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402 May 29, 2001

Why Policymakers Should Ignore

Public Opinion Polls
by Robert Weissberg

Executive Summary

Policymakers often assume that public opin- We should not expect to see the day when polling
ion is a reliable guide to making public policy, can replace reasoned policy choices by elected
but they should not. Public opinion polling mea- representatives of the people.
sures the wishes and preferences of respondents, Despite all the fancy numerology surround-
neither of which reflect the costs or risks associ- ing modern polling, the extracted advice should
ated with a policy. Public opinion expressed in not guide public policy. Although public desires
polls cannot inform policy choice, which for “more government intervention to help (fill
requires attention to tradeoffs among values, to in worthy cause)” are real in that people sincere-
second-best possibilities, and to unexpected ly crave the promised improvement, those cries
risks. for government action fail to meet even the most
Polls are unlikely to be improved enough to minimal standards of legitimate counsel. This
help with policy choices. Improvements would paper shows how little polls tell us about public
make the product (poll results) too expensive or policy and why we should ignore the proffered
too difficult to obtain from weary respondents. guidance to policymakers.

Robert Weissberg is a professor of political science at the University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana.
If public opinion doubt the wisdom of polls. The new priestly
drives democracy, Introduction: class of pollsters, like pedants mouthing
then what the Why Polls Matter Latin to befuddle the ignorant, might
explain that the data were drawn from a mul-
people think Polls are a daily part of our political life, tistage, stratified random sample weighted
becomes the cen- yet their power is a mystery. Polls plainly lack to capture major SMSA’s with an oversample
any legal authority. A wise officeholder may of higher SES respondents, or something
tral question of prudently consult his or her pollster, but, so equally technically abstruse. Who has the
politics. Polls are far, surveys cannot defeat incumbents or veto self-confidence to question such erudition?
legislation. Technically, they can be readily That aura of science translates directly
powerful because ignored. So, why do polls matter so much, into policymaking. As the old saying goes,
they provide especially to public policy? “In Washington, good numbers beat bad
answers to that Keep in mind that the United States did numbers and bad numbers beat no numbers
not begin as a direct democracy under majori- at all.” As former presidential speechwriter
question. ty rule. The Framers of our Constitution Peggy Noonan artfully explained: “In every
hoped to create a constitutional republic, political meeting I have ever been to, if there
which required constraints on the power of was a pollster there his work carried the most
the majority. Such restraints both prevented weight because he was the only one with hard
the tyranny of the majority and promoted the data, with actual numbers on paper.
stability of the new regime. The Framers did Everyone else had an opinion, the pollster
not doubt that the legitimacy of the American has a fact.”3 The contest between statistics
republic lay in the consent of the governed, and hunch is hardly an even battle: the for-
but they did not ask the people to decide every mer almost always win.
last detail. They did not expect that the people Polls also set boundaries on legitimate
could or should govern directly.1 policy debates. Each survey result incremen-
We have come a long way from the tally shapes the contemporary Zeitgeist, the
Founders’ balanced, representative democra- “everybody knows” delineation of “normal”
cy. Public opinion has achieved a remarkable, versus “extreme.” Recall British social scien-
though largely unnoticed, ascendancy. The tist Walter Bagehot’s observation from near-
burden of proof is now on those who oppose ly 150 years ago: “Public opinion is a perme-
public opinion. Chalk up a mighty victory ating influence, and it exacts obedience to
for early 20th-century Progressives (and itself, it requires us to think other men’s
numerous contemporary academics), who thoughts, and to speak other men’s words,
argued that the cure for democracy’s ills is and to follow other men’s habits.”4 As histo-
more democracy. Indeed, recent polls suggest ry shows, today’s “obvious” remedies may
that the public has become enamored of its have once been Utopian extremism, and vice
own wisdom: in one 1999 survey, some 80 versa. Who would have believed a half centu-
percent of respondents believed that the ry ago that charter schools or privatized
nation would be better off if leaders followed Social Security might be “reasonable” while
public views.2 state-mandated racial segregation would be
If public opinion drives democracy, then unthinkable? A steady barrage of polls, all
what the people think becomes the central pointing in a new direction, helped facilitate
question of politics. Polls are powerful that shift. Armed with convenient hard data,
because they provide answers to that ques- people who endorse once-lonely causes gain
tion. And their answers are not just opinion authority and respectability.
but “science.” Polling methodology has Against this background, we should not
become complex and highly quantitative, an be surprised that Americans look to polls to
important mark of expertise in an innumer- make tough policy choices, a kind of direct
ate world. Imagine rejoinders to those who democracy through scientific technique. If

the vox populi is the voice of wisdom, if not popular sentiments down to four decimal
of God, those who hear its words most clear- places proves nothing about the political ger-
ly should dominate policymaking. Should maneness of those utterances, despite adroit
we take notice of the polls’ reports of public statistical manipulation.
demands for more benevolence from To introduce a modicum of order to
Washington? Or, in line with traditional “public opinion,” consider the following dis-
skepticism toward heeding popular outcries, tinctions. When a poll solicits opinions on
might those demands be dismissible foolish- the evidently unobtainable—“free” health
ness? On the whole, judging by the growing care, a world without pollution, all students
number of commissioned polls and the ris- exceeding the average—the results may be
ing stature of the pollster, one must conclude called wishes. Nothing commands that those
that reverence for unrestrained majority rule wishes be legal or financially feasible, let
is growing. Moreover the high priests of pub- alone fulfillable under existing circum-
lic opinion insist that their polls convey legit-stances. Nevertheless, expressed urges may be
imate advice about policies and political exceptionally important politically, regard-
strategies. They are wrong. less of their imaginary flavor, and a crafty
official may use them for political advantage.
Unrealistic wants can shape spellbinding The high priests
Polls and Public Policy rhetoric or lofty programs designed to seduce of public opinion
the unwary. Speechwriters undoubtedly love insist that their
What exactly is a poll supposed to mea- polls eliciting such aspirations. Nothing (at
sure? Surprisingly, that question is seldom least technically) forbids asking citizens polls convey legit-
addressed in the many books on the craft of whether they favor every American boy and imate advice
survey research. An inquiry might assess girl receiving a world-class education as a pre-
hopes and aspirations, what Americans want lude to campaign promises. We should not,
about policies
from government or the economy. Or a poll however, conflate shameless pandering with and political
might calibrate political job performance. A an informed public choice of a deliverable strategies. They
survey might also predict future behavior— policy.
voting intentions or whether parents would More commonplace in the poll cosmolo- are wrong.
send their children to a charter school. Polls gy are what may be called preferences, wants
might also conveniently reveal hidden behav- or desires with some reasonable connection
ior, for example, campaign donations or riot- to reality. At a minimum, they are legal, fis-
ing. A survey can also measure even vague cally doable, and enjoy some leadership sup-
emotions by asking respondents to express port. More mundane prerequisites separat-
likes and dislikes for controversial groups or ing wishes from preferences, for example,
famous personalities. All of those inquires would include sufficient technical acumen,
are easily (and properly) executed via the poll, properly trained personnel, clear perfor-
and none requires especially demanding civic mance standards, and everything else neces-
performances by respondents. sary for successful implementation. A poll
Queries about policies are another matter. showing a widespread desire to link federal
Provided certain modest technical details are educational assistance to student test scores
satisfied, the door to fantasyland is ajar. The reveals a preference. The defining element is
public’s unbounded cravings can safely be that, unlike a wish for universal superior per-
brought to the fore. Provided some client can formance, preferences could be achieved. In
be found, researchers can literally ask about principle, contemporary polls are fully capa-
desiring eternal life; meanwhile the respon- ble of soliciting precise public preferences.
dent is perfectly free to say, “Yes, put me Whether preferences are an adequate guide
down as ‘Strongly Agree’ regarding cheating for policy is another story.
death.” In other words, accurately assessing Consider for a moment the distance

between the world of wishes and preferences dents with a final bill? Every spending choice
and the world of a policymaker who must is independent of any other, a situation at
exercise policy choice. A policymaker always odds with any known political reality. The
must deal with grim reality. Choices are term “tradeoff” has apparently been ban-
rarely ideal, and second-best outcomes are ished from the pollsters’ vocabulary.
generally accepted as inevitable. Moreover,
every choice must, to the extent feasible, be No Second-Best Choices
balanced against every other choice past, pre- Policy choices and survey responses
sent, and future; policy choice inevitably inhabit different worlds. Politics, as the old
involves tradeoffs. For example, allocating saying goes, is the art of the possible. Seldom
$100 billion to hire additional teachers may are first—or even second—choices readily
mean defunding other worthy programs, obtainable. Settling for a few cents on the
borrowing, or raising taxes. Moreover, people dollar is often the best possible deal.
making policy choices must attend to conse- Minimizing losses rather than maximizing
quences, since they are inevitably held gains might even be the superior outcome.
accountable by attentive citizens, lobbyists, Unfortunately, even polls that meet the high-
fellow decisionmakers, and untold others. est technical standards forbid respondents to
Policy choices also typically reflect a degree of “play politics” and settle for less than optimal
expertise and are subject to multiple reviews. choices. Without such haggling, it is point-
It is perhaps physically impossible to legislate less to speak of the public’s conveying a legit-
in complete ignorance, and, if it were imate message. At best, polls might uncover
attempted (as sometimes does occur), the collections of first choices, all of which are
howls of outrage would be deafening. To be totally independent of each other.
sure, individual legislators might be occa- Consider, for example, a philanthropic
sionally perplexed, but various institutional soul who wishes to spend $10 billion of gov-
mechanisms (e.g., staff, advising bodies) rou- ernment money to combat AIDS. This is the
tinely ensure minimal technical know-how. stark message to the policymaker: one person
In sum, soliciting the wishes and prefer- wants a $10 billion increase. If, however, that
ences of the public can be done but is barely “person” were a legislature with multiple
relevant to the world of the policymaker. A preferences, not an isolated individual, this
huge political gap thus separates facile aspira- statement would merely be an opening offer,
tions from legitimate policy advice. For lead- subject to the negotiation necessary to reach
ers to conflate wishes with policy choices a majority decision. If perchance $10 billion
Contemporary would be the equivalent of allowing person- was an excessive amount (or a mean-spirited
alized money printing. If polls are to advise pittance) according to the philanthropic
polls tell us leaders, they must elicit public views about soul’s frugal (or philanthropic) colleagues,
almost nothing policy choice. Can they do that? compromise would be essential. Conceivably,
worthwhile about this $10 billion devotee might eventually
happily settle for a billion more. Indeed, the
the policy choices The Limits of Polls initial $10 billion might have served as a
facing the nation. clever ploy, an opening move known to be
Contemporary polls tell us almost noth- unrealistic and designed to achieve a less
ing worthwhile about the policy choices fac- ambitious outcome.
ing the nation. Even if we were to believe that Government decisionmaking can never be
America is a nation of philosopher kings, and the mechanical aggregation of individual
that every poll is perfectly executed, this appetites. Decisions require horse-trading
heretical judgment still stands. How many and settling for less than the ideal; yet this
polls eliciting public generosity for innumer- vital aspect of rational policymaking lies
able worthy causes actually present respon- beyond the poll. The political process cannot

be mimicked by statistically manipulating markets decided to remove price tags since Contemporary
the data. If the entire sample were physically this disconcerting information ruins an other- polling conven-
assembled and told to reach a majority judg- wise enjoyable outing. To further enhance the
ment on the various survey items, the out- rapture of shopping, the stores would not tions scarcely ever
comes would scarcely resemble the first off- draw up a bill. Customers would merely be mention taxes.
the-cuff opinions given in the typical survey. vaguely told that the bill “would be paid.”
Many would accept this open invitation to go
No Tradeoffs wild in the aisles. Most others, however, would
Choosing policy requires attention to surely grow anxious as their shopping carts
tradeoffs. Conspicuously absent from most filled with expensive merchandise. After a
polls is the extractive side of the ledger. The point, most would say, “Okay, I’ve had my fun,
polling format thus differs profoundly from but what is this extravagance going to cost?”
ordering items over the Internet, since Such reckoning rarely occurs in the compas-
adding goodies to one’s polling shopping sion-friendly world created by the poll.
cart cannot bump the final bill upward. No Moreover, pollsters rarely get it right
Congressional Budget Office annoys benevo- when they try to attach costs to public bene-
lent interviewees by announcing huge fits. As anyone completing a tax return
deficits should their gluttony continue. Nor, knows, it is one thing to offer $100 for an
for that matter, are the lucky respondents in attractive nostrum, quite another to add
any way obligated to balance their good- $100 to one’s existing tax bill. Some context is
heartedness with statutory fiscal limits. The needed to help taxpayers understand the
questionnaire thus serves as a credit card question. Imagine that the pollster explained
with no limits, no interest, no payments until that the average American taxpayer already
the year 3000; best of all, one’s credit applica- pays about $6,000 annually in federal taxes
tion cannot be declined. and that every “spend-more” will increase
Choosing policy also requires concrete that burden, and then calculated the gener-
numbers. Even a superficial glance at typical ous respondent’s new total tax burden—pub-
entitlement questions in polls reveals an indif- lic benevolence might quickly evaporate.
ference to concrete figures. That is hardly triv- Occasional cost probes raise doubts about
ial, politically, unless one assumes that any fig- pollsters’ grasp of fiscal matters. For exam-
ure is equal to any other. Pollsters typically ask ple, a 1992 Gallup Poll asked if the respon-
about “more” or “less” spending and rarely dent might pay an extra $200 to combat air
push respondents to offer precise figures. pollution. With 114 million 1992 tax returns,
What, for example, might be meant by the such a taxpayer gift would generate an extra
wish to spend “more” money to combat $22.8 billion, or a fourfold increase in the
AIDS? Ten million dollars? A billion dollars? A entire Environmental Protection Agency
hundred billion? Take the average, even if it budget. Furthermore, fighting air pollution
includes outlandish sums such as a trillion is only one EPA responsibility. Imagine an
dollars? Just imagine what would happen if EPA official testifying before Congress and
legislators introduced vague bills calling for insisting that the agency’s annual budget be
“more spending” for highways but “less” for quadrupled, with all the extra funding going
foreign aid. Yet that is what leaders are being only to fight air pollution. It would be
“advised” to do by the oft-repeated polls. embarrassing for everyone, to say the least.5
The issue is not whether goodhearted citi-
zens crave the familiar “free lunch.” Lack of Knowledge
Undoubtedly, the “something for nothing” Choosing policy requires some knowledge
mentality exists. More important, contempo- about a subject. Problems begin with the sheer
rary polling conventions scarcely ever mention size of government: many citizens grow befud-
taxes. Imagine what would happen if super- dled by the costs associated with programs.

For example, in my own recent research, I social welfare quandaries. What permits poll-
sought to solicit public opinion about two of sters to confidently assert both that citizens
President Clinton’s legislative proposals: gov- scarcely can navigate Social Security arcana,
ernment subsides for local education and that most citizens seek greater program
child care. Within each of those large fields, I funding, and that this mandate is worth
zeroed in on two narrower legislative propos- heeding? One unsatisfactory solution is to
als ostensibly promising government-created accept citizens’ assurances that they are,
progress: assistance to reduce classroom size indeed, competent to pronounce. In the
by hiring more teachers and a multifaceted esteemed National Elections Studies con-
child-care assistance plan. Those propositions ducted by the University of Michigan’s
had gained entrance to the legislative arena Survey Research Center, a modicum of com-
plus extensive media coverage. The purpose of petence is imputed to those passing a filter
the survey was to elicit “policy choices” from question regarding mere interest in the topic.
respondents rather than mere wishes or pref- Less common is simply accepting the
erences. The instrument was expressly tilted respondent’s assurances. One Social Security
toward better-educated respondents. Except question repeated 16 times between 1973
for the overrepresentation of the better edu- and 1994 by two highly renowned firms was,
Polls revealing cated, the sample was a virtual mirror image of “In general, how well informed are you about
widespread public the population with regard to sex, race, age, Social Security—that is the benefits available,
ignorance of and region. The sample was thus entirely who is and is not covered, and so on? Would
national. Questionnaire data on political pro- you say you are very well informed, fairly well
everything from clivity—partisan affiliation, 1996 vote, and ide- informed, not too well informed, or not at all
constitutional ological viewpoint—also display a close simi- informed”? In 1994 some 16 percent of
larity to standard accounts.6 respondents claimed to be “very well
rights to elemen- After the survey was completed, I asked informed” and another 44 percent said they
tary geography interviewers to characterize how respondents were “fairly well informed.” Significantly, no
have become wrestled with exceedingly large dollar figures. snap quiz ensued to verify that self-classifica-
The interviewers repeatedly commented that tion, an easily executable task.
staples. confusion over million versus billion was An especially pernicious problem is public
commonplace, and the actual data similarly ignorance about existing programs. Let’s
suggested unfamiliarity with terms like “a start with dollar figures. When assessing
hundred billion.” For all practical purposes, public generosity or cheapness the pollster
with this format, the total requested “nation- never says something like, “At the end of fis-
al budget” depends largely on the number of cal 1996 the Old Age and Survivors
enticements. Conceivably, the patient inter- Insurance trust fund component of Social
viewee could say “spend more” on hundreds Security had an asset balance of $514 bil-
of worthy ventures, all devised by compas- lion.8 How many more dollars would you like
sionate investigators ever-attentive to causes to add?” Pollsters always assume in these
needing assistance. endless “more/same/less” questions that
Polls revealing widespread public igno- respondents possess a firm grasp of the fiscal
rance of everything from constitutional rights status quo. That is demonstrated nonsense.
to elementary geography have become staples. Most people are clueless about federal out-
Public opinion texts establish that awareness lays by program, even judged by the most
drops dramatically as probes shift from generous standards.
prominent personalities to the details of pub- To see how this misinformation can play
lic policy.7 Even devotees of poll-driven havoc, consider what various (hypothetical)
democracy acknowledge those deficiencies. health care desires might have meant in 1996
This demonstrated insufficiency is forgot- when the federal government spent $336.6
ten when citizens pronounce on complex billion on health care.9 Keep in mind that the

poll does not explain existing spending levels, buy high-priced pigs in murky pokes. The
let alone category allocations. Ms. A, who consumer equivalent would be an automo-
endlessly frets over her well-being, erroneous- bile salesperson who offered “a car” without
ly believes that the federal government dis- divulging details or even price. If shoppers
penses only $100 billion on medical care and, asked the salesperson for details, the
since she wants that sum tripled, pronounces response would be, “Just try to do the best
“increase” to the pollster. By contrast, Mr. B you can.” No business would survive with
is terrified by soaring taxes and wrongly such generic practices, yet this is what poll-
believes that Washington is wasting a trillion sters offer the public.
dollars on quackery. He prefers that the sum Pollsters seldom mention public befud-
be cut in half to $500 billion; so he advises, dlement about modern policymaking. Such
“reduce.” In this plausible example, our confusion is hardly a badge of civic shame.
“increase spending” respondent desires a How many political scientists, for example,
funding reduction and our budget slasher could explain Medicare if suddenly interro-
demands a hefty jump. Without precise fig- gated? Most would demand a few days for
ures, anything and everything is possible. It is further study (and maybe a grant too), and
impossible to discern an intelligible message about even ordinary citizens might rise to the occa-
increases or decreases unless the baseline is known, sion if patiently tutored. The innate capacity
and polls almost never provide such critical data. of citizens is not the issue here. Modern
Confusion is inevitable about the mean- polling can give us back only what citizens
ing of “health care,” “assisting education,” know the moment the phone rings.
“helping the homeless,” and the like. Typical
questionnaire items assume universal under- No Risks
standing of complicated entities. An especial- An awareness of the risks associated with
ly vexing expenditure category is “military policy alternatives should inform policy
spending.” No doubt, B-2 bombers, sub- choice. Obviously, even motherhood nos-
marines, and the like immediately spring to trums can turn sour. The phrase “urban
mind when the “military spending” question renewal” (and myriad other anti-poverty fail-
arises. Yet, as defenders of the military’s bud- ures) should instantly conjure up the right
get will correctly argue, the modern military image on this point. If poll results are to
encompasses far more than weaponry. The guide sensibly, those proffering advice
services have evolved into significant social should first be quizzed to see if they grasp the
welfare instruments providing education, attendant risks. Who wants advice from
day care, health care, retirement income, and Pollyanna? Alas, this vital measure is virtual- Modern polling
other social ministrations normally associat- ly unknown in contemporary surveys. No
ed with Health and Human Services and interviewer prudently inquires, “Would you
can give us back
other social welfare agencies. Do foes of mili- still support aiding the homeless if assistance only what citizens
tary spending wish to abolish hundreds of made matters worse?” Pollsters, evidently, know the
Army day care centers? Slash military pen- live in a Shangri-La where runaway entitle-
sions? We cannot know if we simply ask ment programs and similar predictable poli- moment the
about “military spending.” cy nightmares are unknown. phone rings.
This example is hardly atypical. Imagine a This demonstrated insufficiency reveals
hardheaded questionnaire writer seeking a nothing about cognitive talent. Each of the
policy choice from the public about Pollyannaish respondents could doubtlessly
enhanced federal funding for education. He wax eloquent about the risks of, say, living in
or she would reject the endless parade of Newark, New Jersey, or buying a recondi-
“should the federal government do more (or tioned Pinto. However, such caution is high-
less, or the same) to assist education?” Why? ly unlikely to inform responses to poll ques-
Put bluntly, polls here are asking citizens to tions about social welfare. If no attention is

Policy choice by paid to risk, the policy advice of the polled nomics. All survey organizations (including
polls seems to should be treated skeptically. academic ones) must monitor the bottom
Americans are hardly dunces, but we can- line. Getting the public’s two cents is expen-
preclude policies not expect informed advice when people are sive, and going beyond “quick-and-dirty”
guided by suddenly confronted with policy choices that polling may be prohibitively uneconomical.
informed choice. frustrate experts. Thousands of Social Though modern technology (especially the
Security experts cannot agree on whether telephone) has sharply reduced costs, even
increased funding is the answer, so why the most perfunctory technically acceptable
should we expect surprised telephone inter- study exceeds $20,000. The price tag for a
viewees to be any wiser? It is not a matter of quality poll, one with lengthy face-to-face
democracy unless one defines this term in interrogations conducted by specially trained
the most mechanical, plebiscitory way. The interviewers, can easily exceed $100,000.10
debate centers on who is qualified to render Even at that price most of the questions
recommendations on exceedingly difficult would be imperfect off-the-shelf items.
choices. Does the nation benefit when policy Developing a fresh survey cosmology of orig-
choices follow mere preferences and wishes? inal questions would probably exceed that
Policy choice by polls seems to preclude poli- sum considerably.
cies guided by informed choice. For most customers, an extensive and
expensive poll offers poor return on the addi-
tional outlay. It would be as if General
Improving the Vox Populi? Motors sold a superquality, hand-made
$95,000 Chevy to compete with a $20,000
Current poll methodology is clearly inca- assembly-line version that was nearly as
pable of extracting sound policy counsel. That good. Since the mass media can only spend
inability does not, of course, end the matter: so much per poll, why sell a gold-plated, vast-
improvement is always possible. Might there be ly superior product to an indifferent public?
cause for optimism? Hardly. The plebiscitory Nor will anyone care that the vox populi now
future looks bleak, regardless of heartfelt intent speaks brilliantly. The bottom line is, indeed,
or prodigious investment. The conventional the bottom line. Given that few polling
poll is inherently unsuited to making policy industry executives express serious reserva-
choices regardless of expert claims to the con- tions about product quality, that nobody
trary. Moreover, all the proffered “new and sues on behalf of those harmed by defective
improved” possibilities, such as deliberative polls, and that money is always tight, the
polling, or untold electronic variants are proba- incentive for peeking beyond crude shadows
bly even less adequate. The culprits are not the is virtually nil.
familiar bugaboos of interviewee honesty, This frugality results in a pervasive dumb-
loaded questions, shoddy sampling, and all the ing down of the entire enterprise. The typical
other well-examined technical impediments. telephone solicitation virtually precludes
Even if those obstacles were conquered, the bar- conveying information indispensable to ren-
riers would remain formidable. If judicious pol- dering an informed judgment. Hugely com-
icymaking is the objective, the representative leg- plex issues become catch phrases, so even
islative assembly, not the sample, is the appro- advice from a philosopher king would be gar-
priate model. A poll—regardless of how bril- bled. Disputes over scientific research agen-
liantly executed—can never mimic a legislature. das, hospital construction, tax deductions,
drug patent protection, subsidized doctor
The Economics of Polling training, patient rights, and insurance regu-
To appreciate why surveys cannot trans- lation are all collapsed into “government
form public utterances into sage policy coun- assistance for medical care.”
sel, the place to begin is polling industry eco- Even if vital information was dutifully

communicated to respondents, today’s tele- tion might, nevertheless, also be willing to
phone poll is unlikely to engender height- accept integration of only public facilities
ened sophistication. The telephone format is and housing. The political relevance of ascer-
inherently unsuited to conveying prodigious, taining second- or third-best desires should
unfamiliar detail on subjects boring to most be obvious. It is here—in the realm of the less
respondents. How many respondents can than ideal—that real-world politics typically
patiently listen as interviewers drone on transpires.
about essential technical details? Who can One study collected 114 statements
accurately recollect it all after the first few drawn from real-world discussions (as
minutes? What if the respondent quite cor- opposed to the investigator’s imagination) of
rectly says, “This is so momentous, I’d like to integration. Each study participant then
think about it for a few days, get some addi- sorted every statement into respondent-
tional information, and discuss it with others defined piles ranging from the most to the
more expert than myself”? Surveys that least preferred. There were large differences
impose heavy information burdens on in how each statement was perceived. The
respondents will surely depress already low responses of strongly pro–civil rights African-
participation rates even further, and one American students and anti-integration
might assume that those who did participate whites, seemingly distinct groups, were
Policy expertise is
would hardly be typical. lumped together into a few categories. most likely an
Getting beyond vacuous inquiries also Interestingly, black students found few state- unaffordable lux-
requires prodigious homework for question- ments even minimally acceptable and insist-
naire writers, another expense that does not ed on keeping with their elemental group- ury for today’s
necessarily yield a more marketable product. ings even when specifically asked to expand pollsters.
Oscar Wilde once quipped that socialism their classification. Others saw far more pre-
would never work since it occupied too many cise gradations.12
evenings. Ditto for intelligent poll queries: Consider how this approach might apply
they demand too much effort. If pollsters to other issues. Instead of the global
want to improve themselves, they will acquire “more/less/same” federal assistance probe,
more technical skills, not investigate the respondents to questions about health care
issues they ask about. My own research men- would sort propositions drawn from ongo-
tioned earlier dealt with two specific policies ing debates, many of which were gradients of
(hiring more teachers and subsidized day similar nostrums (for example, modifying
care) and required more than 100 hours dig- tax deductions for prescription drugs by
ging up arcane documentation before the $200 increments). Each person could con-
questionnaire was constructed. Policy exper- struct a rather personalized wish list, but
tise is most likely an unaffordable luxury for now those wants would include suboptimal
today’s pollsters. desires. Such a subtle procedure might sug-
gest to researchers complex (and more use-
Second-Best Choices ful) conclusions, such as, “While a handful of
A series of polling experiments dealing respondents wants to expand the Medicare
with racial integration, conducted during the prescription deductible by $500 and an equal
1950s, shows the possibility of ascertaining number seek to abolish it altogether, most
nonoptimal preferences.11 The researchers’ Americans can live with a $50 to $60 reduc-
aim was not to uncover each respondent’s tion in the deductible.” Similarly nuanced
most favored position (the nominal goal of characterizations would apply to other key
the traditional survey) but to classify views policy details. The range of publicly “accept-
into finely differentiated arrays of “oppose,” able” options might encompass everything
“indifferent,” or “favor.” For example, some- on the legislative table though, to be sure,
body fervently wanting unqualified integra- some picks would be judged superior to oth-

ers. In this way, public opinion might inform spending $10 at the supermarket will surely
a politics that would truly be the art of the be highly constrained, and, in his or her own
possible. way, will render hierarchical outcomes. Yet,
Unfortunately, this potentially illuminat- equally likely, the purchases will be nutrition-
ing technique has disappeared into the attic ally puny. How do we appraise a public “man-
right next to slide rules and Bomar Brain cal- date” for spending, say, $500 billion on
culators. Here, again, the costs of producing health care, $500 billion on education, and
and administering questions would be high. $100 million on defense? Must the interview-
Equally troublesome is the bulkiness of the er intercede with, “You just can’t reduce the
presentation to both the interviewee and the defense budget to $100 million, so let’s get
consumer. The valuable richness afforded real.” Try explaining to those “experts” that
respondents and researchers would hardly choices routinely lie only at the margin and
garner media attention—no small commer- that certain minimums are currently
cial consideration. 13 inescapable.
The atomistic poll also escapes the formi-
Tradeoffs dable aggregation problem implicit in major-
Forcing respondents to make the most ity rule.1 4 Conceivably, a “what do you want?”
elementary tradeoffs is even harder than pre- poll might find the desire for expanding
senting second-best choices. What is effort- health care spending scattered about from a
lessly executed when marching down super- few million to hundreds of billions of dollars.
market aisles becomes a nightmare on the That diversity might gratify the pollster as
telephone. Congress itself navigates tradeoffs the most exact picture possible, but stan-
across hundreds of policies only with diffi- dards of majority agreement remain totally
culty, and it too would run wild save for the unsatisfied. How is this to be achieved? In
constraints imposed by budgets. Yet, without legislatures, the answer is simple (at least in
the multiple “butter versus guns” dilemmas, principle): bargaining and horse-trading.
a poll merely affords welfare gourmands a Unfortunately, that is physically impossible
lavish buffet. The most important thing is to unless, of course, the telephone interviewer
impose opportunity costs instead of proffer- adds, “Here are the other 900 survey partici-
ing an enticement parade. pant names; and why don’t you contact them
The sheer number of competing choices and see if you can work together at reaching
that must be executed if the final outcome is a majority?”
to be judged realistic is a particularly serious Naturally, a majority can be manufactured
The public man- obstacle. Even the simplest budgetary classi- by the researcher either through the design of
fication entails more than a dozen categories, the initial instrument (e.g., allowing only two
date is not the and one can only fantasize how this exercise choices) or with postinterview statistical com-
sum of its individ- could be cogently presented to unsophisti- putations. In a pinch, the median might be
ual parts. cated interviewees. presented as a “public mandate.” Though
Even if this Herculean labor can somehow acceptable to today’s conventions, this tactic is
be accomplished, how are we to interpret the but a deus ex machina. Collective decisions are
final outcomes? What if, as seems likely, the rarely derived by mechanically aggregating iso-
allocations contravened statutory obliga- lated individual first choices, especially when
tions or radically shifted commitments in deals must be struck across multiple policy
nonsensical ways? Again, the public’s unfa- domains. Differences in priorities, intensities,
miliarity with existing policy (including exist- negotiating skills, and other pertinent ele-
ing legal pledges) rears its ugly head. Making ments could, conceivably, yield a final out-
laborious tradeoffs demands a degree of pro- come that was disagreeable to everyone and
ficiency, but proficiency, by itself, hardly yet gained a majority. The public mandate is
guarantees wise counsel. After all, a child not the sum of its individual parts, and can

never be, the pollster’s democratic rhapsodiz- shopping carts are filled after a series of hard How do we inter-
ing not withstanding. choices, and their selections are valuable for pret polls indicat-
The perplexities awaiting those seeking to society precisely because they reflect trade-
impose even minimal tradeoff discipline are offs. The willingness to pay for groceries ing a sincere will-
truly horrendous. During the 1970s a bevy of reveals a real choice, rather than a simple ingness to pay for
investigators sought to conquer this predica- wish. Similarly, a willingness to pay for a pol-
ment with an experimental device called a icy bespeaks serious advice about policy. Can
underpriced ben-
“budget pie.” The exercise appeared simple polls find out if citizens are willing to pay for efits?
enough: Participants received a fixed amount their chosen policies? There are many obsta-
of play money and then were asked to make cles to that goal.
allocations across sundry government ser- First, ascertaining true policy costs is dif-
vices. In one particularly realistic exercise, ficult. Entitlements are notoriously suscepti-
borrowing by going into debt or cutting taxes ble to vagaries in demography, technology,
by returning poker chips to the investigator immigration, economic circumstances, and
was possible. Ample opportunities existed to untold other uncontrollable factors. Few
assist befuddled respondents. Experiments entitlements turn out to be cheaper than
entailed small groups, physically assembled, originally forecast. How do we interpret polls
dealing with tangible dollars (albeit of the indicating a sincere willingness to pay for
play variety), all under the researcher’s watch- underpriced benefits? Equally well-known
ful eye. Policy categories were typically three are nostrums whose true costs are conscious-
to five, nobody was rushed, and expenditures ly underestimated to garner legislative sup-
were for such humdrum services as fire and port. President Clinton’s education plan, it
police protection. will be recalled, ignored essential construc-
Nevertheless, the budget pie as a method tion outlays and teacher-hiring incentives.
has virtually vanished. Ample simplification, Pricing entitlements is part of the political
investigator helpfulness, and all the rest conflict, and it may be unwise to expect poll-
proved insufficient to inspire many respon- sters to navigate this quandary.
dents to mimic grocery shoppers. In retro- A more philosophical reservation con-
spect, that is hardly surprising—even a bril- cerns exactly what is meant by respondent
liant supermarket maestro is probably clue- generosity. Looming over all discussions of
less when asked about police protection vis- willingness to pay (or WTP, as it is common-
à-vis highway construction vis-à-vis educa- ly abbreviated in the economics literature) is
tion. Quite likely, if that consumer joined the the assumption that fiscal earnestness is
city council, he or she would learn the ropes, valid on its face, that is, agreeing to pay
but, without realistic training (and means agreeing to pay. But not every charita-
inescapable institutional constraints), carv- ble pledge is honored, and interviewers do
ing up a municipal budget is perplexing. not collect taxes. Stripped of consequentiali-
Equally predictable, even modest proficiency ty, endless “spend more” responses may rep-
was powerfully linked to education and resent only some vague “do something about
social class. One study reported that only the problem” sentiment.
about half the sample of low-income respon- The most impressive attempt to measure
dents could navigate a three-part budget pie citizen willingness to fund a desired policy
dealing with policing.1 5 goes by the name of contingent valuation
method (CVM). The common feature of
Willingness to Pay CVM projects is attention to a single project’s
The problem of tradeoffs has another minute details prior to presenting the bill.
dimension. Consider the supermarket again. Respondents may receive information about
By definition, consumers are willing to pay prevailing outlays, various funding strata-
for what they take to the cash register. Their gems, and available substitutes and similar

itemized data needed for a well-formed ally uninterested in being better informed,
choice. Respondents may also learn the risks boredom quickly replaces initial enthusiasm,
of a policy (including increased costs as a and attracting fresh voices (e.g., the poor,
result of forgoing expenditures entirely) and excluded minorities) is a severe challenge.19
might grade the status quo in terms of its That nearly all poll enhancement efforts have
minimal acceptability. One especially vanished despite sponsor enthusiasm and
detailed investigation of cleaning up water- ample resources speaks loudly about the
ways for recreational use even painstakingly futility of this crusade. One might also note
reviewed how this legislative goal was to be the difficulty of boiling down immense
accomplished.1 6 issues to digestible snippets. A five-minute
The CVM technique tends to be exceed- talk on government-subsidized medical care
ingly demanding. Participants in the water might quadruple public wisdom, but would
quality study, for example, not only were that improvement be consequential, given
made aware of current dollar outlays; the the issue’s true complexity? Furthermore,
costs of possible improvements were also pre- who will guarantee the fairness of the presen-
sented in terms of their personal added tax tation, assuming that it is possible to con-
burden. Even more remarkable, this individ- struct a balanced presentation Moreover, as
Experience with ualized approach was also applied to other any policy expert will attest, debate often cen-
adding informa- government functions. Now everyone knew ters on the information itself or on expert
tion to polls is not how a water improvement project would projections. Who is to say that “expert”
affect spending for police protection or high- analyses are as neutral as claimed?
encouraging. way construction (among other services). Far more consequential is the public’s reluc-
Work sheets offered incremental expenditure tance to grasp policy intricacies. The possibili-
combinations, each yielding a unique bene- ty of teaching the public is always assumed but
fit-to-cost ratio. The final WTP figure was never demonstrated. Even if all the necessary
arrived at slowly through a method akin to information could be transmitted to respon-
completing a complicated tax return. dents willing to be tutored, that would only set
Choices could be altered as new information the stage for wise counsel. It cannot be presup-
arose, and the “no tax increase” response was posed that fresh knowledge can be fashioned
always available.1 7 into an intelligent judgment. Consider, for
The greatest strength of CVM—its atten- example, the ubiquitous matter of government
tiveness to realistic details and rigor—is also health care assistance. Obviously, the concrete
its greatest deficiency. CVM is exceedingly choices are not between government aid and
uninviting to contemporary, cost-conscious no aid across dozens of social welfare policies.
practitioners. Like budget pies, the apparatus Intervention is a foregone conclusion. The
translates poorly into the telephone format. debate transpires at the extreme margin; for
CVM would drive down survey participation example, how tax deductions for prescription
rates (already low), and those who did partic- drugs or government reimbursements for exot-
ipate would not be representative Americans. ic medical procedures are to be treated.
How many erstwhile citizen-advisers have the Documenting cravings for “more” help is irrel-
patience required to follow all the laborious evant, given that every advanced nostrum,
instructions, let alone repetitive paper-and- technically, uses government authority to
pencil computational exercises? Moreover, improve health care. This immensely compli-
the technique is executed one issue at a time, cated subject would have to be communicated
so each issue requires a fresh survey.18 in an upgraded survey.
Can citizens ever navigate these abstruse
Educating Respondents issues, even if the communication obstacle is
Experience with adding information to overcome and patient respondents receive
polls is not encouraging. Citizens are gener- expert guidance? Probably not, sad to say.

Pollsters are unlikely to succeed where one-in-three—chance that this would reduce
schools (even colleges) routinely fall short. new drug development?” Who can say if this
Why should people bewildered by endlessly assessment is accurate, or what “reasonable”
repeated elementary civics lessons suddenly should signify? No doubt, proponents of price
master the connection between patent law controls would find this wording and risk esti-
protection and research funding? Can ordi- mate objectionable and dismiss the results as
nary citizens appreciate the nonobvious fact rubbish. The vox populi would soon degener-
that huge tax credits assist the rich, not the ate into a Tower of Babble as each interest
destitute, even when fully explained? To group sponsored polls with its own “reason-
expect sudden curiosity and attentiveness to able” risk assessment.
public affairs is unrealistic. Ironically, those A more vexing problem is the public’s
academics so casually optimistic about ability to comprehend risk that exceedingly
upgrading ordinary citizen awareness often rare, though highly momentous, events may
despair at their students’ (often at elite occur. Innumerable policy choices—trans-
schools) underwhelming ability to grasp portation safety, pollution toxicity, medical
sophisticated policy analysis. risk, crime victimization, and even gun acci-
dent probabilities—exhibit this trait. After all,
Risks pursuing perfection in safety or cleanliness
Conveying risks to ordinary citizens via a entails nothing more than moving from
poll is another huge stumbling block. “extremely unlikely” to “highly improba-
Superficially, the conventional poll appears ble.”21 Given that most people have trouble
adequate to this assignment—one might, for grasping large numbers, the task of address-
example, offer odds with every policy choice. ing risk in polls appears hopeless.
A question about expanding Medicare might Can polls be improved so that they provide
now include a warning that there is a one-in- a reliable guide for policymakers? The answer
three chance that this generosity might be is no. The economics of polling would not
more costly than anticipated, or a one-in-five support the extensive measures that would be
chance that fraud will burgeon. This is hard- needed to make polls worthwhile for policy
ly inconsequential since the mere mention of choice. If the money were available, partici-
risk inevitably shapes results. For example, a pants would not be: the demands on respon-
1999 ABC News poll20 asked about sending dents would be immense. Consequently,
troops to Kosovo if the air campaign failed. polling is not likely to provide useful informa-
Though 57 percent of respondents endorsed tion to policymakers any time soon.
this proposal as stated, endorsements fell to The economics of
44 percent when the risk of “some casualties”
was introduced. When the risk rose to “a Conclusion polling would
thousand casualties,” endorsement plum- not support the
meted to 26 percent. This analysis suggests that contemporary extensive mea-
Though seemingly effortless, this “add-a- polls are seducing respondents, not offering
risk” element is arduous in the customary sur- them hard choices of the type faced by legis- sures that would
vey. Two obstacles immediately come to mind. latures or policy analysts. Given the typical be needed to
The first is technical: establishing the precise survey’s inattention to costs, indifference to
odds for any outcome. This is a political mine- risk, and other shortcomings, it is a miracle
make polls
field, to say the least, and using any one set of that polls do not find unanimous support worthwhile for
plausible figures instead of another might dra- for more social spending. Polls do not pro- policy choice.
matically alter public preferences. Just imagine vide worthwhile advice about policy; they
respondents’ being asked, “Would you still measure only wishes for a world of benefits
support government prescription drug price with no costs.
controls even if there was a reasonable—say a Polling has crossed the line between

Abstract cravings mechanically recording popular sentiments 2. See Steven Kull, Expecting More Say: The
American Public on Its Role in Government
for public largesse and becoming a political player. The ques- (Washington: Center on Policy Attitudes, 1999).
tion, “Whom do you admire most?” is
should be treated absolutely harmless; by contrast, “Should the 3. Peggy Noonan, What I Saw at the Revolution: A
as “interesting federal government spend more on the Political Life in the Reagan Era (New York: Random
House, 1990), p. 249.
curiosities”; homeless?” can be highly mischievous.
Assuming that two-thirds of the public will 4. Walter Bagehot, National Review, July 1856,
under no circum- endorse this benevolent outreach, a fresh from Bartlett’s Familiar Quotations (Boston: Little
Brown, 1982), p. 597.
stances should “fact” is created—the public desires some-
thing, and since democracy means heeding 5. Such inattentiveness to “reality” is not rare.
they inform poli- the vox populi, let’s act! Should this “fact” be One careful study of 51 questions dealing with
cymaking or regularly publicized, the pollster has brought the Panama Canal Treaty found that 10 of the
into being “a consensus” that will surely questions contained factual errors such as wrong-
determine policy ly characterized treaty provisions or misstated
attract opportunistic office seekers, and historical details. Unfortunately, results from the
choices. those who caution restraint will now be on flawed questions found their way into congres-
the defensive.2 2 sional debates over ratification. See Ted J. Smith
If contemporary polls are poor guides to III and J. Michael Hogan, “Public Opinion and
the Panama Canal Treaties of 1977,” Public
policymaking and we have no reason to Opinion Quarterly 51, no. 1 (Spring 1987): 5–30.
believe they can be improved, where do we go
from here? Must we surrender to those poll- 6. The tilt toward education in the sample is
sters ever willing to seduce the public with clear: 14 percent of respondents had postgradu-
ate degrees compared to 7 percent of the general
appealing nostrums that quickly become population. By contrast, a mere 5 percent of those
“programs” to opportunist office seekers? interviewed had some high school or less versus
A successful battle against facile entreat- 18 percent of the general population. All inter-
ments must address the way polls are used, views were conducted by Angus Reid Associates of
not the surveys themselves. Absolutely noth- Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. For more details
about this study, see Robert Weissberg,
ing can impede the issuance of unreflective “Voracious Appetites: Public Opinion and Big
cravings, but this analysis challenges their Government,” University of Illinois, 2000.
standing as “wise democratic counsel.”23
7. A useful compilation of such ignorance is Michael
Abstract cravings for public largesse should X. Delli Carpini and Scott Keeter, What Americans
be treated as “interesting curiosities”; under Know about Politics and Why It Matters (New Haven,
no circumstances should they inform policy- Conn.: Yale University Press, 1996). Chapter 2 in par-
making or determine policy choices. ticular shows widespread unfamiliarity with the fed-
eral government’s fiscal commitments, legislative
initiatives, and elementary demographic informa-
tion. To be sure, on some items (e.g., the passage of a
Notes new minimum wage or the federal savings and loan
bailout), awareness was surprisingly abundant. But
1. James Madison thus counterposes pure democ-
rooting through mounds of poll data for examples
racy and representative government: “The two great
is not the point. What is essential is the alignment of
points of difference between a Democracy and a
poll queries with appropriate information levels. A
Republic are, first, the delegation of the
citizen ignorant of 99 of 100 things might still offer
Government, in the latter, to a small number of citi-
wise counsel if the question pertained to his one area
zens elected by the rest: secondly, the greater number
of knowledge.
of citizens, and greater sphere of country, over which
the latter may be extended.” Madison believed the 8. U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the
new American republic was a representative govern- Census, Statistical Abstract of the United States: 1998
ment. He believed representative government was (Washington: Government Printing Office,
less likely than direct democracy to decline into fac- 1998), Table 381.
tions and civil war. See James Madison, Federalist no.
10 in The Founders’ Constitution, ed. Philip B. Kurland 9. Ibid., Table 167.
and Ralph Lerner (Chicago: University of Chicago
Press, 1988), vol. 1, p. 130. 10. During the early stages of my own research I

solicited cost estimates from one prestigious sur- 17. CVM studies have also sought realism by con-
vey organization for 500 face-to-face interviews in sciously selecting respondents who have had actual
a single metropolitan area. Part of the expense policy encounters. Again, a far cry from today’s polls
entailed developing new ways to probe complex permitting ordinary folk to “acquire” billion-dollar
social welfare views. The proffered cost estimate anti-missile defense systems. Research on WTP for
was $160,000, a sum well beyond my budget. wilderness recreation, for example, had hunters and
hikers from Maine navigate these arduous choices and
11. These are summarized in Carolyn W. Sherif, financial allocations. Dollar figures were kept plausi-
Muzafer Sherif, and Roger E. Nebergall, Attitude ble—a dollar or two a day to enjoy a local lakeside mari-
and Attitude Change: The Social Judgment-Involvement na—as opposed to, say, unspecified immense expendi-
Approach (Philadelphia: W.B. Sanders, 1965). tures for “the environment.” At least according to the
technique’s proponents, when all the interviewee traits
12. These are summarized in ibid., chap. 4. and experiences are compared with their expressed
dollar commitments, the assessment process appears
13. This technique is also notable for its incom- economically rational. Mitchell and Carson, chap. 1.
patibility with modern statistical analyses. If sim-
ple descriptive portrayals are the only require- 18. Other practical obstacles are substantial.
ment, only clutter poses a problem. But, if more CVM demands an enormous researcher effort in
sophisticated multivariate techniques are to be customizing questionnaire items and, frequently,
applied, the computational challenge is sizable. adjusting dollar figures to individual respon-
This drawback looms large in the contemporary dents. Polling firms would assuredly have to hire
academy where elaborate computation exercises policy experts and economists galore to deter-
drive professional prestige. Imagine statistically mine, for example, what it personally costs each
analyzing items where scale interval and number of 1,000 people to hire five new teachers in their
varied across respondent. In other words, some home school districts. Collecting precise personal
respondents employed a 5-part metric, others information of a type well beyond simple demo-
used 10 categories, and so on and on. And, to graphics likewise imposes heavy research bur-
boot, rather than the researcher’s grouping simi- dens. Those requisite data may also be murky or
lar items, respondents themselves made those cat- even unknowable (e.g., accurate costs of projects
egorizations; many might be idiosyncratic or even years down the road). And the ideological pres-
nonsensical. The Procrustean bed of convention sures to underestimate costs (including risks)
may violate reality, but it is practical. Again, the may be inescapable.
methodological tail wags the substantive dog.
19. Upgrade schemes number in the hundreds,
14. Translation of autonomous individual preference and more surface daily, yet each one repeats the
into a collective, majority-based outcome is, of course, shortcomings of its predecessors. A useful
a theoretical problem of the first order that has pro- overview of the deliberative poll is offered by
vided full employment to untold public choice practi- Daniel M. Merkle, “The National Issue
tioners. A reasonably succinct and nontechnical analy- Convention Deliberative Poll,” Public Opinion
sis of this dilemma can be found in William H. Riker, Quarterly 60 (Winter 1996): 588–619.
Liberalism against Populism (Prospect Heights, Ill.:
Waveland, 1988), especially chap. 10. 20. Gary Langer and Ben Fitzpatrick, “Tempered
by Risk,” ABCNEWS Poll, April 9, 1999, electron-
15. John P. McIvor and Elinor Ostrum, “Using ic version.
Budget Pies to Reveal Preferences: Validation of a
Survey Instrument,” Policy and Politics 41 (1976): 21. Making such colossal numbers meaningful to
87–110. Significantly, well-educated, affluent ordinary people is difficult. One survey asked
respondents displayed similar troubles when the about the humdrum matter of bus safety, namely
exercise was presented via a telephone poll. Here about reducing mortality from 8 per 100,000 to 4
about a quarter of the respondents could not per 100,000, and, ultimately, to 1 per 100,000. See
complete a five-item budget involving basic city M. W. Jones-Lee, M. Hammerton, and R. R.
services. That performance level is roughly the Phillips, “The Value of Safety: Results from a
same as what our research uncovered. See Peter J. National Survey,” Economic Journal 95 (March
May, “A Technique for Measuring Preferences for 1985): 49–72.
Spending Reductions,” Social Indicators Research
10, no. 10 (1981): 389–405. 22. Libertarian readers might at this point sug-
gest a poll version of fighting fire with fire. Why
16. Robert Cameron Mitchell and Richard T. not launch counter-polls to subvert the
Carson, Using Surveys to Value Public Goods: The Washington colossus? To wit, when respondents
Contingent Valuation Method (Washington: are informed of gargantuan costs, dangerous
Resources for the Future, 1989), chap. 1. risks, and the necessity of settling for less than

Utopia, devotion to government largesse cools. Moreover, government itself supports the polling
Now the survey might inquire, “Do you think the enterprise. As Johns Hopkins University political
homeless problem should be left to local commu- scientist Benjamin Ginsberg so forcefully argued,
nities if Washington’s assistance will only make it our current welfare colossus could not exist apart
worse?” Surely the results would generally from widespread popular endorsement, and
encourage those opposed to federalizing every those who profit from it are deeply motivated to
societal disorder. Conceivably, a swarm of such publicize this fact. It is a bureaucrat’s dream to
items might eventually undermine the alleged champion what the public fervently demands. See
welfare state consensus. Though tempting, this Benjamin Ginsberg, The Captive Public: How Mass
“my-poll-beats-the-hell-out-of-your-poll” strategy Opinion Promotes State Power (New York: Basic
is impractical and, more important, disingenu- Books, 1986).
ous, despite its conformity to today’s polling
standards. Though the commercial pollster will 23. The reader may falsely see me as a foe of
happily pose those questions, people who hope to democracy. The burden of this paper has been to
defeat today’s pro-welfare consensus face a show why polls should not be used to make poli-
stacked deck. For one, industry stalwarts, includ- cy choices. For that reason, I should be counted a
ing the vital academic wing, will remain quite critic of direct democracy, which in this case num-
comfortable with statist vox populi outpourings. bers the pollster among its friends. I do count
While their opponents must scamper to fund myself a friend of representative democracy,
their episodic poll salvos (at $20,000 or more a which is antithetical to the rule of the pollster. A
shot), those at the controls (particularly in uni- more general statement of my doubts about
versity settings) can easily repeat the standard, direct democracy through public opinion must
pro-statist item as hallowed convention. await another occasion.

Published by the Cato Institute, Policy Analysis is a regular series evaluating government policies and offer-
ing proposals for reform. Nothing in Policy Analysis should be construed as necessarily reflecting the views
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