Fourth Sunday of Easter

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Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta Parish 6032 Normandy Dr. Halifax, NS B3K 2S9 Phone: 902-454-5835 Fax: 902-454-0339 E-mail:

BRUNCH The Social Committee will be hosting a Breakfast

on April 21st following the 10:00 mass. All are welcome, signup sheets are located in the back of the church.

4th SUNDAY OF EASTERThe fourth Sunday of Easter generally focuses on the image of Christ as Good Shepherd. Even though


SENIORS DAY Our next Seniors Gathering is Wednesday

April 24th the theme is Spring is in The Air. We begin at 1:00pm with mass.

in our modern world we would rarely, if ever, encounter a shepherd, the image of the Good Shepherd still evokes comfort, protection, guidance and divine care. Sheep wander the pasture all day and rely on the voice of the shepherd to guide them back to safety for the night. Similarly, God lets us exercise our freedom and meander through life, but if we go astray, we can always rely on the Word of God to guide us back to the Way in Jesus Christ.

The FourthSunday of Easter

REDISCOVER CATHOLICISMPrayer - 2nd Pillar of Catholic Spirituality - This Sunday we can reflect more deeply on the reality

FLEA MARKET The Knights of Columbus are organizing an-

other flea Market for Saturday, May 25/13.. Time: 9:30 a.m. to 12 noon. To have your donations picked up call: Rod (4530915), Anthony (455-8975), or Harold (454-5275)

of prayer. Its role in our lives and how it truly is sustaining and keeping us close to the source. The necessity of daily pr ayer, relying on God to guide and lead us more closely to Jesus, relying on God constantly for strength and direction, to help us walk through the events of our everyday. How do we find time in our busy day to hold fast to prayer, to make time for prayer? Only by entering into this relationship with God do we truly begin to appreciate its impact, for we receive not only guidance and direction but also peace to face the reality of our days.

CONFIRMATION LETTERSA reminder that the letters re-

April 21, 2013

Sacrament of Reconciliation: 3:153:45 pm Saturday Office Hours: MondayThursday 9:004:00 Weekday Masses: (in the Marion Room)
Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday ** Saturday Sunday Closed on Fridays 9:00 am 10:15 am NORTHWOOD MANOR 9:00am 9:00am 4:00 pmBlessed Mother Teresa 10:00 amBlessed Mother Teresa

garding those being confirmed are due no latter than April 26th.

THANK YOUA special thank you to the Catholic Womens League for their donation of a Chasuble and Holy Water container
to be used for the celebration of mass in our parish. Your generosity and kind donation is very much appreciated. May the Lord Bless you as women of faith, in your continued work in our Parish, Community, and Country.


parish has been wonderful. Some of you have even gone out and purchased new sunglasses to donate to this cause. Thank you for your generous support of this project.

FINANCIAL PRESENTATION would like to thank Craig Berryman the Chair of the Finance Council for the Parish for his pres-

SAINT AGNES LOBSTER DINNER May 12th 11:301:00pm.

Take out is available. All tickets are pre-sold and the deadline for purchase is May 5th (they sold out last year). See the poster in the parish hall or call St. Agnes 454-8200 The Church cannot be merely a babysitter who takes care of the child just to get him to sleep. If she were this, hers would be a slumbering church. Whoever knows Jesus has the strength and the courage to proclaim him. And whoever has received baptism has the strength to walk, to go forward, to evangelize and when we do this the Church becomes a mother who generates children capable of bring Christ to the world. - Pope Francis April Wednesday 17 April, homily for Mass in the Chapel of the Domus Sanctae Marthae MASS INTENTIONS: Please contact the office if you would

**On the First Friday of each month mass is at 7:00pm Weekend Masses:

Parish Staff: Fr. Gerald DavidPastor Rev. Mr. Paul CarnellDeacon Sr. Teresa MacDonaldSecretary Sue HannFinance Manager Susan SartyDirector of Religious Education Jerry Campbell & John BradleyCustodians Sr. Theresa McCarthyNorthwood SACRAMENTAL REMINDERS:
Reconciliation: Saturday 3:153:45pm; First Fridays of the month during Adoration, following the 7:00pm mass.

entation along with the Financial Statement last weekend. We thank also, the other members of the Finance Council (Janet Durant, Ken Eisan and George McCormack) who have been working diligently over the past couple of years in providing a new way forward. Much appreciated and may God Bless you for this work for your Church . As mentioned, this presentation comes after some work over the past 2.5 years. There were a number of items that I would like to retain from that presentation as we strive to move forward. 1.The awareness of the financial need in our parish - our ordinary revenue is not meeting the expenses we have. As we look at more creative ways to try and address this matter, we are also aware that we have some major items that we will need to address in the coming months and years with our building (outside of the ordinary) ie. repointing bricks, casements for windows need replacing, boiler, system, electrical, plumbing, removal of carpets in main body of church, just to name a few. 2.The Mission of our Church, requires us also to look at how we approach the many growing pastoral needs of our church along with the very basic reality of why we exist, to proclaim the message of the Gospel - this requires help, but also formation for the many involved. 3.The need for more regular contribution to the parish; ie. weekly collection, use of envelopes and increase in weekly offering (if possible). From this you also receive an Income Tax receipt for your contribution. Pre-authorized giving (pre-authorized debit) is a very simple and easy way to contribute financially to the parish and allows for a more regular contribution throughout the year. This can easily be arranged through the parish office.

COLLECTIONS INFORMATION We live in a world where access to information is easy and keeping important information
information from our collections. We hope, however, to provide regular updates on our financial situation through bulletin inserts or presentations by members of the Finance Council.

confidential is more difficult. In an effort to protect our parishs financial well being we will no longer be recording the financial

Baptism: Please contact Fr. Gerald or the parish office to arrange preparation. Marriage: Please contact Fr. Gerald at least 6-months in advance. Tentative dates can be booked with the parish office, but cannot be confirmed until you meet with the pastor. Sacrament of the Sick: If you or a loved one is entering hospital or would like to receive the Sacrament of the Sick, please contact Fr. Gerald or the parish office. Funerals: In the event of the death of a loved one, please contact the parish office as soon as is convenient. Fr. Gerald and the Parish staff will assist with the necessary arrangements.

like to have a mass intention celebrated on a particular date. Tuesday April 23, 2013Bernice Duggan Saturday April 27 2013Bill Ashe

WORLD DAY OF PRAYER FOR VOCATIONS In 1963 Pope Paul VI designated Good Shepherd Sunday as World Day of Prayer

Craft Group Our Lady of Fatima Prayer Group Card Social


Tuesdays 9:30 am Fridays 9:30 am Hall


for Vocations. Jesus, the Good Shepherd, protects us as his flock and promises us the gift of eternal life. As followers of Jesus we are called to remain faithful to the grace of God. As we celebrate this feast we pray for fidelity to our vocation. The Church invites us to honor the vocation of all Christians given at baptism. May we who have dedicated our lives to God through the vocation of marriage, priesthood, diaconate, consecrated life, and the single life remain faithful to our commitments. May those who are discerning their life vocation listen to the grace of God to guide them.

IGNITE 2013Conference May 31 & June 1 at the World Trade and Convention Centre has begun accepting

Marian RM

registration. This conference is shaping up to be an incredible event that will witness the gospel to the city of Halifax. You can register on line; contact the Archdiocese 429-9800 ext 322Sr. Bernadette can assist you; or you can contact Sr. Teresa at the parish office and she will be happy to assist.

Tuesdays 7:00pm


Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier.

-Mother Teresa

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