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Heat exchanger is the device In which the heat exchange

between media used in various kinds of systems or machines

is executed. As a result ot the heat exchanger operation. the
temperature or aggregation state of media flowing through the
heat exchanger changes.
Marine heat exchanger Is the exchanger used in ship piping
and machinery.
Marine heat exchangers are divided In the following manner:
1) according to the working principle - into direct-contact
(mixing or surtaceless). Indirect (recuperative) and
regenerative heat exchangers.
2) according to their application In ship systems - into coolers.
heaters. condensers and evaporators.
The heat exchangers used on board belong to two-media type
exchangers. It means that two media of different temperature
participate in the heat exchange process. They can possess
the same physical and chemical properties (e.g. water- water)
or different properties (e.g. oil - water) and different state of
aggregation (e.g. steam- oil).
The working schemes of the two-media heat exchangers
are shown on f1gure 1.1 In direct-contact heat exchangers (fig.
1.1.a) the working medium and the treated medium are mixed.
During this process the warmer medium is cooled and the
colder medium is warmed The final temperature of mixture
results from the heat balance of the process. For example, if
the temperature of warmer medium (mass mt) is lt. and the
temperature of colder medium (mass mz) is lz. then the
mixture has the mass mt+mz and Intermediate temperature is
13. The relationships between the temperatures are lt>l3>tz.
In case one medium Is condensed under constant pressure its
temperature does not change. In this case for 11>12 l3=lr
The working scheme of the recuperative heat exchanger is
shown on fi gure 1. 1. b . The heat exchange is performed
though the membrane (wall) thus the media are not mixed. The
heat flows from the medium having higher temperature and
mass m 1 (which Is cooled). to the medium having lower
temperature and mass m 2 (which In turn is heated). The
principles of heat balance are vaiiCI during the process. ana
temperature relations are as follows:
- in case of heaters and coolers If 11>1z than l4>l z and
- in case of condensers when the medium of mass m 1 is
condensed l1>tz. f3=11 and l4>lz.
Fig.1.1. Working schemes of t wo-media heat exchangers
a) direct-contact heat exchanger,
b) recuperatiw heat exchanger,
c) regeneratiw heat exchanger
q . the heat transferr ed in the heat exchanger
...:. m::z::t::z::::
L >
ffl t t 1 ~
mz t z
m1 t 3
mz t 4
Figure 1.1.c shows the working scheme of regenerative
heat exchanger The walls and a special padding of heat
exchanger chamber serve as a heat accumulator. The media
now through the heat exchanger chamber alternatively. The
warmer medium (mass m1) nows during first phase of the
process transfemng the heat to the chamber walls and
padding. Its temperature drops from 11 to lz and the chamber
is warmed up to temperature 13. The colder medium (mass mz)
flows through the chamber during second phase of the
process getting bacK the heat from walls and padding (see
animation on fig. 1.1.c). Its temperature increases from l4 to
15. The temperature relationships are as follows:
in first phase t 1>f:J>Iz,
in second phase I;J>I5>f4 .
Fig. 1.1. Working schemes heat exchangers
a) direct-contact heat exchanger,
b) recuperatiw heat exchanger,
c) regeneratiw heat exchanger
q - the heat transrerred in the heat exchanger
The recuperatiVe heat exchangers are mostly used on
board. Separation of media by means of the wall allows the
heat exchange between the media of different physical and
chemical propertieS. tor example between oil and cooling
water. After the heat exchange process is completed bott
media keep their chemical and operational properties.
The direct-contact (mbdng) heat exchangers are used in
limited number of cases. when the mixing of the media does
not change their properties and chemical composition. Thus,
these are often the same media but possessing different
temperature or state ot aggregation, for example steam and
fresh water.
The regenerative heat exchangers allow heat exchange
between media or different physical and chemical properties.
They are used mostly tor heat exchange between gases.
Thus, they have a limited application on board. Air and exhaust
gases flowing through the regenerative heat exchanger
alternatively can be one example.
The media in heat exchanger can be divided according to
their function, into worKing media I.e. executing a specific task
(for example heating or cooling) and treated media, whose
temperature or state of aggregation are changed in
accordance with the requirements of the ship system or
The following media participate In heat exchange in the
different ship systems: sea water. fresh water. steam.
lubricating oil, ruel, air. exhaust gases and technical gases.ln
many cases these media can serve as working medium in one
heat exchanger and can be used as treated medium in
another heat exchanger
The working and treated media in different kinds of ship heat
exchangers can be classified as follows:
in the coolers- as cooling medium (e.g. sea water, fresh
water, air) and cooled medium (e.g. fresh water, lubricating oil,
in the heaters - as heating medium (e.g. steam, fresh
water, exhaust gases, oil) and heated medium (e.g. fresh
water, fuel, oil, air),
in the condensers - as cooling medium (e.g. sea water,
fresh water, air) and condensed medium (e.g. steam,
refrigerant vapour),
in the evaporators- as heating medium (e.g. fresh water,
steam) and evaporated medium (e.g. sea water, fresh water).
The cooling media mostly used in marine heat exchangers
are sea water, fresh water and air while steam and fresh water
are mostly used as heat1ng media
Apart from the worl<lng media mentioned above, electric
power is very often used as heating medium, for example in
the electric heaters or water, oil or fuel.
Taking into account the classification of marine hea
exchangers according to their Intended use, the heat
exchangers that are mostly usea on board are:
coolers of fresh water, oil ana air,
heaters of water, oil, fuel ana air,
condensers of steam ana refri gerant vapour,
evaporators of sea water.
Basic processes of heat exchange are conduction,
convection and radiation.
Conduction of neat takes place Inside a single object, in
which the difference of temperature exists. The neat now goes
from the area of higher temperature t 1 to tne area of lower
temperature t z (fig. 2.1 ) The process essentially consists of
the transfer of energy trom molecules having higher energetic
level to the ones having lower energetic level. The amount of
neat transferred wtthin the conduction process is
characterised by the following equation:
)!. jV\IImKJ coefficient of thermal conduclivily - characteristic
feature of given object describing its ability for heal
transfer I.e. thermal conducllvlly,
Llt [KJ
distance of heat now Inside the object which is equal to
the thicKness of the object conducting the heat,
area of object secllon through which the heat is
temperature di1Terence between initial and final area of
heat conducllon process,
t1 [KJ innlal temperature In Initial area ofthe process.
8 A.
F ~ 1 4 - - = - ~ - - ~
Fig. 2.1. Pattern or heat conduction
distribution of temperature Inside the object
Convection or neat exists in liquids and gases only. It
consists of the transfer or energy by molecules or streams of
molecules within the fluia (fig. 2.2). The molecules motion may
be self-acting due to hydrostatic lift effect (molecules of higher
energy have lower density than molecules of lower energy), or
the motion can be forced by the transferring machine.
Convection of heat runs from the space of higher temperature
11 to the space or lower temperature 12. The process of
convection is accompanied by heat conduction in a small
1 l l
Fig. 2.2. Pattern of heat corNectlon
Radiation consists ot heat transmission tJy means of
electromagnetic waves trom the object of higher temperature
It to the ObJect ot lower temperature tz (fig. 2.3 ). The heat
exchange tJy radiation does not require any conducting or
convecting matter and can occur across a vacuum. The
electromagnetic waves trom Infrared range of emission
spectrum are mainly involVed In the radiation of heat.
Each object emits and absorbs energy at the same time.
The intensity of these processes depends on temperature,
colour and smoothness both emitting and absorbing energy
objects. Objects or higher temperature, darKer tint and more
matt surface emit more heat than objects of lower temperature,
brighter colours and smooth glossy surface. Matt, darKer and
lower temperature objects also absorb heat more easily than
bright, light colour and higher temperature objects. In case of
equal temperature or both objects, they emit and absorb the
same amount of energy, and as a result, the heat transmission
by radiation between them disappears. Additionally, the
intensity of radiation depends or the slope and shape of the
surface of both objects.
~ ...
Fig. 2.3. Pattern of heat transmission by radiation
In marine heat exchangers, the basic processes of heat
exchange do not occur In an Individual pattern. Penetration
of heat and transfer of heat are combined processes of
heat exchange.
Penetration of heat consists In the process of heat
transmission tram the stream ot liquid or gas into the wall of
heat exchanger {fig. 2.4) or trom the wall into the stream of
medium. Penetration Is a combination of convection and
conduction in the stream of medium. The amount of heat
transferred in penetration process Is characterised by the
following equation:
a [Wtm2KJ
.dt [KJ
Q= a FL1t [W]
coellicienl of heal penelralion from the stream of
medium into wall, or from wall into the stream of medium-
characterlslic feature of given process of heal
-area of wall,
temperature dlfrerence between the stream of liquid and
t 1 IKI. lemperature of medium stream core,
f2IKI -lemperalure of wall.

Pattern of heat penetration
. . . . distribution of temperature Inside the stream of
Transfer of heat Is the combined process of heat
transmission consisting of heat penetration from the stream A
of liquid or gas into heat exchanger wall, heat conduction
through the wall and as a next step, heat penetration from the
wall into the stream of another medium B nowing along
opposite side of wall (fig 2.5). The amount of heat transferred
in the process of heat transfer is described by the following
Q=k F Llt [W]
k twlm2KJ. coefficient of heat transfer from the stream of medium A to
the stream of medium 9 through the wall separating them.
characteristic feature of given process of heat transfer
equal to:
~ coeffi cient of heat penetration from medium A tc
the wall,
coefficient of heat penetration from the wall into
medium 9,
thickness ofwall,
coefficient of wall thermal conductivity,
F [m2] . area of wall,
Llf[I<J temperature difference between streams of media,
fA [I<J temperature of medium A core,
fa [KJ temperature of medium B core.

- -
'-... _____ ta

Fig. 2.5. Pattern of heat tranSfer
... .. distribution of t emperature during the process
;-- ~
The issue of mutual flows ot media participating in heat
exchange process concerns recuperative heat exchangers.
The following mutual flows can occur: parallel-flows .
counter-flows, cross-flows and combined flows.
Parallel-flow (fig 2.6) consists In parallel motion ot both fluids
A and 8 in the same direction on each side of wall 2 separating
them. In the example shown on figure 2.6.a the heat is
transferred from medium A Into medium 8 . During the now
through the heat exchanger on a distance L the temperature
of medium A decreases and the temperature of medium 8
increases (fig. 2.6.b ). and a difference of temperatures
between them decreases from .()f1 to .()f2. The amount of heat
transferred in the process equals to:
Q=k F Lltm [W] (2.5J
k [VV!m2KJ - coelliclent or heat transfer,
F tm2J -area of wall,
Lltm JKJ - logarithmic mean temperature difference
between media,
.1 t1- .1 t2
In .:1 t1
.:1 t2
temperature diiTerence in the beginning of heat
temperature diiTerence In the end of heat
1 2
- - -
- A
b) I
I ~
Fig. 2.6. Pattern of parallel-flow In the heat exchanger
a) pattern of media now,
b) temperature distribution of media along the heat
Counter-flow (hg 2.7}- media A and B now on each side
of wall parallelly but In oppos1te directions. The temperature
distribution (fig. 2.7.b) shows. that in case of counter-now heat
exchanger it is possible to warm up medium B until its
temperature exceeds the final temperature of medium A. This
was not possible in me parallel-flow heat exchanger. In
practice. this leads to higher work effectiveness of counter-flow
heat exchangers and this results in their more common
application. The amount or heat transferred from medium A to
medium 8 is described by the same formula as in case of
parallel flow (formula 2.5). Also the logarithmic mean
temperature difference is calculated similarly (formula 2 .6).
1 2
~ I
- -
I !
b) t
Fig. 2.7. Pattern of counter-now In the heat exchanger
a) pattern of media now,
b) temperature distribution of media along the heat
Cross-flow (fig. 2.8) consists in mutual perpendicular
motion of media on both sides of separating wall. The
distribution of media temperatures is presented on figure
2.8.b. During cross-flow it is impossible to show the direction of
media flow on the temperature distribution diagram. The
amount of heat transferred between media during the cross-
flow is calculated in the same way, according to the same
formula (2.5).
1 2
--+ --+
- A
l r-
fig. 2.8. Pattern of cross.flow in the heat exchanger
a) 11attern of media flow,
b) temperature distribution of media along the heat
excham er
The logarithmic mean temperature difference obtained
according to the same formula (2 .6) is to be corrected by using
the adjustement given in appropriated tables.
The temperature distribution during special cases of heat
transfer in which one medium is subject to a phase change
(condensation or evaporation) are shown on figure 2.9. Figure
2.9.a concerns a typical condenser, in which cooled medium B
condenses and its temperature does not change. At the same
time, the temperature of cooling medium A increases. In case
of evaporator (fig. 2.9.b) the heated medium A evaporates, its
temperature is constant and the temperature of heating
medium B decreases. Condensers and evaporators usually
worK with cross-flow of worKing media.
a) 1 b) I
' ] ~
[ ] ~
fig. 2.9. Distribution of media tem11eratures in condensers and
a) distribution of temperatures in condenser,
b) distribution of temperatures in evaporator
Construction or marine heat exchangers usually is
complicated to such degree. that working media do not flow in
a simple parallel-. counter- or cross-now pattern. There are
various combinations or simple flow patterns of media and
such pattern is descnbed as combined flow.
The manufacturers determine the heat transfer coefficient
of combined now heat exchangers In an experimental way for
each given type or heat exchanger. The logarithmic mear
temperature difference Is calculated according to the formula
The combined parallel and counter flow in heat exchanger
with telescopic pipe (Field's heat exchanger) is shown on
figure 2.10.
In this type or heat exchanger one medium flows twice inside
and outside of inner pipe, and the second medium flows on the
outside of the external pipe. The heat exchange in it is
effectuated according to the counter-flow pattern of the same
medium B on both sides or Inner pipe and according to
parallel-flow pattern between medium A and medium B on the
sides of external pipe.
- -
Fig. 2.10. Pattern of combined flow In telescopic heat exchanger
a) pattern of media flow,
b) temperature distribution of media Inside heat exchanger
1 - tube plate; 2 - telescopic pipe
Anotller example of combined flow in shell and tube heat
exchanger is shown on figure 2.11 . Medium A flows through
different parts of pipes twice, In opposite directions. On the
contrary, in different parts of heat exchanger, medium B flows
in parallel-, counter- or cross-flow pattern in relation to medium
A. This is due to the application of baffle plates 1 mounted
outside heat exchanger pipes In the space where medium B
A +- ~ -
Fig. 2.11. Pattern or combined flow in shell and tube heat exchanger
1 transverse baffle plate
Direct-contact heat exchangers are constructed in such a
W<l'{, that mixing ot media Is effective. thus ensuring higt
efficiency of the heat exchange An example of direct-contad
steam heater ot marine bolter teed water is shown on figure
3.1 . The teed water Is supplied Into heater through nange 4
and spraying valve 3 . Next. the water tans in the form of
shower into a cylindrical mixing Insert 2. The healing steam
enters the heater via connector 5. anel flows inside the mixing
insert 2 through holes on its surface and mixes with the stream
of water. The steam condenses and heat of condensation
heats the water. A hot mixture Is drawn by boiler feed p u m ~
from connector 15. The Increase of feed water temperature
improves the steam propulsion plant heat balance, decreases
thermal stresses of boiler and performs feed water degassing
(solubility of gases in water decreases In hlgl1er temperature).
The air dissolved In water consists of oxygen, which causes
boiler corrosion. Due to degassing (deaeration) the risk of
corrosion inside the boiler Is minimised. The feed water heater
described above also serves as a compensating reservoir of
water in plant steam-condensate system.
Fig. 3.1. reed water heater
1 . heater body, 2 mixing Insert; 3 spraying vaiW; 4 . feed
water inlet; 5 heating steam Inlet; 6 hot water outlet
An example of shell & tube heat exchange is presented on
figure 3.3. It can be used as marine engine lubricating oil
cooler or fresh water cooler. Sea water (medium A) nows inside
tubes and cools down lubricating on or fresh water. which now
outside tubes (medium 8).
On figure 3.2 medium A flows through tube stack in one
direction, while on figure 3.3 flows twice In opposite directions
in separate tube stacks. The heat exchanger with multiple flow
of medium inside pipe stacks Is named multi-pass flow heat
Fig. 3.3. Shell & tube cooler
1 - body (shell); 2 - cover; 3 . Inlet/outlet chamber; 4 -tube
stack; 5 . baftle plate; 6 . shell flange; 7 - bon; 8 - foundation
leg; 9 thermometer; 10 vent cock; 11 - medium A pipe
connections; 12. medium B pipe connections
(photo from brochure F.U.O. "'Rumla. Centromor)
Recuperative heat exchangers possess different
constructions of walls. which separate the media participating
in the heat exchange process. In most cases various shapes
of tubes or plates are used. Thus. depending on the type of
separating surfaces the heat exchangers are usually divided
into tubular or plate heat exchangers.
3.2.1. Constructi on of tubular heat exchangers
In tubular heat exchangers also known as shell and tube
(shell & tube) heat exchangers one medium flows inside the
tubes and the second medium flows outside the tubes. J.
scheme of shell & tube heat exchanger is shown on figure 3.2.
A shell (body) 1 of heat exchanger mostly cylindrical in shape
is ended with flanges. Into which tube plates 4 as well as
covers 2 and 3 are fastened. One cover is stationary fixed and
sealed. while the second one is mounted by means of a
floating sealing 11 (Its task Is described in further part of this
chapter) . The tubes 5 are expanded in tube plates (tube
sheets) 4 . One medium. lor example A, flows inside cover 2.
which at the same time Is a distribution chamber of the flow of
medium A into the pipes 5. Cover 3 is a collecting chamber of
medium A at the heat exchanger outlet. Medium B in turn
passes through the shell Interior outside tubes. The flow of
medium B is guided by means of baffle plates 6.
fig. 3.2. Shell & tube heat exchanger
1 - body (shell); 2 - Inlet cover; 3- outlet cowr; 4 - tube plate;
5 - tube; 6 - baffle plate; 7 medium A inlet connection; 8 -
medium A outlet connection; 9 medium B inlet connection;
10 medium B outlet connection; 11 - floating tube plate
A principle of multi-pass fl ow heat exchanger construction
is explained on figure 3.4. One-pass flow heat exchangers are
shown on figures 3.4.a and 3.4.b (tube stacks are shown in a
simplified way). The lett cover forms an Inlet chamber. and the
right cover forms an ouuet chamber of medium A. Medium
nows through the heat exchanger only once.
In two-pass now heat exchanger (fig. 3.4.c) the left cover is
split into inlet chamber 1 and outlet chamber 2 by means of a
bame plate 4. The right cover Is a return chamber of medium
A. It passes through the heat exchanger two times in opposite
directions inside adjoining tube stacks.
Three-pass now heat exchanger (fig. 3.4.<1 ) has baffle
plates 4 inside both covers situated In such way that triple flow
of medium A inside tube stacks Is achieved.
A -+ -+ -+ \ A
)J j}J>ltZ
Fig. 3.4. l)lpes of medium now In tubes of shell & tube heat
a), b) one-pass now heat exchanger; c) two-pass now heat
exchanger; d) three-pass now heat exchanger; 1 - inlet
chamber; 2 - outlet chamber; 3 - return chamber; 4 - baffle
plaCe; 5 - tube stack
1 B

A -+
Application of multt-pass flow heat exchangers makes it
possible to shorten the tubes length. though the diameter of
heat exchanger shell does not Increase considerably. Thus. the
overall dimensions or heat exchanger are minimised and tube
replacement as well as cleaning Is easier.
On board, two-pass now heat exchangers are mostly used
(comp. fig. 3.3), while three-pass. tour-pass and five-pass now
heat exchangers are more seldom used.
A proper direction of medium now outside tubes makes it
possible to incluCle a whole surtace of all tubes in the heat
exchange process. This task Is executed by appropriate baffle
plates placed in the space among heat exchanger tubes. The
flow of medium 8 outside tubes In case no baffle plate used is
shown on figure 3.15 . Medium 8 flows In the shortest way 2
between inlet and outlet connector. Thus "dead" spaces 1 are
formed. where the flow or medium 8 Is not considerable, and
where the heat exchange Is not effective. The application of
baffle plates inside or heat exchanger allows to avoid this
inconvenience. For example longitudinal baffle plates 3 (fig.
3.5.b) force medium B to flow within the whole space between
the pipes. Additionally, the flow distance of medium inside shell
increases and the medium speed also increases. It results in
high turbulence of flow, which raises the coefficient of heat
penetration between tubes and medium. The heat exchange
A --+
A --+
L' /
Fig. 3.5. Application or bailie plates In space outside tubes in shell &
tube heat exchanger
a) shell space whhout bailie plates,
b) application or longhudlnal bailie plates
1 . " dead" space; 2 medium B now direction; 3 .
longhudinal bailie plates
varied types of transverse baffle plates (fig. 3.5.c - 3.5.f)
are more frequently used In shell & tube heat exchangers than
longitudinal baffle plates The most popular are nat cut
segment baffle plates 4 (Ng. 3.5.c). whereas concentric baffle
plates 5 (fig. 3.5.d). shape segment baffle plates 6 (fig. 3.5.e)
and sieve sheet baffle plates 7 (fig. 3.5.f) are less frequently
used. Besides the improvement of heat exchange conditions.
the segment baffles 4 and 6 support pipes of heat exchanger.
thus guarding these pipes against arching ana deformation. In
a similar way, concentric baffles extend the distance of medium
flow and increase the turbulence of Its movement. Sieve sheet
baffles force a considerable increase of medium flow speed
and turbulence within the sheet holes. while the flow direction
generally remains unchanged.
Fig. 3.5. Application of baftle plates In space outside tubes in shell &
tube heat exchanger
c) - d) application Of dltrerent baftle plates
2 . medium B now direction; 4 - nat cut segment baffle
plates; 5- concentric baftle plates;
--+ A
Varied types of transverse baffle plates (fig. 3.5.c - 3.5.f)
are more frequently used 1n shell & tube heat exchangers than
longitudinal baffle plates The most popular are nat cut
segment bame plates 4 (fig 3.5.c ). whereas concentric bame
plates 5 (fig. 3.5.d ). shape segment bame plates 6 (fig. 3.5.e )
and sieve sheet bame plates 7 (fig. 3.5.f) are less frequently
used. Besides the Improvement of heat exchange conditions.
the segment bames 4 and 6 support pipes of heat exchanger.
thus guarding these pipes against arching and deformation. In
a similar way, concentric baffl es extend the distance of medium
flow and increase the turbulence of Its movement. Sieve sheet

baffles force a considerable Increase of medium flow speed
and turbulence within the sheet holes. while the flow direction
generally remains unchanged.

\ c ~
Fig.3.5. Application of bailie plates In space outside tubes in shell &
lube heat exchanger
e) - f) application of different bailie plates
2- medium 8 now direcclon; 6- shape segment bailie plates;
7 - slew sheet bailie plates
The shell & tube heat exchangers used on board usually
are multi-pass flow on a side of medium flowing inside pipes,
and have baffle plates lor medium flowing outside pipes. An
example of four-pass trow shell & tube heat exchanger with
segment transverse baffle plates Is shown on figure 3.6.
A ...../IJ ._[ -,------.---'
= ......
Fig. 3.6. Four .pass now shell & tube heat exchanger wHh segment
transverse baftle plates
Performance of recuperative heat exchangers can be
increased by application of fined (ribbed) heat exchange
surfaces (fig. 3.7.a).
Finned surfaces 2 made of material of good heat conductivity
are mounted on exchanger pipes 1. Instead of ribbed surfaces
other shape elements are also used, tor example metal stubs
(item 3, fig. 3.7.b) padded on pipe surface. The stubs can be
made of good thermal conductor covered with a higher
strength material (items 4 and 51n fig. 3.7 .c) .
Fig. 3.7. Finned heat exchange surfaces In tubular heat exchangers
a) mounted finned surface,
b) padded stubs,
c) padded stubs whh good heat conductor insert
1 . tube; 2 finned surface; 3 stub; 4 good heat
conductMty stub core; 5 stub strength lining
Examples of different shapes of tined surfaces are shown
on fi gure 3 . 8 . usually me tinning Is used on me side of
medium. which have a lower coefficient of heat penetration.
Aside from increasing the heat exchange surface. the
tinning also increases turbulence and speed of medium flow
which additionally benefits the coefficient of heat penetration
value. It results in minimising the heat exchanger dimensions
and in savings of Ship engine room space.
a) b)
Fig. 3.8. Examples of different finned heat exchange surfaces in
tubular heat exchangers
a) disc !inning,
b) stub !inning,
c) ribbed disc !inning,
d) longitudinal nat !inning
A high performance tubular heat exchangers with finned
heat exchange surfaces are shown on figure 3.9. These are
telescopic heaters or fuel, oil or liquid cargo (compare fig.
2.10), in which the outside or telescopic pipes is finned. The
shape of ribbing is presented in enlargement.
Fig. 3.9. High performance telescopic heat exchangers
a) single-pipe telescopic heat exchanger,
b) muHi-pipe telescopic heat exchanger
1 . casing; 2 - telescopic pipe; 3 - tinning
(photos from brochures STANEX Heat Exchangers, Zander &
lngestrOm, AlfaLaval Group and SUNROD and BENDEK Heat
Exchangers for Cargo Heating, Frank Mohn AS, Norway)
1 3 2 3
During tubular heat exchanger operation. thermal stresses
can occur due to tne drtterence of temperatures of the
construction elements, drtterent coefficients of thermal
expansion of materials and variable running temperatures. It
can cause heat exchanger failure because of excessive
elements deformation. loss of joints llghtness and in extreme
circumstances also crackS and damage of tne construction
components. That is wrry tne design of tubular heat
exchangers should take into consideration the problem of
thermal expansion compensation In order to avoid excessive
thermal stresses. The means for compensating thermal
deformations in shell & tube heat exchangers are presented
on figure 3.10.
Fig. 3.10. Means for compensation of thermal deformations in shell &
tube heat exchangers
a) noating tube plate,
) fixed tube plate detail,
) noatlng tube plate detail,
b) telescopic pipes,
1 . shell; 2 cowr; 3 tube plate, 4 tube; 5 - leakage ring; 6 -
sealing ring; 7 gasket; 8 bOlt; 9 telescopic pipe
On figure 3.10.a one tube sheet 31s fixed (detail at). while
the second tube sheet Is floating (detail a2). The floating tube
sheet is sealed by means or conical sealing rings 6 placed
between flanges of snell 1 and cover 2. and separated by
leakage nng 5. A tigntening of flanges presses sealing rings 6
to tne side of tube plate 3. tnus sealing tne joint and
simultaneously keeping tne floating feature of tube plate.
Tubes of neat excnanger whlcn are manufactured witll good
neat conducting material nave higher tnermal expansion tnan
tne shell. When working. tne tube expands more tnan tne
casing. The floating joint or tube plate allows to avoia possible
thermal stresses. In case one of sealing rings 6 loses its
tightness. it is indicated by leak of medium through holes in
leakage ring 5. The leak through holes of ring 5 also protects
against the mixing of media.
In the telescopic heat exchanger (fig. 3.10.b) telescopic
pipes 9 are fixed one-side to the tube plates only, which allows
their free expansion Independently of the expansion of casing
Fig. 3.10. Means for compensation of thermal deformations in shell &
tube heat exchangers
a) noating tube plate,
) fixed tube plate detail,
) noatino tube plate detail,
b) telescopic pipes,
1 - shell; 2 cowr; 3 - tube plate, 4 tube; 5 -leakage ring; 6 .
sealing ring; 7 gasket; 8 bOlt; 9 telescopic pipe
The heat exchanger shown on figure 3.1 o .c is fitted with
expansion bellows shell mounted The expansion bellows are
welded to shell body (detail C ). Their shape facilitates their
deftection and the shell expanding When the tubes extend.
Compensation of thermal extending can be performed by
application of expansion shaped tubes. The heat exchanger
presented on figure 3.10.d have U-shaped tubes 11, which
can expand freely.
Fig. 3.10. Means for compensation of thermal deformations in shell &
lube heat exchangers
c) expansion bellows shell mounted,
) expansion bellow detail,
d) U-tubes,
1 . shell; 2 cover; 4 tube; 10 expansion bellow; 11 . u.
J t:J l
r 11
In turn, bent tubes 1Z are used In the heat exchanger shown
on figure 3.10.e. A change of the tubes' length in ditferen
working temperatures Is compensated by the change of tube
bending radius For example, spiral tubes possess a similar
In the heat exchanger shown on figure 3.10.f tubes are
permanenUy fiXed to one side of tube plate (detail '') and in
movable w;ry by means of stuffing-boxes in the second tube
plate (detail fz). Each pipe 4 has Its own stuffing-box with
packing rings 13 pressed by packing ring holder 14.
Fig. 3.10. Means for compensation of thermal deformations in shell &
tube heat exchangers
e) expansion shape tubes,
f) stuffing-box pipe nxlng;
) tube rolling end nxlng detail,
) tube packing end nxlng detail,
1 - shell; 2 - c011er; 3 tube plate, 4 . tube; 12 . expansion
shape tube; 13- packing ring; 14 . packing ring holder
Lamella heat exchangers (tig. 3.11 ) are a modification of
tubular heat exchangers. In which ltle heat exchange surface
is formed by lamella walls made of tubes connected by nat
metal strips. Tubes 3 have a hexagonal (fig. 3.11 .a) or oval
section (fig. 3.11.b). A whole Internal space of the heat
exchanger is divided by lamella walls into flat channels. One
medium flows inside pipes and the second medium flows
through the flat channels. The pipes are fixed to tube plates 2.
Compensation or tubes thermal elongation is executed by
floating sealing 5 attached to one connector of medium
floating through the pipes.
Fig. 3.11. Lamella heat exchanger
< .
b) /1
., -- +--
~ ]I
a) hexagonal lamella channels,
b) oval lamella channels
1. casing; 2. tube plate; 3 - lamella tube stack; 4 . gasket; 5.
noating tube plate gasket
3.2.2. Construction of plate heat exchangers
Plate heat exchangers (fig. 3.12) have a heat exchange
membrane shaped as a pack of corrugated metal plates 1.
Plates in the pack are separated by gaskets 2. They form flat
corrugated channels between plates. which at the same time
constitute ways of flow for media A and B participating in heat
exchange. The flow of media between plates is guided by
proper shape of gaskets. The plate pack is closed from both
sides by frame plates 4 and tightened by horizontal tightening
bolts 6. Inlet and outlet pipes of media A and Bare fastened to
the frame plates
Fig. 3.12. Construction of lllate heat exchanger
a) general view, b) construction of plates
1 . plate; 2 . nasket; 3 . frame plate; 4 - pressure plate; 5 .
There are two types ot plates In each heat exchanger. The
gaskets shape Is mirror like in relation to each other (fig.
3.12.b. 3.13.3 , 3.14.a. 3.14.b). The gaskets are placed in
groves extruded on plates Ports at the plate comers are
alternatively surrounded completely or partly With gaskets.
Thus, media A and B can flow separately through adjoining
channels of plate pack. Plate heat exchangers used in marine
applications execute counter-flow Of media (fig. 3.12. 3.13,
The corrugation of plates results from the groove shape of
their surface. Grooves can be chevron type with different
angle of inclination (fig. 3.12.b , 3.13.3) or transverse type with
different shape of grooves (fig. 3.14.3, 3.14.b). The grooves
at adjacent plates are placed and directed in such way that
channels between plates consist or a number of chambers and
narrowings (fig. 3.13.b). The distance between plates depends
on gasKets' thicKness and amounts to a few up to a dozen of
Fig. 3.13. Construction or chevron type plates
a) construction or adjacent plates,
h) section detail or plate pack
8 A 8 A. 8 A 8
There are two types ot plates In each heat exchanger. The
gaskets shape Is mirror like In relation to each other (fig.
3.12.b, 3.13.a, 3.14.a. 3.14.b). The gaskets are placed in
groves extruded on plates Ports at the plate comers are
alternatiVely surrounded completely or partly with gaskets.
Thus. media A and B can now separately through adjoining
channels of plate pack. Plate heat exchangers used in marine
applications execute counter-flow of media (fig. 3.12. 3.13,
The corrugation of plates results from the groove shape of
their surface. Grooves can be chevron type with different
angle of inclination (fig. 3.12.b, 3.13.a) or transverse type with
different shape of grooves (fig. 3.14.a, 3.14.b ). The grooves
at adjacent plates are placed and directed in such way that
channels between plates consist of a number of chambers and
narrowings (fig. 3.13.b). The distance between plates depends
on gaskets' thickness and amounts to a few up to a dozen of
a) b)
Fig. 3.14. Construction oftran!Mirse corrugated plates
a) washboard corrugated plates,
b) arborescently corrugated plates
The shape of channels between plates and small thickness
of channels cause the characteristic high turbulence of media
now. Grooving also Increases the area of heat transfer
Thickness of plates Is small- 0.4 - 1,5 mm. These features, in
particular turbulence of now considerably inftuence the
increase of heat transfer coetticient. In plate heat exchangers
it amounts 3500 7500 W/m2K. and it is about three times
higher than the same In tubular heat exchangers. Thanks to
this feature. the plate heat excnangers are lighter and smaller
than the same heat transfer capability tubular heat
exchangers. Typical plate heat exchanger and comparison of
dimensions of plate and tubular heat exchangers are shown
on figure 3.15 . Plate heat exchanger is approximately three
times smaller and has six times less weight than the same
thermal capacity tubular heat exchanger. Besides the tubular
heat exchanger requires additional space 9 (fig. 3.15) in
engine room for pipes replacement and cleaning.
Fig. 3.15. Plate heat exchanger
b) overall dimensions and comparison of tubular and plate
heat exchangers
1 . plate pack; 2 frame plate; 3 tightening bolt; 4 plate
pack upper carl)llng bar; 5 plate pack lower guiding bar; 6 .
support column; 7 tubular heat exchanger; 8 . plate heat
exchanger; 9 tube stack serllice space of tubular heat
(photo from brochure Plate Heat Exchangers, ALFA LAVAL)

. . ~ .
. A ~
Ui!------llk - - - - - - - ,
Different kind of plate heat exchangers are spiral heat
exchangers (fig. 3.16) Its heat transfer surface is shaped by
helical reeled metal sheets 2 sealed In end covers 4. Spiral
channels 3 are formed between the metal sheets. in wtlich a
counter-flow of media A and B Is executed.
Fig. 3.16. Spiral heat exchanger
a) view,
b) pattern of construction
1 . casing; 2 spiral plate; 3 spiral channel; 4 . end cover; 5 -
foundation leg
(photo from brochure wymlennlkl Clepla", Alfa Laval Polska
Sp. z o.o.)
-c> A
The working space ot regenerative heat exchangers is
built as a chamber through which media participating in heat
exchange process flow alternatively . First. the hot medium
nows through and warms the walls and padding which
accumulate the heat In turn the cold medium nows through the
chamber and Is warmed t:ty hot walls and padding. The
working process Is repeated.
In marine applications the regenerative heat exchangers
are usually used tor heat exchange between gas media.
Typical example or marine regenerative heat exchanger is thE
rotary air heater used in main steam boilers shown on figure
3.17. The air delivered into boiler furnace is heated by hot
exhaust gases. The heat exchanger has rotary working
chamber built in shape of drum 2 filled with padding of
corrugated metal sheet padding. Thickness of s11eets 0,5 mm
and distance between them 3-5 mm. The drum is rotated by
electric motor 3 about 2-3 rpm. Exhaust gases (stream A) flow
through a part of drum warming the metal padding. A hot part
of padding due to the rotating motion of drum moves into the
space of air flow (stream B) and transfers the heat into air,
thus warming it up.
Fig. 3.17. Rotary regenerlltlve air heater
1 casing; 2 drum padding; 3 electric motor; 4 . reduction
gear; 5 air and exhaust gases now channels
The part of padding cooled down by air returns into the space
of exhaust gases flow. Thus, the rotating drum padding
transfers the heat trom exhaust gases Into air in a permanent
manner. During the process the temperature of metal sheet
padding achieves 280-300C and the temperature of air
increases up to 250-260oc
To improve the heat exchange process. the elements of drurr
padding are lined with special ceramic coating or made as
whole ceramic pads. It allows to Increase the amount of heat
transferred from exhaust gases Into air ana increases boiler
efficiency. Besides the ceramic coating or pads are more
resistant to corrosion caused by sulphur contained in the fuel.
A fast flow of gases and air streams prevents also deposits
forming on the heat exchange surfaces.
The presented regenerative rotary heat exchanger is
known on board as LjungstrOm heat exchanger.
Fig. 3.17. Rotary regeneratiw air heater
1 casing; 2 drum padding; 3 electric motor; 4 . reduction
gear; 5 . air and exhaust gases now channels

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