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International Labor Organization

ILO in Bangladesh
Bangladesh has been an active member State of the ILO since 22 June 1972 and has ratified 33 ILO Conventions including seven fundamental conventions. The ILO opened its office in Dhaka, Bangladesh on 25 June 1973, and initially started working on expanding income-earning opportunities through labor-based infrastructure development and maintenance.

ILO 90th anniversary

ILO marks 90 years worldwide and its 36 years in Bangladesh highlighting social dialogue and decent work as the upcoming challenges to respond to the financial economic crisis. Activities include press briefing, trade unions rally and high level forum.

In keeping with the four objectives of the Organization, the ILO in Bangladesh attempts to respond to the needs of the constituents, i.e. the government, employers and workers in areas covered by the core mandate of the Organization. It offers a mix of policy advice and projects and programs conceived and implemented on the basis of International Labor Standards (ILS). Presently, a number of technical cooperation projects aimed at elimination and reduction of child labor from the organized and unorganized sectors of the economy are under implementation. Since the opening of the office, the ILO together with the Government of Bangladesh, Bangladesh Employers Federation (BEF), and the National Coordination Committee for Workers Education (NCCWE), has been working towards promoting decent and productive employment opportunities for women and men in Bangladesh. In addition, the ILO cooperates with many other key actors in civil society, academic and research institutions, private sector and media. As part of the UN system in Bangladesh, the ILO supports the Government of Bangladesh in implementing its Poverty Reduction Strategy (PRS) and in achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The following jobs are accomplished by ILO:

International Labor Organization

International Labor Organization Combating child trafficking in Bangladesh


The regional project to combat trafficking in children for labor and sexual exploitation TICSA II operates in Bangladesh as a part of ILOs Internal Program on the Elimination of Child labor (ILO-IPEC). Bangladesh is a source and transit country for labor migration and child trafficking, with both occurring internally and across borders. The ministries of Home, Social Welfare and Women and Childrens Affairs maintain statistics for cases of cross-border trafficking only. According to those records, there were 13,220 cases of child victims between 1998 and 2004, with only some 4,700 of them recovered. Non-government sources record other estimates that add to the speculative nature of trafficking incidence in the country. The labor exploitation of children is part of the vast informal economy operating in Bangladesh. The Government estimates that some 4.9 million children aged 5-14 are working many in hazardous conditions. Young girls are subjected to early marriage and dowry practices, which contribute to their vulnerability of being trafficked. A little less than 10 percent of the countrys 65.3 million children are without birth certificates, which also increase their vulnerability of being trafficked. The TICSA has launched a project named: ILO- TICSA regional project to combat child trafficking in Bangladesh.

ILO- TICSA regional project overview

Duration: Budget: Donor: TICSA phase II (20032006) US$ 3.0 million US Department of Labor

To fight against child trafficking in Bangladesh ILO has established many programs. These are:

International Labor Organization

International Labor Organization


Prevention of child trafficking: Concentrating on the districts of Thakurgaon, Dinajpur and Panchagarh, TICSA has aimed to prevent child trafficking through a multipronged approach that integrates such elements as: o Establish 13 child-friendly multipurpose community centers to provide a safe space for vulnerable children to learn and play. o Establishing 140 non-formal education units to provide service to more than 3,500 vulnerable boys and girls. o Providing economic empowerment assistance to some 300 families with children vulnerable to trafficking. o Mass awareness rising through a travelling theatre troupe, performing stories of trafficking in local rural areas to help expand peoples understanding of the dynamics of child trafficking. o Mobilizing grassroots communities and organizations by setting up 20 Community Vigilance Team (CVT) in three districts. CVTs have been trained to keep a look-out for vulnerable children and any suspected trafficking activity and to refer individuals needing help to appropriate agencies. Each CVT has about 20 members representing various local agencies about a third of the members are women.

International Labor Organization

International Labor Organization

Rehabilitation and reintegration:


The TICSA rehabilitation and reintegration component works to improve the quality of care and services provided for child victims of trafficking and include such activities as: o Helping to establish integrated services at a shelter based in Dhaka. o Training of counselors in rehabilitation centers to improve quality of services. o Conducting skill-building workshops for partners, focusing on institutional and community-based child care and reintegration. o Piloting an individualized case management system in shelters for victims of trafficking.

Policy development and capacity building of partners: o Helping develop the national plan of action against the sexual abuse and exploitation of children, including trafficking. o Training of relevant government staff, officials and NGOs in the design of anti-trafficking programs. o Providing technical assistance toward establishing a database of violence against women and children within the Ministry of Womens and Childrens Affairs.

International Labor Organization o Reviewing the relevant legal framework and capacity to enforce.

05 Improvement of knowledge base on child trafficking (research):

Research has been undertaken to obtain a better understanding of the trafficking situation in the country and to use the results toward formulating action-oriented programs. Specific research and documentaries include: o Rapid assessment on trafficking in children for exploitative employment in Bangladesh (ILO & INCIDIN), 2002. o A training manual on psychological counseling for trafficked youth.

International Labor Organization

Green Job Assessment in Agriculture and Forestry Sector of Bangladesh (GAAFB)

The concept of green job is a new one. It focuses in particular on the climate change impacts on earth and search the ways for sustainable economic and social development and environmental protection at national, regional and global level. This includes jobs that help to reduce the consumption of energy and raw materials, protect and restore eco-system and biodiversity, minimize the production of waste and pollution and reduce emission of green house gases. Agriculture sector

International Labor Organization The agriculture sector assessment on green jobs would include both an inventory and assessment of the intensive green technologies which are currently on going or are being planned in the future and those have an impact on poverty reduction, employment creation, sustainable environment and decent work. The promotional activities of green job in agriculture sector are- Organic Farming, Sandbar Cropping, Floating Vegetable Gardening, Mushroom Cultivation and Marketing, Bee Keeping (Apiculture), Sericulture, Soil Improvement

International Labor Organization

Forestry Sector


The total forest land of Bangladesh is about 2.52 million ha which is 17.08% of the total land of the country. This sector is also a major source of energy, timber, furniture etc. and contributes about 1.7% of the national GDP. Besides it is serving as the home for conservation of biodiversity. Green job in forestry sector is directly linked with the Millennium development Goal 17: o Protecting ecosystem and biodiversity o De-carbonize the environment and avoid pollution Thus green job opportunities exist in the entire sector, which promote: o A forestation and reforestation o o Protection and sustainable forestry management Halting deforestation

Green job activities in forest sectors are- nursery business, social forestry, agro forestry, a forestation and tree plantation, conservation of forest and biodiversity etc.

International Labor Organization Objective o Make an inventory which organization or agency is doing what in terms of practicing green jobs in agriculture and forestry sectors.

o Identify potential employment intensive green technologies which are currently ongoing or being planned in future and those have an impact on poverty reduction, employment generation, sustainable environment and decent work.

International Labor Organization

Project overview Name Date of event Formal launch Donor GAAFB July 2008 4 December 2008 ILO


Expected result o Practice green job in all agriculture and forestry sector o Direct employment that contributes to the reduction of environmental impact to levels that is ultimately sustainable. o Reduction of the consumption of energy and raw materials decarbonizes the economy, protect and restore ecosystem and biodiversity and minimize the production of waste and pollution.

International Labor Organization o Preservation of the environment for both present and future generations and to be more equitable and inclusive of all people in Bangladesh.

Workshop on assessing and addressing the effects of trade on employment (ETE)

Objective Analyzing and supporting formulation of effective and coherent trade and labor market policies to address the effects of trade on employment and expand creation of decent work.

International Labor Organization

ETE project overview Name ETE project Duration: 4 Years (20092013) Donor EC/ILO


Expected results o Have a better understanding of the link between trade and employment in Bangladesh; o Have the capacity to assess the impact employment in all tripartite group members; of trade on

International Labor Organization o Supported the design of coherent trade and labor market policy; ETE events in Bangladesh ILO- Dhaka, Ministry of Labor and Employment and ITC-ILO Jointly organized a five day knowledge sharing workshop from 8-12 August2010 at Pan Pacific Sonargaon in Dhaka. The workshop intended to enhance the capacity of the government officials, trade unions and employers on understanding the issues related to trade and employment. The workshop was organized through the ILO project Assessing and Addressing the Effects of Trade on Employment (ETE) funded by the European Union. The Honorable Minister for Ministry of Labor and Employment and Expatriates Welfare and Overseas Employment was present as the Chief Guest of the inaugural ceremony, while H.E Ambassador, European Union Delegation to Bangladesh, Secretary, Ministry of Commerce, Secretary General, Bangladesh Employers Federation and Chairman, NCCWE were present as the special guests. ILO Director a.i. delivered the welcome speech whilst Chief Technical Advisor of ETE project made a brief presentation of the project.

International Labor Organization Finalizing the List of Hazardous Work


A consultation workshop Finalizing the List of Hazardous Work organized by the Child Labor Unit (CLU) of Ministry of Labor and Employment (MOLE) through financial and technical supports of the ILO-executed Urban Informal Economy (UIE) Project. Objective The overall objective of the consultation was to produce a single list of hazardous work for prohibition employment of children under 18

International Labor Organization years old which will be submitted to MOLE and Tripartite Technical Committee for their respective review and adoption. Expected results o Government of Bangladesh is to take action for identifying and denouncing the worst forms of child labor in the country. o Develop action plan and strategies, and to expedite our program and project implementation which can effectively and successfully address the worst forms of child labor in the country by 2016. o Concrete time bound actions to be undertaken by MOLE and the Technical Tripartite Committee (TTC) towards adoption the list of hazardous work for prohibition employment of children under 18 year old, and finalizing a list cannot wait for more now. o According to the new education Policy 2009, which provides for compulsory primary education up to class VIII and ensure the implementation of this policy.

International Labor Organization


Child Labor and Trade License

International Labor Organization An Inception and Orientation Workshop was held on the newly issued Office Order on Child Labor and Trade License on 25th January 2011 at the Auditorium of Dhaka City Corporation (DCC). Objectives o raise understanding and knowledge of around sixty (60) Tax and Revenue Officials at DCC and Zonal level on the child labor issues and its consequences, relevant national and international legal instruments, and the new Office Order; and o Mobilize their participation in addressing child labor in the hazardous sectors of the urban informal economy through workplace monitoring and creating synergic linkages between the Officials and DCCs Community-based Workplace Surveillance Groups (CWSGs). It is important to note that the new procedure requires operators of business enterprises or establishments to submit a conditional declaration revealing that no child labor is engaging in the hazardous work and dangerous environment. DCC will revoke the trade license from any business or establishment if child labor is found working in hazardous work and dangerous environment.

International Labor Organization

International Labor Organization


ILO to mark 100th international womens day

GENEVA (ILO News) The International Labor Organization (ILO) will mark the centenary of International Womens Day on Monday 7 March with a panel discussion which will highlight the role of gender equality in securing a sustainable and equitable recovery. Focusing on the theme Making the crisis recovery work for women! a panel of experts will discuss how policy measures in the wake of the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression can ensure equal opportunities and treatment for women and men when it comes to jobs and working conditions. The panel will emphasize skills development and training policies, contributing to the UN theme for this Day: Equal access to education, training and science and technology: Pathway to decent work for women. One hundred years on, despite some progress there is still much to be done to achieve gender equality in the world of work. The crisis has served to underscore and aggravate pre-existing inequality. Achieving gender equality remains a major challenge. Securing a sustainable and equitable recovery and a fair globalization demand gender-aware responses, said ILO Director-General Juan Somavia. According to the latest ILO data, both women and men continue to feel the impact of the economic crisis, with the global unemployment rate for men standing at 6 per cent in 2010 and 6.5 per cent for women. The ILO has upheld the principles of equal remuneration for work of equal value and of non discrimination since its founding in 1919. In 2009, the International Labor Conference passed a resolution on Gender Equality at the Heart of Decent Work guiding efforts towards a labor market in which all women and men can participate freely and

International Labor Organization actively. That same year the ILC adopted the Global Jobs Pact to help mitigate the social impact of the crisis. Amongst other measures, the Pact calls for recovery packages to take into account gender equality concerns.

12 Workshop on Child Labor and Regulatory Mechanism

International Labor Organization

The ILO-Urban Informal Economy (UIE) Project and the Revenue Department of Dhaka City Corporation (DCC) organized four zonal level workshops on Understanding Child Labor and Regulatory Mechanism. Objective o Sensitize the relevant stakeholders on the recently issued Office Order of the DCC in relation to Trade License and Child Labor. o Prevent and eliminate hazardous forms of child labor in Dhaka City Corporation area. o Educate and motivate the employers to get out of the practice of employing children Project overview Type Duration Date of events Donor Zonal level workshop March April 2011 27, 29 and 31 March and 6 April 2011 Urban Informal Economy (UIE) &

International Labor Organization Spot Participant s Expected result o Implementation of new trade license system in November 2010 in every factory within the boundary of the DCC. o Fully aware regarding the consequences of violating the rules. o get support to the enforcement of the new trade licensing system. Revenue Department of (DCC) zone 6, 4, 2 and 1 respectively More than 800

International Labor Organization


Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Reform in Bangladesh

Objective This 5-year project aims to establish a market-oriented and flexible TVET system which responds to the demand for competitive skills of the modern sector as well as to the needs of youth and underprivileged groups. It is split into two consecutive phases, to accommodate any changes in project design / donor cooperation etc. Project overview Sector Location of activities Project budget () EC contribution () Implementing agency Trade and Economic Development/ Education All over Bangladesh 15 million 14 million International Labor Organization (ILO) with

International Labor Organization Directorate of Technical Education (DTE) as national implementing agency International Labor Organization (ILO) 12 December 2007 11 December 2012 5 years

Co-financing / Local partner Starting date Expected end date Duration

International Labor Organization


New tools in efforts to address child labor in Bangladesh

Ministry of Labor and Employment (MoLE) launched on Jun 29, 2011 a Child Labor Management Information System (CLMIS) and its Child Labor Unit's Website. The CLMIS and Website were developed with technical assistance of the ILO-Urban Informal Economy (UIE) Project. Objective o Prevention and reduction of hazardous forms of child labor in Bangladesh. o Motivate factories to get out of the practice of employing children. o Trace the child labor in Bangladesh and combat with this. Project overview Name date ILO-UIE project Jun 29, 2011

International Labor Organization Participant s Spot Type Donor Subject More than 70 Dhaka, Bangladesh Meeting ILO co-office Child labor

International Labor Organization World Day against Child Labor 2011


On the eve of the 10th World Day against Child Labor (WDACL) 12 June 2011, the Ministry of Labor and Employment (MOLE) took the lead to observe WDACL under the theme "Warning! Children in hazardous work End child labor". Project overview

When Where Type countries covered

11 June 2011 Dhaka, Bangladesh Meeting Bangladesh

International Labor Organization Donor Subjects ILO child labor

Green Jobs in Asia-Bangladesh

Green jobs initiatives in Bangladesh commenced as a follow up to the International Conference held in Nigata in April 2008. Implementation period of the project (i.e. the first phase) was July 2008 June 2010. The Ministry of Labor and Employment took the lead for inter-ministerial consultations and the way forward. ILOs tripartite constituents were involved in implementation of the various project activities including advocacy, training and sensitization of the members of the employers and workers organizations on basic concepts and ideas on green jobs and decent work.

International Labor Organization


Objectives o Promote the capacity of ILO constituents to engage in dialogue on green jobs through increased access to reliable sources of data and information on green jobs and training.

o Green jobs mainstreamed in labor and social policies. o Demonstration projects for green jobs employment promotion in specific sector in Bangladesh. Project overview Duration March 2011 - June 2012

International Labor Organization Donor countries covered Unit responsibl e Subjects Government of Australia Asia; Bangladesh ILO country office for Dhaka

employment, green jobs, environment, climate change, ILO Programme

International Labor Organization


Promoting Gender Equality in Civil Service of Bangladesh

As a part of the Project initiatives of Promoting Gender Equality and Preventing Violence against Women at Workplace The 3rd consultation workshop on Promoting Gender Equality in Civil Service of Bangladesh was held at CIRDAP auditorium on 3rd March 2011, organized by the Ministry of Labor and Employment and supported by the ILO. Objective The event aimed to explore key strategies for promoting Gender Equality and to enhance understanding about the current status of gender mainstreaming in the civil services both at conceptual and practical levels.

International Labor Organization Project overview When Where Type countries covered Unit responsibl e Subjects 3 March 2011 Dhaka, Bangladesh Workshop Bangladesh ILO Country Office for Bangladesh women workers, working conditions, work environment

International Labor Organization Workplace


Stop Violence against Women in Every Sphere of Life not only at

The second consultation workshop on Promoting Gender Equality and Preventing Violence against Women at Workplace took place at BIAM Foundation, Dhaka, on 9th February 2011, which was organized by the Ministry of Labor and Employment and supported by the ILO Objective The objective of the workshop was to enhance recognition of workplace violence against women as a major threat to safety and security, productivity, equal treatment and decent work and to identify effective means of promoting gender equality and preventing VAW (sexual harassment) at workplace and role of different key actors.

International Labor Organization Project overview When Where Type countries covered Unit responsibl e 9 February 2011 Dhaka, Bangladesh Workshop Bangladesh

ILO Country Office for Bangladesh women workers, working conditions, sexual harassment, workplace violence, social protection, gender equality, women rights


International Labor Organization


Promoting Decent Work through Improved Migration Policy and its Application in Bangladesh
Following the Regional Symposium on Deployment of Workers Overseas : A Shared Responsibility organized by ILO Country Office for Bangladesh and on the request of the Government of Bangladesh, the ILO in cooperation with IOM and UNWOMEN formulated a technical cooperation project entitled Promoting Decent Work through Improved Migration Policy and its Application in Bangladesh. Objective

International Labor Organization o To obtain baseline information for guidance in the development of concrete interventions at a later stage, including the assessment of needs for comprehensive awareness raising interventions; o To develop a Long Term Perspective Plan by considering the recommendations of the ILO-SDC Regional Symposium on Deployment of Workers Overseas o To consult broadly on major key issues and concerns that will underline project interventions; including but not limited to law and policy review and revision o To initiate training and capacity building of officers who are likely to be involved in project implementation, including the sharing of experiences on policies and practices of other migrant source countries for possible application in Bangladesh o To launch information Bangladeshs overseas institutional frameworks. campaigns on Government employment program and of its

International Labor Organization

Project overview


International Labor Organization

Duration countries covered Unit responsibl e Subjects

July 2010 - December 2010 Bangladesh ILO Country Office for Bangladesh decent work, migration policy

Urban Informal Economy (UIE) Project

A revised Project Document to the tune of US$ 1,02,44,935 (BDT = 70.69 Crore) was signed the 29 April 2010 at 1.00 P.M in Economic Relations Division (ERD), Sher-e-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka between the Government of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh and (ILO) to implement the project titled Urban Informal Economy (UIE) Program. Objective o Formulation of policy and model mitigation and confrontation of hazardous child labor in urban informal sector; o Provide the children with non-formal education and different types of Skill Development Training; o Data collection on child labor, analysis and its publication; o Protect the children from worst forms of work and rehabilitate their families with alternative source of income o Raise awareness against child labor

International Labor Organization

Date issued Unit responsibl e Subjects 29 April 2010 ILO Country Office for Bangladesh child labor

International Labor Organization

Project overview

Launch of Smart Business Initiative Alliance (SBI)

On May 21, 2009, in Dhaka, the launching ceremony of Smart Business Initiative (SBI) Alliance was organized at the Auditorium of Dhaka City Cooperation. Objective The main objectives of the SBI Alliance is awareness raising and advocacy on child labor, capacity building of its partners for improved business, and to demonstrate sustainable replicable models for hazardous free working conditions for employers and workers. Project overview

International Labor Organization Type Date issued Unit responsibl e Subjects Press release 21 May 2009 ILO Country Office for Bangladesh child labor, Asia, ILO press releases

International Labor Organization


Fellowship program for policy makers

From 13-27 March, the first fellowship batch under the Technical and Vocational Education Training (TVET) Project comprising of senior government officials and employers and workers representatives visited Malaysia and Australia. The fellowship focused on how to improve the structure of Skills in Bangladesh through establishment of a national industrial body named Skills Bangladesh Objective The objective was to provide them firsthand knowledge on the configuration and operation of TVET policies and systems abroad and to benefit for the national perspective. Project overview

International Labor Organization

Type Date issued Unit responsibl e Subjects

Press release 01 April 2009 ILO Country Office for Bangladesh promotion of employment, skilled workers, vocational training


International Labor Organization Scenario of ILO activities in Bangladesh at a glance

1. Combating child trafficking in Bangladesh

International Labor Organization Duration: Budget: Donor: TICSA phase II (2003-2006) US$ 3.0 million US Department of Labor

2. Green Job Assessment in Agriculture and Forestry Sector of Bangladesh (GAAFB) Name Date of event Formal launch Donor GAAFB July 2008 4 December 2008 ILO

3. Workshop on assessing and addressing the effects of trade on employment (ETE) Name Duration: Donor ETE project 4 Years (2009-2013) EC/ILO

4. Finalizing the List of Hazardous Work 5. Child Labor and Trade License 6. ILO to mark 100th international womens day

International Labor Organization

7. Workshop on Child Labor and Regulatory Mechanism Type Duration Date of events Donor Spot


Zonal level workshop March April 2011 27, 29 and 31 March and 6 April 2011 Urban Informal Economy (UIE) & Revenue Department of (DCC) zone 6, 4, 2 and 1 respectively

International Labor Organization Participants More than 800 8. Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Reform in Bangladesh Sector Location of activities Project budget () EC contribution () Implementing agency Co-financing / Local partner Starting date Expected end date Duration Trade and Economic Development/ Education All over Bangladesh 15 million 14 million International Labor Organization (ILO) with Directorate of Technical Education (DTE) as national implementing agency International Labor Organization (ILO) 12 December 2007 11 December 2012 5 years

International Labor Organization

International Labor Organization


1. New tools in efforts to address child labor in Bangladesh Name date Participants Spot Type Donor Subject ILO-UIE project Jun 29, 2011 More than 70 Dhaka, Bangladesh Meeting ILO co-office Child labor

2. World Day against Child Labor 2011 When Where Type countries covered Donor Subjects 11 June 2011 Dhaka, Bangladesh Meeting Bangladesh ILO child labor

International Labor Organization

International Labor Organization

9. Green Jobs in Asia-Bangladesh Duration Donor March 2011 - June 2012 Government of Australia


International Labor Organization countries covered Unit responsible Subjects Asia; Bangladesh ILO country office for Dhaka employment, green jobs, environment, climate change, ILO Programme

10. Promoting Gender Equality in Civil Service of Bangladesh When Where Type countries covered Unit responsible Subjects 3 March 2011 Dhaka, Bangladesh Workshop Bangladesh ILO Country Office for Bangladesh women workers, working conditions, work environment

11. Stop Violence against Women in Every Sphere of Life not only at Workplace When Where Type 9 February 2011 Dhaka, Bangladesh Workshop

International Labor Organization

countries covered Bangladesh


International Labor Organization Unit responsible ILO Country Office for Bangladesh women workers, working conditions, sexual harassment, workplace violence, social protection, gender equality, women rights


12. Promoting Decent Work through Improved Migration Policy and its Application in Bangladesh Duration countries covered Unit responsible Subjects July 2010 - December 2010 Bangladesh ILO Country Office for Bangladesh decent work, migration policy

13. Urban Informal Economy (UIE) Project Type Date issued Unit responsible Subjects Press release 29 April 2010 ILO Country Office for Bangladesh child labor

14. Launch of Smart Business Initiative Alliance (SBI) Type Date issued Unit responsible Subjects Press release 21 May 2009 ILO Country Office for Bangladesh child labor, Asia, ILO press releases

International Labor Organization

International Labor Organization

3. Fellowship program for policy makers Type Date issued Unit responsible Subjects Press release 01 April 2009 ILO Country Office for Bangladesh promotion of employment, skilled workers, vocational training


Conclusion At the end we believe that ILO will take various initiatives for the betterment to the society. They have launched a lot of promotional project and program to do welfare to the society and during their 36 years operations in Bangladesh they took various project such asCombating child trafficking in Bangladesh, Green Job Assessment in Agriculture and Forestry Sector of Bangladesh (GAAFB), Workshop on

International Labor Organization assessing and addressing the effects of trade on employment (ETE), Finalizing the List of Hazardous Work, Child Labor and Trade License, International womens day etc.

International Labor Organization



Information is collected through various journals, publications and websites: o International Journal of Labor Research: Trade Union Strategies Towards Global Productions Systems o Global Labor University: Strengthening South-South Cooperation through a Global Network for Decent Work and Social Justice 18 November 2010 o National Trade Union Conference on the Ratification of ILO Core Labor Standards , 24-26 August 2010 , New Delhi ,01 September 2010 o Report: Workshop on Climate Change, Its Employment and Labor Markets, March 2010 Impacts on

o Winning Fair Labor Standards for Domestic Workers: Lessons Learned from the Campaign for a Domestic Worker Bill of Rights in New York State - 15 June 2010 o .htm

International Labor Organization o .pdf o sponses/bangladesh/action.htm o o o o o dex.htm

International Labor Organization


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