From The Sea: National Missile Defense Is Neither Cheap Nor Easy, Cato Foreign Policy Briefing No. 60

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60 September 6, 2000

From the Sea

National Missile Defense Is Neither Cheap Nor Easy
by Charles V. Peña

Executive Summary
Sea-based missile defense is being advocat- be viewed skeptically. The current NTW sys-
ed as an alternative to the Clinton administra- tem does not have boost-phase capability
tion’s limited land-based national missile against ICBMs. The NTW interceptor cannot
defense (NMD), which is in the early stages of be easily and cheaply modified to provide
testing. Proponents of sea-based NMD such capability. In fact, a new interceptor
(which is only a concept, not a program) argue would have to be designed and built, and a
that such a system can be deployed more faster, larger interceptor with boost-phase
quickly and will be less expensive than the capability might not be compatible with the
Clinton administration’s land-based system. vertical launchers on Aegis ships. Moreover,
Some argue that the Navy Theater Wide the technological problems associated with
(NTW) system—which is being designed to sea-based NMD are compounded by opera-
provide midcourse intercept capability tional issues.
against slower, shorter-range theater ballistic Finally, sea-based NMD is really not a
missiles—can be upgraded to attack long- “national” missile defense system; it is the first
range intercontinental ballistic missiles step to a much larger and more expensive
(ICBMs) in their boost phase (when under global missile defense system. Thus, the
powered flight at the beginning of their tra- claims that sea-based NMD is inexpensive do
jectories). Interestingly enough, advocates of not ring true. Even if initial costs of sea-based
sea-based NMD include not only traditional NMD are relatively low (which is a doubtful
supporters of missile defense but also people proposition), the follow-on costs to deploy
who were previously opposed to missile space-based defenses will be significantly
defense. greater—in all likelihood by an order of mag-
The claims made about sea-based NMD nitude or more—and certainly much greater
and boost-phase intercept capability should than the cost of a limited land-based system.

Charles V. Peña is an independent consultant on missile defense.

Advocates of a limited land-based system being considered by
sea-based NMD Introduction the Clinton administration have advocated a
sea-based approach to NMD. Proponents
capability argue Much debate surrounds the United States’ argue that a sea-based system can be deployed
that it will be sig- deployment of a national missile defense more quickly and will be less expensive than
(NMD) system. Supporters of NMD are gen- the Clinton administration’s limited land-
nificantly less erally conservatives, who have been in favor of based system.6 Some argue that the Navy
expensive than a defense against ballistic missiles since Theater Wide (NTW) system (which is cur-
the Clinton President Reagan’s famous “Star Wars” speech rently being designed to provide midcourse
in March 1983.1 Opponents of NMD, general- intercept capability against slower, shorter-
administration’s ly left-of-center politically, favor arms control range theater ballistic missiles) can be upgrad-
proposed limited and believe that the Anti–Ballistic Missile ed to destroy long-range intercontinental bal-
land-based (ABM) Treaty is the cornerstone of strategic listic missiles (ICBMs) in their boost phase
deterrence and stability.2 Interestingly, some (when under powered flight at the beginning
system. previous opponents of ballistic missile defense of their trajectories).7
now favor the Clinton administration’s pro- Interestingly enough, those supporters
posed land-based system3 or a sea-based sys- have now found unlikely allies among policy-
tem.4 In many ways, those opposing sides have makers and analysts who previously opposed
not changed their arguments in the 17 years NMD.8 Former Democratic defense officials
that have passed since President Reagan start- John Deutch (former U.S. deputy secretary of
ed the Strategic Defense Initiative. defense and former director of central intelli-
However, despite the recent NMD test gence), Harold Brown (former U.S. secretary
failures, the debate is increasingly shifting to of defense), and John P. White (former U.S.
what type of system should be deployed. The deputy secretary of defense) believe “deploy-
Clinton administration is currently consider- ment of the present NMD system should be
ing whether to go forward with a limited deferred” and instead favor an upgraded
land-based system. Such a system would con- NTW to provide boost-phase intercept capa-
sist of space-based sensors, one or more new bility.9 Richard L. Garwin of the Council on
ground-based radars (and upgrades to older Foreign Relations, a long-time critic of ballis-
ones), and anywhere from 20 to as many as tic missile defense, also favors a sea-based
250 ground-based interceptors located at one boost-phase system.1 0
or two sites. That system is designed to
defend against a limited attack (that is, tens
of warheads) using hit-to-kill technology Sea-Based NMD Is
(that is, the interceptor destroys the warhead Problematic
by colliding with it) to intercept warheads
during their midcourse phase of flight (when Advocates of a sea-based NMD capability
they are “coasting” outside the atmosphere argue that it will be significantly less expen-
along predictable trajectories). The most sive than the Clinton administration’s pro-
recent Congressional Budget Office estimate posed limited land-based system. For exam-
for an NMD deployment consisting of 100 ple, the Heritage Foundation states that “an
interceptors based in Alaska, a new X-band affordable and effective missile defense sys-
radar, and upgraded existing early warning tem could become operational within four
radars is $30 billion ($4 billion more than the years and cost less than $8 billion.”1 1 The
Pentagon’s estimate of $26 billion),5 which claimed cost is so low because proponents
includes design, procurement, construction, would deploy sea-based NMD on existing
and operations costs from fiscal year 1999 to Aegis ships (a sunk cost) and thereby avoid
FY15 (assuming an FY05 deployment). the construction costs (for both interceptors
Ardent NMD supporters who oppose the and radars) associated with land-based

NMD. However, it is not clear whether the If a forward-deployed sea-based NMD sys-
cost figures cited are acquisition costs or tem (that is, one positioned near potential
total life-cycle costs. launch areas to achieve maximum boost-
On the surface, a less expensive sea-based phase capability) missed a boost-phase inter-
NMD that could be deployed almost imme- cept attempt, it would probably not be able
diately sounds appealing. But the concept to take a second shot at the warhead during
deserves closer scrutiny. 1 2 its midcourse phase. Problems exist with a
trailing or chasing shot—that is, the difficul-
The NTW System Cannot Perform Boost- ty of trying to “catch a bullet with a bullet”
Phase Intercepts when the target has a significant head start.
As previously noted, the NTW interceptor That problem is further compounded by the
currently under development is a theater differences between the sensor on the kill
missile defense system designed to intercept vehicle required for boost-phase intercept
slower, shorter-range missiles during the (which distinguishes the booster body from
midcourse phase. The interceptor is not the rocket plume) and the sensor required for
capable—in its current configuration—of a midcourse intercept (which distinguishes a
intercepting long-range ICBMs during their colder reentry vehicle, which contains the
boost phase. According to Garwin, for a bal- warhead, in space). According to David R.
Even if achieving a
listic missile to reach intercontinental range, Tanks of the Institute for Foreign Policy boost-phase inter-
it must achieve a velocity of approximately 7 Analysis, “An IR [infrared] sensor that could cept capability
kilometers per second (km/s).1 3 The NTW handle the special requirements for a boost-
interceptor travels at approximately 3 km/s.1 4 phase intercept would have to be developed. . . . from Aegis ships
One need not be a rocket scientist to con- A different type of IR sensor must be devel- were technologi-
clude that a significantly slower interceptor is oped that can withstand intense IR energy,
not going to be able to catch a faster missile one that differs from those being used in the
cally possible in a
in boost phase if the interceptor has to catch midcourse kill vehicles [that is, the sensors in short time, the
the missile on its way up.1 5 the current NTW interceptors].” 1 9 system would
The problem of building a fast enough Currently, no program exists to develop
boost-phase interceptor for existing Aegis and build a sea-based boost-phase intercep- have operational
ships is compounded by interceptor size. The tor that could be deployed aboard Aegis and deployment
current NTW interceptor is being designed to ships (whether as a modified NTW intercep- drawbacks.
fit inside the vertical launch system (VLS) on tor or a new interceptor).2 0 And the bottom
Aegis ships. A significantly faster interceptor line is that the proposed NTW interceptor
(for example, probably one achieving speeds of would have to be significantly upgraded just
at least 5.5 to 6.5 km/s)1 6would be much larg- to prove the technical feasibility of a sea-
er. As proof, the currently proposed land- based NMD capability. According to the
based NMD interceptor is designed to achieve Ballistic Missile Defense Organization
the kinds of velocities that might enable it to (BMDO), “The interceptor would require sig-
achieve boost-phase intercept capability, but nificantly higher burnout velocity [and] bet-
that interceptor is much larger than the NTW ter seeker performance and kill vehicle divert
interceptor and would probably not fit inside capability.”2 1
the Aegis VLS.17 Therefore, even if a fast At best, sea-based NMD is a concept on
enough interceptor could be built, deploying paper. BMDO believes that “deployment of a
it aboard existing Aegis ships would be prob- partial sea-based NMD capability while feasi-
lematic. According to Owen Cote, a national ble, has technical risks and engineering chal-
security specialist at the Massachusetts lenges that have not yet been proven or
Institute of Technology, “You cannot build a demonstrated.”2 2 In contrast, the land-based
big enough boost-phase interceptor . . . and NMD interceptor is currently in its initial
put it on surface ships.”1 8 stages of flight testing.2 3Therefore, it is high-

ly unlikely that a sea-based boost-phase capa- stantly deployed and ready to respond to a
bility, which has not yet been designed, devel- potential missile launch. According to one
oped, and tested and for which there is no senior Navy official, “If you grow me mis-
current funding, could be deployed sooner sions, I need more ships.”2 7 Tanks notes: “If
than a land-based system that is more an NMD mission requiring dedicated ships is
mature, is beginning its flight test program, given to the navy, the navy will certainly ask
and is being funded. (Even the Block I NTW for more assets to fulfill its new obligations.
program—currently in development—is not Thus, the assertion that the dedicated NMD
scheduled to be fully deployed until 2010.)2 4 mission can be carried out with existing
According to Tanks: Aegis assets appears optimistic.”2 8
Because ship crews must be trained and
It is clear that a significant number have rest, a small fleet of dedicated Aegis
of obstacles must be overcome ships would be needed in order to rotate
before an Aegis-based NMD system ships to and from the deployment areas.
could be made operational. The According to Tanks: “At least two and per-
issues . . . also beg the question as to haps three defensive areas would have to be
how a sea-based NMD system could occupied at all times. Since these ships need
be developed by 2004 and at a much to be refueled and replenished, and the crews
lower cost than a land-based system, and ships occasionally need to return to
especially considering the fact that home port for rest and maintenance, this
so much of the land-based sensor, requirement would create a considerable
communication, and kill-vehicle sys- operations and maintenance burden.”2 9
tems are also needed for a sea-based Aegis ships dedicated to the NMD mis-
option.2 5 sion will not be available for other missions
(for example, theater missile defense).
Therefore, the proponents’ claimed cost sav-
Sea-Based NMD Operational and ings to be realized by using existing fleet
Deployment Issues resources would not be achieved. If new Aegis
Even if achieving a boost-phase intercept ships need to be built (at approximately $1
capability from Aegis ships were technologi- billion each for acquiring the vessels3 0 plus
cally possible in a short time, the system approximately $20 million per year to oper-
would have operational and deployment ate them),3 1 the cost figures cited by the
drawbacks. A sea-based NMD would require Heritage Foundation are too low. The
Proponents’ that an Aegis ship be positioned relatively Heritage Foundation’s estimate of less than
near the potential enemy’s missile launch $3 billion (of a total estimated price tag of
claimed cost sav- areas. The total number of ships required less than $8 billion) for ship-related costs was
ings to be realized would be a function of the number of poten- based on using existing Aegis ships. Also
by using existing tial threat nations. According to U.S. News & uncertain is whether the Navy can obtain,
World Report journalist Richard J. Newman, train, and retain the requisite manpower for
fleet resources “At a minimum, the Navy thinks a sea-based the added ships during a time of recruiting
would not be national missile defense network would and retention difficulties.
require four to seven ships—more if round- Conversely, if NMD-capable Aegis ships
achieved. the-clock coverage were necessary.”2 6 would be used for multiple missions, then the
If those Aegis ships need to be dedicated potential exists for ships to be out of position to
exclusively to the NMD mission (a high prob- conduct NMD when they are tasked to per-
ability because of the inability to predict form a mission that would take them outside
when a potential aggressor might choose to the patrol area for boost-phase intercept capa-
launch a missile), then at least one Aegis ship bility (assuming such capability could be
(and probably more) would need to be con- achieved). For example, Aegis ships are general-

ly tasked to provide air and cruise-missile NMD-capable Aegis ships needed their own A sea-based sys-
defense, as well as offensive strike missions escorts34 for defense, the cost of sea-based tem will be inade-
using the Tomahawk cruise missile. Therefore, NMD would increase significantly.
they are usually deployed relatively close to the quate to deal with
enemy’s coastline (for example, approximately Certain Trajectories Are More Difficult for the very threats
100–200 kilometers offshore). However, Sea-Based NMD
according to Tanks, “To perform an NMD mis- Certain missile trajectories pose difficul-
that are driving
sion, the Aegis would have to be positioned well ties for a sea-based boost-phase intercept. the requirements
back from the launch site”32—for boost-phase Whereas a sea-based system might have some for national mis-
intercept, perhaps 600 or more kilometers off capability against North Korean missiles
the coast. BMDO acknowledges that “ship launched at the United States across the sile defense.
locations and load outs for NMD tend to con- Pacific Ocean, forward-based ships (for
flict with those for theater missions.”3 3 example, in the Sea of Japan) would have lit-
Another operational problem with sea- tle or no capability against a shot from North
based NMD is that the system would probably Korea to the United States along a polar tra-
need to shoot at every missile launched from a jectory.3 5 Yet North Korean missiles are the
potential threat state. Given the relatively short most often cited threat to be countered by
timelines for boost-phase intercept, a theater NMD.3 6According to Tanks, to achieve capa-
commander would not have a significant bility against polar trajectories, “at least two
amount of time in which to assess the potential Aegis ships would have to be maintained on
threat and attempt an intercept. In all likeli- station year round, one close to Canada’s east
hood, the commander would need to commit coast and the other just south of Alaska.”3 7
to an intercept almost immediately. Yet, during Similarly, certain trajectories from the
the very early stage of a missile’s flight, it will be Middle East would pose problems for ships
difficult to ascertain the ultimate destination of based in the Persian Gulf and Mediterranean
that missile. The missile might not be a threat Sea.3 8 But, after North Korea, the Middle
to the United States because the launch was a Eastern nations (specifically, Iran and Iraq)
test or was conducted for scientific or commer- are generally cited as the most likely emerg-
cial purposes. Thus, the commander might be ing ballistic missile threats to the United
faced with the choice of launching a provoca- States.3 9 According to Garwin, threatening
tive intercept of a potentially nonthreatening missiles that could not be intercepted from
missile or losing the opportunity to intercept a ships based in the Persian Gulf and
missile that was poised for a catastrophic attack Mediterranean Sea would require intercep-
on U.S. soil. In contrast, the commander of an tors to be based on land in Turkey.4 0 Thus, a
NMD system based on U.S. soil to intercept sea-based system will be inadequate to deal
missiles in the midcourse phase would be more with the very threats that are driving the
certain that the missiles launched were headed requirements for national missile defense.
for the United States. Because a sea-based NMD would not be
Also, NMD-capable Aegis ships deployed able to cope with all potential threat trajecto-
forward near the threatening nation could ries, the system would need to be augmented
become lucrative targets to be attacked from with either a land-based system or space-
the sea and air. Because the ships would need based weapons.4 1 Unlike a land-based missile
to be deployed forward for boost-phase inter- defense in the United States, sea-based NMD
cept, they would be well within range of sys- cannot be considered a “stand-alone” system
tems that potential enemies already possess for national missile defense—which means
(for example, aircraft, cruise missiles). If that claims that its capability is superior to
NMD-capable Aegis ships could not provide and its cost lower than those of the Clinton
adequate self-defense, additional resources administration’s proposed land-based sys-
would have to be expended to defend them. If tem are questionable.

Boost, Midcourse, and Terminal Intercepts atmospheric (outside the atmosphere) inter-
Understanding sea-based NMD is further ceptor, and a terminal-phase engagement
complicated because advocates of a sea-based requires an endo-atmospheric (inside the
system are not always talking about the same atmosphere) interceptor. Finally, coastline
thing. As previously noted, Deutch, Brown, deployment of Aegis ships will provide only
and White are in favor of an upgraded NTW minimal protection for the United States.
system to provide boost-phase intercept According to Tanks:
capability. Garwin also favors boost-phase
intercept but proposes using an interceptor, Aegis platforms located near the
similar to the one used in the land-based North American coasts may not be
NMD system, aboard military cargo ships, as as effective as a land-based system
well as land-based systems in Turkey and with faster interceptors (situation
Russia. 4 2 The Heritage Foundation now dependent). Although it has been
seems to be advocating a sea-based system for proposed that a barge loaded with
boost, midcourse, and terminal defense: interceptors be anchored in the
Great Lakes to defend the central
Stationed near the coasts of poten- part of the nation, it is puzzling how
Unlike a land- tially threatening states, these ships this would be an improvement over a
based missile could intercept and destroy enemy land-based deployment.4 4
defense in the missiles in the ascent phase—and in
some cases, even in the boost phase— Even though Aegis ships positioned near
United States, of their trajectory. In open seas, they the coastline to defend against ICBMs would
sea-based NMD could target enemy missiles in their not be very effective against shorter-range mis-
mid-course phase. Deployed close to siles launched from ships against the United
cannot be consid- home or near the coastlines of States, such deployment of the ships is some-
ered a “stand- America’s allies, they could hit times used as a veiled rationale for sea-based
alone” system for incoming missiles or warheads at the NMD.45 Those shorter-range missiles are real-
terminal phase of trajectory.4 3 ly theater ballistic missiles and would need to
national missile be countered by a theater ballistic missile
defense. As noted previously, boost-phase and mid- defense system. Both the NTW and the Navy
course intercept will require different seekers Area Defense (NAD) systems to be deployed
on the kill vehicles because the targets are dif- aboard Aegis ships will have such capability.
ferent. Moreover, boost-phase intercept will However, NAD will defend an area with a
require forward-based forces whereas mid- radius of only 50–100 kilometers, whereas the
course intercept will require more deployment NTW will defend an area with a radius of sev-
areas further to the rear (for example, near eral hundred kilometers.46 Therefore, in con-
Alaska, where the proposed land-based NMD trast with a potential NMD deployment of
system would be deployed). Second, intercept- only one or two ships, many more Aegis ships
ing missiles from the sea in all three phases would be needed—positioned several hundred
would require a more extensive and expensive kilometers apart along the entire coastline—to
sea-based deployment than a handful of for- provide adequate defensive coverage.
ward-deployed Aegis ships (especially if the
ships have to be dedicated to the NMD mis-
sion). Third, the NTW hit-to-kill interceptor is Sea-Based NMD Is Only a
currently not designed for terminal-phase First Step
intercept. A terminal-phase interceptor would
likely have different technical requirements Even if a sea-based boost-phase capability
than does either a boost-phase or a midcourse were technologically feasible (and that has not
interceptor. The NTW interceptor is an exo- yet been demonstrated), such a capability is

insufficient by itself; it is only a first step not shake Cold War thinking and feel com-
toward a global missile defense system, which pelled to extend the capabilities of an NMD
the most ardent advocates of sea-based NMD system beyond the emerging limited threats
want. According to the Heritage Foundation, posed by rogue states. As stated in a previous
“The fastest and least expensive way to build a Cato Policy Analysis:
global missile defense system would be to begin
by building sea-based defenses and then to follow Clearly, we do not need to build an
them as soon as possible with space-based defenses.”4 7 NMD system to defend against a
Sea-based NMD is really not a “national” Russian preemptive first strike. And
missile defense system. Some proponents of although an accidental or unautho-
the system would like to defend friends and rized launch from Russia is a possi-
allies around the world, not just the United bility, it does not present a sufficient
States as a geographic entity. Thus, the threat to warrant building an expen-
claims that sea-based NMD is inexpensive are sive layered defensive system. . . . But
suspect. BMDO cost estimates also reflect the threat from rogue states does
the assessment that land- and sea-based represent a real danger that could
NMD costs are likely to be comparable: “The justify a limited NMD deployment.5 2
cost for the land-based NMD Capability 2
architecture with 80 to 100 interceptors
based in Alaska is about $13B to $14B. . . . Conclusion
The cost for the stand-alone sea-based archi-
tecture to protect all 50 states is estimated to Sea-based NMD is a poor choice for a
be $16B to $19B.”48 But the follow-on costs truly national missile defense system. The
to deploy space-based defenses will be signif- current NTW system cannot destroy ICBMs
icantly greater.4 9 Many of the ardent advo- in the boost phase. The NTW interceptor
cates of sea-based NMD do not mention cannot be easily and cheaply modified to pro-
those additional costs for a global missile vide such a capability. And a new larger and
defense system5 0—giving the uninitiated read- faster interceptor with boost-phase intercept
er the misleading impression that an initial capability would probably not fit in the VLS
and limited sea-based missile defense by itself tubes on Aegis ships. Therefore, the notion
is sufficient and can be achieved at low cost. that a sea-based NMD capability could be
Also driving the need to move beyond a deployed quickly, easily, and cheaply is sus-
sea-based-only defense to a more extensive pect. Moreover, the technological problems
and expensive global missile defense is the fact associated with sea-based NMD are com- The Clinton
that many advocates of NMD want a missile pounded by operational drawbacks.
defense against more than just so-called rogue Although the limited land-based NMD administration’s
state threats. The Heritage Foundation states: being considered by the Clinton administra- limited land-
tion is not without technical problems (for based system is
Improvements in the Aegis system example, the ability to discriminate between
would be necessary to defend against warheads and decoys), the administration’s the best choice to
more advanced ICBMs. These im- system is further along in its development give the United
provements should include a larger and is undergoing actual testing. The techni-
interceptor that has improved sensor cal risks can be minimized with thorough
States a truly
and countermeasure capabilities to and realistic operational testing. In contrast, national missile
create an effective ship-based defense sea-based NMD is only a concept. defense at the
against some of Russia’s current-generation Scrapping the administration’s land-
ICBMs.51 based system to start over on a more techno- earliest possible
logically challenging sea-based boost-phase date and at a rea-
Thus, at least some advocates of NMD can- concept—which would have operational
sonable cost.

drawbacks and leave gaps in coverage—is ill- 6. See, for example, Heritage Foundation, Com-
mission on Missile Defense, Defending America: A
advised. The Clinton administration’s limit- Plan to Meet the Urgent Missile Threat (Washington:
ed land-based system is the best choice to Heritage Foundation, 1999). The commission
give the United States a truly national missile argues that “the NTW system, which would
defense at the earliest possible date and at a deploy interceptors from Aegis cruisers, could be
built much sooner than ground-based sites and
reasonable cost. Only that program should for about one-tenth the cost of building the first
be continued by the next president. ground-based site for the Clinton Administra-
tion’s NMD program” (p. 47).

7. Jack Spencer and Joe Dougherty, “The Quickest

Notes Way to Global Missile Defense: First from the Sea,”
1. See, for example, Sen. Jon Kyl (R-Ariz.), in “Prepared Heritage Foundation Backgrounder no. 1384,
Remarks of Senators Jon Kyl, Carl Levin, and July 13, 2000, pp. 3–7.
Joseph Biden at the Symposium on National
Missile Defense Sponsored by the Jean and Samuel 8. For a more detailed discussion of the various
Zacher Foundation,” Washington, June 27, 2000, camps’ reasons for supporting sea-based NMD, see Ivan Eland, “Let’s Make National Missile
Defense Truly ‘National,’ ” Cato Institute Foreign
2. See, for example, Sen. Joseph Biden (D-Del.), in Policy Briefing no. 58, June 27, 2000.
9. According to Deutch, Brown, and White, “As
3. See, for example, Sen. Carl Levin (D-Mich.), in soon as possible, forward-deploy current systems
ibid. that are configured to provide some capability
against North Korean ballistic missiles. Deploy-
4. John Deutch, Harold Brown, and John White, ment of an Aegis cruiser equipped with an exist-
“National Missile Defense: Is There Another ing missile and aerodynamic kill vehicle off the
Way?” Foreign Policy (Summer 2000): 91–99. coast of North Korea can provide modest capability
for a boost-phase intercept of a Taepo-Dong missile.
5. Geoffrey Forden and Raymond Hall, “Budgetary This capability would be available well before the
and Technical Implications of the Administration’s initial operational capability of the [land-based]
Plan for National Missile Defense,” Congressional NMD system in 2005.” Deutch, Brown, and
Budget Office, April 2000, White, p. 98. Emphasis added.
See also Eric Planin and Roberto Suro, “Cost of 10. Richard L. Garwin, “A Defense That Will Not
Missile Shield Is Double Pentagon Estimate, CBO Defend,” Washington Quarterly (Summer 2000):
Says,” Washington Post, April 26, 2000, p. A10. The 109–23.
estimated cost of an initial NMD deployment has
steadily increased. In 1996 the Department of 11. Heritage Foundation, Commission on Missile
Defense estimate for 100 interceptors at an Defense, p. 1. The commission estimated that less
unspecified location was $10 billion, and the than $3 billion would be needed for Block I of an
CBO estimate for 100 interceptors at Grand effective NTW system and less than $5 billion
Forks, North Dakota, was $14 billion. Ray Hall would be needed for a space-based sensor system.
and David Mosher, “Budgetary Implications of Ibid., p. 3. In contrast, the CBO estimates that the
H.R. 3144, the Defend America Act of 1996,” space-based sensor would cost $10.6 billion.
Congressional Budget Office, 1996. In 1998 DoD Forden and Hall, p. 10.
estimated $11 billion for a 20-interceptor deploy-
ment in Alaska ($9 billion in Grand Forks, North 12. For a more detailed discussion of sea-based
Dakota), which was subsequently increased to NMD, see Charles V. Peña and Barbara Conry,
$13 billion. John Donnelly, “NMD Cost Estimate “National Missile Defense: Examining the
Up 30 Percent since Last Week,” Defense Week, Options,” Cato Institute Policy Analysis no. 337,
January 19, 1999. The current CBO estimate also March 16, 1999, pp. 16–18.
shows that adding 150 interceptors in the conti-
nental United States would increase the system’s 13. Garwin, “A Defense That Will Not Defend,”
cost to $49 billion. An additional $10.6 billion p. 113.
would be needed to construct and operate 24 low-
orbit infrared satellites for detection and discrim- 14. Heritage Foundation, Commission on Missile
ination. Thus, the total cost (development, acqui- Defense, p. 50.
sition, and operation) could be as high as $60 bil-
lion for a land-based NMD system. 15. The minimum required interceptor velocity

for a successful boost-phase engagement will be a 19. Ibid., p. 5.3.
function of several different factors, including the
distance between booster launch location and 20. According to Tanks: “Since the Navy does not
interceptor launch location, booster burn time, have an NMD mission, no serious engineering
booster burnout altitude, how far down range the effort has been undertaken to determine if a 6.5-
booster has flown at burnout, whether the inter- kps interceptor could be launched from the Aegis
ceptor launch point is along the flight path of the platform (as currently structured).” Ibid., p. 5.8.
booster, and the slant angle between the intercep-
tor launch point and the booster flight path. The 21. Ballistic Missile Defense Organization,
acceleration of the booster further compounds “Summary of Report to Congress on Utility of
the problem because the location of the target Sea-Based Assets to National Missile Defense,”
booster along its flight path cannot be predicted June 1, 1999, p. 4.
accurately since acceleration is not a constant.
Therefore, the difference between the predicted 22. Ibid.
and the actual location of the booster is poten-
tially large. Thus, boost-phase intercept using hit- 23. So far, 3 of 19 scheduled flight tests have
to-kill technology deployed at sea is not a simple taken place. The first test (October 1999) was a
problem; it is as complicated and stressing—if not successful intercept, but the subsequent tests
more so—as midcourse intercept using land- have failed, the second (January 2000) because of
based interceptors. In fact, the most effective way a cooling pipe problem and the third (July 2000)
to achieve a boost-phase intercept is to use because of a payload separation problem. Roberto
weapons in space that can destroy a missile from Suro, “Failure of Booster Foiled Missile Test,”
above rather than try to catch it from below. Washington Post, July 9, 2000, pp. A1, A14.

16. Tanks, p. 5.8. 24. Newman, p. 10. According to the BMDO,

“Deployment of a Block II NTW-based system
17. For current testing purposes, the “surrogate” would be well beyond the current timeline for the
for the NMD interceptor booster is a modified land-based NMD Capability I architecture.”
Minuteman II ICBM (second and third stages), Ballistic Missile Defense Organization, “Summary
which is much larger than the Standard missile of Report to Congress,” p. 9. Moreover, the U.S.
that is the basis for the NTW interceptor. Ballistic General Accounting Office recommended that
Missile Defense Organization, “Fact Sheet: the Navy revise the precursor NTW Block I pro-
Ground Based Interceptor,” BMDO Fact Sheet gram “to ensure that the Navy can undertake ini-
JN-99-09, March 1999. Federation of American tial operational testing before producing most of
Scientists, “Military Analysis Network: MK41 its missiles.” U.S. General Accounting Office,
Vertical Launching System (VLS),” http:/www. Missile Defense: Schedule for Navy Theater Wide, Program Should Be Revised to Reduce Risk
shows that a Navy Standard Missile-2 Block (Washington: GAO, May 2000), pp. 5–6. Currently,
IV/IVA occupies the entire space of a VLS strike the Navy is rushing the Block I program by doing
canister. United Defense, “Vertical Launching initial operational testing in 2010—the year by
System (VLS) Mk41—Strike Length Module,” which 100 percent of the Block I missiles will be
http:/www/ produced and delivered. Unbelievably, all of the
weapons/delivery/mk41/strike.htm, shows that missiles are being purchased before any are tested
the maximum length for the VLS as 247 inches operationally to see if they work. Although GAO
(just over 20 feet) and the maximum diameter as did not specifically recommend slowing the NTW
23 inches (just under 2 feet). Block I program, the implication is clear.
Proponents of a sea-based NMD are proposing
18. Quoted in Richard J. Newman, “Shooting accelerating the NTW program at the same time
from the Ship,” U.S. News & World Report, July 3, that the GAO is urging actions that would seem
2000, p. 20. Even if a larger booster could be to necessitate a slowing of the program.
accommodated in the VLS, problems would
remain. According to Tanks, “If a faster [that is, 25. Tanks, p. 5.10.
boost-phase capable] interceptor were needed in
the future, it might be required that the ships be 26. Newman. The Navy had previously estimated that
reconfigured/rebuilt to strengthen their hulls between 7 (2 overseas) and 15 ships (5 overseas) would
and modify the VLS firing cells” (p. 5.5), and “it is be needed for sea-based NMD. U.S. Navy, “Naval
questionable that a missile defense system that Missile Defense: Forward . . . From the Sea,” Briefing,
would require massive modification to or replace- 1996. BMDO assumed that 3–6 dedicated Aegis ships
ment of the current VLS configuration would be would be needed. Ballistic Missile Defense
very cost effective” (p. 5.10). Organization, “Summary of Report to Congress,” p. 21.

27. Quoted in Newman, p. 20. Foundation, Commission on Missile Defense, p. 4.

28. Tanks, p. 5.13. 42. Garwin, “Cooperative Ballistic Missile Defense.”

29. Ibid., p. 5.10. 43. Spencer and Dougherty, p. 6.

30. Christopher Hellman, “Fiscal Year 2001 44. Tanks, p. 5.13.

Request for Selected Weapons,” Center for
Defense Information, February 7, 2000, http:// 45. The Heritage Foundation states: “Several rogue states and terrorist groups could launch
shorter-range missiles from ships lying close to
31. U.S. Navy Visibility and Management of U.S. coasts.” Spencer and Dougherty, p. 10.
Operating and Support Costs (VAMOSC) Report,
cited by Federation of American Scientists, http:// 46. Charles V. Peña, “Theater Missile Defense: A Limited Capability Is Needed,” Cato Policy Analysis
no. 309, June 22, 1998, pp. 19, 21.
32. Tanks, p. 5.11.
47. Heritage Foundation, Commission on Missile
33. Ballistic Missile Defense Organization, Defense, p. 43. Emphasis added.
“Summary of Report to Congress,” p. 2.
48. Ballistic Missile Defense Organization,
34. For example, a small surface action group “Summary of Report to Congress,” p. 20.
consisting of an additional cruiser, destroyer, and
auxiliary ship. 49. No current cost estimates exist for a layered
space-based NMD system because such a system
35. Newman. is not currently being considered. But the CBO
estimated previously that a “high-end” layered
36. See, for example, Rumsfeld Commission, defense system consisting of 300 ground-based
Executive Summary of the Report of the Commission to interceptors, 500 space-based interceptors, 20
Assess the Ballistic Missile Threat to the United States space-based lasers, and space and missile tracking
(Washington: Government Printing Office, 1998), system infrared satellites would have a 20-year
pp. 6–7; and Heritage Foundation, Commission life-cycle cost of $140 billion. Congressional
on Missile Defense, pp. 11–12. Budget Office, “Answers to Questions Posed by
Senators Exon and Dorgan,” 1996, p. 1.
37. Tanks, pp. 5.9–5.10.
50. The Heritage Foundation states: “For a total
38. Newman. of $2 billion to $3 billion, and with streamlined
Navy management, the first generation of an
39. Heritage Foundation, Commission on Missile NTW missile defense system could begin opera-
Defense, pp. 9–12. tions in just three to four years.” Spencer and
Dougherty, p. 7. But that cost figure is the only
40. Richard L. Garwin, “Cooperative Ballistic one given—even though the authors explicitly
Missile Defense,” November 17, 1999, http:// acknowledge that “sea-based, space-based, and ground-based interceptors are all needed,” that
their proposed plan to meet the urgent missile
41. BMDO states, “The most practical and effec- threat is to “build a space-based sensor system as
tive role for sea-based systems would be to sup- a companion to the Navy’s missile defense sys-
plement land-based systems.” Ballistic Missile tem,” and that they would “expedite sea-based
Defense Organization, p. 4. The Herritage and space-based programs with streamlined man-
Foundation also acknowledges that sea-based agement modeled after the successful Polaris pro-
NMD will need to be augmented: “To be most gram.” Spencer and Dougherty, pp. 3, 8, 9.
effective, this first-phase global missile defense
system—based on the NTW system—should be 51. Ibid., p. 7. Emphasis added.
supplemented with space-based interceptors and
lasers as those technologies mature.” Heritage 52. Peña and Conry, pp. 19–20.

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