Samarpan March 2009

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Samarpan - 1 |
Samarpan - 2

Dedicated to ......................................................................................................................................5

समपर् ...............................................................................................................................................6

Shri Krishna describes Guru Bhakti......................................................................................................7

Your Experiences with Sai Baba .........................................................................................................11
Sai Baba Poems ................................................................................................................................23
Manifest Abundance........................................................................................................................25
The Meaning of “PUJA”...................................................................................................................27
Namasankeertan ..............................................................................................................................28
Life's Lessons ...................................................................................................................................31

राम ..................................................................................................................................................33

िशव �ववाह .......................................................................................................................................36

Disclaimer........................................................................................................................................39 |
Samarpan - 3


It gives me immense happiness and pleasure to introduce you to this fourth edition of our
magazine – SAMARPAN.

Editor’s post is the last post to be added to the magazine before

publishing. I always think about what to write in this
section; however you know that it has never taken
more than one sitting and one draft to pen down
my thoughts. This is made possible because
even though I write it; the inspiration and
the thoughts are not mine. I merely act as
an instrument while writing and leave my
mind relaxed without putting any effort
and my hand start typing automatically.
Benevolent SAI has always helped with
a write up which is just right for the

Of late I have realized that there is

no substitute to spiritual experiences
and even though knowledge and
facts have their own importance;
they can never fill the void created
by absence of experiences. When
knowledge is accompanied with
humbleness and humility, there is
little distance left between man and

Samarpan is an ideal and the road

which leads to God. It is not easy for
even knowledgeable people to have
unflinching faith in God always. Sai Baba
has said that in recent times the path of
surrender is difficult the best way to
approach God and gain peace and stability in
life is to give up desires one by one. Lesser the
desires we have, more peaceful we will be. Mere
repeating the importance of surrender to higher self while
indulging in all activities and falling prey to desires is like fooling
oneself. |
Samarpan - 4
Sai Baba is our friend, Baba is our guide in moments of despair, Baba is the light which is
always with us in dark moments, Baba is the balm for broken hearts, Baba is the calm centre
of mind, Baba is happiness centre of heart, Baba’s name is like nectar of flower: pure, sweet
and refreshing. Baba is love in unalloyed and unconditional form. Sai Baba is love and in its
purest form. Experience it and you will never have any iota of doubt in your heart about it.
Yes Baba loves you and this is the very basis why we have this magazine for all.

Have a wonderful Sai Baba day ahead.

Om Sai Ram

Note: If you have a spiritual story, experience, poem, photo etc, please send it to us at and we will publish it in our next issue.

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Samarpan - 5

Dedicated to
Samarpan March 2009 edition is dedicated to MiraBai for her Divine devotion and love towards
Lord Krishna.

When Mirabai was only 3 years old, a wandering Sadhu came to her family’s home
and gave a doll of Krishna to her father. Her father took this is as a
special blessing, but was initially unwilling to give it to his
daughter, because he felt she would not appreciate it.
However Mira had, at first sight, become deeply
enamored with this doll. She refused to eat until the
doll was given to her. To Mira, this figure of Krishna
embodied his living presence.

On one occasion when Mira was still young she saw

a wedding procession going down the street.
Turning to her mother she asked in innocence,
“Who will be my husband?” Her mother replied,
half in jest, half in seriousness. “You already have
your husband, Sri Krishna.” She resolved to make
Krishna her lifelong friend, lover, and husband.
Throughout her turbulent life she never wavered
from her youthful commitment.

Mira’s fame spread far and wide her devotional

bhajans were sung across northern India. It is said
that the fame and spirituality of Mirabai reached
the ears of the Moghul Emperor Akbar. Akbar was
tremendously powerful, but he was also very
interested in different religious paths. However, he
and Mirabai’s family were the worst enemies.
Visiting Mirabai would cause problems for both Akbar
and Mirabai, but Akbar was determined to see Mirabai,
the Princess Saint. Disguised as a beggar, he travelled
with Tansen to visit Mirabai. Akbar was so enamored of her
soulful music and devotional singing that before leaving, he
placed a priceless necklace at her feet; unfortunately, the
necklace revealed about the visit to Mirabai's husband Bhoj Raj, who was
furious that a Muslim and his own arch-enemy had seen his wife. Bhoj Raj ordered Mirabai to
commit suicide by drowning herself in a river. Mirabai intended to honour her husband's
command, but as she was entering the river, Sri Krishna appeared to her and commanded her
to leave for Vrindavan where she could worship him in peace. So with a few followers, Mirabai
left for Vrindavan, where she spent her time in devotion to Sri Krishna. |
Samarpan - 6

समपर्ण का यह अंक भ�� क� मूरत मीरा बाई को सम�पर्त|ह मीराबाई क� कृष्ण भ�� अ��तीय है|

कहा जाता है �क बचपन म� एक बार �कसी साधू ने मीराबाई के �पता को कृष्ण �क मूरत द� | मीराबाई
के �पता ने उसको बहुत दुआ के साथ ले िलया | हला�क वो उसे मीरा को देना नह�ं चाहते थे क्य��
उनको लगा �क एक बच्चे को उस मूत� म� क्या �दलचस्पी हो| परंतु जब
मीरा को पता लगा तो उ न्ह�ने खाना पीना को तब तक हाथ
नह�ं लगाया जब तक उनको वो मूत� नह�ं िमली |
मूरत िमलने के बाद मीरा बाई पूर� तरह से उस
मूरत म� खो गयी | एक बार जब मीरा ने अपने
हे प�रवार म� एक शाद� देखी तो बाल
उत्सुकता म� उसने अपनी माँ से पूछ िलया
�क माँ मेरा पित |कौन है | माँ ने मजाक
मजाक म� कह �दया �क तेरा पित तो तेरे
साथ है तेरे हाथ म� , तेरा पित तो कृष्णा
है | उस �दन से मीरा ने कृष्णा को
अपना संगी साथी , दोस्, पित और
जीवनसाथी सब कुछ मान िलया और
पूर� उ� तक उस मूरत को अपने सीने
से लगा केर रखा |

मीरा �क भ�� आध्या�त क जगत म�

सवर्�े मािन जाती है ! समपर्ण का यह
अंक उसी मीराबाई �क भ�� को सम�पर्त
है | |
Samarpan - 7

Shri Krishna describes Guru Bhakti

By: Vaibhav

|| Shri Ganeshaya Namah ||

|| Shri Sharada Namah ||
|| Shri Sadguru Namah ||

O king of intelligents, listen O Pandu-Suta (Arjuna), we will tell you now, Guru-Bhakti...
...O Partha (Arjuna), where all the good fortunes take birth. The one which gives attainment

of Brahman, to the unhappy jeeva...I will do the description of that Guru-Bhakti, give your
full attention...

...Taking all the store of water along with it, just as the river Ganga, merges into the sea, or
else just as taking all the imports, the Shruti(vedas) becomes stable in the Brahman... |
Samarpan - 8
...or taking along with her all the good & bad virtues, just as a chaste woman, devotes her
life unto the Lord of her life (husband)... that, inside & outside, one who has offered his whole unto his Guru. Thus, one who has
himself, remained truly, becoming a temple of devotion...

...One who thinks in the mind, about his Shri Guru's house, just as a woman seperated from
her husband, thinks about her husband...

...From that direction (of his Guru's house), the wind which comes, he runs & faces that wind.
Then doing a rolling over of himself, with real feeling, he says, "Please come to our house"...

...He speaks with delight, with that direction only, really becoming infatuated with love. In
this way, the proprietor-ship (ownership) of his Guru's house, he gives to his own self for

...Just as calves (off-springs of a cow) are attached to ropes, and tied and kept in the cow-
shed, like that, one who stays alone in a far-away place, because it is his Guru's order...

...but he says, when will the bonds be free, When will the cloud of knowledge, my dear Guru,
meet me. In this state, he feels one moment as longer than ages...

...if someone comes from the Guru's place, or if sent by Guru himself, then just as a dying
person would get new life, he gets satisfaction like that...

...or else just as showers of nectar would fall on drying sprouts or as a fish would come out of
scanty water and meet the sea or else as treasure would be obtained unto a pauper, or for a
blind person, sight would come or just as for a beggar, unexpectedely by luck, the attainment
of the position of Indra would happen...

...Like that, just on hearing the name of Shri Guru, one who truly gets filled with pride, in
great happiness. and the pervasiveness of that great happiness is such that, admiringly, it
would even embrace the sky...

...One who has such a liking at his Guru's place, knowledge does serve for him...

...With real feeling & devotion, internally, he does contemplation, remembering the form of
Shri Guru...

...In the court-yard in the form of pure heart, establishing the worshippable diety, Shri Guru,
with firm faith, he himself becomes the worshippers family... |
Samarpan - 9
...Making a coral of pure self, worshipping it in the temple of happiness, he does pouring
incessantly of nectar (Abhishek) in the form of meditation, on the one linga(Shiva's Pindi) in
the form of Guru...
...At the sunrise in the form of dawning of understanding, in the basket of intellect, filling
heaps of Lotuses in the form of the eight sattwic emotions, the collection of those, one who
offers unto Tryambak(Lord Shiva) in the form of Shri Guru...

...He burns the incense of mundane existence on a pure occasion, and incessantly waves the
knowledge lamps. The delicious food in the form of feeling of oneness (with Shri Guru), one
who offers daily to Shri Guru...

...With real feeling, he considers Shri guru to be a Shiva-Pindi (Shiva's Image) & he himself
becomes the priest, truly... |
Samarpan - 10
...or considering Shri Guru as a husband lying on the bed of his life, he continuously enjoys
solitude with him, such a good love is present in his intellect...

...Or else, naturally, on some occasion, when the Love for Guru overflows inside, then
considering that love itself as the ocean of milk (on which Lord Vishnu reclines on the Shesha
serpent) and considering the happines of contemplation as the Shesha serpent. On that
extremely pure Shesha-bed itself, one who causes the Sadguru, who is his Shri Hari to sleep...

...Then, she who serves the feet of Shri Hari, Goddess Laksmi, he himself becomes that. or
else, joining the hands, he stands having becomes the eagle (Garuda), or else taking birth in
the lotus rising from the navel (of Lord Vishnu), he himself becomes God Brahma...

...Because of Love for the Guru's form, he enjoys, o look, such a happiness of contemplation,
internally. Or on some ocassion, out of real feeling, he considers Shri guru as a mother, then,
with great liking, he does breast feeding, happily relaxing on the lap (of Shri Guru)...

...or else under the tree of Brahman, Shri Guru is the dark cow standing. Imagining like this,
behind her, he himself becomes the calf...

...or on some occasion, in the water of Guru's grace, he having become the fish, keeps

...or in the shower of nectar in the form of Guru's grace, he himself becomes the crop in the
form of devotional service...

...Like this, various kinds of imaginations, o know, whose mind does, always...

...The wings have not developed, the sight has not come, such a baby-bird, he himself
becomes. Then imagining Shri Guru as the mother-bird, how he takes dried grass from her

...At the place of Shri Guru, O Arjuna, look, how limit-less is this love of his...

...or else, imagining the Guru to be the rescuer, he holds on unto him, without any doubt...

...When a big high tide comes in the sea, the waves jump on waves, like that, the power of
love having increased inside, contemplation on top of comtemplation, keeps happening...

...In this way, internally, he enjoys the form of Guru, how much should i tell you, o
Dhananjaya (Arjuna). |
Samarpan - 11

Your Experiences with Sai Baba

By Jagesh kamath

After completing my post-graduation in dermatology twenty years ago, I settled down to

practice. However I always had this question as to who was my spiritual GURU? Never knowing
whom to follow, I decided to ask Baba to give me some sign and show me the path. Suddenly
a thought sprang in my mind. I thought I will go to a bookstall and buy any magazine of my
choice. If I find SAI Baba’s photo
in that, I will consider him to be
my guru. My decision was to buy
Femina magazine, and I was sure
that that magazine would not
contain any God’s photo. Putting
Sai to test, I went and bought this
magazine. The magazine
contained the usual stories, but
then there was a story on the
Temples of Maharastra and there
was a photo of BABA in it. This
was the sign which I was waiting
for and from that moment Baba
has been leading me and I am
following Him.

By Jayaraman, Raji

One day I was returning home

from Office with my husband after
collecting the report card of my
daughter from her school. I was
upset and annoyed about her
performance in academics. We
were worried as she was in ninth
standard and the next year it would be board examinations. We were discussing about her
performance on our way back. The day was a Thursday and it was pouring heavily. We came
across a Vinayaka temple on the way and I told my husband to wait inside the temple till the
rain stops. When he parked the vehicle I saw Shirdi Baba’s Statue with the board “WHY FEAR
WHEN I AM THERE”. Both of us felt so happy and relieved to read that message and prayed
there for her improvement. By Baba’s blessings, she has improved a lot in her academics. I
can never forget this event in my life. |
Samarpan - 12
By V.V.S.N.Rao

This is a true story of my own experience of Baba’s miraculous way of helping the needy.

I was born and brought up in a very religious family devoted to Lord Venkateshwara of
Tirupati, our own Family Kul Devi and numerous holy Babas including Sri Satya Sai Baba of
Puttaparthi. However, my father was not a very particular about rituals whereas my mother
observed all rites and rituals. In this contrast, I developed deep sense of devotion towards all
holy Babas. Under the influence of my
mother, my wife also became a very
religious lady.

My mother died in Nov 1997 chanting

the devotional prayers for Sai Baba.
My wife who nursed my mother during
her more than eight years of sickness
also expired suddenly in Nov 1999. I
was so dejected that I stopped all
religious activities and became self
centered. However, I kept a portrait
of Shirdi’s Sai Baba beside my bed and
used to look at him daily at bed time
and in the morning.

During the CNG conversion problem in

Delhi, the daily commuters were
facing acute shortage of Buses and my
son was to go to his college at a
distance of more than 20 Km daily. I
started praying for a Car to drop my
son and pick up. And miraculously, I
could manage to get a Car of my own.
However, my Office hours and busy
schedule kept my son waiting for me
at his college. In the meanwhile, my
younger son also joined the same
college. I intently started praying to SAI Baba to get me a house, even rented, near their
college so that my trouble of daily dropping them in the morning and picking them in the
evening could be avoided and they could attend college on their own and also come home for
lunch, etc.

While searching for a rented house, I met a property dealer who suggested that instead of
taking a flat on rent, I should go for purchase of the flat and asked me to manage some funds.
I started gathering funds from various quarters including my savings in my Provident Fund. |
Samarpan - 13

Ultimately, the property dealer asked me to come with Rs.25,000/- as advance and to sign a
preliminary agreement and took me to the Flat Owner. The property dealer placed the
stamped document and Rs.25,000 on the centre table and requested the Flat Owner to sign
the document and take the money as advance. To our utter surprise, the Flat Owner refused
to sign and mentioned that he had no intention of selling the flat as the same would fetch far
greater price in a few years time. Inspite of our best cajoling, he did not budge and we
almost lost our hope of getting the strategically located flat near the college.

Suddenly, I saw the photo of Satya Sai Baba of Puttaparthi on the TV set and casually asked
the Flat Owner whether he was a devotee of Baba. He promptly mentioned that his entire
family was devotee of Baba and every year they would go to Puttaparthi on Gurupurnima day
to render manual service and enjoy their stay.

I also casually mentioned that I believe in

Shirdi Sai Baba and kept quiet. The flat
owner suddenly took the money kept on
the centre table, pocketed it and then
signed the legal document and just
mentioned that since you have come as a
Sai Baba’s devotee, he would not like to
send me disappointed. The property
dealer was astonished to see the sudden
change of heart of the flat owner and
asked him the reason. He insisted that he
would not allow a Baba’s devotee to go

I was supposed to manage the rest of the

funds within 60 days failing which the
advance of Rs.25,000 would be forfeited, However, as per my daily practice, that day also
left this problem to Sai Baba before going to sleep and told him that it would be his problem
to solve my requirement. I categorically told Baba that it was up to him to save me or leave
me to suffer like this.

Next day early morning at 5.30 I got a call from my brother-in-law (eldest brother of my late
wife) from Visakhapatnam stating that he would like to sell my late father-in-law’s house and
as heir of my late wife’s share, I was also required to be present to sign the documents and
take my share of the sale. This news came as utter surprise and I simply looked at Baba’s
photo and thanked him for solving my financial problem.

Due to Baba’s blessings, my two sons could complete their MCA from Birla Institute of
Technology, Mesra Ranchi’s Extension Centre at Noida just adjacent to Delhi, hardly 500 |
Samarpan - 14
metres from my house. My daughter is doing her Post Graduate Diploma in NGO Management
from Amity University, Noida. I only thank Baba for his kindness.

My recent experience is more interesting. I carry a small White Metal Statue of Sai Baba to
every office wherever I am transferred. I took the same statue of Baba to Kolkata during my
stay at Kolkata for the last two years. I was transferred back to Delhi in Dec 2008 and while
packing my Office papers, as usual, I took the statue of Baba also. However, one lady Officer
who is also very religious asked me to gift her statue. I refused to hand over the Statue of
Baba which was with me for the last several years.
However, I promised to

gift her new one as soon as I

return to Delhi.

I started looking for a similar statue of Baba in shops. But I could not get the similar one. I
saw one staff from Kolkata in Delhi and just thought – only if I could get one statue of Baba, I
could have easily sent the same to the lady in Kolkata through this staff. To my utter
surprise when I returned home from Office, I found someone delivered the Statue with Prasad
and other items straight from Shirdi. When I opened the packet, surprisingly, the statue was
also the same I carry everywhere but it was not in white metal but in pure white marble. I |
Samarpan - 15
immediately rang up the mobile number of the staff from Kolkata to enquire whether he was
still in Delhi and again to my surprise he was in Delhi. I asked him to meet me in my Office
next day and handed over the Gift Packet to him to give to the lady in Kolkata. Baba’s
statue reached the Lady in Kolkata exactly on Thursday. She rang up to thank me profusely.
However, I told her that it was her true devotion towards Baba that Baba had sent the statue
straight from Shirdi and I was lucky to be chosen as the via media.

By: Janake Subramanian

I would like to share a true experience encountered by me in the year 1995. I have immense
faith in Shirdi Sai Baba. I have been visiting Shirdi for the last 26 years.

Being a working couple, it is only during Sunday that we get time to take rest and hence we
usually get up late. On that Sunday also we got up late and by the time we finished our daily
chores it was 12.30 p.m. We
heard someone knocking at the
door. I went and opened the
door. I saw a young lady and a
man standing outside the door
and they mentioned that they
are devotees of SAI. I invited
them inside, spread an Asan
and asked them to take their
seats. I offered them Tea.
The lady asked for some
donation. My husband who
was hesitant took his purse and
said that he has only Rs.90/-.
The lady took the money in her
hand and returned the same to
my husband mentioning that she will not take the money as my husband was not interested in
giving her. Then she asked me. I told her I have only Rs.100/- and gave her the money. She
wanted more. Then I told her I have Rs.150/- which I preserve in my cash box which was put
at Baba's feet. She wanted to see those notes. I took it out from the cash box and gave her
Rs.250/-. She put it inside her blouse and said she will deposit the same at Shirdi in Baba's
hundi. I did not hesitate in thinking that Baba wanted that money and hence he has taken it.
I just sent them off.

After they left, my husband got annoyed with me and scolded me. He mentioned that as I
have parted with that money, we will be in troubles and our life will be miserable. I
immediately went into the Puja room fell at the feet of Baba's idol and wept a lot. I took a
vow in front of the idol that henceforth my husband is my God and will never do anything
against his wish. |
Samarpan - 16
Next two days i.e. Monday and Tuesday went off peacefully. On Wednesday evening on my
return from office, I picked up my baby from my mother's place and returned home around
6.00 p.m. The moment I entered my home, I heard a knock and I questioned them before
opening the door. They told me they are devotees of Baba. I just asked them to pardon me
and asked them to leave my place. They asked me to hear them as they wanted to tell
something before leaving. They said they would visit the next day again i.e. on thursday
evening. Next day as usual my son and I entered our home at 6.00 p.m. Immediately, I heard
a noise. I told them I cannot offer them anything. They told me they do not want anything
but they have left something for me at the door step. I immediately opened the door and
saw a small packet. I searched the whole place, I did not see anyone. I did not hear them
opening the gate which makes so much of noise. I picked up the packet and put it on a table,
called up my husband as I was worried. My son who was only 3 years old at that time quickly
opened the packet. I found a Rs.500/- note with Baba's picture, sweet balls, and fresh
flowers. I was shocked and spell bound.

The moment my husband returned, we went to Baba temple and discussed with the Temple
Priest. He mentioned that Baba would have come in some form to bless you as you are his
true devotees.

That lady took Rs.250/- from me but in return Baba visited our place and gave me Rs.500/-
and sent a signal that I have not done anything wrong as my husband mentioned.

To this day we preserve that note in our CASH BOX. Any new visitor who comes to my place
takes a look at that note. I regularly read Satcharita. I leave everything to him and He makes
me sail smoothly

By: Tteena Malkaani

Six of us started from Pune to Shirdi to attend the kakad aarti at 5:00 am. After travelling for
two hours the tyre of the bus got punctured and this caused a delay of one and half hour as
the tyre was a tubeless tyre and needed replacement. The delay made us anxious and we
became sure that we will miss the kakad aarati. I became quite sad.

We reached Shirdi at 5:15 a.m. and could hear the aarati from outside the temple. We hired a
room for an hour and after getting freshened up, we went to the temple for darshan. The
next aarati was at 12 noon because of the day being Sunday.

We were all so disheartened, but then I did not want to leave Shirdi without attending one
aarti, so we decided we will wait till the next aarti.

So three of us out of six went to temple again at 10 for the aarati at twelve; however we
were not allowed to wait in the temple and hence had to come out of the temple after having
darshan. I had begged the security guard to let us stay inside so that we would wait for the |
Samarpan - 17
next aarati instead of standing in the queue once again for the aarati. But he did not allow

So we started in the queue once again hoping that at least this time we get in time for the
aarti. Believe it or not, when we were in the fourth row, the security guard started blowing
his whistle saying he is going to close the gate any minute so we should walk faster. I literally
had tears in my eyes and was asking Baba what was he doing and why was he testing me like
that. We just managed to enter inside and got a place at one end of the hall.

There was a Bengali couple standing next to us with an elderly person who was probably
father of one of them. He seemed to be quite old and after sometime he felt uneasy and
collapsed. Immediately my friend Neha and myself got down to make him feel better by
rubbing his feet and hands. The couple was very nervous. I had tears in my eyes, but was
doing my best to help them. |
Samarpan - 18
A lady tapped me on my back and told me not to cry but to turn around and pray to Baba to
save his life. I started praying and meanwhile a wheel chair was brought and he was taken
away for treatment. We got done with the aarti, got awesome darshan again and left.

After some time the guy whose father had collapsed met other friends of mine and enquired
about us and gave thanks to us. I felt really blessed and thanked SAI for making me an
instrument in his plan to save that old man’s life. Jai Sai Ram.

Kumaraswamy B

Sai Baba came to our rescue.

This is an incident which occurred four years back when my father was travelling alone. My
father is a bank manager and was working for a rural branch in AP and was staying alone for a
year while my mother and sister were in Hyderabad. As he was staying alone and eating food
prepared outside, he was having digestion problems. My father is a heart patient, besides he
has a history of indigestion, migraine etc. One Saturday, when my father was travelling from
Kurnool to Hyderabad by bus, he suddenly got a severe stomach and chest ache. Those days,
my father didn’t have a cell phone. A fellow passenger noticed this condition, took our house
number and called my mother and told the situation to her. He also asked her whether he
should get off the bus at the next possible stop and visits a doctor or should wait till they
reach Hyderabad. My mother was worried and tensed and told him to take the decision
depending on the situation as she was confused. He got off along with my father at Shadnagar
(a place about 60 km from Hyderabad) and took my father to a hospital and got some
medicines. As my mother had his cell phone number now, she kept calling him now and then
to check the situation. She asked him if she should come to the place. He replied, “If you do
not have faith in me, you can come; otherwise I will take care”. Later, when my mother
called, he said that my father was feeling much better and that they were coming to
Hyderabad soon. Then he booked a taxi and came along with my father till our house in
Hyderabad. He did not accept any money and did not stay in our house for long. After 2-3
days, when we again called on that same number, we could not reach anyone and we always
got messages like, “Invalid Number” or “Out of Reach”. We think that it was Sai Baba himself
who came with my father and took care of him all through as no one else would utter such
words like, “If you do not have faith in me, you can come; otherwise I will take care”. Thank
You Baba for taking such good care of our family. |
Samarpan - 19
By Aruna V


I am a Sai devotee and wondering which miracle should I quote here. I have no words to
praise the lord Shirdi Sai Baba. I have experienced so many miracles in my life. I will share
some of the experiences here.

1) When I was in tenth standard in 1996, i had doubt whether I would pass or not in public
examination. So, I started praying to Sai Baba everyday internally in my heart and I told to sai
if I pass this exam I would chant your name everyday 200 times. Finally I passed the exam by
Sai's grace but
later I could not
remember Sai in
busy life

2) When I was in
plus two in 1998
standard again I
had doubt
whether I would
pass in the public
exam or not, I
wrote my exam
badly, I didn't
have any hopes to
pass the exam. I
was in tension
and one day a
guru came to my
home, he came
from Shirdi, he
asked me to donate some money. And immediately he asked me how many brothers and sister
I had? I told him we were only two sisters, I was the elder one and I had one younger sister.
He told immediately one girl will become doctor in your home. After that he took my hand
(palm) and told me that I need not worry for by Sai’s grace I would pass the exams. He also
told that I would get a government employee has a husband, and I would have more property
in my in laws place than parents place. And that I will stay in big city and will become a
manager for a big company and he told me that I would face health problems three times and
Baba would save me from them.
Later he gave me a pen to write the name for donation on book, with that pen I wrote my
father’s name and amount around ten rupees. I was thinking about the words what he told.
Later he moved to my opposite neighbors’ house they are relative of mine, and he was saying |
Samarpan - 20
something to them you will give the birth to two baby boys. Actually they got married in 1988
but they didn't have kids. Then he moved out from that place and he forgot the pen, and i
also forgot to give the pen to guru. I kept the pen with me only near Sai Baba photo but after
2 yrs I didn't see the pen near the photo I don't know how it was missed.

As that guru said I passed exam, I remembered Sai everyday for every minute and I read Sai
chalisa 24 times per day. Every day I lit the lamp and I prayed Baba and I was reading Sai
telugu masapatrika (andhrabhoomi in which they publish Sai stories and devotee experiences)
and I promised Sai if passed in this exam I will keep my experience also in this. After one year
again I stopped doing pooja because of my health problems. Just I remembered Sai in my
heart. As Sai told my sister got good rank in EAMCET in 2002 and she joined in MBBS and my
opposite neighbors blessed with a baby boy after 10 yrs of their marriage .later I totally
forgot to remember Sai. Weekly once I remembered Sai and I started slowly diverting from
Baba as it is a human psychology.

3) As guru said Baba saved me from my health problem. When I was in graduation I was
suffering from anemia, I had 20% Hemoglobin in my body, my heart became weak and my
body was swelled with water, I visited one family doctor immediately he referred me to one
corporate hospital why because my condition was severe. There doctors treated me and they
told if you delay it for 1 or 2 days she will die. I was admitted in the hospital that day and
they gave one injection to me, actually that they had to check sample but accidentally
without checking sample they injected, one of my uncle saw that and he was praying Sai that
whole night to not happen any arm with that injection. Luckily didn't happen anything. Next
day doctors came and they did tests and the test results were normal.

But they didn't understand what is happening in my body. Why my hemoglobin got to 20%,
they are in dilemma, they injected blood from donors and after one week I was fine, that
time my amma prayed Sai and she promised Sai to keep shalwa. So Sai saved me from that
situation. As per guru said I am living in USA (can’t imagine) after my marriage (2006).Sai
saved me in difficulties, but I broke my oath to remember Sai as I told to Sai to remember 200
times and everyday pooja, but I realized for my mistake and I conveyed my sincere apologies
to Baba and I also promised that I will never repeat this type of behavior again . Now I am
praying everyday and lighting lamps every day, now I totally surrender to Sai.

The more you believe in Sai, the closer you feel to Sai Natha to you. I know Sai can never be
upset with his kids. Baba will never leave his kids. Baba resides in all of us, even in them who
don't believe him. Baba is universal mother, the kartha, karma and kriya. He is witness to all
of our actions.

So brother, believe Sai, once you have unshakable faith on Sai Baba, you will never feel
down, because, failure or success are Baba blessings to us. Have faith on Baba, your faith
should be beyond all these failures and success, that is call "surrender to Baba". Faith can
move mountains. Have confidence in yourself, because it is Baba Sai in you. Develop this |
Samarpan - 21
belief. Baba will be with you. Baba is with you. Baba is our faith. That is why Baba asks
dakshina of "shradha and Saburi" offer yourself to Baba. Rest Sai will take care.

Om Srisairam Gurudevadatta

Arun kumar.s

Om Sri Sai

Dear Sai devotees, I am a devotee of SAI since 2004. I would like to share my experience as
Sai devotee here. My life was in a complete mess before 2004 due to losses in business and I
had a lot of loan to be cleared. It was difficult to take care of my family with no job in hand.

Once I became Sai devotee (introduced through one of my friends) in 2004, my life started to |
Samarpan - 22
change. I got a good job in 2005 and a very good one in 2007 and it was gradually getting
better & better till 2008. In June 2008 my sister’s marriage was fixed for Nov 30 2008 and as
an elder brother I decided to shoulder all the expenses of about Rs 3 lacks. I had no other
source but to take loan from banks, however due to loss in business in 2004 and other
liabilities my credit rating was very bad and bank rejected my loan applications. I was very
much disappointed and prayed to my lord Sai and surrendered all my worries and
responsibilities at Sai Baba’s feet and told him that you are only one to rescue me from this.

I gave up eating one of my favorite dishes and resolved that I will not consume it till my sister
gets married and till I visit Shirdi. I also started reading Sai Satcharitra daily. All this was
going on till Oct 08 and we had to pay the groom some money however I had no money to
pay. By Baba’s grace, slowly we started getting help from friends and colleagues and
preparation for the marriage was going on slowly. Invitation cards got printed by my sisters
friends and some clothing were also sponsored by them, mean while my loan application was
again rejected by two banks. When only one week was left for marriage, I applied for loan
again through one of my friends who knew some people in a bank; I was not sure about
getting the loan however I had faith in Sai.

Marriage day was getting closer and closer, I was getting worried and thought the marriage
would get cancelled and decided to end my life since there was no other way. With Only Sai
Baba’s grace the money needed for the marriage was given by friends and colleagues and on
Nov 30 the marriage went on well without any problem and with very minimal expenditure. I
was surprised and felt the presence of Sai Baba near me. My loan application was misplaced
by the bank and I had to reapply, this time I got the loan approved. After 25 days of marriage
I had to pay some money, and I repaid the money borrowed from friends and colleagues. All
of them were surprised and happy to get their money back, so I thanked Sai Baba and I still
thank him every day. I wish to convey to all Sai devotees not to lose heart even in the midst
of the storms. Have faith in Sai Baba and he will for sure help you and get you out of it safely,
Please Sai give your blessing and your grace on me and my family like this. Jai sri shirdi Sai

Jai Sai Ram |
Samarpan - 23

Sai Baba Poems

Hemalatha Madathil

The Lord is my tenant.

He lives is my heart.
He controls my speech.
He controls my thought.
He controls my impulses.
He controls me entirely.
I'm his puppet indeed.

The Lord is my master.

And he keeps me strong.
He shows me the right;
So that I may do no wrong.
I am his tool and instrument.
He makes me do good;
By helping the needy with money and food;
The outcome of which makes you feel so good.

The Lord is my friend

He talks to me too.
He gives me suggestions for the things I should do.
I argue, I joke, I pet him too.
He only loves me inspite of the things I do.

The Lord is my Philosopher,

He teaches me true.
He teaches me things that are really new.
HE teaches me the meaning;
The facts of this life.

And guides me through this maddening strife.

What would I be, without him in my heart?
I would have been fooled into playing this part;
And think that this body was really true.
Now, I am enlightened, thanks to you know who. |
Samarpan - 24
Vijay Nanavati

SAI….Divine Blessings…

When I Asked SAI for Strength

He Gave Me Difficult Situations to Face…

When I Asked SAI for Brain & Brown

He Gave Me Puzzles in Life to Solve…

When I Asked SAI for Happiness

He Showed Me Some Unhappy People

When I Asked SAI for Wealth

He Showed Me How to Work Hard…

When I Asked SAI for Peace

He Showed Me How to Help Others…

SAI Gave Me Nothing I Wanted

He Gave Me Everything I Needed… |
Samarpan - 25

Manifest Abundance
By: Vasikar

The Universe or Supreme Intelligence or GOD is only listening to your thoughts through your
vibrations. It just receives the vibration and answers it with things that match it.
-Bob proctor; Lynn Grabhorn

You do not manifest by repeating strings of words, but by holding the thought of having what
you want with unshakeable PURPOSE and steadfast FAITH– Wallace D. Wattles.

These two statements are derived from two different books written at two different times
and spaces of the world, by two great teachers. But they convey the same thing. In the
beginning of 19th century a lady by name Florence Schovel had written a book by name Game
of Life. She says life is a game which can be played like a piano with right words. It says you
say positive things always and it will lead you to positive results. Then came Normant Vincent
Peale with his ever famous book “The power of positive thinking”. It says you think positive
always and it will lead you to positive results. Mean while many successful people said it's the
ACTION which matters. That's when the statement formed “Dream without action is a Fantasy

For the common man or student of science of success these are too many to follow. If they
focus on doing actions as successful people do, they felt more miserable .If you say to an
amateur sales man finish the sale like Brain Tracy does. He can’t! You see .Not only he can’t
do, it makes him look he is fit for nothing .You can’t act like others. One thing I know is this
If two computers want to do the same tasks independently, if their hard wares are different
their software should be different .I hope I conveyed the message.

So what’s the secret for success Words, Actions, Beliefs or Thoughts? I found this: It's your
Vibrations which are controlled by your thoughts. Using right words though will help you
increase your vibrations. Let me explain, let’s say we have Joe, a very ambitious and
motivated guy who works as a sales manager for XYZ Company. Joe has a high target this
month. And it is already 16th and he is nowhere close to his target. He is feeling low,
diffident and confused and fit for nothing as he sees his peer's sales are growing.

But he is taught to speak positive. At that moment imagine if Joe uses his affirmation " I am
doing exceptionally well . Every day my sales are growing .I am beating the records of XYZ .I
am the best."

How do you will feel in that situation? Some feel great as their belief level is high. (Notice
how belief came in to the equation). But if you were me you would feel SICK!! ! . |
Samarpan - 26
Let us come to next question. Is it good to act now? Pick up the phone and make a call? How
do you feel preparing for an interview which you know you will screw it? Is it easy?

Even if you take action you will fail ... why by law of attraction you will end up in the same
situation as you felt and that’s .......SICK. So going back to our Joe's example..... If he
continues to feel Low and abysmal. One day His Boss may call him and give some harsh
comments on his work. And if he doesn't take a moment to correct his thoughts even now...
A client may ask him to come home but that guy may not pick his call when he reaches there.
And still if he doesn’t take a moment to correct his thoughts even now...

His car tyre would have got punctured returning home! And still if you don't correct your
course of thoughts. When you reach home feeling disappointed you may have unpleasant
exchanges with your spouse. You see. It's a spiral.

WHAT TO DO: Any time in the day if you feel Low, Disappointed, Anger, Frustrated. Take a
moment and look for ways which make you feel good, happy, excited, vibrant and abundant.
Otherwise by law of Attraction, there will be a force mightier than mountains and powerful
than the Sun to bring things which make you feel the same.

Because, the Universe or Supreme Intelligence is only listening to your thoughts through your
vibrations. It just receives the vibration and answers it with things that match it. Be MAD
(Manifest Abundance) |
Samarpan - 27

The Meaning of “PUJA”

Contributed by: Srinivasan S

The word "Puja" consists of two letters, "Pa" and “Ja”. "Pa" means "parayana" or continuous
repetition of the names of God and “Ja” means "Japa" or continuous mental recitation of the
names of God. So according to this interpretation "Puja" is essentially a kind of worship in
which both parayanam and Japam are practiced by the devotees.

According to another
interpretation, "Pu"
means "Pushpam" or
flower and “Ja” means
"Jal". In the puja
ceremony both flowers
and water are offered to
the deity during the
worship. The letter “Ja”
can also mean
simultaneously "japam".
So if we take these twin
meanings of “Ja” into
consideration, Puja
becomes that ceremony
during which water and
flowers are offered to
God along with
recitation of his / her

Lastly “Pu” means

"purusha" and “Ja” means "Janma" , to arise or wake up. During the Puja ceremony life breath
is installed in the deity and He / She is brought to life or into His / Her dynamic aspect. It
also means that the purusha in the worshipper also wakes up after the ceremony as he
receives a new life and new consciousness (with the partaking of Prasad) from the deity.

Puja is believed to be derived from the Dravidian word 'pu-chey', (flower action) or worship
with the offering of flowers. |
Samarpan - 28

Revathy Ramkumar

I would like to share an extremely lovely story conveying the greatness of Namasankeertan.
We get to read and hear so much these days about 'nama mahima'. Everyone stresses that in
Kaliyuga, only repeated chanting of 'nama' can give peace and happiness. This particular
katha I heard was simply superb I
thought. So wanted to write
whatever little I understood from
the discourse.

Chaitanya Mahaprabhu who was

responsible for introducing
chanting nama (HARE RAMA HARE
changed the lives of robbers,
dacoits and so on and made them
chant 'nama'. The beauty is that
Mahaprabhu could do it so
effortlessly. Now to the story.

A Baghvatha sapthah is going on in

a house in a city. Everybody is so
involved and busy. A thief thinks it
a good time to steal from this
house. He is sure nobody will
notice him. He makes a quiet
entry into the house and sits in
corner where he will go unnoticed
and pretends to listen to the
katha. The topic that day is on Sri
Krishna Leela. Description of
Krishna, his beauty, the jewels HE
is wearing. This catches the attention of the thief and starts listening with great
concentration and makes a note of all the jewellery Shree Krishna is wearing, calculates the
total worth of all the jewellery. The thief decides that just this one last act of stealing is
enough fo his entire life now. So he listens very carefully and decides and plans his next act
of kidnapping Shree Krishna. When the katha is over and everyone is dispersing, he waits for
all to leave and finally follows the person who narrated the katha. He follows him up to his
door and says 'I want to kidnap the kid you were talking about today, tell me his address
properly or I will kill you'. |
Samarpan - 29

The Kathakaar is amused and decides he will have some fun so he tells him, 'sure you can', the
thief asks him for the boy’s details, name, and address &where he can find him. He tells him
the name is Krishna, he is a cowherd and you can find him in Brindavan. Before leaving the
thief asks him to describe the jewels Krishna was wearing, the way he did at the katha. Very
patiently he starts
describing; the thief
listens very attentively and
suddenly tells him to stop.
He says you forgot the
diamond necklace and so
he starts all over again.
This goes on and on and
the thief has now made
the Kathakaar to repeat at
least a dozen times to get
the sequence and list
right. Finally he is satisfied
that he has the full list of
jewels in order, so decides
he will now leave. Before
leaving he again asks the
name and address and tells
him if he does not find him
there he will come back.
The kathaakkar is amused
at his ignorance and
innocence and smilingly
tells him Krishna,

The thief starts his

journey; he is constantly
repeating Krishna, Krishna,
Krishna lest he forget the
boy's name. On the way he
asks a few people the way
to Brindavan and after a
long tiring walk he steps in
Brindavan. The thief sits under tree and is thinking how and where he will be able to see
Krishna, when he cannot believe his eyes and his luck. He sees Krishna coming with his cows
and Balarama too is there, and LORD KRISHNA is dressed exactly as mentioned by the
Kathakaar. He tries to see if all the jewels mentioned are there. Krishna comes with his cows
and the thief is mesmerized by his beauty and just keeps staring at him, tears flowing from |
Samarpan - 30
his eyes. Krishna talks with him, and asks him what he wants. The thief tells him he came to
take all his jewels but now says he does not want the jewels but if he can be with Krishna
always. Krishna however gives him all the jewels, asks him if everything in the list is there.
Krishna wraps everything in his peetambar and gives it the thief. The thief is now a changed
man and the jewels no more interests him. He wants only Krishna now. He however decides
that he must thank the Kathakaar who told him about Shree Krishna. So he tells Krishna,
'please wait here only, I will go and give all these jewels to the Kathakaar as a token of my
thanks and come back'.

Krishna promises to wait for him. The thief runs to the kathakaar's house, thanks him very
much for giving him the address. He tells him Krishna is so beautiful. The kathakaar cannot
believe him inspite of seeing the jewels, and the Pitambar of Krishna. He tells the thief to
take him too and show him Krishna. The thief takes him to Brindavan to the place where he
met Krishna. Krishna is waiting there for him under the tree,the kathakaar is unable to see
him though. The thief pleads with Krishna to show him to the kathakaar, Krishna tells him he
will not because he does not have bhakti like the thief.

This is the power of nama. Without his knowledge the thief repeated the Lord's name. He did
not know Krishna is GOD. His goal was the jewels that Krishna was wearing. Krishna blesses
him and the thief after this stays with the LORD a changed man.

Hare Rama Hare Rama,Rama Rama, Hare Hare,Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna,Krishna Krishna
Hare Hare!!! |
Samarpan - 31

Life's Lessons

By: Deepa

A ninety-one year old woman died after living a long dignified life. When she met God she
asked him something that had long bothered her. If Man was created in God's image, and if all
men are created equal, why do people treat each other so badly? God replied that each
person who enters our life has a unique lesson to teach us. And it is only through these lessons
that we learn about life, people, relationships and God. This confused the woman, so God
began to explain.

When someone lies to you it teaches you that things are not always as they seem. The truth is
often far beneath the surface. Look beyond the masks people wear if you want to know their
heart. And remove your own masks to let people know yours.

When someone steals from you it teaches you that nothing is forever. Always appreciate what
you have, for you never know when you might lose it. And never, ever take your friends and
family for granted because today is the only guarantee you have.

When someone inflicts an injury upon you it teaches you that the human state is a fragile
one. Protect and take care of your body as best as you can, it's the only thing you are sure to
have forever. When someone mocks you it teaches you that no two people are alike.

When you encounter people who are different from you, don't judge them by how they look or
act; instead base your opinion on the contents of their heart.

When someone breaks your heart it teaches you that loving someone does not always mean
that person will love you back. But don't turn your back on love because when you find the
right person, the joy that one person brings will make up for all the past hurts put together.
Times ten!

When someone holds a grudge against you it teaches you that everyone makes mistakes.
When you are wronged, the most virtuous thing you can do is forgive the offender without
pretense. Forgiving those who have hurt us is the most difficult and courageous thing Man can

When a loved one is unfaithful to you it teaches you that resisting temptation is Man's
greatest challenge. Be vigilant in your resistance against all temptation. By doing so you will
be rewarded with an enduring sense of satisfaction far greater than the temporary pleasure
by which you were tempted. When someone cheats you, it teaches you that greed is the root
of all evil. Aspire to make your dreams come true, no matter how lofty they may be. Do not
feel guilty about your success, but never let an obsession with achieving your goals lead you
to engage in malevolent activities. |
Samarpan - 32
When someone ridicules you it teaches you that nobody is perfect. Accept people for their
merits and be tolerant of their flaws. Do not ever reject someone for imperfections over
which they have no control.

Upon hearing the Lord's wisdom, the old woman became concerned that there were no
lessons to be learned from Man's good deeds.

God replied that Man's capacity to love is the greatest gift he has. At the root of all kindness
is love, and each act of love also teaches us a lesson. The woman's curiosity deepening, God
once again began to explain.

When someone loves us it teaches us that love, kindness, charity, honesty, humility,
forgiveness and acceptance can counteract all the evil in the world. For every good deed,
there is one less evil deed. Man alone has the power to control the balance between good and
evil, but because the lessons of love are not taught often enough, the power is too often

When you enter someone's life, whether by plan, chance or coincidence, consider what your
lesson will be. Will you teach love or a harsh lesson of reality? When you die will your life
have resulted in more loving or hurting? More comfort or pain? More joy or sadness? Each one
of us has power over the balance of love in the world. Use it wisely. |
Samarpan - 33

- अपूवर

राम -- कैसा खींचता है यह शब्, राम -- �कतना आनंददायक, �कतना मृद,ु �बलकुल मन मोह लेने वाला
| जानते है क्य, क्य��क राम िसफ़र् शब्द नह�, राम व्य��त्व, राम एक आदशर् है| िमथक�य अलंकार�

से ज़रा हट कर देखेगे �क राम क्या है | चाहे वह तुलसी रामायण रह� हो या �फ़र संपूणर् रामायण या
�फ़र अन्य देश कम्बो�डया इत्या�द म� �िचिलत राम कथ, सभी म� राम के व्य��त्व �क सम्पूणर्ता
दशार्या गया है | चाहे वह कौशल्य के नन्हे लाडले राम हो �जनक� पाव� क� बजती पायल सबका मन
मोह लेती थी, या �फ़र शैशवावस्था के राम �जनके गुरु उनपर �व�ास रखतेहै क� वह अपने िशष्य
कतर्व्य� को ठ�क �कार िनभाय�ग......चाहे वह दंडकारायण को राक्षस� से मु� कराते राम ह
| |
Samarpan - 34

राम का व्य�त्व उनके जीवन क� हर बेला पर मनुष्य जीवन के िलये एक आदशर् �स्तुत करता
| राम
एक आदशर् पु� ह, आदशर् िशष्यहै और आदशर् राजा होने के साथ
- आदशर् िम� भी है| एक मूितर् बना
कर कृ��म पूजन से कुछ नह� हो सकता, आज हमको राम को अपने भीतर उतारने क� आवश्यता है |
न जाने �कतने राम को पूजने वाले है जो अभी भी भेद भाव,
- जाती-पांित म� या�कन रखते है, वो भूल जाते
है �क �कस �कार शरबी के झूठे बेर खा कर और िनषादराज से अटूट िम�ता का वचन दे कर और
उसका पालन कर , राम ने सब
मनुष्य� �क समानता का आदशर
�स्तुत �कया था | अपने माता-
�पता का िनरादर /उपेक्षा करन
आजकल बहुतो �क आदत सी हो
चली है , ऐसे लोग भूल जाते क�
�कस �कार अपनी �पता के �दये
हुये वचन क� लाज रखने क�
िलये उन्होने हँसत- हँसते वनवास
स्वीकार कर िलया और चले गये
वन म� अपना सब कुछ पीछे छोड़
कर | �जस �वमाता के कारण
उनको वनवास जाना पड़ा , उस
�वमाता के आदर -सम्मान म� कभी
कोई कमी नह� क� , सदा माँ
कौशल्या के सामान ह� उनको
पूजा | यहाँ पर राम ने सीखाया है
क� �कस �कार अपने कतर्व्य� क
पालन करना चा�हये तथा �कस
�कार बडो का सम्मान करना
चा�हये |

जब �व�ािम� ने राक्षस के नाश करने के िलये राम और ल�मण को अपने साथ ले जाना चाहा , तब
महाराज दशरथ उनक� युवावस्था को देखते हुये �हचक रहे थ , �कंतु �ी राम गुरु क� आज्ञा को सव�प
मानते हुये वन म� गये और गुरु क� पूजन स्थली को राक्षस� से मु� कर अपनी गुरु भ�� का प |
Samarpan - 35

�दया | �जस िशव धनुष को बडे बडे वीर �हला तक नह� पा रहे थे, उसको उन्होने खे -खेल म� तोड़ �दया,
इसके प�ात �कसी दंभ या अिभमान का �दशर्न न क , न�ता से परशुराम के �ोध को शांत �कया |
आज हम लोग य�द जीवन म� कुछ छोटा सा भी पा जाये तो िनरा दंभ भर जाता है, �फ़र तो अपनी आगे
कहाँ �कसी को समझना और य�द �कसी को कुछ समझना ह� नह� है , तो �फ़र न�ता क� क्या
आवश्यकत, यह� सच है, हम भूल जाते है �क इस शर�र म� आने वाली हर �ास भी उस मािलक क� दया
से ह� आ रह� है और डूब जाते है स्वयं का गुणगान करने म� | जटायु के एक पक्षी ने पर भी उनका
�पता सामान सम्मान कर �ी राम ने न िसफ़र् समस्त मनुष्य� ब�ल्क सभी �ा�णयो - भाव से

राम भ� वत्सल ह , शरणागत के रक्षकह | जब �वभीषण राम के पास आये तब अन्य सभी जन� का
�वभीषण पर अ�व�ास होते हुये भी �ी राम ने उनको शरण द� | राम लोभ से मु� है , यु� के प�ात
जीती हुयी स्वणर् लंका उन्होने �वभीषण को ह� दे | और एक तरफ़ है हमारे अन्दर का लोभ जो क�
हमको २ पल भी चैन से बैठने नह� देता | ज्ञािनयो को पहचान कर उनका सत्कार �कस �कार �क
जाना चा�हये, यह िशक्षा भी �ी राम ने द| रावण ने उनक� प�ी का अपहरण �कया था, �कंतु �ी राम ने
रावण के ज्ञान क� उपेक्षा नह� क� ब�ल्क ल�मण को आज्ञा द� �क वे रावण से राजनीित का ज
कर� | �ी राम का व्य��त्व सागर के सामान �वशाल और वृहद्, य�द उनके गुण� के सागर क� एक बूँद
भी हम लो ग अपने जीवन म� उतर ली तो हमारा कल्याण हो जायेगा | राम के आदशर् ह� थे �जन्होन
उनके राज्य को रा -राज्य बना �दय, ऐसा राज्य जहाँ सभी खुश थ, कोई भी दुखी नह� था, सबको उनक�
�हस्से का सुख था और सब अपने कतर्व्य� का सह� पालन करते| यह� आज के समय क� मांग भी है

दैन्य और िनराशा के सागर म� डूबी मानवता का करुण �वल

हा अधम, हा पापी, मानव के ह� हाथो मानव का �वनाश
पहले था दशानन, दस सर �कंतु सह� पाप,
अंततः राम के हाथो हुआ �वनाश |
�कंतु अब यह रावण दस नह� एक सर म�, हर मानव के भीतर
भयभीत �स्त रा, हावी शैतान |
उठो, चेतो, हमे अपनी अन्दर के राम को जगाना है
और �जलाना है उस मानवता को जो रावण ने मार द� है
तभी होगा रावण का �वनाश
और संसार म� राम -राज्य का िनमार्||
ॐ सा�राम |
Samarpan - 36

िशव �ववाह

सती के �वरह म� शंकरजी क� दयनीय दशा हो गई। उधर सती ने भी शर�र का त्याग
करते समय संकल्प
�कया था �क म� राजा �हमालय के यहाँ जन्म लेकर शंकरजी क� अ�ा�िगनी बनूँ

वे उिचत समय पर राजा �हमालय क� प�ी मेनका के गभर् म� ��व� होकर उनक� कोख म� से �कट हु�।
पवर्तराज क� पु�ी होने के कारण वे'पावर्त' कहला�। जब पावर्ती बड़� ह� तो उनके माता -�पता को अच्छा
वर तलाश करने क� िचंता
सताने लगी। एक �दन
देव�षर् नारद राजा �हमालय
के महल म� आ पहुँचे और
पावर्ती को देख कहने लगे
�क इसका �ववाह शंकरजी
के साथ होना चा�हए।

एक �दन भगवान शंकर

घूमते-घूमते उसी �देश म�
जा पहुँचे और पास ह� के
स्थान गंगावतरण म�
तपस्या करने लगे। जब
�हमालय को इसक�
जानकार� िमली तो वे
पावर्ती को लेकर िशवजी
के पास गए। वहाँ राजा ने
िशवजी से �वन�तापूवर्क अपनी पु�ी को सेवा म� �हण करने क� �ाथर्ना क�। िशवजी से अनुमित िमलन
के बाद तो पावर्ती �ित�दन अपनी स�खय�को साथ ले उनक� सेवा करने लगीं।

उधर देवताओं को तारक नाम का असुर बड़ा �ास देने लगा। यह जानकर �क िशव के पु� से ह� तारक
क� मृत्यु हो सकती ह , सभी देवता िशव -पावर्ती का �ववाह कराने क� चे�ा करने लगे उन्ह�ने िशव को
पावर्ती के �ित अनुर� करने के िलए कादेव को उनके पास भेजा, �कंतु पुष्पायुध का पुष्पबाण भी शंक
के मन को �वक्षुब्ध न कर सका। उलटा कामदेव उनक� �ोधा�ग्न से भस्म ह |
Samarpan - 37

इसके बाद शंकर भी वहाँ अिधक रहना अपनी तप�यार् के िलए ंतरा
अ यरूप समझकैलास क� ओर च
�दए। पावर्ती को शंकर क� सेवा से वंिचत होन का बड़ा दुःख हुआ, �कंतु उन्ह�ने िनराश न होकर अब क�
बार तप �ारा शंकर को संतु� करने क� मन म� ठानी।

वे भी घर से िनकल उसी िशखर पर तपस्या करने लगी , जहाँ िशवजी ने तपस्या क� थी इस �कार
पावर्ती ने तीन हजार वषर् तक तपस्या क�। वे पावर्ती के सामने �क गए और उन्ह� पा�ण�हण का
वरदान देकर अंतधार्न हो गए। पावर्ती अपने तप
को पूणर् होते देख घर लौट आ� और
अपने माता- �पता से सारा वृ�ांत
कह सुनाया। उधर शंकरजी ने
स��षर्य� को �ववाह का �स्ताव
लेकर �हमालय के पास भेजा और
इस �कार �ववाह क� शुभ ितिथ
िन��त हुई। स��षर्य� �ारा �ववाह
क� ितिथ िन��त कर �दए जाने के
बाद भगवान् ‌ शंकरजी ने
नारदजी �ारा सारे देवताओं को
�ववाह म� स�म्मिलत होने
के िलए आदरपूवर्क िनमं��त �कया
और अपने गण� को बारात क�
तैयार� करने का आदेश �दया।

उनके इस आदेश से अत्यंत

�सन्न होक गणे�र शंखकणर,
केकराक, �वकृत, �वशाख, �वकृतानन, दुन्दु, कपाल, कुंडक, काकपादोदर, मधु�पंग, �मथ, वीरभ� आ�द गण� के
अध्यक्ष अ-अपने गण� को साथ लेकर चल पड़े। नंद�, क्षे�प, भैरव आ�द गणराज भी को�ट को�
- ट गण�
के साथ िनकल पड़े।

इन गण� के साथ शंकरजी के भूत�, �ेत�, �पशाच� क� सेना भी आकर स�म्मिलत हो गई। इनम� डाकन ,
शा�कनी, यातुधान, वेताल, ��राक्षस आ�द भी शािमल थे। चंड�देवी बड़� �सन्नता के साथ उत्सव मन |
Samarpan - 38

हुई भगवान् ‌ रु�देव क� बहन बनकर वहाँ आ पहुँचीं। धीर - धीरे वहाँ सारे देवता भी एक� हो गए । उस
देवमंडली के बीच म� भगवान �ी �वष्णु गरुड़ पर �वराजमान थे। �पतामह ��ाजी भी उनके पास म
मूितर्मान‌ वेद�, शा��, पुराण�, आगम�, सनकाद महािस��, �जापितय�, पु�� तथा कई प�रजन� के साथ
उप�स्थत थे

देवराज इं� भी कई आभूषण पहन अपने ऐरावत गज पर बैठ वहाँ पहुँचे थे। सभी �मुख ऋ�ष भी वहाँ
आ गए थे। तुम्बु , नारद, हाहा और हूहू आ�द �े� गंधवर् तथा �कन्नर भी िशवजी क� बारात क� शोभ
बढ़ाने के िलए वहाँ पहुँच गए थे। इनके साथ ह� सभी जगन्माताए , देवकन्याए, दे�वयाँ तथा प�व�
देवांगनाएँ भी वहाँ आ ग ई थीं। इन सभी के वहाँ िमलने के बाद भगवान शंकरजी अपने स्फु�टक जैसे
उज्ज्, सुंदर वृषभ पर सवार हुए।

उधर �हमालय ने �ववाह के िलए बड़� धूम -धाम से तैया�रयाँ क�ं और शुभ लग्न म� िशवजी क� बारात
�हमालय के �ार पर आ लगी। पहले तो िशवजी का �वकट रूप तथा उनक� भू�ेत�
- क� सेना को देखकर
मैना बहुत डर ग� और उन्ह� अपनी कन्या का पा�ण�हण कराने म� आनाकानी करने लगी

पीछे से जब उन्ह�ने शंकरजी का करोड़� कामदेव� को लजाने वाला सोलह वषर् क� अवस्था का प
लावण्यमय रूप देखा तो वे द - गेह क� सुिध भूल ग� और शंकर पर अपनी कन्य के साथ ह� साथ
अपनी आत्मा को भी न्योछावर कर �दय

हर-गौर� का �ववाह आनंदपूवर्क संपन्न हुआ। �हमाचल ने कन्यादान �दया। �वष्णु भगवान तथा अन्
देव और देव -रम�णय� ने नाना �कार के उपहार भ�ट �कए। ��ाजी ने वेदो� र�ित से �ववाह करवाया। सब
लोग अिमत उछाह से भरे अपने -अपने स्थान� को लौट गए |
Samarpan - 39


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Samarpan - 40 |

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