Dystopian Wars Excel Sheet

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Nation :

Squad 1 : Squad 2 : Squad 3 : Squad 4 : Squad 5 : Squad 6 : Squad 7 : Squad 8 : Squad 9 :


Max Fleet Value : Model None None None None None None None None None

750 Pts / Model 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Core Force : Type -

Aerial No. Models Models Taken 1 2 3 5 1 3 0 0 0 Small % : Medium % : Large / Massive % 0.00 0.00 0.00 Optional MAR 00 - None 00 - None 00 - None 00 - None 00 - None 00 - None 00 - None 00 - None 00 - None



Invalid - Not enough Core Units

Fleet Total :

Small % : 0.00
AA AD 2 1 3 NA NA 1 MV" 16 12 NA 16

Medium % : 0.00
Hits (Not Destroy) Ignored on 5 or 6 Hits (Not Destroy) Ignored on 5 or 6 -

Lrg/Mas % : 0.00

Core % :

TINY FLYERS 0 Fighters 0 Torp. Bombers 0 Dive Bombers 0 Recon

Links fire with parent in CAP against Boarding Assault.

Number of Models : 1 Pts / Model : 0

Model Size : -















00 - None

Number of Models : 2 Pts / Model : 0

Model Size : -















00 - None

Number of Models : 3 Pts / Model : 0

Model Size : -















00 - None

Number of Models : 5 Pts / Model : 0

Model Size : -















00 - None

Number of Models : 1 Pts / Model : 0

Model Size : -















00 - None

Number of Models : 3 Pts / Model : 0

Model Size : -















00 - None

Number of Models : 0 Pts / Model : 0

Model Size : -















00 - None

Number of Models : 0 Pts / Model : 0

Model Size : -















00 - None

Number of Models : 0 Pts / Model : 0

Model Size : -














00 - None

Optional MAR 00 - None 00 - None 00 - None 00 - None 00 - None 00 - None 00 - None 00 - None 00 - None 0.00 0.00 0.00

Optional MAR 00 - None 00 - None 00 - None 00 - None 00 - None 00 - None 00 - None 00 - None 00 - None


Type Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Model Size -

Fleet Total :

Army does not meet the minimum squad requirement for the Core Fleet Selected. 1 Small, 1 Medium and 1 Lar

et Selected. 1 Small, 1 Medium and 1 Large or Massive is required.

M.A.R. Air Hunter Altitude Skimming Amphibious Armoured Belly Armoured Topside Assault Weapon Bombard Combustible Cargo Convoy Duty Coordinated Assault Corrosive Covered Decks Deck Crews Dash and Elan Destructive Ordnance Devastating Ordnance Diehard Crew Double Decker Electrical Defences Elite Crew Elusive Target Emplaced Experienced Engineers Extended Range Fearless Fast Target Ferocious Flight Capability Forward Observer Fuel Reserves Gas Alert Ground Clamps Hard Impact Hull Breaker Hull Ripper Hulking Icon Immovable Impervious Incendiary Rounds Indestructible Inventive Scientists Invincible Iron Ram Jettison Damage Lethal Strike

Limited Resources Long Legs Magnetic Mines Manoeuvrable Minefields Pack Hunter Panic Dive Quick Launch Radio Network Rapid Fire Reassignment Redoubtable Rugged Construction Security Posts Sharpshooters (OPT) Sharpshooters Shallow Wader Sharp Turn Silent Running Small Target Spotter Strategic Objective Streamlined Hull Sturginium Boost Swift Ascent Telescopic Zoom Terror Weapon Towering Vulnerable Water Hunter Dolphin Dipper Ice Engines Scuttle Sturginium Rounds Wave Lurker Independent Land Torpedoes Low Profile Momentum No Reverse Quick Traverse Skilled Minelayers Tiny Flyer Complement Tiny Flyer Complement (6) Tiny Flyer Complement (9) Tiny Flyer Complement (4)

Close Air Support (3) Combat Launch Retardant Armour Surface Skimmer Ablative Armour Armoured Support Concussive Barrage Concussive Tremor Conscripted Crew Drilling Machine Ground Support Hard Shell Lob Shot Repair Vehicle Sheaf Fire Ground Support (4) Lethal Strike (OPT) Experienced Engineers (OPT) Incendiary Rounds (OPT)

Description This weapon receives a +1 bonus to hit on its Attack Dice (AD) rolls against Obscured models. If this model is Obscured and at an All Stop, it can ONLY be affected by Ack Ack (AA) and Boarding Assaults. Can move in Water and Land. Water Mv Halved. Apply reductions for moving through Water before other adjustments. If in W This model receives +1 to its Critical Rating (CR) against any Attack or Counterattack made from a lower Height Level. This model receives +1 to its Critical Rating (CR) against any Attack or Counterattack made from a higher Height Level. During Boarding model can initiate a Boarding Assault as if it were a Robot, using initial AP value, OR it can initiate Boarding A When using Indirect Fire this weapon hits on a 5 or 6. If a Weapon Type is listed as being a Bombard, it automatically has this When model is Destroyed, all models within 4 of centrel, at same Height, are attacked AD = 2 x Initial HP. Terrain blocks effe This model can have up to one Tiny Flyer Squadron attached to it as a Combat Air Patrol (CAP). If >2 models with MAR initiate a Boarding Assault against same target, Assault gets +1 AD for each model involved that has AP If hits>=DR , place 1 marker. If hits>=CR, place 2. End Phase 1D6 each marker. 1, 2, 3 remove marker, 4, 5, 6 loses 1HP and ke A Tiny Flyer that has landed on this model cannot be targeted with Ack Ack (AA). Once per game Carrier can add 1 Flyer back to Squadron. Wing must be Landed, or belong to a Recon Squadron. Wing launch If this model initiates Boarding Assault, Assault will receive +1 AD if the model has a current AP>0. Roll on Critical Table if Hits exceeds DR, Not CR of target model. 2 extra D6 for each RED 6 rolled on first roll. Subsequent 6s generate 1 extra D6 as normal. This model rolls an additional D6 when resolving any Bravery Test. Model can Launch 2 Wings during Activation. Designated complement of Tiny Flyers is doubled for the purpose of calculating If this model is the target of a Boarding Assault it gains +3 Ack Ack (AA). If this model is involved in a Boarding Assault it receives a +1 bonus to hit on its Attack Dice (AD) rolls. This model is only hit on a 5 or 6 if targeted by Ordnance weapons from a Small Class model. Model can be Deploys anywhere between the Deployment Edge of the player Deploying this model and the centre line of the This models Repair Rolls are successful on a 1, 2, 3 or 4. This model can initiate a Boarding Assault against a target within 8 This model automatically passes all Bravery Tests. This model is only hit on a 6 if targeted by Ordnance weapons from a Capital Class model. If this model is involved in a Boarding Assault it receives a +1 bonus to hit on its Attack Dice (AD) rolls. Model can move in the Air and Land. Reduce its Mv by HALF if in the air. Apply any reduction before making any other adjustm Model can fire its Bombard weapon using Indirect Fire at RB2. If it does fire into Range Band 2, it DOESN'T need a Spotting mo If this model suffers a Critical Hit roll a D6; on a 5 or 6 place a Raging Fire marker on the model. If this model initiates a Boarding Assault, the Boarding Assault receives +2 Attack Dice (AD). While at All Stop it cannot move, be moved, or rotated, and receives a +1 bonus to hit on its AD rolls. Model is destroyed on S If Hits >= DR, target is knocked back 2 directly away from the source of the Attack. May cause Collision. Also occurs if model If model Rams and Hits>=CR of target, target loses 1D3 HP, as well as suffering full effect of the Critical Hit. Ignores Treachero If Rams and Hits >= DR, place with its Aft touching opposite side. Cannot end touching any model or terrain. If not enough roo Model counts as being 1 Size larger than its defined Size for the purpose of determining LOS only. Works both ways. If a model in your Fleet is within 8 of the centre of this model, roll additional 1D6 when it resolves any Break or Bravery Test This model cannot move, be moved, or rotated. If this model suffers a Sturginium Flare result on the Critical Hit Table it is Des If this model is the target of any Boarding Assault, reduce the amount of Attack Dice (AD) rolled against the model by HALF. If Hits >= DR of the target model with weapon using Incendiary Rounds, place one Raging Fire marker on the target model. Do not remove when destroyed. Boarding Assault can still be performed against this model. Critical Hits affecting AP still appl If model uses Generator, can re-roll 1 of the D6 rolled, accepting new result. If a 1 is rolled using this MAR, CANNOT use any G This model CANNOT be damaged by Rocket or Torpedo Ordnance attacks, or any Model Assigned Rule associated with them. If this model performs a Ram, reduce the amount of Attack Dice (AD) rolled against this model by HALF. Model CAN recover 1HP once per game, at the beginning of its activation, but it gains Vulnerable MAR from that point on, for If Hits >= DR of the target, target loses 1 additional AP.

If this model initiates a Boarding Assault, it receives a -1 penalty to hit on its Attack Dice (AD). Model CAN move over models and terrain 1 or more Sizes smaller. DOES NOT activate Mines. CANNOT end turn on another m Can move each Mine it has dropped, up to 2 in End Phase. If moved within model 1 of the centre of it, explosion is resolved May turn 90 degrees instead of removing ALL STOP token. Deploys 5 Mines, w/5 AD each, within 12 of centre, after players have deployed. CANNOT be deployed within 4 of a model, Any Attack, that includes at least 2 models Pack Hunter MAR, receives +1 AD for each additional model, which has the Pack H If model makes an Attack or Ram, can attempt to Panic Dive immediately. Roll a D6; on a 5 or 6 this model submerges. Tiny Flyer Wings that Launch from this model can Activate in the Turn that they Launch. A model or token CANNOT Activate m If model is deployed and NOT Lost, controlling players Hand of Game Cards is +1. Can exceeed 5. Not cumulative. If this model makes an Attack or Counterattack using its AA, it can re-roll up to TWO of the AD rolled, but must accept the new Can re-assign AP after successful boarding assault. No model may exceed its original AP rating as a result of the Reassignment Any weapon with the Redoubtable MAR only reduces its AD by 1 for every 2 HP of damage taken. Any Attack or Counterattack against a model with this MAR reduces the number of AD rolled by 1. Reduction happens AFTER Any Boarding Assault against a model with the Security Posts MAR must ignore the first 2 hits scored when rolling AD to resol During activation, can target enemy model within 4 (Not Robot, Obscured or Submerged). Roll 1D6; on a 5 or 6 target loses 1 During activation, can target enemy model within 4 (Not Robot, Obscured or Submerged). Roll 1D6; on a 5 or 6 target loses 1 This model can move both in Water and on Land, provided that it remains within 4 of Land terrain. If travelling through Wate This model does NOT need to move DIRECTLY ahead during its Minimum Move. If this model is Submerged and at an All Stop, it can ONLY be affected by Concussion Charges (CC) and Boarding Assaults. This model is only hit on a 5 or 6 if targeted by Ordnance weapons from a Capital Class model. If model has LOS to a target, and is within RB4 of it, a Capital Class model can use Indirect Fire against that target. CANNOT us If this model is Captured or Destroyed, the opposing player gains additional Victory Points (VP) equal to its Strategic Objective If this model does not make any turns during the Movement Segment of its Squadron activation, its Movement (Mv) allowan At start of Squadron activation, roll D6; on 5 or 6 Mv increased by 2. If this model is part of a Squadron, the Squadron only r If model makes an Attack or a Ram, it can attempt to perform a Swift Ascent immediately afterwards. Roll a D6; on 5 or 6 it is An Auxiliary weapon with the Telescopic Zoom MAR can increase its range in inches equal to the stated Telescopic Zoom Valu If hits >=CR of the target, the target model must immediately take a Break Test. This model can Attack or Counterattack using its Primary weapons against flying models in Range Band 1. If this model suffers a Critical Hit, the Critical Hit Table result can be re-rolled by your opponent, but they must accept the new This weapon receives a +1 bonus to hit on its Attack Dice (AD) rolls against Submerged models. If model moves in a straight line, gains +3 Mv. Cannot move through surface models. Model is not considered submerged. Model can move up to 3 backwards using rules for moving backwards. If it collides with another model, the OTHER model re Can move Sideways, but if it does, it MUST move sideways for entire move, and CANNOT turn. ALWAYS resolves a collision if Target only cancels a hit with Shields on a 5 or 6 when cancelling hits from Gunnery attacks. Model can partially submerge. See CoA rulebook for full benefits and penalties. This model ignores the Command Distance rules and is never Out of Command. Torpedoes on this model can target Armoured models on Land. This model counts as being a Small Class model for the purpose of determining Line of Sight only. This model cannot come to an All Stop and cannot move Backwards. This model cannot move Backwards. Any weapon with the Quick Traverse Model Assigned Rule can fire into EITHER the Fore or Aft Channel, but it CANNOT fire int This model can drop TWO Mines during the Movement Segment of its Activation. This model is a Carrier model and has a designated complement of Tiny Flyers equal to the listed value. This model is a Carrier model and has a designated complement of Tiny Flyers equal to the listed value. This model is a Carrier model and has a designated complement of Tiny Flyers equal to the listed value. This model is a Carrier model and has a designated complement of Tiny Flyers equal to the listed value.

This model has a designated complement of Tiny Flyers equal to the listed value. They MUST be in CAP. Only this wing can lan If this model performs a Launch action during its Activation, it can still use any Generator or fire any weapon in that activation The first 6 (red) rolled against this model during any attack or counterattack, is counted as a 6 (black). Surface unit. Move over land & models -1 sz. Move over mines. Detonates if halted within 1 of centre. Torps hit on 5 or 6, ig Models DR = CR until it takes its first point of Damage. Model then cannot regain Ablative Armour MAR. This model has a squadron of Medium Tanks Embarked on it equal to the listed value. During Command, it may deploy them If Hits >= DR of the target, target loses 1 additional AP. If this model moves to the Surface, all Mines within 8 immediately explode. If this model is involved in a Boarding Assault, it suffers a -1 penalty to hit on its Attack Dice during that Boarding Assault. Must be deployed Underground and is considered Submerged. Can ONLY be targeted by Concussion Charges and Bomb Ordn This model has a squadron of Small Tanks Embarked upon it equal to the listed value. During Command, it may deploy them w Can perform Hard Shell attack against 1 target at same/lower height within 4 of centre. AD = 3 x THIS models Initial HP. This A Lob shot attack ignores Obstructing models when determining LOS. Cannot link with non-lob shot models. Instead of boarding, can initiate a Repair attempt within 8 at same height level. See rulebook for further details. Must be conducted with at least 2 weapons. Each weapons places a blast template. Each model within template resolves atta This model has a squadron of Small Tanks Embarked upon it equal to the listed value. During Command, it may deploy them w If Hits >= DR of the target, target loses 1 additional AP. This models Repair Rolls are successful on a 1, 2, 3 or 4. If Hits >= DR of the target model with weapon using Incendiary Rounds, place one Raging Fire marker on the target model.

ther adjustments. If in Water, IGNORE the Hulking and Long Legs MARs. er Height Level. er Height Level. can initiate Boarding Assault using its current AP value. t automatically has this MAR. HP. Terrain blocks effect.

del involved that has AP > 0. 4, 5, 6 loses 1HP and keeps marker. Squadron. Wing launches in subsequent Turn.

purpose of calculating the max Tiny Flyers that can Land on this model.

nd the centre line of the Game Board.

making any other adjustment to Mv. SN'T need a Spotting model or Recon Plane to provide LOS for it.

Model is destroyed on Sturginium Flare CR roll. n. Also occurs if model cannot move full 2. l Hit. Ignores Treacherous Terrain. rrain. If not enough room, cannot use Hull Ripper MAR. ks both ways. y Break or Bravery Test. Icon MAR NOT cumulative. ritical Hit Table it is Destroyed. st the model by HALF. on the target model. ts affecting AP still apply. MAR, CANNOT use any Generator during current Activation. e associated with them. from that point on, for the rest of the game.

T end turn on another model. it, explosion is resolved immediately. If model lost, its Mines cannot be moved.

ed within 4 of a model, token or other Mine. el, which has the Pack Hunter MAR. odel submerges. ken CANNOT Activate more than once per Turn. cumulative. but must accept the new results. ult of the Reassignment MAR.

duction happens AFTER performing any available Firing Options. when rolling AD to resolve Assault. on a 5 or 6 target loses 1 AP. on a 5 or 6 target loses 1 AP. travelling through Water it doesn't reduce its Mv.

Boarding Assaults.

that target. CANNOT use the Spotter MAR if it is Obscured. o its Strategic Objective Value. ovement (Mv) allowance is increased by 1. on, the Squadron only rolls once. Roll a D6; on 5 or 6 it is Obscured. d Telescopic Zoom Value.

hey must accept the new result.

nsidered submerged. el, the OTHER model resolves a collision. Damage from RAM or Collision. S resolves a collision if it moves into another model, even with a RR.

l, but it CANNOT fire into both in a single Activation.

P. Only this wing can land and launch from this model. eapon in that activation.

e. Torps hit on 5 or 6, ignoring Retardant MAR. Refer manual for LOS rules.

nd, it may deploy them within 4 of the Centre of the model.

t Boarding Assault. harges and Bomb Ordnance, and is NOT eligible for Boarding Assaults. d, it may deploy them within 4 of the Centre of the model. models Initial HP. This IS an attack and can be countered. Cannot fire.

n template resolves attack using initial AD. See rule book for details. d, it may deploy them within 4 of the Centre of the model.

on the target model.

ftp://ftp.pinnaclegames.com.au/../Dystopian%20Wars/Dystopian%20Wars%20Excel%20Sheet.xlsx Username : dystopian@pinnaclegames.com.au Password : fsarules (Edited 14/08/12) Fixed minor display issue with FSA FIG Data. Fixed CoA "Optional MAR" results and stat lines. Fixed minor MAR duplications. (Edited 15/08/2012) Fixed FSA Tiny Flyer Data (Edited 16/08/12) Changed margins to Excel default. Reduced squads to 4 on second page. Plans to increase to 12 squads total supported. Currently best used by printing Pages 2 and 3 for 8 squads total. Anyone who has ideas on what to put in on the bottom of page 2, please let me know. Edited (23/08/12) Added army checks for minimum squad requirements. Edited (24/08/12) Fixed major errors in calculations introduced in last build. Edited (31/08/12) Fixed CoA Tiny Flyer Data Fixed CoA Icarus Mines Fixed CoA Epicurus Movement requirements Modified layout slightly to allow longer MAR descriptions. Added additional "None" entry to top of drop down list for ease of use. Edited (18/09/12) Modified FIG data to create conformity across all nations. Most language should be very similar in descriptions. Edited (20/09/12) Checked and fixed minor issues with FSA and Prussian Data. Consolidated some FIG Data Lines. Repaired Cell addressing error on final FIG data cell for each unit. Edited (24/09/12) Fixed obsolete Optional MAR selections for KoB Edited (05/11/12) Fixed FSA Alamo Airfield movement minimum between turns from 2" to 1" Fixed FSA Small Freedom Flyer MAR. Changed Momentum to "No Reverse" Fixed FSA Landing Field Weapon Line description from (P) to "Auxiliary" Fixed Prussia Mobile Airfield DR Rating from 7 to 6 Fixed Prussia Metzger Robot to add Independent MAR Fixed Prussia Tiny Flyer MAR data. Added Prussia Shield Tower Main Turret Arc of Fire Fixed Prussia Jaegar Class Small Airship MAR. Changed Momentum to "No Reverse"

Fixed KoB P/S Broadsides and Torpedo Data. Fields were incorrectly reversed. Fixed KoB Weapon Data. Changed P/S Broadsides to P/S Torpedoes. Added KoB Tribal Cruiser Optional MAR Data Fixed KoB Vanguard to Capitalise "Independant" MAR Edited (08/11/12) Changed EotBS Nakatsu Cruiser MAR description to include optional Incendiary Rounds MAR Data. Changed EotBS H0-I Bombard to correct name. Fixed EotBS Tenkei Sky Fortress Rocket Battery stat line. Changed EotBS Tiny Flyer Fighter MAR from Linked to Combined under Swarm Tactics. Changed EotBS Landing Field Emplacement from (P) to reflect Auxilliary Weapon Status.

Only print pages 2 and 3 for your army sheet.

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