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370 May 15, 2000

OSHA’s Ergonomics Litigation Record

Three Strikes and It’s Out
by Eugene Scalia

Executive Summary

In November 1999 the Occupational Safety Ergonomics may seem to be a bewildering

and Health Administration proposed an ambi- topic. It certainly has bewildered OSHA. But
tious “ergonomics” rule that would regulate the there is a very simple way of appreciating the folly
pace of work in American businesses, the level of of ergonomics “science” and regulation: studying
staffing, rest periods, the length of shifts, and the OSHA’s own attempts to apply ergonomics in the
design of equipment and entire facilities. OSHA three cases it litigated to judgment. In one, the
says it will finalize the rule in 2000. 1995 Beverly Enterprises case, OSHA could not
The premise of ergonomic regulation is that establish that lifting causes back injury. In the
physical exertion is hazardous and causes “muscu- second, the 1998 Dayton Tire case, OSHA charged
loskeletal disorders” such as carpal tunnel syn- that nearly two dozen jobs in a single facility were
drome, which purportedly is caused by typing. hazardous but at trial could not establish the
Ergonomists advocate radical redesign of the work- presence of a single hazard. OSHA’s “experts” in
place to avert these supposed “repetitive motion the case repeatedly disagreed with one another’s
injuries,” or “cumulative trauma disorders.” assessments of supposed job hazards; ultimately,
Ergonomists are not physicians—they are engi- their testimony was thrown out of court under
neers—and their medical theories are controversial. the Supreme Court’s “junk science” test. In the
Some of the world’s leading medical researchers third case, the 1997 Pepperidge Farm case, OSHA
deny that repetitive motion causes injury. and the world’s leading ergonomists could not
Ergonomists themselves concede fundamental identify changes needed to eliminate supposed
flaws in their theories. They acknowledge that mus- ergonomic hazards. The Occupational Safety and
culoskeletal pain has many causes other than work, Health Review Commission ruled that
and, while contending that physical exertion is haz- Pepperidge Farm had a good ergonomics pro-
ardous, they also acknowledge that some degree of gram; OSHA and its experts had simply not been
physical activity is healthful and that they cannot able to tell.
identify the point at which exertion ceases being If OSHA and the world’s leading ergonomists
good or benign and instead becomes a workplace cannot make sense of ergonomics, how can
hazard that must be regulated by the government. American business be expected to?
The author is a partner with the Washington, D.C., office of Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP. He practices in
the area of labor and employment law and has handled numerous matters involving ergonomics.
Individual busi- Ergonomists’ proposed solutions follow
nesses have Ergonomic Theory directly from their premises and are stagger-
ing in their consequences. They include slow-
estimated that and Its Pitfalls ing the pace of work so that employees
ergonomic mea- engage in less repetitive motion and increas-
Ergonomics, Ergonomists, and Their Aims ing staffing and rest periods so that, again,
sures OSHA has The dictionary definition of ergonomics is each employee works less hard. Since lifting
sought would cost “an applied science concerned with designing heavy objects is deemed hazardous, ergono-
them hundreds of and arranging things people use so that the mists propose reducing the weight of objects
people and things interact most efficiently to be lifted and installing lifting equipment
millions of and safely.”1 Ergonomics is synonymous with to lessen the demands on workers. “Awkward
dollars annually. “human factors engineering,” and ergono- postures” must be addressed by redesigning
mists—to the extent they have any specialized tools or entire workstations.
education—are engineers. Ergonomics’ cur- In the absence of an ergonomics rule,
rent prominence, however, comes from its OSHA has prosecuted what it considers
association with a medical theory—the claim ergonomic hazards under a provision of the
that repetitive motion and other demanding Occupational Safety and Health Act known
physical labor cause “repetitive motion as the “general duty clause.” The clause pro-
injuries” (RMIs), also called “cumulative trau- hibits employers from exposing employees to
ma disorders” or “repetitive strain injuries.” “recognized hazards that are . . . likely to
Proper “ergonomic” design of the workplace is cause death or serious physical harm.”7
thought to avert these ailments. OSHA settled or dismissed all but three of its
It actually is an understatement to say that general duty clause ergonomics cases, but the
ergonomists consider demanding physical remedies it sought reflect the sweeping
labor the cause of RMIs. The tasks they con- changes that OSHA and ergonomists have in
sider hazardous include activities that are not mind. In one case, OSHA directed a luggage
demanding at all: “[u]sing the hands to wring manufacturer to “reduce the number of job
out a mop,” for instance, and “[h]olding a jar tasks” in order to “increase rest time.” OSHA
in one hand while attempting to remove the also ordered the company to “redesign
lid with the other hand” are both identified as assembly.” In other cases, the agency
occupational hazards in OSHA’s proposed instructed a tool manufacturer to “redesign”
rule.2 “Awkward postures” and “cold tempera- the job and sought to force a shipping com-
tures” also are ergonomic “risk factors.”3 Even pany to reduce by half the weight of packages
more confusing, too little activity, as well as it accepted for delivery. Such measures go
too much, is said to be ergonomically danger- straight to a company’s bottom line.
ous. Thus, OSHA’s proposed rule warns not Individual businesses have estimated that
only against “[b]ending or twisting” but also ergonomic measures OSHA has sought
against “maintaining [the] same position or would cost them hundreds of millions of
posture” and “[s]itting for a long time”; it dollars annually.8
warns against gloves that are “too large or OSHA’s proposed rule identifies no spe-
too small” and—not unreasonably—against cific changes employers must make; instead,
“[u]sing hand as a hammer.”4 OSHA considers it identifies a series of steps they must follow
it per se hazardous to use hands for what if “work-related musculoskeletal disorders”
they’re made for—“handling.”5 occur. Employers’ obligations under the rule
Given those premises, it is no surprise that are triggered by “signs” and “symptoms” of
the research arm of OSHA—the National musculoskeletal disorders, which OSHA
Institute for Occupational Safety and Health defines to include “pain,” “numbness,” and
(NIOSH)—believes that ergonomic hazards “tingling.” When those symptoms occur,
exist in all industries.6 employers are to examine the employee’s job

to determine whether it is “reasonably likely” work activities and the development of well-
to be ergonomically hazardous. If it is, the recognized disease entities.”1 1 Similarly, the
employer is to implement the kind of abate- world’s leading experts on back problems
ment measures described above—reduce deny that job tasks are an important cause of
assembly line speed, redesign equipment, back pain.1 2
and so on—until the hazard is gone or no fur- A second basic problem with ergonomics
ther changes are feasible. The rule also pro- is that, even accepting its premises, ergono-
vides for an “incremental abatement process” mists admit great difficulty diagnosing an
under which an employer may make some RMI in any given instance. As noted, muscu-
job adjustments, see whether the employee is loskeletal discomfort is ubiquitous, and
feeling better, and, if not, continue making ergonomists concede it has many causes
adjustments until the employee’s condition other than work: it occurs (and dissipates)
improves. An astonishing provision of the naturally and also is correlated with aging,
rule would require employers in some cir- obesity, and genetic predisposition, among
cumstances to give employees up to six other things.1 3 Ergonomists’ difficulties
months’ leave at 90 percent of their pay if identifying supposed RMIs are exacerbated
their MSD symptoms (e.g., “tingling”) do not by the fact that, whereas physicians typically
go away. Or employees could demand to be rely on objective criteria to make diagnoses, Whereas physi-
placed in light-duty jobs under the provision, ergonomists rely on subjective symptoms. In cians typically
in a manner similar to the practice under the one leading study by NIOSH, musculoskele- rely on objective
Americans with Disabilities Act but with tal conditions were “diagnosed” by jerking
fewer constraints.9 workers’ hands and arms around and asking criteria to make
whether it hurt a lot or just a little bit.1 4 diagnoses,
The Problems of Ergonomics OSHA’s proposed rule treats “fatigue” as syn-
Given the enormous burdens of ergonom- onymous with injury.1 5 ergonomists rely
ic regulation, one would expect compelling Importantly, if an ergonomist fails to on subjective
scientific evidence to underlie OSHA’s pro- determine the cause of a worker’s muscu- symptoms.
posal. But the “science” of ergonomics is loskeletal disorder, then the disorder cannot
notoriously doubt-ridden and controversial. be classified as an RMI, since the term “repet-
A first and most basic problem with itive motion injury” indicates a conclusion as
ergonomics is that leading physicians and to cause.
medical organizations dispute that RMIs Ergonomists’ third great difficulty is iden-
actually occur. These physicians do not deny tifying effective ergonomic solutions. As
that people experience pain and discomfort leading ergonomist Stover Snook puts it, “It
in their backs, limbs, and other parts of the is difficult to try and prevent . . . back injuries
musculoskeletal system. On the contrary, when no one really knows what causes
musculoskeletal discomfort is ubiquitous. them.”16 NIOSH sensibly states that the first
Fifty percent of Americans experience back step in determining whether a job is
pain every year, for instance.1 0 What the ergonomically hazardous is comparing “job
physicians dispute is that physical exertion is demands . . . to known human capacities.”
the cause of musculoskeletal injury or illness. Yet the agency confesses in the same docu-
Carpal tunnel syndrome is an affliction of ment, “For most biomechanical factors, the
the hand and wrist that ergonomists claim is limits of human capacities have not been
caused by typing, for instance, yet the defined.”17 Scientists call this an inability to
American Society for Surgery of the Hand identify “dose-response relationships”; ergono-
opposes ergonomic regulation. It explains: mists do not know how much repetition, force,
“[T]he current medical literature does not or weight is too much and therefore do not
provide the information necessary to estab- know the level to which those things should
lish a causal relationship between specific be reduced to avert supposed ergonomic ail-

ments. Obviously, this is a critical shortcom- more “repetitive stress” had fewer muscu-
ing since the things OSHA claims are haz- loskeletal complaints. What work-related fac-
ardous—movement, force, sitting, and stand- tors were positively associated with supposed
ing, for example—are crucial to work, daily musculoskeletal disorders? Psychological
living, and health itself. variables such as “fear of being replaced by
Perhaps the most conspicuous hole in computers, . . . little decision making opportu-
ergonomists’ theories is “psychosocial fac- nity, . . . lack of co-worker support, and lack of
tors.” Much of the literature on back pain supervisor support.”2 2 Altogether, 10 such
and other musculoskeletal complaints finds psychosocial factors were correlated with
no correlation with job demands but does reported musculoskeletal disorders in the
indicate a significant tie to job satisfaction NIOSH study.
and general happiness. One of the most thor- The large role of psychosocial factors
ough studies ever conducted on back pain ought to trouble ergonomists for two rea-
tracked 3,020 Boeing workers over four years. sons. First, ergonomists blame muscu-
The workers performed a variety of jobs with loskeletal disorders on the physical demands
quite different physical demands, but the of jobs, but the studies that take account of
study found no significant correlation psychosocial factors show the influence of
between reported back pain and job tasks. It physical factors to be weak. Second, ergono-
also found no association between reported mists rely heavily on subjective reports of
back pain and lifting strength.1 8 Instead, pain and discomfort in “diagnosing” muscu-
other than prior back problems, the factors loskeletal disorders, yet those subjective
most strongly correlated with reported back reports often will be unreliable, given the
pain were employee responses to questions influence of psychosocial factors. OSHA con-
from the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality cedes this at one point in its proposed rule,
Inventory, a standard psychological exam. stating that a particular study on shoulder
Negative responses to statements like “I am tendonitis should “be interpreted with cau-
satisfied with the way my fellow workers tion” since “[s]houlder tension is strongly
respond to my emotions, such as anger, sor- affected by psychosocial factors.”2 3Generally,
row, or laughter” were better predictors of however, the proposed rule brushes off psy-
reported back pain than was frequent lifting chosocial factors, making the irresponsible
on the job.1 9 and undocumented claim that physical fac-
Similarly, a 1992 NIOSH study at US West tors play a far greater role in reported mus-
found a high level of supposed musculoskele- culoskeletal disorders.2 4 The proposal uses
tal disorders at that “Baby Bell” company. subjective symptoms to diagnose supposed
In one leading (NIOSH’s “diagnoses” relied entirely on musculoskeletal disorders.25
employees’ subjective reports of pain and dis- The many weaknesses of ergonomics have
study by NIOSH, comfort.) The agency suspected that typing- resulted in testimony by “expert” ergono-
musculoskeletal intensive jobs were the cause of the reported mists being rejected repeatedly by the federal
disorders but discovered that “[a]lmost all of courts under the Supreme Court’s “junk sci-
conditions were the physical workstations observed in [the] ence” test. In Daubert v. Merrell Dow
“diagnosed” by study were of high ergonomic quality.”2 0 And, Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (1993), the Supreme
jerking workers’ just as new chairs and wrist pads were not the Court directed lower court judges to act as
answer to musculoskeletal complaints in the “gatekeepers” and exclude supposed “expert”
hands and arms study, so changing job demands was not the testimony from trial when it is not based on
around and ask- solution. The two occupational factors associ- “scientifically valid principles.”2 6 Under
ing whether it ated with lower rates of injury were overtime Daubert, judges consider such factors as
worked in the two years prior to the study and whether the proposed expert testimony has
hurt a lot or just a increased hours per day spent performing been scientifically tested and peer reviewed
little bit. data entry.2 1 That is, workers subjected to and whether it has achieved acceptance in the

scientific community. Testimony that fails to proposal has a similar provision.) Since Since ergono-
meet those criteria or that has a high “poten- ergonomists admit not knowing dose- mists admit not
tial rate of error”2 7will be deemed lacking sci- response relationships—that is, the point at
entific validity and evidentiary reliability and which repetitive motion or heavy lifting knowing the
will be excluded from trial.2 8 OSHA ought to becomes hazardous—employers were left to point at which
be profoundly troubled that it is basing a rule guess when measures were necessary. The
of general applicability on a science that can- California draft indicated generally that
repetitive motion
not meet those minimal criteria. appropriate measures included reducing or heavy lifting
the “work pace,” “redesign[ing] . . . work becomes haz-
The California Debacle: A Cautionary duties,” and “[p]hysical modifications to
Example work stations, equipment, tools, [and] pro- ardous, employ-
In the current rulemaking OSHA claims duction processes . . .”; covered workplaces ers are left to
that ergonomics is a simple matter of “com- were to implement such measures “as nec-
guess when
mon sense” and implementing “reasonable essary to eliminate or reduce CTD risk.”3 3
measures.” But it is instructive to look at the Again, since ergonomists themselves do not measures are
recent experience of the Occupational Safety know the changes necessary to eliminate necessary.
and Health Standards Board in California. A supposed “CTD risk,” employers were left
last-minute rider to a 1993 workers’ compen- to guess at their obligations.
sation bill required that agency “to adopt In California the Division of Occupational
standards for ergonomics in the workplace Safety and Health ordinarily drafts regula-
designed to minimize the instances of injury tions, and the state’s Occupational Safety and
from repetitive motion.”2 9 Health Standards Board then decides whether
The initial drafts of California’s rule were pre- to approve them. The board unanimously
pared by the state’s Division of Occupational rejected the division’s draft ergonomics rule.
Safety and Health and—like the current federal The proposal treats “all symptom[s] as being a
proposal—reflected ergonomists’ inability to CTD related problem,” objected one board
identify the ailments targeted by the rule, what member in a public hearing.3 4 Another mem-
causes them, and what measures will remedy ber asked whether there was a way under the
them. The initial proposal required employers to rule “to relate the symptoms to the work-
alter jobs and job stations whenever “any ‘work- place,” and a third queried whether it was
related CTD [cumulative trauma disorder] risk appropriate that “symptoms should trigger
causes or aggravates CTD symptoms.’”3 0 “CTD control measures [instead of] a diagnosed con-
symptom[s]” were defined to include “pain from dition.”35 Members protested the vague and
movement . . . [or] pressure” that is “persisting or open-ended nature of the rule’s requirements.
recurring.”31 Thus, as under the federal proposal, One member said that it was impossible for
an employee could have a condition that did not employers to know “if they have done
result from “repetitive motion,” did not originate enough” to comply with the rule, and another
at work, and was not an “injury”—a sore arm protested that “employers don’t know [what
from throwing a football, for instance. But if the do to] until the Division [which drafted the
condition resulted in pain while moving at work, rule and also conducts prosecutions under it]
the employer would have been required to treat comes out and tells them what they think”;
the condition as a work-caused musculoskeletal instead, that member stated, “employers must
disorder. be given enough instruction to know what the
Under this initial proposal, employers’ baseline is.”3 6 All of those criticisms may be
obligations also turned on the existence of made of the current federal proposal.
“CTD risk,” defined as frequency, force, Having rejected the draft prepared by the
posture, or other factors present “in such a Division of Occupational Safety and Health,
manner and to such an extent that a CTD is the Occupational Safety and Health
substantially likely to result.”3 2 (The federal Standards Board took the unusual step of

drafting the rule itself. (As noted, California mates and no specific cost information was
law required that some rule be put in place.) provided or obtained in 1994 during the pre-
En route to finalizing the rule, the board vious rulemaking process for a comprehen-
made statements of ignorance, frustration, sive ergonomic proposal, Board staff was
and futility that one hopes are unprecedent- unable to determine the cost effect of this
ed in the history of agency rulemaking. There proposal. . . . [T]he Board is aware of the lack
is “a lack of scientific consensus and sup- of cost data available and has continually
porting documentation” for an ergonomics requested such data to be provided, but such
standard, the board said.3 7 The problem, it data were not provided.”4 3 Thus went into
said, is that “RMIs are unlike known health and effect one of the most comprehensive rules in
safety hazards where there is sufficient scien- the history of California OSHA, without
tific data to establish and predict a cause- compliance with one of the most important
effect relationship . . . ”; “there is a lack of . . . features of the state’s Administrative Proce-
scientific basis for determining a cause-effect dures Act.4 4
relationship for RMIs.”3 8 Indeed, there is
“uncertainty . . . whether repetitive motion
The head of the
injuries are really related to the work place or OSHA’s Ergonomics
the artifact of something resulting from Litigation Record
California someone’s personal life or experiences of
Orthopedic their lifestyle.”3 9 Further, “[t]here is a lack of OSHA acknowledges the difficulties of
science . . . to state which repetitive motions identifying musculoskeletal disorders and
Association testi- are hazardous,” and “there is currently no determining their cause and solution. It con-
fied that “there way to identify where RMIs might occur tends that those problems are not insur-
since there are no other proven criteria or mountable, however, and cites an extensive
are no convincing dose response relationships.”4 0 The board literature by ergonomists and some corpo-
scientific studies was led to these conclusions partly by physi- rate safety and health officers who claim that
to show that cians and medical organizations that ergonomics programs have been successful.
opposed the rule. The head of the California To those who lack the time to examine the
repetitive strain Orthopedic Association testified in public underlying evidence, the debate between
injury exists.” hearing that “[t]here are no convincing scien- ergonomists and their critics can seem a
tific studies to show that repetitive strain standoff between experts, with no clear stan-
injury exists” and elaborated in written com- dard for judging which side is right. OSHA’s
ments, “[T]here are no conclusive scientific ergonomic theory already has been judged,
studies showing objective findings that there however—three times in a court of law. OSHA
is a causal relationship between specific work has litigated three ergonomics cases to judg-
activities and the development of complaints ment and suffered devastating losses in each.
termed ‘repetitive strain injury.’”4 1 It could not prove that workers had muscu-
The California Administrative Procedures loskeletal injuries caused by work, could not
Act directs agencies to determine the eco- prove what aspect of work caused their mus-
nomic impact of new rules.4 2 But the board culoskeletal complaints, and could not estab-
was so uncertain about when ergonomic lish what ergonomic interventions would
measures might be necessary, and what mea- correct the supposed hazard. One need not
sures should be taken and to what extent, wade into the debate between ergonomists
that it reached no estimate of its rule’s effect and their critics to appreciate the inappropri-
on California business. Rather, it again made ateness of the ergonomic regulation—one
statements of extraordinary uncertainty and need only examine OSHA’s dreadful perfor-
futility: “The Board has not determined the mance in the ergonomics cases it litigated to
[standard’s] immediate costs. . . . Since there judgment.
is no valid data to make reasonable cost esti- To date, OSHA has brought ergonomics

cases under the general duty clause of the of the nation’s leading ergonomic theorists.
Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970. The fourth expert, Bernice Owen, a Ph.D. and
That clause imposes a general obligation on professor of nursing, visited five Beverly nurs-
employers to protect workers from “recog- ing homes to study how the lifts were per-
nized hazards” of “death or serious physical formed.48 Two of the experts had conducted
harm” and functions as a sort of catch-all “extensive research” on lifting in nursing
under which OSHA may regulate clear and homes, and a third had conducted epidemio-
present dangers that existing OSHA rules (or logical research specifically addressed to
“standards”) do not reach. Cases under the injuries of nursing home personnel.4 9 OSHA
general duty clause ordinarily are thought to also introduced nearly 400 exhibits into evi-
have little bearing on the viability of OSHA dence, including 60 scientific articles.5 0
standards, since the general duty clause is an With all that evidence and expertise,
open-ended provision that places the burden OSHA still could not prove that lifting jobs
of proof on OSHA, whereas OSHA standards are hazardous. “[T]here is no reliable epi-
tend to be fairly detailed and put the burden demiological evidence establishing lifting as
on employers. In the case of OSHA’s proposed a cause of [low back pain],” the judge con-
ergonomics standard, however, the key ques- cluded.5 1 “[S]cience has not been successful
tions will be little different than in the in showing when and under what circum-
ergonomics cases OSHA has litigated to date, stances lifting presents [a] significant risk of
with this important twist: in the cases dis- harm,” and none of OSHA’s vaunted experts
cussed below, OSHA had the burden of identi- “could say with reasonable medical certainty
fying hazardous job conditions and showing that any injury claimed by Beverly employees
how to correct them, but under OSHA’s pro- was caused by their job tasks.”5 2 Though
posed rule that is what employers must do. heavy lifting is widely supposed to cause back
injury, OSHA’s leading expert, Gunnar
Heavy Lifting: The Beverly Enterprises Case Andersson, had conducted a study that
In Secretary of Labor v. Beverly Enterprises, found the “lifetime incidence of back pain”
OSHA sought to prevent nursing home employ- for teachers was higher than that for nursing
ees from lifting residents to care for them and to assistants.5 3 In his testimony Andersson con-
move them about their rooms.4 5 (The agency ceded, “[I]t could not be concluded that
would have preferred carting the elderly resi- ‘nurses and nursing aides . . . have more back
dents about in mechanical hoists, a method pain than the population in general.’” He
more suited to cattle than to people.)46 also acknowledged that lifting was not “as
In a 31-day trial before an administrative strongly associated with back pain as psycho- OSHA’s leading
law judge in 1994, OSHA marshaled extraor- logical variables.”5 4
dinary resources, but its defeat was total.4 7 It The judge’s decision is a powerful indict- expert conducted
presented four expert witnesses in the case. ment of the “lifting guidelines” published by a study that
One, Arun Garg, was a leading ergonomist NIOSH and similar guidelines issued by
with principal responsibility for drafting the Liberty Mutual Insurance Company. The
found the “life-
widely used 1991 NIOSH “lifting guidelines.” agency had relied heavily on the guidelines in time incidence of
A second expert, Dr. Roger Jensen, had been that case and in many other enforcement back pain” for
with NIOSH for 22 years and formerly was actions; the guidelines also are widely used in
chief of its accident and injury epidemiology industry to identify purported lifting haz- teachers was
branch. Both of those experts had Ph.D.s. A ards. But both sets of guidelines are seriously higher than that
third expert called by OSHA, Gunnar flawed and are not intended or suited to for nursing assis-
Andersson, held a Ph.D. and a medical identify actual workplace hazards, as the
degree, was acting head of the orthopedic judge found. OSHA’s expert had “assumed tants.
surgery department of Rush-Presbyterian-St. that the transferring methods were haz-
Luke’s Medical Center in Chicago, and is one ardous based on the recommended limit pro-

The judge in mulgated by [NIOSH],” the judge wrote, yet The popular Liberty Mutual Guidelines
Beverly Enterprises “[t]he Secretary did not establish that any of also do not identify job hazards, the judge
these bases on which the experts based their found. “Only one of the studies introduced
concluded that opinions were valid. That is, he did not estab- [as epidemiological support for the guide-
OSHA could not lish that any of them defined a significant lines] was adequately designed and conduct-
hazard as contemplated by § 5(a)(1) of the ed to provide a basis for drawing any conclu-
intelligibly Act.”5 5 “The NIOSH criterion” posited that sions with regard to causation of [low back
identify the “770 pounds of compressive force on the pain].”62 As Stover Snook, ergonomist and
“recognized haz- L5/S1 disk [i]s a safe upper limit” for lifting, author of the Liberty Mutual Guidelines, has
for instance, but that criterion “is too specu- noted, “It is difficult to try and prevent . . .
ard” it was lative to demark violations of § 5(a)(1).”5 6 back injuries when no one really knows what
prosecuting. One of OSHA’s ergonomics experts applied causes them.”
the guidelines to the nursing assistant jobs at The judge in Beverly Enterprises identified a
issue and determined that, with the excep- final weakness in OSHA’s case that will be
tion of two lifts, “no female had sufficient equally problematic to OSHA’s proposed
strength to perform any of the lifts analyzed” rule: OSHA could not intelligibly identify the
at Beverly’s facilities. “This is remarkable,” “recognized hazard” it was prosecuting. The
the judge retorted, “given the facts that the agency’s complaint in the case targeted “lift-
video tapes clearly show the lifts being per- ing patients in an unsafe manner and other
formed and the testimony to the contrary of strenuous activities,” and OSHA struggled
the nursing assistants themselves.”5 7 over the course of a year to give meaning to
Indeed, the judge noted, the 1991 lifting that conclusory phrase. Initially, it offered
guidelines acknowledge their reliance on the no more helpful “patient handling which
speculation and uncertainty. “[T]he amount could cause undue stress to the employee,”
of lifting, in terms of either frequency or and then, lifting loads that are “too heavy,”
amount of weight lifted, that is hazardous with “improper body mechanics,” lifting a
has not been quantified,” the guidelines “combative patient without using proper
state.5 8 “Ideally, the criteria chosen to estab- precautions” or “when the load is not close to
lish the lifting equation should be based on a the nursing assistant’s body,” “asymmetric”
scientifically supported, quantitative rela- lifting, and “twist[ing] their torsos during the
tionship between the criteria and the actual lift.” OSHA later added to Beverly’s supposed
risk of lifting-related musculoskeletal injury transgressions lack of training, “improper
or [low back pain]. Since this approach is not body mechanics,” the performance of “solo
currently feasible, the lifting criteria, for the lifts” of more than 50 pounds, and manually
most part, are based on secondary or surro- lifting patients who have fallen to the floor.
gate measures of injury or [low back pain].”5 9 (Perhaps the agency would have preferred
NIOSH charitably described the guidelines patients to lie prostrate while a forklift was
as reflecting “a unique compromise between brought around.)6 3
empirical findings and expert judgment, par- The judge concluded from those fum-
ticularly when results were contradictory, blings that OSHA had failed its obligation to
inconsistent, or simply limited,”6 0 and “define the hazard in such a way as to advise
warned in publishing them that “[a]ll meth- Beverly of its obligations and identify the
ods need validation. For the 1991 lifting conditions and practices over which Beverly
equation, validation will require an extensive may exercise control so as to reduce or elimi-
collaborative effort. Appropriate studies nate the hazard.”64 Clearly identifying
must be designed and conducted to deter- employers’ obligations is a requirement not
mine whether the methods presented here only under the Occupational Safety and
effectively reduce the morbidity associated Health Act’s general duty clause but also
with manual materials handling.”6 1 under the U.S. Constitution. In the Supreme

Court’s words, statutes and regulations must was a university professor with “impressive
“give the person of ordinary intelligence a academic credentials” whose specialty was
reasonable opportunity to know what is pro- occupational medicine and who was “experi-
hibited,” and therefore an opportunity to enced in matters involving ‘ergonomics.’”7 1
“steer between lawful and unlawful con- Its ergonomics expert, Lawrence Schulze, also
duct.”6 5 Courts repeatedly have wielded this was a university professor with “impressive
principle to hold OSHA regulations uncon- academic credentials.”7 2
stitutionally vague when employers—and in Yet, with all that expertise and prepara-
one instance OSHA itself—could not fathom tion, OSHA failed in the most basic tasks of
the regulations’ requirements.6 6 Any rule ergonomic analysis: It could not establish
premised on the congeries of myth, specula- that employees in the plant had muscu-
tion, and guesswork that constitute loskeletal disorders caused by work and,
ergonomics today is certain to present simi- assuming they did, could not establish what
lar constitutional problems. aspect of the job caused the purported disor-
ders. In determining whether the reported
Junk Science: The Dayton Tire Case injuries were work related, the 10-person uni-
Manufacturing is a principal target of versity medical team failed to control for per-
ergonomic regulation, and OSHA launched a sonal characteristics widely known to be
OSHA failed in
broad attack on 22 different manufacturing related to musculoskeletal complaints, the most basic
jobs in a single tire-manufacturing plant in including sex, age, obesity, physical condi- tasks of ergonom-
Secretary of Labor v. Dayton Tire, Bridgestone/ tioning, prior injuries, and, perhaps most
Firestone, which was decided in 1998.6 7 Once important given ergonomists’ theories, psy- ic analysis: It
again, the agency deployed extraordinary chosocial factors.73 The team also failed to could not estab-
resources. It assigned three compliance per- control for nonwork activities associated
sonnel to a six-month inspection and investi- with musculoskeletal discomfort, including
lish that employ-
gation of the facility. At trial before the admin- sports and yard work.74 Altogether Dayton ees in the Dayton
istrative law judge it called more than three Tire’s lawyers identified 16 fundamental Tire plant had
dozen witnesses, including 31 employees, 4 weaknesses in the agency’s data, including,
doctors from the facility, 3 OSHA investiga- for instance, medical records that failed to musculoskeletal
tors, and 2 (purported) experts.6 8 Trial lasted provide “the information necessary to deter- disorders caused
six months, even though the company called mine whether an employee’s reported injury by work.
only one witness. Pretrial preparation also had was ergonomically related.”7 5 OSHA’s own
been intense. One of OSHA’s experts took medical expert, DeHart, confessed that “if
more than 28 hours of videotape of employees [he] had been the treating physician, he
at work and prepared a “lengthy final report” would not have felt comfortable making a
analyzing the jobs.6 9 A second expert—a uni- diagnosis” of the conditions’ nature and
versity professor—assembled a team of three cause.7 6 “For the majority of the medical
faculty colleagues and six resident doctors to complaints reflected in the records,” this pro-
review 333 medical records from a four-year fessor—a man with “impressive academic cre-
period; they reviewed videotape of 22 different dentials,” “specializ[ing]” in occupational
jobs as well as material prepared by OSHA’s in- medicine, “experienced in . . . ‘ergonomics,’”
house ergonomist. and assisted by three faculty colleagues and
The OSHA witnesses had extensive experi- six residents—“was simply unable to deter-
ence with ergonomics. One was an OSHA mine the etiology, or cause, of the [employ-
analyst whose “primary job” for the past six ee’s] complaint.”7 7
years had been “conduct[ing] ergonomic What the medical team did purport to
analys[e]s” by reviewing videotapes of “work offer was an analysis of the “relative risk” of
processes and identifying ‘ergonomic stres- the Dayton Tire jobs, comparing the rate of
sors.’”7 0OSHA’s medical expert, Roy DeHart, reported musculoskeletal disorders among

Dayton Tire employees with the rate of all of each job task. With this informa-
reported injuries in the tire industry. OSHA tion, he created an operation process
claimed the comparison showed an “associa- chart to determine what percentage
tion” between the reported musculoskeletal of time the employees spent in their
injuries and “ergonomic stressors.” But, activities, identified risk factors and
under questioning by the administrative law ergonomic problem areas, made
judge hearing the case, medical expert abatement recommendations, and
DeHart conceded “two major flaws” in his then formulated a written report. . . .8 2
work: First, his study demonstrated no corre-
lation between particular musculoskeletal On the basis of those steps, OSHA then
conditions and particular jobs; second, it invoked the ergonomist’s “personal observa-
compared putative ergonomic ailments with tion” to establish the dangerousness of the
other, quite different conditions.78 The study workplace.8 3
did no more than “present a red flag” that The judge rejected the testimony of this
“something . . . may be” wrong, DeHart con- expert also under Daubert’s “junk science”
ceded. The judge held that this method was standard. The so-called observational
not “trustworth[y],” “scientifically valid,” or method, which OSHA claimed was “widely
“scientifically reliable”—even though OSHA used” by ergonomists, was mere “ipse dixit,”
claimed the method was “generally accepted” the judge ruled; it was “conjectural,” “unreli-
among ergonomists. “‘[C]onjectures that are able,” and “untrustworthy.”
probably wrong are of little use,’” the judge While the judge struck the experts’ con-
countered.7 9 At one point in trial the judge clusions from the record, he described their
turned to the government’s witness and analysis of the 22 Dayton Tire jobs in foot-
demanded, “Doctor, of what value is your notes throughout his opinion. The patent
study? Without trying to diminish your work weakness of their testimony is even more
here, but I have to put this in some sort of damning than the fact that the judge struck
context.”8 0 it. Medical expert DeHart stipulated that
Ultimately, the judge concluded that “work is healthy” and that the activities the
DeHart’s study “fail[ed] to meet the minimal agency was prosecuting “can actually be ben-
requirements for evidentiary reliability” eficial under certain circumstances”; the key,
established in Daubert v. Merrell Dow he indicated, was “the frequency or repeti-
Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (1993),81 the Supreme tion, and in some cases, the force, with which
OSHA’s in-house Court decision that requires judges to these tasks are executed that transforms
ergonomist deter- exclude “expert” testimony that uses scientif- them from seemingly benign movements
ically invalid methodology or reasoning. into ergonomic ‘stressors’ which can have an
mined that a job As for OSHA’s retained ergonomics expert, adverse affect on the body.”8 4 Given this, the
lifting tire treads the agency characterized his method as “wide- judge observed, “[P]roving the existence of
was safe, but the ly used and generally accepted” among the hazard . . . requires the Secretary to iden-
ergonomists. It described his work as follows: tify with some certainty the levels of force,
agency’s retained frequency, and/or repetition, at which injury
expert concluded During his plant entry, [Dr. Schulze, becomes a possibility.” Yet that is exactly
the ergonomist] observed and video- where the agency and its experts confessed
that the job would taped each job; determined what ignorance: “none of the Secretary’s witnesses
not be safe until tools were used; measured forces, were able to identify the exact point at which
the weight noise, weights, heights and distances; these activities pose the potential for harm . . .
and documented the tasks with pho- or indeed, that the activities, without consid-
employees lifted tographs. . . . Dr. Schulze completed ering such factors as age, gender, history of
was reduced to his analysis by analyzing the video injury, or lifestyle, will cause injury at all.”8 5
footage and the data he had collected And so, the judge concluded, “With no con-
zero pounds.

sensus on the record regarding the point at unsafe.9 3 Both ergonomists “performed lift- One ergonomist
which long periods of standing [or other ing analyses assuming low frequency levels, found it accept-
activities] will pose a hazard . . . , the Secretary but reached very different conclusions”
has failed to prove how these activities pose about the job’s hazardousness, one finding a able to lift no
the potential for harm.”8 6 24-pound lift acceptable, the other finding more than 25
The judge repeatedly noted the lack of no more than 15 pounds acceptable.9 4
“consensus on the record.”87 This lack of con- Evaluating yet another job, one ergonomist
pounds while
sensus was among OSHA and its own wit- found it acceptable to lift no more than 25 the other set a
nesses, who repeatedly differed in their analy- pounds while the other set a 4-pound limit.9 5 4-pound limit.
ses of job hazards. The agency charged in its Altogether, Dayton Tire filed a 17-page
citation that the hazard in one job was “ele- appendix of inconsistencies in the testimony
vated and extended reaches” and “long peri- of OSHA’s medical expert, its expert ergono-
ods of standing.” The expert ergonomist mist, and its in-house ergonomist.9 6
retained by the agency “admitted, however, For ergonomists, it’s nothing new to be
that neither activity is likely to result in bounced out of court under the Supreme
injury.”8 8 With regard to another job, OSHA Court’s Daubert decision, which directs
charged that “long periods of standing” judges to exclude expert testimony not based
exposed workers to “recognized hazards that on scientifically valid principles. In two-
were causing or likely to cause death or seri- thirds of the reported cases where a Daubert
ous physical harm” for purposes of the gen- challenge was made to ergonomics “experts”
eral duty clause, but the expert ergonomist in private litigation, the “expert” testimony
did not mention that “risk” in his report; it was rejected in full or in part.9 7 (Many of the
was not of “‘prime importance,’” he wanly cases were product liability suits charging
explained.8 9 OSHA’s citation charged that computer manufacturers with causing carpal
workers in a third job were afflicted by “fre- tunnel syndrome or other supposed cumula-
quent pinching” and sitting too long; the tive trauma disorders.) The judges’ assess-
retained expert did not identify those as haz- ment of ergonomics in these cases has been
ards but did identify “wrist deviation,” which devastating. An ergonomist’s testimony “bor-
was not determined to be a problem by der[ed] on sheer speculation and is therefore
OSHA’s in-house expert.9 0 In another job, neither reliable nor relevant,” one judge stat-
one ergonomist identified the hazard as ed.9 8 In another case, the judge barred
“torso flexions” and “twisting,” but the sec- ergonomists’ testimony on causation
ond ergonomist identified “static posture” as because the putative experts relied on an
among the job’s principal hazards; the “static “unreliable” methodology that “fail[ed] to
posture” involved operating a foot pedal.9 1 provide any insight as to the specific cause”
The ergonomists’ analyses of lifting jobs of plaintiff’s supposed injuries and
diverged widely. OSHA’s in-house ergono- “ignore[d] or [were] unable to satisfactorily
mist used a “lifting equation” and deter- discount alternative causes.”99 Another judge
mined that a job lifting tire treads was safe; found testimony by the plaintiff’s engi-
the agency’s retained expert, however, con- neer/ergonomist to be “rank speculation”
cluded that the job was not safe and would because, among other things, the expert
not be until the weight employees lifted was “[did] not say what amount of force is con-
reduced to zero pounds.9 2 (For OSHA, evi- sidered safe or excessive relative to causing or
dently, light as a feather is sometimes not preventing [carpal tunnel syndrome],” could
light enough.) In the case of another job, the “point to no scientific data or research that
in-house ergonomist and retained expert supports the alleged causal link between the
reversed roles; this time it was the expert who characteristics of the proof encoder and
found the job’s lifting tasks acceptable, and [carpal tunnel syndrome],” and failed to pre-
the in-house ergonomist who found the job sent “any empirical evidence supporting the

assertion that, had a foot rest been provided, The facts of Pepperidge Farm illustrate
the chance of developing [carpal tunnel syn- ergonomists’ ambitions and the costs they
drome] would have been reduced.”1 0 0 would impose. The risks of “death or serious
In Dayton Tire, methods that OSHA physical harm” that OSHA identified in the
claimed were “widely accepted” by ergono- case were “capping” cookies (employees lifted
mists were held by the judge to be junk science. the top of a sandwich cookie from one
The agency did not even appeal the decision. If assembly line and placed it on top of the bot-
OSHA cannot find ergonomists to conduct tom of the cookie on another assembly line)
reliable job analyses, how will employers do so and “cupping” cookies (employees flicked a
under the agency’s proposed rule? paper cup onto a conveyer belt with the
thumb and then placed a cookie in the
OSHA’s Pyrrhic “Victory”: The Pepperidge cup).104 To abate those seemingly benign con-
Farm Case ditions, OSHA ordered the company to
OSHA’s Pepperidge Farm case is the only increase staffing on the job, slow assembly
ergonomics case to be decided by the full line speeds, increase rest periods, or simply
Occupational Safety and Health Review automate the entire operation.105
Commission.101 OSHA considers the 1997 At trial, OSHA failed to demonstrate that
In Dayton Tire, Pepperidge Farm decision a victory of sorts: the those ergonomic measures were appropriate
methods that Democrat-dominated commission accepted means of reducing musculoskeletal disorders
OSHA claimed some of the major premises of ergonomics, putatively caused by the worksite. Some
finding that repetitive workplace motions ergonomic measures had been implemented
were “widely were causing carpal tunnel syndrome, ten- by the company, the commission held, and the
accepted” by donitis, and other putative MSDs. And the additional measures proposed by the agency’s
commission purported to graft onto the gen- expert ergonomists were not shown to be fea-
ergonomists eral duty clause the core components of sible and effective. Thus, leading ergonomist
were held by the “ergonomics programs”: Pepperidge Farm Vern Putz-Anderson testified that a method
judge to be was obliged to engage in a “process” that “used quite commonly by ergonomists” was to
included record keeping, education and reduce assembly line speeds by 10 percent to
junk science. training, medical care, “workplace analysis to see if workers became more comfortable.
assess the potential hazard and steps to abate “However,” the commission found, “Dr. Putz-
it,” and “further actions, to the extent feasi- Anderson did not testify to any specific
ble, to materially reduce the hazard.”1 0 2 instance where that method had been tried
OSHA also won a part of the case, to which successfully.”106 The OSHA ergonomists also
neither party paid much attention, concern- sought to have the agency “add . . . workers to
ing supposed lifting hazards.103 each of the [assembly] lines,” another com-
But in the central part of the case con- monly proposed ergonomic measure.107 But
cerning supposed repetitive motion injuries, again, according to the commission, OSHA
the commission ruled that the agency failed failed to show that this “would materially
to show that its proposed ergonomic mea- reduce the hazard.”108 The commission did
sures were appropriate. That decision is dev- not see much value to OSHA’s proposal that
astating, since OSHA had enlisted enormous the Pepperidge Farm workers take
resources and leading experts to show what “micropauses” in their work, since the uncon-
the company should have done to avoid run- traverted testimony was that, while the work-
ning afoul of the general duty clause. Yet ers were taking these brief rest periods, the
OSHA and its experts could not prove what cookies they were making would be sitting in
works, again raising the question of how the oven, burning.109 Finally, OSHA’s proposal
American business can be commanded under to rotate workers among positions failed
penalty of law to determine what OSHA and because the agency could not identify posi-
the world’s foremost experts could not. tions to which personnel could be rotated.110

OSHA might argue that Pepperidge Farm vin- supposed lifting hazards, the commission
dicated some ergonomic measures—those held that lifting objects weighing between 16
implemented by the company prior to OSHA’s and 38 pounds was a “recognized hazard of
inspection—because the commission com- death or serious physical harm” under the
mented favorably on those controls in ruling Occupational Safety and Health Act. But, in
for the company. That argument fails for two discussing another job, the commission held
reasons, however. First, it remains the fact that that reducing a 100-pound lift to 50 pounds
OSHA and leading ergonomists were so certain was an effective ergonomic adjustment. Why
that the steps taken by Pepperidge Farm were is 50 pounds safe if 16 pounds is not? The
insufficient that they prosecuted a multi-mil- commission’s conflicting rulings cannot be
lion-dollar action against the company. If the reconciled.112
world’s leading experts cannot tell when a com- Pepperidge Farm is a devastating demonstra-
pany has adopted appropriate ergonomic mea- tion of OSHA’s inability to identify effective
sures, how is the average employer to know ergonomic measures. OSHA’s inspectors were
what steps to take? Second and more to the in Pepperidge Farm’s facility for months.113 The
point, OSHA did not establish the effectiveness agency then assembled the nation’s leading
of the measures Pepperidge Farm had taken. It ergonomists and treated the Occupational
sought to prove the ineffectiveness of Safety and Health Review Commission to an
Pepperidge Farm’s measures, not their adequa- expert seminar on what ergonomic measures
cy. OSHA thus failed to show the effectiveness employers should implement. Yet those experts’
of a single ergonomic measure in Pepperidge prescriptions were judged erroneous—the com-
Farm, and there is no basis to believe that, if the pany had an adequate ergonomics program
company had taken no measures at all, OSHA and the nation’s leading experts didn’t recog-
would have been able to establish any measures nize it, the commission held. Having failed in
Pepperidge Farm should have implemented. these laboratory conditions, how can OSHA
Indeed, the commission unwittingly suggest- claim the ability to formulate a rule of general
ed the ineffectiveness of the measures Pepperidge applicability to guide all workplaces? It cannot.
Farm did take, by making two contradictory find-
ings: First, the hazardousness of Pepperidge Farm
jobs was evidenced by the high number of injuries Conclusion:
they were causing, the commission held. But sec- Not Ready for Prime Time
ond, the commission ruled, Pepperidge Farm
should win the case because the measures it had From its embarrassing losses in the three
taken on its own had abated the ergonomic haz- ergonomics cases it litigated to judgment, If the world’s
ard. Thus, in the crucial part of its decision, the OSHA has concluded that it should cease
commission identifies a series of ergonomic mea- enforcing ergonomics under the general duty leading experts
sures the company had implemented before the clause and issue an ergonomics rule instead. cannot tell when
OSHA inspection began in June 1988; many of The agency has it half right: It should cease a company has
those changes were instituted in 1987.111 Yet its general duty clause litigation. But, for the
OSHA’s star witness—ergonomics doyen Barbara same reasons, an ergonomics rule is folly as adopted approp-
Silverstein—reported that from 1987 (when many well. In Beverly Enterprises, Dayton Tire, and riate ergonomic
of the measures were implemented) to 1988 the Pepperidge Farm, OSHA deployed squads of
incidence of carpal tunnel syndrome increased experts and extraordinary resources and tar-
measures, how is
nearly 70 percent, from 7.5 cases per 100 workers geted them on what it considered particular- the average
to 12.5. That is, the company’s “abatement” of the ly hazardous worksites. Yet the agency could employer to
hazard was followed by a 70 percent increase in not determine what if anything was wrong,
the injuries the hazard purportedly caused. Some or how to correct it. Employers should not be know what steps
abatement! commanded to make scientific determina- to take?
Similarly, in the part of the case involving tions that consistently have eluded OSHA.

16. Stover H. Snook, “The Design of Manual Lifting
Tasks,” Ergonomics 21 (1978): 964.
17. Comments of the National Institute for
1. Merriam Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, 10th ed. Occupational Safety and Health at 16 (emphasis
(Springfield, Mass.: Merriam Webster, 1998), p. 393. added).
2. Ergonomics Program; Proposed Rule, 64 Fed. 18. Stanley J. Bigos and Michele C. Battié, “Risk
Reg. 65,768, 65,817 (1999). Factors for Industrial Back Problems,” Seminars in
Spine Surgery 4 (1992): 8.
3. See, for example, Proposed Rule § 1910.918.
19. Stanley J. Bigos et al., p. 1.
4. 64 Fed. Reg. at 65,806, 65,817.
20. NIOSH US West Study, p. 4.
5. With its bureaucratic taste for redundancy, OSHA
calls handling—with one’s hands—“manual han- 21. Ibid., p. 12.
dling.” Proposed Rule § 1910.901(b).
22. Ibid., p. 13.
6. Comments of the National Institute for Occupa-
tional Safety and Health (submitted in response to 23. 64 Fed. Reg. at 65,880.
OSHA’s Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, 57
Fed. Reg. 34,192 [1992]). 24. Ibid. at 65,927. That OSHA belittles psy-
chosocial factors in this manner is astonishing,
7. 29 U.S.C. § 654(a)(1). The “general duty clause” is given the extensive medical literature on psy-
discussed later in this paper. chosocial factors, including a 1997 NIOSH study,
cited throughout the rulemaking, which states
8. See the initial comments of United Parcel Ser- that in “office settings physical factors may be less
vice in the California ergonomics rulemaking, important . . . than psychosocial factors . . . in
which are reprinted in the record on appeal in their relationship with” carpal tunnel syndrome.
Pulaski v. California Occupational Safety & Health Musculoskeletal Disorders and Workplace Factors
Standards Board, 75 Cal. App. 4th 1315, 90 Cal. (Washington: NIOSH, 1997), p. 7-6.
Rptr. 2d 54 (1999), at Clerk’s Transcript 001386-
91 (cited hereafter as CT). 25. In other regulatory proposals, ergonomists
have simply broadened their reach to regulate
9. See Proposed Rule § 1910.922 and §§ 1910.929–35. psychosocial factors as well as physical factors.
For instance, a committee of the influential
10. William L. Cats-Baril and John W. Frymoyer, American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
“The Economics of Spinal Disorders,” Adult Spine proposed a model ergonomics standard that
1 (1991): 95. identifies MSDs’ causes to include “work organi-
zational factors” such as “pay, benefits, . . . pres-
11. Editorial, Journal of Hand Surgery, May 1995. tige and status” of the job; in workplaces where
MSDs emerge, these are among the job elements
12. See, for example, Stanley J. Bigos et al., “A Pro-
employers would be expected to alter under the
spective Study of Work Perceptions and
proposed ANSI standard. Accredited Standards
Psychosocial Factors Affecting the Report of Back
Committee Z365, Control of Cumulative Trauma
Injury,” Spine 16 (1991): 1.
Disorders, National Safety Council Working Draft,
13. Peter A. Nathan et al., “Obesity as a Risk June 1997, Section 2, “Work Organization
Factor for Slowing of Sensory Conduction of the Factors Defined” §§ 4.1, 4.2.7.
Median Nerve in Industry,” Journal of Occupational
Medicine 34 (April 1992): 382. 26. 509 U.S. at 597.

27. Ibid. at 593–94.

14. National Institute for Occupational Safety
and Health (NIOSH), Health Hazard Evaluation 28. Ibid. at 590 n. 9.
Report, HETA 89-299-2230: US West Communi-
cations, Phoenix, Arizona, Minneapolis, 29. 1993 Stat. ch. 121 (A.B. 110) § 71 (July 16,
Minnesota, Denver, Colorado 2 (Washington: 1993), codified at Cal. Lab. Code § 6357.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
July 1992), p. 4 (cited hereafter as NIOSH US 30. Pulaski, 75 Cal. App. 4th at 1338 n. 11, 90 Cal.
West Study). Rptr. 2d at 68 n. 11, CT 000035.
15. 64 Fed. Reg. at 65,903. 31. CT 000031–32.

32. CT 000031. Secretary failed to establish that any of the injuries
suffered by Beverly’s nursing assistants were work
33. CT 000031–32. related, let alone that they were caused by specific
‘unsafe lifts’ performed by those assistants”).
34. Summary, Business Meeting, August 25, 1994,
p. 21. 53. Ibid. at *133.

35. Ibid. at 27 (emphasis added). 54. Ibid. at *135.

36. Ibid. at 28. 55. Ibid. at *101, 123.

37. CT 000870. 56. Ibid. at *122.

38. CT 000865, 000889 (emphasis added). 57. Ibid. at *125. Accord ibid. at *126 (noting
“obvious discrepancy between Dr. Garg’s determi-
39. CT 001127. nations and the routine practice of nursing assis-
40. CT 000886, 000877.
58. Ibid. at *141.
41. CT 001205; and CT 001204, 001206.
59. Ibid. at *142 (emphasis added).
42. Cal. Gov’t Code § 11346.3(a).
60. Ibid. at *141.
43. CT 000956, 000799, 000887.
61. Ibid. at *143. The union for the nursing assis-
44. Fortunately for the state economy, the rule tants entered an appearance in the case and made
does supply a defense to ergonomics’ uncertain- great concessions about scientific knowledge
ties by providing that an employer that takes about back pain and injury. The union conceded
some steps to address perceived ergonomic haz- that “[low back pain] is a prevalent problem in the
ards cannot be penalized for failing to take addi- U.S., usually does not result from serious physical
tional measures unless the agency shows those harm, and is difficult to relate to any specific
measures to be “substantially certain” to cause a patho-anatomic damage.” Ibid. at *103 n. 17.
greater reduction in RMIs without imposing
“additional, unreasonable costs.” Cal. Code Regs. 62. Ibid. at *111.
tit. 8 § 5110.
Labor and business interests both challenged 63. See ibid. at *102, 104 n. 18.
the California rule under the state APA. The rule
was upheld by the state Court of Appeal, except 64. Ibid. at *104.
for a provision that had exempted small business.
See Pulaski, discussed above. 65. Grayned v. City of Rockford, 408 U.S. 104, 108
45. Secretary of Labor v. Beverly Enterprises, Inc., OSHRC
Docket Nos. 91-3344, 1995 OSAHRC LEXIS 158, at 66. See, for example, Dravo Corp. v. OSHRC, 613
*90, directed for review (November 9, 1995). F.2d 1227, 1232 (3d Cir. 1980) (stating that “an
occupational safety and health standard must
46. Ibid. at *91. give an employer fair warning of the conduct it
prohibits or requires, and it must provide a rea-
47. OSHA has appealed the decision to the Occupa- sonably clear standard of culpability to circum-
tional Safety and Health Review Commission, but a scribe the discretion of the enforcing authority
decision is not expected from the short-staffed com- and its agents”); and Kent Nowlin Constr. Co. v.
mission for some time. OSHRC, 593 F.2d 368, 371, 7 O.S.H. Cas. (BNA)
1105 (10th Cir. 1979) (Due Process Clause pre-
48. Beverly Enterprises, 1995 OSAHRC LEXIS 158, vents OSHA from enforcing standard where
at *105. OSHA representatives disagree among them-
selves on steps needed to comply with stan-
49. Ibid. dard).

50. Ibid. at *88. 67. Secretary of Labor v. Dayton Tire, Bridgestone/

Firestone, OSHRC Docket No. 93-3327, 1998
51. Ibid. at *140. OSAHRC LEXIS 23 (January 26, 1998).
52. Ibid. at *93, 150. Accord ibid. at *155 (“The 68. Ibid. at *13–15.

69. Ibid. at *18. OSHA and its experts: one worker claimed a job
caused a low back injury, while another worker—
70. Ibid. at *10, 5–6. called by OSHA—testified that the same job
“strengthened his back muscles and ‘substantial-
71. Ibid. at *39, 52. ly decreased’ the back pain he felt prior to taking
the job.” Ibid. at *172.
72. Ibid. at *39.
97. The search was conducted in the LEXIS data-
73. Ibid. at *59. base in 1999 using the terms “Daubert and
ergonomic! or cumulative trauma disorder or
74. Ibid. at *60. repetit! str! injur! or repetit! motion injur!”
75. Ibid. at *61. 98. Bennett v. PRC Public Sector, Inc., 931 F. Supp.
484, 500 (S.D. Tex. 1996).
76. Ibid.
99. Reiff v. Convergent Techs., 957 F. Supp. 573, 583
77. Ibid. at *62–63. The medical expert and his (D.N.J. 1997).
crack team recorded the following as muscu-
loskeletal injuries: getting foreign objects in the 100. Hopkins v. NCR Corp., No. 93-188-B-M2, 1994
eye, burns, and lacerations. See, for example, ibid. U.S. Dist. LEXIS 17273, at *35, 36, 43 (M.D. La.
at *24, *26 (“one of the musculoskeletal injuries Nov. 17, 1994), affirmed, 53 F.3d 1281 (5th Cir.
rated as having a high probability of being 1995). See also Dennis v. Pertec Computer Corp., 927
ergonomically related to the job is a foreign object F. Supp. 156, 161–62 (D.N.J. 1996), affirmed, 135
in the right eye of a tire builder”). F.3d 764 (3d Cir. 1997) (testimony by three of
four ergonomists excluded under Daubert; the
78. Ibid. at *73. methodology of one constituted “unsupported
speculation”); and Schneck v. IBM Corp., No. 92-
79. Ibid. at *70, 71, 73, 74 (citation omitted). 4370 (GEB), 1996 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 17486, at *99
(D.N.J. June 25, 1996) (summary judgment for
80. Ibid. at *73. the employer since the plaintiff’s experts “could
not give a quantitative measure” of when “inten-
81. 509 U.S. 579 (1983), cited at ibid. at *75. sive” keyboard use became hazardous and also
“cannot offer specific remedial measures which, if
82. 1998 OSAHRC LEXIS 23, at *64. followed, would avoid the alleged dangers sur-
rounding the activity of typing”).
83. Ibid. at *65.
101. Secretary of Labor v. Pepperidge Farm Inc., 17
84. Ibid. at *95–96. O.S.H. Cas. (BNA) 1993, 2028–29 (1997).
Beverly Enterprises and Dayton Tire were decid-
85. Ibid. at *96. ed by administrative law judges, whose decisions
may be appealed to the commission. Appeal is
86. Ibid. at *99. pending in Beverly Enterprises. As just noted, none
was taken in Dayton Tire.
87. See, for example, ibid. at *199, 220.

88. Ibid. at *88 n. 40. 102. 17 O.S.H. at 2034.

103. Ibid. at 2002–09. On the lifting tasks, the

89. Ibid. at *112 n. 54.
company conceded a central element of its case by
90. Ibid. at *135, 195 n. 92. not challenging the administrative law judge’s
finding the tasks were a recognized hazard of
91. Ibid. at *69. death or serious physical harm. See ibid. at 1995
(“Pepperidge did not seek review of the judge’s
92. Ibid. at *100, 120 n. 57. finding that a hazard exists”). The commission
explicitly stated in a footnote that it was not
93. Ibid. at *151 n. 71. See also ibid. at *233 n. 108. addressing “the issue of whether serious physical
harm can result from lifting tasks.” Ibid. at 2003
94. Ibid. at *239, 184 n. 86. n. 26. Accordingly, the decision is of scant prece-
dential import on whether lifting poses a recog-
95. Ibid. at *216, 216 n. 103. nized hazard.

96. Ibid. at *66. The confusion was not limited to 104. Ibid. at 2010.

105. Ibid. at 2038; and Eugene Scalia, Ergonomics: 110. Ibid.
OSHA’s Strange Campaign to Run American Business,
NLCPI White Paper 6 (August 1994). 111. Ibid. at 2036–37.

106. 17 O.S.H. Cas. (BNA) at 2039. 112. The frequency of the lifts does explain the dis-
crepancy. The 16- to 38-pound tins were lifted only
107. Ibid. at 2038. “twice in a three minute period, once when full and
once when empty.” 17 O.S.H. Cas. (BNA) at 2003. The
108. Ibid. at 2035, 2040. tins weighed 27 to 38 pounds full, 16 pounds empty.

109. Ibid. at 2039. 113. Ibid. at 1994.

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