Broadband Deployment and The Digital Divide: A Primer, Cato Policy Analysis No. 410

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410 August 7, 2001

Broadband Deployment and the

Digital Divide
A Primer
by Wayne A. Leighton

Executive Summary

In the New Deal of the 1930s the Rural that use a variety of technologies.
Electrification Administration used federal subsi- Tax credits or subsidies to promote broad-
dies to extend electricity to rural and isolated band deployment would distort competition
communities across the country. By subsidizing between those technologies, enriching incum-
the significant capital investment needed to run bents and thwarting the technologies of tomor-
wires and build infrastructure, REA support row. For an industry in which the technologies of
brought electricity to households that might oth- today were unheard of just a few years ago, noth-
erwise have waited many years for such service. ing could threaten progress more. And for those
Today, similar arguments are being made for consumers who are waiting for prices to fall or
subsidizing new technologies, such as broad- service to extend to their communities, new
band Internet service. Some people are promot- technologies and competition will offer the best
ing the equivalent of an “REA for broadband” to solution.
ensure that rural and low-income communities Lost in this debate, moreover, is the fact that
gain access to high-speed communications con- access to the information superhighway does not
nections. However, the REA analogy is not only require broadband. While broadband is superior,
misplaced, it is harmful. The wires over which it is not necessary for access.
broadband service can be transmitted are already The first question, then, is whether low-
in place—owned by telephone, cable, and even income, rural, and other households are gaining
electricity providers. Upgrades are needed to pro- access to the Internet at all. The second question
vide broadband, but not the massive investment is whether those households—and for that mat-
that is required to run a new line to every cus- ter, all Americans—are gaining broadband
tomer’s home. And wireless transmission from Internet access. To both questions, the answers
both satellite and land-based systems has just are decidedly positive. In light of this, broadband
begun. Whereas electricity has traditionally been tax credits or subsidies appear to be an unwise,
provided by a single distributor, broadband unnecessary, and expensive approach to what is
Internet service has many potential distributors quickly becoming a nonproblem.

Wayne A. Leighton, now an economist at the Federal Communications Commission, previously served as a senior
economist for the Banking Committee of the U.S. Senate. The views expressed in this article are those of the author
and do not necessarily represent the views of the U.S. government or the FCC.
That which is sion’s 1999 report on broadband service,
considered Introduction known as the First Report,2 the agency
defined “broadband” as services “having the
“broadband” or Proposals in Congress capability of supporting, in both the
“advanced ser- One of the hottest debates on Capitol Hill provider-to-customer (downstream) and the
is on the availability of advanced, high-speed customer-to-provider (upstream) directions,
vice” today may Internet service, or what is frequently called a speed (in technical terms, ‘bandwidth’) in
be unacceptably “broadband.” Within the first month of the excess of 200 kilobits per second (Kbps) in
slow in the near 107th Congress, three bills had been intro- the last mile.”3 In the FCC’s Second Report,4
duced to promote broadband deployment released in August 2000, the agency declined
future. through tax credits. In the previous Congress altogether to use the term “broadband”
18 bills were put forth to promote broad- because of “its now common and imprecise
band deployment.1 These proposals may be usage.”5 The agency instead used the term
grouped into three fairly distinct categories: “high-speed” to describe services that trans-
(1) tax credits and subsidies, (2) regulation, mit data in excess of 200 Kbps in one direc-
for example, requiring cable providers to tion and “advanced services” to indicate ser-
open their networks to competing Internet vices that transmit data at these speeds in
service providers (ISPs), and (3) deregulation, both directions.6
for example, eliminating resale and The FCC’s avoidance of the term “broad-
unbundling requirements for the incumbent band” shows clearly how difficult it is to
local exchange carriers (ILECs). define this rapidly changing technology. The
Whereas all three approaches are designed agency recognizes this when it states: “Our
to promote broadband Internet access, they definition of advanced telecommunication
would do so in different ways. That results capability will evolve over time. Future
from the fact that two distinct types of service reports will reconsider it in light of changing
are needed to gain access to the Internet. First, conditions in both demand and supply.”7
a transport provider is needed to provide the That which is considered “broadband” or
physical connection through which electronic “advanced service” today may be unaccept-
transmissions flow. Telephone companies, ably slow—the technology of the information
cable companies, and wireless providers offer have-nots—in the near future.
such service. Second, an ISP is needed to sup- Because the term “broadband” is often
ply a link to the consumer from the transport used to describe both high-speed and
provider’s physical connection to the Internet. advanced services—indeed, the General
America Online and Earthlink are two exam- Accounting Office uses the term to describe
ples of ISPs. Whereas regulatory and deregula- both types of service8—I will use the term to
tory actions affect both transport providers describe both types of service herein as well,
and ISPs, the broadband tax credits consid- with the recognition that the more precise def-
ered by Congress focus specifically on trans- initions given earlier are necessary for more
port providers. Congress and the press have technical discussions. The key point is that
focused most of their attention on tax credits, these services represent a second generation of
which would affect transport providers. For Internet access and data transmission speed.
this reason, and because transport providers As will be discussed later, the first genera-
are probably the most critical link in broad- tion of Internet access was—and still is—sup-
band deployment, the focus of this report is plied by unmodified telephone lines provid-
on the firms and technologies that provide the ing narrowband “dial-up” service. Access to
physical connection to the Internet. these services has increased dramatically over
the last few years at the same time that broad-
What Exactly Is Broadband? band has emerged on the market. But as
In the Federal Communications Commis- broadband service remains only a small part

of the total market for Internet access, some policies such as tax credits have on Internet
observers worry that it will reach an unac- access in general and broadband Internet
ceptably small number of fortunate citizens. access in particular? What benefits would
This concern is remarkably familiar: it was they bring, and at what cost? Might other
expressed in the earliest stages of dial-up ser- solutions produce more benefits?
vice, too. Indeed, compared to the national This study addresses those questions. It
average, some demographic groups have recognizes a difference in the penetration rates
lower penetration rates for Internet access. across groups while noting the incredible
This difference in penetration rates has pro- growth of access for all groups. This growth is
duced what some label as a “digital divide” in found to reduce drastically the lag between the
U.S. society. haves and have-nots in acquiring the tools
needed to participate in the new economy. For
What Exactly Is the Digital Divide? now, the issue appears to be connectivity, not
The term “digital divide” refers, in its speed. Of course, as consumers’ needs change
most simple form, to the division between and they begin to demand faster speeds and
information “haves” and have-nots. To be richer content, the market will change with
among the “haves,” one must have Internet them. Indeed, it is doing so already. The latest
access, a computer or other tool to commu- advances give even more reason to believe that Broadband tax
nicate on the Internet, and a basic knowledge an increasing number of Americans—includ- credits are likely
of how to use it. The Department of ing low-income and rural Americans—will to produce signif-
Commerce, which has issued four reports on have cheaper access to better services in the
Internet access, has most recently posited the near future. icantly greater
problem as follows: Still, as the Internet becomes ubiquitous, it costs than bene-
may be accompanied by ever more tax breaks,
The tremendous growth in house- subsidies, and other regulatory proposals. And fits.
hold computer and Internet use has some legislation may be necessary, so that the
occurred across all demographic rules of the new economy, like those of the old
groups, including income and edu- economy, are well-defined. But broadband tax
cation levels, races, locations, and credits are likely to produce significantly
household types. Nevertheless, some greater costs than benefits. These costs
Americans are still connecting at far include a real burden on taxpayers and, per-
lower rates than others, creating a haps much more notably, an even heavier bur-
“digital divide” (i.e., a difference in den on the competitive process in which both
rates of access to computers and the existing and upstart firms attempt to provide
Internet) among different demo- new and better broadband services to a grow-
graphic groups.9 ing pool of customers. It is this competitive
process that offers the most promise of serv-
But before policymakers do anything ing those customers who heretofore were too
about the digital divide—indeed, before they remote to receive such service or could not
even decide if they should do anything at all afford its high price.
about it—they must answer some important
questions. First, what is the difference in the
penetration rates between demographic The Role of the
groups? Is it dramatic? Is this difference Government: Current
increasing or decreasing over time?
Second, what factors—public policies,
Federal Policies
technological advances, and so on—would The Telecom Act of 1996
tend to raise penetration rates over time? In section 706 of the Telecommuni-
Third, what specific effect would public cations Act of 1996, Congress directed the

FCC and state regulators to encourage The deployment of advanced
deployment of advanced telecommunica- telecommunications capability to all
tions services to all Americans “by utilizing, Americans is reasonable and timely
in a manner consistent with the public inter- at this time. Providers are rapidly
est, convenience, and necessity, price cap reg- building the infrastructure for two
ulation, regulatory forbearance, measures major types of advanced services—
that promote competition in the local DSL services and cable-based ser-
telecommunications market, or other regu- vices. Large-scale entry by other
lating methods that remove barriers to infra- providers deploying fixed wireless
structure investment.”1 0 Congress also and satellite technologies is also like-
required the FCC to conduct regular studies ly. Great amounts of capital, even by
of the availability of advanced telecommuni- the standards of the communica-
cations services and, if necessary, to take tions industry, have poured into the
actions to accelerate deployment.1 1 In the infrastructure for advanced services.
event the FCC does not find that “advanced Demand, measured by the rates of
telecommunications capability is being subscription to high-speed services,
deployed to all Americans in a reasonable is increasing rapidly and shows no
and timely fashion,” Congress directs that sign of losing momentum.16
the agency “shall take immediate action to
accelerate deployment of such capability by The FCC’s Second Report thus concludes
removing barriers to infrastructure invest- that intervention on its part is not warranted
ment and by promoting competition in the at this time. Nonetheless, the agency makes it
telecommunications market.”1 2 clear that action may be needed in the future
In response to its mandate to study the to speed deployment to groups that do not
availability of advanced services, the FCC receive access to advanced services.1 7
issued its First Report in February 1999. The At the same time, the FCC is deeply
agency noted that, although its conclusions involved in providing a number of universal
were based on limited data, the overall service subsidies that relate, directly or indi-
deployment of advanced telecommunica- rectly, to advanced telecommunications ser-
tions services was reasonable and timely, vices. The Telecommunications Act of 1996
especially given the early stages of their devel- both expands the definition of universal ser-
opment.13 A year and a half later, in August vice and codifies subsidies that had not
2000, the FCC issued its Second Report. theretofore been mandated by Congress.1 8
The FCC noted That report involved considerably more Section 254 of the act establishes the follow-
research, including an official data collection ing guidelines for universal service policies:
that, although its program and inquiry, field hearings, case Consumers in all regions of the country
conclusions were studies, and reports from industry, acade- should have access to advanced telecommuni-
based on limited mics, and other experts.1 4 cations services and information services.
The FCC’s Second Report evaluated Consumers in rural and high-cost areas
data, the overall whether the development of advanced services should have access to telecommunications
deployment of was “reasonable and timely” by examining and information services, including advanced
three things: (1) subscription levels and their services, at rates reasonably comparable to
advanced increase since the First Report, (2) the level of rates charged in urban areas. Health care
telecommunica- investment in the telecommunications infra- providers in rural areas should have access to
tions services was structure for advanced services and estimates advanced services at rates reasonably compa-
of future investment, and (3) the choice of rable to urban rates. And elementary schools,
reasonable and providers and technologies that offer secondary schools, and libraries should have
timely. advanced services to consumers.1 5 After evalu- subsidized rates for these services.1 9
ating these criteria, the agency concluded: As a result of this mandate, the FCC con-

tinues to monitor the deployment of the program disbursed $5.8 billion.2 6 The E-rate pro-
advanced services, while advancing subsidy Although federal tax revenues do not gram is financed
programs for rural and high-cost areas, finance the E-rate program, it also is not free.
schools, libraries, and health care providers. In fact, this program is financed by a particu- by a particularly
The rural and high-cost program is designed larly inefficient tax on telecommunications inefficient tax on
to help cover the costs of all telecommunica- consumers.2 7 Nonetheless, it remains a large
tions services in those areas—most of which source of funding for promoting advanced
are for voice telephony service and thus services to schools and libraries. tions consumers.
involve little support for deployment of
broadband or other advanced services. In The FCC’s Rural Health Care Program
contrast, support for schools, libraries, and Section 254(h)(1)(A) of the Telecommuni-
health care providers is directly linked to cations Act requires that public and nonprof-
advanced services such as broadband, one of it health care providers receive telecommuni-
the telecommunications services most need- cations services that are “necessary for the
ed by these institutions. provision of health care” at rates “reasonably
comparable to rates charged for similar ser-
The FCC’s Schools and Libraries vices in urban areas” in that state. The FCC
Program: The E-Rate established the Rural Health Care Division to
Section 254(h)(1)(B) of the Telecommuni- administer the program. As health care
cations Act of 1996 stipulates that schools providers in rural areas increasingly use
and libraries shall receive specified telecom- advanced services such as broadband to
munications services “at rates less than the transmit medical data and images—a practice
amounts charged for similar services to other known as “telemedicine”—this program ties
parties.” In implementing this requirement, directly to the deployment of advanced ser-
the FCC claims it intended “to provide vices in rural areas.
schools and libraries with the maximum flex- The same tax on interstate telecommuni-
ibility to purchase from telecommunications cations providers that funds the E-rate also
carriers whatever package of commercially funds the Rural Health Care Program, which
available services they believe will meet their shares the inefficiencies and tax burden of
telecommunications needs most effectively the E-rate. However, this program for rural
and efficiently.”20 The FCC established the health care providers is much smaller, having
Schools and Libraries Division to administer distributed slightly more than $7 million
its discount program, also known as the E- from July 1999 to June 2000.28
rate (or education-rate) program. Internet
access figures prominently in these services.2 1 Other Federal Programs That Promote
Schools and libraries receive a discount of 20 Advanced Services
to 90 percent, depending on economic A recently published CRS Report for
need.2 2 Congress lists 16 federal programs that pro-
The E-rate program is financed by univer- mote telecommunications development and
sal service obligations (i.e., taxes) that the the use of advanced technology.2 9 Most of
1996 act imposes on all interstate telecom- those programs focus specifically on rural
munications carriers.2 3 Carriers providing communities or low-income communities,
discounted service to eligible schools and or both, though some have a broader focus
libraries reduce their obligation accordingly, on using technology to improve schools,
or may receive reimbursement.2 4 The FCC libraries, or health care facilities. The CRS
has capped the E-rate program at $2.25 bil- report projects FY 2001 support for these
lion annually, and current requests for fund- programs at just under $1.2 billion for direct
ing exceed the $2.25 billion annual maxi- funding and an additional $620 million in
mum.2 5 In its first three years of operation, loans and loan guarantees.30

Bush Administration Proposals to improve our daily lives. Children can
Promote Advanced Services download educational video in real
With the Bush administration’s new bud- time. Adults can train for new jobs
get, some of the federal assistance programs from their homes. Complex medical
mentioned in the CRS report are likely to images such as MRIs and x-rays that
change. For example, the administration pro- today take several minutes to down-
poses a $3 billion Enhancing Education load can be transmitted in seconds.
through Technology Fund that would com- Telecommuting, business teleconfer-
bine the E-rate with eight technology pro- encing, and personal communica-
grams managed by the Department of tion will all rise to new levels.3 3
Education. What has not changed is the con-
sistent theme of generous federal spending Such language helps illustrate the fact
on advanced technology for schools, that broadband tax credits for rural and low-
libraries, and other community institutions income areas may have two quite different
(see Table 1). sets of beneficiaries—first, institutions such
as small businesses, schools, libraries, and
health care providers and, second, individual
With so many fed- Another Federal Role? households. While tax credits to promote
eral programs The Benefits and Costs of broadband service could affect one or both of
already in place to these groups, it is important to remember
Tax Credits that they are not the same.
promote Many observers are concerned about the Consider first the case of small businesses,
advanced potential negative consequences if broad- schools, libraries, and health care providers
band service fails to reach rural and low- in low-income and rural areas. Tax credits or
telecommunica- income communities. The FCC’s First other subsidies aimed at bringing broadband
tions, a broad- Report observed that a lack of broadband to these communities may be noble, but they
band tax credit is infrastructure “could limit the potential of are not necessary. Numerous programs
these communities to attract and retain busi- already exist to promote broadband services
neither innovative nesses and jobs . . . [and] could restrict com- to these communities, including the afore-
nor necessary. munity access to education, healthcare, and mentioned universal service programs and
recreational services.”3 1 But the agency the E-rate administered by the FCC, rural
stopped short of recommending any action, telephone subsidies and loan programs
noting, “At this early stage, deployment may administered by the Rural Utilities Service,
be proceeding quickly enough to be consid- and technology programs administered by
ered ‘reasonable and timely’ even if we have the National Telecommunications and
not yet reached the ultimate goal that all Information Administration.
Americans have meaningful access to With so many federal programs already in
advanced telecommunication services.”3 2 place to promote advanced telecommunica-
Congressional sponsors of broadband tax tions to these groups, a broadband tax credit is
credits share the FCC’s concerns about a poten- neither innovative nor necessary. In addition
tial lack of infrastructure while not sharing its to these federal programs, various state and
optimism regarding the pace of deployment. local programs help provide advanced
Hence, tax credits and other subsidies receive telecommunications services to schools,
considerable attention in Congress. Supporters libraries, and health care providers. To the
of these programs make claims that are well extent that these programs are more closely
represented by the following quote: tailored to the individual needs of their local
communities, they may better provide for
The services available at higher those institutions that will benefit most from
speeds will truly revolutionize and broadband and other advanced services.

Table 1
Federal Programs to Promote Telecommunications Development and Internet Access, FY 2001

Estimated FY 2001
Program Agency ($ millions)

Technology Opportunities Program National Telecommunications Information

Administration, Department of Commerce 45.12
Rural Telephone Loans and Loan Guarantees Rural Utilities Service, Department of
Hardship loans Agriculture 50
Cost-of-money loans 300
Federal Financing Bank treasury loans 120
Rural Telephone Bank Loans Rural Utilities Service, Department of
Agriculture 175
Distance Learning and Telemedicine Loans Rural Utilities Service, Department of
and Grants Agriculture
Grants 20
Loans 200
Community Technology Centers Program Office of Vocational and Adult Education,
Department of Education 10
Technology Literacy Challenge Fund Grants Office of Elementary and Secondary
Education, Department of Education 450
Technology Innovation Challenge Grants Office of Assistant Secretary for
Educational Research and Improvement,
Department of Education 78.233
Star Schools Office of Assistant Secretary for
Educational Research and Improvement,
Department of Education 50.55
Telecommunications Demonstration Project Office of Assistant Secretary for
for Mathematics (FY 2000) Educational Research and Improvement,
Department of Education 8.5
Regional Technical Support and Professional Office of Assistant Secretary for
Development Consortia (FY 2000) Educational Research and Improvement,
Department of Education 10
Special Education—Technology and Media Office of Special Education and
Services for Individuals with Disabilities Rehabilitative Services, Department of
Education 34.523
Rural Telemedicine Grants Health Resources and Services
Administration, Dept. of Health and
Human Services 5
Medical Library Assistance National Library of Medicine, National
Institutes of Health, Dept. of Health and
Human Services 50.371
State Library Program Office of Library Services, Institute of
Museum and Library Services, National
Foundation on the Arts and Humanities 151.78
Native American Library Services Office of Library Services, Institute of
Museum and Library Services, National
Foundation on the Arts and Humanities 2.616
Denali Commission Program Denali Commission [infrastructure grants
for distressed Alaskan communities] 49

Source: Lennard G. Kruger, “Broadband Internet Access and the Digital Divide: Federal Assistance Programs,” CRS Report for Congress,
Congressional Research Service, Updated January 26, 2001, Table 2.

Unfortunately, Finally, it is worth noting that private foun- two categories under discussion.
many legislators dations also play a prominent role in improv- Unfortunately, many legislators also con-
ing access to advanced telecommunications fuse the value of access with the value of
confuse the value services such as broadband. For example, Bill broadband. Consider the description of one
of access with the and Melinda Gates established the Gates Senate proposal to promote broadband
Library Foundation in 1997 to provide the infrastructure in rural areas: “This is a cost-
value of broad- computers, training, and technical support effective measure that will assure that the
band. needed to bring the Internet to public Internet is a local call away, because too many
libraries. Just as Andrew Carnegie helped to families and businesses have to dial long-dis-
establish so many public libraries a century tance to connect to the Internet.”3 6 Such
ago, today Bill and Melinda Gates are making claims confuse the issue. When families and
these institutions more relevant and effective. businesses have to make a long-distance call
The Gates Foundation established this pro- to connect to the Internet, the problem isn’t
gram with a $200 million commitment, and a lack of broadband; it’s a lack of any local
Microsoft has made a commitment of an ISP. This is particularly true in rural areas.
additional $200 million in software.34 Such areas need local access even more than
This combination of federal, state and they need broadband, however desirable
local, and private foundation support—and high-speed service may be.
perhaps most important, the support from Ultimately, broadband is better. But it is
the private companies that actually provide also more expensive. Universal access to the
broadband service—has had a profound Internet is the first—and most important—
effect. A recent report from the U.S. National step. Broadband access to the Internet will
Commission on Libraries and Information follow, as it is already beginning to. Yet to the
Science observed that, for public libraries as a dismay of observers across the political spec-
whole, access to the Internet has increased trum, broadband has not surpassed slower,
from 83 percent to more than 95 percent in narrowband Internet service.3 7 Perhaps con-
just the last two years. Rural areas are not far sumers do not feel the need for online speed.
behind the national average; they demon- Perhaps they do not yet desire the informa-
strated an even greater increase in their pub- tion-rich content that comes with broad-
lic libraries’ Internet access, which rose from band. To be sure, as more people do business,
78.4 percent to 93.3 percent in the same peri- conduct research, consume entertainment,
od.3 5 The goal of providing community and simply interact with high-speed services,
access to the Internet through public the demand for broadband will spread to an
libraries is being met, even in rural America. increasing number of consumers. The
A tax credit to bring broadband to the sec- providers of broadband service realize this
ond group, individual households, is a very and, as a result, are making tremendous
different story. If small businesses, schools, investments to profit from the expected
libraries, and health care providers form a crit- future demand.
ical infrastructure in their communities, and if In short, a significant amount of govern-
broadband service is necessary for their effec- ment support exists to bring broadband to
tiveness, then it makes sense to be concerned small businesses, schools, libraries, and
about their rate of access to this technology. health care providers, especially those in rural
Whether it makes sense for government to fur- and low-income areas. A significant amount
ther subsidize this access is another matter, of private investment also exists to bring
though, since such support already exists and broadband to those institutions and to indi-
is, in fact, increasing. But for individual house- vidual households. What would an addition-
holds, it is less clear what is needed. Most leg- al government program contribute beyond
islators —and most everyone else, for that mat- those efforts, and to what extent might the
ter—fail to make the distinction between the costs outweigh the benefits?

that will have greater incentive to be politi-
The Costs of a Broadband cally active in the future (allowing politicians
Tax Credit to count on future campaign contributions).
In contrast, few legislators are remembered
The Cost to Taxpayers or rewarded for “heroically” removing the
The Congressional Budget Office, as of regulatory burdens that stifle economic
this writing, has not scored the broadband growth. Even if the long-term interests of
tax credit bills currently before Congress, nor consumers require deregulation rather than
did it estimate the costs of the bills offered in subsidization, the short-term interests of leg-
2000.3 8 However, two of the bills currently islators may lie elsewhere.
under consideration—S. 88, sponsored by That public policies such as tax credits
Sen. John D. Rockefeller IV (D-W.Va.) and affect special-interest groups goes without
H.R. 267, sponsored by Rep. Philip S. English saying; one need only look at the lobbying
(R-Pa.)—are essentially the same as a broad- forces arrayed in favor of such programs.
band tax credit bill that the Joint Committee Where are the voices clamoring for restraint,
on Taxation has estimated would cost more in the interest of taxpayers? To the extent
than $1.4 billion over 10 years.3 9 All of these they exist, they have no presence among
costs would be incurred in the first 5 years of Washington lobbyists. More than regu-
the program. latory or deregu-
While $1.4 billion may seem small com- Creating a Never-Ending Subsidy latory policy
pared to the trillions of dollars of federal Although the deployment of broadband
spending expected over the next 10 years, it is to virtually all Americans is likely to take a changes, tax cred-
a considerable sum. It will be raised by cut- fraction of the time it took to deploy electric- its meet the needs
ting some other program, by raising taxes, or ity, there is one aspect that the two may have
by denying already-promised cuts to individ- in common. Increasingly, it appears that
of politicians.
ual taxpayers. Perhaps more significant, how- Congress will attempt to establish what
ever, other costs will be imposed on the essentially would be a never-ending subsidy
providers and the consumers of broadband program for broadband, much as it has for
Internet access. These costs raise the proba- electrical service.
bility that tax credits and similar subsidies The story of electricity subsidies in
will be counterproductive—that despite their America is a classic tale of a government pro-
proponents’ best intentions, they will hinder gram that will not die, even after its original
rather than help advance access to broad- objectives have been met. In 1936 Congress
band services. A few of these other costs are created the REA to promote electrical service
outlined here. in rural areas. Today electricity service is
ubiquitous, even in rural America,4 0 but the
Politicizing a Dynamic Industry need for the REA is seldom questioned. In
Of the tools at the disposal of Congress to fact, the agency is bigger than ever, having
promote broadband service—tax credits and become the Rural Utilities Service, which
other subsidies, regulation, and deregula- now has the mission of promoting the devel-
tion—tax credits and subsidies are unique. opment of electricity, water, and telecommu-
More than regulatory or deregulatory policy nications service in rural America.4 1
changes, tax credits meet the needs of politi- It is reasonable to expect that the pro-
cians. The burden of such tax credits is posed tax credits for broadband develop-
spread across all taxpayers. In contrast, the ment will, like the REA, become a permanent
benefits are focused on a few companies that federal subsidy. Indeed, some legislators have
will be clearly identified, that will tout the expressed their desire to establish an “REA
jobs created by their new investment (allow- for telecom.”4 2 But the REA is the wrong
ing politicians to be seen as job creators), and model to follow. Providing electricity to rural

areas was extremely expensive. There was analysts predict that the companies that sup-
only one way to get electricity to these or any ply equipment to DSL (digital subscriber
other areas—by running wires to each home. line) and cable modem providers will benefit,
But because there are different ways of deliv- that is because the providers themselves are
ering broadband to rural areas, with the most expected to benefit.
costly elements of the infrastructure already Such a result is not neutral. While broad-
in place, the REA experience has little rele- band services offered by telephone and cable
vance. Indeed, subsidization may lead to a sit- operators will continue to reach more people,
uation wherein we have a single provider, they will be challenged over time by new tech-
which is forever dependent on government nologies. And what attracts new competitors
support. The REA model runs the risk of cre- is the ability to make a profit by offering
ating another never-ending subsidy. lower prices or better service to the existing
providers’ current customers, or by serving
Unbalancing a Competitive Industry customers whom those providers have yet to
Proponents of tax credits and other gov- serve. Government programs that benefit
ernment subsidies often advocate these pro- existing providers ultimately reduce incen-
grams as a “technology neutral” approach to tives to develop advances in service. This is
promoting private investment. This means especially true for customers who may be
that no technology or provider would be expensive for the existing providers to serve,
favored over any other. And the truth is that such as rural customers who desire broad-
broadband tax credit proposals before band service from their local telephone or
Congress generally have been written to cable company.
make their tax credits available to any
provider of broadband infrastructure, Thwarting Potential Competitors
regardless of technology. The fact that a tax credit for broadband is
However, although industry analysts refer not technology neutral is not simply an acad-
to these proposals as technology neutral, emic problem; it has real consequences for
those same analysts provide an outline of Internet users, especially those in rural areas.
potential corporate winners and losers under Not only may some firms gain a competitive
such a policy.4 3 This is what good investment advantage from the tax credit, as discussed
analysts do—they provide outlines of how a earlier, but that advantage creates a disincen-
proposed policy would improve or diminish tive for new technologies, since existing
the business models of various players in an providers can use their tax credit to finance
When analysts industry. Investors respond accordingly. Yet construction, despite the fact that they
when analysts and investors decide that one employ older technology.
and investors technology or set of providers will do well as Right now, telephone and cable providers
decide that one a result of a proposed government policy— are offering broadband in select markets, and
technology or set especially compared with other technolo- satellite television and other providers are in
gies—the claim of technology neutrality loses the process of launching their own broad-
of providers will its credibility. band services. As the existing telephone and
do well as a result Under the current proposals, the big win- cable operators improve their systems to
ners are expected to be providers of network offer broadband beyond the largest markets,
of a proposed equipment, especially computer chips that they must compare their expected revenues
government poli- allow broadband to be supplied over stan- in the more rural markets with the expected
cy, the claim of dard telephone lines and cable systems.4 4 costs. Tax credits and subsidies, by defini-
This indicates that the existing dominant tion, help to lower those costs.
technology neu- suppliers of broadband services (e.g., tele- Ironically, however, lowering the cost of
trality loses its phone and cable systems) will benefit from serving a particular area may not be in the best
the proposed rules. That is, if investment interests of the customers who live there. One

provider may be able to immediately take diate results but the results in the long run, An economic fal-
advantage of the tax credit, thus thwarting not merely the primary consequences, but the lacy is committed
potential competitors who see too few remain- secondary consequences, and not merely the
ing customers to justify entering the market. effects on some special group but the effects whenever govern-
For example, consider how tax credits may on everyone.”4 6 This important lesson should ment promotes
make it possible for an existing cable or tele- not be forgotten as policymakers debate
phone provider to extend its broadband ser- broadband tax credit policy.
the benefits of a
vices to those living in midsized towns or in particular pro-
less-populated areas just beyond the larger gram without
cities. While this would be a great benefit to The Role of the Market:
counting fully the
previously unserved customers, those in Current Providers
smaller towns remain unserved and, ironically, associated costs.
are more likely to stay that way. The reason is Before evaluating the wisdom of govern-
that residents of small and midsized towns ment support for broadband service, policy-
and remote households are a viable market for makers must first understand the broadband
new providers—especially the wireless carriers market. And in order to understand the
that have built their business plans around broadband market, they must have a clear
those markets—but federal programs that picture of the providers and technologies
finance their competitors makes it less prof- that make this service available today as well
itable for them to enter the market. as those that may provide it in the near
Such a loss of competitors, though subtle future. They also must know a little about
and seldom seen, can be more harmful than the customers who buy this service, those
first appears. No one knows what technolo- who would like to have it but are for some
gies will best provide broadband; that is, no reason unserved, and those who may be cus-
one knows how supply will be shaped over tomers in the future. In other words, policy-
time. All that is known is that tax credits have makers must understand both the supply
an effect on who supplies what. If this effect and the demand sides of the market.
means some of the most efficient technolo-
gies—for example, wireless services in rural Current Technologies for Basic Internet
areas—are not offered, customers incur real and Broadband Service
costs that may persist indefinitely. Dial-Up Connection: The most common
means of accessing the Internet is through a
The Sum of All Errors (in economics at dial-up connection that uses a standard tele-
least) phone line and a 56K or slower modem.4 7
An economic fallacy is committed when- This “narrowband” service is slower but also
ever government promotes the benefits of a less expensive than broadband service. It can
particular program without counting fully be had for little or no cost by using an exist-
the associated costs. Some of these costs— ing telephone connection and a local ISP
such as the loss to consumers of new tech- such as AOL (America Online), MSN
nologies and new providers that never mate- (Microsoft Network), or Earthlink.4 8 As of
rialize—cannot be seen at all. They represent August 2000, about 90 percent of Americans
benefits that do not exist, and cannot exist, on the Internet used 56K or slower modems,
because they have been prevented by policy. making narrowband service by far the most
This lesson was first put forth by French popular way to access the Internet.4 9
economist Frederic Bastiat more than 150 Increasingly, Internet users are turning to
years ago.4 5It was aptly summarized a century higher-speed broadband services that transmit
later by economist Henry Hazlitt as follows: data at much faster rates. The most common
“In studying the effects of any given economic technologies currently used to deliver broad-
proposal we must trace not merely the imme- band are DSL, which transmits via a standard

telephone line, and cable modem, which trans- transmit simultaneously5 4and raises security
mits via a cable television connection. concerns with some users.5 5 On the other
DSL: This technology converts standard hand, this technology is not limited to a
“twisted copper pair” telephone lines into three-mile range from switching facilities, as
high-speed digital lines. The most popular DSL technology is, which as a result gives
DSL technology is asymmetric digital sub- cable modems a further “reach.”5 6
scriber line (ADSL), which offers up to 8 Significantly, both DSL services and cable
megabits per second (Mbps) for downstream modems offer a key development of interest to
transmission and 1 Mbps for upstream lawmakers, regulators, and others who follow
transmission.5 0 While the average down- the state of competition in the local telephone
stream speed will be between 1.5 mpbs and 8 and cable television markets. A cable modem
mpbs, this still is many times the speed gives an average home an extra two-way con-
offered by a 56K modem. nection, a potentially useful first step for cable
DSL technologies have several useful providers interested in providing telephone
characteristics, including (1) “always-on” ser- service. For their part, local telephone compa-
vice, meaning there is no need to dial up, (2) nies are increasingly likely to compete with
simultaneous access to both the Internet and cable, especially as some DSL technologies
Access to the the voice or fax capabilities of the telephone permit applications such as interactive multi-
Internet is grow- line, and (3) a dedicated line between the cus- media and video on demand.
ing so quickly tomer and the central office, that is, a line
that is not shared with other users. The most Current Customers of Basic Internet and
that it is almost notable disadvantage is that the service can Broadband Service
impossible to por- extend only approximately three miles from a In order to know who has access to the
telephone company’s switching office.5 1 Internet, the following questions must be
tray accurately the While 80 percent of local telephone cus- answered: How many people own computers
level of access at tomers reside within this range, it nonethe- or other devices needed to access the
any point in time, less excludes some customers, especially Internet?5 7 How many people have access to
those in more remote areas.5 2 narrowband (dial-up) services or broadband
and most obser- Cable Modem: This technology modifies services? Commerce, the FCC, and numerous
vations are likely the existing, one-way cable transmission lines private organizations recently have attempt-
of a cable network to provide a two-way con- ed to answer those questions.
to be outdated by
nection to the Internet at very high speeds. One note of caution, however: Access to
the time they are While performance varies across cable sys- the Internet is growing so quickly that it is
reported. tems, the industry claims that downloading almost impossible to portray accurately the
at 1 to 3 Mbps is realistic, and speeds of up to level of access at any point in time, and most
27 Mbps are possible. For uploading data to observations are likely to be outdated by the
the Internet, the industry claims speeds of time they are reported. For this reason, the
500 Kbps to 2.5 Mbps are realistic, with 10 data reported here most likely understate the
Mbps possible.53 The advantages of this tech- current rate of access to the Internet in gen-
nology are similar to but not the same as the eral and broadband in particular.
advantages of DSL. Cable modems offer (1) The Department of Commerce has issued
“always-on” service, thus no need to dial up, four reports on access to the Internet and
and (2) simultaneous access to both the technology. The latest, Falling through the Net:
Internet and cable television. Toward Digital Inclusion, released in October
As opposed to DSL services, cable 2000, estimates that 116.5 million Americans
modems use networks that group nearby were online at some location as of August
houses together and then link them to an 2000. About 43.6 million households (41.5
Internet connection. This shared connection percent of the U.S. total) were online, and an
can result in slower speeds when many users estimated 53.5 million households (51.0 per-

cent of the U.S. total) had computers as of tute for household access. Many companies
August 2000.5 8 provide employees with high-speed Internet
Other sources provide more recent esti- access that is superior to DSL or cable. Such
mates that include data through December benefits may be sufficient incentive for some
2000. Each uses a slightly different method- employees to forgo Internet access at home,
ology and thus presents numbers that do not though that does not make those individuals
compare directly with those of the technology have-nots.
Commerce study, yet all show a large and ris- Despite the wide range of estimates, the
ing popuflation of Internet users. A forecast data consistently show a large and growing
by eTForecasts estimates that 135 million population with Internet access—whether
Americans had Internet access in the United broadband or narrowband. Commerce’s esti-
States in 2000.59 ACNielsen estimates that mate of 116.5 million Americans online rep-
168 million Americans had access to the resents an increase of 37 percent in the 20-
Internet from their homes as of April 2001.6 0 month period from December 1998 to
The Pew Internet and American Life Project August 2000.6 5 Telecom Reports estimated
estimates that at the end of last year 104 mil- that the number of Americans online
lion American adults, or 56 percent of those increased more than 50 percent during the
18 or older, had Internet access. The project 12 months ending December 31, 2000.6 6
estimates that that 73 percent of those aged ACNielsen estimated that during the last
12–17 had Internet access.6 1 part of 2000 almost 5 million new sub-
In the broadband market, the number of scribers were added every month.67
subscribers almost quadrupled during the 12 Perhaps most significant, as growth in
months from December 31, 1999, to Internet access has continued, it has spread
December 31, 2000. There were an estimated beyond the wealthy and techno-savvy to
2 million broadband subscribers at the more and more demographic groups.
beginning of the year6 2 and almost 8 million Counting households, not individuals, the
12 months later. Kinetic Strategies, an ana- Pew Internet Project observes that “16 mil-
lytical service that focuses on the cable indus- lion newcomers gained Internet access in the
try and publishes CableDataCom, estimates last half of 2000 as women, minorities, and
that about 7.8 million households received families with modest incomes continue to
this service at the end of 2000. Cable surge online.”68
modems were used by about 5.5 million of Still, concerns remain. The Department of
those customers while DSL served most of Commerce, for example, expresses concern
the remaining 2.3 million.6 3 A prominent that some groups, especially those in central- As growth in
DSL data source argues the DSL providers city households,6 9 have access rates that falls
had more than 2.4 million subscribers by below those of other groups. As discussed Internet access
year’s end.64 earlier, this is the essence of the “digital has continued, it
Clearly, these figures are rough estimates, divide.” Yet Commerce is almost schizo- has spread
as there is no simple way to measure Internet phrenic as it applauds the gains in access for
access. And this difficulty will only increase. all groups—including the least advantaged— beyond the
For example, more and more people are while pointing out the gaps in access that wealthy and
using personal digital assistants (PDAs) with remain between demographic groups. At the
Internet capabilities, such as Palm Pilot’s same time that it recognizes that “large gains
techno-savvy to
Palm VII and its numerous competitors. occurred at every income category, at all edu- more and more
Those users may have home computers with cation levels, among all racial groups, in both demographic
Internet access, or they may rely solely on rural and urban America, and in every family
their PDAs for access. Equally hard to mea- type,”7 0 the study is careful to add that groups.
sure is the number of people who have access “divides still exist between those with differ-
to the Internet at work and use it as a substi- ent levels of income and education, different

The real story is racial and ethnic groups, old and young, sin- As the Commerce study recognizes, there
in the rapid gle and dual-parent families, and those with are two effects of this far-reaching growth: (1)
and without disabilities.”71 a fast increase in the rate of access for each
increase in service While this underlying concern may reflect demographic group and (2) a steady decrease
to all, which good intentions, it lacks perspective. The in the relative gap between the groups. This
exceptional growth in access for all con- distance between demographic groups is the
drives the sumers, including the least advantaged, has digital divide, and, as both the FCC and the
decrease in the made the “digital divide” both smaller and Department of Commerce reports indicate,
digital divide. less relevant. This point is best illustrated by it is decreasing. But the real story is in the
the following observation from Commerce’s first effect, the rapid increase in service to all,
data: rural and central-city households that which drives the decrease in the digital
have comparatively low rates of Internet divide. It is a story that has played itself out
access have higher access rates today than time and again as a new technology becomes
their wealthy urban counterparts had less increasingly affordable, working its way from
than two years ago. This point can hardly be novelty item for the rich to necessity for the
overstated. In 1998 an estimated 27.5 percent masses.
of urban households had Internet access,
more than rural or inner-city households.7 2
In 2000, less than two years later, 38.9 per- Industry Growth and
cent of rural households and 37.7 percent of the S-Curve
central-city households had Internet access.
Of course, urban households continued to The rise in use of a new technology—as
increase their access as well, which stood at seen in computer ownership, access to the
42.3 percent in 2000.7 3But the strong growth Internet, and many other phenomena—tends
for all groups persists. The access rates for to follow an established pattern. This pattern
less-fortunate rural and central-city house- is well described by the standard S-curve,
holds almost certainly will surpass in a few which is depicted in Figure 1.
months the rates of their wealthier urban At first, the number of users is low, both in
counterparts today. 74 aggregate and as a percentage of the total pop-
Similarly, computer ownership rates for ulation. From this low base, the number of
rural and central-city households in 2000 users then grows quickly, as shown in the
exceeded the computer ownership rates for lower part of the S-curve. Later, the total num-
urban households in 1998. And in 1998 com- ber of users continues to grow, but less rapid-
puter ownership rates for rural and central- ly, as shown in the points beyond the middle
city households exceeded the rate for urban of the S-curve. Finally, as the total number of
households in 1997, just one year earlier.7 5By users approaches the entire market for the
this measure, the lag for less-fortunate technology, the growth rate virtually stops. In
households may be a matter of months. more colloquial terms, the technology is
Indeed, this trend suggests the swiftness unknown at first and adopted only by the rich,
with which new technologies such as broad- the technically expert, and the curious. As it
band will reach every American who wants becomes familiar to more people, easier to use,
them. The Commerce study reached a similar and, perhaps most important of all, easier to
conclusion: “If computer ownership provides afford, the technology is adopted by more and
any pattern, we may soon see some stabiliza- more people. Finally, only a few new cus-
tion and perhaps even narrowing of the tomers come forward, as most people who
Internet divide.”7 6 Technologies are being want the technology have it.
adopted by an increasing number of con- This explanation, and the S-curve that
sumers and are on track to eventually describes it, corresponds to the experience of
become ubiquitous.7 7 many technologies that have been used for

Figure 1
The Standard Technology S-Curves

Figure 2
S-Curves for Various Technologies




50 Television
40 Telephones PCs
30 TVs (Color)
Cable (basic) Cable
PCs Internet
Internet Access

















Sources: Data on telephone and electricity industry, 1920–1970, from U.S. Department of Commerce, Historical
Statistics of the United States: Colonial Times to 1970, Part 2 (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1975),
p. 783. Cable data from ACNielsen Co. as reported by the National Cable Television Association,
Data on VCRs, personal computers, and television from Consumer Electronics Association, E-Brain, Internet data from U.S. Department of Commerce,

years, as well as some that are new. Some of groups in their adoption of this new technol-
the most important “new” technologies of ogy, and what will help them acquire it more
the 20th century are depicted in Figure 2. rapidly? The Commerce study argues that
Electricity and telephone service advanced the wealthiest households—those with
considerably more slowly than did more incomes greater than $75,000 per year and at
recent technologies such as cable television, least a college degree—already “have reached
personal computers, and the Internet.78 the flattening stage of the S-curve.”7 9 Other
Electricity and telephony faced the neces- demographic groups lag behind, however
sity of building large networks, the enor- briefly. It is worth understanding this lag and
mous capital costs of those networks, and what shortens it.
extensive government regulation and subsi- A recent study by the General Accounting
dization. Computers and the Internet are Office underscores how price influences
much more recent technologies and thus Internet access. The study was initiated
have not advanced as far along their respec- specifically to address concerns about a pos-
tive S-curves. That is, they have not been sible digital divide and thus examined demo-
adopted to the same degree as older tech- graphic characteristics of Internet users as
nologies such as television and telephones. well as details on ISPs and the availability of
The latest tech- A quick glance at Figure 2 illustrates an broadband.8 0 As a technology that has been
nologies, includ- important phenomenon: the S-curves of generally available to household consumers
ing computer use more recent technologies are steeper than for only a short time, broadband has a much
those of older technologies. That is, the rate lower penetration rate than does narrow-
and access to the of adoption of newer technologies—VCRs, band service. In short, broadband is much
Internet, are cable television, computers, Internet access— lower on its S-curve than narrowband, as
is notably faster than it was for older tech- might be expected with a newer technology.
being adopted at nologies. Several factors may explain this And according to the GAO, income is one of
a faster rate than experience, including, among others, (1) a the most significant characteristics driving
the technologies wealthier population with greater disposable adoption of broadband service: “We found
per capita income, (2) more efficient market- no differences in marital status, household
of only a genera- ing and distribution channels, (3) lower fixed size, race, Hispanic origin, education, or
tion or two ago. capital costs per customer, and (4) a less-bur- employment, between narrowband and
densome regulatory environment than was broadband subscribers. However, we did find
experienced by older technologies. a statistically significant difference with
In short, the latest technologies, including respect to income.”8 1 Furthermore, the GAO
computer use and access to the Internet, are survey revealed that about 80 percent of
being adopted at a faster rate than the tech- those with dial-up, or narrowband, service
nologies of only a generation or two ago. would not be willing to pay more than $10
This has important implications for policy- extra per month to upgrade to broadband.8 2
makers concerned about technology “haves” The GAO’s summary provides a useful per-
and have-nots. For a technology that requires spective on the issue:
a generation or two to reach the vast majori-
ty of a population, a considerable lag may Some of these findings suggest
exist from the time the most fortunate the existence of a “digital divide” at
acquire it to when the less fortunate do so. this time. However, it is often the
For a faster-disseminating technology, this case that individuals with greater
time lag may be only a few years, or even education and income are the first to
months. As noted earlier, this lag can be adopt new technologies, and individ-
remarkably brief. uals in rural areas are the last to be
The relevant questions for policymakers, reached by the deployment of new
then, are, Where are various demographic telecommunications infrastructure.

Since the Internet is still in a relative- It is also possible, even likely, that
ly early stage of commercial deploy- households on the wrong side of the
ment, these socioeconomic and geo- digital divide would improve their
graphic differences in Internet usage educational, cultural, and profes-
are not surprising and may not be sional status if they owned a PC and
long lasting. The challenge for poli- connected to the Internet. But such
cymakers over the long run will be to improvements are internal to these
determine whether any continuing dis- households and do not call for extra-
parities in the availability and use of ordinary market incentives for them
the Internet among different groups to be connected. Households can
of Americans threaten to deepen the choose for themselves.86
socioeconomic divisions within our
society.8 3 This is particularly true given that those
people choosing not to use the Internet simply
It should come as no surprise that may be the tail end of a transition. The
income plays a critical role in the adoption Department of Commerce study notes that
of broadband or even narrowband, as it has the two groups with the lowest Internet use
for so many other technologies. This is relat- rate are children below that age of 8 years and
ed to the high prices associated with the lat- nonworking adults above the age of 50.87 The
est technology, as the GAO report acknowl- Pew Internet and American Life Project pro-
edges. Those with high incomes are less vides more detail, estimating that 87 percent
deterred by high prices and more able to try of Americans 65 years of age or older do not
the latest thing. As prices fall somewhat, a have Internet access. Of those not online, most
few more people subscribe; as prices fall fur- see little benefit in the Internet and consider it
ther, even more people follow. Consider the a dangerous thing.88 In short, this is a genera-
example of another technology, one that is tional divide. For another generation or so, no
nearly commonplace today: A decade and a one should expect the market for Internet
half ago mobile phones were scarcely used, access to approach the nearly 100 percent pen-
with about 100,000 subscribers. Last year etration rate that is seen with electricity, or
subscribership reached 100 million. Over even the quite high rate for telephones. Not all
the same period of time (1984–99), the aver- people or all households will want the tech-
age price for a mobile phone went from nology, especially in this early stage. Over time,
$2,000 to less than a tenth of that, about of course, most will have an interest, and they
$180. 84 And, of course, this does not mea- will access the Internet as doing so becomes A decade and a
sure the quality of service, which has increasingly affordable.
improved dramatically. Looking only at the For that reason, the experience with half ago mobile
price paid for the service, as price fell to a mobile telephones is instructive: The best phones were
tenth its original level, subscribership rose way to shorten the lag in adoption for most scarcely used.
by a factor of one thousand. people is to lower the price. As noted earlier,
At the same time, it is worth noting that government subsidization may lower the Last year sub-
price is not the only factor involved. The price for some technologies, but with poten- scribership
Commerce study reports that, as of August tially negative effects, including the risk of
2000, there were 8.7 million households with eliminating new competitors. Competition
reached 100
computers but no Internet access, and the between the existing providers, and that from million.
most common reason given for not having new providers, may do much more to lower
access was that it was not wanted.85 This price, increase quality of service, and ulti-
despite the real advantages of connectivity. mately reach more households. The next sec-
As Brooking Institution economist Robert tion describes some of the potential new
Crandall observes: providers.

Satellite service than it would be with two-way broadband
may be the most The Role of the Market: service via satellite.
anticipated new Future Providers DirecTV’s broadband Internet service,
DirecPC, announced that for 2001 its latest
technology com- New Technologies for Broadband version will provide two-way satellite trans-
About 90 percent of all households with mission of data at speeds up to 400 Kbps for
ing to the broad- Internet access use narrowband (dial-up) con- downloading and 128 to 256 Kbps for
band market and nections, and 10 percent have broadband uploading.9 2 Like its DSL and cable modem
one that is likely connections, according to August 2000 competitors, satellite Internet offers an
data.8 9 DSL and cable modems provide most “always-on” (no dial-up) capability. The ser-
to help attract of those connections, serving more than four vice also allows for simultaneous use of the
many new sub- of five broadband subscribers.90 Nonetheless, satellite television and broadband Internet
many telecommunications industry observ- capabilities.
ers, analysts, and providers expect multiple DirecPC will partner with Pegasus, a satel-
firms—and multiple technologies—to provide lite television distributor with a strong rural
broadband in the future. In fact, the future is presence, as well as ISPs EarthLink and Juno.
here. Some of the new technologies listed The firm’s business model also includes the
below are available today. Others are just acquisition of Telocity Inc., a leading
around the corner. Most present an opportu- provider of Internet access via DSL connec-
nity that was notably absent from the early tions. Such partnerships will help give
experience with electricity and telephone ser- DirecPC what the New York Times calls “a
vice—the ability to reach rural households legitimate high-speed Internet option.”9 3
more easily. And the added competition With the 9 million satellite television cus-
means there is a greater chance the price of tomers of DirecTV and the Internet experi-
service will fall more quickly than if broad- ence of some of its new partners, DirecPC is
band were left to fewer providers. well positioned to compete aggressively in
the broadband market.
Satellites EchoStar’s DISH Network is the second-
Satellite service may be the most antici- largest satellite television provider and the
pated new technology coming to the broad- first to provide two-way broadband access to
band market and one that is likely to help the Internet via satellite. The firm’s new ser-
attract many new subscribers. The largest dis- vice, StarBand, operates much like the
tributors of two-way broadband Internet ser- DirecPC system, with a single dish providing
vice are affiliated with DirecTV and both satellite television and Internet access. It
EchoStar, the market leaders in satellite tele- also advertises itself as the first broadband
vision.9 1Both offer service that allows receipt satellite service available and currently is
of satellite television and Internet signals offered anywhere in the continental United
from a single dish. States, with service to Alaska, Hawaii, and
DirecTV, the largest satellite television Puerto Rico expected in the next year.9 4
provider in the country, has recognized for StarBand offers downloading at speeds
some time that broadband Internet access up to 500 Kbps and uploading at speeds up
can complement satellite television. In fact, to 150 Kbps, similar to speeds with
DirecTV has offered several versions of DirecPC.9 5 At $69.99 per month, plus instal-
broadband satellite service, but until now the lation and equipment, StarBand is more
satellite transmission could be used only for expensive than many cable and DSL services.
downloading data. Because uploading to the Still, it is reasonable to expect that
Internet was accomplished through a stan- StarBand’s price will fall as DirecPC extends
dard narrowband telephone connection, the operations and cable and DSL operators
service was less efficient and less marketable expand their services.

Indeed, two-way satellite broadband is an lites. The Teledesic model also requires addi-
infant industry. A StarBand press release tional infrastructure on the ground, as its
announces that “in just over one year, satellites transmit not to individual cus-
StarBand has gone from a business plan to tomers’ dishes but to commercial receivers
over 25,000 subscribers.”9 6 But the real news that forward the signal to the customer. The
is the system’s reach, since its new subscribers method used to forward the signals will vary
include “customers throughout all 48 states by location and is obviously an important
in the continental U.S.—from the Havasupai variable in the potential success of the
Indian tribe surfing at the bottom of the Teledesic project.
Grand Canyon to an investment banker in a Furthermore, transmitting through a
New York City Park Avenue penthouse.”9 7 global network of LEO satellites worries
More significant yet is the firm’s plan to some observers, given the well-known failure
reach rural America. In March of this year, of a previous LEO satellite business, Iridium.
StarBand announced it had formed a strate- However, that company’s business model
gic partnership with the National Rural was built on providing worldwide voice com-
Telecommunications Cooperative. StarBand munications and required cumbersome,
and the NRTC claim this partnership “will heavy hand-held units.102 In contrast, the
make it possible and easy for the Teledesic business model is built on provid- Even in the satel-
Cooperative’s more than 20 million con- ing worldwide Internet access. Perhaps as lite broadband
sumers to join the high-speed Internet revo- important, the Teledesic venture benefits market, DirecTV
lution.”9 8 The expectations are big but not from the combined experience of investors
unreasonable. As Bob Phillips, NRTC’s chief such as Bill Gates, Craig McCaw, Motorola and EchoStar are
executive officer, puts it, this broadband ser- Corporation, and Boeing Corporation. expected to be
vice “will help close the ‘circle of connectivity’
for rural America.”99 Fixed Terrestrial Wireless
challenged by
Even in the satellite broadband market, In addition to DSL, cable modem, and other competi-
DirecTV and EchoStar are expected to be satellite service, another type of broadband tors.
challenged by other competitors. Chief provider may soon be available. Wireless ter-
among them is Teledesic, a new venture that restrial services, also known by the oxymoron
will use a global network of satellites to pro- “wireless cable,” use technology similar to
vide Internet access virtually anywhere on the cellular telephone technology, transmitting
planet. While service is not expected to be signals short distances—20 to 30 miles—from
available until 2005, the Teledesic satellites, land-based towers. The technology is limited
once launched, will offer transmission speeds by this transmission distance and by a line-
well in excess of those currently available, of-sight requirement, meaning the cus-
downloading at up to 64 Mbps and upload- tomer’s receiver must not be blocked from
ing at up to 2 Mbps. 100 the transmission tower by terrain, buildings,
The Teledesic business model is unique or other obstacles. Terrestrial wireless opera-
and, to some extent, unproven. It uses more tors can overcome these limitations to some
than 200 low-earth-orbit (LEO) satellites that extent by building multiple transmitters in a
circle the earth constantly at less than 1,000 given area, much like a cellular telephone net-
miles up rather than geosynchronous-earth- work. Indeed, the ability to cover an area with
orbit (GEO) satellites that remain at a fixed a handful of towers—rather than installing
point 22,000 miles above the equator.1 0 1 thousands of miles of wire—is a competitive
Both EchoStar and DirecTV transmit via advantage of this technology.
high-altitude GEO satellites, which are more One potential wireless terrestrial broad-
expensive but, because they stay in place and band competitor, Broadwave USA, has a busi-
cover a fixed geographical area, need not ness model that includes providing both
work in tandem with multiple moving satel- broadband and video.103 This is a familiar

approach to both the major satellite television Some mobile providers have started offering
and cable providers—combining high-speed Internet access, and their advertisements
Internet access, video, and as many other relat- tout such benefits as the ability to check e-
ed telecommunications services as possible in mail while away from home. At present,
an effort to provide a one-stop shop for con- Internet access via mobile phones is limited
sumers. In addition, two of the largest fixed to narrowband service, though providers are
wireless providers, WorldCom and Sprint, attempting to incorporate technology that
paid more than $1 billion in 1999 to purchase will allow for broadband service.1 0 9 Such ser-
wireless operations in select cities, part of their vice will require additional spectrum, which
effort to build a broadband wireless local loop. the FCC is expected to put up for auction.1 1 0
The Sprint and Worldcom business plans As mobile wireless services make the transi-
focus on residential and small business cus- tion to broadband, the demand for mobile
tomers located outside the areas served by access to the Internet is expected to increase
DSL technology.1 0 4 Although the technology dramatically. This may help give rise to one
is not universally available, operators with more powerful competitor in the broadband
wireless or broadcast interests have imple- market.
mented it in a number of cities, including Wireless mobile providers harbor a real
Allentown, Pennsylvania; Colorado Springs; potential to bring wireless Internet services
Dallas; Denver; Detroit; Fairbanks, Alaska; to more Americans. Although there are more
Jackson, Mississippi; Mobile, Alabama; New than 100 million mobile telephone sub-
York; Phoenix; Portland, Oregon; and scribers in the United States,111 only about 2
Rochester, New York.105 million people subscribe to wireless Internet
Because wireless terrestrial applications are services.1 1 2 Moreover, fixed and wireless
relatively new, they have problems that are less Internet providers may be particularly impor-
common in more established technologies. tant to less-developed countries that lack the
For example, satellite providers argue that the needed wire-line infrastructure. In these
NorthPoint technology used by BroadWave countries, wireless solutions may have a com-
USA interferes with their signals, and regula- petitive edge, serving as the primary, if not
tory and legislative hurdles have plagued the only, means for Internet access. In fact,
development of the company’s technology.106 some analysts predict that worldwide
Recently, however, the FCC affirmed the tech- Internet customers will number just below
nology as technically feasible.1 0 7 Although a 1.2 billion by 2005, of which 700 million will
detailed list of policy recommendations fol- be wireless users.1 1 3 Does this affect U.S. cus-
Some analysts lows, it is worth noting here that consumers tomers? It might. Serving several hundred
will benefit most if this issue is addressed as a million wireless broadband customers in
predict that technical, rather than a political, issue. other countries may very well help providers
worldwide In addition, wireless terrestrial may suffer discover ways to provide service more cheap-
Internet cus- from the high cost associated with most new ly in this country.
technologies. Reports list initial prices for
tomers will num- terrestrial wireless services at $40 to $80 per Digital Broadcast Television
ber just below 1.2 month, generally above those of satellite, Television broadcasters are in the process
cable, and DSL providers. Although this may of moving from analog to digital transmis-
billion by 2005, of be a competitive obstacle, engineers are hard sions.1 1 4 In 1997 the FCC provided a second
which 700 million at work trying to lower costs dramatically channel for each existing full-service broad-
will be wireless and are optimistic that they can do so.108 caster to use for its transition from analog to
digital. These channels are to be used on a
users. Mobile Wireless temporary basis and must be relinquished at
Although mobile telephone service is not the end of the scheduled transition period,
new, using it to provide Internet service is. currently December 31, 2006.1 1 5

The amount of spectrum allocated to engineering challenge. It may be possible to Broadcasters
each broadcast signal for analog transmis- overcome the technical obstacles through an have the spec-
sion (6 megahertz) produces extra capacity emerging approach known as powerline
when more-efficient digital transmission communications, which uses voltage supply trum necessary to
technology is used.116 As a result, less spec- lines to transmit voice and data at high provide data
trum is needed for each television signal. speeds. Such transmissions would coexist
This means existing signals may be broadcast with electricity transmissions, making power
transmission and
at the same time that adjacent channels can lines dual-use. may become part
be used to provide additional signals or other A leader in this technology, Ambient of the competi-
services, including Internet access.117 The Corporation, recently signed an agreement
FCC recognizes the potential value of this with Bechtel Corporation, a world leader in tive picture in the
spectrum to broadcasters. The agency’s chief engineering and project management.1 1 9 market for
engineer, in testimony before Congress on Ambient’s development efforts have includ-
this issue, noted the many advantages—and ed tests with a major electricity provider,
virtual lack of disadvantages—that would Consolidated Edison of New York,1 2 0 and Internet access.
accompany this reallocation of spectrum: Japan’s largest manufacturer of electric wire
and cable, Sumitomo Electric Industries.1 2 1
In making the transition to DTV, we The firm announced in January of 2001 the
must not do anything that would results of a test of its technology in Hong
jeopardize he continuation of free, Kong, providing the first successful applica-
over-the-air television for the tion of its powerline telecommunications
American public. Fortunately, tech- technology in a residential building.1 2 2
nological developments—including Another leader in this technology is
better digital compression and mod- Switzerland-based Ascom Powerline AG,
ulation techniques—have given us which currently has projects with 16 electric-
the luxury of having our cake and ity companies in 11 European countries to
eating it too. With digital technolo- test distribution of voice, video, and data.1 2 3
gy, we can continue to have tradi- Like its competitor in this technology, Ascom
tional broadcast services as well as Powerline believes its service will allow elec-
exciting new broadcaster-provided tricity distributors to compete in the provi-
services.1 1 8 sion of voice telephony, high- speed Internet,
and other information-related services.
Clearly, broadcasters have the spectrum Moreover, the technology capitalizes on the
necessary to provide data transmission and existing infrastructure, thus minimizing
may become part of the competitive picture setup costs, which in turn makes it easy for
in the market for broadband Internet access. customers to switch from current providers.
With a strong presence across the country Ascom Powerline advertises that, upon
and clear name recognition, they could be installation of a simple “house controller,”
serious potential competitors. For now, how- every power supply socket in the home will
ever, it is unclear whether the broadcasters become a potential communications inter-
will enter this market. face.124 Such linkage becomes even more sig-
nificant as firms such as Microsoft, Cisco,
Electricity Providers and others invest in “smart technologies” for
It is easy to consider electricity providers the home—tools that will connect appliances,
potential competitors in the broadband mar- communications devices, computers, and
ket. Their power lines are everywhere. more.125
Although it is not now technically impossible Nonetheless, no commercial operation
for them to provide two-way transmission of currently provides residential broadband ser-
broadband signals, this would present an vice via power lines. As a report in The

Economist noted last fall, the technology real- invested more than $10 billion per year, and
ly seems to work, but the delivery of broad- wireless and competitive local exchange carri-
band by electricity providers nonetheless may ers (CLECs) have seen their annual invest-
fail. The reason: slow regulatory approval in ments rise to more than $10 billion.133
Europe and a plethora of technologies in the These investments will affect consumers
United States that are capable competitors, across the country. The NRTC and StarBand
including cable, satellite, terrestrial wireless, will deliver broadband by satellite to rural
and more.126 In short, if this technology fails America. As for wire-line service to rural
to reach the U.S. consumer, the most likely America, the National Telephone Coopera-
reason will be that other technologies have tive Association, which represents more than
already done so. 500 small and rural local exchange carriers,
expects that 79 percent of its customers will
Market Forecasts have access to DSL service by the end of
A number of market analysts have 2001.134
attempted to forecast the future demand for In short, the efforts of DSL, cable modem,
DSL, cable modem, fixed wireless, and satel- fixed wireless, and satellite service providers
lite services. Forecasts by such firms as make it extremely likely that adoption of
In short, the Merrill Lynch, Bear Stearns, Morgan Stanley, broadband service—like the adoption of nar-
efforts of DSL, McKinsey & Co., and others were shared with rowband Internet service and many other new
cable modem, the FCC, which incorporated the data into its technologies—will follow a steep trajectory.
Second Report.127 The agency then calculat- Figure 3 provides an estimate of this growth,
fixed wireless, ed an average forecast for each technology on using the projections from the FCC’s Second
and satellite ser- the basis of the forecasts provided. Report. The image should be familiar: It’s the
According to the agency’s report, the fast-growth stage of the standard S-curve.
vice providers number of households subscribing to DSL What’s more, this estimate may be too conser-
make it extremely service is expected to grow from about 2 mil- vative, since it does not include broadband
likely that adop- lion in late 2000 to 13 million in 2004.128 For service that may be offered by mobile wireless,
cable modem service, the number is expected broadcast television, or electricity providers.
tion of broad- to increase from more than 3 million at the Even if the mobile wireless, broadcast tele-
band service will end of 2000 to more than 15 million by the vision, and electricity providers decline to
end of 2004.1 2 9 Fixed wireless service is fore- invest in the broadband industry, the num-
follow a steep
cast to rise from virtually no market share in ber and variety of potential providers in this
trajectory. 2000 to between 3 million and 4.4 million market is impressive. As shown in Figure 4,
residential subscribers in 2004.1 3 0 For satel- the current providers of broadband offer a
lite service, the estimates vary. Because it had number of options—DSL, cable modem,
only a negligible number of subscribers in satellite, and fixed wireless. What is particu-
2000, the forecast is as low as 1.2 million or as larly notable is that this is more competition
high as 4.6 million households by 2004.131 than exists in the voice telephony, broadcast
Much of what will drive this growth is video, or almost any other telecommunica-
investment by broadband providers. This tions market. Not to mention the competi-
investment will increase the number of com- tion among providers of the same technolo-
petitors, which in turn should put downward gy, such as the rivalry between Hughes’
pressure on prices. The FCC’s Second Report DirecPC service and EchoStar’s StarBand ser-
notes that “since 1996, industry investment vice. Finally, there are the constantly emerg-
in infrastructure to support high-speed ser- ing new technologies and providers—mobile
vices has increased dramatically, and analysts telephone companies and maybe even elec-
forecast that this trend will continue.”1 3 2 tricity companies. The possibilities are more
ILECs have invested more than $20 billion extensive than in virtually any other telecom-
annually since 1996, cable companies have munications market.

Figure 3
The Estimated Market for Broadband Services, 1999–2004




25,000,000 Terrestrial

20,000,000 DSL



1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

Source: Federal Communications Commission, In the Matter of Inquiry Concerning Deployment of Advanced
Telecommunications Capability to All Americans in a Reasonable and Timely Fashion, and Possible Steps to
Accelerate Such Deployment Pursuant to Sec. 706 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996: Second Report, CC
Docket No. 98-146, FCC 00-290 (2000), Appendix D.

Figure 4
Current Broadband Competitors and Their Technologies

Of course, this is not to say that all tech- ing broadband services to disadvantaged
nologies will be available to everyone. And communities, FCC and state regulators have
that is precisely why it is advantageous to developed a database to help public agencies
have multiple technologies, and perhaps and private providers share the lessons of
even multiple providers of any given technol- successful partnerships.1 3 5 This database
ogy. Some rural areas will be too far from a shows incumbent providers that are upgrad-
telephone switching facility to receive DSL ing and extending their networks as well as
but easily accessible by satellite. Some urban new providers that are anxious to reach cus-
residents will find satellite or fixed wireless tomers the incumbents may have been slow
receivers blocked by obstructions—building to reach.
codes that restrict their use or actual build-
ings that block transmissions—at the same • The Blackfoot Telecommunications
time that DSL and cable providers rush to be Group, a partnership of telephone coop-
the first in the neighborhood. eratives and other carriers serving most-
ly rural communities in Montana, will
Success Stories across the Country deliver DSL service over existing tele-
As the above list of providers, their tech- phone lines.
nologies, and expected market shares indi- • In northwestern Minnesota, Sjoberg’s
cates, the vast majority of Americans will Inc., a local cable company, provides
soon have access to broadband. This is a nat- broadband via cable modem to several
ural consequence of new technology becom- small towns, as well as their schools.
ing increasingly inexpensive to produce and • Shield Networks, a small wireless terres-
distribute. Nonetheless, there may be a small trial provider in Austin, Texas, delivers
group of people who want access to this tech- broadband service to downtown busi-
nology but remain without it for financial ness customers as well as residential cus-
reasons. In direct response to this need, pri- tomers in the economically challenged
vate companies have formed partnerships to East Austin area.1 3 6
bring broadband services to those least likely
to have them. These firms, in the business of These examples are few, yet the ways in
making a profit from providing broadband, which broadband providers are extending
often provide free or heavily discounted ser- their services are endless. Providers of all
vices to government agencies, disadvantaged stripes—DSL, cable modem, satellite and
communities, or other groups. Some people land-based wireless, and more—know the
This is not to say may view this as responsible corporate citi- demand for their service will grow as more
zenship; others may see it as an attempt to people go online and eventually demand the
that all technolo- gain publicity in the community or favor speed and richness of broadband. They are
gies will be avail- with regulators. No matter. Unless govern- investing accordingly.
able to everyone. ment officials reward a provider’s philan-
thropic efforts by thwarting its competitors
And that is pre- or otherwise tilting the playing field, the end Policy Questions: What Is
cisely why it is result will be a greater number of users, many —and What Is Not—
of whom may have been among the slowest
advantageous to to adopt the technology.
to Be Done?
have multiple Ultimately, providers of broadband are As the FCC and Department of Com-
technologies. anxious to make their technology ubiqui- merce reports acknowledge, it would be pre-
tous, and government regulators are eager to mature to declare that a problem exists in
help them. Because many projects have been broadband deployment to certain groups.
developed that include some sort of public- Unfortunately, lack of a clear problem does-
private partnership, or that include extend- n’t stop some advocates from coming up

with a “solution.” Still, there are a few things sidy and loan programs contributing roughly The potential
wise policymakers should do—and many another $2 billion per year for advanced costs of tax cred-
they should not do—to unfetter the develop- telecommunications elsewhere, mostly in
ment of broadband and ultimately improve rural areas (Table 1), it is hard to argue that its should be rea-
consumers’ access to this technology. another program is needed. And, as do tax son enough to
credits, such programs tend to favor existing
What Policymakers Should Not Do technologies, creating disincentives for new
avoid this risky
Do Not Provide Tax Credits. About a dozen technologies. This is not in the long-run inter- policy. Tax cred-
and a half proposals to promote broadband est of low-income and rural households, its are also
deployment were presented before the 106th which stand to gain more from the develop-
Congress,137 and three proposals are currently ment of new technologies and the increase in ineffective.
before the 107th Congress. Each of the current competition they bring to the market.
bills would provide tax credits for five years to Do Not Increase Open-Access Requirements on
companies that invest in broadband equip- Internet Transport Providers. Under FCC rules,
ment in rural and low-income areas. S. 150, the portion of incumbent local telephone
sponsored by Sen. John F. Kerry (D-Mass.), carriers’ lines used to provide broadband ser-
would provide a 10 percent tax credit for “cur- vice must be made available to CLECs.1 4 0The
rent generation” broadband investment. H.R. two largest cable firms face similar regula-
267, sponsored by Rep. Philip S. English (R- tion: AOL Time Warner must grant open
Pa.), and S. 88, sponsored by Sen. John D. access as part of its merger approval,141 and
Rockefeller (D-W.Va.), would offer the same AT&T (which purchased the large cable com-
tax credit for “current generation” broadband pany Tele-Communications, Inc.) is in court
service as well as a 20 percent tax credit for to determine if it must do the same.1 4 2 Such
“next generation” broadband service.1 3 8 rules are designed to make multiple ISPs
Illustrating the popularity of this proposal, available from a single transport provider
Sen. Rockefeller’s bill currently has 52 cospon- (the telephone or cable provider), but they
sors in the Senate.139 In addition, as of this come at a cost. The telephone and cable com-
writing, other broadband proposals have been panies, which account for almost 90 percent
promoted but not introduced in Congress. of the broadband market,143 extend broad-
These include a combined broadband tax band service to more and more households
credit, loan guarantee, and bond program pro- precisely because it is profitable to do so. The
posed by Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D- profits come from the combination of trans-
N.Y.) and a tax credit and subsidy program port and ISP services offered. Open-access
proposed by Rep. Barbara Cubin (R-Wyo.). requirements lower the revenues and thus
The potential costs of tax credits, dis- the profits telephone and cable providers
cussed earlier, should be reason enough to may expect. This may not affect more popu-
avoid this risky policy. Tax credits are also lated areas, where enough customers are pre-
ineffective, at least compared with the con- sent so that it remains profitable to operate
sumer benefits that accompany promising under such restrictions. But in the marginal
new technologies such as fixed wireless and areas—especially the most rural areas—the
satellite services. These technologies hold lack of this additional revenue may be suffi-
some of the most promise for reaching rural cient to make broadband unprofitable.
and isolated households, yet they are less Whereas those customers could have had
likely to be developed with tax credits, which only one ISP using broadband by their tele-
are more likely to favor existing technologies. phone company—and perhaps one more via
Do Not Increase the E-Rate or Other Subsidies. their cable company—they now will have no
With more than $2 billion going annually ISP with broadband capability whatsoever,
toward deploying advanced services in schools because they will have no broadband via
and libraries (E-rate) and about 20 federal sub- these landline connections.

What Policymakers Should Do allow CLECs to use the incumbents’ physical
Eliminate, or at Least Reduce, Open-Access infrastructure. In its August 2000 report, the
Requirements for Collocation. These require- FCC argues that such requirements are an
ments force ILECs to allow CLECs to locate effective means to promote further the
physical assets at the incumbent’s facilities. deployment of broadband services.1 4 6 But, as
The FCC claims its efforts are focused on with collocation requirements, these are
“promoting facilities-based competition in forced exchanges, which means the FCC ulti-
the last mile, middle mile, and last 100 feet— mately must determine the price for each ser-
the portion of the network in which the vice. And, as with collocation, incumbent
greatest barriers to truly competitive markets providers have a notable disincentive in those
remain.”1 4 4 As the agency recognizes, these cases in which they expect to be burdened
efforts ultimately affect the market for with uncompensated costs. Again, this disin-
broadband service via telephone lines (DSL). centive will tend to have the most effect on
But collocation requirements merely help investment decisions in the marginal mar-
new entrants to compete by using the facili- kets, especially in rural and isolated areas.
ties—and wires—of existing providers. While Eliminate, or at Least Restrict, Must-Carry
this should encourage an incumbent local Rules. Under these rules, a cable company or
The must-carry carrier not to ignore any opportunity to pro- satellite television provider must carry the
rule is particular- vide broadband —since doing so would risk local broadcast television stations of any
ly onerous for entry by a CLEC—it presupposes that exist- market in which it operates.147 Given limited
ing providers are in the habit of turning channel space, some local broadcast stations
satellite television down profitable opportunities to supply are carried by cable or satellite providers to
providers. broadband. That is unlikely. A greater proba- the exclusion of other programming.
bility exists that FCC regulators will fail to set Because must-carry rules prioritize cable
a market price for the use of the incumbent’s companies’ use of channels—rather than
facility.1 4 5If the incumbent anticipates incur- allow providers to do so on the basis of con-
ring uncompensated costs due to the forced sumer demand—these rules lower the returns
leasing of part of its facility, this will create a to cable providers and thus also lower their
disincentive for incumbents to make the incentive to invest in their systems.1 4 8
improvements necessary to provide broad- Moreover, the benefits to some broadcast sta-
band, since doing so may attract the com- tions have been minimal and arguably are
petitors who impose such costs. outweighed by the effects on displaced cable
Of course, local telephone providers still channels: more home shopping channels are
may make these upgrades, if doing so is prof- carried, to the exclusion of other programs
itable. The collocation requirements would such as C-Span.1 4 9 Civic knowledge cedes to
simply be an additional cost of business, shopping, in other words.
much like a tax. But an increase in costs, like The must-carry rule is particularly oner-
an increase in taxes, means the marginal ous for satellite television providers. The two
business opportunity in deploying broad- largest providers, DirecTV and EchoStar,
band no longer will be pursued. And these expect this rule to limit their deployment of
marginal opportunities will most likely be in nationwide broadcast television service.
the most rural and isolated areas. While these firms are capable of transmitting
Eliminate, or at Least Reduce, Resale, their signals almost anywhere in the conti-
Unbundling, and Line Sharing. These require- nental United States,150 they do not have the
ments force ILECs to offer wholesale prices capacity to carry the nearly 1,600 local sta-
for local exchange services to CLECs (which tions in the country. By law, satellite TV
the CLECs in turn resell to their retail cus- providers must carry the local television sta-
tomers) and to offer their services separately tions of all markets they serve by January 1,
(unbundled) rather than as a package. They 2002.1 5 1 In effect, the new must-carry rules

make satellite television expensive if not trum to provide Internet access or any other
impossible to provide in rural America. Will service consumers desired.156 Indeed, license
such a rule affect satellite carriers’ Internet holders should be free to trade their spec-
service? Most likely, yes. Satellite providers trum in an open market, effectively allocat-
such as EchoStar and DirecTV believe com- ing licenses to their highest-valued use.1 5 7
bining hundreds of television stations with Such an idea is not radical, nor is it new. It
high-speed Internet access provides an attrac- was suggested to the FCC more than 40 years
tive product. This is especially true as the ago by Nobel-prize winning economist
equipment is built to allow all services to Ronald Coase.158
transmit via one dish, as EchoStar’s Starband Eliminate Telephone Taxes. Numerous feder-
service offers. Moreover, as individual al, state, and local taxes or surcharges appear
providers start to offer voice telephony, on the typical consumer’s telephone bill.
video, Internet, and more—an effect known While most of those taxes are imposed by
as convergence—it becomes more likely that state and local authorities,159 the federal gov-
must-carry rules will expand, too. As econo- ernment’s 3 percent telecommunications
mist Tom Hazlett of the American Enterprise excise tax nonetheless is a huge revenue gen-
Institute observes, “A policy forcing broad- erator: A 1999 report by the Joint Committee
cast signals onto Internet servers . . . is the on Taxation estimates that only taxes on
logical extension of must-carry.”1 5 2The disin- alcohol (distilled spirits, wine, and beer com-
centive for future investment by Internet bined) and taxes on cigarettes would gener-
providers could be significant. ate more revenue in the coming years.160 The
Deregulate Spectrum: Recent industry esti- federal telecommunications excise tax rev-
mates show consumer demand for wireless enue is about $6 billion annually, according
spectrum will surpass the existing supply in to the committee report, and other sources
the next three to four years, with twice as estimate state and local telecommunications
much needed by 2010.1 5 3 Educational and taxes generate an additional $12 billion.1 6 1
religious institutions, the Department of Like taxes on alcohol, cigarettes, or gasoline,
Defense and other federal users, and industry the federal telecommunications excise tax is
providers such as broadcasters and wireless regressive. But unlike gasoline taxes—which
voice and Internet providers all make partly help fund highway projects—federal
demands on the existing supply of spectrum. phone taxes go into general Treasury
In some cases, such as with national defense, funds.162 And unlike alcohol or cigarette con-
the dedicated applications are not likely to be sumption, no one is proposing curbs on the
subject to any sort of flexible use standard for consumption of telecommunications ser- License holders
many years.154 This makes flexible use for vices. Finally, like most bad public policies,
other license holders all the more important. the federal telecommunications excise tax should be free to
At present, the vast majority of spectrum continues long after it has outlived the rea- trade their spec-
licenses are assigned for specific purposes: son it was established in the first place: this trum in an open
fewer than 6 percent of spectrum frequencies tax was imposed to help finance the Spanish-
are zoned for flexible use.1 5 5Although Sprint American War. market, effective-
and Worldcom provide wireless Internet ser- In summary, rather than promote a tax ly allocating
vices via spectrum originally designated for credit that is likely to have adverse results,
wireless video (multipoint, multichannel dis- policymakers should focus on removing the
licenses to their
tribution service, or MMDS), this hardly regulatory impediments that make it diffi- highest-valued
counts as flexibility. Rather, the FCC had to cult to deploy broadband in the first place. use.
approve the new use, a rare act in and of Promoting broadband deployment by means
itself. With true flexibility, mobile telephone of tax policy and simultaneously inhibiting it
providers, broadcasters, and all other holders by means of regulatory policy is a rather curi-
of spectrum licenses could use their spec- ous approach.

and must-carry. It also means eliminating
Conclusion antiquated restrictions on spectrum usage
and the century-old telephone tax.
At a press conference earlier this year, FCC Federal tax credits or subsidies won’t get
chairman Michael Powell rejected the notion Americans on the information superhighway
of a digital divide in this country, suggesting any sooner, but they will help finance a few
instead that we have a “Mercedes divide” and Mercedes. Tax credits and subsidies will also
adding, “I would like to have one, but I can’t hinder the development of new technolo-
afford one.”163 This prompted a harsh rebut- gies—including those not yet dreamed of—
tal from Consumers Union, which argued that may provide unimaginable benefits.
that the issue has nothing to do with having Policymakers shouldn’t overlook these con-
a Mercedes but instead “is about affordable sequences. To do so would be to fall victim to
connectivity to the information infrastruc- economic fallacy once again.
ture.”164 But if connectivity (i.e., access) is the
central issue, then all that is needed is a com-
puter, a modem, and a telephone line. With a Notes
56K modem and standard telephone connec- 1. Lennard G. Kruger and Angele A. Gilroy, “Broad-
tion, you have a simple but effective means of band Internet Access: Background and Issues,” CRS
driving on the information superhighway. In Issue Brief 10045, Congressional Research Service,
other words, you have a Chevy. Or you may Updated February 1, 2001, pp. 13–15. Not all of
these bills included a tax credit, but all included a
opt instead for a broadband connection. In focus on broadband deployment.
this case, you have a Mercedes. But both will
put you on the information superhighway. 2. Federal Communications Commission, In the Mat-
Of course, there still are people who want ter of Inquiry Concerning Deployment of Advanced
Telecommunications Capability to All Americans in a
to be on the information superhighway but Reasonable and Timely Fashion, and Possible Steps to
have yet to get there, frequently because of the Accelerate Such Deployment Pursuant to Sec. 706 of the
cost. However, the market is responding to Telecommunications Act of 1996, CC Docket No. 98-146,
those needs with lower costs and higher quali- FCC 99-005 (1999). Cited hereinafter as First Report.
ty every year. The Chevy keeps getting better 3. Ibid., ¶ 20.
For policymakers and faster. Indeed, tomorrow’s Chevy may
outperform today’s Mercedes. The experience 4. FCC, In the Matter of Inquiry Concerning Deploy-
interested in get- with Internet access makes this analogy partic- ment of Advanced Telecommunications Capability to
ting more All Americans in a Reasonable and Timely Fashion, and
ularly appropriate: when many earlier tech- Possible Steps to Accelerate Such Deployment Pursuant
Americans on the nologies were being adopted, the less fortu- to Sec. 706 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996:
nate lagged behind the more fortunate by a Second Report, CC Docket No. 98-146, FCC 00-290
information generation or more, with access to the (2000). Cited hereinafter as Second Report.
superhighway, the Internet, the less fortunate lag behind the 5. Ibid., ¶ 10.
most productive more fortunate by a matter of months or, at
most, a few years. As goes today’s narrowband 6. Ibid.
efforts will be to access to the Internet, so broadband will go.
7. Ibid., ¶ 14.
remove the regu- For policymakers interested in getting
more Americans on the information super- 8. U.S. General Accounting Office, “Characteristics
latory roadblocks highway—especially with broadband connec- and Choices of Internet Users, Report to the Ranking
that keep new tions—the most productive efforts will be to Minority Member, Subcommittee on Telecommuni-
cations, Committee on Energy and Commerce,
providers and remove the regulatory roadblocks that keep House of Representatives,” February 2001. See, in
new providers and new technologies out of the particular, n. 5.
new technologies market. This means eliminating or limiting
9. U. S. Department of Commerce, Falling through
out of the market. such requirements as open access by transport
the Net: Toward Digital Inclusion, October 2000, p. 2,
providers, collocation, resale and unbundling,

10. Telecommunications Act of 1996, P.L. 104- the $2.5 billion program “limit.”
104, § 706(a).
28. Universal Service Administrative Company, Rural
11. Ibid., § 706(b). Health Care Division, “Funding Commitments,”
March 19, 2001,
12. Ibid.
29. Lennard G. Kruger, “Broadband Internet Access
13. First Report, ¶¶ 6–7. and the Digital Divide: Federal Assistance Programs,”
CRS Report for Congress, Congressional Research
14. Second Report., ¶¶ 5–6. Service, Updated January 26, 2001, Table 2.

15. Ibid., ¶¶ 6, 203. 30. Ibid. One of the 17 programs is not listed here
because its focus is on modernizing public (i.e.,
16. Ibid., ¶ 204. noncommercial) broadcast stations; it has no spe-
cific focus on rural areas, low-income areas, or
17 Ibid., ¶ 205. schools, libraries, or health care providers.

18. Subsidies to promote universal service (i.e., “afford- 31. First Report, ¶ 3.
able” telephone service to everyone who wants it) have
been promoted by the FCC since at least the 1970s. For 32. Ibid.
an excellent history of these subsidies and their anti-
competitive effects, see Milton Mueller, Universal 33. Office of U.S. Sen. John Kerry, “Connecting Our
Service: Interconnection, Competition, and Monopoly in the Communities to the New Economy,” Press release,
Making of American Telecommunications, MIT Press/AEI February 7, 2001,
Series on Telecommunications Deregulation
(Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1997). 34. Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, “The Origin
of the Gateses’ Support for Public Libraries,”
19. Telecommunications Act of 1996, § 254(b).
20. FCC, In the Matter of Federal-State Joint Board on
Universal Service, CC Docket No. 96-45, FCC 97- 35. John Carlo Bertot and Charles R. McClure, “Public
157, May 8, 1997, ¶ 431. Libraries and the Internet: Summary Findings and
Data Tables,” National Commission on Libraries and
21. Ibid., ¶¶ 436–49. Information Science, September 7, 2000, http://www.
22. Ibid., ¶¶ 492–98.
36. Office of Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, “New Jobs
23. Ibid., § 254(d). for New York: Creating Opportunities and Revitaliz-
ing Our Upstate Economy,” March 1, 2001,
24. Ibid., § 254(h)(1)(B).
25. Universal Service Administrative Company, 37. See, for example, George Gilder and Bret Swanson,
Schools and Libraries Division, “SLD Provides “The Broadband Economy Needs a Hero,” Wall Street
Updated Demand Estimate for Year 4 to the FCC,” Journal,February 23, 2001, p. A14; and Jamal Le Blanc,
March 2, 2001, “Toward Digital Inclusion: Why Not Broadband?”
Digital Divide Network, http://www. digitaldividenet-
26. Angele A. Gilroy, “Telecommunications cfm?key=10.
Discounts for Schools and Libraries: The ‘E-Rate’
Program and Controversies,” CRS Report for 38. Current legislative proposals with Congressional
Congress, IB98040, Congressional Research Budget Office scores are available at http://www.
Service, January 12, 2001., which updates this information periodically.
The Joint Committee on Taxation offers estimates on
27. See Jerry Hausman, “Taxation by Telecom- the costs of various tax bills at
munications Regulation: The Economics of the gov/tax.
E-Rate,” in AEI Studies in Telecommunications
Deregulation (Washington: American Enterprise 39. Joint Committee on Taxation, S. 1352: Com-
Institute, 1998). Professor Hausman estimates munity Renewal and New Markets Act of 2000, JCX-
that the type of tax used to pay for the E-rate—a 106-00, October 5, 2000, http:// jct/
tax on interstate long-distance calls—imposes a x-106-00.pdf.
cost of at least $2.36 billion in addition to the $2.5
billion raised for the program. The total cost of 40. More than 98 percent of Americans have had
the program, therefore, is approximately double access to electricity since the mid-1950s. U.S.

Department of Commerce, Historical Statistics of the Report to the Subcommittee on Antitrust,
United States: Colonial Times to 1970 (Washington: Business Rights and Competition of the Senate
Government Printing Office, 1975), p. 827. Committee on the Judiciary, GAO-01-93, October
2000, p. 17. Cited hereafter as GAO, “Factors.”
41. The Rural Utilities Service describes itself as fol-
lows: “The Rural Utilities Service is a Rural 52. See “Tutorial,” DSL Forum, http://www.adsl.
Development Agency of the United States com/general_tutorial.html.
Department of Agriculture. We help Rural America
finance electric, telecommunications, and water 53. See “Cable Modem FAQ,” Cable Datacom News,
and waste water projects, and make loans and
grants for rural distance learning and telemedicine
projects. We are also a policy and planning rural 54. GAO, “Factors,” p. 17.
advocacy agency.” See
55. Kruger and Gilroy, p. 3.
42. See, for example, Ed Henry, “Dorgan Fears
Digital Divide for America’s Rural Areas,” Roll 56. GAO, “Factors.”
Call, March 20, 2000,
pb/00/03/pb20b.html. 57. Computers are by far the most common tool
used to display transmissions to and from the
43. Jim Lucier, John Barton, and Craig M. Internet. Thus, lack of access to a computer often
Hettenbach, “Broadband Tax Credit Looks Like a indicates lack of access to the Internet. However,
Good Bet for DSL and Network Equipment some new tools such as personal digital assistants
Manufacturers,” Washington World, Prudential and Internet-accessible cell phones also provide
Securities, January 17, 2001. Internet access and are becoming more common.

44. Ibid. 58. Commerce, Falling, Executive Summary.

45. Frederic Bastiat, “What Is Seen and What Is 59. “Internet Users Will Surpass 1 Billion in
Not Seen,” in Selected Essays on Political Economy, ed. 2005,” Press release, eTForecasts, February 6,
George B. de Huszar, trans. Seymour Cain 2001,
(Irvington, N.Y.: Foundation for Economic
Education, 1964), pp. 1–24. 60. “Average Web Usage,” Weekly Web Usage Data,
ACNielsen, Week ending April 15, 2001, http://
46. Henry Hazlitt, Economics in One Lesson (New
York: Crown Publishers, 1946, 1979), p. 103. usageweekly.

47. The term 56K refers to 56,000 bits per second 61. “More Online, Doing More,” Pew Internet and
(bps), though this is somewhat misleading. Most American Life Project, February 18, 2001, http://www.
56K modems transmit data at speeds below asp?Report=30.
56,000 or even 50,000 bps. The 56K modem was
preceded by the much slower 28.8K modem, 62. The FCC estimates 1.8 million subscribers at
which is still in use today. Both of these modems the start of the year, while Kinetic Strategies esti-
transmit with analog, rather than digital, signals. mates about 2 million. See Second Report, ¶ 67,
and Kinetic Strategies Inc., “Cable Continues to
48. Internet service providers offer a variety of service Dominate DSL in Residential Broadband Market,”
packages, with the simplest offerings available for March 1, 2001, http://www.kineticstrategies.
free and other packages starting at about $20 per com/ksi_release_3-1-01.html.
month. If dial-up service is not available from a local
exchange, a long-distance call must be made, which 63. Ibid.
significantly increases the cost of Internet access.
64., “North American DSL Market
49. Commerce, Falling, pp. 23–24. Nears 3 Million Lines at Year End 2000,” http://
50. Asymmetric digital subscriber line is part of a
larger group of DSL technologies, known collec- 65. Commerce, Falling, Executive Summary.
tively as XDSL, and falls in the middle of this
group in terms of transmission speed. See 66. Telecommunications Reports, “Free ISPs Fade from the Scene as High-Speed DSL Installations
Finally Draw Promised Subscribership,” TR’s
51. GAO, “Technological and Regulatory Factors Online Census, January 30, 2001, http://www.
Affecting Consumer Choice of Internet Providers,”

67. NetRatings, Inc., “Internet Penetration Reaches 60 82. Ibid., Appendix II, Question 15.
Percent in the U.S., According to Nielsen/NetRatings,”
Press release, February 28, 2001. 83. Ibid., p. 7.

68. “More Online, Doing More.” 84. Cellular Telecommunications Industry Associa-
tion, “U.S. Wireless Industry Continues to Experience
69. Commerce, Falling, p. 6 Record-Setting Growth,” Press release, October 18,
70. Ibid., p. 1. cfm?record_id=904; and Consumer Electronics
Association, http://www.eBrain. org.
71. Ibid., Executive Summary.
85. Commerce, Falling, pp. 25–26 and Figure I-17.
72. Ibid., Figure A-8.
86. Robert W. Crandall, “Bridging the Divide Nat-
73. Ibid. urally,” Brookings Review 19, no. 1 (Winter 2001): 40.

74. It also is worth noting that urban and subur- 87. Commerce, Falling, pp. 41–45 and Figures II-9, II-11.
ban areas are not necessarily the most served. The
greatest penetration is in rural areas in the 88. Amanda Lenhart, “Who’s Not Online: 57 Percent
Northeast (at 49.9 percent in August 2000), fol- of Those without Internet Access Say They Do Not
lowed by urban areas in the West (at 47.2 percent). Plan to Log On,” Pew Internet and American Life
See Commerce, Falling, pp. 6–7. Project, September 21, 2000, http://www.pewinternet.
org/reports/toc.asp? Report=21.
75. Ibid., p. 1 and Figures I1, A1, A2.
89. Commerce, Falling, pp. 23–24.
76. Ibid., p. 16.
90. Ibid., pp. 23–24 and Figure I-15.
77. As the Commerce Department study recog-
nizes, growth rates are often expressed in percent- 91. Most recipients of satellite television use
age terms, which can be confused with data on direct broadcast satellite (DBS) technology. The 8
the percentage of a population that has Internet million subscribers to DirecTV and 4 million sub-
service. For example, if technology “haves” enjoy scribers to EchoStar make up the majority of the
50 percent penetration in Internet access while 13 million customers in the DBS market.
the have-nots are at 10 percent, then a 10 percent-
age point gain for each group would represent a 92. DirecPC, “Hughes Network Systems Ships
20 percent gain for the privileged group (from 50 Two-Way DirecPC Systems,” Press release,
to 60 percent) and a 100 percent gain for the have- December 21, 2000,
nots (from 10 to 20 percent). consumer/scoop/twoway.html.

78. Both telephone and electricity services have 93. Geraldine Fabrikant and Seth Schiesel, “Satellite v.
maintained relatively stable penetration rates for Cable: A Rivalry beyond TV,” New York Times,February
more than two decades. Most everyone who 19, 2001.
wants a telephone does in fact have one, as even
customers in high-cost areas have affordable tele- 94. Ibid.
phone service due to universal service subsidies.
Indeed, the FCC notes that these subsidies, which 95. StarBand Communications, Inc., “What Is
preceded the Telecommunications Act of 1996, StarBand?”
served to “increase subscribership levels nation-
wide by ensuring residents in rural and high-cost 96. StarBand Communications, “StarBand Passes 25,000
areas were not prevented from receiving phone Customer Milestone,” Press release, March 12, 2001,
service because of prohibitively high telephone htm.
rates.” See FCC, In the Matter of Federal-State Joint
Board on Universal Service, CC Docket No. 96-45, 97. Ibid.
FCC 98-068, April 10, 1998, ¶ 7.
98. StarBand Communications, “StarBand
79. Commerce, Falling, p. 6. Partners with National Rural Telecommuni-
cations Cooperative,” Press release, March 12,
80. GAO, “Characteristics and Choices of Internet 2001,
Users,” p. 4. 031201_a.htm.

81. Ibid., p. 23. 99. Ibid.

100. Teledesic, “About Teledesic,” http://www. New Turn,” San Jose Mercury News, January 25, 2001.
109. Digital broadband wireless service represents
101. EchoStar and DirecTV use GEO satellites. what is known as Third Generation, or 3G, tech-
While more expensive to build and launch, one nology. First Generation is represented by analog
GEO satellite can cover a large geographical “foot- wireless service, and Second Generation is repre-
print” (e.g., North America) whereas multiple LEO sented by narrowband digital technology.
satellites are needed to accomplish the same task.
110. GAO, “Factors,” p. 47.
102. The assets of the bankrupt Iridium project
were recently acquired by a group of investors 111. Cellular Telecommunications Industry Asso-
that intends to use the system to provide voice ciation.
and data communications, with a focus on serv-
ing governments as well as industrial customers 112. ETForecasts, “Internet Users Will Surpass 1
in remote settings. That the original business Billion in 2005,” Press release, February 6, 2001,
model failed is illustrated by the fact that the pri-
mary sponsor, Motorola, invested between $5 bil-
lion and $6 billion in the project, while the new 113. Ibid.
investors acquired the bankrupt project’s assets
for $25 million. See Jim Wolf, “Brazilian, 114. Many people associate digital television with
Australian, Saudi Investors Own Bulk of HDTV (high-definition television). Although
Iridium,” Yahoo! Finance, April 4, 2001, http:// HDTV uses digital technology to transmit signals of very high resolution (more than 1,000 lines per
inch), the FCC does not require such a high stan-
103. BroadWave USA uses NorthPoint technology dard for digital transmission. Thus, while broad-
to provide wireless terrestrial service. This technol- casters are required to provide digital television,
ogy is designed to share spectrum used by GEO they need not provide—and generally are not pro-
satellites. GEO satellites transmit to home recep- viding—HDTV.
tion dishes pointing south (at least in North
America), while the NorthPoint/BroadWave tow- 115. FCC, In the Matter of Advanced Television
ers transmit to reception dishes pointing north Systems and Their Impact upon the Existing Television
(hence the name). BroadWave USA and NorthPoint Broadcast Service, Sixth Report and Order, MM
technology are not affiliated with NorthPoint DSL. Docket No. 87-268, FCC 97-11.
116. With about 400 megahertz (MHz) of spec-
104. See Second Report, n. 145, citing a speech by trum at their disposal, broadcasters control a very
Bernie Ebbers of WorldCom; and “High-Speed Net large portion of the airwaves. By comparison, cel-
Access Takes New Turn,” San Jose Mercury News, lular and personal communications systems have
January 25, 2001, licenses for less than 100 MHz.
press_room/ ebbers_npc_speech.htm.
117. Thomas W. Hazlett, “The Wireless Craze,
105. CableDataCom News, “Wireless Broadband The Unlimited Bandwidth Myth, The Spectrum
Trials & Deployments,” CableDataCom News, Auction Faux Pas, and the Punchline to Ronald
Updated February 2, 2001, www.cabledatacomnews. Coase’s ‘Big Joke’: An Essay on Airwave Allocation
com/wireless/cmic12.html. Policy,” Harvard Journal of Law and Technology,
forthcoming. In particular, see §§ 3 and 15.
106. For example, the Local TV Act of 2000,
which provided loan guarantees to promote local 118. Dale N. Hatfield, chief, Office of Engineering
television signals in rural areas, required the FCC and Technology, Federal Communications
to engage in further testing of NorthPoint tech- Commission, Testimony at Oversight Hearing on
nology to determine whether it would cause inter- High-Definition Digital Television and Related
ference. Matters before the Subcommittee on Telecom-
munications, Trade and Consumer Protection of the
107. “Analysis of Potential MVDDS Interference to House Committee on Commerce, 106th Cong., 2d.
DBS in the 12.2-12.7 GHz Band,” MITRE Technical sess., July 25, 2000,
Report, produced by the MITRE Corporation, cchear/hearings106nsf/ main.
McLean, Va., for the U.S. Federal Communications
Commission, April 2001, 119. Ambient Corporation, “Ambient Corpora-
info/mitrereport/mitrereport_4_01.pdf. tion and Bechtel Telecommunications Announce
Technical Services Agreement and Letter of
108. Joshua L. Kwan, “High-Speed Net Access Takes Intent,” Press release, March 20, 2001, http://

32 136. Ibid.

120. Ambient Corporation, “Ambient Corporation 137. H.R. 1685 (Boucher), H.R. 1686 (Goodlatte),
and Consolidated Edison of New York Announce H.R. 2420 (Tauzin), H.R. 2637 (Blumenauer),
Successful Initiation of First Phase Joint Testing of J.Con.Res. 173 (Markey), J.R. 4122 (Stupak), H.R.
Ambient’s Powerline Telecommunications Techno- 4477 (Towns), H.R. 4728 (English), H.R. 5069
logy,” Press release, November 21, 2000, http:// (Minge), S. 877 (Brownback), S. 1043 (McCain), S. asp?PID=32. 2097 (Burns), S. 2307 (Dorgan), S. 2321 (Rockefeller),
S. 2454 (Burns), S. 2698 (Moynihan), S. 2902
121. Ambient Corporation, “Ambient Corporation (Brownback), and S. 3152 (Roth). For a brief descrip-
Announces Successful Joint Demonstration of tion of these proposals, see Kruger and Gilroy.
Ambient’s Powerline, Telecommunications Techno-
logy in Japan,” Press release, January 11, 2001, http:// 138. In these bills, the term “current generation” asp?PID=33. broadband means service with download speeds
of at least 1.5 Mbps and “next generation” broad-
122. Ambient Corporation, “Ambient’s First Ever band means service with download speeds of at
Testing in Actual Residences Establishes Achiev- least 22 Mbps.
ability of Connectivity with Existing Electrical
Wiring,” Press release, January 25, 2001, http:// 139. See the “Bill Summary” listing for S. 88, Library of Congress,

123. Ascom Powerline Communications AG, “Power- 140. GAO, “Factors,” pp. 19–20 and Appendix IV.
line Communications Series of Field Trials,” Press
release, October 6, 2000, apps/ 141. In the Matter of Applications for Consent to the
WebObjects/ecore.woa/de/showNode/siteNodeID_ Transfer of Control of Licenses and Section 214 FCC,
19589_contentID_96354_languageID_1.html. Authorizations by Time Warner Inc. and America
Online, Inc., Transferors to AOL Time Warner Inc.,
124. Ascom Powerline, “Figures and Technical Transferee, CS Docket No. 00-30, Memorandum
Details,” WebObjects/ Opinion and Order, January 22, 2001.
contentID_-1_languageID_1.html. 142. See the federal district court ruling in AT&T
Corp. v. City of Portland, 43 F. Supp.2d 1146 (D. Or.
125. “Microsoft Has Plans for You,” Jerusalem Post, 1999), and the federal appeals court ruling, which
March 4, 2001. overturned the lower court’s ruling, in AT&T Corp.
v. City of Portland, 216 F.3d 871 (9th Cir. 2000).
126. “Loopy,” The Economist, September 9, 2000.
143. Commerce, Falling, pp. 23–24.
127. Second Report, Appendix D.
144. Second Report, ¶ 246.
128. Ibid., ¶ 191, Figure 27, and Appendix D.
145. For the problems associated with government
129. Ibid., ¶ 189, Figure 26 and Appendix D. price setting in telecommunications markets, see
Wayne Leighton, “Prescriptive Regulations and
130. Ibid., ¶ 197 and Appendix D. Telecommunications: Old Lessons Not Learned,” Cato
Journal 20, no. 3 (Winter 2001),
131. Ibid., ¶ 202 and Appendix D. pubs/journal/cj20n3/cj20n3-4.pdf.

132. Ibid., ¶ 185. 146. Second Report, ¶¶ 253–54.

133. Ibid., ¶ 185–200 and Figure 23. 147. Cable providers are subject to must-carry rules under
the Cable Television Consumer Protection and
134. National Telephone Cooperative Association, Competition Act, P.L. 102-385, 47 U.S.C. 534, 535,
“NTCA Members Internet? Broadband Survey October 5, 1992. Satellite television providers are subject
Report,” November 2000, to these rules under the Satellite Home Viewer
press/releases/broadbandstudy.pdf. Improvement Act, P.L. 106-113, 17 U.S.C. 122, November
29, 1999. For more information on this satellite legisla-
135. This database is maintained by the National tion, see Marcia S. Smith, “Satellite Television: Summary
Regulatory Research Institute, the research arm of the Provisions of the Satellite Home Viewer
of the National Association of Regulatory Utility Improvement Act and the Launching Our Communities
Commissioners. See http://www.nrri.ohio-state. Access to Local Television Act,” CRS Report for Congress,
edu/telecom.htm. RS20425, updated January 22, 2001.

148. Thomas Hazlett, “Digitizing ‘Must-Carry’ 157. Of course, any user should be subject to the
under Turner Broadcasting v. FCC (1997),” Supreme noninterference rules currently in place.
Court Economic Review 8 (2000): 158–62.
158. Ronald Coase, “The Federal Communica-
149. Ibid., pp. 169, 173–78. See also the comments tions Commission,” Journal of Law and Economics 2
of Brian P. Lamb, chairman and chief executive (1959): 1–40.
officer of C-SPAN Networks, before the Senate
Committee on Commerce, Science, and Trans- 159. One study estimates that telecommunica-
portation, July 8, 1998, tions providers face more than 300 state and local
about/mustcarry.asp. taxes and fees, more than three times the number
faced by businesses in general. While some of
150. Not every household can receive these sig- those fees are for public services (e.g., 911 emer-
nals. Because these satellites remain in stationary gency service), this does not explain all of the dis-
orbit above the equator, households in the parity between telecommunications and other
Northern Hemisphere that have an obstructed types of businesses. See Joseph J. Cordes, Charlene
view to the south may fail to recive DirecTV or Kalenkoski, and Harry S. Watson, “The Tangled
EchoStar signals. Web of Taxing Talk: Telecommuni-cations”
Progress on Point 7, no. 12 (September, 2000); and
151. Satellite Home Viewer Improvement Act, § Committee on State Taxation, 50-State Study and
1008(a)(3). Report on Telecommunications Taxation (Washing-
ton: COST, September 1999).
152. Hazlett, “Digitizing ‘Must-Carry,’” p. 202.
160. U.S. Congress, Joint Committee on Taxation,
153. “A Turf Fight for the Airwaves,” New York Times, Schedule of Present Federal Excise Taxes , January 1,
March 28, 2001, 1999, Table B.
03/28/ technology/28SPEC.html?pagewanted=1.
161. Committee on State Taxation.
154. FCC, “Spectrum Study of the 2500-2690
MHz Band: The Potential for Accommodating 162. See comments of Jeff Kupfer, tax counsel,
Third Generation Mobile Systems,” Final Report, Senate Finance Committee in “Understanding
March 30, 2001. Telecom Taxes: A Symposium,” Progress on Point 7,
no. 8 (May 12, 2000).
155. Hazlett, “The Wireless Craze,” p. 6.
163. Quoted in Christopher Stern, “New FCC
156. A more radical, yet more efficient, solution: Chairman Favors a Non-activist Approach,”
The FCC should give a true property right to the Washington Post, February 7, 2001, p. E-1.
winner of its auctions, rather than a right to a
spectrum license. 164. Quoted in ibid.

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