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Children of light.

Devoted: Children of light is a RPG setting for post by post games or fast phased table top games. To play devoted youll need a sheet of paper and 1d4, 1d6 and 1d8 dies, and some to play with, here of one taking on the role as Story teller.

This is a quick sample of the rule system and world flavor in one of my upcoming games. The game will not come up for a long time, but Im willing, no would love to receive ideas from all of you. I hope that this little sample can give you a taste of whats to come...

The best regards - LAYF -

Good, Evil! Hell, heaven! Angels and Devils! These are human words, human labels! Before humans there were no good and evil, heaven and hell was just two sides of the same, and angels and Devils walked side by side, trying to do their best to guard the world made by and for them. Then came man, and then came cruelty and love, inventions and destruction, war and please, all concepts that had never crossed our minds. and the angels and Devils of heaven responded, for the first time ever, the devoted fought each other. Son slain by father, brother by brother, sister by sister!

Hate and fear! We dont know who did it! We dont even know how, but suddenly a great rumble was heard from the skies and the earth, then the crackle of lightning and then sun went red, then black, seas flooded much of earth, and men was nearly destroyed, and all angels and Devils retreated back to heaven and hell! A great meeting was held, and we all agreed to newer interfere with humans again, only stand back, watching, enjoy the power that came from their prayers when directed at us, ignoring that witch was directed at others. And so we did, for a long time we did, but jealousy and greed had struck our hearths, and one day, someone betrayed the pact was broken, this time, not only had thoughts, ideas and visions been planted in the minds of men, but power two, the power to create, to change and to destroy.

Hate and fear! It was hate and fear that ignited the first fires, the first kills, and the first war to ever have been between the devoted.

And it all happened so fast. Some of us, angels and Devils, started to slip into the minds of humans, telling stories of worlds greater than that of earth, about the forges in hell, the palaces of heaven, for we all knew, that the devotion of humans, could strengthen us greatly. But the human mind did not understand! And so man made his own twisted version of our visions, creating names and labels for the beings they had seen in their minds eye. And so we watched, bathed in the power that came from the human prayers, but along with the power came the feelings of men;

And it all happened so fast. Seeing the power this man gathered for only a select few of us, others did the same, religion was born, and so was the war it brings! Even in heaven and hell, the Angels and Devils of various groups began to battle each other! Soon the earth felt the effect of the celestial war, blood rained from the skies, swarms of insects prayed on the land, and children of men died without a cause. A great rumble, greater than that of the flood sounded, and heaven was broken, more than two thirds of all angels and devils fell towards the earth, half of these landed in the world of men, the other half continued to fall all the way to hell, and where they landed, hell as heaven broke into many layers!

Hate and fear! Greed, fear, love, corruption! And still we watched! The feelings growing inside us, without us understanding them, without us wanting to understand them!

Hate and fear! That is the emotion that all of us, trapped on earth feels, for we know not of the state of our brothers and sisters in hell and heaven! Do they still exist? Do they still wage war? Is there even any hell and heaven left? We do not know, all we do now is walk the earth, banded together in small groups, guided by few laws and even fewer morals we walk. We walk and pray upon the devotion of men, we try to fit into their world, we try to find a way home! Any yet, we still fight each other!

And it all happened so fast! One man sailed across a great ocean, and on the other side he met a man like him! Like him but different! For this mans labels and visions of us was different from the first mans, and they drew weapons! Just as the first red drop was cut from the skin of the first man, yet before it had hit the dry ground, angels and Devils of hell stormed to earth, ready to fight for the power they felt was theirs,

And it all happened so fast!


Table of contends
Introduction.............................................................................................................................................................................. 2 Character creation: ................................................................................................................................................................... 4 Powers, houses and linage: .................................................................................................................................................. 5

Character creation:
Characters starts by filling out the stats and skill on a character sheet (found in the back of this pdf) then, choosing a house and last, choosing special abilities.

Stats: Consumable stats: (consumable stats have a max value and a current value, the current value will change a lot over a game. HP: 5. (The life force of a character, if this reaches 0, the character is unconscious, if it reaches a negative value equal to its max, the character dies. HP is the value of all fixed stats combined) Endurance: 10. (How much energy the character has, all actions has a chance to cost Endurance, Endurance is the value of all fixed stats combined, multiplied by 2) Devotion: 20. (A characters power to do supernatural things, reach 0 and the character is a normal human till it gains devotion again, Devotion is the value of all fixed stats combined, multiplied by 4, no matter what a devoted does, if he is hurt and have devotion left, the devotion will slowly heal him) Fixed stats: (Fixed stats rarely change, and affect skill checks and most actions) Strength: 1. (How strong a character is, this stat are added to many close combat attacks) Flexibility: 1. (How well the character can controlee his body, is added to some close and some ranged combat attack) Coordination: 1. (A characters ability to react and act on actions, is added to many ranged attacks) Intelligence: 1. (A characters knowledge, what he knows, affects lore and knowledge roles) Wisdom: 1. (How smart a character is, his ability to figure things out, affects attention and puzzle roles)

Powers, houses and linage:

Table 001 (XP cost to learn power) There are several powers the devoted can posses. The powers belong to both a house and a linage. The house is the specific group in a linage a Devoted comes from, and a linage is either angels or Devils. When learning powers, a character pays an amount of XP, dependent upon what linage and house and level that power and the character is from. On table 001 can be seen the price of learning a power, based on these factors Devoted can use any power, no matter the level, linage and house. but higher level powers cost more devotion to use, learned powers cost less to use than non learned as well powers within the same linage, or better same house, costs even less to cast. The Devotion cost can be seen on table 002 below. Besides the normal Devotion cost of a power, characters must pay extra devotion, based upon the most disbelieving spectator pressed when the power is used. As shown on table 003 below. All powers are marked with one or more houses and lineages along with a level. Examples of common known powers can be found in the boxes to the left. House Same Different Different and house house house linage and same and linage linage Level linage 1 2 3 4 2 3 4 6 3 4 6 9 4 6 9 13 5 9 13 19

Remove disease: Level 1 power. Linage(s): Angels. House(s): Deva, Followers of Maria. This power removes all traces of one bacterial or virus caused disease in the targets body, it cannot remove genetic or magical diseases.

Devoted fire: Level 3 power. Linage(s): Angels. Devils House(s): Descendants of Michael, Children of Shiva, Sisters of sin This power ignites any weapon or ammunition, causing it to deal 1d6 extra (un)holy fire damage

Table 002 (Devotion cost to use power) House and linage Level 1 Learned 1 2 Learned 2 3 Learned 3 4 Learned 4 5 Learned 5 Same Different Different house house house and same and linage linage linage 1 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3 5 6 8 9 11 12 14 15 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

Table 003 (extra cost to powers used in the

presence of others)

Most disbelieving spectator Another Devoted Another supernatural being An animal A human of the same faith A human without faith A human of another faith

Extra cost per power level non 1 1d2 1d3 1d4 1d6

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