Praying Through The Bible With My First Message

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For Parents and Teachers:

Suggestions for Using These Cards:

 For use with My First Message: A Devotional Bible for Kids This Bible suggests a reading method based on four key elements: reading the passage, thinking about what it means, praying in response to what it says, and living out the truth. The prayers on the cards are written with these four elements in mind. (See the Introduction to My First Message: A Devotional Bible for Kids for suggestions on how to incorporate these four elements into the time you spend with your children in Gods Word.) Use the prayer cards to enhance your childrens understanding of the message of each story and learn how to talk to God in prayer about it.



These prayer cards are designed to be used in conjunction with the 50 Bible stories comprising the My First Message: A Devotional Bible for Kids . They can also be used ef fec tively with any translation of the Bible. The goal of the cards is to help children focus on the main lesson of the Bible story and interact with God about what they have learned.



Using Praying Through the Bible with My First Message Prayer Cards

Taking It Further:

To purchase or get more information on My First Message: A Devotional Bible for Kids, go


To purchase additional packs of Praying Through the Bible with My First Message, or to find additional prayer resources especially for children, go to All online purchases qualify for a discount of at least 20% off retail prices. You may also purchase NavPress or PrayKids! products by calling 1-800-366-7788, 7 am5 pm M-F, MST.


The Praying Through the Bible with My First Message prayers can be adapted to various age groups. For younger kids, you might want to take just one sentence from each prayer and have them pray it. With older children, consider asking them to expand on the written prayer as the Holy Spirit prompts them through the words of the Bible story. Remember these prayers and cards are just a starting point. The goal is to develop a lifelong habit of prayer by encouraging prayer in response to Scripture and to move from modeling prayer for children to helping children learn to pray on their own.


 For use without My First Message: A Devotional Bible for Kids Look up the Scripture reference for each prayer and read the story in any easy-to-understand Bible translation. Use the prayers as a guide to help your children understand the storys main points. Most of the prayers begin by thanking God for what He has shown us about Himself in the story. This is followed by a personal application to the childrens lives. Help your children see how the Bible storys lesson directly relates to them and use the prayer to encourage conversation with God about what the children have learned. | 1-800-366-7788


2007 PrayKids! ISBN #1600062040

Praying through the Bible

Card #1

Creation of Heaven and Earth



genesis 1-2 Adam and Eve genesis 2 Sin and the Fall genesis 3

Creator God, thank You for making the fish and animals and birds and me! You are good and everything You have made is good! I am glad You made me and that I can reflect Your image.



Thank You, Lord, for giving me family and friends so I dont have to be alone. Help me to love these special people and be kind and helpful to them. Heavenly Father, help me not to believe the devils lies. I want to obey You, so please show me the right things to do and then help me to do them. When I do make mistakes, help me not blame others.




The Flood

genesis 6-9

I praise You, Lord, for saving all the animals in the ark, especially my favorite animal, the ________. Help me to be like Noah, to walk with You and believe You will do all You have said You will do.

I praise You, Lord, for giving me ________ (see how many things you can name). I confess that sometimes I am jealous of what others have. Teach me to always be thankful for the gifts You have given me.

Joseph and the Famine, Part 2


8. 9.


Joseph and the Famine, Part 1



Joseph the Dreamer

Father, show me how I can care for and help the members of my family. Keep us close together and help us through the hard times every family faces.

Almighty God, You know I am worried about ________ right now. Please help me trust You and have faith that You will work it out for the best. Thank You that You care about everything in my life.


Moses Is Born

Father, please help me to protect children who are younger or smaller than I am. Help me to stick up for what is right and trust You to help me. Im thinking of ________ right now who needs Your protection. Please take care of him/her.


Moses and the Burning Bush

Lord, thank You for trusting me with big things to do for You. Give me the courage and faith I need to do the job. Thank You that whenever I pray to You, You are always there, ready to help.
2007 PrayKids! | 1-800-366-7788



Jacob and Esau

genesis 25

God, thank You for my family and friends. Please help me to get along with ________. I know You created us all to be different. Help me value ________s differences and fill my heart with love for him/her.

genesis 37

genesis 42-43

genesis 44-45

exodus 1-2

exodus 3-4

ISBN #1600062040

Praying through the Bible

Card #2

The Plagues



exodus 7-10 The First Passover exodus 11-12 Moses Parts the Red Sea exodus 14

Father God, I dont ever want to have a stubborn heart like Pharaohs. Please keep me soft toward You and other people, no matter what!



Lord, even when things are crazy everywhere around me, You keep me safe. I dont always understand how You do it, but You do it every time. Im so glad. Thank You, Father, for fighting for me. Im so glad I dont have to face things alone. I feel safe and special knowing You are for me so nothing can be against me.



4. 5 7

Sinai and the 10 Commandments

exodus 19-20

God, help me to remember that Your rules are Your good gift to help us live safer and happier lives. Sometimes its hard for me to obey certain rules, like ________ . Please help me. Dear Lord, thank You for showing me what to do when I am clueless. Right now I have a problem. Its ________ (name it). Please tell me how to handle this problem. God, it excites me that You even speak to kids like me! I want to hear Your voice. Please speak to me, too. Give me friends like Samuel had who can help me learn to hear You. I am ready to listen! Mighty God, You are stronger than anything that ever makes me afraid. Please help me to be as sure about You as David was. Teach me to pray powerful prayers in Your powerful name.

. David and Goliath


6. 8

Samuel Hears God Speak


Jesus, I would be so glad if I could have a best friend like David did. Please give me one. And thank You that You are my special Friend, too! Help me get to know You better and better.

. David and Jonathan



Elijah and the Prophets of Baal

Lord, You are the one and only true God. Please answer my prayers so people around me will know that You are real and will want to worship You, too.


Elijah Hears a Quiet Voice

God, sometimes I feel lonely and sad like Elijah did. In times like that, please speak to me and give me hope. And please make sure You whisper loud enough for me to hear!
2007 PrayKids! | 1-800-366-7788


. The Battle of Jericho

Joshua 6

1 samuel 3

1 samuel 17

1 samuel 18-20

1 Kings 18

1 Kings 19

ISBN #1600062040

Praying through the Bible

Card #3


Lord, You are more powerful than scary people and blazing fire! Remind me that You are always in control of my life and that nothing is too hard for You. Please send Your angels to guard me and my family from danger.

. The Fiery Furnace

daniel 3 daniel 6 Jonah 1-2



Daniel In the Lions Den

Heavenly Father, help me to trust You always, even when I have to face things that scare me. Please bless me by giving me strong faith like Daniel had.

Jonah and the Huge Fish

Thank You, God, for loving and rescuing me even when I disobey You. Help me to hear Your voice and obey what You have commanded. Place Your love in my heart so that I always want to obey You.



Holy Spirit, give me a joyful heart that overflows with praise to You. Like Mary and Elizabeth, help me trust You even when I dont understand You, because I know You are good. Father, thank You for the baby Jesus! I praise You for sending Him into the world to be our Friend and Savior. Thank You for the peace and joy He brings to people everywhere. Lord in heaven, I want always to seek after You as the wise men did. Even when You seem far away, help me to keep looking for You until I find You.

. Mary and Elizabeth

The Birth of Jesus

Luke 1

Water Into Wine


8. 9.


Jesus Is Baptized


. The Magi

Dear God, you know me inside and out. You know the parts of my life that need to be washed clean by Your Spirit. Please make my heart fresh and sparkling new so it pleases You.

Awesome God, You can do anything! You do miracles. Nothing is impossible for You! Help me to see Your glory in the amazing things You do every day.


The Lords Prayer

Father in heaven, Im glad You're in charge! Please make the world right so that things on earth below are more like they are in heaven above. Thank You that You want to hear from me.


Lord Jesus, You are all powerful! The wind and seas obey You. You heal sickness and forgive our sins. I know that when You forgive me, I am completely forgiven. Thank You for Your power and love!
2007 PrayKids!

. Jesus Calms the Sea | 1-800-366-7788



Luke 2

Matthew 2

Matthew 3

John 2

Matthew 6

Matthew 8-9

ISBN #1600062040

Praying through the Bible

Card #4

Bread and Fish for All



John 6 The Good Samaritan Luke 10 The Prodigal Son Luke 15

Lord Jesus, thank You for providing for all of my needs. Please help me to be like the boy who gave his lunch to Jesus. I want to give You gifts, too, because You are so good to me!



Holy Spirit, help me to see the needs of the people around me. Help me to go out of my way to help them, even when its hard for me. Help me to love others as much as You do. Thank you, Father, that You are a loving God who will always forgive me no matter how badly Ive sinned. Help me never to turn away from You. But if I ever do, please remind me that You always want me back.




Seeds, Lamps and a Harvest

Mark 4

Open my ears, Lord Jesus, so that I hearand really listen toYour voice. Make Your Word easy for me to understand so I can know and love You better. Thank You for using stories to share Your message with me. Jesus, You came to look everywhere for people to save, even in trees! Please find and save ________, who needs to know You. Tell me which people You want me to pray for because they dont know You yet. Lord, Your house is supposed to be a place for prayer. Help my church to be a place where people really want to pray. Teach us to pray in ways that make You happy.

The Last Supper


8. 9.


Jesus Washes the Disciples Feet



Triumphal Entry/Jesus In the Temple Matthew 21

Thank You, Lord Jesus, for making me clean inside. Let me be the first to offer help to others so that they will see how much I love them and You do, too!

Lord Jesus, I love You so much. Help me never to let You down or be mean to You. Keep me close to You, and bring me back if I ever even start to think about wandering away.


Jesus Betrayal and Trial

Jesus, You know what its like to pray and not get the answer You hope for. Help me to trust God like You did, even if He answers my prayers differently from what I want.


The Crucifixion

Savior, thank You for suffering and dying so my sins could be forgiven. It makes me sad to think that You had to die for me. But Im so glad You did! Thank You for loving me so much!
2007 PrayKids! | 1-800-366-7788




Luke 19

John 13

Matthew 26

Matthew 26-27

Luke 23

ISBN #1600062040

Praying through the Bible

Card #5

The Resurrection



John 20 Jesus Goes to Heaven acts 1 Pentecost acts 2

Lord Jesus, I believe You are the Son of God and that You came back to life after You were dead. I know You are alive today in heaven with Your Father. Thank You for giving me the kind of faith that never fails.



Dear Jesus, I love You so much. I want everyone to know about You. Help me to tell everyone about You everywhere I go. Then everyone I care about can know and love You, too! Father in heaven, thank You for giving us the Holy Spirit! Fill me with the Holy Spirits love and power so I can bring glory to God every day of my life.




Peter and John Heal

acts 3

I praise You, mighty God, for Your power that has no limits! You can heal the sick and help those who are hurting. Please help ________, who needs Your power in his/her life today.

Deliverer, use my prayers to set captives free. Help men and women who are in prison to know Your love and care for them. And please be especially close to Christians who are in prison because they love You.

Love Is the Best


8. 9.


The Jailer Becomes a Christian



Peter Is Freed from Jail

God, help me to praise You no matter what, even when life is hard and unfair like it was for Paul and Silas. Give me songs to sing and praises to declare, night and day.

Lord, Your Word tells us that love is more important to You than anything else. Make it that important to me, too. Fill my heart with Your amazing love so that everyone knows that it comes from You.


Humble Yourself

Lord, I know I dont always put others first. Sometimes I want my own way and forget to obey You. Please make me humble like Jesus, so I will love others the way He did.



God, I look forward to being with You in heaven where there will be no more pain, tears, or death. Help me to be sure that my name is written in the Lambs book of life! Make me wise so I can live my life with heaven in mind. I will praise You forever. You are Lord of all. Amen!
2007 PrayKids! | 1-800-366-7788



Saul on the Road to Damascus

Lord, ________ is hard to love because he/she is so mean. Please change ________s heart just like You did Sauls. Instead of being unkind, help him/her to praise You and love others.

acts 9

acts 12

acts 16

1 Corinthians 13

Philippians 2

revelation 21-22

ISBN #1600062040

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