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Teletext Broadcast Services Ltd (TBS Ltd) is the premier Teletext service provider in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Currently offering the service on private TV station TV3 Networks and state owned GTV, TBS is expanding its services to TV stations within the sub-region. Currently TBS has the largest media reach in Ghana. [edit]Content Teletext Service is free and easily accessible to viewers throughout the country. Viewers access news, exchange rates and much other resource information on demand from Teletext 24/7. It has become an important tool for access to information especially in areas where there are no internet facilities. Teletext is expected to play a major role in the dissemination of electoral results in the upcoming 2008 presidential and parliamentary elections in Ghana. [edit]Ownership TBS Ltd. is owned by Geoffrey Osei-Bonsu and Christian Afriyie. Despite our relatively short history, we are really proud of our achievements. Were focused on evolving and growing our existing business, and delivering world class service to our clients. We offer a wide range of products and services to meet the needs of our customers. Our telecommunications services currently provide coverage in five African markets through both our fixed and mobile network infrastructure, servicing our individual and business customers. Our CDMA infrastructure enables our customers to stay connected. We recognise that our customers want value, not just for mobile and fixed line services, but internet services too. We have a clear, relentless focus on creating a customer-centric organisation. Our customer needs are at the core of our strategic intentions. To put it simply, were focused on delivering superior returns and providing exceptional customer experiences.

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MTN PURSUING A CUSTOMER CENTERED APPROACH TO TELECOMMUNICATIONS MTN, the leading provider of telecommunications services in Africa and the Middle East, entered the Ghanaian market following the acquisition of Investcom in 2006. MTNs overriding mission is to be a vehicle for Ghanas economic growth and development, he lping to promote Ghanas strong development potential from the provision of world class telecommunications products and services all t hrough to innovative and sustainable corporate social responsibility initiatives. MTN is the market leader in an increasingly competitive mobile telecommunications industry in Ghana with almost 10 million subscribers and offering its valued customers a range of exciting products and services under Pay Monthly and Pay As You Go Services. MTNs network coverage is extensive, covering all 10 regional capitals, major cities and many rural and remote areas. MTN continues to invest heavily in infrastructure to expand its coverage and capacity across the country. MTN has more than 70 customer service centers and hundreds of local agents across the country. Our values drive our business MTNs business across its 21 footprints is governed by five values - Leadership, Innovation, Relationships, Integrity and a Can-Do spirit. These values have contributed to MTN becoming the leading player in the emerging markets of Africa and the Middle East, with a total global subscriber base of over 158 million and serving a population under license of over 500 million people. MTN delivers uniquely designed communication solutions. As the leading telecommunications company, MTN is focused on providing excellent telecommunications services across the African continent under the philosophy of improving access to economic empowerment. MTN has a wide variety of network services as well as segments. These are specially designed for different kinds of people to enhance their mobile experience. MTN understands that the best way for us to gain a competitive edge in a local market is to offer different products and services which suit peoples life styles and economic situations whilst allowing them to enjoy the best solutions and offerings. The newly launched MTN Business also provides small, medium and large scale businesses with data solutions and appropriate IT infrastructure to enable them deliver up-to-speed efficiency in their operations. Equipped with a proven record of technological innovation and a corporate culture that thrives on understanding telecommunications in emerging markets, MTN continues to consolidate its leadership position in the country. Enriching lives through innovation Innovation, a key value for MTN enables the organization to understand the needs of its varied customers and finding solutions that best meet their needs. MTN has responded to these varied lifestyles of its customers by introducing a number of exciting products and services including the 3.5G technology, DSTV Mobile Services, Seamless Roaming Services, Mobile Money, MTN E-Selfcare MTN fon mail, and Blackberry phones and services. It is not surprising that the flexible Segments in addition to our innovative services like Call Me Back, Me2U, Voice SMS, the MTN Zone and several others have become popular in the country. Very recently MTN has again introduced services like the Pay4me, Phone Backup services and Mi-Life Insurance all with the aim of meeting the divergent needs of its subscribers. With the Phone Back Up service, subscribers of MTN would easily retrieve their contact numbers even when they lose their mobile phones. Enriching lives through sustainable social and community interventions MTN acknowledges its responsibility towards their stakeholders to sustain long term mutual value. In this regard, MTN Ghana has established relationships with governments and community groups for partnership that is geared towards improving the quality of service it offers to Ghanaian consumers and enriching their lives as well. In order to make a meaningful impact on the lives of people and communities in which MTN operates, the company established the MTN Foundation across all its footprints globally. The MTN Ghana Foundation has been remarkable in fulfilling its mandate of improving the quality of peoples lives through app ropriate corporate responsibility interventions in communities where MTN operates. As a global policy, a proportion (one percent) of each operating units profit after tax is dedicated to undertaking corporate social responsibility initiatives. The Foundation aim s at having a broad community impact and supporting national development priorities in the areas of health and education and economic empowerment. The Foundation has so far invested over GHC 5.6 million in CSR projects in the country.

MTN Group has also instituted 21days of Yello care where staff volunteers their time and effort to serving their communities for 21days in June annually. Last year, the Ghana operating unit was adjudged the best among the 21 MTN operations for recording the highest staff participation and undertaking the best CSR programs for the year. As its prize, the Ghana operating unit was awarded USD 100,000 and a trophy. MTN Ghanas record breaking 15,770 trees as against Groups request for 1000 trees to be planted in this years Yell o Care again puts it at another opportune position to retain the trophy. Which MTN has proudly for the second time won the coveted prize of $100,000.00 Future prospects MTN as a corporate multi-national will continue to demonstrate resilience in the face of tough challenges in the telecommunications industry in Ghana. We reckon as industry leaders that, the n ext face of Ghanas telecommunications industry is in data offerings and as such have laid the appropriate strategies that will propel the country into that regime. MTN has invested a total of USD 90 million in the West Africa Cable System (WACS) which is currently being laid in the country and which would be operational by the first quarter of next year. MTN Ghanas investment of USD 285 million in establishing the Sakaman and Kaase Switch Centers is a clear evidence of its poised for leadership in the industry. About MTN Group Launched in 1994, MTN is a global telecommunications group, operating in 21 countries in Africa, Asia and the Middle East. The countries are: Afghanistan, Benin, Botswana, Cameroon, Cote dIvoire, Cyprus, Ghana, Guinea Bissau, Guine a Republic, Iran, Liberia, Nigeria, Republic of Congo (Congo Brazzaville), Rwanda, South Africa, Sudan, Swaziland, Syria, Uganda, Yemen and Zambia. The MTN Group is listed on the JSE Securities Exchange in South Africa under the share code: "MTN".

Millicom International Cellular (MIC) S.A., operators of Tigo, is a leading international developer and operator of cellular telephone services worldwide primarily in emerging markets operating across Latin America, Asia, Europe and Africa. The company provides affordable, widely accessible and readily available cellular telephony services to more than 30 million customers in 17 emerging markets in these continents. The success of Tigo is based on the triple 'A' business model which stands for Affordability, Accessibility and Availability. This guarantees that our consumers experience the best services at the most affordable rates throughout the 10 regions of Ghana and beyond. Our Vision Our objective is to provide people in emerging markets the freedom to access today's world. To make this happen we create 'A world where mobile services are affordable, accessible and available everywhere and to all'. Our Mission We provide services for people who want to stay in touch, to belong to communities and to be informed and entertained, enabling them to express their emotions and enhance their lives. We deliver the 3 As, Affordability, Accessibility and Availability; providing affordable services, good coverage and ease of purchase AND use. We focus on consistently meeting and exceeding customers expectations and developing an inspirational brand. Our Values Integrity Respect Passion Performance is a matter of integrity, respect and passion Focusing on all three values together is essential to create sustainable success. We treat the Company as if it is our own. Head Office Address: Millicom Place Barnes Road PMB TUC Accra Ghana Telephone: +233 27 7555888

Cellular/Mobile Voice Market Share (February, 2013)

February figures for mobile voice telephone subscribers in Ghana have shown a growth rate of 1.1o%. January figures recorded 26,037,525 while the subscriber base for February stood at 26,324,702.

MTN comfortably maintained its position as the dominant mobile operator. Its subscriber base of the 26,324,702 was 11,941,887.

Vodafones subscriber base of 5,423,932 in January increased to 5,551,139 representing 21.09% of the market share While Tigos subscriber base shot up to 3,712,082 representing 14.10 % of the market share.

Airtels subscriber base which is 12.69% of the total market share represents 3,341,715 subscribers.

GLO and Expresso market share is 6.13% and 0.62% respectively. The two operators subscription also inc reased to 1,614,117 and 163,762 respectively.

The percentages of voice mobile subscriptions for each operator are shown below. Subscriber Base Information for February 2013

Subscriber Base Information for 2012

Subscriber Base Information for 2011 Subscriber Base Information for 2010 Subscriber Base Information for 2009 Subscriber Information from 1997-2006

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