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Approximate t1 and t2

Generally, for a given impulse generator, the generator capacitance C1 and load capacitance C2 will be fixed depending on the design of the generator and the test object as shown in figure (a).

Figure: (a) Hence, the desired wave shape is obtained by controlling R1 and R2. Assume that the resistance R2 will be large. Hence, the simplified circuit shown in figure (b) is used for wave front time calculation.

Figure: (b) Taking the circuit inductance to be negligible during charging, C1 charges the load capacitance C2 through R1. So from figure (b), it is seen that the simplified circuit for charging time is a RLC circuit. It is further seen that, as the inductor becomes short during charging period, the circuit becomes a RC circuit where C1, C2 and R1 are in series. Now, by definition, the RC time constant, the time constant (in seconds) of an RC circuit, is equal to the product of the circuit resistance(in ohms) and the circuit capacitance (in farads), i.e. = R C. It is the time required to charge or discharges the capacitor, through the resistor,

by 63.2 percent of the difference between the initial value and final value. This value is derived from the mathematical constant e, specifically Here C1 and C2 are in series, so . = R1 Ceq = R1

and R=R1. Therefore,

Now, by definition, the wave front time t1 of an impulse wave is the time taken by the wave to reach to its maximum value starting from zero value. Usually it is difficult to identify the start and peak points of the wave and, therefore, the wave front time is specified as 1.25 times (t2t1), where t2is the time for the wave to reach to its 90% of the peak value and t1is the time to reach 10% of the peak value. For, simplicity, we can take the wave front time t1 as the time to reach 90% of the peak.

Figure: (c) Now from figure (d), we see that the time to reach 90% of the peak for RC circuit is 3T, or three time constants or 3 .

Figure: (d) So, from figure (c) and (d), it is seen that, wave front time t1=3T=3 , or t1=3.0R1

For discharging or tail time t2, the capacitances C1 and C2 may be considered to be in parallel and discharging occurs through R1 and R2. So Ceq=C1+C2 and Req=R1+R2. Now, the nominal wave tail time t2 is measured between the nominal starting point t0 and the point on the wave tail where the voltage is 50% of the peak value i.e. wave fail time is expressed as (t3 t0 ) [figure (c)]. For simplicity, we can take wave tail time t2 as the time to reach 50% of the peak during discharge. From figure (d), it is seen that the time to reach 50% of the peak during discharge is 0.7T or 0.7 . Now, = R C or = (R1+R2) (C1+C2). Therefore, t2= 0.7 (R1+R2) (C1+C2)



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