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Mobile phone a ban or a boon.


Everyone is available to others for 24x7. People say mobiles made life miserable by providing unlimited connectivity but they don't understand the fact it also provide limited connectivity options like you can switch of the mobiles. Mobile proved life saver for human beings in many areas related with human health. Mobile proved boon for businesses as well where crucial information is at reach for corporate decisions. Mobile phones made life easy for people who are going to distant areas for expeditions to be in touch with rest of world.


Mobile phone is hazard for human life as due to electromagnetic waves many people are suffering health problems of cancer etc. Mobile phones give unlimited connectivity for human life which made the life miserable for people who have been over using the mobile phones. Few people claim that user can control mobile usage but in many cases switching of mobile phones considered as unprofessional so people not able to cope up with this requirement and over utilizing the mobiles. Over utilizing of mobile is ruining social life of people by communicating on phones rather be in touch personally with friends and relatives. Mobile phones also deterring the traditions because people are more busy on talking on phones on various ceremonies and rituals. Mobile phones also deterring the office atmosphere as many employees spending more time on mobiles rather on work. Mobile phones causing accidents because people are using them while driving.


Mobile phone is a great invention but usage of it should be controlled.

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There is no longer any argument that the universally ubiquitous cell phone has become as indispensible to our daily lives as clothes and pizza. Indeed, the cellhas virtually acquired the dimensions of an extra limb, impossible to discard even if one wanted to. Isnt technology wonderful? Well, not entirely.The versatile gadget that comes in myriad shapes and sizes is becoming increasingly addictive with every new innovation. No self respecting 21st Century denizenwould do without one, or admit to using it just to make and receive phone calls. It is used to watch television, share banal videos and text messages and arranging clandestine trysts. Moreover, it allows you to be constantly available.And therein lies the rub. Why would we want to be instantly reachable at all times? What happened to quality alone time? Have we suddenly become so important that if a friend or relative is unable to contact us for an hour or two, it will signal the beginning of the apocalypse?According to a recent study by the Pew Internet and American Life Project, the frequency of texting among American teenagers is rising alarmingly; and a third of teenagers with cell phones send over 100 text messages a day. Just think of the implications of this modern phenomenon. And please dont mistake this for thetechnological version of passing notes in class. How many notes a day did we pass around; five maybe?Apart from the obvious fact that it cuts significantly into the time spent on homework, social and extra-curricular activity, it is altering the very mindset and thought processes of our young people. One obvious casualty is quality; when ones mind is

programmed to send out a message every few minutes, it is a given that the majority of the texts will be perfectly banal. Then there is the stealthfactor. Unlike old-fashioned phone calls to unsuitable members of the opposite sex, clandestine conversations can be carried on right under the noses of parents. And there is a more sinister fallout to this. When it becomes a social compulsion to say something almost non-stop, indiscretions are almost inevitable.Family secrets, things told in strict confidence; tend to come tumbling out because, hey, you have to text about something.There is nothing parents and teachers can do about this, of course, but grumble.As they have learnt to their cost, banning or restricting something only leadsto it being used surreptitiously or, sometimes, open defiance. After all, the ingenuity of kids, when they are determined to thwart authority, is legendary.Some schools have ingeniously decided to adopt the old maxim, if you cant beatthem, join them. At a school in Florida, a Spanish teacher at the school startsher class by asking the students to take out their cell phones in Spanish, ofcourse. She then proceeds to send them text messages in Spanish. These could besimple tasks, like go the cafeteria, find something green, and take a picture. You can call it a sort of treasure hunt. The messages gradually become more complex questions requiring answers to be texted back to the teachers. This innovative method has made her classes so popular that students are making an active effort to learn the language.Others schools are taking advantage of the rapid increase in cell phone technology. Schools with budgets not large enough to provide individual computers for all students are encouraging them to use the new generation phones as computers toresearch stuff on the internet. When you consider that over 70 percent of teenagers in the US today have cell phones, this gives them a tremendous reach.But why blame the kids alone? Adults are equally addicted to the infernal machines. One of my pet hates is the self-important cretin who just has to answer hiscell during a private dinner party; and then looks condescendingly on the rest of us inferior mortals without whom the universe can survive for a few hours
Mobile Phones - A curse or a boon? Since the beginning of time man has been inventing things; the bike, the car, the radio, the television, the telephone, the computer but the most recent invention to have taken the world by storm has to be the mobile phone. Originally a large, heavy, black box with an even larger protruding aerial, mobile phones were not widely used but today they are a must-have fashion accessory, and with coloured fascias, aerials, covers, logos and ring-tones available, its no surprise that children as young as eight are now asking Santa for an Ericsson PF768 or Motorola Wing Timeport V.550. With recent advances in technology WAP services have been provided on mobiles and in Japan they have fitted a video camera into the ever decreasing in size hand held phenomena. It is safe to say that mobiles have taken over, making it impossible to travel without hearing a dulltone version of the number 1 tune blasting in your ear followed by, "Hello? I'm on the train!" There are many stories of lives being saved when someone suffers a heart attack whilst in the middle of nowhere and the victim is rescued because their companion rang the emergency services on their mobile. This is one reason why so many people own mobiles - security. The young and old are reassured that by owning a mobile, help can be on its way in the touch of a button if an emergency situation were to crop up. However, owning a mobile may increase your chances of being mugged. Recent figures have shown that street crime is up by nearly 50% with most muggers stealing mobiles, and with the average pay as you go package costing 99, these second hand mobiles are quickly sold on to other youths for a much cheaper price. New research indicates also that using a mobile phone while driving greatly increases the risk of having an accident whether the phone is hand held or hands-free. The study also confirms that the danger remains in the minutes after a phone call...

In this modern world communication plays an extravagant role. Mobiles play a vital role in the field of communication. In the ancient times, the pigeons were first means of communication. Then slowly letter began, it took lots of times like almost more than week to send letters from place to the other place. To make people happy and send letter faster telegram and speed post were introduced, this made the delivery of letters faster that is in three to four days. And even by the telegrams and speed post were also taking lot of times. Then later pagers were started, and this consumed lot of times. So hence landlines started and people communicated well, and this was very fast communication which human being has never seen it. Later as the time passed people started landlines as in convenient as it is not possible to carry land lines where ever they go. So hence as technology started increasing cell phones were invented. As cell phones were invented people felt it was a gift of the advanced technology. In fact all the credit goes to the advanced technology as it changed the communication from pigeons to letters to telegrams and speed posts to pagers to land lines to portable cell phones. The cell phones became the most effective in the field of communication. Communication is very essential in this modern world.

Social networking is also available for communication, but in countries like India not many know English and cannot afford to place a computer system and internet connection at homes, so it mobile phones plays a vital role in connecting the people. It is of low cost, very one can afford a mobile phone because ten rupees is more than enough to get recharge and maintain contact, if they cant afford outgoing they can at least receive incoming and this at least is possible. This is major advantage of mobile phones. Mobiles phones also provide employment various people of various sectors. They are various people working in mobile companies and maintaining their families, these mobile companies provide employment to thousands of people. These companies become means of living to many families and get and lots of benefits. Mobiles are best source of communication. Communication is an important factor. Once just imagine the world without phones, life becomes miserable. It becomes a very important aspect in day to day life. There are many kinds of mobiles of different ranges, as features increases the cost also increases. Nowadays mobile is not comfort but it is a basic requirement for every individual. The mobile also becomes status symbol in high society. Mobile also plays a predominant role in today society. Mobile acts as a status symbol in high society. Different mobiles have different features.

Mobiles provides internet, gaming option, video camera, loud speaker, music players, F M radio, messaging, calling, remainders, calculators, alarms, internet networking includes checking mails, to go

social networking sites like Orkut, face book, quitter and followed by many more social networking sites, they can also official bank sites and check their transition done every day. This is very helpful to the customers. Internet services on mobiles phones charges. There will be rates for different package. It is the users wish to opt which ever package is convent to you. Though it charges it becomes very effective and highly useful to the customers. This is only available to few phones like black berry, I Phone and few other phone provide this feature and these phones are very expensive, and they cannot afforded by people of poor sector. It can be afforded by upper middle people and high class people.

Mobiles phones has became so cheap that even vegetable vendor, servant maid, watch men, cleaner, driver are also maintaining cell phones. At times we will be astonished by seeing mobiles in the hands of beggars. It is very good to hear as well as to see that beggars in India have no food, no proper clothing and no proper shelter but they has mobile phones to communicate through the mobiles cost is less. Mobiles are useful communication when they are someone waiting for you at home hoping that you will come. So they play a major role in the fields of communication. It is useful if and every person in the home contains a mobile, it becomes easy to communicate. and likewise you will informed about the important updates of your family member easily and it is also for communication purpose also.

Role of mobiles in day to day life :

Mobiles are mainly used for communication purpose. Mobiles play an extravagant role in day to day life. Mobiles are the basic needs of today young stars, teenagers, worker, officers, business man, teachers, labors and all most each and every individual living in the society. Today there is no doubt in stating mobile phone has become a basic need for specific person in India. A day will come that day people will say that, If you are an Indian, you must have a mobile phones with you. We all will wait for that day. Mobile phones also contribute for the development of the society and will contributing new technical mobiles and gift it to society. Mobile phones are a gift of advanced technology. They are seeds for communication, and they do an irreplaceable mark by sharing the happiness and sadness of customers from one part of the world to the other part of the world. These phones will always be with us, they do not have the feeling whether they are in hand of a poor man or rich man. They serve their best to everyone.

There are thousands of mobile phones available in the markets. They are mobile phones present in many places, if the tower cannot the area were you are, the signal will be low, the users cant anyone and the person calling user gets an announcement that the mobile phone number you are calling is not reachable so please after sometime or latter. At times there will low charge in the battery so the mobile phone gets directly switched off and the person calling the particular user will get an announcement that the mobile phone number you are calling is currently switched off try after sometime or later. If you wonted switch of your mobile phone, the person calling the particular user will be informed that the mobile phone number you are calling is switched off please try after sometime or later. They will be many different phone of different company. For example, in India the most important brand is airtel, it is opted by many of the customers. They are different phone company like black berry, I Phone, AT & T, t mobiles, Sam sung, nokia, Sam sung galaxy and many more company. All these mobile phone companies manufacture different mobiles of different ranges. They manufacture mobiles according to need but not in excess.

Sometimes it might happen like this that the mobiles manufactured in excess may not sold in market and they may lose their properties and reined their life and a settled career. These entire factors play a major role and thereby they must manufactured keeping the demand in mind but not in excess which later revolves into many problems. The mobiles have different mobiles services like airtel, vadophone, aircel, idea, hutch, touch, reliance, Tata dot com and many more different companies of mobile phones. Depending on the number is fixed. The sim card is given by taking address proof of a person and will approve within two day. Now it is also possible to change from one network to the network without losing the number. This is charged. Even if the user loses his or her phone, they can block the sim for within two three days by providing address and will be retained with the old number within two day if you lose your mobile phones. We must be proud of mankind for increasing technology. Technology is increasing day by day. In some countries mobiles are very cheap in countries like India. India has got an important place in the world.

We export and import good to large kinds. Let Indian be proud of him and enjoy the comforts and rights given by our mother land India and share all the responsibly and duties of mother land India. In India mobile phones are very cheap and thereby they it contribute a lot to communication lots of people. Every time you recharge some taxes will recharged. This is why we do not get full amount when we recharge. Even when we buy mobile phones some tax will collected on every purchase of mobile phones. There by Mobile phone contribute a lot for development of country. Mobile phones are

always helpful in day to day life as they are portable and very effective for communication. It helps to maintaining contact with friends and family. Even if there is any problem with the phone like if you are getting lot of wrong call and blank call you can change the sim.

Mobile phones are a great gift of technology. They play a predominant role in the field of communication. They contribute a lot to people. Every devices invented by mankind will have both uses and disadvantages.

Uses of mobile phones :

The mobile phones have many uses and play an important role in the field of communication. People are influenced by it and are infatuated with mobile phones very easily and get easily attracted to mobile phones. It plays an important role to communication. As it is portable and that is very useful. It plays a vital role in passing lots of information. We can operate social networking sites in many ways. Mobile phones are used for mufti tasks like gaming, messaging, phone book, remainders, alarms, internet networking, checking mails, phone book, messaging, calculator, mobile prayers, call register, music, video, camera, movies and many more. Messages are very useful as they can convey a lot of information with one and only one message. There are message offer available and they will be highly useful as they cost very little and give a lot in return such as for twenty two rupees the customers get two thousand two hundred messages in return. This is dam cheap, and this message offers are mainly opted by student as they can spend very little amount on phone. This offer also helps them to save a lot of money.

Making calling becomes very expensive as you talk very less because it very expensive. So message are very useful and they can chat a lot, and it is time consuming so it favors people a lot to message and to spend their free time with friends even at home or anywhere else. Messages are mostly preferred by children and student. No wards we also find back of message as they find more money saving opting message offer than calling. As the time progresses we also find a lot of people including elder will start messaging. By using mobile phones we can also use internet which cost a little amount. Again here also package are provided and people can opt packages according to their own will and wish. By having internet in mobiles people can see or log in into social networking at any time and check their recent updates and they can updates themselves from mobile phones like their status, post something on wall, check message, conform add request sent by friends or family and many

other user. They can also upload photo snaps taken from their mobile phones without converting into computer and uploading them, it saves a lot of time. They can also save a lot of time by operating social networking sites through mobiles. They can even see other friend wall post, tag them, message them, and comment on their wall and also most post comment. In addition to there are many more benefits like checking mail, bank transition, booking tickets, Gars, locating land marks and also followed up by many more services useful to the customer and also make wide different in their expenses. They provide the best services to customers.

Customer care is also provided to classify all the quires and get information regarding various packages. Even they will many services like hello tune service, melody pack and many more services that provide entertainment to customer. Hello tune service means the person call you the person will hear a song set by the customer instead of normal ring. This is just to do show off and it is chargeable. Likewise every month thirty rupees and extra money will also be charged to download songs very month. It is only to do show off. Mobile phones are very essential and useful in today life. In this modern world we must make the best use technology and make our life more comfortable. In fact the mobile phone is best gift of technology.

Ill effect of mobile phone :

Mobile phones have many uses they also have many ill effect. We find kids getting addicted to mobile phone and behave as if are attracted and infatuated with the mobile phones. It influences them a lot. They also waste a lot time on spending in mobile phones. Their concentration on other thing decreases. They spend their valuable time on mobile phones. Nowadays we find children are given mobile phones at very early age this gives them a lot of privacy and make them to maintain more screechy. That means they hide thing from their parents and their well wisher. Poor parents cannot understands what their kids are actually doing and they believe there kids so much that they really do not realize the problems of giving mobiles to children at a very young age and all this result in many problems. Children have less experience to understand all this and parents are unnoticed with deeds of their children and this causes a lot of problems.

It also increases the relation between boys and girls and result in all unwanted thing like love, infatuation, attraction and many more felling which result in spoiling their brains at a very young age and even stranger keep sending messages and sometimes if your friends are not good they share your

number with many people who are problematic and result in harassment and sometimes also leads to police complain and many more problems. Mobile phones are highly harmful. They build up difference between people. Even the people who cannot afford to buy expensive mobile phones will has to buy for their children as they require torture their parents to buy expensive mobiles as their friends have a better mobile phone than them. This lead to false presage and parents has to do so as they have no other alternative with them. Messaging also spoils children, teenager and youth so badly that they spend all the time on the phone messaging to someone or the other. This is not only done during the holiday but also done during examination also. Mobiles also cause many health problems. Mobile phone cause cancers and brain problems and loud speakers also affect the brain and ears. They are change becoming duff. Even it causes blindness sometimes as children and nowadays even elder people are spending hour together on mobile phones. Mobile phone plays a predominant role in spoiling the career of the student and other people. Sometimes children to make fun call a wrong number and talk nonsense if the people think it is disturbing or harassing them, they can claim to court for justice and this becomes a big issue. Even some sites provide free messaging offers people keep on messaging all nonsense and write something which hurts the people, all this is dangerous and puts an evil effect on children. Till children get some maturity, parents should provide personal mobile phones as it leads to distress and lot of problems in very young age. It influences their minds with all this useless stuff. Mobile phone also provides secrets from parents. It is very easy to learn bad at that age but it is tough to learn good so easily.

Learning bad is easier than good. But today in this modern world learning good has become very tough and committing sins and bad thing has become very easy day by day. So children have less maturity than elders it is easy to bad than good. So there is no doubt that mobile only show an evil effect on children. Children should be under the guidance of parent at least till they reach a certain age. It is important for the parents to know what they child is doing the mobile phone. Even if they provide a phone they must see that is a postpaid sim because parents will know how much money charged in their child mobile phone and they will the number calling and messaging with them. This facility is not available in prepaid sim and they are a change of even stealing money from their parents pocket or pursues and this remains unnoticed to parents. Children close door in room and chatting in the mobile phone or they keep listing to songs in mobile phones and the poor parents will be under impression their child is studying very hard. Children also use their mobile phones in their colleges and they never focus on the lecture given by the lecture where as they keep messaging from one end of the classroom to other end of the classroom.

It becomes a though for lecture to see what every student is doing. So students take it an advantage and repeat the everyday. They neither listen to the lecture nor write the notes deviated by the lectures and all these contribute in scoring low marks. There is no use of mobile phone it instead spoil the minds of the children at a very early age and mobile phones should not be provided to children at a very young age as they result in many problems. Later there will be nothing in hands of neither parents nor children. Parents should take proper care and keep an eye on the activities done by the children with mobile phones and if they find committing any mistakes by their children they must the ill effect of mobile phone with love and affection so that the child respect and understands the feeling of parents.

Mobile phones play an extravagant role in the field of communication. They help in maintaining contact with friends and family. As there is advancement in technology, it is very useful to mankind and also makes life of mankind very easy. Besides advantages as the technology increase, there will be disadvantages. It all depends on how one uses the advancement of technology. Mobile phone is an ultimate gift of technology. It connects people from various parts of world. It is very important that we must have control on mobile phone and also talk only useful or it must be informative to others and money saving and time saving to you. In this modern world time is very valuable, so let us not waste time by talking too much on phones. Phones are very useful and also at the same time phone might become dangerous. It all matters only how you use it and utilize your time on it. Phones have many services like messaging, internet and many more and more. Phones cause health problems. Phones also strain to eyes. Sometimes even people might become blind also. Mobile phones also result in many problems. Constant messaging also results in hand paining. This also results in various problems in children like love, attraction, infatuation and unwanted friendship. Parents should take care they do not provide personal mobiles to their children till they get certain maturity and they must keep an eye on the action done by children and if they anything wrong with their behavior they must explain them in a soft manner and show more care, love and affection on them as they are too young to understand what their agony is and they always be over confident on themselves that they anything. But later if something goes wrong children will have nothing to do expert weeping and this might also results in deviation from studies to all unwanted or useless deed increases. The concentration on studies decreases and important thing become unimportant thing. This sometimes may spoil the career of people. So parents should not provide mobile phones to children till they get maturity they must be kept always away from providing a personal phone as it save them many tensions centering them. Even though if the parents feel that their children has a need of mobile phones at a early age it is better to provide a postpaid mobile phone than prepaid mobile phone this reduces the problems caused by providing a personal mobile phone to some extent, and they must also keep an eye on action of their kids and keep warning them about ill effect of society. Let us take an oath that we will use mobile phones only for constructive purposes but not destructive purpose.

Mobile phones

Mobile phone pic Google Image

Modern life means mobility. I live in Asia and see many, earlier constrained to their villages, looking at the wide world for opportunities to better their lives. They are ready to break into new vistas; most with little education but armed with a vital contraption that has become an integral part in our lives. It also saves lives from being exploited and keeps us in touch with friends ready to hold our hands. This contraption is none other than mobile phones, also called cell or hand phones.

When I see mobile phones being used by all sundry, I feel a sense of achievement and also heartache at their misuse. It is freedom for many to be in touch with anyone on the go without borders, but I also get a feeling of dismay when it takes over our lives at the cost of everything else. We lose sight of others and our basic manners. And their increasing features, though much touted, can change our lifestyles for the worse. To put it politely, we just become selfish, led down a one-way path like the children in Pied Piper of Hamelin. And never to return to sanity starting with eye-to-eye contact!

Freedom at last

Free at last pic Google Image

It is basic human nature to improve our lot. Millions of young are seeking better pastures against all odds. It was only couple of decades ago that many had to rely on what we call now snail mail to get to hear from own. It used to take couple of weeks to receive any news. Telegrams used to cost so much that it conveyed bad news, mostly death!

Despite much talk of equality, a major part of those seeking overseas jobs are made up of domestic workers or just called maids. They are still expected to work round the clock and practically with no day off in most countries; in a way, modern day slavery at the mercy of employers and others in their household. The latter are called prince-lings in China, born to power and privilege!

Mobile phones have given release to many hitherto disadvantaged. They can be in touch with their family members back home anytime. Earlier, they hardly got permission to use employers phone. Is it not freedom from maximum security prison for some? Most worked under such stifling conditions just a decade ago and I can testify to their plight!


Misuse pic Google Image

With freedom comes misuse of it. That does not mean we are not entitled to freedom and scientific advancement! But when I get an earful through constant misuse of mobile phones when I travel in crowded public transport, I do not have much sympathy for those who take others for granted. And the noise that is music to their ears! Finally, some employers expect their staff to be in touch at all times, or is it some blissfully playing into the formers hands?

Marketing frenzy

Marketing frenzy pic Google Image

We are led the garden path by the marketing frenzy. Not only the features of latest are touted but also the various plans which mostly add up to the same thing making few go bankrupt! One is given unbreakable installments to buy and pay monthly charges for fixed terms! When few fall for internet scams paying upfront to get millions, are these not enticing enough for us to make decisions at the spur of the moment? It has become a world of its own with majority trying to feel their feet and soon getting caught in the whirlpool!

Stick to basics

Stick to basics pic Google Image

I feel, for most, just stick with basic phone use, to stay connected with those who matter to us; dont get entrapped in the frills part. More money is wasted on the latter and the constant upgrading where some packages make us feel we lose out of we do not just sign on the dotted line!

The freedom that came from mobile phones is Godsend, but not the excesses that are our overindulgence. The supposed progress that make us ignore eye to eye contact, time for each other with those that matter including own children, will prove costly and irreversible. We will realize the mistakes too late when we yearn for time with our children. We need to invest our time and resources wisely to get worthwhile returns! Mobile phones can make us remain as teenagers for too long!

Invention of fire to digital, man has made a lot of scientific innovations and computer was the greatest gift of science to man and cellphones or mobile are modified forms of computer wherein we can save lots of data and information. It has lot of applications, games as well as maps through which one can find any place by feeding the address in the mobile. Cell phones were invented for communication and it has spread worldwide so rapidly that even lower group of people possess it. It has estimated by 2010 that more than 500 crores of people will use mobile. Alexander Graham Bell invented telephone in less developed society and by the time cell phones invented and people have accepted this development as in these fast moving life people cant spend the time walking with friends or for some official purposes. WHY CELLPHONES/MOBILE A BOONThrough cell-phones one can easily communicate with people who is in other state while doing necessary work or travelling. Even if a person is not free he/she can put ear phones and do work without messing up all the things. As told that cell phones are modified version of computers anyone can load new games in no time. Even one can watch movies how we can watch in computer and even one can watch any of sport match going on, the application should be loaded in to the phone which would help the sport watched. One can listen to music, radio , even take the snaps of loved one, send the money through e-banking and clear all bills that are pending through cell phones. Even anyone can get stock quotes, latest alerts and even reminders. Even it can act as a torch when there is power shutdown. Even cell phones are treated as part and parcel of our life. Every person you see are with cell phones. It may be irritating sometimes but anyone cannot expect life without it and it is a multipurpose toy which can be taken anywhere anytime and can be played and enjoy. So it can be treated as boom. WHY CELL PHONES CAN BE BOONCell phones can be boon as privacy is lost as due to advanced technology of digital cameras in cell phones there are problems which many people come accross. For example- some people who have evil minds take nude snaps and videos of young girls or ladies and through that upload it to a porn site or email that and even blackmail the girl. So a girl has to be really very concious about it. The wave emitted from them can change our skin tissues. Continuos and regular use of cellphones can result to cancer and tumours still people ignore that and use cell phones. Even anyone can be disturbed in meetings due to calls from marketing people. Increase in road accidents are due to talking while driving and 40% of accidents are due to this reason. Even new phobias have come into picture for mobiile users Nomophobia: The fear of being out of cell phone contact. Its the abbreviation for no -cell-phone phobia. It could be a result of low battery, broken phone, a no-cellphones-allowed sign, no signal, low balance, etc. Phantom Ring: Imagining the cellphone to be ringing or feel it vibrating in the pocket, when its actually not. Pocket Patter: Patting your pockets to check if the cellphone is still there. Human Antenna: Stretching your arm to hold the phones at a height in the hope that itll get the strongest signal. So if technology has innovated and developed so well there are pros and cons which people have to accept. If a person can be acceptable they use otherwise drop using it.

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