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1. The needs for food, water, and safety are all examples of: A. growth needs B. maintenance needs C. esteem needs D. psychological needs 2. When people are unsuccessful in fulfilling their needs:

A. A sense of personal self-esteem B. Pain avoidance C. Familial love

D. A sense of spirituality 5. Interpreting data gathered by the sensory receptors is the process of: A. perception B. reasoning C. learning

A. they experience emotional distress B. they can become frustrated and angry C. they can go through a period of depression D. all of the above 3. Human beings have two main kinds of needs: 6.

D. self-actualization The significance of a distressing situation can be altered by: A. withdrawing from the situation B. attacking the problem directly C. getting depressed

D. focusing on the positive in the situation and minimizing the negative

A. food and water B. maintenance needs and growth needs C. safety needs and esteem needs

D. physiological needs and love needs 4. Physiological needs include which of the following?

7. Which of the following is not a basic coping strategy?

A. Changing the situation that is causing distress situation situation B. Altering ones interpretation of the C. Attempting suicide to get out of the D. Altering ones negative feelings about the situation

A. can produce extreme physical symptoms B. may be associated with a specific situation or seem spontaneous individual C. are in the imagination of the D. A and B 12. Depression is characterized by: A. psychological symptoms B. behavioral symptoms C. physical symptoms D. all of the above

8. Which of the following is a defense mechanism? A. Repression B. Denial C. Rationalization

D. All of the above 9. Acrophobia is fear of: A. heights B. closed spaces D. animals 10. Agoraphobia is fear of: A. eights C. dust and germs

13. Which of the following is not a common symptom of depression? A. Increased appetite B. Insomnia C. Loss of interest in sex D. Withdrawal from social contacts 14. Logic errors that commonly accompany episodes of depression include all of the following except: A. negative filtering

B. open spaces C. dirt and germs D. animals

11. Panic attacks:

B. overemphasizing the positive C. all-or-none thinking D. overgeneralizing

15. Depression is characterized by all of the following except: A. hopelessness

B. Suicide is a disease.

C. The number of reported suicides represents only 10% to 15% of all attempts. D. It is an inheritable disorder that runs in families.

B. inability to concentrate C. increased interest in sex D. insomnia

19. Suicide is the third leading cause of death for: A. young people ages 15 to 24 B. senior citizens C. black females D. white females 20. A person who is contemplating suicide: A. should be directed to seek B. is probably being influenced by a C. is usually so determined that D. should be given drugs nothing will change his or her mind full moon professional help

16. Individuals who experience periods of depression followed by periods of euphoria suffer from: A. schizophrenia B. anxiety C. panic attacks D. bipolar disorder 17. Depression in Asia: A. is less prevalent than in North America and Europe B. is more often treated because

Asians are more willing to seek assistance for their depression physical ailments rather than psychological symptoms

C. is more often expressed in terms of

21. If a close friend tells you that he or she is contemplating suicide, the best response is:

D. A and C 18. Which of the following is true about suicide?

A. Cheer up. Youre better off than I B. What am I supposed to do about it? am.

A. It is the leading killer of teenagers.

C. Tell me more about why you want to kill yourself. up. D. Things cant be that bad. Shape

A. stage 1 sleep B. stage 4 sleep C. REM sleep D. non-REM sleep 26. When interpreting your dreams, remember that:

22. It is inappropriate to express anger when: A. someone knowingly abuses you B. someone you care for abuses C. someone breaks a promise D. people are not providing you with the help you expect from them himself or herself

A. dream images and situations are sometimes literal representations of reality B. you are responsible for everything that appears in your dreams C. such interpretation is idle to your waking life

23. The basic biological function of sleep and dreams is: A. to prevent development of psychosis B. to allow for food digestion chemicals

speculation and has little application

D. the content of the dream is more important than the emotions accompanying the dream

C. to allow stockpiling of brain D. not yet known 24. Which of the following is not a parasomnia?

27. The Senoi people of Malaysia are known for: A. never sleeping

B. never dreaming C. interpreting their dreams daily D. sleeping only in the daytime

A. Nightmares B. Narcolepsy C. Sleepwalking D. Sleep apnea

28. Which of the following is not true about REM sleep?

25. Dreaming occurs during:

A. If a person is deprived of REM sleep, he or she may develop psychotic symptoms. 1 of the sleep cycle. regeneration. understood. 29. Mental disorders can be caused by: A. a chemical imbalance B. an injury C. genetic disorders D. all of the above

D. supermarket sales 32. Poor nutrition increases the risk of: A. high blood pressure B. type 2 diabetes C. obesity

B. REM occurs between stages 4 and C. REM plays a role in cellular D. The function of REM is well-

D. all of the above 33. The Healthy Eating MyPLATE was designed to: A. help prevent people from becoming overweight B. reduce the risk of heart disease C. encourage daily exercise D. all of the above 34. 76. The ultimate source of energy for all complex organisms on Earth is: A. calories B. green plants D. sunlight 35. Most people can acquire the essential C. carbohydrates

30. Because nutritious food tends to be readily accessible to most Americans, food choices are often influenced by: A. food fads B. cultural, familial, and ethnic practices C. social factors

D. all of the above

nutrients in the amounts suggested by the RDA by: A. taking vitamin supplements

31. The largest portion of a food consumers dollar goes to: A. farmers B. food processing C. food distributors

B. taking mineral supplements C. eating reasonable quantities of a variety of foods

D. eating only health foods 36. Which is not one of the seven components of food? A. Water B. Proteins D. Calories C. Minerals

C. is one way to combat all the chemical additives found in processed foods

D. none of the above 40. A health risk associated with consumption of large amounts of meat is:

A. cancer of the colon B. night blindness C. kwashiorkor D. diabetes 41. 83. About 20% of a persons body mass is: A. fat B. water C. protein D. cellulose 42. A typical 12-ounce can of soda contains:

37. Proteins are made up of smaller units called: A. glycogens

B. triglycerides C. amino acids D. calories

38. 80. The quantity of protein that most adults need is about: A. 1020 grams a day B. 3540 grams a day C. 4560 grams a day D. 7580 grams a day 39. Consumption of large amounts of meat: A. can help protect against heart B. does not necessarily ensure that one is getting enough protein attack

A. 160 calories B. 10 grams of unsaturated fat C. harmful amounts of lead milk D. as much calcium as 4 ounces of

43. 85. The principal source of the bodys energy is:

A. carbohydrates B. fats C. proteins D. lipids

C. are composed of complex carbohydrates D. all of the above 48. Lactose intolerance is the inability to digest:

44. Complex carbohydrates come primarily from ____________ and ___________. A. grains, legumes C. fruits, legumes D. grains, fats

A. the sugars in many fruits B. refined sugars D. corn sugar C. the sugar in milk

B. meats, dairy products

45. Which of the following is not a simple sugar?

A. Glucose

B. Fructose C. Carbose D. Lactose 49. The refined white flour commonly used in baking:

46. Which of the following is a complex carbohydrate? A. Glucose C. Starch

A. has had the bran and germ B. has had the endosperm removed in C. is called 70% extraction because 70% of the whole grain has been removed D. both B and C 50. Consumption of cellulose and other nondigestible plant materials: the milling process removed in the milling process

B. Sucrose D. Lactose 47. Potatoes: A. are fattening foods B. contain very few essential nutrients

A. can be extremely harmful to the digestive tract B. causes constipation

B. Bile acids

C. Vitamins A, D, E, and K D. All of the above 55. The one essential fat required in the diet is:

C. facilitates digestion and may help D. both A and B prevent gastrointestinal disorders

51. Nutritionists recommend that individuals consume_________ of fiber daily. A. 1 gram per kilogram of body weight B. 2035 grams C. 5560 grams

A. cholesterol B. linoleic acid C. triglyceride D. saturated 56. Deficiency of folic acid is responsible for all of the following except: A. neural tube defects B. spina bifida C. goiter D. homocysteine 57. 99. Many women are likely to have a

D. 2,000 calories 52. All of the following are examples of saturated fats except: A. egg yolks

B. whole milk C. red meat fat D. olive oil

dietary deficiency of which mineral? A. Iron B. Iodine C. Magnesium D. Potassium

53. Linoleic acid: A. is an essential fatty acid B. will produce skin lesions if it is consumed in excess C. can be found in vegetable oils D. A and C

58. Which of the following is not an essential dietary mineral? A. Copper B. Lead C. Sulfur

54. Which of the following are lipids? A. Steroid hormones

D. Phosphorus 59. The amount of sodium needed by the body each day is approximately _______ grams. A. 2

B. can cause reactions, such as eruptions

nausea, breathing distress, and skin

C. are now banned by some D. all of the above 63. Foodborne illnesses affect millions of Americans each year and are primarily caused by: A. viruses restaurants

B. 12 C. 20 D. 45

60. Dietary supplements include which of the following? A. Minerals

B. bacteria

C. parasites D. undercooking meats 64. Fast food contains all of the following

B. Amino acids C. Vitamins D. All of the above 61. Most Americans get too much of which two dietary additives? A. Calcium and iron B. Salt and sugar C. Tartrazine and cyclamate D. Riboflavin and niacin


A. vitamins B. saturated fat C. salt D. cholesterol 65. Vegetarian diets that exclude eggs,

dairy products, milk, cheese, and all animal products are called _______ diets.

62. 104. Sulfites added to items in restaurant salad bars: A. keep foods looking fresh and green

A. vegan B. lacto-ovo vegan C. ovo-vegan D. lacto-vegetarian

66. Vegetarian diets that include eggs and dairy products but exclude meats, poultry, and seafood are called _______ diets. A. vegan B. ovo-vegan C. lacto-vegetarian D. lacto-ovo-vegetarian 67. About ______ of all Americans are overweight.

70. Standards of desirable body weight vary by: A. season B. culture C. individual

D. none of the above

71. The BMI: A. is a way to calculate the B. is calculated by dividing a persons weight in kilograms by the square of his or her height in C. compares lean body mass to D. all of the above body fat meters percentage of fat in the body

A. one-third B. one-half C. two-thirds D. three-quarters 68. Body weight issues are not solely about nutritional choices, but also include issues such as: A. a sedentary lifestyle and food choices

B. confusing information about nutrition C. stressful lifestyles D. all of the above 69. Body fat is composed of: A. essential fat B. triglycerides C. storage fat D. A and C

72. In men who are of normal weight, essential fat composes what percentage of body weight? A. 1%

A. dividing the circumference of the hips by the circumference of the B. dividing the circumference of the waist by the circumference of the C. multiplying the circumference of the waist hips waist

B. 37% C. 15% D. 2025% 73. A measure of overweight that is calculated by dividing weight in kilograms by the square of height in meters is called: A. BMR B. BMI C. WH/R D. BFD 74. 49. Excess calories consumed in food are: A. converted to glycogen B. stored in adipose tissue C. excreted from the body D. A and B 75. The waist-to-hip ratio is calculated by:

the hips by the circumference of

D. multiplying the circumference of the waist by the circumference of the hips

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