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Report : Personal Development 2-day Workshop

Through this workshop, I can develop the skills, confidence and motivation which help me take control of my future career and even my lives. We are equipped with basic preparatory skills and processes that are needed to bring about positive personal change and development. At the end of the 2-day workshop, I can identify the need for change, carry out a realistic self assessment, consider ways of becoming more assertive, effectively manage my time and prepare an action plan for change. Here is the process of what we have learned from the Personal Development 2-day Workshop as follows.

Learning Outcome 1 Recognise the Need for Seft Development

Firstly, we played a game Who am I?. We are sticked some pieces of paper with the name of some famous people or celebrities in the world (ex: Brad Pitt, Julia Roberts, Mark Zuckerberg, ect.) at the back. Then, we go around to ask some questions to find out what the name is. The purpose of this game is to help us understand who we are. Before we change, we have to recognise it. Secondly, we find out the reasons and benefits for Self Development. There are some reasons: 1. 2. 3. 4. Personal enrichment and fulfilment Finanial gains and stability Quality of life Job requirements satisfaction

I realize some personal reasons for change like the compelling and conviction. It will be better if we know how to change in the right way to improve ourselves. Thirdly, we get a D.I.S.C personal test What is My Colour?. My primary personality is Green (Steady) and my secondary personality is Yellow (Influence). This test evaluates the strength. Then, we assess own current positions.



D = dominance (Red) :active, fast paced, assertive, bold. I = influence (Yellow) : accepting people focused S = steady (Green) : thoughtful,

moderate paced, calm, careful. C = compliant (Blue): questioning logic, focused, skeptical and challenging.

Learning Outcome 2 Identify the processes for Self Development

We played Entanglement game. We are in a group of 10 people and form a circle. Then we hold someones hand, but we mustnt hold the person beside. That makes an entanglement and we all get stuck in the circle. We have to find the way to get out it. The purpose of this game is co-operation. We all together solve the problems with some skills. Then we assess current skills and attitudes. Soft skills are personal skills or experiences which are intangible, difficult to learn, flexible. They are behaviours in nature or Emotional Quotient (EQ) : linguistic, logical-mathematical, spatial, musical, bodily-mathematical, interpersonal and intrapersonal. Hard skills are for example: 1. 2. 3. 4. Foreign language Typing Proficient in software Driving application

They are learned, measured and tangible like IQ. What about attitudes? There are negative and positive attitudes: Negative attitudes Discipline Lazy Complacent Overly dependent Discouraged, ect. Then, we studied some communication skills. 1. Non-verbal : Context: who you are speaking to Culture: which culture you are connect with Content: relevant and meaningful materials. 2. Listening Seek first to understand, then to be understood in the 7 habit of highly effective people. Positive attitudes Optimistic Enthusiastic Changeable Adaptable Flexible, ect.

3. Verbal : the tone of voice 4. Written 5. Manage stress and emotions After that, we studied Personal SWOT analysis.

1. S = Strength : what set we apart? Ex: unique, impressive, lovely, generous 2. W = Weakness : what needs to be improved Ex: shy, lack of confident, influence 3. O = Opportunities: what is possible? Ex: to be a good English teacher 4. T = Threats: what is in my way? Ex: lack of money, skills, not study another language What we have address our opportunities to do is to build our strength, weakness, seek or wrap for and minimize our threats. To be a good English teacher:

s w O T

My S: study English, love teaching, love children, have major knowledge. My W: Shy, lack of confident, influence My O: study other language (French), work in foreign company, travel or study abroad. My T: lack of money, skills... Our weakness can become our strengh, and our threats can be our opportunities. Through our strength, we can seek for opportunities and thanks to recognizing the weakness, we can minimize our threats. Then, we develop supportive relationships: friends, colleagues, mentor, even network like clubs, associations... In addition, we can identify and access to sources of information to achieve goals: our career path and opportunities.

Learning Outcome 3- Describe ways to bring about change

Firstly, we divided into 4 groups and role-play in certain situation to be a passive, aggressive or assertive people. It is really an interesting game to take part in. Aggressiveness: someone who is always think of himself or herself only. Passiveness: someone who is always influenced and think about other people. Assertiveness: someone who is think of themselves and other people at the same time. It is the balance between aggressiveness and passiveness.

Being assertive is a skill that we can learn. Remind ourselves about the rights of assertive behaviour and put them into practice with the help of assertiveness techniques.

The 10 basic rights of assertive behaviour

1. Ive the right to act in a way that promotes my dignity and self -respect as long as I do not violate the rights of others. 2. I have the right to be myself and have a separate identity.

3. I have the right to be treated with respect. 4. I have the right to say No without feeling guity. 5. I have the right to express my needs, opinions, thoughts and ideas. 6. I have the right to feel and express my feelings. 7. I have the right to make mistakes and be responsible for them. 8. I have the right to feel good about myself and my accomplishments. 9. I have the right to take the necessary time to calm down and think things over. 10. I have the right to change my mind. I am a Brand improving ones image

10 ways to improve your brand image

1. First impressions are paramount 2. What emotions are you selling? 3. Big yourself up 4. Brand values 5. A strapline 6. The message 7. Benefits 8. Continuity 9. Grow with the business 10. Dont stray! Secondly, we studied about goals setting Aim for the stars, you will at least be among the clouds. 1. 2. 3. 4. Motivation Chase for something Aim for nothing, you will surely get it Going in the right direction Time and money Specific

We have to determine: 1. 2. 3. 4. Long term vision Short term motivation Allocation of resources Boost self-confidence




There are some types of goals: 1. Career 2. Family 3. Financial Realistic

4. Education 5. Health/pleasure


Then, we studied Time Management in the 7 habits of highly Effective people of Steven Covey.

Not important Not urgent

Ex: - Having a date (go out or go to the cinema) with friends - Study in a dancing class - Study another languages Ex: -

Important Not urgent

Marriage Bear a baby Get a MSc degree

Urgent Not important

Ex: - Helping a friend in need in emergency - Get a deadline of a report - Lend someone money in emergency Ex: -

Important Urgent
Dealine of a important report Treat fatal disease Take part in an important meeting

Learning Outcome 4 - Construct an Action plan for self

Firstly, we played a very interesting game the Amazing race. We were devided into groups of 10 people and go around to surf the riddle and solve the roadblocks or challenges. Through this game, we had to use what have been learn in the workshop above to win the game (hard and soft skills, communication skills, supportive relationships, goals setting, time management and especially co-operation or group work, ect.) Then, we studied how to design a personal action planning:

Where am I now? Review Review

What is my current situation?
What are my achievements? What kind of experience do I have? What do I need to work on?

What am I good at?

Where do I want to be?

Consider all factors, profesional and personal , such as time, support, finance, motivation and pending changes.

How can I get there?

Split target into

Short-term Objectives

Medium-term Objectives

Long-term Objectives

Getting there
What kind of learning do I need to understand to achieve objectives what can PERSONAL ACTION PLAN help me along? What support and resources are required? Are there any constraints what could stop me?

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