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BharatHeavy 'E.lectricaJs' Limited


Addl. Gen.Mgr. (HR) Corporate Offic;e AA/HR/IR/522 . June 01, 2010

ITo I I I .

Alll:feads of Units.

All Headsof HRfEinance




Kindly refer to Sub. Para 4.2 of Para 4. of the Corporate

Resource Circular No. 006I1RX/2010dated February 6j 2010.


. The Management is pleased to extend the. dispensation of 2Y2 increments and Service Weightagew.e.f 01.01.2007 to the Supervisorsin. . the salary grades of. 51 to 53 includingS3A,who were on the: rolls of the.

Company as on 31.12.2006. 3.

Fixation of pay In the revised salary grades:


Consequentupon the grant of 2%.incrementsas at Para 2 above, the

pay of the Supervisors in the salary grades of S1to 53 including 53Amay be re-fixed ason 01.01.2007 in the revisedsalary gradesasunder: . i) . BasicPay. in the existingsalarygrade ason 31.12.2006. ii) DA@78.2% of Basic Pay ii~.). Stagnation increment(s) gr:anted upto 31.12.2006 in,terms of Sub-' Para. 7.1. of Para 7 'of Corporate Personnel Circular No. 05511RX/2000 dated 07.12.2000 and 1nterms of Sub-Para 5.5.1 of ~ara 5.5 of CorporatePersonnelCircular No. 056/1RX/2000 dated 07.12.2000. iv) A uniform fitment benefit @30% of (i), (ii) and (iii) abqve.

~~~ ~\

basic payfixed.inthe revisedpayscale w.e.f. 01.01.2007. If th~ amo~nt 50 arrived at is less than the minimum of the revised p~y scale, ~t..e'D~islc pay shaLL be fixed at the minimum of the revised pay scale~ On this amount, 2~ (two and half) increments each of equal value @3%would be added. The' .resultant amount so arrived at would be rounded off to the next multiple of rupees ten to arrive at the revised Basic Pay effect'ive from 01.01.2007. . .

3.2 The aggregate amount so arrived at by adding (i), (if), (tiOand (iv) as above wouLdbe .rounded off to the next multiple of rupees ten and the

. 4. 1

Service Weightage

roUs of the Company as on 'J

The Supervisor~in 51 to 53 including S3Agrades who were on the 31.12.2006 and continue to be on the roUs: of ~~. ~ q}i, ..t. ~-11oq49, 'SITm, tWr: 26001010-12, ~.':


Regd. Office: BHELHouse: Siri'Fort, New oelhl~110049.'INDIA, Phone: 26001010-1~, Fax; 011-26493021 ,,' ,~.~~: 60

, . .~. .,'''if'

the Company as on 30.12.2009 will be granted Service Weightage w.e.f

01.01.2007 at the following rates for every completed year of service as on 31.12.2006.

Completed years of service Upto 10 years 11 years to 15 years 16 years to 20 years 21 yearsto 25.years 26 years & abov.e 4.2

Rate (RsiP.M.) per completed years of service 20 25 30 35 40

for reckoning. the completed years of service, only the service

rendered in BHELin regular salary grades would be counted. Service of

more than 6 months as on 31.12.2006 wfUbe rounded off to one year and less than 6 months service will be ignored. 4.3 The amount of Servfce Wefghtage. will be paid every month along with the monthly salary. The amount of Service Weightageonce arrived at as on 31.12.2006 will not undergo any change and as such, this amount will . remain fixed until the-next wage revision. The amount of SerViceweightage shall count for statutory payments only.

5. All other terms and conditions Laid down in' Corporate Human Resource -CircuLarNo. 006I1RX/2010dated 06.02:2010 shall remain

The arrears arising out of the above after adjusting payments already made. under Corporate HR Circular No. 00611RX/2010.dated 06.02.2010maybe paid .atongwith the salary for the month of June, 201Q.


This issues with the approval of the Competent Authority.

(Ajesh Sharma) Addl. General Manager (HR) ,, ..,.x > -'.

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