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of tlu
Sardar Rudra Raj Pandey-Chair
of the Commission
(Chairman oftbe Board of Education of NepaI)
Kaisher Babadur K.C.-Critic Member of the Commission
(Secretary of Education, Government of Nepal)
Dr. Hugh B. Wood_Educat\onal Advisor to the Commission
(professor of Education, University of Oregon, USA)
AU IOghJs Rtln'Ded
The text or this publication or any part thereor may not be
reproduced in any manner whatsoever without permission in writing
from the publisher.
Yerbe-s ofthe Commission
Pa,t Ill-Conclusions
Adclt. Education

and Supervision of Education
yM a'. jug Education
Tlx .Educational Environment
Sp.riaI S<m=
A LqjsIarive Programme
Ptl11 lI-A NatiolUll Plan of Educlltion for Ntpal
General Outline of the Plan
The: Cwric:uIum for Primary Schools
Thc: Cmric:ulu.m for Secondary Schools
U::Ii\enu!; Education
POTt IV-Educational Progrm
XX EdDc:ational Development, Status and Future Plans
.XIX: ""wu"yand Recommendations
J intrOduction
n The Land-of Nepal
m Extent of Education in Nepal
IV "a""" or Education in Nepal
V 'The People Speak
\"1 X"eed (or Education in _Tepal To-day
Port I-TIre Survq
Mahmdra Bir BikTam Shah .DelHI
Presentation of the Completed Report, March I, 1955-
Sardar Rmlra Raj Pandcy, Chairman of the Commission, (third from
left) presents the mimcographcd Rcr0rt tu the I-IOllorable t...linisler 01" Euu"a
tion, D ~ . Dilli R. Rcgmi, at a formal ceremony held in Gallery Hall. Seilted
al the left is Dr. Hugh B. Wood, Educational Adviser to the Commissio1l;
standing- at the right is Trailokya ::\ath Crl"aily, Sccrctal'y-Treas\lIcr of the
in aJ
is gc
is th
is 01
aod t
O , ~
n......nd teMby io n.e 01 imol.....ua1 a"';D"""'''
;n almc.1 aD tbt adY=ttd """,,17'" kM t-n w". "ip. ......;" in
limnent. Am-c an <x>untna in A<i.a. ha", bwndl"';! plans
"ith pIalh .Dd dritt ... break-neck speed 10 wipe out illilef2C! and
n>at.e democnt:y OItcu:ss.
XepaI io pasO"!I" thro..!!"h a crisio in Mt histo<y. n.. a<h't:nt of
democrur ha. l>unknM 1= proplr wi.h Jtt&ter ...,.,.,D>ibilitia..
io pUt, If> hI>Id a dtttioo in .hc diswu (..I....,. Education
is lhe Ant. q""'.""" of ou"",,"" of <kmoc.acy. "Wc ....... ed"""'" 00.
marter.," a. the Q,Hcsr p>s>iblc oppnnuni'Y. If ignononcc and mi:racy
.emain (or a time, democracy will .pcn doom and disaJI",. Hcrr
is onc oppnnunlly for lb..."'. of mr>l!>e' Nepal 10 m.... forwa,d
and r"hl asains, dum... and bring lighl in .he country.
Th. ,<:comm.ndallOM mad. by the Nepal Educa,;on Planning eo......
miMlnn fO, 'h.",!!Ch... In 'he pr""n' .'moop".... ...lJ"aOnn
and d""!",ir, 'hal the 'eporl c<m'd be 'ubtnl'ted wi'hin kso lhan a
lJ ,t.SOlf a toslimony nf Ihe C<H>p<:,uion 'hu tb. <x>mnm.ion ,e-
f,om 'he people in genenJ and Ihe ed"ea,iontttl in particular.
).,Iost of ;,. memben and ovalu.lon ....."ked with a! in the Ipiri' of
na'ional """';e<:, and the ,",creury with his .Iaff never .pared paiM.
Ou. 'hanb are due to all. But Ipedal menl;on may be of
Dr. Hugh B. l'Y""d, Educalional Advioo. ftoont the Univenity of
Orqnn, ,,h..e indc:!il.tigable labour ond I""'mpt<: in the
or .h;" "'POri ha,,,,, Ix>cn
It io hoped that the report will rcce,"C due mnaidcn.'ion ;n .he
hands of the 8'>,..,rnmml and ed....don will """,Ive "'P1lriority in ill
Kbane ofou, country'. <kxdopmen
Rudra Raj

I" the Fall or 19S3. I _ ;n,ited '" to .....rer with the
Ministry of Ed........... olliciah _ cd.......';' poobktns and polnl-
tio.litics in this anmllY, 1 >no ",Iocd to ourvey ""iYlng a",dilMms
and r=tn,n=ul a plan '0< 'he d""clo",nt:n' of a ....'ionaI sysl<m of
cd"".'io,,_ I """n't:rcd ,he in,ilalion wilh an to .cl '"' ed....-A
,;"nal ail.';"", to a highkw.! nau", cdue,u"'n planning <omm;";""
if ,,,.h w""c apl"'i,,,.d. I that ,,,ch an _gnmen, Wa! a t ..k
fot ,h. 1\<]),,1, not Ibr a [",e;!:"",, And 'he aco,mplishmcoll
"r the Cnmmis$ion now Iland n. ,,,,'imon)" to 'he ..,"'''Im.... of 'hi,
oV;"i"". True, ,h. m.mben made me fed that J Om """, a
"f I\'cp'l 'ha" ("r<is,,", , thcir hoop;,,,li,)", Ih' of all the
Nel""I..., hao been ovcr_whdming, But ,hi. RCI"''' i. a product of
,h,..,. JCO,.., N"f"lcoe cdu..",o,,,;rts and ka""n. TIle th<;
qUCSlionnai,.." ,h. outline, lh. discussion.. 11.., [,,,,,,ul_,kon of policicl
and pnnciplc<. lhe en.blislunmt ..r tar!l"<I, ,hc plah, the reo>mmcnd-
.Inn r,om lhe mcmbcn or the COOhmi.....ll, I conRdtt it
a gml ...S" '" ha''''' I""", pcnn1ntd to in 1h<' crcal;""
and lixging or ,hil Rcpo." P.anicuJa..-Jy. I ha,.., a.!n,;"cd the roucd
dc<crm;""'",,, of the Chain'...... and h. Ic3dcnhlp t1uoush 'rousb
J have apprttia,cd lb<: aithr..1rlcos of the mcmbe.. and rh<:ir
"';Uinc_ '" do 'htir ohan: , I ha,.., baslcd ;" ,he cnl..",rnJ
of ...... writcn, both in aDd the I lCnUltl!
bopc l!>ere wiP be a I1ich pUrt iD the Gfa' Bc)'OlId b tMot: ""-
t.ur1! who draflC(\ 10 ml>Ch or ,he Report.
nu. is the Rep..... ; bu' ,he job is no, drnlc-l' ..... only lqun.
Forn,na<dy, rht:no will r>ot be the umal. pcriooJ bcrwecn lI>e '"rq><>rt"
and ',,",,'ion," bcca""" :u:tiOll is al<cady und........y. SolD<: of
,he rccommcll<b.,io!1J ha,.., been implemented "" in Cbapler x..X.
Bo'1 Ihe gl'Ca1 I.... loos ah""'d. Vni..."..,1 prImary td.."",;"n,
lilerae)'. O)mprehcnoivc ..,.,.,ndary td.....tinn, all''''' ha'i"nal uni''Cr>ily
-lhcsc anI! lIUny nlher gO,.)1 beckon tOo the rncmbc,.. or the Comrnissinn
and tll';, eolleag.."" in Ihe development or Ihi. de""""a.y 11<",
in 'he hea,t "rtlle Himalayu.
From the dcptld "rmy he.,I, J leave my I>c1t wioh"" with }'OU.
Hug!> B. W<><>d

C"APT!'.J' ,
With the rta..'n "f dca>ncn.<J in :\<pal in ,h.".. came an
awalcming of the need for e,hOOll.,.,. The rn:'" Iiter.l"l' and
lh. 'J"'""d of cdue':llion all ""tT .he country, f,,,,,, ,he to lhe
and the Hi""'l.j.... ." the T<ni, hat bcflI kcmlr kIt. XcporJ
hat b<cn tnllowirtll a pnlicy of ioolatinn and as ""'" has b:cn Up. in total
cbr1u>ed,1IDCOflt.:Ltni,,,,ttd by .... pram......r <ivilIuUoa. tw both
tood and t.d ell.. in .h. XlIX ""'. "" other 0J""'tD ba.s .trud
mol, and bring a .-irein to<! ''ttT p<>(W t:ocldOIatiDn) >he an
dft_ ha DVm xb<mc and pla.., 'l1Iac can be: tuilC'd 10 d..
p>loiiinn and hittorical uadil;"" of ..... COW1I')", ..'ilh icw to
the r>alio<W indi>idualitj'.!'Id ;nt<'rll1li<mal h hat bn:n b:od ill
,h ......, m..t the .....Id hat ach':LDcro., fa< attd .....0. aD Ih.t
h.rdIy 1>0" pttttn. of.he J'O!>lJblion ;,. the """nU')' <an rcod "00 ...-i'e.
Th.... is orithcr r,,(>id """,no '" ,,:>mJ:lmnic1tion ...,.. _ure cctmOIlIic
e<>ndilKm- The problaN fO, the <'(>Un,,, ..... 'hut qui.< h.... "nt.l.he odds
"lI'ai.., Unprm.....e<>, .rc .1"",", inm"""i,-"bl.. aut ,her ",us, be ",ked,
f<>r"", h,a,,, '" mardl .no..ldcr '" .tw.,k!er wi,h o,her "",ionl of lhe wocld
as Wc """"me mcn,bcn IIf world ""l;'""iuliorn.
In order to ""'\co dOnlOCfll<'!'. rcaJ <ueccn wc h.,,, 10 educo.le our
pc,,?I. wilhin the ,horl.,t time, cspc<:;.II) tinGe univ..... 1aduil
,,,f1ragc h.. "h"dy bee" prvdxi".. d. The of diclatOflhip or ch-il
war dtle tu mi""e nl" ,he righ, lo .-,,'e mw' be ."ni<led .nd ,hi. is nut
in a '''''"If)' like OUrI wi,h"u' proper ed"".,ion,
A#fi81_81 .IIMe..",..w;...
Until 1950 .h.. had hem. ""Iy limiled ed,ocational fnili,;'" in :"cpal
.nd th..., ....".., for a few penplf,. Wilh "'" rce<>gn,tinn nf
cduca,ion as the kq.,.(",e '" the eo.... nmcnl nf X"I"'1 ......b-
IiohI att EdUOltinn &ard in to ,upeni>c and expand the ",,;,ling
edu<-atinDal faciliti... In a mectintl; orthio &.rd MId in :-;",-.mbcr,
lhe ...... made '" the Go-"CInI1>Cn' th.a. a :"aUonal Coonmi&ion
PIanniJ:Is Ed<OCa,im> be 10 tun..,. ""io<i:lfl cd..............1frii_
tla and 10 p<q>arC a rd:ocme b natinnal education On Nepal. It
had been poin'ed oul bcbc in the Chaioman', addrcNa to the .......1.ocn
of the Bow-d. thal a of cducotion!Or the ...hole counlrJ in
upon or Inl1CATlO>l PU>lNJNO C>OOu.:I10>l
place 0( mcUlod.o i> ; tl>< "'UOI be traincd!C&dl.... in
and l\"<:pal mull ha'''' heT o"n
Dr. HURh B. Wood. educational rpccialist from Unh..,...;ty of
U. S. A. ",'''0 ..... in India DC! a fulbri!tll leaching asignm<:nt,
,m'lled '0 i"q>aI immed;"lelr to C<>o> "'i,h lhe .\lin"<cry or EdtoCllhnn
ollieialo on 'he motttt. Following Iou v_h, 'he r""'anm.n, a('pOw'ed 'h.
l\"a'ionaJ EducoUoo Planning Tb. mcml"cn ol 'hi> Cam
miooion wen: d>a.r:n to '.po """'" ,....iou> ..- _,ion< ...r peopIc of
.'\epo.l. Include<! in ",cmbenhip "....., rq>re:n'.ui.... of 'he'dill'ert:n'
grOllp" of m'n and ",,,,,,cn f,om ,he :odmini."ati"c __ice., ,he !'ublie
Sen'iu eo............n. I"" MinUlry nf Edu<ati<m, rcpoacn....'i,'" of lhe, ottr>ndary, and !UKhn 1"'-dI or ed"nllion, and
Cl<p'" i.nd bymcn (m'enllll: pn<;ticall)' the "'hole nf 'he Hirna4y:an
hi!hland', 'he central and ,he lhin of 'he Ta....i bth of
i'\q>aI. The ...."'ben of.he Com", iot> "'P''''<nl<'d all "",\I,. of life and
....... of <he..-. ....,,"'nIDn
in cd"""'it>n in Sepal. In all.
H Wtte invi'ed to patticipa'., bu'lOffle ,,-e.: unable to pv'idr-te because
of distance fr"m ,10, and otheT.......,.... ("'am.. of ,h. Comm"""n
members "'110 ocn...I "'i11 be fuund in I.)
Sanlar Rudra. Raj i'anrk'!' ..ilo ...,.. au
" of lhe Ed"""tion
brd, Wa' appnin'c<l '" Chairman of ,h. Com ;""'n. T ... "'a,h
Up";!},, Dcpu')' Scen...ry of I::d",""itm
appoin'ed Sc:actar)'.T "rcr
of the 1),-. Wo<>rI w" ked ID ""'.., ... the Ed tional
Ad,...". to ,he Cvmmiuion.
l_g.,4/;"./ IN C"",misn.....
Tb<: work oflhe Commitlioa ..... ina"l"""ted on 22. 19S4, in
Gall..,.., Hall or ,he SecT",",ia' of the Go''CnlItttO' or "'cpaI :at Kalhmarodu.
Sa'dar Rudra Raj Pand'I" Ch"irtmon or ,h. Cummiuion, .pt>l. or 'he
gioric> of ancien' Xepa when 'Ile co"n"y ......, the e",.,,,,,,,1o
and aluao..... in ,he Eas'. ",",lot "Park 'ba' <elipd.'\epaI afoe.- .he
oiJctea1'h CCD'ury, and <he ....duaJ :a"-..kcni,,, in 'he p<cs<n' ccntuty. In
conehllion, he did :
It i' DO rime l'or the in...;""' '0 be and '0
remain aloof as <nctC opet:UOIOn ,,-bat diounMl' and mi>undenwoding
an ,it;"'ing 'he As ,10= ..."no' bc n", opin"''''
regarding 'he i",,,,,rtanee of education, i' ;s "",r... to fUld faul'
",ith i' and offtt ........... ID others. Le, CYCI)"011C .laDd ohouldc:r '0
obou.Idtt and help in b<lnP>I lOno<><d an cd",...tiona\ """ramme.
Only cd"",,'c<! people can .., :a j"" ,.,.1... nn dern<><racy. If tduca
'ionar programme>
O<:t hi"",)" "'hieh h... faced
'wo earlier "'.baeb ill, fur the 'hird lime. filcc 'otal desttuetion.
Tb<: edL><:a<icmal programm. to be lOnnulalCd thould enlighten
110. very- dcptlto of Xapal', IOUI :and cnrieh il with 'he ICicnlilie
knowledge "r m"""'n ,,"'... '0 "",h the ""u"try ..If-oufficient in
.....,. ,,ar. ..,. Wba' wc need io. nationwide plan for c<l"ea,ion
,,'lU<:h should 'eplace tltc prcxnt I""ehpo<cll "l..tem and otir "I'''
wrIve of "'''10.... 1r...ting frtnrt 'he Morbi in the r.u', to ,he .\fah"Uli
in .h. W..." and from the frontier. of lIbel in ,he North '0 ,he
T......; in .10. South. I ea,-ru'Stll' "'ioh mr <:oun'Il=ell to ",I,.., their
ec:o<>oonic probfcmo, noake th.cir: country p<<>lf'<71>'l'l in ... tt1 _y
and mainl.&in thC'ir ecUJcoe<: withou'looing their idenu.),


Dr. D, R. <he HOllOrable Mina'., "fEd..."",;on, thm ra'-'
<he He ...;.;I <hat ....., .houkl no' dcprnd upon Que
?MO .... 11>:.. "'C ",ut' build IOr the for llIere i!; _ a
r.oa: .,. ... lit<Tatc, prop,", in Napal. Dr. Rqmi
, ...... 6A:. u.. ...... s.u..l:rj, " ...tII <>f <'duo...,., had la
- ! ;a:IC! Iba! :'>ryoal Iud ... f.u with lhe gll of finding a
__ "!'S"=' baood OIl Bauonal aspita';"nJ, and the needs of the
!. urd 0( lupponing such .. 'j",'nn rnli,,;"ally. Ho .-fl.'l'red to ,h.
6::1."'" olhooks ift IlK ='tpali and add! tha' the Iw1
'000 made lhe Am<" p"",'U> .... Wo. 6f,y loran as the t<-isn and
<>f II'dia b:l......,.
The HononIbl. lhen h.rncd IQ ,h. taSk at hand. He
r.lut a JOund educational'I"'''''' could n<>' be imported from Oul>idc, but
"'::s, t.. '''..,,),-''<1 oul "fth. ntt<b and ".di,io,," ",I the Iunt.-y. He "'cnt
<>cl to Iuget ",us, <he habit or It}illl '" ol4Ind on our
-... He aborted the rich<:r J>COfI:e to be in Ih." <'OIl".;.
boa.....,. to educ.>.tioftal ino.!i.u....... He ..,0.1 du, the tilllC Iu!I coonc wftm
t!loM: "'M M<: by oh. pMplc mus' came li>rwafd. Ho "'S8U<M
rh.:l' 'he C,mminl<>n mnuid npccially the oui'abilit)" nf lh.
;>!"Op<.o>ed pi."" ,,, the n<cd> of 'he counlry, Srceial $,"= 'hould all<> 1><:
""- the leachin.'!' of ,,,, to that the and lIirll who enm
...., of Kbooh .no...1d be able j6 earn a Jj...jll3. U. aloo j6.ochcd on
CaDdhiji, O}-=tn of dilation atid ,qreuM,ha, che Basic orioooIo
........ DO< on .... well as had br:en hoped. 1-1. drew ,he allencion
of the Corn",;"';"'" CO ""m' of oh..., p>O&ibl. ckknt ",hjeb $tood in ch
.. of'hoomoo'h progreM oftho Book ""hoot..
Or. Rqm' c'"-<l by eU,ot<i"r ch. ConnmioUon co ' ...r ....:r
MlIOtioNJ fuili".. in on;Icr Iha.' they mal' be 'nlJ"'<>'"'f:d, but conttrural
.... <be 0( a Kbcon< .... nallo<>al ed...... tion re..- all 0 pt<:>pIe
lIu' ,,-ill IgnonI\<C and ;JI'ceracy. and bring ....ppj and
proIpcricy 10 our Sl",>ou' ""untry.
:\Ir. Paul IV, R.ooe, J)iroc,or, United S"".,. Opcra,i<l"" Ui"ion, 'hon
<;>ok<: on the place of ""'o<acion in ....,ional plano.inlJ aoo. devdopment.
H. oaid ra<>uro;e ofaD)" ""tion"'1S P""I'lc ; <Mher .........n:a
ha.,. "" .-aIuc ac:ept .... <bc:)' rda'" It> p<oplc. Ed..cabo<>;' the moo.!
61l1dar=n\.a1 part of any m .."lIy'. de-"dopmcnt prnsramme. He th."
dwelt on 'he imp<>rlaneo nfthe teacha and 'he hItS' wk of crainmg c...ehcn
'h., Ha ahead. He .aid SO,OOO ceaeha, arc needed al lOOn u po.. ibk
M,. Rote: dosed b)' offaing the full coopt::ra,ion and .up!"'" of 'he United
S... ,a Opc:n.tiono :\r...... to the -.t ofthc Com.rnission and ,h. <b""'J>-
......, of an ed"""ti<><W for Nepal.
The Hn"orabIc M.mnc:r ,hen inltod..atd Dr. HPh B. Wood,
Prof....". of FA"... ci"" ffllm ,h. U"iv.,.,ily ofO'eeon, "'ho ,,a. to ....'. u
<h. Comma.k",', educacional eOl\ml",,,,. Dr. Wood emph..i"d once
again 'hat a ""un<! ed"....'io"aJ 'l-"Cftl wu aocntial IOr 'he of
and conlicmed whal 'he HonorabU: Minista h;ul ....d abo..c
the l>CCd of de>..\opir'lJ elI"""'ioa "" M'ionallin<s. H. u.e.. >p>k. abooot
<lte rok or ceachen and IM nca:I fat orldeopo-ead cach""' If"ain'ns- in <he
,..,.... ..hem. of ching>, ad<lin 'hal ic ""tie< 10 na,1 &om Uso:talch"
<ItUI precariou,ly onCo a 'ou.ring .""e, e which was on 'he verge
'" Ct>lbl""" Beea".. Nepal i' a )'oung dem<><:raey, .he Can a""ld 'om. of

w.,! IN Ce>oPniJ1iOJo
lmmcdiady following lhe inaugural cerrn\onics, the O:>n""i.. ion
Opal<'<.l a r",,' bu,inc'l> .""iun. Th..... """kmg commi".." were
on /ldminiuration, C"rr;c"t"m, anrl T<'3.chcr Training. and
went into <el",rote "",;">nl. 'n,. <"'m,n"'",," "",line<! the p<oblo",. rdating
to their"",""t<, Ji.",,! ",IL'en Hr d",a (0 I>< ,,>I in moodng I
<hac probkm., .nd determined their '..'rki", pwo:"<Iurcs. At lhe do.. IJ
of each <la)' ,he ct>nu.,i,k<:'O mc' wgrther u c."nmission ''''" f",,- n';nute:$
to ideas and pmblcmo.
T_ major compliatioos....- imlU(lia,dl'. Fint, the abom or
systematic the lack of """""=;"",;0,,, and the rT<:ClKI" "rCClltrsl
...pen""" orcduao,ion., =ated dutth ofinfonDa,ion .b<>ul
the "",,\11 of .0""""",,_ JM.... the p<OpIc nr the "",iotI
rocl .1><>..\ I,. TIIO<':>it. ,be CcmJR..... dec:ided ... o<>c< ,,, a
co....podw,..;,... 10 be ocn' 10 all par.. oflbc rountry. and. irI
thc <duu..i<nIal mi$tal:.<1 m.roc b,' otl.... "",mtries .nd buiW nlpidly alona
nn.' ]1.-. Taltil>ll about the taSb nf the Cnrnmission, how
'he de\'eIoprnem ""md alue:otionally.u:m in l\'..p.1 .oquir", tbe Il..d)
.. the ...-li...... and proh&tms in ,anu .... their .....'e oi ftnlont'<,
possible _. 1<>Wft$ .... on"",,,,, ..hith ,he p>pk ..uuld be p<'qI'Ucd tl)
..hcth<T lher red \hi: fnr & _ cd"",-tionai fJnlV&t"'M for
,.....<h, &dalel<ma., and adulu, or specioJ...d alucalio>o ror Ibc ......, ou.t oi ror dwir 1Ic:n<k:r punc.
Dr. Wood ...""""rited his eonrer.:n_ wiu. manben of,l.., I:dl'.li....
:\linimr in 'he r.n of J933. He ",,-id mal lIIe:"" tw.J been generat 4'.....
men' on f"'e po;",,;
I. Educ.lion i> essential to dnnoalr:y.
2. A" Muuli"n "-"<110 ",,,.1 be IOn the nen!! and culture or
Ihe ....';ntr)" in "hieh it i> lo f""r.lion.
3. ,\ ."r"oy of ;ndi,'id"al OO<"ial ncod. i...",,,,ial to Ihe d",,,Jop.
menl ur on od"(ali"nal ""heme.
4. k"\'",u"o or a" .\..1.", ;, [he an'! ,hi.
rtle <a",ful training in C<lmmon l'u'I-"'''''', wmffi(l" ",.\h"d.,
and eommun und....tandingo.
3. ,'Ut eduatio....1 o,...em m"", "' ,he 'op!Or ,he ttaining
"rlca<k-uhip in all "all,. o(li(c.
Dr. Wnod ,he" 1t'Jtll:e<trd .h.>, I.... Corn........... :drould be: dj,1dcd
in.....,b-<:nmmill.... tu nomi<k'o o""h probl<ml M"catio...I .un.. ""rn.
",.Ium and ,,,,,,butoks ; :.<law>i>tnotK>n., ; ._hen'
t",.ininR:. He .up:<'I<d thaI ..... <WDDtitlS C'" 10 ..-""k immcdi:atCII' .not
rn>duu dr31'1 of" rq>or' ror tho: ..-.nHd<ra...... of \.he
Prokoooor Yeelu Kbnal of TriChandr. CoIItg<: ,hn. 'Jl"b:
b<idly on llle: impurt;an of cdlK&t;"" it>. a national eeI"cat........t
xbnn", and ,he irnp<>rtanc" of cltaratla" buildillg. Shri J. B. Shah,
A....b<nt nit of Public In>truCUnot. Ihm I't'I"nrM" brid"_ry
of [he ...." .. nf cdw:.tiun in l\q..:J ",rlar, th... """",lucling lhe ;'>lusur.-'



:odditiotl, ... ocnd number of ;"'CI'\"ic:wm ID......u,;,. ar... '" dct<:rm.;OD
educ:uional >ndi'io.... and ...pinlio.... , TI,e """'m;ll= wc<c ked to
IIJbmi' quesl.l<>... r..... the ques,Oo",,,,,iTc It>." would dicit ;nf""r=.ion <IQiud
by their group.
Sond, it immcd;;,'cly became "I'P....<nllhat r1ain plpOS&h, on
"'hieb th..., could bt 11!1I. <;onl"""enl', tt't.lnly ",,,,,Id be rcconun.nd,d
by the Conuna.inn, and Iba' IlOmc of th_ propooal, wet. of .uffi<i"".
w gcncrt0 rftjui,c ea,ly 1CUon by the <If &I"",,';"... 'I"b<:rri:>rc.
!he co""mi"... WO'<: I<> tomi<kr lheoe problmu fits, "nd to
1"""1'''''' rerommcnd3lion. le be " ...."ine<! to the Minis,... by
,he close arth. March 22-23 JaSio....
nu.. by tile or lhc: lint ......,'n. me....,..k or <h<: Commiosion
had ebalk<d OU', "'i,a'ionn>.;"" P"'J>lI,\ (lhe ,tru)u of ..-hieh lUC:
d_ri!M:(\ in Choptcr V), and .ction .tarled 00 lOIn" of the mOOt urgent
rommcndatiorn oftll. Commasion.
In 'M "",n'''' tha' the O>mnoNion n>et ... " ...n..k 01 ...
"",,,,inea "br..., ...-ice" mnnlh and continued In ...".k 0'" ,he manr
probl"""', HI' S<:pl<mbet, lha" w<: !ulT"'kn' ret""" from 'h. '1Llf",;',n-
nai,e, in,''';'''''''' tile eo.."" Bun'''", ",her ...,,,... tu atart d'ahing
the l"C1K""' <If tbe CoI1'\mil$iuD. This " .... <lono by ,,nten who ..-orked
wiLh \he: ,...n..m oommillca and a>mpiled .ou'" draf.. oC,heir
Those ",eTe m-iclo"Cd r"" bj' the ttlmmi'......nd then bv ,he Comonislir>n
... a whok. An 011''''' ...... made Wl"Cr,ne 'he draf't 'n the' ...tiofacUoo oraa
me",bon <If ,he CODuni'lion--obvioulJy dilliooul' feu--.nd .hhoo,."'"
thit clfor...... no< ..b<JIly lU<UtOful, ,he R<f"I" J'Cllf"XnlJ 'be nc.>rty
u....nm-.s opinion of the CotnmAoion.
The CotnmiJlinn h guided by the mlJ.... l<Jm< of rdU-enoo
"." oc, rorlh by the Min;', ofF.d""a,;"n in ale"er rnllowinl{ 'he
"on..".".,...,,,,,,,, ,
I. The OornmiDlott """'Id 0e\'<Itt: il>df '" .tudying 'M .j....,.. of
<:d"......" obtooioing in the .....n1c}lOdaJ.
2. It """'Id prepatc an ",,'l;ne r." ,he ...tinn oroch",,1o on
mode...., pUdital Hp.., with .pecial C1nph",io On the d",-dopmeo'
of prinI.lry <>.llK.l.tion for all.
S. ".h""ld d....... an o"LlinelM the prq>a.... tiop "r >land.ord I">:'
book< !'or na'ional education "'Id comm""d adluatc """""""
to 'he CO"ern"""" f"" the JlKV"""io" of '''''boob by """,pete..,
aotlvn .Dd. publish them by "I'. P>d printi<1c pi'"
adequ.,e M 'he purpooc..
4. It mould l'C><Qmmend to 'he (love,,,,,,",,' the co'abliohmen' or a
N..tional Unr.-enity within ye nku"'''':! '" t .... the
.W>datd of "","tion within ble tifM I.'(ImDOet'dUt'te
..;t!t the immedia,e needs of the people.
3. It should immedia'dy give ito opinion to the Go''-'"'II''O''' about
teacher.' 'rainmg and sce 'ha' the is
6. n.e C"",,"....ion ohoul<l lry 11> find and mea.. !Or (Olle<:tint;
fund> ..hccva poosibk tor th<
1. Thc CommD:sion >houId _!hc Government &>t.P"'"'"! to a>-<>pC
members d=ned eompetent by them, """'''ling the Govcrn_
ment t<> lend a circular to 'he C""crnmenf, "fVlInll SO 'hal they
,."..Id aid llte Co!tlDiiloion whel'C\'CO" vouii>le,
Tbc: CommiJlion l"dltd 011 !hat: terms 01 rcf<nn<:e 10. r=ncnI
KUidancc ; 011 Ihe Edu<a.1an..1 Mviooo- b p.. and ptOr.:.ionaI
ad'it<: ; and _ lIoe Education Ministry offices, thc ecr.u. Du..... and
..d ... G<>vnnmtnt nlf""", and the q.....inn.."i,... and ;nte.."ic"," flit ,pecifIC
information. The "bsen<t of P"'Y;ou. 'ep<>m as a f.ame of .cr.... ne. or
.....rling poin' ,,,clnl ,h. C<>mrniulon lQ.oed \(I exerdoe ito ini,i.-
li,oc and .......<i>i'y. As a 1"C>O,1,. thillin< ooml""henW.oc 1"Cp<>r1 in a ,';fIln
5ad rdI'U <t>rIIpleor frclnm mm nditiona/ patterlJl.
PI_ of W Rt/O'I
It "'"Y be ..en ,h.1 Ihe ....\; of the Cornmisaioll fe111"1licatty into two
par.. , a ,,,,,ocy ofti;.,ing t:undi'lons and needI. Ind a <dIeme for " rom-
pine 'l"'ml of national. cd"""ion, indoding primary. occondary.
oily, and adult odlIcation.
Tb< 6",1 part or the R.epon is Iatgcly d"''>!td u> " survey 0( thc
present ...",. ef eduea'ion in I\"epal. The .lC<'>nd par1Ial" out a ""h<:nlc 0(
nll;"nal cdu,,"'ion. TIle Ih;nl pUI 'u,nma';'l" Ihe Ttcommendatio... of
thc Commissicm. The fourth fmtt .. pe,hl". unique innovation fur"
docwnen. o('h" kind_ The urgency of lOme <of the prob!cm$ d.":,,,.cd
hCf'Cin lcd lIoe
arll ill iu ddiberatio"" to malo: oe<tain
rca)ftUllC1>(\ations, wlliclt P"'",ptIr br ,be ;'\tiniolcr of
.EduCltion. (Seldom MlOre have the reallnmendatinns of Oornmiaion
been acted up"" hefore ,hel' wce Wl"iucn into rcporl!) /Icea",e much
of 'his implemenl\l.Itiotl "'u in p".-:"", while the Report wIU boing ....,itten,
Ihc a.vee<l '0 ""ritc ,be fi....' 'hra: pa,u indcpendently oflhis
......tio<o. and then,j t bcfoo-e gni,,! '" TC'l"icw the .... t.. of the
Thio hao
been done in th< fourth part of th< Repon.

C""PTElt. "
.... .o",-cy of Ihc <dual;"".l of a <(>ontry cm be: m.aningful
onh inth.,.,ttingoflh. Land and .."h"re in which i. it made. 1.1.....
Un""ru".. thc de'\"lopmcnl of a nation... od""".i"" Kh.".. mml be:
dicated .... an ondcrsundins nf thc nawo and ,u peoplc if i... In be
to meet tJ.ft, nccdJ, no' tJ.o.e nf..,.,.., culture.
T=e and tpaCC: do> nnt pcmUt ... "",enm"..lldy or thex radOn, but this
Ca?,"" an...... In Vve a brief OlJtli"" of the nf the land,
bad:groundo or 11", peopl<:, eha<acocriotia nf the .u1Iure,
a;X """" educat............"'"
r .. of"''''
Bcn.=n Tibet, "iU<h ;. 14 tiro.. het JiD:, and ohe new Republic nt
u.o.., wlti<h ..ndwicb.. 10... to the """th, east, and wBl., Nep;ol is a toughly fi,,,, hundred miles 10"S and oinCly In 00. hundred ten
=ikt broad ...ith ao app.oaimat<: area of 54,000 atJ,...,c rnil... It it an
iadep<ndcn, kiogdom ,nhabit! hy a polrsl'" PDl'"latioo or aboo. ten
cillion people.
Hntoncalll, local 'ruli';"'" ,<JaY" Ihe name of X.pal to the oblong
{If Ka'hmandu, which i, ,iluated be'",<'Cn ,h. Sap,,,-Gandllk an..l
Kam.>J,. ri,., bin,In 'he ...('1' and 'he ri," b",in' '" ,h. <:at'.
nit ccn'.... 1 ,..n.y nf Kathmnodtl, r.d by Ihe B..gmati and h.r
all by thcm.. "and. independent of ,h. alpine ri,,,, or
:.. ,"",t of "'epal and r.... hnf...ay bet..."",, 110. (,<'1"" tnblclan<b of Tibe'
ctl the tlIITth! ,h. <tuk, bu,nio.!j" ao><\ 11., plai". of;" Hind''''lan
U the "Hlth....... ,alley .."'lIis"... pmt.<ted _pi..., v;"'lent 'lOTmS by the
exlu:m<ly krtik, <I<"",ly populated, and ... j'h _
ci<-:5oatin" "'00 cuI"". &,-,ing bad< to thltt lhousaoo \...... of rUnIed
:'\qW "",-y be di"ided into three -... ':d'.rioios (a) the tropical
"'the T.......i (....... 1Ia. landojand the: bu' 010"", <1E the Iowa-
c::. ..;> IQ .... "hicudc 0( 4,000 'oft, (h) the tempencc otn"", =i>1d_
ioo! :he up '" an altitude: ar 10,000 li:eo, ...... (c) thc:
_ 60:::" pako-u<:Ut: rqionn <cmpri:&i:>,g the ",,,in back ai the ....
,,:rom 10,000 '" 29,002 flOC'. Tbcx tDtI"' ppon in generaJ

a r"....... alK! flora "'bidl is of <tu"" disuQCt

of ...hich the 10-., is cio-Cangetie, the CttItnll is tBm-Gaogelic or
Himalal'''u, and Ihe noo-,h"n is JWeo-an:<k or alpine.
The 10"..,.' tropical region e<>nldla of a 'trip "fland ><lm" 70 to 30
mH", wide which (0,,,,.11," southe,n bounda'y of Kc!,al "'hh It is
"m!"""", partly of optn nat CI\lIW>, And pa"l)' of ["r..l-cl.d hill, and
hig!> y malnrious valle\'l. The richly c"h'nt.! piaino of ,h. Tar,,; whicll
extend from Ih. fOod"'m frontier ror about 10 miles Inland .'" .u""""lled
hI" ''''1' of low-[I"iJlg lJ.nd which b<>rden the roughly 12.miJe bdl of de....,
10.-.... .. far u the<; lOO'-hilll. This _!rip of land is the true rani
...hieb, at pbccs, is """"posed of "",,mpy <no... "'.......,'ft by I;o)J grass and
rank ""fCUliun, cspWly in the Tappu rtFons of <::t.I1(m :\rpol.
The: rara kllOWa in !\qW as "Bhaber" ......jh.adi,.. rile: abnopdy
and stteteh from t to "'oa<. 1 h"l' ar<: IMmpooro of Sal IRQ
(Sht>Ka rubu>tus) in'....mins"=d Sill'l&1 (.i1k-co'Lon) tta:l ...,Ib a &liehl
unr\ef\lrowth of gr-a. and...",1>. '/'hie; b .., l'"UJ .he sloP"" of
'he Siwariks (lhe pndltune rM'l;C) bordering the nor'hern "",.-gin "flhe
,ulrHimal"}"all region, whkh li.. bcjl(lnd.
Ho climate i, ,imU.r la that of the Indian plai,.. wilh some inerea,.
of hCOI an,l a" exCC" "f_is,u'. d"" to Ih. f..,....lI and lhe high
moUntain'll",' block \he mon!O<ll\ bq"(lnd, Tbe fauna i' .uppor.. is
.imilar in characlcr '" <J.ooc "'hid> to he f"und in 'he Ind;.n mainland
of BcnpI and .b"am, ouch :lI "",ph.n'" ,hiftoCl<:<:rooto,,,
buff....... dl.i<als, I"'S-dcer, and ...-amp dctt. 11", bufTaJnn. CUDlin... as
far as 9,(Ql k<1 .nd rq>bood b;' Tibn.on l"ala.nd Ibrir rroo:o.brerd
Jhumm.. {A....;c biIono) aoo.-.: !he al<i"'<k or 10,000 I;,et.
"The bin! life of me Tani is much <he ....... :lI1.ha1 bund in
lhe ;\Iab"". """" and "-am, and indutks ",,",bill I".. bt.., fn,i,-pigeo...
bulbuh and ""OOI:lpken. <he ."I,i,.,.,rn amu ."d nn 'he rog<: of
,h. fo,.m .re (oun<! some of ,h. more .Ol"'''''" bird. of 'h" Indian plai'",
and many wading bird. and ,,'a'er "''''10 'rend the winlet among it. "r.."
and ",""h... The ."Id .eMon .timula'et ,h. migrul"" of many 'p""i .. of
bird. frum Till<' o<,.h u wild duck! .nd <ran"" "'hieh b,""d in tlr.
mounlains.nd daccn<l t<> 'he plain< for a !>rief
Th" Omtnl Rtgion is deacribcd u a cluslO'OUS opa<e of mountai...
,"M}.... in "I.,.,....lion (,om 4.000 to 10.000 feet with ......"C" or 'empera"'T.
fjom ten 1.0 .,,-cl,.. dtgn:<S inIo-er- the Tani. It indudes the
Mah.libara' nnze <>f mount.aino "'bido ..... to 1.000 fcet to IOrm a <onti-
0""'" bo..riu a.r:r-.- Nepal """ to "U<. A' in,"", oh. """,,,!&in
wall is pKT<xri by the IU"X<" nf.he .n-..n"r,he s.,'UO Kaoio. or
the C;uod".ko, or <lie ""'hle Tn.",. K..-""l)'. Ilet,,-un ,he ;\I.bahb.....
....uge: and <he main lIirnalala" cltain, ,""'" "'" m.n}" p"pulouo "aUO)'I
like l>umja, ... I'okhara. and many ."heT. the maj...i'r
of ,he p"pula\;"n io den..l}"
The f.,una of Ihi. cenlral 'OM !s cbaract.ri"icalll' Him"la;-a".
Ma"l' nl 'he ,pec;'" oeeudnl'( in lhio rtg;"n "'. p""ullar to ;-';'1'<'1 alone.
S""b ani",ab as ,he (."Cl, badger, racoon, c""l1"., p>..upin 01<., d<>
001 CUr in the Indian pcni...ula. Th. ",hole __ of ..u:hbirds ...
)'ubina, .1..... minLa, iaulu. <le., an:: nearlr. if """ "'boil)) reorri"1<d to lb.
This !s Nepal
.. _ ' , ..-.
IJ "'.,",,-,,,":1..1 ,I",
Itro , ~ , . . ~ ~ ,/0- ioU/;
__ ._1,j. 1I' .... r . ~ . ,.. .
,i/, " b",U;"f' r,
_of .. ".,..
l'hoese ATe Her
I'f"_ .u.. t.\t !tDft
..Iio' ....... 11< "'0
.F't- I ~ ' lC.'!, f..
......t ...,

A1Jti<..I __,_11 ,.
_ <'iI1.-
Tmpk sftl.u-
lit. "Ill" of Ttliti"", Iif<
. ,

,..,gioo. The majority of rep.i!"" <)Ccuring in this zone aN: purdy Hima_
laran ,pcti",.
This part of the land ha. no ,lock o[,now, but there are ,oto. plac..
whet<' 'nOW folio heavily during winter. Numerou, .(rearm and rivulet.
,pring from the mountainous range. 11.10,1 important town, of the ('{Iunt',.
lie in this part. The .ultu,"" and orllle entire country i> that
of t:h.i:I region.
The northcm region commences with the se<:ond ba.tion "[mountai,,.,
kno"'D ... the Himala;.. abo,.., an ll1titud. of 10,000 feet, which ha' oothing
tTOpical about it. Onc can p"rcdve.ix .e..oni in the Himalayan and the
erntral regioIU and ,h... are eel.brat..1 in lh. ancient inscriptio"" of Nepal,
a charactcrDtic totally a!ont from ,h. 'he Ihree =son, of India. Within
thi' '.one, the r",-.., i. C<lml'O"cd of <noife"', scn,bby rhoUoJendcolU, and
carpe'" of Rower>. Aoove 'he 'tee-line a'ea a' 13,000 to 14,000 feet, an
open COUlltry of "ark dark ",onoo;" di<covererl, with limpid and
.ilenllakes. With this fq;:ion, the oriental form> disappear, Ki"ing place to
'he palro-,,'c,ic t)'j)CS of fauna. the la,ger animals,
'h"'" yak<, jharal, ibex and <har. The pine foroo" many
speci"" of ti"', Iinch"., bu' the "arious species orlaughing
thru,h.. which fOTm so a feature of the bim life of low," Tegion,
<ompicuous by their absence wi'h the that in ea"Orn Nepal
lhe laughing 'hru'h is found ,'ight "p to the mow_line, Aoove
lhe Iree ]ille, l);J<h bem",e ,carce and the kinds mo,t mmmonl)' me, Me
r"''''ns, dipp<=, wall_e,eepe..., aeeellW" and the mo>! h<a,,'iful of Alpine
birds known ... Hndgsoo', G'at\dala. The littlc :-'-epale>t wren is found
among the rocky crags above an altitude of 12,000 feet, and flock> of mow_
pig""... are not UnCOmmon. Monal., tragopa"'. hloorl, che<r
pheasants and ,now-<;OCQ occur within <hi> zone_
This region i> the nothernmo", the le",' populate,1 part of the
country. It;, mainly Himalayan with huge depo.tis of .now. Her.
crowned will> angul"r outlines shine high \lp ioto the temperate
.ky, gi,'ing life 10 moravian stream. and rivulets tha' gu.h forth in zig_,ag',
10 irrigale the Tarai plain. and the vast plains oflnrlia.
Th, Peopl, of N,!>"I
From the greatest pcoh of the main range, there run down
roughly south a ocri.", of enom\Ou. 'pu"", which .tarting in the ,now> then
ri.e, dip, and unduhte lor twenly or more mib be[ore finally plunging
into lhe cenlral backbone of Nepal. Pcrcherl Oil the nallko of thO$/:, ridges
are the village. of lhe world-bmm's climber> kno"'n ." the Sherp"',
Thakses, Kathbhoti:b, and Ro:>gJ>lU, ""me of whom ha"e retainet!. unehaugod
rhe phy>ical character;',;'" and religion of the people.
They. look upon the Lama "nd lhe Potola for Teiigiousleade.,hip
while .till holding proudly to thei, Nepalese nationality. Gomp"-' (temple
COlltres of learning) ,,'ith lhe Tibel"n mcthod of leaohing, pral'er_wheds,
nag>, "",ame.., and bunting> f"nn " gul.,. feature of 'h;, region. In
ph)'.i'l"e, th",e prople are bigger. more picturesque, more curiouS,jollier,
and TllOl'e carefree 'hao the Gorkluo. of mixed ex'raction who ll\'e
and below the.ix 'holl>and 10 two thousand foot conto\l' of ,heir mountain
homes. Some of lhem weat long hair pigtail fa.hion dow'n 'heir back with
Gurkha halO and boot> with laces. Unlike ll>e Gu,kh..., they are
nIl. '-"''' or "UAL

pal tf'aden.
up to TIbet alld China and deooending to the Indian pb:m. f<r. < 8y Iheir 'KW ch....c:tnio"a, they
re ... aq...bk lot 0( ...... umpoikd people.
_"""""'" a:m:! bdow the 6,(0) roo, oontour .'" the .he of Ihe:
tlCl!C " ....
IIIafk their ......t. at lOIDe of .he ,,,,,,0$1 lighten in
_ -'! ...a.... .Abc:o <htir bom<s, up 00 <1.0 ahitudc of 15,000 f<ft,
obe Sboo;>u mmmon pu,w.. ror 'hcio- Ii,."..".,k. On .his ......etal ....t I'td 1' \r1l1U''''''' at"'C .imilarly c:nnftne<llribco,
-a_ iII-... paniculu provinccl'rom oast .... "'COl. ouch at the U1n1Alt,
..... doe hbhumuo., ,h. Kll.ambuo, the Lq>ch.u, the YUhao. 11><
., obo ,be Xeooo"an. lbe Sunpal1, the Sun,,-a.., the Chep.a"ll'. obo T1umis, .he D""",,","I1, the: Majhio, ,he ""'"n.w, the Gurungl, the:
lLlrt. <be Khaoeo, the Thull..... :oM .he ll<aIunin&, only the ....!a" """i<>&"

<b<ir cla<:cn. amlpantinly pun: r""" <be adlllinom: ...-bkh is the

d>ic::f Jow"<'< of difficl,Il}" in dU>ifring all other ,ril>e> from ,he Kha"", 10
<be frankly :-fong<>loid
To <he: ma!Mic>u> ...... thl: Taai bell",!! ouch
people a< the Dh;......h.. the lJo,iu, alld 'he Thanu of oemi-Mong<>loid oriJin ".!to .ptak Maithily &lid Ilhojpuri "<..,,ding to .heir local;"n. These
yeopI< ace mlparatiYdr ;ml11l1M fr(WD the 000"'1'" 01 ....laria:u>d li,-e
la \he ro....u.
Side fide the ab>riginab ftorn earlier eribe "r
A........,\>i>,Iia of whom Kuounrbs in cbe Ccncnl bd, ad Ill"
in the T....I rqM)n may be WI lilIlr..
Tarai .Iso containS. 'p"inkling "f Brahmi.... Kay:asrhu,
Gua.."" Rajputs, and Moslem1 ..110 in the majority..r a>a.peal eilher
MaidlUl or Ilbnjpuri or Avadlli.
But. "f c<>Ur>e, ie is irn]><dllbl< to be dngmalic aOOu. thio racial ....... cf Himala)'2n p<pIe. Tloar, """ lI>ttc: MC miud villop;tS and
abw>d:ant uarnpla ..11...." this racial Slra,," dips and Nmo. One an ili ...
"'" ....aigllelinc cieh... in l.....iLory or in alritude.
O1i"" h:u Iter annals; iXep:aI, too, ha. het ehton<>lOllY. The tombs "hb< utI"'t frce.thinken like V;pa""'1I BlJddha., Sikh", Buddha, Krakue-
d>:a:>d:a Buddha, Vm.-:abbu'''' !Il1ddha, Kon:ahmuni Buddha, Buddha
5.:ar..... pa and Huddha Siddh"'tha Oau"",,"a, within ,h. limits of Nepal,
=,,- to th" woldiD! oft... oili<e1l ,aen "f the CO\l.OIry in'" oation lone
idore the J>cis/>boutiq pcnpb iV3'pcd lbe a><><q>cJ. The fin.. Atyu,
.,...,.., ."""ding in rhe earl"'t !lnoI>RUIni ocript the en.hrininc: of ,h"
-.n::aI remains "f Buddha Oau<.:>"'., w:as in ehe \"11lag<! ..r
!"i;n.h,,,.,, in the T ..."i, ch... "..abliohinc a funcral tradition which the
:ccie::lt kif>!' ..r iXtpal ha,.. --.led in all their itnpottaD, inocriptiono
..-hieh is fol""''C'd mClieul"",I}' even,o th;' day.
710r Kir",,"'. Xcpal ..:as a pon.-erlul
under tlUtty
IJrIp ftoon Yalmba to G.,;, e1cwn I" lillCCll hundred }-can beforc
Coo of .he Lkchavi kings, wlro r<:igned in ,he of thc

....._ Some of ch. 1"ll.nd..1)' Indian he""" (A,juna of :'Ilaha-

'" particular) appear <0 ha,.. ,isiled. Nepal durina; <be reip of the
,;,.,11 Ki'anti King, Hut"g_';. The KirolU we'" .imple in ,he;r manntT1
and CUI"""" and carried .. "kik"," an ... r1y ....,rsion of 'he khuui the
(&<TOes lIl-day. The "'<pabe Km, and l!>fc Indian h.." cam. '"
grips "'..... 'he possnslon of "wild bo.u-.h". It> <iQ.h, but Indian hero
,.,... dertod, an cpi"'>dc whi.h ,h. rarnoUf Indian P<>C' Bh'Ta''; h".
dram.alikd In,o ,b. m",' lJt,a"lif,,1 or Indilln d"..k" kn""'n Ih.
"Ki",llUjo."lum." ,h. of S"rar"muo ,ha,
Buddha Ca,,'anu 'pp<'a'S It> ha'.., ''iIJ'ed tile ,""-I!er .,( 1""1"'1 in ",<In ,,,
wonhi!, 'he 11<>1,. ,i'Q. The Kiran.1 King 'l",mk. rcignl m'.r 1'.'"",,1
whcn A..,h ,..ite<:l Lumbuni ill B. C. and from ,fI<1<, and oth<>"
....rI). .."tri.,. it ran b< ...tobliilil:<\ that dIe ""rim, ...... of the Ki",,,,;'
Canned _. from the high plateau' "ft"'" Himal:aru d<-n 10 lbe
G.n1"" ."d adjacrnl liner.l.. The rhtonolot:r of ,h. Kif.'''' kinl:>,
re>rdiLlg .".h na,,"" n. Y.lamb., D""k"m .od H"ing_ti, d.fmitelj'
... ..-ne grul pttiods in the hiol".,,. or l""""I, ,n ""him the D"ddh'<l and
lAc]"in litera,,,,,, l"""r doqu<nt ,..t;"""'r. fig",.. in ."lhn,';e
and po<i'""(: Indian hio'<>I1' r...... al>o", the 4'h CCtl'''r)' a. c. ",heD
KaLltd)'a mention. "",,,,," f(Jr 'he ,,"oolen Kood. in
J\ep;rJ.. VnlOr'unatcl!. d"';AlI: 'I>c "P""",,,k ;og<:" the wandet
at raodom in tbe ""- of the Hindu pas.
TII, The inscriptio,," of'.... Licma"j Ir.inlt' of N:qlOll ha,..,
much in c<>mll"stl wi'h ,h. d'>Clunen" di<em""'e<\ hy Si, in
Ce",ra1 ""a. F""n ,he ='11' dioc<n....-M .'c..........!!;..1 l'CCXlO"d> "'e
learn ,hat tM <;"il,
of Sq>al ........ i<s ""ll.'n '0 ,be 1I: tll......,,'.
Aht>o",,1I ,!>er. ...n
iden<.. .,r its ""nnu'.,.. ",,11 Sr." ,;. ,here
i,l\O proof of it. ,c1"'io,,. wi'lo The .y<l.m ohhe
r.""hara' (11.. rul. or the ft,.., or the dlag.) ,,hich g"ided ,h.
the lile .,r the o:>m"-' people. ,,'" dc\-dopcd ., 'hi> 'i..... & ....1<ri,;e
...1"". lInt,ti;hed. Epigraphy attained perfection an<l \'<die as"..,logy
guided the life <If ,.... '"mmn" m"... 'fhetc w:u "Ii.'l:i"". ,oleat;"n and
free dlleu.ions "f "llgiB'" rrff<1<. PotU like ".ma. Usa"", Utih""l'a,i
and Anuparama "!red " hlod noganittd guilch li.... the
R.,no... Chinne '.,.IS that d ib< ,he ,,,,,-cl> of",lI. Buddhilll
monkl'" India I",b:to ,h. Sh"nHhing-dtu "" 'I'" m....t;"n the Impcrial
Cur.... <" 'he Uni""ni')' a' NalatKIa un,iI ,h. brginin/C nf ,h. 5<'''''lh
Cent...,. .... D. On ,he basio nI ,..... rac.., L. Fled and M. Vit>C.....
,Ita. do< Gupu. m wa' of Xq-alt:se ..... and tha' the
Cup'a King> "r India ..-"re p""MJ "f tht:i, Li""lIa"i lin"'lgc,.' Ira" .hTough
maci... 1.1I;"nc," wi'h 'he of Nopal.
With the Prime .....__ Amstwannan then: came ,h. in'rod"elion
"rn""" Oi.i"it;e, and '" a d.... Ia..ifiea,ion nfrdig
'o<"lar ;n<'i.ut;""" eoml'.";,;',n "r a ........ "am",a ",in';n!'l" of .........
'I..'rm "r coinage ..nd 'llt r""nda'io" "f ,he ]lab.., nf K.ila...ku'''. After
:\Of.nanb .nd ClIlUlnh .he coi.... of Amou\"'''....n-ota:n'pcd "'th the",o of. Bring .'V'1fon """iug If> the "',oh one f<a"F"w ,.iot:d
in dIe ..";,,.d. nf a"tI ,h. oPJOO'''. fa witll the I"na, "<Km'
and 'he ",Iat ,.<1;"<1:---<"<:"<.' imm
...... a...inn 'If pnlit;"'J
I' I< ,t.-: t",<:IiOO.., with .he m.agic nanlC or ""'''1''''1'. ,ha. rn.o
"ncr MIopIcd in her ""nda:d ..nd het Apin i.;. from .his ,ime
th.. , ,he Kin," or :<Icpal a..ume In 'hem""'""" ,he tid. "r P......"'.
Ilhatlaralr.a Ma),.raja Dhiraja" or ki"g ,,(kings..
TIt< Risr TINt. h ""as .t >his .ime 'hat '. new nation Conned

hi 'he
_ '0
'" h-."



ID ,he

, I"';n,
in Md
nol in
Irin ,n

' tJ,..,.o

" "no.!
OS;: ... ,
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, and


n.dI"and ptb<r<'d ""Ml:ll:Dlum m Tibet, ..hit.h .1.IuCk .t .... root of the
;>,..fuia! of a..t Alia. Nepool had _i",ibK'd .. g.e..
Dl::ID.bef <if l>OX"<hcrn (Mm ,IK: lb..." of historr. B.,t
to hC' y,(\ with ,inlc, oh. had r""goncn her
--u....t1 "'h" < "'<ntlth"" in ,he ",Iilude nf Ti\>tt,
-&r t-.....:en\Cd 1(2(1=. In" matter of Mlr l"Cir1, ,h. T'Ix'a". bee.",.
_ ....... a.. 10 impe<:1 ,he .tabili,y "rChi...., Kalhmir and
T10e of India ."" oiIcn. aboo. 1ft<, uli.-i.;e, <>I".h<"e northerner.,
_ ChiJr,;a, ..'1>0 kad "" ".h In sult.... f...... tl><x .....then> itI,-.den, h.b
a.duII)' DOl<d the , p JtloeY Wwma,.... On .his side of <he:
HiaIala}'2S, :"epal abo<>rb<d .he ohock and :n>pered and umcd 'he Tlbrto.m
by _irruc of ha- ."pttiol- ci,ilisa'.......
The Chi".... annah rOO"d: "TI f",t king vf Bo" (yul) .J)d.d
his ,e"i,,,.-y '" 'helM>Uthoa'l all,,-r "" ,h. CQunlry nf 1'(>.lo-mon (llrahmi""J
,\, 'he I"'&inning nf ,h. dy"auy of lbe "I"ang (lI>",ard, G20 A. D.), h.
galb....... togelh.. 100,000 ..-.Iditn."
Th ..,.. .lOO OIt<:C<>e01" or 'his ""'nckr t>C the Tibe...." Un!,i", """
his "';,h hio ..;<.10...... lie OCt IQ........ com""""," t>C 16 p(nOm.
und... ,he t>C 'n.o..-...;._10 Xfpo>I in nrtk< '" .h.dy the ><er<1>
of"wr;,Uos_ The Mime ""otd ..-ilb the ,\lpbal>n. which ,'try neaTly
<q>n>dUd lb. lell,," ,h pre>"I.n, in :""1"'1, "nd .dap'ro i_If '" the
mnI' del;c..,. no'a';"... or"robe.... n "'"n<l> .bsen, f,,,,,, .h....lphol.oeu ..... """t
in the Gupta inoetir,;on. of '>;crthe... Incli.1 or ,h,.,.. dA)'. The TIl>clan king
",liei,ed Ihe h,nd "I' A""u""mo,,', daugh'er in ma" iAge, and ItMaman
th" h. "';0.'<, ,h. Pri.... .'.linis'.r ....k"mtd ,he requC<l and 'hw .,wed :-.'''V''l
NOItI im-....ioot:l by Tibet.
Nep.aI """' ...... I , Red do<:,,," Sil,,, \'amt<>" of" llI'n"si \'ihao-.1
'" u.-.. ...!tete he ,he.....,. of.he sp<.....t of Iluddh..... ioo Tibe.
T.b"'l& and Canutta I'r<>m Kaohn.... The "",,,,Lation
of ,he Buddh'" sa il'IoITO undert.akm "nd... 1"""",i Sanoblu>.... with
lb.....ull Iho, ,h., 'he Tibeun bngu"lle \x<:am. rot... or 'h.OImng<'>'
of ""pt.,.,;"'n ...ft., ,h .'.landa';n ... nd !ianlkri. in ....,;".. .'.'an)"
V.ndyiU frOllt Ne""J found elninen' pla. in ,he hierorehy of "j"il.oet.
In the ",ionc. ofmcdidne al"" N",.l n",..". bgged br ""hind other
....."'.ie!.. Chalr.ra, the r.mou. C<>""ncnta'.,.. ur S1'u,luul (a K"""
booI; on onedicinc in So.mbi') lInllt"iohed 10..... A> "",ed ,,00..'0, a brillian,
array of aehoUn from y"'8l".....Ib, the ......t sqe, '0 .si! lk\", ......\;c:a
:"epal .....'1'" .
In ,he ld 0( arl$ and ....fls :"cpaI boMk a hiJh po>iticot. The
,empl.. of the Ramoehehhe, Chugb K'anl o.od ,h...nd... p ..n<! tien
<of 'he 1'"... 1.1"" of Ulasa a,.., hing .xamples of the paso<l.o. of
oh,aininl; in "epal during the ,i",h and "" ..nth con!<lri.. A.D.
Aranike. """rJ<maml,,p during Ihe century ha. 'Mde him i",,,,ortal
in <'1Iina. Th. p..gocb "fIe of ..",re in building> a.... illo OI"igin 10
-"eraJ. His ODn,cmporar}" .'.10.'; I)h""j ini,iated the then Chinese I'mpttor
Kublai Khan into the <>Ul, ""', of H.,..V"j",.T... n,,,,. n.. ..
1<1istJ<: taknt ohibit"';g !he ......truct;on tJl Ind",-C<iha, .... Grill>.,
KaiWlI K..... and Bhadradhivaoa buildinll" was ...\OCh a, that
.:me. \\"00\. iD ..'00<1 """ rnnal .... ..d! .... fiDe aru likcwi>e "'""''P)' ...
spa"iaJ """,ion, csperi,uy the f",""", which dispbJ OOlCQuioitc ......bDamhip.
THE lAND 0' ""'AL

ikri the
on h...."
-, h.




IJrd In


on and
"". >tj
<!C)- "

" and


n...u-andpthe<edlllOalUl.umin1ibt'l ..-hich wucll .t thr. I"OOl: J the
pc>Iitia! f"luilib"i= of _,b-eut Alia. l'iepool b.od ...imilio\ed. lff<al
=btt of m- .....-.h..... yakshr"" (mm the <b..'" of hhWf)". Bur
iodinrt'lO bo:r ooft IOU.hem "i,1> ';mo, oh. had foo-g<>uen ha
_,. ,'" .. "'hn "'l!.niK<! ,hem",h..,. in the ..,li'mic of Tiho",
...... .- lden. in 3 matt.... l"""". ,he Til>o'"n'
as ,n ;"'I..,ji ,hbHi,)' "rChi"., "".pal, ", ...h",,, .nU
T1>c Iegencb of India ",." "ko, .!><:>ut 'he ac.i,;'"'" of IhCS'< nnrllo"""o..,
'- Chlna. ,"'M had ., rn.",h I<> ."If... from ,heoe ""nhern '",-aden. has
ardclly noted <he '-ariuw JUga of oMir l<Innation. On <hi< .old. o .he
lliI:I!I..Iay.,;\"tpaI:rJ::mtbrd th .hodl aM 'tmpemland wncd the Tibftans
br rir_ ofhtr ...per;'" a'-i1....';"".
The 0>,,,,,,,, annals.....",.d , MTl>c fin, king of Dud (rul) Cll,end<>!
hi> '''' Ii",,}, ID lhe as far at the cnunlr!' 0( (8rahmiM)
At "'" ""sinning nr 'he dymuty or the 1'"a"" (t""",.d. (i2O A, D.), ho
s:a,heud 'OfCthcr 100,000 ",loliers."
The ""n and ",cc"",,, of ,hi, fo<mrter of the Tibeta" Empire e<:lipocd
his falhe, wi,h hi> vie")f;es. He "'nt a cnn,J1"'$"'I <>f 16 J""'S'ln..
und 'he leadership .,r'ln_m;.anu, '0 Nc[>al in order ID .."dj' ,he occrc"
of ..-ri,ing. n..: 1.1......... ..,rumed "'ith thc Alph:l.hc.. ..-hieh ' ....r """rh'
r<p<udud ,he k:lta, ,hen in and ada,"<d .tod( to> 'he
_, ddiate M....""'" of'l"ibo<tan ""',..... abJcn' rr..... the a.lphabe.. e"n'OO'
in the c"pu inIcrip<ioono clN".<hcm India clthooc The Tibcun kinK
O<>Iicited the hand ..Am_'anDaD" daucbta in man"'&Co and .'a'eunan
m.., he R'U, the Pr;""e Min;,ttt ......;;omro the ""lUCIt and th......,"C<! Nepal
rrom im'Uion by 1;1><'.
Xepal ,hen len' h.,. k'lned d<l"tOt" Sih-a Var""," of lIh,ingi Vihara
to Lh wheTc he "'''''e 'he of ,hpre",1 of !lucidhi,," in Tihet.
11 follt>w"<! b1' Ta\)ld!a and c.nuUa jmm Katlln,ir. The ',a",bt;"'n
<>f ,he Ilutklh'" .nil''''''' wcrc "nder'Mkcn unOCr n"",i wi<h
lhe , .."I, 'ha. 11..., 'he Tibetan l.anguag<:- on<: of ,he' o"ongn'
nhid.. or n;preooion altO' ,he :\I.nda<jn .nd SaRlkri, in hi...
\'and'!'Ul'rom :'i<'P"1 b,nd ftnioall plaeeo in the ltiaardtr ..TIbe.
In Ute ocicna: ollOl!iri= aho. Nepal ".,....... I.a.ucd w b<bn.d <>th...
a><mu-ic:a. Cltakr.o Paoi. the famo..' Commmu,wr tl ShwJor.., (a II'cat
bot;/;; on trtedicin< io Samkri') lInuriIl>ed h<:r-e. ....ou-,ed aOO'.... a brillWtt
amj' <>f oclw!aB f...,m .."",lka, the g,cat ... to "-11 Dcva, makes
:"opal ""n'l,kuous.
In 'he world of Rm and c,afU hold, Rhigh po,i,ion. Thc
,nnpln of <he Ramochrhhe, Chugb K'ang a"d the un,l .. gro'>"ntl ,icrs
of lhe P"tal:>. ""lace <>I' U ...... are li,j"" cumI)]" <>f the pagnda "r1e er
archiu,.''''e <>blaining in :Sepal dll,ing ,be and "",..,..,h cm""ieo .\_0.
A,.anikc, workotlMlll,ip d", iog 'he I',h century "" made him immorllll
in Chi..... Thc paJ'>da ..yIc of ard\i<c<:tllK in buildings ""'" ilS oti(UIto
:"cpol Hi> """tonptll'aty ;\l.ati Dh....j ini....tcd tI>c ,hen Chi....., Empaor
K..bbi Khan into the DCCuIt cult of Hc.VajnoT......a. The
.....&;c ",Ien, ahibitcd;o"'" l'Omll'U<'tioo of Indno-C.iha, M.... Grill,.,
Kaibsh KIl'. and Bhadradhi\ "',iIdingo """ mucb .pprcciatcd at that
lime. \\'",k in .."""'.lId mc<aJ wcU at fine .,u lil.c..iIC oa;"pr a
'!""-i.alI.....i'i"n, copeci&IIl' the former which display aq"j,;'e .."rkmaru!tip.
0". counlt)" IIas alwal" b<aI a meeling ground of lbe eultun.l
ideologies 0( the North and the South. Here, Hindu culture hos happily
bI<:n<\f,d wilb that of Buddhism, t ..... lting in a diltinn eullUT<: ...nich fimb
;11. lCmplca and chaityu, hom.. &t>d ""bus, -.ill fiu>ctionl.,
rdigious ... alld r...i.... cw.toms aad mann<n and in dancillfl and
In ohe 11 th "tntwy whetI ochobn came ....itlo bag .o.ntI. baggage f"""
'h< ""'th, _IC"! b m., out ....... "1" offend <h.... "rh..... On the
" hand "., ha"'" pr-.-...d mall" of ,....., boob """ith ;, iI diflicuh to
fond in the lOuth. AU tbi. distinctly ,1>0". the dominating role 'hat history
Iw in otiC country.
The Duk A8a that 'hill g1.......... arI}' period in Nepal
bcniglutd lIS and..., forgot ouc own war.h. O"t hill"'T pas$td into the
cuMody of foreig".".. who now undcrt<lOk the .",k of nU, ed"""tioln and
orientation. TIll" ,,-e toUlly fo<gu. "'hat "ut .aponsibilil;n Weft.
7lt D rp' tI El .. / __Hl.-it.I P... of Vi.....
Tb. development "f rdutation in Nep.>l rdkc.. cla,ly her ml. as
CAUlI}1! f".. the fusion or the Aryan Brahmanism, Buddhism and 8<>upo;"'"
or the TIbcco-Bunnan ""ca.
Though not wM:I..puad .. unn.:nal in anyoen<e, tt.... "Y'lems or
education llom;,hcd (.". "'u,i.. bdo"" the a<!vent <'f the English system
whid' ..... imprort<:d from India le.. then "",'enW.five ye." ago, and the
inttodun;nn of ChandiaD Buie Educat;"n 1<S1 than tCl )'UflI ago. Moot
of tbe 5<:hook In 1\q>aI 1u-da)'1'tfI<o<1 'IH: """'an.sambi'i<: in!luc:noc
which 10 SOm. e>;lnu has domina,edth. oth<T 'l-PCS,
1be Buddhist ;nllue"a: may be tCnl In the fc'" "C",npa>" which
.till mnaJtin llHb.y along .... not'the", bordrrs of Nq>al. bul onC mUl'
now IJO to TIbet to rulIy lIlfdy this eduo:alicmal n.o..Sh de\..,1opcd
..-tly ;1' 1\o:pa1, 'h. A"''''n in.'UiORJ of India and tIH: ;1'1""""01"'1' or the
S.lUl:titic O)'Stem into :'Icpal pushed Ihe carli.,. ..m nD<thwa'd.
TIbet to-day ... all of <he "aditions of .h_ Qrly B...tdhist i ...'i'"tio....
which ... noo&lIy iod. to <hrir pa:n' """"try noopI in ancien. :c:orded
Br 711 A, D, the monasteri.. "fY....lung, Chonghi<:, and Samra, and
the lempl.. of and Y....p.a had be<n Subsequently the lradi-
I ..... of ka<niIlc ... <arrie:d on by oudI univastty as Gandc:n
fJ>oualrtg .booJ, ',300 students and ....has). O<<:-pung (hour;ing about
7,7(0). and Sera (hou'inll"t5.m}, all of Ihnn founded In the rors.
quacl..- of the 15th a:n",,}' A. D. with innumerable .. mHatcd mon."eriel
oha')'inlI si_ all aver Tlbn,.nd.1to the no<hern r<gioou of l\'cpal. The
Tibetan UBti",...........,.., built on be:h of rocb.M..;<11 fin" lIon<a- In
Ih. 'otal .bomce of vermin, the m:usi,.., """.." .... ..rTibet h"", withstood
the ",car and tear or time beller than thooe of 1\epal.
THE ,""",D DF "'.F"L
Eue;>< for lb< 0;00 of aocicnt like Gumv;hara
"Bl'X'-beU ,S.....r..mbhunath). KhajDu-vahi (KhaJjurib.-
:\Lt.= 1k'I... SansUrita \iha<a lin Patanj, aDd BhrigartSVar.
... , haJ ahno" 'otally ,... t the of mon... lie
b blind ........hip. The ""I)' ,clia of this andent
.. ScpI.,... Goo::::;.p&J of lb< tlorder atn.
J ,. - the . - .. ofNt::;. . _"
sa'!! _ .an<:>ont "'"""JK-'I. e
.... , "'-r<:d Buddbim> as m.ut:h by ,ndins; and linanci"l the
,..,. ,.oc:Ilo<*) as they the "tree Vcd.. by gettins beautiful
Kulptu=! and 'trnpln IQ Vcdie!lOOs. nut, aboo<l>ed
iD tbcir abalnlK specula, ion., the lIuddhi.'It ..achers of X<pal did no' Srrt
"'pay an) a..rntioll to the: noed of the :\:cpaJ_ m.aJSQ for simple learning.
n-.p. the BuddhiRic Vi....... 8ouriohod and multiplied under- the
doctation> "fthe tiap of Sepal, the fint At,.an impact of Vedic

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a., ,

N ~ I l l ~ C
Do. uhure I
~ a t ~ B S
R.,ligion Y
ll.lidhiJI Q"
"'''''/1.7 .t./'a'
Th '''pd' ,,,. "'i;NJ
.. IIot ,,.,it:, Qj
:.lot .. is< ..... .. .,
X".. , F.Js ../i._
",... ...
.. .. ," --1.1
Jh",, '''''' /.
~ " I . " ' f ' I '
'!:MM ' & A Bas)" Place
Th'" N"p;alesc Are A H.ppy People
TIwy ,.joJ u-._t
....~ ' " ' . j";f 1""/
.-\0 rnn<Iben of" holth, hum>n JmJIlwUty and. JCSpOJIIible Ii>r i..
in,..,......, Ill")" omidly kept lhe ... of don.""", and. p<,vilqel
gnon,ed b, the indi,-jdua4 anrl th.i. king.. The Vihar"I"<xtved their
ud lbe """,,y COnHn\.' thei. <bily diarieI. Propag:okd by a
of .ogubt<:d by BlIddhil, -..r>ci" and I""trol,*d by
Z ba:p.. Ihc ll:>OCltioc iRMi...u.- and of <ducation *",dcd
, J by the ......,- IlucIdhaJ and Ihar di>clples bid bdOre Nepal
*$ !
A. " .-.It. :Sepal IP""" proud of a eon,im>oul chronology. ",here it
io I , ...... <be h .. of lhe hillorical Dud<lltal. =moly Sidd""-rtha
G ;aid a ,ilitatld spent onc ninylDSOR,,,tl>e,-iLlayoCNala.
siltS ottupicd b)- tb< pasl Bud.u.a. duriDlI the mgn or
,zr...., I.:..icI Sunj-armA.
1IIflaQ, dot IzId.ian .....,b. unM,."",k'(I rq> the !lupa. dedicated
.' " r 3 _n about 238 8. C. and .."tt, himKlf on"
... .-.... dI 1>,"
.. I l<:a.-n. ,he tint IesIocoo '" h""ooy
__ doe ...,. ..... aD!:c... i;><i;.... <lnlJcIlro, in \be l\:yan B",luruoni
j Do """"'! !lr.dc!l:u
..... "":. ......."';'. :.t:'f:::
... .. it _ w:idt .... '-oMh. bm. in the
..... .... , doe Smpato 10 <.h.. (Ountry
..... .,dawidt tbe""'.o(lluddhm. ..hich he had
.... 'e',! ::
,..,." "'-'dhirn bad lhe slorr of $O/"'ming, appas-
"'" _bai..- CODCl"""" of 11ldia. Unbtunatdy,
..... 1 .-Id ..... "'"to IOCfthcr in lodia and fouIhl
..... .w:..a; p<riod.
0..*....... h:olId, Bowldhis... and Brahmanism. Inng sepcral.d and
.... _ 1Mio,.' I 'rued ud aImool mingled in Nopal C\'a> "ith
.... *' Ua:!>a'; En.. The lluddhi>t mnnb had coo..... <""'
aad lhc '0 the Ma4y rl'U-lhinkiJlK Ruddhao.
.... Gnds Sllank:ano and Yi>hn" had find lheir ahod..
.-... ...,. bcighl$ of D<>ladci (Chungu-Nara\".nIJ and Deva'a:rama
>rid> thdt Ik\..ku!u (lChools for (..ehing lhe parlieul.r prayCf,
"ith the "',,rlhip of lpecir.c godI).
I I aAd bcn.-.. tbc ""... priOlCipal dMnitico, lhcrc w= 1.-..
4. _local prico.., Bn.luni... and lhe LluD:os "jth their
....... of ,,"""'il;' and adl>crcnu. Side by tide, 111= were the
'!.. (otb>ols of poliua) 10 I,h f.alty 10 lhe king and to lhe
cpzWalio<u in a COIInlry, "'here Roya.hy "as handed down from
!iClII and "here renka and. feudal chicfJ ddi<d the
n.c.a, ""', _ &od the Pirn-lu!al ro.- teaelI"'l
.......,. ol1hc CO\:Ilory) "'hich banded do>ln the Icdilioo &oon IC"='-

"... i:>tcriptiolU and chronicla allow us to 10110\0' th. dev.lop",ent>
-,Ob-,;,,*' 7th e".,u1')" A. D., "hen NerW allllUa 1hc hrighl oft::..\t:"" .:.. mxlcrthciaspiralioaollhcAryall.-e!ip>ul hdidJ, tbc \'i:I
had adapkd Soondait in ptd"cmIce to the Ki....ti
languag<' in vogue, jJ\d ,nli..d <he Iinguis,ic unity"""". >unlry to the
T'Cjection of the indigenouI diolecu. Alrady will. .he in!ICription. of King
M_Ikva. "'" find this A'1.... IaDgu.g<: a .rllide of robust thol'&ht
aI>ll ddka,. art, ...hich, will. tM 7th cen!Ul1', had .. W<n1llO:Q
idea of h1rUng. of, and of b<:auty lhmughoul ,he AsUlIic worid.
L.bGn.ed by l!riot rulell of gtammar IInd ......,oa\C<l will. ,he mllly
ne....ku",", Raja-kubu. f'it,.;-ku];u, Ri.hi_kula. and GUr".klll .., it had
b<x::ome: too ....... p1c< for the undcrsnuwling of the CLlrnmon people in lbe
l"""'<"' of cUne.
W. have olr.:llly d<lc,i1xd how d..,;"y helped l"epal ID cast in her
Wt with ,esurgent Tilxt .1><>", this ,ime and how th... br<>o,ghl hor
in _laCt ..i<h China., ..hich >ridcn<:d ber political hori:wn. Reminded by
th_ new "flI, ........ cl the ..iJd iIlau_ (l(obe Monas, who pr<ded
than. and p-aotDLly by the .isi"ll ti<k of the AnIbs, China _t n...
mandarin. and pilgrims In lodi:l .., that .he might br1t ,he COt'do... <>f!he
b.arbarialU. Nepal pnm1ised an =}" WlIy'crooo \0 'h" new amllnO'oe of
D'tions, and bec:une the poi.... of ,he , ..., "'Oflds """"I"ll lhc
hundred '.l<lI ot the Himalar-
AIr""d}' Kcpal ka<l gi'"ft\ Buddhiun to loo;", which """,ly helped
hcr to preserve htnelf lhrough ,igio,," unity in a ,ub-<"'n' of
div=ily., Nqwol w:u now joined in ""'<iIod< to Tibet, who
'f>'lU the weuace of lbe -.unon born>o<nI. Nq>al', ocriptl,
.ranob,<d her holy 1<::<... i lallt<! he. lJCds and her
"",na,t",i"" which bear .he rnl' of a"cin" hC'l"i,age e-.''''' 10 Ih" doy.
C1,in"'" palftd through Tibet to X<ra! .nd bee:tmc official
gutfIO. Nepal" cullure, .rt, .uchhectufe and oculp'u"" ""0I\;sh<x! and
inoI>ir<d lbc r'Cfincd ou- th<:mtol"",,- s..,...iDcd by libel donatiool:
a"" properly encouragal, xicn 8ourisloed. The Ica.ncd mnab in .he
many Villanl.' <omp<oed and diotribult<! copi.. of holy script..,..,. and
ca"""ical tl""'itcl, aloa thenrlch-el from their aUlI..-e
....dies by findy """ccuted paintings and lI1iniallUct.
But the I'dl>\lr= of I\epool W<1"e no' adcq....t< fOr her upandinc
ncecb. With ,he ""let of hl.m, India had fallen into ana",hy and ell_,
and CIIina. .nd Tibet hod "",haUlted th<:m>elvo by i"""",ant ......B. The
kinp of Nepal. "'ha w"'" backed 1' lite miChl W <he al.lClSOrS
of Srca-lSan-lxplto-po, diu.ppea:<:d in t=moiL
Wi,II the diuoppcartln<:t of tile L;ccha"", the Kings btame
Ihe Ma"cB or Xepa1. The Licchavit ....d .ffectod the combination
of the 8u<Idhislic and <he Brtlhm.o.nnk panth<OM, bUI the ocparalcd
the '- ....d..... puaibed ,,11.. and la..... !Or the
and <20,,,, and new 'l'ltenu of weishtt and """"W'n, whido
prepar.d I\epat fo, a period of economic pI"OOpai,y. Once more in
h;.l.....y, .... !ind the Chinese Arnbassll.ooB tlavelllng .e",," Ihe gr""t roada
of Alia &Btl ucltaDginc and gifQ with the King!. of Nq>al.
One<: _e, ;.kp&l excd10d in llleratwe, ardJilecture, ....tptun and
paintiDlJ. Ewn ,he king> compooed d....... lic WOO'b and took
part in Ihe dra"",
The 'iet<wy of the Gutu.... c:ompJeted the a .........Uon of Nepal 10
doe .idf:all of BrahlIIan........ for the IOtId time in her J:c>"fl h_t<wy.
Popubtlld by lite lDiud races oftbe Kinntio, COIIverud &Dd ..viJiIcd by

.... frU'th;nki n( :and a"",,,"bed by early A<yan cullS 01
Buhmannism, :-.'q>al tra,,,l1ed <"rough lhe "ari,,,!!"" or her ocintillatin!j"
".,....",u hi>:",.,.. She then came in """lac! with the AryanJ of I:(llropc
the pt..:... of her ".llio...1 hisl<lry. "The ltadamo.n"
..., a G:cl!:a po ... "btinI' lhc Bibk and tM Bible bril19 <he
x'G . 7 Gurkha> .drniutd aM lbe neutruity of
- ---= Prilhi :'ia,a'..." Sah. ,....t ,,'ith ad"antaV the fire-amu
... I I the discipUnc of ruro"" inln the Ncp<olose almy. "i> in
......,.. exactl, that 'he Oori.r"al arut ......".1 ;n'ertOI of Lhe
...... :"O<;>&I1i<s (or' the 1''''''''''. ""'"' 1xQ_a DCW So;mi'M: ld<:oloX",
__ f "'" b>oc.Illn!.......uch from the " ..nil....! ll:a13 mobe
.,. I 3 aI roe:> ... iCCl''''' of u.. undefined "",,<hem pbin.. "There i._
d r do< ""'"'" ""1"'1'. hi"'"rl' and cuhur., ...,,;.ch ha,'.
-.l tor 'bc=nch'O in .pilOc "r.he .urr.nU and C1'05S..aIrrcnts of mill".
&aft.:.. 10 ."" larK" and ...."..,
J:s5io. _ tIo< odIo:r band. wall ,,,,'Oh"'" in her ,nugjI;lc aKa;"" "lam,
........ :.. ....,Id.".,.:afford h", the needl p,01''<',;''n. Figh,ing
-..,. ............' - '<) bo!J>oe in"",;'". or Europehe ttpl<,.,kd
... -= _ .-., iT ' \ ...... riDu attd the ,uboooqumt d;,,-;,ion or
an ... PM' ...." daf, Il-itish peopI< decided to
_ ial'G. J>:"-;,,.:cd &om the p,..,..onMt:ning
.... ' :lAd ob<:euod ,he 1mor
.......... Uofilo ill !<><by ..,.,-.,.ing bon-ttn '''"0
... f an: _p<ioa. 1l0Dto--o '0 ."" of
...... oadiIr bdic". in IlII god> and fOIll(!t. Iolam nnly
, .,.,. and bro" the "N.pool_ i<!ot..
_' ' od lboaund lOrat p;ort of ,h. lUlII/dom
..-....... i*i....... &::Id frudom oCwonIti;>...., a.jcalOu,ly
Qe;r HiDd1t. BewldbK. and IIonpo &m.1u-co. 'fhen,
_ __ IlL dtc It.(.alb killp "",,0 hod rllll"",,1'" ,,, .h
...... 's - ou ... ohc 18tlt om'"l")' A.D. '0 preach , religion and
..... ""tuoidtd i ..,.. don. with.he "ill "r.h. co.w...... Then:
__ 1- b Bmdh.... in X.pal. BuddhiJm W&n<d &Dd ......
<IIIIi! -.tlczt iI kldt i.. to a;'. !Or ,he nation. Voifono lUId
__dio:ipIiac .....!>cmorwlt'ia .....:cd l/lc Buddhis, monlr.o .Ione;
_1iIIIIIdC aud dr.-cnc, .h. lay o"d.')' ...:aped thcrn.
la ..x,. to cbaIk ..... a new pooth lOt ,he....." , th. Gw-thao
me bel ,ba, the of Arrao Brahmanoiom
'*i .acioct of <heir na na1 indcpert<lcnoC'. Af, a n::li,ion or ""PO",
.he p;o t ""<lotry VI bet ""isroc,ion ,hrough ,h.
Ou by ,,-eakcning he, oppon.nts on all fronts. Buddhi.... hod
part in the cnnoolMiation of South-a'" Aoia, with <hr
r - i; I pi-.: of pilgrimagn in ,he !teart oCXcpol, to all of wllich the
'.- ...."Id ....-cd .. rdigioul aUts ...."". If Duddlli.... lIad
me Sui Hi,"'""", io 'h. 6th Century S.C., i, h.d equally hdped to
d<i!;ot and oof..... ,h. h""d.. of bad....,;.... who had r.peatedly
OD! hdd India ,ill the "",et of Warn. had ....dived ill uscrul-
_ ""'en .. ",,",f..-tod the .....-<!en of Allah, ....ho brooked "" ri\'lll.
.....ith <he bolming of the fludclbiotic COlIWDlS, from
l<>dia. For.he "",""nd ''''''' In long hi<to<y, and Tibet had
!&Un up 'he thread and """.;"paI !he In<1itOon. The many morU.1
(hi'lOri<.Al) B,>ddhu abon<botd in tho>.nnie p.anthcon and
W<lO$hiJ'P"rllOgCth<'r with the Aryan Cook.
Thm, lOO, the Gur1r.t..u l'Qliscd tba. tbe Sanskrit had
bc<mc <kf.. n"t lOr all practical f"'I'TIOS'l" and Ilia, otha- ,\1')...1'11 hood co-
in from !he _t It> \1><: A,,1''' oraditi"" and keep d,e ",,,,h burning.
f"'!"ucn on account of a Inn!! """"",;,,n, 'hel" intr<>d<>ced their i""tim
,ionJ and,...p i"t" f""'ia, whi<:h, ,!>UUJ,rh unr<>gnisablc
".",.., arc !he fin. co....'" of SaJubi. which Nq>al haJ adopt,"" through
<he (;<:n,,,na '" the ,,,,hide <If her ,1Io"&h'.&",, Tdig;"", I>oIi<:f.
The most pow"",,l lI<ilish A'1"'" Empire ruM po.calld ..i,h the
ho<ckn or l\q>al. For an ..ili"';lI'" and balana: of power, the Corklll
rdioed upon 0.;"". whnn, he cnnsido:ml nrarly". '"" .lI.e IIrj,i>h
Empire .r' the Sino'NcpaJ- .....T of 17S2. BUI the rtpuI'U of me
Nepaks<! A!l, don drp.,tcd by ,he G"'... nmen. or K<:plIl "'''trY
)'ean tn ""king shooJ< 111<= r..ith of the G..,kh.u in 'he oolidari,1' and
.trcngth or lhe etI...;,,1 Empm.
Rernindo:d ofher hI" the AngIooN<:plII War of 1814,
l\ep.ol concrn.r:.. upon. Tibet .. an "ude. rnr .ne conllmio:.n of her
rnilit.o") r....=. B. H. reaJi,d .ne (bilge.- Wt lh atrncd .he
Pa>!.Britannica aod urMknoolr. to reaui. the Gurlr.h... to me

Thit a!oM did ""'" ,cl"".., .he da'lJ[I:r. [n .ne a""'ne<: of China,
RuKia had ,naryt<: of ""'lening the n"bi Lama and me
Buddhiotic C3>urches;n Tib<-<..
Wi.n Lh. G",.kh... ,noroughly d,ill<ti unok< ,h. ,Iitcipline and 'ac,la
or F.umpe and with .he m""irio", and ,10" a"""""'....U wh;cl, the ".paksc
anenals ,,-a-c inc.-nti) pnducinr a' m. time, thc Gurkhas mllld ha,..,
oaloily aolJni a halt '0 R.....ian dcligns "'..". Tibet in _pi,. of .10" formidabl.
J-limalayan barri<TS_ 11>0 Nopa'- &tI<! tne nht..... rc>rdI 1'",..00:1 tha.
all th" IOUthern in,...lm "'0 XcpaJ= .Iono had ou<:ccafully i",.,..led
TibeI aDd also <kfc:rull...... TM........ ab<> ,loo rdill;"'" factot th.o, "'0
Tibolan. and .10" r>wctl f."by '" 'he Budo-lhiotk Ilupas in
Nepal al<>ng ,,;th .h" Buddhio.ic cdua.ionaJ in..i,u""", in tile heaJt or
Tt.bct and MonpIia.
But oncooragctnm'.o l\cpal inYitod in.."h'Cmcn' ",1.10 Rua>U. ,,-hich
Englaad lriod '" a,'<>id a, all_a. ""righ. <:;rpreal}' """1.>"'" that nth<:
game wall n," ....... th .10. undle." f-nsbnd ocl)' roraaw that th" i",por_
ttJltt of Ncpal ,,'" duo to 10.. mounlain ".,..,. .. an ""d.11ar diroa
co"""",,,,,, bono..,.", Hindu"an and Cc...,.al Alia ",.It<: ...jc<:ti<>o of all otltcr
,'&1""". En:!lland _ CO<IU:n' to nctu,aJi", .n.. a,he'nug< of l\ct>aI by
up tr&<k mutts of thc Jde!,,"l, and ,he " ..hub ,!trough
Kafun.-Il and Sillllibl :sp<di,'CIy. The miocrabk: d;"nll of Tibc. could
F'""'!> prolIu 10 th" &-iti>b tndo:n and tbe British capi",1 w:l. nol
prepared to exploi. "'0 mln,,",l .....,un;:<S "r Nepal and Tibe.. 111"""'00
by Bri.ain in Iocr ambi.;"nl "'..... Tib, =".pal 1 I<ft 10 !.an."ish in tile
hl-l>d> <of the Rana ""'rpm in eomple.e ia<>I,nion f world con'aell.
F.".. d,,'<nion ",i'k R.......he crafty Bri.ith r"lcrI ...... .he <>Id
di,iai<tn of th<: twn Bud"'h;'. ch-..rclo.. or Mahayana (the Greater Vehicle)
and Hmal"an& (tho: r- Vehicle), ,,hich rcappcated in Aaia l(l >orve
the exigcnci.. af European p<>liUcal ptna. England, the: ..nchalIr.ngcd







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Queen of ' 0<:aS, held Ilurttu and 00yI0n with the H;"ayana Scl>ooI"r
aod also Ilrought Siam her To the. north,
RI""" reunited undu _Mr dominatiQn the d;'p".-..d fr..gmm1S of the
monasteries of 1.hc Lamas I" <he M......yalPl School of BuddhisIn
"illt i,. sa=<! ""'ndal"" in the Hi:naWal", AJrady inspired by
' .... itorial ;unbi,iom, C:otherine appeal'Cd as Ihe incarnation of the Nepalese
Prin"... G""cn T:o..... and 'he Cnr D' Ih. inurna,iDfl of It.< coming
nuddh;" I>fasliah, Ilu,ldba; UaiITO;'''.
Wilh all thci.- br-DJhtednca, the people of Grta, Brilain ,,-Ut
powm- '" pte>'ftI1 the """"'"'I<lencrs of Wotld War 11, "hid>. bn:>ugbl
ocriou> abm. ill ,he bal;m.ce of P<>Ii\;e". As" .-.suI', the
majM Briti,h 1'0"'" Id, India, Pakistan, Ccylon and Burma to take ca""
of,hcm""".... within the Cofnraon..""lth of Na,kI",. R<S<Irgeot China
toot of the oitualion to <>ccupy Tibet as " patt of the pro,in""
We ha'-. se<n 10<1'" 'he Buddhi5tic t,lutMion of the Oomp"$, imported
o<iJ(inall;' from 1'\opal, "illl,_ and ,hr(l!>s with 'he lir.. of Ihe country,
""d how the,ned lite SlI.fIShitic 'j'SltfQ of ed"""'Km on
the Iin<s of 11", I.icduIVio an<! 1.hc Mallas. WII" of the Brilioh
in India, ,!>cif rouutional illSlitulionl Wfte remo<IeUcd on .......ta1l
lines. lIy the time ,hey left in 19.f7, :10% of 00;"'1 children weTC .u=<!-
ing ,Il...., scho<>t.. Tho"1'lh lllath In iml"'rt e<.ILlcalion la ,he PMple, ,he
Ranu mcaur:Il.o;e<.I ,he Ilril;y, .1...... or Muauino among their family
n>cmt><n Ibcir Thus, tl>-dal' be lOOnd in l'epaJ
rem....o!> of Sanokri,ic Muca'i...., B.>ddhi<lic \'ih:u"u, oh<: Bti,ioh <:ducat_
and the BhaQ Pa,h..l..., Ill<: WI bo.loed on ,he Nepo.l"", In
th. ah$c:n"e or a na,ional Mueation Iple"" ",me of the people or l'''I'a.1
h.,,, looked 10 <he DOn" IOr educational impiration while ",hen a.e
k>nking to \he _,h.
With the ath..,n, ol" d"",,,,"",cy, in'"'"""'ion.1 con'.leU wi<knetl <he
,'ill(m of lhe Nep.l".., P'X'1,le ;n .. wnrki .l.udy !I,u"'n ....all", in 'I"'c. nn
accounl of the advancQncn' of ocienec. W. ha,. begun to f.d the
of cdun,ion. 1be number of and oeo<>ndary ocbools
Iou multiplied lOur timQ whilc high ocboolo an<t oolltges abo h.a.e been
inauoinl. We an: """ nploring si"" "'" the ....bli>lune,,' of " UfLi"",
ity withIn ano<hc, five ye.,....
Mop of <he importanl Brahmannic gods and the Iluddhistic ..........
tries he ill tbc .......1 nl .....cpal, 10 ..hich Ihe gr-.::.tor part of \he .,..".-Id
"""'" i,. rdiltiouo Then. """ <h= .re Bonpo """""u"i,ies to
,he "..". Wi,h .....ional of eduarion embracing <he
kst of Nepal can pl.y the role "r for the torond
lime in her w"i" history.
"'.pal h.. been oJ.....ibed o. "a little coun'ry .....1111 big problem."
Rkh in <ol'ut.1 heritage, pltlU of h.. Incomparable rno1Intain pcala
and it%nCry. hc:rc raid. an in<!""'riow., willing people, "'ho h.a,..
onl, r<Ually 1"'1..... bold OD th.,;,. _.., boobCnpl and an:: .- pullina:
'h.............. "'.. of ,he mire of the Dark Ages of the rr:nt ......nuia.
Th. mud i> ,hick, ,h. pull i> long, and Ihe load i. h.a"}'.




Kcpal, lOdIy, races probJ<:mo; ""', '" pfOploe ..itb).,. DJ..... I..
CDOI"KY, or Icso JlCr'C"Cl"""'" l<"OUId seem i....,rmountable. s.,...., of tt.e.e
/ut,." been ladled; O'IMn wc must tJlckle lOll""'O". Some: of !he
mon: terioos pmblcmt are okctcb<d bduw.
I. n..:n io of u-ainod lad<lo
u.. many probIuao_1D help .'icpal nteh up ..ith "'" I"Ol!i'c.
of lhc t-..ticth century. per<:rnt of the pmplc
""" iIliter.te ; only about !OO compIW: high IChooI <a"" ytat
in all or NCJ?Il "'Id only .bout 100 complete cuilcgc; ,h....,
arC no ':oI".-d or mgiaceri"l ..., ' ...,!><n'
c:oIkgcI, no busirl... adminirt.alinn ,rainin,s:, no mfflial or
rlmtal coll_S"" or nunes' training; ""ere ia "" univeni!)'. The
lack or """calM penonnd, of an cducati<>nal and <>,
in,titutlon. is ;Sepal'. pr<Jblcm.
2. Nepal lacla ""pital to lackl. her \,,,,1.>10''''. Her peoplo
arc poor ; many li'";n pov""y, Lard)' eklOg Out all existence.
Much capillll i. tied up in hugc pal.cCJ and olhor non_prufitable
pro!","'Y ; m"cl, ca.p!t,,1 h... 'ClM,,,,d from the <:<'Iuntry
1nU MW 101"\'0 only our r"",,;go neighbou... '1'1lough ricll
in natu....l reoouras, the ahoen<:c of cap; ...'
pre...,.,,, .he;r exploi"'tion lilt .he c<lunlry" bcn<fiL Thougb
her people wort arduously. ....,. lack the modem toob and
equipment to make: lheir lab<>urs profi.allk. Xepal n<f'<b
capi",., but the lad oftnined pcnonnd diJcouraga im....un""'1
""rip eapitlll
3. Sintt 19)1 The Go,.."",,,,""1 of r>epal has had a of
min;,tetia! cb.I.... This is 10 be apmed during the lramition
(ran auUKrU)' to Jcmoc:,aq-, bul it intttoSilio:l prubInno
and =a"" new ana.. h lcsarns security indi,':iduals and ,he
O)Unt<y .. a wboIe and TUL.tlI <be dli:<:uven of all con<rn><d.
4. There is an extKmdy t<an&pnr1ation and C(II()muni-
cotion network. :\Ioot of the burden> ofagriculrun: and rnmmer<:e
......'-e 00 the backs of human S;n<e thtte arc only
:>i8 mile:! of high... .. in Ihe en,;re country i, is Omp""'ible
for many of ,he people to we w!l."b to move .hei, go<>d>.
Thu. tralUporlat;,;n co",umes a dioproportiona.ely la'"!!e p.....
of the manl"''''"' ",,01 an unduly large pcreonlag<: orthe <0>,
of man' of ,heir products. The very limited mail ,e,,ice,
,,,,,,n Il;"nber of telephono. and ndim and ,hortage of news
otgaru mako it dillieult for .ho gO'"Cl'nmont I<> maintain pro?"r
ront<lCU for the promolion of do\"Clopmen. prog.-a",,".. and for
the proper oonllo1 and administration of 'he vario... aru". It
impoea a lremaod"... handic.ap from the """dpo;nt
of dclrnx of.he oounrry.
people li\-e in _fdom, prodlfCt"" land is ...ithhold r...."
prnrIuction, and the p.-oc=:b or nearlj half the land at<: tu
beca,," of an '"""""'I r...dal system that has carried
down 10 the fmnl the Dark A,pI of the pasL Mo"
of iSq>&l'a finoncia! problcrno ean be laid 10 the obooJ<,te tu a.nd
land q-. .....rtM.Wlt mtet'U1 ralel &rid tbe iDha-itance
6. Oist.e is rAmpa.nt On NeprJ; life if atraDclr
.non. in the .."'rid ha""" hicber incidenoc or
malaria, dtoleno. and <>thcr tropical diousrs than cerW:> ..
ofNcpal. But 10 oopt ..nth these COJIdiliono .here are iD. the
C:lltire country lhaa " handful ofttaiDcd docton, dltlltiots,
..unes, and Ilban...cim.. The 60D hospitll Md< anc aa:asibk
to Iao 90% of the pcopIe.
'tl1er-.: are other probkJna thaI. will be re-u.kd in the _ of
the t>C:IIt few <hapten. "'1 on. of wh>ch an .-,iDue to keep NtplIJ
in d&n-. Bu. td.....* ill u.. lint s.tep. i...., can..,),e
...... and rediKowr the Porico \h.u ,,'Cr. oa.a: Ncpal'l..
Sepal Has
0... 61' N>J J ,,,,,,A. 'f4,J,
.. imd:c_< ill
.,,-,1'..."" OF EDUC\TIO" IN NEPAL
, f ".
III thit E:.:t ...... 01 edllQ';"'" iD :"tpal, <he CommiWon has been
..Odd!! ".\ ' to! d>e It...:. ol.."y oritQ,ific and
1 , okg ill Iio: pat. Tl:o:: fi::ot """",,,,". l.Um itI 1921 but ;.
ill 'I c:oI _ be _ ........ ati:I:Ia.. ; <he 6n. oeitnti6<: crDSUS
_____ m!" i'''''' fi! art not .... a,-aiLlblc. Un,;1
a h- _ ... -..I ..... .., IUpo:nite cd""",x.n. kt
... ..-..s. . [ -...... "" la'" as 1953 a ....Iional
..... _ ! 5' , ........ in<-J..."d wt<h.he I<booh,
... _ '$ iD ol Croon ..'hieh .., .L.....
<t!IaL ,'" a ......ncr ol fa, ....... Kbools an: o;>eninll'
_ a % l:a kw art c.IoriDg aJ>:no,l: bdOte lhcir un
... 5 , n i< .. impo-ibL- '" ob\.>in :occun.. li&uta. [,-en
_ ' . . 6Jura D>oUi<I<r.obly from day tn <!ay
, n:;><>no arc in &om <he
no.. ticin pr<$t;II'cd in thi!. ch"l"<::r aTC as a"c",a'c :as ,hc
,- -..Id >:J:I'lic them. [,-cry check and pre<aution ha. bttn
b '"""'" Utstanc1:O, 'h"}' admitted ..,ima,... The Ibta
_ - arc I'rnm :september 1954, ..nd are ."peeted '0
.... _ .. da", aerua! ",,!linl!" OT printing of ,ha Rcpllrl.
Tk Ccn>us Bur...." and the DcpltrtmCnt ha,'.
.... li OXlpc::r::otr... in furni:shinl!" av..ilable data and in """i,,;nll"
.... nf ,hC1l\. Information "'ga.rding ad"l, education,
... .....k 01" the Village o...'C1opmcn. l'Tng....mmc, and o<hc::r
..... a=e &om ,"1tiout 00"""",,. "p""ially from the Planning and o...'*'p-
-=w ,,"iJicb ha> bocn '-ay hdp(uL
er ,- :A
hrJ,rinv. in :"q>aI mday .. Iootdy orpnWxl undto" the Mumby
,.T" " Dof the Ccntnl Go... "went. and "" oome ""tenl Cl. "-, 'he
, __ocb<>oh) ..1lder u.. llni\""';ty 01" Pama, an ..... <>d>......
iD:saro...n. India. lbe ""ten' <>f wntJOl IX doe C:n...
I b-- the 1Wol)O.In' o/linooci1 aid 'a Ihe ttboolo. F<I<'"
.......... <>ldttamininc this, doe .......... _,. he itI", ttn....
calegorie,: (a) "Government" ""hool., '" Ih"", lupporte<l and administered
entirely by lh. Central Go\'.rnment ; (h) "Government aided" .dwor.,
or tho 'tarted but nOW rnco(ing rtain Itandardi and
receiving nrying amount< of [mandal aid from the Central Go.'.rnmcnt ;
and (c) "ind:r.ndcnt" 'ch<>ob, or the.. Qp'raling independently, both
financially an ..dmin;';trat;,.]}'. A fourth typ<', now labdlcd
,ch""I., is propostd in Part IT of 'hi> Report ",hich woul<l be financed and
adminuleredjointl)' by the Central Government and ,;llage g.),'cmmcnt
official> through a democratically selected hoard of edua.tion, or managing
<;<lmm;ttce, All OCh,.01' at present, except "govcrnment" .<:1",,,1,, ,,,,,,iv.
IIOmo "'pp'lr! from the colteetkm of 'u,ion rc" ; 'he fourth type prope'"
to ofTe, lTco education.
Under the ?\.lin;';te, of al'" h<,lili portIDIioo in Health,
and Local S.lf.Governonont) theee i> an Educ.o'ion SecretaTy, tWo Ikputy
Assi'tant Secretaric" all on the mini>tcrial 10,,01 ; and
Director ofP"bl;e Inmllotion, two othee director>, In'peeto,.. of
Schools, and other official, (..,0 Figuro 3). The NuoatKmal polid.. and
programmo of the Gov<ornrncnt "'. determine,l Md carried out by thi>
l\.linistry wi'h the help of a National Bnard of Education of Iwcnty
The Depattment fOe ,"pcrvisoey pUTpo'" " divided rnugWy into two
,,"cOOm : (a) the of Engli,h DC modern edllcation, and (bl the
Direw'fntc of San,hi, ed'oc./\lioD. 11,. of eduoation prcvailinlJ: in io to ",me ex"nt af'ee that of India, "",oral di>tlllot
lYI"" of cdlleat;on exi" ,ido hy ,ido. The Eo!:li'" 'ype the Britiili
model of india, which at ono timc ,,-as accrc,)it<d on 'he ba,is o[ the
and Cambridge The Xopali. Hindi, ancl. So",kril
typt:! (rom<tirn"" called Palha.rhalos) pn)\"idc a darnicaJ <dllcation of 'eadi
lional furto leading to gDvernmenl emplO}lncnt (allo priesthood, the
[""ion of Tociting the legeod. and rdigioll' Tit<> pre,cribcd by sodal
Still a""thtr t}'PC, the B"'i' ..hool, is modelled on the Gandhian
pattern of India, and empha,i... rural VQeati..>nal training_ These ,<hoots
all Te<:ognire primal")-', middle, 'econdary, and higher l'O'o'cU oftn<ining.
In 1953, the in.pcotion ""d .uperv"ion of these "'h""l, ","as
undor "'"ell zonal ,Uvisiorn, caeh with an inspcCtoT, ,he ,"b-impec'o",
and nes>aty office help. Th"'" zones are shown in the accompanying
map (Figu<' 4) and in Table 1.
The zonal in'PCCIM amI his 'ub-inspector. a<' r"'p<>n,ible 10 the
Asoislan, Di<ecto. of Public In,(,"ct,,,n, The headrnastCT of each go'CTn
ment school is Teopon,iLle to the irnpcctoratc and a Managing Committee
(5<:hool BoaTd), which io mOltly aO a,h,i"'ry 1><'ard. The headmaltor of
each gcvetnment-aided school and "lanaging Oommi1tee arc rcpornible
to the in,peowrate for in,pcc<ion and ad,i"" and for acronnting for
Govetnment funds. Independent "'hools mal' ",licit i",pcction '" a pre
requi<itc to ""curing gDvetnment aid. In the.., independ.nt "'hool', the
Managing Comminee ","ally exCTcixs a large me","re of administra'ke
""nnl. Managiog Committees arc u,"ally made "I' of seven to fifteen
members, .epresen'ing the tea<hers, the parent>, the h<admaltCT, and
laymen at largo.
ioodniti"". \""'" tbe nortbem boroe."" .. in,," number of
"Go1"'f"," which are Ill" or B...Jdh"'t "",,,b <od 1roiu lor Dnddbi" Lomai,... Tbe
so."o",o, h .. 00 iurildiction 0." Ibe.e ""boob.


. -

. ,

"< ';;5



1-:\ H


-., :;




Q' "


.. ,
.- ,
-. N

' .


- . .


< " .



< -,

, '
Zoo< B?ffluanen
I Dhanblla lllam, Dbankuta, MlIdDI
J...atp> aM. Ko. 2, 3, Sindhuli, Saptaty, M.hotwi.
Kath.<oandu Eaot No. I, Woe No. I, Ka\h.o:i.aNlu, Q,
Gadi, B...., Pana, \Uulah.t

........ W.. No. 2, 3, ., Tba.k, ",..tanS,

Na>nlpur, P:aJ.hi
Tauliha.-a Piudwla, MaJkh;md, Shoonj, Kh:.jabani.

Ncpalpnj Jumla, Inikkh, SaI)"an, DaDS (Ilhansar) lbnke,

Doo llaiwii, Dadd-dhun, DoLi. KailaIi Kanchanpur
F......nal :;"""'1.
FinantiilluJlllOrl l'or Ih... I<lwoh <<>mn frnm lOurao.
Cmtr.1 Cm"Unmtnl for 19''19.54 bu<lgeted appmJ<imtly R.. 18,OO,OOO
(Dollars 225,000) wo, Cen"'..l re"<nU< (which io d.,rn-td from land
la, iff"s and ',,"lOmo, fot<)jll, fe,,", publi. uliliti... and o.her tu..). Thu money
"""" usod 10 luporl the ""n,ral mini,try offices and .oMl ituption
fot supporl 01' ""'''nlnen' schod. (with the aid of'uill'm feeo), for oid-
gran" 10 the go'..rnmcn,aided .chool.. and for l<achor .raining and other
aetiviti... (Roughly, tltis was diolributcd as fo\lows : go'"Unment Englilh
schOOll, IU. 21akh. ; Basic IChools, Res. 3 laklu ; ..rmnenl Vernacular
&ambit .....,..,10. Ra. lal:hs; oolleg.., Rs. 2 laklll ; aid-granto, a.. 3
laldll ; equipmenl. RI. 2 lakhs ; admin.i""at;"", IU. 2 lakho.) Local
.upJlO<' comes mainly from ..,,,rao : (a) tu;';"n f".. r",m
Rs. l IQ 6 per ehilcl per month (6 to 72 a:nl a=>rdinglO Srade I...... and
locaHly, and (b) ''ennlributiom,'' whid> may be """'y Wllunwy, .pecilic
,..,......ts, .,.. .-mcn1O, bucd ...uallr 00 to pay andIor inlera,
in educa.ion, and coming I'rom both p1TD'u and ...nlt of the
children actually in td>ooI. Mos' IIChooIs pravi<I< a I'ew "froe .eIllt" for
ehlkI..... "'boo< CI.rIJ>ot.ffimI Iht .uilirlCl. ID 110 commun.ity are
local "contribut....".. known to be' raiJ<d by enlO<'d ...... tinl>, bul variom
soc::W prcsutr<1 may be .pp1iod.. Tb""" f"""" """ uwally ....uelted "" a
IIIIDDtbly bMio, Ib.. mdio;\oal ouppc>n _..-ha. pn:arioua. "0 -.rale
<la", """ a'...ilabl..... ,be toUol amoun ..r....-,. deri<'ai from Ioc:aJ
oourccs. but j, atimated tha. &bout IU. 20,00.000 to a.. 22,00.000
{DDIl&n 27'.000) were rUed I... year by luition fin, and R.o.. 1.0001 ...
Rs.. 2,00,000 (DoI1an 2+,000) by .-tributlom, t!>n>u&bo<'t lhe utioa .. a
To the eoctalt that the.bove 6pru an: aea.ra"'. ;I ....y be esti....ted
....... iD 19-s+ .bou' Ra. 36,w,ooo {DoIlan 4,000) were .petlt
din:ctl.y on ochoolo and COlI\qft ad"';"e of CCDor.oI and -' admin.",,_
tn... """". Thl, 10 an ."""a&'" of about Ro. 50 (Dollan 6) per pupil
per year. A f""..... \w<,.kdown is posible DD the baois of ati""'....
(Ste Table "l-

~ \ i

.. ~ o

U ,..

e ; ~ z


... z

\!) )
Est. Ann"al
at. AnntW

Est. Annual Appro... No. Avtragce..t

Tow Coct "npib ePupil
...... Rs.614,4OO
... "
1,272,000 55,400 ..
CoU"ll"" "0
390,000 ',m
Ra. 3,6506,400 73,600
ko. 1000
TItt afIf'"
EnenoDl 10 o.:Iy cdueotDul planniDg " information !he
gel'lcr.lll po",,'..,;"n. 1952 Ill"", had btotn nO aceun.IC OT scicnti6e
e.mJu:I aloin!!, in Nepal. In Ihot yuc a" accurate eoun' ....'" nude, but
the compleu: .tatistia are "" only 1'0< ,he =1...... hair or Nepal.
1'berdOfe, ....... of lb. cb.... tha' fu!1ow m..., <Ji ....,....). be:
h1"ci>.,,] Lar>don, in .. ,,,'''''''''"",", "t, l'i,/'fJ. q"",... ligura r,,,,,, ..
]910 and .. 1920 CClU!U. The total Il"pulation o! Nepal in 1920 was
to thls ",urco,..rim .......,ly equal di.ision b<".un_"
and .._ : mon. 2,8OO,G42 i "''ODlrn, 2,774,714,.,.. 50.23% aod 49.71%.
TIK Bureau has provided d,a.... &"t WItt1l Nepal,
the .tU 1'0, whicll eomplC\e figur,,> foe 1952 arc ..".i1abk Fro", ,hQC
we may project ""tim.,a the rot of ,he """"'r)', ...uming the ume
pera::aoqc ofit>crcaoe (Sce Table Ill).
1'., ollncnuc
Eo,j""'t<"C! Euimatrd
III Pre-io...
Tot&! """ All

of Nrpol of Kepal

(Landon . 1920
7 U%
3,4$1,101 5,818,428
1952 37.1%
4,731,459 7,975,284
19,55 (at) 10.12%' 5,210,283
"\3.:I1X por J_l
From thi> "'bI., it m.y be -.. that lh. ioW /JCJIt<I4n(pl at present
approooc,," nm million, although """'" C>IUnatos run as hi&/> I<:n JDiIlio<>
?"CP<:. ('t"b<: oen.u. Do:panmmt cttimo.teo lUr 1952), Tb.
r.ipi/iQnt. and .,ardinK, Wtor, though, is the J1'ut114 "'" Vr-r- in
?"pW"""". lI ....y "" ... lIu: 1920 fi!""Q .....:re inaccuultly
l.Jw, t.nd .hat 'he .2% increa.c ."""n for lb. r.ovlly.... fmm
lmto 194\ (.2% per wo. ,h.,..,ror. 100 high. It iJ knoM' !hl
mno\ ,,'her ","'nU,,,, "r lbe >rorld experienced tremenoouo ;ncr'C'lSd fl'(>Yll
19-1 loO bul ","% J>O")'nr" oho..... 'or :-lepool if a" unmally hip
TI><: a<lCm parI or lIo"C'pOJ .. mote densely popuh"..l than me
__\en pan and thlD .h"rale ibu , known 10 be ram)' ."""",te
b- the wt, may ".,. hold kwr lb. W n.. a1lloen<rofmanylO!<fu:n
their homa In Ilk! and ,be grtater lendeney '" miss penoM in
,,",unting rather than to count .xceso JXrrorll would mM ,h. 1941
"""I may be low an<! the ""frcc'ion "ftb;" error "",,,\d, of to,,"",
rhe per<x"",&<, of in=aot. Tt "",uld nol, rhange 1DO.,eri;illy
l!>t: p<arn1 ro<al ..ti.II'U:e.
Thil of iDcre:ue don not MId.."". ..udr in lhc .",..,.,.
political districts. 'n the Easlern Hm D;strio:u., ,be of
fr()m 1941 to 1952 ..",.. : F.." Xo. t, SIU% ; E.ulll:n. 2, 54.8% ;
u,t ""0. 3 and 4, 32.2%: Dhnlr.uta, 34.-1.%; II.m, 25.9%. In lhe
Lut"rn Inner Torai, i. "'aI 129.3%. In lhe Eastern 'ferai ..h, .he
"""" &ra. Pa".. R:l.UtlLlrl, 1'.9%; Si"'a and liao""",n-
Sap" 1/1.6%, and Bir.rtn:tpr", 27.7%. Various ec>on<>rnic and
r.,.-. lldoubtl1y -..., "'" u...- ClIrtmC Yariariont, U>d
.. M\ber oimiI... '""la or ino:uaoc (;:In be UO\"d """ projeclina p"puL"ion
qura fOr .he Ra< dttadc io qUQlOOabk. "mar be ..... med,
tha. impro,"t<t .tand.rds of lilmg will lhe death tMe and mar
............he birth ,ale, both of which will lenu to incfU" lh" te <>f
?,pulation grm.lh. OlnionuMl. ...... ,'2tialiDns .nd UI1ir.nnw.. faann
=U il Clttmltlr dillitul1lO do:vcL1P WUC:tlicnal plalll "'" Ihae .reas in
_ <>C oM nllmb <Of J'Upili <0 la:: aCU'mrNWl ..ed Cl< in '<nIlI ollin;oncial
.....,."..". a,':LiIable. Similar figurn 'or W..,em 1\"",,", are no, .""aabl...
The na..w, 4 fourUJW in au area ia .nn.h......ignificanl index ill
..c-.-lio..:<l pla<>ninl' The 1952 c",,", 627,132 [()I' the
<:ss<crn ar Of 5, 3 penom per f;unily. ?rojcc'"" "11 lllia ,al;", lllia
-.Id mean a total "r 1.4llO,298 ranUlies f"o,. :tU or NqNlI in 19S2o:r
rautilies in
The 19S2 ....... alao .hcnn a te>t:o.I or 7%.4Ot -.... !Of lhe
..,..,. (od,,' <his .bould be Ij6lh more <ban lhe ,,,,",bcr" of &milieo ill UIlCl'
flamed}:.nd lhe' of in=asc [rolll 1941 to in the num!>er
.. !louses. Thcoc el",cn_j'u' inere.ues for the ,ever.l dislriCts.,.., , !:'.a.l
_. 1,45.2%; Easl N.... 2, 45.8% ; Easl No. 3 amI 4, 27,g% ; Db.ankula,
:!U;o,;, ; 11am. 80.8% ; Inner Terai, 144.50,,"; &ta, Panoa and
.b:".h.>t, 114.3%; Sir'" and Hanuma...Sapr, Jhapa and
Ibt=:o.gar", 101.1%. "Thcae f... a.nd u:n.r 10 -...ppon
.. for the popul.""'" ;n<:rel1SQ in aomc dl$lTiets, but are 10 f"ar
'""'""' bother disule..... l<l thmw doulH on the <'a!irIity or .hem. foolcYtt-
:6dcta, en'phasize once again oome of the dillieLlhico of educalional
tl cing in these .fe,,".
Still _her inda. of inlCrCSl is <he JDuiq .f 'J';' In the
--=......,. re.- ..hid< .... ""ailabk, we Ii.Dd lhe "1Iowin& ,'1riatio...

inK lie'
V, an<



%or Pop. %or lnu.-=
O'...;,y: ,,"0.

ill ,,"0. H<>....,.
19i1.1952 1!J.I1-1952 Sq.....'" Vil1an"
1\"0. I 370,248 !JO.5% 45.2%
,.. :0:0. 2
'" F...... No. 3 275,5(3)
m 27.9
Ea.t No. 4
Dhankua 513,398 32.6 134.5
115,075 25.9
217.1 .a>
Siadllldi 102, 101 1 {II,.I
129.3 U..

210,878 13.9 114.3 .."
Rau'hM 18!l,500
5;rh_, Sarla-
hi &; Manu-
manNag... .sM.999 18.6 12.S.7
'" aDd
Biratnagar 308;f'28 m 101.1
- -
j" the n"",her or people per J:Ilile , East No. 1, 248 ; EMt 1\"0. Z.
190.8; 3, 135.2; Uo" Ko. 4, Dha"ltuta, 134.$; llam,
2[7.1 ; Sindh"li and Udayapur (F...aslcrn Inner Te,.l) 113.1 and 97.7 ;
Pal'U, 249.8; Bar. 409.5 ; Raulhat, ; 5irh and Hanurnan-Nogar,
473.2; Jh.o.P& and Bi.-alnagar, 200.7 ; .... 206.2. That var\alia".,
from 97.7 In 473.2, furth... atOI'ntua'" the probk:IIu of educational planniJlr.
Another fa= to be It the no .j...b
nearly all o Ibc pagpIe of Kep.rJ tn,. ill"'U1at> f>t ; r&f'dy doer one
IiPd an ioola<ed
ril. with an .,..,..., or 303 rcr- pet p,<>jlIOd on this
"";", then wen: in 1952 an Qlima<cd U,G40 villagu 10 an of Nq:>al.
A>-erag.. fir ,.mag. ,i giv<: a vel'}' u.....'ufaclOry picture fOr <:du_
ClItinnal planning became large tOWl1ll dltlo" the .,"aases, onen, too,
there may l>e .,,,-enl ,."ry "MU vill"8"* cluttered within, sa.y, a mile of
uch"" too ,mall to s"PPO" a ",boo!, but ""ell group<'<! for ..
ccntroUy locale<! "<:onso!idated" schno!. /I;....=the-IeIo, the 5itt
of the fot the """'erD ar<::II are '" """,. the ,......tions:
F_ Ko. 1.2'6; East \'0<>. 2, :re!; f...... r-;.,. 3, 2'll2; as< :-Zoo 4,221,
Uh<uIkul;>, 2?lI; lw.., 487 ; Sindbuli,I64; Udal"apuo', ISf ; Pars&, 413;
&ra, ; Rautha',747 ; Sirha and Ha""",..Oll_Napr, ; )hapa and
Ri"'ln.r, ; averagt 303.
The fo'.gooing a", ."mma"".d In TaLl. IV.
In lbeCcnsus [kpartme:nt made a tlUl run wilb dcvm qucotlo....
""""mrnc:nded by lhc Uni<ed NAt>r.1IS IOr cm_ takinlJ, ... <be \illqc ..,{
Ilt>no:po in Eu. Ko. I. In th< 1952 census. Ilimilar Ibl:l "'ffl: obtained r",.
Si<al'(>Dgadb. a dinria ...b-divisiDn..,{ Ilano.. 'l1>co< oamplings afe too limited
to"",, U """",,,.te pmjcctionllO< otller areas or Nepal but throw inlet""
"'( light on certain characruucs "fth. repulation.
Sirrnongarlh <onIlioI. of 21 _ ..nment f'tnt-p"}'ing unl... with 2178
b<>tIIco """"'pled by 1251 familico 01 maks and 'I:H lir:rna.... 'n..:
hrnot unit, the \illaA'<.,( Il>Chabol, has .. popubtiun of 674, ...-hilo:: tl>c
=a.lIat Wli.. .. &UiId, has only 7 r'QCl:l. Bonepa b... Il<>PU1atinn "f!299
=!co:ond '324 fe:maJcs. or thae. 41132 arc astc Hind.... 353 arc of
"'bcdulc CUtef, and IH arc un,oucllllbla.
The "I' JUt';""';'" (}f Ih... t"", gmu,," ""mbined;" ohown ill T"hl.
\', and if baJ bttll projected ro, fhe population ... a ",bole.
Un"..,. Of' EDUCAnm< no """PAL
Simrongadh and Bonepa
Total Population
Group M t Tuto!
(pmjcetcd 1955)


3.oJ 264.353
>0, ..,
17ll 13.29
'" '"

, IS.
IlB3 9.19 007,202
.... .00
m 7.76
". ."
'" '"
1.0 \)0,374
12,819 99,97
...../,"hIf (}f lM 12,877 people lndud<d in Ihi> J.Il,mp1inl
& T.l.bk \'I.
""POltT OF N""AL F..DUO.T1011 PlANNING UO""'''I011
Sirnrongadh BoMpm Total
M. F. M.
Able lo read
'" "
'" '"' Able to read and
CornpldC<! primary
'" " '" "
Cornpleled middle
,chool ;
" Completed high
, , , ,
Now in highor
, , ,
Total literate
'" "'
TUlal population 3120 3134 3299 3324 6419
%Literate 4.7% 30.% 1.9% 17.8% l.3% 9.5%
To\al numocr of
O(hool age' no
'" '"'
1481 1489
Numbct in ,chool
, ,
%in ""hool 1% .14% 7% 1.2% 4% .7% 2.3%
A. might"" expect<d, IIoncpa, the town, has a much mo,,, r,,,,our_
able edocati<>nal" than Sirnmngadh, the rutal area, both In terms
of li'eraoy and porccnt>.gc of child"'n in ochO<lI. However, these .ampling.
are 100 limited and Ih. accuracy of the data too questionable to aUad,
muoh ,ignific.oncc to them. Certainly tf",,. cannot he comirlercrl ".[>1"e-
.. of all Nepal. FOl" ."ample, the lite,-ae)" fate fOl" Nepal as a
whole h.. !>cen estimated to be no more than 2')'0' althOllgh th",. area'
,how 9.5%.
Of extreme .lgnificance to educational planning i, the 'IJRl:"ag< "/",un
by th",. people. In Simroogadh, 99% of the people ,peak lIhojplln, the
local tongue. In lIoncpa, .peak Nepali, 76.8'10 .peak,
.. .peak Tamang, and .1 %,peak Urou. Ina;mueh a. Nepali ha> been
declare<! the national language, Simrongadh, with homogeneous f":>Pllla.
lion, p,..,.n" .. nHLeh' uf a problem" a. &"el"', wlth ,copect to tc..... chlllg
language in the curriculum.
Aoolhcc fnctor affecting ctIucalion, brought Oll! in these limited
>ampling., "."" the i"",'d,"" .f ,!Ii/dJ_d morriag" "'hich was fouorl to be
much higher in the rural ("r..",nabl)" more backward) a<ca (<cc
Table YJI).
{' t:'th".lt"i from %', d.,.i,t<I from \')
92.1.) 18(4.,o.J
38 140..)
M. F.


T.'un.E VII.
},b...,.iQl in
_he 0( iQlpor<a<>oe "" edUQllon>J planni"l io ,h..
.......itf.J-liV: al'd Mo" in SimIan.
".-err" ;21.2 and IS'%,;" Simm".
...-).1 5
F "" T.-Ye \"11.1 """'- IlKo<nIplItional cfu"';bution <>f the r-p1c.


338(4 '!".41

S2(I%) 36(.4%)
89(4-5%) 200(2.s,'.)
29(1,..) 29(.4%1

3llO :11 401
1,2:!>3 6J 1,316
7il3 42 745
19,446 20,010
Z9,617 71J 30,330
671 8,02:1
6,32fi &,866
4,6((1 %6 5,1:16
493 3!> 5Z1I
U13 39 1,2:12
6,315 748 7,063
975 75 1,llSO
2,QolO 510
3,:lOO le3 3,463
71,01111,105 :16,186
3:1,150 1,:158 3MOII
1l,818 879 1:1,&97
Nwnber o( Student. A' "8""
IloJ... Gin. Tf>I..1 N of
pupils per
661 1,000
296 1,18+
fi5 715
1,028 2,ll!I9

:\ lirldlc
T><u .....,<:Cl! pro.,it!e the Il>OO' rdiaWe Ibta avai.lablc M ""hoot
11a,il!lc, : a I:di'io" "f O<tJJ.... NtwJ daled May I, 19$'1, and pili>-
IGhed br lhc M.miner of Ed""".ian, stUIUI.... rizins data lilt du, prtcC(\jng
)"eU ; and .. no'" f,.",., !be offi<x of Chicflnspeor ,,(Seh""" dated
Sept=ber 25, 195i, bringinK the up '0 da,. and furnil.billg jnblna-
tion on .",0I11ncnl.l. D>.l.& frolll the.<: OO CQ and f""" the
ttDllU h,,,'. btm <:Onlb:intd in,. IX 'Id X.
Hixhu 11Ilu,,,tion. :
IJegrc<: O>lIcges 7
Inte""",nalC" 7
J....u,,,tion> ,
'h"'" ,abies it y be ...... tlult n. 291 "-le enrolled in
1320 orh""'b. 'nu. r<p" "t> 3.5% "fthe children of
or by I",,,,,,, 3.1% <>f the dtildrc:n of primaty ri>ouI ;sg;e, 3.3% "r middle
scbool children. J.!I% .... hi&h od>ooI child""',.nd ,:1% of lhe college "
group are in ochool.
E"gli>l, :
UTUn' M I:.J>I.'CATlOl'l '....6"....

19 (

t::; 1,1169,941 1,625,205I,DIO,.I:H


<en of or:hooI

129,691 ",..n

121,lW! 18-1,785 111,886
39,a:l1 60,157 37,:.lllI
3H,913 :m,l06

T<>W .'\0. 01
5.L-b :
f'." ,
'" "
" "
" " "
'" In,
, , ,

'" "

'" "
2 2
s.u..krit :
" '"

, ,
2 ,
" " "
fl.ic :


, ,
" "
, , ,
1'Q....... <1000I
Although o<hool <n,ollment .... <:s not ","l>I.. by zon.., it may
be MIc<! that ,he "",nber of '''''''''11 .. ,,'" proportionate to the popul"'ion.
Zone I hat" ....tin of onc ,chn<Il lOo- """h 75118 penonI ; Zone No.2,
OIle fOT cam 6633 ; Zone No. 3, one far ea(A 2400; ;>od the ranaind<T
"rNtpaI.,",e 100- c:ad> 9993.
Some idn. of <he oik or thnoo tcbool> .......ybe pinN from Table IX.
"'I'bc Engl.... sch.nolo a,-engc .......,t 2.9.caclwn lla" ..,h.oo/ ; the Sa,,"r;.,
I.l ,nch<:n per ..hool; .,od the &uil;, 5.1 per ><:hoo>l. The
primary .ehool. a,'.",J<' 1,4 ache" oche"'; ,he middlc,6.2; and
the high ,d.""I" 11.1.
Most .<1"'01. P""'ide =-<:ducatio....l facilitia IIp '" high school and
IMre an: ro,,,, high och"",J, tOr lirl. (two a. BiJ"lnag;oJ" :md 111= in
H-=,", enrollm.,n. is only 3'H2,tJo".fA%orl.hc",1aI.
.-\IlhtH;gh an a<lmill",a '" Tri-Ch'....i'" ben: io;obu a ""'ttleII'.
rotlell< ; ,be wlIlbincd remale college em viII""", IS 63.
.o\coording \(> informa,ion by the j,ducation Dcpnrl1nent Il,er..
wet<: lib'''r;.,. in )'lay. in all Ne!",I, ..U"rwhich are l<><:ated in
the large.- 10"'" arul autreL
......... the JIVl",b.'iun and """a.t;'".al dn,,- p<DItntrd in uu, d"",ta,
i. mal" be: lIl that ,he I><>puL>.Uon <If"'''''''' l. increoui"fl: '" a
pace and thal ",_lOt eduutlo,,;J ....e limited. Tbese
two fact! liCtthe <hallonge f".,. ,he e,m;',io". The i""e.o.sing !"Jp"lation
the m"g,,"",jo of tile "",k ; the inad"'l"''':;- of """c..tional I:'oilitie.
p""""u the [lI""lJICU1. Tbe nexl chapter ,h. 'lualityufp'Clcnt
alllQ.Uon in lenll. nf 'he uluaI nteda nf a.nd htt l""th.
The pre<.dinll.haptCT ho. r,,.al.d",il.<.l.xl<:nl of.ducalion ift
X.p:sl roda,. 1\"0' only a", lh,r. HT}' f.". hool" bm Ibeo. ><hoo1, .".
cnr.cenlratW inl" .... 'Mgtr low", and populol"m :nle", l,o,';nS Ih. ,aOl
m.>jorily r,I ,h. cowtll1' ltnlOl",hw wUGllion in .h. m<>dcrn SCRIC ,,{
the term.
ThiI aboen<. of WlK2lion cn:ak:l a '-acuum thal" dill"tculllo IJCI"""
- tbe<c '"'" Oll1y a few Kho<>lcd penonI fiom whom to ode<:' ad....",
am ....tial "r ><:bools : lhen: io ne> "idc-sprcad
"adi';"" of cdueaoion III bolotct dtc d!"on:IlIl oo'Ok>p ne>< ..hoob ; ther<:
"" "" P"''''''''' to Ii!"< .... war. Ott the o<her hand, th;, '"3OD,m, 0"",,
""",,,"a<cd, protoidtes a rdati>.'Cly dear o"-P>t:n: in "i\ieh to dco.i<>p a
?""J"aJwat can oho:d ound,..,. of obookIc mdhocb <>f .raifting
a,;d CID dC\-dop p"'u...... of ""....,..ion. ocien<ifie p-ineiplo and
...-du..,. ra.beT lhan tM;",,w.tcd Iry",", .!'adi........
. _ a", <dali"dy &<c to <b'dop a na,i<>o,all""'l{J' of
cch><ation. "" by .h ....,at pn:judi<cs, 1"'''''''''''' and uaditio.... Io"t:
,""",' ""I "'.........." ,he ..",bli>hed vaI_ in <h. ptnendy .,u,.inlf ..honO.
To ignon: <heo. "at.... would be ,,.ut.{ul ond {<><>li.... t'u.d..,,,non; i. ""'y
Ix umed thal many of .h_ cxi<t;ng ..1>001. ",ill S<od,...Jly o
dtc n pall""" 10 be etllalJli>h<--d : \hn, wC Ihould kltQltlOm.\hing of
<!:c 1""'''''' pall",.tu th, prol>able l,a",iUcn,
Lif. in "' center! ..roon<l the "ill08e. I',en in lorg'" tow"",
or Ihe .own _ f,>nncr villag.. g1"1lW I<> la'S<' 'hO}' 'on.h.d
ud jnined , ....ighbour;n( "illOll''' - 0"' ..ill rc>gni,.:d. Thus, fir.t of
kI. mOll prima,,' orhoob are .... ><1tMh. High ",hool.. "hirh g.neraJlr
!=nl= <h. upper.primary (grade> 3-?o) and middl. ",hool ' (snr.des 6-8}
to tlw:m, al ..ually li"tnd only in IlIe larp ""'""" and,..,.,....
a :uea or region. Iluically, however, the rilla!, school ..
loo'7rrl, 1.-ad'I;or, and the bdt nf <enl.-aliud and .,.. t:i=d raciI.i
.... I'or callcetin! "'*"'- rlln<h ror ,"p!*'.inr .......liun vc: deact:d. a
tuition rno q,''''" l'or o"J'f'Orting ..,ho<>ls. F= ""'Ring from R. per
""'nll> "". in pnmary gnod", '0 Ro. 6 per m"n,h per pllpil in .he
hil(h gTa<l arc 'I "ite corn"",,, in moo, of ,he sdu",ls x""pl ,h"",
cnti,d}' "'!>j>Oncd hy the goHrnm'nl). Thll income Is lotnctim<3
augm<:nt<d by IIran.. fmn, ,he cell".l gM"emme"" and IOme ",hOOIJ
rrx","" "!'r=" oeusl'or poor children ...;.t1.due:tlio""l ap,i,udc. :-;e-..".,he_
I.... n-e of ,he tchook oI:-><paI m..., toe chara<;'tr,kd
<harp,g lu;';"" and admiuing puptl. ""'ei'...,]y : ,ht). are not crncr.oI1y
r""".nd open ... ,he ...obli<. Thil 1%><3"', in dfl. ..., b ,""
""""' ....icaUy
Third, bern,..., then> a.-e "" few ..,1>:>N.. arwl ""ta,..., ,heir "'rti....l"'".
.'" mu"ly .,,,,,,,,,U: in dI",..",., the .<1''''.10 .........., <>nIl' ,he a.. ,Ii.
1\11111)" academit.lll" children .re "0' ",,,..,d. bUllhc <hild withoU!
a ploo",graphi< mind and "",,, ...,,1 me"",,;,;n!! IIO<m dropl'! hy the
wa;.. ;"". The 1>I'<Xfl' ...ho..vI. OK not u..igncd for <lr [""
avera!:" child. n.., an >de<.i,.." ara.lem"'allpP""kil'g, and
........,,-.:d r",m lhe n<.omtallif<: of l'opal ronmtun;l;';"
Four'h, the pra<f" ..hook ,.", -ftI ./ .-rV;t.nd ,alun.
"'fhom: ill a hig!> mortaI'ty in ......t oo:honh. AnhooJh. "'" "'" av:Ulabk
h> .how IoN uf pupils in lhe pr;ma.) and ><hooIo, h is ""ij
kn"...n of ,h_ ..."'" .ho final ex,nniM,i<>n in high ,.hool, only
30% \0 40% luCC..,r.,1. It i:! 00' lu b< (>I" n";,e<l a, ,he
p".,.cn' 'ime, IhOl eycry ehild who in ",h,,,,l.ho\,I(1
.u=fl\lly complete ",hMI, b", ,here ,ho"ld he t","';I\.\1 fl<\,nu
so 11,., f'l",oc of ",l ..enion ;. .... coml,Te'. "'ilh;n 'Ioclffor
""""'" ntt<k. The """.inuo", and hph...,.....rd ... and ,he higl. per-
un"'lr" of fai/U1e in ,he high ",hoot aDd m11"K<' tin.d ""'
...............rrUc:d 0.".;1 tkmoraJilin! ID the indh"idual.
rir,h, ""* Khooh d.......le:an oou_.. """" _I of ti_ '* tM tLJ..
i_/. oflftlM!ts (furngn, ;u well ;u .....ional and moth... 'on,;"e) Md to
""","_: f'" fit ,a""';"",ioru. '<a<hin!J" nIlc" occupi.. W% '0
80% or the currkulum ..11""" 'he 1..1 lWO or lhr""
rnnlllhl of each le.r to propar. ror final ovc" in Iho pri",ary
and middle ..:lwnlo. A... rallll, of ,),= '11"1'0 i< a "","'oabk
lack nr lime "'" ooci:ll "00"", acicnce and health. fine aru and and
";nUla' nperH:nC1't in m_ od>nob.
obe 1Cboo" are"'.w-.Ill.! Np. A1lhoot:b a re...
aumd are a 5'):, m'.-\'Y. They a,lQ>t] &edy on a oo-cdua.liool
bluis in lhe prim:lry and. mi<klk >ehouk, and in a r_ high It;hoob and
m"" <QlI<ll;e>, bu, ",..I" an oq.-cg...ed a' 'be high ochool \t:-....I.
Se,.,,'h. mOf' IOh""I, ab"ul I, ....0" of'.' J<ar,fic. a.d.
".I/d.),. "",t. fo, ,.". ,. fi.. M." a "".1, u,ually from 11:00 to
3;00 0. 4:00 P.M. Ho"""...... f""lUCfl' hul;""y. and fati'ab e"t down the
ac.ual "umloot of da,...h.o., loI"lIooI is .held. In the bol .ogiorI. the long
''''''''lion uouall\" mine> in 'hc heal of ,he .wn",... ; in the woler rqin....
the , ..cation coma in the <>nI<lcst pan ofth< "inter.
The><: clurx:rilltiQ, li.i/d "';/Ji"p -' and
i.......1dJ /ddI<T., tl.....ibe 'he 'on>mon cl"""",.. 0( muo:h of the
Ctlueatinn in N"JI"1 today.
B,,;/ifi.: ....t F.qllif>lnnlt
.\Ion schooit an: 'I""" limit"" in
.. ror offe';ru:
""lI<'ati<:>n. Tbe ,]i">;Ile (Jf ""o<h d

dcoc> not ''''luirc wJ,l1n 1.ouil"lOgs.

The bilJint. in ,he s...u.hetU T"J.. i \JI.,,,,, .rc thalcl>cd 1'llD&. on
barn""" pula, "1.0<0 on all ""ide>, 0< obiclde<l by rar an" fibre """"ins
fur lIw.Jc llII<I wind bea.k.
.\ '''''lib<><> fc"c" Illay L>c u>I 0> kp
In 'he hill ,he I><UldinJ;' ale Doade <>Cbtkk u'
:u>n.-l", bllt .,{,"" hlo.., dirt Ilo...n an<! ,"Ol}' wilW1>,,- a,o.o.
I" the
... both ..f.haoe otyla ""' lUlmd.
l>I:onl- ...J"",,\. I"",c lJoauliful
fUy ......
(usually no, 0>0 clf.;,,,!)' uttd) ; nth"" are crowdC<! into lhe
heart of 'Ow" 0';'11 OWl' W
daildrn 10 pbr
So",,, ...rt wcll-.>had<:d "1(3i"'l ,he heu of th"",mCf ;
otb<n arC
ill ,he open ."..,hioc to Lake ad"an",!;" <lIthe .no"" ......
s"me pia.' arC... ... ,c wdl d"',ncd ; "'hero an: Ww
"od '""""'1')', or ditty
f-ozn the ,of_..r the JI..',".
er the u,"'_""'''' t\'pe ,,'i,h ,,,,,,, .,.. 1"',h>.I'" ,,,..,
In ,he 1",,,\...... tl ,dt bo,i1di,,;, ,hin '''''''mti ..,. Ihe
\ h
,dv..!l, !, ....1>
1, _ ilia" COnLain man" too.rnl.
3'J m Cl. Q.>C N LJ.Jtoa.r H.'lb Scb-:><.J. l"hoe claMru<>m. be ... Sln.ll
;>I 8" 1'1 ,'="'< fA
... u;e .. ill 16" 2'> fCCL
X."".lligh,ing ""'f l>e

....... ...-.l!s 0< by ..

"r '--u,i,,!:
<If tileq"aq'.
t.loc 00",""" a.'"t' "..Lit<: ckan .nd ;a rr:w 1>TO>'j,de fo<
a ok;1
r..f 61th and "...""iary conditiom.
U ....,
, J'- _
..... !roe:: mdequa,e e",,<>di.l -t-tr"icc and l:&cl< or 1l""""", '"
'-"P .. t J C
q iD rqi" bUI ..frO!" a rn.onably sali&facto<y e,,,,itonln<'n'
.... ob:o.....
The .pPJN1l1 ..r otO'I, -t-thool. is <J";,e rne<'S"c.
Sw;n!>' may bo: fmmcl
.... oornc pLoy 1"""''''' an<! "'l"iprnen, fur bxl>:lll,
''<Iller \D1l.

and ';miL.., .porl> will t.: fO<'nd i" ",anl' ..hnolo, ""P"Cially
qb ",!>nW.
Eq.,, "'" teaching "",,,,,,, and ..,ience, fine arU and "',Ilie.

atKl 11.;,,,,,,)", MC., and t<"" """i,,! ""
"",operath-e lea,ning
po-<>jttlf, u
;al,,,,,,,. _,..,><i.l-telll.
Onl)" l"",i<: IICbooh I...,'e any
<'qnipm....t fur tcaclting ,-.-al".. <or '",,,,,1 cd"""'.......
'he most
io,n .,,,,",,<:<, n{i..m.:I;..L _i6J, iI,b: ia<k
<>f\xx,k>, O>J>C"ialll"hooc " in.... i" Nel"'!;' Olll)' a limitod mmt"", ef
:-opali ,i,\eo Ita'T
been p';ntrd. arwl. n"",y ..,""'-'0 do not rr-- ",--en
Some Hindi, ,0< San.kril motoriah, hut e......
tbeoe.,.., limi,ed in 'l"""'i'} a"d '1,,,,li,,.. in ,he ..,hco>lo .....'1': 1I1oCon.
...11<" .. i1ablo. """all" ,hi". pal""" l.o<",,,d, po",I)' I'.'i,,"d
Roforence bc<>b and i" Xepali.,..,
b"Cn the "mpl... ..110....;..<11 4;41- are "'
f'''''luen,ly ,htle i$
"" d,alk",,",'d; ,he :md dlikLtn
,ite in ,he dtdl ..f ,he floor.
llullctic b<>ardt are ."",Il- ..en.
;\lapo--, eha,,>, givl>to, ,a",l.",bl<:J, and
.im,h, l'iet(l,;al ,,,,,,...,,,It aIT ..ldon ""nil.
"la,ben>a,kal and ",b.,..
ll><><1olo MC ..,,,cl,, "".ilable ...... "le.
No "'l"ipmen' ""1"i,i"8 el<.;";"'l
I'":er "NI be ",.,J in ,he 'h"", <J ......",ni,ico tha, ba,,,, ric<:t, ;"';ty,
b", ...h""b in .booc ""n,munitit-o tin ,>a' h",'" ,he linanc",j '''''''''CCf to
ptII'Cba-= ouch "'l."iprntn'.
Gone,all}' .peakillS, eduta,io"al oxpe,lenc"" in Nepal 'ake place ill a
"ery limited ed"ca,;"'nal environment. The teacher is truly challcnKcd
to impr",-;", and t<> cl;., Ic.aming w'i,),,,,,, ,he innruc';;,nal aid, u",,;]Jy
a,-ailahlo in ]lw,km .oh""I.. Thl, coukl d",-e!Qp in;';a';," and ;""oll,i,-o_
n"" in chil,],en ""d "na'urali,-"" education-partly at tho ox]>"""", ,() be
mr" of the kind of cd"cation needod for 'OOay'. civilization-hul actually
thi.! ha' no' happenod, in fM' cuse" l><tau><: or 'he inado(luatc
training of '.,che... '0 meel ,h;s ch"lIe"ge.
TtQchm Heir
No da'a "re ,,>'ail.ble 'JIl 'he of oflhe 3500 teache...
ofthop,cnt,dlt>ol . Howe"cr, offici.". "-00 han in,!",cled
><om. er 'he ,d,,,",'"' and a" familia, wilh the teache", cit. general
a::md;'i01l>. AI ,ho h'p !cI'd,;t;' krwwII ,hat the ",11ft" arc by
P",.,.ln. with baehdo,", alld ma"er'. deg""",,_ A few hayo pmfcs.ional
train;ng ill addi.ion ; n,,)<t dn nOl.
In ,he field of projmioMI 'hcre " 1Il 0], ,",'opal '>nlr (me
pol"$On with '11" /I.j""cr of E<lueaoion degreo, an,j "",,,,, a d',<en hold
the Bachelor of Education ur dogree, In addit;"n, th..,c ar<
about a dOl"n Jle,..,,'" who have had gra(hla'e '''a;n;ng in Educa'ion.
All ofth= [>eI"$OII' are employed ei'ho, in thc Minim)' of Education
Or At the Teacher Troining ('.entrc.
All of ,hi. l'l'o'""ioMI training wo. ,""urrd at ;n,,;_
tutiom;n India. It c"",i,,<<I "r ,he mual ""d"g"!\' ,""U"", in mClh<Jd,
uf 'c,,'hing, cdueati"naJ !,a""hnl .. adminimatiol\ a"oI "cg",,;,a'ion,
"'ron'i,ion, 'e,L, ond me,,,u,cmen\', enrricllh"". et<. (al\<I craf, work for
th= ""ined in !l.u;c Educa'ion), aIJd ,],,,,dd [,., C(llUI,lr.""d 'Juite
""'i'f,,elor)' for ,he per"",,,, SO "aincJ.
AI 'he ',ig;' teach"", with bachelor', dew"", or" dis,,,"",
Wl onl}" in the larger centers will a majority be r,umd wi,h bachelor',
.1'*'"""" Of 920 high ,dl<)<)] 'each", i, i. believed 'hat no, mure 'han
100 have ,he h.chclor', (ufa"') degrc<. Of ,h",e, fO'" if al\}", hal'e had
prob,i""aJ !\flU' nf t""'" holdlog ,he dcgree took their "'"rk
at Indiat\ i""i'ution, ; ,ome "'cured ,he;r from 'I"ri-Chandra
OAkge, 'he locallilx:ral art> col'ege.
To, ",idd" and p,-;",,,,} stltMls are ,taIfed b,- tcaeher> wh"",
range. from more literoe}" '0 high ,ehooJ tnatrieulation. Very row arc
lx:lie,,,d '0 ):.., mat, ic"lat... of th" ha,'e <\,mp!e<e,!
the <'J<tlnlcn! "flil'e!u eight grade" bu' some, e,pecially in ,he primary
><hool., ha,-e had "" formal scho"li"S but ',"ch by virtue orlle;ng able
to read "nd write.
11" baJie scnoo[, are "affed largely hy matriculat", or !lOar ",atri.
",date, ,,'ho 'ccei"c<! one or 1\<0 rear> ofprofe<,;"nal training at tho !la,ie
Ed"eati"" Training C<nlOr which wo, op<:,"'ed fnr yea"
in Ka,tunandu.
Somc or ,h,,,,, ,cad",,, "'0 r;rod army m,n whu Can to 'h"
children .<0"" r""-h",,d kn",,'hlg, or the world ,hcir l"Cgion.
Bu' man)' ,>cher> h,,'c ne'-'r boen 0'" of their own ,\Ianyof
th"", 'cache" w<:re tutored br pri,-a'c 'oach':,.. wi,ho'lt ,he ocncfi, ,-,f an
organi"d ",hool group, fur <herc "'ere vc'y few ",hool. a decade a30,
The OONtl;t" of " ../,,,, afe """""factory, to .ay ,he Primary
,ea"lKo... in ,he villaS's may cam R. 25 (Dolla" 3.1) J><' nlo,,'h, and
th";,, ol\en unco",in, nn or rtts by Ihc: pupils
..... an nrca.ioonal d"" On... the pal" " ki..d" (d..._doIh, <10:..)
ta,h... ,h>... cuh. The "'''''''nnm' 1"'1" _kfor high.mool m...hicula,cs
io R._ 60 fi>r pri"""l' .01>001., R.. 00 fur middle ""It""l 'c.che", "nd
RI. 12'0 for high IdlOU.l leachers, 1.><" 11')' more ,ho" ,,'"" "f'he
..h<n;ue goo>=nmcn, nnpIDl-.:d.
The ,..i,.. of."..... _not a panicubrly fa"o"""d OIK. He putl
in a long day, t-aU$C to .upplemcn' hi. ,"""gTf: inc:uoll<' "" m"" ""pI
in o,h.........,..k_lL1U.Uy f>fming if" ,cad"", or "'tli,lunmg"
(ht,,,,;,,g) if ill a lArger ,""<ri:. onc" hi> "uthu
;ntom<;1 "..".., tlun
,h3t ,etti,-cd r", [<aching. His standard of li"ire io _l1y DO' hish in
_Itpar;"'" with hit fiicolck, anlt ",od)" does I><- hold a JX'Oition of n..._l
pratite In hit (DmmuD;ry. Th...., ci...,.,,,,,,,,nc.. ,ecrui,;",! dillicuh,
"'lIcet in ,h. quali,y of randitla,,,, ror ."d disc<>uragc the
dcva';"n nf """hing ,,, l>r<>kui<:>""l le"cl. Ollen the: '.aeher's work
i! no' app.-..cla<ed by <he puhlk; he hat ukcn up
bcoo.... "" can Md DO "her .....B in all, thc: ,cac/>a1;
po-..;,ioo it nOl an eD.iable onc.
CIItrint!M-U .f lJw &
The curriclLlumo of "'- ocboaoIo vary <OIt&ido:r1IbI)' .ca:nling to type.
The major 'YP'" dilotuwd in 'he p.-<:o=Iing chaP';"'" all 0'" noon"",l
'ra,,,in!!" from .he primary school through .he lug!> I<"MoI Jovcl Or the
and in gene,.1 tc" yea,.. can be I{' be the lcng'h oftha
pc1iod. Both EngIi>h and Sarnkrlt wllcges a'" <tibble, bul only the\ish prngra.mmc IQds to '-"""".
TM "'mm.... af W &1!isJt sdloM<, the dominant pI"""" at "resen.,
ill",uernc<laf,cr that of.he English ""hr",b j" [ltdia, ,,'hleh in ,urn i>
pat'" .Iler ,hc >ch""k "r F.ngbond. Tho ""hool i. graded In'o: It.>w<t
pri",,","!". fin< ,.... grad'" ; 3rd to 5th gr"<i<l; mid<llc doni,
gnd<s 6 throuch 8 ; and I<bool, ') uwl 10. The: curriculum
iDcludn lutgllal[CL I'.nglith 11 ",,,gh. rm." V1'de 3, and ml'di"", of
ins""e';"'D in ,h. higb .<"""1 io ",,,a11y i Sa""k,;t and Ne".,l; are
l"t'(1"ired f<>r the fiMl ""hoollCOlving osaminat;"'" i an,ltho nlt>thcr "'nll"o is
"'''gh,. Hindi and Mai<hUi may be laugh' .. <>ptioo;tJ oubjccto.
crn)Jba<io is pia,"", on ttteo.c a1thologh the Ira,"", '" otWr.>cnt
fq,,=,ly is ..... hiJh. "P"' """'plt....n <>( hilth ochonI. "$1,,1>
copially;, IX"O"ly ...."lfht, lacgr:ly beca"", the 'ea.hen 'hem><l\.". ha,"" not
.tlalncl. high (legru vC roDlpetcnOj".
Ari,hmn;c is taugh. in <he .lower followed by and
in the middle and uppCl' lldr:o. Sci<no:e is ..."pt in .he uPl""'"
;010.1.., ,o;en<:nIllr witho,,' lhe benefit or. bbura'or'f or .den,ifu: <'q"ipo,,"n.
an<l .I'f"',...... Svmc gcopaM)', "i"i<'"l and a bit of h;"""y (,,"11)' IOOian,
X'J"'I; and EngI;"I,), og"(uI"',e, acro"ntoney. "'('a'in,, a.nd
p&1I"i"ll, may be ta."lltt, ... "V';"nai ..bje<:... and .par" <ound
"'" ,be I" """" """""" 0 dailr p<TOad is >eo aside It>< .....y... ,
an an""al ochool rnapri,.. mar be puhlisl>ed_ Foren<ia a..d Ulhltrnl
prognomR'l('> "'a)' find a plac<:. Me'lwd> plac<: h.a,'1' nn dem,
mrnw<, ."<llce,,,';ng.

The 1''''11' CM of tk pupilo u d<1emincrl an ann"al """",in.,inn

hcl<! M,he .nd nr ye.r. 'rh<: I"" ,,,'n are <1",....,...1 to a .."dy or
the q".,.,;on1 nf ,h. r,MI ",h<;.,1 !ca,-inK cJl>rnina,I"....
alld thn-e .re "f"'lc,icr" Iun> Ofl lb. a.,nina'iot, months l><:lOu
...... ....,
The F.ngl;'h ",hof>l. ha,.. be<:n a' a rhinl1I.1nd ,..,...ion or a
>l..t<-m ",,'cr r,,, NCf"lL Th"ce""r,,1 ,.adu,,,,,, arc likely to
And clerical .... ...u with the ....n,n<n' by ''...u. of tho:it .bili'l' '"
I'Ud _Old "Tile Sopdi aad r.,.l;u" b.nmue:hol"th<-eurrind'
o)Q.iotl.>l ,-"1",,. Fur 11..- who d....p nU, ""'''I>k,;,''I 0<11<>01,
liUl. ol" 111""<,;,,,,1 "'lit", ha. lJ<,cn gained C>C<'Cp1 Ih. "hilily In.<alI and ,,',i,.
Tri.cNndra '0l'" ,he toglilh ..,.1,.,.,1 h h. hoth
at" and ocio:na: d"--"- and is p.>nttMd .n... 1h<; I...u.n
bring ., prcocnt aUiliate<\ ,,-,[h I"'"", t:",,-eNi'Y (Il1dia). h is dco.idcd in ID
, .... ''''",m<dial. 'Iag<: (fi",. ''''0 yea"') and ("1'1..... ,,,.,, ,-"a,..).
TI", ,"",<:<,1,,,,, i""h"k. lhc ,.. "K\ o<;ene-.: """""'.;,,
..ll' bj' ll>c: Ittt,,,.., and "'''.....rcd I'}' .h" ll.lloOl
Iin.oI otuJIlina.""", .t the of" <he intenncdia.l< and ti""l .laga.
T1I< "",;...,.", of ,'" s-dril S</w/.r, .he: Gom""",
"mpha,i... 1.I18"agn "Hn n,o," than Iho Englioh ><:h""k,
innm<lit>m Ri,...., in ,he rnolhc:r t0t\8u., man\, hours "re d",ootod to
MnDoti.i"ll ""'r"' <ofSoo".Lit .......!I)' r"".. eorll' .. ""itiogt, '" .""IS
r,..,.., 'U .",1 T=j"". JM """'rs. d,jl<ln:ll m:il< 'bM1"'8"" in
un",,", .ilting ...n lh< 8,"un<l <rf4S-k.1!SnJ, and """",-j,,g b>clr nud lOrd. to
m.i"lal" rr'llm.
TI>ae ..:hoob are DOt rigidly class di,ioiom b<'i"'! made in
of the pupir. to ""her .h.... hi< all< .... t""" he: ha<
loo:en in school. or,,,,,.:lI1 <hildOTR "'''' logt:tI'<T i" """ cl...... Sub-
ject> ."eh a, .,ithe'net'e.... ime ami roei"l Mudi.. wer. onl\" "'I'oh' foo"d
in th_.<huoJs 19,i[ ..-he" they ""<Te madeoo,npul"'..p;n... Ihe
tUmntC'f>[b,,,,,, of" 14"""", aDd 'he Samlui, Q,llcge. .\1e:tbodI
<:otU'" noootl)' of drill ,,1\<1 """"","ization.
PlIpil. may ""nt;n". thi, w'!'"k ",hat a'e 11," us".1 ",hool
lTan and'h.... pr<>t:=Il<' Ihe &.nskl'i. 0I1kg<: in Ka,l"nandu. of
ilK .....,rs 01 1"" roIlegc en"'" rd;"'-iota ....".t, rnldi"8 ,he oail"Uf"CS to
r.mitt and nthn- $ltU..1J !"'Up'.
-rh, c."'''"I"," ./ l/or 1::J.uliM 1dMI. i< ",ackodl)" dilfe,,:nt rrom
.Ius, or 'he o,he, ",hool.. h roll"",. 'he Gandhi"" pallern eslablishcd in
India aDd is to 'he j,odi"idual in "'''''y "-"1'.
In till r-t " be>ma ,! ',.,lInin<! a, ""H as ,he
"loHie" e<b of life. II is <bignnl 'I'"ilicauy JOc ru....l I;[e in
'" ""unlry ""h a, India,
"'loe <"", of tit< Ct,rri<uhr,n is the rr.ofI "oo,k. Eac" d,ild 'l"'1ldt
snallY houn " ""1' t!uo..g....... bis en.;'-e.rnaol no...... learning
",..,a,in<:, vto",h..".L;,'lI:, and "lr'"kuh,,'e ,,' hi. h.Di< .kill.. AridLInellC
is lear,,<d V'"nble"" nu' nf hi. <,ar, ....i<n=: How
mu,h yam he con .pill' day, me....ui"lC a [!cid, etc. ,.....n!'.a!:",
rudinll, :on<t ..,me t"''S''''phv a>e l< lhe """" "'''1'. Hiuorr, ri"i""
ntthe <:urnc..lwn and P"'I"<T, poh)U::a.l
Mining, cuhuu! and =tiutwJ P'''.o:nun......... and ,';lIage nnp""'''''''''''
)Xojcocu are mmmnnl)" fl>Dnd.
Pc:rhapo; 'he majM "r ani<: F.d".... 'ion ill i.. inlluibili'f, <)<
the fail ..", to ad.,,,, it to ac,,,.1 ....."di';"". In v;]\'g<'> where ncarl)'
all i, iOlI""'ro.. ,pinning continllO lu 1Je patt
c\\,.""lum. In. rtglOn wher.. dhuh"" h,n !>etn ,eplar<"<1 wl,h l,;"IOll'd
';011<>1";"11 i. 001 indudod. ,\no.l nl> ad:>.p'a';n". ha,'" !><'ell made
,,, &sic t:d'lCalinn lu urban .ucb "b,ai... in !"..pal ,0000l"'
th.. type nf odIool b< ,,..,,.., functional ,h:ou OIhrr 'ypc$
rnr mauy childrt'fl. iu lim'" i" ,-,,1,...
nr ...,...._ .., e-,.. is de>ignal ...... on.inin( ... lcaden
or ,he :a..ddhB' faith, and It. It:ofn" ut..., r.. ion ,he pUClical
nctdo of "'...,. <la}' lir.. Ao poin',"(! "'" in Chapter 11, "Tb... ",o_tic
i""i'ntiom ho'"e di,eetly .,,'ended 1.0 the ,riba ,h. i"'linCl""e
..n,in>("n" of 'hc his,oric R..,l,lha. ,,'hiell hasc lxocn gathcred
;n'o ,h. ,,,JM,iM'" Tih"'an ,txl. of the Knl\jYlIr and the T,,"jr".. 11,e
Ihe learn_d men, ,ite ",i",lFcb, a",1 ,he ad;"" j",," "",,,r...'<.I
,he I",,,,"crfnl .."etJ of the ""I'll,,'''' 1' .....,. by cl'Caring roluurr"J ,lei,i..
in di/fertn' ,o<><K!. an.lllI."if",la'ir>... and I"'in,ing apocr'l'hal
,.ioif>... ..r hel. arod. _nuiun after their earthlr ooymn.. It is 110', .here-
"". UJ)COmmrIn tu lind Ute GorLhas of '-.oriuu, tribes repairing 10 I.hc
Gomp.u of TIbn <htir >pir i,uaf ""","""",,,I and for .hri.
chanc"" of an h.oOO<IJCd """ in the Hca ur ,heir cooocpIiun aficr "";"3
"-M.Jite ............ in lite dill..--en. ,\tea o('he ...'O<Id ""......
"The curriculum in theoc ochonh embta<:a all ",peas of ,..,ligious
rites lOt " .....<nil 10 the <bill' n<u vi" the popub"" ; <>ne <'an .pedal'."
in ,"ocal : car,did""" di.f'O"'<I to bu.;n.... Can help to """"'S"
lnOl\&S,ic propcttia Ot ""lPK<' ,hom"h-"" in '.:ade ; paint..," can paint
TIbcu.n scroll> ; dream..... apocalyplic ,i>ion. guide ,hei.
fellow .lUd.., .. or eh,n, Pfi'l"Cn in e."acy."
Otlln scll.iJ mar be ""idly m<'n'ioDcd.. The :\l"n'..-i School in
K.,l\rn.>nd" l<J.lI<>",'. the ..-dl.knt>wn E""'PC"n ""u which n<>phaoiuo
I'f"it':c.. .00 "':l;,i!"" loo- ehiklrt:n, bo;,. ..... of do'..........i!..n...'" of
aftr,'ior of ,...,,10., ,..... i.-i,'!C ;",Ii";,II",1 dilTcrnKCO in
..bili,ios,.nd i",tn:olS of ....
....ho<Ib in ,he Ka,llm3nd" Valley full"", ,he
p:luc<n Of the En!tltlh ",boo" ..K1 teach from Ihe !f,ade in ,he mMi"rll
nl" En!:l;,h,
1.1nlll '=n<ly. ,I.". \>'.11 in K.'hmand" ,ed",ie,] .d",ol 01 apprn-
..:"dy high o<h""ll",'d 'ho' "fT...ed fin. MU, ,,-,:,i<:uh..,e, enginC<Ting.
and work. For -"",", <)( '''PI'''''. IOmC of 'he ..-.,,-k hili
brtn .....nsfern:d IQ ",hc:r i'io... and unlr " !t;,ndfuJ of r.... arts
.."denlS reD1ain.
'thc>-c io .1ao in K.thmandu a Ci,il Scr\i<:t od>ool "r.l'P"mnatdr
oec<>n<bory Ic\-d Ih 'O .. a .d.ool for IIooow ..-ho ho:>pe
'0 enlCt grn,emmenl ice .ia ,he Ci>i1 Ser>-icc CIa""na,ionL 'I1,e
elUphaoio her. ia on Xel',di 1anll<aK". 00' li,era,,,... ari.hrnc,ie. g<>DlVaphr.
h;.......y, OOok_k..",o; and .""",ulI'a,,"y, ll"'......nnle!\t pro<:e<Il"", Xcpllli
Jaw. an,l naturo ,,,,dy a,e aho "'''Si".
11>u b<;..f d"""ipUoo of educ:otion ill K<paIl<>do.y omphali.." two
(act< : flnl, beca ol tb<U JC1(,,;'y, x1000ls ha,." hM:I. '''''1' lillllittd
imp."" "" the di,int.. .nd ",,['ur< "r the ptople, and nco:tJ no.:>< innun>:
ad,-cntlr the <It,'clop,,,,,,,t or new ".,;"nal II<kw] 'l"'"m, S.<ond,
each lype of I<:hool ha"'''''thing tn oiTo, (I" now l''''gfam'nc : Ill<:
O}.., ...n.,i<: orpni...,i(lf'l of ,he fuJjl1i,h ""hno[" 'h. religiou. cn1l'ha.d
.... 11", s........i' .cl""". an,J the Comp:n, 11", , ,i<>na! .nd
anjlft:uis 01" die lW.ic: ........... _I .lK j<ct 01"1""
Wilh frem", 'f> pb". "ncl lhe ."perirnce of """,ing "cl"""" to
0.'" I<>,,,ard in the d"'o1<lpmclll the .pb"
<of M'OC<lU"n !I,a' j",:orro",le lhe good and utd"l "h.ra<,e,,,,,u "r
\ha< ..:1..,.,.. and <!....ard .be oLoolr!c, ."d limiled ",b.,..
C1',u'TU. \.
nn;" I'WI'U': SI'J-:"\K

1"""';"'" cbi""'" ha"" ,I",eril>cd .... ,;,,; r-... ed"" in
'he "",i ...1"'3'; ."aJ . i""';'u,;pm. ""d (und;.;"".
Whe" the o.mmiJo;'m U"" mM in ),l","ch, i, ,,'a. 'l\ nmert thal
no ""''e>' ,l ed"",tion ... ""Id be cumplclc ,,'iLh0'" "'-'me <'On"'"t w;,h
... th."'IICghOlU the n:Hion ",learn uf thei, alli,ud"" aoo
b<!i<U. <0 p1D their .a:><I 'G bcw."c a".. .., of thcir cd'I<'ll,;'-"'al
Cl'isioDCd them. The c,nnn;,.;on ronsidncd that in
... &:fO DO dome could be ..._ked lMll un'" it the IUppO"
.. P""'f'k. &Dd .... oduatioG is ... =,....
&;48....... ""'" to be made 10 tbe I""'I'ic in order 10 lind OUt ........ thcf od........... .0.<><1 Ioa' ate lhcio- DO:<ds "Ad aspintiont.
led to n,,, : me pKpantinn of a QllC$<Inain:
10 be ",idd,' mail, """..ier. ''''''''P''!'", a"d nodic> ; .<><1 th..
dep.ning .,(,i><ion mrlnbcn '0'''' 'he hi",,,c1.,nd. 'G"b>cn" <'(I,,,Jiliom,
lall: with the 1,.,"p1e, a",l ge. lhdr ""I"'"'''' '" the '1""' ...."n"i'e. ("",n_
fnonc", wr tllO'" ....bu ,,'erc i"'.......',,<1 in edllca,i{>ll ",..uld be """"",,,,11 xl
diif=n' """""" lO di.sco\'Cr 'he "uhe "f ,he j"="j<lc, ,Vcl1ldh,gly. "-
qUCi!ionnaire wn'l',cl'arcd and '0"," were atT,,-"gcd.
Th. of the O"'"Ilw><>n ",h" un<!"",,,,,k ,hcoe tOu'" 'n:lde
rq.oru nn "'eit fi<><lmg an,l broo.gllt bad comp/eud Quntionnai"". Tbae
IN-t<riah ha,. inc<><p(l<illed in the lab"l:,,;"... <>f'M 'IU"lit>o.n;illoc
"'hid> arc d.."...t u l<nitl. in "'is chap""', llle """"""1' arcall..-we
1. l'cpaJpnj and in 'M .-.I.1>c Tarai
2. GoJ... .o.nd Kalai).. in \he Omtral Tanli near llUgunj
,. The V.lIey Gf l\okb...... in ohe Wcn..... ltil1> of;:';o_ 4
4. bmfnnn:ss ... in Ean :\0. (i
5. The ri,)-' of J"-ll.. ill 'he d;,tr;<t "ftbo P;Ul<m
6. '!l\e cc,wal "..lie)' ...r l\cl'aJ ",i,h Kathll,and", and Patan
and llha<lgaoll
7. no,)' .. )io. 3, <<nlral belt
8. Taul""",,.,. in W01tm T=:u
I .. lIddition, ,be "CYCft I!OI13l ...hnoI u..pccton and ,hcit ...b.inspo<tors
made penonJLl Intac, wilh .tu: peopIo: ut thei.- _as ....d lien' in
rq>o<l' ...hkh hne been indudcd in .his $Iud)'.
The thkf l''''pe<e ut ,hi. chap,e, ;., 1<, P''''ll1 in (n"n the
tdu"",io",,1 beli.f> and "p,nIDn' ..r the dKo......ndo nf "I'<'a<ming
aU pari< "r the """..try, liLa"lltc and"'. who "wc: "",,,,,,<od through
.ha<: melho<h.
T Qanri.-IUIli.. - Pr....,
The q'!C";,mna;rc jr6_J bj- JI>ffl>hn.. nr ,he C",m",iMion .hmu!!"h
Ihe thr('C "'0'0';11.... IhM I.."" 0<' Hp at the {cuf,.tcul"m,
and lcachet lcaiuinp:}. Tt", 'I"'''''''''' were .ubm;ltcd by
the CIlmmi"c<:o, "iIcuJot.d 1' .he Com",;";,,,,:u a ..-II<>k, and ...,linnlli>r
publication.. &ao... dcoi=l &om aD In..,l< .>flit.. 1"""".1;....,
,h= ditl"na-. qlOalion....;",. -re ."'0"1/"", ...,.."'001 t"" """'I"
cduc:nion 01" 'he p<>tm,i.11 r""p"ndcl"". F"'IT buic q"e.' ""eT' ukcd
rn, .he ,imr/"< lrn-m : ,en'",.", ,,"""Oon' wore a>\ on .he tOr
b;lnon i nncl tWemreight'''l" '1uOS1;"no we" Included
ill lhe ['>rill fur p.....f=;.,n,,1
Xl> eIT"... m.acfr, to J;jm'.t, the """ S)"te""";"
basis bra_ d 'h" hlltl. <kgTcc "f ...l d" <omm.", ..
... ,ion and ''''''''1''''"'''';''''. E,..,."...., ..-.... y,ultl he I'taehcd
..... ill,'",d ,u ""I>,,,d.
AlTnngcn'''''' mndc ", send the t<> ,,11 "flit.
C'tllrgcs, K1Iool>, 1''\\h.",ln. nnd other cd"':ntio"" ."d cuhural ital;\"I"''''
of :>"cya.l direcl '>r ,hrouscl' 'he Chi<-f I "'pecto:>r "f Seh.:.ot.. A conf....cnce of
lhc h<:>odotwt<n of ,Ite ocho>cls in ,be K:>thmlondo \'nllcr "".. and
lhe tli>l:,-iboi<ftl to <I...... l.....nrinatt ,,",>JlIC ha,-;"z all mt<n:<l
ill <:du.",,;"', .. ioo;,"iduallr '''l.on'ed I<> SC1I<! their on
"",;';",,,1 by ",>I "nil' ,.pll-;"lI to 'he '1l><>,i"""a"e hul ah->
'epMutel\" if f"'i";ble. The Go"e'",," wh" ".... ,iti';"-!! i" Kalh"""du
w",e ,1.... 'Ullll1,.-"",<1 an,1 circul,,-, ",,,rc 5<;01, nl,,,,g ""lit lhe uf the
'l"".tm,"'iK, h' 'he u>er"ben of llle 00110"';"1: gmul'" :
I. The Co\'t:n>(IfO ,;,(,"" n dioIricco
7. All ..r the P=<:h.>}..... indudirtJ the
3. ....1111..' police cba,<ki1 and thrnugh the In'J>CrtM 0ener.0I
"f Pulice
4. All ,he J",pector! "fSch<><>1o, wh" were al", dop", ..110 "'''' lh.,i,
WI'<'!I 0'''' collect addi.w"al "'I,ll.. l<> 'lie 'l,,,,,tk>'maire fmm ,he
5. ,\11 the I<>rnt "Jroc:n-o, ,hrough ,he f""",t Ocpan..........
6. 11,e bm;".1a.., P:ot,,ari>, and 'e1,anU 1h'''''$I' ,\dd:t
rr"a,,,r)- Offoce)
" Th. ",""han1O Through tho Adda (Cm'on" Office)
8. The ,;11"8"'" ll.."ugh 'he CnoOl ViUo In"ilu,", (Village 1k\'I'lui""
u>en' Bvd;""land duo"&h .he Ac<icuhun: Depa.rtOlen.
Si"'pl ..."',,, for i1li".",
fom. far cducat.<d b.ymcn
form r... nl..catO>ni'1$
9. All 'he di>p<_iC> and Mrpi,m. lhrough .... M"'icallkpo.rt-
10. All the and ,,,,,"'&It du:: Publ;e W... k Mini>tty
11. All .... poK ofli<.,. th.rnu&h the Transpon. Md Communi<ari......
IZ. AD ,he Miniurico diruo.
13. The Sto'lknt Unions and "'->c:i>.,i<>m of the Kathmand.. '"a.I!<"j"
14. "!'he JudicQ.l O>uru Ih.""Cf> Prafl.hatl Ny"}..b,.... (lIis'! Court)
and Amin.i (M"lio""u,."Q>u.-n in the O.,r-it:u)
111<: pnople "r'he diol,ic.. ",tu e in the V"IIe,' on I.oulineso or
,]"., 0,"'11 "'On' all<} .nd q" ionrui,,,, Il""" '" ''''''no quntir>n-
Wa' ,,"'" printed in """"l"per (If ",id.. , circulalioon. In .,kli,;"n,
"-, I'<lin,e,1 (,,,t aoo,,,, it "'... rarricd It> arcM by me",I...... f,he
(;..,,,m;,,I<,,, who ,,-en' nut .", '0"". '1'10\1", every I'O"ible for
rcad, 'he l",'pk wa' "",,,t.
'I'll" G",w'\lnent w." Mked '" the qu""i"nnair.. f,u'" l""tal
dUly, an,l ....,,'.1 ,aHied th_ form. 0'" and b,..,"gh, """'pklOd t...rk frum ,h... "om",.." 'n...." of ,he ""un,,)", ",me "- ,,,,,,,,10',
y"""ey f",", the ...l. Rep<'a'o:d ",,,e m.>:l. ,n f'C'Opk '0
I ,he'l"c.,;"nnai,... \I"""kh' broa<!a.u from Radio """,
atTa"cr-d and !""'fk .. If>Id .....y lh< queHionnaire .. isoue<I, and
ar.<! (l.. n imtnxti.....,. u:l .bow ... till ou, ,he q"""-"'nnair. and...,.j it to t""
G n. lk of ""..cation .. ""plain"" and ""lwow"
""t. . !rum di!fOO'ftl' 'I ,.. ""eT' on !he 1Itoad<a>l..
l=.ti:c b ia u... """" "' print"" and circullt"" a"""'ll
!he;>c'Jllle- ArtideI _'Ott <:unttiblt<ed to 10 popula...... tlte
; a:>d dirtu QInU<"l wi,h prominrn. ed.K:a,,"".... and 01"",", wu
1qIl.. ...iUt u... ""1- ,ha, lh<rp" IheCNnm;""'" ,heir

In all. aboo.,t 12.000 'l"...iOItnair<:s "'e!" distno..,OI!. On many m

Ibt-=!hat .. retn"""" only brict a......",.. ........., ch..,.,. Sum. 300 to
+00 riMaikd ........'Crt. a<>d a f_ in.hodal. tC1l!lllhy "atcrnenl$ and
_""'........ frvm 1000 to 7500 ....,.-d<. Qui, f_ were ""urned frnm
,ill"l;< hndmcn ...110 bot! ",,1k<J ,heir <npttti,,, 'illqcn \(IjJClJ>e<, read
,he qU<$,i'",,,.ir. to thern, ,hoir reactio..., ..,-iucn (\<1,....
a",,,,,<S, .",1 had the 'eplies ,I""nbprinted by an ,1>_ In all
l&l7 'Iuellionnai",.....,." "1,,,,/. repr<'lCnling 1957 I""'ple. (See l.ble XI.)
1'0. No, Nn. Pcopl.
1);'1,;1>0,,0:<1 Rc,,,,,, ..1 Repr""",,I
!>:>1 551
4000 960 1210
3000 136 136
12.000 1647 1957
REASONS GIVf..,\ fOR f'OT EST.-\Bl.lSH1:\G
K...hmaodll WCI.
Valle)' "'''pal
69% 67%
T:\B1.E XII.
Gmlrl.1 0,;.;-
An of,J.<, qU<Sl bmincd '0 OM 1*>1'1< thou
<he Commission _Jth' op;....... ,.-" , ru....1do,,", bee...... <he burr
would I>< too $<""=cl 'et tabulate ."""rald)" and '00 ...
to u" It>. [, for Illanning_ Acc"f{linRly. ,he 'tpl;.. h,". bun ""di<:tl
";th 'he end of Raining broad idea. rather ,h." ,'at;st,,,,,1 fac... Some
of ,be gcntnl id=> arc .umrruuUcd b=, lOV'bcr with tables ",heu the
rrplits kn<l 'be",."k.. '0 tabulation.
Sum" c(.he rnpondettu ba." ..nt -' --un"*". In some areas,
..pedall) in tb" IRl""';'" of ,b" bilb. ha.h E.., and W.." IOID" n( ,he
,h'l in ,),,,i, wi,h Natu", '" oh out 'h" .'ay of hfc, 'he}' no<'<l ,heir child",,, in ,heir daily !'Ound n(work,
apia.U} in ,he .od 'he ,h"." and .0;......., ."d ,httdi>,.., ,bey
do n<>' IiL: 10 mo<:<T1l .b"...,.:I\-.. "ith <'du.,""'n. 0""",. ",.'0 ",W't
tJu.. ,here ,"""Id be mornUo:!r IChnoolo. Olhnl "'MU'- d... ;n ,he fint
I-ar a ..hoot io oct up it ......,Id be h"ld only in the win,er i in ,h. oerond
}'Oat, ftor." ""'n'm and af'a ,ha' a full'orm ":bool ma, be ee, up.
When pcopI" \U"lc",and 'h" change in ,be li",. of ,heir child,en b)
>1>0"-00'" 5C <'d",:a,ion, lh<1' "'i11 "u'om.ticall) adop, ,ho Iong.r
It ha> bccD li.>ul>d I'rom exp<Ticna: , during ....rvminlJ
the allenclanee in ,I><! io '"O'Y J'O'lI". In ........1 of the villag<o.
when th.,.., it p"'.....y and _01 there iI prx.inJt)" no demand li>.
<'dun,i..... Thil io rdlc<ted in Table XII by ,I>< ,..,.... gi.... fill 001 I.h.
/;,h;<g irhoDls "'hcre !lOne "xt.,.
,ime, .h.... "",.,ing incalculable ddAy in the ace"!;",, of .he ".."k, un_
doPb'cdl)" rtd""in!! tht rnpo:>llK {,om the affected an:u. Though tqlI"'"
otnfatlo>A <1l e>"'1" =ok .....I >nK:r of the (OWl'''' <:ann<>< be dail_,
il <an be .aid that ahna" par' has btto reachtd aDd a DCW 1_
,iunal co"",........... has b<cn ",,,.:d.
T.king the r.g>"es of .d,"anud C"\lnnia ;n,o "m,ideration, the
m ..[. has be<n quite enrounoging, and il h.. pom-.:d daub, that
Uw:: na,ion .. H....-all) hunpy f education. f(W ,,hio.h tbere i$ .. ,-ery
pa. demaad {...... all '1""ncn.. "The OOCII ", be ;",p"...... , rnr
aluntiof, "'h.ich m..' mah .hnn etI_Oca1Iy .oelr.-lIicic:D. and.heir
(.>untry "ultu",'I)" and ind..."ially ad,,,,nud ,,;t!>ou. Iooing ,he ..o,ional
identi,y oftbei, grea, c"h"llll ho,itage.
10 .. 'ha"f(,..., a'-l"",t, .....' try .ha, wc",,, onl} pbn. cunicoIum
and de"i>c 'M mach;n"') lOt .dminu'rftl;on, but also ;n ob" mM' back_
ward ar".' aron'" In,,,..'1 in "dllea'i"n,1 malltn by "",win"ing Il,.
pe<>p1" or in n""...i'y and impo<lanee.
On almoot all ,id.. the propl. ha'-. their ,dlfi",,,,,, le
,cnlrihl. <om.thin!!' to lhe <s,abll,hmcnt of a ...:h""J-,<ilhcr In the ft",,, nf
, ..,h, '>T "kind," Ill" lohour, .... w"nt of land-provi<kd ,he G",trnrncnt
pLo'" i.. 0..... and ""I'l'lia the tra<:htn, of which thoe is a va-y
!'"""" lkarth an around. Some pt<ll""'!'!' an Je.oy on land.
.... <hc collet..... of "w.d
al Itan._ Iim<:, and I>lMn
""""nrncnd 1l'M: le\'}ing or du''''' on ltwIri<s_ <:>tn'll '" ",i1ich 100.1
hdp is '" whid> it it o<'ed<:d is ....n'''''rUed in Table XIII.
,\!'I'D )/EF.IJED
T!P" oflldp tha,
<:L!I be K..thmandu
We" Eo'

H- I" - Z.)o.



I'" '
23". 16%


,,,.;F-..... tt.: .-.:1'1"']" <hc "-=J f. ''''CMS iI
"'" doe pooflie,.... prt:partd 10 II><Ct !he ..,... of
h ... ho:<::. -..l. tha< the dinrio:u r>ea, !he Indw. bwdcr
..., _ -.nud .. ""PPIr from India. "'a'uraUy pcuplc
__ ecbc- -..nrico haft <i> t,;: <mployt'd at a higher .. IAr), whiel, ,,,al.,,,.
ok _ip.'=?...... of the lrutitntion C'p<rn;,-c, AJ ha. I>n poin!td
........., the Commission r<:annmrndJ 'OP priori,y to ,I><: Iraining <>r
! ..... 'Whid> will be to 110)1,'(: Ibis problem.
As w::z..Ott ill "'" in ...... J-U in ""'pal ... -" sdtwIJ;
u.... bft:n _cd ..,. ..,.... educationi.... The building """et..."
"" tha>dKd ""hook arc "'" """,...:ilablc: in a mun,'}"...tUclI ill ... '''''r ricIo
.. bau. and bamboo. If ...., an ha",.,.. rnerg.,. and d,,,,c'
oh< cathusia>m ,ndkatcd by ,h. ,,,ne (Jf ,he ",pl'es. i, _nu ,ha' .h,"'t wiU
be: DO difficul,, in raisin! ltruClurC1I"'tablc ed""",;"n.
There is a ....,id J.. JoIIUlt ,d/w.t,... in some pari. of Lhe rot,nl,, and
Qc gi''''n in uphold,,,, rhis is .he pKfaeDCe .no"'n \0 EnSlis"
<doa>ed pn>pIe in !to'....n/Mn. srnice. n.c.e aK <>then ....... ....... w
"""""'" -J JJ.Ut and inIist that it .......t .... ma,jo, uocf,.l and
=olly -.lucn" '0 ocIf-.uflicirncy in <,t>DDtnic life.. Mm, of thooe ""ho
>"'C ...bmilted d.,ailcd ochnn.. compo."" our <:ounuy "i.h th" &<h-anccd
;:wu of.he "",till ;mp;u,rnce to .."i><: it to .he same Ie,-d.
Border landl Vn Ihc Nor'" the Eal! a,e linll\,isticaJJy and
....hur"Hr akin to Tibe,. Ht""'c our ,cprcscn..,ivc ..'h<:> w... ",..t ,,,
l>lcnang reports .hal onc rnember io ramily h... r=civcd training in
", at ......, mo.....try and the res'.do not "'ca..t educa,ion of any
"pe.. Simihr ill the <uDdi,ion 0.. u.., btlrda l.antb in r.a.ln1t !\cpal.
h JhouId booremembered ......t pct>pIc who c.pCI5ICII pd.... u,CCI ro.
=-tain typa oi" Khoo1s could chaooc ""'r from.hnoo: ";Ih ..-hich 'hOl)....,
Kathmandu Wos,

or...,.! .-\,.",-".e
fa'''''', in
"% "%
Fa"""r <mly in Primal"}' School 61%


AI,., favour;n Middle School

29':'0 36% 12% 19% 24%
Abo fa'.." ... in High Set-I 12% JJ%
Kathllllondll Wco,
V..Ue-." 1'\cral i\"'J>a1
Te,a, ,\,-eralle
Engli:lh School 480/. M% 55%
Sarukril smool 47%

VernaeuW School
"% "%
... """"
Ind.....-ial School
"% "% "%

....nolht:r 11'''''' sign <of'ncw ",,-u.n;ng in ,hi, roullUJ" is the """i'lj'
j",u.111d .r ......... in the field of !tocat;"n. H",>drrdl of girl. ha," n(>W
",',cad and writ< ."d c,"en dderly wo","" .how "'j",'H.. nee fQl"
ncgl<c';ng cdu,a,io" in ,hck early al". Gicl, "if; ,,'itll ill
<:du","'''''', .nd the cry <.>r ,.... hoo, ii r..... All. f",' l>e<>plc ill
ba,,, =r objectiu:n to ....'..Jrmlli.. .. an ....Iy age as ,he itate GIn '
alfurd In pro."i<k "'"!"'ute ino,;',,,"'" a, I.""lma'1' >I"l'"
E'.... In "'_ Q;'"'' at the >CUlD<larr Icni rn-cduca,,,,,, hu I-..
appro.-nI, but at a _ .... npori.lly ill tl.t rull I.>k><.m of
t1...... l_th, pnodcncc may dictate e"iWren bring traintd at separ.lte
The attitude:! towards are .t.own I" XV.
r.milia,. The high Jl<'"'"'1.gcs in ....... i"""",,", and lack or prd"ttcn<t
r..... any but ,llOlC 11-pa 'h.., I;,d, do not ,dice. "d,'cndy .. ..jmt the
norionol """"I to, !>< prOi><'lCd hI' the Co",mwioll ill I'M' 11 of this Itcpo<t.
Th" och<::mc, unk""",, hy the pcoplo when tlco}" lil:t<l ",,' the 'l"e;tionnaire,
combines realt..", of aU <>r In- s<hool.. The cXl'rU!ed "'"
in Table XIV,
fun""",,., M;tgio, and 'rha,,,,, in which it 10 to (,n<! OnO in a
thon.and who can .ign his name. A literacy m"ot be planned
fill ,he," p""ple, too.
Some of 'he questionnaire, complain that ,h.", ha< iJ<." no pro\';,;"n
f"r phyi,al anywhc", in the collu'ry. DriJl, phy,ica! exercise,
'''',mming, etc. Imvc hun sugges,ed a, a pan of o<l"",Hion. A lew go !o
,ho extol" of rewJnlnending <"rnl'ul,.'.! mili'.,.! training. fn, all boy. in
order to k""p the fighlillg ,pirit "fthe Gorkha> alive, [lam", and 'I"'r"
,hould be the ""lr"lar feMute uf acadomic life, and all m'cr the C(mntry
<>Jurationa! in";'"';,,,," mLl.I p"pubrisc these lor the de,,,lopmmt of
0'" >",,'h.
from ""me part. of tiLe To",;, many d..i,e that early primary
cd",><inn be g;,-en ill the rcgi",wlla"glUlg<, middle and """"nclar)' educa_
,ion in tht national Iangu"gc, and highc, educatioo olthe< In Engl;"h
<.>r io ,ht na,iunal bnguagc. In >Ome quarters, o:c1",lvc I',,,krencc is gi,-on
'0 Hindi in all .ta;:"" but the major afea> all o\'c, 'he eountry in.;';t
tloa' 8<pall, the n",ional language, he made the medium of ;tu'rUe';on
of 'he uppcr pfimar>" and """"t<la,>" ,taget. The.e opini"", arc ,I",,,,n
in Tahle XVI.
Kathmandu WCOl East
Vxlley 1\<pal Tcrai A"erai:<'
I'rim:"v School

71 42% 7;;% 790/ 63;

33% 44% 13% i6'' 28'0 ,
12% ]7% 75%" 4% 27%
IB% 22% 25% 51%'
8i% 59% 50%
,"" 53"/.,
26% 25% 12% i6%

20% 22%

57% 75% 45% 64%
52% 35% 73%" 26% 46%
:;"t",: -'1.0<.," f", !he T<,.; .... """U,, m,odi in m",,' ",,',i",,.
"Thi. rcil,,",,,, ,h" inn",,,"O 01 >be m;"iolluy >ohool' jn '10.
i>orJoding .....
Oul ,ha. ""tohle ,,,,,,books .,., lIOt .,.,.lbble. la the "pin;"" or '''It><'.
P<"\'i<i<,,, .houM "" mode in 'he l.>llc1r.ward and 1"""Cfty I.,.kkn .,..,.. to
I.ooob to ude.... through" ciralLo,ing 'ibnltr.
The N"p,di I\h.H:o Bibsin' Suo,.... and the N<plli
(literary "" _gend..) might be made more dyna",ic, :>nd by
MnIngttneDt of" .uitable: ..aff, be able to "nde< 'he "......1< of ,,,,nda,iog
the: bn, booL from all
in... Nop<ali. "'""... ,h,,,,1d be
I_arm ,he pn><!lIct,or> or a Ilradal ohead.... and ,,,,,,books I"l",ble
for .11 cl......, and nth.". \.oook, .""',Id l>e plc"t,f"l fn< "IC of ,he "mlenll
as -.u as /Or .be !fC'l....,.1 pl'bHc_
:\"0 mO"l{ Mn"icti<>... 1itt11> to be held regar<li"ll ,h" ..,.onri....tioM 0/
the k/oool 'pi"". T1I""" is fairly ""cll lIi."ibll'ion nf opinion rqan!i"ll:
the kns.h .,r,h. prim...}', middle, and h'Rh ",hoots. Table XVH.oowo.
01;':1'1' .. ck["", or thr<C: Je:.N each !Or th<: prIrM'1'" and middle
and r'''I' f<)r ,h. high "''-I, IOlal of,,,,, y"".... Ho""",,,,, a larg<o aloo ""'our sI"",,,,_ and " fc', lunge. pe,iod.
Kathmandu WI.'al
No. Ynn


Prim...) S<hool
"'., 31%


19",:. 9' :H%
:\liddle School
"% "%



HOJh SdoooI
33% 1'%
38% "1'. "%

[),-mlj:..'" in educa'ionaI adm'ni....ation has been <:on>ioo.1tred
n"",,,a.)- by ......., ...pondotnll. Disuid n1u("'ioon Ilmcib nuy ""'"
education in d;'t,I<" and the
\x>o.,-ds 'IUly 1><- <n,n"led will.
supcnisX>n in Pancha)"',
O'!>en, " ..... the need oI"propt:r iJu/>dti.. by the rlr.isinnal
in,pecl<'rs .., le.." ,''''cc a yea. if pos>ibk l'\<arly amonK tbe
comp!a.ins that there ha.!><>cn in rliocipline and
ra>"""I ....ndatds, ,.."K:h "'_ be m<rcntd. the Scne,."l'u"..yof\he qUCltionnaire i. h... been found ,hal
seho..... of orjep<al Irami,,! ha,.. 'a""" 'he in,....,,! in lbe Mudy,

and _""nseltum ,tu: wcsl<rn ."'.." has !><en the \cast CQCOU<ging. 'lbc
culturM relpOCl<kn.. aI_ """",_ in that nati<>Aa1
edtKal.m ""',,, dIanoct.,is'Oco nrX'l'ali nd ,h,.. it .oowld
be IlKh ,.. ,n de>-ektp "'11> .he body and the .0,,1. ofd,,: eoun''}'.
J.,fidthwl S.Um;...
In additi.>n '" an'''''''';''!! opecifi<: '1....un.... the .....,.mdcnll In tile
IUkrd ,.. lP'" <heir l and """".........10.
""""'" "-mle at Irngili and 0'>\"..-...1 , "y prnblems. Manr lP'''' '=1'
.... ,ha, h.,. tx.:n ..><d by the O:rmmiuiu" in
'"" reeommend.,""m. F""r of these "."ments ar. qu""'d a' knglh a'
b ...., ...,. "r ,he: rna,,)" ;nte,",,';ng rind helpful u'p""KI' (0) T". /ifS!
_ from ,h. bndman "r " "ill>ge wh.. diocusKd ,he io.kai ..j,1t his
ab<! then .._. " '" ...hiorh .ach .ffi:=l hi> thu".b
....... :
I: the rqlli<:> '<> .he quo:"'"n".;,.., Me prop....!)" ;ml'leTno"',,J,
bcf."int .i",,< anJ "ill make a ,;.p;,1 ad"lInct.
.. " .. fMbc"''rt'D ,he ..ran "",,,,,,,,tic c;m"'TI.-
6at ..."1:.,," i> bc put into <IJlCT"'.'" in ao,..,.d.:&n,
.,. , aa: ;nDcip;"', 1J>dc.ed ,be peo.;>k """', ar,.,. I<>nJ
..... .., "s ! ID <If rrdnr:ssin '''''''''11. 1, ..
of 'he lun will ,hine in r,,11
- , d .... t.e, the (om""''' people
_...., ..-t..aloDIOtall W"" <0 _, <><p<'" Im,;,-
- 4' .:...... ':he
... < ...., iD tnoIr impI.."... 'inf: the Khome, ,he ilIh...",e people
_ oI<>wir ....-den;"!!" from 'heir """I' ,,-ill lheir """ M,l
...,....,.. in the n... ""'"rnmen, "-he,, 'hey ",.Jize lhe chara.,er (If
I.. thiI area, <here an: .... pnm,.'1', noiddJ." 0.- hil!;h ..Mob ,,,.
f-DII"II. 'ernacula.- or B3>ic 'r!""". F..... bek
b<>th f,n the Far< of ,he ""'..,m,nent and ,hc IICQ!,k. ,h,,", "rc ""
Idv",l. nor educa,ic'nal in"i",ti'",. of .m' k;"" hcr.. A. tit,," are
r.o IChooh ,,/'If ""ucationa! ;m'il",iom llBd in ,t", :
a. ., pri:n:;o.') and middle..,booI iI rtquired
b. We can """'1'=',e in rendering material h<:lp in \i..d iUld
and ",ak. ,I"'m .'<ailable
C. F'" 'he ltartln! "r ,he cd"ca,;onal ;rnti""",,, :;0,,,1 i"
mana......nt,. <Cad..,-.Bd fi........ial aT< rcq"ired.
cL Onc: 'ype oI'ed.....,..,., '" both and ph;' _-.>,.....
",..... is no objr<1in.. 10 <:t>-cd,,,.,iOl1 b' b<>.h 1>0\," .",1 sid. ,ill Ihel'
aH.;n ' "r ,....11-... IlcjTlITl' ,hi. "'par.", in.,i""ionJ
f. ,r cd"""";",, mar I", .rranged, if moul ..antl....ds arc '0 main_
,.ined. H(d,doqu;'ed fur Ihc edU..,lio>na! For
,he Ipr-cad of a1ur:a,inn It.< rount,-y, it """"Id be ,
,., I ........... ,_ I ... ,JIo ..........1... '-'1 _, h. -.. -.d. to
,.w. rh< .,.1", a......,. of ,I>< il ...... hWb Iu.. "'-"',... in
""". i,"'""r.,ll' """","otiO", _otd u.. ...

a. [duea,i"n ",itl...,." feq

b. Compuloory
Wc "" educa'ion.>! im"ltUion "'" b.i!hcr JlU<fit" 'n our neigh-
1>0",1>0<..1. Kalhmaoou is 68 milta from he,.., anti is not easily
acC....ihlc. Thr",f"'e C"..kha, <.nr,.Ur .;'"aIM a, it i. an<! lh
.....-.'lur''"" "f .hc provinci.>l CM"CTnmrn'h""ld ha,n cd""".
tion:ol .........'ion "r.he".". ...-hkh wiIJ boo K<";b1. ",.ill doe people
ofthediattic. There ohnuld be Go-."ft"IUn<"n,..,..-n<d _tck ..+.en:
1.. ond r""" mol' be ",att.}" .,.. i1able. ,..he.e ....phans and
'1l""ld ha,', "''''C >ca" K,. 'hom and ",h01"c ,hg'
>h01l1d lie fed and f,,,,, ofa.nyrh.,rgc; 'hl'.nna;n'nrOCJU
.IhouJd be di..rlbu.! '0 ,..... "'MthouId be du,rvd fur ,hrir lodg-
ing and al an...'' ratell.
Tho m.<lh"n "r i".,'''el;''n ,110,,101 be 'h. Jangua>:" In
middl and ... ",1"ral;"n,1 ,,,,.i,,,.i,,,... I""",.... a"j' lanJU"l!."
,,'hkh an"... be tM<k /;'l". fr_. and ,,h...-I\ 00", not "",,'C1c,r-oI
po........,"!!' in..,..... >I>o<old ...... flnd a pb(l:. In t!le...,ne ""J" E'.rogldh.
"Neh ;, m<TC!l' ta"rh... a rorrign "'n",,' be /'d as
an imp<>t"lant mali1l'" nf i",tr"c';"n in .d",.t"'n.1 instj'uliom. Th
..... of. natio.... llanguage can bri,,, ....,,,t eq"ality amoDr a.1l cl,u,n
of pa>pIo; un be an a"""""-sn.:.. for Ncpo",," ,...';,....aIin. and
c-." be the main i...""......, , ... prnt'lf>Cing li.e""I>_
Tho pr......"1 "'''e,,, of =ndory and l"ll"c.I;"n h,,,, ind""l
brougl>l .1""" ..""c 'rnl .... "....,..'" ill ,ll<: M"",rr and promoled '"
-...- ""......, .... _ic <""<l<Iitinn oflh. bu, a' .he ..."'.
time:, h:oo ,rude kM m"rh <>f Ihrir ,cmi,.... 'n..
'\'J'Cfn n,,'" Le rh,ng<'<! ,,, s"i, .he rn"",l atn'MphNC. In ,h.
onodem .y".m or <:ducal;"n. books "n ",h...."bju bto1;Kko li>o>c
f"" l=ni"lI: dw.ould be U'amIaIcd i,,'o )l;cl"'li.
'fakinj[ into ......idcn., ,"" cn-'c c_titio,n of 'he .....ia<'<y
,.flh. J>CftJ>1e. it;, proper ' ,h. f'C'"iod "r .. .,1,,,,.
li"". Cl'af" ."ch as "'e ,I>-.,,!,l be ",ado "'on,_
I"......., b"t tho<rc docIOlld lie "" """...ilo""nl "flh. in
""un'ion, ...... mould ....c.. be mao:Ic """'l"ll...o<)- h...... ....n.r 11",
<;nrbpkUon of common ICho<>l .,.. ll' reuc;o'''.... ,.. ",ish .......
''''" ,nd .... ", d",mo ,hen..c1,.." ,he P"'!J"C'S nf the
c""nl'1'.OO iu Ht<...-."Jr. ancl be aWe 'Q urn their lwi"8 by I"ltUl3:
.,,,pk.ymen' aon:ling tu lheir " ..ri,.
The ...,n.. of ,...... "'1\0 h.,,, u...."U"O'ly ..,bocribed '" ,he .t.;,...,
"...n'ionrd OUS!I"'ion> .rc_ ... (here follnw ,he names of 16 ...)
An iDd"id"",t in ,h. ""'t'ODC "'<:11.,,, pa" "r Ncpal oon'rihu,co the
>'ODd e.ampk :
w. 6"" ,he prt>ttrnS "r rd"catit>tl in ,,"< b.hind
",hon wC it ,n the an,1 intl,,"ria! """.Iop-
men' of mod<.Tn ,;on..... The .....1 ca.... of bad.:wa...t.'.... li... ill ,h.
fact ,ha. tho ed....tional inoti'"t",- DO' prollCrly (lUcha.'!l:inll:
tMir du"" and .,., =<inc ";Ih cootempt .... true ... of
nOPLI: ......."
Penple oay ,h'l\ drmDCraC)' io a1,..,,,dy hCJ"C. Wi." ;1 many DeW pr<,blemrc ...ising tbr which we ha'''' to fotmulali' " nno' pi.... <>f ",h'<a.lion and implement ;1. It b ncccsoary for our countrymen .., hoO.... the "al"e <>l" d.""",",cy in " lknlouali<: let "p. E,"try indi"id"al ha! ..,me ...po.-ibUity in democraer and hio It>W,,m1 it. It appun 10$ if pe'" 1Or<U ..., at '..,rk in bringina:
,,'-0, the <lcnmat.tintioo 0{ the """nlry, but wc lhc ciliu... of the
onon1'y "r<: no' 1>01"1 """ate<! !Or ;1. We are more a<:tu""'" 1>y
">pi';' or inlnknlnee, wo.n' o>f COoQptr.o.Oon and odfi.l",as. ne
S)'Uan <>f tdueuion JIf""''lliij,'i" in ,he country i< nQ' nu'
In ,h. prelCll tdu<uional <he an: many ",r"".... ,11. chi.r "'" 01 whi<llare Ca) lhal _hinS Iou btaI donI: to <n"k> and ,he _i.1 oci<:nCCl, nor (b} hu a"y,hi"K bec1l dfmro fo< I"""-id- ing 'h. mc"... .". lr....liho<>d for- ,he \IIh..... "ude""

01" M tl>es<: i",,'i'u,;oo,., "ill sr"!"'" in ,he d.. ,k, and like the blind.hC)" ha,... "-' fInd out ,he "h;rh '0 make" li'ing. 1\1,<1"", they ar' 'l"aHfied or "<>, in an" Q<).,-crnmlnt rlep.>rtnu:n' <k>eI""I man.,. : >1l ", d<> n ", ...-..rk in dopacun.." f", a !i>..,s.-:!. tudt ill that <he :'\<paIcse commUJ>i:y is ",laity dqIm"'O:d <of raj of a
,.,.. ........ -...: pr"C'inencc 10 the pooplc in general tha:o ... ior!i,"! 1 Tkt' .. p1'nni"ll of lu<:atioa iI a nccaoity ..........
_ be 'I>aOIk 10 fed .IIal I>< h... been bu'dencd by ... -=
_ mtJdl lucation. Tbil ",-iU be on/y pooaiblc: it __
p :an oppnrtuDi,y 10 IeI..,I and learn rubjecU othit _......... E""T iodi>ilbul of oocicly sloould alto rttl .h.. his - if a tlCC"aSity, nol only tOr hil _n ll""d. bt" ab<> fot ....,..., 00<i:t>.. He should in mind Iba' it .. an j'lSlr"menl .........N;,.hjnS. UlDDCCli"ll: link hctWttrl him and _"')I".
E8DnI ""'" be made '0 ",,_dina'e ..".;"1 life wi,h ,ha...... in,I...,ry. Wc "'.... de>_ .urn i"'\rumen" and plans or oduea,inn a. may .......btn'ly c:n.ablc n'Cr!' J'<T'O" "f _""l' 1(; ....brace an opPOrtunity b cduc:>tion.
in ,be <oun'" is ",n OR 11>< increase and i, is iooponan' ,Ita, oducalio" ,m!",rtcd IhotlW ter..., '" an aid ratM.-
than .. a burden 10 _""y, 00 ,h., Ihe individual rnlj;:h. no' ,,,,ty be able <0 P"""""'''' h.. own indhid,...lity, IN. aloo ...feguard hil Wc arc in grea' of thit kind ofcduca.oon .od ha,.., '" ,hink of ""'" planninr as ""'y suit ,he >.i",.tion of
the couotty and 0Ul" _." It is Iwpcd that .he o:>untry ...,ilI be P"'SJI<TOI'" ,.."." .ooon, if the cd",oion.l i ....ti.ulio'" carry OUt the plan oJrcady lUlliC'ted.
I ha,.., laid " grat 0lrC:SI on ej,ia, bceauoc nu. lire ",taUy lack> ei>.....noe. Wc cannot even ..cri6ee little fur the I'QOd of our loOCiaIlife. W. arc 00 murn cngroucd in ou...If"'" purto,ill ,hat
l!" don't mind harming o<hen, ifwe ca.n cain our object thcrclJr. Ow""'&CT doCI no, admi, of ouch 0.1']"_'-0>;001_. On 0:>"""'1", it is a ",rl of r..nily lire ",hCi"C.he p<>Iicy of "!five and uJ<c" and sympathy lilt <>then p1.Y' an in,poorun. part.
'Jbc t-d""",M>ol ,,,,,,-arm ""hid> I am 1t1"" 10 dnow the &11<1>,00<>
(If the !'au.o"..l Edua.';"n Pbnnill c.............n. wiu, I ,hin\,
p<n'>I'l '0 p,ne.V<: his ""n ind"-idwol.i11";U ....,11 ao 'r....r...m
him cornpktely into:> " ..,..;.1 boiog. 1\ ,,'ill "1",, 'c""h bjy" the
..rsclf_sacri6ce in klc;"ty which is an aggrega,iun
n( iDd"iduak, and him .. pullltt in the plora>urQ oHamlly
life in ooriny.
Indn..,;.II)' nur toUnlt)" it rar behind ,h....,he coun";... of the
wvrld. 1< is nOW" ",unuy "f....,..,;ng M,l nnk"d pro"I., in lpi,.
(If lh. fM' ,ho, it gre.t ,"'-'urttl. If ;lld"'I,,,,1 <:d<lation
is poptr/}' <><po,,"" ,.... C3lI t1n-dop our ;Dd",'';....;tll ..... pid
pau_ Wc Un JC.l our ,_'" poopIe 10< Ir1lin",, oo"dop ""r
'nd,,""". :and <Taru., .,od ballidl, in a feo"r l"ar.. "". CU<1I1try'.
",ise, Yal\d 1'0''''''')'.
h is hoped ,hM the p1"nni"g I>}' lhe Ed,,"....';.," l'bnning OJmmi...i(Jn
..illk ... itabk and useful.o tiK l;Oun''1', " .. a pa,""""",'" Un, __
....""" ,ha. ,,,., fint "cp be .... not 'onJy IQ b .."",b" ,,,,,," lil<racr
<I,;".., but:oloo C:l<p&nd &<II'll <duca,ion..
'fhcoc nrc which are at con.itlerable dutanee from "alh,no"';,,
and ,uff from lack uf ooftlltmnkaliolll ar<: al"'o!"1 hcl"<>nd th. pale of
e........l Cm-cmmc"', So far, "" officials ,." I....., r,<>m Katbmandu
ha,.., tIC ,ric<l1O eff1 .ny .." alional rdQnn, n.e;,. worl
hn mttdy httn In colkc, .-even and """' ,hac
E.-en " ed"ral.d JlC<>l'lc h.>,.., ceo;<'i,....1 ,he;" ..,ju ti<;n in
l"dla ond ill o"r "f Ihe C",,,em"'cnl-.u"'nod in.ti"ltin"" The
!'Ca..", is 'lu". "bI.';""u_ I..dia" ej,,,,, Mc ne...'er 'n ,,,= Ih."
Katbmandu ia. &1 .....1 a 11 nf"..,U-l.(lodo per>pl.
mighl ha,.. d<JM is wor1h comid<<& .
The peopl. in the dimieU whi.h ace RI a oo....idCTahl. d".'lI'<:<' from
the Cc"". ""If (, Om igllQCancnd povert)', Tc:xl.!.nb.rc J.cking,
(kllinS them froon ""11"nandu p<dCIll> a dilT""'''y. r""ehon in
...s;ciml n..",boo- ...... not available w "an,,,. xhooIo 01'" I""thohal....
M.... ,.y is cIcmanded by I<OdH:n "'ho e<>n>C from ....hid<:",1 i. is
".ry dilTICult.o m.... the ""pcndi,,,,. fmm public: fu"'to. 1f "'..n
il ,,'e," i, i. ",uher dimclll< 10 "bla;n lli,;..1 ",,,etion.
"n", "ff...ia1o bestow link JrWdec.tion to the li I"'" of,11C dislric.,
and act as if ,hey lU'C jult like ,,,,- of Katbmond... "
Thc ('-<W.....m...,' dOI'"s not teem ", CIlCO'u-age tl>ose peoplc ..-ho h....
,,,,,.i,l't! Iheir cd","",lion in Indi.. Swifter d"""'on in ",."en nf
odllcalin" fue for offpI.ccs, on,1 gr.,,'., bdli'ia fo' ,hnO(: who
bccn ,.,nt ,...... from ,b. Cen.... an: ....nlial. W. ar. fuU)" co.nfitkn,
tha. ,he Education Plann;,,!: Con>milt.iDn ..-ilL with.--.mrncnda--
,"- or lheir ......., draw the ",tall... 61 the C"',-em>ncn' "" lhe
.........i.y or providing f:ocil;.i", .., the r", olT a""", j,.., like 01"", whirn
have been hitherto no-gleclN.
Th.,bi,d ill,..,....Uw rcpo<l comeo froID :an IrupcclOO- of S<-honls in
F.-ern X"",I, "IH> in ten:m"rthe Ilt'Ople "itb whom he hoo Q>mc
Ther. oh""l<l be on. '""""'",onal illOti'u.;"n, "Itether you call it a
..."""1 ..... w....." ",apaJi, Samkrit, Englioh .",1 Hindi <:an
Ill! C'mpll!Y>ry rou""lio.. or nons .......1It be ;,n!'"Tl.,.) in
nO.,.." l.-.w... and ><hool, 1,-"llhubjem mU>! differ in each. A
.oner.ol kllO\<kd'l" "r >","",cul", and ,.,.'lbm""" an,l cm.:s and
....1"'" .cudy io ....h..' .. rcquirnl in p-im..'f ""'S".
"" i. ""'ai,.. IO<b.r. and ... btt
""",,,"" ...",.kinJ in '-':m>.<Ulu ...11oo1> ' ..'h..... Sanokri. .. :Wo
u.:::h, he ..udo:nt to ;0<, :a an pn",,,- :0
IIODtt la w.." ..... Olwkn.. gi'" ,,,. driworn'<\ f......
:os "fficial"'$ pr;""'. 1M I'o<>d;u th-.: !;"ft,,, "' .....,""' ...
I!lo< n! pric>'Mon ,h.o.n to Io'bj<rtl.
otlIItrib...i ... the "11lcf<,l<w I ,IoW. it
-se!. bt btcr if \he Po""b.,,,' impoocd an on
ti>< pt>'Pe- .-hidI oJ,n- 1rr qui willing Iv p'" whm once i, ..
...... ...t h;o f.......... .... the r"...I,- 0rn<!>"hrit
_ b<= a=-l """"" inlOD< d,inh. ."d ,." mbllna_ a.ul
'I lioe:ir __ io nnoar" r... ,t,..", to
i .... S 'ok .. = Ik", t!tc->-" adl,' complain i',II.,-
_.-IE:_ ..t '" li:r"""'a .... W1o.... '.-.Id
_ ........... _ ' ... .., f""'I'Pr ... ....;O $I.) "lI'ho iI
__ ,,__..-:r
.. - , ... :'\.,..... td""",;"n. To
....:. 0- ..
.................... Ibrir >am can "'ear Ihe g"ld h dgec like
.... n . . IJid",o and Subb... M,I make 'Mlle)'. 'n"
_ .. _ fa:, '" I:k. In tim... gone br. and e"Ott ' ....w. pcnple
;;:;":--r pbo:ft u Kh.udan InT onlr" )',,,, h,,,'e l""n fuuncl
.. _Odw:d tnOm",,,dy and III be ill "" ""cc"it)' of
-""l doe ag:tin. The ,impl<: ",in,l,d "i11age"l >co
tloGr e,-a lheir ,pJcndnu".
llmdule. ;r,n1 Unpet... i> '" b< g;'''''' ", cduca,;"". Khnlanl,;ps
.... be si'...... It> poor .. and ICirb. So fat nnly .hc..,... of
doe rid!. ba,.., a'-aikd of !he benefit "r the ocbo1>nbil'"
l'I!:ople rrom Katlun>.ndu ;n large numbers and """'. kith and kin of .
rich men ftom u..: dUtri<t>Iu,,, ben> sen, 10 liloeisn ..,"nlTica for
cd""",...... bcorn no """ked ;mptO\"CnlCn' ;n the
<>.oc>ditiol> of tbe pnor. They are j ume. No opp"'"...ity ;.
P= tltem for ed""",ioo. The scopo: of eo.....""""". ac';';OO d.-.a
.... ........ he Valley,;f i< <1<.... ;, i< limikd
... dif<ri<. cen<ret only. 1< ....... tha, the ,i<1I. tully do ""< ....... tbe CO be ""ue:otio.wly P""S'.......,.
We nl educa.ion b lite p!'<'plc but ha,,,, ..... mnM ID ..&x. i ..
1:, pri.......,. cduo::o"""';' do::nit:d la l!>c: bulk "r lbe peuvk. I"<imuy
education, free :>nd a>mpuho<].' .... 1I f.... and """,p.Uaion.
i< wha.;. tUtui>'Cd. j..fop od>oob are , fo:ow and fat bctwc<'n.
Thn-e an: .... c.:.llcp cucpt thooc or Kalhmandu whid> ....., fat olf
From OtoT Ioo:ati<y. the O........tins ncft.anp .at.. of
cr>ino..., abruplly ",.tine >bnrt <he ,ha".,.. of man)' b
hi&ha "udics. In the ...... when: I am ... <iI>ncd, Indian ct....-ncy
is curtml, i"epa\ese n.tpecs are appuril1f( jult now f..... fim clm<,
but ..ill .rc net twTcnl. Th...... an< no Clc""n", bo.nks. Tt....., it
PO JI<*ojbili,y or Xt\di"ll )':lung from .he hill ..ide 10 Bi....""pr
aDd Dbann, In
In Dh.nku.a dill,;.., in,ulutions .h""ld be tbrlM .t and
1l>cTalh'lIIl or Mad; ; in Illam, at llla.m Gounda .nd "",,,lOt 00'
Jilpu.. ; in Morang, IJIuo..n ; .,od inJ!llIpa, at Bh.clra!"".
0Pl>o.lunity sho\\ld no' be Si,'''' indiK:r:i,,,in:ltely ItJ "'"0)' ODC,
",hw.u rich, poor. 10 in (tot cnJI"!:c ",.Jia. Intdligenoo!<'OU
"""'Id be ....<1 a. a guide. s.:.....e ."""Id bo: di,-ert<:d to .:un. in
order ,h. Ih." ",ay ;..erns< nu. wuntry'. ,,,,,,,,hh. Bolh boj-. and
girls "r ""lS"'ooing mer;' ""mid ......;."'" ""lwIa..nips.. 10 5<'tlding
o'u students ;0 lUly pbn 0( study \I"""" ca= RI,,", be uttcioed in
.!>ri, "'lCc.ion. Not only hop and girls ..r.he ,ich or t"'- JK'OP1c
of Ka'hmand"onl)', bu,al", ,h<c ,,{'hc I"""" m mUll;
boo >done<!. The Gn-,..".."mrnt n,iKh' hdl' .he ",,,den.. in
geui", "",I. further "ud.... bn. ""It doe: I><to< .",ts sl_ld bo:
fin:l""",ny I><lpal. AJ <d"a'icm h... b:ornc: :0 IJrublcm r4" CCOOlf>JDics
I""'" i... all the """"" imp<>rtanl that .hould
be Ri'..n to "".1 arcao. If any diviMon canno! 'he Rl"lUlu.,
,he}' oIlOuld be tr"""r.....ed 'u "no'h.... di,ilioon. I 11:>,,, .ugg<:Sl,"",
,10...., "...,..urel he<:au$C ,he JJCOlok nr Kathrnandu do no' like I(l P"'"l
,,-ith lhrit VOY d,.. Ilk, and nei<1ln do Ihe 001" nf IhI: ri<h care I<>
om,..,. inu' .....'ioe, Very kw ptOplo nr ,tu: laller
ca,cg....y h.,.., 'he le...,,,,, to "",od<'1" """"'al")' 11>0: prom.
C'_"m""",' 1",Jie}- ,,-i.h '<'lard to ""uea,i.." dn<:s "'" seen, In confer
"n)' benefit nn ,loo '" largo.
Tho ..,Ic"''''n of "....rt, in 1.>ic ",I"ca,,,,,,, "'u... be CUtn"".... )'. On
railing it> ,hac: Subjoclt.h<t-o "-'Id be nu promo,ion. I"urning of
eraf" WClO.. ",n ,he recJitJg of ,ham" ,,'hieh .. harooured by ma,,)"
gen.lemen an<! """tribute- '" rMt'C " ....k fu.r ,be ......t>U).
The p:<>pIo 0( ,bi> ...... d>ouId n<>t ""If be roade tn take ,,....,..,
i"'....ell ;n woo-king "'" .loon, bu, abo should be ,augl.. how I<J do i,.
Ttaining in lOo- fruil-J:;a,doning wfIi<h may ht;"I in ,non:, ,he ..I<ction orIDil ,,-here rrui' I"," m:l}' "" plan'od, a bell....
mctlrod of ,,",uk and poult,y rannin,o:, ,lie "'-nning of I",,'h... all.<!
",eth"<b of ,,, it, rotton pbnlWs and <oUon ".... makillg
of cnmpoot mall"""', the repairing "rarticks nr tin and iron, and the
making "f.....p <ftuuld also be "",,;.kd. 1'11= shO<J1d be a <""ue "f
...ell... lraimne fot ,,,,rl>. f'""" here equipped i<lt
00010 and 'eacbniquts shoul,) be """,-ilnl '" ,I.<: <lilT .
of """ """"uy to ,he n<cd> nr cad, viJlage f.... a
opedflCd ""riod. TMy muM be I", ..r<rred '" ano.her place wl..n
their work is do".. The ''Ka<>C)" "'''' <auto<! ....y bt fillod i" bv
getting a "",n rrom another place in nrdn- !ha, he migh' "'ach oome
,,<Iter tndc to """
oIthc arca. If <hio Il:h..,1C is con,inued 10.
15 y'''''', 'h<re wilf bt' nn "",,rlh or ol:ilkd hando and m..... of """
pn>blcm "r lInemJ>1<>l=<nl ....ill be ...ked.
I::,""'Y bnr and girl "' .... ll". ["<Opt:r military "",-ining ,,-hen .h"!' arc
"ill in ' educational i..'i"'.;o.u., """ lir! ",MIen.. abo I""'ng
compub>ty edncatic>o "" c\nmatic 1ICkn<e_ Many , ....plc are ,,(
op;nion <hat bol" .nd gifu .oo'lld ha,." ""I"'''''e ",""u,ior. f....
O'l' 01 .;" 1'1\10'1' U,,!"!"'lUo:) 'Il' I
JO '! UD!u!do >!''1' "'p ,0J 'ou J! <'!ljl "1
l'0llUl\1 4""w }W", '1 'Iuwd ,mu JU "ow _'1' JU UOZ1J"'1 o'/..].
",0.' .10 0'1' U! ,,'!too '!.II' ,u1w.",,1' '" 1'''-' w,'1'
1 1\\0 "'1 'ld<bd 0'1l 10 'uUlu!d"
''111lOW'" 0, 1I01_'" JOJ U01"!wwo:) JO p"uos.lOd 0'1'
'1%\\ '.\ \1unoo "1'1" JOJ uOld 0' '!
U! UollJOpun m\\ {-'Iun"" '4' JO "lL
pu.buow 'l"l' "m!w
=. " UI 00!,,,,,,1" ,('.Wj.xl JU xl' .IQ JAg
<Jl IU'W'U.,wf) '4' JUI ""']""1'1" '(I'''11n 'i '1 'W!'" 'I""
IV "Il,,!'.:"'''" J" ':>ll!lJuo\,1 )0 IU"_"" tuO'J 2u!-"'.lIn"1 _'J"mo> 0'll.
",'OM ""Il!' 2u"llomt>< "" 01 "''''' .'u" lOil Up ,." JI "'''I 00'
:>Cl 1I!-" 11 -,b"'101!1l' .'''M'' 2u!.,",p JO] '1001l>< .'.<UWjJt.l JU JXjwnu
Ol"n!:Qp" u" "UU UU!'.'''p' .I0J "'!'l",,_,!on J'4'l'U .Wll
'suu!I,,2lim x;"l' '{2rlOJl{1 UOIj_" <ljt:!41 JO <141
'DU W'" U01<5jWWO';) '41 >dv'1l pu" "I'I0'.I".]Un :u" .;"11'
"'Iu'!" E,,!,., '1"'1 ."" ,'Ioodo I ',!,!d, .'.I>_' <!'l'
"I -"'.'1'."'0 _''I nU'lq<>J<I .m" '.'1'" pu. "",;,$0") '1'.''1 ,no lOO 0'
..L'1l0<1 "'1 002 ....' up Il!'" tu'!"!'!" J" '41 .IQj ill,!'!'!""UI!'''
4"" lV -,n 0" ' .'In.,,p ,'OWj ''';''UIlOO SU!'U!"'''T"'''
JO '('!I!Y!"J'xl,., ;nu "!"W "! UO "nlU lU'!"!IJ.O
','I!I!,!!."",l." n,"O '10'1' '" "-''''l
I'U!l JU ""1''1'''' OU P!"II " U! <! 'P!'I'" .>.am>a> " '"1
-"'r'!'"'!01 i , i
-JU ",,,,t,,,d JO .,,!un Srn,q lljirw <of _ .....'"!
'" >If' "" p=dCrc;- _ _ ..
"Y1JO 'lKtl/> "PW!' ''I' >1,,0>1< .........., .. p p
:. c. !
loqw." U! .0.....,..& 1"..... 'P-&
11DU'>1"" ,elj\ "'" I 'p oq:><q
mu pOl. ,np u"!,,o<:dw<! ...;0 'i'''' '-'DO I
'1'1"''''1 .'LU '.'11" u,"" S"!'!'"'' "'J M, '" e"<l
,,,,,-,;,,,d Y""ll"" >q1'
Iu""oUJd ,n'l
lOJ _'''''lndwO).) JO
'OJ "'l I'IL"''l' '"'I' 'w P
JO )0 Jno, ,(W
01 UH' U!II"'I 'U,,! """1" _""w!-,,i
''"''-''Indi"o, 01 S"!ll!-'I o"lOb JO 'Idox!
',m,CU InJ'jO<,! 0'
"'l'l,,:>d, "'1 01 punOI O_\R ."_,, "'I' \1'OJJ 1"'"1'" 'I-'!l!
''11 '" '!"ll I'"_'!:>:>O" 'I'!l! .'l.!.
JO 0,", "1 '1'llo"J ,(1'011" "l! ""'lnmu ".nb,p. U!
<JO'I"'"'' """"1100 JO ,,,,,,<1 ''11 "" ,-'"
"1,;><10"] '! 1lX><J" R'OU 'In"" "11- ''"0
'101'1'\\ ';""Id ,. 'IJlll <'\''<1 >OJ
'10'"1''' ''1'liUI....U1!M JO U,-""P\1O:>
1u,,,,;,,d ''1' JO U! os 01' 01 _1'l!"'oxIw! '! I 111'!

l<V3'4' wl!.L
of luca,in"..!I)" ad\'an<:ed """ntrio ",ith the panic"la. t,....,
l>laa: and cond,tion pr our country, Md on 'Mir ..d,"ice carry on
,he t2>l tho). an: ,"""""t(! with.
11 ;. Cm.",. le> nol< ...hlle in """,c places .he """"fit of ha,-;,,!!"
r;"" Ul" sh kind. nr pnma'y t(!"cal;"n i, I.ocing cnjoynl, the.c arc
"'M'" e-."" campaigns nol
'rhe O>mmiosion oMuld liquidate thill ... at possible.
llU'''''' ,,f onc 'Y"<11I <d,""' ....... <1>0,,1<1 pte..,.;', ",hich
"'ill be the .......,., O\uh<>" .,r'l"'uding I'''.,<:y.
Opinion> diJr"" on principle wuh ",pr<! 10 obe medium "I jn......<tion
'n primary ...hools. The ."''2ll(>,lf<'' of local arc :
(I) Children rnn ,,,",11' be ",ade li'Cl"MC if they .re ,."ght in
tl\dr "",tllO' wnl!"".
(2) <J _lM< _1'''' ;"ste><\ '" <lis......, b ,he ....
1""8""gc, will be the .
(3) on," I... "d...n<! ltil<tl bnguagn "'ill be <!r'''lupal and
tbio willlt'" alonf .... j. in helpiog '<> "'j"ll .. b<>u. an ,,1I
,,,,,od JI""Ir"'" In .he <nwllry by ",,,_I rood ..j'l .... aU
The G<>,..:rnllornl be crcdil':rl fur pt.....''n.!: tlte riglt,
"fits prorle '" poIbliJI b<>oI<J in ,,"'" /1l<>.ha IDngue
... ,.... m"liium "noouueti<>n.
The .. g'" or the natiorlallan!l",,,,ge arc:
(I) If lhe ....tionallangu>!t" i. m'de doe rnctliunt "r i ...trucoon.
,Ite: G<>-=nmen' ..;11 ,id<: 0\ ,he i,,,,M<lia,,, di/lia,ltift
"I l""epo.ri"8 xt_books in "",n) lan!f''''gu, and implrm<'Jlt
their plan M unec. Lo<:allllnguagt> gcncr.tlty 1,ck .;ram-
and dict......rics a"d i....kcs .. ""''' timc l<> P'CI"""
(2) In .. omall coun.ry ...ltere languaG"" arc "l"'kcn, i, wiU
not he p.-acticablc '" gi'.. 'he "a'," '" all tlte
oimul,.:"oeo,""y. l"bcrtl<>rc it will bt impe.-ali'..,
.... uI<>pt: ..
poliq- 'u xi'''' .... 'us ...... Ia"!f'tagc
,,hielt ...pot"" by lhe majuri'y or lhc M",.""'....,
... king .. ccnso.a and the llketion of .tat;',;", will invoke
much lime bc'>rc it "ill he _ihle '" talte "p the problem
of l.angoap.
(3) -n,c Mh"....] h.nll'a!t" will be caper t"lca,n .h.>n Hindi.
N" truly Hindi 'l"",ti"lr people any part of 'he
(4) As an "llicial languago: ':I... lun,o; ti..... 1\"cpali """ bttn
curtenl cvery whcre and .hCrdOOe is nv' difficult f.... ,he
local peoplc '0 undeu..nd.
N........... .... Lq>duoJ., eurung, Cbep>ngo, Thantl,
Khao, and k1jp".. who """"itu'" lhe <tiff""",,, ..,mmuni ....
or Nepal, e",ill unden.."d ,he and ..I.....
their ,hough...o onc , ...c"b<:t through its n",lium. It;"
thoup. tha, i. will "'" be "" unintdligilllc '" bol" and
l{irls ..r "'''''Y ,ribe: in primuy ..hooIs 'lumopou. 'he
Nepal; beau a d<>ICl" affinity whh Hindl than anr
1<>ea1 and b"lh anu Hind, ,,,,, unltko
M.ith]i, 1"e><'a,;, and '1iL<lau, using n."a :"Iagiri .."ip"
Th. In,,:1t ,n'por,a", thing tha' ,lrik", Ih. readers nr n",
",,,Iier history ...hahe "".... <>f language h"" bttn ,he
8' rala. fae'o, in de''''mining the rn.n""" of our eo"nlty.
(";1<1..,-...1 and ,he Olhcr 1'",.1> of :"cpal .... ,k
....,.,. bcc:l_ nf dilfa-cn' !'''ailin!! .hac. Tn
....., .. ,be problnm 01 l<ipliri.y '" rt7.. and
..-ill Wo,"" be: IUd DOl r>n. la_,;n. if.hI:
.o,Kt _TTCigntr of ""opal is 10 he maintain.d,
Eduao,iof, .hould be '<lm!",lJo<r I<w all. The I""'plc or ,he "m"!!,,
..".j 'he 10....... cl>..... ur ')""n. and .i,i". M" R'ncrally do<\i<d
the opP":'uni" or cd"ca,lon. Tt"..,. ha,-. 'n l.holL!" nil dar ,,, eke
..., thci.t r", keo!,;ng thdr \.",,1\- and "'Ht t.,
r---J:.e nc",fc 1. f.", (,,,, illi,.. lOt a,h,l".
dociu\:>l< 'nl boo... f...r Ih<m. a 'hort.... pIT...,l
................ dw =jni<<d.
.......,..a: f 1 .;..., t!oe a.D<l principle ...h;ch
lilt.. C I .. idr::aL w... I>oaoe, 1Ood, and d"b,n! "'"
'; ,. __... p ........ '" thc ClI." .....-hirh he ...-ioho:d
hit' n'ftl i" India, t-a..., il iI
..",..a ... :J priDciple ",-i,hou, 3n}' .....ponse r........ ,he
i " 1'oei6t:ll!/:iillOn.ovdiolhlt a ban-ister'$ son who le.rns
.- - is: will <SUI ish a c!oseJ r.13'i<.on willt .....av...." SOn ; .nd
,. .......-.I. son ...i>o Ie:.rn' the 'rad. or a ,hoe_maker, will b."efi,
.... ....n:l doing .,..3Y with 01.........."'1. d;"incl",n, h",.,..o<:n the
1Iip.!Sld tM 10.... and ,It", bring aoonl a unil} nl' all ...."Iks nr lifc
br Pf'O'idins: <>ppOflunilia !Or a nf view!. Butth;' di,1 ""I
ThiJ cl<.a "",I _ ....., ,h.a, ....e sho>ukl tho.....iraI
education" tb< cOOl nf IntChia _ IC'<hni<;r.1 TI>e m"'"
impa...i... <>f trchnial ,kiU wi1I be h.andio::"p ,,, a p""";'ing
'"illage.bor ""00 ..."'.... b I hil...... ro""a,;"n. Tb..........e lel
be ini<i.. ,! in th" lI<1b e la,k (of """,pl"';ng h., yea.. nr
SOIXlndaryedlleatinn. 'rh"n ,ho.. wOO are qUllifif<l1 and pf1,mioing
sllollld ha.., an op!""t",,;,y for higher roue.II"n for
and 10,1denhip of Ihe Ct>unlrj". .
Bu' ...ben ,h. Rill "fHo"",n Rights ora dnnocr..lic I:;"...anmrnl
abolish.. all lhe _ial diuinet"'.... il ....m noc lCn'e I ,iIMly
lOIulion to ...'C2It a_y p""pk from Ih';r lraoJi,iMt:t1 a",' atU
...hieh oh.oxdd be Tb<: should benefit br bciDj[
uain.od U) Iao::loa one and tb< bladtsmitb .no.,.1d man bell(>"-
cdga:l kbukllJirs fOr the N<paJac ;mPJU'-m, the and h"in!:
"bn'er wnrld-marloet fOr his wan:s.
Spcd.Ii_1 ,kill. "nd crafts ...b;ch are nntabk kat", .. in any rq;"n
"f Nor..1 ,hould. be prr"'idod ....ilh rertnanrnl "nd Ira,dling ..hoor,
for ,..... hina: lhc:m in. Ix:nofilling .....y. In .gricu!"',., pnK!lloli"n
""f'OKT Of EOU<:AnON PU.'''NmG GO'''I",,,ON
of crops .hould be undertak"n in plae,," .uitable to them, giving full
con.idcratlon to >oil, manur"" irrigation, climate and altitude. Duo
to utter IgllQranee tho people In thei, homes and yilbga all o"er the
hll], raise only a mal"" crop 1"'0 on it, If bettor education wa.
provided and mcouragcmoot l;"i,"Co, tho pca>ant. could m;"e their
standard of by growing pl.tachlo.nntl, almonds, pomo;:ranata,
;:rapa, ,naow,e., omn;:e>, banana" '''garcane>, .pie,.., f.ullS, .tc.
1\opal hall not yot learnt '0 pi,,], tho na'JlT,1 rooo"'c....--I.rccs,
"'''PC'", Yarinu, miucral" and wild life hoi"g on ,he hp of ,he
Hirnalay",. .
The preon' .},to", of "J"catlon imtead of being ,,,]Iahle '0 (he
country, ha. more unemployment by dlvening the peoplc
from call1n!!, while prof....<ing (0 d,... ju.1 the conl,ary. The
country will w> '0 lho holtom of ,he .ca for all llmo 10 tom., If lhe
"nd""irablo foat"rCll of 'h. of ",,,cat;on not
c1imi"at.d and lJ<:U"" OM' grafl.u ]ll ",dc.' t" c,pand the
.cope "foduc"tion. Character, patrioti,,,,, M,i,,,,a!;,,m, l"CvcrcnCC fo,.
culture, 'he .pi,i' of sclf""arifice ,,,d ""rdce ,hould
lhe people.
11,i. remind. mO ohom. ofo.:,a'. word. which. ,ay, "Ignorance ;,
f3r hctter ,han lhc knowledge by .erving arrogant p"oplc.
What b<Mfil will aCCrue from ,,"clor which h.. already he," mi,ed
with poiwn?" id<a ofb..,ic ed"ca'ion i, th.t il .hould ",it ,he
m"ntry ami lJ<: fittl"S" 'to OLLr time<, llechi,o.kc<p;ng, d)'by(hation
offr"]", (".lllo la,miog, pruc,,,otion of lroo.., We"";"I!",
iron"", . pottcry, .cientific ,"mmorel;,1 r."..arch..., o"t,a.;"g, llCLllp_
""ing, e'c., ,hollld form the curriculum tof bo,ir ,t"die> tORether
",ith na,;'on"l music and dancing, Ed",,"tion ,11,,, "'Mhc. '" merely
to C<lPY and illlilMe will hring ruin "l",n ,he countr)' and it<
,,"'0 one can evc, dre,m of all)" Pr.-.RrC in a cOllntr)' long", It,
molh<rhood romaio; ,meducated. l<.l"n ",ill ,emain 'mly half
,kv<loped as long "-' woman gOCll without Th. country
demand. wider education I;'" woman than ["r man. Fomil\' quarrcl>,
m;'un,!cr"anding "",ong brolh...., a",ll>lin,l a,lhe'"''''e t., of
,ho ",clal evi], are rhe oulCOrn. ofw<oman ha,'i"g receivc,l no od"o.-
tlon. In cou"try ,,here more f<mal", ore oom Iha" mcn, It i. a
lhe imporlance of which. nccd not he .t,..sed. Bu' thc
pr,,"cnl of will "'roll' corrupt the mind. of women,
anct in";1e mo,'c di=tcr. If llrnely ,er",rn, arc not in,r-cxlu<:cd.
Th.,cf,,,"c, a of educMiOll ""f"lding the inner ,elf .hould be
Induded in tho co""e of thcir ""di"". If mililalj' training i,
compubory for boy., m""c and dancing mwt lJ<: made comp"b"ry
for girl>.
With regard '0 eo_educalion, it is my penonal con,cntion that the
opl"";lion by the mothers of this !{encration '0 co-cducation !.
dopri"ing " I"rge number of glr], from ,""eiving education. Th..
"ato of thingo .hollld be remedied by providing ,"pa,a'c instirurioll'
for the ;:l"Own-up" :\. 'he .y",em of mMr;ag"" fol;"", a ditfcrent
of culrtJo'C, those opp<>5ing co-cd"""tio01 conn"t he cl,arged
for no' h"roourlng: lil>eral ykM. Whon th","e girl, attain mother

hood 'hty .....11 ha'"", the d.oiet: of duion to Ihe man",. Thm ""Iy
the "nnda,,,,,, (le co-alu<::I.ion will ban to be la..!.
Ed"a""",, shwld ah,""}',, t.. ditecml 1>1-" n Committee "'pet'\'utd br an
",,<lleau,", boctt. I am llOI in r..,-..... of "''''' the di=ti<...
of tdua...... to ,he P:onchal nr MllDicip;:o\j,its, l\ M"l\3jt'ing
Commit,"" oompnKd of (:o, mcnt officia!s. iDdepmdcnl intd.ltt-
" ...10 and ,,,,,,,,Ix.. of Panch",-ats a,..j Jo(,mic'I"'lna =r he >e' up
in Qch pl.oc<o, but a J,bnapIf Commi".., ..ilh <C1'fU"U",.
';"'n of ,.....,.,. m.... be "'V"id at the ccn.... 10 ....pm_
,he .."hole
I" Older 10 li,=",;, .. 10 <>pm primar" ""hook
"",tl>ll>aa. ill ", and oc>ncbf)" hiJh om....,. in
ot>' and I<.wn. S,ttdm.. oI orhooI M :lJ" i:l ,t<! in
hi2b<-< tttitlJet m",. bee I""'m;.mg aod qd.lif d. TM! i)l 1.,,, ,,,
be .., "'-" .I><'\" c pt"""'" f.,. bi::hr. td""".i-m..
In Q>C of chvring f.o f high", r...... n<ln' .{ """'" and
oc!>o:o4rshipo r.....he olbMb....-d <Uuc:I is ,"'"
It io" .....= .{ tIu:. bo :Kt "..;,-e,;<" of 11.,. .,........
.... it" !aa .....,..lik"""I! clqoloco::d bo- all. Indd,,, r"",
s ..heal" ..,. ....... ....". P'''IX'h- lDaMgt'd. The
'. ; 5 !) erE
.... ..'ffn ,he expcndi.
__ ' T _! ..... iD lM budS" of c,...r)' ('l."nl')" in
" ..... cd to lie a ,,,,,rc "ilOI ,nall.".,
- tbn_ ,hould repca, tlli. policy. TI,e
_..... ' '_, ..-ben the """untr(. i. 1,,,,,,,"I,d.
jb.....,Jling in ,he ,hurlage of d,,,.,,o", 1hool,1
"C '" ...k.,,,,,, ho.,ildlnV I';' ,he RA,,'" {'n
__.. ...,...1_ on a rcdue! .... 1. "f ",,,t. lhe problem of
_ eL """""""t,;"n can lie c.. ..4,ed, I f ,he 1>1"='" ""'oe"
."...,....-.- atC unable ,,, keep ,bell1 '" ""I..... ,hcy Iloo"ld be
.... ' 5...... But on "" 'Cf'Ounl ."",,,Id ,b.. bc tkmvlishe<l and ,h.
___oold by the b=o-. They ha,-. bc<:,; b"ilt at R' ' t:f'S1 0",1
a>bo>d! <2Jt toler.". ,hei. rIcmolioion. A' prelent oome .-.f ,he
"'""""'" alC utili>i .. hoICk and ci........ houo<s rot whi<h ,i<c.....
ha,... bec-a >:1 b>' the G-m;Trlmen'. Licmoa """"" been ;.sued
thtm on h a WI" ocaIc in. v<- tountry m.o""", ,ha.
briDgi.. Nin on ,he "",plc Lal Durhor. wlIicb .. Ie.'i"ll
..-jib rain....t"'. a.nd ,he. J_-1akhcl Ourbar ...-e in a ckplnnble cnndi-
tiocl. These ........" c""n"}"'. proper.,. wltidl tMoold n<I' be 011"",..-1
... !lO '" nclt and ruin. SbouId ,110:: need ariK ...., ha,,, plc1>tj" vi
buildinp to JUlbt'n&t>du ..-hich might""'e .. uni'.....
It is ,ime ""-' Qn....' "'-k dolo,' an)' 1on1<. 'n <Wl[aniz.:
-'Imagine Coonmillce \Or Iftlq up a unn'nUI)' at>d handi"ll "''Cl' '"
i. <he UIlt orlOt-mll1a.;"'g a higbc,- a1...........j ....em. Thctc "'ill be_
harm jf ,he Manair O>mmiU"" lOt-!he unn'tnity inclt><ko a"""'l:
i.. mcmbcn romcn ""perU who a.n tender ... ad";ce. .-\ plea nI
>ha.-1a1(O: ,,( run<b .h""ld nnt ....Dd ;" ......- ..--:or. 'T he OO\lntl')' can ..-ell
bear llte burden nr fur lip a "Divenil)-
Slifil: s.WStUM
Some t>f lhe n:rnaind<:r of tlte man!' h,," bn rough!)'
,llt'6olped aa:o<ding IQ the l<>pi<:o and probl.".. diocwoed in this
Report.. So.... """,Io.p into ""..,.al .""', IM in general IhCJ' pertain 10
opttifie"lP""lSofeducalien. No aUCTllp' has iJ<l<n mado to tabulate or
"".lute m- .ugg..,ion'; 'hey may ha,-. cumc frum enl}' one pcr10D or
From many.
7M EJu.,ioqJ $< (l'a,I/'/'. cd"",tin" ,1.. in rowrlilm and i> 1udinl! ."or l'm,nu'ng
lO,,'h I" .,in.
11tc .y.'''''' of ...Jure'''ion rncrdy /ilk 'he mind. .,f b<1 ,..ith
'dt'" ofh...,"" and hell.
s.....ktil do<:!; D(>' ",['ply b'<>od and bull.... , ;1 """'Un blind bcli<f,
and "'- di",incti<>".
The id"". of highly """c.,ed POOI.1t: l...w..y claw ",j,h ,,,,* <>f the
I"'odl ...nd old p"o"I.. Ther haY" become 100 progfC\lli"".
hrt(l'" npp<ing <'l!IICllt;u" arc , b<k "r lntdttrJ, !od of
_bu<>ks, lllind bdicf and >tor<""ition, fin:md.,1 IlringC1l"', lack of
...""", b,)d .,.-,mmD.. ir.,ion., i""OOI'''''<: _'...... of >lud)'
"d i ...."i,j'y by oI,e 1"kJ'''r1'''''"' of Ed"""'ioon.
-n,.. ,"""",..y is in .. ".,. "r tU"" ."d ittM"."cc.
Par.,,,.. $hould be pUlli,h... by fi"" .... i"'I";,...",,,m, Cor r.ill..., ...
..nd 'I\cir ... "'h.d.
S<:><>lkrl "" penom ca"""t po-<>tlIntt or "rite _t1r,
and <10 n<>I .....Jrntand -"epalot li,,,,".,,,,,.
Schools ar<: wn.k today ,hooy 01" "'" oHer Iko<:ial ."lIlies,
"oca,ional N"' ....., 0< lci:.",..,.,,,,,. ' ....ining.
S.n.kril and English .dura,ion do 1'1',1 fit occdo; ,..".
'l"'ttn "'ust be ..,.bli>htd roe <JUt propl.
Eighty p"rfCQ' <.or the ccl"OI,td I""'ple li,1' in
E,.....,,,,,,, l<><!or ,,-1>0 l"1t an n1"ca,ion 'hinks the !I'-"'crnnxn, 0......
him .. juh.
Stcrlinfl,:, ""u-;"tic .0<1 n.,<onol .,(
,pin. ,,r .nd lCr\'ia: generall" ch'rnc'c,i.. l '" ,.i1bgcr b"l
art rarelY ."">ng the ....1"""..<1."
I'I.ulc tducatiot> ""<:1>"....8'" .,jf-h<lp "nd Ih)\JtI be s"'''g,M""d.
},Iidd!.. "nd hillh.dtoolo ha,.., \>.en ..ancd in --.: art' ,ha, ..ill do
noc h,,,,.., pr;""'')' sdwob.
Ma,,}' p"",fi.. of Sanskri' ",,'h'haLu ""mid... 'h"iTjo,,," as lineru.....
Som. uf 'hcl. "><1..,.,1," do ..." ha,""" SfUdmt. "'"CI1 tbc>uJh
'h<y "-"'"i""_!JO'.."."......n. aid.
o,angc .......Id not (O"",..n on. -".... sdroob IbouId be ..&rl<'d
where none cx;,t an<1tho old onc, '.an I.ller ch.nge to the new
wh'n lhcy orc rea<1y.
A llni"ersal <1..i" f"r ,dlloalinn ",,,,t ),., caaled.
""I'ali ,h",dd he lhe medium OfInmUClion from the I'ri",ory
lhrough 'h, college.
1[)<1iyidual, ,hn"ld be allowed a choice of ."bjec," according to lheir
tl1lcrc.u and
Our cooL""y;, r;ch in Mtllr.l rc>ourco" h"l they can't he uliliud
LJllIil we h,,,-, <dueali"n.
Wc n""d edu"'-tlon 'hat ,,-ill fecd, ,helter, and clOlh< It' "11<1 make '"
TIle .'\"cpoJ<>c drink lhe rcfrc.hing "'a,er "f ,he lii",ab'-a' and
bse .harp menul raeu]li...
.J X"""'-' 'If ....;"" ,CM._"!<r nI.
..".j ::rli ....-i >l>wIJ 1>c in

, .. and
oil lto::tQtlC:la-..:> ....
'lk-; . school for ,,-cry unit of
_; l :a r a"'1" unil of 10,000 vop"talion,
-":-=__ iD t.aCh di>,,\c,.
I! ..w", drama, and ,ho"ld be us_d
'" edrl<:o.le the people.
f.,.,.".. >bould 1>< muhi-faced 10 meel ,he nee<!> of all.
IOOging .hould be r." poor and iJliterale, !>ul, ehll.u.m.
S<:h<>ol< .nould he "ar'ed in the larger ccnl.... fir" heca"", teache"
.. '" in remote "lIlage> wilh [><l<>r
T<dtnkal and l'rufcssi<>nal training ;mlill1lioru .hould he ,mfled
at once.
The new eduealion mm' teaoh boy, how 10 earn their bJ"Cad.
Tbe Go"c,nrnen' mnt< pro,ide fo, ia )"Outh,
Dillo",nllcwls of cduca';on mn,t be carer"ny wilh each
,,'hor (0 iru"rc planning aud <u"linui(y in !lleatinn.
Thoro mould be a Ten_Year plaIl for drj";llg ilIileracyamoIlg
Onc way 10 'prea<1 education wo"ld be to organize au EdIlcati<>u.l
Body to lom ,he COIlnlty, offet;ng cneoumgcmcllt and ad"ic"" to
Managing G,mmitle"" and P.neh.ya" on educa,ional matter>,
E<1ucati<>nal elfnt" 'ooay are ,eattc.."rl ; 'hey .hould be merged ;nto
a'trong, na(i<>nal, uni'aq' ello'l.
must <3f'C lit"" 1,,<3, ....1' doeo nn' lud '"
.... a>Ibr" ",...,..,pIo........,.
I' wo"ld be '" mn,,,,ke Ut ""Pr '" IOrcign of "'u<alion.
Optio.>n:d ,e<hniea! cdUCll';"n dw"ld l.o< r(O, all, to ,=wvc
Technical cd"GI1;"n .. I>C'<tIcd a' ,be .n<m>W' .""'"
gen,,"-l a1u<;;otlon.
T<> ,duc;ui"n, gQ,..,,,m,,,' ooo,lId enact a b". "<pri,.
in!!" a \.t",- "fhi. ,igh' '0 onherit!""",,,, 'y irh, h". no' f"'''h,'' middle
"n AD Xepalcoo Teachen ,\Joo.Iria,ion ,,,,,,dol \.oe .,..S....iKtl and a
national ,en(ennce hc!d ono:: a ,-eo,.
[d,,'M;"n rnr ".",ncn tn..., be ..
""-'7 S.-.I e-intJ_ (CJ.pJn 1'///).
Tbt mcdi<om "'" inllrtJetio... ihould bo l\cpali ar"", the f.... t\<1>
grades i Enslioh and Hind; ihould not be olfoed in pri.....,!' ,.hoot.
0,,, <o"nl'y i. mainl,. agr;o"lttrral ; ,heref"", au, ..h""', rn,"'I,ach
and gi,l. hn,," tu ma'e a Ii,ing.
lUoic edunl'io)n m"U bo",':>nnaI r.... """' in NepoL
1MGo>=n","" uk "cl"'" i..."..".., ,he nun,bu of air\> in
LtU. ><hooh.
"l'h, "rima,,' .eh<><>1 c""\cull"" ,h""ld ind,,,l. 1\<poli, Ari,hmetic,
Grograpbr. Gc 1 Kn",,1<tlg<c.:lJld O:>lla!:" [nd...""".
ODe of !he jot u.ob '" the Go\ to pO\idc ."",baob
10. nur ochooIo.
S>.nsk,i, f'a,h..1;., ha,c "m.Jj,'r<! , ...;, ......r"lm:... [due-tinn
im""".d bl' make the p>p1e Wind and do, n'" oak, the
",,,bl,,,,, of earning'" [i,..,llI,,>od.
Primary ",,,,,,,,lion should be (...., and ..,.,.,vuJ-r.
SuMdary StItHl 0 ...;"''''''' (Chapln (X)
&<oondar,.. 1"""';"0 ,h""ld ,,," be tho kin,l ,hal ",ill incrca",

t'd,.......... should be "'-<lcr than '"

TIlt S. L C. ,10",,[<1 be in fa"n,,' of <:untin,,_
Sccondatv cdu<;;o'lnn Olutlcn,. """"'d pin """"'it<lI:o: ",od 3rtiItic
dilh in han<f;o-JIJ a"d acrirui,lU<: i iniIu.tricJ """'Ifbr dc>flopcd.
VoQl.ic.naIITaining "",uld be ccml"'bnry a' ,he ",<:<,ndary ",hQ(>]
THE PUlPLr. 'P"""
:"t",.-..urr,<..lac acli,'i,i<t .houkl lO,m a definite part of ..
rhc C_.....nmenl ""'ultl ....'""' ...age intcllct1Ul11. tn ".,.ite to" .....1;o
0'" och.....,b.
':nglish should no' be rompuw",' b the medium of tnslrudlutt ; i,
houJd be optional ;0 the hi&h khool.
("b< eutrintl"", lhould iodudc oori:ol acimc>: ; a b>o"'1Hlflc
.f a-:rirnJ'urc, 'nOr, or ind......,. ; and "'r<bn ; and
l:"JIisb, and Hindi",-Id be opIional "'bienl tbe
ch<>ol k1.-d. :';cpal biswrrlhwld p<calk hio<o<y.
fi.""c =tl b<: "" t'Oo><'dinatioo of his" ..... cd,oa.'ion un,i! i\"epal haI a
_ <>f h.. e"....
In a 0><1."1"" "u" "'C .... alfcro "",n'- dtff","" k,"<ls "f
ez.:.:, >-::od c::-Ucru . "c "'".. ,..nil\- unde,- "ne L'"i,"
... \:.<__, P.: - j Cct=..i,,'.=_cJbould be apprnnl<:d
-to,--.- I' la-'
...... .....r_ be ....1....,.t d.:z.nF among our .,.. incruse
..... _ .. 10 ante a <:o<II"dinating uni,....i'y.
__ cart a Utti." 0" the id=1s of Scvila'anoa
ra-:o. ... Lh:ll:l and 'Ih" othCl' San.k,lt
JSott..rfkzddba IUtnal:a who preceded BuMha oducztional inlli,mio", of the 41h-3th ccn'u'y .. \. D.)
.'ic s!Iodd coll.... in Ea.l and Wa' Ne!",-l ., well a' M
If a t:" ..,.,;ty <a"",,,, be est.abli,he<l al ontt, I., an
:ommin be aP\lOi",cd few- 'hc inleri",.
t4r (a.,tt< XI)
..." adul, d,;,." Mould be or-ganized.
ill .<:boo! teacl>cn and 'iIlqe dn-dopm..,t worken should be t-&USbt
,.,... 10 b<l adul, li'eracy cluoa..
Iloc ",,'->11 and librari.. sI>Ould be uocd in th<: n-cn;nt:> "" :>dull
\dui, da>oa "'-'Id be atane'd in farming, ht>uae-kncpins:. cn.fu,
Uld OtM uacfuI subjmI.
ladio alueatioa, lU-. e:at1-. ........ :and o<:h..r mode", tM<1Ioda
houId be -" ;" adult cducotion.
rcubonb, w<ttJs;hdy and ,.;",pIc l"""ph,,"u should be
xeporm "'" adult litu'al<:O.
70 UPOR'I' OF NEPAL ."!JCATlON Pl.A?<NlNG CO""",,,O><
High 5<hWl "Huena ,hould he t""ght how to leach literaq c!as><>
and lhu. spread litelacy fastet.
of T,a,h", (CI1optn Xll).
Textbooks on mooern method' of teaching arc "rgemly needed in
Nepal; for all leach.",
Short_lerm C(lur= mu", be .,,, "p at oncc to tmill It,,che,,.
We 'hOL=nrn of primacy ,chool leacher>_
Teachers' ",lade' nil'" r=gnizc lrainiltg a. an incent;yc r..". g<'tting
,r.I".<1 l<ad,c".
A teacher training ce"trC i< nxkd IQ train new leachers and relfa;n
the old ones.
Teacher training 'h""ld h" t>'cnu.-J III all part' of Nepal to give
traini"" on'hc-job and "a;n w"'ho," in lb. I'illagc. who, e ,hey will
WOl'I.:. Tho,.., IllU_" I,., leacher tra in many ccn'et'.
hlodd ..,hool. rnli" be pa,-t of the teach.,,' training centre.
Teacher, mu" he given !>ener pay to better }'(lung people to
tho training tentr.,..
11"/"'< Malmals (Chap,," XIlI)
Some of the unempioy..d ..ducnted p"'l'k ,I>ould he put to ....,0,10
Engli'h, Hindi, Unlu, Samkrit, Bengali nnd othe'
",,,teri,,1s into Sepali IDr u,e a' ""d "ther readi"g mntetl.L
The,." ;. a gr.-at paucity of tex,1>ook> a",l material. QuBidc the
Kathmamlu Vnlley.
Paper mill' m",t !>e set "pin 1\-epal to produce cheap paper fm
cheap tcxthook.>.
All other planoing will !>e ",d"" Iml"" a g<",d plan tor the d.",,;-
h,,<ion of hook.> and mater;.1o i, ,et up.
We .hould u.e maKie bnte",s, radio, ch,,,, an,! gmphic matcd,ls,
and community rc.ourteS to cnrich our teaching meth,,<ls.
Pr.-paration and printing uf to"'1>oo\o; in Nopali must recoivc fl"t
Admin;;r,"';a" and Sop"";,,," of Eo",o/;"" (Ch"pu, XIV)
E..,ch d;str;ct 'hould ha'" a "'l'al'alc ""Of_all committ foc
the \li'e di"r;ct, which be r""pon"bk fOT region,l admin;,-
tcation of <ilueation.
A new .ducal;an code .hould be prepared to prooidc "'!>!!""tKm',
rules regulatio,," for the admini.tration of ;n both
Government aidcd in private ,chool.
The Central Cl<wcrnment ,lwuld by down the guiding polic"" for
education bLlt ,hould lea'" the to the an"
village authorit"".
Sile, Buildi,!" E'l"ipm,"I, Supplies
ilEPORT O. ',"-PAL !OUCAl1oN pU:<NING CO..""'''ON
Some of ,he income or religious endowments, monas'e,i.., temples
and so fo",h should he di"ertod to oducarion,
TIu Hducaliooal E""rO"mt"1
(Chapur XVI)
Wc can "sc open_air are"" in plaoo ora building but"
bLlilding .hould he a,'aHab/. a. soon as I",,,ibl. a> it gi,'" IOlidarity
and permanonco to th. seh",,!.
Whe,," .. are ,mall blOt clos<: logelher, ""'eral CIOn go togcthec
10 ha,'o a cornolidatcd ",hool.
In T<:tllole, 'm"1I villages, ,"veral 01""... may he combined in one
room Lln<ler one teacher.
The people of the yillage ,hould joio hand, and build a building
Ho"dhould be provided fM highor ,<hoo], to take <arc of ..",iden_
,ial ,tuden" who come from afar.
I.ib,ary heiliti.. for the .dtool and commu"ity .hould be provld<d
in "11 buil,hng,.
TI,C .c!tool .ho"ld be buill a, a communit)' centrC.
Each ,hould ha\'e a large welldcainet.l pi.}' al'e. and an area
lor prae, agricul'me.
Sp,,;"1 Sue,,,, (ChaPII< XVff)
:'\utritioll5, hot mid..Ja, m.a], shot'l(j he aI'ailable fM all childre",
and ,hould be '0 'ho.c "'ho cannot afforu the co>(,
C'Jub. and Seo"ting .hould he organiled in each school.
Guardia", club, (Paten'_Tcachcr .'."""ia'ion.) ,houkl be "'I,{a"i"eu to
help run the school and for di,cu"ion on educational matte".
One of the majol' ehorge, to the O1mmi"i"" wa, t<> ""yer opinIon
and lac" ..dati,'e to pr.,ent day education. Opinion w''''' .."died
a 'l,"stion"aite and p""'lIlal inte,,'i.w,. Thi, chapler ha> ",mmarized the
opinion. or ,cpreren'ative N'eik,be from all walks of life.
In brid, thel'e i, a wea' ,hi"'t fot ",lucatio", a di"ati,faction with
presen, ,chools, " ,kcpti<i,m of San,kl'i, and EngI;'h and foreign t:due.
tion.1 patkrm, and d<,ire for ,omothing practical. N<arll' .'<ryOfle
war'" a single, dynamic sy'tem uncle< Central Go,emrn<nt load.",hip, b",
admini'tra,i"el)" ,hared with tbo local community. Noal'l)" all aw",e on
"nh'ersal primary ""ucatio" '" base, followed by scconual'Y oducation for
an iner.a,iuSly large' n,unber, anu topped by wiles.. c<><>f<linated llnde<
.1\ epal'. own Uni"e"i,}'.
l-blly othor ide.. ore presentod, and each mus' be comideret.l bl' 'he
Commis,ion, bu' uot all can be used <yen though a larger ,,,,mher of
people '"PI''''' them. Thi. phose of 'h. "udy ha> 'n<stimable ,,,,Jue
anJ the finding. hor<: mal' ,crvc a. guidcpom for 'he r<$t of the Rcpon.

Nepal's Mosl Pr.,_

ciou,. Asset -Hfr
Th, id. ~ . ~ . ~
. . . - . . ~ .

'" .011:< f
,.:1/ Jf"
'1'"" 1,:1,',
71"" ",ild".
,,,J .(I,wAl"l,
The futl ""rt cl ,his has betn dnvtN ID a ."n"C)" and re\icw
<>f ed....'ion:ol (acil""" in XepaJ 'oday. The ,,,...1.. are nol et>to......ging,
h.." ,hey "cc ""h, d,al!t1\g;ng. The }un immedialell ahead may be
descrihe<J by fu,"re hi"Mioo. a' ,h. "Gulden .ge 0 educa,ion," if'"
,IWJ...,. i, INt. on.- ,,'1><> V<' pr;,ileled '" se".., ,hi. periood will
H>cw- gtn, and the bIel4iags 0 poo<eril)" for <hei. tmicQ.
We in Chapter I gr<:&' ....m educat"" "'U rnIiacd
by many educ...'io....1 offinal.. "'OO ho... the Commissioo ..... appointed 10
",die ,he ""'bl..... We noted in Ch.ap<er II <he _I"IoO,dina.,. o.dluul
'hat i. Xepal'. snd Ihe part ,har i, mus< pl.y in ,he ("rmul.,;"n of
nat.,"al tduation plan. Chap'e, 111 r",-.:alcd the pitifully inadequate
fadl;'ies atMI finance nOW .,.ilsble 10 I"" lhan 3.7 per ""'" <>f 'he \"<'U'h
of Nepal of oc:lv>oI goi...- age and a litnaey ra,e eotimated 10 be oaIr t>-'II
P'"' ....., ort/oe ",...1 l"'P'olation. Nod do Chaplef IV,"" leamed that the
eurrio.IIum "'= 'his small number of el>ilrtren is o-.:l..e, rurtO....
u:o<l<'mic, and in u....,ited 10 ,he real nttdo of our }"outh and our
en"n")". Fi"aUy, Chapt.r V shine. frot,h ... ray from darlrn<t$,
re"ling ,he Iremend"". thir.. ior educat;';'n Ihr .Ikhiidren and adul'.
alik-:lnd .he willingn... of the people '0 do thei. be>t Iv StlPP"'\ il.
0 .., only r<q"".....nt nuw is'o a plan and fl"O"ide thc leadership
'0 earry it ou'.
T1 NI'dJ. t:.Ii..
The need fo' uoh.....1edue",ion in is dear. Pi.. " dcmocratic
llm-.:rnmenl .nd the det<>aa,ic WRy of chosen-arc
l>a.oedlln an 'i,iunry ; they ca""",t in da,.lr.nell. As.
mane...ffset, ,her caruwt ..hi...-.:d until we h.,-.: widcsp<ud l.....ning.
We .- ha...: only <he &>rms .... ; i\O complete ,.,.Jization mu..
....'1 the ruU enIi!:hlmcnl or ,I>e peopIo:.. The .Ir.now1rosc .., >'Ok and Ihan:
in 1IlS.;n, ,leci.....", lhe ........p.", .... intcUip' uoc of onc'.
<:<)Opeca,;'.., enlcrprile_ll .,...,.,1..1 to <kmocr'3cy_re I"""dicated
on educalion.
Scnd. COn be little t""hnolr>fl:iGllI advance"""'t without
cd1JCll1i<>n. "There can be no trained leaders '0 ma..Ir.e dioeo<............ utili...
tbe diKovcriel or otlocn., Thet-e <aZI be DO \110 or ted>"""'IY br ,be
Wnru....... uulil lit i:I tduo:alnl. Science and tecbllOlogy, Abdin'. girl 10
lhe ''''fm;ctb Hut"'\" milll go }"tf, unwand, among an
ignor:onl pop"I""". We.", ...,r,.ill:l!" .he gifl. tlu, ha'", .pod .d,-..>oom...u
in othl!r """",ri<s, u..., a>uJd tale oun "ut of <L>rkneu ;r...."
Third, th.", can Ix link In'pt'O''nnent in 0'" <'eOnomk "",.,dl,i",,"
w;'hou, the help of le<:hll<liogy We cannot ......n uplclt
our ... , ....a! .CIOUrs "itbou, wntilic kllO\oilge and hdp. We anno'
bu;ld nub""...... ffiUlo, KeT the maxinlwn };'1d fn>m our Wrns.
our "'rat<, ham.. our waler ",",-er, build rail_do .Bd
unnol make any imptn"',menq in Oil' e<:onoml" ",1,,,,,.., n1 ,.. ion.
F<",nh, "" ha...., become .. po.... nr Ihe "",Jd. ,,'he,I>< like it or
IlOl. We can no !<mfte< ",..lain imIa.ed ; Ihe...,..1<I hall:">"'" to \d. "_
CIIft ..... _ ,hia_1d without :\1.... ""'_.... Ob' ""tt<: 'b<:
aossrooodll of civiliu,ion-oo.., our hamin .hmc ID our "","ldJr ,.;.;"....
How can ""0 .,..Ju.'" the "gir..." .ha, are (llTeml n.-;'\culogi.., """"
ClUl<"'.... in"",,!i'H''1,.nd 'he ",ap ofa new, I'""nge worM' How un "..
protea ou..l>"" ..pi..., Ilopnt and idcolosi.. dccrm-w l<> the in'er....
dour <'OOmUy W., ca., dO """" of thae """bou, edo.o<:arion 10 p-.: '"
ondrn'andinl and St,.,...u. lead .
fifth, oor js<>l.'ion h made And n.l;onaru'ir, and " .. wil1>
to remain "'. W. wish ,n de\..J01' oor "",;"n.J indi\'idoalj,y, nUT heroism,
and Qotr T<'J'U lioo' _I ,,'"'" of the .."rid. Du,i"g ,he Lul
re... ....., ..., Ita,..., nqlttled Ihtt< ....... ,ia1 rhat'3Ct ;a of all IlroI>Il
Statcs-n",innal priok, "irili"', hne .ll",.'fl!
n"rllc]"" ,,, 10 into Educa,ion mull "'''Of. Il'<>e , ...h,.. 10 "ur
su"", _ "'lilt ",!ain our pbu in th< .......Id ,..f <d a'ion. ."'"
Ion,..... Ita,..... rich a cuho..,.j heritage as But in,
w' have nearly IM' il. It ...illl.kc )...", ofr<>earch '0 ''''''or' i, ,,, \IS
l<l ,he wo.-Id. n\is call. fur highl)' trained ....,archi,lt, and an cducated
peopIc to .oppor' suclt ...h and apprecialc ill IiRdinp.
There &rc an many <lthcr raaono lOr ct\u<a.,ion, on """'1 ,..I".. t" ""
pined. Bul anyone or .h. is .uffieien. I"CMf>n IQ pLo cd"c,,,inn
fi .., and rore"",,' in the ",heme of natinn.1 W. ,imply
ca"",,' .u,...;,'" wi,houl edocation.
n. Sml for &-ti.... n.",.;,,(
Ir ..e a, e to ha,,,, edu,ion on a nal;"nal teal<, it mUll be pLonned.
At pfCllenl III",c arc many dill'...."t .pt...!> of cdocMion prevailing in our
C(lUDlry, wme ... 10 O\Ir ca.-ly isola'edlire, ""'Ill iml'O<'ted from ,he
",,!>Ode: -..-Id, N""" Wf'te planned ror the XepoJ '''''I ...., know tDday.
The 1)-.taI:I or cd"co.ti..n ..... jn""du<'l<:d in.... Xq>al durina
the rciln "f lh. late MahMajaJung &lhado an",. hi. fetU", rrom
EngLon<1. Tl", Buk .,.. Ihe \VlUdha ,)-."m """ "a"cd .. h...
i. "'" ruliud that lbe ClCioti..-: .y''''fn "f <'d"""tio.n railed 1(' meet the
""'"" Uf",,' and pr....! r><ct:Ir er O\Ir nation.o.lljfc. n.c Nijama,j Sl.....n
W2S spccifiaJly ..... 'M f<.r recruitinlll/oc lower (i,il Jct,oin pcrwonncl in
the >.dminis...a,ion. San$kri, ""'. of COb...., beln" ,anlhl through the Bh;osha
Pa,h.haJ... rrnlll tlmt:> lmmelllo.-iaJ, It is r....llr dilTk"h tn Mw
rOIl" ,h and 0,10.. obno". oh.".. "".'" be plan
:::=;: W
, ...,ntinue ,,;,h .lIe was,.rul """'h"",eh dforlll ....hich ha,.. nened ut >0 li,d. by way ortml)' ....,rull....ning.
v.:.r... f<t Edw.1ioc
A. "" approach ,b<! ,ask nf set,ing up an oduaotional ochemc for
..... r.... .. CCI1a'" ..ia at good cd""",;".,. "i>fte......
.. e.a\- he ((,,,n<l. 11.... sho"ld be applied to Nepal" prograll.m.
'''',. cd"c,,,,ion m,,.. be 'm;'''''''''. ro mUS' .earh all the "",,pie,
_ ;.3{ a :"\", "'''" the majori'y ;.
; edura....... mu" "-.
"'""" he a'....i1"We '0 all o( ,he po>pk. Thio m....... ,ha, fdtr,o" mu.' be

wi,hin , or an, 1f) ,ha' lack uI"......porla'ion dOCl 01\, """leami"l '" tOm. ; ,11;01 eduao<ion must ""' frer, 10 .IIa'
_ =" i, 10 ",me ; ,ha' i, In"" be compul...-y, .. tlUI' indiffacn
.P""='" Q:""" 'heir duM.." of 'he brntlill of Juca,irln ; and
any .yslt:m of ed..catinn h.u this country, but it is !IOW rnl..ed ilia! eduntion "",,,Id be of a national tj'pe l(l """"
"'. na,ion'l ,"pi... 'ioI", ,..ant>, and needs. TodJo!" in d<_.,0<, '1uick ..nd far-ruching ."'""Id"'" taking in our .... tienal .. well ..
;n,..,na,;"nal lire. The Comm;";"n I,... tI,<1d.o<e, fron, .he ''''1'
frl. ,be "'-1".\1 ,>ttd of ","<>I';"g a 1)'1l.(;m of education lll.." is national
1:1 ch.'aClC> and ." to ,be genius of the
Thio Ij-"an muJI be planned in the bcrnnilll[ and pro''''ion mu"
br "",do: for a>n""oou, appnois,ol, ,.p1an,,;,,!!" OUr neWs as ....
....ehc new pall","", al>d rncthodl, ... lu.rn beller .... "I1,ere is"
<!0rtut. "f:'ed fnr od""",,,,,,,,1 planning in :':cpaJ today IQr 'h. 1(,1I,,,,-,,,!!
,<Om :
l. In a dernoa-ati<; $<',"c,nment .be role .,. eduatiorl bc:an.i<S
"""ral ,in ;. ean fune'''''' dr,i'"dr only if there i. a" and Ii,". p."'icipati<>n of ,h. mQXt in ,he .rr"i"
or the ""u"'ry.
2. 'n,. suc." o! planning in .. depmds on ,h,I>"''''''' of ,h. 'I'M-it of D>l>j>tta,;"n, ,he ,.,,>c of <liocil'lintd and ,,, whicll i, !><:<:tom.,. pos>iblc '0 cmk publIC
cn,husla"", !Or I'lanninS- ahrad.
J. P"...""ing ill aocnlW ro.- lU<1:""r"l ;mnJem.nlo.tion of ,h. educational i",.lf.
4. Educa,ional l'lanoing hel,PI l<> traio ,h. pe(lple '0 place .hei, r.,ponsil>ili"es be(nre 'h...,. ri,tbtl, and ,h. people l<>
."""Ider the laok of <ducatinnaT d"''''lopment in the muntty.
!>. Rd,u"",,,,,,,,1 planning it a pan of<he "'tal na';o",,1 df"....
6. Planning reduces to a rnioirnum ,h. tha, DCCurl in an ""l'l..nned,,,,u<U, and hoteh.PO<d> ""'r, and diroc.. out cffo'" and enerr. III ptOpcr ch.nncli..
';. .... pLanntd Ij"'"'> or na,ional ed""".ion "ill "imula'e ,he growtll of ,lie creat"'" facult'es, increase ,lie capaci'l' fOIl" CIljo>.,ment, and h.lp to d","elop a .piTi. or eri,ical appreci..ion of a...., li""aturc and o'her ereui"" acri.i,ies.
Ihu i. "'us. be gnred '0 indiYidual dilfttt:n<:Q or childrea, 10 that i. is
rIOt res.l"'ed only for m;"Grit'.. whl> may be audomitally 0< QlhcrwiloC
mo r..voured tllan the majt>r;ty.
Srooad. <>cluca.;"" ......., be adal'.aj 10 .he o-:ts or the people fot
..."""" i.;" int<D<kd. Imported IChemea at<" DO. Jikdy to be .ulla! to
Ou' need.. ne aluc:ltional nd. of our pe<>p1c m"st lJe analyaod
and then a mu.t be designed [CH' th....p<cifi<: need.. f'orth..-
....". all wllu:: oCalI <>flit. people must be met. A<:admlieleoming
;s EduealiD:l mill'< lit lht le.n>cr !Or "",nin!
wdl as tnching him loo... lI> rnc<':t ha _wobl.igatiom.
Thicd, edllCBlion m"" be. '<>operative en,erprio<". All mull .hart
... <>:ltl aco>nI.i"lllO llnancial.l>ili,y rather than wheth nne h... ,hi/illtn
in td>ooI or =I, wheU>n he D ;"'tnotal .. DOl. "" r ao)" litaibr In_.
And the i.n the \'iIlaa mUS' curt .he ma.ic"t bo.U'ckn ':'" tlM: IUPI':""I
of <:<lucatlon. n,. central Gov<:rnmcn. <;Iln lP'''' kaMnlllp ""d pro'o-idc
admin"trativc organiu.ion, bul il <annul .arry m<>,. than .. ,o,all part
of ,b. burden. Child...n, lcacha.. parents, ad",ini..,-aIOrs, and
Q;lInfrIi,lCCI ail "'-... a pan III p:ay ; <:ad> 1:D.\ISl carry his <>r
". ....
F<>,,<th, education ("" .pecia1 ll"'''?' is no' properly " go=nmoen,
rnporuibili'r. School. training I.-ia.. and "'n'al, or EUII:lish
edllUtioro..... <>t/o... opcrial uaininc. oho,Jd be <>pCI"ll1C<l "" F"""c rllrwt..
Pri,a >e1l<:ooB obnuld no, be di>o>un.gflI buI ....nt money """old be
br com""", educa,ion.
T1>c arc o<her cri,,,ia ,ht <l<-f"" the gen"",1 ch,uac,eris!i", <>f
cdtKation. bu. theoe ...., brouI;h' OD' in the '."lious cbap''''' in I'a" I1
tha. 08'/;"" the Cornmiilioll' propouJo. The Dd """ cd""",,,,,, iI du,_
Dui. Ou' ooun'ry'llurvi",,1 '" a r.... country, our uonomic im"'....-emtnt.
""r general advancement, our cullura1 imp,",..,,'en'. and the _urnp,icm
of our pbce amoog o,her natio... ",,,..ld ill dcm.ond it.
i!l i rrff' ft 'trl,r tPll

ht, ii.lh'[f tt
H i I II! t {I'J 'Ij [
, .1.. r , .S'<'.. "" " ,..
- ". at. 9" "So ."'" g'E:-,," rll. ILl" a'
< 0.>., ill""'"'''''' . s,'
.. ' a ""." , .. _"'1<.:.' "
': i ,I t .
f i
, r .-::r,Q:;o: , Ir
I!>r. ,L"" "'''.,&,:
., fi t:,i a[';l <! a"'IlR :r ....
,5, "ill .n
,,, 'i:ll'"
"'" i;50 "Ilj;l,f" -'e a" .a.;
a!:,!>" "!:I':
-g .. ... <>lo.?-",:::
IPa Is".,..ll.! g.
.' 'i" i, "-, .. ' ......
. ill!... """"""il"'o "_,,"
".. It P ,,-
"!' '. ,'1"" j . , .,[-, e,. ,. ". ...
" ... ". -"'':;-.,,;:1
" "' ...... ""_.,,,- _ " ....

:j !
,; .





3. Eh./iIM II'i/lNfrff" In ro::w countries "os ,his bt<:n oornp'.Ldy
,".h;c,cd but man)' ha". """'. d<do!. 10 Nepal, ,IH: Comminioon i"'>l1S on
fro. prirn"'r irnmcdi3u:ll', f.... tt" is the wmmon bas<:, the
minimum, ,h. ""i,-,,,,,1 !\Mda,y <d"ca,ic,n .hould be a, free &.l
p>;.>..iLI. ""d., the ci,curn'lIane... many ycars, high ochoolo will of
n<""",i'y need to I", "!'Iidtnti,,1 .. h""l>. Help ,hmlld be gi,-en 10 worthy
.. to def,ay h"".1 rom, Dnd "0 aLle .tuden' ,hould I", denied
,"",onda,y "<Iucation I>a",. "r ,h .,."" Th. Con""i,,;"n ha. ""
,ion to moo.,at< k" higl,., .d"""t;",,, !>U, thi, ,ho"ld not be
al!ow.d to d<i.r th. able ",I"lt 1i'<mC"f trainin!: ,hould Le [re< :
other adnlt fflu...tion .hould Le a, inexp."'.i\"., '" JlO"iblc.
Th< Cornm;";.;.n bdin.... in free <ducation b,,' O)lnpmmi... with
",.jier. It i",is', 00 free primary and liter"'e}' "<Illcatioo. wi'h o,h.,. I...'el,
'" iDUp<'mi,'f; as """iblt.
4. &ftIaJn- ",il/ Hj .. UrY;RJ pni./J, r""" .ix mon,h. to ..,."......
0.- Il1O "CQI><<!in. Ill> needs, aptituda, "nd f,,,,,no:ial ablli., of,lI.
country 0.- >mmuni,y 10 l""O' <duca...... Many adnll< will contcn.
tb ,.. "",b .'" mon,hs <A lOnnal i",bv<Uon in ]j'...acy ..nd ,hen
"""tin with ... .....,iod "',ouS'> librari<:o. ,adin. and .......u"..lIy
cinemas. Doctoo-t, ""';neen, and <>oh",. p<Of...-.....:J per..,.,. ma)' "lIdl'
ohroUf:h li>noJ.aJ ochooh 10< ... m..cll .. ,.,...."Iern ,-ean 0.-....,..... I" bet ...",
"""'" atremn, !an of pc<>ple .."ill pm .. minim"", prim..'1" .-i>MIinoc,
thotoo.aDdl will benefi, by oea>ndal'}' ........';"n. Ir.undrc<b ....11 ......'"
...;"n <a<h )a.
d j - j - #7 _ +' 11)".... .. pl,a.."e.J for ,I>< 1"""""0<' This mean.
rn.., )....... or prima..,. (,"" ),<an or oeconda'1" cduca.ioR, 10.. to
......... )1I2n or c..lItge and ""h-enlty "'uocatioJn, and atktit;"nal od""';,,o
Cm- adul.... This is ....... iMdly .. COn\ptonlisc 1><............. idtal.nd t'"
fin:utcially practical. 1be Oommiloion hapeo tha.""tRC day - pcrbapo in
........ty Ii,,,, }-eara - p-iIow-y education .....y be atcr<dcd to Y"".... and
JUd and obtttvcd. Rcc:>p;ni.ina' <>ut rapidly changing need>, we ha,..,
provided "'" modificatio... in our plan as tile)' are dct:J1lot'<l ntteIP'1'.
In this do.pler, ".., ha'''' auempled.o gi,'e an oYer-an pid:un. of \he
plan, with drtaih 10 follow in Jut.equt"l chap'..., and ""'e ha'.., let
>om. modot and, "'.., hop<. !arFI>.
a-.unuli", of XuMMJ Eat.,,.Pt ,/1''''
I. ...""HII. Thilio ...... t;,ery
...., mUll. ha,..... minimum .cuta,;"" 10 fulfill hi< _p:.mibi!;lics as ..
ci<i<rn.. A appnIch mlllt be made: pr''''Vl" wu<2,ion
ra.. all and aduk liu.-xr b aIL \\ltloir! ._nry_m,,- la.. ""....."110<1
and <'an be r........he Iatt " .... land.
2. EAc._ /1 .. ..#-.1. 11>ere ,,;11 be on11' """ of
p"b1ic, 8"'unmnu..upporl'"<l <"d,......,;.,... an un;"",. profTa.."".
ad.opu:d to the "f OUr people "od 0.." """""r. It ",ill .,,,,,-,, from
the cu.tin.g Dol",... typ<s of td"" " .. in ,he poc<:eding r .... pta'J,
btu wm mttt th. i<kaIs otour ,iuoal life in Xepal. We l"'''pnK du. ,he
pL.uJ be known:lS ,he Nepal K.tional dIlUtion Pbn, tIuo, DCW JChooI. be
.........n ... X.,j<>nal Schools, ,hoe n..... aJrriculum as Ih. Nation.l Cuniculwn,

ihol o1Tccti.\"<: "''O-)'ea, pml >;<>ndlu-)........ ..,. "';or he: inunduo:m
numben or nu. This would ",<:In a '7 - 217 _ +
(Sec $ "'" ',he Edua.lional Ladder rc<:ommcn(kd h)' the
1. O:4,....,nu ... Mt/Jld '" -J' _J urid -JJ. Call1''';/I'''
_tt.-(, beu_ moo< people pe.-Iuor- 98%, - in m.... help .,.,."
" l..-dil>ood '" Ilndlheir aulill", Oil')' a "". eoJ'\ afford be:
idle, ...... e\Q!be ..-..aIthy , uoually "",k lU ..... tlotir holdillgS.
Edl>Cati'U:l, \hea, ""'" 1\.:1,." and homtmaki"l' nnph.nio .....
the _jori,y, and <><her '"OOwDal t...,.u,i"l!" opPO<tuni,jn the: ,,,,rious
miDoritia: incI........l....,, ,,""'''' mnl, dou, ..........-
m",,, ........lo.en. etc. Ma;'" J",tifio::>.tion ohduutio>n m.., b< 1'00"'" in in
''<lQI\;,,,,al "",,"in; ,-al ......
(b) EJw.tio orill"'" tiliuulti;. This is " "M-enlIJ demand,
bcno... all of .. """ citiuns. We '""' eilittns of " ,-Ubge, a <futri<t,
and :\cval. and ..." ha'.., our duties and "'"J"">'ibili,ia '" prrlOrm Wr
each. l:.d"""'ion will help us 10 larnlhrse and ltl fulml ,I\(m. Educ.o-
lion must '''''''' the c:i1W:n to wlte, pay U1<S, cnopcr.ue, "",4 joint
d""i.i<..... and carn " living .. that he c:lIn do ,he 0111.. thing> ""pe.-,td
<of a citiocr. in a ".mocrae,".
'<I ."""1/.. 'Pill k14, Ik i."i""""I, cuhunll)", aesthetically,
y. 11 will ""Ip him (0) enjo" life more, liv'O,1\OI'c healthily, have
a ben"" '<.\II(I ..d <If li, ing. I, will bring him a"'the,ie cl\lopnen', h<ip
re\i,.... Our e"It"",1 heritage, and male our oommnnltiet a bellcr pla"" in
",hich 10 live.
G. EJu<OIiM wm "'''''' JuojJk. It ",ill be a prOCCil of helping the
learner to ""fold. evolve, =periencr-fm himself-Ihe '''l"'''''i<> ami
.imple .hing< "f life. II will not be formal, aeademic, I'meal;""c; it
",ill IW. be pmpAganda ", c.a,..-h;"m, Learning will be \.t:u"rJ on f>lo()(\crn
prindpl.. ur p:I)'ehol<!gY phikoophy. LeMning ",ill be p,actical,
direc', d()"" It, ""..h, and useful.
7. Till ,,,'_.., JdoJ ...;/I 1'_1 .i";",.... rJ>,(.,i". 10 /IIt- IIWHJ,
FM the prC!'<'Jl' the primary curriculwn will be he J..a.. in l""l(th,
in'ended lOt childl'ftl from '''' 10 clcvcn ; n..,,'uaUy. ;\ ",'I be le"S'hened
10 oe\'en )-e:a... I\n anempt ,,-ill be r=dc within ,hit brid' period to help
hoj" and lP'" become fuUy ...-iout or ,heir probletN, righ... and
and to be Mlr prepa,ed to talu: up lho: v;x:Il.,itmo they choose
for ..., as ,,-dl as .heir cr.... reoporaibilitiQ. Tbe rorrirnlum ....iIl
include oocial IltKl.ico, 'he "3 k.," <.Taf... ....netic UII, and
per-...l dn..I,,'pmnu.
The CorruniNion I>oIi<va .hat ,.. firs' -I..twill i. XrJl4l u-u
!or ...n-. It as S- : M """ prim:ary
ochonl 'Or ,,",ch 1000 J"'OPk!>'l' ; 300,000 dilldoren in prima<y ocboolo
1- (thilt iIt ...-lOurth the numl>tt <hildrm ofptimart>I"'30 a'
r=-n') ; "OIuntary un,,"orAl fl"'lmvy edUClltiool 19H (i.e.,
iChooh lh., .U an auend .m.n wish 1<> do 10 ,"""ntat;,,") ; COIftp"1roo-r
uni'......l prima.,. educalion bf 1985 (i.e., .1/ children of primary' ochool
age in ocbool).
8. n. m_1 7 srlwl IDi/1 ... lIIII1Ji-l-J-I, oj'ni.,,..,J-' __
dtu/iN It .. .......".'bo ..... /Kofi, '.I ,,,,,..., ft< ---I

la,",,';" Tbi. p"'f'"ammc will be fi,-., lQn in length, ........ and in 'he
future, and will aaxl" 'luaJif'ied pupils who complete the p,imary ochool.
The cutriculum will provide renaal education (IO<Ul ,,,"'iQ, tcicna.
mathc:maUa, etc.), and ........'ion:ol cb..iopmen, (pbl'Sical \r.Ilin-
II'!!. baltJ:>, ....belie arU. etc.), and 1o'OGltional u.ining in "soiculture.
home-mding, indU$try, buoineu ed.,cation, """,inK, learnlne, pI"qJ\1onl\>on
li:>o- oth... and MIICSC lr.llining. Hi.1[h .KJ->l.".i"inll
<bould qualil)' ...... 11Uden1. ru. pooiliono of ""'........ip in the c;"'ic and
...,.rid; oome will too';""" in ltigh..- imtitutx- for runhc-
1nw1>ag. Sca>ndary ICbooIo m.., d"''dop the W1h and kaMull;p rH)uiruI
Ii:>r the dcvdopnvn. otlh<: try. -I", -rode> tU, 'her
_ .pnnide complete. lmniMl cd ti<to "'" the maj<lri<\', buic pr""
pa::lllJOD I'or .... ..... tlK nUnor;,y.
As" ,he c....m n SI.'f:ll"'ts : ..t 1.....'<Kl.c muI.iI.....p<dC hish
odw>ol ror aid>. or the <.bitty-, poIitica, di",icu by 1965 - new ",bools
;" diotrin< not _ b.a,i,,! any hip xh<x>l, and th< or... n"'
jog ..hooI or .. of a new one in di..rku ...........';ng traditional
hish ""booh; 20". or Iht>oc ....... oomplCle p.ima'T tch<>ob anawl'"l high
schonl by 1965 ; at lea.. one multi-purpose high scbooI lO< nett 0,000
peopk by 1915.
9. Hit"" ,Jot.';'" ...11 H -'rr 4 ,\'4,..".1 Urtirmily.
Colkxa aDd ilUl""tio... ,,-ill pnwidr pr.Icli l proI""';M,,1
and VQutio",,1 training ... high_lovel katle"hip r nU" Ct>"ntr)'.
[.,;;'ting e<>ll<ga ",ill bt ....tanl.o<l llnda a toaChing u"' itl' and new
colloga ",ill 1)<0 a'abliol,e;l a. ".e<l<<I, bolh ill Kathm"ndu and through"ut
Ih. Coun"" a. _01 as ,hey can b< j"otilicd. A n<t.,,..,1.: or higher .d,OCll.
tion ",ill ,;,.....lal' grin,uy and lcJooary eoucMi'lIl 10 provide special
leaining n<Jw I{o'inc abr<lad by ou< people.
A. a ,,,r,el, the Commission ILJgg..u Uni,'c"i,) (}.[glOni.atiM ror
ing ),I<g<S w,thin Iw<l or the.. ye." ; a OOlllpJele uni,-e,,;'y hy w.
beli.." that ,h. uni..."it< <tIrollm.n' .ho"ld be hdd do",n to Im I(udtnl.
ro< few yea.. ; ru>t o'-a. SOOO b}' ; no' OH< or 'he high ..hool
...,<>llmon' ro< the nu' twen\ylke )"""'. W. rcd 1Iu.' ,h;' ..,.,dction io
n=ary to provide prop<!" ..nph... <HI o'hcr nr edu<a......a1
and to guard agains' ""ititc-rollar" '''''''''fIIo)'ment. IrthCSll
two faero" "'"... 10 expa...ion, then ,he Commiai<:n, fa''Oun
ccamnable """"nsion of ,hia target.
10. AJ.U "'" "';11" "";/4W. Adult ed......tioa n,,, only
",,,,-id<:> a shor' t 10 ....ming li>r 0 ..< p<atn, adult> "'h., ha... had no
od> bIO' C3D a40 ""l'plemen. in ,he fulure the edu<a ofu-c "'00
.coe:i,,, only edualtioo>. '1"tK flI">I1"m"", m ilEl "illl adult
; I.lor c....iuioa ........ IIw ,..t .1 tIJOi-..J Iiln.y ...w ...J.7 "
,n_ryeiw.b.. Bull'" "''''' cn<=tpass all," of adult
education _ bomo....wung, handi<:7J,", line and ...hural ana,
widespread Iiten., <le.
As taEgeu., <he ee-m""Q""'d<"-'" : 100,000 ..... Ii,onlell by 1960;
liteney daJs<o lOr 100,000 ...... by 1965; oth..- ...1..1t edlK:lltiOln
d-e. rnr ...... by 1960, Snt .U..-hn dtUre lhem by 1965 ; vill. Iibntia
fo...D by 19M; rillag....!" re....u by 1965.
11. 1'rolnsW-i -' ,-.l ...-... IriIl .. J-tiJJ fitr .......s "


___ __ __n_n


Higl>er }
b- about
add 2 yr.
/ 2 grid"" IQ
e pri"",ry.chool)
Primary school'" an

...,.,,.;, ....n.-I J-P-. will be IK'tded by tM th<M.I.

Aa'" to de\-dop ch.. J"'OS'"UIlme. The prac1>1 de:orrh oflr"i!>cl kachc:tJ,
.... of schooltd pmoN to <ti...., Iraining, m ..., be ","crCOtrW' by
.. f".. lea. hen, an appelll '0 """'cn to ern"" 10 IMir ",.ml!")" aid
in lime of od, .",Itll. grndu,,1 ll",'dop",.nl or leathinlt' a. a grea' an<1[",,;"o,
A:I minimum "" noe<:t ,h. uem"".h fOe lh. <Xl''''''''-'" of
cduulion ougge>ttd abm.." ,h. CommisIiun ... .. the .,ainin!t" of: at
Ius. I 0lXI per rear !Or .be """, 'en y".... then '!OOO I"'r
l'Ut leading 10 4000 per)'CV coati.....,."q k> p-o>-Mk ro.. lino' ""book lllId
,eplacUotOIl re,. n:tiring IOclIn. ; a< "'.>st 100 DCW Kht>ol
'eachen per J'f'lr b' ,he ""'<, 'co l-c;an, 'bm per I<> 400
poT yUT ronlin""".ar tu ror <:::Ip.omion and <q>Ia<:f:lnb'o:S ; 10", 20
tolIClI:< per and the np-lt"'"ding of prc,,,,,,, ,,,",hen : .-.00 10
1000 tnch"" of adult r,'n,,",'y per rUt ,mtH .he need i, !Ia.islil, an<.l 'hell
exp'Ulding ,hi, ltaining t<l ind,,,l. olhor ph""", of adult ",I"ca,;"o.
12. T'xlbod.l a"J ,"'1"'<1;'.01 ",ol'rial', ,.pplill d 'fuip""." a.d
,"i'.b!, bo<ildUoJ' -..4 ,;,,, will k poriJd. TIlerC un he '''''}' liule
a rieh edueo'in....l This includ.. lIle
leatl"". <x>mmnnil)' (..hicb ar<: """'" abun<bn'lr ..."iuDi t6 be
uon! 1.1' lhe wite ,ead>a-). ,,,,,1>0>0'" and o<her prin.ed ..... t ...ials, maps and
OIhcr uaJ.lIic aidt., au<!-'...... aid>, tat-a".l and.....,>o>p c:quipo........
pial' """", a .. .... aDd d'1' bulkJing. and the "Ihcr Ih"'so dui make up lhc
Ita,n"''; e",ir"nruenl. whid!lIl...., can he li.1iII! learning. 1bac
..., partoff,eo:, "ni,-""..,1 "".",a,ion, and ....'"Id be pW"idnI. frC'C: IOlhc

In addilion, we llluSllook ill the nu, to<> rl,,'an' ful"re t" hot mid
da)" mcal., hc"l<h krvicc', dub work and ":ollting, librari<'$, ",.dal ,e,viee,
""ren,.,eachc" 6rganiza,ion., and man)' 0,10... '1>;"; ...."i'""" "'hieh holp
t(I ""'kc: a good set-I.
13. rilf" tImMr.Ji::#i i... '-;.iw-,i_, ... Th<: :'>.linis\r'J' of Ed...atioon of d.e <nI'ral g<t\....nmenl ...mbe the
<WpnWn,: lOroe, will P"O'idoe bdenIoip and r"ICO'II.>l l' ....ib-mi'l', will
insun: minimum su.ndardt, and bttt ,he <raining of Inchen, bot. ....
,;1148< .....t I" -.jar ;8 its tu... Each ,;nag.,
ha,'c a board of Mu",",;"n or mua"ion """""i"... "'Pn"" and
"'I"""i>c mutJoli<>n in g=cral, and will rn.pl6JI a >mpt:'enl ad!n;nisl"'hl'
tv adm;ni"n' Ih. $<hoo".
Each di'hict will h,.., a dl,',;cl bo>o,d of educa,;'", '0 help Vil!.g..
Re' and .tart ncw cl,,,,,!., and district "'l""inlcndcn' and "aff
UlIend adminism"i'"'" auislan<:e. Fo.-""",c lime, .ccondary educa,ion ",al
be: ltIOOIIy a Mlr;':' <natm". under lIlc District bd. Thc c:enlnll :l.liniotry
",ill 0jX>Id0I", cduea,;,,", 011 a nationAl ocaIr. 'ni"
IUd>en, OUJ'C""ioe bigh mttoeaboo, sua- mmi"'al rarriada and
r<:quircmen.., and pIO"i<k ftI..oaliriag a<><I t"",_, .if fma.ncial aid. (Scc
F",,,,, 6 fuI doe Orpnin.- or Educatiun rommrnded by 'he
H. F..J.ea'i"" ",,11" Utpal'iJfia-.d. hlla'.('iJ (...... 1"'.1 "',"',.
Local managi"ll COtIllll;Uca will be to (C'o"y and collect
, ~ "

0 ,


G ~ n " L OUTUM! OP n ...
cduutio..... Ocntral.nd district g<wemmcn. funds ".;,u be: utcd
mostlr lO. Itt<ltlduy .nd his;hC't cd""",i<Jn and to belp ...'" prillUltY
.dK><l!s get 5tar1al. of <he ""PI"'" for primary cdl>ClUon 1Il16t oome
from u.... ,-illaga .... iflb;' cducat.i<>tW is to be rullKd ;
!he ccntnllO'tt""""" o:ould IUPP"'"' .. progralD"'t: 10 u"""';..e.
..' be uoppnl. and IUppm' nf od..c....ion
,.uJOt 1>< oqu.Ui:ocd ."""'J indi>iduah ."d cnmmWlirico (ID lhe <If
ability to pay. E:opcs>di",,", lOt cduClIliuo .nI] in<ttaw: man) tiJneJ in
I1lt: DOS' tw<:nl)".6ve ran; \he COIl "'..., be dil"ibl"<d..
1"'" an: IM rnajoo" c.....- ,ia of our pL:m. Many of tbe <kc.a.
:a."<: prarnlftl in \he chapten c boot ......... cl ,hem ",un he
wmtcd out;u oh<: p"'n ',be Commission h.a< "ied only \(I .ko:<dI
a pia'! hen: ; tho,c ......, be ..... ard\i=t5" '" curl'.he pbll in",
ThcDlpniz:uionofc<l"",tian is .um!OMiz"" in Fig"," !I and 6.
1"h<' lafgCI' ane.un\IlU"izcd in T.ble 18. Th=. logtther with ,he
ing charul..istia. dcoc. ibe in general a ....tiafW plan IOr univQ's:\l. lift,
complete, I""c,i.<al edllC:al;(>n for I\tpo.l.

. :

C.L....T.... VI"
Primal)' o:dLICMion it ,,,,,,,, r"un<lal"'n or lurnLng. For il
" the ro, an <du"al;"nal ; fu' m,," of our chilu'en In
fur. long.ime 1(1 it wlllb<: u(, educa,ion 'hey ",-Ill and
ch... it hccanQ m>prrhenth" alWl ..:nn;,w. The primary ..hool it:.he
chiId'llint ro.m..tly .....ninl _ the: inotnlmall b bmine tho;
r"ndam...l:Il .katl, undcntanilingo, ull.d... a.M! habill CSlmtial to the
"euucate<!" citizen.
The po-iman'lChooI is I'k.: ro"lldation or build,og,
...hid! tha-.: <::an be no -.nd edualionalllnOClllJ" or sturdy
cir.Uenship t..... wiU nand the 0( loul ...-nthct. Pt-imary eduation
""n ..... Ulit..-acy a,M! ""n rn"" a brtnd of common unooll:lOMling and
effort <hat ",ill giv< ..""ng,h to nur to ",itlutand "'il
f<o<o.ha\ prey upon It.
Pri:narr rd"a.ion .uptt.iUoo, lPJid:anu, and tlirtttion u.
,"" child (rco:n qoe lix.o eb-a.. Th...tI.Ie nf ,he cltild. !ife hao
imp"...a""" "r ill "".". DuTing thi, period, diad is dC\"e>npiog rapidly
in ",ental, moral, """"ion.l, and attnlnmcn". Tt it during ,hit:
""rjnd th " ... un ""',, ....lly mould hi.s ptt'On,.li,y and '0
......-thy .nd health)' oocial C1Ids. H" plastici,y cnabIa 111 1(1 guide h.i$
e''''X;;;J,n'l> .-ful, -wpad and habi"'.Dd iD ,be dit-eion 0( cffcctr....,
mrm tp In ,hoe of ...hid>. .. a part, 11... e1uno')". or COl,_,
mal' at"" berocfi, rc.-"", 'hat would m",,1d <he child,,., 11 it impera.
I;'-e that lhere \le a co".trutH,,,, orgn"i:<t<I pri,rulry >chool IQ
rumba, thcle ncpu'" inAuctUXlI.
Apan!"mat II><X faon ... importaDC to the indMdual
child. primal")' edlJOl'oon it ....,1;'1 to the oociaI. pciliUcal, rdiai-t,
JOfI('m>c, .nd d<veloJl'Mflt of ....'ion. I>d....tion ""'.... "to
lad M''', !Ju' ..,.-.Ie,y mu::l' the dlrectic" in which th,ldre"
.., be kad. it a "",1-01 bC"ing. He is born. Into IOci<:ty ; ij"cs in
tt ; be d;'" La i,. He .<:I;es OIl his felJ-men ror .....ny of hit """<is and
CcAres. He La ,,,.,, contribulQlln theio- ..d1.bcin&. Th"... be ia alIISlandy
rl""",,ord br toeict}, and lh... in his fttblc: ......). Jtr""!!t"
"",y - he Inlluenccs "",iety. He is rarel)' C<lltlplc,d)' tu i .
lrics '0 reshape hiI immuli,,,c sumlIlnding> 11> 1115 0\0.'1:1 liking, last..,
Th. "",kty in which II"e tooay in Nepal j. not rornl'ktrly ..,.,;,-
fat:tor,'. In fac., it "'as 110 " .....'isf.a<101')' a few IUtl bacl<, thot ,,'.....
ind,\'ldualo and N ... group chanJ;trl it. K""" """ .., .. 10 funber
irn"..,..." and paft iL Ileal_ is. wlE fur.II.,... citi<eno, ""e ",,,st
leaorh Our childIm. lhc: future cilizms, how 11> -;aJ n;k r.... ,h.
ba""">etll '" But 11> "" lhio, ....... rdiwt ,he <cnIpcramt'll1 cl
the ...ho bosiaUy is ..,1Iiih, and nuu his mlCfnt!l similar, and
uM&1mful, to 'be inlft'nU nf otll.... mnnbtn of _kty_ Unhwthy,
p"non..l, and <>f,en indt<cn, lnl..-ests ...... Ily .<sul< r"'m 11.. of a
rommun orluc..tion.
Nep.l "'doy i. 'luile dine,,' f"om },.... ,day. It hat adnpl"<:l a
<kmocratic form <Jf gm'cmmcnl. and Ihis h.. "","e it ne,......, (,or 'he
vo>pk 10 lhc roIlll'letc ra(lO""il..iH'I' of the "u. - it< t1t<:C=a
and f.ilura.- lbadOn:, 11 bccoma an urrn.1Ift<i .,(,he to knmo'
thei.- rich" and lhrit dulD and hal <hc)'
nuy .""'l'S ........lE lOt the sood ca..... 01 the "atioD. ).lotnA ,be m:rnl
poIit;n1 in.....,;aD """nlrics ha"e pu' our COIInlrf "".,,"C't'n "'"
lhor"s. m,he n,llb, of l\A... bis" and amnlM. with ideolotr;c, and cau>a, f.eft Iocr ""'" crill...r pcrio>d in
hi"QI1', She mull face the problem boldly and mclhodi""ny. So every
$On and muSl be ,.".dr 10 mcc' 'hem and hell' oohe 'hem,
l\'ql ;" ["einlI an ert>rJ\Imlc a-iJis. '...:h <If 'he ma'eri.1 ,,'u/th or
lhe C""DII1' has .-anisbed, """e ....... her b" ...I..... The gm",nm.."t is
on a Moti, budget. KOl only 'he I""una, bul many of \be
-'lies of life .. wc.II, an beioJ imponed r....... lQreisn countti<s,
thuo .h31tcriolg the ....,. """",".mm. vi the ..oon,Mc .I...",encrt vi the
"""nlrf. Thcre .,, no mines factories, bu' ,"ere..,.. rni........lI_
human 'aotIK" '0 <:rea", mi and factories. There aK urM:u!1;"",'ed
lan'" and hum.., 'DOurC" ". make Nepal ..If-s,,ff.. i<n' in the ncccni,i..
of r<><>d, shdtcr. and do,l,;ng. If thi. and degene"'t. ",li.nce
on {("e,gn coun"i.. f<>r Our cconomic nch ;" to cc.... the people mu.t
be edU<::lted.
Tbel'O'pIc of Nepal today 1;"-.:: a humdrum \if... percent
an: eultund1J ill" .....,... 1"hcy hut: no oonccptio<t of "'" \'<U! c"bur....
hci1alC cl'vu.- counlry. For ,han, the f.cId ;" r..:J1o>- and " .....ltio. ...ed.
TIle naluu of the pr<XD' ......_.r pooridc:o '''''''Iiule ]e;nu:e
lime, but ",,[ture now pb, _ ..nail a part in the liIni,cd en<crtainmcn'of
nw' of our """,plc. Changes in Ih..., condi,;""" tlID <ome abuu' only
thrnullh education,
Thus, /Iot br.odp.npom ofp,imory d"M/i may be .",umar;,cd :
I, To ,,;pc illiteracy ftom the face of the land
2. To p"'ide minim"m fund> education foe the Mlijori,y
of ,he nalioo's,
,. To ",noidc a buuLstir:m b <he h.i:P<'r ocIuca,ioo of a
lV""P ""bo ,,;11 uke the pnoitiono of Indctohip in .he nu'
gnocration or """
4, To pro,'id. satidting, properly directed dt\'c:!npml:n'
"r children IlIr-oub their most fo<mam.., ,hat thq'may
btcumc elrear." dliuns
So To pnnide "'" llIe political, ea>DOmG and eullunol ,<,e""'lIticn

Oijliou.f Pri-'7
The: iO<qoing dime;"" "- dab ...ilh lite broad purpolltl of f:do.><:a'
lion. pania&latly at <he prunaty xhooI lC\-d. How, Ihen, eatI ..... I)QI
lh_ putpt>Oa? E,.... y olf:d.....'ion hasgoa.. oe "l!ittli...... ;
in ,tu:: ol!itt......... ...r "'e ,,,,ioo,, O)"teInJ now e:sisl.illg ho.,." been
..,.,...,i,'fl! o>n """,nhing k:d dun a na,ioPaI has;'" Tht) ha,.. not been
c!ir'tc,ed I"",a,," 'he solul;"n "r OUt brooodCl" na'",,,,,] prolMnl$, 'he
eli""""i,,,, fJf ",,,difficulties and Ihe tt>haping of ,he "a,ion.
11,. otde<:1 i,. of om nali"n_' >rltr", of e,l-leM"'" .11'",,1,' t",
or;",,,",\ hI 'he Lroad purpo'" laid OIll abO"e, They ,h""lri l.oe '" help
ohe chit,1
I. To ,j",...lop i" ,h. l><uic .kilt. or <;nntnlt,nicativn,
incluriing .,><1 ",.'homa';'''
2. T" dc\"CkJp ci"ioc ...r T"'P"lISibni,y a",1
"'-"'l>na,i..... app-eciat..... ,,f our otntggleli>r dernncrac)" alld ,h.
('< nuibt.&_ of...". ,..tioo>al hcroeo. ""cknu""i,,! "r d,e wo< k-
W d olilb il:> ch'k panicipa.tion, a fffii... of
_",_, m:ire aDd daic. fOr odf_fficitt>C'\' ."d
nz I ID bdp....aeU;
S. To ck<Uop, ..n k ......peomcr-abililj 10 t2fo a li,qun an
. qly highe:r oo:ale ;., .....:kr 10 in>pm>"", .....,., ","" a>ndil;"'"
aDd ..,.,.... 00.. '" """ national
... To doe>"lop aathe<k
cult....... ",,,,le, danci,,!, Ute... ""... and lOlkIor'e
To d",-dop I'CI"l"nal mental, ..notional, iUld
f'hj')i<a] h","lIh, and mo:>ral and tp'ri.ual ,-;tI,,,,,
6. To dl"""."r laten' t.lmu and abilities .hl when <I"''']Ul'N
will enabl. Ih. indi"i,lual '" make hi> n,"m OOtllribUlion
g.""al",. ",r,..;it1y
7. Tu .,,,,dop !>roll,1 onrlonlanding. nflif., 'ho w.,.,,\<\, ill "n';ron
men'. ,lie 01'1"""0, t1c. to en.Ll. ,he chilJ 10 pr"b< in'o
""lOh'od my.ttfi", and Ih. Ilnknown, >" as to d"v"k,p 11 ,p;,il
or i,"lui:'iti,........, ",""",ch, open-mindedn"", .nd "willin5ne:ss
10 uperunenl
8. -r" d",-clop a de<ite lOr leiJ".." .ime, iUld k""""ledge 11"" prac.icc
in 'he .ffect"''' uoc.,r i,
AlIhough Ill... objcn"''''' arc nol intended '" be aUinclll'''"''', "'C)'
.... Iho ....phaat:s 10 be .l.f'U>Cd in primary education. Their full
i> pnbaps a dr...... bOil thq. pninl .... "'"al' ......"ha, the
C,.aw:niooion bdE."<S wiD be a be1t<t 0)= cl pritnary edLlCtltion, aDd
l=tt a bctler Nq>al.
GIMt.J Sl>W'itrt .JPri-.y
Fit<J""" ha. bn "l,UCSled in ,.... P""""Ut chapltr ... the period
tor prima')" eduo;alion. The Cononisil"", doco nnt bdie-.-.: Ilia. ti,-.: yea...
is a<i<>qualC aco:>mplislo W P"'1><*'l and to achle>'C the <>I>;ccti>"Q of
p.ima,y od"..:";.,,, ""tlin.d .1>0>-.:, b... th. Hmiltd fi""n<:ia[ ,""",ut",,"
'" cd"cotiun in Nepal at the p:O<nt time neccsiUl corn"""",;,.,
,hecducuicn:l! ideal aDd Ihe lin.>uci:ll pr jn,m. h" h"pod ,ha.
,he fj,". )"QtJ may "'nltually be Clltn<kd 10 Of C''CIl ..,....,,, yea....
The Cnmmitloio" Ixli"'-Q that primary <duu' ...... should Ix f," .,/
.-./JfJ-.l M all bol'S and ,he age otoi>< and ,wel,,,, Free
cd""";.,,, .. an immediate possibility tbrough 1111: ,nlroduc,i(,u or locaJ
...........<nt or 13xa,ion, ne Juntal') ......tribution.. bu' C<tlflUlto<1, .duca-
tien .........,,, be aWcoud until
40,000 '" 60,000 tca<Mn ha,,,, bttn
' .....'ned. In.he meantime. it i. hop! that d,er. ,,;11 Ix .ROugh
cl:wro<>IJiI (", !hot< who (red)" deli.....du<a''',n.
The po-nn..'1"IdIool.ho,,1d ha'''' JJ..,u,J>. Pupil. sh""ld Ix
gruuped into g....d". or cl....... "" .be or ability, <k\wt>""'''''
and phl'Skal maturity. Many.mooll will ha'.., cn""gl, pupils '0 ....,.., a
teamer !'or each pade ; othen will rerllapo ha,.., o:mIy on. Or
tw<o Ira.he.. ror all 6,.., grad<s_ In .his oasc Ihe><'!" will ha,.., to
eo,nbi"" 6""'PO of ohild,-on "'h"""',,,," """,ible {"'!J. a,.., m"';",
orafu, clC-) \(I ba'.., ...lIicion' time '" ,In"tlr>p all ph.... of ,h. c"nin,lom
!'or carh pade I...-eI.
"0.....,..." ./<....t.- a", q"i'e <""'mon in the >parody >eltlod .unl
"t<2S of other fJIlln,l"ics anrl ('3n he 'l"il< 1:>l"fa.<'oty if 'he p"pil.I....h...
r.,in is nOI ",,,;cssi,.., (maxim",,, 30: I). ChiW,m ltarn ILl "..,U in mhe<!
.o:""'f'S a. in "",re h<><nogont:Ous (roup" if ,he 'a<h... """m''''''''''''
"'euhi"l child""'''' titan "coveri"l ,<:><,hooks." If ,""""",inn is
eo.""chTd "" guided l;";n!, <he onc-"""m sd>ooI has <ottain ltd,'an'age>
bt<.a.U1C it encouragco inl<>rTnai, praelka! l<:Iming. of all ago
<an learn 'o .......1c any pia)' togetho:.. They can .ba", expericnCO$, '<:Ieh
each other, and ...Itenoioe devdop a clooe< oommun,'y oflivi"l than is
pnssibl< in l',ger .01'004. The Cornm........ 1J<1ic\... ,1Ia1 OIIoMOOJJ' COl
.wo-rc.::L K1tools "",,<Id he "hen: ,iliagn aresa,!tTed aDd
t"" po tion io .pal .... It fllflhu bdit>Q, ........"""', lha, econt>my
demanm """"",lida,t<!" """""". I.e. a .chool!'or ","'ra] ,iJlagc:s ...,,,,bined,
"'here 'he walki,,! disl.>llce is "", ""U half an hour or 00. Th. Ia.-vr
Kh<>ol J""O'ides a bnoa<Ie- baoc "" lin.>nciaI "'PI""" and build>'h
in the ..1tn<>! and """,muni,;" by uniting ,hem.
The Colnllli>sion ....""'.. <ha' all prin=y oohool. will be ....t.u.
n-J. ""d hopQ Ihu the number fff girll in auend.,... wlll be "'lual
'" Ihe number of b<>j.., for girl. at-e h<>memakc.. and citi..... and
edu<.tinn ,.. much .. 110).. Il is rurther Nlggcst"" I.... t .. rapidl)'"
the r:actioe of oqrqa<iot> of ""yund plo _'ing an-angem....'.
111 play .... a"d in ...her edu",..ional ""ti,itie> iJ., clisIn i"u<:d.
TIte dimate of N..paJ makes i' Ut ha,,, school the )'Qr l'(Iund
in ....... p;tra fff lhe mun<ry aetp< ""...-na1 dcmandt on ,Iw: children
for lab<>ur. Although ...."y hoJida). are .eo;ognitttJ. <he Commu.ioon
beliC'\'cs ,hat 200 Jdp InJ""" of sdttfIja" nchui\'o of holida}1. sIoouId he
a>midned 'h< ..w.imWlt. The JlI""'CII' or /it'e cia}" peT \\'""k
w:i:It ..... lWf <!.If IdditionallCr <Of1U!I\ltIity xrvice let"'jti", is ........t and
Ibcdd co:>:inum
Tl><ft io _pie chi.ldm> COn mM" ";11,,,... ''''"' f-
.., IJ P ay if the I"""(nmm< U JIf"fl"'rly planow:d
'Poa."", . ,he c..a.missioa or 6,... bour od><dulc for the
tchool JI-ades.
The c..nrn-... mo bd;na that "pUTi/;1 art 'irtun
ea. J!louId be .....-d in schnBI, and rna, <:a>nomy denu.od:s ohm> in lb.
of Wilh h"ndtftls of childten .....;.mg for admiQ;on.
ft..""'- to o.b"'" dnnandl full autnda""< of cnroIltn ttcq>t lOr I""rJOnll
a...... Of du'h .... in .he ;mmcdia rlmOy.
r .. OtYritttl..
1'h. OM'" of ,h. curriculum m,lOt b<l ad;l;ptcd to the ."11.,,. and
......u of 'he people. p",nt p"u.rM of living in NCj>KI de..",,,,l a hiKh
q,.., ..[self 1Llffi<icncy on the p.r, "Clh. individual aI,d On ,h. part of
t ,-ihS" On Ih. olhe, hand, the curricul ..m m\llt "'"
",-,I"ioni'm, fi"ur< 'ran'I'''<,Mion and commu"ication 'l"tems w,ll
"':-ink in Nepal;u they ha"" throughout the worM. Ind 1"0\';<1<
i:r STC.Off ex."..,!" of gOO<k, "''''';''''lI, and cul,..,,,-
A...... at <he p<n!'o' .ime childrm la\<' on the rnpon,ibili,its QI
a li"ins: at an ..:orl)" all<', and ....::ondarr <d"""."", >rill a....ila_
N< to nnlr a '"""1' children. 1l>erd'or<:, u,., primary school muot
:uouIDe _ for vocatlonoJ ......n'''lI. The anTic"lum
cannnt pAide ......ning in opecifie oliJls, but il mY$' inttoduc..
na.;,,; n-aflo l>c:ca_ 85';4 of our .-Pe ckpmd upon th.... "" a
.\h.> tl>or po-ill...rr od>ool eurri<ulum m..1 <Inn", .... tr.Iiu tNl mab:
.. ,. a and 0C>WId charar...., ..ftich caent>al
t<I ,,,,",t._1 ."""'" a"d cnnper.ti,.., ende:o..- in anr Iidd 0( _k or
T" meot the JIU'J'OII"'S and of primar)' ....""''';..,n in ter""
of the prcaen. etll,,,,,, and ntt<k ..,J; 'he pet>ple, the et...,.ic"l"m ",,,at
prnvide e><pericllCQ in 'he Mkno'ing an:ao, COmmon and cnmpul.
>00' f,;,r all ehildrtn ,
I. Soeial tllldi...-hn.... ""'nkind live>
Seien(e--natme "udJ', and
3. leading to Ncpali
4, Arithmetic-fund.mental prOCtUC> ,kill,
S, er.its
a. FdinguW$dv""'-gmwing, pr..........'''.'!", and ""'king food
b. H<>u>ing ound,........tI..h.... and acc<:ss<M"....
c. Clothing preparing d<nh, and making
6. Aesthetic ans
a. F"", aru-paindng. dnwi'l!' .......

b. MuD<; and I"tslh-ab
1, l'c......nal de'-clopm.n,
a. I'hy>icaluaining
It. Mon! and spiritual """''''g'
h lh""ld "'" bt lWlImtd .hat ,...", ""f"'Titnt:n n<cd to I>< """,bled
nr pro"idc,J all "'parate 'l<Jltjccto." Indeed, many nf them Cam>Ol b<
oqrq:ared. f". cnmpl<, a "udr or tne ""illA" "'at... '''l'ply'' h;u
I:oth ocOrn,ifoc ..od llOci..J lI.<pttU. It aho p""'..ides an opportuniry to
pncti<e oklU< in arioIMoctic. fin< art<, aAd other<ds. It
io cl<-Jr relat<'d '"' 0."",,1-_" b:q>i"ll <>u' doth<:ll cl."....
r""j,,,,b, irrigatioo, "'C. The Com",iDio" I:><lin""<1 .hat education
.hu"ld b. lh., '" the cKpericnas
should be 0'8&' around 1o"",d, crnlJRI then,,,, or uni,. whirl< may be
.t.,diro r<>r ""ee to W; .. .". longer, and ..ilich ;",,,,h-e :as UIan)'
dilfUOlII!..... olactio.itirs:u
To conlinue the mUllfatinn a link ruTI...... _long ,,;'h ,he 'hldf
01' tbe eel'lle< nf dean wator. child"... COli i""",ulrat. mhod. uf "illagc
'oper-'11on 10 imp",'.., O'f i"crease the ...pp!}' of ,,'.te< ifl\<'eoJI. and
....,.... in nth J>l"" of Xepal and 0110.,.. <>:Iuntria nf ll1e .......k!.
1'h<)' nn painl dra... M.e1J<O i11...."'Ung un..niury and ",niW)'
..",lis, or modd r cb)' .... MlcaJ ....,U arra"!t""n.. They can cakulate
lhe: nf " 1'" nc<cdtd IOr dOO1nt;C ...., and for 'rripl;"'n, upl'l("Y
uf (;()nlai"<r<, clc. Tlloy ca" disc"" Ihe lmporlanc<c of drin\;;ng
..'aler ;>nd <lisll...,...lIing waler, lhe effeCI of ,,-a,.,.. <liS"'tion, ele.
Tbe)- e.... pupau simpk: """I<, dan=, and "'Mr fuli, 1 """,,'itie< IQ
oddlB,. a new _n ut ",h,.,. "'........ ......n
aWoo' .he
.....u ; they can dio<.... etiq"...e'" the ..,,11. h. this ""ay oh< ",any
acl""ie< of 1."'ninK lab nn and mranm8, bccon>c 1-"'"",;,,,,1
and u.(f,,1. Skill. an,1 "nue'llalldinp of Ihe Iyl'" '''gge>ted ,,1><,,'. ha"e
,alu. ifd",..I"",,<1 func.ionolly, bul IU'1' mOTely aca<!eml. hurdl<:l if la"glll
>epara'el!' and oul of relalionship to other kan>ing>.
The ....<line abM" and ,he d..........n of eu.-ricuhtm """<enl thal
f"IIo ol.""k! be cn",i(l.....,j ... guida IQ the ...,.. nf ..... eurriculurn, not
'11" The t,t1"" .......1<1 be d",..I"P",d in ,uSS'''Ii>.., fnm, by
qualified prima,! ,d".,ll_ad,.... and =per", and made a,'allable a
K'.iod<: or manual fOr all p<irnary schools.
s.n. J1IIia CIf'Oict><e "'-Id be ocn...-cd around ohc lIOciJJ a<ti-
,ilies of ",ankino.!, ..periaUy lhooe na."nlly cnpgcd in by ehUd.....
They ohot,ld "",pi...;,,, cooper"ti,.." """"rue.i,.., beha,iar amQn! childn-n
and a,l"l", "ff.ey .hootId <lc"clop d.,i.,.Llc ondal "ltl",tk> 'hal promote
<>:Immunity li,';<,!!. Thq >l>o"ld PO-"'''''''' "ndeutan(iing. of their o"n and
Qlha cuhura. Tb.r ohould doe>'eIop appreciation. of <he d<:m<.o<::ratic .....y
oIli.. and the of <kzIIocracj'.
Tn accomplim ...... ohj.iva, the CotnmilSiott sull!"'" ,''''' lOllowing
ernph>XI :
G.ade r Life in ,cl>ool and at home
Cnd<: 11 Life III the Dnghboothood
III Life in che ,".Iky, CM hill., ot tl>c: Ttni
IV Lire in lhe other p;>rU of l\opal
V Life III Lhe outside 01 Nepal
Those Ih.....,. pro,icie for ilie K'""'I...l e>cp.nsi<.n of the child', "DOO
'" hi> 'mmal"". tn,wnlDrf'1 10 .. "",1<1 outlook as poo<ihle
b him ". romp"'''""d. Th"y nlO'''' from ,he immediate '" .tlc r<:mott,
,he conCTcle In the mo,e a!>str.CI. Tho"" 'hemo f,,'lh.... r,.wide
""'lfa';ng 00re! fM the ,ill" of Olher .ubject., FM e.,.ampk,
a 'lud)' of life in the tlcJ!;hbourhoo" offeu npportuniticJ In "ndom,ond
t<:>o::IC<, ,,'lUf. >tud}", hcalth, '00 In praclice ,kills by !",inling or
d: >en",,, "r the "illagc, try learning 10 ..... money, bj' ope"king and
..n""f .boUl ..bottnd in 'he "ill"ge, .00 by ......dinK $1.0<1..
M ,UbS' bf.
Sri-',." .,.perinIca.. tOO. off.... opfJ('I"'un;''" bo- intogral'08' l.,...."ing
fmm <>tMr plu of the ....n kulum. Science in the primary
tJ>ocld <mph.>tilc ch<- pi< ph<n->m<na of ""'u'" .ha...........00
.... <hilt! "lobocld off.". ';"';>1< expl.",'i<.ru U ,he n-e<lo.ion of l!w:
__..b .. "<h<..Jd on
01' =', lon of - 'h an(! thr J[fa' ou<dooon. ,bdr ....'unl
_..... Srietn. d>ocld a Jimplc: "f'he hUJmm
"-"I! thr ... ,it tal <IJn<!i'...... Iba. alfttt it> .....ltb. They
e.dd. ... ... al hJprn.., I><>nw and ,;]lage sanil.,iun.
tIIoodo! F. ..... im-rn,i,..nCM, and a
.. ......., ... a1tt11r.tOt IQ fUpcn"lJOn.
T. a:!iIl\r """'" objecti,-es, !he CommiMion ouggem 'he f"nowing
1 <l....nlin , PC" and bird" ."..1
Grade 11 It.abiu, lure Iludr. simple safelr and fir>!.
&id, l"",iDg !Ood
nl Simple num,;"n, " .."lba" and .ran
.... ,....
1\' &: Y 0<qU<:nC<: of d_t.? gtDtTal le........, phJ";""
loc', DUtrilion,
frm:s tlo<se 'h<meo, br-d Ix dn-dt>pcd lba
.pta up <he ......Id of tlcimoe 'n 'be chnd. ",. immaturi,., ..r.M .hild
aDd tboo bd of ,ime probibi full ..udr of lhcoc and all ",her ph"'"
.. bu, lbe mot' im"",tant ''-;<11'''' """"".,.,, be an,J each
Q>O be ....couragod to explore further .lOrding tu !lis inl"""'''. and un all
aimdual ba.<is.
wpuzg, is the m<>ll ;mp<>tl."t m!ium nr karning. The I""g-,"go
o1iIlI and \odllliqu... are ba.;o '0 gm"p li"ing ; "";'ho,,\ 'h.", mon C6<lld
_ 6,.., tt:>g<:th<r. The eff,i,onu. of d,e de,t!opmont of \hCJc rom
f'd"l:cin "'iD ill no U m "re, ouo<:as in e,h of
The =phasis in """"Id be on <be communication of ideas.
n.. in,.,,,hn more .ban In<r<! haphuard of thou(bu.. Eva-y
ptt><>n ohould be able to ""'pros himsdfonolly.nod ;" wri'ins; in a clear,
f<>teeful, o,,,ani,cd, and creative rnanner. he .hould be able to
intapr<:r lilt .imilar ""prtssion of Th" rfqUiret. competency in
Jpeaking, I'mni",....... ftinI, and mod... ; .hac in 'urn 'c<Juire skills in
penm..""hip, 'P"Uing
To m",' dfectiwly de-'d<>p thou tcchniqt1e1 and skill., .here Ihould
be <k6ni", tudtiat ptriod. fOr each, but .hen: lJ...."W be man}' .in,.. ""
nwch /fnttia oftbc:n ;1I...a.[ ttudia, Icicnce, and uthe.- ;ntqta.rd areas
of .....rning. Childrt:n to be taught """,. to funn. <heir lc:uetf, but
unle.. ,00. ;. p"'po>Cfu.l Pla.,iee, In.rning will be ,JQW and mc;>ningku.
TbO}' heed tu kM"" how '" id'n,if)' words and ide f"....)=00", but
oh. ptaetioe or.biI in /tiding .buut ""tionaJ heroes, about oaniution. ne.,
<b<d<>p. the ""bill <ha. "" dain:.
Th"" ",htm"''' in l:mg"agt fullow 'he them.. fot """al.'u.I"',",
teicn, and nth... oubjttu, npecially for The 0:>",.
IllUsion ihc: earlier 'bis onnoi.iton;" made, the betta, and tb.,
.he techniques of mldi"l': and """tint """'-kl be deo...,lopcd only in l\epali. In
non'!\cr."li ."".kiFlll' afQl, ,h. fint n)\DI ...ith
hi. pup'Ls in ,h. beginning in _th.r \OI>flU", 1>111 he "'n begin 10
build th. Kq",li ,,,,cobub,y i",medi,udy. For "",din&'
I'ndinew picwus thal a", pla<'ed arnund EM walk .... cl............. can
ha'.., Ihcit dncripti,.., wwds prinlf<\l in 1'., i o..Hy lh<: ",am..- can
in"",i"o. "'OTd along ...i,h iu """","".,. H.
<'aI\ in,rt><lu "opali "",n1s and or Iioll, lu<h al "be IC1ltl",
''nand,'' <1C. If monlhs 1rt: to "",1 :""pol;
,"(IQbulary and rc,,,Il,,.,.. IQ <ad in chlld,..." .hou!d be rndy 10
Itul (in .'Iq>aJil by ,h. middle of Ih. Childmt lcam new
W{>,d' q"ickly, anJ ...ill into hnm.., ..pcci:Uly
,f P;OfClU ."J .hent. Fin! teach.,.., abo,
llwukl ""' .. mudt "opali as pGSiblc in lCacl>inI"'''''' .ubj<:cIf.
If this informal appma<h ill 10 build ......bulary, i, i> bdit:oTd
that mlU>Y,J"l'ih ,,'ill ..,..., '" be dcpc:rnlcnt upon th"r _\her lOng"..
by the n>d the fon.t i rtainly f,,,,,, EM c:nd or lhe seomd wade
Ibe mc:rIiu,," of irlstructiGn II>ouId be "'Iirdy Xcpali. And il >ftrluld be
emph"";zm that if t';qrali is 10 become ttu. Ih...
We nlu.1 inlist that ill \de be ...forced in Iht primary 11<1><.001. Sho"ld!':_pal;
nol be the rooth.,. long"" of EM then opecial eat<: ,n"n be
auciled Iba. the doc:o not frc:qumtJy bp'" ".11> local ....
bec>mr lndnlen. about Iirtt and oa:ond ehlldt-m lO
.... as a. J'O"liblc. "'opali, ,hough I....m..!, may
f'CDla,n a "f",,"gu" I.ngu.g. rather thRn the child',<:, 'h,nkin"
Lnul di:olccu and '''''gua, olho:.- 'hao ..and:or<i l\"pa1i, should
be ,'allishtd from thl: J<;hooI. arod plal"F"""d as early .. r-iblc in lill:

111<: CommiWon hu the fac' '!ul",me cbild,." may ""ilh
w l"'OTn lO <ud and """;oe laaguaga which ""n'ain a ",,,alLh of
..dI .. Hindi (wll.idt is the """,her 1OagllC ..... _), 0< EngiisIt.
It .... Illd,...biIi,y or sugg<:olinll'....Cas ''optional.'' Itlb;o:cts
in Ih< primary .cl'(IOI, bttt has ..jc<:ted this possibili'l'!"or Lhc IOllowlng
reasons :
I, It is coolCmplalcd that far lhc tbt: """I few decades onI}' a very
limi,I numl:o<c ofchild..... S'" "" It> high Khool and
and ,b.. h.:o''e any practical u.. for addi'lonal languate.
'2. TIle ..udy of a """Nepali I.c.J ""'CUe ..".,Id mr.iga",
the eJTcc,i.., devdopttlCD' olXepali. """ ,he Slw!en. would =L:
gna..... "'" of i. ,han Nepal; _ .., home ..nd in the enmmunity
..ut th.. X"JlIOli _Id remain a '.lO<t!Ja" bnruOll"- If .he
)'bU"K'7 (;nlCn,icm io "'ugtu to uoe ... ,he botsie
then o<JM:,,- ,,-ill gr.od....lly ";"'ppeu, .no! ma'''''
"",1Oft.l! .......gth ..nd "ill I"QUI,.
1. The.e is adequalt ruooueh o:ridn>tt It> obow ,hl.t _" <:hildtul
(:;In_ltam1C'l"cn.l "rl! ; ).... if Hindi a.nd EcP h
"",e "trercd, m.lnll<;>rcatJ would. fed thal their" clI.iltlc"" obould
..udr thrm ... of erudi,ion., e'l"Cfl thov&h tbqr no
p';ooc;ria.! .",Iue.
i. TIle limi,ed "mount nI.ime and ,be ."""endow burden plae<'U
o>n the pti .....l1".khnol cufTnlum br ..,...... 13etots dn ..... j ...'ifl
,be i .... l..w:.n of addi'Jonal (In 5'>me Cf>lInll its.
ol 'he teht>ol .ime is dn",oo It> <eachiR2:U ",any .. throe oc
Wuc If ..-e aec<p< the if....J of """" education, .."'"
e>:tr",-apnC<' C<Inn<>. be j ....titied on ally "",undo.)
1. A poo>riy briga bn!Ju:ose iI wonoe than 00' 'eaching i. at
d n...-e are not CD<>ugh p<irn.>ry ""bool t checI
f ....... i.rnp l.onguap. ooc <nuld ,hey qualify in
.......... ..Da.mI lOr ,heir training by 'he prugr"mme
...ioioxk:d by the Comm.iMion.
.. ,. '5' "latIgUaga may be introouced f'nm the sixth ftt""le.
!If thiI time I'o"epal; can be /innl)' "'aWi.bod. and wrilTen }Ji"rli
ean be quicklyl."",.d bl' 'hose wl",.. "",'hor '0"1\"'" io Hind;'
Eaflilh 0< San.k";, Can be "utlie<! \.0;. ,ho.e who desi,. it.
The Cornm;";"n 11... ool' tll" proble", ... ",full)", ha. Ix:cn
guided no' only by poldlOl<lgiul a"d but the
daitco of the !l"'"emmenl, and .he will <If ,ho people '" indica,ed in
Part ': It ",ilhcs to r<s<>I''C the coun'ry. I,nsnage pl"olJlcm "\Iidl)"
bcf"o" 1"<''''.''''''''''' 0< io agg<anted by ,he ."",ad oi multi.linguallsnt in
the prirnar;- ""boo!.
A,itMw,ir in the pimary oeMoI .houkl be .....6rood
to the euen.ia!o of eo"Ctl>iay life. ).fa.loc:m.otia 10 ano,h.. rnnn ...-
.........unico'icm ,nd thinking, artd Jbould!lt" "'<tJ:b' as .uch. Math......ti_
caI J)....boh a.I"C JbottCUb in CllflF ion lIDd cna.ble ... In ,hint in quanti",.
,n.... II:nI"IS. Simpl:e .n,hmeticol CC reqw...:. abill')' It> add, ...btr:on,
multiply, llnd dn'ide ..'bok n"",ben, and detima.b.. Pnonical
appliationo ...- thetc pt... req.ri", ramiliarity "i.h o:oi""&'O, "'ei&bll and
mcaw,,:., -....tion.dail, 'ime, ,he. cakndat, olmple in, , ete. In
addition to ,""'" pt , the: >ttodcnt JhoouJd k1rto It> ,hink '1 nu...u.-etr,
..limal"., (:;Ileulation .....tatu, ""'-dop 'fICC\l ,I'd --.,-,
artd the pb<e"'- rnat""""'ciQ in "",,,re anti ,he phy.ictl ..'<>rid.
The Cornm........ the rol!m<mg.......tanh : 'Countins and ..tditio<t to 100, >imple CO..... weigh..,
_tU, &aetic>m, time
CUUlCULUII PO....aJ......... .cnoou
Grade II Simple addition and .ub<raction '" f(,ur di:ju, ".,jgh..
and n>caIUra, _an,ng of rnr,clic>ns, cakndar, money,
fLu ru.aas
III e.untinlf ID 100,000, tables '" to,
and btrac.;""', &imJ< m"lupliral''''', """"
r.-a<lio reduction of,,<iglu. and "'<:0....... and
1I01i<l figur..
IV Cmnpound addi';"", ..,....""'.000>. lDulliplit.:ltiml, and
<1....0011 or,,-bo'" numbet. and simplc fr.>(.ions ; .implc
.1"",,,,,,10 : ,implc ...""uuctions
v four ....1p'oc:essu in .,.I>nlc """,t.oen, 'ractions,
and di"",b, .""plc ;ntern' and pe>'ntor, .tn,plc
gtcmetry. wm,,,,e.;",,,, .",1 mens",.,;".., I"'J'l"'na' .nd
(Iorn..l;. budsctinlf,
,....,(..... .ritllmnic II>oo.Id be taught ill tc"...."ion with
o.her ."bjoCIJ Te<J""i0ll' >kill..... k"",,-kdge. AII""ugh the J>r'lCnS,
....y <lr".tion, ma)" bt l.Ougl'I" a Il"'Cilic ,kiU, it "ill not be I<amed
until th"" 11:>0 lo:en much and practice nJll'Or'unitin of" praet;a]
..a'UK <:aD bc>\ be "unci in the nu..y coltlprisins the rnl of
the run;."I"",. Simple ''''''eying (mcasunl1ll) .nay be '" 1""" <>f making "
map of ,he vilLoge ," "'imali..g p;tddy product;"n. Fr.'I<:,;"n. mll ..
tanp' lhroulth oILaring In nnngr. 1"hrougbou', ,h" empb:Wo ohou d be
on th" I""<lClial """,.,.
;ndu(\" ,kill. I"d "nde"tanding. relating 10 the prou:sxs of
!ttdi"ll, and c10lhing o"""h..... It i. "'" ....0"":.1 that child.en
all be made ....f... fIici<,n, in <h_ air.. "i,hin I pe1"iod, b",
'her .houk! "'tiffy these need.... m,,<h IS """,,ilole. E,'t'rY penon. Ihmugh.
oul Ihe w....1d it. ro""",.ned wi,h <hooe ph..", or life, and h.".., in Nq>ol,
.. poriIIQ in the 11><: pmpIe Ire <kpendenl ,,!"'n .henueh-es
lOt meeting these "''nl if onc 1Nl" cloIh inolad ,.,. opinning
and w"..v;nlt it, he tnl"" knO'W how 10 ..1, sood qUllity Ind mllerilll
...itetl. 10 lhe pufpose: Sur ,,'hid, if is 10 M llted. E''''n If he ;, 10 employ
help in <n>lnI(tion or hif '-"', he .h.ooold know WfTKI pro<l;ces in
oIer 10 gcl rull ,.,.I",,!O. hit.

.he crafu .h<>uld <k-..,lop .. in Ihe <legree

IY /Or otIf......ffiei.ncy, W\dc:ntandinp I of IIOOd
worbnonmip <l1Id qual,ty in pro<1U<lSlnd lef"ia:s.., aatli.etk
I.tilude. lo..ding '0 tdlner! a soonte of IFo<: digntlY orlabout, hobi"
of!i_ lOO efficieney in Ih... r"'K'lo... or li.inS". The prim.:lry
soohoollloonc annol si'"" UIft'Ipk: ltIininA' /Or I,,",,>nlt, Clfpet>"Y, brick.
bying, tailoring, ><>king, ele., bUI OXperiCDCCO in lheoe lra.s afe
Some ap<' f==, tspeciIIly "'- lrading '" undtntandinr
nf how n,her pcnpl:e nf the ,.w\d any on theoe ean bnt be
;nICgra,e<! Wilh '0"".1 .\Ud"" : ..,...e, ">eh ... th""" 'ov<tl.-ing pllnl Inc!
lftlimal lire, with "''''nee. O,he.., "'I'illly .he ,kill", ...ill i"",k" related
proje<u Ind lnivitieo. At _
pninu in the curriNlmn thew< "".."..j
c:ntftx mll' be fused ... rOO" <:><ample, .he ood 'Pinning
of cotton and ...00/, Of tit. growj,,! and cookin( of' rice. AI oIlier poinu.
.imple _inS. bDme
.....-. ifs, ram
Souruo and J"l"'Ug
cl dMh fibm, all
proc-. dyeing.
Ii::opk p""' and
bo=oe ace its
Ma.'ng "'Y OOlls
and ani<n.all, simple
::"d:t' -ing yarn
... .... 0I&>.n Simple hoc'" tu,.. Leather ad o,her
ioc. ioaIoek <ruction, limpl. r"rni. clMhing nu'e,W,.
IOod. nu<ri 'ure and finulring. cl,,,h 'lltaJi'i.. and
-. making brid.., Cling uses, p,ncr,ing, darn
... t&tmaaUll'- bt'icb, ,,-.>od and ing, .nilling, ero-
q. bamboo (hc,ing
'I1Iat """ .....' In'OD<kd '0 be all.irw:h..ive and mClI be
,- I 10 the nrio... .,..,ao of :\'epal. For quill'''''.'n, io moo.
ii "P........hchiUrepon.lhan :n the Taai; bo...., comlr"ctioo of
1 bo ..-'<I. be ;napp>prio.'. Iilr the ,-all"}.. and hillo.
To acoomplioh the aiom of the oar.., QCh ..:hooIlohould -"or rent
... _ 10 a plo< 0I"1and tugc enough ror rai5illl no......... '"Clld"-bI...
a:d omalI imab. I.......dd ha,... a ...pp1r or tools s;rnilar to th<>ocUll'd
io. .... uea, '''''pIc ""luiJvncm and tools teadlin& oplnnU'lI. ,;"g.
ocwi:Jg. ....,a.;,.. etc. R<n..... oomc 01" lbc primary!lCh<>ol mar
__ tin... had adcq.... 1< in theoc <:nn., !her ....r Med 10 rd)'''''
.....aDCC from okllle<l crafumcn and f:umcn;n .... tO'J>nl.... In:un>
X%"\-ul by '"1aKc J)c,...lnpmcnl Wo.-kcn.. help &om ,bnc men an be
JCl6ritrd and l1ie "...,.-I: ",[ tb. rchool cbdr relaled 10 thtir ....".. in the
The cnl".. JlCO'id< ",<cUcll opportunitirs to bring the IChooI aDd
<:oaunu";ty l;r., dota IOgfth..... In thit way, the curriculUlll becomes
p-:><:lical and a cenlK..,r :tttiwity.
balT;en a", \o.n
asur>dor and eduOLlion and life I>ec.omc 'plOnj'IDDlll.
Artr 011" duldr." an OPflO<luni<)l 10 de\-elnp .. futer
cultural ,;d< of lire. Th
in,,,...jod tu dtt.,,,,. the "",'ticipant .boo.'C
the hUmdtU'" of e=y<S..l' lir., tt> rurniJI, (Uid.r.n<'< f(W IcilY,... tin,., 10
tin his ai>lCu<:e th<o ban: noc=itics vI,'f.
'I11<se mal' be IOtmd in 'he fifMO ar1>, muD<. <bncing,
literalun, and O'her r<>rrm "r a..theti. aprnsKm. The <mphasill ohould
tint of .U be an appreciation or It.< baul'fu! &00 the r",er "",,;6; of
life. T<> .".in thnc apprttiatioN at the highes, J"""I. th. ttudcn, should
d"".I"p .kill in '" m:>lll' media of nptaSion ... h;s taIom.. pennit, Ilnd
in the abo<nce ohkm he "'ould ha,'" und<:nundinC of the pr<><"'"
invoh"UI in the mall"".. In the Jlne a.... he may ."""""u his "Wn ",le"lS
in drawing, yain'i,,!,:. oc"lpt",;ng, .... C'rulh""
;.. other mrdia. 10
muoic, be .....1' find ''(\QUy.". by ;",unmcm.
The in theoc ""'Ibelie .......houk! ""pporl .n- in "'["'cd
;.re. l'<>r sewing,, and knittina; shnuld 1><. ""U
desisu.,.) and arti>lie; a f\owcr prd<Jl can be .. ClUtion of beauly ;
col.>ur and
in ""'''''' "llow artUti<: prindpla; liwature can
contribute '<> ""'..y of thc understanding$, "nd appr<:ciatiu... we
d<sif1: ;n social Studia.
parl;.",aar <Jllphaoa It> Ix: "'Ill""".,.) rot the '-arious gratin.
a,a.J,cn of all "V' like '" d,..",, p";'\1. ""lI, and rnlI. They
should be t.'Dww-agc:d;0 th..., acthid.. '0 the tin,i. or thcit talm,. Many
or thac apericnea ean be ma,.,.) It> re..i,.!> and looIid..)'. ah<! oe_m
or .he fl"Olo >.everalxrades <:<In join "'CCther al these
tirQa lo aprc:ss thcll1S<h'CI anti enj"j' aat"".;" """"l;"ns that be
brought IOtth.
PmM41 ""'1."""'.1 f<lr tl", mort part, the ,at
of the ......->cuI"..,. are C<><l<Cmed wi,h vh}-slral and """l ....1
h<'l.lth of the and h.. monol "00 Jpiritual oo..iopment. Many.,(
the r.aming> will be Wflrnrnitan. ,,"1<:Om.. nf olll<.T experiences.
.her<: Jhould be daily .. I,aio,ng, .porta, and pnlQ-
leadi,,! to the tb,*",,,,,,,,, of pi""",,,,, and general Jlhrsical health.
....)" >chooh mal' ""i>h '0 .., .ulde few minut......h dol', too, "r
.piritl'al ""periC!1Ca.
HiP DIOt" anti chaBeter COo"'" be dC\-doped th"""@:h .pecial
cou,"" ; they are the ou'growlh .... properl}' """ixd and d.... daUy
li,iog. NC\...."'..a they .hould be terogniud
"" iDlpu<Uttt par' or
the 1"imary KI><>oI CUlTiruluttl.
71... ,11.__11 b these , no... ....... or tlte CUt"rirulUItt n"",,' be
deftnitd)' flU<! and ","ill ";Ir/ r SNIde gra<k, rmIll Khool It> school,
rrom er-n"'nity to O3fC/tIuni'j. The O>mltt<sa;oa .un........ gui<!< ""Iy
thc dlltribu,;"'n of tlln< u-.... in fiwure 7.
AltUt.U.j 1.."..,;-
The c.,mrn...... n <:onc<:i"ft oedUo::alion 10 be guidnl e><peri<:nces in
lj,iog. ",",uld not Ix: u.d tu .tep inlo "another world" u

loam more 'apidl)', and ""'"' perma...

..... ...." <aloe .... a<U>" pat, in Iea....'nlj' procaa. So-aJIed
"Iikd,' 10 rau!. iIl bcha\i'",r ; i, "".....y I.,.cb 'u drnami<,
.---. d-rlii ltd t,,;huio...., or tk\..lopo ""JXlnoibilill' ar><! Irodathip.
Tt.,,,:b th< primary' KhnoI 1IxM,1d folio..- tho Klni., .... prnj:1
ir. wh>cb pupils :on- ""lIgh, '" id<n,iCy '''''it ptObkmo. plan and
d;,..,a tfx,ir oolutiom-. and enluate Ihe rcsuJu '" ... Ch--upor...-ive
-=>ocbcr,I"'P" planning. pmblen.."ic &c,i,-i,i.., lifC.likt l'rojects will ke
do< cbsIroom a ".....kshor. ,,her. an,l loam 10)' ,loinS". T.,..h....
ohould be guides, """ eelu"," <K dicta."... LCMning tt>o"ld be in.
c!hidual. no}' '" ... ,,..
Th...... ".., might .xpec. 10 find in" fi..t pad. ,.-.,m" hcn "'tting on
""' and h-:>trn;"lI chicb, a !lower prom, " play1\ouoe <K a pLay-sV>te.
miKh' "".,..,. all of the chiklrcn It> 'u,lI op' It> help in"
-doao.pp' campail:'" Wc millht 600 a plIpi1.orumj"u <>f .hrer: /iflb
childr-trr <alUir>g OD the """.hay,,' lcackr ... lin<! ...., how Ihe
I"'-crnmm' opua.... or lhc dlildrftl bu$y " otnp:-<OpY 'i!/aCc
......-.paper ... be., in "C(7ltnl pIaoe.
"The Comrnisoion believes tha'llre primary Khoolltm,,1d be a beehive
of ."nity, cuh pupil Or group of pupill boay.t " .....t "" his <)/" ,hei,
projecl adivi1;". If a,k<:d, ,h.y ,houlu knnw .hC') "'" what
they a,c doing, and they Ihl>uld be intenott<d iIl lheir activillQ. If
11 111 IV V
F1GUU: 7.
Social Sh,dico
--- --
- -
-- -
.\ri:h::l>tti< -

.... _..
, 'hI oM.mool. 1'bfc pr;1TIVT ..hooI muM _
... _ _ I be:allhy 1;..... ccnleriIlg around I"'ac,ical, ,,'"
......... Dtisfy their nl"ca,ion.1 ncI>.
Id_Is are ku .ha .his, "'er will dek,u th<! pll'l""'" nd objc<:tl,'ef at
l",lntdi...l M.ILr;.u
"11", "UCT <tean" <'11 ..d,able "-,,,I <"be<
"",'mall IDJIkcI IV< IClCbcr and pupik In 'Rlpn.n_ boD
..... ,cri:I .. and m<1.ll<><k TIM= rlIw =I<rioI. are 1""'""'" in "'UT
commuDity _ the boardt for rum;"""" the stno", ro.- ......... ,he doIh "'"
bb<kbo;vd, ,bf: po'JOflIe 10 Idl of life, in -be >mmu";!)' and ."""'h..c,
l;) recite paoc'tIy. I<> a"II,,, civic "'''''iciQ, the bOrdo an<! lI-. and
anin>&Is "'" n2U",< the fotmatioou, IlK bu.ur, the fields,
the cbl" "'" onodd.., _ al[ and much &r<: pr.....110 make the
tcl>ool and .....muuif) a /i."ill:!f 'abo>no.lW}" learnin!. dcalo
..itll 1"_""" DO' .....ceria... and lh< proa:es "", preI"l'l wi'lctC'"er there
is life.
The ColDlllioW>n does not;1J1l'I<C tJIo, dea"h of ..... "". It raca
the problem oquarcly iD another chapter and sugg..u lin.. or uck.
B,,, .hac: wiU ume : in .he muIlU_, t=chen IUId pupils m.... r"",
,he ahorQge ..".lis'ioolly and pitalize on tbe ",,,a"'o and IeMn 10
impro"ise and do lhe bca. they ""'. Cc,'a;n'\". ,here are ;n
rommun;ly .nough inttrQling ph<nom""a 10 po ",id. fi .., years of purpose:'
Some ....."''''un;.i.. nOW tha,' <>fa .>r loCbl'>(l1 hbtary
.,,- "'"h, ","1 1I... .""uld <""",or"Red, A. reading In
l>cwlllC ,ro<lil,' O'.ilaLle Ihe Ilh,,,,)" ."'ill play an
",le In pm"",. ..,Jllcolion. But " ""o,,lt! be ratal ,r
became il mu.1 "tili.. materia" of 1<at'III"g f,-om .11
P_pi/ E""I_"l1"o. dOJ P""",
We hal-e ... jd ,h." educMiu" ;" .he pro"",I,,," of bcllc<1i";ng ant!
,ha' chlld"'n mu,,' Le acth-e I"'Tlkipant> ill Ihe J."<>Ce$S, We h..w tet
up c<:rtain P"'1""" and oLjeeti,"CS I" be aUalned. Wc ha'...
tha, d,ild,cn I.c gl"Qllped aCCl(l<dlng 10 IIt..i, age:, .helr mental.
and >odol .......",ily. C21ild...n ""ho ......... to bes:'" tn ,tad shuuld
be grouped t,-,gc<hl'l" r. ....h<1<e apc.-icna:s. Child....... of
.he _ ,;". ",,,,..Itl be Il''''''l'ed t<>gethcr r...- I:"""'" and .ports and
,,""'. i. io only natw-a! lhat childrtto, texhcn. and ..m
""un '" k_if,hey ,heir plo, .nd to ",h ulCfIl. Bu'
if "'... bdin... in "dJ.rounded, cnmplctc .-d""''''''n. lhen '"" m... colftSidn'
.11 gnak. )Iany teath.,.. and po........ rau into the '''''' r;>l checking
J'I'"'Il"'">' onll' ' ... a<:>doemlc. gooh .... thno<: tWo, I"a" be .d> 'nI 'hroush
""",tal bct._ 'hey...., to b: the ca'" '" .
...""'....Iion "r ....pi1 muU ind""" ph),.;".) and-.cial
u"do......'u aDd .11 aspens ..r"""'1aI de......... 'rhc .., think,
iJ>qnisi&.,o,.... ..itiat".... ''''I'')I..iI''II,y, oI<ilIs in ..-tinll chM!> and
<apIG and mapo, """","If, loud Malth, lri<....w- alUpO<2<iun_ N"'"
but 0 boor."" ....ny ..r <:d,,,,,,.iuf>-an: all iD'Il-tltnl, perhapa
mutt than ,h" abilit)' In mcm<>ri:u: in p" ......t-f.....ion.
To llItas"re \".ried goals, morn <h.on P>JI"f tau muSe be ",cd.
Oh.m'3'ion, ,,,If.rating. "",furtlUJlce and devio:cs must be uKd,
and they mu... be ....,., rrcqualdr ifwt: '"'" 10 htll' ch" ""l'iIJ
E,-al".tion ol>ould lie tool"'""". and 'cmrth ......"kt be k.,,, fi>r rach
pupil '" ..... , M nuv k""", from tim<: in hnw he is po ''8;' U';"I. If
.h" iI "'-, ,hf1"e is 1,1t]" noN:'d lOt 'he traditional "final exam"""iun" ..
<he 1<11",,"," mad,<U>C<' ...hclhcr .he child has po"$'==d "i,h the
;lYnc:lge ofh;, "Oup.
"",y be opeciaI <a>es when" dliId """""""" "I<>W miI.&I with
h" group. ...... "",..orally. and oorially. only Il.......neawoo
iI ........_rn ,Ile "",pi! 1<> .. K""'P in which ht .....y becc e .........
bu. ,hi> "-,Id....,.. be "fail"",," (.... unIcss
the child h... boooo.." ......ladjPStal d"" '" hio _ ........ ....
Tb"., """""U'", narl" ,","CrY child with his 1""'1' th<o<Ish
fi"", \'Uf1 of.he prin=): kbool. "h,i1",":' i. Co an: """
-.,..t;"ll' up 1o capac;',,", ,,;1 be ditrn.-ered ,h_\!I1l .......'i".."... """Iuatioo:!
;l"OUduru btf."." "- "'" much rrouoo, and i>riped bdi>re il iI ,""
h:e- Th",."...-...Lt be irany. .... "pI",,",I" ..udc:n..
a, d>< .... .2. {the .our.
!t>Utio". =h .hould be
...... a_ 5
.c I rior <qa.""liin!r Khool;ng ... a
. ' ..-
C n

no. c - -. recogrWi:o: lbe dl"'MlIic nMure of culture in Nepal

...,. .. *' ntyiag nds of differen' KWn"" "r ,he Ctluntry. No
_" t un be dCiigne<l '0 m' 'hpcdi;" ne<:d. or .a.h
.. Si ol Th....for., the ."rr;."l"m .k.t.hed in thi.
t; ...... be COiIiider<:d ..nta'i...,., and minimal. It mnol be
I1 ! '" fi, eaeh ,il"a'ion, p.-aent and r",,,,e.
A1tboU;h ,h. of Ed"ca,ion .hould ..,,,,,,e ,he respo",ibili,y
hr <he implen.....'."ion. of thi< ClHTieul"m and fur it "in
""'" ",lb 'he 'ima," ueh local ochooJ .afr ."""Id be Qr(anize<l to
...u:c 10<41 adoputio..., and ":t.Ch teach..- should adapt i. '0 Iti, puticul.or
poup ..-i,hi" ,he &<n",al p"""ted hac. Th" .....y
ooeasional ",bool tt.IT meeting>, ,,,,,ch..- eommi.tee mcctinJtS, <:Unftt"CnCa
..ills dis<rie< and ttn,,,, oltie.i.lh, and join' pWtr>inS "ith pupils.
tlsc ConunioDon in this ehapsa IoaI rugguted tha, :
I. The J>I"l"*'I of primary educ.arion """'old be ...
a. Wipe ..... illiteracy,
b. "",,ide """'mal ftmd. ntal M...... 'ion b all dsildrtn,
e. ka.d tIloc ....... promioingpupib to ..rcduca......
d. AosioI in the trambmo..ioc! of children into .-.pctas.citiaeno, and
c. AJIiI. in the political, economic, and culmnol ,q....u.tion of our
TIll; Clpa'!ding ?f oociltl stlldi<:s .0.",1 .0..."" "'tI"" ..... ny
<0""" rn, ,n"'ll....,mg ",,\u.
alld a,idlo><:tic: u" 10<>1, .... skill, ..,bjc<:u. and .. ouch
_vice 'he ot...... oubjtl of the curri<:ulum.
Nel"'li .lIould be Ille medi"m of imtru<Uon, uclu.h-ely fcon, the
third!'"l'd< ...., mueh;u pouihle in the finl two grad<:s.
No otbet lan1;U.p shuuItl be !augbl, ",-en opcionally, i" ,"" primary
IChnoI be:eauIC : fe.. child,,,,, ",m bav" ne<:<! them, 'hey ....,uld
hi"der Ille teachiog of Ne!"lI, pa"",a _,0101 in.iII on tbel< ebiidren
taki"!: ,loan whetha- capable DO" time ;, nc<'<kd foe "ther """"
i"'P'J<Ul"1 and r"rodammtal Inrn;"!:, ''''''''';IO't: DOt
fi<:d '<ache.., and t!>ote who w;$II, and nced, <:a"
bc:Kin them in the !'"I'de.
&0.... 85% of"", po'OIe rdy on the "nfts rn, exislence, they
""'uld bc: do:vcIoped to;u high a deg1't:e;u p*ibl...
TI'e a..thetie ara <XInllibote to o:Ic>-eIopmcnl, "",lte lilC
mor<: <:tU<>}-able, and .hould be: el\<lOuraged to the f"IlQt.
Z. The obj.ti_ of primary tdUCltion should be to develop
a. &Pc .l:iIlJ,
h. Ci';e, .,...onomic, a"thetic, sci.n"", and p!TO<>J>a' compet"""",",
c. Lo.lCrlt taknll and -.cial CSlCntialo, and
d. W...lhy -= oflcWure ,inK.
3. Prima..,. .d""at"''' shnuld """.;'t off"",, 200 .""h of lOur
to fix houts <and be ""lroded to sUe oe mo", y"lU1 when
financa pernlit).
4. Prim.ry O<:hoolh"uld he f,eo: im......tialdy and heneO><lb, and
""mpuhoey '" <apidl y a. fadlitlos can be .upplicd.
S. 0.... .... t
ochuob ......uld be _,aged "" s.paredy .....tkd
a<QII, bu, c:onsolldaled """"'Is are pn:r.:ned if lh<: ".,.jkil\& <lisUln""
<k:>eI nol ucccd 0'" halr houc.
6. Prirrl.ary Kboob IbouId be <>o-educa'iooaJ in ,he f..unt "","" _ about
lh<: am<! nUlllbo:o" and non-qrepted _lin&. tIC.
7. Only illn= and d th In lh. Imm<:<!iate ramily should be
eu... iOe lCl$ <ban 100% atlCn<lance.
8. The prUnary IChool <:utTi<:uIum m..t be geuoed to lhe .n......l needs of
,he m""" of propl" 01 /';epaJ.
9. The IIXlfIC of the I'"'"imary KhooI <:urriculum shoo,1d indude to";al
.todies, sc:icno: and hahh, am"",",;,;."..{u, a<sobet'" a......
"nd pe"",...1dO\""ol'"'ent, """,mon .nd <:tm1pubo.y me all 00)" .od
gid.. Indi,i<1.ual dilTeren"'" in abilities, inter.." ... ptitnd"., <:le.,
obould be """,idod"'" ..;thio a <:<)m",.", .'lITiculum, rn,l by optional

The organization of the ptlln.... y ICbo<>l curriculum should be t-d

on broad, inregr-o.ting omit<, i",,,,,lvi"g IDIny pupil pr<:>jects and
... Scltoob - '"
.._......... ,.""'-........ -
..... ' . Q " . ~ ' ' ' . ' '
,. . ~

17. Tinw aJlounmu iI>tMdd be flexible but &or the peMd >hould
be llppoo:Wna.dr: IOCW 1rudiQ, 20% ; ocien<:t, IS%;
10 ; ui!hmc.ic, 10 "' ; cnfu, 10"" 20"10 ; _hWC:
af .... ; penorW c1a-.::lopa:ant, 10%,.
I!. >hoWd be inlonnal. b:..a! on mc: project ...-
act,";I!' mo:tIood, and ,,'ell adjusted '" childn::D_
19. I.. ,he absrnoo of ...itable lonbool< ma<trill!>. it is impc:r:otive Iba.
Iilr COPlmuni'y and ill raoluroes be "tilizttl ... a Iaboral<>,, of
<If pupil m,O'S, .... ., romp",httu;,.., a. .he ,,,tal
ob:jtt.h" of <:<locatiOn, aD or which mu" be rn...""ed and <e<r<kd
in awo,,';"',. ""m<U ; ,11.. will redutt l<l a minimum "".called
:!I. Pro,ioion m..Il bc madr ror (ontin"oU> CUITiculwD planning and
'CIO'gani,.,;"" '0 ",.el changing " ...dJ.


SM:mdarr oduralinn in :'\rpal, fi>< alle:o".m: flUt two decades, "'lISt
be a. an In",'-"",d".., <1cp l"or- those ""'1' rew or our 10"'h
whu ",1I to all a 'erminal I"" r<>r a ournC\<'ha, largor
g......I', and Ail .imply beyond the =<:h of mOl' of children ",1",
<:(Impk.. tha 11<"''''1')' ochool. lbe Co'nmission h"" repeat<:dl)" f.","",d
'he ''''ge, of uni...-all...i",ary M'''''''ion ,a,her than wideoprad expan";""
at the teC<>ndary l.,,:e!. N",=,hd""" oeeo,ldary ochool. m"st be provided
f(t< ... many children a. poosibk to develop .kilt. and lta,l.. lhil' ntttkd
in the general impro,'emen' of the country'. ono"'\", and '0 provide
'be b""k learning ne""",Bry for ad,'and training in the e01log..,
Scrondary edutation ,hn. u charged wilh the f"tlfihnent oh....ral
pm]>Ola, and beeau." the radli'i.. m"" be limited to 'he "er)' b.' lhat
Un profit ,""" 'his training, i. m",t be e"'...."'.l\" fllne'iunal and
effici.m. Tt.. oeoondary ...hool "nod.. (hne conditio"" tan",,1 alr....d 10
admi' st"dtnU promUcllO"olv, or fail 'hem in la'1le numb"" E,'cry d,ikl
....-hr. faib in tbe Jeel>ntla.y lcl>ool, and ""ery g",d"ate who dun ...... make
his oon.ribulinn It> the progr... of his """nu'y, m"st be eh:tlked
up as "r ,he schu<>l and the leachon who di",1;'t the ...".k of
nr!-. -.f u.-ti-.
The ptu"poIeS of scwndary od............ m.... be in the light
cl: th= f;a,;:ron, 1lley m.... be i>r c:ondi....... u they aist
in :Sepal: .he ClommiWon eatl only hop<: that _ liberal
6I:i::tLi...... of will cnc:om_ 11 ta.ter peruttU3C of 0 ....
:-x:ng pc:opk-can a>me aJ-" at the
n. frr.. Jifl'f1eU of ah>c:a.tion n'ItIIl bt so"......w appo-
;:riot<: dlPCliaKa ror tbo:>oe giris ..1>0 ..-iD J:o<>ooone obe poIioical
a:::..: ci>ie leaden of Nepal b the """I p;enaa""', ............bly d><se
l""'dl o"Onlinue ,heir edllOUon t.hmtogb c:ollekt, in lIDa:Ie
ef ,he na'ion', ......k. "'ill ""ed '" b< ranightcd. m'dlip.,
and'd indi,iduah. 1kr "iD need prtI6ricncy
.. lanp!"'. in ohe art and tcdoniquts ofltadmhil" and in..,....,
pecbl Rdl! "renterpme. They will need wide t'Oncnning
,he reo, of ,h. world $nd the ro1. that N'"ral can play in brUlging about
"md unity. Secondary e<!lI(aOOn mltll prol'ide a ,ita! link, during the
ctuciaI y,,*"> in lhc cdllCOlion of the fUlure poIiLical and mic
Inodr:r$ ofX<paI.
n.. ...-,..,... of oteondary edut::ltlon must he In In''itk 'P\II'O"
p,i,ue CJ':'lienc.S '" mu.h l,rp group ofOO}. and plo wbo will become
highly ,kill",1 leAders tn the pr<>re.slonol and <'ronOrnlC phaoes of <>ur
natinn.l development. For some of thcse youth, the high hoo! "ill
po-0"idc ,utfoc;"m training to enable them \<l oer." l<>Ciely 10 their fullest
JlOlftllial. Others "ill rnn';nuc their training in u." <olltgQ tor in spttial
poot.hich od>n<il IrMriD. ,"'titu....... '11>_ }outh, '00, will_d iD,,,,,;.
and a phibnthrnp;e: oudool. Thq will ....w hi&h dqra: of
CtlmpettI>CC in ll><ir .boom Iidd. aDd .hMing lhrir competmcles
"';th "'h.... "llM!l' .hemld ha,"" vision and the ;ni,i.,;..-.: '0 mat..: ,heir
vili<>ll$ become ""lilies. Tb..., 're ,he YOLllh wh<> tomorroW wiD he our
oo-b.dl}'.ncedeJ doctors, "U[X5, '<Ache,.., and In",y.... ,
horn. ooom;,a, lIlining .nd lunw<r;ng exptrts,
and induwial Iea<icn, our c<nnorniols and mcrc:handWng 'pi:olim,
110rx lITe tM )ou"S pe<>ple .. hl) will help to dttennirw: the fultD"e ot
Kepll', _y.
TW/1l;'J, ..,... otKcond;ory nluea'ion mw' be 10 """'ilk ..,(20
,ional trBining in the ,km, <u<ntial '" .. twen,ielh ..,.,tury <ennom}.
1 here i, an i""re.sing demand in .'Iepal for truly compe><n' ..e",'ark,
and <lerk., 0r anl! ""'a1 ""<>rh", for ",orb in ,h. building
Ira li:>r clothing proooaors, and othtt .IciUed Laba....... These workert
mu.' r...." tloc tank. of sea>ndary' ..hool }.....tII. "I"hotl'. to<>, mull
....,.., crncnl pt06ei.......... .......t....ith Olbcn, in a>r'Ullun"atios>._Dd
civic Jeadenhip. Buhey must bome hi;hly eompc....., in thcic ch<cn
, de or ..lnn. N.pa1 a ..""" afJonI partly or Jl'O<lI"ly .raiMd ....,"'....
in jnb..e<j..iring hiqh degree of .kUJ. The CJ<lcnsion <>C .....ini....
in .h..., .l<iU, mult nol we.l<en Ihat providel! under the )." nt
apprentiCdhip 'l,m. It ",ust up .nd general ".in
ing in the um" and m.>kc eJttc'tvc use of e::<pttienoeo
... indilid....1uilh.
1llae lhr pur.,.,... or_otod.ary nlu<:atiod mu", be >tlpport.
cd by _ /_dt J-P-, which it porbapa in .... na.".... or.O'ln>!I...,.""
eoocomita.., "'''1>00<:. Seo.ondary educa,ion ",,,,old COntribute to .h
d".nCC1t\en' of the, g.neral oull",e ofNepl'!. It can incruse Ihe numher
of "":eU!"cucd" pe""n" on<l in,lill 0 dealre fOr tho eX<eo,ion of elIuea
..... racilllies &I rapidly .. fi<WIncial (Q(lur<:<:s ('C""i,. " ....n build
rapecI "'" education and lOt teaching. It can indireolr uulle iD,,,",,,
... I "Y. Tl>c ...a.nubtint: d'f=t and i....-.Jnr: potent;"'1 po.....
or tMgrad "'" of oeaNKlary o:d...,.,iO<l ......... the )'Un can become a
po....t" in tn:>l<.ing 1\epaJ an "enlightened" D.Illiun.
FiI/J, hut te,.t.inlr not or le""l in,po'Umc", oe<:ondary nlueo.tion
ID"'" promote tlemocrMie ooneepl'- rlemoctacy .. 0 way ofUfe, and th.
domocr.tic lOntt "f Although thi> iI a CUmmon of
1",'dI of the >uoeq>tiblli'l' or adolattn.. to idc:altsm makes
the school sutr "*"ia,,brly crucial po:riod. "'" dn-elopl"i
d">lIoaati<. idealo. H !ail in <hit "",pM, al thir bel of education, "'t'

&i i:::I the ......jDr rai<ht ofo.... ""..n'ry_ Tb.... although lhe Ne
wiclc:oM ,-uitd. lhc of facilili.. needed at Ih" moment IS limited.
It brw.d C\ll'ficclum m\llt be to mo"y "a,}ed ",
:0.-..1. it ...ill' be ."pen,'''. when wall the curn.cul"m. of
c!ot prim>.l'}' ocbool. Bu' the [inllted n.. mlxr or ",..den.. mo1<.. " posolble
"""id.... p><I, and adequate, pn>g....m ;n ,pi'<: of the cmt per
e.-JOrz_uti- .f"c.rn.-.
n.e .00.-.:: purJ>OIC' auggo::o wide r1I\IC of.-m tI> be by thc
oea>c:l!an"ochoul curriculmn. It may bo: noted ,h.ot "'me of .hc:oe neWs
a....., ann';"'" ",.11 00\'1 and girls ....ho attend lhe high odIonl, a"d ><>me
qui,piAc. In the .ecood CllUgory, """''" ,,,,,,,a';nnal necd. and
<be.&", 'l,\li!c cnemi.l ; .r"""",;"oal and hcnee more or I...
Gptional ""ll cacl, individ....L T.. 1><:11 meet 'heo< necd. and purposes, lh.
=ri=lum ,nun include "- ""'" of Ulmmon Iun,ingo fur .11 j"uth, and""ll learning> r.,.. c:ach st<ldct.. according to his or choice or
>'OC;IlUon >UMllire e-:reeJ.
n" ... .... c->mcm l<earnmg.. of <he eunicull,ml, m<I5t ;ndude
-"o! "''''';''' appl;.d Kicnoe, N"epoli, applied =thcmaua, ;lJ\d
d...-eJopmc>I. Th..., lUl:>jccts dc:ol, "ith 'Ran',
,ebti<>.w.ip wi,h h;, men, man', ..I'ti<>nohipo to hi> en,i"""""", "nd
"",i,">c, romnlllniation racul,i.. (including bo'h .n<!
qu.anti'.se u' mall"n"i,al conecl'''), and ma,,', of hil
""''Si<al, menial, and mo....l ,,,If.
"11w'$JIifl<_..... ...elO ",anrlllal thc). m...t be di,ided
bu> major lP""P' acconling 10 the: demands in ,speciroe communiI)'.
c...:.rid<:rin! ol,he h'Jb ochooI c:ommW>iu.:. of ",epaI, il ;. COClrti,<tbIe
ma' tJ.cK. will be <krrunds ..... 1e\.."..J or !he IOIIowinc jon" in cad.
ocbool. (in N>tOrnuni.i<s ha'"1ng ..-. lhan nne bleh school. ,h Ilhould be
<2<d'u1 planning ID ,,"Old dUJIIlcotion of olfmnSS a""",g 'he 5e'oYJ,1 .<hoot.
...,.:"" ,h. nred. a<:t".Uy ""iot) : Ple-y",ra..;onat (for 'coocl,ing, mcdiciroe,
........iog, I.w, enginee,ing, and I"'l,'kol ; enmmerehl (for scerc'.ri..,
ac<ount>.nl., cl,,", .nd government ollio<: wn";,en) ; (fo< nil
F"" (If agricullUre and fOr"II")') ; induotrial (IOr small and large
ilod",,<rieo, and minin!) ; homemaking (fOr.lI pha.eo of home econnm}') ;
&::Id .....-k leadi,,! I<> highu educolM>:rJ.
7Jw ,,.nfl< .w;a" ....y b<: _of 1JK.e in "'" -...\iunIrJ
=j.,.., (e'I" wc"inr and -.od_kin, l'rom 'he indLOStriall"oup), IX" .hey
::0'- be "".....-.1. rou.... in area. repraenred by the core ("-.,
...,.,ern lil""""'" cc<>nomic !l""'I:""plty, h;,tory of Eump<, claJIiel.1
le;l,Chnical ,cicna or mathemMica), or they mal" be .ubje."
c.e..-eloped ,imply l>cc""e 'here i, ,uffiden' inte,est 10 them wunh
..Jo;:e ..i<.>". (e.g., drM13tica, folk dandogl.
The J"rinc;plc .ul>je<:u or eaclt ohio... lhr... iJr"U1'" now ....
.n """" d""il.
c.. S#cI1 e.- u.r.ia,.
Soci.>I St.&. incl...... lhnoe aperiencn Ihat help you.<>!l penple I<>
k= =<leNund and aJ'P'<:"ia.lC, and to practicc, democratic rdati<>na!>ipo
a<::o<eg "",n"'<><I. >lOOenl ""ould be: familia. wi.h Ihe J>Olitical and
cnmomic l""!V"lohy of Nq>al, Mia, ,be ."t ...c 'he ""rid, tbe historioool.
an,...ed""" of l':rpal all<! Asia, and ,ignilin.nt pha.... .,f """'d bis,...... ; w
o>rlg;n, """,ning, and deo...-Iopn>rnt <>fClllturr, and <he <>.lit"", <>f d[lFettD,
people <lfthc ,,'<>rId; pcli'QI ....nno and 'hd. orig',,"; or
irado:, indUSl..},. ai(Ti<:ultll<e, and 00""""""'; th<:. r'",...,ncnt Qf :\'epal jq
and 1:="'0.1 "'''''''pi' of go,,,,",,,om. in "t"'" <:nun',... ;
lite in Ne"",t,""';"'] pt\lblnno. rdi$ion..."d ",h... p.<>bIclTO, th.t ./f<Cl
",an', "'l(:i..,.l life. read! ,httlmt fJ>ould dc\"rlop ,kin. in ouciaI rCSQIn:.h,
_<ling and ",I";nl': prolol....., Ol,,,,,,,,,,i,y """'"lo', ",,,..king conper.....'dy
....'h others, l""rJiaItl<'flU;I'}' I'f"'dUreI, tdr""pr<Sicn, ..,lr. and maps, lm't.\i,,<s, gJ'aph!, "harl', pktorW dupl"!"> e<e. If> TUlOi,-e
and uJ""'. Kkn. "n", tm!>ba," here is not "" scgro>cnte1,1 bits .... krkIw-

'" lk .,.:ai.ncd "'" fill""" , ... , bin on ,1,., in"ncdiA't tl>j""o-

d",", odf-d;'Ic<1 a"d ...r,,1 bcll",-lor ,hat rn;>.hle }'l)Uth to beco"",
ind<J><ndenl, ,..,.,urttflll. ".cId lI1<,mbtn of ad"h _iety.
To a",,;n Ih<fc ll<JoO.t., So<-taJ S'udico m"st he orgaoi_l in M""I,oetIlial
of t>m"d units fr"n. IV.u gta.l. X ,10..' cu' aacu '""]
lines ouch '" Jlt!OS1"J'br, hl$'''.-r, ci\iQI, etc. For c::nmpk,,, uni,
on "rhe SlOIy of mu" ,n'...."", ,"" gmgraphy of =tain
':"rop"-'lO <Mnlnco "nd ,b. U"i,.d Sla'es of Am....ia1 ; tlte bi>t"f\"of
p.,-nmrn, .nd p<Ji'OtaJ nu"..."",n!>; the
A,., (;;,ondhl, ."" demncn,,,, l....dcn ;
"'aKn. eh.rta, ,h< American 1):1"",,;.,., of IJx"'p"""cnre, and otl><:r
grea. Illa>\'"rc in ,h. Inllt olr"qk M- deltlO(Ta.y; ,he >.;"'Iif", .<>d
am............,. f ..y ; a """?"",,w; .. "dy of If""ern
m"',,: and man) ",10 IIp''' IIf m".,iaa. Wbo can ur '.'0,....
lIt"S'"phy." nr "n,i< is lW.......y. ? 5-><ial S",d;'" ,,,-,,,
befta.iora] "bjctti.." ,....It ;n ""ill .",,,,,01 do< ,jc.,-dupmc"u of
mankind, no' '" _ote,nl<>lny o.-g.nitcd
Fun"""""""', to<l...,jo,- ..... be modified ."d mnulokd along .Ieoinhle
li.... onlr tIt......Ill" "Miu '''''I permi, and <.......".8" "id<: r."!" ..r
!>ehviur. I'up'" "mll ]i,. in a """"",,,.ic <n';,o
if 'hey arc l<)
beo:>me okin,,,,,,nic-it is nol <"""gh ,,,,,rely ,u ro:ad bur aLou. d-mo-
a:ocr. 1"hcr m.<$' plan '''5'',11... , dl""" ,heir """;"hict, m.k<
communi'Y'''''.r'' w,' OOlu,i.".i..m<. wurk nn 00<;,.1 ",,,jet..."c,
conlOW' rnajll, ",,.i'e .....tics .nd pb)'., <""I t< 'Mr ",,'n .',",,",,", and
l"aiIu...--in oh<>rt, .hq' ",u" experienc< dcfn ry if ,b.l .re ,,, Ieam i,.
In ",..rr I{"'r\c, in "'er). "ni., yco, "'"l'l1"\br, .h... m,..' be OD
Ihing ,h. l"n,1 uf !i,'CS .ru" ,nakff""u,.., 'lOO ."mpetenitiz.....
TI\C O>nuniohnn does no' .",,,:en.. itJ fnne.""n .... includ. ,h. d.,.il_
ing of ,he ".',,"u"I>]<:<:tJ ()f ,he <"IT,..,I,,,,. J>,,, .. ,lot
tb<:ma fw Social S"ldi.. (tu fullow. and me"gch........ ,...."'" o.In..loped
;n the fim m"C prt\iom dlap"').
VI H",.l'cop<" u.... (Fnod, Shdter, Clothing, Voca.tiano, rtc.)
VII Crra. !>It:\:l .nd I\"on>en Who 11'1,,,, Made N"J"'I
VIII Life in the ex'n""" of
XI Social, conon"., l'oH.ical Life in Nepal
X World Cultllt'C:lDoI Go\.....nrnml
AI the baUc la"l""g'O, .he tcarhi0!l 0( :'\qWi Ib<>uld r"CStIIt in
l""'f>citncJ' in lOUT fundamen,'" ' ....-hm'lUCI: 1iI,.ning
.pe:>king ft, .....dr }..,. 1"'" i"entll', rN,<lillS' rapi.:!ly and ,,'illt
"n,lcntnn<ling, ,n,1 ""ilingforc'Crully ,,,,01 cxp"""i,.11'. To I'",r.c. tlt"!e
'c<h"i.-IuCl, 'h"}' m,,,. ,kill in P"'""" hir>, "pc1Iin.o:, and grammar.
In procns ut .....dopmll' .h.... teehniq and skiJls,lludcntlm""t
",""",ne :.maiM with !be I<..:,-ary hcril"llC nf XtpoI and be in... "';lh "'ri,...... Th. tAdnUop;D,Il" high
dc1:rte or <:rImpctmCY in ,he cor....,' he O\'Cr-cmpha.Jiz<:<!,
beCause of Ihe whnlo C<!UClU"", pr0!lt';\Tll 'ClCI on Ihit;,
LtM-al F...v;,on'...... (""tu..: ...... ,;IuilCpn;u.ion. <te.)
""'"It ""d Uni,....., ",,'rooon,)'. ooill. e,c.)
Ad,'."ee Sei." (COlnm""iI1 Hrgicllc, l'e,,,,,,,,1
lIy!icne, PhySical molo.r., clc.)
X.,J; illhe chief .ncd'um ..r mmn""'i........ and ,'''' mcdi..... of
in>lt.... ;.'" ........ lhe ...houl. c:eccp" 100- the fi.,. year er ''''''' in _t:lin
oolriCU. For the Te.,"'m.. "nd b< i, j" th<: na.ibn.>! languag.
higl, o<ltool ""MM' ,1"1,,1<1 be l<, dCl'cl',p a degree of
"''''1''''''''''' in 'hi, lllhool<llxrome ,hei, "thinking" lang,,,,ge
.., .... medium 0( oral and ..o CUI\lIIlu..i ...,inn..
AHJiNSdr1ll' indudn ,100.1 I""d IQ u...Jen,tandings and
in N3<"I1:" "",Id or pb nod animals. and
lOrmation t>f tarth I<ort.-., ....",ral I." and ph,""""""",, ,"" ...;gin and
or man, JIC'WI'3l alld npaati'm or scinuific
on man', i""eft';""". a..,j Nh.. ,eientific ,nalters,
llu' ,he.o ",;><rk""" '"'''' 0.1"" ,bd.... p ,k.i!l, ,,,,d 1,01.>1 in 'he "'ili,a'i.... ,,
..... ,J,e.c principks ;>00 ph.""" .."" of "'t<ne<:. h io not e''''''lIh 10 knuw
abnut ,10<: ad<>kscrfI. "'... <Wry pn.u,", the principla of
UDllatiool and ,lio<'aoe fu".......""c, "'''0' dn-do>p
"";tudes of curi<>.i'j", ptt>ntC1l"", uqnid"m, and. ""'poet
Tp .rhi",-. ,11...., t:"3b, y"ullg """plc "'u" I;"'. with IcienC<', 'U'Il1
...ody I'OC" and I'Lu1IO and ",,'ural firot-h>.dd, m...' Jl"'lCliao
"alth I...biu, ......, npcri".e" and C",,'e ,,,",, ....'n .... ul;""" TO Ibd>-
probkms. TIrey ",u.1 ;n'-aliplc pennt13lh" tloeir "Jlb&" """
wPI'lr :>.nd u"iUOtio" Laf<w<,arrll. Incl' "''''' arlo,nll,' them
",I."" the ,,,)',1,., ''-'I)O,,,i,;o,", ,ho, a\"'u,,<I in ,,,"'I priulll;'. CUIUl'''.
TI",", onor ,,.,,<li,"',,,,1 Cl'1l)"Xl."menb of bioIug}', .hem
"y, phl""", c,c., an: h.urs fer erla,,"ins
the: ocien .1.lJf>lilJ "' ....... dhn ...... <>..omo:: in .ueb '
""'''I'''rtInt"",,, 1, ""i,," of lu.h b",,"-d Imi," a) "G<:ltin&" tl><: U.....
Nulrltion OUI nr Our F<>ud." uP",,.n,ion "r llloe""'," nn<l
Our Natural RC'<lm... StTH L',." ThOUGh .,."u. I,,,de"l.> willh
tu Iludy Applied Scion: cath ltaT in Ih. "",,,nd:'rr school, tho:
Cotnnrisoiot, htJieo.-a 11... , bea.\Ma ,I p<aour" "I other CO<nII",n ..........
ifI!,> onIr thrtt lcanof lrirn.uh"..1d be r<qourd "ht........ The lint
''''0 l"'an Ihquld be el..nent:lry lcirncc, Ihc r..., leaT. ad.-.neetl. S"IlX""-
'cd 'hemet f"lI"w
.aould be I.O."&'>I of lh< rc:hool, Of ..
long as J>D:a>ary to <k--doJ' competence. .... minimum skilh lat ..,;gbl be
u..d annUlI.tly to dtU,m1lne prOll'"'' tor the .tmkn15 and to diu<:, them
intO /{roup" emp/l"';"'"11 OOlIlJ"'iition, reading, .pclling, ptnmanlhip,
sptOI""-!!. Of liu,".wrc .I'priatioa, as tI.. ""I""'UVC Dads an indicated. a" be: 1>0 lint;k tMinc l\"eJ*Ii lOt ...<1> , ...... perhar- ;"
li'"",'ure, bcQ...., n<b l=r'1 k ohould >I.,at all or.he <hnoq.... and
skill, <}ll fl'"OIl ....i"e1y higha 1.,-.,1. Pa,t or the litt""tu,e should be
,detted In eo"da.te with the "","k In ",h.r .ubject>, but m..clt or [, iho>.lld
be oud to dn-dop aP('feciation or the lit....ary htriul". or j ....t (;,,- the lhr
;..y of;<-
N<II... 10 laY, Nq>ali u.ould be taugh.t by .m.t it. Co'''p''''itions
,ho\lld from an eXllfc,W """ol Lu ",,,",. _thing; .pcech f.nm lI.
TO:<It"ized 0><0<1 ID ... .1 ",.....'hi,,!:. Reading .hnuld ha,,,, f"l'lIO'C.
c,..rnmaliad "tu"",", ohould be lIuditd t" rorr=t nbiltinate eroon, DOt I<>
.how erudition will> ..... 10 sn==arico1 b-. be
taught on lI. rm><dieal basis, pcnm:onship 10 oo'Clop "bili.y ; neithtt
should Ix: taught equally IQ all'l"c!enl.,t>u, "",h"" un the - ufnccl.
Mdlittiutiu sbould .... l.o.UCht on a It: iclly function.ol buiJ,
....t cnIy for .. loot; a period .. n-.y10 devdop minimum competency,
HCK, 100, a minimum Uillo ID' milr;hl be: rh= annuaJlr to doot<:rmine
...hen the min,mum compeleD<v ha. l.octn dUain!. l'T<>um:>b1y >OmC
,tudenu mi8htattain lhis level or'\l<,fQt"m.n<e by Ihnd uf Ihe oownllt
grade ; othen might rftJuire <he rull fixe year!..
It sboukI be Dlllt<! that additiot;.J.l ......t<S iD higher and teduNcal
DUl\ ",ill be olfn-ed Ii:>r t"'* llftding lh.... fot- ....rational purpoocs.
or rn, pt,...,nal .ca",,,, ; rhe dac...,itn, h..,.e conC.,.n' ()DIy lh. common
learni,,&, of Applied'malko. As in lhr of Applic<1 Sric""" the
CnmlDisoion J.Ull&nU a lIUnimum of I.htcc 1""'s, the lint t"'-.. rcan (6th and
7th!P"<)'0 anphaslx the lour funcbmentol skills .....bolt n_ben,
fraellOt., aod de<:imab aod relou:d probIctno on an iner""ingl)" higher
Ito\'tl, .nrl a third ye." to cmpb..i1c ptaetiral problems in internt, taxa
I;"n, "'<lUI.ll1l,ion, comm... .." ele. Fot ...ho have "'" attained
minimum compe<m<:r b)' the end uf the cichth there should be:
further work offered in the ninth ,...Ik. aod tenth ir ncttIloaT}', ofa
",medial natwe.
Ao in the ca,. nf N.pali, rht work .hould bo:: pt.,u'al and functional.
"""'Id be prcctded by tttabJilhtd owl and >!>ould lie ""cd !Or
.emedial pwpo:>lQ. fTobIems dlO<lld be drawn rrom lire, and .....thnnatin
sl>oodd be utih.ttd in tvD"}..tay expericnca.
PmiJfttJ-P/t;Tsudl l><.. inclu"-' all tl'1"'" or ""pcsitnttt 1.ha.t
e<mlrioole '0 phl'sic"l, menIal, and moral wdl.l>t,ng. Th.....pene""""
should JlfO<DOIt fine pOl"Siall ...lIt"'. and good hcaJ'h, =.iol"lbJe and
IKallily .........t""', a ..d bala.nttd menl.o.l oullouk, &r>d a IIi&h Im1C of
monl r<lp>D>ib1liry. ThtJe
,nu", clr:>u..p pleuing peroc>naIit)'
and .t",ng d ......cter in Xepal,
Mllly of ,he of other ."bjcctl .... Q},.,ioU>ly to
these oQiti,u. In applied ocience then: "'iD be many "nder5l.o.odinp
and okilfo with and mentall>ull1\. In Ii,....tur., l.l<Iria
of righ'-doiDJ ..m eun"ibtr.. '" ch:tr.clCT building, &$ wm the 1UIri..
. :C If ....1 IwoU"" If. f-.J a; t:I_
of .hese studenl> ",m.1Cal O(\,-.oo:d ocie""" COt'.-.c<, cspeeial1y
in phr-.iok>gy, hi"I"gr, and chemi",\', for amI meilki,,_,
'" e"gin<tri,,!{, and sc,,"'aJ applied science f,,! Ihe ,,'hers. It is ,u!i:!!""led
.hat a, last "ne Of ,,,,, y... " <>r .,.h"anectl ><icf>a, be rt<)uircd..r th_
Thoot: ,t/W1nk CfIIinoea ing will """'" &!ao;uh>ancc<! tcdtniocaI
t:>atltematiQ. and beU... than ..;11 be......ued for
his that a' leo. onc j .....
of advand ma,hanotic:o be require<! or all or ,hw: ""d"".., and ."'"
;.e;t" /Or the ,,,.-engineering gro"p.
ThQC s'oden.. will defini'ely "ocrl ,eading (and """" ,,m .......
""",-enati<>al) ""''''''' in Tibetan, lIindi, BcnI;al; and E,,:;lish, bcca_
'" mndt of Ibe literature it< th<x 6clds has not l'Ct bci:n tnos1alftl into
"opali Also, they "ill occt:I bitbct lban in Ihc:
(.r li'-e1 "f national heroco f",m .""ial ",udiC$, Qo,mnond of lon!Hage
""ill ""n'ribu,e '0 ",eU.lwance<l "",.,,,,,oli'y.
Th<oc uperiencel. <0 l'fO'l'O'<' p< lhouId
be into a (I(IUn< 0( phr... a1 ' i.. into 11'........ and 'po<U,
"',<0 '''-;,ua1 ,raininr. and in," a "" _i'''' ,ounoeding"'$"i<iaIlcc pt ...
...';omme moo "ill Jl"O'i.'" an nndo:n,..wlinll and .}..... f"'hetic r....,Jty
.p',........ fot ea<;h " ..M"t, '11,...: uperieneu d."nld be continu,,"" thl'Ough
"n' ,ho fi"c:-r"'" pc';"'l, and ,honl,l J.>r<offiMe .kllll. lOCial
.tlh"d.., and """n,lal n"d<:"tandln"" reloted '"
cc> ""'proem, no a pr08.......i,"I) le,,,,). ('AI"""'i,,,, c"",cisa .hould
ind,Kkd, bu, joy and <duo...., 11"",k! dominate pbr-.ical
and 0J'0f'U ....11""_ 0-""......aini,,!,: ""'l" ruaoI, ..""" r-.. iI>dir'cfl
tlporicn<n ,Iw> r""", diTtt, <><>CO, .nd ",,,,", objcrti\", may ikood<>p
o,.....",,;.."'I\" "" m....h as di,,,,,,"Jy.
1-"'ali'Not S.bjm<
Un<l""Il"I"g- ,'orati",,,1 ednca,i,," ,I,e,e """"hi be a "",ernll)" rlevcl-
'pn1 !iC1lit!a/l<"<: f'>V'lmme .h,,, ,,;U """"it!e la) !J'''''P it....uet;".. in thc
general u.- COl'"'''''' "'....1........... ncoJord ,n "'''''). ,,;o1k or m.: (c_!. ability
'" "'6I"k ....'" od>CJ" pc.-<>pI<, .....,.,...,1.ili'l. C1C.), a "1nT!' .,( ,"""'-
tion:oI J......; to choose a '"MON", '-" '''' c""""'" ".;"inll
f, .. ,hat ca..."., h"", '0 11'" " joh, e'c., and (h) indi,'id"al ron....ll;ng
in Ih"", .nd ,elate<! I"""'.,,ai prohlon" ,,(s'udent<. 'Ihi. p<o:>gra,nrne ,t,ould
l>t in'rod""",l in ,h. fmt y'M o'the high !lChool and colllilt\lo a.
nc.:.......ry n".i1 ,he .tudent is '0 Jl:0' ajol> .Il"" .he -.:hnnl.
Th" mol' 'ake ,hc w.m of a d .... mcel;ng once or , ".,.." or
it ,nigh' bcmmc a ""i, at difl"trm' pain.. in ,he _ial studios eun-icul"",.
It ,,"look! _ at a al'd ...-."IJW" S""""" ro. ....den..
di/f...-ent -majon.."
7M Pu.p,ojus'-I Major ""onld 1"""'idc expericncts tha! ",ill
I'I,a,o "oilon" I;" poIt->cco'\<!a,y traitl,n!{ in loaching, nl'ldioinc, "u'loing-,
1.>"', cnginffii"g, go_nment "n,1 o.her p",fcuiollt. In
..uor ,he .pccial "..,..k "r .tuden.. in ,his fHid .he,e """"Id be,;.
on k:>d<nhip tJ"a;n'''lI, on a phibnthmpic .... sptteh dC\-d<>pmmt,
aDd 0.... facfbTI for _....r,,1 roIkge "lid)' and
his 'Ujl:!:""ed Tibetan, Hmdi. 8c::Igali and/or Eos;lish
bc fUJ.uire<I of thcoi: tndnlu ovh of lh<o fi,..., }'elln and that a spui.11
cou"" in spctth be offtKd in ,he ,er"h sraM.
Special "''''''''' in mhanical d",w;ng, :-lera1i LlIw, F.ducati<>n,
",,,, etc.hould be off<rt<l [0 pmvidc ,poc'.l ,1r.Ub or gm.,...l
inll'odlJCtio<, to oh.. ,oariow JJI'of<S>iom, and ..,un........ oppor."nitico .hnuld
be gi,..." tn ..u<\n>1> to .....the-jo:>b in Ihe dilf"""n'
,,,...tions and 10 actually try their hand al lbcir cl..-.. job. This wih
call f", dnu co<>peJA,inn ...ith Inrn ano! """",en in ,he >m",,,ni.y ....ho
hI'" [,c"n lu<:<:...f,,1 in their J>rOr""'iun" but these cxpe,icncn ",Ull>c
in,'IlIuab'" in this f'K-ptOf=ion l.-aining.
Beau>< 01 the d;"'" oh"",.....1";,""1'). school ,..<:hen and
'bc eom..."";"n ...g;rsu d,a' oomplelc

in ,h.... t-.> 6ddo bc t>Ifert,d in the ten,h followitllf 'wo 1"'"'

lea" or,,,cc... AI _lib or '....ilanu, Ollldenl.l in ,h JiddJ
eo"ld then continue Ihcir ,<'Opecl;'-. ad,anccd prortssional training 'he
""'Iq<: ""'d. Th_ ,"'M en'er the {ucbi", oouIX "'o"ld aho lake a
spcciaI ('01<nC in mtllxodo of IQclUnl .dult lill:racy ID that ,hoy may hdp
""""t <h.. ,;ul ncuI.
"FM Ctmtmrni'" MlliM mould "",vide exprritMo<s r",. "udonll who
ex!"'et ,,, A''' dir<.'ly in'" clerical, .c<:uundng, and o,h'r C<lmmer
cialjobo immed"'cly upon ""mploting high ..:ho<>l. I'",,';.ion .Muhl bt
rM<k. Iwwe.-er. for ,he ""'" able .Iuden.. m ;p:out>! inm 8usi.....
AdminiIUaUooo QlollnI:I; a' rhe l",,,j ....
Th_ studenll ...ill need .,Ic;u1 t".., j"Ur' ","ch of type",,.i';ng and
(.horthand), 'wo ynn <if !look.keeping, ami one y<'ar
<ifrnerehandising. In additi.on, sp<eial <ours" in'" Xopali. businoo
commercial!.>..., advertising. Jhould be oITered lOr
...Iou ntttllbna.
FinaUr, 'hose ",odm.. will nerd on-rhe-jOO a:perknu as part_,ime
and full_time appren'iees. Thi. appn,icahip 'rtlining should be tt>n-
.idered part of the training of these .. "dents and bt: under the 'Hl,.,.".i,ion
of ,he school authori'i",. Only through weh .r:aiuing, and onlr full
"'.>pt,alion of buliD... -.. atltl olbm in the """""unity. un ''l)Cation<>l
uaioin& ill ,he
tldd be u.,1y functional.
Th, Cronmisoion .uggeu ,h......., of ,he 'raininl!" in ,hi> """.101"
in ,h. ciRh,h grodc "pJ'<enli.eship training be .estrW<l for ,he
'enth grade.
n. .i('i<tll,.", Mq" is perhap ,he ....... impo.-...., of all cl ,he
fiekIt.. II abe>ukl !,""ide exper"""'" that will mable l-"lI
men to ba':onM: ....odt:n """"'J 'Mit people in 'he field of IlJricuhuTt.
$time of ,h. ,ludents who ,hit f,dd will KO (;on inm \he agriCtlh",..1
,,,,liege f",- [urll.., ,rainIng, bu' mo" of them wiU go directJ)" agric\ll_
,,,11'''''11;\$ in rural."'.. sttrrollnding ,heir ""m...
."\picul...... has aln:.ady been .nesoed in ,he prUnar-,' Kt-' as a
__ M p<U<lueing onc'. own Mod. Presumably M% of the pttJple of
Nepal "ill t:on.inuc to produce theit ""n IOod IOr many}..,.... 10 """,e.
Th.. mcan. ,h., many .'udent> wh" d" not inten<l ' in agricul.
ture sho\lld ha,-e ",me cominued CXf'C1'icnCCll in ,h\I/)jecl. if only roe
am<:a,icnal purpwtf- E.-m girl> should contin... oflh.... opericnc<s
from .he primal'l" ochooI, ..pi:any in the topics of>n.ldettion,
"-'ld .turi"l of foods, r.aiting lInaIlli,'CS.od, et"-
For """"" who =,)o.or in agriculture, th...........Id be a continuous
lIlkDSif}in;n the w. ,_Of th..... )",.n. X-U"'"
... .ay. ,he P""BfaaIIDC mould be and. pvtion of
time """dO be i'''''' to lhc olli.-...wck, crain. aI\d RIM,- pr<>-
.. ill ",hich I.bc ..udal...hcm>d,a ac1uall, er- poultry, pip,.hcq>,
" ........ (>11*. ftc., 1Iootdr, luvill& and oocnpkle rtop:>"
<=od in .1teU haldo. They sbou!d ha,." pIoII orpin, ,"'Jrtabb.
...",d, "tbtt ......blllff. undtt lMir an:, both al ochool and """'"'"
E,wy rw..J hCb od>ool .""oold .-n or lUll'i.a! P!'" of
land apiculwral P"'_aDd appn>pio.le build and rllcihtios b
E\'G_t uioing. Th_ faciliti<s should be u..-d """ ""perimtnW 0"U<'ard>
a:>d d<monllntion They >houId ",!Or '<:IIchine.he otuckD"
aIso:u ,nodd.lOr ,h. adulb: ohh. "rco to uborrl".nd rnIk.>w.
toe .. dote rrlatiomhip bcn.ttn Ihcsc r.rtI\$ and .boo< uoed /Or
daDoo.lutio" the rural u,ension prognomme. 'n.e.. f.ciIi,i<s
.,.u., p<JMiblc d.e rune,im,", tcaching of agri.ult ..... in .he IUI()!1(\ary odIool
&:ld...., .....""ialltl the 1''''8'''''''''''',
Furthermore, ,1.... fadli.ies must bo ...ppleme,,'''<I lor rarm .113['1.
r>=fjlwuoeo. l.b<,n.witl, and li!wane> a' lhe .ohool All <,of lhac
;;"';lilK-t, ind"dinS" lru. ",bool au<mblv hall, mllJl be a, the di'(lOS;I1 or Ih.
firm... of lhrCa ... " ..Ua'udenl>.. Many projecu ,hould be und.r-
\OIken jointly ,,ilh ,he bnys and lheir r,uhel1, 'h", <'nCOmaging a r.lation_
ohip lha, ,,ill do l11uch to hold ,he "" ,he fM,n! and ma". lhem >0.
w' 'Ildr flllure li .. in ..rving lhe people of lh.i, villag. arca. The enLire
... -b<.ouI,h'lL,ld be caln'nunity<entercd, bul oorla;nl) nu 10 lhan;n ,hi.
5rld ofagricuhure.
Thc ",us",,,,,,,e for agricul'ure .huuld include ""HrseI in natuI.
lOUd,. biulug), \.ootlmy, and for thc 9lh and 10th grad.., agricuhural
1cictI , li"nloek railing, be<: and Ii." "ul,ival",n, fornl')
,imiJ.:,r mu..... ,,<...ding 1<,0 ag';CIlI'ura! PTat:lk.. rJ lhe farm
""",h;tnia, dr:..ring, .",,C)'iag. etC, ; and rarm manageme""
"'-'nnt pl';><lkllf., elC. Tb"", upcrknc.. ohould be
..,.,pmtCtl"'d by club :octl,';,i<S, h<>me elC., and .hrouelmut .he
,here on,," be a pnleti<al "",ph__ As a, fifty prtUt"
et tbc time to <hill JDO\jo>< ohnuld be in ,he ......po, labor:tto"'"
ticId$, the uuc "dao...""","".br thac: nudcncs,
The Coromiaion ""IIZ"'ts !ha. 1>0 <,otbtt IJ>CCW -...eo be offcrro
h t!:tooc "'M mlcht the: coUqc. Md ,hat, thtuI#t
and _oclline, an d!<>r. be tIYdc to cort,rol the ..umber """vine
......h-anccd .."dr to ',,",i>i," .. in lbio lidtI.
l: '" bdic>"'Cd ,bat ....dnMs who> are un.....allr""""""uJ in th.. hop ochooI
... d<toibcd "-;11 be quile read)" ro. eollqe -.k without
c>cci>l pnparalMY "",racs. Po-aumably these IltOOd<nlS "dcct"
""'" the ICtl"""I cucriculum, <It>UIX:S in spcuI.. eu:., which ....>Uld bet,.,.
.. t!>rnI '" colqe in a gcncnI WRJ_
TItt IlIJaJlrid ,If';' >hould iodudc upc,ieD<a that will fit bo}.. Eo<
.. induwiol trades found in the lUU oer-i tor Ihe ochooI. In


aT"'" .h= ..ill be
fo, tradesn,,,,, 10 "',ild 1.0""" """ o,h...
buikli"!,, ur k> ,,,,,nufa<:s<,,c malcria! "'" Iheir "",,1nOCtion. 'Jhc
of the arpent... will '-ary f",m oh. Tera; '0 ,he hill., and ,he br-id:: "",.i"l
a"d L-itk la'-ing ....dn ,.,.ill b< lOund in _,ain arc.u. Ch"'l'.is
...ill Ix ",..lee Qf ..-ood in ..,_.""", of ....mboo in Th_ onll be
.. dm,aow!!Or cla}" p<>" in ""me ar.,.. ",..I ""P<:< or br:H' in o,hnl.
Only in Kath'MOOll and cn\.>.in T<ni
ill ,1> " be .. duna.nd,
a'l"'CSC'Dt, r... ."lO-l1l;:<hana. lIn' in "' , are;l. ,I>cf
iD be .. .-d
ror bl.>dsmi,lu .... "",taI.,_k.ns.
1Ia.... nf ,ho<: p,.,..""'" and do",o.,o<I., il i, In '''I':"
ROil a !"lIon> \Or upttien<'n in A 1..n.""Y will
....,., to be "",de Md co""", <>I'F"""d ... Ob....."s1r. doe tchtool eon-
"", hop:: I" ,nee! "''''''1"''-:cl ; it alf,,"" tn <rain Onc ur tWu f:1t'Ot.
""}""""'" lh;J." ;. con .... .."... only one 'wo in
f urtl.ttrr>O<'e,'he ochool """, ;"roq,.,...,,,. npp,enticnloip into lIS
l'rogr"a''''nc ." 'hat the "a<lo':sn,en nlch. =a l<:lI<i ,hei, <,raft and
lhe p>g'am",e lJca>""", pra<:cic>l.
It i. "'SS""Ie<l ,hI inlr<>dnotnry
k be laughl in tbe 61h 7th
grades to.n .",<Iento in <hi. ",,,jor. Th
k .ht>uld be Idcclftl in _
"fro,nlJ'o(ln ,,,,edo in che """''''unity and ..h""ld "" cl""iJrned 10 ,Ie"dop
g<:nc,at nlCChanit'al and ""1<,",,,,1 .t.ill.
F.... """mpit, "....., ..ilnple
""""."""lting or ....... k;ng "lfe, 01..".",.,)' training ''l'l''''C""i';",
if 'h")' .........."'""" '0 lh. a,ca. 5c"cknu <:In "'aen .lul"I< ..n<.l <:I'.
<Jf """", and gain """h.,,;";'1 ,kill (or be in,,> a....'loct nujiJo
if fO""d to lie lrl.i,,!,: i" ..1ill\. Ur a gmeral ,rart. mu"". inchnting ......1i"l\', """" m':laI-wnrlinr, "'_ I",u"'l', _
and painting. ""'''' "",Ip."ring. e'c. mig'" he nlTn<:<l ,""'" dllring"''''
re".... An dTvrt .h(,o>lol be "",,10: .', dioo,.,.." 'I_;fit' an<.l 'I_ial .l<lJb
and af'litlltlt:s ... ab;;' r....- """'''"ne,,<.I;ng '1><'O;a1i... It>< cbe Iut
F.....he 6th, 9th, .....J 10th gr.",to:s, .he oehool """"Id <>It... ..,.,..,...1
S(>ecialiucl pr"!:
'rn.. ac",rr<.Iing co looal _d.
1'0< .",,"'plc, the",
migh, be th'ee }..,
<Jf aorprnt'1' aIltI nbinet mali,,*, ....... _iD,
or or n..uonr)' and h,;"1 wotl, or "f rloth "'akt,,!l'. <!yi..!l' and priming,
0<' or 0
m>.U.ind,,,tr)' tndes "'" ,he area. I.. addicion, thcr. tuigh!
be """'
in bow" M relaci""", ""uminl!". ."" ""'nap"""
in the
10lh ..."Kk
with ""'''''/Ietial l',,,mi,,,.
FUI>tL>men,,,t to ;0.11 "f .ltese 00........ io apprrnci<:dhit. craining, ...hich
",ighc I"'ll:'" '''' a limiced .."le in ,I", vac!< and <k>.'cl<Jl' Oh a """0
rx.encl<>.l "'",. in the 10lh gra<.le. This c",,,,lng :ll><xold be kept olndn'
dooo '''p"'iUon nJ lhe "bool U> ;"'u,. h:a.ning ""per;"n"",
a,,<.I min,mum ""plo,,,,,,,,,, ...r che .,ntlenu'
TIr< 1f_.JJ.u.;_: MQjIt ...ill a;>pe:tl 10 gid<, antI wit."..,
"'1"' ....: I<I.... Ii" bo-l" U>tl pi> CXA1, mlIy "'" be <>I'rored ;"lbe
......01. U(IWC)''''', 1><...,..., bo-l" be in ",,_king, t ......
are <:tTtai1l ""pen""""" ""'-I sh<ltJd be i,,<I...IO<I in ,heir tIr08"""IIIC ;
'hex might IJC inch;d<>.l in _ial.lud"', tcicore, ......cbanacia, i ..
bofl' oehools.
ft>t' gin., the H<>meUtal<lng majur $boukl indUlk n:,,",lieneu ,hat,
",ill nuokt: chern !>eUcr h<>mernakn, a"d """'"d .....ilI help chorn to
"",k o,ber _en bdtcr Tht.e >tt..uld incl"de all of
!he okillo and "nckr..and',,!, rccl"irt<l lO cnnttrl Taw COIlOI1 and
......I'alO r.atshnl clothing, ""'w .. and roou.t.. rr. la,n ta>f). n1iblc
rood, and the boo..., "'alll 01" hocttc in'n a cnmhubk li,...1lk ""'-t. to
main""" rA IDLt'W and h<al,b in the family and "',e lOr
i1ln... .nd a<c:ido<oIl$ "ion< thq' occur, .... <:an: &Or kobOa and I...;", than
thtoq:b mild"""" 'n adult cilizctt>hip.
It is Iha. tb< compcc.,....... of bJd, <Iolhi",. aad lhd<n
be nt'lploaaiaod in IIM: 6'" t(> 9l/, go-aUrs. It..., ""oI"".lIh aad
ClI,,, he ..raocd ia the 8'h an"!h" lP"'tln, and ,ha. duri"ll ,he 10th JC"dc,
<he girls ,,"""uravd 10 lake "I' ,he r-',l<:ai<>n.>l """"'" in ....ial:, ..
I,>"mao'\, .... a rpial """.\""", """ne fi>o- I-I ..",e I"",on.inn
W,...kc". This b"a 0:",f'SC .11<>.. ld incl"de 'cchniq""" .,r " ....,kin! "i,h
ad..h" mctllU<h of ;;i"in;; de",nallrMiolU, "f .. h I",np',
W<>I'k in fUO<l. dOlhins-, Md ohcl\", etc. .. of 'hi,
CUll"" I".."",,,IJI, ",\",101 "wk a, Ho"t" Exten,ion ,\i<l and af'
""peri"noe mighl eule,' tho 1!ome .<.... iol1,'o Unllcgo rn. fUrlhe< "alni"l:'
ThOle ",ho eale, Te.<hinl: /)I' lI ..m" Exlc",;"'n Wo,k ,ho"ld al.....
'ake a enm.., in mothud, of Teaching Adnlt Li'eraey.., ,hal '.110)' will b<:
propa'1'o d<.> Ihoir p.rI in =diratinl: illir""y fro'" ,he ,illagcs.
on....." olwuld als.:> hoe pro"il;"''' IVr lhole t:itb ".11<> .:I.. no' wioh '0
."tu any of ,!>De <hr= profc<sionallkhh. Sume .... ,. "'ilb 10 S" direnly
I,,'" marr"'se and ,he bu>incB nr ",,,,kinK" home. Oth.... "'''y ..-;'11 '0
""".., itno a lih<",,1 "'" or 'J'CCi"'liu in Iiac at'" Of up
"",,>her .....,ttr. Adj"""",aLl olwuld be made lOr ,h<:Ic si'. <la an
iDdividual in <'ol'do:r lhat lhey may O(t'tt boLh Lhcmsch..,. and Jocic,y
tu b<s<; "'...."3"...
T10r GntnJc.&p ,I/y.. u-.k1 be. uocd Iry' ,h<_
.. ho> ha,,,, lhe abilitj' and .... 1_, <la I'. <:oIkgc, bul ..i", ha,,,, D<>l
tIccidod on ,Ml. f.... ..:J <.>f opn:;.Ji......... .\bay <L.besc .. udcn'f ..-ill gu
10 a liberal "'tu oIlrge and pcrllafll fkci<k "', a "J"'ciaIt) a, ' .... , ,in..,.
Although. <1,.,.., ",",,,Id I>c p""isinn, .or ""ref..l e;,..,.". ll"i(lan<e and
counoeUi,'lf in all fltld.. i, it nr'pttial i"'P<>rtano: he",.........u;"" .1.....1d
b<: ,f\01<Je ... [r.nw"" from Ihis [0 othe," a' ,inl<: dl<: studtn'
lJcc:ut""" ""nfid"", or hi. carccr cltoice.
The n''\ior ,hould indude se"...,,1 exl""";"'"'''' .he "",le", fo,
roIle!:" and, i"",fa, a. l",>lc. It.,,,fi:, .e. a .peciilc /iclil, It
.h""f,l ;nd"de I:0ne,,,[ ,,-;"',,, inlu chemlu,y a",1 l'hj"ics i Ir""""'"
","hc'n"liCII, kadin3 int" algebra. a"cl trigonnmct'y; ono 0<
''''0 in addi,ion lu Nornli ; KCncra' ",,,,inl ""d;es, [r",li"g inbl
,,.,,,Id hl!wry and w"d,J too"":,,,c g<:f)g'.l'hy ; "nll cl"",i"N frum tho
.,'()<a,ional group "r,,"dia. The ad"a'Id and moo'. Iccl,nk.1 ",bjccts
"h"..ld he in ,he !llh and 10th ,,,,dcs, .he g.".... 1."bj""" u,lier,
to e:lOt pootilolt l<.nsf.... '0 o'her
MJi"-l M_i-. ma.}" b< "e,..,In"",1 b .11..r,hc r;cp:>1 .cl"""".
or f.... tJ"'Ci/ic ochoo>k ... ,he ncclI "riocs. Ahe ' ...... ","o,io""I" implico,
tbo::oE r't13jun should be oksigncd '" lit Itv. "_0' lO< ajub 0<' ca,tcT, and,,,,
IVr fll.llocr (n;nm! io hi< cbuocn lidd of
J=eth..l s.JdI>
The a,"OCa';",w sOOjaU lOre ia'tndotd 10 supplcmni' lninillJ m
general "nd ."""'tiona! ffiU<:olion.
should..,....'f: individual I"'''{'''''''I
on an elect;". !>M... Snroc llu(lcnU select ...,,,.... '0 till in l",sun
lime, '" bee:a...., t1oq"\ .he to wpplClIlent " particular
,"""'1, J(JIl>< btta_1hcy ,,'" eoscnliallO f<>r colkge,
>(>me "ml>ly !y,,,,,uoc ,hq'''''' internted in 'h......
1 hus, in the laIchlru;- <>f ,h..., ..,'<>C'a,j"""llUbjon., ,he ,mn'
be ....""-"' of the rn""r different purposes ..,.. .. hich ,,,., 0'''''<'1 ha"" born
chooon. <nmplc, On" .I"d.n< ,..1>0 ek:ctl :>. coo,.., in p.> will
daire ,kill-pnf(,:'",n 10 c... bk him ,.. b'tJrne o:>trullC:ma.Ur """'-.,eton. ;
_her will d",it. <:>cJr the ...pyrnmt t4, COma fro'" !",;n'ing. The
'la"d",d. or ,o<h..,.....,.. , in ,,,=<nI..-telI """'uld he n."ible """,,!;b UJ meet
t!>roe ,... den""d<.
111<: Comm;w,.. I>e&\..,. tha' '''....1high 0<1>001> will find a demand
t:.,r of tI,. f<>!lowiug am"'" : r"... run each or EnsJi<h. Hindl, atld
Sanskrit; two'" 6'"0 eadl or painling, ,culph"ing, d,,""'ing, ttra_
miQ. r". .n..-..,...(., t n><1aknr.,,;ng. and g
1design; I".., 10
/i,'c y<:"" ."d, <>f ;nlllrumrm,,1 music, mu.ic, m ic "PI"iau..n, and
j(,!k dancing ; "n<l one or ,,,.,, )-ears of liter.","' app<ttiation, k>rensio,
jnutnal."",.nod In additi<>ll, .... 'a;.. >u,'" i <ludtd in ..,me
",r ,he '"OC>l'"",al "'aj...........,'d be t" st"drlll> ho ....ish 1(I d.
'hcm a"d ha'''' 'he fcqU;,.".j t.g., ehrm;,1ry and ....".Id
hiIDx)' .nd .......-Id _mic 1COS,.pl'l, mhanical dea,.-",!!, cooking,
medKo<! ad..I'I;......e"i, <'le.
Sume scbonli nU)' "rrer w....- in Ih.. gruup <hat in "'hee IC!oooio
wO"Id be t.g, ,.","'... Games and .",,'l> ....,
ICho",I!,lays, debates, etc., publ;.h;...g <he school musical and
cult",.... 1""'lV"""ntl. Rrg."Ue.o "f Iw.... ,hae ",ooea,ional ""rako"",, are
<>IIC:Td. 'brir mid" loucpose """"d \.le '" help 'hodenl< .....und nu' 'heir ",her
,... Co<rri<or'-
Preparn,;on of ,be .d.ed,dc, or ,il,te-'abk, r." 'he sch<>ol .. ,be
,...puns'b;l;,)' of the J-I..,,<llnaster .nd "0s.0I.1f, !"" Ihe en."m"""'" beli<=
that it sl>nuld be pledicJ"ed on ttrtalIl omllmWtl .,...da.-df. The Corn-
missio.... re<:ngnizing ,I"" talj-eat'S 10<- comlOO" sdt'-""ing is ,,,'" y""" Ira
Ih.n in mam' olher _,nlr;..., bel,,,,,,,,, 'Iou lite I<Omdal"'" """"'I in:><epa1
.bo,,1d : no. less 'ltao ZOO r,dl tlaj" per "iea, e""I"'i',, of holida,..;
"," lao <ha" fJ\" <1.,.. P"'" ,,'Cd. ,,;,h an o.ddiliunlll half da)" '" "..,... for
oo,,,mUn;'l' ,.,.vice .'od _ial "",k ; and no' I.... ,ha.. .u. houn pc- da)" of
"""",I JUpet\'iKd edu"'tio...1 "",<I"';,,, of
tillin. ele. 'Ibe
Cm.IniJRon fu,,!>er "'S!lWI <ha, lht periods of schuol day be "".In.
.han filh """"le' in long'h, but 'ha' lunges- periods be cncn..r-agW ;r ,he
=lle.-ie..o" "I "",'eml,.1 ."L;c<:.. ca" be in." ""rgtr ':''',....
For .....mple, and npcaaUy .n .he 10"", ll....d.. or <he hllJh ,,",-I, SCIrtlcc:
_;al <loo'" a... be ,n,egrarcd 'n ....h "ni" .... "C,mmunity Hollh,"
"O,igju and S""et"'" "r 'he w,h," ele. O>mpos,'ion a..d """",'",e a.n
be intcva'ed "'ill, either ...aal .l<odirs or .cietocc: or ""'Lb, M""h or the
,.."k in aO{t'icul,me, or i .. ;nd"wial <till....., or in """"",,,,lIDS, e.... be
j"lOgra,td iot" UJrnprehtnsin unil<. 1n_effi..... """uld be
and 101\11.... or double perioud., ",,,,<,d! foe ,hal,.
1l>e p.<>gr.Ul11DC of a.. stLJtien' ,hould ino;:lude ,lIree typa of
10th !IT.
Applied Scimce 11
.-\pplied IT
Peo-1onaI.Ph,'S. ne-...,Iopmcnt 11
One Vonuional Subjeer
Ono ,\W><0l1"".1
.\!'Pied I
PttsoooaI_PhyRal ne-.-d. I
One V"""t;ooal Subjeet
Onc A'"U<'a,ion.1 SILbj1
....1Jr>tS "."h ,. gr:ad"a",' ... cmph..... fron> the com,nno ""'ro,np ,,,
Ihe Co"'.... a' ill 'h< h<l"" :
__, a f}'pic>1 JlU<Ien,'s p<ngr.omme omuId inchIde"'"
following ."bjC'Ctl :
Eth'ladc 7'h Jr!.de I NOj>.H Tl
SociAl Studi'" I Social S'udi.. 11
8'h 9th l(I'adc 10th l(I'.M
:\epali III NqWi IV Social S,udic< V
..........1 s...t>eo III Social Studioo TV ....pp1icd Sci<nce nl
\pp1ied III Pcnonal_Ph)... ll<\...l. IV Penona/.l'b,'S. llevd. V
. .,,}.... 0",..,1111 ThTCC Voc:>tional S"bj1S Thrn """,';oRal S"b.
T"l'> V""al;,'nn! Subjcctl Onc Avoe.,;onal Subj<'c' One A'"()I"lI.I;'mal Sub.
On, ,\,,,ulional Subjec'
.-\djuotme.". ""'''Irl ha''C to be IIIade in the pro,!"ammeo r....
...cnidual .node-nts and r.". all <tl.ldrn,. in certain n>ay,n..
-.Id a,"" be afl"cned "" .he ,_,n, or m\1'llt....... dn-dop<d in II>e
no";""" _onn aDd _;on. detaih .....uld be l'urth<. de\'<lop.:d. and
!':iCa.......h""ld be .,ffe<!, in a manual tu be di<'ribut<:d bo lhe M'ni<",.
,h.. final progr3ming mUll he l..ft In tuh ..h..... ro.. u.i1
F.JrI""""it1<r,,, Ae/;,;Ii"
hlr"-"urrio,br oc[;,itit3 mnoi>, of.hooe u!"'rkn<.es the
"'Ioer--ision or 'he JdIool bolt ouliide ,he ,,,,,101 <>f cwg;anid cout$<S. l'hq'
in,rodo.>cN mlO lhe odIook of other ",,,,ntr""'. """'...
..,ha. wa< OIhcrwKc" ''"'1" dull sct.ooIlifc ro.- and " __ of
"",king an .cad....,;.., .uniculUlu _C p<aclcl anc1 ("net l, and as a
"",aIlS (.r inRillll curienlum clnloot In life. 'l'hq' nil, in ma"y ..,"""Is
v,<I"y fOT 'I "'ry .:,,"" ....".""..
E"".wrri""br. 'u,,;,," 0.1>0 prn";""" ",,,lion" ror introducing kam-
;"1( .,'wltil.... on an up<Tirncmal ba.;,. If'h'1' 1""'''' ",,,,,,,,,r,d and "",et
.. T'I<'<'d, .hey caD be ina"pnr<llod in,... h<: '"""'" a,rricuh"" ; if ""t, thrir
lrial ,ho: """,e /Io:Xible anoJ ;"b,,,,,1 of
Uuaet!rTiao!>., bttn w... dinuro;n( .... ,he mu'i"", <lr
.he .d",oJ ,h" if ,h. Curriculum ;...,If "'..,..., d""3'ing fml,..n,lr.
In ll>Il<l n ,dlO"r" Ill"'" of ,h. eXI'"-;''''''''' Ih., wc think or .,
,xlr.curr;cum, h.w. l>ccn inrvrp<>r"t",1 in,n the e"....;c"IL\l". Sportl
..rc par, "rthe "h"sical edcua''''n ",,,gn= ; d,e .et",,,1 ..e ill
"..:para!. a,Id puWi>ba!. in a rqulat dUI in jnur....I;,,"' in Ihe
daoo ... a <pttial llO'l'!jl ; <lchauntn:itinr;. M'- arc l>art of. daoo in
1Oremi<s. or spcn:h. or ; ruhur.ol ..... sperial f"'ja:tI
<If rou...... m...... dram.:>.t;"" :uKi <Qncinl{. In ,hi< '}l'" oro<pn"",ion.
'hnc acti,i,i.. and .Ia',.,. Th",, at<: a'....;Iahle In I,ll on 3n
''1u,II",.i. and ,10...,. ;, lime in lh. '''lltLlar >eh",,1 P"'K'a",,,,. f'M' "''''ym.e
0"" ea"...... il n<:ttft;l.ry, ho""C'u. f...,.....curricutar acti"i,ia h",-.:
al.......I. bco:n cMrat1aizfll by a hillh drgte< or,.""""1I planning and
ft)nlrol d tM ""i,i,;'" and pro;..cll "",,", ..!<n>. ResuLt, wrrindar
b:pcrionr., .....uld b< d.""'i.....ta!. b,- <he <ame cba.....,criI.i<s, 100. but
...."""in.... d,er 'T ....L 0-. '.inly .... rnUSl. a'......1 "",kinl( <:.I:lr.l<;UTI;cub.
ai,i,i.. d"lI, r"",i"".riddr", "",, ul1in'.. and ,"moved f.<>m
.",dell! planning and wn,,.,,l, h curri""la,'i,.ing ,h"", If 'h.y me,dy
lJccomc "'''''ho.d...mina'.....1aradomi. ""..-rises, had much l.>oUcr b<
If,r, ... ex'r"';nrri<;ular aeti,;,I"".
Idca!I>', deb.>.1a. dl"""', orftoo,I [>>no, anel the lil.:e
.......Id bMxn. pa." or ,he a'" progr"""""; f",ld-dal't,
.nmi>e\i.i>-.: p"'" and <lancing exhibi,ioom. """u,ins. finl
...1, .nd ,h. likh""M berom. p." nr Ih.
P'''ll'a'nm' ; tlllbo .hn"ld be R p3rl ur ,h. cI:"'"",,1t
wi,b whkh 'hey at. ",""",,,xl, .,g, a calr dtLb wuuld b. I'.rt .... r
the agricul<UI'C COl" ..... ""dal part of _ ...1 st"di"" etc. ; fX>mm".
nity projenI would bea.m. p.u-' "udies, oci....." ho""ll,
or ........ od>er ..,., 10 ...hid> .he proja:t ill ,...Ia,a!.. In Ihi> way,
1l\Qc c ,-.: .,.,..lial ,....t... arK! ,hey ....." gft-.: d)...amie
.caliJm to 'be ,eguLac ""dum.
1'r<:1"mably ,b will be >011I' <'lllra""r.kular ,.c:<""",. in .,..""
!l?"od ..hoc,l, roe ,10" currienlurn mU" "c dyn'l11ic, .nd Ihu " l>e, unly
,f 'her-<: ;. con,inuouS Till'" ""'ne ne..- actid,;eo would
be ..nder lIul, ItIn..,im'" at po.rt "r <b. etuTiwlum, .otnetimeo
,.. o:tnaorria.ol,... Bul the ' ......d -..Jd he in the d......titm of
c:.riculariDtioc of these aechities.
Po- 1$
I'cbapo .. _;or ""ocption to IlIit _Id studcat i
oomc odoooIs succe<sCully inlqnlle ,his activity .,;th _ialltlMlia.,
<><btto lind Iha. i. openus j( Kt "p "'. sq>M1,epllueoltbe
Nl.'t'tllao to "'y, ;t;'.II.-:t1lial part of the oebool life and
muil be. J>I" .... the dt:nM:>uatie o<:hool envi.-ment.
.\l<lWs .J THd"'l
t<letlulds of 'uehillg, in the bmlod x ....., ref"" 1<> Ihe funetion of,he
'eaeha- in ""l1li<>Nhip to .he currieu.lunl, "ne work of the lucllCr Clln
be: di,-idc:d "'UShly into tt"" ph_: pLanning c"",icular e..pcri=
and ,ul"''' it.ina 'he de....lopmc". of 'hem in Ihe act"al karni'lIl "'ua'kon.
I'an of 'cachin, rnc'hoeh rum;" in geuing .....dy t<> '"""h_(a) pl.nning
'he ye""', ",,'rk (in ....hkh ,he 1.1ch.r m,,,t bt: "";"ed by the e",ire
.",if i" juint pl.nning, and by appropriate ",anual,' ur goid.. aou.d by
Il'e Educali"n Mi"iu,y), (b) pla"ni"g ,he work by b.nad un;" nf
prThap> hI" 10 .i. w<:'Ch in longth, lc) planning e",h day" work;"
each cla". pr"!"ri"g ...."'k .h"".. ,,,d olher lurn;ng aid> fur lIud.n",
Ioca,ing mate..all, ordering 'UWlie.. nnd .irnll., "",i"i,;". ;\I&n)' 'c:lch"""
'11 the pail ha,'c bun <ontcnl '11 ,,,bs,it"'." lebook rot Ihi. ,mp",,,..,,,
;>11nni"", ,,'illl a 1.>o<>1io&, dull, "".. ic1dUIJI the """I,.
Indn-id".o.I di(f'Tenc.. in commw>itica, OCIoo<>lI, ."d i1uden.. demand
acbp'ati<>o.. Uta, c'''' be: only by cam"l. e><1Cll5ivc: pte.pbnnins
on the p"r< of the leacher.
Thil p1anninc 1' the <codt<T .hould _phasitt the pro'dllltS Utal
bt inonodt I" -= ......... he fDCCU and works wi,h his students; il sIIo<>uld
tJ<, 1\c",'bIe amnoablt to chanrc. fur lhe 6.... "cp in llt"J'l <eachins
is ..udml "lanni.., nd thc}. -l' aI,., the \cad><T'. pbr.s. Ku. if 11'''''''''
""" to b." rc:spoo";biIity. hooo' It> plan IlIId orpnil:<: IQ m..." ,heir me
P<"biems. lhe)' ,_d<> 10 by annUl' \>lanni",. Prc:sumabl}' ,hio pbn..i"l
L-.d Wrin!( iu gr<>"P dccit.iDns startl n ,he fiu. gradr, ... tha, by ,....
gradt', .. udet"h<>u1d be "tU", a..lq>' al ,hi..
S'ud l$, "'ithin lhe g<'ncral""k "f the c"rTit.. lurn.
d;";'"o and lect ,he major "'piu li'>r Itudr, de'<T",ine (loci, Objral"""
>den,if)' lhe prol>krns "f each "'pii', decide "" rc:x.IJ eh "",;,i,ico
." guide ,he", I!udj', <>,.e an,1 1"(:1"''' ,heir findings and "'i,I".,"
'he ..,,,h.. .h""ld plan 'he de,.. il. "f ""mmLlni,)' "''''O)'. "n
,ped.,] ILlpi .... <or ox<"..iom, "r 0>1\'"", !!'.lp' III be <"".""e'od ; 'h.y
w.....,]d dccldc nn """Hcr vi>i'n" In inlon'ie'" er i"vile illto 'h. teh""l,
"." """'" '0 be uocd i" ' """.rch. "" how tn Olganizc 'heir f",di"ll'
a"d ,".llIa'. Ihcir 1""K'css; thC)' ""')' ",-,,,.<rOet cia.......,,,, lOi" fLlr
and admin",.r and SCore Ih.m,
F""hrm",rc. Ih<:)' """uld malll: 'he ...mmunily Ihe;" cl......,.,m.
The ,...,..;"10 .,( I....mi..g """"Id be ,.. bTua<I as lif OS e"'e"';"'" a.
the: "".0.1 el...i",,,,,,,,,,, >WT<Iundina .hI: school. As "",i,>led om .. bove.
:be ","""I thould b<eome ,be h"b .... 'he ""mmunlty. The labolalOria,
<he """r-, .he libt'ary', 'hc ......mbly holl, and all ,he nnll of the fad/iliet
,the oelw><>l ""'uhilx: uocd by the enLire _munit)'.
The ItV... in>porlanl lad; of the .:bnot io ... accq>t children iot lite
"'h<> a", a1mos' .,IcIj' upon the teacher lOt guldanoo
o.=.d bdp ........ 10 deo-dop inoo rc:opo....b1c }-nc men and
""""en bo,'lhc end or the 1nl'" grade. This cannot Ix done if the
teacher COll1inua ,n tMkc of ,he <kcioimu for them 'h'''''g....''. 'he
high .d><>oll"""n. S,ude!,u -.<, P"'n, mak" dcdsiolll,}TS, make m;,taka,
if thC', an: '0 bnmc: .<uly dlttb'"e cifi,,,,,,,. T"""boot ...'ioq and
led",a v,""y lilTle to 'he cl.a""e,rri"ics o<kd for demo..."")',
The high o<hool,,,,,.. he ali"lnl[ ,(<<"ocr. C)', bo,h in cla.. and 011'.

In a la,gt. m"hi_p"'!'o",, high IIcl,nnl, .. ,MIenu T\C'<l1 rn,di,1 gllid.""" 1.<)'
adulU in 'he Il'lcc,ion <If d,cir ca'''''' lield< .nd .[';.1 (O",>eII, in tI.c;'
prof''''' in thC>C ' ll ,"d in J'CTlIOnol fO"obIctn11. IItudcu' .hould
ha,.., .'1....11I onc ' ...cher whom hc '-'do he GOn 'urn lOr a<l\.;ce, 0< when
in ditliculty.
E,"<)- good ... p""'i<Jt,o such I(uid,n,.. '0 a """,be. of ",,<!cnls <.of"
hio aoq... Hio ill ooni"",<'ll "l ... an .,ti,ude
oIhdpfulllcu. It had been NW ,ha, '[.dun,""" io &"id;,n,.., ; 'C',idMlcc
;. "<Inca'"",:' me."ing ,ha, g<>(Kltr""hing and ru;,Ja""".r< lIynnnrmOUO.
TI,e guid:lncc CO""""I" (in .ha,p ooo>"a" '0 Ihe traditional ",
dicta.......' mncrp,) should J"'t"":Ill< Ind,i"l, .nd teach.... ohoodd pnoctio:e
guidance" all "f,he ,ime.
1"" b och""l, h,,""wL "",,", lI<<<l""u ",c Jik.-ly '0 be ",.."Iookcd
unl... oh= is a .).."""a'iro plan by "'hid, .. "de"" arc ""';gn<'d to> faculoy
"",,,';"""'. 1,,,,,,,,,, as
l.ole _Icn.. ."",1<1 be alJv,.--rd 10 dlO<lOC oheir
ad,iooro, b", ,bnc
,Id be ,I<f,,,i,c, r=>rdcd ...igrnc:nU .. W. 'he
,ha, 'ad, ""rI""t hos on ad""",, O""""ally.p""king.
=ch ...chcr lhot.ld u, ,y h;' .h..... nf :ulvioea, hut ,hen: mal" be reu<lflI
!Or .,urp'iono. Of,en ..ud.-n.. O>Il';nue "';lh the """" r,om ,he
."'oh '0 doe ten,h ;<2<Ie,
A,l"i....... sholtld hdl' ,Iade"" pia" "locat;"n.l p'Vltca,n"", a,
,he b<slnnins of obe ynr, help ohem, "i,h oheir parellts. chouOe a ca<r,
help lIocm <In pen<>nall'roblnno, =d beIJ. ll><m "",I:< adj .....
JllC'n'" ir ,hey sh<,uld be rail'll)(. Thc lIudr".. ohould be encot'rap;cd '"
o,,,,e 1<) ,heir ad,;...".. with ,heir l'",l<I<>m, "''' if ,h'")' <\on'" ,he ad"isor
should teq> an .,-.: <Ill ,helll and ;',,"i.c ,h"", ,,, hill nllia fur .. mn(crencc
"hen l .....bIe ..
51."'01 Pro",...
One or lbc ,,-, illlp""'''" aop" "r rotlCati<," .. ,he p"'v.-" Wr
nor ....l . ....,.,.,.(ull'"'8l'Ca ,h"..,!" 0<1>00I and, fcdin of trt>t: au.,,,,ptilh-
mOttIIlfX>n This 'an cnme .bou.t only "'hen 'he eu<Ti<u1um
;, projlerly d.. to "",." ,h"i, rap,cl';'" (i. e., ,h. ""n,en' lncrt/llQ
p,..,gra.h-.:lj in difliculoy), ,..od "'he" it is in rotIJIOnallCc wi,h ,he "I!jtt.;,"",
of cduealion.
If we accq,,,h. purpt>on outlina! in the beginnin$ <lr this chap'er.
and ir we by ,t,,,,,, <In hahi... ,ui',I<I, apl'tecia';"'"" ('al"' bW'y, ",Jr_
direc\inll, punctual,,,', ''''<grit", ....i"", etc.) .. ,,-.:11
Itilh and
undent.andi"lP - in .hoc', if "",, It,.. ,he loUI beha.inr "r tll. lea,."",.
... h... 11"", his aboil")'.n m..nnru., fac, ...1 ob,. _ then tbere will be no
problem i" perm;";"g his lI(J(malpt'Og1"CJS thlough "'!>no!. If we COO"";....
dl&n'ian '" be proper!)' guided m:c ;""If, ir,,'C ..1 at gooaU ,he abilit)" Ul
"""k "it.h oUoen., Ul 001"" otIC'. _"11 publonno., to ""'tribu.fC Ul Ihe chic
lik ..fthe """l....un;t}. t<> li,inA:. 10 make"<: _ lhnl alf'ltt7D;
.....b 11>0:. de>'dopms Ixha,.... ol'} no' """,<lr hil acadnn>c
or "on.
".., normal pI"<>gI"<'II 01 " child ;" ocbuol ..... be """",ured ia ..........
or 11'- ph)'Sicl.1 growth, hill oncia1 devdUPllknl. his emotional a>nltUl, and
hio """"tal power. Who <::In Ay W' Oft<: oC,ha<:" L:n 'IJlpnttant thall. the
1I.lh<n in lite tolal growth aod de,,,,JopmcDl of ,he child? All "'"
rtpt...nlCd by the objccti>"Q or mOlkt n Thcn:furc, an)'
"r e\';Il]".,ion of SluM'" prograo musl t""'Sni'e ,h..., IOu.
I;um'"ali" musl mca.m.. all nf growth, 00' j,.., Al the cnd
of I , and AI lI.e cnd of ,h. high ocllool Wc mu" ",k,
"H,'" Ill.. lIu<lont ,hown normal \I.")"'lh and de\'cloprncnt .. ll,.,
M\ollnnally, and "'..,,'all)'? Tfhe i. lagging in oM ..'.peel, th.n
wc m",. tl$lt, is hest : ,hall h. m.,,". ahead with b.. cl"",rn"tc"
'>r Ih.1I we make him adju't '0 a "e'" ,roup, make new friend. antt
."lfer Ihe biu..- defeat or what he and his cl.....",.too consider 10 ""
The..<' .rc lim.. ",Il"" i ,Jc,i ....I.ol. and n=ry 10 ",ake: adjusI_
menu in cl... I r d.ild i, .. ndcnl<'\"CIop<d il may be
beOIlO Ilia him ..;.h a !l""U;> in .. hich M Can mo.-. faioir ClOIl"Ipcle.. Or
ifb< 4 .. ....pecu, tha. ibould be an justm<tJ.t.
In .,lfUn. <_it be __ry 10 ohifl"'" child ..-ho iI no king
u;> '" hi> CIlpaciry (but be <lI.>Wd lint be d>ccknt for <he Q or Ibis
pe:-bapr by ... phr_.....).
Muminl; ... fuDctionaIly curriculum and bd..vioral, no'
loCI<lftDi<,ob;octh.... <he Commiownn belico. duo that ot-.ld DOt be
10 10/. of 'Wlura' .... adj per }'C2r in lbe a'''"'I''
ocho<L th>.n this rc&c...... tItc teach and thnoc wl>n are .apon-
Iib50 b the .....tional ..tmC. E, y ,tudeu.".... rqltft<nts
the &ilu or onc or....,.. aduh
Sru..-I ..tJtiM m be '" brNod and .. as Ih. 11,...1
"bje<;r;,.",. of CIl"....,ion. w '..1"''''''". not only the ,1"'..,1,.....".",1 of
"....Ih"'hllkiIIs and "",I.,,'andinp, b"t phl..ic.lllami"., and
,hara<I.., 1>."o"a);lr, ,mn,;"".l .tlj\lltIt><nt, hi.mUi".... .....,p.rM"'n,
faiTpby, an,) a 1".,,1 of .im,].r nbje<'tiW". In ,ll< .I"",ncc r>r obp';'
..... '."m.n.. r".. ",.....,-;nlj" th=-, w. ",ro" ,,, oh"'''''';"n, c.",for.n<:e.,
",!ie.l . .."" ",,)f.rot;"G, .,,-<1 o,her d.,;,,",, 0,,- ,h. f>rngreu
ropnr' r"rnl, oil of tha<: o!>je<-!;""," ,n"" appear, and runt;n""". apott.menl
r<<b lho"ld I>c ttpt b\' teacher anti Ih. 'h.tlent,
'" ,ha' '" U)' caclt kno".. lloc 'lal<lI or 'he
W;.h;n ,he ph"""'"..)" or modem educalion o"l!i,u:<! h.r. there is
_ place for ''fi1Ml """"'i...,.. in ,he"""" COID.""nly in "'m.
_u:....n and 1'''''''l'''an "'>lint..... If ...... an """,tti",nimt "..... to be si""".
,,';""',ld h, coml""""""""'.' 'h. of cdlln'i<on and ."""Id
r;i'"<= "'eighl ,,, _iool. nnutio l. ,,00 m<"",I d...'dopmm,
Cl=<! ;, olot>uJd """,..I /tM'I' ;n >n, ' to> ......-.-iocd 11;0....
!t:t iI" thcfe ha>- b<cn con,i",....." and f'"'l"""l or
,h.-pnut tItc .. tbm all ,he" it know" tha'
"",.Jd be had I>r a conoprd,eQ.h.., final c:<ami....<-ion.
To O)-.t=ilize"". I'<'OS""" attounting, ldoools in ,he USA
"nriir JYlInI<. Each IlJbje<'t "ltodiod wu-fully fnr
year '''"nU alone bCTrdi'." Once ,"" sttJIknl h.. "passaI" his IUbjed,
he is gi,..." crali, fo,r it and ",-hen h. aceUJDula'e1 .he ...,nnal number
ofaodiu!ha> <an be ra."ed d....,PIt: his hiRh IChool )......, he is ri''''''
"- diplo...... Applyinl ,hi, po-incipk 10 the ,,,,,,,,.dat)' ochnol curriculum
outlined in this chapter a nude", ,,'ight be to
compl.... si. or oe-'D\ aWits p'" }car and ,..,.ci,.., hi$ dil'l<><n> the
aid .". fi\.., years wben he had compktcd 50 UI 3S credit:..
With ,hi> I}, a rlud<:nt .....,Id be ..."",1 to .<pal one ,"bjt
without ,q>Ubnc the entire pd., <lr if nunsatr six '0
""...plete ,he pr,,!""""'" in$l....d of fio,..,. Studen" ..,.,.lId no' be .lkJ,,-e<\
10 uoe 'hill .,.'Iem I" .<cd.r.t .bel. prt'gr<>o through
for ,h" ...= p""i,LQ an acroun,jngonll" on mm"'.! de\"\'kIp....nt, nol'
.... the ",her a>p" of
The dimi";"n of lb. <:n.m;"at;"'" don M' suggest lower
>t...JnU. If a"l"'h;"!l. dlC)" mtil' b< .'..,,, hig""", nl'C"ioJly ill ....
of ,he kind of beha,;", and &fOWIh w. ha... been dioo:> Eaeh
"udenl lhould be to W<l,k t'lttydoy 10 IUs full", ul"'city;
......rt of tbi. sltouJd he But.1Ie c....."'isoion
bd;n'n .ha' ";'h the killd of ""...kul..", ..nd metMds i, h.. ad'.......tt1
here, .."den.. "ill 'o .......k '0 eaI'm.)", ,hey will be ,n'c,,,,od,
keen paTticil"''''' in 'he edutative proceJl, and .ha' ,here will be very fn.
bilu,<s and 'i,,1e ,clardatic>n in g...."'th.
It it .....l'cd 'he 'each.... and hc:odOlUlStCr ""ilI be in a """i'ion a'
Ilrad"a'ion ,i,,,,, tu indi<a'c whether 11Ie\' .hi"k tbc ..."den' o><,ld benefi,
b)" f",!her and hiKl>cr and d,., thc tIJ"8"" and post.-ro:>ndar)
at""':>ls ,,m """'Pt ..teh rorntn<'dda'lom ror admiooion 10 the high..
in'tit"'k,,,. If .he ",-;,I" 'hcy n",'" 0fICci>J .., but
,h.,., should toe ,<t<d ch,dl!' tOr dnr;if'iu,lion and grouping "r .. ,od......
in their ftnl l'car
OM""""'" .. 1";'_"""1
Ilci>n: d:>$inf:' .hd cupter, ..rne<hing .noold bo= .aid &>r a pmgr;unmc
of eon,i",,",,,, eu".i""I"m A chanKing demands
a d!l>amic e",tic,llum and oxontin"rnll adapla'io... 10 """,.Io>al rondi-
.iont. ne """che.. who corn< in doily e"ntact "i'h ,,,,,,h and knooo'
,Itcir neMs and p"'bloms c in 'he bnt f""';,jon 100 ,il<'ac
The.-<f",e, rhe Comrnii<m ",gg"'.. that in c:och >ehool ,two ..alr .......kl
be org:onized '0 ,i,.., .ystenutic atten,ion '0 "".rieuIum <hang<> and
irnpro'..e_nts. Thd "';ll ""'1";.-,, CClrruniUttJ, porh.apo montl,I. ...-
for,nightly "'''''''''11', special bull",ins, tie. ernin.. 'ing from
varinu, oclino" <.an be <:<>o<dina'cd by the disc,let eduC<1lion:tl and
bj'l\<3d""",cn a' f..equ.". pti>ering>.
Su", ...ry
In .he COmm... ion .... ouggesoM'ha' :
1. Thc purposo:s "r ",muda'}' .h""ld lhe
training or civic .. od political IndtrJ, pmr<zi<>na{ men and
-.. and kadrn in 'he _nomic life of collnuy, and
.klll<d olf"", .......ka1 and erafumcn in ",dllOtry; and Ihnuld
cont,ib\o'. 10 ,he (uh",e '.If ,he OOllnlrY end 'h. <I"".Iop- of dtm<>euti( ide:.l. and ("ne"!'ll.
2. The ....ontlary sebool CUrtiell""n .h<,,,ld rCV'll"i.e ,I '!'pn <>f
,,ch, Common lrnings, """ational ",ilf...nd ,""'....,.1
pun.ui ...
. The C(llIIJD(jn le.unlngs, 0' ' ,.1 educ.'ion .should include
oocw studi... applic<l "'ic , applic<l ""nh="ics.
and pe..."", phl'sieaJ ..."" r.........( ...,<!enu.
b. Voca,ionIIl ed...-a,io" should include "maju..... in pr<-
!,,"orc.ional ,... ind""')', h....-
making. an<l RC,,".I prcparawry work, Q.h "OOCD'
"'';ng "'''' map.
c. Avoca'ional cU.,euioo. Of opt;"nal ......,It.l indud<
... line arU and handocrafu. music and IOlk
dandnr. p'...tkal bnll""S'" ..... and ettwn eo.,,.,.. linm
,he .nd ,-.x.a'ional (tUliP". '" be r1eClcU by "uti...."
wiI./" bl" no, .... cons'",,,, ,nore lltan 1/7 ,>f ,heir
3. The c:o:perienoeo of ,lie tea>n<bo,y ........1 CWTiocuIum ohould he
organi....:! around bn>&d, f"netional "lUlits" ,loa, cu, act_
tBditional.ubjec' litll:S.
4. In ,_innal cd..... 'ioo, fII'O"Isioo """"Id be made lOt ca,eful
als<udcnl:l inro apponpria'. ca<cc< arc:>l and b
ii-oao """ major to atlOtMo "'hen n<w.llry.o o>rnn crmn in
""""" chDm
s. V_ioaal cduu.tiua IIbould be baed ... d,. act....1 ......,., 1
needs ot ,he _uni,y, """"Id include ,ondcrtundinp and illl..
nd ir.ooopd" .pprenticeship 'rainine "'1.1> the pro-
..-he...... p>sIible.
6. Im,atioa:ol eouncs sbould provide a me"... or m:etiGlt iDdi>-id"al
dilfcrtDttl or ....d<onu in abo1i'y and inlC<Uu. ot """ndi"J: "'" the
iDdn-idual l""Vammcs of .10. stlldcnu in var..... carecn, and
.beTriore, ",i.b apf_upri:ote tachCl'Suidan. $hnuld be! deem",.
7. The on:ttnda., .muul e.....icuinm lhould be ocho;dul"'{ for a' lcao.t
200 daj" pet j ....... 51<>5. cia).. pet ....u.6hnurapa_da),.50
min.,... per perintJ, with <aduallr wfli"J: _ph7.sis from
&C"CrIII cduatiO<l '" 'vcational cdUClltlon A$ .udrn..
rro"" the .nth 10 ,he tctIth reade.
8. Enra<:urTicular aeti,-i!ics ohou!d be curticulariud (i..,., made pat!
of ocgul;>.r eurticodwn) ;nsow as pootihlc, "'i,h .he J'O'IIible
acq>tioo ..r ...,den. l;O'...nmtn. and acu,';,iocs introdurcd 0<1 an
<:o:pcrimcntaJ buis.
9. Me-th.od< of teachin!!" Iloould follow modern principl.. of I'"j-do<>-
1(1)' =pluuize $btdcn .shal-inK in (>lanning d"....'iog
aClid'i... a WIde .ani< or <llt-CCI Ufe ""l"'ricnCl$, an
ed"ca'iortal ""mm,,,... t at b.....d as the lire of ....mmunit)', and
I=ning mate<ialt at><l .ido as ".,ia:! :u the ingenuity or'uchcn
and OIlIdcnUl an ,rai<c ,hem.

10. TColeherslhould be "guidn." not ''dictaton,'' for ."o<Ico",

and tarh loIudnll should ....., ... an .....isned faculty ad.,." 10
C"..nJd nu., ...haIe-.... .
11. Ben......tuclen. prorr= through Kh""] is I cont;n,,,,,,.
<,,''''k>ping ph}>;",r, 00<...1. Ind ."",lionll, ., well .. _nt.I,
gt<>"-1h, there .hould be r(Jt>,inuU\I' Il.lni,nclll \lr prog,... on 411
objccti,..,., not onl!' .Qdani<: aclu"""mer>l ; <hi:. would eliminate
d, .-d ICr I "final eumination," and "r...lura" ohould be
rcdud 10 no' """" lha.. '% to )% ptt y."....
12. A "credit" by ",hieh neh ct>une $UCCCllr"lly Jmplelcd
is "<r<ditw" 10 the 'lUdctll, .h""kl be uS! to cnOO" ....g. ",...leT
llc"ihilily j" p'''lI,an1mi,,'l'' 0<".. ,,,,,,,,,nit;"n of ;ndi.-id".1
diflC-<:ncn, lllnl'''''pler proccdUf"i,
'S. be made "" rnnli_ n...iculUln swdr.
;mpnn'ell>Ql', .nod lutal ubpu.<ioa by <ach kho<.ol .",ff:
no., Edu<uiun f'Lollnin( Clmmisoio<> f,om.he ''n}O
b<cn al;,,,, ....he neal "r planning IOr hiche. cd"e:"ion.
I'<:rbapo iD DD ",he. upccl of iu wo>rk ......he", hem All
alfKC <ha. a ......ionaI .)"01..... of ffiU'2'ion, '" !It' <t'll}' rnmprdoam,,,
:<Dd mmpkte, _ inmrt-ale wi.llin il a -tl.hougll..,..t plan b
UM"Cni.y cd""",.......
n-e """ bco:n a C__i",:, lJv.M4h l>, <Qliuti.lft a""""i: <be
in NepaI!hal lhe: muM be a national To 0 .no-.
a lIJtn'Cnil}- .. nritl>cr in with ,he disnil!' ..r an in<ltl><ndo"
<OW1try nor .ntb lhe """i' Aft"" .ima. l"" hundrah of
..ud.., .....d 00..'T1.0 ,....iou. , " U"..... oi<ia '" h;ghN cd"",,
tio>n, and lhi> bat .,.....,.j ""' lera.bk irw:.,."allmtt and It> tMm.
In addilioa, many snnkau a,e _, ". '1..... "'." "" r'Dnmtft'
l<hobnhips, th making a financi>ol <lin"" ,he S"''''nn....... Sn long
'" then: i. no l>n;,. t)', 1>cpiI will alw:ll"l .,,/kr fmm a dtar,h
in , of lik. tttI arlminiltn.OtS, dot",.,. tIllfinttn,
bWl':n, prof.-,n., dC., and it;' r."ile '" h"pe Iba' we lball
nf,h<:m by tr.ainms ,hctn in Indian Un"......, ..... M"".......,., if 'oday
,hr.", .. a bcl ofadj ...."""" bn_ .he need. and ,bl".. of tht p<t>pk
".,.] the L_-laie ",hielt 00.1< arlminislra.orl ..nd<>o,bttdly p<>Dta>, it ..
aloo btcauo< 1Ioci. L.t,..-ledt!e .. t.eycd '" a diff""'n' ,i"", al'orrtha-
For 11""" and many ,he netd "fa "n.........')' ""'" I'd.
,,-eo in tbe old rqime, and ",me oeriouI ,Jlo,>gII...... Ki'- '" ='IU.'
In .he new political Id."p, ..h.... higher ed""",inot>.l in.ti,,,.io>... "f ,,,.io>...
'ypa havc .pntOfl "p n.rh.... rut, and wh ,'" a,,,,mp' it bring ""''''' to
coordinate <he aCh"llia orthcoe i....i'u';.;, a "nh-tni'r I.,.. l><e<nc an
1bia lo 00' ,boo a.......t, 01 ,boo -.d. lot '10.01 ........1',1. !'..,..l. a,,,
,boo a"" 10.1&11 .....I.-....l'r. It .'00 I 01 19018.
.bo' _,.,,,.ee .... held 0' .....,I Sad u..du 'b..lwnn hlp 01 <be
Dincl", Oenfl-ol of P.l,lk '"""o..ion '0 I I."",lt, fo< !'"<pol. A
..-.iMin 1.. 1. or 2) ",...ben f_<tl '. P"'I'U" .. pi ... fill' 'he
....b1 ..h., 1 tbo u"I Th" &- io rith 'beon,__ b, lhe ",I ",iIliltttt 1II bio.p<>:>elI of 0Cft0tl"",. 1&0 ,'e'" pogo!
a""',l\'le n=sity, ,f only rn, 'he I'"'!",," nr coo,di".. 'illg ,heW(),uo(
"'"'" ,,.. edualtional ilUl""tio.... anoJ .pt......
In ,icw "r th_ facts, ,..., Co",,,,iaion .... , a "oh"'Ili')'
l>e "",aL>! iD N"lw;U """D a' """iIM. The Cum",,";"" reds , .... t i,
i. '0 V;'"..!,,,,, ,he ""It;"! UI' oi ,ll. "ni,"'''i'y ill dill"",<:nt "agal.
It 1Wl!' not b<: pouiL>I.,"""" if d<:si"'blc, ,,, "'aL>li>J, a uni,.",.';ry
wilb all Ix"hiQ immcdi.olcly, b.u a bq{,nn"'t, UD&U bu'
signifin.nt, must be made a' ontt.
B"t ,h.n ,t ;, D...."y '0 lit iD "ni'e.,i,) .dueation with th.
na'ional ideals and obj=""'" j't"",n. gradu:ll'" "'" onme_
...ha, out or .nib ,he "";nal "'""'- tiesida.,'hey ,.,1Ii '0 .....dop
=!aiD ich harmful '" 'he lUl,;".w intenst. l1tey
I<'l'd ", Inok at "'cpallOm".h.. "1U""li,,irnll!' 'h",,,gh r.....;'o
de,e)ol' a dist"". f'" ma"",,1 la!:>.>", and fo' pa,ental occ<lp"'ion. AI
a .....u1t, !hq' taod 'u grow ;n'o .hollering par.lIi'''' of 'he """"'ry, 'ather
Wn prodllCli\.., ci,aoons. 11>0:}' arc ........" idk ,h_iw. a""-tUir poli,;-
eians, and oomcwhat dntruai,,,, cri'i<., 'han ""i,-", <:<>ns!r"";"c, practic;l1
mcn ofth. 1<o,ld, lI"i"lI" ;,head wi'h ""nfide"ce,
Th" i. due ,n 'he (act ,ha', as in I"dia, .... ha'" a ..t.'" ofeducation
inIpooed l<om ,be ....uaJe wwkl in \\'hich oni' .....,,;n.,.. ,he, .....

n. ,,,,,,,i._ <JI. , .... """,,";";On " .. h,W .h.. dOJ" .' "",....,; s.d.a
.Ilh ,11<: fol"'..l.,
I. lk..... ..r .1lI ,..hy-.....btr oliJia,I.r:: '" u;"'7.od r-hiMr; ..
tt!:"."""" i' '-101 My b..M"'" .. 'loa oad <IOl, ....
of ,Ite """'1 0' i.".., "'.......1, ;.".
th. ,"""".. to be ".,h' i. tIoo .oh i,,_
3. .. of i.".... ."d 0....,''' 10<1,
. Oo-ed..........
OtpaiGlloa _lo
.\ ....K1..'i.1 ..i .....1'1 ...-....,.d." hy ,ba i.",. The ......i.......
""" -.:oio .I,e, .",,,IK, '(It" daj'" EA.I"h "'" ""<l a' the ..,,,Hu,, of
in"""..." 'od """.i"....... I", ., '- ''''' _. I. '10. _u.i_
-. iM d S.....i oilouJd bo pablioloo<l I. ord., ,a _ 11<1.
oI u-.ily. n...hi_.oi
'loo _i'ioN 01 S.,.u ...
medi of t.l"',.,
1 10 a ...aJP'''' , a. i ...h","'"
,.,'h ,!to kaJol ".o<O."y f.. )\q'IOli Loo"Ir"'" Oot" aho"M ...
bof louu ill '" '",y," ., r>/ ., la"; booh
ill Ioi ....U ,,; 1.. /lopl bao u''''U\'!rGI,"""", i.'a"""' ilh.
Jloj"aI Cloat.. la ..... 'bio
A.................._i0oi 'ho ..........i'l loo f....... 01 i, .. '10< ""'i<cnl<,
'''1<''. ho, r;irt. i. 'looi' '.... obnold 110" oq<l!O" i....'i'_lor 1__
It o. 1.>1, ,h.. lhol ""I.'rIli'1 .h""ld ha ",..."h """', ,,100.11 In_
.ubi< i" 'h< boV."i01l" if ,1Iot-c .... "" _ibil,')' of 1..... 1&<,1(,1.. f</<'
___ '11.. _ ooibioo<I.
Tloo __ioo L!l<oo ...- ,I ..-_ to 4<ool .n), 'loa , ..
,."p,- ...' ..... oi,....d "".il'-"" od..i ...
U"""", " ..10., ..<1I ,,'1
Th. "Pioul!ure d """,,,,i,,... _ ill """.,ho, 01 'he .........,
.od<to ........Ud "'briM. 'heI, O.a _<00..... I"" d..(,;,,
.,.......... .. qne.k .,.J -.I .. __1000. 004 ,lot y.
b April. l!l49. oaoeol..,oftko ..,...-.Ity _.,Do..... ... ),old ..,.,._
..... ''''''''.'od '0' d.. ,"" ""'"... 01 ...... y I", .be n.,... uo.,i..,iona,
NO 'un"", .""'0 .... "k ""'il 'ho' .Itbe PO"'''' "",.....""".
"'-ott -"- hona {;ni'-oni,," dn'rUnas the (oUrge, ,11. tI'lllcg<: domina,..
l!ot.: k.idI IdoocI,. lbe high Khool 'he middle ",hool, .u,l the middle I<bool
__ po 0I::bIL To '""",,-e ,h_ dd.. it is no.."""'""'Y to ins"re .ha.
__ ." be'....prm "" a no:w""'" <>f,"3Jucs and an opras;c.n or- an
5 ....;,.,.] id<'ah nL\btt th1n a rad)'_mad" impos;tiMo r.......
5 do<:op iIDpor. (,,,,,, ..mid"-
n-oi,-;", out of d.e national ncab-."" ciranm...,,-. ."d
lite national a "",,,<nit)" i. dkr.1l 'he high"",
.. aea' of learning. h i, .he nn;".,..;t;, tht ..U ,h. ;ntell",",,,.l tonc
._..,..;.,.,. In Ilrtk. that it ",ar di><harll'c ,hi. r""c';nn ,,"ell, it mu,'
a;... d<r. "r .uton,,,,,y 10 OMI"ni"" i.. inlle"",,l and cull",.."llif
......., an'- UMU. in'''' {<:1nl"" from the S.
ft it the purpooe of lh. chap'C1 ", outline a ochemc "'"
. *" to P"'l"*'". r....."ion!. urpn tiool, and adminitll ioo,
:-.! .., fact tM of fina , build 1I...s.n. Ilousing,
....iu:JI::m, .ccredi,i otud"". so:oun';nr, IlDd. nib ,tIat<xl prubltmL
r. #/. U.i uy
The F"""ern " ld h h..." influenced both by Ellmfl" and bi' the
t.":iu<j Sla'.,. in cs,ahl"hing ,he fune,io". of i'. "ni,."i,ic",
"'.o,i,i.. in ,h" pari of ,he wtlild lu,-e "" ,heir major fune''''n tl><
..r ""onerous coll"!"" undC't' ,heir ju.ialic''''''. This "",n_
.... <of ,",in!" u.., 6",,1 ':laminations, aubliJhinz ,h......ieula a.nd ,he
.c. of'< tenboau""'\, .nd, in "'"
..... of "'" >-lint .
00..,. un,"'ui '" strictll' <aching institutions, .nd ""'...., of.
... nft<hoob or ""'l<'.ed on "". <::tmpuo, ....g.niud
""" nrrngll, and <onl",a'''''',, l'OmlUOn lib'Ml', nf.m C<j,nll"'n
!>ciIdino, and con,mon a'hl.,k fidrl._ Tbeso w"rk a. a nu;' and
lhr uni,.."i,} i, colll/'k'c wi'hin ;,,,If, n,.,. ,nay boo ""ivc"i'y domina-
tion of ,he currieu um, .""mina"""', .unda"is. clC., I"" ,h. perso".
_loo> con",,' ,hese r,<ton belong 10 tIoc \';\rinuo ....C}' a... no'
r=><>I< and le, "1'"-" fron, ,he acIuaI cb_....... oil"'uion ... in ,he
A Ihir'd type of " ..i''eBily <omb:incs tlooK functio... ; it ronsIoU of
<>-......ll> "'"""'" group of roll plus ",,"}ing 0,11<11... ;oil .......nloiblt:
",:hrc uni'..,ni')". The O>mminion believe ,ha, 11,;. 'hird
l>oldo 'he lI>OI' l>romi.. foe Nepal.
&i"au.. of geographic and pop"I"i"n f,clOrs, Nepal fl()W need.,
and "'ill alw:o.y. need, a "",ng cmtrally loca,ed tearhing uni,,,,"",}-,
ThU ..,mpr;.. coJl<1I" in all ......Ulal foddi (of IraIDing. 1n
a6ilrion. ,here are ee".in ou,lli... nor,," ..'hieh fUtIld Inppo"lmall
Ebe;ol uti and tbnical ..hnob .....t ..... ,"'" lint ,_ l......
CIf ,,",,,....,..It. A in e,,"ico,1a '''-It. oeadon M,on'iooo. ""''''''''
",=si."'S, etc.) "",Id olrc.ed ., oouhing ......"'" .. long as lbcoe ...
ha>," tlem.and IOr ..aining in IUCh Iicldo. s..- of the ..-ork outridc
t!>c pita! city ",igh' ... offered 01\ a lem""",,,!- balio by ..ion
COI:T ",hil. o,ho. ",ork Jnigh, be " 'h'Qugh pcm'anendy ",,"blishoo
,,,U<gei .
....U"r,he ODU"!,,, in NCJ"lI-all post.high_..hnol
be ... ,,"e admini,trali...e boil)" and d;,ee\Cd From 0...
cenlr('. ,11. CohUUis,io" cn,ision< a lIrong ""i""nity k"'"lcd
in comprising all ePcntWoollego. In additioo. eadl college
would ,.,.If'''''' <he hintetl ...ts at and .heoe 00110""'-
wh.-.h.r 'hey be temporary pem1aMnt, woukl be under the supnvisi<wl
n[ 'he rOl)>octi...., colleges .nd the ""We""y. Sp<'oifically, j"";,,r Jibero1
art! coli"$'=' (flt'll 'wo yu,.. or w<lrk, "" e-",,, m""' if the demand ",cr.
tp"ClIt be pomnan""lIr ......bliohcd in Ill,...., .... r"u.- Qonlying
<:<:nfl'C5 ; ,he hen collq<c offpccial CO",*" by """"le tra....
that would ",,,,.., from lawn to 10\0".. ; .b< .!,i""I'unl c<>lIcge
ntaLlill, ""p"'imrn",1 far,," or br3'lCh school. Or opecial too'.., in "utly,"&"
ttDUcs. Bu. in each "".., oh ......-k ouuide K.thmandu ,,"orlll he di,eelcd
t.,-,M of <he Kational
The C<>mmiu;"n ,\on no, !>ell.,.., it d.,;,.. I>I. for 'he Un;,-eni,)"
autbo,ilio '" romgni.e independen' colltg.. in oull)"i,,! .,..... ; it ,,"ul<!
be bet'triOr .,,,,h imliunioos 10 beol:>me of ,10" "'"I'''''';.e
of the U""""''',y. Th.... <:Jl ........, sl>ouId nil, ruult;"
"",,,rtb ,10" o",lying ttnt,n. They Ih.,,,ld be by ,,,,,,,hen &om th"
.e"lral college on a ro,a,lng buis, no' b}" inferior, Of 1<>"'.... I"',d
p"rwcml "wo.-kinx ,bcir " ...y up." If o"t1};ng eoll"!!"S or (ourtes ...,
juwilied., tbcII ,hey desa->.. equal facilities and stair. Libralies mUSl be,,,ion!, oq"ip ,,' and l>u.iIdinp Jlf""idcd. ""'"- I" ",...I"alil\l a
wU"!,,, ,he J;cld k .hould be COlUiderl al ""refull}' al ,he
Th... """ 0( the ful>Clil>ns <lA a Ilni,""';!}. assurtIn ,he
role of IUper.-;"i,,! cducotioo:>l acti,;';" both .,n 'he e:atn[.>u:J and in ,he
field, 10", ,hrough the "'"ponsible ""nlra! cnlkge.
Th<:.- intpor-tantl'unctiorl of .. "ni,..,",}" is. of cou..... /ratlt;rw.
This a ,..,tj.""incd suff, ......peom, a pod
librAry anti o'her iMtntc'ional The C",nm;"linn r.:mgniza 'he 'h., a degree;. no guarantee nf "ffee,i"" "'" beli",.". ,h.:l, a
Mu'e.-'. dcgr or;1S cquh-.J,,'" should be .,.,..,.;d"rcd" ""mUll minimu",
r.... '''llular cnllqe ....Ir """"ben. An number .hould have "'...,
_re ....ining in ,hcit fields or Jp<'cialization_ Y""'Ill" men a",1 wnmero of
pmm'" might sel"\'t as apprentice teoehe.. wi,h onl}" 110. I\;,chcloo-'I dcg:e<:,
hut con,inw.... upgrodlOg or ,,1ff ""'"ld be 00 j"''1:rol f..tu,.., of "'''r)"
coJl.Ke. i," ,he collcg" t<2cl>t:e "'bo openo new ,.taI or ....rnin$ r..... ,he
.'u<knt. and ba!. should be U> ...
A"'>th f"nction t>r Uni'"lil)" is ....."It. Th. Nepal "'at""",1
Unh-enit)" .houid provide od"'luale roeUi,'.. - ..alf time, ",aterial ncU,
aDd financ:e -10< ceseatch IOr ..hicl. h....lm<oo, w,lirnilW scope.
KCJN'I is an old ODwllfJ with a dtcq"""cd hiuorr C"Iltendin!o,," twO ....
,hra: , ....u..r>d j'cars. TI>ct-" are 1JUI.n}" dark in bee histy
,,'hkh remain yet tQ be ilhlminared wi,h 'he light of r... ('''''8'''l'h;.
colIj', is ,iclt Thc.'_ exp",,"" Hi",alaylS
.,.I the I"'" pbiIot ..,th Ihcir (on::s.. and Jungles, <ontam UDpred;ctab!oc
sea-etL In productit>n cnukl be incr.-d lILOn}' ti".....,'"
the aid of reocaoch. Vast ",in.,aI fields may lie benea.h our hills. The
field vf ar<:hcol"8"l" Iou hardl}" beco .",a,,-hod, .nd ,,"..,h in ,he ...",-Id is
lhc-re a rich..... .. Pali. Pr:>i<ri, Id Nepali. and
Sanskrit noan...,;pu ........." in cIt..ngi& ocripts "''"''''S!> the agta.
n,..",.-d> "rife d.< hif"",y 0( :r.nd
X<,;,;,l " fOt1"....'e in this respect. Hnw "r different
r...... ." ... a.. imil>ted <he tr",h <lfeach ctb"",' rtl;gmn', It,,,,. ,11'1" h,...
ho-rn lik.u'N!>ON in a ,pi,i, of,nler." and ,nu,,,,,1 .df., ..f'<'C'. i.
""" ea,. <h.optn in :-:.."..1 h;.",... ror r"k:u eh. T'"J}, the a". <,r ..,,,,,,,,,eh
... :"'..,.J Iio ,. is the fWlCtinn ut a "";......... '1 10 ope" .ho:K

roeaKh. "">It prO\-idc: ban"",'.n.'''',

ch [ha' "",rich .....' CO"""y cukur.a.lly, ...-i<-n,;rlOll!r.
JiJ::...nd.Jk, and in ,,-ay. The importanf'Oe "r,hi. runcti(,l,
""'=""" be
I' =_br 'em<:mbfttd tlu. a "}"1,""'o(edUQ..... lh.t "'aka",,_
_ """""" rh is '" remain 'la,i< and ..... iA a """" ...-... "" ..r tia>c,
1" ......... lOda'ricp raurch at ,h. it
, '" ha,..., a 'good lib<..", and ""me <1<-1'.",<.1,"10,
, , ..... Tb,,!, art b"t ......m m",. i'''I>o<'.')I than a
.....,. Aa! btoon iJ ,h. erntiun "L"" .'m"'ph'"T" in ,he """.eni,,
f >,;".""', -cl>. 11>< ",,,,t be- 'n'pUnt ""h a'piri, <of
-" "" "e'","",' rur an" ...,.,1<. WIow
... s r ... e=" i !m..'i..n for """""rch
_ -=
--' -=od a DeW u'D"";oh= ",-,u 1.>- ne..<'<!. aUI
..._ J s-,...,.,.dl .hoWd ..4.., l.><: !,,"o"ided
'. _ 1. "ti
= ,.
S<iII ... f " of" uniYer1oil1- is FMic ,mm,. The ''''no,,"
QIOo'lP"'''''' in <>'l"""wtil)" and programm<l.
..... -.....l HooCfn>m in the .."onda"" ><I\Jt, 001 >bould .",nrt
... ,...,....,.,. <he -u.L. <co.....,,;'" puliliw, :Ilnd cuh"""l wtlf..", ol
Spcri6e"Uy, ,he ..,....,..,,1 I1kj;a .bould organi,c '1"",,1""1 t""'u,,
I",,'-idc fur ".,io", Junct;on., olTer exlelll.>n ,""Ul">n tn
;':::f' ",Iv> ",-i>h ",em, dirttt ,,'''}-. and >imilo.r a""il;";J
.., du ><>, Stair """",ben shonld ti,e artic'" and book, in the;,.
lidds ; IOfDe """"Id ofrcr """"",,"IS.nd othtr cult.....:I ""1C<Uin-
..".,.... In ohArt. <.lie .... If of ,be uni'''''''';,y obouId .<and '" """''''
.... and n.'''''' "" public oerv"nU and a, le:ui<n in Ihei,'
:Sd.h. Till. ,h..."M be ""mld"",d pari <If ,heir jt>b, IWI "" ...,h;nl!" ""xlra"
" b< .llUm'ed or o\"<l'ded.
Par' .... doe r"""tiooo of public _,ice wiU ;"\'(1["" <he ataN"h""""
of;"11;"'- OC>i1e&n aoo ex,enoion m>trQ .' our <>u1l}inf!; !"'inu
'l!l.e o:<:>un''1' Ai .....n... ,he d"",.nd" atabl"bed " ..... radIi, ma<le
..,-ai/able. ea,'h ,""Hot:'" ilwul,1 I... id.... the ad"iSllbiHII' of "'""ding it>
,."..,.1 IQ tl,e f...1d. 1",,"1", "" puOlihl..."ry rC'jU"", k,' .'........,
&r" i ...,i'",;"n sho"LJ be mtt. All .,hhif &cid ".....1<. oown=,
>booJJ be ca,.rulll cn-onilnalC<! and ""H.olIed l.ry <he _ber col"v in
..>J ae<redit.otion of ,.."..It. by lite ""l\.... ohould be
r,;:r<>ugh <be ."'!"'CI;,.., 0:>1kgcs, "", tlireetlr. h is impull;ble r.". "'"
c,mmu..", ,,, (orrttt a' thi. ';me 'he e,loot uf ."cb field ".", k. N"..,r
..... ,hi, .. "n. uf ,h. maj<>r fun"'''' the uni,ersity on<! ,hm,ld be
fclfdJe<J a. expeditiously as poaib/e.

Si/<..J BIti/tIi."
0"" rJ' the major probkrns asoociate<l with ,he tslablishmcnt of...
na,;"nal j. the ..,lte'io.. and prOCurement of ,i,e.nd buildings.
UI';m",ly, ,10 .. la,k mu" be urn!"'"n by '" .pecial M IJ}' ,he
"ni,..",;,y "ffodaa ,ho"'5th"-' ir the un\ve"i,y j, [o,mall)" npenod before
J'C"mon<m .ite u ",,,-,<-,(>,1 (a pru<:c<lure nol IIl,acccr>l.hJe to 'h.
Q,mmi<oi,:m','hink,,'l!")_ Tu() m"ch imf'Ol"lJln<C unOOt be: ...
his The ..'" and buildi,,!!, ",,11 rby no """,11 pari in dctttulining
Ihr ......1"""" cl the uni''UII'y, the ,do,.io<I>hipo be1.. <ullcgoJ, ,be
strength of'fto' lil..-ar)", d.........rd> and ,be cwricub, .Ild
,"" p"<neo$ or ,!toe
Thr O>mrnission brJio:\-n that '-far ;u p<:Uible:al1 coI.l<gcssho>uIcl
I", d",""<d "'11",11." h" 'he oamc campus ..... within d"...
11>;. ,,-ilI make i" ...... 'W. I" h,"c a c.,mm'm lim-ar)' and hen<e a "'unll<T
nl><: bream", 0'/"'''';''' dupl",ation of book. 'an h,'oid.d and ,
"M l>< ,inll rIm!oi"."",\"< .,.ff. Th< .ame h"ld. t'ue for a ';ogle
bo."i""" uffio:e, a .;ogle regimar'. offi"", "nif",d S1udm, "'"","";,;on, clr.
,he most imponan' ...,;I" lOr mmmo" amp", is ...
permit a" uc/'arogc ...., of <:tIllnes. aampJe. <he m>e,,,1
Un ><nitt all ...-i<h language mathnruolies """'..... oociaI
n"""". aod .,;ir.....,. n .. IQ<,,"" collcwc <'on ><'l"Vitt all D>l!<gao ..ith
ps)<hoIo,;y o:ounn aml opeNl pe<!"!"'r.' CI>W'><S, _h as the
....'ur.. co"..,,,,,tM.,, of :s.udio-,"""I "id<. ell:- In ....}.
,he pro"""""'l .,.,!kg", un emplusi"" the prorc..ion.a.l lUp" of ,heir
trai"ing, and 11.. m...ul art> roUoge can prm'idr n1n.."tion I'or
.11 students.
the "\OI",,nding ad,",,:>.I.'<: "fthis arrange,nenl, baid.. ,he
=no",\" lae."r, i hat it Ifi,,,,, pU'pnI/: and ,e..on ". 'ho libe""I"l>
""n-;wln"" T(W\:s.". ""'''I' .tn"""... comple,e the B.A. dqfCC unfined !Or
earning a li";ng. smne counlrieo h.,,, 8>pcricncnl. iou. ""hi'''-''OJIat''
unanplo}mm' bon_ the Hl>ual arts <,>U'I<"" rn;"!! out
of "cd"ealal" but ,.......lio...D1' bclpka 'Bd......... On< might n-m.
"_"'0 how 1,)"-# Tri-Cha1Idra CoUq.: un coo...."" ,..;th an <:nwU_
0(600 Id>n: ""'hit<:-<:olW" uncmploymcm is felt in XtWl. Tb eao be
,,'OIirkd if .he l'rofi:soional eollega clu.......TOOnd the "Ii .......l art< c<>llege,
beckon'nll it> ' .......'cn ... pTO"i"" S"'O<"nl n1uution.
The Commission """,gnl"", tht it may be impractic:s.l to plaee all
collogo. on n .;ogle c."'p",. fur e><ompl.. lf .ho as,i.ultu,.1 collrRe m""
ha"c Iivcuocl< w,m. la"se fidddja""nt ... the <:<>11"1:., avoibble
may 1\<11 Ilr<>vi<;k su(h Th. <:tI1I'l:"t ofmedicir.e
and nursing rnu.C ha,... t(l a l"rge hoopi<&l ; an ...i'e be follDd
"'.....e hosp,'al tacilitieo can be suff",icDlly dOle ?
In .pi'. of "'QC far:Ioto, Rreal omlvenit.... In "thn coontlri<'l
'>w>d i, poooiblo to """,hi"" all col..... ocr: ampuo. Th""'llh lIeaibk
ochedula...... t.-arupo>r<alion, and 011..:. ana.... ' ...." .... diota...... be,..,<'Q
labontori<s, f.elds, dinia, hospital.. and the: lik ha..... been ronquemi.
TbCfeWt<:.!he Comminion belr.'n ,h"t a .. m...t .hould be made to
firwl " .i'e .uffidently lgo now. 01" th.o"gh to aceommod..ote aD
EronolD1' d.mands that lueh a ,it. ha"e some building. on ,t if
I t lie to ex;,,;"g than to CrTCC'
Wi,h dIe "umlM:r orlarge po.l..= 1<.. he IOOnd ,n lUthrnandu,
" mill.. loe ""ped .ho, .""., kind phil;on'hrop;.. ,.-,.h ... dttp r<:pm lO<
<d""aoi<", and .he rutu"" or ha """'1" m'l''' eDtkar hit_If '" hio fell<>,..
and lo' poou:r;'j" d,...,..tinll a ."d si..... his
"";gl'b<>UI"I ..."OOlld fU'I"..- hi> dw,. 1.' oon."ne l..."ds and Wild-
... to J'"""", in ,hO. entirety. r..eili,;'" atlequa,c I" !>w.. a
The C>mmisaiooo> btti<\Tt 'hallO< lime.o "".... ,I>c .......p 01"
<!:c uO""Cnily .1 K'b ' sb<mId be hdd I 10 1800.11>d<rtts.. This
_"""" a _ eaod'uJ ..k<:tion or "..&en.. and ... """" -.i<aI
<ri:nina,ir>n of the ....ti.... th.....f>r aetu2l """,,!>er Qcb la-I
..... Of "'\';III <h<-
namina,""'. 1 h.. can be !ut '''roush an aadonk .....w.
""cm dilC'Wkd ;n Ib<> ....""'" tlu.. manr
adJi..,....1pn'tMt will be '",mm in oull}';ng "junitw" an<! through
nun,;"" en",*"", or I"" La,,.,. ", ",1>-0>11<'.,,,,,<: la,,;!. .1::._ 'hi>
"wn,,", will laX OUr ' '1rCCS in finan and '1"aJjf>od ptnonnd lOo- .taffi"!!
It:>: ;"";'111...... In = i" Ilekk, ,,-hen: ,b......, 11 ' .... , d..... od f",. ltai.....t
;><norIJ - e.l/. 'earhing, numog. , dnTl"",""nl ...:>rh,. _ aUdi,ional
"wnbe... <ao 1.>< Itainnl at oUII}i,,:,: <;entrcs. FUrlbermo<e, 'be Comm",;"n
"'t<I!ni,.,. 11>< po..ibilily of .n"'cnt> H"iog al hno"" and a, "bo<ording
lY>ian" d.ey 1Io in weJlerD OOl,ntric>, ,h,," red".i". 'he ""-1<1
,\1"", wltb a centrally located lihrary 1>r"Jl<'rly t(juiPI'<d "'i,h
lludr faeililieo, a grea:.. amoun' nf ind"l",...lenl Itu,ly .. funnd
;., c-rrla;" <nunuia, On dghl or ninc hour dMl-<!al' whiclt wuuld Kiyc
uI;!i,alioo of c1a:l!rn..:>m 'pace, and o,her mooe,o mllcge organi,a-
n an<ll'1Anning, il "'o"ld be 1")lIihle In ho"", n ,,,,h'cnil)' of 1500
in cmnparoliHly modeS! acwmmo<lat1VII', A lluuding .,ch a,
Si...l .>;i,a., nuw l><ing u.ed '0 he ""re) aI a gnvcrnmml
h.- '<>C. ""o,,ld ",ake a ,lfc""m". hog-ioinS- fo< a g"'.' l\.linoll1 Uni,'e"ity. 11
.. adja<'C,n 'u farm I.ndl and .. "'ell k.c,n.d. 11 hu building> tit ","o"ld
I<.Id ,I"m...h... hI 1>00.01 acoornmodatiom, lorb'C ,,"'nu Mr cb"""",,,,,, Irnal1
... rn' "ffice.. a holl an an"mlll\" room, !l",rel .pace a
l1n,..,., a ....imming 1".,,1, and spa' arldi.;"na! b" ildi"gs ir ndcd. It
!:.u b-a,"i(uJ ,If...,unds ...ilb """,,",menl /Or "pk<:ep. And ""'eral o,h... large
b..iIdi"V ill .I>e a,ea m.ight be ''''ailallle f.,.. ("<lher Cl<pa""ion when
n>e eon"niloion bcbe-,,,, \hill 10 he 'hc _I fosicaI, "".11 adaplcd,
a:><! 0>; , ...";ll "brainable ';.c and b"ikfin,lf inasmuch .. it ill iI_w ,>\<DCd
!r< .l,e r""ttDrnenl, It ,ttommnv!. the earl!' dedicalion of ,bil building
,.. a :"a.... H"",,<,\..,., if."m is no' done, ,hen ......d' 100- a
"",WIle ,.;.. .nouJd be continued.
... of I1w lhi..,m17
.-\ ..nh"e<..tylO .... ... t and to ......"C i.. c!;."tdc and "i!h
i::l'qr;I\' m.., be eo<npk<dr r_ of poIiUn1 inlI........-c .,.. <:t>ntroi. Then:
:=:0, be rJ'ftClotD is> l!>c full ..",... ..r dlC w<><d. The ""i,'Cf1oi'r
",,,.. I.. ccu.l.oIiIhed "ndeo- cha...". and mdc ,,hich lu.... om- it> ",,-en:ig"l}'
ud pe<pn.... ,,, it> ido-ak.
On ,he ,,,het hand lhe: "ni,--e:';'l' IDnuId "";1"'" be 01', ap;o<l fmm the
<r<:>:>on Khool be allowed In dominalC it. Hillier edue:",;"n

.hn"l<I he a ... to lum;ng .wlfd in the a>mmon school.. and should

be dosel! int<:gn.t<tl wi<h It. .-" a 01 a toltl/ ed""'tio.....1 I}'ttem, ;\
.....uld be integralJr ....Ja'l'd 10 the ..,lal orw:m, admininrativdr as .....,Jl at

1".... ",.., p.-in<'ipl .. _I' be dill"o<ult 10 urT}" <>u.t togethtt ulldtt
1>.'CJ""I'. I""""'Dt 01 to...........n, The occond principle tllQ'OOu
adnllnist",ti,.., <"Ont.'" by the ..... 01n1"",Ut.n woo is ""ponoibIc ro..
a>n1nlOD a1"""'tioo, but he is >.Iw;a,'. a political appr>uu"". The Iinc pc1ncifllc:
tumS'" ......trnl. bin <hi< _ .he un;"""';<r "'p;>n from. anti
Ki-"" it dominating, and oItnI ......tlictirc. ;.,II_....-er \he_
n.e Ulmmilsi"" .... iD o,apttr \'11 an
d.. ,,, aooorn-pl"'" \how ''''' 11 ed"nuine. "plac:ft
adnll"itt"'ti,.., control in the hand. 0I.l>nt, an O''eI"">n BN,I of EOno,iN
i_I> as now exi<u) with a. 'f""'ial boanI "" higho- fd"""tion. IInth
boanls would be "!,pointN by RO}..t, Cabinet or Ad,-i;ory ...........I>ly
anion (I.U<1", poosiblj' by deelioo 0( the po:ople) lOt fj,,, or ....-= j-.:;lr P"'"iodo.
",-ith on< firth or one oe\"COlth re1iri"ll: ead 1"Ut. Thit ,,'OUId gi,,,
tu the bo,mls and .equite: .h.... o.l'ou. l"aB ro. '" change in .he <:nmp:l$ition
or the mapity, <h,.. il"",""ting a I"""'ihle ,apd chang<: oI<he boanl
p<n<Jnn<1 1' a daigning ""Iitkian.
Tbe 0,,,,,,,1";'>0 '''AAom a S/>,<ialiJoG.J D' &ft<atti heca"",
of ,he mo,e an,l d"'""""n.umlng ]""ohlem< facro at ,hit le\ol.
I.nrd """Id polki"" doal with .pedlieo
t<:garding primorr, and a,I,,1I educatiun, and mnfcr maj",
action by 'he 1ll1i,,,,,,ity Somo mOla!>"" the w:ntral
ooard might be ex_.,"ici" I\\ttlll>cn .,Cthe .pedal hoard '0 ;,,gro_
,ion hot,,",,"n them. n .. board ,,.,,,,Id (a) .doe' "nd di'miM
univ"..lty adrnlna'ratl,.., j><,oo"nel and "PP'"o.-c ap!,oi"''''.n'' nf I...e,
.tall" m.mho.., (b) se, policies rn''e'''lllg the administra,;on and ope,ation
of ,IK: unlveo"Sity, (c) grant ",11 dog,,'a, (<I) ,uP."'",-i,.<ls, (e)
new colleges, culTkw.-., and t;OUrKs, and If) be g.".....II) '''"I''''''ll>le for
,he operation of u"i""...ltj 'Y'tcon,
The .If;....'"./ ht.1iM """,Id .......e bo,h boat"<b .. an ad,isot and
roun.dlor anod .night ..".,'" in ....... l....-ary <al"'ctj for .he Uni,o.';ty
and !Or ,IK: conttnml ...hoo!J. Tb ,1tV1 ,__Iin if""
of the Unl,-cni'y ",.",Id be ...I,cd by the Univer>ity special board, He,
in 'urn. would ""J. hi< "ni,,,,,",'y .d","';'lno"'" .(;alr ...bjec, to the
aJ>Pro"-aI of the opccial b<\ud.. He would nont;nalC beads of the ,"'.......
aJkges, with lbrir appointn,m, ",bjfft 10 .he ll'PfU'-aI "rthe tpecial
immccli.>td) u the \'in-Olanttlloo- t1Jo<KoMuld be.
&-" compoocd 01 his adJniniJ.l ,iw, omc"", (R<gist. ..., BminaI
Dan 01 I",.,,,,,,;.,.,, llouo oI Swdtn, P..-ncl, _I, d", b...d",(lho
,.......... QlIJcs<:s (DeasnI .... l"Iin<ipak), and equal nnmI.>or .... lUll"
mrmbcn dcacU 101' lb.;' C"Olkal"'" no>. 1"""I_tiooI.te 1>0... aee.>rdi"ll ,n
the mc of the ,.,.,.....,. J11"f;.... '1 be Sena'c ohoukllDOOt at )",' mon,IJI',
"". because of its Ilitt i,.hooJd den from ","<hin iu t'n<mbenhip a fi,.., ...
" StaoW z./il't e-.i/ltt to n,<:et It'IOle frequ""t1y and I.he
Senate'. ,,,,,.lL 1be Senalt .......Id be all body""i,h ...ptel to

, -
-:; ~
~ :=
~ ~

funtlions lId""ging '''' but a ""licypropooing- body r....

......ll.... nrinla'nal and "'.....""'" Qlncenl to> all "r ,b.
In addle"",. ,he Uai""il.! F*>t11J """'1<1 mttt 1"CI"lady as .....MI.
10 ad,';'" ,!J<, Sen>l<', d..........."'.eo propo6'!d fur aCtKm, and appt'O'". ,,,.
d""pp""" propooed polid.. Ihat aIT. the en,;'" "ni,'ft'l;i,y.
Finally, cach roll.,. Iotd .oJ IUs J_11y would be rcspon,ible fur
internal .... affecting I>nft. ,he COtlfned rolkgc and not reo<'!"voed H>
hill'h.,- authority. Curriculum eh.o.nga, PM,i<"larll', ....,.,Id otij(ina,e in the
racuhies. F"Iw..-in!l" appto"al herc, lber """"Id
..nh'<ni'Y laculr!he s.:n...... and finalll" ttJ ,he special boa.d.
11,. dc",il.o or ,hi> P'"opused ad",ini<trati,,, ""nlm' and adnU".U.';I;Jn
....,..Jd h",." '" be .."..ktd out 1>)' a.Jpecia1 """,mille<': <>r adminm.... 'i'e
h<ad>. or the u"h-e..i,}" and rol1ca, o:oda1, and ;noorpor.uod in", a cllarteT.
The gcne<al pbn i. <kctehcd in FigUn: 8.
E..och (acnly Itlould asowm: ror dim:';nS" it>
own in'cm.1 afTa
", and .""',Id c,..,.cisc ;nlliatio.", in dc\-cloping i..
"""O<ul,,..., in ........,(/>, and in oth..........<t.... bulla ... should be

bv lonaal poIicin...nium Iix thl en<lfl unlVtt<lty. I"",r." as

f<uihle ,!lOft J>o"l<! be .e_able un,fo,.",l,)" in t"i,i.." .d",;,.,o.,,,
tIuirtme,,'.. ""nd:I.,ds. ccgist ...,i<m, aIit me\hods ,,(
i ...t'uc!ion, ..uden. !"idlInu ocnicn, a<:-
i\ tearn .pi,it ,lIo"ld 1""".".:1< lh< ; tMr<: dIould be coopera-
cion. 1l>t' "n,,'enity ihould oo<nl fi.... the jnlft'ellS "f anyone college
.-:0000. 'Il''''''llh experience, 'he skllchcd in ,he diagram
,ho"ld d",...1r>p In'', a .mooth "",,.king .dmini......';......ela'ionship for all

(J<NT.I P.,;";"
Many 0( ,he gcncr-al ""'ici.. to be devek>ped by the "ni,""";ty
antb<H"itics win be ,!"ill ramilia. and en",mon tll a"l"nl u"d1'ro
with uni,....... ,y w""mltra,;"n in Enxland and lnol.... The CommiaOon
'ha' ,he inaugura'ion of nn. "' ..iD",,1 Unl,"ft't.i'l
pro\"ida a" OJ'I"'t"tllnlty to in'roduce =",in new pvIicioo and
,h"" COt"ft "',,'< "r 'he ",-ill '" f'C<I"""t1y ded.imed in 'h< n";',us
rq>oo tr "" unl,...,.i,y rou<:lI<lon oflhl laat <llndl n. ,..".
711, OII.,.i,,,,.,i.. _,..l disctDletl abovl b based on I'olidn
prindples ",o,e f<equentlr fu,,"" in ,he ......tern hemlophcr<: ,han elM:
",hne. It it bdin-cd that ,hac ,,-ill ","",,<ome some or Ih. l"'"<>b1cmt on."
r;"mrl in un;.....h"" KOI'erncd b}' a Syndieall.
respec' to IJJt: .<I"I....i' 6<Irt'I tIv Mn",ury ..'NI, ..,J ,.
,,1f'It'. It is to be noted i., Chap.", IX th., ,he Commission )""
'''''"nunc,>dl,he dl_n,inu'n<:<:.,r ,h" ",h<Jo.!k.,iog <H" "final" CUIt"'i....
lioo at the
of th" bigh ..,"""1 J'TOST'Irntn<. ",1>0.001 ""dcne.
aK '" be ..t,"antt<I. On a """",i," c1earinll adl co"... a. a unil.
Th.,e iI '0 be a <vn,in"""". obj""ll ..-ide -.01. E.och ."oden,
w.... rompJctoo /i,'< I
or ><:<:ult<laty schooling is to be
......nkd " diploma of !""d....tion. .... are '0 be hdd down
for UniHrS;l}'
... ".
",".. J., Iml, usd

T,i.:I.o_"_ .",..1.1 ,,"""'k

,loo- r 4 ,Ar _." "i:.
./..." ,,-,It
,."'"..,' .1",1,.'. I.''''' ,..,.",








This me&III th.o.t i. io oow "I' to the coli...,. to .., up ,heir ,,"'..
nlrlUlU Prosumably there might b<! gmeral eqmi"uioD
rn.. lIdmiAion to the ....i,"tnity, i.e.. any and .epanltc additiotW.
owniruotiont to dtteronine aptitude fur u:r...m p"'fcoNons. For e>ample.
a aptitude _ might be .-l. fur obe poI)udUlic lXIlIcge,
ocia>lilk aplitude 'cs. for ,bco n><dicaJ. roIlqe. cle.
llany who do ...'dI in a elllraQCO e:xaminatioo may
De<"d bell' in cl>oo:*nc Ihcir Cllun. The Comm ""IIft't .he QlJIblish-
mm. of. lJ..,_ under Ih< Dean ofStud lI Pwnonad and will> 'he
hdp oflM T...dlcrs ColIcg<-. This agn>q' would be respomibk, wilh.h<:
hdp of the >-ariouo collcgeo, b adnUniu<ritl/l all c::ottJ..."" aaminatiom, all
IUbocquml &1ld oimibt """nll....tioos,
knr..... _ds on th<:orc 'ellS, aDd OloUnOClliq ,tudents
<he rcwIu. It ohould ha__ '<:spoo,.jbili.,. fur aaodank eqmlflalions
or :>.eademie: acmuntirJr. l1lI' G..i<bna Bun:au cUld Nlist in the <kveIop-
"fopoecial,tolr neockd by the wario... colJ<seo. I. eould help student>
dioal...... dKlr aptitudes, and th... reduce <he ....".ber of ...""mlS
and drop..,.... arroo:mg ...OOClllS.
The Commission nwmmmds the IOdoption of ''''/rllliJ lIUUInttir
,,,iil ':Pial "<nil 10 'lla' UfCd in un;,c:ni'>cs of the wtslem hemilph....
atId .-..</}- ;ntrod..d in'" =""in Indion Inll;.u'ions. This "-,,..Id
'",'nII.,WO ,hi"l'. Fi,.., th.... would be:o. single .qislra.'. "m: w>oo
rh" dicecl ,upc1"ision of Viee.Ch>.nc.Uor'l 011'""" Thul, all re<:onlo
....o"ld be kepi in place under a unIform I)..,,,,,,, The
R<g'istra. ,,,,,,,Id be only an a:ountant of academic wcrk , he would
no power to dotormine poUci<::l, ma,kl, e'C, 'hat normaUy faU
to the He would merely kcep.hc ,.eco,d.,
Second, lhio "'O\lld ;n,'ol". the adoptkln of a credit I;"'em tor
accountln for Illlden. wo<k, Th. aca<kmic year may be <li"lded in,o hal"es
(..,mellcrI) O' Qu.artc,. and .11< ".lue of a "credithou," dctc<mlOC<:! ao;:ocd
ingtr, For ""ample, a cl......h.t """,to /h.. hou." pc< week fn. onc
""ult!. C&lTy A,.. el'edithou.. ; onc that meelS ."ice. ,,'C<:k fOr an hour
ud> tUnc would c.a<T)' two credithoon. SuCOClSful completion or....h a
du. ""..Id be de.ermined by the teacher or the dall with .esta and o'h",
evaluation ,u,,-il, Upon indication from the teacher ,hat a .. wit... had
paacd a c:1us, 'he Rcgiltrar would rr<:ord the appeoprito.e number of
aeditboun for ,he l.udcnL If a .ttuJt,nt normaDy mecu, 11;', fuw-
for loo.... udt pet'.....,k, then oiItot:D tralithoun .... uld be
a I load and he " ...uld be expected to cam. aialCCn bou.. pc1 ICInal<:I'
"" thiny.,,,... bows p<f)"Ut. n..... 128 hou.. micht be Kquirnl ro.-
Thi, pbn has "'"""" a<h-anuge&. 1t .-.rap a scud...1 .0 proa:ed
at hio. own ralC Irhe "iobeo to _ka, a job part .ime ID bell'
pay hio ... "'" .....y d<>..... lfbe Deeds 10 dn>1' out '" a halfy"u be
may,tln..... 1n OCtlain "" ,,:,"-y cam part bio a't.cndicl
,peci&I.....- bdd the ''aCll>nD. "",ntho, "" ,n """ IC\'UO..... TItio
plan raulu in,...,....... llaibility 10...udcnt prnvammin&,
ad''arttap io that the .tudcn. am, if It' '''')', repea' onc
c::Ia.. ..,thout "'PC"'tin&.'lhe .ntire ynr's -..-It. TItio.cduca ""'"""!C both
for the sl<ldcnl and the.institutions.
lb. F",id.. tor co", ...""U$ and eval...
lion. Thtre is .... ror a It1>dmI 10 Ipt't><I !Wo Of lOur 1"'"" in
coli.,. !rarning that he <loon t><>1 ha,.., CX>1I...., ahi1it! ; "" _Id be
tl"",,,..,d at lOO" '" "" ",as railing ip. mapity of his ,_Jr.. There """uld
be nu d,apto for j,in, 10 'Wo ye.,.. h<fure for an nam;nR
.ion. So"'e colle,.. might wish 'n contin". to 0'" " r,naJ .""minatinn,
.., th. J><II,V"tl"a,c k1...,J, but "n')" thole .tud<'nu wl....., ront''''''
<>us ......-..t had been ta'"I>urablc ..""Id be allolo'nl III ... fur the fin'"
I"ZJIR'inotio" ; [hl4, r.i1.... a' lhiIII.I.a!:" .........d be rftluoJ ,,, a ""rUm"",.
'Th. Ql"od"",ion of .. <rIi,-hour Iy"ntl <If .",,""mi. "'''ounli"g
shOlLld h,,,, ,alutary .ffeCl on ,h. ltUlMds of It..hi'll"'ll in 1),. u";v.,,,i'j',
O:!<,n"ooUl IIIOCS>ll\l:n' and prog1"<'S$;ng bl' 1'11;"8' indi,-W".l d."". T.,bc,
than fur final """min....... """.k! tn<nurag< ,,"" .... of mod.....
"""""'Is "lid r<'duce: the Io:'N,ing and
1.&""""'<l<Y WOtk may be intr(lduccd 00l .... iD but in -"01
.Iud;'" (c'I" sun"'}.), c<'h,e," (it., ".., ",;,h ..",,11
grn\l!'" nf c i1<l,en, in clini.., e'e.), agr;euluore (t ,8., field ",.".k),
(e !l., radio dJ.matiu'ions), nuning (e.g., hospitol practi<t),
.nd in ... 6cld of learning. Semi"",,", rurum dite...oon., panels,
projrns, eM:>'rUont. aids, eomm"nity J>ro!O<1S -.11 ,hCll<, .nd
mm}' d..."'''' ean be ...... to ""'i ...., ! mins.......k ,be ,.......,
pt.eti I,.nd intTl'a>< tbe eifo<cti,,,,,... nt edu
A wider udr,)' of '.'lrucl;Q'I.1 mol",#/, mar b<: uKd. There;" much
to le <i<Jne in I"in'oo ma.t",ial, in", 1'<el"'l; and ""'iling new
ma'trial!. Mapa, Illnb<o, ..,aphi<: mattrial., 6tnu. ,lideo, """'\ingo, and
....ny bn .id. m_ be P'eplrnl.. B'" pu, lbe ,no=srth pr<>gr.tmtne
should rao.,h in."" p<epua...... of ouch ......t ....... :onc! SlOOcna thould
help in 11,";" PTtP.":"""..n. The ooun'e :md e.' .."ollrarninS' ...... ,..i.als
mull be incre<d If learning i, ,a be<:orne ri<h 3nd 'rt<3ningfuL
El.ewhere in ,his Repo<t, ,he Cn,n",issK>lI hat ',,"CI'm ,it...'al.>!i.h_
men, oh ",.tional f..duc.a,ion I'rQo. 1'his .hauld ocn'C .. , Uni,....";l\
............'Cll, , ."dtide ror briocinl '0 life .......y ""","""';ptO """" 1}1ng
Of on ""' ..."" and =eotIr.fgiflS .tafl" ...."",lxn '0 p<epa""
pt'Ul.ed m..crialo kw .... in thtir ""'... cl...... Research anti perh:oro
r<>reign .i,1 might combine '0 prnttu"" m",. .n<! o'h..... more ""pen,i,-.
bu, each 'o.che.., dep.rtm'n', each college .houkllxgin ill Own .lid.
cull.,.,;"" '00 pie", .. me. and amau ill ""'n "'luipment for mod..n
. """bll" tM ..-t impo.unt lOntI or .... uni !:) is ics li'-7.
Nepal is Ih. meeting ground <.>ftheSOllth..n and X th.... rult..... m
A.;a. It l'a,l(i"Cll ill owtl ..amp III ,hOle eultu",," and IlrIlvi<ted a fOl"llm
f<>r bo,h Hindu .nd Uuddhi" IChob" 1<.. of 'hough" and
""l>talion'" the ""hi",. idea1o. The '''''''U'<'I of Indi&n euhure "'hieh
....,,, been los, in Indi. ej,h... due '0 ,he .-and.lism .., tbe ;"'''''''''. or
, .."'S" "'.....,.. Ale 1""",,,,.,,",,, here in our ......1"'" aad,p., libra,in
and _pas. 1'"l>e 9;,. Li"",,,,", th<c Bha<ati 8.......,.n Lib<ary and lhe
K.iIn Libra., if(ombinetl and ><>nlin.lm will be the .nd .... ,
library in '\'la f,om a 'tVarch ""in, "f .iew.nd wi,h n.......'y equipmen'
f<>r racarch it un to< .h. 6 rto<aroh ccn". fOT not only 'he 10<::.1
..hula.. but al", lOt ""boI of ,he world in,ercued in Tan"....., BuddhIR

....."onom)', ;\,,,ol,,g\', !'.[cdid"e and aloo in fine arto. So this
"ill be an a>set of ,h. uni"e"i')', (.)
The lib:--ary ,hould be ".nt"]]' I""..ed ami shoLlld homc ,-"llootOo""
4::=0, "'ide.. pint're>, map'. miCfO_nlm., mode". ro....l'
ofl."rning- aid< a, ",ell"" lh. U5\l.1 b-.:>oh, maga,i"e" and
i ;.1,1<1, "",riill. I' 'MuJd be the "e"tre for "11 imtrue'ional aIds.
Tho lika.,' ,hould a1>o hou,e the "'luipm'nt ne<:essa"y ff>[ li!>rar)"
ftl!:2'"dl : rcf<ren<e book.. micro.illrning .quipme,,', re,-ording
0$, " ,t, binding equiprn<"t, indi,'iduaJ cubiclo, for writers, and ,,'her
;....".;n :" e"'urage re..arch,

""t<""in11> has fad 'he prohlem of ,h. ""diu", rif

i .. at the u,,;,or,i,,'I,,c1. 'n Chal"er IX, it h.. rccomm<nded the
, . cxnt of F.n21iili ...,,1 Him,!; f>[ San'.,;' for ,n"'e ""d<im ",ho pbn
p "" E"<r. <0. man" """:en,, will ",-"k .dmi",i"" 10
W:r'"""'?"'''''''' in >.!l r<-o;><,-,'-' <xc<?t rile C"'nTlli"i,,n
r -.... the rl=.rtb d,=,",iaJ in thc' );epali bn,:""t'. and th,-",gh
be "' ...d</ln '""'tu ,hortoge, i, will k " de<'d,le ot' 'wo
,;:z;> <= bt f.lJcd. EH-'- th<ll, ail n'''' jrom oth""
th:: -.dci .... :1 "'-ll. hl.'<'e '" b<: into,
.. iiQI..,...... wi!I &> l>c-tter and 1= more if the
. io .. tIIrir """""'" U>ng\:.e, );el',,'i, C!;,,,,,,om
f " .... -.! IIIlIo= acllanga cm, of <Xo""c, t.. in
; Engla], and
I!!iiaIli. ir. 5 '. if k tu do racMch ;n hi,lo')', literature,
.....,,- .. =-.1:i:!::s-b--i!.dc.cum<:-D"arc ,hechicf ",urtt of our
..-re =-<,,<1. that th< oral m,di",,, of itm"'<tion in
.. mC"" .... iIo. :"<'pali """fa.- "" I"'.. ib)<, and that >Iudcn" t.. enOOUT_
dIcir manmcrip" in :\:ep.>.li, but' hat a dc;:.. of ,",,"ding
; ! ia u.c otha unguag be of c"ch "udenO'.
poI",,' ron>i,lo,ed hv tho Conuna,ion in ,ho IIl,"er of
i ' ..... ';!ilQ) Th;, p.-ac!i'e j; COIllIIl<)n in othol' eounlrieo a.
mea". UP" rO[\'< army .nd reducing
...., of tb< .unding arm)' alO<l the cmrent npenditu'e> for it. As ':--:.pal
io ..., bJ><! of <11< aposd<s of 10'" and peacc, Lord> "Old the oth<r
= ' ....... , " .. """"'ally be)in'c in """Id ,,"acc through thcir doe',in", but
_""""""Tcan to t.. ,,';thout >ome prot",,';on tu he...elf. '[h"dore,
.. 60< ""=, of ",;]itarv "':acorn" "lOd nati"".1 int""''', tho Com",i";",,
th", not 10 ,i,an two' rea... "f r.,-e hour, per ",,<k ofrnilimry
. g >Ciencc l>o cV"'!,u!>or}" "f all mon aU<nding the "ni,,,ni'y.
... aGd'i,ioc:oJ t"", yea... 01 ad"ancc,1 military "i<ncc be
'niiIo t:'aining ,hould be given by meml>rr> or the ",'ati"nal Army on active
[,j,h"" 'he oJljcial., 0' th, staff of the d'partmcnt of ph;-,ital
oo&.c::.tioo in th< "" o"ll<"g" s'"",ld offc,' d",,,,, in mountainoc._
*"!' _ ,k;ing, hiking, ,.cs<;,.o and ""..-i,a) work, tom;'t.guiding,
0'<. n"" and m,ny >pO"', cult","1 acli"i,i"" muoic,
".6"" ""1' ill 'Mll>io, 11><> M" W".or;e>, the Oo,'or",,,.,ot of X'j>al
_'12>!- ocr<h1.-'" ,h. Eh.,-"i Bh.... n

Fif,h, the onl)' additional Qltt ahelve pr...ot expendit,,'.. '" op<nlli
tu,.. lm..,ked in ocuinS up new ocparMe oo1J.-ga would be the adminis".
ti,-e offieQ of unh"'l'Ii,y----the Vke.Chancdlo<, the "'boale<,
the Rrg;'\I'M, the Ikan. of 'n>tt\lCtion, ancl'hr DeaD of Studcn. Pra<.nnel.
Some: of Ihio additional all' ..-kl be abooni<d b}' u-c DlIica <akin "'.....
the "."..k of caBer cffie.. now handli"l' thae alrai". For
eumple, the offi<" ohh. Rqitlrar and Bm",." J',bnagn ,bo;ould efT, a
sa.vlngo that "lfoe< p"rt of the increased COl" of a Vice-Chancellor',
FiM.... lit!
The lotal c<liIU of optt:lling. Kall"",,! Un;,=ity can ..... ulTK huSe
proportatlon. it "'" "",.f"ll)' Analyz<d. But ,vctal lignif>".nt factor.
>hould be bor-n in mind. FiB',}' ""n< of IlV>nc\" arc .lreldj"
bcinr spent for .....:I pool.oecnoodoot}' ....ininl ; preso"".Wy ,h_
amount>........M _"i..- to be opal' W><kr "'1l.... n.o.tion.
Sctnnd. addiUonal oollrgn ha,.., been propo:lS"d :. Ih agriculture,
home .ctn<:c, """;Ilg, IQch", .. po.lylfChn", and Mhen), at>d thei,
t.bli>hrncnt will C()SI money ",he,hcr ,"porately or .. I'"'l'< of a uni"."i,y.
ACluallj', th. <>:lO' "ill be la> if <:Il.O.blillli undtt the type nf univcl'li,y
cn,isiorKd by the: Com.mi_, ""Ill! a <:<>mmon library,. D>lll""'" libmol
arU CI>lkc'e, aD<!,.;1e aD<! buildinC faw,i.,..
Third, !he C::mniuio,,', pi <alb '" a IN'" buiL,lin3: and ""mJnOl\
can,p".. Urnas ,hi. i. dona'ro, i ill coo' a ."bo...n,;"I,,,,,,, bur a .inglr
b"ilaing ... ill c,,"t 1... ,hon """"""I buildings fix separately located mile's'"
Also, ".,."ld p=<lmably be ",Ira><'<! b}' 'he ""is,in..
and training imtjtntiom tha. "''OuId. ....,,,'" to the ne"., sl,e. Single [Ocili".,.
Fouflb, thm: a,r ........ abon. 1300 .."denu enrolled iD ins.itutions of
hih"" learning in i'lr[W. The Commu,ion cautioN again.. lncrcaoing
mill to """e thM 1:;00 w 1800 locally (excluoi"e "f those trai,,..a th,,,,,gh
""re"""" or luh-<lOllcgia,e I",'cl ""......." hut mm: ..ilib< poOUln!: fOO'
ohnc ino;rUlQ ",hemcr there io a lInh'aSi.y "'" nut. A "nn..,rsl.y
orpDtu.Uoa a>Uid amtrDl thr:loe prasur.. ....measily and rtI"i...b1y tha:n

Sixth, ttrUin orher e<nmnl.,. would be.<aIixed b!' the mabliohmcot
of. on>traI lib<ary, " drpar.=.,. build:q; aI>d pounds _in
..........e, .fld conunon use of 0Cf'Vke cJ- of lICVl:ral oollqn, 10
.......tin" only a
Th, Com";"i.n b<li'IIUIMIIM"ldlls.",,"1 of 0 "",...,.,;g II<1.olly, .....
.. 1M.1-.....1' PtriH, rmsd/ ItI>I ;t<m;u< iJw _I> -f lrill<c tftuJi... ill NiP"1 -.I
manuo, for_ia, ceramia, ele. ohould be offe:rco1 ... "oanion>.! or Iwbb\'
fOr otudmu, ";Iha as or .. CXtnlcurri<u4r
Thil brid" dis<:.......", of policits and acliv!,ia" ..." inlrndallO be
oxhU>,i\' Wc ha"" dealt only ",ith 'polici.. INlI
Icp,a.,,' diea] Or fundamental chang... from )'."lcrn poraC1lCCI. Many
other polkks ...ill ha,". to be devdoped by authorili.. as <he uni'''",,)'
b<coma a reali.y.
.1iqIt '<' u..i In'''iJ'' l<' ","" IN l""'tzl urloi./) I., =1 pt. SI.".I.
i:o upondilu... !Or higher cdo.... 'io" during ,lie nn""" or .hre<:
......,.....-ill rmlh froon the Ulahlishm.... of new corltg... 'he """"mion
...... &tld il>ctea>in!( enro!lmm... "n._ ",e iaotviu.ble ; .bey bad
.._ ab>u. through u,., COlOfdi"a'...t and ""'"' <J...,."ical dfOf .. ...c ..
tmrt"ttli,,- ""!Ianiu,;"n.
"P.>c of highor ",Iuoat;"'n, ",he,h.r by $l'pa'a!c ,...,11,,,,,, (I,'
.. -u."'e'iil)' iI cxpt,,.;,,nd dilfoeult. In l:h.p\<" Ill, wc ,a,,' 'bat
- . openrin; CUll 'oday a'c about R .. 3(XI per .."dent, and ,,11 woo
""" 10=," ...ith ....e riwatitm '<C1>l!nUc rh.. as an :WSlai'y upend;,,,,,,,.
'Dial ,..,ow't ab<>l1l RI. pt:< b'" ..J""''$ non< lilt buildi"!l
- ,....l af"'nsinn, libn.;- tIn..,l"p,,,...', new
-=. ...J&ri<:s, and 'he ntMr ,-"p"",.,. ... nocn,i.:ll if hIgher
, ..... in:-;'tpal i< ", be "I'!'"adcd "",,,hrrn.
1l>r CGlIlmmion h.. tried to \oc.k 'nIG ,he futuf<' "nd tirn:aliDO
_".,..!o for C'.11<!"" in lh<! It ha< III "'t'ma'
.... cl im,i,uuon n<Weo:l, the lime in lhe fu,"" "'hen
.:ooiiI:fu beo:nnc a ,..,,,Ii,}', .nd the 11 ....' eUln",,,ical "r
\:a..-.u.,g. On thOle mo.l1ffl lh..e mar be dirr",<nN; or .,pin....n and
.... beta"", of th:ot we urgt: the cuiiest poIIibl< <ota1lli>hme",

of. uninni'l', ",hidl ......ld _vide an of6cial body hnr each p>bIem
and Kt,le malt.,.. in IcrmI "r .. and ""if<Inn JXllicies. Wc <In
1>'>' ree: ".",petmt to de.l finally with the grouping of coIleg.., but do no'
1Jdic\", mri, ""ablishmc1l\ and <o<g>"i:<a,;"" should be I.n.-Id)' '0 oertain
).litUotria which are bnund '" h,,,,,, biuts :rnd arc ",..ble '"
prop<'T plo."" of " Jl""'P"'"d <nllqe in ,he larg<T """jor of:o univttJity.
The C.'mmLWon Urgt"I ,h.. 'he unh",,,j.)' be n'abli,hcd before an)'
adUiti<lnal {YJllcg<o .rc St' up '" tht iu "1Ik,,,l, '''n lend a guiding
hand in o:uurdin ing of each n..... cnI.I<gc wilh rH"'" in ,he
.......Tnit!. If Ihi> iI u.-rity dd..>red. na.' orollcc<>...- I'"'Jl'OI"d
or Fmilkd lnr u.Trign aid agrecmcnu ..iIl h.,-.: ID Dlu'''' ""'-card OIl
:hcd,de. Th;" may mean rehn",;,,!;> ICQIll"niz"tjon, and
,,'hm 'he unil",,..i')" i1 o'g."i.<'<I.
The C'.-.miaion okctcllo 1x'J",.- it> ...!tK<'>';",. "'Iuding c:xioting
coIloge1 and pm"'*" cdkgco, ........"og earl)' o,lr....iu'wn of a uni\"mi<}'.
Lihf.! ArIS ""d Sri,,,,,, C4Jl<tt
TriCb.OOn. O>lIrgc off.." tI", 'InlClnn:, traditions, and ....ff IQ, an
......uoo!i"!! libenl :>.<It and ocitn l"rcsu:nobly il would be
m<,,-eel tn .he new uni>'Cnity site"" the <'(In: or mcral cdlJG1lli<>n. HCI"C
it wO\Jd scr,..i .... with ""lie <"""'CS, lllll;ng lhe
into-mN.... \"ars. lIui. sticnce, mathcu,a'ks, lit.ran..-e,
-W "udits """Id be t.o.ulh" and "",lld l..-a",nablj be """""bo<)'
...bjeaJ duei,,! 'M fin, "<:1< Ol" twO lOo- _ ..,otkDtO ..,. the ""i,-.:ni.y.
\\';,h in<rn.i"g rn'l'hasi; OR rrofcssi....,al enuneo in the third and
["\lcth yoa" ill th<: !I..or....,:onal colIe8"" Ih....., wo"ld be a morkl doe'm>(!
in <:n<VIlnoent in ge""....1 cduc:>.t;'-,.. cour..,., but ,his coll"X" JllOOld ulfCl'
......,.1I<:cd and the ""=ni,ia It> .....->cc
the pn"traDmal <lkgft :and il< u"'R studml< mopi"g i" ,heIc (odds.
11,e Cnmmi$lion I><li..,o ,J,M ,he ""mbeT n( in lihecal ""s
.nd _den.e .ho"ld be ron,,..,lkd '0 pr""<nt
=y!nl....."" :and ''':a. thi! roU'l.c mould <Iir'eC1 ,t> prog<:amme 'no<C
spcci6c:aIIr th:an in !he p"" 10 =t:aUl .-"""" fields.
Wc '''llIft. the ..t:abliUlmcn' of a Dcpal1n>ct1t or Bu"'n... Scknee
:and Aclm!niltra,ion in ,his college: (".<hoc ,hoR a ""pa,al< <olkgc at Ihis
I;me bcc.a.... ,he need hordl)' j"",if;cs lCp.>ra'e lllcge <>rganiu,ion) IQ
""<pO'" D<>mt>ctmt business :and r<"'crl>ln<tlt nnplo}"ffS. A twO-Ieu
couror mill'" be ulTcred M< .. ; :a lOw-rur """"'" would
pr",'idc tTa,tling r..... ,.pid ad,...n.....en' '0 Junior exeeu'"'' I"'"i,;'-m.
W. alon .ug!:<,,' !l,e at.o.hli,hmcn, of a Depart",ent .,r nr t"ine
A<IS:and :\Iusic. n.i> m;sht in time hcco_ a ..".,ratc college,
hox:altle or><: cl i .. runcUooss "'OUId be In scn-i: all ....dotnl< ",ilh cult...-..l,
a..'heti<, an<! aJlPlm..tion COuntS ,'" an optional bo>is, a"d
this ",,,,e day .\tract aU of the S1udenu of .he un;"""sity.
Another rune'i....', t"""gh, "",,,Id be '" off... f(ll" profcssionnal enter_
lli""". :>.etio.., and 'QCha>.
Th..., addi,iorsol departmen.. ,,'Ould the >'OC*tional
<",ph...," and po;n' "p the of scio""", polit;cs, gM'en,,""''' ,..-vi"",
lws!n",", anll <uh"ral art!. Then IrnduaJlr other ""UT'" <:<>uld be ",,'Dted
'''''':ards .".,ei6c ;.ob oPJ><l"unitics, Only in <hi> ""r con the coIl"llc
prvdn<c " ....ken ..<h.. than JI>o:iaI pa";tes.
The OnIlInillj"n f""h., ,ugges" ,b't a lkparlUlent of Mili1.lOry
be addl to 'hil wHege lu pro,-id. at leall ''''0 p"" of comp"I"'r)'
tr.Uning of e,-e,v mak ""delll. A Dcparllnent uf Health and
<lucation should l>e ,,, 1)<',,\';<1< compuhory seT,';e"
in tlill >rea (or both male and ICmale "udon"_
At J"""C'lt. there are in Kathmandu thce. rollcf!"S in addition to
'hat are lil>t,.1 ar" in ch"ae' , The C')IllTni"hm S\lggest.
=: the """,en', lUeg" l>< ,,'i'h ,he new liberal .rU and 't;ente
a:&ore whieb a],'cad,- i. co_routationa] .'" .el'''''. "n.1I "'"gglmg
""",en, off';' ing the ,"mO CO""",, .imply cannot he jllSlined
h; ""'1,-0' fin.'U1cia!ly.
La:-Iicr in 'hi> chapter. the need for exten,ion courses '" a public
_ poi"'cd out. Thc pr",ent ,hQuld b<: merged!:; .,.ri-Chandra college .nd bome I";" of it! exlen,ion 'cty;ce. '1'ho
;>ro'=e of e,-erring claw" 'n""ld he continu,tI, "ncl expa"ded
_. ')'.
Tbo: Saml::-it c...u""e hu ,eren,h- "dded "",,,1 C""'-"" now offered
.. ";,,. Iiho<=! ..,." sci<nce ""Jl""e. ,-\< a m""", "f{,ct most "f j"
-."., ...... =;:0...".... -= "'" m",e ;nten,iw and exlia.",;.-e.
n.:tL. <!>e C -.... 'ho' 'he pr,.,.n' S.:"'kri' C"Il'l1"
, _ 1=:oC::.-.. et s..:c:.l.-'i, S,udio in ,h. no'" bl>c,al am
-...,. """" /. ."",,, 11>< unIT=rj" and cxp"",i.'e tI"l'l;c"'ion
, .. ....
a"","ul. -'rL
......i,y .hould d."ote ""midcral>le time and
L _ Same of 'he major reiearch the. Liberal Am-
JioIoodd be on archeology, geology, ru, !\lotory, c"lt",.,
.-I. -. otthe Xepalj Thi. work ,hould be d""o uncler
....4t:pEtL:><:Il, OO<>Cnnod, bu' i' sl",,,ld be co-ordinated by a R""carch
of"'" cnUege or of the unko...
In """"' 'he Commi.",j,,,, the mergtr of TriChandra College,
.., Cc.Ilcge. the .nd 'he Wome,,', <hlll,ge jn'o a
..... _- libcnl arl-S "uti "'knee coll,ge wiln Dep"rtme"" of
, ;;:..... S'udiel, So-<ial S,,,tli .., )'hthetnati"', Science, ),!ili'ary
S<:i=a. He.lth and l'.ducati'm, Hu,i".., Science "nd Ad",ini,t".
r .... Aru and "sic, <0 offer "'rvice CO",....,. to 'he o'h" colles", and
.ditect it> "" n along ",ore '1""'ltic ,-ocotional care." line,. TI,e..
",..,.,Id '"'-""ch "udonl< in the ,mi"e",it)', m,king thi' 'he b,'8"'t
: 00' 'he number who "majmed" (i.o., comple'! 'he'r work) in
... rnign' no' exceed 300-.>00 per ye.r rc>o tho oext decade.
Tb o,mm;"jon belie\-eo that lh' ,"cen,ly <olabli,h.tI La'" College
*"'-l<i O)ntinlle a' a prof."io""l eollose of ,h. "ni".",i',-. It .hould ,<t up
Jl r=ocomended underw.dua'e programme and begin to ,uprn-i,e its
,...,-h... I1udenu. A. its ""n'ribntion to public .en;ce "nd 'Mch, it
pby a maj"T in thc }',an ahc.od in the formoJa'",o oflegiJ.,inn,
knd code' ror 'he no'" Pre>um.ohly the annu.1
"',00 for la",ye., "'''told control the number in 'lli, college ot 50-75 per
!"'&' b- tI,. next tI'catle.

Ar,.."gctn<''''' h",,, been with the help .... w.:;gn aid
for CM <>u\>lilhn>a>' or a Tl'2Ch.,. Q>llq:e in 1956. TIlis <'OIlrge, douib-
.... ;" <k,.a in a..pter XII, ",iD pr...i<le '-" (a) ohort-<crra tnillu,l'oE
... h...,1 I<acherl, (hi d<1lTtt co"nes '" Ihe R. Eel. d<F.
(c) a ",",u,se cading!<.> Ih. M. Ed. <.1<&,.." and (d) exten$ion
couna and fltld ........ itt "I Tt", l'achen Collcge,,-m ".ilize the
gm..."l ni,,,,,,,,,,,, Cl>UrxI '" the lib=ol It and .do""" ""lies. inoo&r as
po>lible and c:nnc<n,.... , prol'esoional ,,'O<i< in ill 0..... coIklle- Pr_m-
ably _"""t ! ...u,hj,d, ofll, <)tlt for ,he B. Ell. be
eJueation. Pn,,,,,,,t pl.n< !"",jde for SluMn" per re.' in ,hi:! college,
<>f ,11_ ,..100 ...""Id re""j,-e $bo<He,," ..aini", at" norma!>d.""l
l"V'tt!m"< [.Sli/ol<
Pro, I. ha,'" bot" made fo< the "'abIUllm.", ur. Po1l"e<hnic
ImI;'" , , .."",Id abwrb lb. p<nm' work in COIl:1S-: and =all i"dustry
ll'2ininll and ,Iw: h.andittar.. bmorrlv taIlfh' .. lh<: trdlnical
.ch<><JJ. The ,lttt! l<>r an im,hu'ion is cl....,. ohht prtttn.
"x""my, exctpt f,)r agriculture, is bIIstd on worl r", which a Pol.y!"Ohnk
In.,i,,,.,, ",,,Id train, and ,"" f"."..., 00""""'1' dtptndJ on d<:,,,lopmtnll in
this a.c.>.. The IKC'd 10.- Cllpln<ina: Xcpal', rnintral 'nf""CO is o!>'l'i<>us and
a ,'tonS' depar'men' r.w mining is a
Tho o:>"""i",,,n boli"n lha' p1...... , training tff.."... along those lin..
>honkl be (.nlin"ed (MW boing t""".u.. by (o...,igo assio1ance from
Ford F.>undal;"n. and tha, a nudt... slalffut "'"
ins';tu'e sbuuld be .."" abnoad immtdiatdv "'" tnoining, and ,ha, upon
'heir ,0\"'0 a Irq.i'u't .hould "" a,.Wi<htd. bj' 1956 .,..
The poo'.high s<hool ,nining now gi,..n etI\l1d bt aboolb<d
at once and "",,,,,,inn rour,.. could be o/fer<'d t;,r ."'..",en an.l n,hers
....ptcial sbortwnn IJ2inlns-
The Polytechnic Imu',,'" sbouId t..a,,,, _, Depar......... in Engin.-
cring, ""hi,ce'ure, Smalllndu..ria and l!an<fi.crafb.. It should
dc,'dnp trong P"'IV"mmC of'....r.h in aU,h..., fteldJ. The ostimutd
<n>Jlmcn" excI"mt of special txta>sOon "wk, cspociaUy small industrits
and tundicnf... sbouId be abou, I!OO ID 300 per year.
Aj';",lla.. "od F,.mry
Some poIl',O"hnie instilu," include departments of qricult",.." but
d.e CornmisUon bd,,,,,,, Iba., btauoe .l,itulrurt tug"&,," 8.5% of the pmpk
of l'OepaI, 'hert.m..ld be " oepara<t eollt,. b this P"'l""C'. TIlt ColItgt
of "piall.",e. like ,he oohcr collegn "",uld .... the baoit: <:our1tS or 1'"
liberal a." .dtnce coll"ic, bUl the majority cl ilS ",."k would involve
.pccialiud cou,..., laborateN')' and fidd woo-k, Rnd , .."'",ch in ill 0"'"
A _jor wJ< ,,( d>io col. would be Ihc: ualnioog ,,(vm.
Do:vt Iopotlent Workrs and other a3ficullunlJ sptcialhla. To meet var,ina:
octdJ for qllalil;.,J ptTlOnoel in agrieul.uro, tht college ........1d of\Cr
wllr.", of diffcrel\t length, inclnding .hor'-torm COunQ ao<J cxl.t\lion

- ...
.., EnlOlnology, J\grkul'ural ElIginccring.

=Faratl;'. The ..... pn.. would run w
11-. .so::.:-. 0>&,.
n.c Deed Ii:lr ttain.iDg """""n in """'" KioclKC alld as Dr.-dup-
-=a ...."Q Utcn>oion Woo..... is 'J";uo "b>.ioas. A' p-<>ml, noodnd
ir ElCh a is being tra'C<! "'i,h hdp nr tItnical
>tt (ford FuulKbllon and Usa"-l), and ""tual <raining nf """"'"
...... """ken ..hnuld be .t:ort<d Ll' 'he ,,,mmOr of 1955. This WDtk
be "J rapiJly a' poi!Jlo im.. <oll"!:o 'la'u" porhapl
.-a;", fuur (lr fi,.., l'oars, bu' ,h",t'orm training shn.. ld bc eon'mued
_ a ... twis until i, lIn "'PP'1' of"",...n
'"Po -.l ta<!== The H"",e C>llqe .hould "Il'b- work in
, J. !L fnG<l and n""'<ion, _ nursinll and Ito:ahh, home: manap><n'.
dail:!!ca. ..... and training b [)e-,'dopaxn, I\'orkaa
:m ooxhe: .. "'<-'naUD\! ill <be &.ch<lo', del:r. The <nrollmntt
..... Ix do. n"",,:<:!ce:aC< prob.abh "nuld "". <XC<! 100 per
OD. .s.;..r.,puaoa t:"a:..:.! mcdkal and <knw penonn<l.
'tk: , I ;, __ ' '!l,-! plac< .... the _rid don 0"",
a .....- _ . ia.. docJlcs-a, .IJlod otha ..oplcal di><ax:o
.... ,. If ....... 0nI')' tlu""llh pn"..""';',,,
... 5 - <=- .... IIittatioc be impro\"u1. .-\rId l'O(;'I;"rpaI
:a.Ii&...... J. 5'
r '4 re a.Dego: ,hou'd be ..,"bli.h<d ., rarly ..
'3 .... _ brandl<s "r Irc ,epo.raled, b".
= 6al.dim<istrr be a dcparunen, of , for ,he
Tloio obouId .upen-ue Ind dir, lh< undngraduale
-. _ .",.,.u,.- in the libn-al "'.. and Idenee <:oll<-g<. po.rtll
___- . Dtpartmrn.. or P!}. and Publir Health ihouId
...k ... J <!>iI ne ,O>t.:rJ noroll"'.... pr..,bably DOt
CII:ZI:l! to 150 pe }-eaz- duna; tb< Den ckQd<:.

n:.. """"- "'" nu"'" is a, ... fur MC"'''', dtn,i,.., and
.,.... !!le _ th< lead"",!.. q,,,,hficatioo, 1ft I.... ,h." ror "",didn.. and
, thio prt>f..uoo has a major appe-.I to ""''''''n, ,It.. O>snmislian
1 i a CnI1q<: ol-"urling. A. I........'. aid from "'''
_ .. <0 awior io the<:nl or .. 0>11<3<: of
:oDd WHO). and tI>.i:o Ol'l-'unity ihouId be lriIed "ith.oo.o,
T!:>< <>f Nun.iog ""'uld ... vice ......,ral 'llIe maj<w
'!....;;pl$loo"ld be the Iraining or 'exi"<:<! n"".. .h< ItS.
...... <I< cqui."a!..n', the """oral h",pi,.J. in K.lh",a"d" Cn, l""ai..&1
;;;;.,;"';.,oa<ld:'ion, a.l"and ...."r.... """'-'Id be nlfrr"ti kor Idmin",uaton,
- tQCI<c:n, and public Itwlh .pialilll..
r"" pr......, lad ..r.... adf.....'" pool or ed....,ion _
1 '"" '1")' 1(1 pnwid< traUU"ll on a """'" ""'d. l1oc:
cd '" a:..",... IX tlta, a {lIIe+yar """"'" in !\U<SiIot IItouId

be """",,,<cd in ll1e Jail ye,.. of .he hlll:h ",bool. 1MCo11"K" of Nun.inl{

,upel"vi-e thi, CO"".., and .lIuuld olfC!" in addition "P""Lot a:>Una
fOf "',,,mm "'" aucndilll high ocbool. Th.... might be laugh. thfflugh
.!Ie Nep.,I Red Cr<dl, Of <hrouf;h an EJI.cnsOon On'Uioa 0( the
At the rolIqti.." [a"l, exd,";'.., <>flh..., .dditimql ..,..,.ice, the
""",,Id probabl)" be about 7S.IOO per year.
otJ,n WIk:"
The neaI lOr other =y arite in <he ("tu,...,. FOt CJWl>plc,
.he ne!>""m."" "r B...;".... S<,c"ce and Administration, and fine At"
and hI ....i. uf the Liber"l Am and So:icnco "tal" inert.... in lizc
lul6cirntly '0 j ...,ify c:ullc&o. Sepwalc of Vctcri....ry
Maliti.... of /)nIIUtry. of Pharm.acr. aoo of , ......Iry. nU!h1 ",,,,,,cia)" be
dai""bk. Bu. ,hes":oK mo."cn '0 be >eUl<d in .he fut"...,.
There i. immcdi.te """d rOf the [i>led abm'. ; all .lTar"
Ix" bmowwdl their raliu'iun. (The ..eim,'cU ",,'oJlllmltl
"'<:>I "75 10 18:n).
lmplrmta/d{j, f thr UO;_,;&
The !\cp"ll\ation.ol Uni,,,..,,}' ICe"'" '" be a re>lity ""tit rot iu
ltC.",,1 imr....-.......... Some of the college< .nI1 _ ipto
...i,hip ''''0 J"Uno. H"apci", dt:.. "", "}'PU' a ocrioUll
probkm. Building< si,,,, arc .vaUable. seem. 'n be ""I)'
<:ala;)"" nec<kd.
A;.! (USOM) ha. """" prolencd I'M UM: t.-ainlnlf of
tUIi,-.niI)' and ,he ..,ablishmtn' of " Univa1.iry orpniu......
<ommi .. ",,,, A. lhe li,..1 .Ie" of implemen'a';"" "I Ibe the
C,n'miooion",..,. ,ha, ,his aid .h""ld be: aettpt.ed i"'modi.ld)'. The
ala sprcia.I B<w-d of Ui&!.... EdUCil'ioo, or a .]>ocial c:ommitt<!e
sMuId be appo","'" to Ideo a Voce-O>anIh. Tben to.: .nculd
""m;na '0 ,he 'rcial B"'rd a Rcgislrv, Ilusi_ Dea" nf
S,,,don' Penonne, and Dean of ]""Iruclio" and appoinunenu
>houlrl be e:unlirmai b)" the &-d.
'n.;, ream of fi".., IhouId br: ....1 .bn>a<I "" o.b: to tweIve .......tho of
tr.ining und.,.lOmg.,aid gram$. They mould ,ilil moclc-n ""noers;,ies
and otudy ",,,c'ure, <lrganiu,i"", curricula, ""d.", pennnnd adminiotra-
,ion, f"",...:e. s=cral aWnin"".'"""', 'laffin8, lI",un<b
toainICD3Dtt multi,ude et othtt pt<>bl.... .-..tcd .. the
nperatioa ora ut.r......,;t}. For a, least ,hr= to lOW" ..,,,tho, after ywtinc
,)'pi",,] un;"",..i';.., '''''r """uld ,akc up mld""ce a' one un;"..,"';,)' ..
they could, will, the ......t.nce of profC:lSional e"peru p1.n the deutib for
our uni,""';lr.
AI a oeeond sptciaJ Board in 'hoe.boeoee: administn-
,i,.., ,earn, oho"k1.u,,""Y li,,:. and b"Udinp and 'he mOll- pr"'''''ing
for Ihe ""k....i,r_ The .peciaJ fIn.,d ""'\lId r.,.".1 to ..'Julcver 'n.....
nr:<Oftary to procure ,be faciJiLi"" u a from pre&cn' gm=ltDlCllt
_, U a gill, by ooIici'mlf fundi, by lobb)inJl lOr legal..;..., action, et<..
facili,;" """old be .,,.ilable upon of UM: team.
AI. ,hi,d ,tep, .nd by 'he time 'he le"", f,om foreign study,
Boa-rd .h.....ld be to full Itr....lfth in aceortbnce wi'h
poIlc... 1ald out arlirr in thio chapter.

t i
AI .. -;0, t!IIe a.."...mty off>ee ,h",,1d be ..",hliohcd. and the
- - S 3 ..-! i."" Ihe nltW fariLilio:s .. r3pid1y a, poolibk.
'5 - ! eo!! ;gQ obouId be opa><d as financ:e and mlf
.m. doe-...-uau..... and .-..pniutinn
... s
imp":mcnu..ion, ,h" ",,,,I l""",n!W!nt ,tw"ld
w",i.. of Ih< "ni"croi'y umeon
.... . "... Pari of Ihu mnne)" ,hould l.>c 'Foln,f"Tred t",m the
of erioting whose....".k ,,,,,,k! toe .c:duc:ed

and RogisUV"' officn) ; par.......uId be nno.' fund>. Tha,.,

0. ...."". of the .dmir.i..ra'i<. am and III the spcftal
.. fi=I Rr.'<'gth, tbe 1loanl 1d "" .J:,,'ft> ."tha-i'r to r-c-butlRet
... '-'!o 0( all coUtp inU>. DOltUl>On fund.'" chars" lUi,.,ns, and take
__ doe io:un l 01""""''''' of the \,,,i,-e,,i'l'. ,... ",,'
in.,.. in <>p".. 'ing f""d. for all <:<>lIege> "rc highly
... "pl<=cnu..ion of the unil'''n;')" <an p.><<<d on p""cn' 1",,<1. ptu.
_ U the uni,'ttti.l' adminim;'" uflic...
I. addition to tMoe pt'OC'tduru, ob<: tpeci.1.1 Bo.>.d ohould imllKdialdl'
-." i:J fc=ation:SE "",,,,,,,,,Is lOo- betS" ;aid fu< """ "" II'Io'In: "'1>eCt.
de<' L For """'mplc, p>ki.i"',nal c>lunl'" pn.o_
i ohouJd be.., ;med. '"aM... pt<>p<>s.>h fur ' .......,10 ai<l .hould ""
el"':-ed beau.. comid" "id i, no,,' \>ej"g in
J:l p;:uu "f,h. "mid on I'r"rosa!> iot ,h "f
,...."., IOrrifn aid (USO:l.1l in alt:,icuhu,e, 'i1lall" de,.. ...cher
, """'- nuni.., (with WHO), and hmne .acnce and omaI1 ;nduouics
f<>ni 'fO<lndation aad U;'\tsC01, mould be prcp;ued. Hdp should
... - ... iD "''el1' am and card"u1 at,...,,;'.... .MouId be lP''''' to",'01'T
1OCrn: ..r a;d.., .hat none g<>a unaolici..,d 0.- umaed if a,,,,ilobIe.
opocialllt.,d ,ni!';ht ....n emproy a ,p.dali,t for !I,is PUt"J'OS". ""me
_ who ....,uld become ... i,h VOUil,le ,",,,'ees, ,It. inle...,,,, of
....,.",.,. "f"IIdn olforitlg' hdp, ,,'ho "')ull! b.""",<lq,t a' J><epo.,;ng
I' I and follo...;ng ,h,o,tXh lIn ,10'111, and "loo ",,,,,Id en".. ;=,. f.....
dE =h'eni,y ,.,...10... rtq""".. !Or .pecioJ .id. Such a p<rson could rarn
tiuo" a ""'.....Ill1-'*I ;ibe applied binudf, ro.- i, io ,ha.
",..,;go aid it now ..,-aib.ble: ro.- N"epo.I than is being utiliud.
S j
In ,hi> <h'pter, ,h. Cornml.. ion h"luggated th.!
I. A :-;a';"oaJ Unh."i')' iJ an _tiol flit" or 'P"'''', at>d
Ibodd lot cstahlislltd a' once ; our ptacn. atnllgCmO'tlts
L'" liIfJ""').
2.. Th jor function. of .. unl,.....'y (..), oupcn'i,il\ll,
and co<ltdina,iOl! et>llega, (b) t.ach;ng, (c) ...,.....rc.b, ..nd (d) public
.....iC'C, indudi,,!!" "xtcn,ion and f..ld wo<k.
!. Th. :\."al "a,;""",] Uni""'"i!>" "",,,Id .."'.., .11 of'h...'ion> ; ..,
do thio, all uf ,to <llep .bould be Ioca"'<l on a CODlmotl campus
aofal" ,.. pouible,
4.. A "';table sitc .nd baildiogo ......1Id be oblainal 'mme<!i.a.dy ,,"'U.
Illm" of tbc large pa.lua in Kathmandu are Aill ; Siw

Ninl, nO\< ""'" onl)" as a g<>\"anmuu I"'" bou"", ",ould

",,,,ide an ;dul ""ginning 10< a uni,....,tr.
Adrnin;"""j,"<'ll' .he Uni,-.,,;,y should boo ""lOple,,,!)' r"", of Jl')Iiti<:al
inO...n<e bu' e "'clr ..",.din.'ed ..';th olh<T edua.rional
To llclfnp/ioh lbit, lfItrol <h<>u1d f'Q' in 'he ru,nds "r lI. .pi;oJ Board
<>f Higher .. <:OOIdin>o<cd wi'h lI. Board of [ducal",:>l\.
6. The =1;,Tnllic<n of the Uni,m,y. l<I be by rh<. .pecial
brei, iftdudc lbe \/jce.-O>alloCdlor, lk:o.n of Studm. "crsonnd, lkan
(If h'lltr"ct;Gn, !:lu"n... a",j Rept"'lT.
,. The nu,i\.., nffi<o-I ,hould he aw."'<! ,,-i,h ;..tnni! adn,inillTuj,>n
by .. Smll.'. cn",pnsrd (If hrndo and rq>rcsrn....'i,,, f"cuily
mnnbc",.he Un;'''''';')" he"I,)' as .. "hole, .<Kl,hc ,an",.. College
Facultia in their ""." <:011"1:'"
8. 11,. Un;".."i'y and it> roll..,.,. sbo,,1d make l'IO .ITOI"' lO ",",,,Id
tehool curricut. '" ,hdr p.>ucr.... Rather 'her should aublioh a
common cnlnntt ...'ion '.or the Univt";ty ...; h .pecial"l"il\K1c
examinat;"... for ti,e .peciflC colkgn as ntkd. R.. r....
admiDion should be enl;""lr with colltgco.
9. Th. Uni,..,.it) """'Id provide:a Cuid:anoe Ilu<uu 10 _ ... OIud..,,,
uf .11 c:oll.-goo ,n po......n:>.l "nd vocalion:>.l<att pt'Obloms :>.r>d'1>
apon.>r '""" CII)no1".' <<lU,rh ;., nooa'alkmi. """,minatiom.
1O. A ccn1r:>.I',.o1 >t<kmic"",ro:li, ""1l<Tt\ .t.o.,ld 1:>< fttablitMd 10
ttt\,r.dittd rrcnrd. of ..uden, pros'''' undo:r. single
Un;.",.i')' RcgAlra<, and ,node,n a<adcn,i<; <otnbino:l
wi,h J ....o.len' 11OtSRnen', '0 '-'-' fl",dhility in .."den,
prucr:onlttling a,1d pla<;c I nnph:a<i. on" fi"..l ""amio.,;"n.
11. M.1hods of .h ld be impr",.d to confoo-m with ,nod.. n
p<acllca. Nt><' ;rutru",iunal:aids ohould be introduad. and nrirty
Il.ouId be Ihe in ,,,.,,hod. and mall'rial ..c Ic:>.",in.
1'2. A J!roDE: CM1ra! libe-ary .I>oul<l be established ... a cMtre ro.. swdy
and 1Uc:>.J'Ch. Elf...-" ohould be made '" incorpo'ate pr,\,al< collcc-
tioDlt into 'h" libr=y aa mon .. The lib.a...)' .hould eJllend
Its colleetiolU to inch>dc all t)'pc:I of jt\llrUCli<>n:>.1 aid:>. and researcb
13. medium "finstruClion io IM UrWcnity .....uld be 1'\<1"'li for ...-al
:and ,,'riHen ut<, bu. ruding compelency in Eng!;,h aod Hindi "'ilI b<, no' only in Ihc hnonedia1. fut"tt bul f..... ye"" lu .......e, if we
are to keep :a1),e.." of world dC1.'dopln""...
14. At InII """ 1....,.. of miUtary traininK should be COInpultoory lOt- all
male .. "den.., and an l two \'Can of advanrro millWy
science ",,,,,Id be optional rot th who it.
lS. The 1J";'-enit). will ,-try little additional financing ab<>""
thal !>lo'" lpenl on the """ting ..od coU'SQ, but the total
upend"u",," Oil biah.r ""..all ..... ohould bfc incr?oa:I_allin>..
:>.J .....n ... poail>l.,

... y' ==tI<C:1 actual h""d and messing m,ush""l<1 be charged,
1Im"""""' ii=:' udl"'-.. ",1 .ehol ....hips should I.>t .,'ail"hle to ...edr
... ... .....&::la. The Un;,'o",it}' mOlJld .1..., ass;" "udonu in
. rI p""..::.e job. and ,hould ha'''' a luan [,,"cl a,"ail.ble fOl'
... :e .hou1d be appointetl to .... is' ;n fund.raising

hould f,)rtn ,he nlldc'l> of ,he Lihe,.l A,-to and
" CoIIC'g'". -The Wornm', Colkgc, the E"ening College, and
<b< Collrgc ,hnulrl he mC'8N1 inu, thi, college, and new
.ho"ld he add",] in :ience ?nd Sc,mc<, Heallh and Phy"ca! bne A,-" and
:1.1""",' and Sanskri, Studio>; c"m;",, "our.". and rc,o,,,oh also
lb>cId form pa" of the prognmmc.
lbe La", Colk-g< ,huuld 1><: oOtllinllerl, ,hould ,trengthen th.
_et. and offer iu ,e..,-'o., in the var;.."" Iq.1 ph.,... of c,ubli,hing
A Te.;ochcro ,hould Ix tstabli,be<l in 1956 as outlined in
Cltap',," XII '0 provide !raining for primar)', ,f'<;()ndor)', and coHoge
.>,. T,mi,u'o ,houl<llx ..tobli,h,-.J b)' 19%1957 '0 pro_'i<le
<raining in mining, .mall indu.tria, handiaafLl and
related areas.
>,. CoUc;:e of Agricullure sbollld be ""ablished '0 otTer trommg
for \-mage Dt,-dopmonl Work.", "e<crin..)' medicine, [or..try and
.ll ph...,. of agrkulure.
A Homo Scionc. College .hollld be to offer .mining
'h,ough ,ho.-'_torm aud degre< 00"''''' for Women V;lIago Develop-
ment Workor>, ox.emion coun< le.che", high school acher> and
Other> in fond proparation, clothing, home etc.
A :\ledicalDtntal College .hould be ell.blished as soon a. pos,ible
'0 <r.;n b.dly nceded doctornd don,;.",
.-\ o,11"",e of Nu",ing .mould be established 10 offer sllb-collegiate
and collcgt: co"".. and ",pe",;,e a high .chool e"'l,.,e in ""'-,;ng 10
mce' 'ho wre .hortoge in tlW field.
A "ucleus of the .pecial Board on Highe" Education, or a 'pec;al
cornm;nee should be .ppointed immedialely '0 .doe' five Cnil'e,.,i,y
key porsonnel to be sen' abroad for training, >elect a UnivCl,ity .it.
and building', ..",bJi..h ,ho U"i"e",ity organization, prepare prop"sal,
for foreign aId, 'hen ina\lgurate tho Nepal Unive,.. ty.

ducalioon ror adullS in l\epal is essen,ial if we arc '" have a ll"'"fccI
dcm<><ra'ic coun,ry, Dcn;uxra<y Can",,' ll"uri,h ;n a counl')' where
98. of lh. peopl. are illitera,e, ,,-here fOt oe-n,u.-i"" ,here has bn no
o:>"tacl ""'h ,h. oullidc world, where It>e P"'>P1e have no way of
!f<>:n ,he ""pcricncc of oth ..,n vica,k> IJli,CI"JI'O)' is " ... ;
;>eopIe conlinue in their old knowin,o; no,hing of the mad<:
eJoc,,-here, ,he bell.. lire that coodd be had through knmo-Iedge of IIIIP"O'"Cd
=-thnclo, ra.i1i,ja, and Idea..
TIle Ialck of f'IOlkrn govcrntnenl. tIN: lad of ..,mmuniation IlDd
:r;omporu.tion facililia ...d lh<> pnu1y of our COOlntl")' ha,.., combiMd
:0 keq> ....t pr.<>pIt in d1rknao. They ha>" 1\0( bcm con,... ,
:.., in their they..,..Jd no, .... Ihe way '" eduea...... and !ChI.
With the "",..."ll of dcn>omtcy in Nepal, ,b. new pvcrn.......1,
.......,U .. numbers of people. ha,,, bttome fully cooscio..
"f the import&lle< of education_ As a .....11, man)' new .d>noh ha,,, been
.opeMd throurhou. many pa<" of the country. But thac schooh A""
...In:ting rrom poorly Mu<atM ....chcn, many of ",horn can bardy ,ead
.,.. "'tile. Som. ha..., bttn fOree<l to ...... ando,!w'n are ",noing wi,h
::>.inimum '''''ngth beca.uso they ean "'" ge' addilio...1 !each..., The
Go:rrn",ibioo', Anad on ,his problem j, dClCfibed in ",h.. chopten, bo'
the lack or H""" primary ,ebool education;' "", condud"" I<> ,hpread
of adult education, A, ""uClItion 10 u.oeooary and ind;'p<raabr. for
dUldrcn, i\;, .qually nccessary aod ror adul". The ,wn gtl ,id.
by,ide, Only ];t.rat. adul" ""n kl\(lw of eduea,ion fOr
their children. They will kl\(l>V the u.... they will know ,h.
all\':",...1'" of ;1. They will kno,. ,h. be"... ""Y' mM nnd have a
ciiif""",, view "fworld a/fain. They .. m ......1 tl><i, child'en '" be 11.......
and educated. As adulto _ lbw child,en being cd,,,,a'cd, ..ill
'caIn b a......' lilC7acy fOr .h"'........,. ; ... adullS becom. lim-AI.( ,hey
..uI..-"", evm _<c cdocation rc. their childten.
;>.fany adullS <lai"" to learn new way. of lilt 01" imbibe in new idcao
;" their.-.c:ial nr poIitial lik, but do '" cUibil thrir lad-
01" ina<Ieq.-:r a. do<: (0)11 fll tI>eit as odf-rapcainl

adolts. &.i<J.., adult life pno:nu all "","\.I of ra)'Onlibilicicund ,..,lid

;ntcr<>tl and if an ad"lt want. 10 learn ",me'!ling III 1I0ln ",,,,.'hin!:
more than hi. uwiI quo,," of oh. <mll.antlilli ,Jiltkul.)" is
...bethe,. ""' ......b hi> l>oa,1' , ..ponsibiJitiel; and knll ><niggle lOr ai>-
,''''''', .,.n .FrM<! ti_ and money '" d."..... hi dfwlearning' ..
and <ltv.lopi,,&, a now outlook in llle.
With the gt'O'<th or kntIwledgc and tbe "'h of ";,iLiutio.., human
life .. and ..-.: ;n ..od """,,,,h is <!!
'DO ....pidJy rur any p o .., masler all h.o nent. to blow. ;\dulu, in Ipi
of ,heir background, maluri,y, and experi'flOO, find that 'hey ar' being
out.-un in the ....... fur """'" ""cl I""ning, and this Jack 0< at" .. an ;nemo;".., to ].,..." DO' '0 UnJ><O"" ,hcm:h'ft in d,ci,
........ The cenb'al W:l i< that all :&dullS """lit I<> tear..
and imp'''''' ,hcir "at". in ..,ccly.
There .t. rh,... tyJl"S of in""n'''''' ,ha, attract the adult !,<,p"lA,;':m
10 1i.C'1l"Y :
I. 1'I>q' Wm.."h... r...l th. need /Or brning.
2, They rulisc ,ha' ig<><>rance and UH,t,-acy are degradi"i in tki.-
....cial lift.
!, aDd appn:cl>,e their du'ics aDd ....""....l>iH'ia
3' ci,izef13 of democracy.
If tu run';'-" ia our COUll")". "'" priun'y mull bo gi"""
to the opread ..... adult ."j'O<2(ion > ""it .k in,rodlK"lion of r primary
."juc:otlou. The prim" of ,It" conn,ry nnder a okmoaa.ic up ..
.ltt to1 li'l\li<.l:uion ,,( i8Mr3"Ct of 'lte ,..... mM'" r;f ill"""'e add.. of
our e<>Untry " ...... ue qui,e incapable of exe,cising iodep"t'Klon' Judgement
and who are thuo "...)" ID...., wall in .he It.ands of expIoi,,," and
",ha pu';'" and arm-dtai.- poli'ic;:..... All ..,!KT .llonpu to
"",le show..rd",''''cracy ..m lxar 110 froi. i" mr >cid" ""I....hc '"U'
",njo.-ity "f adld", Mw ..""pt<.! in '0",1 ignor.onc<, Ire made '" r""l.hd,
d,"ies and 'e/I',,,,,ibdi'ies in a dem<t<7otic nOlion, and ,his un lx done
ooly by an literacy campai&n uod... cardul ptanninl.
lt is 'lte ;><lull papula'ion <>f.lte COuntry which il rning tn .ake direcl
pi" very onon in ,he ohap" ..f.hingo 10 Irling 10 the poll. On a
C<'l... boo".Old .,... "",'ing np a (;.,nlti,uen, A$oemb!y ...hid> "'dl be
"""","",Wc "'" ... a """"'i."...... rot the """nuy _.he fim tiJnc
in the hiatooy of Kepa!. HCtI=. tIC\...". lx&ue Itas ,It" "fed....,i"g
the m:wet bc<n fj) urgently nceded and ""'aly feh as i. i, ., Jl'ft$enl
wh"n ,,'" <uuotrl' i. I<J "u.k, hisl<...y in con,li,"ti.'n_m.king ;ond wh'"
a <Iigh, <lip h<:K or there migh' throw \IS "u' of gear and bdiulc ua in
intcrnalinnal n,., op:edy ur'ift of (he adult "':us is ."""""" a
cltalknll" '" .lte Cornm"'inn. to ,he people, and ,loo> If')\-nnmo:n. or a
de">eo<:'.'ie r.;', ."d ,he challenge "'';'' fx: Mk.n ur in ..' and with
Thttc aI"C: a, prfttn. -.. -'led adul' ocltoob '" out <otllltry
whiclt "-",e sto....ed afl<T ,It. pohtical "ph..,..J, bu, in 'Pile of,h...., ......
ntss of 'h.i, .Ino."., hu",ani,a';an .p;,it, 'hey do "'" vis,,.] ..
the pt"IICtical difficultia in adult literaq', and adult educati<>n io bc:ing
o<pniaed .... <1>" baoit .. dtildhood alucatinn alld the ltt,boob
"" ..


""",'lOiI in 'he: ad.." odtooh .. stl>ook. 111iJ m""m thahe
'-et! fulKbn,,,,,..l principle: or adul. cducuion, which io ...mmed up in the
dogan, "Tnch yourxlf and learn," ;, ign..rcd. Iksideo, ,he,.., is comJlIc:
la,k <If ',",ohero, ".ching olld ,,",,fill ",.";nlt
",.terial.. The "'o,k hu been generally on in '\Ioh Jiwrgani"od
",.nner ,h., de$pi .. the c:".hUllum of the lit.rocy wc>rxe.. little ha. b<""
A c,izrtI in an enIi!lhlo'flW $\ale: .h<>uld be 411 opportunity It>
thr t}1'" of MUC1tion ou;tW '" IUs !as"" :and ..I,"m...l.l' .. 10flll'
.. lie: ill <:apable i.. Etta w.e wbo Ita,,, .-0' the rood
ru.tlOo< I<> r....m.: <dllQtion in KhooIs sbould be entitlal. ... rttrio. c
_dull "",,,,,,tion of ,he t!'J'<' Iher 5t<.1..
J.... as primary roucatinn .. Iile oM ("",nd.'io" of. buUding ...ilhou.
whkh 'her<: "",n be no sound OO...".. ,;"n.ol ,truc,,,,c, so e<lucated ad"h",
the a'c!l;'''dl lit buitoknof the v"')' nu ,,'hieh prima,y cd""'llion
i, In ,<st. PMe"u will wanl Ih. very be., e<!ucat;'", !"J5$;l:.lo fOl' ,heir
Th.... ad"l, edUu.uoll btcomn an in.tlfTal put of a ,otal tduca'ion roe Nepal. Xol only m....' be prnmo,td, bu, .ben:
m.' be tnioins in home:m..JUlllI, agricul"'n1, =rlS Whntries, aDd ,he
e...lIunl "'PC"'t orliIe ... ..dl.
n. AitJlliiIntJ "'-re-
A""", has a!rndy been made on .... adld. littncy In
1953, the :\Iinit.ry of Education, in <x><>pera,,,,n ",i.h the Sla'''' M....." i.,,;,O<I Dr. F"".,k Laubaeh of ,he World Li....acy
FUllndation to Nepal to work wllh a team uf three edllcationu.. and two
artutl. employed by the G...,cmment rur .il< "t<:lnllu. 1'hi. teatn prepared"
K' eharu, "prim, and reader in fo..., "",tU ahe bo;l(ining
of a rtading Ini.. IO.r .eachinll ad,,1! literacy. The primer".
kunN and ,he KOlnd ""atletl"brIu. Iesooos ""ch. 'Tlte rharu
contain the alphabrt in ill.....",,,,,, bIn. '1'1w:R malerials h",,,, been_'
to <he prin=>. In addition,.......,,..,,-k wa$ done _ .he dlird and "'.mt.

This is" significant surt towanh a liLeney drio...... 1'lIere <:aD be ne>
...iderD<Ud li<eracy "i<hrnJt the e<eo...ary _illh prin<Cd in Ncpa!i. I.
"'.. ti",mgh. Iba. lh... fin. maoerial. could he trial out"" a limiteU built
and then ",,i..d and prin.ed in large quanti.iet. ]{""''C\'U, ,hi> i, "nil' "
,,!trt. Li.eracy C.nnot thrive if it ;" no' "uuri.hed. Ther. mu." be addl.
lional materb.b. Th. seriet or,. .hould be comple.ed immedia.ely
1IO .hal romplete l;leuq may be laugh', Then additio"al wpplemcnt:l"Y
ad.... and SImple boob m t be prepa<td and printed loll that Lb .-
Iittntb will baY<: reamag la'ial to keep all'''' tMir i'>lerb'.and to ai".
<hett> <x><>tinued practice to pl'(>"""'. thei. ......ty- .........Lred _ill ,\be> a
"":r;e wed:ly ..... and _LbIy should be publiobed
It li'<r.olelevd. t>Dt <>nlr to gi=.......tire pnehe<, but ... acquaiDt the
adulu viLh ...........1 affain and 10 J"'dCtlt ioterntinlanid.. of local,
na.ioRai, aod .--Id significan. Finally, bulleliru and p;unphJeu
on heal.1o, agrieuI ..."", homemak;o.g, Ihe cultural "rts, .\e., .h""ld be
prepared "" as 10 use this _' medium ror the widetpread diJoemina.ion of
knowledge and infonnltion,

Th. preparation of 'h... material. will require " of

and publiJhing,in. The taller could be JI'U";dcd by the K.,lonnal
Ed......tion"fl"3'Od in Chapter XTlI, bul ,be preparation or ,he:
.....uriUc:alIs!Or orpnu...tioJn vi <omflCttnl p<'n<NlS ell" pennoncnt
bas.... The nrwopartt and .....pzin.. would rajUllC gular .....iltt1 and
td"<In ; manus<ri""ror nth .....' ....;-.1s could be ."lie" ..1 ('om
wrile'" on" royalt\, IIr conun'..;on '" could Le jll'Cl'''nd by "gula.
But drj..... rc<juH'" "'""'. th.a.n .... ,trWs; ,h...., mull Ix:
Th" requires aor...... 'ion and lr.;ntd JUdon 10 train ,hoc
,.....!Ins. s....'Cn! bdtts .".,.lid Ix: ...., abmad lOo" >p"ciol tnlining.
Whm .hey rc!um ,hey ohould then ,,""'flake the task of "a,ning or a<hen to ',",ch li,erary da1lln. The O>m'nisUon bc:\;""'-.s
that at Icall three """re"" <>f jiteracy ,.a.h_,.. ,hnLl!d b< ,apl,w. rim,
the,e .,.., "nw IC,'"",,-l hundred "ai"cd , ,Ie'...lupnmll "aok,.. in
and more a", bei,,& lr.I.ined. T...... m<'11 ill the fidd "'"uk! be
ri',m,,-, ""....e. by.pteialisb ... ,......hing ad,il, .nd thi< cvu".
oh<luJd then Ix: par' of W lr.Ioiniag <if
;11 ,he fuIU"".
5e<"Qnd, the training prQg<ammc rO<" 'eachcn outlined in CI,a!'t.. XII
ihnurd indude a <:<)\1"e in tcachinR adult literacy", lhat ''''ory
leboo- "",,,Id be a polct>tial teacher "f ad,dt lil<racy,
Third, 'h a", ClCpcrimcrd , ...d>- "'.... in Ihe f",1d and J'ttllapo
{C_s:, ,h -.." to be ....'nod I>Udcr ,h< hum. ocimcc
n"", W>dct ...,., i,h Lhe cn<>pttaritln of ,he F.....d F<>tu'\d.at_ and USOM)
thal could be lr.tirtcd by a mubile ,<am. Ir ;" ,houjo;h, ,Ita.
t,aining r." th.. pu'Jl<-'lC might be Ki,'rn in ,wen')' '" r..,-IV h""lS and tloat
within a "r ,h". tn n"'nlh, Iher< ,night I>c pool or UT
moo., <ra.incd l<achcn of ad"h lilet..)' ICaUC' cd ,hr""ghoul dill co"ntry.
a ...... could 'hen be 0f"<I"'d .... a W'idcop...,.d ba<u and ,he d";,...,
tb.. launched. T........... <'OUId be paid a fee on the
basis d tlte number <llInplnin ,Ite e<>ur"" and a....uirillf fi' .. acy. A
.u'table <et',focal< or aCOJoDpiiUuncn, should bc DoUed 10 ,he new fite... l...
The Comm;,.;r.n \>clic... ,hal ",i,hin five ren.. ""ch a ''''u'''' ,..",Icl be
giwn 10 100,000 adur .., and by thol liIIlO' cl..,." could be avalloble
... nearl, adult in the "..,,"'try daircd '" bcco"", literale. It
"'iIll"C'lui", ....-cral g=o:oallOn< '0 c<adin..e illi'CI":Iey from Ihc race or
Xq> a 1o,,-&".-anSC i> l"C', but ..-ca' P""ll"=" cook!
be tIIa<ic under the pla.a poopuocd here.
ortottt>l', adul.. will wanl t(l leArn to wrile and 00 .imple a.i,hmct'c
... wetl .. IQ fOau, Th.,e ,kill, OhQultl be i,,<lm!cll in ,he ad"l. li,.",cy
d:uoa, and nec<:nllry mato, ialo be prepam:l far 'hen" 1,-""
Th. Commmion the tremcndoul cuI or 1l:Ill1..-!ail fur
..... a and, a.ppo-<ria'iD lhc rmdored tb," far,
oug<:s<s lha, _ .. made '0 lCCIl.e c..."inucd aid.
A!'",.IIO,.I ItrUl H.... E6IrlUi...
TI,e m.jor purpo "r 'ho Vilbg. De-'dopmont l'1og""mmo i3 In
impro''C U"ing ""ndition. in th<: .m.p of NopaL 'In;' it now being
dot>o 1' ."ilJa.gc dco"Clopmc:nl _ken who arc dis>cminauaa infor..... tio.o.
AD<It.T fDue.:n",:.
""' "'<r<!: of mouth and the penpIe ne.. methods .and tcehniqu..
br flu, the .......k handi<appnl. and n:urdtd
lor l!:e iDit=<:y of 'he pe.:>ple. HClKe, .hc literacy programme is dcaiped
." """""te ,his "''Or k of,i11age i,nprM=>tnt.
At li'cncy .prud', adulu can bo ",ught th..... I",mphl..., bullet'n.
and mag"in"". The I'r"'l'a,a,ion ""cl "r thac
.. <he fidd or agrir.uhure and h"hle e<<>nomiCl i." ,""<,,,," "r adult
ee:.c:.ti<.n and .h""ld be undertaken bl' 'he ap!""()JlriaIO ",ini..,ies ... _n
.. poWb)e.
...."",hn- pIuse nr ,h" <}l'" of adult eduClltiorl ha< al ly hem "a.led.
h .. .."..... 300 uar<smen are bo:'in.'l ""'ih, in , .....1 "" cLuses, hy
d.....,,,;.,,,, 1o'ct....... piclur.... .and n<her ".. od<".
a:>d tl>e\" ..-in Ir. ",..h. in ,h< near r",,,re br p<in'ed ......or.iak_ Bu. Ihis
...- <>l adult od,.....tio>n <><nh ... he '" ral,;,ur as km and can t..<"ll. 10,="",11". i'>h"uld 1.0<' lJo,..ible .... off in r
O\=y """'IX ,hat a dorcn '0 ."...'n' peorle ""tint '0 take. ,,-""', i,
be. in aJT"n _", animal hrnbond.... p,uh....-, htw,i<'1JI.
"",e. i"'="-iag ..<>dJ. ,,,,,kin. , ....'in., k"i"'ng. <eram;"', child eare, home
::wug=.nt. nu..i,,!...",,11 ind,.".i., ". ",mothing el". I, '"ould bo ,he
l"<:t:-r;o.nge g....1<if the 'ill;o... PruQU,,"M 'Q .:<1u,." ,ho
'" i," .....l k"""i.<!j;'O "lid .pecioJ CO" ..", a' d.,,,,,nded,
"T'I>oK rou:-te<. .... e,c.loculd be olf",od for ,hei.
pntinl ,.,.l..... :'\0 an=pt."o,,!d be mw to gh" ",hoo! <:r<dit
b m.:.e b>: *W'>priatt: ttrrificua o>C accompliohm... ' mi&Jt. be
p<Q. !:or .::.. .. .-ilbge dn-dnpmea .....-w.
man<:< wor1=.and hi< wife will come 10 k......
_ abtlct booso<-makilllt. Ther wiU lea". to gtO\'I'_O
'Ib<y will sec be".... ,d<u f""" the devdupmmt -un
alooooo ..<>clt <:Itt!<: b<<<rli"ll, .tc. ; sit ..., b.o,.:led<:"
'mh thnn and thuo "",...,." ,he a,,,1 \o'roCI! m... hnds bo:'i"!l '>lk.wing.
H. ",11 be able to i"'p""'-e his agricuh".., bj' gct'inK k"....d.. or lI,e 11 ..
- f c1ilf",cn, kin,1t <If Hunu,..,., a"<l i,upkmcnll. He ...iII Re' '0 kno....
1>-,," 10 eo",,,,1 'he i".ccts whkh hor", ,h. C"'pS by ,,,iog the diffcrent
like D,D:r" pho.phale, "c,
Wilh impen".. nen' in agricultu"" the lil"'310 \\"il1 bo "ble '0
i..... in a be,ler' war He will fro." bo>o:>1u the ....}'O or "",king gond
H...-ill learn .o:sni'a,wn and how to be he>l,hy. He will lea....
ab<>ut f<eding, "'''''';ng 3nd d",hing himodf and his family_ lie ..-m
be .bIe to Jle1 more nu.ri'...... r",n, limpIe.and ehul' fond. B<alcIes Ih..
be .. ,ll bra to li'"1: halthily. He "'ill make ,h< tun"lUndi<>gs .,( h..
60dhng plue !'leO' a.... dean. He will take ooIy fresh '-I, and drink
<Q\! purt' .....,.... H. win get innoctllations agai....' dilkrent tliseaoel.
The mapr upensc or this "'J'O of progratnmO lits in p....icl'n,<: a
m,n,b.,. <If t.ained ",";ken, Al f"'CK'''. ,11<: *,,,,,1 .. oM " ..... lter
h eacb .hcec ,illago ; ,11" aumlK< "'ay need to be i"tr=Jed. H"""""r,
'" OaplOr III \\"e .aw tha, 'h.. e "ilh,S'1 in :'\opal ,he
"':':i.. 10.000 "'","ken ....auld 000" bankrLl])\ Ihe central go'",rn
='. ,I.> i" ease tll reg"l.. 10<11"'\1$, m"eh "r ,ho fifWlcial .uppqrl f(>l'
p""lf'amm' Ill"" rrom the t<:>u.1 ,h.ough a ""Iuntar)'
ees< 01 """'" kinrl of"'''''t;''''. Th....., dsould not be bt><no by <ha,gin,


C.11Ur4/ EJ""al;Qw
An<>,htt '11'" of aduh;"n, 'lie de"",nd ",. which ""' ....allr
LIIo:>w liln'a<)' and imprmTmm" is .. ho, L>uocly ma" be ",lied
cui'....... cduea,;"... ...Jults ..ill ".io!t to k",,", ItVIle ab"", <k Mu...,
and of ,hei, ,o"nt'1' and .hcn 'he r..t of 'he ",,.,,.1<1. will
wi<h '0 r....d p<>CU')' antlli"ra",'e, to enjor d3ncing an<1 ",,,.k f..,iaa,
aod IU !,"'on ,lnrna Some ..-il] wish to p""""
adul. high kb><>l eurricul"",. Tht:: Ii"",,, adult witllind. k"..
art., nw.;e. e"h"", and hantli""",r... He will l"'rn to p<oint
bc.a",iful pie''' ....... make c1ar II"odd., and o<hn " a' knilling. "....v;"!.
tpinnillll. He will ma.k .he m..nben "fhit ramily lurn 10 all 'he

a..;des '" ho ltlC<! in hit _-.. ""'.... He ... net..". " ...lC hif
.itne .iuing "'" will h. allow tbe metnb.,., nf hi. f.mily t" rcrna.;" idle.
Forllllll ',""'''::' may meet the need. fOr ; inlOrmal ""S."it:ttio,lt and
du;"",a)" be bell.r!Or o,her>,
"Il>c ICbool ,,,,,her mar be ..IIQ! U(I<IO '" ",.,h ttain
oouIVS. a"d ",h.,. per"'n' in 'he "illago may dir",,' dramatic nnd n""ie
acti,i,ia. Th. Con",,;"'ion <nv;,.,n, .he day ..'hen ".,;"", .olicg<.
of ,be <.an reach in", "lion wi'h i.. ",,<ctlS...., .......>Cl.
Iml""-'anl "" ,his 'ype or adult cduea,ion B, it mlOn bt;r... to
"nd \'illa!!" i,,,pro"rm<,,' in ;m!">"anr. atRl ....nci"g. h B,
"''''Hhd."" of a IungranS" a<lul< roucation progranunc.
ftt> lGr 'he cl...,.. ; C'o'eCJ'tlM .. tile O"IIt ho,a""" tll. uhimat.
OIJ,OQ..... bcncfi, all "-Iou Ii,.. in lite ,'jllagc, or ..... ,hat manu, all "'ha
in Xtpal,
n. 1'iI1_.ff
Th. "rrd f,,," lil>ra'J ha, bun IllC"l\lioned "",,,"1 places in
IIUt R<p<>rt. f\.... ,(Jda.y th..... an: a fe.. ""..,,1< in m<Jl' \'illagn ,,"itn can
.cad a fin)" alld who could 1<11 mhcn wha, 'her h"" read, ir 1...,....
'o.--...d. With the.prcad ofli,,,,,,,,,, and prim;s.), cd""'lion, tloc
need ",ll kw",r .,'en grea,.. li"r IIta'criah I" ta'Brr ,h. lloin. fOr
knowledg. and <njoI1nent.
11><<<: it a. in Kalltmandor a United StaIn hOOrmat;""
lib..,,), a Bri.i"" rcadinll room, and .e" ......1 ocroi.pobli< local librviCl.
TIt"re a" in ",ltt< pa'" of Nopa.l r'hap' at Inany alI!oO p"blic.
"lld/......bool libraries. All n lit..., lib ries Ill'' !>ern "'pPlird
..illt mIl.. .. <;( 100 pap"'-bo"nd '-b r.l'r a,., of
Amcrkan poblica'jons, and 0...... mi$t-flla_ l'ublia.'ions &..... l:nilcd
S'a.... Inl;)'m3';'''' Ag<ncy fu"do. In addi,;"'n, .hey M,e alimilCd lIumlxr
of,..,l"""," in Hindi and Ne!",IL
It ha> been .Il\gct,ed in thiI Rcpc..-' ,hal ,he ,.;Jlagc o<:fI<:>ol
"'isb, ...-pand i.. il:nry to inrllldc IIU'''-W. of in......, In adul .. and
in ,h;, mann" d<wlop " ,"OOoI_com"",n;')" li""'I'). 11.. c.'m"''''''n
,ha, a .<ar' .!tould be mad. '''ward> a librlry in .ach village '"
..- .. 'b ..,., JOCOlllr in ,he ><ho .... pro6' br it. Th. ",bool
<cachcr <Ollld "<: .. doe 1"",,Umc Iilwvian Ind the fh.. """..-iah wri'",n
in N.pali, ,,,,,<,h,,, wi'h .."'plc Hindi Ii,t.... ,,,.... ,ouId be utord as a nutlcu,
for a
The n.mmio.tioo ouptN the poQibili'l" of gh"ing "'"... bbrary train-
pew a\ ,he Tuchtt Tnini"ll Cmlfc and ellpaitn<cd
IOrhetJ """. in 11>0:: f",ld. "[hoer could Ibm .,orou",se ,lie \j]lag... I..
..",nish buildin.o: and almjT;U foe nor.:oge or book., CM ,eailing In:lI.<;Ti>.!s
a>cld be .>lirited from ,.... ious "'''rea, and lbc C"".."nmenl nouloi d"<ri-
butt una'n nu,...iah r",... ....... ....,uld at ku. J'""idc. beginninl'
.. HMi. &-li-
"I"., rine..... and ,:odio,."" ..... ""'By}T3f) .. fT tor many N :-'q>aI'.
r-<"plc:, ......het ,," lib: it 'lOO:. Tu loc .....,....,., media ..r...........nica-
bXI Un be biJblr <duQ,......l in a CUllllrtlClM .....y. bu. ;n.,';UlJly_al
lost in ..IlKT """",no.-thq- Iu.,,, knUXtll ",il.swell M pod. r.\Tn
v:ri< ."ip (a dango;roos ,h=, ... dnDoa-..". I) h.u "'" b<a> able
.., 11>0 tho. the>< imonunrn.. ..,."., mak In the bHa
.....'rls or h"",,,niw, Edncninn.ol ,,,lues arc ofl blilnatcd to mtIt'C
"',!,.lbr ;n .
The Commit>ion Ih. ,-aluo 11..,.. ,,,,>I. ng,' h.,"e in IUd>_
li-ontj", in dis$anin, i<b. fur \;11. Unl'r......mml, fnr <kmons-
".,i"ll bet,... ""1'1 uf ...".ki,lX, h- rn....'in!l 0111" ,'.11 .nll..",1 haitagc.
Hm.........., ,h_ \'.1""" ran ",co.., unly ir puliu'" Stepl are ,.kn In rocr\-C
.. pr'<lflOr,iQn or <adio .ime r..., tduu.i<>nal pr<lgnlmm"" "",I '0
=l<b enle<ta,n"""'l film wi,b an
IVe l>c:liC\.., ,lIal a e"'"mil (ee .hot:1d he e.u.b1i,hed 't> _k f"reign
in ,na\:.inlf ",I"o,"'nal fil"" ",..I;" J'f'OII[,amma. A "ac' h"" tx.-n
"",de in ,ad;', e<,h ...a,i,," Iho",gh ""I",,-.'ion or 'he S""'emn"'n' ,,'i,h
:\ fow 'ad", ,=iV;llg "''' a,"" ,,, l>c: l'Utfh"e<1 and a radio
employed 10 1''"J'a,c 'ptti.lp,og"."""d. H.d'" Nepal plan.
It> inere...e i" I""':"'" ..., thal it can,," receive..! i" any pa" <If the "',un'rf.
It thi. tXp<rimcn' in !'ad", edLK:>.,i"n i, ."ecu,r"l. r""he' expa",'""
ih<)"ld takc 1'1""". Furthermore, dce,,.icity will",,1I1' .pread '0 acea,
t>'"uide the l"o<:n, 'h'co renlr.. fin,,' l,a,';"g i, ""d c,.mm<1"rbl <inema
hmaes will be Ol","",l "I'. Ti,e !l'",'er,,",en' .h.)uld "plan 'n
=kc Murarion:>.1 filn,. "v.ilahle to Ihem a' n.-. Cf>" ... ' e"r<luragc thci,. ,....
. Mea of a,l"h c,Jucal;"n needs r""her eapl",.,i"" and ","..If,
:>.::.<l tl nce<ls lo) be 'ardullr <oordi"alnl ,,;,1> 0,1>.,.. pha$C> or adult
a1u<ation. The O>"," .ugg..... a .pc<ial >ludy of 'he p'obl"m a'
a.!:. ""rh' tb.c.
"Iall EJ/1I<d/;'
The: nrcd impor...n<:e of <omprrn=......, pract'eal l'bnning
1b>cld be realiocd bci<>rt Ot!uation .....palgn if
1',.-", .he ur ,iew ur cducat;"""l ""!ui""",,,,", .he Ii,era"l'
GL:l bot di,idcd in.... ,...... dm.., : (a) ...... ,h" illi'era... "oh<.> ha",
=.-'<1 bo liler.llC, V>d ..-be. I:.Dow of the: S R's, and (b) b- tht
....ho oe>ukl ...... <om;>l<<e thriI' prirnslr "'-"'ta.ion, boo. ha'-e
!::l.:l. ...._ :>.I one tin>< or aDn<bcr.
n.c _in IKObkm of ,hoe Commiso;"";' thcrcfofe 1ft f"''''i<Io ""'l'"
a=-!. _ano ':>r .ll ,,,,,",, lO 6< fn>m adul. cd,"",,;.,... St>mc of
::.. So:ot.... int",<hnit),," .i>d d"'; "",y hoe uK'd :
I. i"* Ihe- tcarhinll of the S R""""uld be ...k<n up.
11." ligio.. 'C1'OOob, <UlTcn' :olhir., .nd \'OCOItiooal cd"""......
aonting '0 th< n<cdo of <ad< Ioaljl)' or
2. :n-e Jl<tpa,-,.tion of """books ;. 01 prime r.,.. lhc
Ulltf'tl<l of adulu an diffcrml from ihuoe of children. Ma.erialo
Ihoul.l be """"pilcd by "ri'en Jufficienl ""p" iuoce and
;",ant in Ihil.pedaI 'YJX of il><n: io aloo 1.-:1<
0( P"<'P" poot.Jiteracy lilOnlu,C. This matttial shooold ,;.....
llC<,,-ry okiU and p<Ul.... in rnding boo>b, and
ooag;ui..... and I""',-id<: ;o'''n..,,,ioo and k_IalXC
of probkm. Md subjects of" ;nlCnSt.
3. Wan ""wspapon, Mueaoonal pollen, and n...po should be
iuu,!'d ",i,b spt'ci;l.l iJrllxt fo< Ic.ti,...1s ;md national
-t. .110,,1,1 be "Tine" in , ...,.)" U'}" and ...ed lOt
to> hnmc d;",.ib,,'inn, a"<l,h,,,,t,1 ,,,d,,, inl,m"......."
on molle" "finl",' to .h" i"di,'id,,>,I, com""",;')". and nMio".
5. "",joe!",n Vam and -:quip",,,,,. should I", .v.;t.hlc rM
the CO,,,,..,.110 blond of onl""ai,"",,,, an,1 i""'mct;',,, 10 "i,,\lll.,.
,h. dct<i ... for cdllca,i.on and ,0 aw.ken "".rut in tb. vlrioul
.'r>u ,,( ,'ilbge or tow" impro,..,mcnt.
6. Tn.did"",,1 IQlk arts and ualil .h""ld be: a. M
impnrtano ,,'gan in the f(ll" adult 'M:)' I"",'id"
a """,ce (f1; p1CUUT<: and an OJII'O'tllnit)' for a"ti,'i,y
and ooduo:at!(Jn.
1. united c,fst,><kA.... social workns, and volun'ary
ibould Ix: 101;.,;..,01 to pcopIe value
and ,0<1 ..... oodoca'"'" in DUI" co"""l'.
C<.atmiohoo !>ri.,..... 'hat...-n' and """"i'ion! "'""""
"'"P""'''' Of!fanoza,iom b pha... of ad,,1t cd...,......, d;,tolMOl<!
abo-"- The Mm.try uf Ed....-ation bcH to "'p(T". art<\
di,ec' the Ji,eraq It Ioat ,,,ka, ,he and .hould tRtin""
aJoog pI_n' li...... It Dttec_ of Adult Literacy ohould be: aPI'Oin..,.j
untkr ,he Doput)' Secretary of T""d_ Eo.!u...tOon. '" ".,..k d" with
Tne""" T",jnins and ,h" Vi1la&e W.,..1u:t Tralnlng
He .I",uld use the admlnUt'a,i,'e "'l!arU%alron rccommtnoled in
Chap' .... XIV for .d"",I>-a:n'nl, 01.." jet, and 10",,1 Boonls uI F.d"ClItiott
and adminil1l'al(;rs-to ,each "iliaC" wi,h ,h. pmg:ramml:.
Hi, maj<ll' d,,'i.. ,,"ould b<: l<>... (al th, material> atC I'''patcd,
published, and djlh ib"ted, (b) that tcach.", .re t,aio.d, (c) ,ha' cl .....
aTC organized and (d) th., en'i",.pmgl'nmme i, properl)' ,,,per-'iled.
He .h""ld \)e adequate help and 'loe neUary f"nu., Further f....eicn
aid ,honld he ....\ieltcd,
'n.. Mini.u)" of Planning and ')e,.-eklp,nc.nt (Agriculture) h..
a good, on thc >e<:<:md pluu<: uf ad"lt cdUClltiwt. agriculture and twme
Cl[,<:Jlli"" n1"atiun, and >huuld """tmue ill prcocn' o<ganJu,'ion a"tI
Jl""'C'"dnrn. A OI'oo..d .....i ..i ..g h. t-" pnlpoonl fer the Tcrai
side and ,hio .1>....1<1 opccd up the pt'OIrammc:. Su.iJo",,,u.J liv""" aid
is ""'''S: UOl'd (USOJ.I) and prt<wnabl), ....iU to",iD....
It is ho>pcd Iha' thr rulu"..,l phue will be! uncia ,be
>lkgcs and ..nn...,.;\) at""""" di-.ioion l>y lhe lime there .-.aI dc:mand
b tltis of rducaUoo.. This is "'"pt f.....'ion of the o:olkS" 10

-.,. ..... ilie .:Id-and th..-cfi><e be left \(I ,!>em.
ID,.,.,.. th;o >..'><1 rupo""Dil,'y, 'hen ,lie Mini:nry
.E' . -...z;: <:Lb:.-:=iocl ... <>rpni.1,,'ion.
..... & ci:llo:cu. abcaoon, <be c......n;,mll loUgalS
__ ..rJ'C"""l.-..IeA'3:a l!>.>n><.;h ...xi>- hf <be' ""'.......
.-k 1 , ... _ ......;.o'nnall''!.
S >
fa -=- d:ap<ct. lhe Comm_... has .,;g=<d lhl., ,
I. Ad:alt c.:bco.liDq io a.ll aDd """,,,U.OJ. ....ft of a
oebemc, apccuoUl" in a d=-:raq.
'2. .U adDl. 1i..-2rY <iri,... is of fi..., imporu.nt<: '" ec.d"'atc iUi'ttacy
aDd pa.., tbe fo< o.her adul< <:<1"",,,;0,,. Th;' .<quir...
lcachn., and coon\inalod loaJer1hip. It includes
-mnJ:, ".,.iting, alld .impt. ",;,I"ne'io.
,. "'g.i<:uJ'ure and ooln<:_makiny cd",...'ion MC of """,.,,,
10 the J""'ple of .'\'cpal and 111""ld I>tcome widnrrr"d rapidl)'
:u ,e'><h<n and "",k"u an be "aincJ. I hil illcluu.. indkj,ch,al
aDd dui """k, "Oing d<:molUlr;il"'m, docu,.""" Ice'",a, ,"il",,]
ai<!s, and prin<cd """eri>.iJ.
i. E..."nalIy ..ill be rtarning fur cullunl ....
kr.o-oiro,!" of c..,. cul.un.! .kiIl> in fi.... at" aDd hand;_
a-aru, and gteJ.lC1 cny..!l'l(fI' &<>m muoic ".od dancing ...
1. Scbool<Ommuni,}" lib........ ohou/d boo in ,he.,lbsa ...
tool> as th= is ....licitn, dnnand.
6. Radio;and ciD<ma 01Ter mudo /Or <dura......, but mm' be
carefully ..udicd '0 cntlI.... aPl"""Pia.c co",t<>ls and laft;uarcb
again" tbrir abuo<c.
;. Effer,i,..., P"'V"rn..... 0( :>dull "<Jura,;"n ..tcm.oLic,
.t:ong <><y.n<u'i..", and ad",inil'n,i",,; for .he I"ettn, ,h=
acti,iu.. ,cm.oin unde, ,h.i, ",,(',i'e Mirtl>tric:s.
8. FOoreign aid ha.> bn qui'e "ICr.. 1 in ,he \lr Adult
td..... 'ionmu. r... Le, i, .... nl'nuo, and cl il bcC:<p"mlcdjf
The key>lone of cdo,",(;"" is the te"thtt. dontion c"n lJe no
tha" Ihe leacher m"keo it. The .<lnulio..,,1 envi"""_,,. i.
I>y .he<:r. n", ,peal wilh ...hi<h lhe .."lio..,,1 "<iu(:JO';""
E!Iocm< ,,,,,lined i .. thil Rcpon un d",'dop will depend 1If"""l.he "."il_
:oSli". nf lea(hns.
Tuchillg a" art and" oc:i<n:. XO. "'"tt)'1>M ea" become a good
11 ..... "-' .ut lfla' (arhtn awe born. M'
Ih:u ""'"' arc "",Iaia quali.oeI Ih;ol onc xcb in lM "'lee..... of
!Inn'Ie 0( whidl arc inhnen. in irldhiduals and lend 10
blltt It..rlllU. bol lh<n:: an: ,,'hioch mJlJ be devdoped
i""'t""";..-. It is now S_:oIly .e<q>ted lha. n:adocn.....,j opcnal
...-l<Stional I"";....... Selection of eandida''''' "';Ih pit'; iM-:l P'''''''''''' i,
.,...,ti.aI, 001 proprr con mn"';bute mueh 10 the cle>'-eJopmen' "f
<n>l} elTa:!i,.. ttaeh.ers.
In Chap",r I If " .. ""'" <ha. :01,,""'. nom: of Ihc teacl\en (If ,I,e sebnnlo
ill. S.pal !<>doy ha"" "'..n lbe ha... minimnm for lhcir jo....
ODe pen<>n in all Nepal ha, a.. :'\,t.Ed. deV"" ; l"",hpll half. da..,n ha""
a B.T. <If B,F.d. degree; aboul a .It/zen ha.'. <p<:<:..1 lnoining I" B.1.ic
[,du<:a'ion. All oflh" tnining ",allCeoced frolo in>lit"tio".
In 194U, "" iooti'n,ion for le",hero ;11 lJ...ic d"c"tion ....a
.....t.Ii.heoJ In Katl"nann. The .eh""j <I)"","lod fn, about four ye""'.
pt'O"idi,,1l' !,rnr""ionaltraining for" ."mcicnt nwnher or teaehero It, "",f
Ila.ic I<h001. whioch ......e opened dnc",g this period. s",me nf
=- ,eacher. had compleled high ..1>0<.01; most <>f them hall no'.
Tr;>ining diso;:oat;llued in 19$3.
The ' eh""" of <he other ",boolo no'" <>perat"'l!: in ..
.... l""r..........1 .....;..Inll. A a...all pa-ccnugt' of Ih. hish orhool
hold IM B.A. <kgJ"". bu, moo. or lhem ",e high ",hooI ""'tri<u1,,'CI
.,.. ('''''O--}-.aT failu.... TcadIer. or the po-itnMT IUld
1<"""10 ha,.., Y;U'}ing _un.. nr ocbool'ng. bul no prof......1
r....... these bcu, it. may be -= I....' the rapid I....iainc of t""-nda
of [<:Ich",. .. 11>< fi,rt map .,.)"....;"""1,,,,. in :'\cpal. There la
no pool "rtr3j1\...II.. '" f,om - in fact, there i, :>. ,wy meagre
pool of polmli.1 c"ndirl",,,, to draw from. Becaus" or tht abs<nr.c of
<ducal;"nal fac;II"", in the pa" ,hc are ,-ecy few \"''''R men _ "nd ",,,n
fewer }_ng ""mm _ ,..110 ha,,,, had" rni",mum of ...h""li..g. T... make
maucn wunc, ['('qutntl)" ,his "'''''''',nlt ha. httn Nil fwh' "on["" cl to ",e
"3 RJ.... _-1._, SOO """pie now paD tl.... h;y, .d......
G>omin.uion!2d, in ?Io'.,w, aad Ihio lvI nu,.. fill ,hr ran._,"""
..,11e!" d.....,., &""''Cl"nmcnl p'IOilioas .-equi'in!l; hiSh J<:h<>ol .... " in,lo.ion,
and all the other ,.,.cane;" orm to ,h;, hiKhlr prd"...-raI., .0:1. !(foul'.
Frod\ Ihis gmu, "I...,,,d!, sroken b- ....tt1llt'm"" <nu, ,,-c occk 1000 "cw
tcacher c:",dida'''' e""h yea. 10 meet ,he urge....' up in Chaplor VII.
It tl"" ).,.,cnm'" "hv"",. Ihat we mus' tcck f"r ".",Hd".,..
H<>w aoout 'he 700 who fail the high IChooJ ""ami"",;"" >ch
""cl ,ho>.c ..1>o d,,,,, "u' in lll ni"th gr.,,,,"? D..",
the ,,,,,t.;li'1 of 'hest otud"".. to """"""ie....fliri<:n' infortn.lion ,n 1"'_ ,be
po....., ...r............ti<.n dc1,ac, f""" ,hcir l"'lnl.ial .bility M priIn;s.,..
.w::"""II....tlO'O in lbe I><\< ",hoob QIlpftuis is 1(/ be pbndon -.naI
child gm..-th.nd dc>"Iopmen, nt.ha tbaa a4<kmic m<".... iz:lt.ion Can
,bey be ...ugh' 10 tn"" rltillt... if nol subjecl ......,le.? Ptthapa .his is
><>Urtf' ,h., mu" be 1>11'1''''' if W" OIl'<' I\l ..aff our primary Kh>Js with
(ra;'....' teach"...
S,i11 lhortage .xi... among to di,""t ,h. tr.ining
of ,.acllc... Oull" ,"<'t)' rn, ha..... had anr "ai"ing 0.- '""-l'l'ri.occ in
' ....ia",. 'each..-. "d 'his ..... diccc<cd ."",.",.<1> Buit: Ed,"'''''io". Jus' ..
,h" ,,,,,chen .he qu.. of od"",,inn in lhe public .w::booll, 10 the
"a"'in. >Uff dtnniDt ,be qualily of ,he ,,,,,riIc-rl vain anti IA"O
public ",Iucation. Jr "''' an! '" ha",. 6... niDao, "'''' mu"
hn" COfl,p"'<"fuly t"';tIC<! a' th. IDp.
Th. I>CCds ror training '0;>0111,..... .., multip!!:. W" nenl 'J><-mls nf
trainod Jd>ool ..ach..... quid.lj. llut f".., ,.. mu., 11.;" ...IT
m.mlle... for ench 'r.ining ccn"" ln which 10 t",;n 'h""
...hooltuche Thi. an e"m higher 1.",,1 "rtraincd l"cati""i."
to" ain ouch a "aIf, finally".., must upgrade "ur pt"""', 'cache" ""d
gi,.., thorn prof..ion.>l vain'nl. 'l1>eoc n<etls m....' be met proml'lly.
.} b6tJt.ti...
1"each'nlr ;. noble TI>c <n.dttt h.u been oallcd "<he
an:hitett "r .he hUmaD .....1." ee..1aln1r if be.\(,a more th.oa ..ulf
child', IK-ad wi.h "'OC1,lop<dk inK.rmation and .. "r doublrul pn.etical
HI"" fOl" som. """min.,;".,," he will make A13,,;ng hnr>,;n' nn ,he
charftcl<r and '0,,1 Mthe child. 11\c loch", who tak hi, 'a.k ICt;"u,lr.
"'h" i. a lwman;tarian, who;' iolerrs,rd in h;" fdlowmcn Ar and
"."" hu. ,;ncae <I",irc <0 .."oeoocir.y. 'rul)' will be an archi'''Ct.
Eduo-,Oon in lnaI'y 1"''' of 'h" ".".Id is undrrpng radical chaDg".
Until rc<rD' 1"""';' was dftlcncd -'1-' lOo- <he La__
and ..illl<lday ;" ..... nr oounuit> - OPl)' dM: intdlecboal cUte ....".. per-
milled tu pu..."" .....",,, ,han the tDinimum ruilimen.. or la.nt'''!. s.a.".
darj' prepara,ion IUr oolkge.. Education ..... ioo>I.,cd
real Hr.. It ...... imprntlical anti igooo'ed ,he d",,,Jopmrn. of p"u""ali'y.
it 'n initlali". 0< " ,i,ity and oJllcn >tin",1 them, i,
qnorcd .'OCational 'Binill!!o 11><1, fOr .........y ..,Idcllts, it ..
- I:.
<1""'''"''11 in N.cpal, as it .., ""1100. <:IQp<" theIe cnt>cmm-
-n.. 1e\'er1I1 "l'C' .... 1IdIooJIo h""" !XC.. del.igncd """ op<'Ci.alliIlJj,'" rm"fJ',
1Ia,.., b.ryly "'i'tU ",.n thcK Ill'Uups. Ed",:abonim throu,-,'
.. wvrId 2"" now "ring,.. "",i,"]izc ..<l educalion lot men the
r.>t l>t<'d< "f p"',plc uC ""'i, r=pcc,i,-e C'VI,ntrin. 50, in :"Cl...l, ,he
SMiono.II:duu(;"" Cnmm;,.ion ho, the probkm. Tbe
.... btk "r a widespload I) of C<!UC,A!i,," jrt Nel'''l, h",,-.:,-cr, ha.
Cptiikd ,he ,.,k. The O>mmi!.ion 10,.. me, ,he 1',""bJcm b)' a
f",m the ...ery b<:ll'inning, wi,hoLLt cnno"n f,>r ,d""" of ,h. kw
cDIlill.i ,d",,,I.. It hlllblt"wod "'und pl.nning (>'";ncip1o> :
I. F..:!,,""';on mu........-.;, as 11K: ......., ,-;,a) ;,,,,,,,mon' f..". pr......';n!':"
OU' <"It,..." and i'..provio;; oor wa}" t>r lofo _ <!<'mocr;ocy.
E.dUC;lo,ion mll", from the n<b, .mbitio.... an,1 aspitatlooo
of ,h< po=opk i. "' intended ID ... ,....
J. 1:.1<0<.... 1011 in ill pbnDin.'l ..nd ""'..,I<>poncntol >tagn rnll.t
nnnplify w .\(mo(;nlli< it ;, ",,,,,odrd 10 I'f'l""l'It.
[.due..."", is an .an't, ...... pHSi,'t, JII<1<l!S> in'...I'.... ,hf,
kar".,,- 'he In""""; ,"" 1taJn<t k:am> hi>
""'D e"per itntn, by oocing dtoin;, n<>' only bj- bring tnld.
3. Eduuion is a con'i""o.... all""''''''''l''''''''!: pro"," ,ha, go<"> on
h<,th in and out "r:hool, tr"h btWn: and the ..,huOt l'tat'l
"' wdl as in ..,hoo!.
6. I\d",3\"''' rpt''" p"......n., .nd pro"ide, rcor ;nclividLlal
7. The tcad"" is 'he ktj,,'<>t1c '" ,he 'n""" "I' fait"," ,,( rdurMi,,,, ;
he !"Teat", (.... 10 ",ca'e) ,"" wholow'"'' od"ca.;"na] en,i.",,-
n ,,' ....... ';al ", .,,c>o.
TItr- r d. ftf ,hill planning .. a """,r.,llv daigncd "..'!tum...t r....
and ....,..,.l<bry ",,'-h. (Set <:halM" VIII & IX.) Tht JIIa-
"" ,be ..a'nitlll' .,( is botttd ..." the ,,."" .... tchooh
=10;'1><'<11' th< "l"he and objeeti>u 0( t<::Idttr
aim <be uf IClVbtrs who can ma\;e lht _
."...," ................1.
1'w1w" if T-"er- Eftw"
Th. r,,.,..nd nujar I''''V'''''' af tit< ""ining is '"
p"'ido <,<,m""t."t ",,.rhtrs t(, "aff ,Ite ",hooh ..f )\"I'al. 'Il,.. ro:q"irto .n
=i,.. ,upply of allle n"n and "'Ome" .... e."dida'... <artr"l
od!;"n of,,,,,,,, whu ,h..w prof.,io",l prom,,,,,, a" dlceti,-urrit"l",,, uf
'=ch.". rduco'io", fadli,les rnr training, r".. tf"lll"idLlnc" of Iho "";"001
tiv-ou:<h ,he pr",!","",,,,o, .ml ""i'!L1ctor)" p1L1te"'0,,, '" a .<Ilo<.o1 at ,ll. <;"IC
.\ ""roll",)- 1''''T'<d'l .. 10 pro"idc: .....l"ing IQ< l'"""i,;,'8 l"""'g
.ead>ers now in ,e;o,:hing in order nuy b<Ime be'ler
za.<hcn, and mal' IMttribu.. tn tcnW>(\c:lUng of tho:ir ocbools and
danrooIDI along lin", by lb. Commission. Thi. rcquir<:
Qn:ful odcctio<> of willing and promising .."".jidolt:5, and COI)peno.tion of
sd><><d M1<h,,;inJ; anmilltel, and co.llogw::> to "",,,,de rdid
b- their ..ry 11:lka from their clas<r""""".
TI>c orcoo>d pur.,..., io to JIfO''idc /Or the dnUopu>cll' 0( a ><nmon
atrri<:uIurn ""d _ mcthu<b f ...... orhools. Thil >Tquu<s ..,"'pletc
wi'b <M prilnary odIooI cnrriculwn and
tbw-oo&b grollndi,, in the .....u>odI and im<ruclional ma.<riQ; to be UM:d in
deYdoopin:r: the curri..d"",. It doeJ 110< dnnand """"",,it)" oluo. ""lues
indnidu"f diff...:oas. bIlt;' N-I1d insure the aOOrCUDnlt of ",.."iIQUzn
....ncbrd> and ......"> in 11.. Kboob KnU J>,- the ,tad>en who 1Ia.'c
,ari>Y<\ a>rDID<l<l p>faoionaltniniflt:.
A o:w<>llary 10 .hit Kcond 10 !Or intdligft., ad>pu.
ion "r the ClKriculum to '"arioul local mod,ti,,,... and to the indhidual
difrcr=cc> <JC childn:n. This uqui"" in.d!lpp>tt, r....,..mof"""'"". and
err.ui>-ity on the 1"''' o(.be , cb<o" he JtU on ,hc job. Only lIin..
an be ,si,..,,, duritlg the .rain nflb. kinds of ad>l""tio... w,
may be rcquif'cd in nch vill.>SC nr district.
A .hird purJX*' of tucba training is lO contribute Ln .,he cnn"nllO"
imp<m-cmcn. of education. EITect;vc ""inl".,! obo..Jd d....c)op in each
.cuher an expnimIlal ",,;,ud., and equip him with .be t<:ad'n;q"cs 0(
expniment;,J The leacher oornla"t1y .hmJld .ed ,>lOW i<l.a> and
"""h<><b. Tb< ccnlre 'b.... llld be.n ""P"'"llnen,allabor.,,''-y, .nd
obollld read i" lh. pr()<<>I of tCl:pi"ll the "a,;"'".l .duca'ion.1 ",h.n,. in
'une wi,h the, of 'he ,hnnd Ihe childre" '0 be .-du<';l'ed.
Th"", I'lL'I"''''''''' 'iLe Ku;dillg prinriplu filr ,he development nf ,he
uarhee training .l',,-,gm,,\me, They the urgenl need for teacher!,
"'p.J'. limi,ed;.I,too)",., ,he crucial i"'I",,,,,n of cdue.ti""
in lh;, young dem,,"ea.!".
of T,,,,,,,," EJU'4IiH
The objttti,... of 'e""her rd"ution !JV'. 001 of.n of ,he
claSV<lOll> job. They ",ptaoon' 'M nccdo of a c.omp<:1elll lOaeh<:r
in all his no' ....nly at ... '<:acher, 001 as a penon. a chic
kader, a lOner !UM<!iall. and in man)" alb.... ""pad.i... For "'....y nefd
'h""" is an objttli,.., 10 be f,Jfilled ; and IOr "HTf objcr';'"r, e.pcrkncn
mun be p1....noo 'I> dc\-d<>p 'he CDmJ'<'Cllcin implied in ,he objec';""
n,e needs of the I'"""'" ochool ami the ....,ndarJ ocho<.>t '.ach....
.... """"<i;,,IJr the .ame, bu. btc;l.,* ,he "",phasi< on tr.t.ininB a' presen.
iI 1>" pri>n.a'1' edUQ';"'" ,he "bjtt.h'a' .....i<h foll"", are pn,.cnoctl "i,h
,be teacher in mind.
}-=t, Ihc tnchct tbould be ,_ c: ,. "\all)' C1Q1Ilp<t<t>1. He Iboold :
1. L'DC!cnlaold childrm and okiIl ... ......LoB "il.h thnn,
2. UndenoaPd obe ...IIun: or Ihc Icantina: proa:sI and Jl,ill
in d.i=tinll child,", in karnint :Kl.i,i(i<s,
3. Bc a ....ilanthropiJl ...d a bi, ofa ploi"-phcr.
4. l'a!Io= an open n,ind ami the knowledge and ICChniq_ uf
eduea.ionaI raurdt,

s. haY to plan <0..,..... units, and daily lQlO.....
. <hiIdrtn in plan:ninll and direc\ioc their
- ....iI:it:i,
1. .. __.. <hDd..... in """'rum.." a.nd k_
...... .., diIciplinc "'hcn
.. in l<lIChing ,killl "lhe. ,ubj<'ct.,
So. Be abk to h<Ep OO\-..luatrc their.,...,. g...... 'h and prog.....,
le. Br:::able 1<> !<ftp ncccNl1" rc<:U"dI and p<rrn.m othtt- "",tine
Second, ,he .I""dd r->"'S a 11"".,; ",
.,....;". him ... a ..ach., un<! as an arl"lt. Hr lio',uld he r.",i]iD' with,
.-..:! <If U:>lltd in :
I. n.. and cu!._ <JlXepaI,
!. The h;w"1", g<ogr.lphr, >,nomio and culture nf Aailln
3. The hill"r)', g,,-,gral'hy, cr"".... "i" nnd cullUlC nr selected
W"",rrn O'"","in, .nd ,be ",,,,1.1 in !{to"",l,
f. Principles ,,f ",le""" "nd<rlj"ing daily life in i'i"P"!,
S. Principln .,f l..".Jth and In ."d
>Inm""i')' r"ing,
6. Princil'l .. of nrol aid,
i. F"nd.."cn"'l ....i'hmclicloJ cont:q>U,
8. La"itu!r' <tt1",;'I.... Df 0'UdinJ. "";';"$, 'P"'aki..,. and l;,knit\L
in !\"epali and, In !hi: ",,,,,,,t in hi> ........ltn" ,n"gut.
9. t-in. art', m..,ie, ]i'<ra,,,,,,, ge,,a1 ..ult"r<: of Nep"l,
10. Rudiments "I' N"!,3Iuc la"..
l1oi..d, 11,.; tear""," .ohould bo: P"f........uly to .t.c basic
,,,,,,,t>onool cur.. """ in tM Ikill ""t";m! In l<ad> ,"""'. 11<: obbuId
ba"" skill in, and ha'''' _d,eti<: <>f, thc J"'OC"IOC'
in :
I. Prowid;ng row,,1 lor ""..elf, induding growing, ami
cooking in a """i'a')' and n""iliouo ....l.
2. Pro,'Wing dOlhinw!Or 0""""(, indudins J"""1"l1 _10" and ..-....1.
and opinnion,l; (QIinc) -.I ..""'ring it (_ p_hWnlt iI ..'toeIj).
dniltning and .....king dothca aod aaaoorica, and rnal<.ing ho>....,.
1..,ld ..",h .. blonkcto, '''"do, and ..",;1", art ",I"",
3. H""';ng onco"lr, ",ith., wi,h bornboo, woo<!, brick, or other
mMcria!>. i,l(l"wng pr.p"ra,i"" of raw ",al<fLaIl, oouse planning
and <l>n>tnJClinn. and lh. makin&: "I' r",nitu", and accc..;" ia.

Fourrh, ,he lCO<fl... obnuld be .. <kvdoped pononalty
;1'1 the 1"<>:1> or conlinUOU!ly impr..dnlf hil'ludf. He lhould :
I. Ha,," chancrer,
2. H.t.,.., a """",,,,[;ty,
a)lo<><! pl,,",lqllc,
Be both mcaWly ....... phJlOicallr.
$. El< b<l1>.nccd -oon.,1I!",
6. '0 high pe'''''':>.! and prof...j"nal ethics,
7. IIdj",,, and pt2Clkc frdorn "r rdigion,
8. !kao:ompclen,n'ick.>du.
'1, ..... objre,ilu ,," 'he b:lon for "r!,n;.;,,!! the , ...
pIVlj:ra",,,,,,. j"'l as the puq'OXl dc=."i"cd the "bJ""'kes. n) rCl'fcsrnt
high ideab ; p<:l'b:Ipo """" can allain perfection in Lbttn. They pomidc,
the and dw:!'Jidc-1iDQ br &d> ,rain<:e, and polnl "p
COf:"Iltly ..., '"fl<'nsibili';a of the stall' lnemben of <he training
o.,..;Oill;'" of'" 1'>.,,_
A <a,nu] of ,he ..-Is kJo- ",,,<her training ""'. ,.... li""blt......
;",p"",,1 hI" C1>,,<l.i,i'ml G,u' '1l>CJ or train;,,!, "'hkh "'ay
.t r"..t, ami c".'n la,,,. cu'lSlillllc ""1"'01< protlrammn, 00' which ,h",,1d
be rard"ully cooo-d.....IM u"dcr a sinyc 'scn"l', <llId petl,IPS " .single
instilUtional <M'!;"n,
finl and Ill<: ,..."L ror 1""8" n"",L"... or l'n",ary
,eld,,:,.. he 1"0< Ilr ,he ">l.hlishn"n' <>C to",,, 'h.......m Imining
COD...... <XIU,""" .houM be of at """" a
..i>nl .. the nD<'<! toOt only Ii>r prnf.....nal uaining Lo...
alSO) n<I for !t"ncrll cd"....;.,n by _ or t"" potrnlial
Few will hll'<: a'r,' badgIl",nd in lOt;a]lt"die>, oc;cn, heahh, and
<r.fu. On 'he "'h..... hand, 111. nl=! i. "'Il"nl .",1 f"nd. ror
".ining liJnitcd. i. mal' be l"""ible to provide <I n,jnim"rn
tnining in oix _'"aoo dn.. (\0,,1>10 the OU'pul of truhen and ...."".h
twice lU rlr "'" ""I)' ,he f"...... 00' aloo <he efl;;r" "r,1K training .."If.
Thercf,,,., 'h" ('''''',on;'.;o" '"8S''''' thal 'hi. font ""cd be rnrt br .hort-
tenn "'''''''' ,,"ok!> """I,L he "1f",,,,1 .,. t",cher U'.ining """tr<:, foBt
in "a,h,"""",u an,1 bter I1 1><,"",h", ill n,her po;rts nf tk a",ntry. It i:I
lh:1t be ... liP ..... "",-.non'''' hM.iJ ,1....,"11' a trial
pe>"iodnfn""", I"'" .. ; if'''''l'e,iod l'to''n tu he >0.""" it
th"" be kng'h<ncd.
Sc<und, ""'<net irnm.dia'd) "",,,Id "'" otahlishcd lOt training ,I.ff
....mbcosol me I"""bet '""ioni"l:ntoe. Tornalu:u.;"t",ininKJ"ae.k::.oJ,
alld not ""by,,,,, t",i"ing ..,cpri....,y och<.ool ceachcn, i, is _"WO,,,,,1 ,b.,.
",,",u' ,,,,,<illi,,, in te,,-d,....1,,<;>'ion he bro"gh'
fro,,, ...."'e rorcig" <.>unlty IllfIdern cJ,,,:,,tion.\ mell,nd., ""00
<XI1lk! di<e<' rhe al.b1" '".he Iraining cenI/"C and at Ihe same IUnc
"'PC"'';'" and ,he oulf Ut modem """hod> '" cd...,.,ion. 110;"
- - z..... '. be ...........'tt wl ma"r
... ' --...d ,. b> Iht "'" . f a l'crnr<> opn:iali.,-
'lliioi.a__j 7 I ...... be "Ifrrcd /Or the "1'C,.<ling
.._ _. - n...
"""'tU-be <l=.... dtaor
..... ;__ ==0- , ..... ll''',,,,-a........
.... J .....,. pcioCa. Or rl>ue Le n" ..
_ b1t .. -.. =p problnD .... Jlh- of
, a.. __"""P<b<o&rut "" n>eeting
'*"'s ,. -.::k b NO boun each period <# ..."h-..
....... ,- .... " tbiI; ..... -.ld b< made, and _I Ix"
..... _ P"""= <cacben '""' 10 a.dop\ the nc" curtieulwa
'" .... eo... - ., Tbc)' must ha,.., inltrnetit:m in """. "",thod. or
t L ...... pa'u:rnI of organization, .."",. matcriab """ 1"",ni"8. and 'he
.... ;lSd{.
Fourth, all ofthcoo <rai"i"8 ac,;,-i,i .. point to 'he ""ablil!lmenl of
a dot=.."mting <<>liege 01 .d".III;"" in ,h. '"CI'Y ncal' IlLlur. In ",d"
ullhi> colq. may be ..'al"lllbed along modern Jit\<i, il i. ILlg.o:qtcd
I!o.a, the nudeus uf. ".ff tor i'-""l" /i'"C to "n ,n<lnbcr:;-h" >en,
..... of "udr. Such a group couid examine 'rp"l of organ;"';""
"""h<.odo or ,o.<ht. ''''';'''llll. and ,dated probl."'" and al tl..
...... time could b<curnc ,pee;,"'" in child I"ld.nkJjp', m..""'], <;If
.., C'Urrk1,lum. scl>ool adlninn'r.ui".., Upon their ''''urn, ,"")"
.,..Id <brn Kt up a "'a....m <I1rgr In ",-n- and _di" all of
l.-alDi.., "..i,ilia_ Su<h a rolI",e n>is''' "!fn- ,
I ..... a>mbincd liberal a<U and proks$i<.",,1 pwcr:wunc:
aoo.-r b.ip scboot """triad.o., kadiag '" '" B. .d. lkfru. If
Ibo: ofEdue:a..... ...-er<" "'d...,.,. TriQI.;l,Klno 0>1Iqr,
:un,,!,,,,,,,,,,,,, misb\ Ix '" ..,iIitt. par. of lhclr >llOd,
b.ll ........... during thd j>eriod o.ho>uIo.l be Laugh. 1'> m<thods ,h.." JIO""'I>rclh'-r ""n '""". and. Ihc
......riC'Ulum IbouId be OotIaniU<! a1",'f: lin<:s .....ibr.n the """......
of"'l:aniL.a.lion "ulld in the primary ;<nd orronda,y Khc>oI. 10
make ,Iu: learning upcrir.l<'tl' ""'''' r""",io<\.ol 'Or 'he J'f"'F-
."" (The profa>ionall""" of <hio ptog",mm. '''id''
eurulrn>M. into 0""\"'" ....""'" boWing 1I.A. or IS.S.
d"8"r.) Po....." .. ""mplel;..g '''''"'' programma .h""ld berome
""m.... teacho"', and arler " few )'.a'. or expc-ic,,<'C, WIl'in".
wilh graduate ItaininR and then """"0 i",o "I" high
l>rr,r.,.,ional respon,ibililY,
2, A grudualc prog,am"'" ,I",,,, holding ti,e b"heJor "f ed""",-
livn degree and had"g had ..,me ':>.Iher .u"ct'lI,fuJ leaching
experience, kading \0 Ihe ;\1.!A. dogree. Th;' ""ining a!>o"ld
Kt"" '" pro>'ide a POOl nr w"n '1""rifocrl 1"'''''.....'h<> wuuld
join .he "",IT"fthe J.orHern, .taining CO'rnQ; i' ",iSh' also
"'"" nl./>en ..-00 ....,uld join (Of ha"" a1<eadr jni"""') Ihe .",IT.
<of ,be olher rnl\eget. Th;' ......,Id be Iargcl,- prfCllSion,,1 uai"ing
and only those wi.h a broad geoo:ra.l cd"""'ion be
admillnl. For some: \..,.,.., 1IO a>rne, this "ill be ,he big ,
pmlesDonal degrn: obtllinable in "'epa!, and .lIttd("e uld
",ainUl;" ,tt}- hisb ....I>datdr. and admi' oop-olibrr
3. An ... plDgramme of /idd aollnOOS, tor E>:tcnoion CH.......
Such. 00""'" mijlht be <x>ull1ed lOW\rd. a degrtt, eilllte the
f1.E<!. or the . hul ,ho\lld not constitute a degree pro-
gramme 1,,)' ,hom..J\'eJ. The}" .houl<l b. M,igned fur ul,g'ading
,uoh." un .hcj<>b. They should be "rr...<1l at hours <la)"
and pbCOOl com-rni.", 10 .udu,'" holding regular teaching
positio.... This mi&h, .......n oarly -...ning "",,.. '>r la." :aftet-_
noon ho<on. Sanmi.ol' 0< ...."".i<>n pe.-lods at Kallunandu,
l\'cp.olpnj, BinI.l:laKa.., PaWl. !"okha, Ibm, Nf"'.
or :any GIbe< ccn"" in the <o<>nl'1' "'hore ..,fficitnt demand cxlSlS
10 justifl" mobile <la/hnd ...... adcqua1t: 1ib<1>l1..
4. Shoo-HO"" (XIuna, preferablr <If :>. y....,'. duration, rM und".._
Ilrad"at. ,'"dent., and le.. Ihan high -'<:ho<>1 matriculate> if
n<$Sar)" 'u fill 'he "".d fm rbWMm tearhn> in 'h. public
o<bool>, l.ading 10 a teaching <"CrlifJta'c.
Th_ ".,,,ld be the map functions of the of EdlOlion.
An "" would gi...,.,.-il" 10 tbe IlfOtln..nlD<S and pr",idc
QOmrial OlOI'dinauon. n.. Corn:n.... Ixti..... lbal pmmpl IoCUon in
..,ltame ilnd ;& nutl"", .taR" coukl <lSI.1t in lhc: ..""blishrn<nl.,f ..
CoIlege ..rEduat",n hl" 1957.
'n ll\c te,njlO<af)' erne.-gene.,. p""lIra,nmes inv"h';ng
lhe "oin'''.o: of a It.ff f"r the ,h",,'",m Teacher Training Ccnlre, lrAi<>ing
prim;ory ",,"""I t.a.hero, and "pgrading pr...,nt t.ache....h""ld mov.
c.m<J. f. T_"" To.;_!
The curricub b ,Ixsc ""...""u <ljfT.... l"""II,am--. ."""Id be
dc1.-dop:od j.)in,I.,. br tbmc resp:onoiblc for ,c&ebin& ,he Cl':IUfXS an<!lbe
.. In .his (onn:o,i,......K. ,h. opponuni'r fur <nli>-.l"ll the trainoes
in o<lopcnlli,.. pl.nnina: ,oould "'" be o,""IooW. N.., will 'h.
tr.incQ Ita". "'OI"lh,,'hilc oontribu'iono to make. bUIlhel' Can nIT.. firllhand
knnwledi<' and ...iltance in on """I.,.,i. of the act"al ne.d. or those wh<>
p.rt;cipale in the programme. It is ,,,",,,,.d lhat preliminary pl:lno ror
<acb training program_ be the .",ff ..f lbe couna, repr-..-
"'tn... of lhe Minis'ry of FAo",a.ioo. and an ""I"'tienco:d special"'t in
"""'her "'CIUClllion I"ront abroad. n.... detailed phm GO be de>-.::Iopcd
"itII tl>e bell' <Ji t!Ic In,,,,,,,, .. the po.".-""""" get wsdoerw:sy.
in mind th.. IlM: CnJnmissoD.a olfas oaly hints repn!i", ,he
.....un: of ,he curricula IQr tbeoe psogrammrs.
TAl 0'-1__...rr" for tra.ining primary Ichotoltuchc.. should Ino"re
familiaritY \\"i'h the e<>nl<nl .,f the psimU)' ..,h<><>1 curriclll"m and the
dc'"dop,"cnl of prof...ional C<>Illfll'lenc.,. 10 teach it. .... indicaled &00"<,
.i. mMllh, (G' ....en & yr rolr ,h.t "","er) is ''''' 0111)'" a pori"" for I".h
I>aining. bu. ihet "I' Oft an ciglo.ho'" day. fa day "'CC., with a minirn"m
it mould be _ibl< to Jive the ....into:: the: buic nodi"...... or
lUdo <ranti"':on<! .....bk him 10 begin Ieacltinc and carry on his eonti..ued
tnoinin& by himsdf .. he ,..........
'Jbt printary tchonl atrrieulum ra:tl@lti_ r=en1 cd"O*Iirn:l, "Oa_
tionaI (a3ft) cd""",,,,,, an<! personal ""''dopn_'' 'Jbt tache.. tra",jug
CtIrricul"m mould r"CCOlP'ite woe, and, in addltionn, In..,n"'." on pro-
Training Teach..r,.
."".,. hih/;._I,,'
I ,..- ... f "', r..",.-W!
_ . "'-' ....f.e '--"'I"

(.:Q'''' ... , ,,,,,IN'"
foosional eduClrion. In the "",I", of I"'neral eduCllic>n, moot tr.o.illeC$ will
prnba.b1>' be: .......k in 1OCi.I 'ludio, lhe "is""1' .o.nd Cultu.,.}
d<':\-dopm_m "f "o:pa.I, :\1i.a., and IIle resl ofth_ world. l1tis va.cuum ohouJd
be /illt<! an a.duh-le--d replica. of the p.-Unary COUI"SC in oocial 'ludies
....,. 1' -.nia. <:1<:. as >q>ar.tlt .ob;.ca.. ......... in whirh IhcTc
is de.o."h of .o.Dd writ,tn .....,,,,ial (<:.!. ...rlr eullunol
dc>.'dof-II' of Xtpa.l) mlgbt prmide ou1J:ie<:ts; f", dirtet ratarch and
hi meuch m<dood>. Staff mtmbtn a.IIC! ....iMeI .......1<1 ,;o;n in
telUboGk mau:ria.k in thOle a.r1:aS, both for I""inla.rv tcbooJ
dtildl'Ul and for adul...
"'IlOU>oo Ullicipatt<! ihortqe on th<: part ortraineeo ill in the NtJ-li
la.nsuart. It is "-11 that many arc "'" pro4icitnl in .....iacn !\epaIi a.nd
"""'" _ quite -a. in tu1vtr.larional NepUi. If ,he ....,""'. arc on
pm_ t.he Xepa.!i language and...., i. as a lII'<dium of I
wiI1 Od Intmsi... ...;linin!! in its...... Cluoifie",ion tera ohouId be .-i
to diocn",. the ........ of proliritncr (in Nep;ali) .o.nd to VOUp
tn....... a.ocordi03 l(I tha. needs.
!>l"" "a'nee> will lie limited in their knowledge of ICien and health.
1"heoe .hould bc: taught, .o.t leasl".. th. b..,1 of uno:kn<anding cxpe<:led
of p<iJna,y lehool chUd,tn and nettuMy ror ,uCCC:II(ul .duh life.
Arithmetic too, "'....Id be devdopro 10 sucb a Ir:vel. Hen: a.piq d_ili"".
tio!l 'nil might prr".., benelicial in detaminin! Ihe amounl Or time needed
to bring tr&inJ up 10 a minimum b'o!,
8cc,,_ prima,y e<lucatioon will be 'ono,nal ror most children,
coOlider.bk- emph",;';' placed on minimum vocational training for them.
V"'l' few t,ain... will have had aueh training .:.r be: familiar with the
vocational crall,. Their Iraining programme mU'lind"del'artical craft
"'''rk inl<lfar '" pOllible. OflirJt ordo, h.....houlol Ix: with the
ain" of tbe crar" Mntl ,he p,imary school currieulum, Son,e degno<: of
,kill migb, he pt,fe<:ted in one ",af', but mM' 'each... will!,.". le cdy on
help froll' tbe , arlio>n. who prac'iso 'he crafl a, a ,""oti{Jn, Local
c...r....'lCn ..ill be willing to hdp teach Ihe ,kill. <of the e,afu
'" ,h. child",n and llle teaohee".ill ,hllS lea'n .he pI'<IC<'IOC:I "f tlte <ran
lti,o",lr On tbe j<>L. He .oould h.,.e .umeien. background'" teach
,he rda,od ;nf"'m.>tir>n and d...-.I"" the "udinea of Fttding
Ou,.,.h'Q. Hou<lllg O"l'Ie"",", .o.nd CJothi"ll Ounchu, bUI he ean""t be
""J'CCted to devdop the CllCntial .killi roe thcoc e,."r.. in ,ix ,",on'''' or
even a. yur.
It .. bdieo.'Cd tha, _ t.-ain.... will ha"" load some <:XI'''' iollftll in the
area ofpenona.l devcIttpmuo.. Moot of them will Ioa''C participa'ed in
emea a.IIC! .portIand...il1 h."" their own .o.Dd mar.o.l mdgn>und.
'They ...ill, however, Od help in an elfet:t"'"
primary otbool children. They ..ilI """'" '0 lea... ....any ......... ro.-
chlIdrtn, boeb in......... aod ....t of doon. Tbey""",1II boo _ ramiIW
with IlOorico thal "",y be used to dovclop patriotism.ei'ic rtllponsibilitia,

tlI.-t be c....lcrcd ......nd obe p, F,.;",,,,,
aopt'Ctl or e<I tioa., ""' """" .......... >rill be coonpletely bckiir in ulldor
tandinc {Jr p o(.ioc in obe area. They .. ilI lIft:d Iotlp in Ievni... to
und.c:owod children, the .......,. thq Ieano, thrit" int.e:telU, &od capabilities.
They will need direct inIlruetion and pra(tice in PLanaint: and tcachJlIg
,,- j ..... "
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cpporn.:!:'''- to ,' t\JlicaI 'eache, training in"itut;om, hoth in V.S1 and
"""'P<' thd:- <>rganization, <"tc. The curriculum 'hould
g==.J. p:rk>ziomJ ,,'i'b c,npha'il on ne,,"cr concerto of
1 : ,.. -u.odJ or .. udr. pupil ....."hoation, school aJ,n;,,;'t,a-
..... ....s.-ciooalaido, gui<lantt and <oumtning, e'c.
b to thB, the Collog< of Edu"'''ian jJrofe",or5 .hood,l
...., _ O!'JPCttUIlity 1.0 b<:comc ,pi&!i>.. in 'heir ,osj>ttti,-e held' of
......,...... lJ>dnidually, <boy .h""ld enrol in ad,"anced
ClIOIl:><S in child psychohg-,-, ..hool admini"n'i.on, curriculum plann;ng,
>Chool methods, adult educ,,,ion, elc.
Fin.>lh-, 'hel< pf<lfe.<or> ,hould ha,-e two or thrtt month. or ;ntome-
on_'hc_job eXpt'ricnec, in thdr field> of ,pcciali,atinn. Fnt oxample,
:.'>e m.ul who". in 'ch""" adrnini.tration ,ho"ld 'pend or
th:= month, working w;,h 'he h,"d of 3 modern primary ""hool, the m.n
.rn., 'pialjz<:s in child I',,chology s.hould spend two or thr"" month.
>rorkin'l' in a child de"elopment ld>orato.-y 0' dinic, ti,e man who
in curriculum planning .hould participate lor hI"<> or three
""""lho a< a member of a curricLllum planning cummi{lee, ctc. Thu" the
C\..-rieuJum for Ihi' groLlp .hnuld include miua" !()r plauning the College
of Educ>lion geuera! prnr.,.,ional education, .pedal professional educa_
tion, a"d intorn",hip.
Thero mould be no eurriculllm, a. 'neh, for Ihe ,,,ltos;O" p,.!ramm,.
"'.,< COnn'" n. a gro"p .hOtJld uot OQu,tit"lc a c""icuh'm b"t ra,ho
hould be olTered a' "'parate iudivid".l CO"".. to meet 'pe<ilk neecl. of
,..,.ion. group of teacher>. Onc of those courses might deal with the new
primar,- curricnlulll, another wilh ne".. method> of t""ching, ."""her with
a:sdio ,'I'nal aid" etc. In each ca.>c the co",.., will co"'til"te ouly part of
t!>e total profe"ional tminingofthe""dcn" who <nmll in if, and thus
the "'tal of uffering> th,ough exte"'ion work will nol constitute
a .ingle <nrnculum or pl"Ogrammc for any Irain<c.
TIle ,""i""lumJor the fou"ya' <if,,,, .huuld prm'ide a gencml
ae,," ',"illing pluJ prof...ional educ"li"n. Thi. pmgramme i' of
1enS'h I" em"", full and dTccti"e training in the .ocial 'tudi ..,
and mathematics, health and p"rJonal deveklpmeul. At
...... lhi' 'hould be devoled to profCMional
!'.;callon, mclud",g the top''''' 'ug'g"'led for .hort.term con".., b"t ill
;cdor.bly more tl't.ail. St"d,,,,," ,hould ha"e mOre ..<c",i,'e 01'1"'''_
t='.iri<> I() work ",ith school children. E""" in the fir" year or training,
L-:;ln.gcmell\' 'hould be made for ""dena 10 work w:ilh children in .mall
;:n>jt>. In the second yea' .tndent> might .]'O"",r Scoul gt<)UP'I and
d:ldrcn', chlb>. In the tI'irtl year .hmt period. or practice tcaeh;ng
:<:right be incl"ded, and ;n the fOllrth yea'. thrc'e to ,,;X mon'ho "f
:"tan<:>hip lcaching 'h'",ld be an integ'al part of the traininR programme.
a ,,;milar cha,ut"" ;n foreign countrios 'h"uld
N: .ru<!ie<l aud the .pcciflC nee<l. of Nep"1 con'i<lercd by 'he n"c1"",' to be >ont ahroad. Th< detail> of lhcoe c,,"ricllla 'lwuld bc planned
b thi> group,
In the de,-dopmem of at; the," curricula, ",odcm meth06 of 'ca060
"-! ""'uld be ",os",l. Train= 'hould be taul;h' h,- tnO<!<:= =-.=..0 '"
<!emomtl"atiom in 'hese me,hod,. They .hucld >lJXl:;' tt<: ..,....."
172 U.OllT 0' l<K'AL Kt>\l<:ATlON 'u.x"",c> ce....U:llo><
tcdlniqua of ......00 n
and """'Id be tncour.p 10 ..... these
methods ,n their ",ac'ice t....ching aperirnOO$ with children. They >hwId
bee"",e d"l" in helping pupil>,o pi"" and direct ,hclr ,",'n aeliviti<a, in discu..i<m methodJ, in making pr<>fitoblc exc...ui<llu, in using
"isuaJ aids,;n oun-qio!l Immunity nteds and act;"Ii"". in undcrl.>kiog
reafulie projects ",,""'ins Ihc: lP"'"inI of f......, ",",'.in, Ihe
hislory aE iheV 'ilbgeo, hdpt"tl OD ...,build ,he ";Il".!" wdl, aI>d "..,;Iar
ae'"it;''''' T",u,I ""'uld beeoonc wi'h all or ,he: ,,'rilleo
material. oth.. in,lruct;"nal a,.. ilable, and ,,,,,,,Id """me
",.ponlibilitj for ltdp;ng '0 develop new ",'''crial._ Be<:a.."" uf the
of good 'nnn,.,,,,,,,,1 .....,,:nab. leachers must learn '0 ,mpro>isc
and dc\"dop their ....... mat.cri.>lJ .. """-ed.
/:;hhiQlial Tu';",. "".Z'm
The Vrogr.. of troin= in ,h" ,-sriouo progr.mmes d;",uoscd .b,,,,,,
must be n>easurcd from t;onc to .m..: in <>rdtr that ,....Y:u>tI .hei, .cach"",
tDay be oI 'Mamou", :u>tl of Thio "'ill l"'O'ide
a ba$io rm- re>ioina the .,..".io:ul..... and the ac.;"-;tia if ....-y.
5",d"", io al$o necasary to give the st.ff mcmben a b;Ws fur
'''''ioing their lca.hing pia... and "',... P,esumably (erta;n S"alo
"ill ha,.., btto se. up !Or eadl (1;1.$1, fOt each and io. CAch eu"";
cui"",. Only thn:>.. J!udftI. .,.aI""lion <::aD progrcu _ ..Is .heo<:
_.. --.
I. i, ;,nl""''''''t Iha' Ihe amount of thi, pr<>grClO' known period'
and frequenll)', The traditional CClnc.p' "f a examination
to determine ,,-hClhcr .ulf...ionl I..n been n>adc ... grtodllale
Ihc: candi..e Ion 110' brm pbnmd ;" motkrn tduealinn. This method
.-.suI", in tremcndouo of human ''''''''e",.nd in d<g<adalioa
oIth. otuden' failu It .. rar be"cr 10 1muw daily. w.dJr,
JTl<)nthly, and ycarf)' how 'he student .. progr..,;ng on .ll.. "pp'0prial.
"e!" m.y be .aken to guKle his cduca.itm il i' loo late. TheTefn<e,
a wide \'&rieIy or .,....Iualion .oehniqu,," sho<old be uKd and the)' ,h"uld be
."."j rreq.....tIy. Paper ""'" pencil ,..... "..&1 l"""",,tation,
eommi.tce rq>t><u. rpeci.ol f""':iecta, oboe ...000, petfUt "'"_
uot or 'he library, gmeral attitude and ,pin" ability ID coopnate and " .....k
with "the,.. and n>any "'hec i"dices and dcv;e.. ,,,,,,,Id he wClll>oth Ly 'he
'cacher and by the .tudenu 'h=I".. Ut .,.-a1","ing pougral.
repnru shoI&Id be ..,bmiucd to Ihc: ''''''''''''' and their JU&f'llians a, ......
C>'tt)' """'lh ... 'wo ID ad,. ,hem of their I""",'as and It> I"'oridt: a tt>a-
.in"".. runnilllj: _dor the work aEeach Itudtn.. 'l1tit report
,,,,,..Id be "udied by the and his faenl.y .dvuor on Iha.
appropriat" n"""""ry ,tepa may be taken for him tn profit from hi. "aining
ill a rnaxiotum "'"I'.
'''l>cn lhio ayotem of .....tln""", "ud<1 .,.-aluat..... io mod, then lhen:
"'.... be a pa....1cI ayst<:m or --"'8 "-hieh wiJl pro<idc a contin.......
rcco,,1 of 'h. lUDOun' "fwork compleled. I" "'......n countria thio;, done
thwIIgh what it known ... a "eredi. 'I'"....." For =amplo. onme ;"",it,,_
'''nu divide the aca.dcmk lea. loto three "quarkn'" D"ring each q''''rter
!hca'TraSC"" a'lentll elaloa IS to 18 hours per wedr. Fo.- each
hour atteflCkd per "'....k b a term h. rU'Ci,.... 0<'0C
nedil. Thus in a quancr lCntI he .... 11 earn 15 OD 18 qtUl""'houn. or in
a )'car ..3 la.'ii '!Ultl'tcr.ho..... FOlD' y....' WCltk ...-ould th'" oo",li'ul"


appr.nirn.w:l'- 200 quarur....W'll. One of the of tlUo rr>,an
of w." IMy OoCcd<nu his pn>Cramnle by "'ll'ndinl
opc:iaI '=nf hdd durina: lhc long \laclllio" period. or he may decdcnlte
b wis!lQ to IH: g&inMly part..,,,,.. A ,tude"t
"'OI:J,d 1>0< b< required ) earry. fuUlnad or attend full .i",c, IxLI if he
=a.'1 it ,,'Otild ....kc him longer '0 ooml'kl. ,he work fOt hit
:\ ",,,de,,, who meet> " cl... times " wed< in
_ t<rI:Q aDd the coune ...-cold ru:ei,..,
i ""hounofcredi., Jrhctookanothcrcounc ..... next .."mhe mi&h.
pi., aDO,h., .h'e<! (or twu or l<>Ul") '1".""'-00"" of (I<di,. Cbu:! he could
adjust ,he 'I""'d uf hi, oducat;"" \n hi. own " d. and requiremenll.
Bolh the lOuryear dtgrtt and the """.)'ttr
pr('(TumtM: of the C>ll<s<: of f.d...::o""''' rhould ha,.., cutain>
'" ,..- (If qua".,..houn of rrMj. ,,",!uired for compktioo. 11lcn"
..."....,,, might ,rot" off po.<t of this credit th)\lsft
0)<0""," taken.l ,"Or;"". If" PC""''' could not de,..,te full
titne 10 lhe ".i"ing '"'10'<\ r"" the ,no"",.', tlrgrtt, hr migh' accumuLuc
;>'0" oftb" credit'lhmugh otm.ion ...11,...".
Thil ""'emn( 1l00cn' aotOtm,,"C pmidr$ 6c>libi!il,' "'bich win Ix
qui,e cs>en,ial in ,be .apid train,ng anil upgr>od,ng ofta(bero in "'opal,
Furthermore, it dim.inatcs ,be ueasoi,y fo< a final e...mina,ion at><! ,huo
red""", ,he emph:u.i. nn ac.dc,nlc 10. the fill:ll
u..aUnation, It i< "'ante<! ""', ,h.,." ,esp'msible. I'or pbnnicl,g the
CoUe&e or <[""",inn i"" Ic>'iuuo cordi<kl21iud 10 thill of aD<In'
"'I ...." .ho, "Ix i"",odllo,d tb. tint<: 'he of Edl>Cltoo.. is
RHtM;I"".', $<hl;'n aad $1.1,.1,
Thl<lu&'mU' ,hi:. <".pt.< 'h<re tIa,-. nwoe""", .efetCD""" lO.he
ugc of "..u qualilied .....w.Ia,ft IOr '<ar:hn traminl-. Thill oi,...<ion
..-ill """hobl)' ""ill In. ooaD)' In many "'"Q'"", .......IT... pimo.".
ochDQl ,eaching- is a woman'. profnsi<>:rl, and thtt<: is "" ,u..,.. why .h;'
could not beenme lru. ;n Nepal after a gcntra,iou '" ,,," d""ini "'hieh
educat;"" fvr w"me" might be popuJantl'<!. \,'"m..\ Sf. belle, ad"f',.d
10 w.,..king wi,h of primary school age ,ban mm. It "'u" be
'<:a>pizcd, tto....,.,'Cr, .b... the: prnn>' oItonaee of fJ.ualilitd eandi"'u"",
io ........ ra<>th l='1ft" ilm'Jrc: """'m ...... ar'I>DIl' mal.
On. of ,be: function. of .he ,'arion. leacher 'raining !"""S' am"''' will
"..,d I>c 'he of able }'oung men and w"""n. It i, 'uggc".d
tb, l'<'J'r"S"ota",n of ,h. T....bc. T",ining ee"". and the ColkJIC of
Ldoutit>n periodially ,i$i. ,1>1: "igb ochonIs of Nepal In 1aIlr. 10 ttudrnts
a:>d try 10 '''lnes, ,hem in the Ifll.e time (I>It>CJ
""hen ,!>tte if a owplu. of aPJ:tiean.. '" teacher training ins!i'"tio"" .ben
"'" .13ndal'(\. lOt- admiaion ma)' be niocd. B,,, ,ha' ,ime
rn<:>eI ,he "andarfl. mal' well be .ublim"ted ,e""",n) ,<>
<.<bc, """dare!> ouch .. charlle', "...""alily. ,'i'nli,y, in,er",', h..Jth
cd in'el]icc"oe. Tb" Commitn.ion oug:gaq that "\(JOe tt>noen>I
::=.c .. of ltad>crl ...midtt recrui'men' a. """ "r ,h<it major ".
diiitit5 and plan ddIni,., procedures .b.' ",ill bring qualihed "'.., =cl
...."... i,,1O ,aching probsion.
.... ,1<.o,;.,n ,bould alXl be si"."'o ,he "It,/i"n of lrain......-I>o dtli....
'0 be admiunl ,<> the ,;"g P"Olt"''"lI>CL Admil<a1ly. the present
.hortage nr makes $election difficuh, b\ll ,cgardlat <>l" the
numbe:.- or candida.... a,-.Ilable, minimum ,tand.,<Is .houkl be a<lhtt<:d
to. E'..... dmin& this pr"'''' period ofJlCf1'Ol'nd shortag<:. lhc ,ach'ng
po'" .0 $houW _ be a1""'-d to bcc:omc lite S""'*!" for
tboo< who .uccc<d in "'.... Iona of"",rI<. 1'0 andi.u", .....u1d be
admitted tn any teacher l,aining progr.mme "h,,,.;n 1><1, be a credit to
the ,eaching prnf...w". Firsl consideration .h",dd :U"''ay. be gi'...., 10 ,he
dWdrcn...-ho ",11 be jnflu""""'<l by ,he , "".... mUlot be
.,1""1\..-110 do no. have hish ideal!., rnurah. and .tanduds.
It will 1:>< impossible 10 allain l."',fect Iecoon of candid.'.... N"
manee h,,,, ",ud> care .is 'n the $de<:tion prOD. _ ,rainees
will need 0'....'.., ,.i"-" ... '" ,heir wcak....-.,
aDd ......e ......y necd to be droppo:d from ,he fl>CI'2I'D""'. Sl.<nma<ie
amon!l<T"tn" ""'old be made r..... .of>""selling and !I,idi"g ",,,dentS to the
end d their OWl! ;,"....0'-='01 and the training of only the best qualiflod
candi<J.o.'et possible.
CnttflnlnOll .f T_h",
At lh. Pftt<'l\\ lime 'h","" are n<t mu;e,io,," in Nepal on
m..y ,,,,,-ch 1<:'-1. Almos< ..n)'On<: '" he
........ .. position o.nd he "",id lOo- ,..ltu ""y "" ""'-1 ..... be ......ic<:o.b1e
1ko._ or the dire shor"'8" of .""ehen in tlte po." il .....
00' \.>em T""ne,,,,nl,o 'r)' '0 ccn'rol ,!le ,i,,,.. ,ion. "will be n_t)
for Ihe next decaJe or 10 '0 allow un"a;nt<! ..Old e,'rn unqualified
pasons '0 'C;1("h in H""'C\...... ";Ih rhe inaugura,ion or
ltaChtr u"'nin$" (nllraIIlm<: ,h. Ministry of d,,,,,,,tion should fCI
up .. ,rachru e.,.,ific;2tion ,,'OUld pr">,,de rontrol> on "'-
who 10 "i ....[[y affee, the hn ..rthe y""ng<r gCn<r.>'k>n. Tea<hers wit"
.uc<:cafolly oomplctc rq,."lari,l teah',,,g proxnmmrs .h""ld l.>c given
=-,mcaIQ aulborixiJlg them '" .each in schools "pp""pt"i.e 10 ,he
....od of l.I'aininc. Other pcnono .. ho u.,e had auet:aoful,cachin ""per-
irn .hould likewise be gn.n'e<!'....rhing anifiallos, bu, m- o:rti6ealCl
,hould be <"ndilion..l upon ,uring po-oIes>ional .ro.ining at ,he carH"'1
poslible momen'. Un,il ,here is Rn adequ>le ....pply nf ,,,"chers i, "'ill 1>e to '.. n, ,he Zonal l<lSJ""Cton ..nd Sub-lmperton au'hority '"
......, """f'O<l'rY oertiflata la "",," fall ohort of '"'''''
minimum ,uncbrd>. Tbe of liduca'iun >bould, holo"CVCr.1oot
forward", the time when nil onc ,,-ill he pcm,i'tCd to ,uch ochovl who
n.a. 00' been pr(Ipc.-Iy tr..inW and """itied..
It is Il.JRC"Cd u..., the MiniMt'}' oIlldlJClltion Mablillt
<tttiC..",;on a. a .pecific and dcfinioc function ol ilJ department. A'
po-.oellt ,hi, will be Mly" po.r'_,im. job for an apprnf.!:io'e oITLclal, but
it ......y c\-.:o.uall)' do:\"<'lop ,n", .. full ,in><: rCJp<>""i1>ili,y. Th;, prt'IOn
should be: gi"".. ,ulthority ... aU<onU';aUy cer,ify ....y """" "'ho has
""...pltled =tain 'P' to "''' up
"anoJanb and ""'.mi..a ",. r..r <cr'ifying ",her 'lu.wfl! .....<ben, ... gr.on'
,cmJ"""at)l <crtir)'ins nl UlC> '0 ""nol odu'''';on 0([""""" ir necc<s:lt)l, and
'0 tccp ')'SI.<ma.ic rcoord. 0.. all cer,ilicd III ,hi< way the
ratilica,c> ....ilI become an;)Jlicial intrt>duaion Of >.<bni>si<>n ,..
the 'e:O.dUa& proI"aoion.

,.. tt/ r-a...
.5i:S .. ""P"Aa..l;ty of teacher tnllQ'l\& institutianl is the
:' - '. a!= !My ha,-. their ,,,,i,,inS-. !l.hhou&:h
_ ..... ! $ poob.1.bly be: ""'I to o<hooll partly finance<!
._ C , .he of the training: ,ru,itull"n, $fO

.. ;.- new '","chero intQ p",i!ion. lnUSl promi';"l "

- - The &rbi,,,,'}" pos';ng <>f te.<hen wilh<>ut 'CI"r lOT
wiobcs, capo.bili'i<S, pcnonali,ics, and prcv;ouo b.1.ckgrouml>
_ -, ........ m unhloppy <nchen and Ih<:nbc ineffective tacbin;.
"lkiat ' i 'ne positlOll is paup' the <tUho:n' most important 00lt.
iI ... Ihiri porilin" W. be brnl 10 apply, be h.u lc:un. in the
...-,. UluUoa. h is his lim )'at of ""pm""'" that
, . ..i>nb he ..ill be: " rucccu at a failure in the ,
F! .
i," .utpled .hat ,he Irlining i,,"'ilution. be gi ...... "''''.
'i. ihiijty. in cooperation with the Dcpar\lncnt <>f lWuca';on, of pbcmg
Qo, trad><n in lhcir fin, 1""1. Thi. ""uld be elfcctro by the Dcl'a, Unen'
Education and the I'<.,;ns au,bority in .he training '''''li'utioon prep''''''!;"
a!iu oh:,,:anci.., "'bich could then be f,lIed a!i.... CflllSi<kring the ;n\('fell>
.a:w! pClWl.i&liti<s of the ne,,,.), ="6nl lud,cn.
T-r 11',1{....
It is co...-.nly t-'1t tha. lb<: pti;pt of the teacher '" :>Icp.>l is
a......-r one. This ...... brought ouI ill Chap!'" 111. BoI i. an"""
I"""tIr we ha,.., a huge. pool or wdI-quali6<d, caadi-
CEro; but who can be at<naM In teaclung as a CUCQ' under f'N'IoCI"
coaditi<>ns ?
Olniolf$)y, th= m,,1t be .ome imm.,!jalc impr<>v.m.n' in th
.unatiu.. of ,oach"" jf we arc l<:> ""c'uit nbl. yuunlllllen and wemen to
...... tradJ...""ininll irdlilulio..... Tb. Cmnrni.. io" bcli""", that a mnng
,..tiOn.OJ a>SncilltJon could do much 10 lmp""e <:t>3,dhioDs.
.\J3Dug!< .""chen .... r...., anti unuainal, a brslnning
U"" orptIi.."linrl could be "'-"Ck. In ill C1rly <!al' it would br weak.
<-:hcn an: uEncd aI the Tcacbot Tr1ining Cenl"- they could join
.....! ....c:J the r<.olb. Sucb an .-cia...... sboIlld bc _I noc nn1y
wiIh p<:r.U teaeI>rr wdfue, but ..ith Jucngtbcninc ,he by
up anti a c:odc of ethia, and policing '11 "..... orcani:u.tion
., ..-=d out ,h. unli, and u,.."il"l. The,e could be k>calasoocia,lons,
t>oc><! >!"th... hy district and national r"l," and aclivj,ieJ.
m""ling> """Id bc hdd \o<:ally; ,.mi:llln"al meotingl """Id
be hdd distrk'-,.u", alld a "3,ion.1 cqnven,ion of ,.presenta'ive. could
be held .... nuaUy.
Onc o!lh. li". wb of ...cb OS UIOcia,ioo, or a JpccW oommi,.""
= iateritrt period, Ihould be 10 lOt up a uni"",,, liir, .;nglc_1ary-
oca.Io "" ;ill <n<:has, bated on tIaininc and cxpcricncc, n.,ba- than rypo:
u".,.:tio... .""hough cb.iI will _ 001"" all the pn>hIcaoI of 'M teKhcr'J
-H...-.:. it will V' far iD the po""',,;.... morc aluae:ti>-.,. It Jbould
i:ldo>dc plo. -.... l<>.- ...t leave, anauall.. .....,;p....."... "",-.:l, ,
:oc::ct ?,,-y. aDd other :omen"",,-
S 7
This chap''''' ha> 10 outli"e a progtanune for the lraining
/)})T '" ,"'ir
"'uN be pI'O"idcd b- IU.ff membcrJ who .. .rnch <he
,,, u.: u.: """'" in,,,,edi.t.cly i< it rdt th.o.
t=al1 ..",."hcn ohould be .,.:lin<d "on .hc job' "hile <hey
Centre .... :h... ,lIan brin!l .en'
'" training. This <nin.i.Dg o;.ulJ be br <hc
_.l. forc:ip opcri1Iirt in tcadI",. a!uatlon.
.. lmo&r .. prs<<i<al, rpcci.lI C<lUn<S >bould be le( up IOr 1h<:
.......x.,.indudiola>llt:t<o u:adtcn;
..od. t>3<"M might '"aI"Y in Icnc<h, tUnt, pbce, ana con""'. 'n
-. ''lUieIY ofD<!s. Alt!loutlt <his is an i",f't>r\aI1' or
",.hili... majoo" peudu>u: should be ti,.... to lbe <ntDin! G
_. "'M:hcn.
,. !..<>aln.",. pi.... m.... place ,.",ph";' on the ora'nin""" and
cso.ahlishm<n' of. Col. 01" Eduatioll. To ,hit ....... a!">Up or
qualified 1'\"cpalcso< cducationk.. should be .......broad "'" "udr
in III<Kkm mc<hod< of ka<hcn cducatMn. This group wou1d
thm buoo... tbc s<aIT or <he College or". which WOIIId
.':cnruallr tal. O''CI" all teaelte.- training ac.hi.ieo in .h. <x>untry.
This colleg. shoWd ",<Mde (a) a lOur-}"Ur 11. l'.d. proct"ltlDI1K,
(b) an Ed. .VoId....'. programm (c) n",1Uioo ><IrKs that
....... Id bI.anll", the COWI.ry, .tMi (d) .. u"d...-gr..l1131<:
programme r".. <h......ining of ptlnury 5Chool tcachcrs.
10. In nrder 10 ;"'' lb. lugg..tio,," "r i' ..... 7, 8, ond 9 above,
r",.is" aid $hOllld be solicited which would includ. tit<: technical
....isl'lnc. of un. vr more IpcciaLists in "'A<hcr .duea.i.(In, r<>r.ign
s'udy ond 6naneial aid in ... on the leaoher .raining
o<ti"II"" nll.lined in this cl,apt<r.
11. The curri<u1um or the prognmme. ulo\lld be cooperatively
planned by lh. l\lini5t'"Y of fulllO.';"", Ilaff l1!Cmb<:.. of Ih.
prGJ><lSt<l ins,i'utions, ,,,,, of 'hose ;nlllt"ti.Jo\'nd. IOreign
.peci.JiIl in ,,,,ch,,,. roura..ion. They ,hGulrl
<:noft eduution, pror.:.."'....l cd'tca';'lI1, and
.. ",:...hl and as t;me perm,... 1Il>-.: all th.v
5bouJd be an:rully odapted 10 needs of .raincn r";'
",hicb ,...,,. ..... designed.
12. 1"beIc: u_ininc programma should b<: ._"gIlt by the mool rnodto-n
_.hods known. They should be "modds" or 10,..1<1 methods cl
,ha. trainees may .... in their O\o\TlJOChot:IoIs. They should
I"OCOpke the of imuuotional ",o.eriall ...." sbouId ma:t
thiI p<Obl.... both.hrough <he dndopn>en.t cl new i.nstru<tiooW
_ids and through It:lching """""'" how '" imJl"lWisc .nd cope
with situa.ioa .. l!>ey arc bound 10 find th<'lll wbttl tl>t:}. I:" 0111
10 vilbga to \If'CII new oehoob.
15. Ta.dtes- uainq .ctnities >hould I>< e--vuated alonr Iina .........
I.nt with -'"'" ed""",ioa. Con,in_ and varied "C I_ ,,'
metbodt should be ...bllitutrd "'" the Ii:laI CDminaliDn... A
')"""'" of "a<dil boun" should be mau,u....... lu ptO'idc
rnt><Ioern student KCDunlinl!; ...... ....1 'n L. , who ",iota la
III'Cftde <hemsd,"CS by devotins o.IIIy pare time traini"l wbik
'bey comlnlJC with their
; - = = = = = ~ - ~ - - - - -
14. Cardul aumtiof, should be p>-m l<> lttI'\I'tmenr, sdtttion, and
<:onli"....... pidana: of lad,a- 1r.IU-
15. 11 ')'Slem of teachm' ccr,if..,.,ion should be inaugunltd "'hi,h
would ensur. lhot only qualif,ed ",e pcrmillcd 10 ~
in the ,chooIJ and "",uld p,o,-id." CCl\><tl ,,,,,,,,cl of thoM:
qualified '<::Ichon.
16. 8ec:aWl: of !he imporlanc<: of iN,;,,1 pba:......, of _ le>cl><rl,
the ""Wng instilu..... sho"ld be gi,-m this relpnnsibilil'f
;"......\lch M ,h. o,alf mm1bers at. be" qu;ilified 10 de'e,.,i".
the l1'IQIl suital>l. pI,"'c"t for ,h..., )'Q'mg 'CUMt1 and 10
profit from ,h. familiarity ,,'ith !he uperienca ofthetel"""i
po:<>plc: <luriD! ,he fon, 1"Q!" or lndlinc
17. A na'ionoJ 'Q<;het' ...-..::iation ohould be Mnnrd ... x, up
,tan<!aro. and a code of nhia, ape! la ,,",ngthen the teaching
18. A ubry s=k based on ,.--i"ing and e>"PCO-ioena:, and prO,";'iool
lOt I""..... nwcmnu. """ amenities ~ be ....."'isbed
, Z :'
Th-= fac1<lrl al",,\.. afC <0 be in ,I>< u-
.....,... .. of chUdr.... 11>.,.., i . of _,roe:. the learn.. : ami 'he imro'lan""
'" me _"nd faeUl . the tea,h.., h... been I"'lnted oul In 'he previo",
ll<,t the.. ;. "nO' he. Ilgnlf""'n' f.cUl<. and tha' ;. the ph\..i ...l
-r_,<rio1 ",,,irornnen, or l.a",lng. To be ."re. ,he lcaehe. I. part of
ti .",i.-anmcnt-the human pb:ue-and building> ami eq"ipment (UI
k deal, ,,;.h in o...p,.,.- X\'I) COIU,i,,,,c .. J>V' ofi<. Bu. 'utboob
4eu>u boob. a..dMH-irnal aids _ in IDort,. ,,""t arc .....aIIy caned
..... ,.. - aloo play a ,....,. si!niflCaa' rnIe in !he cdualioa
dUldr=. "i> thi:I ...per' of the educational em'iroftmcnt lbal 'h"
cb;ltc: ;. Cl>D<'UtIcd wit.b.
for 1.........inK It> thc d,iId mUlt an in..".."t in.......,
........". or problem. Hc will ""pion: ,h;' by himooclf if kfi '0 his d",;e.,,-
a:>d th.. con"i,,,t.. " highly Il..itable me,hod 0( learning "' _,.in
.....,. _ but "" 'he ,,,,,,hc, i, 1'"'0<:''' '0 thc lear".... to ."gg'"
...., of ,tt,d)'ing ,he problem. and SO"r.,... of information. n"t nothing
ea:t be more to !>nth lhe teach....nd te.. rner lh.n In find no
..........,tioo.l ai,1s to promo,e "g""d learning eXl"'riencc. Individual
","",",dl ami experimen'a'ion are effectl,.., """h>l<b l/fICMning. bot "" ...
mc.e ani,;,;., break in .he ablence "fi"""uctional tool.
to ,he .. the moot ..r..... handi""p to sood
in thc IChooio ofNcp;tI '<>day ia the "'la)
IaeS ..r i<>.,run._l aMls.. 10 _ly ,,",'cry <la"""""", bd<Jw the hiP achuol
kni thc onJr tcaching Uh IQund arc a kw papcr-bMk, well-.."",
frcqocndr no' in. ,he :\cpali 1""S""l"'. a map oc
__ .....,.ny ..beolctcl, and P".... aomc <la,,,,,, and" mtall doall<b>ard.
la the high IChool (I....................c b<>und tCll,booob ""'y be found, bo,l
n.-dT in Librario a.c acldo,," IOu"" in ,he od-J.. all"
... "rcronce boob. liel;"", attr"",ive and m",lra'ed tex'baob,
2>OOe:1l ,nap' anti glu.""', and pi.,,, .. coIl""t;o,,,. ,implY,do Mt. exl,t.
'T1Ic:'-c .or< M dal> .,-.Ilable nn doe exte"t ufmaterlal> "r Ih.. 1<>" In ,he
bu' a "i';l to ""me cf th. bat ",h""I, lOOn eoo,,;"",," the ,-ioitor
Q;a: "'" oitu.atiot, ia .. d....-ibed herc, or wone.


- ..
The CornmiJ$it>" Tte<>l!nM this ,hoJu!" or inm"ttio"al ,.......iats
as major proW"U] in d<\'el<>ping na,ionoJ on;venal cxIucu;"... It mull
be.ttacl<ai .......:Jtancousll'.nth the other problema of training te.>.cl>en,
lin.>nc:c, I>uildi.cp, and u...inis<tl.lion. 1b<: ........... ....gntio... that
Mk>w .'" [".....dod 10 meet tbe problctn and ",..,ntu:>llr ft-'..he ><:booIs
wi,h fine, mOO.' n, [n("eating, and elfee:!;". aid. of all IQ<\>.
AldnWb .1ItdLJ
In:nrnetir>n.l matm." nuy be dcfit><'d an)" ,bingo or ,hat
.",ist the learning eXI'"".n... for corwcnicncc or dil<;W>ion, ""'y be
dioidcd in", ,..,,=.1 ""'og',",,". Fine, m...: is the who not omlr
the chiloJ in hi, but D many .im.... <la)'.
_./ i'!l",_IiM. He anoW'Cn the child...,,,', qUbn.,ns, "">ldI 10 ,hmi,
t<:lI,.I",," """ics, gin." hint here nn b<'h.,Wur, .. hin. '''<:r. ,on how In
",I,." an ..lthmctic probkm But ,he chiW n"a, herome or
,h.lalel..". by the time he 1,-.. $Cbool.1O .here mUSt be olhcr j""'ning
.idoI that can carry illU> adult l,k for UI1!Uided ....., there .r. olh.. human and tommuni,y l'ftOurca ,ha. can be
....d ta cn.-icll 'ne enviroment. There are in ""ery CXlmnmni,y
pooplc "'h<> .,.., willinJ: 10 help dlildnn It1lI11_ I' mal' be "'100
ha>tr.o..-dcd .....uide <he districl who nn ",U or his tra''Clo. It ......,. be
'he [)"""lopmm' \\'wm "'00 <an tJ<pbln ,he "'WAtt offenttlil:_
ing Ihe lOt! Or 'ne erop l'roducti<m ,hrough ,he , .." of be"",.
-.Is, .... ,,-by ...., U>t IlD1'. It ......y be leal craftsmtn ",1.0 <:an "'acl, th"
dliIdrm to ""a'" Of bric:bor _. l'her<: an: many huma" ....rtt'I
of alld skin i" "'"ft1" commUNI}' and 'hese penons lhould be
ealled on in nu, mod..n sch...ob.
In addi,ion, n"'q' ,""",'nuni'1 abrlundo ,,;,h ...,;,,;Uts and poinu of
i.n.....' and l<arnlrl 11 dliltJ,..,n 1Iboo,1d ,-dj, a:I par. of ,hei. cd...,.,;.",.
An nuil'<: cl.... IIlay be kerllO a Iris' mill '" learn of iu optTa,;"" ; a
htHh school cia.. migh' " in a PMleha)"al m,illg ,,' learn It><. ",o}.
af Danotutraliono ;n agricu4ur", a ......11 ind"'t.)", an
c::umple of ..........., aDd many oimilar aclivi,;", sbou.ld be made ohc
fur JrOfitablc WuQ.ional etturmn..
Aho, 'here may be objec'. of in'er"'t in ,he how or "OIlc ,magen
oha' ell" bl: brought l<l sch.>ollOr displa)", .uch .. cu.;"', .....k C<)Ilce'ion..
......a pc.., and ",be< il""" ol in'crUI. E,"Ct)' COItUD....i'y ;, tich;n human
and rna<criiLI ,,-hich mould hc<ome pao-' of ohc cd.....,iona!
.,,";'-',nmtn.. i1,ose r"""",,,,,, and ,heir me ha,'" bttn dioo:.......t in '""re
in Chap,el"l VIlI IX.
T1>ird, 'here;' a, (T"<>up of _,,-mad. _ prin,cti a"d atitc'nrioe
"""maD. These: indud<: 'he :
1. }look> _ tex.bookl, tneydopcdia., diet;""ali"" othn rd<'ren<"
bonI<s, ..."pI_m,ary reading books, laboratory " ...", "wkbooJu, CU:.
2. Mapzina, pu"phle<l, et<:,
3. M"ps, charts, graph., pi<roriJtl and vlhn lVaphi<
picture 61.... and dida (wlti<:h ""luicc p<ojlica

ilu:<!s and rKtlrdings (which require thtm)
-n.-. ,he """" "";,ic:ol
al .he 1'"""'''' .ime.. F......hem
......... _ ",,,",;,,,llO. c,'nmuni'J....,."r<.'C$ MC ",ad)- r. .. ,he u,in!!".!.>ut .... -..riah for ,he I1lIt var' ,nUl' be ro-epnrcd and rnanufa,tute,L
Totlrth, there .. the P!>l-..ieol 01 Ihe d_... and
n- ..laY he dab and beMheo, nt ,tul$ and writing hoarw.
obocld he a b1acl:.hoard, buU.'i" I>uocd, .....d .able tOo- primary
p::>b, Acimec <quipmen., agricuhuralltM>\s, ,huLu, "u:. l'h...., ....."'d he
....... ptN<:<.inn rrom .he wco,h<:r in the konn of """" kind of.hd'....
l'b<re Wtoo-,ld be: adequate plar nr.... ."!l or ,hoo., like ,IL. nthcr thin&> .......tinnC'd 01:>0>,"", hell' '0 build a n<h e<I"",o<;onal ""';"''''''<:01. auiJ<!ings,
""";pn><nt, and .""pI'" ar. r""h... in Chapter XYf,
So&<t::iam f/ '011'''(/1'_1 Ails
With r..po:<"' tu "'me ()( ,be ..b.w" ;",Ituet",,,,,l aids., the f'l'Obl= u
OM of ",l:,in:::: ,,,ilable:.nd tlfect;'-e """..-;..1<. To ,he ""en, thl th... ohinlt' a.ea''2ihbk, .hey .ho"ld be "'l,w' in ,w'" 'he}"
..ill h,,,. 10 b<: J>lopo..-..d llLaDubr'u",d. H'M"'tt. $O'>nle da}" .h"",
..ill bt: m:tny ""mp<1l1i,.., ,,""" u'3i!aWo ,h<n .he pr<ob/cln of ode<,ion ..ill arioc. ...... eumpl",!hoe mal' be 'h""" '" fi,-" .... ""''''n diIT"r.n.
I')cial .."die, lJ<><>b a,... ... ,1>. f,f,h grad.. !i<:>......a1 set< ..r ""'PO man"faCtured by differ"n. funu.
.quiprnrn. of diJrc,..,n.
naI:", .....y be olfC1"Cl! fur pl.. Which sh!>ukl 1>< purrloucd ? Who .hoI,1d
.:.....m;n. ,his? In ........, alUn,ri.... arc proJud by the B","""".n' ; in (l,h",", tbo) .r" produ.1 bl pri,-a I'"hl;.l,... ""d ...,Id
comp.ti,;,.., rtI'lrken. Which plan ,'-<Id be Th_ 1"'4>kuu mar"'" be. praoing now. bu' th".,. oho.4d be antiripatcrl, pr-c-
;>a!td Mr, and ,h", nlc' and .....ed od"n,if",.lly"
In mat.... <:of """"'ion. tI>e C_rniDitln "oggut. ,I... ,;>. lP'l"'P of
.apctirnrW td","",," j,., asUgncd ,be tuk of (a) onung- "I' ai,"";a h-
ail kind, of l""'",'ional aids, (b) <umlning all m....;.-;ab In be oITer"d fur in ""huou, and (c) issuing from timc '0 time! a lill of aJlpnwcd
"",.crial. F.... cnmple, .e:o;,hook cri,.,..ia """"Id ;nc1odc, accuracy,
a,laptabiJi'l" In ,hr. proper ase rc.,..,1 .,{ child......, amarlh,,-, dur:>bilitr, in'..-n'i.... wdl ill""ra<<d. =. Map cri, ia .Jto.uld M.I ,,i,b .1,c. colou"
<L,r;!,.. pu.pot<", honK up '0 da"',..... Scicn- .quil"""'" cri,eri" obooId
.mp"a';I'!'"."pria,...... pmplicity, """"""1, duubility, Cl(;. For ""rb
"f ma'c,.,al tlt.".., ,"""Id be dear....... opeeif", al1",1:I ,hot " ...."Id ..,....'c
10 the p<"O<luecr aoo "",nul"aClOr In d..-<k>ping UJ,Cr,,1 ma'erial. and which would guid" the group in "liminati",l"p"riouo, "
It would "", be """ibl. for a ,i"lle: group '" et.nuuc and pUI
judg....."", "n all .." ...""W. Thcrcli:>rT, ,he J[MUP should be lift
... add.,;"",l .-ncmboz. or to ""aWish ."b-gn"'.- '" od.., 'locciGt:
'l"P"" of malerjab. FM, uampl., """ ,,,l>-gm<11'"" ocie"""
,.,,,,books ilnd rna,eri,ab, """ther arithm.tic hoob, el(., an",h.r ",igh' """'mine map"> ete.
'to 10"'.....ta and countries a ';"g'. t t!x>:>1: for each ,"l>jcC' for
""ch grade i. hy lhe G<n=unwt a.horitits and only thio one
.....y be used in llM= lICh<>o>ls.. Thio prvtia: ....m>... Ibo 1earnirl& environ_
ment be<:ausc .....or ....,II......incd kao;h..... Uling modem methods or .each
ing, will wan' > mc .cveral x,!Joou in , rubject. A bener plan
.. to ploc<: on ,h. :l.PJX'O''Cd lilt all tbe m"ltrials ,ha, meet <he ClIt.ablisMd
Q"loa... and le, c.och leather ."""'" the materials that he rods ,..ill be
\.>est for hi. cl..... Th..._ ,he ];,,\ ....11 aid, not handkap, ,he
leacher in his .dcclion of m:"crial.
Pn"""w. -' -J MIlkri.b
A. irldicatffi prc\'iously, there .,.., :I. rew material...,...i!;obl. fmm
which '" lIdecl ...haW. "l\C> r<le Our ..,hool, '<>dor. A "emend"... tau.
I... ahnod in ,be l>tq>&talion alld produ<:tioo ofa "'idol '"11"'01)" or b.-nin!t;
aids. Th. j",,,kCll (a) prcp;>r.:uion. (b) production or mon"r".'nnng, and
(c) <li",ib"u.,ll and ",n,ng. Tile Cum",i..;."" r"cI. th.. t this work, and
tJu" uf selecting "",'erWs ... <lCllCribed .1>0,...., should be<ed and
..-.di.... ,e<! by a highlcvd lnstrtKtincul AbteT"lI Omunmiot> that
woulrl1>e o:lJnpr1o<t:l 006"" 1<1 outstanding ",actici", e<!"".!ionislS
who at<: famih.., with the prof ional, bulin<a, ....d up:lS
of,bc lalok. Such. a><nmiMion .hould be appoinled by ,be Minister of
[.dua,i<Jn or elected by lhe d.,c"tioa Iloard, or by t"" '-;ational T....cher.
Altoeiatinn. if ."eb is [M",I, "'ilb 'am' lOt- lht tntmben ..
,ha, not lIKIrt ,I" one 'hird of thtm "re nc,.. .. an,' Me 'm"". The
Qx:un;.ion oloould be ""po....ble to ,"" at Edue".icm,
buhouId ".."l in m<>per:lO'i<Jn ,,;'b lht Deputy Sretaries ,csponsible
rne I'rilll"'y ed"""';n, >=>I'lrla,}' td""""ion, and .ducation. 'nu:
Co: ni""'" ,110,,1<.1 m<:<:' '" otlen a, and
uld be primaril}' an
ell "i'.. and c..ordi"""ng emmn......... C"'nmi" "" Sdtctiun, Prcpara
,ion, l'rodllCtitm, DDtd!>",in.., and ",her ,<\a'ters $hn"ld be al'JlOinled by
,ho Con,,,,;.,",n, witk a eomrnio,ion member a. <""n of
comR\l'tec. In .hi .r ,he ""Ork would be di>lribu,e<! ,"'1''''3 many
qu>li5ed ......, 1> and c:uried ou' c:<pediliouoly.
The Co"'''''''ion ",>d,;\> cnmmi".. "" preparation 'If m"tm.w.
ohould cansideo- and mean...renCOutaginl the rapid ptn<Iuuinn of
..,i...b)c ,e.ttbo'oob and o<her """eriab. There "'"uId be 1i.1UIncial en<out-
.ganen' lhrough dirttl tITIplO)"Dtnt 0{ _i'..... payrt>enl 0{ lump-tum
sr"n" fnceept>ble m.n"""rii>\>, ex p;t}"TI1cnl "rt'OJ""h;.. on
ma"'rialo. D,,, there "",,,Id be ,nore: the oo>miu.. should lUl""ty the
need. uu,ll"" Ihoc ''1 manual ru. .....i'etS, WlJ<lher with eriteria and
".nol.....b '0 be fOllowed. A' ,"" <In><, the <:omoni,tec ohouId
1.>001<1 "",1 other materiat. in other wi,h the view to dir"",
or a<4p'ation and 'ransla,i<Jn by ...n .... <:mpl<>}"Cd For !hilt
purpooc. (h """ withou' U)inJI: <ha, .u _u,iol, .4NJJ 10< to
/frf'clj if W'<: are'" pl"<lI11<>Ie our ....,i<>na\ This co,"tnhte<:
'In prepara'ion of mote.-iUl Ihouid publish earl}' .. IU"emcnl of a pto-
p""""" '0 be pursued, 'b"'ai,ing direction and ;uois'anee lO those woo
an: lndi ..... 00 help on this u.slt.
In addition to 3 major dfor. dircaed '!< ,he I"epara'inn of
'c"bn04. IOD>e allen,ion .I.."dd be ai,.... lO ,he p<q>ara,ian of cuhu,-",l
and edue:ationo.! filrm and slid... Through theoe lDCrlla, ",,,<11 of the
hio,orical and gc:ognphical 0{ uuJ' """nit}' could be b""'!lh, to
our rntlth. Science l<nd Q'ltf" euukl be cnIivell<d lhrough the addition


The Commince DD publica,;"n rtf IWOltti..ob $Muld be c!oldr
to the one OD or one oom... might "nd<rrab both wb.
To nuU: an immediate ca......k on the G,mmitLion and ito
p<:bb::o.ion .hould &>Ta"", b " minim..... """""0' of pri<l1in7;
... to., done oa <r>o<lttD Indian ........... n laJ'I't' b tb;. ;",.....lia'"
migtu .... one ,,,,"book r", oNllcr, if !"'"'ibl.) rot
tad> lubjM ror of the primary' ocl>ool gradn [,,-ha<: , is
"'0" acut.e), onc or ......, u=ldy "'''ptn, a minhnUID se, or mapo. But
Ihis programme would be lelDp<lrary.' bat,
The Comminion believe< that a III,,,,.rloMI pt"s 1O<I1ld
;" O$Ien';ol '0 the IIOJution of ,hi, problem, If",,, arc to have
!OO,O<Xl ..n In ..hoot in ten ye""', ,hi> call. for ,he pub];.a,.,n of
Mf;H'e .han " mitli<>n lu,boob and n'h.... materiab pr' year. If'h...,
llUteriak.", to have maximum vall>< in .be e<!uealinn"l process, .hey
.bould be ..",U itlu,u'a,a1 in a>Ior and prq>ared alonB IIIOdo-n lin<s.
";11 "I.>"" PUbli<hiDS 6.......ilh oomidenble ""day of apiUll
and. openUns IiandL
It is hoped that aid ....y b<: .,,,w,,hlc ..... tucb lUl
Spni6caJly, the OoonmisDon sugalS the tnininJl of key penonnd abrt.d
(an Ii.....-in-chicr. busin... " ......ll.... >hop 1:II&;Ma". and mod,ine open._
IOn) ; the procuremen. of "'luipmcnt to turn 001 ,be 'luantt,ia of ,.... teriah
.uggcstcd .bo''C and a bUlldmll to 001"" ,he equtpment; and initi"]
financing unlil,he can be sdr_."'taininll. Such a prao sholtld be
under the "r Educati..n or the Uni,-ertiw and nligh,be kno"n a,
the Not;""a) or Univc"ity Edu<a,ion P,.... Budiletw;"', it sho\d<l be
sdfusta;ning ",ithin three )'eat"l by .dling ill produc. at" t;Oll.
C''m ,hough such raJ.. migbt be.., od,er deparlm"",s of It"'.-...."m""". In
",der tha. tha PU'l""" m;gh' be rnliwJ. the preal fi<1ot prinrit}"
'" cducatioooal - te>:,bookf" .dult liteTU)' mat<:ri:Lk. ",l.oco..ional
ocboob. maps, !ucalinnal rcporII. eue - and rcfU><: to
prin. other .... ttti.b. !l"'=rt1I>nI1 (le otltcrwilt. time and .ee
permi.. "Th-c p<OS d>ould ....,.;,.., tloO ",boidr after ..... tnauguration period.
anti """"'Id DOt take.,., any joill., oth... titan .lrictIy aluarioaal m.taWs,
al 1esI thaD <OIDfI>Orcial rat... Abo".. all. th.. preoI ohouId I>Ot r'OSltll in tbe
doou... or any'n, '" the major jllS'lifica<io.. fur- ...tablahi,,&: i.
is denied.
Adntin..' .... ,i,e1y. the prt'U .hould be rr... to 0ll"rato ..... bLllin."..
An odvi>o<y board .hauld be appointed with .ta"","od terms to "elp
... ,.bliili polici<l and procedures that ""mid keep the managell free from
"pr..."'''''' The O,tttmw;,m r.... that thi> proflOt"l ,hould ha,.. a high
priority in the ""al prT'gramnt< pratcnted in ,his RCj>OlL
A di,ioioo of W Natioual ... U..r.......xy Education Pr<:a, or "-
,hould be rtsponsibk: rw distribution of printed iasuuc:-
.ional "id>, Tbh or agency, oh""ld work in a>Qpenltion with the
In.ltnction,l AIth Q,mu,istion, " .. O1lLlmC<! 'hat ...,me male.lall alw";1
..m be .,....11.>1.1" fmm tI>e open market - from pr;''''''' p<in'.... and
publi>h<n. As an _my. the ma,criili from ,his OOWr<:c, ",rift" tbt)' ha,-e
beeG , ..... in """'Id 1>c pwchaxd in q....oliry br ..
so'.....nm."t 'gene}" fO)r rnal. <>t ..misl.-ibulioon 10 indi,'idual sebools.
II lI"bo ll.'!.wnod .hftllhe blue",;"n P,ou will not print anylhing
rIOt pr1:\""""r .pprmU for dll........"...... Th..., aU of lIS 11\.0.<...1 ...iU be
"'*! and disl<ibo.I1ed lO the scho<>k and <:oJ]"!ft. Thel'd'on. "'e ougea'
<hat the InutuetioN.l Aid> VIa........... ",'.bliob, .. :Ill adjul>Cl CO the
Edut<"ion Prcoo, .. ,Iio"ibu,;':'n .. for ,,11 .h... i .... ruain".1 aids ,hal
be l"",WTl (I' .he the I\atin....' IIwk
Th" "gone)' ",""Id 11 on OOlUignmenl the pr<>ducl of 'he I::d"eatioll Pr...,
allli the ....._io.lI of ath... publishers and firms ,,'hieh had I>ccn "I'I',",""<>J
for ,..., in the I'd>oull.. This arencr would .-cl .. analla",,,,,,,, of ini,ial
""piu! ouLbr and "peraunc r.....m, bu< 100<I would be ldf.....lficient. A.o a
acency, uif'f l" schools, !be Edu",uion Depoortm".u, vilbge
1<b"",i<$, and lhe a<1"lI li ....,C}, l'mgr"mme mifht be ''.d by .equi$i-
,ion and 'loo lr"rnr., of a-edil ",Iter 'loan bl' ca.m. B", in lho i"'...... of
pId bnsiDf'U """""' 11010 should not btmme flUld-allotinll
ac=cr br diltribu.i"!f teri>b to "",-Is al>d ""hen e:ntilkd to rcOeft
,hem fr, ,<il""u' an .PI""'" i"IC 1.......r... of credit f,CIOt the dq>.arlJnr"t
.......,.., 'he do,,,.Li,,,, i> It> be charged. This ag'''er n,iglu
ar", ,enl hI"" .nd ,lid"" fo. scl>ll ,,,e. The admin't,a,i,,,, o<1l"niaation
r." an [ i"''''1 ,\ids Con'm"'ioll i. sugg<3'ed in Figu,.., 9 on 'he
.....1 po .
c",.wt 0{ IftJ"..lional Ail!>
To .ommarize the fo.ogoing di>CUSoOo.n ,,;,10 ...peet ,,, """trel of
ins......'ional lido, ,he Comm;,.ion bdb'CS (a) ,ha, ,h.,e ohould be <:Otllrol
"'''CO' ohe """",ill, uacd thrwghout Ih" edueatltmat - primary,
...:ondary, hiel-, and adult -: aDd (b) thal ohio obould
be in Ihe hlnth of I o::munrosoon entitdy f,,,,, f...... poll"""l al>d other
pr..."'" and compoocd nf eJ!perienred, prof...iortally trained propk
Such "",,'reI ",ill i"",/>. , "k<lio. by .ipg "'any tead":,,
...1>0 an far"ili..- ""Lh ","ch i""" to be _ider<d Ind applring acierttifu::
criu:ri& : 1'<</*.- _ ,..-_ both by individual an<.! JO''aUlnent
cn,uprisc ; and #i1hihMlt ancr IPIJ>''al.
"11';. ronl'o! ,ho"ld be dcoigncd 10 .rreC1 ,
I. F.<x>n"",y through man production and distribution
2. High..."dartb irt malerials throu,gh competiti,..,
.........."" aDd ....le
3. ProftooionolJ)' milt-bl" malnial adopled I() ...unti principln of
learning:, guidln<:e ;;r lb. produc"" by oci.ntifieally
dc>",toped a-itcria
4. F<<<odom f,om
az>d or.heo uDd<&irabk """'tall
This ""nllOl Jh<ruld n"" be allowed I() lc:ad to "eroryped .....<crio.l,
"nheatbl)' cenlOl'lhip, or C(IfIJOr\'atilm in the pttpara,j,on or n<:W matniab.
JO U,,!l'''I'>S
"PitS 'IWl!,).
___'.' .....TVUoU.I

, 8-
~ ~
~ - - . J _ < . __ g! g
If ~ I n-)

TIle Co>lIlIJlislion it unwist' t<> opet\ oh.. ' ""am< to the minds
of yOUlh whhou,....,c umlrols; h"",.... i, recognizes the t1a.ngeo
inhereul in oontro'" and therefore cautimu ,hoJe wbo may be ,esponl;bl.
'" implemmtins .hern "Pins, .uch
The,e h;Lt bn con,id.",bl. dixussinn of .he use of ins,ruC1ional
aids in the p<eccding ehp'.'" ; a !>rid lumnu,y i. "11.,,,d here, In.'rue
tion.l ... Lds .re caoDtW to the learning They incluok a "'i<!c
of _orials, pc1SOIU. ob;ecu. and od>er 'hingo. l-ID..
l/lq- can be mAd<: ",...ihblc ..-ill detcnIIine ;.. ItO .......u <nea>ure <he: ridu...
ofth. curricuh,m.
'n>Q of i ....,,"'.io""l aidhould be llKd ; the new CtJrtioula
I" .........d in thio .. " r,,11 "lid \":uied ..... of Community
_ at'<' rady for ionlno:dfau ; J"rint"<l and 'lido
mOl' be I'rndllatl in Xep;oli latII ."d "" '" "'''Pal'.
sehool<. nUI;n Ihe abocnco nl those mat"';"]$, ,h. lcachfT and pup;],
Can ;mprn,-ire. 'n,cy CAn Mite thei, <OWn ,t<>,ico and tCXlba>ko, Dnd bmu
them .ur.pJy.nd ine>:pnliimy and k.a.... Lb.... in the 1ibnry tOr the next
cla... CIllI tqin to ooIltct pittltros aDd ""'OIl' aDd 1iI. ,hu lOt
o,hers as ..-rll ... , 10..... 'Ill'" can "",to their mm ....,11 m:lpf
and pall. ,11"" on do:>th t>o.king I<> pr....rv<: <h...,. Tb.... and many
u<hcr can bo made inCJlI'.""i\'oly, and 'h.}' <:<loutitut. good
leIlnUBg "re"i'ia fur f'Upib..
As a fmal suR""ionn, .... Commiaina eIlu,;"", <e:Ubm aDd ...per-
viso... .-""'hgly againll !cuing 'b.".book borom. a ""
good l.arnins as i, ha. in ",me ""Uh,ri... In ,he thapt., on leacher
tdllCatioD, we emphasize 11", i"'fX',Uonce of "aini",r '""ch.....o "'" modern
n>ethodI ""d .upplemen' the ."",book and Ie<:,u';"g "'i,h a "';de range ur
"- n>etI>odt. i1.e ,adle. ...ho taarU l(> thac ....-0 "",<hOdJ ... lbe
pri/DlU'Y ba>CJ for le.unl"l is indulenl, and .be mults .. not be li<l;n!
10 O"r mod.,n age and wits Ihat li. ahead in d.HI<>ping rl.",ocracy in
OOr <:oUnl'y. Th. int>duction and or a wid. tOll'g. 0(
materials, as JuUQkd in litis cbspter wiD maL: it
to rely
doll' oa tndi,ioBallDCtboch.
In tllis .hapter, ,h. Ctmmlssion has ."gg",ted ,hal ,
I. lmtructio.>tuol aids, bci"l non to the Ielld>er ,he mOOl iInportallt
f;>anr in learning, ttItIJt bc adequa'dy provided 10. In the
national .d"",,'ionaJ programm.
2. Ahhough comm"nl'y , ....".... ..., in cxlens.j". q,,"'llily,
0011 the wise, ..-ell tnined 'each.r, <her>: it. gre't
Ih<wtll" of pin and """",-,lXlurro =taials, ,,'ilhou' "'hich
there ClOD be , y Un'" ad,..,.<:cd Iurning.
5, Thi. ,ho"ng. m"It be ror.octod IlmuhanCO\uly wi,h ,he te.mer
sJ>c,rll\gc ; ....... 'i"" .'BOO' <lcvel",p wilhou, _Il-train<d ..""h....
and .ci..."ificall)' de\..lopr:d instnIetiDnal materials.
i. An lmuuetional Materi.rJs Coalmi<siotl should be
by .he Mini>t"" ",fEd"........., <h. Education Bo:u-d, or a N.lio"'.l
.m__ ....nau.u

.. d.r '* cl ...b-a>mmitt...,
i et d". .... d =tcia.b fro", ti"",
P ., - ... br p crittria to guide
- - ...... aod thro..p 6:I>az>cW ctlCOl,;ngnDtnl
...... '.., mat<rials.
"!.. cl prinlCd _teriah lhrough tbe
... " Xalioaal 0' Unn""';1)' Edun'ioo
!<l' O...,..ibo;lioa of ..... 'm..1o throu&b ,he cotab!i>hmrn, oh
=Woca1 dio<:ibutioll allmer.u "'" adjl1DCl '" ,be rrn..
'" d illllru<lioaal ..... ,....... U lhe!" liIl.,. from the
?od_, 10 the O'nIIumer.
... Ta.Qo, lobouId IftjuirflllO"" "id< of;"'tnJctional
_ .. Wo and be Ia"&hl how to """ 'bm> lo promote
........... brui"l'
The administration and Sl'l>ervilion of .ducatloll are Ii"'etion' /hat
delemine in no <mall m.a,,,re and ,ucc<" "f individual
and the total edlLcational ,y.tem. In Ihe p",t, t1",.e functio"",
it: ""me countrie" have been allowed to develop in mililar;"tic Ot bureau_
cr.orlc form', and ha'" lllitl>:ated rather than encuuraged the ,mooth and
effectl,. operation of>cl><,<>l,.
l'.<llJ<ation by i, b",ea"",ati< or Rul<><:tati<. School. and
e<!u<ationa! ex;"t soldy fur of helping th< youlh of a
""'ion '0 l>e<ome l>eUer into their 5OCiy, L<arning;" the key
ani,;/;- of the educational rnte'pr.... Any poli<ie3, adminis"ati'" action,
... pel"ffin, that do not make il e""er for Ih. child 10 Ieam are enemi.,. of
In counlry like "epa!, OItllggling to learn the <kmccratic way, it
is <ssontial that ",hoo], be operated d.mQcratitally, that they beeo",e lillle wilhin thoit larg" environment. Fortunately, Ihere ate few
admini,trative policies or practices rdaling dire"t1y to .ducation that carry
onr .... Iradllions in Nepal. Now is Ih. tim. t" pUI inlo df." sound,
"IUdern, democrati" principles of Rdmini:!tration and '''I''',,;'ion.
pr",..;pl 'f SchD<i1 ild",in;;ll'alt"""
What are the principlco of >ch",,1 admin;,traUon ?
The>' atC in general, the .ame a. for othet pha.., "fgov,"nm.nt, Qr or
;""in.", I" education, they pro,'id. gnideposts fot action and f",
?"Ii<:y making.
Fi>il and forcm"st, adminutralion C)l;,a 10 make poooiblc Ih. ,'ery
bc.t learning .iluation. Th.. tak..< "Vet all "ther principl.,..
Moony ded.ions can be mod. on Ih;' prindple alone. Th. school. eo.UI for
u.e chUdren and collcges fot }'otlth, n"t f"r leacher>, parent>, tax_paye,."<", or anyone e],e eo.copt Ih. youth or our connlry.
Sc.d, schoo!' Ijving insliluti",,", evoh'e and d....l"p u c""pera-
"'" en'erpti"" ; Ih.y "'. not bnUt oe run by one per!<m. E,'er}"ne
- pupil:!, parrntJ, te""hers, managing_commilttt meml>ers, and









Fiftlt, gonenl pol;Q:o """'aId b< .....blilhe<l as guides and codi6od

a b.uio h- ad.niniolra'inn.. .. otl>c<:n Nonuld be ....pOo}-N by
boa",", managing <:t>mm;llcn, and oth.". to carry O"t the pulicits of
the r"'l"'c,i\'e gro"p and M high D"d,;..,,,, falling wi,hin
hne q blill,od poI;c;.", Ilhnuld l>e ntaue l>r ,he u'>Lti,.. offi,.,... ,,I" hi>
<bif:n>.1td lep"..",.li,... ; <Icci1innI nnt tI".. "",..,.m loho<,ld he refCfred
10 the pnIiq.ltJ.&li"l troUP al ........ed. "aa..... 10 appl.r ""lM:'" in an
dficien. and ofT""'ve mannor obnuld resul. ,n rcplacemmt nf ,he ex..,,,,,,,
a>nccrned, Thi, .. me principle .hnuklapply to bet"'''''" "
h"adn'",tcr and hi> leacbe... a &<:her and hil 'luden", " cl>air",an of a
d ... and hit damna,....
S;zd, dl'ecti,.. rIlp""'""''' iI duiped 10 help a teacher imPfO''' his
".."k, not 'n rate hi,,, ru'P""" t>f a"".1Io (e_g.," inorement)
or diodl'line (e_g_, teacher, tlread ,he prn<noe of an
inlprt.or and manl P"l'ili """,kin! ,oge,her dread !be pl"t:lCnCe of a
.oxhtt _ bttt,....,!hey """". that he io onll. there '" ",ilicite, not help.
The 'erm impcaor ;". poor r.he ptnon asirned to help.
<tacbn ; ,ul'''''. io lillle b<tl<T. Rrga"Un:o of ..h., he iI e..nod hi>
,,,ajo. f,me", i. tha' or a ,peelal eOnlul...n1. The Headmas,er i.
raponlible r,.. e,.lu'in; the " ....k .. it alfee" hi> I"'0motion o'
dioottioIa.J. 1....... n.o functiottt - rating aod guiding -1houId be ktpt
if ..,p""........ to '0 bot .ucaful, The Hcad:naltcr .....y of.... ha."
.upcrvition ... one of hi, funetio..., bu, he >l>ou.k1 be:or in mind lltat it iI
more coonomlcal,o help" 'cacber impru>'e than diom'" him; anU ...
helping hand g,,", ruc,her .ha.. critieilm in helping him to impro,"'.
1"bae a.., a few or tIoe (Windpb =decll'iJll' d<mocratie oebool
..dminiotr.>tion. PerhaPJ n><Il( imporoan." a de........tic ani,ude Oil the
lal'tnal in the conununitr _ all ho.,-c thrir part to play aadohou!d be
'hat "I'pnrtuniry in proportion to their C1pabilitio::s IlJld interests. Puli'a.
,h(mld .hare in planning school &(:,ivitiel, parenthould .bart: in mabng
po!icieIlho.\ .ffect the li,..,. of their ehUdren, life in their "ill. gc, and 11,,:
..-diarc of tbcir na\ion. All must pl>y a COOpel"U'''' rok.
ni,'.OJ><>lUibility must be >ftat.<d. and thaoe with whom it is
mu" accept it and it. con""l"cna:s. If ,h. high ""hoo' ""d.", body io
given 'he ,e'l'0mibility fo< planning an aClivi,)", teacherl and the
bcadmu,... not ;nterlere, hu. ,htudcnulhould hi,..". "'"
Ih."..,!..u "itb ,he """,....... Arl'\"iooor S,oup ba,,,, a piaet' in the
adm.iai$tr.uj.-c schem<, but !hey Ibould, know that tbey....., only ad,isory ;
Ihq' >hould nol 1:>0 alloW<'<! ", w""' ,hat Iher have policy-making """,_,
onl)' to di'C(lv<r that ..,Ille onc 01 .. hold. a "<10 power. Goo=olly
.peakinr. ad,';,,,,J' groupo "'" weak; It is better for them'" h"se defini'e
I'CIpOlIIibW'io and IlK !>O"'a U> ucculc thCll1. In any ...-.:nl, 111=obould
be .. clear.a., definition of IUthori<y l'or I'"'C'" or gr<lUp <XO""' wd
Wilh .he openl.ion ..,rthe od>oob.
F..,rh, admini31rative func,ion, should b< decentralized in..,f., as
possi1.oIe. E\'fl]tuJJr, as th<: peop!e of th<: gain edllQUon atK1
experiomo: in dit<'ail'll tMir _." schoob, the cmtnll SOV"'"'fDmt $bould
only ",o\id. eduatio""lleadc:nhip, I...... common necdt. and ,n..
10 e<l"cationol ent])",". The dilt.,... an<! k><al communit'"
htlUld ..."me ",.jor adminlstra,i,e '''p''noibiliti.. fur thdr odooolo.
JlI*'"' .,( all a"d an "1"i/e rh ""tt. The ditawion tluc (.,11.....,
_:;., duties and .sponsibiliticJ 0( vvOou> offiecrs, QSlIme
ti ""......:....Iic spirit.
7' r .....:in IU .V_/i.-l Incl
n.c .,"S"ni...,io" "f cduca60a prt>pocd by tlte CommilWoD
_ ro:t:!iAcd in Chapter VII. A. the MtioMIIC"d, IKIminlnntl''''' c:ontr07
_ ....tu! in a ; Bnard of Edu<.:ation. by the Oobioct or
by the .....-blr (C''tntual1r by the people), and tlte :-.r",io<U of
Tbc &.1_,EAw'" sl>ouI<! be the p>licy-makinr bottr, <>p:nn..g
thr f.__k o(od"""tionallq;.tation. I. Iito<lld =t rqruIarly,
"9l'"""-c. "acion'" I:ulg<t, and apl"""'" _jot appo;"nnenu..
The .ltj....... -J Elwttl;' ihould praid< m.....he &atd and a<l '"
... He 1Ihou.\d ....: profcuional .<hicc. onrnina..,
p<rIOflI for .,IIiLCll. J"'CI"""<''' for .pp""....,
of OJ"'ntlions, 1""="1 now poI;c;a """ adoption, I""'!"'J<
Iepl3ti<>n '" be rcmmmcndcd h)' the Board. jlr<lVidc
bd...bip, .nd pcrl<orm o.her function... assigned by the brd.
Immediatd)' ""'p"MibIc to !he [in"'t.". 0( Ed"""cion. the c...nmininn
i::u '''II5''''t<"<l " s...,1tIryjiff E<iwaI/iA llld 1o". tkp.{1 Swt4t"'4 W. Primary
I:..hca'l(m. Scc<>ndorl' Edu<acion. Teacher EduQli(oll. and
.u>d financ.. Th....hnuld be per",an<nt, l'<'(If..Ioo,,,1 '1'I'oint., not
""bj;.1 \() Ih. ""'hi",,, of I"'lilial f"..tun... Tncy Ihould be a"l",inlo<l by
.:.c Board nr I::dlleacion on the l\liniSlor'. reU.>1IIWelld.tinn and b. gi"e..
CttItinuing <:<lnt/acto, lubj""\ to di>m;",,,l only for incQml"'t<n<;c, not
t.ea"" "r in political leader,hip_ all these men will fan the
n:.p:;"uibility for making the admini,tra,ion contir,uo'" and 1>1tem.'ie_
The SoeIOr)' ono.! Deputy .. Iholl\d a"cnd Iloaro.! meeling,
The Sc<-,.'a,..,. .hnuld be the =jor pmf... ir>n.l .,ccuti,-.
",5oer, ,,ell.troiner! ond expc,;cf>ccd, and 'OKether he ond hi. Depu.i..
prwid. cop.l"""l Jeadcnhip and di,ee'ion fo, the Iunt.)". educa
:ioiC..>I S\'J'tC'ln. Ihould represent the high o,,!hority in lheir ''''pC<-
"".. liddo. mml ,,-o:rk W<>p<ral;vr-Iy on tter. affeeling ",,er.1 or
"J] pb..,. 0( educotion, but ",,<h Deputy >I>ould orpniu ItiI lkpa'lm<::lll
'" Cl.-ry tlUt p"llcico .nd to dir=t octioll rdated to ltis daillncd area 0(
"'l"bo /Or !\dnti"iIInttiort .nd f'ttUUl<;C ...ill I\CIC1I
",=,=al dcpoumcn, M.... to dirr<:l Ihe ""'rk in (a) l>udgct ""d finan<;e,
a:b:ation .nd n;p<::Ildit",e .,f funds, and lICCOwtllng. (b) SIChor>I l:uildillp,
aad malllterWlQP, (c) !Caehe.- artification, (d) to<:ho ....,Ifa....
e:i:cmttlt funds. """'1' socd... (c) <Dnreh ,,-"di...t;"lI, etc.
"'IMw m-c ""'" and their ""u........, ....,..kiII!I-....imcs ,no<pcndcndy,
be::. .. a "'..... Ihoul<l pn>ride kod<nlUp in pLannin;s: IU'd dc>"'lop-
... the a1I'rict>lum; ;.", Cl>unr:o of.lady ; -'" lhe IMCI"UCIiooW Aa
0.,....,;.";",, in oolco:ting, p-rparin!l\ pn>ducin,g and diwibutin; _ ......... ;
1I:.&:i, ,ta,;'tito.l da... and ,",""pile poovNle central
to tM lIOboola ; <>U:nUr.I!" .and di,cc. n:or.orch ; help atabIiolI
:><Y "'-"oolt ; the ocloooI code.nd ..... new qislation at IIot'ftIod ;
KId odl......ue !,",""'le the intero:su of cducalion on a OOWluy-wide basis.

upon OP ,"P"L KI><1CIlnON pUJ<NI>IO CO_ON
ParalJding the Secrcuty too- Education, and undr:r a Board of Higher
Educotino,;" lhe 1'".....0 .. who iJ the <:hid" r:ftCU.i,,,
oIlice:r tOr ill hiahtt edt&Catioll. Ihe Secretariea art:
the Principab or the Collegt:, who dirt thr: work or .h..., ins!itulions.
Underlying ,he teercla,ia, level .fe the "'pc....'i""", onc for eaeh
majm fi.ld of Irning, and ,pecial supcrvisn", as needed. Th"IC ,,,,,n af.
responsibse too- genesal kaolcnhip in ,heir rr:sp<eti,-e 6ddo, """..loping
CUrricula and (OURQI orstudy, tsublishinR cri'eria by which 10 evalua,e
lhe....,..k in cacb azu. or learning. ...J pin! rcnenl ..,pcrvision in d>c:
distri<:u in their .-csptR" r.ekD. That: men should spa>d M<'41Un1
lo one half of Iheir ,in '"i,inll oc"""1s .hfoughout lhe rnt.:Iinll
",lIh t.Aeh.,"' confCT<'ncn, ud P'"tllno,ing the curriculum, m.lhmb,
mal.rials and other aspec:u of ,h. p""foosion:oJ prognon,,,,,,.
It &hoold be notcd lbal thoe "'p<T'ioon arc no' in m.,
tnditionallCDle, 1nd no IinsIe supcnior>r ;" ..... 10 """ .. a *"",p
of IChooIs. Their functinrl is dIiclI., one of leadership, """ admini$".atr."
<:oJ:l,ro1. Gen.ra] supcrvisio" mar be carried on 1' .pcciaJ k'perviJo.. QI"
directl) from Ill. [lq:",ly Seerelano' om....
AJati";""-UM <11 lir iJistrid Lt.tI
ad. o[the thirly...... political dislrieta JhoaId ha." " DUIrid S-i
of bbwn-, fur the vr-r>' appoinred by the disIrict Go>.....-, Ad'"ioD<y
Assembly me",bcn ,csitHng in .he district, and the Minis'er or Ed.....lioD
On "allllofecl li,'e.)'u, 'erm" bnl """nmally 10 be elected by ,h. J>COple
oflh. dU'fict. The districl lloard of Education ,hould employ a well
qualified DU",'" Dim/at l'.Mu 'lUtraeIiI as lhe chief nr::cutivc cduc:a-
rioo of6=- to di=. educ.:stion;ll a(1;'i';". in the diwiet. The District
Board aJ>d "'" Diwict Dircuor or ?ubi;., Im'rucbon, "ilh;" d>c: policia
and 6"".a'io... of higher authori.)", obould fIlan and oo..lop J""iria.
admindtcr .he Khool>, ..",Wi,h new Khoob, budget and dlSttibule
dUlrie, educational funds, help sceur. leache" and los,,,, 'pial [caching
oc.-tific..... when ,>CCCIPl"}., <>:>ll.e' data ror ,ecords and repo' .... app"'''''
all ''''''in& and Khool diJtrialng ull";""', and wis, local eduation:ll
b<o:Iies in ..u pm>iblc -J1,
Each district offic<: should indude .. "'ally usirtaots:SS
at I..... a gme'al deputy cliree"'T 01' .uperviso' fOT prim;t.ry edu""'""",
and for secondary education if Ihefe a,e many high >chooa in .he di'l,ie.
'111""" offica, 'he, noafd" and their eu<;u,h"C o/licers ,hcnrld
pnwide educational"lus and leadership 10 rheir I"QpCCtlvc disIriet:s.
Until Cacilities in Nepal ltt>fnwo consioItraW), it may
be nnasary to nltlllnne lhe prtsen. zonal srouping ordislricla, beta.....
here thould be ""her I'> "f m., diltficl "hief ncculivc
offieetl (at lea" onee evuy Iwo ur th(ff mon'hs) with the "aTiou, OmCCtl
ofthee"'fral Ministry of Edualiolt. It migh' pro,,, ,,''''e l"cluible to
ha,.., oomJ -..littp thaon natinnal meetingL
AJaia1m" <11 "" I.-J L-l
The key 10 "'''''COI of education in a dem""",,"l' ;" thr: local ocItoo1
organi-.ation and administration. Each town and .ach la,ge VIllage or
cl""e. of vWages .""uld be erganiaed as " ,ingle unil for educational
purposes. Hudiug up uch lown or o;ommunil)', there should be a
...eptat>\t;" all <J the ..._t ..Mob alld ""'1
o<hM ....w,ina pttnmnu aid .nd ao:ndiQ...... F.... the l'f"C"'lIt, !be
memO"" of tbae Iou! blfds oMuId be ..kIUcd br 'M PaD<:hayu, lbe
headmen of lb. villaS"' and lb. 11:0'",--, "" by othn" non", ..
democratic as pos>ible; ... b<.equcntly !bey obould b< >dect",1 1' .hoe
people. In cut, ,boy """"Id hold he..)'C'at. It:lgacd ..,..,...
The f""<Iions of ,hi, .h""k1 be '0 oelt ... competent w.-.I
.r &J-U M "OflImunity l)ire<:l<,r of Public Imlrue';"",
...lablal! tbe boundacia (If the aJ'<a to lie lervcd cdue.otionalll' by the
u.,.rd, to atobli.h JCho"h in ,h. atcn, direct and ",,,trol education in
""Of}' through 'heir "Ilicer, ;\l,... Md collect f"n<ls rO'
op.rating 'he ,dI""l., emplo}' ,,,,".h.,.. "n the roeommcndation of ,h.
'''I''''intcndcnl, lx,dget and UI.. "d fund. '" n"".."...y, .,e.
'the of Schools should <::IIrry 0'" the>< politico, KI'
."",pet..., headrna>tenl and 'eathen for ocl>Ml unO his ....JIel""u;.:m.
"'"""'se pa}YOlk, a<t as OCCI'cury fOr ,he Board, pt<>Yidc cduota.ioDal
1<2de"hlp and di"'d ,h. tducalio::MW or.he ex>mmunity.
All adminiotnfu.., runu.......... opmlically aIloalt:<! to hi:&f>er
or dcfti<d d>< loc:aIlloa'll of Education shooold.<:I<
i,. hando. The iNtia"'''' IOr <'d...".litm sboooId _ rmm !he coonro,,-
:UlY; 'he function of the district and et:nuaI apci<oa is '0
u.'" initiati....
In lart" to,..... or ami ,Iter" migb' be "","'ral po-ima.y schoou and a
<U2h 1<'I>0oI "od 'he "'''Ie Boa'd. The uis\ence of. Managing C,,,,,,,jllee
or-&.,,1 (0' each ,d"'oI Ilnde< public Jmi<di<:tion ,n a .ingle town or arn
mould !le exl'r....l)" dcni<d.
In lo.ger 1<><al 'l"'c"" lhe SUl""in'''''dent may rcqllire gm","ol ".pe.-
I...," ... pror...ional asoim",u, b'" the ",h",,1 Headm<U'(>1
lh.>u1d serve .........l.nt adminio"ati..... office"".
....u/7.,;.. ,11ot Stfwol LtM
The 1/. h ....., ill the ..uree of in>pin.tion ditm"ragcrnrnluceeso
odail"'c,of"alChooI.. Thcna'urt'ofh.iJ chief ( M:- maL: it ... AJ
<=euu..", o/Iia:r or lhe ochooI. he is charP with """,,'ing oul policico
adm;"i'tttin ,"" ICboot .. a ....., U to maL: it alUCtellful
Ilc """'...mcnd> 'eachen ro. appointmenl and diorniosal and tb,.. mw, <he o'ft!>om;ibili,y I<w ,heir " ..alifiCII'iunt in 'he li... pLace: or their
=pr(",c:m"", '" the puint or bc:inc good 'ud....... If rutroci"", improlunent
ill fIr)' IOrlhcnming th.... he mUl' '''''''mmend dilm.....,. l0l"""r()rmio
"'" fUM'ion, the""'''.... mUllt I>c<:omc:. good .upcn-is<:>< in ,he best
"""" of the ""0.<1, ror it " che'pc. aod more eO"e<:t"'e to hdp .. lead,er
=;>""... ,h.n '0 rd.... him. Irteaching is good lh,oughout 11,. teh""l,
'he Head",." ma)" lakep,ide and IOme credi,.
Tbc Headm."", "''''' con.uantly hoil' leache..
.,:h lheir pmblcnu, lead ,hem in gene,.,,1 curr;cul"m improvrno..,_ <lentlln
...te a1elhod>. holp them fim! new materia", lUti" in CJl<."UrW>nt, '''d in
""""'I' "'h'" ,,","}.. OOn';nuOUJ prol"n&ionalle"denhip. In one....,.,
-=;" the prof=ion:o.l ..... and.boy. th<: trouble ......'CT. Hia major r.....,;.,n
is lil make tbt j<>b <;>sitt lOr tachcro, .nd tIwli """'''' IDll" dftt.i...
r .....lllo.
The his l.ache" '" a group
commi'ten '0 bclp Urry ou' .he io" of.h< .d"""'. The
.owdentI """'Id aaio..... tbt limit> or tbrir<. A P"'.-l-T....'
A....-i./iu dwuld be: orpnizcd "'" each I<h"oI.., .h.a. an rorocernc:d wi.h
.d"",,;"" <an In ito d<>.lopmr". am! admini>tr.'ion.
Ea.," [>Croon .1wuJd ha"e a .ha.. of re11>onl,Lilj,y 'u bl< abili'y
and iDIefCSt_
.\mong <he ""'"' ordinary r"DCtM:rn< ""he, h< mus' sce
,h ,upplies and equipment are provided, ..bed"l.. a", made, .... blti'u<e
'cache," are ,1'1'O"lded ",loon nee......,.. t",ildlng> and .,e kept
cl""", li,.., aid is I""""'d,,d, and the Mbe, need. or. good ",h<lol
are me"
TI>e Iudttr .hould rulize <ha. bc, lOO, has adminis.,.,,,i,.., r"'l"'nsibil;.
'irl. FI... " I", sho"ld "no,Je",land ..houl adminit<ration and .he p<nhJenu
",i'h which the Hcadma"'., ",uot ""P",'" 'hat he Can givc him "')oole_
!>earted ."ppor' and cuopera<i,T1y to making 'lie ..hool" ha.ppy,
:ItIN'DI1,,1 cnvirOQmf:ll' lOo- ehiJdrcn. He should get hi> rcpw-t>;1I prom,,")",
...bmi. hi. boon and eurrlcuIum pt..ns .hr"rruUy, """"'&" hi> "."n clat$.
"""" "';'10",,. leaning on ,h. b...y hClld......tu excq>' in "m"'1J'l'''c;.",
bis pUI'II, f(lf Mnl()Cralle I.arnlng.
On"" again i, ,n , Ix ...."hasi<O'tl ; tchonl admioil<ua,ioll is a
euopera.i'''' ""ape;", in, """, all in th" <duca,;,,, Doe
penoIl .an""" make orbool admlniotratinn ItICfttd, bu, one "an mal" II
rail. n. 1"01"" '1"';' mu" "" fo,"""n' if Ihe f"nclion. "r ad",i"''''a.ion
arc to be fully "''''/.
T.-M7 ll'rlftr<
The: h<a>Jrnao'"" and \ncal rnanag;<>I:' ..........'''e. ha,,, majur >"apnNi.
blli,;", In fOT ,h. welfa", of 'he 'CIlchcn. 0,,1.' hal'M'
'0.\"10,,... can be good .ea.he.., Efl'o," be: ma,," ." hel" ea<h
'ead>e:r .......r-e ...,i<fae<ory bowing. Each teach.... shnuld be: tmdc to feci
..dco<nt' <ha. hoc is onc .ha.. be ill and A.
,he ..",;, time, his privuy .iLould be 'apeetal and hi> ,ime: sf>o",k1 be
h1ldge<.(\ in heallh and in '''"''llni.;,.." nr .he rac. ,10", 'euhing
is hia li", ""1",n..b,lo.y.
In Chap"'" XII, '!'< Go<n,misli<Jn """",,cd th" or a
.t<nng tra<:hert' ......ia,"'n,. a bIe sab'1' K1k and n,her and
a rode or "'hla. The adm,n ".tor ohould enco"rage aod _IS' .eacher"
In developing ,h=, beeaUte thej' will his o"'n T.ach"....
aUmlnl".....n.... and tm""!p"$ conuniu"", l'!' all. on ,h. same
.ftD\. worki"l '''''''''r<ls a COttUDOn pI. The" """-, .......,,1"- mlW be:
d<>oninated 1 co<>pC<.....n.
TIt< CId<
In 1933. the Ed....oional Cod" " ... by the "f
Ed\lCllUon and published '" a ,.ide ror admmiotrati\" olftc<n. Th" cnd<
w,", '->td nn the adminis<n.<ive org;usiuoion a a"ha' .i"",. Ir tJse
'''aa,in", or 'he CommisPon in C1>apte:r VII and in ,h;, chap''''' .re







folloto..,d. sMuld hoe ""ioN .10", denweralk lin!!S and eapanMd In J"""id<: ",idana 00 mln'- """ten 100 dtuiJed '0 be <'m'ered in a
,epvr' ,uch ... ,h'" It -.hould ..>,<", -.It .... nti.l ma'...... 1>o1h by
<klin'te l"<1tut.umn ,,-heo neceJ$>'y and by .unalia"" 'n n,beo' c...eo.
I' '" .ugs""""'- .hat 'he new C<>dc be <lnwn up by a It"'''P <Jl Corn-
"'i".... ""!: (In 'loo iliA'"",n' ph"""". It ohouJcl Ix: .....ed in
I"",uj,,, 1Onn.., thu it can Ix: t<ie<!1I'" lOt. )".' tjr tlm, lock,", locing
u.-l in more .'et'm."."u In"n. In....r'... p<)Pible, i. ohould nff""
guidln"" and ,,-,gg""ion. ,h.n pr""",ip'i..-e C()n,m1.
In tI,;, 'hoc Co..""iuion has- 'Dggt>:d tha'
I. Ikhool .dminis,...ti"" and ,upe; in NepoJ "'-nuld =p1j/y p>d o.!tnlOf'.lI'iG prac'ic", if we hop" 't> dc..-ck>p dCJ]X)Cr,u;e ideal. ,mu,,! out l""th.
'2. Oomoc,a,ic ICh""r Idminisl,"I;"" :
b .inlCd II producing 'he be>t 1'0I::sibl< en..-ironmen, lelming,
e''lI>.g'n<: lite iJe:I' erkH-u of 0.11 p",to... ct:l<lc""ncd ,,-i,h 'he ed,,,,,,-';'''' J'I"""""--
R<q"i",. ,hired ""p<>o,ihilill.
SIt""ld be rl""... ".I',ed i"sof.... 11 """'hie.
St"",1d be g"vent! bl' 'he gcncnl policico C>lecuted bl' compG"""
,d",i"i ..,.,,,,.
f. belpful, .....lIructi'.., .uptJ,-;'ion, no' i'i..,l j",p.,."mo '" dilciplini"i.
3. Boa'rl' ur Eduea'inn .......1d be policy.making botl;" _ no' .attn';"c <mnn,ju"," - at all Ih,..", ..."1s , nI'iorul, d;,."itl. and Ioaol.
4. n.., Secre,a,ies.. Dt:pu'l' Sc<-rewits. dis'ric' ni'ttlon or p"b1it I<'io". and local SuI'<:<inlt'tltlcttlS of scl>t>oh should hoe ollicets eat1')-ing Olt' ,he ""Iicico of ,10" hrdo and ai.inS edUQlionaI
lead...-.hip 10 'hose ,..i,h ,,-horn ,ht!) wud.
S. Tca<ben, nuden". an<.! pa""" obould "ndc.-....nd 'he pmblemo uf
fChool .<lm;n;"t,atin" and should partic:ip'''" in adminin,-ati'''' f"nc- ,"'''' al 'heit rnpccti.., 1.....Is.
6. The cduca'ional rode .hould IJC f .... ,J.:,"Il llIOdc,n dnnocratic lin.. I" ronf"nn wi'h new pallet'". of "'laniulion propoocd bl' ,h..
1be n.a,,,re and l}l'" or cd.,ea'io" lO be i",panctl under National
of Education, ,,,, dC'.",I"I"l,ent in dilTer"n' \>11"",". ,he
goal anoJ ,h. administnuioc machinery 10 (\i,o<, it, la,'. l.>ttn
in ,I.., pr"""',," <hapten. Education Iluot h1<l been ""'r<: 00" I<:D the
_poly of th<l: lucky and r..... in the r-' h ""'" b<m ,.."",cd
as "" indilp"IIlblc right and an undaimtd of eftry pcncm
..ilb'n .he .1.0:, "'"lo<>dy can challenge 'hi. right of education in demo
[Tac)", and now out child,en arc lO be taUllh' f'eedorn, raponsitillily, and
loper.,ion in ord", that lhey _y participlllc in <kmoc,:acy. lkni!
So ed"""Uon
i. " quntion of "ur survival, and just 10 tun';'" ,," ha,,, ID ha'" it.
Bu' ,,,,tny of Our ptoplc ",,"1el C<:t!ainly "oubl, al,h" ""IStI, ,he
f"'S'ihijilyor ....ha_brigh'<!.wn.ndout.biIi'ylOp'" into effa:t an
,...".. Iinc "'J3<'ItionI. Tb<- men _ af!"",",' ......Id be ,he
Men' has no mon.,y to do.ll u.- ; olhttwioo Lbe p1q;f"
nf cd""",;';'n in ,he (.<l,m"r would hvc bun imp"".<><!, Uko
on education in 0110... ""unlri.., mighl thi"k this report, lOO,
"";),,WHo idle, a criminal wane: of money and enc<p. Allthac e;scell<n'
'OC'QIIt"lel>dalionJ _y <Maly line to look a, -'- the I"""t can
be managed. It is, therefi:>,e, abor>lutoly ncceasa." u"" a '"Cl")' careful and
approach be made On litis .ubtle point of financing education.
Tbe firstalld the """'tlmportant ""in. thal ...'tty ""e h", lo ....... in
",ind is <hat the func!amn>ul ri&ht 10 cduea<iQn in a d<:n1OCl"K)' is equaUy
atbtlttd 10 OIl' fundamenw dulY or tnakirog frrw,cial amlllbulions lo
uphold and achiett the rigllt or education. As long allho ""n..,eO
lo .poon-f<cd education (btt:a"", it wtO. ba,ically fOf" 110. lucky
,"" ape...... 1>01 heavy. Tb.... PQ>plc: in coo....l, lOr
that ",",y -.-Id -..ciot.Is 0( th ..u.e ofedutarinn.nd ,hen of
lit.;,. dnnoc<al;,; rigblJ, wet'" DC''ef" awo-ohed fo< thei. p... or ,he
m..""ia[ CUllS. but nO'W time hu oome when "." ba'''' tu Out oohemo
and <ban!e tho outlO<lk.
'fbt, continuation of eo......nment 'P"O...fcedin! in edueotion will
OIl' pio... 0_, btto._ ...e cannot illlplr:mmt all
.. "'"


.. ...
.. c-
l &""

/'Tt...1 of
Jo. &/w.,..
'IhooIgh bridll' mcnb......d in o.a,,'''' Ill, tl.. p<C>Cn' _ ...... or
,,'ppor-t for ed"c:u.ion mUl' be ,.."ic,,..,j to ,...atu.IO lho,n ill
t=oa of am'i"""d "'PI.M'.
Fi>rl, ,,,. C./r.' GMn.....1 r...."ioMs "",,,,plcte f'nanci.1 'upper-tU>
th<:oc l>C1o" t<:heroeI on tha. principle. The .,3 alone anMI carry an lb.
fillan.ial I",t<l...., of cd,,,,,,'ion, and hcncc "'e 1"",p1e ha". IQ COIllC I:.>,w.rd
'" it, if wc aim ., it> Iu<,<CSIf. [,"Cl")' citizen, ....cspccti,.., .,t
/ois 0
childr<n joining ""hoo! 0' not, "'" to mab hi< l'roporlionate
contcibuticn to' ,h. "'".. .,.r tdu<ati>,. in oDe "'al''' .,.- .""dltt. apart
r,_ tuition Ita, <Udi",cnllo<y ""'"r.a,"'" "'"" Ix f<ee '0 all on all e<Jual
"""is. We r...., .hat ' .. "'_"" ,h:' CaCt it hod,. 10 be rni,i",er_
"""'00 and mior'1""""'tnl!tol" ...."'" penons b<frou .he fl""Plc un under-
star><! it ll'ootoullhly. c.:.'ainly. it '''''l' ..h ",,,,e "tIl,.. t<, """,,",:and it,
but """")" _"", ..r ,oS A., to undcn'and it cl<alh- and ,,"ell tOr 'he ""....pu.
lioo of ,he j,""plc wi,h ,h. f",..,rnlJlCnt plays a great and impotla'" role
in okmocracr, and hcn in ,11;' oplu,rc, '(lO.
I, mar be "",ed .ha. f'k 3..u """,pu"","" "'-.luca,io.. in Amcrin.,
Jap:oh ."d ",h
<It,,,,,,,,,,,,,d.. is ,upp'""", by 'he flWpk. fur CJl.m!,l",
in ja!"'1l I"'i,,, ,y ro"..... ,"'" i. fttt and 00' 97 per un, cl:
doe <0 iJ b<o"nc by 'hi,il""', So> is ,he ca$<: ID U.S.,\ or in
ad"a'ld e<>onnry ,,'hich l.u made .... pi,l lorog""" in e<!"ul;"'n.
f"Dnhtrnoore, in America 'he >d>nolr.
Sl2j-,ed lh.....p
nr nat.i,,,,I, and i' 001,' af'er ,hln ,..'" widcspre:.d educalion
lha....t".at;"n ".... <><ganiU<! on a Wlte-wide buis. I""'n today. t"'-
na''''''''l I"''ttnn,,:nt nnly a minOl" role in ed".,,,i.>n hI' way nf
op:>n><>r>hip of Iprcial prugr<lm"..,. 11,c ""ottal ,lotol
l>tu"i<!c I dchip ano! a mode....'e arnotlD, of bol ,he
"'''niuQ p'",id. ,h. rnaj", [undo.oo .dmini:"'a';... ron,rol for
,h. ochool,.
The ,,,,,It .hills: ,n "ndcl"taoo i:I the diff.rence bet.."",,, planned and
"opl."ne..ll"osrammn_ In ,I\<: put, "... ha,.., had fur .h. ""'"' IlM' an
"nplanncd tduul.inn anti the """OC<J"cns ,,""' "..sta.o:" "f """""r and
CI><:I1ll', "i,-cm'\' <>f ;''''''1. <loo bil".... nf .uain"'.... ". 111, ""l" [","oci,1
......urca"'"" h:ul. "'...-. lI'>l utili",d wdI_ B,,' <>r>cc <dua';o" iI pllt.rlllCd, ","'Ca
",ilh this p<I(O< l.>ndg<:' in hand. and ...i.h all 'he l'rescn' r<:$Ou .........'":Iilable,
mc:agre., tile}' ""')' be, be'l<T ......,J" c:an be attain",l. Lil:c pbnned f,wD'
;nl. a pla.nned '1"""" of <:duu';o" ",m "ain pcopIc '" be ,-'" "",,""""..1,
more al<:r<. and rnor-c prod""i''C, and place ,h..m in a ",,"ition 'n .onltib",e
mon: r.... dre "",1&,,, of ,heir OM' le"'<:I and ,he a><nn"",i,y li,'c in.
1100 Q.,mm;"ion run "",11 the inrportance of r",ding ,,"a\-' of
Iinandng cd,...,;.,., Ind 1""1"
10 off.....""" ...... in ,hi. chapl"",
It can_ he dcnio:tl ....,""" , ,hn' Iinlnoing III <.>f ""'" ina,i"r"""'_
1I",.....n"'o,,', h""lth, cdr",ation, e,,", _ i. nn. of the m.".i<o< 'as., facing our
.",,. .oday. fail",.., ,., ......' ,hi, prvmpdy """
"in pu)' do"... OD' !>old elf"", to t1cmoa-..y oDe people.
Suggeotoono !Or fin.nclll,tl cd"<a"O" .... be nf "" ,.. I"" ,f do "".
",h.. """" 10 he finan<i; om ideao RUly"""'" loo: ...ided ""
'h.... ",,,- I!"""l... in''''.... lie d."",I\<:,.." ,'ino""", '" nth..
",-i>e, is a in;"' ua<ktlakinll to be .tdl<d anti QJ"ried ,.'" roopera.;,odr
.11 ""Mo", I'athu.>la. and w.ation.l ;n"i!",.. et,abiishM by
the {"'''trnmcnt. Neither tuition fees n<lr any Or work-hop
.ha,l{t'S arc from ,,"den... nor do ,he pa"" "" 8".'<li.", h.,",
In make an)' papnc:nt IOr ,he" .bik]",,,'. t:d"".,;';m in 11....., i,.""",;"",.
Indcnl., in ttthmcal.r.ofasiI>n.1 och<><J. and in Su..hi, l"buo,J, and
Rs.. Ul 30 per n"?,,,b arc a...-...<kd '" "l<' ..
TIte _\00 rnom. ,"" """piece COO" of od.....
adminu'.....;"n. 11,i, inclucks the "fi"",,.," nf Education, Dizttloo.,r.
Inspc<;ton'e, and :<'ledical ...
"\1,. G",'.rnm<1ll oh" mCC'. the expeR'" of ,rainh,g ",m. of 0'"
j'<>nlh in ....':ign """,,'r;n, <>l""ially in .he field. <>1 po:lI_gd".,. Md
higher ,..hnical all<! l"'ufalio...J cducal;oo. A< wC ba,". nu racil""",
""'" this tr:lo;n;ng 0' h<Te, """ h.,.e ID ocnd Our you,h to India and iD ""ne
aoa tu <ric:s, a... DuM!! th" last ,.... "" oh.,., ,.... .., ..
ocboIanlIip II.tIp has !>Don .,.ibbl. 10 ... under the Colombo
I'b.q, U.S.O.U. and U:><ESCO.
I',onncrly, all exJl........ Ill, learhm' '",inin" ,"'. met f"'ID C....'c:rn-
m_m r""<!,, 11", 'he prt<ent Nat;"MI Teachen' Training i.
"Il<ratillC ""rl" "j.,i", ",1"<,,,"-,n,1 pro)e<t of th. C<>,-ommel1t of Xc!"'1
and 'h. L'ni'a! Su, .. Opem'ion. ..",n.
The eo..-emmcnt hn ..-par.'" c>""b1i\hn>en' ealll the Xq>;</i Pnbshni .sa..,i,i. L"acIer its ca,e an.I ...per>ioon, the Cm..,...tne,,,
....""&.. oh. J "".., <of che ,ea,boob vhiclI arc IOId
.ludr-n.. at a Jo..- TIIte. Ilul dn" '" lhe laell <>f finttna:. ,he '''P1Joly of <h_
boob has 00' bttn """"Ih '" meet ,Ite demands.
In addition, the C<>'..rnmcn! provide< partial "'1'1...." fo' IIOme
""hool. in tho form of.pecial gran'" On th. rOC<lrn,n.nda,i<ln. of
ton of &hook, 'M I)irec",r r..... S:uukri, Ed,w;a,i"". the Di"",,,,..
Gc"""",, of Public ,,,,true,;'-,,,. ,hK ::ti,l i. avadable I() cd "",i,u-
tiom fmm P<''''''''' Ct> .h" k\"C1 if IIp<I<>On<"Cd aBd m;o
,.IUo l"'<! illti<"'" in "''''.d:.... the """",n, rmm 300
10,9,000 a l=O-. "he Cl)ntmi"oc: ofu... inoti.",,,,...
""" spenrlth. money i, <1....... ..-10<; ",bje<:t to (heckinr b)' ,he Imptc.....
of &"""" nr any OM d<e d.. fo' ,h" .,,,... pu.,.,...,.
In ",me of Ihe p,i,'a, eh001l ....taLli'het! during the ..gimo,
lh" head"'N''''", ami "ne ....i$u",t ek1-k ",.."." apl"'inltd by ,h. r ><>=.nm.,m
and ,h.i, .ab,;" pa;,J (mID aJDt>Un, a'''''lable "" the gran'm-aid.
Apart f...... it.. a """,U .um 04 lU. In 600 a , ..a' ".". aOO n>adr a'-ail_
able CO wch sd>oob as QJSb. 11>t f'Q! uircd ""pnnt'
"""",.-.iocd by th<= ocboo>!> by ......n. of lui....n fea "" .,.,.... .
l<dti.utions cnnnected...uh ,he .pread and ""pan.ion <of ,he ....'itlnal
languag. and ...1 unit> like the "'epali Rh"'" s,wgha,
sehool., ami ""clain resill."ti.l s<h""b an: Rbo ,u1ill,,,," the
in ,.,"" of gnnis_in.aid
Go<"'/"Ru><n' gnsnta-in-a;,J "'" ;si", ...aibble fur
tSl""'....uch as th" acquisilion ..,rbndo (.... ..,boo! building>,
bolnb Ii>r libnory. <raI"u cquJr-ntn', ctC.
",me ><hoob and pathasaias .... linanctd on ....a-
able rroo> ,rn..u ....J"* "'" 1""'/,1, Grnerally, in nett a rich
map tna.... a ""hOOJ fur h", OWJI child,en and.1so aU<>ws lhe of
his ncighbuun ID join il. Usually a c:IO$ll oonlributi<>n nul .... hil ........ pune
is made ......iloble ..... rlo<: .,11001 but in some of the pia.,.. lhe ne.
in..,,,,,, "f''''',;n pk>t11>f1:lnd1.., ha,,,,
gi,.... 10 the scM<Ik. ;1.1""1
of ..1dI C(ln'ribu........f' not ,tgubr and
'heochool maY!<l <>tit ....
uistencc whel\C\"tt oome ltOuble ise> with the 10"'_ of inrome.
nir/, fmm '-cry ancient ,ima, ..... ha,.., had ... ')........... "",km!
../i,,_ """ rlNlri14Wt ..Ii.J_1I " lifl' ro public o,"p. Ttt..s< 3'.
g"""'alll" k,,,,,,-n .. "GullS and Marl.l.'
plo.. of land. and

eul. fund mal' fl;>eed under G<>=nmen. truotccship or

under pr;'..,. tnIIlceahip l'or trluuuonal ","rP*'. The ne' in<ome (""n
(hao '
,-.lIable to <>paalc ",me ad>ool c>.oo palbsabu.
tJ., ,..... or ,he \>001> that ha"" C<llll<: ioW Clt;ltcnfte, the
;"trudue.u.n of ,lit: de
atic ",,_up ha"" been 6nanccd b!.-Jl __tiMu
..u"uJfr_. /vf<""""'" of,...'" ."kr "iNU.,.,WU """"'!"""'It. The
amount lhus <"lIme<! b3s fIC>..... been to """"I the ""luin:d ape.....
or tbo: oehuoI and bena: the majori'Y of"":b ..hook Ita,,,, _itMt proper
IOChool b,tildings, fu.nihol'<:, nor '1uali6alltaeh.n. Th. is Ulualll'
made up by IM luition r<tt in the IOChools.
Fif!', MI..../ ... a, by alll(l>oub notpl rhooe o!,era"d On
O<>vcrnlnenl e,,"t. In _pite ora Q',,"t:nrn<nl ci<CUb: about find rll>tCll ,,,
CttlaU. ..andards. th. ral. and lhe ....l it .. coftt:ded ""'<Y f",,,, pia: tu
pi"'''' In the T..,.ai and lhe hUlsid"" .. 11;11 ,al. is levied on $luden"
,<t;\'<: of lhe cliff""nl >Ianda.n::b jeincd. At "'her pla_, ronlri!lution
in kind is a-:"fltable as a ""rt of lui,ion r""" which Is gi,.." '" Ih. 'taeher
COMerncd ,.. a part "rhi> pay .... allo"'aB. Jl<n in ..'balCVer lba!?" it may
be - in eub or in kind _ tuilion r.:e. aIo>b<: ha... ""'.." been ... If>
Jt>tet lhe .....,.....ry exp""... ..rany IOCh""l.
A.W........., of revenue,
bu. not w.ed, is f,om the ......;.-
till _11tt I'....".u undcT pcnnill"'" P'''''C' gn'Cn to them b)' ,h. Ctwern_ according 10 th.1'o.nclIala. Acl. By 'hi> Act, lbty taD ;n,pooc: an
odno::ational c= OD lond U"I:tJ"e "nd their juriodioction. Tb. rat. of ....
.... '701)', bu' ""'uld noc exttf:d fi,'t I'"<,nt or th. land re,'en". The
e;..,'..,'n",ent !Or on,""" .....,n ha> ..-ithhdd the cia..... and """"" it has no'
..."'" in'" opention.
But tM nalional .yor.m of education btj..S planned by lbe Cotn_
"'......n ..-ill .-equir. " wnaideo-abl""'UOt!Or financing aod
reaour< alone, .. 'ht'} """...aod, ..m be no more than a f,ac';"n ofwhal
is utu.Jly ntcdcd.
171< FalrPt C.II: '.f EJrtttlli"".
1De eooslll of cduea,ion In Nepal in.he rUl"I'<: in..,I,.., 10 m.ny ,-ari.
"hi"" thal .... reliabl. toti..... ,.. art Only ""m",al tr.nd>
ean be indica'ed, ...ith the 'h""lh. that ....... of.he '70....b1Q "",y
"""ed nul.
0 .... or th. =jor ""riablQ ;. the valu. of the .upee. The cRi.... ""
made I>cf.:arc baaed t>n lhe prcot0l ,'.h... t>r the l\7epalelc rup"" C.
RI. IH....I. C. IU. 100... 0011... 21.OS) and ..,,_ (l() .....jor innalion 0.
01 the
ha.., to

<ha, iu.
Widt -I:



'\"other "ari,bJc i, the rato of impro"emcnl of the gtnm,J economy
of Ih. country. W. a"urne lIl" It will conlint,c to improve at aoout the
pr"'ent r'le, t"at .tandard, of li,'ing will gra';ually impro\'c, Ihot tax
,."form, will evoll'c, that no rnajor unemploy",ent will occur, and that
ecnn,,,,,ic conditio", will gradually impro,-.
W. have ,aid that a sce,,'''' part of the cxpenoc fOr education will
ha,. to COme from the local communities ; we a.."me th,' this
Come tme. il cannot be OX]>eeled 10 Irampir. ,,'''''night; the
CommiMion'. plan is a long_term one.
Some penple may the ComlniMion with being too comervative,
that it, aim, and argeu are '00 slow and narrow, t!tat th.i3.peed uf
progr..... will ha,dly make m ahle to compete with other coontri", of the
world. They may plead for more radical progress and much higher goah.
Wi,h 12,00,000 children nf primal)' .chool age and 3,00,000 ""red
for in ten yea", sullle may .ay we ml'" move fa,ter.
The Commi",",n h... made a tholLghtli,l of the economic
retour"'" of the counlry and the general con,dou.n= of the pcople and ef
the cO't. of education, and atri,'ed at thw: modest target.<. No onc conld
be happier than the memben "fthe Comm;"i<)n iflh= could be
and there is cettainly no r ....raint On progr.....
The table that i. bosed on what the Cerom;"ion believes to
be reali"ic target.< and com. We ,ee no necd to projee. this beyond te"
yea" becau>e prc.umably th"", will be continuous planning and frequent
adjustment of We ha"e listed only major ""'lS, basc'<! On the scheme
pro"",e-d in Uhapter VII; there ,.ill be many other ""aller co,ti, of course.
1%0 (pcr year) 1965 (pet year)
1.'iO,OOO@R.. 40_50,00,000 3,00,OOO@R..4O_120,00,000
3,OOO@R.,4oo= 12,OO,1XXI
I,OOOlU.500_ 5,00,000 2,000@Rs.500_ 10,00,000
5,00,000 10,00,000
4,00,000 6,00,000
!O,OO,OOO 20,00,000
20 1= te"t_ 40 lac. tcxt_
\>oob@RJ. 2_40,00,000 \>ooks @ RJ. 2_ 80,00,000
Freo te"tbook,
and publicatio""
High school
(20,% "fPrim,) : 30,OOO@R. 1!iO_43,OO,OOO 6O,OOO@R. 150= 90,00,000
(5% "fH.S.): l,500@R'.400_ 6,00,000
(ind. sub,idy):
Adult Educat;on
(all tyJ'<"!)'
Central Adminis_
tral;c>n :
1'''_...... tnlal 11$ 1:>01 or rupees for 1!l6O and :HS laa
for 196.'> ... romJWl with the prtURt upn><lil""", Cll.imalal in
Chopta' III 10 Ix "bo'll 40 ha.. n,is n:pr=nu .bol" 40 la", ino::n:ax
.... oh )Tar. B,,' it mus' be ...memllro-<:d .ha' _I oflfrU i_taP trOll'''''''''
p_ Iv...' .... la W '11<'" .-.";Ii". l1,is ",;11 Ix na"abl<: ...
gm.,..] .........."ioc eoodi,,,,- imp"""',
F",/Jor, &'II<"U ja. Fi","';q Eftt.,;,.
If I'" pt<>plc of Ntpo.l are I<> "'"port the ..h']l1<' f..... ..:JUtaIMm
outlinrd in ,he n.., f"nda"K'nlal in 1I.e u>clhod..o
of ".'i"....1 fin"nting mwt ,ab: pl"or. __"u -1- -:1.
U1fI'i. s...-J. .-./I. f- 110<.... _ _ m """I ... 1."",1, """It/,
a.. tliJlrihtd 1",.1/.7.
A.....tOO ill ,be 6... ncinll <'<Ill(D.,i"" if of 6.""ring all
Go_omen, r"n<'....". Hmi .. J>J4l ,," t:t_ol I<u uJ.,,. i. ," """"1
Th;" calh 10< land ,..,fnrm and n.... prin<i(>l.. of ,."",io". The
C>nun;';"" r"....)' bel
ha, dl u.Jt<I .1-1.1 '" 11lMti. ucq>t
that on hid! <he ('.over "..." would .auIUy be d,e p;1yft and that all
" mo/or/ohio ,'''''',"". Itrrl,,-,,,, 6t ftanl_ These ''''0 ,e.........
..."uld plaet 011 the tu rolls lhe Hirla l;mok and <llbcr real estate: IlOw
Qc>pinl t<u:alion. lOr Vllriou:o """"nl. would also up abocntCl'
'''''''n'''' u well ... po'''''''al ifl<Xlm", ......Uig to> rnidrnlt nf Xq",1 {""",
..i,bin Th_ ""al tlUte a,wl inc:ornc 1<U<!> .......Id ..." -.,.,ro
Not - bo biu.n" E.",n a anaIl ptr=nU!" ........Id j'idd lrCOl''''''''''
U''''h>Ct fM tile G..>,,,,,,n""nt.
All!>ough tl>c:Ioc '''''0 _"'" _"Id ht ,h. moot fruilful. lh.. e arc
<"hCT IOtlI'f that u.ould be t.pp<:<!. For tnmplc, Kepal is ,id, in .....1,,""1
,aoUIUS. b lhe ""'" I"'" unaploi'I. A..- tu: ab<><lld bt
......b!ioMd, nnt onlJ' .. " ."<,,cc "fr"''<'tI'.., pal'l .>1" ",htch ".""W "" ...1 t"
t.pbnl furtoU an,l o'h........,. r...ore ..... pro'ect "u' ... ,......I...,.,u<=. bu'
which "",,,Id allO \?'''''UI' their whok:salo exploi ...tion. 'I'hiIII tu: o!IOuld
/)<11 dikouragt ....",. ...., of our ,toou,_, hut it ....."Jd hling a!lnuI
a .haring <tf ...ha, if ,h. 0011'I._ proper'y of the: p<ple "r ".pal
rathe, than allo... OIlIuin individual> Ul pmfi' oorbi...nuj In thei,
uoe. The """" ...",erab &Dd ,heir weallh should Ix ohart:d "';Ih all
;n ,h. f""" nf lleW ICh....,ls and education and other insti'ulio... "f ('''''V<:rn-
In<nl. 1'hio W<>uld ...ali.e a p"""'n"'le "f the ...J,.. of ",'ery UIlil ..f
...........tunl ,esou,_ as they a,.." ...--ed <l< rcnmved from theyn"nd.
Ann,,,,,," """,.."e uf,,,,'Ulu 'Ould be a small...., tu placed un
"............ htad"ra household. Th.. WOllld KI""e to pia"" ......,. pen<>n ""
,he lax rollJ and lP'''' hi", a fi....ncial ahare in his -..ntry'l ...elf......
fleea"", i, would Ix uniform, " _ ..Id pre$CDt the hard.., bunl." ,,, ,he
pno>r pc:opIe. Therefore. i, ohould Ix minimal _ jus. cn<>tlgb, to li""


.....h penoa .. >Ule ia [""",,. rnP"C a )'0'.
l=!aa, <IlK bun!> the """'Wlt.- boml fJIU'I 011 cduc:aUon.
Stil! :o.oolber IOU...., of ==ue """,Id be a '-..,- ,." OD lu",""l' JOOdo
-:t ""te:rUl;nm.,,\.. .. tu should 0101 dis<:ou""ll" tM "'" of
, .... b.:t lbooe "'h<:> <:an affon:l '" huy than "''' also affi><d an acldi-
o- :am<><ml for eo..'ornment '''I'p<H't. 1'""",01 ",,,to,n. lan. ar. Rimed
.. lhio """". but <I" nu, cat.h all luxu"..,
UndouhtcUly. chere arc additinnal "-'urttS of Ulx revenue; Ih""",
...... tioned h.,.. a,. moj.,. j\ lax Cllmm;";,." "" ",her
bod,' >bould be C'Sloblifficd to Iludy the problem and ..'ggal "-
mod.... UX ,,-ognn'O"<C. In this way an....,uId pro61 Iiom " c:co-
""""", :>. mon: prOlpcrous """0"1', and " bctler liIe.
In ,be f......... JoppO<' of Otl....,.,;.",., !:Lnds and builrlinp '" oclooob
uod oohft- <duat._l inlli""ionI be 'l<C.....s fmm fIio-ta hold.
and from ,he bnUndat.. Tbcse and endown><n.. to cdue'''ion
obould be exempted from inromc: and o,1K-r uxa. In "dd;ticm.
mm. decoo-a'ion. ''','' a< ( .....kha Jl;obhi.... Bohu and XepaI Tan mich.
be: offered :>s reongni,i"" of phil"","ropic ,,,,,,in. in nuking dono.,i,... and
""d<>"""",U, Also all ",hool pmp"")" ,bould "" nalionoliud and
l""'!"'rty .""... In .."y ;t .....,uld I>c, and oduco'
I;"'nal m.tori.J., ."ppli.., and wo"ld beeume co,tomr,..
F""ign aid _ =h, .c.....larsllip., and kind _;""th.,. ..,,,rCc "r
,",,'eno< ,hat ohoul<! no' be .. in e<l,ot,ui"" as wdl as in other
;uT.., s",....,.,.] tno"l of nlpe<ol ha,-e bcm CQIlldbu,cd ,h". far and lh.
in the (ul....e =y.,en be incrc:>s<d. M..... nfthio is e.umarkcd
b lpCrial pmju, bu,"""", =r be. uocd "'" K"""'al ,upport.
,.,.j';'f.. F...-..,
I" addi...... to tap!,ing ..... .,."."'" or Tnn>uc ,here mlB' be to....
c.... in ,Ile meth<>do or coIlcding and distributi"ll IU... It io -a knuwn
,I.. , d.. far1lwt awa)' from their ...."t.. ""'" Ill:terl. lh<: IUghcr
I,n<age tl,al il used r..... adminiltralivn (If lh. po".,.... F".- I"ll'ien....
'ha, nre to be ""'" localh', i, i. ''''''"'' eronomical to <;:oll"'t an<I disburse
,hem ,h,(lugh a to<al "SOli C)' ra,hol' ,hall at the national 10...01. n,c,..r."o,
.,,"0' i.iol\l .huulr.l Ix: mad. fo' local 'ax;ng "lid di,b""i"g unill J(I 'hat
m,,","y l.oc used r<>l" ocl\o-.()I,. r<>r ",",,1,1 no\-or leavo the
lo,n",lIni".. The pr""",ut ht,;r l>tuugh' in'''' """".....,uld holp
.... acllicv<: tl,io.,od.
Tb. dn-dopmen' .-1: an cducat;"'nal Xj-uttD ...m I"t<l"'re capital
, ...., "". quite: QUe o.r pmpor 'ion '" "".....1opcruinll' CUItI. In
.-.In- ... xp<=d this ..._ finanri;aI bw-d<. ."... ,he lilC-tione of ,loot:
""adi"" and oo!l<r or.piw prof>('rl}', 1"""....... should be "",de F<>r Ioc:aI
=nar:ing """"",Ilea to bond a l'Dmm,,,,ity b pori <I ,loot: 00IItI and I""-y
,.if ,he b<>ocls "'.... a AA.... to twcnl),.r"", P'" iod. Tho.'lCI' ",,,,1Icr
bt.,Udin" life...... oI ,ld be buil, Lj' ,,,mIDun,'!" 1a1our and
...n"iho,';""" the .........truction r a 1"1."" building ... "" n<><dc.l ror a
ochool 0< junior ".i11 ,..,,,;rc and may I>c
unaltain.l>lc "n a p"'trae'cd financing ba,;'.
A'.llucstcd in p,....;ou. ch.pters, tho I"o,,;,;"'n or Wllun<m .d"",1
<tI1I"';Oll (primary lUr tlr. pr<st:nl, .,'on,".Jly occonJary, 10< should
be morIly the rapoDJ:ibili.y of the local<y. Wi.h the puwcr '0
raise re-.'n\ue k.:"ny and whit .....,. help from lit. central (kwemlDu,
each village may develop ilt own IChooI und.r district l""d'lSllip and
national .
To I>ri:I! about .hac tax lit..., be an =i"" eel"",,
lional pl'Ollramme of poricn. signs, pamphl ",,110
,tories, advertising, touII, and other ...eant to ke th. P"Ople understand
I.... "'hl" aDd wb...,fors of Ill",,'ion, "'hat .hey mal' exPCC:1 fiJr .b.... ta=.
bo...lallCS are "'Iualizcd, .....J paling ""'cs .. like '"..nli,'1 la 1I>c: ItodE
ofo...1 mUlllr)', ctC. A dinw;. or of onc'slhatc la Mane....
.......t be buill up. Lool ..hool pc1S(>lln<l and o1bcr C"""(Tnm.,u
<llllciall mult work constantl}' towards Ihia cr>d.
Finally, no ODC tan deny lh. faet that the pt'CJCn' '}'WCDI nl"1iIaI1
......trnl and aounci"l in Go,...-n....... ill ......bcno"'" and obIc>/ .." 'I1Ic
fin",,"" ,,"!lie. has nol bttn "bk ,,, dear ill """""ncs ..,..,. 19H, Ih.
lit. o"",ee ""'" "lAbli,h.d. Onl)' on. budg., ha. I>ccn prinled duri"g thal
period. S<.oll<ttl of ,e-.'Cnue ace unccrtaio and .he Go,""rnmcn'
npono'i"f with. dd>cil f.... thc paso. llu j"Qr1l. Fundament.l and
Ijstcma.lIC ,""r... is needed la r.scaJ monol and &aO<Intill( proocdu:Q
as _11 as in ,Itc ,axing ,tmetu,e.
In litis chopter, the Oonomiaioo hu sugested that ,
I. Education t, the ri"\1 of .,-eryonc ;Iha,cd ,ul'I"". or
rouam... i. the do')' nf .,'Cry''''._
2. I'bnnilll ....:Jo ... ,ho. do... I>!-' lhe ConunioDon, ..ill .If"". ct'l)fIOmics
in nh..... tinn, hu, 'l<:\wthcI."., total >Its will illCf._ in 1"0"""""
r<ltio &, ,,'e ""I"'nd educalio"al faci!i,i.. to all ,h. peol'lc.
3. Financing educa.ion it pa't of &11,utJ..,nJ and fo""un".
of JO""'I"""CI and Ill"'" be """"'I.<rt<I in lhol li&ltl; i, C1IInOI be
(an"icd ..... &t-" from ,he I(IW ........ of the
4. I',,,,.nt "'u,... of r.Wnu' f,,,. .due:otOon indude the "'n,ra! 00.""",_
men!'. fundJ, pri\'ll.l>cnct\ctiom and gnnlll, r<:1;,i<>us and char;lobl.
<nd<nomcnto and gir.........1I dona';"lII, tui,ion f.... and 1""....,i.aII).,
.h< m..nicipali.... and Panchayatl.
5. There are "'any ullprediclabk """abla, 1><tl IU\rh ali""'a "la...
the COllar the cdu<atitmaJ I"""'J'C"" by ,he Co,nm...iun
al 11S la.,. a)"", b!t 1960 and "",,,Iy doobk ,ha. &moon' by 1965.
6. New """ca of.--e'iCIllC m.... be upped :
. All land and property ,hoold be tbat on which
Go'''CT1lm."t agcn.'CI _"Id be lb. pal""".
b. All in..... abo>'C. comfona,blc rubsistena: 1<'VCi .......1d be I.ud.
c. A an..".n'" .... on nat"rall'QO""""l .hoold be .....d.
d. A head lax would give evC<}on. a financial Ihare in ,h.
c. A 1"""'1" Iaa -.Id ....cb tbDae ..'bo can afford .......
1. .\ rdorm cnmnu..i<>n ohouId be app<>;"'laI to .. udr the I""bk'm
and dn-dop :a """lern ICherne <>f finantt.
a. P""i!;';'n .hould be made for .nllecling an,J di,b""ing tA" re,cn'.,.
by local agcnci.., and rur ,be km>.! <:(Immunity '" OSCmm. major
lOr COmmon o<IlI<lU"'...
,. Pro-"iom mould be made W bonding'" "'pial oulL..y, in ordu
to -.l thr _ of build;nSS and Olll<T o.pit.ol i..,-eotmen.. "''tr
)ire.cimr ollhe poopnly.
10...... _"pail)n obot,1d be: iMuguntctl to acquaint 'M
people ..-jth the ""lna, and !,rine;pJ.. (If ,aiM;"'"
11. l'iotAI control and prqccl""" ",,,,t boo briJ"ght up '0 ,lAiC
to imp"".., the financial cfficlenc)' "fthe CkI,cfIlm'"'.
The iml"'ltl.tIC<' "f ....."mrnt in which lemming ....l;c
place h.. baon eml'hasi...,d in [>U"i""" ehapt<TS. Mmiuly, it is n,,' a.
"nr-<>ru", as the 'eae...... bo" ,he lad of adeq'''''e ins,.uel;" aid.,
equipment., supplicI ""n ICri<>wly n:tIucc: ,be dlicirocy and effecti,,,
_ "r1QrTUIlg.
1lte oc<>pc of in..,."ttitJnal aids. and their >dtio<>ll, prepasali<><>,
pmdue<ion, and disu;buli<>n, ba,,, bttn dDcusstd.;n D-apltr XIII ; their
'* """ bttn ......'....,) in O>apltrl VIii and [X ; Ihc;r fiM,"", in Chapt...
XV. Therd>rc, u".. chapter ..ill daJ ...-ith tl>c IarJIcr ;Upttt 01 ,be
..............mcD': the: buildinp, 1>..... cquipmtllt, and ",oc w.a't<lIl or
SUIUIiIr.. .... Pro<"'"
The Commission belit:o-n lbat It,."da"'" """"Id be O$ublUhcd as
mr 1k>ardr. of Erhla,i<>n and admin.i>'r:uorl lol'ollow in ",.,.Iu,.
,ing and improving existing oehooll and in aublishing new ..,honk. In
Chapt.... XIII, it was luamed thal Ilanda"k or crileri.o. for i""nle,;"".1
aido be ,cl up and,. ,ptti.l"comtniloinn be charged wi,h the rClpmwbilily
.,f[11"e"",;ng "approl'e,J li,t," or materialo :and instructional A
.imiiar 1""''''<1"''' ,h""I,1 be 1',,11""'0<1 with respect '0 other ,upl'liel,
m.teriab, and equipment. The "me com",is.ion ,night I><: gi,"en thi.<
'OIp"n,lbllity, or a "'pa,"'., commi""" of arlmini"ralOlI ..t up f'>r 'he
(><!r(XIIC. f.ithcr "'ay, all s"l'PIi'" ".Old C<juipmen' ,l","ld ltc .ubjoctc<l ,,,
u'efullCruliny, according (<> eol.>blilhe<lllandard" bj' wme CUlt<al
berMe being purchaJcd.
In (be inlCr<>l "r c>noml' and eAkiency, ,. cen,n.1 putChuUIg agency
r.... equqncn' and IUppIico Ihould be aublished ",flieh ""(Iuld C<)1'TUpond
..',h ,he I\alional Book s..:.n. "'WI,ed in""'" XIII. ,\1100,,""
should be diltrict M ,cgional ohouId &,
.." "I' 10 .cn:n... the roods dirNd.. fru.n W manu&cl.ufU and 'h.. .....:Iuer
lram:-btion and distn"bulion For cumplc,. reo,-' ...ppt,. ul
f'I{IC'f" l'or ,he Id>ooh..r Nepal mipll.c: pur<:hascd f."", Cala,U;o, ohippcd
In pethal" a <tl"'a in I\ep..l fM 'Uln.gc and I'<'tak.nd dinribut.....
as ntNcd. By ",..king ....h large loa,ing up 10 40% or SO"lo
could be dfulro. 1."he goodt Iuld be ..,Id 10 xhoob at Q)Ol pIu< h.o.ndliIIg
chars.., thus pnovi,ling wnsid<f"b1...,in&> 10. them. furlh..-m",.,
altetlt>on .hnukJ be gl'-'" lo lhe CSlah/;"hmcnl <If paper ",iJ.'" arul <>thct
Cacttrics in Nqw th maaubrtlH"c 0'" ""'"
fn:>rn our ....... ,.....
mll,triab. This ...m n," only drOOl ...ving. le.,. "". sclwob, but "i,1 gi'",
cml>!ol'''l<:nl to ou. P""lJlc amI. raloe their lludanl of living.
s...nda.... $/>ould also be IOr >ChooI buildinp and theW-
,it... The Depu')' $terce"f)" for "'d",inblr.Olioo and Fin,,,,"" In 'be cm,,.,,1
Miniury should P""'i<k the lumrship IOr this wk, as _11 ... 5Jr .....nda<dl
pun:halin!l' ..r supPlies and "'I";""""". Otviations r",on
..."dard building plans and .i'e ""rwIards als<> should be Jubjeo. t<> th"
n. !hi/"", Si,.
Mudern O<\u.a,ion ...ll, 10. all'round de--dopm<:nl d lh. child. H"
pb)-.le:oI I:,-'b and dt\-do"",ent and hit Ileal,h " .... of ronoKlcr.ble
CO"""'" and .... .......,U-pllned phl"i<:a.l eduotion prngrammc. Thb.,
in turn, rC<Juita I'laygf<>u"d lf1>: and "'luillmenl.
'n..: Oorn>niosion I"'" \he ."'lOO! U'" """'Id be <:<ntr.oll)
IDcar<d, if ad<qua.. spa<e con \,.. ottur<d ; if no', rhe l<>ca<i<>n &houW be on
Ih. :Ige or ,h. whc<. 'j>aC<: "" availabk. We a>nrid ,h..,e .creo
,t> be: milli",u", lOr a o<ho<>l up ID f".., ,,,,OIno in liLt. h s/>ou.W bc:
f'<Ul>o<,innard} lOr a !arll"'" ..Mol. F.,.." hih 1dIoo1, ,It< ,i,e obo<old
be "", lel.o 'han r".., '0 l<n aCra (or a .d.,.,1 up It> 'en ot' Iirr:n leachen in
'n arld;l;"n IQ adequale play .pace, the ,it< u-.W induM 'ufficiml
'I'''"'' 10. as'K:Hll"r;o1 1'10>11 an<l =/\ aeti,;'"'". In Ihe priDUlr}' o<bool,
children should ha'.., gr...,,1' and indhidual plo.. for \-egctable<, grain<, .....
perhal'" no...,..., and li>r raising chiekem and """Uli"""odr. A' ,he high
>ehonl ""..,1, ,here .hnukl be .uffidenl opa(C f..... 'lots< .,Id...",II"""p.nd
li"<llo<l< ae'ivit....
F,rWIy, ,lie .i'e.v.ould be ,,'dl-dtolined and aenhetically a''''''<'ive,
cl,h"" bY. nalm"l ...""unding. or by p1an,in; II<>wen a.1d, ...- by
1><>11,_ floe 0<10.,..,1
"Id be: a comm"nity (Ct""', a plaor: '" 10 wilh
!Wide, and tbi, 'ttl"i p1on;nll Jum>l.U>ding> as woll '" an adequale
The additk",al <os.. Qr a well loca'e<!, large, ....."i," ,it" will be
""",ina/ ,"'hm <fuidetl by the -..y )-ca.... of pI"""-l1" h ...ill Si.." lbe
c<"nmunity. """ ,he li>nnrblion_,he Vh)"i."l baekgrol1nd_or ,It<
educatinn:,f f"ngramme, anu o<U lit< 1"'1I<m for the l"ttnaU\dcr ",",he
ed"eatil>n:l\ ""viJc""""" and J'f"'!""rm"".
TIw SrA,../
n", ..hooI bo,lliI;"g ........Id fi,;,,\O ,he groenl paU...n "r building
""moruchon in Ill<: area. If;t" m<>r< thin ,his, h bco:>...... luxury
,ha, n'>Ol' <"mml1n't'" can mdf",.d at ,his ,i,,,,,. Mild ,....",het in .......
nr N<pal permi" oot....r..doo. cla"", "'''''PC "uri"lItbe mo""",.. """"" OS'
",,"'a .....Ilu i...he hila.. This b20 lUulled in bamboo .nd du,loh
A Good Educational En\'irontt>ent
Facilitate,. Learning
..I lfig'! S c i , ~ 1 <I".""",,,
.tn>ebora i
tio,," tbc

or Our cui.
or oornmo
nity park
aDd go.lh"
"'" ....
lhold>cd ,
belween ,
..... u

'" tb< "
u u.

10 th...

ll.. ph

l""'l'r.u;;. ,..."1,,.,/,..,
'._ "" /0; ..
for 0 p,i_'J ",.,,,
$<tUCtUfQ ia ......." llrdl. In coI<kr arus, baUd brid: ...... mud CONtr\IoC-
liorl )JIII.teni. In lbeK ...-..+...J: auntie ouch conwuetio..
ror ochool mtlSI ... acupted. \Vhen all otber tduea,;."w
nds ha", been .....-adeq""'" par !Or ....(hen, adequate boob and
...pp1ies yes, n'CD an adeq....'c number of ocM' b thto a>UlD>W>itia .....y
IIl<l<e pletcDlio.. """"'umen15 In .he moot impo.t.>nl iJuli1.U'io..
of our culture, the: .,hnol.
I.. >pi'" of modest buildings, .he school may beoomc the cm.tre
of rommuni.y jRt.rell. The Ji'" and ...rroundings m.y make it ... C<lrnmu_
uhy p.ork ; adequ'c pro";.;".., should be mad. ro, community ",,,,,,ings
and gatherings.
The fin, <SOmti.t of ... ochool l>uildil\( ;S, of cou,.., cl....t<>Qm.
Onc ,hould ... prov>dtd br each c!a>o '" group "r tbi ., ""piU. If
Iha'chtd coll$tnJetion iI.-ed. 11.. Commisaion Ingesls the: poIIibilily of
indioidual units for cl&m-oom 10 reduce the noDe and uuerrcrcntt
ben-.... gmupo. $<pt....", units <:ouId be placed in ... row or ... oaDi<i>'cll;.
oral tandom in pla.;",g dnip about 100 yatds apan. Ir_nry..
'*'Cl, the thkm- pattitioos betw=> ......... will mn" this un_
N ry &Dd...... .. lhoe (:Q5l !co much. Each room >bculd pov>do: ...
mWmum ofnino "" pr pupil_ !OD to> 4Oll"'l.--c feci per .
Adeq....u: natural lich' lOr <acb chl1d obould be _ by 0Jlcll oideo
or ialte wind.o>o....
A library .hould be proYMied, "i'n space and equipment lOt ltol;"g
books. m.ogazin... na.'Ipapen. bulleti.... ma",. pictures, and other library
Space .hO\lld be provided fOl al lcut one dw roup
at a time to 'h,dy in Ihe library.
If the .chool provideo hol tiffin during the lclIonl day, .pace must
be provided for this. Although earth lion.. ",ay be loceptoble fnr Ihe
cloootOOml, the kitchen and m... ing art>. InO\lld have puc"" f1on.. that
euily can be .......hed and kep, clean.
Anotbtt need, even in the primary ochooI, is for a.onccting placr
!"or "nmuniry StOups. Si....., the ochool library ,. be the: only hbrary
illlhe (nl1lll1.Unity. aduh li"'ra'.. lII2}" ...iIh "' it, copttially ann- adllit
'Thcrd'or-c. the Comm;"i.., IUgeHI that
&I an ......"y. the luneb_. <be librir)". aad tM -=mbty......,. be
......bined ;"10 a oinc\o w,e puoo:a rno<II. This qhl abo be wed fo<
(lOIIp pn><I and p!l)'tical cd..""t..... ao:tiviti.. la indemenl wutber,
A1th",.gh 10"'" or the eraf, -.-k in \be primary ochool will be "'U(lh'
in rhe rqular dallrOOl1l. th.......,m ......J. to be a crafI. .....-bhop fot" upper
primary S<a<ks 10 hOUlC the ncasary equipmen' and pruvidc 1JU0< f<lt
operating il. This .lIould be .. common ronm lOt all duon, ".od on a
totltian ,hroughnul lhe day. T... chc.. (An t.oke their clutn to the
craft W<ltluhop in ICh<dLlled 'Urn.
To <:omplete ,ho primary ""hool there .hould Le offic<: .pace ond "
eom.mon ",om fur lhe tea.hers.
The high school deocribcd in Chaplet IX will need lbe Ibwe fui1i-
des pi.. winp lOt taeb taught. '11Ioc> should Include
..........,. laboratories, W<II"bhops, and cla>orootno. Here eopcciaUy,
tq*ra", I1lIits of ...."'IJ toorns each might be highly dcirahlc. They
shoulrl be rtl.. dote '0 net. othcr aDd on ,he camp"" pt"
bf:o._ many of the ....ill be lXIP1mfm for all

mm" should p.....;.le fot .. uoknts to pats .... group from d ......OOrtl 10
....."bhol' or lo.bor-.lory.
A lug<: high ocbool of'hc type """uiMIW by the CcmmiMion .hould
ha,'" """.r.l "ing< or uni .. dUlltt! >.round .....,...., building tofllainins
dusoOOOd lOI- 'he c
Q)UrJc> cducal;n". One winl should
contam .. laboratory l'or '.aching romonacial..,Lje<II_'}"p;ng, book ""ping.
"le. ; anoth ...'ing should ha,.., apicuhu.... t ...onhopo and, at de.. ral>gC,
linstod: !>ami, an imp!.".,..,! ohed, and la".] for pmd"C\i\.., farming;
another, ..,.;,.,,,,,, labor:o,or>n ; cle.
High or.hool. for"""", lime be Iocau:d onl," in" centr<s and
will .."....., ...:.., oltm an en,i", distrie. for 'hi, 'CU>n, hNtel.
will be needed, .... ,,-hh a pucca kitel>cn and m<Ming &ciliti8.
All tdKds should have sanitary latrine racilltia, ,I><: sliHrcnch
beillg toNidered minimal.
High """""I l"acilitics will be =pcntive to build, bul the cnl;rr
dimklocrvm and the <."Ira! Go\'Clnrncnt may be callM 01110 hdp firw>ce
the initial outbr. If ".., are to """-id,, adequate O<'O)n\bry wueation
rnr our youth, we mutt ha,'e adeq""", .._ Tt"". aul-<lo<>t d ......
DUly be held al tll. I<:CX>ndary lo.d u a, th<o primal)' b"d. but shd.....
"'Id' be proo.ided!Or equipmrn'. ohops, laba"uori.., ete:.
Eacll communi,y ",ill 11.". \(I meet the buildiDg "",Won ... bat It
can. ,,,. roo' ohb. ini,;.l ,lIould k (ml$idoTcl in old..
many yr.trS of ",,'ice dtat the h<,ildingo may 1'11.1' be
utilitariau, ""tlux,,''''',.. T'he)- .h<:"d<l cnC<>Ul""I!" .liccti,... and
!"""id!:. OOInmunity cmtn'.
q.,i,..m _
Equipmcot will '"&1)' r.c", .,,,,,,,,unity "" annmuni,y, from primary
cl..... '0 high.mool cluoes. n.. eomminioo b<l;"''f:II lbat equipuw:nt
shoWd be deligned and provided 00 tbe basi$ tllat i, im"",.'f:II or aids
the laming sihla,ioo; ifit doeo "", do tbit, then i. bea>met a luxury.
In the primary ICho<>l duu-o.>m, floor mau and indi.-i<lual "Tiling

the minimum, Ptefera.b1y, indi,idu,l d""x. "''' \(I four_

It"" ine,," high 1ho\,Id be providtd. In ,he upper grada, bench<s or.......a,
and wri'iztg dtsb >hould be provided. Individual uni", of110010, or chairs,
and deab ba'" l!'ea,er lIe:<ibiliry than StDup d<sb, but uouaJjy cost

should Iu,,-.: chalk boards and a bull.,in b<lard, a

,eaeha', and, and minintum .......,. fat,li".... Primary duo-
rooau oh&uld :01., have a oarMi I.Ible Ot other table for cenain typa of
aah",i.., pens fO< pets, or a -ening hen, and raeili,i.. 1O.:e.;jcc,
leoching. s.,me or this <an be built by the "",pib'
.. part 01 the projecu.
All ochMh ohould ha,,,,
equipenrn, for ena>ura&J"ll
cc",,*. gama, and oporlI. Swill&', did"" and '_"""0''''"
",i"imun" especiady 10. prima.ry dtild.e". Space should be hid
.... ,

oil" lO< fO"JO.bAlI, '-"lk)'ball. cricket, occ., and the ne<:al&ry 'J'OflS equipment
A kitchen .."ill rfljuifc chula>, uttnsilJ, linkl for washing disha,
lOr Ii>od prtparation. "'I'k lit,..,,,,. will require duS! pI"O(>f "",bin_
..... 1OOn aDd pet""f" ... bb and chain lOr ,..ody. Labono........ ""d
..ill ""':I"''''' benchn, l:IbIes, cabinetS Cle., and tDoh and
.....ttrial& d>aranenotic of ...bjctt brin.I: t"'Cbt. H<ttls...;u .cquirc:
i"dhid...:J.lOraf:t" rKili.... r.... clMha and
(000'* decked cbupail.",...gated as aver).
of the equipmrn\ .-dtd an bo p>a(k loca1Iy by
or by "uolen.. with I'J'IPtt ...pon-ioioa. For e>:.aotpk, .. <:an
d>ci< _n st!'tw malS to si, ..'" make tlotir OWn _iullC boanb., mUc
otOOb and simple labia. Not only don dlio provide <aD
tt,,, it ""Ipo 10 ""'-clop the: concept of ..1I'... '!Iic;......y and
SlUdcnlS mal' make lhrir own pa.pcr and o.1lor ... ppl;"'. m.o.y
mUc notebooks and pauc lOr moun';ng picl"'.... Tbel" "'ar lhcir
0""11 l,,,,.ie:l lUlbu<'lks, "pubmh" .heir .,"'" new.paper, and othcn.ll<:
lc:vn 10 iInpro\...., 10 rn"", ,he lack of mo.'aWs. and '""luiprncn" nt., if
propetly di'e<:tC'd, moy prm';<!< the belt kind of 1....,."i"Sli....uon.
Cerl:lin '}'JI<'I of "'luipmcnt and ",me >..ppl"," m.... be imported from
,,!ha .qicn.t. Th<:oc ,hould be prncurM th,,,"i" .he cen'''] pu",,""'ing
aga><:y, 0' thrnugb ,he :">ationa] Book S..,rc, .., la"" money and 10
guv-an= qu.o.lify.
It iI one ot the major rapo".ibaiti", of the Headmaster to make
ocnaitIWI .cacllm and .tudenlS ha"e ade"""te .uppli.. and equipment
!Or edu<:ation, "lid that the local ,nanagin!l" oo,mnill" Ilnd mernbero of the
communi.)" I'fovidt "Itable site and buildio!: facilities.
! n thil chaptcr the Co'ffinisslon lu.. sllgg..ted that,
I. The e",-ironment IQr educational is Sttond
in iml'O'tan<= only to the teaeh....
2. StaI>dardt obould be eotablisbed by opec:ial 00""0"= I'or titel,
bulldinp cquipmen<, and suppl;"" lUId be cnf...""", by the
Ocpul)' Sead"'1' f.,,- EduCllicmaI Ad<ninitlrootioo.. and Finance.
3, Central purchaJing and dislribu...... should be..c up to prov>de
",'in!>, ;n the prnocuraDCll nf thc equipmm' and supplirs.
+, The ochoollite.oo..Id be no! X. than three auft lOt primo.ry
0<'h00It, &.1: ... Md if tizc
.... 1Cboot d<:a>andl it. "sbouId be <:entrally Jocated, allno<:tW<:,
and ....,u-dtailTed.. I. Ihould ind.ude ....,. """ apic:ulhu1: aD<!
en/\. aetivitia.
s.. Tboc buildina: sbould be of _mio<:aI ..."'Ir..mon, fuAClional
raw,. l...urio.... It ihould be a <JOl'l\IJlulti<y gathering
nUl:, It sbould provide adequ:o'" cl.aaIoow ..... and addi-
tionallpaOt!Or aooemblia, library, labon.torieo, and worbbop<.
HOItcll olwuld be provided. 10< high ""hool. if ".o:=ary. Out_
door cla.s. space may be utilized.
6. EJ$en\l:>I equipment and ..,pplics ,hould be provided through
local W....tueloon or a eenlnrJ l'urdla>ing "gonor Equipment
ohould be (\coigned for utilily, oafcty, amllo"ll oerW>::.
.. -.
"'- ...
C1lAPTU ""Il
all or oouc.:"iun i, with the fnnno.l dalolroolll wvrk {If
lb<: Kh'lOl. Some or the rich"" learning experieneeJ (KCur <> lhe
daatoom, {In the playgcotlr d, in socUI ....,1 " .....1<, in lhe libra'1, and a'
'imes. The >cb",,1 is l"CSponJ.ible Or <ngaciWIg and ,uper,;'ing: mony
olth... "",.m-the..." nom a""'';tiet.
:>.fenlioo has bern made of ODIDC of 'beoe an;';,ies in flK'ious
daap,,,,,,- bu' a brief.u=D>J'1'"_ oflhe operiaI .. of the o<:bool
is cade bon. Udl oc:hool obouId. " 10 , the need for each of u-e
opedal ......i<u ""'" whaher Ill. DlICDIIIunily <:an afford than al the po-a.eo>l
QQe, LoT IOCIe U th<:m, ahbou,lI qui,. ,1tl""bIe - camtial -
bo: _ I ,e preonl........
no s..w, " C m!7 Cab.
A 'ilbl" od>ool wit ;" ill f 1functions ifi' doa no' bttu,.. a c<:alr<:
ol"Immunity adul" weD as IOr l-OUlh. 0 .... would expert
.., lintl a, ,be sd><>nl throughou' 'lte ..-uk: mceti"" of adullJ, .ltildn:n
on tit. plaYS'0und alld "ling tit<: playground "'luipmem,
using lh< '"Mio"" oh,?!," and labota'uri... adul' edu'ion , a
Immullity-owned radio and in the future a ei"em;>. hin., a
_bination school and village library, and manj' oth (""ures and
aCli"ili'" IhM c1efin. <oll",iOll, .", and
"",mllluni'ya.'i,ilY. Thoo< cMeerned lhe administ.uicm or
,Iolt .hould recognise ,h;" ... " lIl,jor funclion of 'he ><:hool,
l'arenIJ and !lU"rdia'" are nalllrally inl.,-""oo in 'heir child"'n and
'hei, od"""llon. 111".,. m,u, k cJooely with ,hei. !cadw'n ireducation
is to have m"";,,,u'" "aluc. Fuqu teachon <;IOn help par..... ",,'h
chlldrem' special pr<Iblcmo.. pare<I" and leachers mwt
work Ulfrtthcr as "
To accomplDh this, Id>ools ha,.., Pa<",...o
that hold mc:etinp a' tlM:! a moo>th, or..-.e or 1.. &eq.....
Tb... ...""tiDg> are for the JlU't'O"" <JE.!udy and diocuaioa of tnajor pr0b-
lems or "",,=n '0 bo<h ttaebtn and parents ; they are not complain,


.sa..i. C u.....,
The school is the rn<>st
place 10, a 1-I....y
of tire n>aleriall eon be US'M lJ<,th b)" children and adulll. The Kb<><>1 io
moot likdy to M"" '1"";" and pro<eaion for the _'''''-.l,. TI,e ",hool
centaC" for prncurins malcrlals, tire id>o<>l 'uch".. is frcq"cctly the
0DIy pcncn Ul the "W'"/le qualified to
as a librarian.
As lileracy spreads and ... other Iype!! of adul, ...J.ualicn tIc,mp.
there ...m be greater dl:man<\r fur a (:Onununi.y lilnry. Thio iI ann<htt
special ..".,.ioe thal a od>cnl an rc<>dcr 10 ,t>c community.
r..IA Od 5_,;'J
aub .....,k oll"cn onc e(!he best epportunitkl for infermal eduaoticn.
Although ,egular duo work frcqurntly in.....],... inl'crmal activitioo and
projeCI. club provide even greater- (rordom and initiative.
Onc ef the major club aetivili... I>DW fuund in ",any ochoooJs in
is Scouting. This "".k is natiunally e"!anicd and a ddinitc

olpdcd acu,.;Ua hal bn set up, lJ<,th for bel" and fur girb.
Much ef ohio is .,UI of door week. frequently i".....Mng hiking .nd
.""""her Iype of d"b .....rk, ......,ntly inl""''',""" in IOme ochocb,
c:entreo atOund agricul' .. and horr>c<nali,,! act;'..,;",. Patterned an.".
Iimila, dubo in other COUrt........ the Char Pali aubo (FOOl' kat aubo, ..,
rtarntd because "I' the dubs' lOur.le.r dove.- J}mbol, .ignif)"ing go<><! luck)
emplLaJig individual projecu ..,cl> all I*!clr rai>in&.
OWiolU (individ....l probltml are discuued in f'<iv:ate moeetings). Oivipline,
rudill( Iuobiu, plaYll:1'OUIld bd>avior, planning the {"IU,e c:orur. platmiz:t:
" community project _ these and "",ny othen .rc logical t<>pia b
Onccor twice" rear there mlIy be "open hnuoc"' wbw an of Ihe
parcnlJ mine and ,...., the cl...... "ftheir childre.......d ol#;r\.., tlM:m at
",....k. Regulae ""rried on have an oppottonity tu
.... ho... leamins ",Us place, (Of WUr1e, P'o""'U arc wel,ome at olh.,.
tirnn, lOO; theM! arc ,,.a.J da\'>.) On oth<:r .'C"".;".... ,h. <:hildren ""'y
put OD. cuhuraJ pr<>Jr"a'"ltlC W tll<ir ",",cnlS and the <nUIlrlunity. Thnc:
activities help I<> bring bette.- ulldcnl.a,,<ling uf lllc purpoooes of the ",,1>001
and Illla bette1" a:>-<>pn'a,i<>n bet"""", teodocn and pat<'l>1a.
As Pa,""I-Tcathers' AsrocilotW all: "'W'ni.ed lh"'ugho"t lbe
rounlry, national and distri<:t orpniul.ion> ..... be .., "I' lu <o<>li"",c
tlttlr a.ti..ilia and '0 pr",wc le:;tda1;hip and "" Q<l,a"llc ..c idcu.
Adoll Etttt<.ti..
Adult tduaUon ha. o...n discus&ed in Olapte:r Xl ; ,<,rncc it 10
painl out""'" the polmtial conlributio<> of lhc Icl>ool 10 it> I"cs-
or the teach... nr d,. ochoo1 may ',,"cb ad"'t cdonolino cWses. Tb.
or.haol aod iu ("cl;,;.,. mar be uo<d by adull daMn. D<mo..,...o
tiono .....y ill slIopo. labonlOrla, ....d "'Iui""",,,t. The library may
be u>Cd try ",me cLaJ.cJ. TIl<: Headm:ootu "'" a may take ,he inilia_
ti,-e for organizing adult educ>tion aClivi6ts. It io of inlera< 10 tcad\crs
10 p<O"'Otc adul, crl"""t"'" al i' imprc'..,. tehool Tda""... and hdfl"
'hem in ",ei, talk .,f teaching childr....
Pa<:I.\I. $B1l""''''
_ina:., EM:h dub member h... hil "wn J'f"ject, and
OO!" and girls ",'i,h limilar J""joclS mo:t '''CClher rqurarly lOT 1OCiaJ,
buoincu. 3nd ru""'lio> r purpllSCS.
11'1 addi.,Of\ I" lh dum. ....,. be drama clubl, ckbtlting
IOCietics. duta, hobby clubl. and maDy "Ih..... lh=
iI UI intftU, in Ihis ",pe .,r KtMly the Othoo>l ahould otrer Jndaship and
!dp lbo IJTO''I'' to 6ttd a >pUO_ - either a tQ......, ;"lCJeITm 0.-

A1tllooch mIlto)' chikI=o will ha,.., to ..=k durirlg tbt- k>roa:
pci<>do ..... "n dill" when ochool .. DCl in oaoiooI'I,.here will be: ..."", wfo<>
..,11 h..o,,, tinx. Evc:n u..".., '""" ......Ir. pal'! of tM .im<: m.ia:bl be:
["ftd l<I< pb)'In>Und =tivilia lGr an ........ 0.- ''''' a d.t.y, or for
..="""' or 10....... campi"l tripo.. is rid in lIu\&<Ill !lftuty tutd
loikilIlf'<:-ttl{linc <lppOflUniticl.. The. ,..I..,.,. ot: hilr.l"l, autlpin" and
lI>OWIu,nnlnl" eIlnn," be mU'ftJIpbMivd ,n build",! .hanc...., JIC"<lILality,
.>ttd g<>OOi htahh,
This i, a_her way Il<:hool can ten.., )'tIulh. Teubmo could be
asigne<J .0 lpe<:;fic ,...alionhour a.ri,iti.. and .hus help youlh I<> use
dtcoe houll "",r.lIlbly '1'1 e<hocarional adnne<mcn'.
$<tri41 II'tlf4"
Young loould dC\..,lop 11. commun;,y .pidl early in lire. The
opiri....r Ilnd oncial "..,If",e - ,,1111ngnu. to give of nne'. rime
a:>d dl'0I'U 10 the bell..,..",e", or lhe co,n",,,,,i,)' _ elln be promoted by
Ilcth1riel. Pupil. .hould "'me .im. elleh week '0 ""m-
munity projtl: bu,u,ifJing Ihe I<bool g",,,nu, pllrk!, Md nlbe. 'pot, in
the ",UIl"', They ,hould buik! wal"" Ilnd path-"'IlI'I. They .hould lUSi,t
in dean.up <:ampalgn.o, plan' trees and .hrubbery. They .hould bell'
"""mo.e DOT 'pr3y ptogramm", and eampaignl.
""'1' oppor'uni,y "I<>u1d be utili.ClI to provide experience in ooclal
....\fa..., ac.i",''"' Wh<'l>C\"tt _illk d,,,"" should 'n,..,h.., ho.h Ildultl as
....n as child...n, 10 lhal all learn .0 worl .
EzlNQorrrioMIr> klitil....
.,r "'" ..00.... activiti.. and..,...,.,...,. ....y be d'.lied ... e:atn_
runi""lar. l'Kvi<.'1S rd'cn:n", "'U made I<> Ihis llnpor-1Il0l pb.ue of cduea.
lion in OIap.... IX. Th.. i, ..... SUlfl:CS\ed lhat lIOttte ...traoClll't'iaJbr
anivi"'" eouId be currieubri=:l to ad,....Qge, but that many IlCln1ti",
,houId be uied OUI on an e::rtra-euniallar baIi. flt1t. TbUl, rc:guIar
.......iocWum ..n eDftlltully be enriched.
Tbe """"'-eurritula.- b a IpeciflC ......." "'<lit be >elected
and <kmtiMd b)' lM """,10., pllf'Cll.... and _,,&girtg <lsmlttiuc<:
.,r'ba"d.ool. In addition to .hooc ICI'VicflI liotal allocmo ......y ochoolI
..ill ....... ......-.paper 0.- m.S.:Wne, bave a Ilud..... CICIunci1, pal'licipate in
'P""" and h.ave rnUli< and ut dubl, e<c. "... r>etdI wiD f"""
... bu. tbt- xhooI Lba, bib to ma.Ir.c proviIIon ..... lheoe
aci.,oia faiII ill one of i.. most Sorm: Jd<ools will
WIln' to lponoor tlaUoftal fCsri,.,.1 and anniwnary dIll'l, toO.

.....on 01' NUAL '1-'-'<MIJfO COM'mtK'J'
llnbA Stt.i<u
An important phase orthel"'im&l')' and SC<lOndary ochool <t,ttriculum
;. the "f "'ltttd health ktto>oledgc. babiu. and pra(.iceII.
Th<:oe are provided rur in ...., o;peri<eooes planned !'or pupil.. But the tchoool
mu" .., an exampl, all a modd of d ...nli"""" and unil.llon. Lalrinn,
...oaaIting f.ociJibOJ, and m"";ng faciJil,,", if thore are anv, ",u:1I aD bo
card"ul1y 1Upcrvi>cl ID i....u... only r"v .nd ..."itation, IIo.n to uti!ite
them a, OJ>po<.unitia !"or "'a""inl: and
lopi"!l good pr.Cl;....
Alto, the IQdlcn may be called up"" to taille. first.aid In pupil
....ho may be bome ill "'hile at ><:bool .... who m.y be inj.. A fi,ot.aid
kit ,h()llld be m.>.intlinod.t the tehonl and _....1 'LOll" ,......bers .hould
be f_i1i,.. "'ith lirsr proced....... Wherb..,. thCK lirst-aid fae;liti",
a", to be..u by tl'M: rat of the """""..nity ",ull be dfl<ided by th,
m.""ginll" eommi".., hul the .nohcrs ...,11 ha..., neit..... ume nor ...aini"lf
to .....der Ih ....".;..,. of;o. health dinic.
In ,his chapter, the eommiaoion haI OUUf$tw that ,
I. Spia.I -ni<:Q, r::orutitute an
tial part ohio. ed....tion.1
p"Ofln""., """'. or rhe:lCho<>b' jor funoctions.
2. The or:hooI thould be. centre fw community activity.
3. Par... A...,a,.,iom obouId be l"ormcd ..... local,
disu-ict, and national '" pr""",,,, pd rolatioU> bctwtnt
paro:n" all<!
H.I f..,11f<I!"
Htalth opecialins toda)' claim that ..."'" of ,he ffiOl;t ....10... dctri
n",,,.. to the bealth or.hild,,,,, .rC inadoq,,"te r!ic., """ long of time
betwee" meall, and tbe lad: of a het midday "'....1, (:hildr... "'ho
sit in ac:hooI ror lOur 10 ail< hours.-d. l.>ak in lheic ro.ui"" and tite-,'
to U' be'.Ult the """,N"!",...,I and th.
Ono of Ib, bel, ..rvkeo that a Khnnl cntlld. raider "';to pupils
_Id be. bnt nu",;6ous in the middle or 110. IChooI day. LV""
fOr ",dl.fed ""ild",,, this would be bondicial: tor child....., poorly ied U
100lIl" it could do much to pl'O\id. th.... with a minimu", diet to inntrc
otroog, bcalthy boil,,,,.
On, of th' d"'...,....... l(' IUch a &en'M:<: io lb ..,... o,ik!r"" could
brIna" I...... from he"", al...ady p".paml.; "ther l'ood .....Id be
broqh. a.rod """,ked in _,..... Or alpeci&l reo ""old be ""lle<.ed
from 'he chil<lrcn, or a assessment tI>3tIe of all lb. villager. ro par
lOt ilia service. In or:hooll it ,,,,,..lId l!OI. be nOCQlary 10 employ
a (IlD}; ; the -"oould be doDO by the cbildn:n .nd by lbe
Iraoher-. tn larr:or Kh.r>olo. .nd In high ocl>oolJ. C[)OI< m.iglll be =plorod
aud ....istod by .om. of ,he ""denu. ,hus ul\!i,in, an oppor1wtily 10 learn
"""'" aboul "Fr:cdirog Ounclv..." an impoltaol 1Ub:jeet or the wrrieulum.
Pro-.....n .hook!, of .........., be made '" flJl"t>ilh Ihe ......1 &oc 10 ,hooc who
""uld not afford 10 pay for 'I.
... -' r... ~ , .
__ .J .,t,N:. t. ""01,
J'''' <AI ,.,..1'" 6C1':ribn

f. n.. 1dY.ool oboukI off"" racili'i.. and teachn. tu pTOmote. the

..t.:it a'=>ca';"",
;"';;:,;;' '. _ idcaJ l.>co<ioa b a library and ,IK
......-".br:o<q CS I....,.,.. "' Y;>Ilitnria...
6- a. -'t -. S - 'J obo<IId be eel by the ocbool \(I
1 _ , tiIi: .. po-w:.lleamit:g 0;JKri<"""".
L IpOQIOI' a.od "p""'ile ,.,.<:>tio,,time
- , f & pt.T, hiliac. aud amping Ktivities.
.. TIoe odlaaI IpOQIOI' J<><ia! wc!!a.." ar;rio.-itics 10 d",-dop
ir:o' opirit a:Id ............... and
...... in 'City ","",0. '-
anio.'itic. &hould be prornole,11O round out the
tt1UC11ti-..llir;, of the learner.
10. n.. od>ool Jho.uld p..""io<k b fin, t<nll...", and bJake its
l:oCli.... moodclt of heahh and 1a.I>i.....!ioa.
11. If poaibk. <be >d>oool lbou.1d a ho, mid-do.y liffin err luncb
In all drildreD.
CIlAPn.. "",n
of ro'.... lk'" in ,he fO'<going chapler> <annot
toe, reali.ed hl a itmkc or,h. J",n. It will a numb<, of
for i, tI> .",k.. into" firm, sl"'l'..."alic. smo<>thly oprnoting,
It requi,n no' "" much .be rew..". (>f .:<illin! ",,'-It. Sj'tlems, poIicin.
aad "" i. does IM Qlnst<t>Ction and d......,lopmm, af new ideao,
orpai.u.ion, <urrinJla and ""hoob-
hrt ar ,!lio can toe, ueompliolwd undtt Ministry af F.d\lCl[jon
lea.derWp "';'b... aisti.,g r.-It ahuthority, '''Il''''= as It it with
>eoptct 10 ecnain func:1iom, ..... the l'"'K'"aflIln': sDcMzld II"IO>W ahead with:in
this hftIewark. H""""",,,", as \boo _ denoocr.tic J<>"'U1'men' _ ioo.lQ
iu -... a "p"""nt,nh... lqiobbof'O _ in... p"'...... and a oaoutituliDn
io dnl.... up and adnpt<d. 'he need ...... COJ>CI'tte \q(itIatian .... ".>la;n
"","en b,,, ... aJl'll'Zl""'- Some 1ep1aUi>n will rattdy ptn 'he stamp
of apprm-al "" what is already bcil\ll done; tome ".;0 au.horizc """'.
This chapl'" a p"'flr1o"lme of I<gio;lation to impkmen. the
o;],>nal >tlbmill"'" bl tbe Conn""';"n. W. hllve mode nO
efl'","t ". co"'" Rl1 details; ..... hue cnneent,alM only QI1 majo, ph"""
or ,he Nei'her hM. we n\'cmple<llo clothe O"r
h.'" i" only Ilr.lNeh wha' to u....'" In be lh. most
;mp"r'..n' ide"" fur n..<led legi,la'ion,
Th. C:>nllni;;iQn that ",me ofth.leg:sl,ul'r<.. t "flh" plan
f", ",lucatiM should he in<orpor"tcd into lh. Con,tilLlt"'n, ..1nl...,uld
he .nact.d inln .latute law, .",., 00ll\<! ohot,1d he indu<l.d in ];.d"c:>-
,iona! Cod. ,,hkh is a <ompila,;on af .ht TUt<> and .tgulalin... b;d
clo...n by ,he Minil"T of How.,"" no db' is mat\e at this
,;,,,. to "rata hillqillation inlO Ihne tat<:go.-ic:>; .hD It".., be <lone
by ,h. ""nW'u""" commi"",, and law maken. In S.notal. 1110...10.
b.uioc .u.....n'=obou.kI. be buui in the: conoritntinn . "'" inallmahle
ti!h. of ,""","y child to r""" edu"'...;""); polioa ohould he by
the Itsiltat",. (.g., oompulooty taul;"" b tho: ...pport of ochaolo) ;
and tlaails Ihould toe, spdIcd ollt in the e-It: (t_g. tM numbft- otdar'
ofodloool ..... )"Q<).
G<1Uttl1 T.....11 lMttI Rtf...
tlcf_ du1ing ...ilb NU"",;""",! it .. ,,1>--;"... that ,,,,,",
muse be and land rd'o<m b .. ch.c ,,-m btnefit tM on,i", '''''"mny
and all of the lOcial h>I';tu'io", .. wdl. at rducalic... There con be ...,
great national or ,,"'...nrn<:nt in N'''l'''1 withu". '''''"'', and it is
aI",,," uod... to about a1u"",,ion, or 1n\" 1''''St<C'l5, wi'l>o<,hose ;
.,"0l111>;ng rise cer>ltf, on ,h. inm:od""tion of modern ""11.""",, .. f"",..nal
Iu indi.,.lal in th. previouo .b.pter, the Commiosio.. ,upP<>rU I..."
po-incipleo ,
I. All ,h. land and pn>f>ttly ll.",,1d be tu"ll except Iba' on
which 'he """"Id l:t ""id by IMgm"mmcnl, '"-'Id
2. J>eft'>11 ."""Id Ix taxed according 10 h;" "bill'I" .... pay.
The <>f principles ........Id in....oaor- .he
land reo.-.:n"" .Imoot 50% and climUul!C tallf,..,., if>Q,l"'c, h ntt<.l no,
disroural;" f= .nterp.... ".. cnttqltCI1cunhip. Il wouJd gh-e "'"")'0"" a
sharc in his 1"'"UIltDmt, an investll'lc:nt in his c:omrn"nit)'.
To m<ec the probl.... of la,!:" Mtedilary IU-frtt l.nds and I_perl)'.
lh.I"'........'''''''1 c<>uld a,range for the pnrch_ of th<so bndl aM pJprrtJ'
on a twenty'jou' par pl;>n. Ih... cnd;", hereditary COD''''!, 1>0 ""king
h<>rrjj"l1J up a""'''1 many "",,11 """,en, bf"'IJI"J: l!>cm inl<> the tu tt1arkct,
.nd al the "'me Urne p1<l"iod;ng ra;t compcn>ation ut me
Ta r...rh other ""urCe> of It>coonc, a graduatl incoltlC tax with
acmp<i<ln$ "" CO"'" the a ......n head 'b, a I""".,
tax, :uod a namral .dO,,e I... ha,e bt:<n ,,,gg..,I. noc
C",nmwion h:u .1..., 1"Il;C'lcd that.n oouCOltio....1eaRlI'"i", be launchctl
.,0"",,, '" !""ple 10. and land remnn.
The Co<nmiooiott rurtl>c:r tilat a spocial <mnmiolio.. IMuld be
Cltabli<hcd and Ih&t foreign aosiotatlCC: Ihould be oolidttd la bdp with
tilio intricate problem, both in octting up the n=-a.y Icgilbt"'.. r",.
Ihe ,.,b-n" and in educati"ll tile p""pk '" ,he irkaI. ...,10"" io
paramour" to the de.cIopmcnt of l;tcncy alld c:dllCalion.
EJw"'''... Att
J..cgiobtion io ne<dcd to authoriu ""ini"g and cnntt:tnplatcrl otpnl ..._
tiotI education. Such an act Iltould ;
I. Ddine the authotily oflhc Mi"islry or .d"""....... including ""ta1>-
li.bmenl and cnlOtccmmt of'tandatd.. planning and prnc:rimng a
minimu", curriculum, ",,,.d.."';nl: ",""",c!I, and provi<!ing gcnctal
adrninistratir>n.and lcadeuh;p ror all 1C\'dsor education 0... national
2. I'roddc lOt the ""tablismcn, of a National F.due>.tir>ot Ilc>aftl ...;th
dutiQ outlined in Chapten VII and XIV.
3. Provide lOt tile CIlabliohmcnt or Oi>lric, EdtlClllio"
to supenise
ctiucation diotricl_"'ioe as disal-.d in ChaptCtt VII and XIV.
i. r"" .he dttlion of IoQI f,hnaging commillcco .... f,(ll1co,ion
Bcsa.-dt -ith the P " " ~ to organ;z" Ioaolldlool diJl.ictl, define hound_
............. tuI3, and perl"t,..". the ~ y funetioOl' ofoperating
IoQI odIoci ~ _ .
l'ri.-y SdHI 11<1
Thil ace should en<:ourag<' and provide ro,. Ihe -..b1i<hmen' of
primary ochoob in eo.wy iIbF ot group of villaga. "ohould perm" local
manaeinc O)OlImitt<'a 10 :
I. Opm primary Khools.
2. F.mploy I ~ &Dd o<hcr J>"'dD""C1:ut no:akd.
S. Oefine the bGunda.-io::J of tit<! di>lrict.
4. ),lake prim;ory lIt:h<><>l oduc:au..n " " " " ~ within lite di'trict and
~ .. po...... ,,-too &il 10 said ,beii- <hilba. 10 ocboo!.
3. ,\MSI alld ~ IaJU:s b tit..;, "'f'PQ<t (In u.e ableDce oC o<ber
gmQ't1 tU collect.... ~ l .
6. Draw Won> .be cenu-al g<>'"Q1IlD<'tl' ...bountial ina"!'JftlOry fI"&Illl &Dd
<:otl"nue 10 dra.. ill pt""", tiona'" ohue <>f cenc:nI1 fund> al'ttt the
",ilia! period.
Sd.l All
'n,;. acl shnuld cna>Urlgc and provide for the fttabliih"""nt or onc
or ......c lrIuloi-purJ><*' high scl>ooJ< In n ....y diltricc. It should pro>'idc
I. .....'aninlion and QtablishllJCl'lt or .. mulli.pu..,-c high
s<hool in all of ,he 32 distrku in whim no his!, lehool e,,;'u a.
p<f3<1lt ,Ube.
2. (',onversi\)" of at bJl cri< ""is'ing high >thool, in "",ch of ,he olher
dislr;cla, in", a multipu,pooe hig!> school.
,. CoovenKm of o'h.... 111gb scbooh;os rapidly"" poosible.
4. Whoere ,hae io,,,,,", .han one 111gb .dlOOl in a lingle tOWTl in dooe
j>n'>Ximi.y.< b thci< mcrxn- inlll on<: mulli.-po...-posc
h1gh 1Ch<>ol, "" adminill'i .... o>noolidation under <one ","""Sing
Provide r......he a'ablish",.,"t <If ...pccial lrlbtuging C>n\tnitta: rOf
Qch high ",,!Ioo1 "" group of eon",Udated high ochoolI, to be appuintal
by !he Dinrict Education Board DO" tlUd by the Pft'PIe or the .,u
6. F..t.oblish"><1lt nf a opecia' high ,d"",t tu on all I'rim3ry :lChonl
di><ricu ar>d "tha &1'<1$ .... "'. ,"'" hi,!:h 1C1>ooI.
7. Procu,;ng a oit" and building in<luding ho>ttl..
8. ErnrlO'J"m<:nt of tea<"her. an<l <>Iher pertoMd.
UIIi-n!1 A"
Thit ael .1>00,1<1 provide f.... the establish",en, (If a 1'".,,,,,1
University. "sMutd p""'ide w :
1. Thc ...ablisl\mco, of a
u "iF F..dua,ion, paralleling doe
Board of Education, 10 supc........ the Un;"""';,y.
2. Th<: :o.ppoiJl'mcnl of a Viee-Char>l'dloT and other adtni"istra,;'",
3. l'rocutcmcnl 0( a univoen;,y .;,e and nc<:<3Iary buildi"S'.
i. Ory:an;,,,,,,io,,,,r U;";"B collrges in'o Uni''Cr'Si'y, ",i,h thc p'm''''''''
,ha, all ins,i,u'ions of alirrular type nnu, organize "" a mM..... o:oJl"llC
..,lIt thc otltcrs as branch <Ueges .... tx'CnDon ocrvira.
$. The d,ab/i""ntn' <If new wllcgct as ne<:dcd. new trpes di=tly ",,<1<.
lItc 1)'1'"" under thc IItOlhcr ins'i'utions.
6. aid 10 ,hc of d"eation.nd '" .hc tnlining nf ta.d"'rI
'0 0""""'-"8" yount I""plc 10 cn,er thi> profession wherc thc ncaI is
.. "'8C'" and ,ital.
& ....1Cod< A<l
nu...,. .boukl tld' the Miniltry of F..duealion 10 and
kC<']) CurYftl. a code of all educa,ion I..... and n:gulalinns '0
Jt:n'f: .... S',idc tn .dneation official$.

T,=y, W'!1;"" .4.'1

Tn""";ood rlools ,," mu'" ha,'e good teaehe,.., and to have good
_ """"' guarantee min,mum ameniti", to altract able }"ung
..... .,. tloe po-okolion. Tbio act ,hould for
.L '!lE ...... b&h"'en' of a minimum ,ala,-y ,eal., with graduated ,,,,,re-
_ b ycaJ"ll and recognition of the a",Oun' of training of
Xaboc;U certification or 'eachen to keep the unfit m,t or the teaching
5. Spial allowan'", and """ncial inducement> for ini'lal and .ub,ecl"en'
lr.tining 10 encourage maximum preparation ror "aching.
4. \!inimllm ,",nd>.rd. of training for all teachers.
In thl, chap'"' the e-,mmi"ion ha! '''gge''",l th"t be
=-ac'ed ,,'hid, wouhll'ro,'K!e for
I. Land ",form a"d general on propert,' a"d i"""lIlc.
1. Organiza,ion of an educa'ional and the administra,ive control
3. Financing eiI"ea'io" on a ""tional, di>"iet, and local !>asi,.
4, ulabli>hmenl of priUlar) 5<hc>ol>.
5. F...labE.hment ofmulupurpose high school.
6. Eooabfulw,ent or a University and oolleS'" as needed.
7. Compilation and publication of a Seh",,] Code.
8. Protcct;"n of the teache,..' welfare.

,., C cm..."'" JI'"C<1l'ed a mmprdlensi\"e plan kor a l1,nkmol
J nil ...... outlined in.1> enti"",y in,ttr VII and

...dup'...... ,ha, fOllow. In th= c"""P'erl' ,,-e matlc nun'Qt>UI

- and ,.".., inlOnnation, principlcl, and ",,_<11 f(or "'pp<>rting
CS 'ionl. Wc hinted at the great .cope nf ",,!ion ne".,...,ry ....
- it th_ ,,,",,,'ions, .'" lh;, rhpl", we the IOta! plan
:-.f5n:l "!' OUt recotn""'nda"ort1.
RECOJIME.,NDilTlON .\'0. 1. TM Commiui.n '<""""0'" 11",1 I"
5.... ;'}; .J .'l 'mm"'ial'{1 a ,uea,," d/!"m.....I, 'vii" aM af i/,
...I_IUt.. />tinllh, ')'Il,n,.'I<, "lul.r, (JIl" ,"",p..",."',,, ,011,,11,. of dola
--' :ll j",..J io !'." I of Ilti, 11'''''1, "n' Ih, p"p'''Miod pnbli,"II"!if 'lI(;h
..,.... a Ihi. "', all,,,,l iJi,."'41/y, '. p"",ld '",b j., ,".,i.",,", ,,,,,I,,,,li,.
_ ,L..Jnl _fd",.';... i. X'pal. (S.c Part I.)
Th. al>oenre "f"Jeh and data, and an}.)'.lcm 'or ""lie.".
them, has handicapped the Co,nm;.,;"n in iu "udy nf rolleati"" ill
:-i<paJ, and in lu cffi;>r. '" la)'""t" n.';onal cd"o;:otiQn.l ..hcme. h
a>nbnJ'" '0 ha'nper ,h"", woo ne rt:5f"'",iblc!<lr implementing ," plans
aD<! admini.."';..... the Un'il am';nuo"pp.... itaI ofp'''l!......nd
pn>bIctn> .. puooiblc, thcr-c can b<c \-cry li'tle cflO<;,".., planning.
111;' wk Ut<>nld b<c en'ru..ct1 ID a raareh diviJiun of .be <>ffitt of
<he lIcput}" Set:rcta<y Ad""nistno,;',n (a .-.:ta>mme...-ltd m the "'V".....
<>0.....1 I""" for tlu: l\liniltry or Education). III addi,,,,,, .... tbia
""Ucetioon of data, \hit rgcarch ili,;,ioon ohnuld"l_ and ..-....-1...... many
ntha ,...,.""bct On pc'Oblerns of nuric:ulurn. rne<hodt 0( tcaehiot, teaehc:r
..-dwe, tc:l-tI and '-""-""""1>, ctc. It """"Id ...... k dcoocIy with the
.........-ch d...iaions of t.b<: GoIkcc and ",her or ,he
Utt,,'Cnity car'rit., on .........rd1 rdatal to ctI,ocation (e.c., _ ..I 'eo<>.r<b.
po>PU1a'''' mod;"" d<:.).
Tu tul\ecl ,hcK cb.... a clfonm (oirnple aad ",""""... ID b<c
_e) mUl' be dt--ioed, ailing "'" lhe Dumba' anti location ')l><bools,
number and q"alifioca'..... of tcadt...... CDn>Ilmrn, and dota.
""",ip" by ..owu and ezpcndi,ures by run<tiom, qual't)" build-tIP and
facilities, ""b1ic rdal.iolllhips, piano li>:r the f u'""". and "",ilar data and
be complowl by
""wd be In informaloo, o>f ,h"", forma ""uld l<,
h""dJDast<:n 2nd ,nanag"'lJ cumi""" meroloer> j othen
at the dinricl .... [""",I.
such <la", are collected and tttord< kpt, cU"""'tion ..ill be: at" ha" ,,;,!l<>ut &CCOuna," ship with"". "",,'U, Rog..,d1no ,of
'll<: <>pldi'y with which nth... Ch;lDgo are ",ad<, pl'O',ision 1""""<11,,,011
ohould Le made f", eta", colloction.r><! rcpo.-tin3". ba:....... it ..ill ........, .he:
p<<X,1t as wdl LI .he f"'Ule Furthcnr","" it will P"O"ide the t>e-""""
light for ,he i"'plementa\;OO of Ihi> oa.;"""l prtogflUllln< of educa';"'n.
Ri,XX)MIllE,Vn:lTJOX NO. 2. 110t '<m1I"""d, ,""
",d/uh,.., of " ri".fl. ':1'1<.. 0/ftu, '"'''''''''.1, Jlttbli. dM.u., ,. lit<
..,i" "",Ii.., fro- tht 1"'''''''7 f'."" llrrAp ..h11""-4. TIti. ,,,-;,,, .,...ifl<C1lJ :
(a) fir<J" .f_,;'1".1";_7 HWol ..",,,,i..,, (.j )<60" 0/""'/'"
/""f'n'I \i.<I .Ji"1 '"""'_I) -"'7xllt1tl ,<Iw.,"", ft) ,,,.. /. H"'. yOJJ 0/
li....t ad ""ItI'
';M ........ i....."t' ...,_. (I) .atlt,,..nJ
..,/ "'-ill;'. (t) ..,i"ul.tlJiu
...UliM fro. lilt .11..;'/'7 ""'w 10 11"
",Iml "_lia. ,, ,..J (f) I._I' fiJ;ttll .IIJ Nri., 'if-"" I. !,,",,/k
w-P-Jut_i., f. ,hul;", \&c Ch"l""" Vii.)
Tho O>mmiAJ"" ...,.. uktl '0 ",nlino a 001111"01.""""" plan Co,..
""lional ...lueation ; it ""'" no' asked 10 ,,,,tli,,,, r<:CormJ !Or =isti,,!
is .ign""'.n',.nd the Coal/RisNon ... in ,he tba, i,
Wa' Letler '" '\arl ia .mrk "Crom >er.otoh" ""thor lhan 'bo laih"""
"f I_m al,,,",,,;,,,, and ory 10 de,..... rriom.lOr _loling;t. Wio.h
wef, Wn;,o<ll4cili.ioo roaehing on few pooplo, i, Sttlncd fruit!"" lu ,ho
Oo",m$>on 10 Iry t" 1"'lCh up o"",,k.e or indToc,i,-e od"t<tu'mal patte......
10..., ex"';", .. It,wc ho-tn and tit<: ch:\<Vter,,,ic:s
l&!>'aged, bu, the n.;ttion>ol """"" ,lO'I,..,.",r;1l th< Ref'o" i. tI<:w,
C" ...h, and d...ig".,l f(lt mOOc,n, Iw.... bh con'U')' '\:cpal.
Tho prugranuzlC r<>sni .... the aet""' or ,ho ,of 'he
,.,,"nll)', ,he .C3OU.<"C and limit.:otioM, lbe lradi';'-",. and H.....-os
.of the people ; it is practkal, rc:alistk, and aluinablc. It t<:<."i",
'''''''Y }........ to bl-ing i. mto run hi"""" bul
""" be rnpid and
immrrlL,ldr ob>cr,..blo ir puts his ,lmulder to the wh"ol.
T1K: e;""unm;"., bf;1ieYt>" ,ht t<tl )'""" fur prim31)' and OC(\>ndary
r<prnen.. a faie ct""prom;'" ,he d<o:irablo "Iot'n",,,,
and C",a....;,.l .....Iit\', but ""pro tba. it tvrll.uaIlr "" ul<'nd<1l ....
,,,,,,r-... l"&n. h ab<> l'CO"!lP'i dDi1..bili1r of unh"r",l
<ducal.'"'' .., "",11 os ""i,", 1pri..",,,, <ducation, Lout mu" be con''''",,1
,,ith.he IlK: i""nttli4.e g<>al; the nlh.,.. """ be only
b}' .he gct>e...tiom..
c.:.Uege educalion r"r .. fe... wi,h adul< aluc.ation lOr all, '0 the
C<ihlmm>on I>l bf; a OCDSible w- ..n.,ime, and Dno lloa' Le ...."iOlOd
r"d,.... _no c...Ucge uaining it highly 'l_ialitcd and into,,';V'<:, ","e,kd
'mlr br Tdallvdy rcw I'o"ple. Bm li,eacr and ....PflI=tacy al.... ,"'"
""" bah< lOt all ,d..!" in, dcmoctacy.
No great enlerprise can llo>utilh and """"'"" In the aboon<e of .,..tat>-
atit ..nd elliciml O<gllDWoti<m and fobancing. Orga"iulion .n",. lot
tlctt>l>Cr.>lio and en....."'&<' Ihe mas:im"'" oulput of e...:h pctWn. It muot
p>t.i<\e nol O\lly Co< dclogalion ofauthoo-i1y and the _pmon, of","""",


,ilKli"" but '" do< renJQlioft ... ,heso'. ir a"'-i, b!" the Jl<llicrrukinK
and Wl u1tima,d, 1lo<n: ca"
l.- DO ............ aion...... in orp....a'1On and
",' -...", lOt tducatioo<>, Thae an: 'h<: l>fe.,1i_ of M""",tinn.
F... 1le <d' MIM;" .ue.:aed ..-ilhou. ,It<: fin:>MUJ
_ thu iL OWdn:u wi,h ""'pt! ."",< aN' no' rauy
_' - &; Deitbtt io the...n.e. with an ..... """,uch ami fina..
-no. radr b- Good I"",mint <:annot ule pia"" in an
, .....", ''XUum <ko.-oid of ''''<10001..0 aoo ",Il ... ,hi"g> ,bt malr.e ,"P
nnironme'll. ..,rn' of be
'" wppon Moxa,,,,.., b", if e:och I"''''':>'' onn,,.,b,,'''' hIS ,ha," ac<:.-,,,hn!:
at .... fi>unci."l '''''us, it .... no' be an jnsu'n1<)unuble ,a,k.
R.EX:O.l/MEXn,ITIOX YOb 3. TIt< e..-,,,jo. 'OJft/1l,ad, IN
.:.:; ......a::g.
__ r nis ......t... Jt.JJ ,....... 1"' ";'Oi_ /<-.;.: i. _;.1
........ . ...,:_.... mt/IJ. _/l"tit: ar", uJ ,.,.,.../
! '; "Se: 00.1p0... VIII
ne <=' , poop:! bf <he Ownmitaioo Iu> b=I
." _ F"-.. b """,y}""'", n1u<2"'''' ,11 bt
.......' Cl> lhe ' ... (1)<:1
, z,... S " a: Idot Lt> o( "'" lOam Iheir n"dihood
!I ar", IOWQ:I .. .-d the labc>tlt of lhcir hando. Tbese ''''''
-.., .rm""" 0<Id a ''<JQtion:l! nnplw.iI. 'The Commi."'n
..... _ the pranio: .... dtikI Iab()u', bu, bdie\u i, caenlial
.,. , du, cbildt.::tl Ic:am how to malte a li,ing. If ,lie ,elm,,1
fdI .:.e cIalIclr= &om the apl'"'nticesllip of tile home and pa,en"
-' labour mar"" '0 gi." 'hem education (wllicll
1ht CoaunisDon firmJ)' bdle-o'" it .h""ld}, ,lI.n 'I.lloul<\ p,",wid. "<>oa,;"n31
in "'''''ti'u''''n "', ea,ly product;"e apl""nticah;p etnt>ln)mcnt.
Tl>e d1Ud from sh ,u ten .....r age io hardly old e"""sll to leo,n a
.-ocalion, but al ptaen'. ""t of ..10001. he IS put to IabB". <luri", ,hi>
; ,hr school can do no lea 'Un olf... hiln suhsti,u,", trai"ing.
f urtlscr...,..." the ....pba$ia on <nIf,. in ,he prim:,.}' oehonl ..ill enable
I<im to a,...;", hisber ....odardo<>fli\"iDl{. ,nore ......tort. betler heaJ,b, ....1
a pea,er d<;[rtt of odr...u-.......,. 1ft'I'''' ia f"""itn:,
dothin(, ud ohdl<ri..,r hirmdf and his ra...i1y.
In Quo",er VIII, ,he Commission im.ft.. on de\'doping Neptl.i .. the
tnedium of i ...t....c'ion lIS e:orly .. .-ibIe in order to p""'>ole na,ional
un;,y and .. It urJl<'l the popuIaT....tifm or e<!.u<al;"n IUr /lids,
.m""" .... methods .... ,,,acl,,..g, <ui"'bI" I"",boob and 0,11..- '"strue"o",,1
lb.3te,iats, and a modem fo< oval""""g ,h. progras "r pup'k
Tb. Commu.;on e""isio... IlIe day when pr;'''a')' "'''0,,1, ",iU be a" ..;I.bI.
to .hild;n Nepal "nd everyone will pr;ma,y educati<>" ;\lI hi.
inali.n.l>le he';tage,
RECOMMENDATION NO. 4. n. C",,,,;,,'... ..,"""nds I'" "mlo,.
......, 01 "",lIi'l-,.,. ,,11Mb ...... "''''Y ";"'icl./ N.,..I, 7/l;
.,."i",I.. JJJnJJ (.) l'I"mJ NIM.';" I., ./1, reM<h ;",I"*,, _jfl/
,,,,Ji..,./'fII;Ni ,<inn., 1'1'1'"1;, "NI;,-' ..u.--I;<1, .v ",'.-J.-pJt;pi<J tlrnt.;.
...,1, (') ....m-} ...., tf"".f. "-JK' ;" ..i-.i
" .......1. ''', _rritttl"..., """try, ! _
"'.1 ....t, aw (cl ./lli-I_Mi-.l.......,. iIIfrltitrt t_Z-tu.j--u'"
......,;.-lo.Jfolt hllti." I.. litIS, ftfI DiJon <WtJn f.
It"id, rhm ;, "off;,;'.1 bma.lf. Chapv, JX.)
Hen &pin, ohe Corrtnli<>Ion'....."OIRlI>CfI<h'ion is """di,iontd by ''''0
bc1on. FIrSt, b lIWly year> occond.ory od"ca'ion will , ...oh -'l" lh<:
limited number ofour )"uth ....ho ,,'ill bcwme 0'" -.d ["""I
Second, thtse "';od.... .......,j specWill "",,ining along ,.......'io...llinn if,hcy
.rc '0 "'" Mllntry. Th.,er".., ,h. eo"",,;";"n ha, plac.,1 crnph.';"
on ' .... ra'in l ....ining and nil "''''ling ,he nttds of manr gmu"". in
conlta>l '<> the lradiliol:lal .incl. t'l)Urse of a<2danic "tlllCll.i<>n. There: is
tilde if an,. IOd for the ,tad,'ional E"I1i>.b. Sansl;ritic r,-pc er ed\lCOPon
in Nepal, 0.- &>, education that ,n.",l,. i ... rw coIkse unle.. it is ror a
op.tin. '''''''1;'''' ,"cl, .. ag,i<:lLhll", .ngin ing, "led;';"., ct. The high
sel>o<,1 Ill"" I"e><nl. 1J.Io"c,,<I Irnin;"K fo< <idc lif., .arning
"li,'ing, "nd for <../lC', p"l'1Onaland family Hf.
the h;,;t. tcllool curricuI..... must = tbr. '"aritd neodJ;
of t""" who Wc ""nno, to meet the n<ls!"or 2gricuhu.....
for ,,,ediei,,,,, t",,,,e,,,,,l<ing, etc. in high ...::"""1" nor
d" ,," mn,i,lee it ad,';""b!e from an educational p<linl or ,iew. Such
ti<>n ae:odc:mic ' ...,nin, and vocuional'r:llinioll. be....,.." pr."....,,_
ti<>n ...... the "..,f and agrinlItunl "ainiug, ,he """",nilia
,,00 .he s<XDca, "le pnctiad in _ <:ou.n<rie, only Icads ''daD''
disti"",ium ba>etl AA "ne', '-<>eali"". The Comm.ion fi,mly bdi", lhat
,he mu!,i-I'''l'Jl''''''' high scl>o<>l b Ihe be:tla"angem"nt fnr 1'\"P"l.
The Cotnmitsion d<>es no, "ish to di......",gc rhe rapiU spread of
saclftIlary edualian.....t ho:lie>.... uni'.......1r-1maty f!(h,urion mUll <0,""
Financially. we bclie-.., it I"""ible '" h.,.., a, one mul,i-p"rpose
high ..h<><>r in "r ,I>< ,h",y.,wo dumelS wi,hin Ii,." <>t ten yeatS.
and llK"e .h""ld k b"U, as rapidly .. f,md, and trained Ih.... bee-lI"e

'n Chapter ,x, the e.-midion the ,..., ofmod<n> IJI<Iho<k <>f
t.....illg. me scimtifi<: dev<l<>pm<tl1 of ldCful te:s.,'-ka ",her il\KnIC-
tin...,l aids, a",i"iriQ and mmmunity ae,hiti... the
inlr<><l"",ion of modern enn""l''' of rnntinuOLa 't"dent and
aeadernic accounting by the .j.., ..... 'he elimination of the ",h",,1
.....villg eumin.tlon. and ........ 1"""<';"" bond in lbe beo, hiwh IChooIt the
world '" er.
RECO.lf1llEHIJATrON JrrJ. j. 77ttCo_iu.."",.."""""" ,lit i......
Jio/4 "1.blill",,,.1 oj. Nolion.1 U.i",,,,"Iy, ,omp,j,i-x C.II'tn of Lillr-r.1 "'tll "od
&0.-., Africa/I"" _Ii F_sl", T_!tI, U"'. No,,;.!. AhJiti., d
n..ri"". U- PoIyftr." .. alltlr jiddJ ...- (Sce
Chapter x.)
Tbu "'cwt ",ouM dl"ect a .....,..n... "f 0\" ckpend"".. on lOo-eill;n
."",editing pra'ige ,,, higher edueat;"n '" N"epol. It
'lrel1&thcn o.i"'1I3 rolkga rh,,,ugh better .od MQrdina,iu",
and """Id cont,..,l lhe .,...b1ishmen, net\" c:oI1evo- The>n
that lhe addi,ito>a)..- ........lIy dLartablc It> uuitl'Cnity ""!l........
tion _.lId be CoIlS ro.- higher edunti<>n wm. and """'1111,
i".roue, whelhOT we have '" \1(11, "... the can be



be".. vb="".>rid O>nlrollcd un<1C1" un;,.,...;'y lhan umk.. lI",
........::u" nrga..wlio;>n.
1'bo ""n<<'i"eI a .trong lcaching unh,."i,y contrally
.. :a Qmpu<, ,crvi"l( all 3"'" of the country "j""i".
'" to the "mo,bc'" cnlJqeo (he uni""";,) nnd
, I .... ""'""'" counc into "'"Cry vill;ogc in ,he Iand,.lI
; i - ouI tor .. Ilrn", research prosr:unmc
tha,!be Uni,-mty mUll be a>mpletdy fret' or poli,;""l
- "ith the c:om_ ..1>0<>1 It >hnuJd be
.... a...-d dtm<>era1iallr and obouId allow cduuriG" the

1be Li!><':-al Aru ."d Scicnc:c c..llrge ,lIQuid b< the I",b of Ill.
L:nr.=S;t\, ",""icing the ptof...ionaJ colles" will, gmeral ,,<loca,ion. It
olIoWd abO "",'h... ee'lain field> of ;".......1 (e.g., IN.i""" _d"'a'",,,, ",
&::II:! fu>e ""to, .tt.) in .heir u"rodllClOJ"}" "ag.. until they beet",.. "h'BS
tDl><.Igb "" j""Lfr lCJl"ralc mllcg< Of'Janiution.
In Clap< X. tM C<>mmiDion aIo<> ...., of mrlhnd<
-' inlroductioll of " ..-iOn- at ;nlll'\loCli6na! """........, lhc
U< zs;amll ora Studen, Guidance Bu,,,,",,, the "oe <>llh. '",.<'di,"
.. ""!!lie aLCOl1IIling, the d<""dopme1lt of ... """'S tI'rallibn'1', ... nd
odIc- pr:lIc'keo <h... racteris,ic of I1>Odern uni.-cn.i,;e".
RECO.\f.\/E.\'DtlT/O.V .1"0.6. TIMC.....;"",. ""''"I1tl.4J ,IM
OJ O' ' ..:<1>1i.. iJJ./1 ,."'.I'M ptDp"",17II u;lk ;""",.i.1< nIlpJ!.sil ""
.nllli:L<i;Q. ('iee Ch... p ..... XL)
.-\::> clUau'r is the backbone of democracy. Demoeracy
"ill "" O<II! ... ""'"' )""'" m......, until <be ""'ull popubtio.. is ahlUIM.
n.,p..... bokIenofd : racy, thevoun, "'.. ...nd
tbnt <alUCllled in the""'lse tko. tlter read widely, \Qrn .o.bou. "",ional
:>Dd ....,..Jd air..... ",lid oh.. particip...e intelligeally in tlte poIjticaJ. "'fTa....
of their <ounlry.
adlll.. been",e .uppnrt.... nf educalinn for ,beir children.
Thcy becom. heltcr farm...., cral'.men, and lbopkeq>nl. They ra;'"
thei, .,...(\.,,10 ..f livi"ll", '''''it economic. colldition, and l!>eir aathe,if;
Unh'Cf'>al. adult is t3s1u...m,nl to a" and
..h"'ncel,len. 01: the "",un!IT.
The OImrnioUott.-mnmo:b an nlemivc: li...... '} _paig.., aom.
i'"''';cd b,' en....;.", " ....k in and bozann:aki.... Cultural
e<!uc.a'ion," "'ide in KOpe all <lctnand and fuilitia allllW. "'DUld fullow.
To dC\",lnp and ""I'pnrl ,his pt'Ogtamrnc lhere mUOl be li'et"acy 'c:x'boob,
new'pare"'. "..mphlc", and .imilar mat.riab, community libnoric. ""lio,
educa,io"al ('1"" and .lid.., poste..., leach.", and Icmtren, ""cial ,e,,icc
and extc,,"on w""kero. Finallv. Ihe", mWlt be organ;,,,'ion and luining.
.-\11 <>r thne a,. >p<t1cd oul In XI.
RECOMME....DATJON .v0. 1. n. C-mi_ rod ItIis ,loa,
'-JUt<,n-i'J'" zi- .. lit .,tJ,iisJ-ni f/"....f ...l<lin p,1N<Mr.
.I_: at ,"I"". ,..."j-:..r- 1000 fri--7 -'1'" -pt""!'''''''
e.tIrft .f ,hun. "" 19$1, 11* _", If" ,t-I -.I>tY 1 ,'" NUl'
.,.j _,w, .. ",/nu;' -." 1f".J1 ""'" 01 X'1"'/ '!:I' 1'58.
(Sec XII.)
The 'tM.;..g point rn, n of cdurntinn ;., ,he training
of <.arl....... 'nocrc""., be "" dfoni,.., rou.... 'io.. I...
and ,"" """'" tfkrti..., metIoBol kw dnftlping aM 'P"c-.linll"""'"
""."'. new mcl>ooJl. l>ew cnnapt5 .. ,tLroullh i.ndo<:tri...,inn b- ,he
l<acb.... ,he 1)'1Iet".
11",..., arc kw luib<'<l 'C.,cMn MW in /1.""",,1 nlld no ,<',ning
rKiljlies. 'n...n, .. "'" -....,. or any kiod <>f tr:IIChUl, ,,,,incd or """"inN.
U only" ''"'1' li",iu.j ....."hcr t>f ocl\oolc:d per........ (mm ",'hid! '"
d",... T.",,"", "",,,inll (",il,,;'" ...ill nrH only """id. I>tetIerl ,,,,inio!f.
but thoy will me.. an,1 ",o",e.. ,,, "n'Cc the I'mr",""
br gi,.,,! "",",ilt" ."".... u.. to i,.
If primary nb.",,""" .. to bnmo uni,'efS1I in 25 to 10 )''''''.., "..,
""'" ..nn 'u'ninll 1000 pr;",-,.,. '.."rh..... a and in..,...."", ,hi> """,her
2.0;00 n, t<>l)n a. r .,:L1,. W. m,,,, al"" I""o<h'e< "aini,,!: f"r !,igh odoool
"""d",rs. "d,."nd , ......k 10< ""Uege .ea.he.-I, an<! ,ef"""".. "",,""" ro,e
c<lJ(ri<::nC<'d lathers.
A ool\qc of education is the nr .."frfor lite
etn\o'CS tha, ,rain primary I(hool t.ach.... Th. 11. E<.l anti M.Ed.
<Iq......." .h""l<I p)vldo "ainiJIg for th. odueat,nnalloaderll"p """,loool for
tuini"!l, admini>tr:uion, aoo ...pavir.ion.
It is Ihat tnodorn mOlbodt."" "",tooi:I" Ix used i,,:um"""
"" t t, 0 b:.. and f)bo<:rvation ju.t a' chit.l,,,,, 11". " ....
they an: taught, to .hll they teach," If"", e"IJO;:' lh.m ,... Ul" """km
mrchods and apply n.... p<}"CboIO$Y, we "'.... i",;"t <>0 "''''''' a'
,he ttadto- la..,!.
10 Chap,er XII.he C>nlm"'k", h:u alii> gi,..." atton.i".. '" the
.. <:od f,,.- cordul """",'mtnt, ,doeli"...... d ""nl"\<'oU' KUKlanc<: "f train=;
",.,..,iz,uiom and tkttnt """,ni.ic< l""ch..,., ind,odi..g a .....;>"<l.lolc
mini""'",,. ochedule baJOd "" the amount of lnmm, an<!
of the ta<:hn-.
REXOMMEIDATfON NO. 8. no. e.-i,siMI "-."",,iI, lA, ""I]
,.._..... ltu/rW".... A/.lnillis e--issi0lf i. ,,,,- 1I/1sU'''7 .J
a,m-' -.l tltt "",,M, "'.,....., "....,_, _
...,.... -r IatH.l:r ai al4tr irul....Ii_1 "'i" """". la '"
lA. <sld/jrA"".1 0/ .. """',m Edtmrti "'', "'" Jist'lhli"" .y d ,\-.,;""'1
BHkSum. (SccChopterXnl.j
n.. cdo>aUiM>J en,.;"""'...., determi.... the 'I'dli,!" "ncaming. :-I"'"
to .he tQCMr, ;""ructi<>no.l aid. _ .ez.boob. maflll, c:ltarn, piefll<U,
.'., _ a"" tlte m"" im?Orlan, par."f ,hi, .""".nt. Th. absent. of
thet<: ma, ...iili can ca,," child,en 'n improvi...nd nn comm"ni'y
r<:tOO"""" _ and this ;,,It''''<><! learning _ but it can ..loo be fwur.ting and
ineffici<nL Tbere ...... ...."y l"<:5OUtO<:Io in "''aY ..,."...unily aw.itin( Ihe
,..., ol'the wioc tead>e<, but "'<:to: ID be augtrl""fcd by a".....c_
,i"e ,utbooh and olb.,. ;'"twc.;'",.1 oido.
Oneo{tbcI<>.\lOrcd"""flooal neWs of Nepal is tno<Icrn, "'oour
poin.m, JlSS 'rot caD prodl>Ql! 1,000,000 lU.boob and "th.,. rnateriaJJ
per l..,.,r. ""'"'" ea" be li,d. ed......'iomol P""!"'""" - P"im.>ry Of' adolf-
withouI c......i,.. I"';nting rndlitics. The Cornm_ion ,he
... .
- .....
.. ,
.. ;
ro,.w to.= -..clt ta.ci1itia """Id imfJ<>S", ...od has ... .he
,. ) T , .."""'ica .>id, boil lhtn: 1><: a printing P"" U any
.... "'lIiII:;i! UI:ilI<lC IftICU'd ..,thou, 't.
'& pnpanotion or !tUt...-'''!> a progrAmmo ",,,,t
.. '51 1..idl,..,...,....blelin>l>cial inducem",,' 1<> aut)",,.. and pr'"
do< ticx thcre "''''' be con""l, adequate UJ in,ute high
A. all _uro: IM Coma>iISiori rwommcuds
" ' bo>oi: SUlr'e "' .....'" as <!iI.ribu,iuG '"1:""""" rn.. aD
- h priv:ardy prodUrl as ,"'CD as producu. uf ,he c.,....,..nm<ll' I'IQL
A P""""f" ro.-c....ul all..1: musl l>e ",aM a. o"a: the prol>km or
..... I:.:llcri..l>.
RO.ILJJ."\"D.ITlOX SQ. 9. 7l< e--j,,;;,. ,,,-wit
_ s-p<rn-y ,.&iuj... I4<.It;.;,.., .....
do!..w --.ilk. H -1- lfidt ...... "'-tu;' J!'"'", ","
Wzw rItPUI". if....ndh.u"". {S o,.ptcT XIV.)
If edu<:o.,ion is ,,, expand ;, m"" ',<m r.....m the 1""I'lc in ,)",
Th.e ttnu.l G<>.....nC>Ctl' ha. neither m""-I""'= ...... fil\;lll<i.1
,&>c:I'" \(I . ...,. .oeomllKDdcd by <he O>mmiooioo,
tart<" _""" of brinr ,Ix: Jug.
=itia. Thado<c. nee.,....'}'. ",,<I ;e if dcJn<,r.ra.ic
""'" >rite. ib<: Cm.....l :l.I,n.....)" m..... I....odmhip. di"",,'wn, and '''I>eT
riIioox>. particululv to n.ourc ,ht of minimum .. lIu'
t!>< liocal a<!muultral(lt aDd ",mmittcc mu$' the ""Iicin
a:>d a;>ply t!>< pm,ripk> 1bI -iIIl'>'ttn -n Jt"hoo:>l.
tda<:o....,., io ..... a .-du.ninl openl';"" lht <an be eh....ked by ""
,....u bEe a To:acMn "eal a""",""" ur inspi"";.,,,
h...... "'" a. l'ortman to ehttx rale (If'I'''''t1, aton"n' ,,{work
.U:d 01' uni.. ...,..,ml'I..Itcd. Furthttml>Oc, "",enu u..,ally provi""
a iack:< ID ,be ,...,..,.. ofthc ..,bool....,cl er"",e a I'".i,;'''' focec 1<>0-
a rood .chool. Oi..,Oet aDd rqIlioonal IotIpCl"io<n ca., prrwitk
b tcodottt and ..,book to hell' mainl.i" minim",n >landa..d..
bill the ""d work nf "'l><:"'.. friendlr Il"id.nce _an belle,
Le done at 'he local le,-d 11;' wdl_qualif;"<! hcad","sta.
The C"n,n,iosio,.. t><:lic>.. ,I.. , " ..jnr rontml. oh,",I,1 ,csl with
the IvcaJ autl_iu.., ,ba, distric:. ,....J rcg;..,.w o)/Iian ....n 1""<" idc 1"__'"'
...,;,....ncc and di:crti<>a, and thal the om."l J.linislry oho,,>ld d;'n:t
,,,,,,a,ch, teacher- Irainin& and >imibr .werall func<i<ml. 1.....,1 "",,'rol
o1a>ukl t><: di,;,1<:<l bc''''ttn 'he ""Ii<y.making mOM8ing ",,,,,,,,il"'" ancl
<he .. he.<.I,,,,,,,', wilh 'he di."le' "like, I"""itling 1"0-
f...ional a"vice "h.,, n..dttl.
Ik......,..,...tic adminislnotion a,od .yrnpatlK.ic !Wpn>............ ...
'0 a Il""'d artloo.JI 'l"'em. hI Xl V tite u>,,,,,,;""ion b;oo ,,,
the imp",.,a".., of 'h...., ,heir ",RtlCn<x on ,be ''''''her', ""If...... and
h<'tlcc 'u<:<Q', ""d ,lie ,,'cl for ,;-.lw,a,ie ",odifie;l'ion of a<lminisl,..,ivc
RECOMMENDATION ,YO. 10. 7Mc..-........
__1_ 'r.t-_,ar. ,... 10 f_irq: ...- ... _ ....
-' lilt _/ /ut_:, ji,-;., ..If.... _rrJ,.,1 Io/M
,,,.,J <1 _li_:.ft.:.li4uI_1J ,'''', _ ... ;Jtnr- 101_ '1tf'4' J'" for
j;' .. """I I,. I. '''''_/;1 Jr.",. (Se< Chapter XV.)
fin.]])", ,h. ('.bmi'll;"""" remmmend> the ''''<t''lrali... ';"" <If cd"",,
lionol fiMnet. Mo,lC)' will l>c lpen, locall)' ; 10' it be .Clllcclcd and
<11,hL"",.1 1(Iea11)' to;> keep ",imini",ati"" ro>l. at a minimum, lAcal scbool
<li5trias ..hookllx: to _ and collect lax,," r"" maj<'lr
."pport or $< 10. Fed...,,1 rundo .lIouW be ,de<! ror ..pollt<>rlng and
<'ncoungina new hoo!. and new l<or nscaa:h or ""';"00.1
-.eeo n, lOo- ltah... uni\......ty suboidin, "od oimll:u- ("netiom ,,'
ohe nalion.alIM"t.I.
Tb<:.,.,.lue <Jl koa,.tcrm bonLI;ng \<I 6"""" c.ootly capital ,"u'by """ <Jl
an <1mp'''gn IQ rk\-.k>p"..-.: r"'mtr,,hIc: dim.o.le!Or l"-",,lion,
"nd 'lte nud for ""ptl>\ing KC<Ium,ng pro<edu,," "'. ",me <>f th. o,her
roinll of ""'ph.... in Chap,er XV.
R1COMM/;"}il),lrJO).... XO. 11. T" C.",,,,i""OA "IM, ....d, 11"
<ho<1.p""or "f IN bfsr .d",.HotIQI pe"ibh ,. ,.ch >lu.;I, ",;rkin
J'o.,.d.l ... ,.../w;-/ Uf.""" """;1.61,, will, ,ml,.1 Mi.i'I'yl",J"'],;1 i.
Nui., .,;,.;_ ._wc, ..-!...a.l "'" "'"J1't't-I, .ttJ
The Con-.n..... bdieo.u tbat a ...."'b!< edu< e..vitonmtnl is
guOO \t"ming, !h..' th< It'adta- is the ""'" import1nl faetol" '"
,hiJd'. educllm..l nn-itnnm<o" 1IKI mat tcr.11>oo4, communi'r rc.
"""'""", 1nt! "..,ilar ' ....Iructional ma.......... <:om. "a.. This " ,da_
.i...1v low ,.,.1". 00 'hr b\,i1di"l!, "od "1"ip...a'll, 1>....hex- f"e' ......
,hmLld not Ix ignoTt',1. And a, lhe)' dn'<1>p;n cony ,hap< ",,,I r",m, they
,lIQuid co"rorm to ee".in m;n;,n"", "anda,d., ;f only for rooMol)' rc=M.
Fu.- it islWlish to I>"ild ''''oroom !Ch",,' On a .ite >0
.mall lh.. it do<o lWt o.Ilow ror .,,!"'n,;"n and adequate ,p.ace IU, oot-door
aai,,;,ln. It is equallj'lQoIish to I".rclusc cheap equipmen' 'hat m..... be
r<paat! ill. " ya.T or .""_ Th<o C:.mmiWDn r<CCmnt<nds that minimum
IUDlbrdo be .... "hlioMd, _., 10d n"""t1ined in.he prc><ao cl de>'Chp"lI
br educalional no,i,...",...., ..
The pmbIcmot wu.Uon and gl)'...-nmrn' ......""" '""" 10 moci.:J :md
,edll'U1 u... Iloc Q,.rllniBion rcQlII>m<'ndo!he appoinlmeoll of
""pnu, oon", ""rip, '" our.-q'!he si.U1tion and oudme a """"" tchcme
of UX*lion and lO'..,.nmcn. support, and aoodcrn, rilicicn. <r>ctho<Io of
and IDa.I contro.l.
EdlDlionaI financing it jp"'Sr:t.IJ.y .<:bled '" lhe ....1'..,... <If all
K",,,,,,mc:n. function!. New roourca m...t be t:lpped re".- aU 10""0"""'"
6nancills and it is onll" logical 10 turn major producT"'" entnpriot:
in ,,"opal_land and ;"m"", properly. But lOll land and properly must be
.""cd ; cnnno' wnti"u" to carry the bunk:n for alL f'"nhermoro,
;,,"('11"0 mu,l b< lucd to .top .he lI<lw of wealth from nur w<Lntry 10 foreign
eoun"'''. InOOme lI> Nepal;, nu "'all<:r where it is u""e<l, .lwukl
b< tAxed. Se\"Crancc "'us, a head tu, and InK"'}" l&xe> ;0100 arugs<>t<d
as additional ."'"... of re..."nuc.
The Umuniooit>n <he nuoblil.hmcOt <Jl
n.,.J...... ion .,r m",.-ri1h ..0><1 ....ui!"",<,,' "od ,he p<riodk: i...1l>CC of
"apPJD"ed 1i>\.sM cl .hoe Ibinp, tent"'! pu,e"""-i",; 10 dTeco "Hings
,h,ough wholesale prices, ami cen.""l d ...o-i!>ul;"n .., own funhtt
RECO.lf.lf.\"/)ATfON NO. f1. T.V c..,j........_ IMi
tOr ,,':HI "',,,..... ntridoJ i_Id' tu ,..mlt -w."ltt ,dwI"
,. "'Wt, *I>tiyi.r -Imi... pd!u m.n_. f'-!i" ""'1a..u.,
' "-";(1 I.M,,?, -' tin/iI, _<h.. _.I:,
__ ,,,..u. -.M ...-I./_, al"">ariatJ.. 1wItJ. _..,
-..". (See Cbapl<:r XVII).
Tbnc Klhi.... at'e povpn-ly caIIal op<cW IC1"\ic:Q ;tontl in .-.:
ocIIoo<4 pan or thQc o<nica ..ill Ix: ]Wluria that can_ Ix: afTonIocd.
.so- or .hem, lTbti''<'!r alld '""' or *'>tb .;gm_
6can lha. they wiU dn'OC>p 'CJ'lldle. or ,he (OM, Sol......... DC'
<>e<oua.ilr .be ra".....a.ili" or lkodoool aJW! i.....If, bul ill the absrntt or
b<:tur '1""Iu;.,d tQCben sbouId Ix: to ....."" u..;,. .bili ....
in ,he ;",'"", 01' bn<c< <:<><DmUlli.y."" richtt lik I'ar bcr}"
and PIt. T1'leoo: opeciot.I oavi<a round ......he ""meuh.... and "",1;c <he

REr.O.\t/lfEXDATION XO. /3. Tlttc-......... ........ts lkc
-- if "p,Wi,. J-rr--"""""J. 1_", IN"./....
fti ",-UfT.t_ of IJN ,...,...., _-Mill .Jw.,i""J ",,._. /",,1 f_IKi,,:,
"IM/i'.....'if,.._;,.' ,<UrM!.ry x"-b"" N''-J IUIim.ily. __fif.-
It- -' if" S<'-l ,It< /""'inn... of kM4".' UyIjOl', ..drt.
""""d ,,,,,"/i,,,..II,,=. (Sa:: Chap<c< XVIII.)
Al .he J>1Ueh' ,i_, m,ld, of.he m:.,n>n>nHlr<l in ,hi>
Rtp<>rt u" be i"'F,l<mentcd by the ).limlt.y <'If l!:duetltl(Kl and
).linill,iq 'If 'ht G.wernmcn' without legi!.!a';""', bul I""'" agencies .h""ld
be otrcns,hcne<l 'upp<><';ng l"I:i1I",;"n """n .. JlQOO.iblc. Ba.i<: righ",
'''''"Id be by the when 11 M written, general
poliei", ,!>""ld be enacted into .t.'U"e Jaw, an<! Ipl:dfic applioation> or
,h,"O .hould "PP<.' '" "lin;,tr}" reguJation.; all ,hn\lld IX' rod;fied int(} a
Seh""l U>de.
Spe<:irIQ and dt:taih or 1h... propood k!l"iolat;"e acto art pcoscntcd
in Ch"I"cC :\Vlll.
IIl,XOMMeXlJATJOS .\'0. U. TJo. C.......i,,"'" 1(",.._,"",1""1 M/'O"
"'Iiwry 4{ 1""S R".." 1> tk .If"">I" E<h.catil/ll, .... HI':a" la 11ft p<t..
. \4ti<>N1 n..,J. .. a mrslJ '/tiall.1 tI""atit-t! k<f;" ,IN
f .. nl4Wuhiol tAt -WUtotrj f.. '.1/,-.liol IItt
"-"" ,,,-,,,"'1-. af Im RtpI.
n,lo;, J""h,,-p' ,It< m,," """"'....". <-..nmnldion of' the GDm_
m",.,n. ra,l,ne 10 a ....bri>h definite m:u:hln...,. to lorinC about the
maliza.ion of oM >2<;""'" phua af tbio ed"""'''11II1 pmgt&ll1JM opo-D
.h. <k>om af N"flal'. fu...-e. We can: naI 1ba1 ou< eR:>tto wuuld bto:"
.... \-ain : "'e do not claim 'WoI ou. ".".11. infallible: ""I "" are
mnvi"'Ce'd lha, p..itM:, d}"naIDM: nq. """, be "".. inuno:l"!dy 10 b:in!
cnIiRh..........., 10 ...... pa>pk if 10 afl<l bloum into flJl

}'UTURE !'L\I'l;S Co)
'I'M eom...;.;.,,, w... <","<gM wiu. 'wo "",jor responsibililiel, a
.n,,"')' of "".,ipg MoWlitions in luc,..inn and the dC"\,<loprutnt of a
natj""al progral'J\mll or s<hoolo. Part< I, 11 and III of this topon fulfil]
th"", ;gnm...... and ""'nally .""'pr;'" 'he e.. ri,,, rOSJlOll",biIit}" of .he
Commission. As ""plaincd ca,';c" ....., the urgency of lIIe situatiml
",,"lied in tile Min."y of Education acting on 00"'1: of lhe recommenda.
,ion. uf 'he r,(lmm;'j,,,.. hef",. th<)" wne into a complC1c "",in...
RT""". Thr", plll'allo1ing the work of If><, 1>.. been the work
of the EduulIl,,,, in implcm<nling JOJt\C of 'he recommcndali"m
and activities of ,he Commisoion.
TI,e fou'"th pari of this repor. i.lh... a I"ppl .....n', reporting the
J'rtlgr.... of impl"",ent.-,;"n. 11 lcl" fin, the ch'on(llollY "r 'he wnrk
done by the 1::duCl.liun M;ni.lry, <I.." dio<uDCJ ,he var;"'". acuviti",
undertaken, "n" ronally 1004 \0) r"t"'" in !erms or 00trK: Iong_r.nge
planning. It it a ",port (If ,,'hM hi""''''m 00"'" da\" no doubt, will
... 'he "lOol .isnif"",.., ".,;'><1 in the edlJCl.tional dn<elopmcn'
Th ..r _ Sd#rM
Pe......I" the best y to detail the story of 'he <:Yen" 1udinJ{ up ID
the _kof ,he c... and woo-k of Lh. F..l".....1io:m Mininry
dcocribcd i .. th port, cluonoJ<>&i<:allr. This ",ill alleu, provide ...
"""""" ro< fu" , rd'crena:.
I' musl 1 be asoumed Chal ch. dnire !Or oodl>ClI""'al de- doj.......,
in Spt>t>WICOUI .... -'de> <xp","""" of Iht of
."'thoucb IMre ........., IJ=II .,.11' of thco Brah-=ic: d ch.: BuddhisUc
""""'c ill """"'l N.".,J. cbe lIimpk Iifc or ioobtio.. 01..-. of \be poople
did ""1 ref)"w ,""oomn", CSootd to ,he outside """'" "" 104
ju.n <lithe Ita..... rqi_, _ """" oq>ar1l<d by "",,,..<alA barric:n from
.. lhtt ....... .". cheir vwn .......try, thnc ""l'raoood linle d<mol.nd li>r
e<tllcaUon &$ _ cIIink or i. lOd.ay.
,., ..flof.hIo.bpt<r_.I'I"'"'O'l __beT I. IM ""'c- """ too...
... d.....
On<:r .g....., h<rwe>.",., 'he impoo.1 or Ih. ou,side "'OT1d b<'gan '0 be
fell. Du,ing l!>e 19,h or:n'ury, Ikc BriLish l<> o:,rnd ,h_i,
i .. I.. 1\<1"1, and Ihe ....ho ""h.r lO
!'\q1. in ,he T.""i a'.....""""lc<l 'h;" inll"",, in a ........ Iband
"...y. I)"n.., tlu: f'"<n' Wo<id.Wa',afcw Nel'al... ro..nd,hci''''''-yi,,10
other "r d,e "",,,Id ,hTOugh ooldicrinll:, and m""y .....'e ca"", in
e",,,,,e, ,..i,h the "U'<:<n .....rid, A,..", d",iftglh. Semnd
W... Id. War.
The ..1ogral'h, Ih. td"!'''''",, and ""di<>, ,he omtl.. ni... ,;o" or
IntlIl(>O<"'Liou.. of g<><od. inlQ the Ka,hmandu Valley, lite in"",I"",;"n (I[
,he ....-opht><, and an ina-euin,r n"",beT offn<ci,u ";"i",lS, an brougbl
,he 20 ."'1"'1' __Id.1oorr" '0 "'"1"'1.
IrwJj"" l,odependen.., in 19{1 "",I lbe inlmdu'tion "r ""'noxncr
u.c.-., of _one, had a impact "" "q..] .nd ........ ".,.".e rar- ,h"" "'"C1l ,hest other r""as.
Tb.n c:&mt: dw, intro<lue,ion "r democracy in "'epaJ in IgSI and
dcNel).", it> heds, "".......1brrign-aid 1"0000.rmnes. Th. Village De,..1)p-
m_,,1 l'rog'amm_ go. unoo wa).nd eduta.ed lc..dtn;ue being ....t 0,,1
lO the ,, ,"['idly a' th"l' can be trained. NOI .",1) do ,h_ men
c:apitaJ;zc and "'1;anD.e l!>e Clristing ; and deo'rc!Or ad,,,,-lI'n'lCtl,,
b", 'her Slim"l..te ..nd !Ocua ., on buic tl"Cdo_ Th""'llh rh...
n,e" 'here i. """. an "'ttlcl IOr the ,-m..g.r1' ,Iclirc ,,, "Wy ....i, th.,., ror
l...,."i"ll and improvemen.
S"",",I! art... ,he Second W....ld War educalional acti,iti",
i.. ,,,,,,II;"d. IIali<: rAIl."''',n ",h<><'h and ,raining lhe
Education Uepartm
fir ,he ""n'ra1 Go\..,-n",..,. "',," r<:cOgIlizcd, an
Edueu;"n Iloa,d u "pPUin,td /195Z}. and an .!....... was ..,
up ,,, (Over .he ...tire ",,,,,"y (1953 .
N__l<r, 195J. I. " .... "''''u'fh ... or ,I.. .duca,iu"
Board the Min;""" of Edna";,,n ",.he l'aI1 of 19;3 ;uknl ,he Unhcd.
Sla'" Op"'...']O'" Miosion '0 "ptn conferenas on lecho;cal and financial
-wane.: in d."..,lopU>lla" cl""",inn pr<>g,,,mme rot "'epaJ. Tbe Di..........
'cd .....; ... ofa" ed""",ional tJlJlerI, Dr. Hugh B. WDOd
,,"he Un;, i,)" of O,tgrnl, (.) wbu """.. for .h,et: of..,,,ferena:s.,
the occ"nd week or N",en,ber, be'we.., lhe f..duealior> and
USOM offiQab..
A' lh" ,itne i, wu dided.n appoim. National Ed"ca.ion Pta""..,
enonmi$Uun '0 "\ld)" .he O(\UQllional..,.... in Ntpal and .....u
n:eommcndation> ror .he de.-dopmrn. <or. """cmal cd.ucalioll 1Cbcm. (t)
l.....iWe aMI by I wu discuJo<d. wi,b pan;""l". I<J
adnl, li,er""y, <:>f I'ri,,,ary <dueaLion, edue.o.tion b)" radio, at><!
,cadoa' lrtlinin5.
F,In ,y 11, /954. A C>npen";-'.. AgrteJncn, wu signed be"'..... rhe

n 0... W_J ...... _. Y""'_C."" ;" hd;" <10< ,lot l'nlhris:hl rroralO_
-''''':P' II _"
"" I
_ I" .-".-;.n,;"" 0(
.."", ..d"T o<Io,""""n. 11

to :O<tpool ., u,;' d .... aad .....n '''' ,he

l,.. ..,ion M ,1>0 :-.._.01 .:<1..,.,1,,,, Pl e-....Ioa ia ),/...,. I>r
,be U.ilod "".... I?d_;".I t_""-' in lodl..
{+Il'bo _ 0( ._..... of 'MOOi .rill lie r.ud i. lilt A
ee..vnmen' of ....epal and 'he Un;,a1 Slain Operation. Mi....,,, by which
d>t !.ut.,. is rurnilhill! lC<hnica.l ,....."'....., alld f>nlllcial aid to promote
.MM I. 1954. "prop' :I,'lr=rnm, ill 'h<: amount 01' DoIb... :H,IOO
.-:I .... 2O-I,eCll) ...... loignai bn"TeOl GOX "nd USOM '" i"'I'!"""""
..... Fdnoat}, This proFct pm"i<\td l<>r major actni....
bo Q.n'icd ..... JOinllr b)" lb. nm !l"''Unmrnl>.
I. The iD.'CU""tion of aD adult Iitenq' Jlf''W',,'n_, in\M-;rog the
prqlIlnotion 01 1ioIcncr "ha,.. and ,c.den.. (Pre.iDualy,
Dr. Frtnlr. I aut-h or ,he W"",, U1encr I'mfra=nc "'&I
... dio-Kt lbot prq>u>ation 01 m'e IiIt1Xy d>a>-.. and the
,tadcrs, but <h<x did n<X come ('urn .....i1
F"bruMY, 19$6.
Z. 0n.c at...... or adult ini:n.......... oh"""*,, the distribution or
.-.dio .milllil ..IS ... 100 odtt'cd and ,he ""PIo}"tI>eD1
of t2dio cduca.ion sporialis. In dc:\-dop
iAAirma.iunaJ "",!,alum"". Cl"""" arc "" order and .....,
apectcd cou-Iy;"
3. The ..."b1iullnen' or 200 nCW 1"'i..... y och<><>l ,la"""","IJ, I<l be
aio.kd by the Cl:lltr:ol I"'"""""'.'" Md ,he ""'rn' or
........ 'birds or,h. In.che..,;". tJ"be lint of 'h<so: ""oob
,,''''. OlMled in De.:embcr, 195-4, ...:1 by' .... end or lhrough
ruboeo:]urn. agrme..ts, 600 .., "'Cre l"''''''kJcd f<>r in
Mo"h 2225. /954. Tho l\ational I'la""i,,S o.",,,,i,,i'>ll
and I><gan its ''''''''''. mceting .t four f,ill
with th. Educational Advl"", Dr. W()()d. 'J1lroe con,mlu.,., wcre
appointed to <.le.l with prnblem .or ad,n;"i,.,.,i"n, ,,,10,,1,,,,, n,l tracher
"aill;ng. lido.... the c1",e of thc ",,d'. '''''';011 .e,",,,1 ",aj", ,Icebion'
made 1.' unanirrl,m. ag",,,mellt of 'he m.""Ix" uf .h. CotIllll;",ion:
I. E,npll.'i!"," tit<' <k>-.lupmen' of a new 'l'l'tltl of n.tio....l,
""""tUl, (,."", Kh""l cd"";"n, ,.,Iter 'han .oy r",lh.".
ex"'....iun <If o:;'l;ng schools, ,11O"ld be r"O",mme"'led.
2. lku.u..:: 'his m,manded 'bousands nf 'eachen ,,;,hin ,he 011<:><,..\
,-,blc t;me, the CommiWon ocnt a """u"tion to 'he Mirustr<
"f FA.."",,,,,, ;mmcd""c ..tablWl","", n( .hun.\.".",
training co".... for ,.,..hen.
3. T......... the of"',,"};ng 110'-'" educ><,ioo.naI moo..
tioow., ,he Commisoio;o tlidtd Ca) '? ..... a 'lYC>Iion....ire '"
"""Cl' ,he opinMlm of proploo '''f:an:!ina cd"""",,,, aoo (b) 'n
IMd team. '" i ..'<a. to the '-a.riouI ICOtions of Xepal I<>
ronkr dmlly wilb !be people .... char in,...... and <Icirc:> iD
",.,.. loO /951. The CDmm-" """ <quLuly '" a IWl
e<>ttUaioAoa .... as .......... """""""""" '" dol< the q icr........., Uep,D
d.. (<>ll"",tion of itWnn.a.tion and rlara on p"<'n' ed ,i<>nal C<>n<li.Km>,
and U1oaidcn:<l lbe t...a and p<L..cipln r.... a .aeduca.ion.
Tbe quationllain: ... completed, p<'nted, ano:! dis'rtbuted lb,ougbou.
,bt bnd. Inlen'h 1<3.... kf, r.... o",ll"ing ct'nlt.... Rqular , ..I",
progr.omm". WC'fC to "imuJ.;,rc ;""'rbl in the ""rk of the
. .7-, Dr, Wood ,e'''l'ft<'C! In N'1'al as a f"lJ-tim. am,;.c,..
!'h< c,mm........, 1" .ketch 1'1.",. (,or a ....110... ' ttl,cmc of nloc,,,ion.
"Rk;"!> of l:QN .,,,, ."" ked nul dct:l.i1. kw" 'ClC"'"

Ju, 25, 11Ic OttOnd ctI".... tion proj<"C1 ak'C<'mcn, ""'. '4.....d
bctwcI:n GON ,,00 USOll.l, 'n,-ol\'inlI 00111.. 220,000 and Rs. 732,100. project proridllOr -.i<>r activitica-
I. The "'al>liohmcru of " .!lQtl-'erm lr.inilll{ 1"""''''''_'" l"'t'an:
]55(1 toad..,.,. "',01,;" oh" fI.....h.r<e-J"'a, I'."iod.
2. The training in United S,at.. of " "all' or .."..,,, for ..
roUoge of education.
3. The <:Iublisbmenl tJI a bl...)'''..... , ,Jqj;m:-V"nting, mlk<: uf
.d"rntin" in Nepal.
4. F"Iuipmenl, supplit., and ",,;,"'f\CC ill ,be ,le\-dop"",,,,
of....If.;mP'''O''t:I,,rn. pn>grarmn<: "'" ,he ",air ofl',;O""ndr.
Prq>ar.'ioo>, f"'in,ing, aD<! dil.b ibutinn ",' .n' b<olJ and
liono.l ",ateri"rs.
]ldy 18. J954. A <:<'O,.acl ""as signed Ihe WlUl,illfl'on
hc2dqU:Ulcrl <>( USO.\I ar><! tloe llni,'U1.i'! I>f O,egon to ,, in
implementing tM pI",is"'''' of 'he ocrond cdu,",,,;"'n pn:Ijt<:. :lJ:rcftt1cnl.
This Jntntel and ics l"....;rtnJ !ha.... .... '<l<JfC
<>( <>n:gOG
uId be -nod full'lB'''' in E:duGl!io....J
Ad,'iKn, tbat
""'te .",IT m.... ben of the of cd....a'ion
w"uld be <rained at the Uni....... ')" of Ortog.-"" and ,ha' blher .poriali..,
...'OUld be provided a> needed '" <:;trry oUI 'he olher ]>hua "t ,he Jun. Z6
11'17-".1"'1. J95I. Piano "",de r", """"in, a National Tehcr
Tno"""t Cm,,.., tJ> "Ifer sIoort-oa-m oou""". 11... "Id lI:uic Tr.ining
builtling. aud faeil";,,, ""ere ...ilable, "",I t1.O\Ilth ina.,lcq.""" ev<n
1;.- lhe ini,ial ,,'c..-k, ""CC< made rndr !Or '.... Tbnc ",en: rto'l(nizcd
by .11 c:o<>arned as t<;npor...., l""'ten, b.'i"ll hoa!d .OIn"loOda."""
only 30 train... and ch -" arilitia liJr 75,,,,i.-.. A ....den. ".If
,..... """Sani.M a,><I gi,-.n ",di",i,,",)" Ira'ni"ll. 'n.c,. t1..." photln<d 'he
ttorTicululn !Or Ihe Training Orntrc. Nine!l' train<e> ""ere ,dtdt;tl..
9, /951. Tbe Xa,ional T<:achcr 1'''';'''''g ecn..e ......
ina"llucolnJ lO)' the H""",.hle Min",... of Edueatin<>, Dr. D. R. Rcgrni
:oDd other <lignn.M. TnUnces "..,." "'lI:aniv:d into cl.....,. and .he
uooini"i p"'flJamnlC ...... "nde< ..-al',
&,\__",,,, 1!1J1. W",k cnnlint>!. ..... all r'onlL At .be
T,aining Gentle, Ira>"""" cnpgI in ,-a,lo... prufnsional pn.jcc<s, includ_
ing ucunlons, inten-;"".., pcn<>nal im!"",,,..mcnt activi""" f"'IIetioc
tcachiJ'S experience., and manl' a,h<I1. The Natit>rlJOl Edu<:a'Km PlaMing
Clo>mm*ion continued '" holcI tuIMmeetings III diocult cbe fol'tn:>tion "r

.f' ;:o;,.",fC
_ ,,,.J,
L R ... t.
Il. t.:;
, .. ...l.
<. .':" '"
, :-... ". fl " -11
I,. !:1 ".,
"'..". '"?''''
,'" 1J t:.. -, 'II}
. . "rlot m.bii,""".1 (;"tu!!" "f
C/orl nh""'D.

n.. ,


a "ation>.llCbnl>t ol.cuaDon., to an..:J)"J<: the rq>Ii", of .be que.tion.....

and to tq:i:Il cln!tiDJ their 1"epOl1. 0<. Wood ;ntroducal _ project
'eadr.... as :0. .. tnlioa ., T,i-Chandra
Cc- ..0 \M ad...... , and =rnb<n 01 ,he Ech'C3I1;""
a be "led.ooh, both in .be .........un..ndu V.II.,. and i .. OU'-
..... a:'QI., to b<amx mo<e rami/w with ,he: kind! ohchooh ""w in
- 00 IearD ollh<: :..1,,=Is and ..-ioh" of lhe ::s:: of .he
,= g ldo<m&tio:D ",.. OD ,ili., "'hkh ""'" ","".;de
.. l.oOo ... eolahUo1:litlr Dn< ocl>ools under the lino. education _gr...-,,<-
S. 1954. T....,,"-..m"l: of lbe firU S"....p of ltainca, woo
..c-r apai<nud lr.lchcn, mme'w:d thr...IQOI\'N """."'ing aDd .."",
..a<hq c.cni6<:a,... F,"ttD ut <hoc umrd to their
00<1: och<ooII1Dd!he <>tixTo .......< ""'" to l't>lh2fa, fltuin , and llin.ln;op<
OD "PC" De>< odaoolo. ThQco pio.-.- .......e ..... , "" pilot xhouk to
;oao idL .......Iion and Cl<p<rientt ..-to;.:h ..",>Id be cotCfttiaJ j" -V;"!!
;>,'ia>ad UKbtn ..iIo ...-ouId complcle ,hrit ltainin!l Fcbtuu}- 26.
M _j, J:;H, .\"qoti>.tiGrls ,,-.:re 'ni,i;",.d bo,,,-o=. GO:", .a!"l
t SO)! ...,.n& l:lICIOCl..,.te ,c."cns;"", of ""me of ,he ,-...1O<lI Ktl\1t1<'O
.-5Ior l"eoo. :..dDd.nt: rontinua!. "'PP"'" for roll n primuy
....... am..: a:d "'PI""" for 100 Il'>On! ; <!di.ional
" "" __5 <htftmontlu w-.;

Uoio..IiI!; ...... J :0. -lri&I o<ria of prinu,.y ''''''-1>oob;
'5 - I aDd. &ciIiti.o Ii>r tht Tucher lnunmg
.....- for suE appr<:nticrl at Tr.oinlng Ce'Hre; ..
.. a .-bio' teaocher-lniaiDg leLm l<I ,eaeh CCll''''' In
; pUiliealioD. "" a .en.. of prof""ional le.lbookl teacher
," o:b<eo bci&n .".dy grana for admini.lralive .talY memben of the
lIaiRh'" ; a"" .n additinna.1 cdoea,ion 'l'edltlI:H. The fi".1 GONj
l'SOM qtftRtenu On Ih<:Se activi,ies ad,lcd N/C R. 112,1}W, lie
RI.. 98,-.00, ...d Dollatl IW,035 '0 the budge' of ,h. Cooper.,iv. ...v;(""
iD I.d-IQOO".
lB5. Th. r.", youp nroi.I'nonlh. It.in_ eumpictffi
and "",n,-cd the;'- <xrtilicales ., 'he or .
.u... IIdf of leachers rMut""" "t ,har fo""", od_I.,
brioIIl: lhe raaalnck, a,,,ilaWe It> opm new ochoolo, unokr lite pin.
Ilan/! I. 19$5. 'fbe X"Uonal Edocalio.trJ PI"n";,,, Q>rQJtJi>Woll
lUbml,ud lhl> RI,., in "';ru<osr.aphcd IOrm to lbe H_ble .\IiDisler
d r ......'ion or. Dilli R.amaD Rqmi. in <o.".....,Y h('ld iD Oalkry
Ha!L or. Repni pr;llioed lbe a.-m...... members li>r lItdr dilCcnl
di;nI and promioccI axaidcnti<tns doltrir reatnlmendaliono..
.ynI, J'5j. E.iglII Nepok:lt <dlKatO<f left with Dr. W-,
"". feat oCtnlnina in T...d>a- F.ducotioD at !he UaNcnit'r of
1).-. ".aIdc:nar Ol-. of the Uniwnily<il Or...... Ed.....lioa .wr arrn-.:d
... """"" u cd...,.tirH.aI ad....... in their.bomt:c, n.e J\'q>o.bc-...
>....wd and .. tc&dla ""Laine iDnitutiom: in Europe and throusltou.
t!>eir trif...- the U.ilcd Sutes. Al Orqon, they ..udlcd xboot '>_
.t "'" 'I"il1aft=. OOWl'Y. city and otaor levels La addition lO penulog their
..... L ic= ftI>dieJ """ lhe degrtt. Each ...... interne ap<r,
icntts in his special fidd of <raining. TIu: =lre ll"'up "' in" ......k1y
..minar Wilh wi, advisa- to pl.... lOr the of Edl>CllUo:J:, .
.7_ 30, 1955, TI>c CQNjUSOM )'.dual;"" ag'<c"""b "ne
Utcn<l.d lO prm-i<le for an additional <:dual",,,,,1 l<) a
Uni,-ersi')" Plann;"1 Cum",...,,,,, and eo.- .'udy nnlll<>< three Un;'TOfty
adminislra.t.... to be Ir.Unal in the l!ni.ed Sta,.. fot ,il< 'Mnlhs.
SrP/nflo.r 2, 1955. The >=>r><!llronp nf \<':leh... lTaincn COPlpktcd
Ibm !un<: and "tt. ""'. out to open additional new ochook.
S<jJt""M 195$, Large quan,ili" of oci<lJce equipment alld supplies
.....h'l. fur Tt; 0 ...11<1 and "",re
on:icn<l. Thae WU'l'

with COXfl!SO;lI' as pari oi,"" P"'U"'" loo-

,he wllcgc.
0<..... 11, 1955. Kaiscf Ilo....d...- suttdcd R. r. :\lanandru.r ""
Sc<""at)" of Education.
)......J>n 12. 1955. The Ttae.b..- T<aim.,g Ccnl/'C <OOvtd '"
:\lttn Bba....'n. thw; providing much q....rt.... IOr the growing
n-.Mt .f, 1955. Ur. Ch.otla I). Ill"me, '''ora! Chancellor or
th. Orcxon Suu.s,'>lOO/I, ...r High<:t E<!ueo.K"" arrktd '" ."",,,,.. S<:nior
JI.dou,,,,,,,,l Ad"iocr ."d to....... in the <k\-clopmmt of a national
JO.""':I 1$, 1956. &lch.ndr. ....
Dr. D. R. as of Ed"c:uion.
".btu':! 6, 1956. Aduh lil "y lI1a",ria!> li::>r Ihe first pa;o,t of
i ....rucu..m arri,-cd In;.nl ,he I , enaWing ,he <>p<nitlg ofoduh
lite:n.ey c:!asocI..
3, 1956. 'I1Ie 'hird cl"" of'ea.h." trai..... roml'kled lhei,
training ....od ..we ..n' DU' 'oopen new pritnary Khools.
Mat ..1 !l1, 1956. The Univnsiry Comn,;";"n was ;lppoin-
ted bl' her )lajC>lj", QJle<:n Shri ranch Ba.... K.nt.i Rab'. L:umi
J)e,.i 10 .tu<ly oi,... O<S"ni..,,,,,,, a eharltt and od,.,. dc",'!> rqa'dj,>g
'I-e t<ublishmm' of" na,;"".l "nke.. and 10 ",.ke ",""mme"""",
for ,he "'m<'.
Ma;l ',1956. An cd.....ion"l display was 0<:1 up I.. obow the
progt"Oll and <Je""lop",enl and
piano for education. aJ
pu' of ;( g.:n=l csl,ibitJoo rut ,he >ro....'ioo. uf His M.pty, King
Mahendra Sir I1Lkram Shah l)co,.....
1956. The Nep.oIcoc ,caIn ofe;'b. ",u"ncd f.-. lhe U.........
oiry olOtqOll, oa::ompanicd I>y Dr, Wood and" third advise" P,ofnoor
11>0"''' O. &!linger. S.iU another adv;,cr, Dr. Edward W. ltrk<:,
arrived aboul. n....uth bIer.
JaI;I.tlapst, lU6. T1I< Fi.... r..ltrPl4l<j_ EJ,ntiMl, baoetJ la'll"ly
,,0. 110 .. &/'Ml, .... drafted .. the officio! guide for the Co\ocrument in Lbe
de\'C:looptl1Cfl, of cducat.ion in Nq>al durin:& the """,. fi,,, )....... Th.iI Plan

un btin.!; dnn the I'ulization of. M p"'lfrcss on, '>early all oflhc goab
MI<! of Commi..ion.
.J:,....I 17. J9$6. Trn :>ddOtionaI ,uK IMmben lef, be a 1""'" of
uaini:>J at th< l'"r..-en;'y of ()Kg"n and Ot..g<>n Su'e CnlltV
.e-. 30, 1956. Tb<c barth <bD ..r tcUM' ,rain_ If'"ad,,,,t'''
f:'DCI tbc en...., and <lepartcd fr.. m Ka'h.....ndu to ""'"
.! u iD primal")' ""hook.
.....!L'.- $<,tiUtF. t<:am recr.. and tniDed
:I. >Idohbout ,hir,y ",.... and """""'" far.he new Sd>ooI ..i1ich
tcpI-.I lM Tncbc:r T ....iD;"" Centt... !'laM Wl>"C IIcvdoped far Ihc
euabliobmm' of <.he ColI'1!:c <A Ld"",,';"".
9, /9$5. On tb< srco"" annh"nMrj'<II, ... "",",inll or \hi'
tb<. Callege or r.d<",.,it>n Wti bmo.Dy
sablioll<>.l hI' .ao:An' ..... untkt ,he: ..ry ut fA"""Uon, p"Ddinll: the
_'blioh......, ,! Ill
I:ni,...,....y. at ""hid> time it will become. part of .he
Cah-cnir.-. 1M Mf.ducarioo iJ a,,'1>orized 10 sran> the Bachelor
d [.d"""Doo. B. Ed-l It C<Jn>prisQ'he lolJo,.i>lg dhisions:
O:>aoro: oI'Educa<ioa the :"om",l Se......,I. lbe Durau of
,. '5- rioao (00 Ih. pt<pa.....ti<ln and publication of t.:..
Md ocb<r iao<ruaiooId >.Dd lb< Bur..'''' of Research {>o ..ubli>h
&DC! -.pen .-;Id, d ",, and ...l o<hoolo and to
..,...,. JrMiun ed"""ti<>na1 """'&:'Ch}. The Kurcau of Ad"lt Educa_
tiorI ;" Uo bouoaI in <be Col!Gl" ..fEducation,
/, 1956. The =pa.odiog ,eadler training programn,e mo"ed
e..o La:ttt and mote O'tItnJly loca..d qUAr,.... at Chet Bhaw." in
t 'rimpaL Scl>ool cl...... ""re " ..,.d.
e...;" 19, 1956. The fin, (I. Ed. 01.....,. "1"'''''\ a' ,he Co\l<ge of
/H6. The fi,;1 mobile '<am. "r ,he I\"otn"ll School opened
traitling da.eo in :"q>.>lgunj. Rirgunj. Rn,l l>1l.t.n. f<>r "","' primary Khool
tacl><:n. and I"'"",ime iIw:nitt refr",t>e. et..... rn. eap..,i...""d '<:Ichen
'Tloe fin< ad>;I, li.oncr c1aJo<:s " ....e ..lablished in the: Ka,hmandu
nlley. whit o<hcn IQ &>110.. imn>ed.ia<ely Uu-OUllbou. the: a>t>ntry.
Mq. ..friu
The skeldo of ed<ICI..jonal devdopment< """als many
adf"itit::o .-lttw:ar. Some .... '" be oI'britf d......tioa; <>then..nll
_tic... ro. r !"UTS. The delaib of.h<sc ""....... -.clivi.;.,. art ou,5ned
n. /IJut. ., .... ,..;.h .hi> fl4Ml, has coon-
pIo:ted ""'" phase of iu ......k. The ....... ha,.. fulfilled tl>ci.-.peci6e
,apcGlibililiet .. d>arJetI \he 01' EdllUUon. n..,.
tIse ed..... tionaI _ 'll><I ... rot'" a pbrI ro. a national "!"'ItCm of
"1...11 n( \hi> plan has beetI inu>ollOta.ed in'" the Fi,.. Year Plan
lOt Educa.ion by ,he Minirtr.- of Edua,oon; .he , .......indo:r ,'''IS' bc .....-
lualed. ...... of il a=pu:d fur irnmed..... execu""", IlIme for dcIa}'Cd
:lCtion, _ o>o<Ii6ed. V.naIly, the lqillati<>n mllSt b<c en.aclI,d to
male Ihill plan a reality.
But ,he me",ben of Ihe Comm""'on ha,.. an indivi<.luo.l and I"'"<'nal
JUl"'lIOibillty that "'ill """.;n"" 10"".... , !'..loch member mu" und<ftak.
in&maB}", and officially if asUd. '" IdJ. the p<><>ple of oh. country about
the ""......1 plan of tdl>Qliou aDd the: .,.... Yra. PI.... adopced by cbe
0( Education. They m.., ""plain, and der""d, if J><C......-r, ,h.
scheme, and asIat in every way "".. ib!. 10 make un;ve",,1 cduca\OJn a
'\"11'-0' ,. doobl, lhoe M....lislrf or Ed\lClltic>l>..-iI1 <:all.", m=bcn
"foh. Coonmidion 10 Iobhy r.:.r '" parli<:ipatc ill ..00 fOo,lmI,
.... si'-. public add,"""" \0 ,n'mp 'he ""u"try, 10 <!n-clop thcp"bUc
""'ll".I...", and "'VP"'l '0 fina""" roue",,,," <>n a broad ..,al.
and to Uphill ,I>< principle!. up<>n whid> <d",c",;"" ;n a is
l'erhaps part of lb. ,ask of implernrnli.., thio .d,nne can be turned
uv", \(I,h. Nali",,"l &lucati(.n ,,' \<I "Nalll)O,,1 Ed"caoon Aaociolion,
if is ll." 'he mcm"".. uf lhe Cornm;";"n who worked on
this initial .tudl' and Rq>orf are ......t f;uniliar ""th it and po_nl cdu_
eatiorW CDfIditiono; ,h.,."*"'e \hrir o<n'mshould be ",iliud.
11",0, Ih= , ...... in Ih, ... 'hinp tu he do..e ID
of Ed"<a,;,,n Planning Cmnmi..;"'", (a} Ih. Rtp<r/ m,,,, h<: >em
through pet.. and publica,ion, (MW ac""",pli.hed) (b) the !,lan ,n,,"' he
"'.,.J....ICd. "'apll, and l"l{islale<! b!' the Min;"lry ...f Ed""ation and Ihe
..u....nblr, Cl""dy aooornpliobed the dtvd<>pmen. nf tll<
F',,. Vt:ar Pbn, and 'he cslabl"h""",. nr r....,a1 pnJCr.Om.....} and Ccl "'"
official plan mu", be i"'l'kmen.ed dlroullh w;deprcad puW";I)" and
'w-<>Ug!> .u'i<><>.
T...... ...........prUe perhaps Iloc V"a'o:s'
""". Th" ....
"" impot1an' th>....... <be Ottond day ,I>.
C<>mmiaion ""'t, Inng bcfot"e i .....,k up other pressins ma"cn, a r""""lion
wal p=d urging 'he Im"",cli... "lab/ish"",nt of tr"ini"ll fadliti... 11\e
maj<lr pnt"tioo nfr.,..ign aid fund. fo,- I .......ion " ..... _'gncd (" this ph_
of "'e O'<!lIcauon progI"""""". It is oonside:red the ..tone '" the ...... 0{
the Pf<'K"U""""
The telc"", tr"ining "","" ;, now "..,U colo.blishcd UIIMr
the (mmc<l;a.. 1l1p<"r\"ioi<l1I of the GO;.; Co-dirc<lor "f the Tcadt<r
Tr.t'nillg Proj<!ct ",,01 til. Educational Advise.. of the Uni"".. ;,y of
Duriros the ID'Il ._ yn.. of operation .he NAtion,,1 Teacl>.,.
Tl"&lninl; Cc:d"", ..... ich " ....... ill Iw gi>.-m .;"
mon.... of training lO morc than 625 new primary IChool 'nchcn, "nd
a' p"",nl mme are in Ira'ning. Thll ha. 1',..,.,;01001 a .man en'e of
.....hen lO help fill national ,'(lld, and al ,h. Jam< lime h'" p,..,.,'ided
a buil: k1r ddiNng " ]lI'OIl",,"lInc lOr Ihc trainin. of ""'"
lftoChcro in :-iq>&l.
In the rail 1956, OCVCTal '.zchn I...."'mg loa.... ".....
o<gani..d '" ""rt\" ,he te.ohoc <rainIng to 'he <os'"nal a a.
nfN"epal. "1loaoe lCIms, ....w opera''''' a, B.irgunj, 1>"3ran. and Nepalgunj,
will uff'" the .ClICb", trainDlc """..., 10 dida... in aeIc<Icd ........
Afbrr compkting the couM in the 6 """<ra, Ihe)' will noon: 10 od>cr
..... 0
--_ .. _-_._-.

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to ""PUt the programn,.. Thus, after u.,.., or four years, it ",Ul
be p<-'1W ID ......,. lbe .."til"C <>;>untry on" rec:ionaI buio.
(Ilte Kathmandu ccurc &owl I!M: mobile ,cams)
"""'" de-...ttd to .be Ie-... nt Normal School tr2ini"C, will .....';nuc lO
Deer tnlinint:, bctinning ""'" YUt with a full y.....'. CO""." lu ... many
.e&cl>ers U (2n be al.ooorbrtl intu .he ""pan,ling """cat;"nal ..,lteme. Tn
addition, refr..h cou..... for experienced IC'I.<,hen ,. .. being introduced
llIId will be olrcral on an inCf<:mns!y ",id., ba.oiJ.
The t"';lling or,. nu<:kuI.talf at the Uninn;ry of dutin!l
Iw made i, 10 nub/ish a .......)U<
CJ1t#'..t E__liMo ;n Kalh.... ndu. This plan> to ofrc.- """,,,I
of training IQ. Ihe [ut".c:
l. Four yra,. of combined IIIxnl ".a and l>rnfCSli""oJ ,raining
for wdl-q"alifi<od mal<i<:"IAles whn ace jus, b<:ginniog ,hc;,
od,..,.ri<.n.1 ca..,... This
"ill culmina,,, the
B. [d. :>.'Id those who lmplnc d -.,,,n, af,... a re...
y....'" of <nching ..-ill be road.. ror ;od,"1nCO:l Ininmlf
aft<! rou"...,.,..1 po.ilioN ofhigh The
"U"lmen' ,,( ..a.. ro. ,hi$ l)pc of ,,,,ining is 200.
2. Onc ye", of pror"";",,.1 li.,r well <'!u.lili! hoklc" of
'he bachelor', ",.fa.hI,' " ..oh ,.aching c:ot.ericn, to
J"'O'w.taIf manbcn for lhe X.......,..J SeIoooI P""'fTU'U'lC .nd
olhn pooitions cl eduatiot>aJ kadcnhip. 1"hir. .......k "'iIl &Ion
rulmi""lC ... <he- B, .d. dtwrtt, Tht ten"'';,.., or
lean lOT ,his 'nJe of lrm.iJlg is SO.
3. E,,,,,,,uon cou....., for gradoal", und<:rpduatto and n,h....
'0 meet ,he of: l.ado" who m.}' Ji(l' hO"e
<he admiaioa fOr Ille tr.Uning d.,....ibcd in X". 2
........., '<::IIchen wIw> _y wan. part.time IN' lrLO!' 1><
tUcn wiille thrv ....."ioluc thrir rt!'Uw k. m.IIor imtruoo:ton
who ......!. ".,.'" ,,, ...cnd prol'$ 'inan, and <>IlKn
... I... 'ha" lb r"nlime progr.m...... Th.....
""'''''.. "ill whoin.,e in roi, ho"" 'hat may l>e applied
1O)"'",do a diploma or degree. 11:<> coli""'t. i. of the
awubcr tNo, <::lID be ....,ed with ,,,- dasscJ ; rn""h will depend
upo" of llaff.
4. Sub--a>l1qI.o,e It:wll __ rmaing prima.-y I<hoo/ Itadocn,
a <un,in..,rion of tlK work nnw ....hlithaI ....he Notrn;U
SchooIo. 'lllcsc <:<>unf:S culminate in a <:<:rtifia,. of
tr.ining or dip!",,,. The complement foe.!>;" tl'P" oflr.jning
can tun to 1000 p"t year. bUI be adjLl$,ed to .ch,a1 n..<lt.
3. E''''ntually, <It" Ed. willlK o/fcral by <he Olllqe or
MllCllion when the d..... nd j ...61ics ouch JI<t'W""'me.
fn additlaa to) <be traWng P"JCI1InmtC, the College et Educ:a,ioa
wiU proride aupavilion I'ot "",-cnl rd.<ed ann...i.... Th. 0.... ..,
M/inli.., will dil'tt p',hlicatio... pr<>CTamme which m,.' of ...""",i'l'
l>e. major r,... m.ny 1"""'"
Not ':>nIl' i, there <!earlh "r any kind of reading mated.l, and
y.opbir: aido, but ,he little lDa,n;a1 is mnstJ! in Hindi ."d
:nudo io <>t-oleu. A ........ ""bliaolion pm!""""" can prom<>te not

only eduralio"",l objttti,-n, bu...*' the aim Df unifo<a,ion ch""'" ..

oinKk n.ll,inNJ l.aogul.go: 10 w<ld .",nII" dIe po:oplc iliIfttenl J-rU
pra:ml ,,,"c arC no 1II"0}'" 11 t"xililia. in :"'opaI. . Tbe
0-",_ llIc <:IU.blil.hmc:n. of" Xa'ioDal Ed,..,.\
Pr<sI..;th " np;>ciry ..r hoob pn 1"'" (_ Q.p<" XIll).
Ilu, tAt, wiU ..I.., oody par' of the ptObIoom. MatcrUl. "' , IK .Tin...
and p<eparftl '" pubJic:o.t;""_ This ....k Im..' be .up""' d by oJu:
Bureau of Publications, but ...."'" by a publicatiDn.romm.iooionoflhc
dunltlon :'1;","'1 and tdunolionistt ,,-h/) "iU prepare lhe ma,"';"I<.
At ptt:'n., ""0'....<1 printi,,!! r"Cm'Q arC being 1llCd. Son.e.....,,-k
iI bcing """,""S,ap...,d in .maII quan,;,in rot _" "lal Jl""ic>d.
Some ;.! (,<Intoo '<>m!ly, on<! ",,,,,, mu>""kd mat"..;,,1 ;, being
p.inlOu on I", la" pt,.......
s"m. i, f>O'" l><i"8 prcl,.. ,cd; Kome h lJcc" "mj
,he rnanuocriplt now lie in the B,,,.,,,, of "ublica';on. awaiti,,!: public.l;"n.
Provision h.. l.oee" ",ade fOf the publi.a'i"" of ""'cra] primary..:hool
ott... on<! ",'-er.1 prnfenional boob fo, ...., by the trlllflttl
;n the Normal School. and the of Educatioo.
Th. mAy.. publicalion :u:t;,,;,a ra.. the p.-""'nt and in,n..,d;"I"
fut",.." in of I"";"";'\"' ."":
l. Printinfl ,.r.w. RtpOrt and IOr Training TQ<Ohcn
tba. h., bo:cn prep;ued anti ,,';cd ou' in mimeographa:\ fUnn.
2. Rdin t;md printinJ nf prnf........l '''dl:>noll "" .be X()l"tD,lIl
So:booIs nd the of .. ..dur..ion. '!boe a"" nnw come in.o
mimeo:otJ:n>phcd '"'"" kJr trial, ... ne. "'hicb 1hcy .Muld be reliJed,
rdin<d, .nd printal.
3. Prepar.o.tion and prmtmc of ."..bnnb .and. ...niglllly_...
"",per lOt primary ochoolt. larIe ale produrtit>n m....' i.
bet....- printins: facilitits, but nn be ma<k br ."''*''
't. Prq>a....'ion and prinliq of adtlitional m&tt:ria1s (or the .d..lI
lit ....,y progTaInm.. Th. pr......t matcrw. avaIlable .""
intended fur only ,he liB' few mon'h! of U",'acy ..."ini"g.
A ....kly or forlnightly ne..spaper f.". li'era'" >!l0,,1'1 "" ..'Ab
lilhed and ,uPl'lementary' r....d.......nd hook> .h.....ld t.e
pr.p... red and printed.
Pro/,a,a,ion printin! of graphic matcrioll-ntllPI rha,,",
"'1\( oth., ill ..",... ti,'. ' ....e ,it'g afdl. Th..., lOO, " "" j>rr><IU<'Od
;" limited '1"."t;,y by <>.In"t printing un,il a Nati"... rwllea-
tion 1''''$1 is establ"hed.
The Om,.. -J RtMtU<A !tu been nlabli"'a1 '" pro"ide labonltot"y
conditions ra.. the promo.ion nf educational,..,....m. Plam ...... being
made w.o.alst in the of _era! Iabo....t<>ry JdoooIs; .t bo'h
,he primary .nd the oeconda." 1"",,1t. ThtM: oehooIs...ill be
in t ....... 01 the guiddin.. dO\O'tt in Cb.ptcn VIII .nd IX. F....
ttaini"l pUl"J'OOft ....... or .h.... ochoolt ..."'1 be n::odiIy b1c '" the
01 but it "hoped ""'I""'" nfth.,.. maybe
d<l'dopcd on. rqionaI basis umock:ls lOt ..udy and obIt:fvatioot.
in addi...... , .. numbe< of existing hook mlllt be upJnldcd to senT
;u pn.ctising school. fo< .,vdrn, tuchcn:. The <elldlers "'bo ....-vc ..
=:a:.... or critic \e.\Ch.... must be arimlCd to IM principltl of " ...ional
!:>o:ation, ""d "'Iuipmcn. must be plo'idtd 10 b<in(l: Ill...,
a:h>olo up 10 .. m.mimum ltan<hrd.
_ .. """ J:lu.....u of R=ardt mu" wndl>C.\ J.ludin <>f CW"TeD1
r . .w ptol>lemt, and pr....-idc: Iadcnhip '" education in Xepal.
r.".. ....;u...... fl'OUl Im.c ID !;me ..... f<d""",tiooDal od>cma.
It ....-11 bea>me ,be impartw and report... on ,,,," objcni,,,,,,
.this"l and 'M 0(11)< F'"n." Yor I"L>n for EdI'QlIioo.
The B., .., :1.,/ I"''''id<:o lOrmaI orpniaa b the :!:l,. is brina: in adult and ,h.., iI CO<I pb,<d in
KociaI <Cx.a<iooo
.tJI 'iIbr'o ..",km and pr""""..,h<oo! lCaCho:n <rain!
AI tbo X<Inl>aI Scboob ba,.., r=i,-cd j"'lnI<li"" in ..aching Ii,cncy
the Iin= <1....... IL>.,." been ....rU'd. I't<i\"ifi(,n boo, bn:n m2<k
k.r '''';''1 6CoJ cboocl in ili<- fin,
. CM of .. =jor of thi> i.
..h""itio<W literxy m3lftLab .\ddilion:Ll <01>"" oIthc
Jft"QU ma:o:rialo w'iIl aho !>a,.., ID be prinlc:d. Th. pr"P"""io" ..nd
ta- .... ..... irbn' _l<riah a.:>d """",,,lin, lb. o,her _ ....i ..1> is OIlC
Qoc -P<Ub olw8I=au of .-\dul. Educa,,,,,,,.
lM IOIIooooiDg I'ft" b ""'blisbjnr li, d"-Sla ha,e
JIilP''''-...I tor doe :lDd C6-tlirt<tn:
1. ),Ltteri:olo ..ilI be frtt bj" Charts .houk!
be by tho: t.oachcr; books by ,be liltrlllCO.
a...- &lid f.>eilil.ico mulIl be f,,,ni,h,,d by ,h. ,illogo.
VilIap .. or ""nwl. ,,,ay l>o _d, 0' .ny
Other ,wlable place. Light>, "Ti'ing 1001., aml ,imil'l'
n<J. musl be Illl'plied locally; only ,h. oding lnate.ials will
1,. rOlll"I=1 hI' GONlUSOM.
3. :'\0 ftt n,,") be c,,"ugod r.,.. Ihe cqu"e o,ber lha" wh:J.t mal' be
Ilded fur ...ppli<:s aslugg<st.d in ,he 2 allo-...
t. Rwoclllnmd<d d .... IIizc is 25; in "ocue"",}'ilc.:cealJO; ,r
_ deo<n: Ihe coo...., Ibm additio<W C<io\l,.colh",,1d be >er up.
'nrhet ha.o oole =t>O"'llim,y for admioaion 01' Clt.txIi<lal..,
and 'Ral d......... th..... lOr 11Ct of Jl'lP"UI. P"'" auemb",c,
ON <h... poopet ....,.,.
5. of daIoco for ,he 6...1 counc, ...hidl
iIlcludeo the primer;md lOur .nod.... o{'be """"lid book, .. 65
6,.. cia-. P"'" wulb thItt _fluor I 10 I. howl. Tbe P'>-
plOIWDIC may be dc:J", aled "" _<l0f'aleCl a, tho< di><"""n of
.he -m..- by .be bp of the <Wo period <x the
number of mceu"p P"'" ,,-k. a-c.1looWd _ be loo lhan
0IlI: bout <If D>D: than ...... houn in lenrch. Tbe numba of
u..e. per wed< ahould ...... be kso th.... or more than ....'nt.
6. The IOC......iD be Ra. i5 &'< QCh t:t>une ("r
approximatdy 6$ laoghl, prO'"ided al lean 20 of the
248 ,,, ...L EtlUCAnON PUNNING CO.... IIUON
1oludnJ... cht litenq' aam;nariooG al Iht me! of lhe a>UIX.
or a prorattrl.un: if
7. SIU<lenu who p.... lhe lileracy examinat;e.n will be lileracy
S. Qualified """""" dcsirin.(I: ", ..I up a U..,.aq cb. ohouId-.on:
\0....".,.. "pp<o","" .". the V-"Uaj{C l)<oo,-n,pmeII' Centre M:anaccr
or School InOflttU'T and oOlifocation olaW,..,.,.1 ......"Id be tOr-
wa,.<lod IQ the bj'eClQr, Jlu,."au of Aduh F.<lu<ation, Kathmandu.
I'laDS at!' uoder " ...y to pro>';dc: '" furthet' c<pano.i<m ohhit pn>-
sn.....,e aJ!). a< mataiab, and (uncia a,-ailablc.
EdM<.Ii .1 ,,,di. i. a )',,,, ,,( Ihe ,,-,lull ed"..,,;,;.o pr"tlTammt. ,\boul
"n. hundred 'ad>.. 'occi'"'K .... h,'. b<l ...rn.rllo pi..,. in odocttd
,':ilia"", 1<0 PO"";' the resi<knu to.> lislen .... l'q..'ka,lio and other pro-
!Jl"l'm1DtS. In addit;"" to the pna-tI' td"""tionaJ fl'I"lS""'ll"" i' ;. hI,pro
,luot ,-ariot" of Ix.'dopmtttt.
t:du,atio". Hcahh, ", .--wiI1 >tTi.. ol"i"rormati,,, Jl"'OII'1'rnrnn lOo-
those and uther lillene". An lWi.l..nt programme direel'" h... been
cmplo}'Cd '" supen'iJe lh. pr<:par1l.tion of O(\uralional programma I'or
c:hildI<n and adul ....
It hoped !ha, .hese ..d"" wal be ustd by <he n.ew pOnoarr ..1>001.
and (llh" "'-h<><J1o during ,he daytime and],, 'he ..dulu al ..,me cen.r:>!I)
located place i" !he olf..-ho"l ho", I.
lM J<,Iittw'i,og pbon has been "-W'O''CII by Ihe CON and Co
direell>n lOo- the dislfilm,;"" of ,ho: "",;.,i''''' .... :
1. Village o.:"e!<,prnOlll (:o:nl1e Managcn will!'C'O,rn"",,,d villages I
10 be ....,.
2. VlIbp luo, >elwoh will be g;ffll J><<f0lcne<'.
3. "illareo in ..hid> no priva<dy...."... octo a,-ailabk ro.. p<>pubu-
\01<: wlU be given prd"erm"".
O,-cr-all dit,rihutio" wiU Ix: lO"erned to IOme extent by popula
,""" dio".ib"t;",.
5. Ix."doprtttn. c<pe.<ted tu
"'<ohMkaJ ",,,,,,,.;un,, of the IClI and provide ",..,harging facilities.
"fhey ",ain",i" ofdtelCu whioh Ih"n be "", ....idc,td ",,/Hit..,
10 the vilI....
nt. is a pile., .t<nnp' 10 d<vc1cJp mon:- cdtlQUon .... I/><:
villag<: pcupk lh""'llh radIO b"o,&de"-,,. To fuDy utilize that lUlIi,ios. I
College of Ed,,,,aliml "alTmemher. will ...i.. in prepa,ation of special
rotJ<:ariooal prol'anttnCI, both fOr primary od......l and rot adul....
TItt <If"!:aniaJ:;'''' .,. l<adta" "aininl; and related activities
ahown in the ehar. on the ,1Cti
TM .f ""u pri/flQ'-, "hO<JS p,ovide<l 10>, lLnol the
..,,,,tal GON/USOM AgreemenU. Under Ihis f'<1>I1:,amme, CON .00
USQM """ide "- .ubstantial lUtancial gran! .., dooirin&: new
primary 1Cboo. and n>teticg cerWa conditio..... T!>eat odloolo

-': ~ . ' " f ~ ' "

.;; .
. ,n_TK"-l
." ~
.I!."y "'". ... ..I ",,,it,,
A." I,.;"," .;""
fi'" d", '1
"";' ,..'..,1' I""",,
do,," .,r t,_ ,.
"'"' '"
lllr in tb
"bid> h
arertaffod by teacllen who h.II'"e compleud ...iniJlg in <me orthe Nomw.
Schools, or o!het q..wil\a:l IC;1lch..,... Xcady 400 new classrooms ....."c
op<:atd Ihuo r... UDdet Ih" and :!O:l mo<e UC
I'or in the pxnt ..,...emenl:l.
primary ocbooIs may be opn><d the (""",,in( condi.......
",-hid> h.\Of: hem 'PI"0..d by !he CO" and U50!oIIJo..direcoon:
l. _unity m...1 "",,ide a ",<e. (11 .. r ....."'
mttIded th., UIe area be ..dI dr2in<d, atltOloC'li\..., Jc.-d ; DO<
Ic. than t acre ... "",un.,.knt. P1di:nhlr up ,0 fn."e 'Cf8. Tbio
""'1' be I"'bli< park area if arnncc-n" a.JI be ma<k with
P""l>et autboritia.)
2. The COIIUllouruty' mu>< pm>-idc a ...i ....bk buildlac ...
pncUcabl ill",,)' """" .. OD<: (BuiI<1 .nouJd
be comp bl" in quality to othtt buildinco in ,he .rea.)
S. Tbe o>mmunity must .:agtt 10 co""';bu,,, 10 the ....... "pmuin!"
oUf'P".t of ,ho! ICbooI on the l<>bing
Community CON USO!ol
"J% 33*% 331r.
4. TIK community mUll ag= to .. bud!", \>astd on tbe saWy
Ie.le on page plus Rs. 10 ptT """,Il, per 'ca<;hcr for operating
(Iupplies, cquipment, de.)
3. The community must agree 10 employ ' trained,t the
Normal School. if available, or other ani",!>ly (ju.liftcd loach...
if b}' the authorities.
6. Th. Ilfength of the ""hool should Itt>t be Jeoo than 20 OM moro
thao40 pupils for 8ny teaoher, "nd ,he ,lIould n<"
exceed 50 pupib per 'eacher.
7. No tu;,;"n may be chuged of any !",pil, and no pupil oha\i be
",rUled adn.;";"n on Ihe grounds or tu, """e, Of'ftd, or
oceupati ....
8. The 1I:hc.>l "'''''1 operate at lcut 180 di)'l per rear, four
(;v-tIeo I &: 2) or live (sradc:J 3.oS) per diy,
...........b/y b.ib perun.<ag<: ofaltn>d......., 10 reive continued
linancialarpport from GON and USOM.
9_ TIle ochMI 1DU>l rouow the primary ochool curriculu... rccom-
mmcled in Chapter VIII.
10. The COIlUllunity ""'"" odect a .........tine oommitte1: '" In-.::
_ben for te"", of two yean (2 or 3 to be seketaI <3CIt
rear; 2 10 be ,dmed for <>DC year '""'" N>d 3 for ''''''yalr
_ at tile time "'orpnirorion ). T1>oe_''''f.''''C'O'"'''ld
the Diotrin Ooou_, aood ,be Viibr' Centre
M"""IU". ifthere .. onc in the a"",. or their dllly ..-i:ga<d
repr"""".. ......n --.: aI Cl[..,lIX:io manben ",the -.mitt=,.
The M.......,u.c _ilt<:C.lWI:
(a) Employ and dioo::barx<: t<acber (,j _ the r-.runenduion
of tilt: ItlSjKCbJr of '"'-b.". ""' t-.::prcKnuuive.








RaiJe the ntccss:Il')' M1I'Ponlns fund. lhmugh donatioru.,

c:elII, or "me. aettplablc ,., ,hi: <Illll1ilwUty,
euept the ,,( witi<>n.
(c) Dtfmc tlM: .. <>f .Iw: to he ..,..,'0:<1 by .he
Es'..bli>l, bUliMss-lik<: f"'OC" fo< coll""';ng and
cfubuninR rundo ...Bd "",,ect'0fl:: "'.... agailU' Ina.
Follow tht Nepal Educa,*, Cock in olbct dcWls not
an-ucd "bow.
11. In general it is ronside.ed nll,,;"'bl. fur" ""mm..nity to open
o"c rOOm n' un< rll... at" ti",.. 0". te.che' may!)., .",pt"y.d
the flrst }"Qr, "noth",..he ..,.,.,d !"Q', and .... OD.
The dtt.ailI 5). lbiol'f'Cll'U"l' ...... .,..".ibed;., the o",.E_ .\1._1
1_ ob",inabk from the )1;l\io..,. GfE.du<aliod.
1bc U.i.mi/;T 1'Itzmti", C.......IJiM, whleh wM appointed ill the SVrinH
of 1956, ... ,"""mmend.d in Chapler X of ,hi> Rcro:lrl, hlU odec,ed a ,it.
for the natio""l "ni,,,,,,,ity and hu prqll.,M a .har.e.. Th"", ""i''''rlity
3drninistnlll>n .,.., n,n" at the Un;"""";,y of Q<qOn /"00- si>< mo.ubl of
tT&iAitI. Plam at'C; undn 'onY .... eDPI" a "te planna and bPiklin
ardlilCCtJ in ,he ;",mediate ("'ur<:,
The prop-.l Uni,'f:tIity C!>arter provid.. tOt- ,he """"di-
n.,ion or ;""illlll"". of learning and all full"O <llog;a'o_
i",ti'ution. "nd... OnO "ni,,, administnttjon. .-\ modtttl dcn,ocratio
orplliu.tl6n i. prmilkd ,,Iti<:b prorniocs $I""'! .dtniniotnui,.., lea.donhip.
TIle Fin YcM I'Ia.n "" F.d"cui...., l""OJ'UaI in 'ht _ of 19S6,

tht: ..,U-iDr "epo ':or tM dn"lopn...n. of <he: Uni,'tni.y'

I. Appoint_n' ofa !""''''''ntn, """'rol .htn"1!h tho I",,",ulp.
tion or a Univeroily Act containing the Chart .. un;,'or,itl'.
A temp<>rary Uni"e ;ty Commislio.o bas be= appoill'C(\ by .he
Queen. This C i.ion io "-in the p.-.,.,.. of scIting " lite
alld io popoocxl ChartCl'!'or.t!<: Unittni.y.
2. Tnt'ninr 0 c:orp of admi"io....t"'" offi<:ns to admioioter
nilt,,,!! . i und... one ""n"oI by bringinR ,bm, 'ot:"'hor
in a unif,C(\ Un Th,e<' partie;!",n' AChula.
oh'po are a,,t.k to train .he ,h,,,,, 'up adm;nu"a"'R of .b.
Univttliry. (Now i .. tr.i"ilI,)
Prao:lia.lIy no added _I ill in'.....-cd In thcoc fim ..... "'cp..
3. n... Ibird "q> it to immcdialcl\' ""Pn1u. p.-of=;ional CnlIqe
uf F..du<a,ion will, ex' Nalions.! Tucher Training Gen, ...
... a nucleut, it into" fnur-yr Collego of Educalion
"'" 'ntiniug of detnc:nW'y and 'l'>nda,y ochnol , ....hero,
and n.h,.,. muGtion:al kado:n. ("Thit it I\l)W bdnl'l
4. ,,,,,.,..,,, advisable ...... In the tlnUopm<n' of """,,,,dK""'-C
Univ"..ily it the ..tahlithmcnl of a I'rofosolonal SdHlOJ of
Agricultu,. including a of home science and "h'
.....tely dcPMtn>ent "f(ora")'. In its ina:ption, .""h a ><:hool
f ' .

z_e...., .... "'''' ... .,

:;:i ... .l';
ol'Iol'I .:'\.l';':-;::O;

- .
"'" - C

_r; ... .,. ..........
.- -


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... ''' .... :?is
:3 :?
.................... .., .... ,., .....
t't>U.ld be >!a.led with I..., fatulty mt!l,bn. in AArieuhure {onc
Cl"<>pt and (}"" animal hu$bandry) and one in horne o.:ien<:e.
Slaff mcmbcn should be Klectord imrnediatdyand ..""
"" alOrricn coun<ry "'" 0",,}U' '" additional In;";", ror Ihrir
l:ub. Such a PTofCi>ional K.huol of A!P';"'llture """"Id
;n<orpoo-uc Ih. foll"",i"g r=arcl> .IId oe>"';"" agcneica.
(a) A a:n1Tal nperimau otatiGn
(b) Such branch "."!'"'im..". ....ti"... ao ale by
vuia,io". in a!tnude. tewpcra\urc, "'i1s, rainfall ant!
other "",iro"mcntoJ radon
(c) R=arcb and ... vial: tabon.tia "'" ooil testiJ:,1:, K'!
''''ing, animal 0Cf"1a::s, IOrat nurtaia, <:le,
all of ,,'h"1I "'uuld 1ICl'\". th. muhi",,,pooco of i tTUCt;"n,
.<3CUd, and ..".,.'ice l() SO''''nr=n1a1 doparrmen .
S. The ....", ""r' Jl<Ubabl)' two }'nn ohoukl be the
,org>t.nizal!on () " S<:hool of F.ngin=i"!\' .. " parI "r th.
prusrUIlIUl'. Thi. should be ph"*'=d in by lirIt
..tectinc " nud... staff of .bout five i\;...1l
pWLIeI ..ith their
0< <Iq".,., alld Ihal
""'ding thC'Ol 10 a f",..,ign c"""rry r"" " Yell,', "aiRing. Such
" .I.>rl" might "cll be COffil>""'d of un<: civil, onc dcd,;cal,
on< medlanical. """ ;'Mh..u-ial and """ mining cng'ncff. Upnn
completion of the lnirUnl; a fcrrign '<dlnician
oh<>"ld bt to ,uM", ,n IaWtching a po-ofi:sional
."ginet:rinc lChool. S"ch ..h",,1 might ...cU comis' of the
foll.:noing :
(a) Shotl COU.... (6 n"",'ho IQ a l'nr) for ttd<nk...", and
"'per'';'''" in the ....-et,.) ;It''''' ntk,l by in i..
p<Ojf,am, c.g. d.-af"m.", .... "'cl"'., ..,,,,.
uucdon ouP"O"ioon, c1.C.
(b) Four)"Ur dqree aratIUoc curri<:uIa. ,,;!h a ...,,,,,,,,,n
bo.ll: fut ''''0 and 'J"':Ciali....1ion ,n mechanical
d<:ctrkal, ;n"h..trlal or mining the last ,,," \=ra.
(c) Ncln dUpUeatiq{ Iabaratore. whith """,Id
tiDn, rexarrh and Itt"; ID dcpan.........
",aterial. t..ting lab.orato,y, mina 1l1Ct.ollUr'JY
labontory. bbontory.
ti. Ultionatdy the UnWcnity lhould a ,nodlcaI Ie"""l,
indudin8 nuraing ednu.;"n, and finally tkn.iw-y." pro-
f".ional.chool m,,", .",aitth. following'
la) T.aioIinl" a nuckw <tall' in the ba.Vc mnIinIlCie:Qe<:
i....udi"l ""''''''''y. P"tholoRY. lJio.<hen,iotryo,
baClor...ltlgy. c.rcfulty cl>o.... ,ndivid"alo ohould be
,.,.,t lQuign CX>wltri.. al an early datc for at l""'t two
)'Ql' <period> ofatudy.
(b) Thio io to be lollowed"" odenion of three mediad
pract,tirmera 10, a of training On a fOlei\ln ..,unlty
<0 be the uucle", clinical .t.aIf of a School of Mcdi<:ine.

,. aU...tioll iI _ btias lOcuIcd un th<: IOlIowin,;

I. 1"'1 J ..... Ia""" of lhe -" of ll>c National Educ.ation
plonn" Commiooiool and Ihe <k>dopm<nl .,rthe F'"".. y=
:1:. Tniaing .,( teaCh.... bolh Ioo:ally and in ouoJ)-ing :uas by
ll>'>biIc: 'e&mt.
t<> brinl[ the,,, ID a
irutrull>on by the
I I O' 41 fJi n;',,",
I IGtIdatd '"
cEaaJ SDff.
Qtcri-inf Ibc a lQnician '" ad,i.c in .he
....nnonofa Sdoool including 'he curr;';uJ,,>
'"I ., ',pco __1. ete.
n.:. J 1 .", ellhc: -.5cal ocia>ce " ""'g
<aa!:" .. ma......... p<'riod of Itn y<an. Ha..-n"<T,
do< onic.iDg 01 pcnoolRd, it will .ftlUir-e
=Ft ...dI b=. . , cd a> ... Q.rly da'e. FoD""';lIll' "'''
cl. b a pte 1;""1 sW!; " _ill ebss or
-- .. },., 0QnCd thtouch ", Ieu, ...., rea'" or
,. S!............... lopped by ...., of
_...... aDd }..".,. at int..-nohip. Thus,
it be""""" af<U' tM Jdectioft of a nuleus pte_
m<dicaI l'or th.a' a -..ll cWo of pn-aI pnni-
b= 'or medialocnia "" tM X"lio".
TlIe .....pbasit 0<1 J".q. V..u:.l f j'J ibDuId b=
- ! ->I tb=io all adtqucca:pp/rol ...d1 U':lined prnk ""'.1
pe rri" doe UIlh"tZ'li'!", aDd ""til ob<: l'ftMniry is in a position
.. ""'"" ... -.. oaf!" .......ben aDd odI... oechni<iam ... "-dI as mtt.
, -.kid.....c.. hiRing pb:>o with I<>rcip-aid mIlt_pbl
.,. .. "'=tT Itnip ochnh in oolleF..... uninni<y training
,..,. lOt atbot Ihc: DC:n IC:Il ,an.
s. J)e,-dopids the ColJere of Ed\lCllliooo.
4. I'Kpar;otion afld printing .,( pvblicallona.
Promotio" ohdullli'cnlCy.
6. Promo<ion of tdUQUon by ....<110.
7. Impkmmtinl the WClrk Planning Commiuion
The: O<>-dir<o<1l ollhe rouQ'ion projuts and the
<>f Orqcwt Field Repraenta'lvn, the .talI" <L the J'\onnal
Sd><>oh and the Coll"lle ..... educ:o.ion, ,he MinU.ry of Ed""","'''.
oM .dUel'io.. Iloatd, and all "d,e-. in'creOlm in P>"""inI< <:duco.'io..
'" ,no.' give .bdr cooperat.ive df",ts l6 these acu,",ia and
CUlS' t:na)lIrall" the i"'l'lemt:lltatioN of !ho &/-1 a' !he ea,lia.
pouible moment.
Long.,ange plannin& is a1"'a}, difficult ....d 'plIla';,-e 10 aay
the lea... :St:\'Uwelell, it ill ...eI1lW to 1},ICltlaliQ.Uj <nceived pro-
grat- Tb<' '-ano'" outlined iQ 1'_ 11 of this Rq>OJt as
aoontial to devel<>pmml of cdllUtion in I\ep>.l, the r<UlalIDcndu......
of Patl Ill, and ,h. F'i,. Yeat Plan rt'pr=n' Iong..... nge planning.
Some of thes. a.livid.. may becnme r""lilies befor. "then; mo.l
of thtoll ,,ill go thwutth .tages of chanlO. and d<:vdopmcnt. BLlt taken
all """lha !My rep<aedt th. bcol ..,inking of th<: mcmbfn of ,he
All penono e<>na:rned with the rutun: ofM""a\;',,, in I\cpal mun
,.<>tlt t<> about the ..aH>ation Ill_ long_range ploru.
of aCliviUe:I Ca"not "'" ."""ll"ll'liU,ed without muntlu, in IOrne
ea.... ruts, of preparation. Thu is wt.)" they a.... Ioog-rangt:
plano. Ocly by "oiled, coow::entrated an the .,lliQu.te pis
be ",ached.

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