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Street Hypnosis Downunder

Taking hypnosis to the streets of Australia
Wayne Donnelly 1/1/2012

Step by step tips on how to do street hypnosis. Performed in Manly Beach, Australia.

Street Hypnosis Downunder (c) Wayne Donnelly

The purpose of this free e-book on Street Hypnosis is to share with you my experiences. This is a book of basic hypnotic skills. It is definitely not a book on how to teach you all about hypnosis. It is basic and for fun. What if you could learn a few hypnotic skills to share with friends and family? What if you could acquire a degree of confidence in Instant Hypnotic Inductions and suggestions? Imagine how your confidence would grow. Watch the video, read the steps in this book and practice with friends. Only if want to learn more from me....then... email me at

Who is Wayne Donnelly? I am a hypnotist and NLP Master practitioner living in Manly Beach, Australia. The powe of the mind and change work really grabbed my attention at a firewalk with Anthony Robbins back in 1996. Since then Ive been studying and applying change in my own life as well as helping others. The whole story is in another book.

Street Hypnosis Downunder (c) Wayne Donnelly

This e book should be read in conjunction with viewing my video on You Tube which can be found at

1. Call for volunteers when they come to you..thats a great sign...they are already responding to your suggestions.

Make them more comfortable with your soothing hypnotic voice...use your rapport skills Ask them what do they know about the power of the mind have they been hypnotised before have they seen others hypnotised

Be responsible for their safety. Maybe have a friend watching over the scene. The markets that we were at were a great place as we are away from the road. Keep this in mind.


Street Hypnosis Downunder (c) Wayne Donnelly

2. Explain what you want them to do. Show them what to do. Watch them to see that they are following you. Another good sign. Building one suggestion on top of another. Its all about their compliance.

This is moving towards the first suggestability test


Street Hypnosis Downunder (c) Wayne Donnelly

Keep demonstrating. Keep asking questions and have them agreeing. Build that ladder of yess

The first suggestability test is the finger vice test. Squeeze the hands together, push the index fingers apart. Focus on the space between the fingers 5|Page

Street Hypnosis Downunder (c) Wayne Donnelly

And you suggest that the fingers have a life of their own...the finger tips have magnets that ...are pulling together...more and more...try to pull them apart (presupposition of failure to do so) Repeat...lead them...

Continue the hypnotic patter. Listen to me voice in the video


Street Hypnosis Downunder (c) Wayne Donnelly

To add more strength to this. I move my hands up and pretend to wind a vice together to force the fingers shut


Street Hypnosis Downunder (c) Wayne Donnelly

And there they go...shut Another version of this is...if you can sense their to suggest that now the fingers are means they are locked and glued and stuck etc Play with it have fun...extend confident Be the hypnotist ... take the position of authority


Street Hypnosis Downunder (c) Wayne Donnelly

Suggestability Test 2 Bricks and Balloons

Tell them what to do Show them what to do The feedback you get is the communication you gave SO be clear, concise


Street Hypnosis Downunder (c) Wayne Donnelly

Instruct the volunteer to hold their hands palm palm down In the video he put both palms up... youll notice I just reach out and turn one over.

Make sure the eyes are closed. You want the volunteer to imagine what you are going to suggest.

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Street Hypnosis Downunder (c) Wayne Donnelly

Imagine in one hand the upturned palm that you are holding a brick, or two or with the imagination...observe what they respond to...a book may be better in some cases. For women...Ive noticed shopping bags are more effective for imagining heavy objects.

You may touch the palm gently the first time to get things moving. After that , leave it all to the volunteers imagination. Use a deeper voice....accentuate the words...down...heavier etc

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Street Hypnosis Downunder (c) Wayne Donnelly

In the downturned hand...imagine a bunch of helium filled balloons tied to the wrist...bright....colourful (name some colours) Your voice should be rising with these upward intonation

Repeat until they feel it ......and observe the difference in movement of the arms... Important to have the volunteer open their eyes and see the difference to experience the power of their mind This is building on top of the previous suggestability test and is reinforcing within the volunteers unconscious mind that he is responding to the hypnotists suggestions.

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Street Hypnosis Downunder (c) Wayne Donnelly

Compliance testing In a few moments you can test the volunteers compliance. Your speed in doing this can increase with practise so that flows smoothly. For example, in the video, you see me ask the volunteer to move across...maybe closer or further away....bring feet close together etc

This is further evidence of the compliance to your suggestions. Do you see how this builds upon the previous step? It also ensures your successful street hypnosis demonstration.

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Street Hypnosis Downunder (c) Wayne Donnelly

Next The Instant Induction

Get their attention Hold the shoulders Get more attention point to your eyes and tell them to look into them

Tell the volunteer to focus on your eyes And listen to your voice You may also place your other hand on shoulders and gently sway Instruct them to take a deep breath in you lead by breathing in Then a deep breath out you lead by breathing out Repeat several times Look for depth of rapport

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Street Hypnosis Downunder (c) Wayne Donnelly

The Command

Next step

GENTLY cup your hand behind their head

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Street Hypnosis Downunder (c) Wayne Donnelly

Command SLEEP

And at the same time guide their head firmly WITHOUT jerking... onto your chest. (Note if anyone has glasses remove them at the beginning) Firmly command - Sleep, thats right, all the way down...drifting, dreaming, relaxing Listen and watch the video . Observe the sequence.

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Street Hypnosis Downunder (c) Wayne Donnelly

The Deepening

Fractionation is a term used to deepen the trance state by leading the volunteer into and out of trance a number of times in quick succession. You will see this in the video. When bringing them up just omit the formal count up into the alert waking state. Tell the volunteer to stand up and open their eyes. Then again, SLEEP, to put them deeper. Practise and you will see it work and get the feel for it.


You can deepen the trance state very quickly by bringing them in and out of state quickly a number of times in succession. In this video I do it four times

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Street Hypnosis Downunder (c) Wayne Donnelly

Second time

Second time, notice body, more relaxed , slumped over. Keep the hypnotic patter going

Third time down, only have to shake the shoulders gently. Command sleep and he is gone. Notice that his eyes are closed already! 18 | P a g e

Street Hypnosis Downunder (c) Wayne Donnelly

Gone...all the way down

After the 4th time down..I start the suggestion...notice my left hand is picking up his right hand and placing it on his hip. At this point Im starting to build the picture. Your hand is on your;s stuck to your hip...feels like its glued to your feels like your hand and hip are carved from one piece of wood...etc this is building and building on the hand being stuck to the hip You could choose to do other routines. For example, arm catalepsy, suggest that they become a teapot and pour on command. Click here to see

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Street Hypnosis Downunder (c) Wayne Donnelly

I only have to hold his hand lightly...placing pressure on his hand as I repeat the suggestion

Different angle to show he is hand stuck

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Street Hypnosis Downunder (c) Wayne Donnelly

The Test The proof is in the pudding they say. So now its time to test the effectiveness of your suggestions.

Bring him up and test the suggestion. His hand doesnt move...much to his amazement This is a real buzz. Now what happens if his hand moves? Do you freak out...accept failure and go home? No....No...No...No Put him back down in trance quickly. By this stage only a quick pull on the shoulder and whisper sleep should do it. Then reinforce the suggestion with maybe a more commanding, stronger, paternal voice and more pressure on the hand. Adding words like stiff, rigid, stuck. Practice...practice...practice...

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Street Hypnosis Downunder (c) Wayne Donnelly

Restore the original state While its fun to see a volunteer in a stuck state its not a good thing to leave them there. Now its time to release them. So with a quick pull on the shoulder and the command SLEEP we

drop the volunteer back into trance

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Street Hypnosis Downunder (c) Wayne Donnelly

Relax the arm and ensure the suggestion is rescinded. Add some post hypnotic suggestions as a gift Ie because you can relax so easily after being stuck it means that whenever you find yourself stuck in the future can easily relax and move forward. Or something like that.

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Street Hypnosis Downunder (c) Wayne Donnelly

Test again to make sure the volunteer is back to normal. Here it is the hand shake. Wish him well, send him on his way

Congratulate the volunteer. Send them on their way feeling really good about themselves. Enjoy the feeling of having successfully performed a routine. Then while the iron is hot and there is a great atmosphere, ask for another volunteer. Have fun. Enjoy yourself. Take care of your volunteers. Their safety is your responsibility. Practice. Practise, Practise. Video and review. Email me to let me know how you are doing and maybe we can meet in the street one day.

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Street Hypnosis Downunder (c) Wayne Donnelly

Tips to remember 1. Have someone else with you to keep an eye on the volunteer after you finish with them 2. Work in a group. Start hypnotising each other. This creates a crowd to you. Much easier than asking people out of the blue. 3. If a volunteer is wearing glasses, get them to take them off. 4. Always ask and receive permission to hypnotise a volunteer. If you do not get permission then DO NOT hypnotise them. Thats just stupid.. 5. Want to be successful every time? Pick your volunteers. Do the suggestability test. You can at any time thank them and let them go. Doesnt it look better if you are effective every time? 6. Avoid the people that say You cant hypnotise me. They are self selecting to NOT be a volunteer. 7. Get in rapport quickly. 8. Utilise hypnotic voice and hypnotic gaze 9. Demonstrate the suggestions effectiveness. 10. Always remove the suggestions at the end. 11. Test the suggestion removal. 12. Do a formal end to the trance and bring them back to the alert waking state. 13. Usually there is a hypnotic hangover. This is a good time to give a hypnotic gift such as increased confidence and self esteem or maybe a general feeling of well being. 14. Be responsible for the volunteers safety at all times. 15. Have fun.

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Street Hypnosis Downunder (c) Wayne Donnelly

Further information What if you could develop the skills you see here...and more? What if you could do instant inductions on the street or at home, easily and effortlessly? Imagine how good you feel demonstrating your new found skills.. It would be good to learn hypnosis...wouldnt it? So if learning new hypnotic skills is interesting to you then email me at

Go for it!

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