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Sustainability Briefing 2013

What are we aiming for?

AEG Live is committed to creating and delivering events which balance economic performance with environmental stewardship, human health and community well-being, engaging with our partners, workforce, supply-chain and audience in the process. Barclaycard British Summer Time (BST) 2013-2017 in Hyde Park is a key event for us and the Royal Parks and we are committed to delivering a unique event, a diverse mix of commercial and community-oriented content and activities, with care for the environment and people involved, achieving commercial success and creating community benefits while protecting, conserving and enhancing the park.

What does this mean for contractors working with us at Hyde Park?

We want to work with suppliers and contractors who can help us ensure that the products and services used for BST are sourced, manufactured and provided with care and respect for the environment, workforce and communities, and that materials, equipment and products used are safe for human health and generate minimal impacts in use and at the end of their use. For the first two years of BST, we will work collaboratively with contractors on sustainable sourcing. Over time we will be introducing stricter requirements on what can and cannot be used.

What are the key areas and what are we doing?

Local community and business We regularly consult with community stakeholders about their concerns and have created an on- line web portal to provide event updates. During the event we will provide an on-site residents hub and a Community Security and Stewarding Team. We offer local businesses the opportunity to provide services and goods and give preference to suppliers who actively support local businesses and labour. We will provide local education, training, work placement and volunteering opportunities and supporting the Royal Parks Foundation charity, through fund-raising activities. Diversity and inclusion

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We are working with the charity Attitude is Everything to ensure BST is accessible to people with disabilities and special needs and providing accessibility training for key personnel. We will provide community-oriented event activities, including free cultural and sporting activities for school children, and content from local talent and not-for-profit organisations. Our customer charter sets out our commitments to i.a. value for money concession pricing and providing complimentary tickets to low income families. We are committed to working with contractors who promote equal opportunities for a diverse workforce and avoid discrimination on the basis of race, religion, etc. Labour practice, health, safety and welfare We are seeking to work with suppliers and contractors which provide fair and equal terms of employment. We are committed to providing a safe and secure environment for audience and event staff in co-operation with our safety and security contractors. We will also be working to provide for the welfare of site staff, for example providing comfortable rest and break facilities. Sustainable and local sourcing We are committed to using sustainably-sourced materials, products, equipment and merchandise, where possible local, with the aim of reducing travel miles, safeguarding the environment and welfare standards, and supporting the local economy. We will be working with contractors and suppliers to source sustainably and locally, e.g. the main stage is being sourced and made in the UK and designed for reuse, all timber must be sustainably sourced and we are working to provide a high level of healthy, organic, Fairtrade and/or locally sourced food and drink. Energy We are working with our power providers to maximise efficiency, monitor energy use, minimise emissions and prevent pollution. All secondary stages in 2013 will be solar powered and we will explore further options for using zero or low carbon energy sources from 2014. We will measure energy use and carbon emissions each year, work with power suppliers to design energy efficient systems and onsite contractors to reduce energy demand, and will closely monitor power use to inform future improvements. Protecting the park ecology and wider environment Protecting the park's flora and fauna, grass, land water courses and landscape is a priority. The Royal Parks arboriculture and ecology consultants will be surveying the parks trees and ecology pre-event and AEG Live will ensure that the necessary measures are in place to protect the park and provide instructions to all of our contractors to help us achieve this. Waste Recycling and reuse targets for BST start at 35% in 2013, increasing to 55% in 2017 and we are also committed to working towards zero waste to landfill by 2017, in accordance with the Zero Waste Events 20:20 roadmap. To achieve this we will be working closely with event stakeholders to manage and monitor the types and volumes of materials we use, the waste we produce and what happens to it off-site and develop an event Waste Management Plan. Water We are hiring a state of the system for sanitation over the five years, which is economical to transport, store, uses less water than traditional units and also provide additional comfort.

What should I be doing as a contractor?

For potential and appointed contractors and suppliers: let us know what you are doing as a company on sustainability

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let us know about the sustainability of the materials, equipment, products or services you are proposing/will be using for BST please refer to our Sustainable Sourcing Guideline For appointed contractors and suppliers: complete the Materials Use Form, to help us develop our Waste Management Plan keep and, where necessary, provide evidence of the sustainability and/or origin of the materials, equipment and products you provide or use for BST, e.g. material safety data sheets, certifications, chain-of-custody audit reports co-operate with us in monitoring our sustainability performance and impacts for the event work with us to identify new and alternative ways of delivering on sustainability complete the sustainability declaration and checklist (to be provided by end April 2013) We will be providing further information on specific sustainability-related requirements and procedures prior to and during the event in particular via the on-line contractor portal, trader pack, contractor briefings, training and inductions.

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