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Cabaret - Adapted For Wednesday 3pm v0.

9 By Wednesday 3pm Class

ACT I Scene 1 EMCEE is on stage, everyone is sitting behind him on chairs at the Kit Kat Klub. CLIFF (ON TYPEWRITER) is side of stage on his typewriter. EMCEE Hello, french words, german words and all that. EMCEE sings his "Welcome Song" most excellently Scene ends. SALLY BOWLES is singing her song "Dont Tell Mama". A younger CLIFF is watching amongst the Kit Klub Klub regulars. SALLY sits down at the end of her song. CLIFF (ON TYPEWRITER) That was the first time I laid eyes on Ms. Sally Bowles. All that time she was on stage, it was like she was singing directly to me... I couldnt believe it when she chose to call me! Phone rings/lights up. CLIFF (into phone) Hello? SALLY (into phone) Youre English! CLIFF I wish I were SALLY American? CLIFF Im sorry. SALLY But you speak English! You speak it well. Can you just - keep talking - please? You cant imagine how starved Ive been! CLIFF Oh... well, my name is Cliff Bradshaw... Im from Pennsylvania... do you know where that is?




SALLY Such a beautiful language! CLIFF and SALLY continue talking in silence, focus back to other CLIFF (ON TYPEWRITER) CLIFF (ON TYPEWRITER) Thats how we started to talk, but just as the conversation started she was taken away from me. EMCEE appears and signals SALLY to walk off I returned to my small flat that a strange man named Ernst recommended. He gave me a discount on the basis I teach him English...


ACT I Scene 2 ERNST and CLIFF are in the room doing English lessons ERNST You know what is the trouble with English? It is not like German. It is not an exact language. One must memorize fifty thousand words or one cannot speak it correctly. CLIFF Either one must memorize - or one cannot speak ERNST Aha! ERNST excitedly takes notes into his notepad Either... or... Closes notepad and stands up The time is now finished CLIFF Im in no hurry, I have no other students ERNST Then I make a suggestion! We go out, we make large whoopee! CLIFF Ive got a budget. And it only allows for a very small whoopee. Unfortunately. ERNST It is difficult, you know - adjusting to the idea of a poor American. But I tell you a secret. There is no need for this - poverty. Ja! If you are willing, I show you a most excellent way to supplement your income. CLIFF Doing what? ERNST Oh - by taking very brief trips - to Paris! Nothing more. But it will pay you well, extremely well. Knock at the door, SCHNEIDER enters




SCHNEIDER Herr Bradshaw, there is a young lady to see you, Frauline Bowles. CLIFF Bowles? From the Kit Kat Klub, last night... Let her in, Fraulein Schneider. SCHNEIDER exits ERNST Last night! You are some snappy operator SALLY enters SALLY Cliff! Ernst! Will you two be dears and get my bags? CLIFF (ON TYPEWRITER) And just like that, Sally Bowles had moved into my apartment. I just couldnt say no. And as much as I tried to continue writing my novel, she proved to be too much of a distraction EMCEE enters and sings "Two Ladies"


ACT I Scene 3 CLIFF (ON TYPEWRITER) Every night parties. They were fun, but my novel was going nowhere and I became reliant on cheques from my family. Sometimes I woke up and wondered - what is the point of opening my eyes? CLIFF sings "Why Should I Wake Up", then whoever it is sings "Maybe This Time" straight after. ENTER SCHULTZ and SCHNEIDER CLIFF (ON TYPEWRITER) Becoming desperate, I took Ernsts offer to travel to Paris. It sounded sus, but he told me it was for a good cause. Could I trust him on that? But with little other choice, off I went.

6. ACT I Scene 4 SCHNEIDER Herr Schultz, you simply must stop bringing me the finest of your shops fruit! SCHULTZ But there is no one - no one in all of Berlin - who is more deserving! If I could, Id fill your entire room with my fruit! SCHNEIDER But fruit is a gift a gentleman brings his lady love! And why would you love me? Im just an unbeautiful spinster with a few rooms to let SCHULTZ Im no such bargain myself, an elderly widower - with grey hair, heartburn and a little fruit... SCHNEIDER I do my own scrubbing SCHULTZ I work fourteen hours a day SCHNEIDER I have palpitations SCHULTZ I am not a well man SCHNEIDER Am I a well woman? SCHULTZ But we are alive! And what good is it alone? Would you consider - marriage? SCHNEIDER Marriage!? Well... I can think of no argument against it, so if you desire me, I will be yours. SCHULTZ If I desire...? I must tell everyone the good news! *He rushes to a door) Anyone there? I have news! Good news! SCHNEIDER Why, that is your own door! SALLY enters




SALLY Whats going on? SCHULTZ Fraulein Sally! Good news! Fraulein Schneider and I are to be married! SALLY Wow, how wonderful! We must throw you an engagement party once Cliff returns from Paris!


ACT I Scene 5 CLIFF (ON TYPEWRITER) The party... thats where everything started to go downhill... Scene changes! All the Kit Kat Klub are now silently partying instead of sitting. CLIFF enters with the suitcase. SALLY, SCHULTZ, SCHNEIDER and ERNST are present. SALLY Cliff! Was Paris divine? CLIFF Divine. ERNST My boy, you have returned! Was there any troubles? CLIFF No ERNST You have the briefcase then, ja? CLIFF notices the swastika armbard and points to it Oh, I come straight from meeting. I am sorry Clifford since you do not wish to know my politics. The briefcase, if you please CLIFF hesitates, SALLY hands it over SALLY Here! CLIFF (To ERNST) You said it was for a good cause - if I remember correctly. ERNST And so it is! Our party will be the builders of the new Germany, and you are helping! So, for you ERNST hands over envelope to CLIFF who doesnt take it Something wrong?




SALLY Of course not! Thank you Ernst. SALLY takes the envelope CLIFF Ive been reading your leaders book. Have you read it? ERNST Ah yes, Mein Kampf. Of course! CLIFF Then, I dont understand! I mean, that man is out of his mind. Its there on every page... ERNST Clifford, this is not the time or place for such discussion. Perhaps youll never understand.


ACT I Scene 6 Scene returns to Kit Kat Klub, no more partying! CLIFF (ON TYPEWRITER) I knew then I had to stop visiting Paris. From there, it all started spiralling out of control - Schneider left Schultz in fear of his Jewish background. I told Sally to move to America with me, but instead she returned to the Kit Kat Klub... EMCEE (introduces song) SALLY sings "Mein Herr" CLIFF What the hell are you doing here? Get your coat, Im taking you home! SALLY Please, Cliff! If we go to America, theres no assurance youll get a job! CLIFF Ill find something! SALLY Maybe, but this is sure! CLIFF This!? What the hell is this? When are you going to realize you only reason you have this is because you slept with somebody! SALLY Cliff, stop... CLIFF And the only way youll get another job is to sleep with somebody else SALLY Shut up, Cliff! CLIFF And youre sleeping with me now! Face it Sally, say goodbye to everything here. Believe me, theyll never know you left.




SALLY I have to get ready for my next number... SALLY exits. EMCEE sings "I Dont Care Much" Phone rings at the end of song. CLIFF Hello? ERNST Clifford, this is Ernst Ludwig. I am at table nine, join me for a drink? CLIFF Not now, Ernst. ERNST I have another urgent errand for you CLIFF Sorry. The answer is no. ERNST Are you angry? If you were a German, you would understand all these things. CLIFF Goodbye, Ernst ERNST I pay you - two hundred marks CLIFF Go to hell! ERNST walks to CLIFF ERNST Clifford - I know you need the money, so why wont you go. Is it because of that Jew at the party? CLIFF attacks ERNST and walks off, but is followed by two people wearing swastika bands to imply off-stage violence. "Cabaret" is sung.


ACT I Scene 7 Back at the apartment with SALLY and a now injured CLIFF, doing some packing CLIFF I was in a fight last night. Did you hear? SALLY nods You shouldve seen those guys! Not a mark on them! Looks at watch Its almost time to be at the station! Were going to Paris today... remember? SALLY The fact is, Cliff CLIFF Dont say it, whatever it is. Lets just forget the Kit Kat Klub, forget you getting even with me by staying out all night. SALLY Oh Cliff... you know Id spoil it. It always ends this way - even when I do love someone terribly - for the first time. Id spoil it. Run off with the first exciting thing that comes along. Cliff... Im sorry... Im dreadfully sorry. Because, the truth is... I would have really liked... CLIFF This is your ticket to Paris. Do what you want with it... but if you ever need to get in touch with me... in Paris... the American Express office... Ill be there at least a week SALLY But - the truth is Cliff - Ive always hated Paris CLIFF Oh, Sally. Goodbye. SALLY Goodbye, Cliff. Dedicate your book to me! "Tomorrow Belongs To Us" is sung. Wild applause from the audience. Fin.

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