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Chuan Zhang English 1102 Caruso 11 April 2013

Memo: I found an on website about the brain training. I choose it because Im very interested about any opinion of brain training. My opinion is the brain training is very useful for intelligent and mental health. All the recourses I found until now say brain training is good and effective; and we should use it to practice the brain. But the author has adverse ideas from mine. This is really worth to consider. My purpose is writing a letter to the author and talk about our different opinions. Although I intend to write this letter just for the author, anyone could read it who is interested in brain training. The author made some good points; but I still insist my opinion for now, because there are many evidences I found already to support my opinion.

Comment [S1]: 1

Comment [S2]: 1 Comment [S3]: 1, Dont over use the word brain training in your sentences, it can become repetitive or the reader. Comment [S4]: Maybe rephrase to improve the brain Comment [S5]: Considering,8599,1983306,00.html

Mr. Harrell: My name is Chuan Zhang, an audience of your article. Im a same person as you who is interested in brain training. I just read your article which title is: Study: Brain Exercises Dont Improve Cognition and it was published by April 20, 2010. This article has very clear opinion about the brain training. It is really reasonable after the first time I read it. You used many conclusions from some experts, and the results of experiments as the evidences. Although it is good article for audience, I have some different opinions from yours, which Id like to talk about it with you. In your article, you said the brain training is not working, I just have some opinions about the evidences you provided. In the second part of your article, you provided evidence about some groups train the brain in three different aspects. The conclusion is that the effect is not good; peoples brain is just stronger than before in that aspect which is trained: But the improvement had nothing to do with the interim brain-training, says study co-author Jessica Grahn of the Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit in Cambridge, Mass. Grahn says the results confirm what she and other neuroscientists have long suspected: people who practice a certain mental task for instance, remembering a series of numbers in sequence, a popular brainteaser used by many video games improve dramatically on that task, but the improvement does not carry over to cognitive function in general. (Indeed, all the study participants improved in the tasks they were given; even the control group got better at looking up answers to obscure questions.)(Article page 2)

Comment [S6]: Add some kind of title above this, centered on the page, like CAP project.

Comment [S7]: Might make more sense in the context of the paper to say about brain training

Comment [S8]: Although it is a good article for the audience.

Comment [S9]: Good use of the long quote.

I think this point is right without any questions, but there is a condition you didnt consider. The brain is a whole; every aspect will affect each other. You cannot just pick one aspect to train and give up all the others. Although we cannot practice the brain overall, we can still pick some different ways to help to train the certain aspects of brain. For example, if I want to practice my memory, I think I should do more than just read and remember something. I can practice the ability of logical thinking of brain, which will help me to find out the best and most effective way about how to remember things well. There are some skills maybe we cannot learn from one place, we need to try more ways in order to find out the truly best way. Another important thing is the training of brain needs a process; the effect will not appear immediately just after the training. I saw some methods to train the brain on the website, which declare the effect will appear very soon. You just need to spend weeks on the brain training, even days; and your brain will be improved very much. I think these kinds of example of brain training just like the examples in your article. Although the people use the brain training for a few weeks even months, I still think the time is not long enough. I have experience about it, I think the brain training is a long term action, no matter which way you used. When I was in high school, remember the word is the most important part of learning English. So how to remember the English word as soon as possible became very important at that time; which made us to recite words and read articles every day. We can just use this example as memory training. I didnt realize any improvement at the beginning; but I kept to do it almost a year, and I found my ability of memory was improved very
Comment [S10]: Are these your ideas? Or did you get them from a source, if so you need to cite your sources.

much at last. I could just remember 20 words and didnt forget when the second day; this amount was increased to 40, even 50 a year later. I think it is an effect after long term practice of brain; much less I didnt use any special method of brain training at that time. How about if I used some good ways of brain training for a long term process? I think the effect must be much better. This is just an evidence to show that the time is a very important factor for brain training. The brain will be not improved just after weeks or months; it needs more time, continuous and systematic training, in order to improve it thoroughly. The brain training is a very interesting activity. I dont think we can decide it is useful or useless directly by some simple experiments. Brain is the most mysterious part of the human. It has almost infinite potential and waits us to develop. I think the brain training is a good way to reach this target. Although every method of brain training maybe is not working for everybody, it indeed has the function to improve the brain in some aspects. What we need to do is just finding out the most suitable way for us.
Comment [S12]: Might not Comment [S11]: The brain

Works Cited,8599,1983306,00.html

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