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Personal information

First name(s) / Surname

Address(es) Telephone(s) Fax(es) E-mail Nationality Date of birth Gender

Alberto Orlando Malisani

Solbakkevej 4, 7323 Give, Denmark +45 22769195 +45 - 3531 0030 - Argentina 23/01/1975 Male

Desired employment / Pastor, English and Spanish Ministries Occupational field Work experience
Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities 2008 2012 Danish Associated Pastor and Spanish Ministries Pastor Leading/Preaching at every sunday spanish service. Teacher at the Theology Bible School (in english or danish language). Pastoral care leader (1500 + church members)
Recommendations letter and antecedents profile are available.

Name and address of employer Type of business or sector

Kirken I Kulturcenter Drejervej 11 -21, 2400 NV Copenhaguen Denmark Evangelical Church ( the largest church in Denmark)

Education and training

Dates Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects/occupational skills covered Name and type of organisation providing education and training Level in national or international classification 1986 1993 Music Bachelor Conservatorie Music Teacher Escuela de Musica 9901 Santa Fe, Argentina Graduated as a music conservatorie teacher Music Teacher Art History Teacher Trumpet and brass orchestra teacher.

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Personal skills and competences

Mother tongue(s) Other language(s) Self-assessment
European level (*)


Listening C1 Proficient user C1 Proficient user C1 Proficient user Reading C2 Proficient user B2 Proficient user

Spoken interaction C1 Proficient user B2 Proficient user Spoken production C1 Proficient user B2 Proficient user

C2 Proficient user C1 Proficient user

English Dansk Portuguese

C1 Proficient user

C1 Proficient user

C1 Proficient user

C2 Proficient user

(*) Common European Framework of Reference for Languages

Social skills and competences

A confident communicator. Motivator and Inspiritional speaker. Team work mentality: Long experience at church comittee, leading international arts associations, gospel outreach multicultural proyect and devoloping leaders. 5 years coaching church ministries leaders and church services teams. Multitercultural skills: I have well experience working with inmigrants and mixed couples (transcultural families) coaching them, and counseling them at profesional level, perosnal, and families areas.

Organisational skills and competences Technical skills and competences

The art integration project with the danish goverment economical support. Well skilled with admisnitrations tools, repports, budget, members and evaluation document. Graduated from biblical school and theolgy seminar with honors mention. More than 10 years preaching healthy biblical principles at theology seminar and bible school in Argentina, Paraguay, Brasil and Denmark. Emphasis at the leaders coaching and special emphasis at the lay leaders development.

Ministries skills and competences

13 years missionary work at Asuncion-Paraguay. Opening and leading an music school with a spiritual and social emphasis. 20 years as worship pastor and church art devoloper in Argentina, Paraguay and Brasil. Professional Symphony Orchestra Conductor Music production and well skilled musician with international experience. Good project designer (event, art activities and church planting planning). Good familys counselor. Benjamin (2 years old).

Artistic skills and competences Other skills and competences

Additional information I am married with Diana Axell and we have 3 kids: Florencia (9 years old) , Fiorella (9 years old) and
I am able to move all my family to USA if there are an serius ministry opportunity and propousal I am looking for an opening chance to serve the Lord helping people to reach the Gods highest calling and devoloping them to a healthy spiritual life.

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