.
1her|on stuo|eo o|| monner ot sub,eots, but the
more oomp|ex or b|zorre the more he |||eo them. |t
wos th|s eo|eot|o stuoy hob|t thot hoo gronteo h|m
the |now|eoge to torever o|ter h|s own ex|stenoe.
1he poges the 33 ^gents hoo pu||eo trom thot
ono|ent grove were not o mog|oo| evooot|on |n ono
ot themse|ves, but |nsteoo were port ot o ser|es ot
o|reot|ons. ^ ||no ot mop us|ng mog|oo| symbo|s to
represent |onomor|s.
1her|on spent three yeors seoroh|ng out the
remo|noer ot the mop, ono then the better port ot
onother yeor to||ow|ng |t. 1he mop |eoo h|m to o
smo|| ser|es ot ooves not tor trom |o|ro, w|th|n
these ooves he hoo touns o seo|eo o|oy urn. 1he
urn oonto|neo the |ost teooh|ngs ot o seoret ou|t,
oo||eo 1he 3p|r|ts ot the |eoo, thot hoo ex|steo |n
the eor||est ooys ot ^no|ent cgypt|on o|v|||zot|on.
1he ou|t hoo touno the seoret ot eterno| ||te, ono ot
thot moment the seoret hoo to||en |nto 1her|on
von |row|ey's honos.
1he equ|pment ono moter|o|s neeoeo to pertorm
the ono|ent r|tuo| oost 1her|on o|most o|| thot
remo|neo ot h|s tom|||es tortune. ^no os the
months posseo he preporeo to oost the
enohontment wr|tten on those o|o, br|tt|e poges.
Now thot t|me hoo oome. 1her|on m|xeo the t|no|
|ngreo|ents |nto the bubb||ng pot. ^s he then
poureo the tou| oonooot|on |nto o beo|er thot he|o
severo| smo|| on|mo| ports, he uttereo the t|no|s
woros thot set the spe|| |n mot|on. 1he o|oo| struo|
M|on|ght, ono 1her|on von |row|ey qu|o||y oron|
the nox|ous t|u|o.
1he po|n thot burneo through h|s booy wos so
|ntense, 1her|on oroppeo to h|s |nees. ^s h|s v|s|on
b|urreo ono he te|| torworo to str||e the grouno, o
sm||e grew ooross h|s tooe, '|eoth w||| oome t|rst,
but os | r|se ogo|n the wor|o w||| tremb|e betore
me...' 1her|on's t|no| thoughts were out short os
the room obout h|m tooeo trom h|s v|ew, ono os
||te |ett h|s booy the souno ot thunoer eohoeo |n h|s
5o|oo|o/, PCCC
|or|ness ro||eo owoy |||e o tog, ono s|ght s|ow|y
returneo to 1her|on. ^ grey hoze hung over h|s
v|s|on. ^t t|rst th|s o|sturbeo h|m, unt|| he reo||zeo
he shou|on't be ob|e to see onyth|ng ot o||. 1he
oeooy|ng tobr|o thot o|ung to surtooe ,ust o tew
|nohes trom h|s tooe to|o h|m where he wos. e
wos |n o oott|n, ono o rother poor one trom the
|oo| ot |t's oono|t|on. ^s he ro|seo h|s honos
toworo the ||o obove h|m he not|oeo thot o th|n
b|oo| shrouo oovereo h|s booy, but |t seemeo
unob|e to b|oo| h|s v|s|on. ^s |nsubstont|o| os
smo|e to |t. v|th o shove the wooo ot the oott|n ||o
oroo|eo ono bro|e out ot the woy. ^ tew more
|nohes obove the now sp||ntereo ||o o s|ng|e s|ob ot
stone oovereo h|s grove. ^tter severo| hours ot
pouno|ng the stone gove woy, ono 1her|on rose to
h|s teet.
|s shrouo te|| owoy os 1her|on |oo|eo obout. |s
t|no| rest|ng p|ooe wos w|th|n o |huroh, p|ooeo
w|th|n the t|oor ,ust teet owoy trom the o|ter.
3evero| other 3epu|ohers ootteo the t|oor on e|ther
s|oe ot h|s, but 1her|on poyeo them no ottent|on os
he steppeo up trom the grove ono onto the t|oor ot
the |hope|. ^|though the ent|re room wos ||t by
mu|t|tuoes ot oono|es, the ||ght seemeo ooo|y ou||.
Not os shorp, ono or|sp os the ||ght shou|o. ^
neorby broz|er smo|oereo os severo| |orge ohun|s
ot |noense burneo w|th|n. 1her|on orew |n the o|r,
but on|y otter o tew moments o|o he ootoh the
s||ghtest h|nt ot tron||nsoense. ^nother sensot|on
thot seemeo o mere shooow ot whot |t shou|o be.
loo||ng oown 1her|on sow thot he hoo been
|nterreo |n h|s un|torm, oomp|ete w|th h|s boots
ono t|ght |eother g|oves. But someth|ng te|t
stronge obout them. |emov|ng h|s r|ght g|ove he
brought h|s hono up |n tront ot h|s tooe, ono sow
the reoson tor the ooo t|t. |s hono |oo|eo
oes|oooteo, the s||n orown t|ght to the muso|e ono
bone beneoth. 1he th|o| oeep wr|n||es thot
oovereo |t hoo the oppeoronoe ot or|eo wooo. Just
then o souno oome trom beh|no h|m, the souno ot
someone enter|ng the |huroh.
1he opprooh|ng tootsteps p|o|eo up |n speeo, os o
th|o| Cermon vo|oe spo|e, vhot |s go|ng on here?
vhot hove you oone... 1her|on turneo to see who
hoo stumb|eo |nto h|s reb|rth. ^n e|oer|y |r|est,
oorry|ng o poper soo| ot grooer|es, stoppeo |n h|s
troo|s when he |oo|eo upon 1her|on's tooe, 0h my
Coo. 1he o|o |r|est turneo ono storteo to t|ee
boo| the woy he oome. 1her|on wos not yet reooy
tor the wor|o to |now ot h|s return, w|th severo|
|ong purposetu| str|oes he wos upon h|m. |s
honos reooheo out ono s|ezeo the mon by h|s
throot. ^s 1her|on begon to squeeze, he te|t the
sensot|on ot energy t|ow|ng trom the mon ono |nto
h|s bore hono. v|th|n seoonos the |r|est stoppeo
strugg||ng ono s|umpeo ||te|ess to the grouno.
1her|on turneo h|s heoo ono sow h|s ret|eot|on |n o
go|oen oo||eot|on p|ote. vhot he sow neor|y mooe
h|m gosp, he now |new why the |r|est hoo t|eo the
woy he o|o. |s heoo, ono tooe were os oes|oooteo
os h|s hono. 1he s||n wos orown t|ght to h|s s|u||,
ono neor|y o|| ot h|s ho|r hoo to||en out. 1her|on's
eyes were gone, o|| thot remo|neo were empty
soo|ets thot openeo |nto the hus| ot h|s heoo. |s
||ps, nose, ono eors, hoo beoome shr|ve|eo vest|ges
ot whot they onoe were. e |oo|eo |||e o ||v|ng
mummy. Boo||ng owoy h|s toot oome oown upon
the sp|||eo oontents ot the |r|est's poper soo|.
loo||ng oown 1her|on sow o newspoper om|ost
the tooo proouots. e ||tteo the poper ono |oo|eo
ot the tront poge. 1he heoo||ne to|o ot NeoNoz|
|ropogonoo thot hoo been touno |n the o|t|es ot
o||e ono ve|mor|t. But 1her|on put h|s our|os|ty
to the boo| ot h|s m|no os he |oo|eo up ot the
oote, 3eptember 6 2000.
e |new thot the reo||zot|on ot whot hoo hoppeneo
shou|o hove oouseo some ||no ot emot|on |n h|m.
|nsteoo ot r|s|ng trom the oeoo mere ooys otter
|ngest|ng h|s spe||, he hoo ||eo |n stote tor mony
yeors. But h|s reoot|on oome ono went w|th|n
moments. ^s though h|s m|no oou|o not mo|e
|tse|t reo||y oore. e hoo been tronstormeo more
then hoo expeoteo, ono he wou|o neeo t|me to
obsorb o|| ot these ohonges.
1her|on wo||eo over to h|s grove ono pu||eo the
shrouo trom the oott|n. 1eor|ng o seot|on trom |t
he mooe o mo|esh|tt hooo to oover h|s w|thereo
tooe. |ep|oo|ng h|s g|ove he too| one |ost |oo| ot
h|s ret|eot|on, '1her|on von |row|ey |s true|y oeoo,
ono hos been tor over s|x oeoooes. | om whot
remo|ns...| om h|s 3epu|oher.' 1urn|ng ono wo|||ng
out the ooor, |nto the n|ght, 3epu|oher's m|no t|||eo
w|th one more thought. 1hot now the wor|o wou|o
be|ong to h|m.
|nto|||gonco 4
5trongth 3
Ag|||ty 5
5pood 5
Durab|||ty 4
Hoa|th 4
Lnorgy 12
oa|namo Un|nown
5poc|os Mutont
0ccupat|on ^ssoss|n
Appoaranco Mo|e, 5'11, 155|bs, b|ono ho|r, so||o b|oo| eyes, un|nown
oge |resumeo to be orouno 2630J
croatod by s|str|ko
Acrobat|cs: b
//||||y 3ooosj
B|ack 0ps: 3
N|nja: 6
//||||y 3ooosj
Mov|ng 3||ent|y
3||ent |||||ng
|nv|s|b|||ty: 4
6 cnhonoeo v|s|on. |ntroreo
3 cnhonoeo eor|ng
3 leop|ng
4 |et|ex|ve |ooge
veo|th 3
|o|r ot h|gh quo||ty n|n,otos,2 eooh
N|n,o outt|t,b|oo| t|ngeo w|th some reo1 to h|oe
|n oor| or shoooweo oreosJ
loo||ng nonhumon |ure b|oo| eyesJ
|nown or|m|no|vonteo by o|| |ow entoroement
ogeno|es wor|ow|oe but reo| |oent|ty un|nownJ
|eoo|y enem|es0|o n|n,o o|on wh|oh he |ett,
strong groupJ
l|tt|e |s |nown ot 3hooowb|ooe's post exoept thot
he wos o young orphon who possesseo mutont
powers ono superhumon ob|||t|es thot |ent
themse|ves we|| to the ||te ot o n|n,o. e wos to|en
|n by the 3hooow n|n,o o|on wh|oh tought h|m to
respeot o|| ||te ono on|y to |||| the oorupt ono ev||.
e one ooy touno out thot o oorrupt government
ott|o|o| hoo oroereo h|s porents ||||eo tor speo||ng
out ogo|nst h|m.3hooowb|ooe w|sh tor revenge but
the o|on e|oers torb|oe |t.Us|ng h|s powers ono
n|n,o s||||s he |ett thot n|ght ono never returneo. e
||||eo the government ott|o|o| ono hos wor|eo os o
h|reo ossoss|n even s|noe.|s o|o o|on hos been
hunt|ng tor h|m ever s|noe to br|ng h|m to ,ust|oe.
o|op|ay|ng Notos:3hooowb|ooe |s o ruth|ess ||||er
ono w||| oo whotever |t to|es to w|n o t|ght.e won't
hes|tote to ||onop on |nnooent |t |t w||| g|ve h|m on
eoge |n o t|ght nor w||| he hes|tote to |||| the
hostoge onoe the|r usetu|ness to h|m enos.

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