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Data Communication Over Zigbee


1.1 Overview
While being in the 3rd year we had started surfing in the search of innovative ideas suitable for our final year project. We had been discussing with our friends from other colleges, senior friends and used to go through Electronics for you magazine with the hope of finding something really better suitable project. Looked out for the latest technological developments and the need of something that would be beneficial in our routine life. During our last semester we had studied Computer Communication Network in our syllabus and learnt different types of network. We got inspired by studying this subject in our daily routine and thought of looking for our project related to networking. So we started gathering information related to various topics and found out three interesting topics as our final year project. The topics were as DTMF based Home Automation System, Zigbee Based Bank Locker Security and Data Communication over Zigbee. But out of these the first two topics were not considered much while the third topic was finally selected as our project topic. In Data Communication over Zigbee we are going to establish wireless communication in which the Zigbee plays an important role. The Zigbee we are using is of XBee Series. In the XBee Series 2 OEM RF Modules were engineered to operate within the ZigBee protocol and support the unique needs of low -cost, low-power wireless sensor networks. The modules require minimal power and provide reliable delivery of data between remote devices. The modules operate within the ISM 2.4 GHz frequency band. In this project we are going to establish the feature of chatting and file transferring through Zigbee. This project is been thought since taking into consideration the security and its wide range.

RMCET, Ambav(Devrukh)


Data Communication Over Zigbee


Block Diagram

Computer VB6 Software

USB Module
Fig. 1.1 ZigBee Transceiver Block Diagram

Zigbee Transceiver

1.2.1 ZigBee Transceiver

ZigBee is an established set of specifications for wireless personal area networking (WPAN), i.e. digital radio connections between computers and related devices. A ZigBee is Low power consumption, with battery life ranging from months to years. Maximum data rates allowed for each of these frequency bands are fixed as 250 kbps @2.4 GHz, 40 kbps @ 915 MHz, and 20 kbps @868 MHz The ZigBee Alliance has been set up as an association of companies working together to enable reliable, costeffective, low-power, wirelessly networked, monitoring and control products based on an open global standard. The current list of application is: Home Automation ZigBee Smart Energy Telecommunication Applications Personal Home

USB Module
This unit will convert the voltage level of USB logic to TTL logic and vice versa. In USB logic 1 means -10 Volts and 0 means +10 Volts. While in TTL logic 1 means +5 Volts and 0 means 0 Volts. Hence it is required to use USB Module as mediator between the computer and our board

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Data Communication Over Zigbee

Visual Basic 6 (Computer)

We use Visual Basic 6.0 software for user interface. The Visual Basic programming language is not unique to Visual Basic. The Visual Basic programming system, Applications Edition included in Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access, and many other Windows applications uses the same language. The Visual Basic Scripting Edition (VBScript) is a widely used scripting language and a subset of the Visual Basic language. The investment you make in learning Visual Basic will carry over to these other areas. Whether your goal is to create a small utility for yourself or your work group, a large enterprise-wide system, or even distributed applications spanning the globe via the Internet, Visual Basic has the tools you need. Data access features allow you to create databases, front-end applications, and scalable server-side components for most popular database formats, including Microsoft SQL Server and other enterprise-level databases. ActiveX technologies allow you to use the functionality provided by other applications, such as Microsoft Word processor, Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, and other Windows applications. You can even automate applications and objects created using the Professional or Enterprise editions of Visual Basic. Internet capabilities make it easy to provide access to documents and applications across the Internet or intranet from within your application, or to create Internet server applications. Your finished application is a true .exe file that uses a Visual Basic Virtual Machine that you can freely distribute.

RMCET, Ambav(Devrukh)


Data Communication Over Zigbee

1.2.2 Remote Wakeup

USB Module

Zigbee Transceiver

Computer VB6 Software

Power Supply

Microcontroller 89S51

LCD Display


Fig 1.2 Remote Wakeup Block Diagram

Power Supply
This unit will supply the various voltage requirements of each unit. This unit will be consists of transformer, LM78L05. Transformer Transformer used in this circuit is step-down transformer. It converts 12v voltage to 5v power supply. That output is given to the rectifier circuit. Rectifier In this circuit we are using bridge rectifier. It converts AC signal to the rectified DC signal and that signal is given to the filter. rectifier, filter, regulator, power LED. Transformer rating is 230/12v (750mA). Rectifier will be bridge rectifier. Filter value is 1000uF. Regulator is

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Data Communication Over Zigbee

Filter We used low pass filter to remove high peak noise present in signal. The capacitor value is 1000uf. Regulator In this circuit we are using two voltage regulator ICs Regulator 1 Regulator 1 IC no. is LM78L05 which convert the signal voltage to 5v voltage. This output given to the VCC of microcontroller IC 89s51. Regulator 2 Regulator 2 IC no. is LM78L3.3 which converts the 5v voltage to3.3v. This output given to the VCC of ZigBee module of X-BEE 24B Power LED When switch is ON then power LED is ON to indicate that Zigbee module is connected to computer. Otherwise LED is OFF.

The basis for relays, is the simple electromagnet

Fig. 1.3 Relay

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Data Communication Over Zigbee

The simplest relay is the Single Pole, Single Throw (SPST) relay. It is nothing more than an electrically controlled on-off switch. Its biggest property is the ability to use a very small current, to control a much larger current. This is desirable because we can now use smaller diameter wires, to control the current flow through a much larger wire, and also to limit the wear and tear on the control switch.

Microcontroller 89S51
The AT89S51 is a low-power, high-performance CMOS 8-bit microcontroller with 4K bytes of In System Programmable Flash memory. The device is manufactured using Atmels high-density nonvolatile memory technology and is compatible with the industry- standard 80C51 instruction set and pin out. The on-chip Flash allows the program memory to be reprogrammed in-system or by a conventional nonvolatile memory programmer. By combining a versatile 8 -bit CPU with In-System Programmable Flash on a monolithic chip, the Atmel AT89S51 is a powerful microcontroller which provides a highly-flexible and cost-effective solution to many embedded control applications. The AT89S51 provides the following standard features: 4K bytes of Flash, 128 bytes of RAM, 32 I/O lines, Watchdog timer, two data pointers, two 16 -bit timer/counters, a five-vector two-level interrupt architecture, a full duplex serial port, onchip oscillator, and clock circuitry. In addition, the AT89S51 is designed with static logic for operation down to zero frequency and supports two software selectable power saving modes. The Idle Mode stops the CPU while allowing the RAM, timer/counters, serial port, and interrupt system to continue functioning. The Power-down mode saves the RAM contents but freezes the oscillator, disabling all other chip functions until the next external interrupt or hardware reset.

RMCET, Ambav(Devrukh)


Data Communication Over Zigbee


2.1 Zigbee based Data Communication
With the help of this proposed system one can achieve wireless communication between two PCs. The project consists of two separate units connected with each PC on COM Port, each single unit will have Zigbee transceiver sections giving bi-directional data transferring complete duplex communication. The software part is written in Visual Basic 6.0, which is designed to communicate between serial ports. One can chat with the remote PC, transfer and receive any type of file. The distance between 2 pcs can be as much as 100 feets, this complete system can work under the presence of any type of obstacle present between the two pcs. All fixed (i.e. Non mobile) computers, telephones, faxes, and so on will be by fiber. Mobile computers, such as notebook computers and personal digital assistants (PDA), are the fastest-growing segment of the computer industry. Our age has given rise to information junkies: people who need to be on -line all the time. For these mobile users, twisted pair, coax and fiber optics are of no use. They need to get their hints of data for their laptop, notebook, and shirt pocket and palmtop or wristwatch computers without being tethered to the terrestrial communication infrastructure. For these users, wireless communication is the answer. We will look at wireless communication in general; it has many other important applications besides providing connectivity to users who want to read their email in airplanes. However wireless also has advantages for even fixed devices in some circumstances. For example, if running a fiber to a building is difficult due to the terrain (mountains, swamp) wireless may be preferable. It is noteworthy that modern wireless digital communications begin in the Hawaiian Islands, where large chunks of Pacific Ocean separated the users and the administrator telephone. RMCET, Ambav(Devrukh) 07

Data Communication Over Zigbee


Remote Wakeup
With the help of this system one can achieve wireless switching of the PC. If the

remote PC is being shut down or being gone into sleep mode with the help of the proposed system one can easily switched ON the remote PC without moving to the remote PC area to switching it ON. A Zigbee sends signal to a remote wakeup circuit consisting of microcontroller. The microcontroller process the signal and energize the relay for switching the device. The relay is connected to the power switch of the remote computer, as the signal is received relay is switched and it switch the power ON. This circuit can be used to send the message or transfer the file when the user is not available or PC has been turned OFF. With the help of this system a PC can be switched on transfer the data, send the message and can be turned OFF.

RMCET, Ambav(Devrukh)


Data Communication Over Zigbee



Problem Definition
The company has about 40 computers in each department. These departments

include analysis, designing, coding and software testing. The departments are interconnected via LAN. It has been increasingly difficult for the employees of the company to correspond to each other regarding everyday difficulties in their duties as the departments are scattered in four different floors. The company head feels that in this fast age were every second is important the employees have to go personally visiting each other to find solutions over problem is waste of time. Phone conferencing is possible but it is not totally secure. The file records cannot be maintained, as it is very difficult to get information quickly from one floor to another. Taking these points into consideration the company wants to develop a wireless setup which will reduce connection complexities required for the LAN and help to achieve faster file maintenance. The company has assigned us the task of designing the wireless setup for transferring records and chatting, which will help all the employees of the company to solve their problems in an efficient and impressive way with using the available features. The major primary requirements of the company can be listed as follows: 1. Wireless communication between Computers. 2. File transfer. 3. Chatting.

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Data Communication Over Zigbee


4.1 Wireless communication in the Existing System
The company wants an efficient communication setup which will enable a full fledged wire free environment within the companys premises so as to reduce the complexities and the shabby wired connection currently used in the LAN for the company. The proposed system shall enable the company with a wireless setup throughout the company in which the presently affixed system process is carried out. The wireless setup would be carried out using Zigbee Transceivers between the computers.

4.1.1 File Transfer

The company requires speeding up the entire record entries at a faster rate with security. Our proposed system would offer the company a secure file transfer gateway using which the file to be transferred would first be buffered in the computer itself and would be encrypted using some special encryption algorithms which would take care of the security. These algorithms would have keys which would only be known by the internal software used to link the two computers and which would be stored on the respective computers. The initial stage of the file transfer would thus be to encrypt the file at the senders side so as to transfer it over the wireless gateway securely. The later part would consist of first sending the file name so as to create a disk space on the hard disk of the destination computer. Once the disk space is created the file size would be scanned and a counter would be set at the destination computer. This counter would be of the size of the file. Next the file would be transferred bit by bit to the receivers side till the counter and the file size matches. Once this is done the file transfer between the two computers would be possible. But before storing the file the file would be buffered at the receivers side so that it can be decrypted before storing it.

RMCET, Ambav(Devrukh)


Data Communication Over Zigbee

4.1.2 Chatting
The company wants that the same gateway would be used for the intranet chatting in the company. As the proposed system would be a secure communication gateway the company requires carrying on a full-fledged setup for the chatting between the available computers. The message to be send would be first encrypted using special encryption algorithm and only then it would be send over the wireless transmission. At the receivers side the message would be decrypted before the message is delivered to the destined computer. The message in this case would here be stored in a temporary message string location where from the receiver computer can retrieve it later for decryption. The chatting process would be thus persuaded in the proposed system. The secondary requirement of the company is to device a method with which the transmission as well as encryption or decryption error if any could be debugged automatically without any manual interference. The system should device a backup in case an error is reflected. It should even rectify the fault and the process should continue effectively without major efficiency loss. We are amidst the edge of discovering a methodology to incorporate the proposed secondary requirement and would device an effective method to do so.


Proposed System
With the help of this project one can achieve communication between two PCs.

The project will consists of separate unit connected with each PC on COM Port, each single unit will have Zigbee Transceiver sections giving bi -directional data transferring complete full duplex communication. The software part is written in Visual Basic 6.0, which is designed to communicate between serial ports using ActiveX control-MSComm Control. One can chat with the remote PC, transfer and receive any type of file. The distance between 2 PCs can be as much as 100-200 feets depending upon the environment conditions. This complete system can work under the presence of any type of obstacle present between the two PCs. No alignment is required between the 2 PCs in which data transfer is carried out. RMCET, Ambav(Devrukh) 11

Data Communication Over Zigbee

The MSComm control provides serial communications for your application by allowing the transmission and reception of data through a serial port. It becomes possible to transmit data without any use of cable. It does not require telephone connection for establishing communication between two computers as in case of Internet. Because of the unused telephone connection it will reduces cost of telephone bill. In case of file transfer we store file into floppy or CD ROM drive, but in this system we can transfer file without any use of disk drives. It has advantage for fixed devices in some circumstances. If running a fiber to a building is difficult due to the terrain the proposed Wireless may be preferable. There is no need to connect on Internet for small distance chatting and message transfer between two persons. There is no fear of corruption of data on floppy while carrying. No walk in time for data transmission. Plug and play concept makes it easy to use. It becomes very easy to process the system. The proposed system can be used for wireless LAN. It can be used for private intranet. Secrete code data transfer (encryption and decryption) can be persuaded as the safe passage for transfer of official and confidential documents in case of any conferencing using the proposed system feature.

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Data Communication Over Zigbee


This section is going to describe the various modules that shall be used in the proposed project. The details like the block diagram of the system use case diagram and activity diagram would be drawn and explained in this section.

5.1 Hardware Section 5.1.1 Zigbee Transceiver

Fig. 5.1 Zigbee Transceiver Circuit USB Interface Circuit USB port

USB port has 5 pins, which are used for interfacing between computer and Zigbee. Pin no.1 of USB Mini port is connected to the voltage regulator IC ULM1117 at the input side. Pin no.3 (Rx) and pin no.4 (Tx) of USB mini connector are connected to pin no.2 (D

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Data Communication Over Zigbee

out) and 3 (D in) of an interfacing ZigBee respectively. Pin no. 5 is grounded pin. USB has 5 Volt power source as output at pin 1. Voltage regulator IC We used IC ULM1117 as a voltage regulator. Which has 3 pin namely IN, OUT and COM. Pin no.1 (IN) is connected to USB. Pin no.3 (OUT) connected to the VCC pin of ZIGBEE module. As Zigbee needs 3.3V supply for its operation power source of 5 V from USB is given to the input of the regulator IC to regulate it into 3.3v. Pin no.2 (COM) is ground pin. Zigbee module A ZigBee is Low power consumption, with battery life ranging from months to years. Maximum data rates allowed for each of these frequency bands are fixed as 250 kbps @2.4 GHz, 40 kbps @ 915 MHz, and 20 kbps @868 MHz The ZigBee Alliance has been set up as an association of companies working together to enable reliable, costeffective, low-power, wirelessly networked, monitoring and control products based on an open global standard. Zigbee module having 20 pins, out of that we are using 5 pins. Pin no.1 (VCC) is connected to output port of voltage regulator. Pin no.2 and 3 acts as a DOUT and DIN respectively. Pin no 6 is use for ON/OFF detection of Zigbee module. Pin no 10 is connected to ground.

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Data Communication Over Zigbee

5.1.2 Remote Wakeup

Fig. 5.2 Remote wake up Circuit Power supply design

Power supply is the first and the most important part of our project. For our project we require +5V regulated power supply with maximum current rating 500mA. Following basic building blocks are required to generate regulated power supply.
Step-down transformer Filter Ckt. Three Terminal

Mains 230 V A.C.


Regulated O/P Voltage

Fig. 5.3 Block diagram of power supply

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Data Communication Over Zigbee

Step down Transformer Step down transformer is the first part of regulated power supply. To step down the mains 230V A.C. we require step down transformer. Following are the main characteristic of electronic transformer. Power transformers are usually designed to operate from source of low impedance at a single freq. It is required to construct with sufficient insulation of necessary dielectric strength. Transformer ratings are expressed in voltamp. The volt-amp of each secondary winding or windings is added for the total secondary VA. To this are added the load losses. Temperature rise of a transformer is decided on two well-known factors i.e. Losses on transformer and heat dissipating or cooling facility provided unit.

Rectifier Unit Rectifier unit is a ckt. This converts A.C. into pulsating D.C. Generally semiconducting diode is used as rectifying element due to its property of conducting current in one direction only. Generally there are two types of rectifier. 1) Half wave rectifier 2) Full wave rectifier. In half wave rectifier only half cycle of mains A.C. is rectified so its efficiency is very poor. So we use full wave bridge type rectifier, in which four diodes are used. In each half cycle, two diodes conduct at a time and we get maximum efficiency at o/p. Filter Circuit Generally a rectifier is required to produce pure D.C. supply for using at various places in the electronic circuit. However, the o/p of rectifier has pulsating character i.e. if such a D.C. is applied to electronic circuit it will produce a hum i.e. it will contain A.C. RMCET, Ambav(Devrukh) 16

Data Communication Over Zigbee

and D.C. components. The A.C. components are undesirable and must be kept away from the load. To do so a filter circuit is used which removes (or filters out) the A.C. components reaching the load. Obviously a filter circuit is installed between rectifier and voltage regulator. In our project we use capacitor filter because of its low cost, small size and little weight and good characteristic. Capacitors are connected in parallel to the rectifier o/p because it passes A.C. but does not pass D.C. at all. Voltage regulator A voltage regulator is a ckt. That supplies constant voltage regardless of change in load current. IC voltage regulators are versatile and relatively cheaper. The 7800 series consists of three terminal positive voltage regulators. These ICs are designed as fixed voltage regulator and with adequate heat sink, can deliver o/p current in excess of 1A. These devices do not require external component. This IC also has internal thermal overload protection and internal short circuit and current limiting protection. For our project we use 7805 voltage regulator IC.

Fig. 5.4 Power supply circuit LCD Liquid crystal Display (LCD) displays temperature of the measured element, which is calculated by the microcontroller. CMOS technology makes the device ideal for

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Data Communication Over Zigbee

application in hand held, portable and other battery instruction with low power consumption.

GENERAL SPECIFICATION: Drive method: 1/16 duty cycle Display size: 16 character * 2 lines Character structure: 5*8 dots. Display data RAM: 80 characters (80*8 bits) Character generate ROM: 192 characters Character generate RAM: 8 characters (64*8 bits) Both display data and character generator RAMs can be read from MPU. Internal automatic reset circuit at power ON. Built in oscillator circuit.

Fig. 5.5 2x16 LCD Display Module

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Data Communication Over Zigbee

PIN Configuration JP1/JP14 Pins 1 8 Pin1 Pin2 Pin3 Pin4 Pin5 Pin6 Pin7 Pin8 Description Ground VCC (+5) Contrast Data/Command (R/S) Read/Write (W) Enable (E1) D0 (Not Used) D1 (Not Used) JP1/JP14 Pins 9 -16 Pin9 Pin10 Pin11 Pin12 Pin13 Pin14 Pin15 Pin16 Description D2 (Not Used) D3 (Not Used) D4 D5 D6 D7 VCC (LEDSV+) Ground

Table 5.1 Pin Configuration of LCD

Microcontroller 89S51
The AT89S51 is a low-power, high-performance CMOS 8-bit microcontroller with 4K bytes of In System Programmable Flash memory. The device is manufactured using Atmels high-density nonvolatile memory technology and is compatible with the industry- standard 80C51 instruction set and pin out. The on-chip Flash allows the program memory to be reprogrammed in-system or by a conventional nonvolatile memory programmer. By combining a versatile 8-bit CPU with In-System Programmable Flash on a monolithic chip, the Atmel AT89S51 is a powerful microcontroller which provides a highly-flexible and cost-effective solution to many embedded control applications. The AT89S51 provides the following standard features: 4K bytes of Flash, 128 bytes of RAM, 32 I/O lines, Watchdog timer, two data pointers, two 16 -bit timer/counters, a five-vector two-level interrupt architecture, a full duplex serial port, onchip oscillator, and clock circuitry. In addition, the AT89S51 is designed with static logic RMCET, Ambav(Devrukh) 19

Data Communication Over Zigbee

for operation down to zero frequency and supports two software selectable power saving modes. The Idle Mode stops the CPU while allowing the RAM, timer/counters, serial port, and interrupt system to continue functioning. The Power-down mode saves the RAM contents but freezes the oscillator, disabling all other chip functions until the next external interrupt or hardware reset. Features Compatible with MCS-51 Products 4K Bytes of In-System Programmable (ISP) Flash Memory Endurance: 10,000 Write/Erase Cycles 4.0V to 5.5V Operating Range Fully Static Operation: 0 Hz to 33 MHz Three-level Program Memory Lock 128 x 8-bit Internal RAM 32 Programmable I/O Lines Two 16-bit Timer/Counters Six Interrupt Sources Full Duplex UART Serial Channel Low-power Idle and Power-down Modes Interrupt Recovery from Power-down Mode Watchdog Timer Dual Data Pointer Power-off Flag Fast Programming Time Flexible ISP Programming (Byte and Page Mode) Green (Pb/Halide-free) Packaging Option

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Data Communication Over Zigbee


Microcontroller Program

$baud = 9600 Dim In As Byte Dim Ind As String * 1 Dim Text As String * 8 P2 = 0 Cursor Off Cls Lcd "Zigbee based " Lowerline Lcd " PC to PC" Wait 2 Cls Lcd " R.M.C.E.T" Wait 2 Cls Lcd "Guided By:Prof:" Lowerline Lcd "Mrs.J.N.Satpute" Wait 2 Cls Lcd " Do In = Inkey Ind = Chr(in) If Ind = "M" Then Text = "" RMCET, Ambav(Devrukh) 21 Zigbee" Lowerline

Data Communication Over Zigbee

End If If In > 48 And In < 128 And Ind <> "O" And Ind <> "F" Then Text = Ind End If If Ind = "O" Then If Text = "1" Then P2.0 = 1 Elseif Text = "2" Then P2.1 = 1 End If Lowerline Lcd "Data:" ; Text ; "On" Text = "" End If If Ind = "F" Then If Text = "1" Then P2.0 = 0 Elseif Text = "2" Then P2.1 = 0 End If Lowerline Lcd "Data:" ; Text ; "Off" Text = "" End If Loop

RMCET, Ambav(Devrukh)


Data Communication Over Zigbee


Software Section

Introduction to DFDs This section contains the required Data Flow Diagrams for proposed system. A Data Flow diagram is a graph showing the flow of data values from their sources in objects through process that transform them to their destination in order objects. A Data Flow shows the sequence of transformation perform as well as the external values and object that affect the computation. A process in data flow diagram transforms data values. A process is drawn in an ellipse containing a description of transformation that the process is going to carry out. The flow of data in data flow diagram is drawn with the help of an arrow. The vital element in a data flow diagram is the actor. Actor in data flow diagram is an active object that drives the Data Flow graph. They are drawn as a rectangle to show that it is an object. A Data Flow Diagram is a level based diagram. As the level in the Data Flow diagram increases the associates details with the system under scrutiny also increases. In this manner the lowest level in the Data Flow diagram is Level 0 and we can add as many levels as wanted depending on the detailing required for analysis. The system under scrutiny as in this case has shown three levels of detailing for the Data Flow Diagram. The Level 0 has shown how the proposed system interacts with the different users of the system. This level explains the basic functionality of the proposed system. Next level in the Data Flow diagram is the Level 1, which explains the detailing required by the process, proposed in the Level 0. This level helps better understand the detailed functionality of the proposed project. The highest level in the proposed system is the Level 2, which has two sub levels Level 2.1: File Transfer Level and Level 2.2: Chatting Level. This level efficiently details the requirements of the RMCET, Ambav(Devrukh) 23

Data Communication Over Zigbee

proposed system. This level is the last level in the Data Flow diagram that is proposed by our project. Data Flow Diagram: Level 0:

User 1

User 2


User n

Want to communicate

Want to communicate

Want to communicate

PC to PC Wireless communication

Fig. 5.6 LEVEL 0 DFD Description of LEVEL 0 DFD: The Level 0 is the basic level describing any system in a Dataflow diagram. This level introduces with the basic functionality of our system. The level 0 Dataflow diagram for our proposed system is as shown above. It consists of actors and process, where the actors can be as many computers, which are connected with our proposed system. The process is nothing but proposed system. This level does not deal with the complexities involved within the proposed system. When the user wants to exchange data or communicate the get connected to the system.

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Data Communication Over Zigbee

Level 1:

File to be transfered

File transfer

Delivered the file



Message to be transfered


Delivered the message

Fig. 5.7 LEVEL 1 DFD Description of LEVEL 1 DFD: The Level 1 in a Data Flow diagram is bit higher to Level 0, which is used to elaborate details of Level 0 functionalities. The Level 1Data Flow Diagram for our proposed system is as shown above. At Level 1 the user who wants to send the data becomes the sender and the user receiving the data becomes the receiver. There are two processes in the Level 1 for our proposed system; File Transfer and Chatting through which communication is possible. When the sender wants to transfer or receive a file it is carried out through File Transfer process and when the sender wants to send or receive messages it is carried out through the Chatting process.

RMCET, Ambav(Devrukh)


Data Communication Over Zigbee

Level 2.1: Data Flow for File Transfer



Read and Buffer the file

Store the received bits

Transfer Bit by Bit file

Transmission through zigbee Receive file name and bits

Fig. 5.8 LEVEL 2.1 DFD

Description of LEVEL 2.1 DFD: Level 2.1 of Data Flow Diagram for our proposed system is a detailed level for File transfer process. It gives more detailed information about the FILE transfer process described in Level 1. It shows the highest level functionality for our proposed system.

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Data Communication Over Zigbee




Send no. of character

Receive message

Send message

Receive no. of character Transmission through Zigbee

Fig no. 5.9 Level 2.2 DFD

Description of LEVEL 2.2 DFD: Level 2.2 of Data Flow Diagram for our proposed system is a detailed level for chatting process. It gives more detailed information about the chatting process described in Level 1. It shows the highest level functionality for our proposed system.

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Data Communication Over Zigbee


Flow Chart

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Data Communication Over Zigbee


File Transfering Set Hardware in Trannsmitting mode


Set Hardware in Transmittng mode

Open Intial Directory Show Caption "Text Transmitting" Open File


Set Hardware in Transmitting mode

Show msg "file not selected aborting"

Send signal "M0O,M0F, M1O,M1F"

Send Msg bit by bit


Show Msg "file name & .... Will be Transmitting now" Show caption "Receiving" Show Caption "File Trasmitting"


Stop Send File Name Send file size Send bit by bit data
Show msg "file transfer Completed"

Show caption "Receiving"


Fig. 5.9 Flow chart RMCET, Ambav(Devrukh) 29

Data Communication Over Zigbee

5.3 Input & Output Screenshot

Step 1

Fig 5.10 Name Window On clicking the icon the first thing user has to define is his/her name, if you dont defined any name then the system by default define name as user. Step 2

Fig 5.11 Receiving Path Window On clicking the icon user have to define the default receiving path

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Data Communication Over Zigbee

Step 3

Fig 5.12 Address window Next user has to define the address of one character. Step 4

Fig 5.13 Main Window RMCET, Ambav(Devrukh) 31

Data Communication Over Zigbee

In main window first select the com port then get connected. If you want to chat then type message in Text message window and specify destination address. If you want to broadcast the message then select all in destination address. If you want to change youre receiving path or your own address or name click on command button respectively. By selecting send file command button you can browse and send any types of file. To make device switch ON and OFF click on device command button.

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Data Communication Over Zigbee


6.1 Software Section
The S/W part is written in Visual Basic 6.0.This is designed to communicate using serial port using ActiveX control-MSComm Control.

6.1.1 Visual Basic 6

Visual Basic (VB) is an event driven programming language and associated development environment from Microsoft for its COM programming model. VB has been replaced by Visual Basic .NET. The older version of VB was derived heavily from BASIC and enables the rapid application development (RAD) of graphical user interface (GUI) applications, access to databases using DAO, RDO, or ADO, and creation of ActiveX controls and objects. A programmer can put together an application using the components provided with Visual Basic itself. Programs written in Visual Basic can also use the Windows API, but doing so requires external function declarations. In business programming, Visual Basic has one of the largest user bases. With 62% of developers using some form of Visual Basic, it currently competes with C++ and JavaScript as the third most popular programming language behind C# and Java. Visual Basic was designed to be easy to learn and use. The language not only allows programmers to easily create simple GUI applications, but also has the flexibility to develop fairly complex applications as well. Programming in VB is a combination of visually arranging components or controls on a form, specifying attributes and actions of RMCET, Ambav(Devrukh) 33

Data Communication Over Zigbee

those components, and writing additional lines of code for more functionality. Since default attributes and actions are defined for the components, a simple program can be created without the programmer having to write many lines of code. Performance problems were experienced by earlier versions, but with faster computers and native code compilation this has become less of an issue. Although programs can be compiled into native code executable from version 5 onwards, they still require the presence of runtime libraries of approximately 2 MB in size. This runtime is included by default in Windows 2000 and later, but for earlier versions of Windows it must be distributed together with the executable. Introduction to Visual Basic Welcome to Microsoft Visual Basic, the fastest and easiest way to create applications for Microsoft Windows. Whether you are an experienced professional or brand new to Windows programming, Visual Basic provides you with a complete set of tools to simplify rapid application development. So what is Visual Basic? The "Visual" part refers to the method used to create the graphical user interface (GUI). Rather than writing numerous lines of code to describe the appearance and location of interface elements, you simply add prebuilt objects into place on screen. If you've ever used a drawing program such as Paint, you already have most of the skills necessary to create an effective user interface. The "Basic" part refers to the BASIC (Beginners All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code) language, a language used by more programmers than any other language in the history of computing. Visual Basic has evolved from the original BASIC language and now contains several hundred statements, functions, and keywords, many of which relate directly to the Windows GUI. Beginners can create useful applications by learning just a few of the keywords, yet the power of the language allows professionals to accomplish anything that can be accomplished using any other Windows programming language. RMCET, Ambav(Devrukh) 34

Data Communication Over Zigbee

The Visual Basic programming language is not unique to Visual Basic. The Visual Basic programming system, Applications Edition included in Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access, and many other Windows applications uses the same language. The Visual Basic Scripting Edition (VBScript) is a widely used scripting language and a subset of the Visual Basic language. The investment you make in learning Visual Basic will carry over to these other areas. Whether your goal is to create a small utility for yourself or your work group, a large enterprise-wide system, or even distributed applications spanning the globe via the Internet, Visual Basic has the tools you need.

Data access features allow you to create databases, front-end applications, and scalable server-side components for most popular database formats, including Microsoft SQL Server and other enterprise-level databases.

ActiveX technologies allow you to use the functionality provided by other applications, such as Microsoft Word processor, Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, and other Windows applications. You can even automate applications and objects created using the Professional or Enterprise editions of Visual Basic.

Internet capabilities make it easy to provide access to documents and applications across the Internet or intranet from within your application, or to create Internet server applications.

Your finished application is a true .exe file that uses a Visual Basic Virtual Machine that you can freely distribute.

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Hardware section

6.1.1 Proteus
Introduction The aim of this tutorial is to take you through the process of entering a circuit of modest complexity in order to familiarize you with the techniques required to drive ISIS. The tutorial starts with the easiest topics such as placing and wiring up components, and then moves on to make use of the more sophisticated editing facilities, such as creating new library parts. For those who want to see something quickly, DSPIC33_REC.DSN contains the completed tutorial circuit. This and other sample designs are installed to the SAMPLES directory (under the TUTORIALS subdirectory). A Guided Tour of the ISIS Editor We shall assume at this point that you have installed the package, and that the current directory is some convenient work area on your hard disk. To start the ISIS program, click on the Start button and select Programs, Proteus 7 Professional and then the ISIS 7 Professional option. The ISIS schematic editor will then load and run. Along the top of the screen is the Menu Bar. The largest area of the screen is called the Editing Window, and it acts as a window on the drawing - this is where you will place and wire-up components. The smaller area at the top left of the screen is called the Overview Window. In normal use the Overview Window displays, as its name suggests, an overview of the entire drawing the blue box shows the edge of the current sheet and the green box the area of the sheet currently displayed in the Editing Window. However, when a new object is selected from

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the Object Selector the Overview Window is used to preview the selected object - this is discussed later.

Fig 6.1 ISIS schematic capture window If you dont like the default layout of the toolbars you can pick them up and dock them on any of the four sides of the application. Similarly you can move the Object Selector & Overview Window pane across to the right hand side of the application by dragging the end of it all the way across to the other side. Right clicking the mouse either in the Object Selector or in the Overview Window will provide a context menu, including the option to auto hide the left hand pane. This is extremely useful if you want to maximize the editing area of the application. When enabled the Object Selector and Overview Window will be minimized to a fly out bar at the left (or right) of the application by default and will appear either when the mouse is placed over the bar or when the mode of operation is changed by selecting a different icon.

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Fig 6.2 Auto hides the Object Selector

Fig 6.3 Device mode Icon

Navigation of the view displayed in the Editing Window takes two forms; adjusting the scale of the drawing (zooming) and adjusting the area of the drawing displayed (panning). These techniques are somewhat intertwined and are discussed in more detail below: Design Overview The circuit we are going to draw is shown below. This is reasonably straightforward schematic that will nonetheless allow us to cover most of the major features of the ISIS schematic capture package. Being a real -world design, it will also allow users to follow the design through the simulation and/or PCB phases of development these tutorials are covered in the relevant documentation for those products.

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Fig 6.4 The dsPIC33 Data Recorder Sample Design

6.1.2 Express PCB

Express PCB circuit board layout program is easy to learn and use. Laying out PCBs is easy, even for the first time user. Here are the steps: Step1: Linking schematic to PCB Select the Component - Component Manager. Begin your layout by adding the components. Select the parts from the Component Manager Dialog box. Step 2: Position the Components - Drag each component to the desired location on your board. The Snap to grid feature makes it easy to neatly align the parts.

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Data Communication Over Zigbee

Fig 6.5 Express PCB Windows Step 3: Link the schematic to the PCB. File - Link schematic to the PCB Add the Traces (Place a trace). Now add each trace by clicking on the pin of a component and dragging the trace to another pin. If you link your schematic file to the PCB, then the Express PCB program highlights the pins that should be wired together in blue by clicking Highlight net connections Placing Components Generally, it is best to place parts only on the top side of the board. When placing components, make sure that the snap-to-grid is turned on. Usually, a value of 0.050 for the snap grid is best for this job.

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First place all the components that need to be in specific locations. This includes connectors, switches, LEDs, mounting holes, heat sinks or any other item that mounts to an external location. Make sure you give unique component name in Express SCH and make sure it is followed in Express PCB. Be careful while placing component to minimize trace lengths. Put parts next to each other that connect to each other. Doing a good job here will make laying the traces much easier. Arrange ICs in only one or two orientations: up or down, and, right or left. Align each IC so that pin one is in the same place for each orientation, usually on the top or left sides. Position polarized parts (i.e. diodes, and electrolytic caps) with the positive leads all having the same orientation. Also use a square pad to mark the positive leads of these components. You will save a lot of time by leaving generous space between ICs for traces. Frequently the beginner runs out of room when routing traces. Leave 0.350 - 0.500 between ICs, for large ICs allow even more. Parts not found in the component library can be made by placing a series of individual pads and then grouping them together. Place one pad for each lead of the component. It is very important to measure the pin spacing and pin diameters as accurately as possible. Typically, dial or digital callipers are used for this job. After placing all the components, print out a copy of the layout. Place each component on top of the layout. Check to insure that you have allowed enough space for every part to rest without touching each other. Placing power and ground traces After the components are placed, the next step is to lay the power and ground traces. It is essential when working with ICs to have solid power and ground lines, using wide traces that connect to common rails for each supply. It is very important to avoid snaking or daisy chaining the power lines from part-to-part. One common configuration is shown below. The bottom layer of the PC board includes afilled ground plane. Large traces feeding from a single rail are used for the positive supply. Placing Signal traces RMCET, Ambav(Devrukh) 41

Data Communication Over Zigbee

When placing traces, it is always a good practice to make them as short and direct as possible. Use vias (also called feed-through holes) to move signals from one layer to the other. A via is a pad with a plated-through hole. Generally, the best strategy is to lay out a board with vertical traces on one side and horizontal traces on the other. Add via where needed to connect a horizontal trace to a vertical trace on the opposite side. A good trace width for low current digital and analog signals is 0.010. Traces that carry significant current should be wider than signal traces. The table below gives rough guidelines of how wide to make a trace for a given amount of current. 0.010 0.3 Amps; 0.015 0.4 Amps; 0.020 0.7 Amps; 0.025 1.0 Amps; 0.050 2.0 Amps; 0.100 4.0 Amps; 0.150 6.0 Amps when placing a trace, it is very important to think about the space between the trace and any adjacent traces or pads. You want to make sure that there is a minimum gap of 0.007 between items, 0.010 is better. Leaving less blank space runs the risk of a short developing in the board manufacturing process. It is also necessary to leave larger gaps when working with high voltage. When routing traces, it is best to have the snap-to-grid turned on. Setting the snap grid spacing to 0.050 often works well. Changing to a value of 0.025 can be helpful when trying to work as densely as possible. Turning off the snap feature may be necessary when connecting to parts that have unusual pin spacing. It is a common practice to restrict the direction that traces run to horizontal, vertical, or 45 degree angles. When placing narrow traces, 0.012 or less, avoid sharp right angle turns. The problem here is that in the board manufacturing process, the outside corner can be etched a little narrower. The solution is to use two 45 degree bends with a short leg in between. It is a good idea to place text on the top layer of your board, such as a product or company name. Text on the top layer can be helpful to insure that there is no confusion as to which layer is which when the board is manufactured. Checking your work After all the traces are placed, it is best to double check the routing of every signal to verify that nothing is missing or incorrectly wired. Do this by running through your RMCET, Ambav(Devrukh) 42

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schematic, one wire at a time. Carefully follow the path of each trace on your PC layout to verify that it is the same as on your schematic. After each trace is confirmed, mark that signal on the schematic with a yellow highlighter. Inspect your layout, both top and bottom, to ensure that the gap between every item (pad to pad, pad to trace, trace to trace) is 0.007 or greater. Use the Pad Information tool to determine the diameters of pads that make up a component. Check for missing vias. Express PCB will automatically insert a via when changing layers as a series of traces are placed. Users often forget that via are not automatically inserted otherwise. For example, when beginning a new trace, a via is never inserted. An easy way to check for missing via is to first print the top layer, then print the bottom. Visually inspect each side for traces that dont connect to anything. When a missing via is found, insert one. Do this by clicking on the Pad in the side toolbar; select via (0.056 round via is often a good choice) from the drop down list box, and click on the layout where the via is missing. Check for traces that cross each other. This is easily done by inspecting a printout of each layer. Metal components such as heat sinks, crystals, switches, batteries and connectors can cause shorts if they are placed over traces on the top layer. Inspect for these shorts by placing all the metal components on a printout of the top layer. Then look for traces that run below the metal components.

PCB Layout

Fig 6.6 PCB Layout Zigbee Transceiver RMCET, Ambav(Devrukh) 43

Data Communication Over Zigbee

Fig 6.7 PCB Layout of Remote Wake up system

6.1.3 BASCOM-8051
BASCOM-8051 is the Windows BASIC COMPILER for the 8051 family. It is designed to run on W95/W98/NT/W2000 and XP. Key Benefits Structured BASIC with labels. Structured programming with IF-THEN-ELSE-END IF, DO-LOOP, WHILEWEND, SELECT- CASE. Fast machine code instead of interpreted code. Variables and labels can be as long as 32 characters. Bit, Byte, Integer, Word, Long, Single and String variables. Compiled programs work with any 8051 uP such as AT89C1051, AT89C2051, 8031, 8032, 8051, 8052, 80552, 80535 and 80537 m RMCET, Ambav(Devrukh) 44

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Processors. Statements are highly compatible with Microsofts VB/QB. Special commands for LCD-displays, I2C chips and 1WIRE chips. Integrated terminal emulator with download option. Integrated simulator for testing. Integrated flash programmer and support for SPI, PG2051, PG302, SE512, SE514, TAFE. (Hardware can be purchased separately) Editor with statement highlighting. Context sensitive help.



Data Communication Over Zigbee






$IRAMSTART, $DEFAULT XRAM, $ASM-$END ASM, $LCD. Conditional compilation #IF, #ELSE, #ENDIF String manipulation STRING, SPACE, LEFT, RIGHT, MID, VAL, HEXVAL, LEN, STR, HEX, LCASE, UCASE To make a program takes just a few steps: Write the program in BASIC Compile it to fast machine binary code Test the result with the integrated simulator (with additional hardware you can simulate the hardware too) Program the chip with one of the integrated programmers. (hardware must be purchased separately) The program can be written in a comfortable MDI color coded editor. Besides the normal editing features, the editor supports Undo, Redo, Bookmarks and block indention.

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Program Window

The simulator let you test your program before writing it to the uP. You can watch variables, step through the program one line at the time or run to a specific line, or you can alter variables. To watch a variables value you can also point the mouse cursor over it.

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Compile Window

A powerful feature is the hardware emulator, to emulate the LCD display, and the ports. The LCD emulator also emulates custom build LCD characters.

6.10 LCD status window When you are done with the simulator it is time to program the chip using one of the supported programmer drivers.

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6.11 Integrated program window

6.2.4 Zigbee as Wireless module

Fig 6.12

Zigbee Module

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Digi XBee & XBee-PRO Modules Digi is a member of the ZigBee Alliance and has developed OEM solutions based on the ZigBee architecture. The XBee and XBee-PRO modules provide an easy-toimplement solution and a powerful boost to range and reliability to companies looking to offer ZigBee XBee and XBee-PRO features:

Small form factor True plug-and-communicate wireless capability Optimized for low cost, low data rate applications Long battery life Robust security High data reliability Product interoperability Modules are interchangeable and pin-for-pin compatible with each other XBee-PRO Modules yield 2-3x the range of standard ZigBee Modules (300 1000)

The ZigBee Protocol The ZigBee protocol was engineered by the ZigBee Alliance, a non-profit consortium of leading semiconductor manufacturers, technology providers, OEMs and end-users worldwide. The protocol was designed to provide OEMs and integrators with an easy-to-use wireless data solution characterized by low-power consumption, support for multiple network structures and secure connections. The ZigBee Advantage The ZigBee protocol was designed to carry data through the hostile RF environments that routinely exist in commercial and industrial applications. RMCET, Ambav(Devrukh) 50

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ZigBee protocol features:

Low duty cycle - Provides long battery life Low latency Support for multiple network topologies: Static, dynamic, star and mesh Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS) Up to 65,000 nodes on a network 128-bit AES encryption Provides secure connections between devices Collision avoidance Link quality indication Clear channel assessment Retries and acknowledgements Support for guaranteed time slots and packet freshness

Secure Connections The ZigBee specification provides a security toolbox approach to ensuring reliable and secure networks. Access control lists, packet freshness timers and 128-bit encryption based on the NIST Certified Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) help protect transmitted data. ZigBee Applications ZigBee enables broad-based deployment of wireless networks with low-cost, lowpower solutions. It provides the ability to run for years on inexpensive batteries for a host of monitoring applications: Lighting controls, AMR (Automatic Meter Reading), smoke and CO detectors, wireless telemetry, HVAC control, heating control, home security, Environmental controls, drapery and shade controls, etc.

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Data Communication Over Zigbee

Mesh Networks A key component of the ZigBee protocol is the ability to support mesh networks. In a mesh network, nodes are interconnected with other nodes so that at least two pathways connect each node. Connections between nodes are dynamically updated and optimized in difficult conditions. In some cases, a partial mesh network is established with some of the nodes only connected to one other node. Mesh networks are decentralized in nature; each node is self-routing and able to connect to other nodes as needed. The characteristics of mesh topology and ad-hoc routing provide greater stability in changing conditions or failure at single nodes.

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Data Communication Over Zigbee


7.1 Comparison of various inputs
ZigBee 802.15.4 Range Wi-Fi 802.11b Bluetooth 802.15.1


Transmission (meters)

70 300

1 - 100

1 10

Battery Life (days) Network Size (# of nodes) Application Stack Size (KB) Throughput (kb/s)

100 1,000

0.5 5.0


> 64,000


Monitoring & Control 4 32 20 250

Web, Email, Video 1,000 11,000

Cable Replacement 250 720


Enumeration 30ms

Enumeration up to 3 Enumeration up to seconds Roaming possible 10 seconds No


YES 128 bit AES and


Application Layer user defined Table 7.1

Authentication Service Set ID (SSID)

64 bit, 128 bit


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Hardware Testing

Fig 7.1 Zigbee Transceiver Module Initially when ZigBee module gets connected with the PC the status LED i.e. green led starts blinking. The blinking of status LED indicates that the ZigBee is ready for the data communication.

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Fig 7.2 Blinking led indicating transmission going on After connecting the ZigBee module during transmission of data the RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indicator) will go high i.e. the RED LED will glow. This indicates that ZigBee is being connected and data transmission has established.

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Fig 7.3 Remote Wake Up setup This is the setup for remote wakeup system. In this red led is showing that PC present at the receiver side is turned on & the led besides to it indicates that other PC is off. The LCD Display is showing the status of the device whether it is on or off.

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Data Communication Over Zigbee


Drawbacks of project
Distance limitation: There is a distance limitation of 100 to 200 meters for the proposed project. The system efficiency and the quality of transmission and reception are also affected.

Speed: Speed may vary depending on the processor speed. As the processor

speed increases the system speed increases, it is directly proportional to each other.

Power dependent: One more limitation is that the proposed system cannot be used when

there is a power failure. It requires external power supplies to operate.

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8.1 Date
23/07/2012 to 30/07/2012 31/07/2012 to 7/08/2012 8/08/2012 to 15/08/2012 16/08/2012 to 23/08/2012 Making synopsis of our project Arranging information in IEEE format Searching data We search data on different websites Searching of project topic

Project Stage I Activity Outcome

We got three topics 1.Bank locker security using ZigBee 2.Data communication over ZigBee 3.DTMF based home automation Final selection of topics by project coordinator Selected project: Data communication over ZigBee

24/08/2012 to 08/09/2012 09/09/2012 to 24/09/2012

Presentation on selected project title and searching different software related to projects Searching hardware related to project and we visit market for searching our component

We presented our project ideas .we satisfactory explained working of project

We search hardware such as ZigBee module. We visit different market like lamington.

Table 8.1 Project Stage I

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8.2 Project Stage II Date

25/09/2012 to 13/01/2013

Searching detailed information of each and every component. And finding software related information We did PCB design by using eagle software for transmitter and receiver. Take print on photo

Sufficient data we got that arrange and by reading this our idea will clear.

We design PCB of transmitter and receiver successfully in compact form. Printing, Etching, Tinning, Drilling, Mounting are done on copper clad.

14/01/2013 to 26/01/2013

paper and do following process 1.Printing 2.Eching 3.tining 4.drilling 5.mounting

28/01/2013 to 09/02/2013 10/02/2013 to 22/02/2013 23/02/2013 to 06/03/2013

Doing complete work related to chatting coding

Studied visual basic 6.0 and different instruction related to it and write a code for chatting and file transferring We design PCB successfully with

To design PCB of remote wakeup PC

compact form. Printing, Etching, Tinning, Drilling, Mounting are done on copper clad.

To make final report and give presentation

We make final report according to specification given by our project coordinator

Table 8.2 Project Stage II

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Rohan Shirgaonkar Sandesh Khilare Slesha Pasthe
Group Members

Project title selection and overwiew of existing technologies Literature survey and collection of papers and other project related documents.

Outdoor visit regarding project

Project report stage 1 documentation and presentation

Software programming using VB

Finalizing interfacing diagram of controller with display

Preparing slides for presentation 1

Preparation of hard copy and soft copy for project report stage 1

Purchasing components required for project Implementing Circuit diagram Burning controller program Checking and testing of circuit
Preparation of soft copy and hard copy for final project report stage 2

Project book completion

Table 9.1: Task Distribution RMCET, Ambav(Devrukh)

Priyanka Shinde

Data Communication Over Zigbee

CHAPTER 10 Conclusion & Future Scope

10.1 Conclusion

In this project we can conclude the following: There is no need to rely on internet for small distance communication and file transferring between two or more Pcs. It can be used for private intranet. Secret code data transfer can be persuaded as the safe passage for official and confidential documents. Easily implementable in small scale environment. It provides mobility to the devices within the environment.


Future Scope
Communication distance can be increased by modifying the circuit diagram as manufacturers desire. Circuit size can be reduced. Error occurring while transmitting the data through air will be reduced by improving the method of error controlling. Data security can be increased. Data transmission and reception speed can be increased. A major enhancement that can be incorporated in the proposed system is the use of protocol to carry out the wireless transmission. Real time voice chatting can be implemented.

RMCET, Ambav(Devrukh)


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