Caribbean Graphic April 2013

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VOL. 7, NO. 08 April 17, 2013 Website: Tel: 905.831-4402 Fax: 416.292.2943 Email:
includes elements of contempo-
rary Christian, traditional gospel
and gospel jazz styles. He will be
featured in the May 24 Capita Fi-
nancial Laughter and Jazz to be
held on the picturesque grounds
of the Divi Southwinds hotel on
Barbados south coast.
Kay Morris music has allowed
her to cross religious, cultural,
and racial barriers around the
world. Her electrifying stage
performances have captivated
audiences, demonstrating her
Canadian Duo For
Barbados Gospelfest 2013
versatility, while offering a
fresh perspective in a variety of
musical styles. Morris will be
amongst an impressive lineup
of artistes for the Sunday May
26 Gospelfests curtain closer,
the COURTS One Awesome Day
Concert at Farley Hill.
Caribbean Graphics coverage
of the Barbados Tourism hosted
Gospelfest 2013 will include an
onsite presence at the fnal four
One Awesome Weeks events.
Kay Morris
Dave Brown
Canadas Dave Brown
and Kay Morris will be
amongst an array of
international and local
stars slated for next
months Gospelfest
2013 in Barbados.
Billed as One Awesome
Week, the May 18 -26 Festival
will feature outstanding Gos-
pel entertainers from around
the world, including Ameri-
cans Nicole C. Mullen, Mali
Music, Small Fire and Canton
Jones, Ghanas Atta Boafo
and Jamaicas Junior Tucker,
in addition to a slew of local
Barbadian artistes.
Known as the The Gospel
Trumpet Player, Dave Brown
has become a well known
musician and worship leader
in the gospel music commu-
nity. His dynamic and soul-
ful style of trumpet playing
New Office
Digs, Expanded
For Jamaica
1633 Eglinton Avenue West,
thats the address of Ja-
maica Nationals (JN) recently
opened new office digs. The
move was partially necessi-
tated by the expansion of the
companys Money Transfer
service from beyond Jamaica
to other Caribbean territories.
Foremost among Jamaica
and transferring funds to ac-
counts with financial institu-
tions in Jamaica.
In November 2011 the com-
pany opened its second Corpo-
rate Branch on Scarboroughs
Nationals new Money Transfer
service offerings are Guyana &
the Philippines. JNs service to
Guyana was officially launched
on March 15, allowing mem-
bers of the ever burgeoning
Canadian Guyanese community
to send money remittances to
their loved ones back home. In
Guyana, Transfer Recipients can
collect their funds from any one
of Laparkans local offices.
Apart from Money Transfers
visitors to JNs new Eglinton
Avenue offices can complete a
range of business transactions
including making bill payments
to local Jamaican companies;
sending mobile phone credits
Avenue. That al-
lowed the avail-
ability of its full
range of servic-
es to residents
in Markham,
Ajax, Pickering,
Oshawa and sur-
rounding areas,
where many
persons from
Jamaica and other Caribbean
nations reside. JN Money Trans-
fer maintains a solid presence
across major Canadian cities,
with some 40 Agents across
Ontario, Alberta and Quebec.
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The partcipatng Mas Bands for this
years Toronto Caribbean Carnival have
begun to put their mas producton ma-
chinery into gear. The schedule of Band
Launchings that unofcially signals the
commencement of Torontos Carnival
season has begun to take shape.
Blues Carnival Fusion was the frst to
get out of the blocks with the April 13
launching of their 2013 Presentaton:
Lost Civilizatons. Hosted by SKF, the
Launch reportedly atracted a sizeable
crowd to view the Narissa Ali led Bands
live display of its 2013 Costumes.
Following hard on the heels of Blues
Carnival Fuzion is Torontos peren-
nial Band of the Year Winner, Carnival
Natonz. The two-tme defending
champions has set sights on taking
its masqueraders deep into the blue
this year with the release of its 2013
Presentaton The Reef.
Typically 2,500 to 3,000 strong in
numbers, Carnival Natonz costumes
will again be designed this year by
Marcus Eustace. Fresh from his Moko
In Flames Carnival King victory in
Trinidads earlier this year, Eustace has
promised that Natonz 2013 costumes
will be the best the band has ever
produced. Given that Natonz has won
Band of the Year fve tmes in the eight
years that have passed since its 2005
introducton to the Toronto Carnival
landscape, thats no small boast.
A few blocks away at their How-
den Street Mas Camp, the members
of Louis Saldenahs Mas K Club will
be frantcally toiling in preparaton
for the Bands April 27 Launch of its
2013 Presentaton: Heaven and Earth.
Interestngly enough both Natonz and
Saldenahs MasK Club have choosen the
Kool Haus as the venue for their respec-
tve launchings. Atendees seeking to
judge which of the two top Bands have
the beter costumes on ofer this year
will therefore be able to do so almost as
a controlled scientfc experiment.
Rounding out the scheduled Launches
for the top three Mas Bands will be the
Jamal Magloire led Toronto Revellers.
Magloires 2012 Presentaton Bolly-
wood: Lights, Camera, Acton having
been the major disappointment that
it was, he will be keen to re-establish
his credentals as a contender for the
coveted 2013 Band of the Year ttle.
Mas Never Dies will be Toronto
Revellers 2013 theme. Their Launch is
scheduled for May 11 at its customary
venue, the Victoria Park, Scarbrough
Armenian Community Centre.
With four of the top six having their
launches scheduled to be completed
by the middle of May, the remain-
ing competng Bands would be well
advised to also get their acts in gear.
Otherwise they could well fnd them-
selves struggling to make an impact,
amongst masqueraders who have
already decided who they will be mak-
ing mas with on Lakeshore Blvd come
August 3.
Mas Bands Gearing Up
For Torontos 2013
Caribbean Carnival


Mas Lover
torontos Caribbean Carnival will
soon be upon us and our samantha
availed herself of the perfect warm
up by joining her friends as a reveller
during this years recently concluded
Jamaica Carnival. Based in the Us mas
lover sammy, as shes known to all, never
misses torontos Carnival. shes already
made plans to be here for this years
Las Lap
Encouraged by the success of their
annual Last Lap Lime event, a collab-
orative effort over the last 17 years,
the alumni associations of Bishops
High School, St.Josephs High School,
St.Roses High School, St. Stanislaus
College and Queens College (Guyanese
secondary institutions) are partner-
ing once more to collectively address
the common challenge of membership
growth and increased involvement by
alumni. The Associations
have embarked on several
joint strategies to meet
this challenge.
New members to the As-
sociatons will become part of
the networks of friendship and
personal support and join the
eforts of fellow alumni in giving
back to their alma maters, helping
to make a diference in the lives
of the children of Guyana. Alumni
newcomers to Canada will fur-
ther beneft from interactng with
professional alumni who can ofer
advice on setlement, the job mar-
ket, employment and networking
Over the last 20 and more years, these
fve Associatons have made invalu-
able contributons to their alma maters
to ensure the contnuaton of the high
standards of excellence for which they
are renowned. Many forms of assistance
have been provided; e.g. educatonal
books, computers, audio and musical
equipment, classroom furniture, men-
toring and personal support programs.
Some of the Associatons also ofer
scholarships and bursaries for children
and grandchildren of their alumni who
are undertaking post-secondary educa-
ton in Canadian and similar insttutons
in other countries. In additon, the Asso-
ciatons make annual fnancial donatons
to Canadian charites.
The combined dollar value of their
contributions to their alma maters
since they were established total
approximately 1.4 million Canadian
dollars from revenue derived from
fundraising activities.
Have you ever had an experience of
any kind that leaves you thinking Wow?
If and whenever you do, isnt always
inspirational and exciting, leaving you
with feelings admiration, if not adula-
tion, for the architect or source?
For me it does. So much so that I have
developed an insatiable appetite for
being Wowed. I am now always on the
lookout for the next available source of
Luckily I am blessed to be an active
member of our Canadian Caribbean
community, which I would proudly
argue has its fair share of Wowers.
For starters, there are so many amongst
us that have achieved so much thats
so impressive. One cant help but say
Wow to their outstandingly impressive
From the ole heads like Jean Augus-
tine, Rita Cox, the recently departed,
dearly beloved Lincoln Alexander, to
the newer brigade of community media
icons: the Dwight Drummonds, Tracey
Melchoirs, Patricia Juggernauts and An-
drea Cases of todays world. Our com-
munity is resplendent with examples
of those whose endeavours are impres-
sively Wow worthy!
Throw in business magnates such as
Michael Lee-Chin, Robert Wong, Dr
Raymond Chang and their likes and you
can begin to understand that as Cana-
dian-Caribbean peoples we can be very
proud of our record of Wow worthiness
in the sphere of individual endeavours.
Of course most Caribbean men would
argue that the beauty of our women
both here and back home, are also a
never ending source of Wow.
For those who would question that
assertion for any reason, Id have one
suggestion. Avail yourself of any good
vantage point in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad
on Carnival Tuesday. See if your head
doesnt start swishing from left to right
like a windshield wiper. Ill also bet that
the word you utter most will be WOW!
Luckily for me I can be Wowed right
here at home. Within recent weeks, the
ads that Eric Rodrigues of Irie Spices
have placed on Caribbean Graphics
back page have been a delightful source
of Wow. Every one hes sent seems to be
better than the last.
Ive also been fortunate to have had
exposure to the admirable business
practices and service standards of the
likes of Scotia Banks Bianca Aziz, the
OB Law Legal team, Tony Chankar of
the Printing Press, Rayman Bedes-
see of Bedessee Imports and of course
my good friend Horace Bhopalsingh of
Carib Breweries. I am constantly being
Wowed by their outstanding support for
what I am trying to achieve with Carib-
bean Graphic.
And if for any reason I am feel-
ing frustrated or discouraged, theres
always the assurance that come the last
Saturday of every month, I can look
forward to an evening at Leelas with
Fuh Fun that is guaranteed to produce
a Wow.
As if all those sources werent enough,
I now consider myself to be one of the
luckiest men alive for having my very
own Wow factory in the personality of
the Resident Love Goddess. Her beauty,
charm, kindness and outstanding loy-
alty are unending daily sources of Wow
for me.
Wouldnt life be that much more inter-
esting and exciting if we could all strive
to be more of a source of Wow than we
usually are? The next time you do some-
thing for someone, whether it is a simple
act of kindness as an individual, or in
the provision of a service as a business
owner, do so in a manner that leave your
recipient saying Wow! See how good
that will make you feel.
As for me, Ill be busy trying to fgure
out what next I can do to Wow the RLG.
Publisher/Editor: Tony McWatt
Contributors: Sandra Ann Baptiste, Akua Hinds,
Christine Reid, Sir Ronald Sanders,
Legal: Oumarally and Baboolal
Graphic Design: Adryan Manasan | Mel Lejano (
Website: Tel: 905.831-4402 Fax: 416.292.2943 Email:
he Caribbean has recorded
some progress in the past
two years in strengthening
Investment Promotion Agencies
(IPAs) amidst continuing chal-
lenges, including limited budgets
to promote member countries as
a preferred location for Foreign
Direct Investment (FDI). But
much more needs to be done and
with some urgency.
The Barbados-based Caribbean Asso-
ciation of Investment Promotion Agencies
(CAIPA), a six- year old regional organisa-
tion that operates under the aegis of the
Caribbean Export Development Agency,
has been growing from strength to
strength providing much needed training
and a range of support programmes to its
members across the region.
With ferce global competition for
investment fows, Caribbean countries
need to be on top of their game in their
drive to secure much needed invest-
ment dollars. As well, IPAs in the region
should expand their reach to non-tradi-
tional markets.
IPAs should make maximum use of
the excellent opportunities provided by
CAIPA to strengthen investment promo-
tion, facilitation and aftercare.
The Caribbean Investment Opportu-
nities Catalogue, which lists investment
opportunities in specifc Member States,
is a useful initiative.
Some of the projects that have been put
on hold, likely due to lack of funds, but
which are key to the effcient functioning
of the IPAs, include the production of a
Due Diligence Manual and the develop-
ment and implementation of a strategy for
FDI Data Collection. All CARICOM IPAs
should produce timely annual reports that
include details of who is investing, how
much and details of the projects.
The image of Investment Promotion
Agencies in terms of the physical facili-
ties is another neglected area in some
Caribbean countries. Run down and
cramped facilities are a turn off for both
local and foreign entrepreneurs.
Jamaica has always been in the
forefront of when it comes to effective
international trade and investment
promotion. JAMPRO, one of the most-
established IPAs in the region, has the
structure, experienced and trained per-
sonnel, sector specialists, overseas trade
commissioners, employs aggressive
marketing strategies and has excellent
communication vehicles.
Jamaica also deserves kudos for
being elected earlier this year to the
Steering Committee of the World As-
sociation of Investment Promotion
Agencies (WAIPA) as Regional Director
for Latin America and the Caribbean.
CAIPA played a key role in lobbying for
this position.
One of the reasons why JAMPRO
is dynamic and productive is its close
partnership with the private sector and
the choice of leading private sector fg-
ures to Chair the agency as opposed to
government offcials. Recent Chairmen
included Sandals hotel mogul Butch
Stewart and the current President,
Milton Samuda, is a former Chamber of
Sandra Ann
CARICOM Investment Promotion
Strategies And Challenges
Commerce President.
Because the Jamaican private sector
is front and centre in the drive to attract
FDI, this brings credibility and assur-
ance that potential investors are looking
for. As well, JAMPRO is the sole agency
for organising inbound and outbound
investment missions. Individual Min-
istries, as happens in some CARICOM
Countries, do not take on the invest-
ment promotion role, for which they are
not trained.
Included in the list of required prac-
tices for success, Governments were
advised to hire staff with both public
and private sector experience, offer
salaries and bonuses closer to private
sector standards; continually train and
develop staff, especially in soft skills
such as customer service, develop sector
specialists and demonstrate profession-
alism and dynamism through updated
Websites with frequent news updates of
importance to investors.
The World Bank identifed Invest
in France, Invest Hong Kong and Pro
Nicaragua among the top IPAs globally.
Chile and Ireland are also consistently
highly rated for the effectiveness of
their IPAs. CAIPA would defnitely
beneft from collaboration with these
agencies. Its recent links with Brazil is
a welcome development.
Among CAIPAs challenges is securing
long term funding after current funds
from the European Union expires in
2015. Both the United States Agency for
International Development (USAID)
and the Canadian Government, under
the new CARICOM-Canada Trade De-
velopment Agreement currently being
negotiated, should be approached for
fnancial support.
CAIPAS President Ronald Theodore,
who is Vice President, Promotion and
Marketing, at the Grenada Industrial
Development Corporation (GIDC) has
said that his vision for CAIPA includes
strengthening the regions visibility as
an attractive destination of FDI, leverag-
ing opportunities for joint marketing and
promotions and building capacity of IPAs
through training and information sharing.
CAIPAs Work Program for 2013 in-
cludes investment facilitation training,
an investment mission to Spain to pro-
mote Caribbean renewable energy and
tourism projects and participating in
the Caribbean Hotel and Resort Invest-
ment Summit (CHRIS) in Miami.
The presence of IPAs at the annual
Caribbean Investment Forum in Trini-
dad and Tobago and the relatively new
Invest Caribbean Now event in New
York should be considered.
CAIPAs recent inaugural awards pro-
vide an indication of which IPAs are ex-
celling. The Antigua and Barbuda Invest-
ment Authority won the award for Best
Practice in the Creation of Jobs, Grenadas
GIDC copped the Regional Excellence in
Investment Promotion Award and the
Best Practice Website was awarded to
invest T&T in Trinidad and Tobago.
Sandra Ann Baptiste is a Business
Consultant and Specialist in Caribbean
On The Lookout For Wow!
Tony Mc.
Sent On
GEORGETOWN, The Bursar and the Chief
Accountant of the University of Guyana
(UG) have been sent on leave with imme-
diate efect to facilitate a spe-
cial audit of the books, multple
sources have confrmed.
Officials emphasised that
neither Bursar, John Seeram
nor Chief Accountant, Hazel
Bentinck have been suspected
of any improprieties. There
are four signatories to UGs
bank account.
However, the Council was dissatsfed
about inconsistent informaton that has
been provided about the fnances of the
publicly-funded tertary insttuton.
Seeram and Bentnck were instructed
to hand over the keys and all relevant
documents in their possession to Pro
Chancellor, Dr. Prem Misir. They have
been advised not to leave Guyana be-
cause they could be needed to furnish
explanatons to the auditors.
Vice Chancellor, Professor Jacob
Opadeyi, according to the sources, is
expected to liaise with top ofcials of
the University of the West Indies (UWI)
to hire an audit team to conduct the
special audit.
The audit could take at least three
months afer which the Council would
decide its next steps.
Authoritative sources said Seeram
has given various explana-
tions about the state of
UGs finances including one
that the liabilities amount
to an estimated GUY$250
million. The Vice Chancel-
lor recently announced that
tuition fees would have to
be increased or govern-
ment would have to pump
more money into UG to ensure that the
institution provides a higher quality of
accredited education.
Opadeyi and the Minister of Educa-
ton, Priya Manickchand are to hold
talks about interim replacements for the
Bursar and the Chief Accountant.
Seerams contract was only last year
extended for another three years.
Meanwhile, the Council appointed
former Assistant Director of UGs Tain
Campus, Philip Da Silva as the insttu-
tons Deputy Vice Chancellor.
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GEORGETOWN, One pilot and one
technical expert have been killed after
their United States-registered airplane
crashed into a house at Sparendaam
shortly after take off from the Ogle
International Airport.
One of the dead persons has been iden-
tifed as Pierre Angiel, the pilot of the
twin-engine Piper Aztec aircraft bearing
registration N2-7FT. The plane belonged
to the Miami-based Angiel EnviroSafe
Inc, which offers aerial camera platform
services. His son said he was an experi-
enced pilot and would have made it back
to the airport on one engine.
He told reporters that his father had
expressed discomfort about the slow
fying over the forest canopy so that the
instruments could have read the data
for a LIDAR survey.
The technical expert was a Canadian
but his name has been withheld for the
time being.
The Government Information Agency
(GINA) quoted eyewitnesses as saying
that the the planes engines began mis-
fring. The engines then reportedly lost
power and the pilot attempted to land
in the Plaisance Community playfeld
but failed, hitting the top of a coconut
tree before crashing into a house and
exploding on impact. The incident oc-
curred shortly before 3 PM.Except for
the engines, the remainder of the air-
craft was destroyed beyond recognition.
69-year old Florence Dyer-Tyndall,
who was at the rear of the wooden house
on 78 Sparendaam Housing Scheme,
cheated death by running out of the
burning building.
Transport Minister Robeson Benn
confrmed that the plane was on a
technical survey mission for the Amaila
Falls hydropower access road to do a
LIDAR survey for the best geometrical
and other alignments for the road.
John seeram
Two Perish In Plane Crash
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APNU has retreated
from its hard posi-
tion that it would not
approve allocations for
the Ministry of Home
Affairs as long as Clem-
ent Rohee retained
responsibility for that
After efforts to oust
and silence the minister
within the National As-
sembly failed the coalition announced
several months ago that it would not
be supporting business brought to the
House in his name or approving any al-
location for his ministry.
With consideration of the 2013 budget
estimates set to begin on April 15 and
GUY$17.5B earmarked for the security
sector, party offcials were asked at an
April 12 news briefng if that position
remained the same.
Lee Chin eyeing
Guyana for
GEORGETOWN, Jamaica-headquar-
tered conglomerate is eyeing the run-
ning of yet another fbre-optc cable to
Guyana and getng a toe-hold in the
fnancial services sector, a top ofcial
of Portland Holdings said April 9.
Chairman, Michael Chin-Lee said
the Barbados-headquartered Colum-
bus Communicatons could drop a
cable here if it is feasible.
He told a news briefng at the
Cheddi Jagan Internatonal Airport
just before boarding his private jet.
The 20,000 kilometre-long Internet
back-bone originates in Miami and
hops along the Caribbean island
chain, Central and South America.
This country already has two fbre
optc cables- one by the Guyana
Telephone and Telegraph Company
(GT&T) that originates in Trinidad
and the other owned by the gov-
ernment and originated in Brazil.
The later, which is yet to be fully
actvated, is part of governments
E-governance programme.
The billionaire-accompanied by
Group Managing Director of Jamaicas
Natonal Commercial Bank (NCB),
Patrick Hylton-arrived on April 9 at the
invitaton of Former President Bharrat
Jagdeo and held talks with President
Donald Ramotar and ministers of
fnance, agriculture, and natural re-
sources and the environment.
While notng that the Bank of Guy-
ana last issued a commercial bank
license 15 years ago, Chin-Lee hinted
that the NCB would examine ways
ofering diferent fnancial products
as a frst step to opening its doors
in this South American country of
755,000 persons. Actually, Demerara
Bank was granted a license in 1994.
The business magnate, however,
said Portland Holdings and NCB were
tempering their expectatons while
remaining optmistc about providing
fnancial products that are relevant to
Guyana. With the countrys economy
registering 4.8 percent economic
growth- seventh straight year of
growth, investors are rushing to mine
for gold, manganese, uranium as
well as extract crude oil and invest in
booming building constructon and
other physical infrastructure.
The Portland Holdings Chairman
said his company was also inter-
ested in investng in agriculture and
aquaculture, following presentatons
by Agriculture Minister, Dr. Leslie
The team lef Guyana announc-
ing no frm commitments to invest
here, only highly praising the cali-
bre of ministers for their depth of
knowledge about their portolios and
Guyanas investor friendliness.
Chairman, Michael Chin-Lee
APNU Position Change
Were trying to fnd a means for deal-
ing with this matter that is not going to
disrupt the public, so its a question of
trying to strike a balance here. Thats
a principle which I think is a principle
for most members of the public theyd
embrace. The diffculty is to just try
and fnd a modality for dealing with
that that would not cause disruption
and alarm out in the streets, were still
working on that, APNUs point man on
fnance Carl Greenidge said.
The AFC for its part had said that it
would consider each allocation on its
merit and reserved the right to approve
or disapprove them.
In light of that previously an-
nounced position the government had
placed the Ministry of Home Affairs
at the top of its list of agencies to be
scrutinised when consideration of
the estimates begins. However, that
proposal was defeated and the oppo-
sitions was adopted with the non-
contentious Foreign and Legal Affairs
Ministries leading the schedule that
was to be examined from April 15.
Were trying to fnd a
means for dealing with
this matter that is not
going to disrupt the
public, so its a question
of trying to strike a
balance here
CastrIes, st Lucia, st Lucia is seeking
to strengthen its existng diplomatc
relatons with Africa, according to a
senior ofcial of the Kenny Anthony
We believe that we need to re-engage
with the african states many of which
have and contnue to emerge as important
economic enttes and we need in that
context to engage them to assist us with
our own development, said Dr. vaughn
Lewis, the special advisor in the Ministry
of Foreign Afairs.
speaking during a recent television
programme Lewis, a former prime
minister, said we have lost infuence
in persuading Britain and the european
Union as to what we want and it is those
emerging african countries that will
have the infuence.
He said the need to deepen relatons
with the worlds second-largest and
second-most-populous contnent is in
keeping with a new policy directon to
review and realign the countrys for-
eign relatons.
Dr. Lewis said while st Lucia may
not be able to rely on aid from africa,
the island can engage the contnent to
stmulate investment and to lobby on St
Lucias behalf in internatonal circles.
he told television viewers that the
African contnent is a very important
region for st Lucia as a small island de-
veloping state.
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IDB Funds For
Caribbean Countries
WASHINGTON, Caribbean countries are likely to benefit from
a new US$50 million Energy Efficiency Finance Facility being
funded by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB).
The IDB said that the funds would fnance companies making
investments in energy effciency and self-supply renewable energy
projects in Latin America and the Caribbean.
It will be supported by seven million Euros (One Euro =US$1.30
cents) from the Nordic Development Fund (NDF) to mitigate risk
of the facility through the provision of partial guarantees to the
IDB-financed subloans, which will range in size from US$500,000
to five million.
The IDB said an additional one million Euro from the NDF will
provide technical assistance grants related to project identifcation
and feasibility and engineering studies.
The facility will address funding needs in the currently underserved
sector of energy effciency and small-scale renewable energy genera-
tion, where borrowers often encounter high risk premiums, high col-
lateral requirements and inadequate tenors.
It will focus on projects with potential for high fnancial returns,
including increasingly economical technologies such as smart-grid,
advanced lighting and solar or biomass power.
BASSETERRE, St. Kitts, Former deputy
prime minister Sam Condor says he has
no intention of beefng up his personal
security after his constituency offce
had been defaced. Condor and former
senior government minister Dr. Timo-
thy Harris have joined the opposition in
calling for the debate of a motion of no
confdence in Prime Minister Dr. Denzil
Douglas government.
He has also joined the opposition in
writing to the Governor General Sir
Edmund Wickham Lawrence indicat-
ing that the six opposition legislators
no longer have any confdence in Prime
Minister Douglas and is pushing for a
government of national unity.
Condor said he believes the incident which
the police are investigating to be a one-off
matter and has told reporters he has no plans
to increase his personal security.
He said the defacement of his con-
stituency building could have been done
following the reading of the national
He said red paint was used to deface
the walls.
No Increase In
Condors Security
But he did indicate given the level of
verbal attacks by the ruling St. Kitts
Nevis Labour Party (SKNLP) he will
begin paying more attention to his
personal safety.
The defacement of his
constituency building
could have been done
following the reading
of the national budget
WashInGton D.C., the Inter-
natonal Monetary Fund (IMF)
says it is making available more
than US$10 million to Antgua
and Barbuda afer complet-
ing a review of the islands
economic performance
under a three-year stand
By Arrangement (SBA)
indicatng also that the
economy is showing
signs of gradual recovery
afer three years of be-
ing stagnant.
the IMF said it had also
approved a waiver of non-
observance of the contnu-
ous performance criterion on
external arrears.
It said that the completon of
the reviews allows the immedi-
ate disbursement of Us$10.162
million, bringing total disburse-
ments under the arrangement to
Us$76.2 million.
the IMF said that the govern-
ment is maintaining its success-
ful eforts in debt restructuring
to reduce the burden of debt
service, although potental con-
tngent liabilites in state-owned
enterprises and the banking
sector remain a concern.
shinohara said the
2013 budget is consis-
tent with the govern-
ments goal of reducing
the debt rato to 60 per
cent of gross domestc
product (GDP) by 2020.
He said contnued
implementaton of
structural reforms in
revenue administraton
and public fnancial man-
agement will be essental to
achieve the 2013 fscal targets
while providing space for pro-
ductve public investment in hu-
man capital and infrastructure.
The IMF said that Antgua and
Barbuda expects to conclude the
resoluton of ABI Bank by end-
april, 2013.
BASSETERRE, St. Kitts, The
Government is exploring the
possibility of establishing an
embassy in Cuba next year
in an effort to strengthen the
existing relationship between
both Caribbean nations.
Prime Minister Dr. Denzil Douglas
gave the commitment during a cour-
tesy call by Hugo Ruiz Cabrera, who
assumed the post of Charg dAffaires
ad interim, following the departure of
Jorge D. Payret Zubiaur, ambassador
of Cuba to the federation of St. Kitts
and Nevis.
According to a Government state-
ment, Douglas and the new Cuban
diplomat also discussed several areas
of cooperation of a bi-lateral nature in
education, health and agriculture.
Cuban Embassy A Possibility
Currently, about 40 St. Kitts and
Nevis students are pursuing degrees
in Cuba, the majority being in medi-
The statement said that since 1998,
Cuba has been maintaining a medical
brigade through a steady deployment
of medical practitioners in a variety of
areas, such as gynecology, pediatrics,
ophthalmology and pathology.
Ruizs most recent posting abroad
spanned 2005-2010 in St. Lucia, where
he oversaw the Misin Milagro Pro-
gramme, the Comprehensive Health
Programme, the Energy Saving Light
Bulb Project, the introduction of the
Nursing Scholarship Programme,
as well as the establishment of the
Ophthalmology Clinic at the Victoria
CASTRIES, St.Lucia, The
three week old strike by
Civil Servants has cost the
country well over EC$3
million, according to Cabi-
net Secretary Darryl Mon-
trope. The Government
started to assess the fnan-
cial cost of the work stop-
page, when the strike came
to a halt on April 8
According to Montrope, preliminary
fgures for the Customs Department
alone indicate that the Government
lost over EC$2 million in revenue at
an average of EC$200,000 a day.
The Cabinet Secretary said apart
from Customs - the Inland Revenue
Department, the Ministry of Com-
merce and the Registry were the worst
affected by absentism during the
strike period.
He said with respect to the Inland
Revenue Department while govern-
ment was able to meet the revised
fscal target for the month of March it
was clear that more funds would have
been collected had the full work force
been present.
In addition Montrope said it must
be noted that despite the fact that the
workers were away from their jobs
they were still being paid.
He said the government would also
assess the impact of the strike on the
business community.
The Cabinet Secretary said while
the strike did not have a crippling
effect, the government is pleased that
Civil Servants have returned to work,
adding that it was in no ones inter-
est for there to be industrial unrest
especially at this time.
KINGSTOWN, St. Vincent,
A relatve of a Customs
guard who reportedly
drowned while police
and Venezuelan natonals
exchanged gunfre at sea
in June last year, says he
is stll awaitng a coroners
inquest into the incident.
Police said that Customs
guard Othneil Money-
Man Whyte drowned
during the June 3 incident
in which Venezuelans
aboard a boat reportedly
opened fre on Whyte and
a local police ofcer. Three
Venezuelans were shot
and killed and another was
injured during the incident.
Last September, Direc-
tor of Public Prosecuton
(DPP), Colin Williams,
ended atempted murder
and atempted kidnapping
charges against four of the
Venezuelans, in additon to
Customs violaton charges
against the captain of their
vessel, El Amigo Fay.
But Abdon Whyte, said he
is getng fed up now that
a coroners inquest cannot
start. He has disagreed with
the decision of the DPP to
discontnue the charges
against the Venezuelans
before you know exactly
how my father died.
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BrIDGetoWn, Melted down prices
for consumer electronic items have
combined with quick cash
for gold to keep burglaries
as a major headache for the
police force.
and the police are warning
householders who help fuel
the thef of electronic items
by buying at way below the
market value that they can
face fnes bigger than those
confrontng the thieves.
the police recently talked about the
problematc burglary situaton when
they displayed at the Oistns Police
All TiME lOW
BRIDGETOWN, The relationship be-
tween Commissioner of Police Darwin
Dottin and the Police Services Commis-
sion (PSC) is at an all-time low. They
have met once in the last fve years and
only communicate by memo.
The latest incident is the PSCs refusal
to approve the appointment of Acting
Deputy Commissioner Seymour Cum-
berbatch to act as commissioner while
Dottin was on holiday. Consequently,
Dottin was forced to return to work.
Dottins leave was originally approved
from March 18 to April 19, but he re-
turned to the job days after it began.
The reason for the PSCs action was
its contention that Cumberbatch and
Assistant Commissioner Oral Williams,
whom Dottin selected to act as commis-
sioner and deputy commissioner in his
absence, were not suitable as neither
was appointed deputy commissioner.
BRIDGETOWN, On April 13 Hoteliers
walked away with most of the water
sports equipment at the massive
aucton at the now closed Almond
Beach Village in Heywoods, St Peter.
Names such as Peter Odle of
Mango Bay Hotel, Dennis Tull of
Golden Sands Apartment Hotel and
Ludo Marcelo of Waves Hotel and
Spa kept appearing again and again
bidding for items such as kayaks
and boats. They would have spent
thousands of dollars.
However, Charles Pilgrim of
Charles Watersports said the
prices of some of the water equip-
ment were too high for him.
Representatves of Cobblers Cove,
who declined to be identfed, said
prices were not too bad and they
made sure to get what they came
for, spending $8 000 for a boat.
However, they said they thought
there would have been a sale of the
items, rather than an aucton.
A partcularly vocal group of
women, who spoke under anonym-
ity, said they felt insulted by how
the aucton was done.
Sold To The Highest Bidder
David Welch
Staton thousands of dollars worth of
electronic items seized from suspected
thieves during investgatons by mem-
bers of the southern Division.
the showcasing of the television
monitors, laptops, DvDs and
PlayStatons coincided with
the current exhibiton of jew-
ellery retrieved by police
for identfcaton by victms,
at the sugar Cane Mall,
roebuck street, the City.
Police public relatons of-
fcer Inspector David Welch
said: It appears that any
and everyone is selling these items
to householders and they are buying
them way under the value that they
would cost.
Darwin Dotn
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Magnificent Events,
One 7 Awesome Festival
GOSpeLFeSt 2013
BarbadosTouching Lives Changing
Nations Gospelfest 2013 will cel-
ebrate twenty one years of excellence
in the promotion of gospel ministry.
For over two decades, Barbados Gos-
pelfests consistent lineup of highly
esteemed internationally known
gospel artistes , Yolanda Adams, Kirk
Franklin, Israel and New Breed, Wil-
liam McDowell among others, has
effectively aroused admiration across
the globe.
Gospelfests commitment to people
has guaranteed growth and longevity,
each year providing new opportunities
to touch and change lives. Gospelfest
2013 (May 18 26) promises to be yet
another world-class production, fea-
turing top local, regional and interna-
tional gospel talent.
With musical ministers Nicole C.
Mullen, Kay Morris, Neesha Woodz,
Dave Brown, Small Fire and others,
Producer and Coordinator Adrian
Agard, highly anticipates that Gospelf-
est 2013 will be a pulsating experience
for all attendees from its inception
right to the end. The festival itself
is not at all limited to the music that
is produced today in North America.
Youll fnd a range of artists that take
on different expressions at the festi-
val: dance, mime, drama. There will
be lots of vibrancy and energy. It will
truly be an uplifting spiritual experi-
As the gem of the Caribbean, Barba-
dos offers a vibrant culture thats pas-
sionate in spirit and lively. An island
paradise, where refned luxury and ex-
ceptional culinary delights dance and
mingle among lush tropical greenery,
limpid blue waters and warm golden
sunlight. As heavenly a venue as there
could ever be, for as worthy an event
as Gospelfest 2013.
After the seriousness of the Joseph
Niles Legacy Lecture, Gospelfests legions
of patrons will undoubtedly welcome the
much lighter entertainment fare offered
by Capita Financial Services Laugh-
ter and Jazz. Introduced in 2008,
Capita Financial Services Laughter &
Jazz, marries the comedy of international
Christian comedians with the unique jazz
stylings of local regional and international
artistes to deliver an experience quite un-
like any other in the Caribbean. The 2013
edition will feature the USAs hilarious
Comedian Small Fire, Canadian Trum-
peter Dave Brown and an introduction
to the musical talents of Barbados young
saxophonist, Romaro Greaves.
Small Fire formerly referred to as
Small Frie (Small Fry), was born in
Drew, Mississippi and later relocated to
Atlanta, GA
at the age of
14. Shortly
after attend-
ing college
her fre for
was ignited.
She gained
with appear-
ances on
BETs Comic
View, HBOs
Def Comedy Jam, Bobby Jones Gospel,
Vibe, The Wayans Brothers Show, Its
Showtime at the Apollo, Uptown Com-
edy Club and appeared in The Disney
Movie First Kid starring Sinbad. She
is also the voice of Lil D on the Car-
toon Networks Class of 3000.
In the midst of her successful career,
Small Fire changed her moral approach
to comedy and has obtained the Free-
dom to Inspire and Redeem through
Entertainment. She believes the comedy
ministry is mostly received because its
not forced. Youre laughing and before
you know it youre inspired and encour-
aged. With her down home southern
charm and her unmatched ability to
deliver a hot punch line with universal
appeal Small Fire continues to light up
the comedy world.
Toronto based Dave Brown The
Gospel Trumpet Player has become
a well known musician and worship
leader in the gospel music communi-
ty. His dynamic and soulful style of
trumpet playing includes elements
of contemporary Christian, tradi-
tional gospel and gospel jazz styles.
In addition to playing the trumpet, Dave
is also a singer who often leads worship
while playing his trumpet.
As always, the picturesque grounds
of the Divi Southwinds Beach Resort on
Barbados scenic south coast will be the
host venue for this May 24 classic that
gets underway at 8:00 pm. Admission
price is US$22.50/Bds. $45.
Bridgetowns historic St Marys An-
glican Church will be the venue for the
9:00 pm Tuesday, May 21, Hymspeak.
Patrons will experience the life and liv-
ing colour of beautiful hymns through
the renditions by Mikie Roberts and the
HymnSpeak Choir that should be well
worth the Bds $30 price of admission.
On Wednesday, May 22 the Jackie Opel
Amphitheatre, located in the heart of the
capital city of Bridgetown, will be the ven-
ue for the Barbados Public Workers
Co-operative Credit Union Limited
(BPWCCUL) Sunset Concert. Famous
for its tendency to attract a massive and
appreciative audience, the Sunset Concert
provides a platform for showcasing the
rich talent of emerging Gospel artistes
from Barbados and the Caribbean. It
also highlights some of the international
artistes ministering at various events of
the festival. As a free admission event the
BPWCCUL Sunset Concert has proven to
be extremely popular amongst persons
working in the city, as well as residents of
the immediate environs.
The Annual Joseph Niles Legacy Lecture
honours the contribution of the Barbadian
Gospel music icon to local, regional and
international Gospel music in ministry
spanning more than 40 years. Since 1970,
the name Joseph Niles has become syn-
onymous with Barbados and Caribbean
Gospel music. He was the frst Carib-
bean Gospel music minister to become a
household name on the local regional and
international stages, known for his golden
lyrics in an anointed mix of spouge and
calypso Gospel music. This years lecture
will take place on Thursday, May 23 at
the Grande Salle, Tom Adams Financial
Centre beginning at 7:30 p.m.
OperAtIve CreDIt unIOn LIMIteD
(BpWCCuL) SunSet COnCert
Annual Joseph Niles Legacy Lecture
Capita Financial Services
laughter & Jazz
ith its Changing Lives, Touching Nations
Theme, this years May 18 26 Barbados 2013
Gospelfest does indeed offer a blessed week of inspiring,
inspirational and awesome events. From its opening
May 19 Thanksgiving Service, through to the Courts One
Awesome Day fnale, Gospelfest 2013 seems set to fulfl its
promise to be a world-class production, featuring top local,
regional and international gospel talent.
Guest artistes are always a special
feature on the programme for the
weeks opening, May 19 Worship and
Thanksgiving Service. The Mount of
Praise Weslyan Church in Tudor Bridge
St Michael will be the venue for the 9;00
am Service, which will allow organizers
to join the congregation, as well as other
friends and supporters, to usher in the
festival in prayer and praise. Heralding
the commencement of the Awesome
week of ministry and worship that is the
Barbados Gospelfest.
Worship and Thanksgiving
Part singer, songwriter, producer, vocal
arranger, actor and entrepreneur, Canton
Jones, a Deerfeld Beach, Florida native,
has ministered to and performed in front
of millions of people during his career as
a music artist. Since beginning his career
and ministry as a Gospel Music Artist
Canton Jones has four albums in his port-
folio; 20 Years, 3 Months, 12 Days, Love
Jones, The Password: Access Granted
Kingdom Business and Kingdom Business
A phenom-
enal singer,
& producer;
more than 1.6
million com-
bined You-
Tube viewers
of Yahweh,
Mali Mu-
sics bold,
unique sound
& gift for
musical sto-
rytelling has
drawing them
into a lyrical adventure & spiritual revival!
The national release of his acclaimed
debut CD, The 2econd Coming, was hailed
as a landmark release in gospel music.
His breakout hit received the nomina-
tion for Urban Recorded Song of the Year.
He performed at the 2011 BET Awards
and the 2012 BET Celebration of Gospel.
Other TV appearances include, TBN,
Minister Atta Boafo, the Worship
Warrior, is a highly passionate Gospel
Artiste frmly grounded in worship having
from an early age decided to follow the
footsteps of his parents who were members
of their local church choir in Ghana. His re-
leased 2005 debut album Wo Makomamu
(Within My
Heart), set
him on the
high road
of ministry
souls, being a
model for the
youth with
his contem-
porary style
and touching lyrics. Within his frst year
in the UK Gospel Music market he was
nominated winner of Africa Gospel Music
Awards 2011s in the category of New Dis-
covery of the Year. Atta has a constant fre
and hunger for worship, the Attas Warrior
Project is a great example of this.
The electrifying Kay Morris takes over
the stage and captivates her audiences,
demonstrating her versatility & offering
a fresh perspective in a variety of musi-
cal styles. Kay Morris music has allowed
her to cross religious, cultural, and racial
barriers around the world. She has been
featured in several magazines/books
(including the Stanford Who is Who).
Her music has been featured in several TV
sit-coms; and she has done numerous TV
interviews. Spanning outward from Kays
singing, like that of the growing branch
from a thriving tree, is her advocacy work
as a humanitarian.
Only God can take credit for the ex-
traordinary life of Junior Tucker! Born
in Kingston,
Junior began
singing at age
5. In 2 years,
he became
a household
name and at-
tained his frst
#1 song, Happy, followed by One of the
Poorest People, Which Side of the Coin,
Some Guys have all the Luck, and Its a
Small, Small World. He began travelling
and performing locally and internation-
ally and everyone who saw him knew that
being on stage was what he was born to
A Few Good Men (A.F.G.M) offcially
came together as a unit in January 2011
and made a splash with their frst single
Like You, released in May 2011. Fol-
lowing the release of Like You, the name
A.F.G.M spread like wildfre among the
local gospel community. This lead to their
frst appearance at Gospelfest 2011. They
released another single called Stay Away
in September 2011, with more of a hip hop
edge to it. The two songs were snatched up
by independent DJs and Gospel radio sta-
tions in the US, UK and the Caribbean. At
the end of 2011 the band had the privilege
of sharing the stage with Grammy nomi-
nated Gospel rapper, Flame, along with his
counterparts, Young Noah and V. Rose.
As a young
Christian Min-
ister from the
Nazarene Church
in Barbados,
John Yarde has
a passion for the
Word of God and
has been involved
in the ministry of preaching from the year
2008. he says in the year 2010 I sensed the
Grace of God over my life to sing so I did.
John has been involved as a musician for
a number of years, but his public music min-
istry as a vocalist began only in July 2011,
leading Worship at Kingdom arts Barbados,
Glow worship. He says It is from a place of
Prayer, meditation or, studying the word of
God that most of his songs are written
Born and raised in the beautiful island
of Barbados; Neesha Woodz always
knew she wanted to be a Minister of the
Gospel in song. At age 3 her musically
journey began through her love for singing
and love for the keyboard. Two decades
later, Both her love for God and Music
has developed tremendously and is the
reason for the artiste that stands before
you today.
COURTS One Awesome Day
also caters to young children with The
CHEFETTE Kids Experience providing
a range of activities with performances
centrally located in a specially designated
area .
Gospelfest 2013: Seven Magnifcent
Events, One Awesome Week not to be
missed and defnitely worth a trip to the
gem of the Caribbean Sea. Come join us
Few artists in any genre of music
possess a more diverse resume
than Nicole C. Mullen. From
her early days as a background
vocalist/dancer/choreographer to
writing and recording such classic
hits as Redeemer to mentoring
young women through her Baby
Girls Club, Mullens creativity
and compassion have fueled a life
of ministry that has had global
impact. People had been asking her
for years about recording a wor-
ship project, but it never felt like
the right time. I had this body of work that Id written
that wasnt something contrived. I didnt pray and fast
to get it. After I had written those songs, I started pray-
ing and asking the Lord: Whats the right avenue? How
do I deliver these gifts that you have given me?
The answer came as Mullen entered a new partner-
ship with Maranatha Music to release Captivated.
On Captivated, Mullen has penned songs that tap
into every Christians desire to draw
closer to God. I Need You (As the
Deer) is a prime example. Its about
how my heart, how my heart longs for
Him, she sighs. I
can do nothing with-
out Him. Im desper-
ate for His vision.
Im desperate for His
love, His grace, His
mercy, His truth, the
oxygen that He gives
me, Im desperate for
Mullen has long been known
as an artist who is unafraid to be
vulnerable and transparent with her
audience. That sincerity and artis-
tic integrity have been recognized with seven Gospel
Music Association Dove Awards, including two Female
Vocalist of the Year honors, Song of Year in 2001 for
Redeemer, Songwriter of the Year and the 2005 Ur-
ban Album of the Year for Everyday People. She has
toured all over the globe, becoming a highly sought
after speaker and singer, and has frequently graced
the stage at Women of Faith events.
Evangelist Bridget Blucher-
Simms songs bring healing, com-
fort, and strength to those who look
to gospel music for more than mere
entertainment!. Encore! Encore!
has been the cry of spiritually up-
lifted audiences following an evening
performance with Evangelist Bridget
Blucher-Simms, often described as the
darling of St Vincent and the Grena-
dines. In 11 incredible years this high
energetic vocalists ministry has been
honored with 12 Caribbean Gospel
Music Awards. She was also the Life-
style Gospel Entertainment Media Group Honoree
for 2007. Such accolades are but appetizers for her
live performances which have often been described as
The Barbados Gospelfest Mass Choir will minister at LIME Ultmate Gospel at the Garfeld Sobers Gymnasium on Saturday May 25th along with mult Gramy nominated and
Dove Award winner Nicole C. Mullen. They will be joined by Caribbean songbird, darling of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Evangelist Bridget Blucher. LIME Ultmate Gospel
begins at 7:00PM.
LIME Ultimate Gospel
COURTS One Awesome Day
the entIre FAMILy. ALOnG WIth the StIrrInG MInIStry experIenCe FrOM the IMpreSSIve LIne-up OF LOCAL, reGIOnAL AnD InternAtIOnAL GOSpeL
ArtISteS. the 2013 LIneup FeAtureS CAntOn JOneS (uSA), MALI MuSIC (uSA), AttA BOAFO (GhAnA), kAy MOrrIS (CAnADA), A FeW GOOD Men (BDOS), JOhn
yArDe (BDOS), neeShA WOODz (BDOS) AnD MAny MOre!
The Caribbeans Premier
Christian Music & Arts Festival!
MAY 18 - 26 |
Magnificent Events,
One Awesome Festival
From Toronto to Barbados
From $521.26
(taxes included)
The Accra Beach Hotel & Spa
From $794.00 per person
(taxes included)
All Seasons/Europa
From $335.00 per person
(taxes included)
Coral Mist
Studio from $570.00
per person (taxes included)
Divi Southwinds Beach Resort
1-bedroom suite from
$798.000 per person
(taxes included)
The Island Inn Hotel
(All Inclusive)
From $1391.00 per person
(taxes included)
Al l r at es above ar e per per son CAD. Based on doubl e occupancy
Capita Financial Services
Laughter & Jazz
Divii Southwinds Beach Resort,
Christ Church
8:00 pm
Friday, May 24
US$22.50/Bds $45
LIME Ultimate Gospel
Sir Gareld Sobers Gymnasium,
St Michael
7:00 pm
Saturday, May 25
US$20/Bds $40
Courts One Awesome Day
Farley Hill National Park,
St Peter
1:00 pm
Sunday, May 26
US20/Bds $40
Mount of Praise,
Wesleyan Church,
Tudor Bridge, St Michael
9:00 am
Sunday, May 19
St Marys Anglican Church,
7:00 pm
Tuesday, May 21
Barbados Public Workers
Cooperative Credit Union
Sunset Concert
Independence Square,
5:30 pm
Wednesday, May 22
Joseph Niles Legacy
Grand Salle
7:30 pm
Thursday, May 23









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and ZR operators and own-
ers have been told by new
Minister of Transport and
Works, Michael Lashley,
to shape-up fast since he
has no intention of presid-
ing over chaos or sitting
idly while commuters suf-
fer through filthy lyrics
while travelling on public
service vehicles.
Lashley also told local media that
operators could expect to be in decent
uniforms in short order as he will not
tolerate sweaty conductors in arm-
hole shirts and slippers stretching all
over passengers, while providing a
vital service.
The former Minister of Housing
who took over the transport portfolio
after the February 21 general election,
stressed that while he would do all in
his power to see that operators get a fair
break, he believed commuters had been
Beach Tragedy
BRIDGETOWN, A St. Michael man
drowned on April 11 while bathing
at a St Philip beach.
According to police public rela-
tions offcer Inspector David Welch,
Winston Pierre, 28, of Mahogany
Lane, The City, was swimming at
Shark Hole Beach, when he got into
diffculties around 2:30 p.m.
Around 3:30 p.m., he was
pulled ashore by a man in a boat,
at Ginger Bay Beach, a short dis-
tance away.
Pierres girlfriend Shelaya
Maynard said that the deceased
accompanied her and her children
to the beach with the intention of
having an enjoyable evening.
My little boy asked me to
come and go to the sea and he
came with us. The wave was
just taking him and carrying
him along and he was holler-
ing for help.
And I couldnt try to help
because I have young twins.
Two guys tried to hold him but
they couldnt help him be-
cause he just started f loating
out, said Maynard.
BRIDGETOWN, Hotel, villa and apart-
ment owners on the South Coast stll
have the same cry harassment, rob-
beries, break-ins and drug trafcking
in and around St Lawrence Gap.
At an April 11 meetng hosted by the
Southern Division of the Police Force at
Divi Southwinds Hotel, several of them
vented their anger and displeasure at the
rise of crime in the area.
Both commander of the Southern
Division, Senior Superintendent Euck-
lyn Thompson and the forces crime
preventon ofcer, staton sergeant
Stephen Grifth called for greater col-
laboraton between the hoteliers and
the police to deal with the problems.
Grifth reminded hoteliers they can
play their part by removing over grown
vegetaton and improving on lightng.
In some cases, the vegetaton on
many of the propertes is too much or
not properly kept. Being clean does
not mean, it is safe. There are many
places where people can hide. (MK)
Legal Uproar
BRIDGETOWN, A recent incident involv-
ing a veteran atorney at law and a High
Court judge has lef the legal fraternity
in an uproar. According to reports a
Queens Counsel afer a verbal outburst
directed at the female judge, turned
around and backed her, lifed his robe
and bent over while utering a profanity.
The incident, which took place in the
corridor outside the judges chambers,
was witnessed by several atorneys, in-
cluding another QC, court staf and court
It is understood that the incident lef
the judge in a distressed state and has
since been reported to Chief Justce
Sir Marston Gibson. Sources said that
technical staf had been asked to review
the cameras to see if the incident was
captured on tape.
New Minister, Last Warning!
at the receiving end long enough.
In about two months, the minister
revealed, work would begin on a new $4
million terminal at Seaview, Cheapside
in the City, that will be the islands frst
all-purpose-built facility for the accom-
modation of both Transport Board and
privately operated buses, minibuses and
route taxi.
Under no circumstances though,
explained the minister, will private
operators be allowed to take their unac-
ceptable conduct into this facility.
The new 7,300 square foot terminal
building at Seaview will be constructed
parallel with Cheapside Road, will fea-
ture three entrances/exits to facilitate
large volumes of people, a large cov-
ered area with seating for commuters,
separate toilets for commuters, terminal
staff and shop operators, three food
shops, terminal manager and bus in-
spectors offces, police post, lunchroom
and other facilities.
Jlp iN BrEACh
KINGSTON, The viability of the Ja-
maica Public Service Company (JPS)
has been questioned, with the light
and power company in breach of loan
covenants that could see creditors de-
manding immediate repayment of up
to US$430 million ($42.4 billion).
Its a fnancial situation that has led
to JPS Chief Executive Kelly Tomlin vol-
unteering to a 10 per cent pay cut, as the
company works with lenders and share-
holders on a short-term solution, and
talks with the Offce of Utilities Regula-
tion (OUR) about new tariff guidelines.
Given the macroeconomics that we are
facing and given the regulatory environ-
ment, our lenders are now saying that
they dont believe they can give us any
further waivers, Tomlin told reporters.
Auditors noted in JPSs annual
fnancial statements that the company
has, since March 2012 -- a month be-
fore Tomlins appointment -- not been
compliant with a condition included
in long-term loan agreements with
international development fnancial
institutions, requiring the frm to
maintain a 3:1 Debt to Earnings before
Interest Tax Depreciation and Amorti-
sation (EBITDA) ratio.
The violation provides the lenders
with the option of issuing notices of
default and declaring all principal and
interest amounting to US$430 million,
as at December 31, 2012, as immediately
payable, stated the auditors notesac-
companying the power companys 2012
fnancial results.
Should the respective lenders exercise
their right to demand the repayment of
this amount, it would cast signifcant
doubt about the companys ability to
continue as a going concern, without
the support of the shareholders or other
third parties, the statement said.
For Small
KINGSTON, Jamaica, Micro, Small and
Medium-Sized Enterprises (MSMEs)
are to beneft from some $439 million,
which the Government has earmarked
for fscal year 2013/14, to facilitate
growth and development in the produc-
tive sector.
Industry Minister Anthony Hylton,
said that 57 per cent of the funds, allo-
cated through the Development Bank of
Jamaica (DBJ), are slated for the Credit
Enhancement Fund, through which
businesses can access loan support.
The minister was addressing a forum
on The IMF Agreement- Implications
for Small Business, hosted by the
Jamaica Business Development Corpo-
ration (JBDC) and the University of the
West Indies (UWI) Business Centre on
April 11, at the Mona School of Business
and Management (MSBM).
Hylton said that while the IMF agree-
ment establishes strict guidelines and
limits on the Governments expenditure
plan and therefore imposes a constraint
on the level of spending that can be done,
it will not undo any of the core elements
of the Governments growth strategy.
The MSMEs, which make up the
bulk of the countrys businesses, oc-
cupy a central place in that growth
plan, the minister said.
He said that $49 million will be
provided this fscal year to continue the
provision of technical support and insti-
tutional strengthening for these MSMEs.
Ha added that the MSME Alliance
will receive business development
training and JAMPRO will provide
improved marketing channels for some
20 export companies.
KINGSTON, A group of gunmen staged
a late-night raid on the Shell Company
plant at Rockfort in East Kingston on
April 9th and made of with more than
133,000 litres of gasoline valued at just
over $15 million.
Sources at the company said that the
group numbered about 25 gunmen.
Sources also said that the gunmen
used fve fuel tankers to carry out the
robbery and were equipped with their
own hose and pump.
Superintendent Brown could not say
how long it took the gunmen to load the
tankers. However, he suggested that the
robbery lasted for some tme.
The robbers, he said, parked the trucks
on the outside of the plant and ran the
hose inside to the tanks. It was not clear,
however, how the gunmen gained entry
to the plant.
Sources also disclosed that before all
the guards were tied up, one of them
engaged one of the gunmen in a tussle,
but was eventually subdued with the
help of one of the gunmans accom-
The gunman who was challenged then
threatened to shoot the guard, but was
prevented from doing so by his accom-
plice who, according to the source, told
his angry crony that they were not there
to kill anyone.
According to an ofcial of the Jamaica
Gasoline Retailers Associaton a full load
on an average fuel tanker is normally
30,000 litres. A tanker of gas, the ofcial
said, would go for between $3.8 million
and $4.2 million.
The Kingston Eastern police are inves-
tgatng the thef which, sources said,
is also being probed by the company to
determine the extent of any inside assis-
tance, if any, given to the gunmen.
Shell plant robbed
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KINGSTON, Head of Communicatons at Ca-
ribbean Airlines, Clint Williams has confrmed
reports that the airline will be cutng back on
the number of fights to Jamaica. For several
weeks it was rumored that fights to Jamaica
would be reduced and on May 8 during a
sitng of Parliaments Standing Finance Com-
mitee, Transport Minister Dr. Omar Davies,
told the commitee that no informaton was
forthcoming from Caribbean Airlines.
However, Williams told Radio Jamaica in
a May 9 interview on that the decision had
been made to reduce
the fights and this
becomes efectve April
16. He stated that it was
made based on the trav-
el paterns observed,
and as part of the move
for the airline to become
more efcient. He said
Caribbean Airlines,
which began operatons
in 2007, acquired Air Jamaica in 2011. The Ja-
maican Government
has a 16 per cent
stake in the Trinida-
dian air carrier.
Meanwhile the
oppositon Jamaica
Labour Party (JLP)
has raised concern
about the reducton
in fights.
Spokesman on
Transport, Karl Samuda, said the decision is
contrary to the deal which was reached for
the airline to acquire Air Jamaica.
At the tme of the divestment we certainly
did it on the basis and had the clear under-
standing that not only would Caribbean
Airlines contnue to service, but hopefully
in the near future expand the number of
fights to Jamaica and from Jamaica. To hear
now that they are cutng back, in additon
to being disappointng, may well indicate the
extent to which the airline is under fnancial
pressure, Samuda said.
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KINGSTON, Minister of
Youth and Culture Lisa
Hanna says budgetary allo-
cations in the 2013/14 budget
demonstrate that the Gov-
ernment has given priority
to the care and protection of
the nations children.
Speaking on April 10 at the Stand-
ing Finance Committee of Parliament,
which has been examining details of
the estimates, Minister Hanna noted
that against the background of recur-
rent expenditure in the estimates for
2013/14 being fat over the previous
year, the total recurrent budget for the
Ministry of Youth and Culture this year
represents an approximately 10 per cent
increase over 2012/13.
She pointed out that in a period of
signifcant expenditure containment,
the Government has allocated a $105.6
million increase in grants to private
children homes and provided $47 mil-
lion more in grants to both Government
and privately operated and places of
safety for children.
At the same time, as part of the work
of the Inter-Ministerial Working Group
on Children in Confict with the Law,
which Minister Hanna convened last
September, the Ministry of Transport
and Works has allocated $75 million
under the Jamaica Emergency Employ-
ment Programme (JEEP)
Secretariat to construct fve
police stations across Jamaica,
facilities where children who
come in contact with police
can be accommodated sepa-
rately from adults.
The area of youth develop-
ment has also been positioned
as being important in the
countrys development with
an increase of $32.6 million in
recurrent expenditure, Hanna
said. She said the National
Youth Service (NYS) has been
restored to a preeminent posi-
tion as the leading agent for training,
entrepreneurial orientation, the incul-
cation of proper values and attitudes,
and the nurturing of responsible young
adults citizens.
Funding for the NYS in this years
budget of $406.7 million, a little above
the 2012-2013 allocation of $393.2.
KINGSTON, Despite the contnued
devaluaton of the Jamaican dollar,
Jamaica Public Service (JPS) custom-
ers will see an average of fve per cent
reducton in their electricity bills for
April, the power company says.
The decrease, JPS says, is due to a
reducton in the cost of the fuel used
to generate electricity.
JPS explained that each month the
fuel charge on electricity bills changes,
depending on the cost of the oil used
to produce electricity. The Fuel &
IPP Cost on bills for April is $24.35
per kWh, compared to the charge of
$26.54 per kWh applied to March bills.
This means that residental customers
who consistently use 200 kWh will be
paying about $400 less for his bill this
month, compared to what was paid last
month, JPS said in a April 5 release.
This customer will pay $7,518 for
the 200 kWh of electricity used, as
against the $7,918.55 that was paid in
March for the same usage.
Hanna Happy
PORT-OF-SPAIN, A service cart that costs between $57,000 and $70,000
is among the exquisite pieces of crockery and food service equip-
ment being considered for the dining lounge used by MPs in
Parliament. The Miscellaneous Service Cart, serial number
5590, ofered by US manufactures of hospitality and beverage
products Forbes Industries, is the preferred
choice as plans are on-stream to
upgrade some of the
kitchen utensils and
food service items
used for Members of
the proposed job
is being handled by
Taits Refrigeraton &
Air Conditoning Ser-
vices of abercromby
Street, Port-of-Spain,
and will cost close
to $1 million. three
or four of the service
carts are being consid-
ered to meet the demands
of parliamentarians during
sitngs. The exorbitant price
of the service cart has caused raised eyebrows
among parliamentary staf, however, with some questoning
the reason for even considering such a selecton.
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Your offering is now a
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Benny hinn
PORT-OF-SPAIN, Thousands of people
turned up at the Hasely Crawford Sta-
dium in Port of Spain on April 13 for the
crusade with international evangelist,
pastor Benny Hinn.
Slowly the old, the young, those in
wheelchairs and on crutches, of differ-
ent races and religions, trickled into the
stadium, some with babies in arm, sing-
ing, clapping and even dancing to songs
of praise before Hinn, who last visited
this country several years ago, took to
the rostrum promptly at 6 p.m.
After singing a few hymns, Hinn,
dressed in his signature black suit with
white tunic shirt, delivered his sermon,
after which he called for people to come
to the altar to give their lives to God.
Scores of people including children,
adults and entire families made their
way to the front of the altar.
In raising the offering, Hinn told the
people that it was costing $1.2 million
for the stadium and that the offering
they were giving would stay in Trinidad
to take care of the expenses that were
incurred for the hosting of the crusade.
Your offering is now a weapon
against Satan, Hinn told the faithful.
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Dead Man
PORT-OF-SPAIN, Following rumours
of his death on the evening of April 9,
two days later former prime minister
Patrick Manning walked the streets of
the capital city, where he declared he
was stll standing and going strong. The
former politcal leader of the Peoples
Natonal Movement walked around the
city for just over an hour in the blazing
afernoon sun, greetng the people and
even doing some shopping.
Dressed in a black t-shirt, blue track
pants, sneakers and a red cap, Man-
ning started his walk from the Peoples
ParliamentWoodford Squarearound
12.30 p.m. he was greeted warmly by
most people, but there were a few snide
remarks against him.
speaking to reporters at Woodford
square, Manning said he came to
town to buy a shirt to wear to a church
asked if his surprise venture had
anything to do with the rumour of his
death, Manning said, Well, actu-
ally this morning I started to call God
from heaven, I heard the rumour, I
couldnt understand it, I know noth-
ing about it.
Questoned on the state of the coun-
try, Manning said, We aint take them
on yet, I am not for that at this tme.
However, he did say the PNM victory
at the tobago house of assembly elec-
tons in January was a frst-class one.
Manning sufered a stroke in January 2012
and has been out of Parliament since.
asked whether he would be ready
to return soon, Manning said he was
prepared to go back to the Parliament,
but he suffered a seizure which set
him back.
he said he was uncertain as to when
he would be able to return to the house,
but he did indicate his consttuents were
represented and that he had met with
them on April 9.
Manning said he takes therapy four
days a week and his recovery, although
not easy, was under way.
asked if he had any words to share
with the people of the country, he said,
I am stll standing!.
Manning then walked down Frederick
street, where he created a frenzy as
people whipped out their cellphones
and took pictures of the former prime
PORT-OF-SPAIN, Nephrologist at West
Shore Medical Centre, Dr Emile Mo-
hammed, has predicted that the number
of dialysis patients globally will double
over the next decade.
Mohammed made the prediction dur-
ing a cheque presentation made by Pepsi
Trinidad, distributors of Ocean Spray, to
the John Hayes Memorial Kidney Foun-
dation at Lonsdale Saatchi & Saatchi
Advertising Ltd, Herbert Street, St Clair
on April 11.
Around the world there are over a mil-
lion dialysis patients, Mohammed said.
He estimated that one in four adults
in Trinidad and Tobago has some stage
of kidney disease. Highlighting a num-
ber of risk factors that make us more
prone to developing kidney disease,
One In Twelve Will
Be Afficted With
Kidney Disease
Mohammed stressed that
more needs to be done in
area of combatting the
disease and prevention.
According to Moham-
med, in Trinidad and To-
bago it costs an estimated
$150,000 per patient per
year. We have approxi-
mately 750 patients on
dialysis. It is extremely
The number of patients
that should be on dialysis
in Trinidad is certainly more than double
the current number, he said.
He noted while there have been much
talk about kidney transplantation, it is
best for people with end-stage kidney
disease. However it does not address the
underlying problems with kidney dis-
ease. The answer is prevention, he said.
He noted that the number of cases
in Trinidad every year should be a
cause for concern and described kidney
disease as a condition that is silent but
deadly. In early stages, Dr Mohammed
said, symptoms can go undetected until
much harm is done to the patient.
Mohammed stressed that screening
for this chronic disease is not just the
responsibility of the society but indi-
viduals too.
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Banking in Canada is
considered one of the
most effcient and safest
banking systems in the
world. Are you worried about the
privacy of your personal information
and hesitate to use or wonder who has
access to the personal information you
Crime And Madness
Mental illness can make
it extremely diffcult for a
person to function within
society. The situation can become
even more complex when an individual
with mental disorders commits crimes.
Our criminal justice system tries to
ensure that no one who commits an
offence while suffering from a mental
disorder can be convicted of a crime.
The Criminal Code provides a defence
of mental disorder. According to Sec-
tion 16:
No person is criminally responsible for
an act committed or an omission made
while suffering from a mental disorder that
renders the person incapable of appreciat-
ing the nature and quality of the act or
omission or of knowing that it was wrong.
Our criminal justice
system tries to ensure
that no one who
commits an offence
while suffering from a
mental disorder can be
convicted of a crime
are required to give? What about Cana-
dian banks? Just what do they do with all
the information they collect about you?
This should not be a concern as we are
held accountable by legal guidelines that
are in place. Please visit www.scotia- for the Privacy Policy. This
document explains to you how Scotia-
bank protects the privacy of individual
customers personal information.
However, privacy is a consistent issue
that arises within our community. We
are sometimes so worried about who
may know whom, that we hesitate to
seek the advice that we may desperately
need. What if information is shared
in a dinner party setting or in a casual
conversation with a common friend?
In a professional capacity, privacy is
a very serious factor that is not to be
overlooked. When you sit across from
a professional and seek advice accord-
ingly, that is a business transaction and
treated as such. Any business trans-
actions are subject to the appropriate
guidelines and therefore there should be
no hesitation to discuss.
The only way to seek good advice
whether it is legal, fnancial, personal etc,
is to be honest and trust the professional
you are dealing with. To gain a comfort
level you may ask about their privacy
guidelines and how they feel about pri-
vacy? What would they do if they were
in a situation where there was a common
party whether it is a spouse, ex-spouse,
friend etc? By gaining a comfort level
and respect for how that individual con-
ducts themselves and business, you will
be able to get the best advice.
*The information in this article is not
intended as specifc investment, fnan-
cial, accounting, legal or tax advice for
any individual.
Historically, the defence was referred
to as the Insanity Defence. However
over the years and in keeping with po-
litical correctness, the terminology has
been changed and this defence is now
referred to as Mental Disorder.
If an individual charged with an of-
fence establishes this defence, then the
Judge is required to deliver a verdict
of not criminally responsible due to a
mental disorder. Perhaps one of the
most notorious case in Canada where
this defence was advanced was the case
of Regina v. Vince Weiguang Li.
The facts of this case were as follows:
On July 30, 2008, Tim McLean was
travelling on a Greyhound bus
McLean, a 22 year old carnival
worker was travelling from a job in
Edmonton back to Winnipeg
During the course of the journey, Li
took out a large knife and began to
stab McLean
The stabbing was totally unprovoked
as McLean was asleep when the at-
tack began
Li is reported to have severed
McLeans head and held it up to the
other passengers
He continued to cut off McLeans
body parts and even ate some of his
When police arrived on the scene, Li
refused to exit the bus
It was not until several hours later
that Li was arrested when he at-
tempted to fee the scene
When arrested, Li was found to
have body parts from McLean in his
The trial of this matter occurred in
March 2009 and Li evoked the defence
of not criminally responsible. The out-
come was that, based on the testimony,
including that of a psychiatrist, Mr. Li
was found to be not criminally respon-
sible by reason of mental disorder.
In effect, although there is no dispute
that Li committed the heinous murder
and cannibalism of McLean, although
he did not have the requisite mens rea
or guilty mind. He could not apprecia-
tethe nature or gravity of his actions
due to his mental disorder. He could
not appreciate that what he was doing
was wrong.
Li was sent to a mental facility and
there was a great deal of fallout from the
case. The media reported that McLeans
family launched a lawsuit and several
passengers also fled civil suits.
Despite our outrage at this senseless
and heinous crime, the recognition that
an individual who, by reason of a men-
tal disorder, will and can be held not
criminally responsible, is a fundamental
principal in criminal law.
It must be remembered that to be
found guilty of a crime, the Crown
needs to show that the person commit-
ting the crime had 1. Mens rea (a guilty
mind); 2. Actus rea (they committed
the offence). Although this seems quite
simple, proving these beyond a reason-
able doubt is the difference between the
guilty and the not guilty.
Selwyn R. Baboolal is a partner at
Oumarally Baboolal practicing in the
area of litigation for the past 18 years.
The foregoing is intended for infor-
mation purposes only and you should
consult a lawyer if you need legal rep-
resentation or a legal opinion.
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A shopkeeper was dismayed when a
brand new business much like his own
opened up next door and erected a huge
sign which read BEST DEALS.
He was horrifed when another
compettor opened up on his right, and
announced its arrival with an even larger
sign, reading LOWEST PRICES.
The shopkeeper panicked, untl he
got an idea. He put the biggest sign of
all over his own shop. It read MAIN
BeLLy BuStAS tAke 3
Potato RUse
CoPying ChRist
staying ahead of the ComPetition
Vito and Vladimir There were two guys
who wanted to pick up women on a
beach. One was Italian (Vito) and the other
was Russian (Vladimir). Vito had no prob-
lem picking up gorgeous women; he was
the most popular guy on the beach. But
Vladimir had no success. Vladimir: Vito!
How do you do it? How do you atract
so many beautful women? Vito: Well,
Ill tell ya! But its a secret.. just between
you and me. I dont want my system to
become too public. Vladimir : OK. Its
a deal. Vito: You see those potatoes
over there? Well, every tme I come to the
beach I take one and put it in my Speedo.
When the women see it, they come run-
ning from miles around. Vladimir : Thats
it? I can do that. The next day, Vladimir
went over to the produce stand and picked
out the biggest, most perfectly shaped
potato he could fnd. He then went into
the changing room and slipped it into his
Speedo. As he walked out onto the beach,
he immediately notced that women...and
men began to notce him. Its working,
he thought. But soon he began to realize
that they were not looking interested but
rather upset, almost disgusted by the sight
of him. He rushed over to Vito and asked
Vito, whats the problem? Why isnt it
working? Vito: Because youre supposed
to put the potato in the FRONT!!
Afer dozens of very expensive tests and
weeks of hospitalizaton, the rich old man
was told he had only 24 hours to live. He
immediately called his doctor and his
lawyer to his room. He asked the doctor to
stand by one side of his bed and his lawyer
to stand by the other. Afer standing for
some tme, the doctor asked What do
you want me to do? Nothing. Just stand
there. A while later, the lawyer asked
What do you want me to do? Nothing.
Just stand there. As the hours wore on,
the doctor and the lawyer watched the
man weaken. When his tme had almost
arrived, the doctor and the lawyer again
asked Why are we standing here? Well,
said the old man, Christ died between
two thieves, so I thought Id do the same!
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The Champions League T20 2013 will
be held in India from September 17 to
October 6 and there will be no team
from England in the tournament. The
West Indian champions, who had to play
Qualifers in the last two editions, will
feature in the main draw.
The schedule announced on April 12,
has ten teams split in two groups, with
the top two in each group making the
semi-fnals. Eight teams have been seeded
directly into the main competition and
will be joined by two of the four qualifers.
One of those qualifers is the Pakistan
side Faisalabad Wolves, who recently
won the Faysal Bank Super Eight T20
Cup; their participation in the tourna-
ment will be interesting given the fragile
diplomatic and sporting ties between
India and Pakistan.
Trinidad & Tobago fnd a place in
the main draw, after sustained public
pressure following strong performances
in previous seasons. They had fnished
runners-up in the inaugural edition in
2009, but had to play the qualifying
round in 2011 and 2012.
The ECBs announcement that
no teams from England will take
pakistans hafeez
Pakistan T20
captain Moham-
mad Hafeez has
become the fourth
franchise player
to join the Caribbean Premier League
Twenty20 tournament. The other inter-
national cricketers who have commit-
ted to playing in the league - and have
been assigned icon or franchise player
status as well - are Ricky Ponting, Adam
Gilchrist and Ross Taylor.
Hafeez, who has played 43 T20I
matches for Pakistan, is ranked No. 2,
behind Shane Watson in the ICC rank-
ings for allrounders. He has led Pakistan
in 14 T20 games, his most recent being
the second T20 against South Africa in
March, where he scored 86 off 51 balls
and became the frst Pakistan batsman
to score 1,000 runs in the format.
The 2010 World T20 allowed me
the experience playing T20 in the
Caribbean and I am looking forward
to playing there once again, Hafeez
said. The people in the West Indies
love their cricket and I am sure the fans
will get behind their teams. I also hope
that cricket fans back in Pakistan and
around the world will follow me during
this frst CPL season.
The CPL is scheduled to begin on July
29 and run till August 26. The tourna-
ment involves six franchise countries
across the Caribbean: Antigua & Bar-
buda, Barbados, Guyana, Jamaica, St.
Lucia and Trinidad & Tobago. The teams
will all have one local and one interna-
tional franchise player each. The players
have not been assigned teams yet.
New president of the West Indies Cricket
Board (WICB), Dave Cameron has said he
is overjoyed about the announcement
that West Indies batsman Marlon Samu-
els had been chosen as one of the fve
Wisden Cricketers-of-the-Year.
The 32-year-old from Jamaica received
the prestgious recogniton, along with
England batsman Nick Compton and
the South African triumvirate of Hashim
Amla, Jacques Kallis and Dale Steyn.
On behalf of the WICB, I want to con-
gratulate Marlon on this recogniton as one
of the fve best players in the world during
the last year by this widely respected pub-
licaton which has been described as The
Bible of our great sport, said Cameron.
This award caps a remarkable year for
Marlon. It is a defning achievement for which
he deserves many compliments not only from
me, but all West Indians, fans of West Indies
cricket and followers of our game.
Cameron said Samuels selecton as
one of the fve Wisden Cricketers-of-the-
Year was also a clear signal that he had
now truly become an elite player.
Its been a long road for Marlon and
this past year has seen him do justce to
the immense talent which we all know he
possesses, said the new WICB president.
One of the highlights of the year for
Samuels was his match-winning innings
of 78 from 56 balls that led West Indies
to the ICC World Twenty20 ttle.
In three Tests in England, he only failed
to pass 50 once in fve innings, and he also
contnued his fne form with the bat on the
tour of Bangladesh, where he collected his
highest Test score of 260 at Khulna.
Overall, Samuels scored 866 runs
including three hundreds and four 50s in
seven Tests at an average of 53.27, last
year, and 482 runs including two hun-
dreds in 17 One-day Internatonals at an
average of 32.13.
No Champions League
Qualifers For TNTs Red Force
part in this years competition has
opened up slots for other domestic
Group A: IPL 1st ranked team (India),
Highveld Lions (South Africa), Perth
Scorchers (Australia), IPL 3rd ranked
team (India), Q1 (Qualifer)
Group B: IPL 2nd ranked team (In-
dia), Titans (South Africa), Brisbane
Heat (Australia), Trinidad & Tobago
(West Indies), Q2 (Qualifer)
Qualifer: IPL 4th ranked team (India),
Otago Volts (New Zealand), Sri Lanka
qualifer, Faisalabad Wolves (Pakistan)
The July August 2013 Inaugural
Season of the Caribbean Premier (T20)
League should be watched closely by off-
cials from Cricket Canada, our countrys
governing body for the sport. Reason
being, the CPL could very well prove to
be the catalyst for the development of
genuine public interest in and excitement
about cricket that Cricket Canada itself
has so miserably failed up until now to
Financed by the Barbados-based,
Ajmal Khan led Venus International, the
CPLs Inaugural Season is scheduled to
begin on July 29 and run till August 26.
The 2013 tournament will involve six
franchise countries across the Carib-
bean: Antigua & Barbuda, Barbados,
Guyana, Jamaica, St. Lucia and Trinidad
& Tobago. The teams will all have one
local and one international franchise
player each, as part of their respective 15
member squads. A total of ninety play-
ers will be contracted for the Inaugural
Six West Indians: Dwayne Bravo, Mar-
lon Samuels, Chris Gayle, Darren Sam-
my, Keiron Pollard and Sunil Naraine
have been contracted to date. They have
been joined so far by four international
players, Australias Ricky Ponting and
Adam Gilchrist, New Zealands Ross Tay-
lor with Pakistans Mohammad Hafeez
recently becoming the fourth.
The ten players who have been con-
tracted to date are yet to be assigned to
any of the six identifed franchise teams.
Those assignments and the eventual con-
frmation of the remaining eighty con-
tracted players will be keenly observed
by cricket fans throughout the Caribbean
and in the wider diaspora. Who knows
there may even be a Canadian or two.
Canadas interest in the CPL should
be with an eye towards how success-
ful its inaugural Season proves itself to
be. If wildly so, as measured by sold out
matches and massive television audienc-
es, the Venus Group may well move very
quickly to achieve its stated objective of
making the CPL become attractive as a
global event.
One sure way of doing so would of
course be to include the participation of
North American based expansion teams.
A Canadian franchise could therefore
well be in CPLs immediate future plans.
With it would come the very real oppor-
tunity to fnally create meaningful public
interest in cricket here in Canada.
Cricket Canada
Should keep its
Eyes on Cpl

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