How FDA Regulation and Injury Litigation: Cripple The Medical Device Industry, Cato Policy Analysis No. 412

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412 August 28, 2001

How FDA Regulation and Injury Litigation

Cripple the Medical Device Industry
by Charles A. Homsy

Executive Summary

Manufacturers of medical devices face a triple successfully in some 100,000 patients with distorted,
threat in their efforts to develop products to alle- damaged, or destroyed facial structure; joints of the
viate pain and suffering. The U.S. Food and Drug jaw, thumb, and hip; and other body parts. In 1986
Administration can drive manufacturers out of reports surfaced about particular jaw implants wear-
business, even when the FDA itself certifies their ing out. In fact, the problems occurred when underly-
devices. The personal injury liability system makes ing conditions were not treated or when patients
it easy for predatory lawyers to force manufactur- refused to follow the prescribed treatment. But the
ers of safe products into bankruptcy. And sensa- FDA and liability lawyers waged a campaign against
tionalist media accounts of allegedly dangerous those implants, driving Vitek out of business. Worse,
devices add to manufacturers’ problems. the FDA also targeted Novamed, a company estab-
Three examples illustrate those problems. In lished to produce other FDA-approved Proplast
1974, on the basis of unsubstantiated media implants that were not under suspicion, and used
reports and lawsuits, and without legislative questionable court tactics to drive it out of business.
authority, the FDA forced A.H. Robins to remove Finally, the FDA used its own regulatory leverage and
the contraceptive Dalkon Shield from the mar- the World Health Organization to drive into bank-
ket. Though later reports showed the shields to ruptcy a Swiss company established to produce
be safe, A.H. Robins was driven into bankruptcy. Proplast products that had obtained or were obtain-
Beginning in 1988, Dow Corning’s silicone ing certification in the Europe Union, Switzerland,
breast implants became the subject of FDA accu- and Canada.
sations, liability suits, and media hysteria. European governments allow private compa-
Although no sound science has ever shown the nies that meet certain objective criteria to certify
devices to be dangerous, the manufacturer was medical devices. That approach is less subject to
driven out of business. abuse, better ensures patients’ access to devices,
My company, Vitek, manufactured out of the and could be an alternative to the malfunctioning
patented material Proplast implants that were used American approach.
Charles A. Homsy holds an Sc.D. in chemical engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. After five
years with the Du Pont Company, in 1966 he established at the Texas Medical Center the first U.S. hospital-based
bioengineering laboratory, which he directed until 1990. He was founder and CEO of Vitek Inc. (1971–90) and
Novamed Inc. (1988–92), which made surgical implants. From 1992 to 1999 he was scientific director of Swiss
companies founded to carry on that work.
The FDA often poration, who can be sued and made to pay.”3
acts, not to pro- Introduction Angell points to “changes in the pattern of
tort cases [that] justify concerns about a liti-
tect public safety, Medical devices and implants are among gation explosion. First, mass personal injury
but rather to per- the modern marvels that alleviate pain and litigation—thousands of lawsuits involving
suffering, prolong life, and add to the quality the same product or injury—has burgeoned
secute the pro- of life. Those devices are the products of years particularly since 1980. And second, the size
ducers of devices. of research and development by inventors, of jury awards has grown rapidly.”4 Angell
physicians, and surgeons. The U.S. Food and adds:
Drug Administration is charged with certify-
ing that the devices are safe and effective. In that decade [the 1960s], according
Unfortunately, the FDA often acts, not prin- to . . . [Glendon’s] thesis, we began to
cipally to protect public safety, but rather to turn to the courts to rectify nearly all
persecute the producers of devices, thus social ills and injustices. This has
keeping those devices from the public and become an expensive habit, she
discouraging their development. argues, which is accompanied by atro-
Robert Higgs reports that doctors, hospi- phy of the more traditional, but slow-
tals, and emergency medical services find er methods of affecting change—
that devices available elsewhere in the world including the political process. People
are not on the market in the United States, sue one another, instead of voting. As
and thousands of patients are suffering as a lawsuits have proliferated since the
result. He emphasizes that the causes of 1960s, the character of the legal pro-
those woes are perplexing, costly, and time- fession has itself changed.5
consuming regulations promulgated and
enforced by the FDA. He quotes Kshitij Helping to promote irresponsible law-
Mohan, an industry executive and former suits and FDA actions are sensationalist
FDA official, as saying, “The pendulum may media reports that are anything but objective
swing back eventually, but the pendulum at and balanced, and that distort the truth
FDA is more like the wrecking ball.”1 about the issues involved. Often the FDA
Another threat to the medical device itself stokes such media fires.
industry, often encouraged by the FDA, is The examples of three types of implants—
predatory liability lawsuits against device intrauterine contraceptives, breast implants,
manufacturers. Those suits are based on hys- and temporomandibular joint implants—
teria, not on sound science. Marcia Angell, illustrate the problems with the current FDA
M.D., in Science on Trial—The Clash of Medical approval system and the liability system in
Evidence and the Law in the Breast Implant Case, this country and show why many device
describes an apocalyptic horse bent on crip- manufacturers shut down or move off shore.
pling the medical device industry: “The FDA
banning [of breast implants] was followed by
a tidal wave of litigation. . . . The flood of The Dalkon Shield
breast implant lawsuits was simply one more “Mistake”
manifestation of Americans’ fervor for suing
one another.”2 An early case of a medical device’s being driv-
Harvard law professor Mary Ann Glendon en from the market by the FDA, lawsuits, and
notes, “While some lawyers were touting liti- media hysteria concerned the Dalkon Shield,
gation as a quick fix for social ills, others were an intrauterine contraceptive device, or IUD.
teaching that for nearly every injury suffered This birth control device, popular in the 1960s
by a private individual there is someone with and early 1970s, was manufactured by A.H.
deep pockets, the government or a large cor- Robins Co. and marketed until June 1974.

In 1974 the media, noting that lawsuits Dalkon Shields and 2,589 other types of
involving IUDs were growing in number, IUD. This most rigorous methodology
highlighted allegations that the Dalkon involved random allocation of devices to suc-
Shield was causing more septic spontaneous cessive patients. PID was reported in three of
abortion and death than were other IUDs. the studies but was in no way identified as an
Acting on those allegations, the FDA asked alarming problem.
A.H. Robins to remove the Dalkon Shield There were 25 nonrandomized prospec-
from the market even though at that time the tive studies involving 14,000 users of the
agency had no statutory authority to actual- Dalkon Shield and 45,508 users of other
ly ban medical devices; its jurisdiction was IUDs. In none of those studies was the
limited to pharmaceuticals. Such impulsive Dalkon Shield associated with a greater risk
behavior is FDA’s characteristic response to of PIDs than the other IUDs used for com-
controversy before the facts are in. However, a parison. Indeed, none of those investigators
FDA report later in that year stated that the noted PIDs as a special problem.
allegations concerning abortions and deaths Thirty-nine straight-assignment studies
were not in fact proven.6 included 25,807 Dalkon Shield users. Only
Nevertheless, that erroneous allegation two investigators mentioned PID in their
was followed by the unsubstantiated accusa- reports. One study of 43 Dalkon Shield users Studies demon-
tion that the Dalkon Shield was causing reported a one-year PID rate of 4.8 percent strated that the
pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) more and a 5 percent sexually transmitted disease Dalkon Shield
often than were other IUDs. Thus, in this as (STD) rate among the patients generally:
in other cases, the FDA action fostered litiga- STDs were correlated with cases of PID. The was safe and
tion and fanned the media fire. Congres- second report, on 46 Dalkon Shield users, effective and
sional hearings followed, with calls for the simply observed that no significant rates of
extension of the FDA mandate to cover PID were found. comparable to
devices as well as drugs. That occurred in Those studies demonstrated that the other IUDs in use
1976 with the passage of the Medical Device Dalkon Shield was safe and effective and at that time.
Amendments to the Food, Drug and comparable to other IUDs in use at that time.
Cosmetic Act.
After the removal of the Dalkon Shield The “Case-Control” Epidemiological
from the market there followed a steep Study, 1976–78
decline in the number of IUD users. It has With lawsuits increasing, a “case-control”
been estimated that because 2.3 million epidemiological study, usually known as the
American IUD users were forced to use other, Women’s Health Study, was carried out at 16
less-effective methods, there were 160,000 hospitals in nine cities across the country.
additional unintended pregnancies per year.7 The case-control methodology assembled
Was this a case of the government’s acting histories of patients who had developed PID
wisely to protect the public from dangerous and retrospectively tracked back in time the
products? The full story leaves a different treatments received by those women. The
impression. data were compared with those on a similar-
sized group of women who did not develop
Data from Prospective Clinical Trials, PID. The groups were matched as closely as
1970–75 possible in all risk factors except the target
There were several different types of variable, IUD use. Such matching is difficult
prospective clinical trials used to study IUDs, to do and in the WHS study was seriously
including the Dalkon Shield. Prospective tri- compromised.
als are the best way to evaluate a treatment. The first paper with results from the case-
Seven trials were prospective, randomized- control WHS finally was published in 1981
comparison clinical trials involving 1,372 in Obstetrics and Gynecology, some seven years

after the controversy began.8 The paper com- all studies of IUDs, including the WHS, mea-
pared data on 1,447 IUD users and 3,453 sured the performance, not of different
nonusers and concluded that IUDs in gener- IUDs, but, rather, of providers who inserted
al, not just the Dalkon Shield, increased the those IUDs. The earlier papers had down-
risk of PID. It found the relative risk to IUD played that point. That is to say, it was prob-
users compared with nonusers to be a highly able that health care providers who inserted
significant 1.6 (i.e., users had a 60 percent the devices wrong rather than the devices
greater frequency of PID than did nonusers). themselves caused the PID.
A sister report,9 published in 1983 in The 1992 report also observed that in
Obstetrics and Gynecology, was directed specifi- 1968 the World Health Organization, the
cally at the Dalkon Shield. However, it was advisory committee on Obstetrics and
based on relatively small numbers of users of Gynecology of the U.S. Food and Drug
the device: 35 of 285 in the case group and 15 Administration, and the American College of
of 778 in the control group. It concluded that Obstetrics and Gynecology jointly concluded
the relative risk of PID for users of the that PID was not an important problem in
Dalkon Shield was a very large 7.1. With that IUD use. The report also pointed out that
study generating new lawsuits, A.H. Robins approximately 1 million of the 50 million
declared bankruptcy in 1985. By that time women of reproductive age in the United
the company had defended itself in about States experience an episode of PID each year,
7,000 lawsuits. The Dalkon Shield Claimants an incidence of 2 percent per year. Further, 90
Trust then distributed almost $3 billion in percent of those women who had had an
payments to about 200,000 women.1 0 episode of PID never used an IUD. In fact, it
But in 1991 and 1992 reports from the was not contested that sexually transmitted
Department of Biostatistics at the University diseases accounted for the overwhelming
of Washington/Oregon Health Sciences majority of PID cases.1 3 That fact raised the
University1 1 and from the Center for suspicion that STDs were also a major cause
Research on Population and Security at of PID in IUD users.
Research Triangle Park in North Carolina1 2 The 1992 report concluded that the indict-
reanalyzed the 1981 and 1983 papers. The ment of the Dalkon Shield was a mistake.
results were published in the Journal of Clinical In 1996 R. J. Beerhuizen, of the Depart-
Epidemiology and in Fertility and Sterility, ment of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Univer-
respectively. They showed that when non- sity of Ghent, Belgium, reported that PID
users of any contraceptives (as opposed to among IUD users was strongly related both to
The 1992 report nonusers of IUDs) were used as the compari- the insertion process and to the background
son group, the relative risk for all IUD users risk of sexually transmissible disease.14 In 1998
concluded that was 1.02. There actually was no risk from a report by S. L. Kimble-Haas of the Public
the indictment of IUD use among all women (including Health Service Hospital at Pine Ridge, South
the Dalkon Shield women with a history of PID who had been Dakota, noted that the stigma against IUDs
excluded from the earlier studies). That continued to sharply limit their use while
was a mistake. result reflected the substantial protective “rigid patient-selection guidelines and strict
effect against PID provided by oral contra- aseptic insertion techniques can provide safe,
ceptives and barrier methods such as IUDs. cost-effective, and highly efficacious contra-
The earlier studies had not taken this into ception for monogamous women.”15
account in reaching their findings. In 1998, in a case appealed by the Dalkon
The authors discussed a number of other Shield Claimants Trust, the U.S. Court of
relevant biases in the methodology of the Appeals for the First Circuit decided that the
WHS and the sister report that undermined trial court had erred in preventing admission
the reported findings of those studies. A fur- of evidence of the plaintiff’s STD history.1 6
ther conclusion of the new analyses was that But the ruling came too late. The FDA,

predatory lawsuits, and media hysteria had sale of risky breast implants. 19 Such TV cov- The panel’s com-
brought down a $2.5 billion company, cur- erage led a Swiss newspaper to report that pleted report pre-
tailed availability of IUDs to American medical specialists had noted the appearance
women, disrupted research and development of a new syndrome, called “media scare reac- sented no evi-
in contraception using barrier devices, and tive disorder,” a disorder of psychosomatic dence linking sili-
rewarded plaintiffs’ attorneys for this may- and psychological origin. The symptoms,
hem with $1 billion. provoked by misinformation from the
cone breast
media, went from panic to loss of confidence implants to sys-
in one’s physician.20 A congressional hearing temic diseases
The Silicone Breast Implant followed at about the same time with more
such as connec-
“$4.3 Billion Mistake” criticism of the FDA.
Thus in April 1992 FDA commissioner tive tissue disease.
Silicone breast implants are another David Kessler announced a virtual ban on sil-
example of a product driven from the market icone breast implants. That set off a head-
by the FDA and media hysteria. Commercial long rush to the courts by lawyers filing
marketing of those products in the United 10,000 suits that named Dow Corning and
States began in 1964. When the Medical other manufacturers as defendants for
Device Amendments were enacted in 1976, alleged injuries caused by implants. All the
the implants continued on the market as lawsuits were consolidated as a class action in
“grandfathered” preamendment devices.1 7 that year. Two years later a proposed $4.3 bil-
This meant that they had to be placed in one lion settlement was approved by Federal
of several categories. Class I means the prod- Judge Sam C. Pointer. Dow-Corning would
ucts are de facto safe; Class II means they are pay about $2 billion of that amount; the rest
safe and effective after review of data and would be paid by other manufacturers. One
thus can be sold; Class III means more data billion dollars of the $4.3 billion was specifi-
are needed to show them to be safe and effec- cally set aside for plaintiffs’ lawyers.
tive before sales can commence. Judge Pointer in August 1996 appointed
But the FDA waited until 1982 before an independent national science panel. The
proposing to assign breast implants to Class panel included experts in the fields of
III. It was not until 1988 that the FDA actu- immunology, epidemiology, toxicology, and
ally made that classification official. That rheumatology. The panel was charged to
meant that the manufacturers had to stop review and critique the scientific literature
sales and to submit evidence of safety and concerning a possible causal link between sil-
effectiveness of the implants not later than icone breast implants and connective tissue
July 9, 1991. diseases and related signs and symptoms as
The real problem came with a wave of law- well as immune system dysfunction. On
suits against implant manufacturer Dow- December 1, 1998, the panel’s completed
Corning. Ralph Nader’s group, Public Citizen, report presented no evidence linking silicone
entered the scene in 1988, petitioning the FDA breast implants to systemic diseases such as
to ban breast implants. Both the Nader orga- connective tissue disease.21
nization and the Association of Trial Lawyers In contrast to the FDA in America,
of America established clearinghouses to help European authorities, except in France, con-
lawyers clone promising lawsuits. The attitude tinued to allow use of silicone breast
of the lawyers and activists was “Never mind implants. The British Ministry of Health
the evidence, everyone who might be doing conducted three separate studies on breast
wrong probably is.”1 8 implant safety and exonerated the implants
The clamor intensified in December 1990 in each instance.
when the TV show Face to Face with Connie On the other hand, the British tabloids
Chung blamed the FDA for permitting the and TV talk shows emulated their American

counterparts with scare stories on the dan- as lattices to guide the body to create its own
gers of breast implants. Even the normally tissue of needed shapes and types. Such
reliable Economist ran a negatively slanted implants allow the body to restore itself; in
story, “Silicone Valediction,” on May 20, the end, 80 percent of the body part will be
1995. In response to criticism about the made of the patient’s own tissue. This work
story, its author, Peter Haynes, U.S. business marked the beginning of tissue engineering.
editor, agreed that In 1970 I founded Vitek Incorporated,
with the blessing of the hospital that housed
any article that ignored the large my laboratory, to make needed implants
number of scientific studies which from Proplast and to recycle profits back into
question the link between the research. The research resulted in 20 more
implants and auto-immune diseases patents, and, with more products, the busi-
would indeed be superficial. My orig- ness grew.
inal article . . . did indeed make the The FDA proposed approval of Proplast
point in some detail. Unfortunately, as a Class II material, subject to certain regu-
an editor in London saw fit to lations, for use as a dental device in 1980 and
remove the relevant sentences . . . in as an ear, nose, and throat device and a gen-
Vitek developed order to cut the article’s length.22 eral plastic surgery device in 1982. Final
more than 30 approval for dental applications was granted
products that The malignant triad of the FDA, plain- in 1987 and for ear, nose, and throat and gen-
tiffs’ lawyers, and the media once again eral facial plastic surgery applications in
employed brought a segment of the medical device 1988. In making those approvals, the FDA
Proplast and were industry to its knees and curtailed an impor- concluded that “the safety and effectiveness
tant patient treatment. of Proplast has been established through
used in more than long-term clinical trials.”23
100,000 patients. In the years that followed, Vitek developed
Successful use of The Case of Proplast more than 30 products that employed
Proplast and were used in more than 100,000
the products is My own struggles with the FDA, the patients. Most of those products were made
documented in media, and trial lawyers show that the sili- entirely of Proplast and were used to recon-
cone breast implant and IUD cases were not struct such body parts as chins, ears, cheek-
more than 125
exceptional but in fact illustrate major prob- bones, skull bone, and pelvic bones. Four
peer-reviewed lems that plague medical device producers. were devices in which the Proplast was lami-
publications. Attacks on the material known as Proplast nated to another substance to anchor the lat-
and products made from that material have ter in the body by tissue in-growth. Two of
meant that patients have been denied the devices were for temporomandibular, or
implants and suffered needlessly. jaw, joint implants (TMJ implants); a third
After working for six years on Teflon poly- was to replace the trapezium bone of the
mers at the Delaware research center of the thumb that allows grasping; the fourth was
Du Pont Company, I became interested in for hip joint replacement. Successful use of
the use of Teflon for biomedical implants. In the products is documented in more than
1966 I went to work at the Methodist 125 peer-reviewed publications.24
Hospital and Baylor College of Medicine,
both in Houston, and by 1968 had invented Striking at Jaw Implants
Proplast for which broad patent protection The only implant products containing
was granted in 1976. This soft, 80 percent Proplast to be targeted in multiplaintiff suits
porous material, formed with Teflon and a were those for the TMJ, particularly the
second hydrophilic (water-attracting) materi- Interpositional Implant (IPI), which was a cush-
al, could be fashioned into implants to serve ion in the joint. This joint cushion was formed

by laminating Proplast to a Teflon product. was able to obtain product liability insurance
The IPI was designed in 1982 by Dr. John Kent, since Proplast was FDA approved and was
an oral surgeon at the Louisiana State not itself subject at that time to any lawsuits.
University School of Dentistry, on the basis of As was the case with breast implants, the
seven years’ prior clinical experience with a sim- FDA delayed classifying the IPI and all other
ilar lamination sold for plastic surgery uses. The TMJ implants until 1992, four years after
FDA approved the IPI for marketing in early Vitek stopped selling them. Under the Device
1983. “You may market your device subject to Amendments of 1976 to the Food, Drug and
the general controls provisions of the Federal Cosmetic Act2 9 the FDA should have classi-
Food, Drug and Cosmetics Act . . . until such fied those products in a timely manner as
time as your device has been classified under either Class I, de facto safe; Class II, safe and
section 513.”2 5 The FDA did not make a final effective after review of data and sellable; or
classification of the IPI or other TMJ implants Class III, in need of data to show safety and
until 1992.2 6 Such delays are part of the prob- effectiveness before sales could commence.
lem with the FDA process. The FDA could have stopped sales at any
Dr. Kent designed the implant for time between 1976 and 1992 and asked for
patients whose TMJ discs had been destroyed more data. But it waited for years after the
by injury, malocclusion or jaw misalignment, devices were no longer being made or sold to
bruxism (the grinding of teeth), and some- decide that more tests were necessary.
times all three. The disc acts as a cushion for
the jaw bone to slide over as the mouth is Litigation
opened and closed. The product had the best Alleged problems with the IPI were the
success rate of the various products designed excuses for personal injury lawsuits against
to deal with this very difficult problem.2 7 Vitek beginning in 1987. The suits named
However, if underlying clinical problems multiple defendants including
such as bruxism and malocclusion were not
fixed, the implant would wear out, just as • Vitek Inc., which had manufactured
had the natural tissue. the IPI;
By late 1986 I had heard of instances of • Novamed, Inc., which had not;
the devices wearing in this manner, and I • Du Pont, which supplied the Teflon for
convened a conference of 12 surgeons who the IPI;
had reported both successes and failures. • the Methodist Hospital and Baylor
Their consensus report to the FDA and to the College of Medicine;
entire membership of the American Academy • sundry oral surgeons; A conference of
of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons found • myself as CEO of Vitek;
fault not with the implant itself but, rather, • my wife as a member of the Board of 12 surgeons
with the way some surgeons were using it or Directors of Vitek (she handled found fault not
the refusal of some patients to follow the employee payroll and health insur- with the implant
treatment plan advised by the surgeons, or ance); and
both.2 8 However, as soon as the IPI contro- • Corning Corporation and various itself but, rather,
versy among oral surgeons surfaced, I other hapless companies not connected with the way
stopped all promotion of the device, perma- with the IPI.
nently, as it turned out. In 1988, after several
some surgeons
lawsuits had been filed, I could no longer Vitek successfully defended the first two suits were using it or
obtain product liability insurance. Thus I at jury trial. The third was lost in late 1989, the refusal of
removed the IPI implant from the market. but defense lawyers advised that judicial
In 1988 I also formed a company, error would be reversed on appeal. some patients to
Novamed Inc., to manufacture non-TMJ Vitek went bankrupt in 1990 when its lia- follow the treat-
devices made of Proplast. The new company bility insurers became involved in a coverage
ment plan.

Most lawsuits dispute and stopped paying defense lawyers. • Du Pont confronted him with his own
against Du Pont The bankruptcy court negotiated a $22 mil- writings in a 1986 request to Du Pont
lion settlement of product liability insurance for funding in which he advised that
ended either in obligations for itself to administer. Because Teflon should be further investigated
summary judg- those proceeds were also to be used to defend for potential as artificial cartilage for
the officers of the company, the court issued human joints. His report made no ref-
ment or victory a stay against any suits that named my wife, erence to Charnley or Leidholdt, and he
at trial. myself, and Novamed. This served to pre- requested $400,000 to continue his
serve as much of the insurance funds as pos- work. Du Pont declined to continue the
sible for claimants against Vitek instead of funding.
having those funds eaten up in legal costs.
An indication of the problems with the lit- Du Pont won this lawsuit and scores of
igation over the IPI was seen in cases against others that went to trial—at a cost of more
Du Pont. Dr. Myron Spector, a bioengineer than $50 million. A few cases were settled for
who was retained by plaintiffs’ lawyers, gave a a standard $950 per case—an amount much
deposition in consolidated lawsuits in less than the legal cost of winning a summa-
Arizona in November 1989.3 0 He opined that ry judgment.3 2 The lawsuits hinged on mis-
Du Pont never should have sold Teflon to leading testimony by a so-called expert wit-
Vitek because of known problems with ness who had been refused research funds by
Teflon. He referred to publications of Dr. Du Pont and who might therefore have been
John Charnley in the United Kingdom and prejudiced in the case.
Dr. John Leidholdt in the United States. Most lawsuits against Du Pont ended
In the 1992 trial a Du Pont lawyer cross- either in summary judgment or victory at
examined Dr. Spector, and the following, para- trial. An analysis of several cases by the judges
phrased from the court record,3 1came to light: of the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals not
only cleared Du Pont but showed that Vitek
• Dr. Spector states he has written, in his was not negligent in developing its devices:
chapter of an encyclopedic work on
biomaterials and implants in 1982, Dr. Homsy was also aware of the
that it is too early to draw conclusions Leidholdt study as evidenced by a
about Proplast. He does not mention chapter he wrote in Biocompatibility of
the Charnley or Leidholdt reports on Clinical Implant Materials entitled
tissue reaction to Teflon published in “Biocompatibility of fluorinated
the 1960s. polymers and composites of these
• Dr. Spector goes on to say that he knew polymers.” In this chapter, Dr.
worrisome things about the Teflon in Homsy questioned the experimental
Proplast in the 1982–84 period and methods of Dr. Leidholdt by noting
these problems are the ones concern- that [Teflon] PTFE [one of the mate-
ing Teflon reported on by Charnley rials used in the devices] was used in
and Leidholdt. conjunction with dissimilar metals,
• Dr. Spector admits that Dr. Homsy, in thus potentially contributing to the
his chapter in the same 1982 encyclo- inflammation observed.
pedic work, discusses the Charnley and
Leidholt reports. He has forgotten The court found further:
about the chapter.
• Dr. Spector admits that he did not pub- The record . . . demonstrates that Dr.
lish his concerns or mention them at all Homsy’s writings were an effort to dis-
until he gave the deposition in tinguish the [Charnley and Leidholdt]
November 1989. studies, not to disregard them. His

correspondence to Du Pont and pro- problems with the federal government’s
fessional writings explicitly noted the treatment of medical device manufacturers.
experimental contrasts between his The FDA delays for years classifying or
work and that of Drs. Charnley and approving devices. If adverse publicity or law-
Leidholdt. Furthermore, Dr. Homsy suits arise concerning a product, the FDA
carefully developed means and meth- often will act against the product and its
ods to address the concerns raised in manufacturer, even if the evidence of a real
those studies in creating Vitek’s pros- problem is questionable and patients who
theses. rely on those devices suffer if the products are
pulled from the market.
The bottom line: In July 1988, following a number of IPI law-
suits, the FDA inspected the Vitek factory.
We [the Court] also believe that the This time it listed nine problems. Some
District Court wrote properly that focused on handling procedures; five con-
[Teflon] PTFE and FEP were not cerned why Vitek did not report complaints
defective in and of themselves.3 3 about products to the FDA. Vitek explained
that those cases did not result in permanent or
The Fifth, Seventh, and Ninth Circuit serious injury and that they had been reported It was clear that
Courts of Appeal found analogously for Du in published literature. That approach to such the “free market
Pont. 34 complaints was in accordance with the FDA’s in accusations”
The Baylor College of Medicine and the own criteria, set forth in its mandatory device
Methodist Hospital also were forced to reporting regulations. was located on a
defend themselves against charges that, since The FDA’s response was to inspect Vitek thoroughfare
some tests on components of the IPI had once again in March 1989. By this time Vitek
been conducted at those facilities, they were manufactured only TMJ implants. Proplast
between the FDA
negligent as well. Further, Methodist had implant manufacturing had been assumed and the plaintiffs’
licensed the manufacture of Proplast to by Novamed Inc., in order to get product lia- bar.
Vitek. Baylor and Methodist were variously bility coverage for its unblemished non-TMJ
accused of sundry failures to warn that Proplast products. The FDA continued to
Teflon was not safe to use in the body and make charges and Vitek continued to refute
was dangerous in the TMJ, even though the them. Even though the FDA admitted in its
case specifically concerned the IPI implant. responses that many of its inspectors’ allega-
Methodist Hospital’s insurers ended most tions had been appropriately answered, it
suits with a $30 million settlement.3 5 Legal would often repeat older charges.
costs likely added another $5 million to $6 In April 1990, under FDA pressure, Vitek
million to the bill. Settlement was apparent- issued a Warning Letter and Alert to sur-
ly a simple economic decision to avoid even geons and patients regarding the IPI. The
more litigation expenses. FDA’s language mirrored allegations in the
Baylor, however, refused to settle, and various identically worded IPI lawsuits now
most of the cases were dismissed in summa- arriving regularly at Vitek. It was clear that
ry judgments for the defendants at both the the “free market in accusations” was located
lower and appellate court levels. Even so, on a thoroughfare between the FDA and the
Baylor’s legal costs were substantial. plaintiffs’ bar.
In May 1990 the FDA demanded that
Vitek conduct an effectiveness check of sur-
The FDA’s War on Proplast geon awareness of the alert. Vitek complied.
In June Vitek went bankrupt because of a
The FDA’s role in the case of Proplast and product liability coverage dispute among
the TMJ and IPI implants illustrates the some of its insurers. The FDA demanded in

July that I personally undertake to ensure nesses with problems with the FDA. In a fed-
effectiveness anyway. However, the Vitek eral court in Houston it was revealed that
bankruptcy trustee had forbidden me to act this seizure had been authorized on the basis
on Vitek’s behalf. In September the FDA of an FDA affidavit swearing that Novamed
again demanded that I undertake new notifi- made the TMJ implants. In fact, Novamed
cation of Vitek’s customers and their patients had been formed explicitly to make only non-
about IPI problems, which would have vio- TMJ implant, litigation-free Proplast prod-
lated the court’s order. ucts. At the hearing on Novamed’s motion to
The FDA was not satisfied with making rescind the seizure, Novamed’s counsel stat-
certain that TMJs were not longer produced. ed these facts and counsel for the FDA made
It then targeted Proplast, one of the two com- a revealing response:
ponents in those devices, a biomaterial that
the FDA had certified as safe and effective. Your Honor, it doesn’t matter
Specifically, the FDA turned its inspection what they say about how effective the
weapons on Novamed Inc., which had been products are. It doesn’t matter what
formed in 1988 to make non-TMJ Proplast their experts say about how good
implants. After inspections in July and their company is. It only matters that
August 1990, Novamed was accused of mul- the FDA says that it’s not good.
tiple “manufacturing deviations” in the Congress gave plenary power to the
processes that had always been approved in FDA in this Act to regulate all items
the pre-1988 inspections. Many charges were of manufacture. They did not give
simply repeats of the earlier charges against any power to Dr. Homsy or any of his
Vitek that had been refuted. delegates or any of his experts, and
Unable to claim any defect in the products that is why the case is ripe for sum-
made with the same Proplast material that a mary judgement.
federal judge determined was uniformly If the FDA comes to court and
above average,3 8 the FDA claimed that the tells you under oath and gives you
entire manufacturing process for the nonde- adequate evidence to show that
fective products was itself defective. Catch-22 they’re acting as they are chartered
at work! by Congress to do, then, the Court
Two consulting firms, Shotwell & Carr, has—has really no discretion as far as
Inc., Dallas, Texas, and Kadow Associates, approving it. Review of FDA action
Ltd., Chicago, Illinois, with expertise in FDA would have to be only under the
Many charges regulatory compliance were hired by Administrative Procedure Act. So, we
Novamed to audit its plant and the FDA would—we would claim that—that
were simply inspection reports. Their report addressed they just can’t contest what we’ve
repeats of the ear- each alleged “deviation.” The FDA never done.4 0
lier charges responded to this report. The firms conclud-
ed, “It seems that the FDA has no significant Novamed’s counsel replied:
against Vitek that interest in the firm’s actual behavior and/or
had been refuted. written responses.”3 9 Your Honor, I understand that’s
Also of relevance, inspectors from the the government’s position; and it’s
United Kingdom had certified the Novamed the only position they could possibly
factory and its Proplast products for export take because they cannot support
to the UK in 1988 and again in 1989. what they have done. Mr. Longoria
In February 1991 the FDA seized the [the FDA counsel] would have you
inventory of Novamed’s plant. This action believe that the government can
meant that Novamed could not use the come in here with a false and mis-
FDA’s “ombudsman” office that helps busi- leading affidavit, get an ex-parte

order putting a company which has a Based on the foregoing we submit Throughout the
clean record out of business, and that the inspection(s) and the result- entire fiasco, sur-
that neither the company nor the ing seizure are fatally flawed.4 5
Court can do anything to stop it. geons sent letters
Moreover, throughout the entire fiasco, to the FDA prais-
The Court rescinded the seizure. But surgeons sent letters to the FDA praising the
while the judge was away for the weekend, safety and efficacy of Proplast implants for
ing the safety and
the FDA found a second judge to stay the general applications as well as in the TMJ. efficacy of
rescission. When the first judge returned he Pleas that came through members of Proplast implants
summarily lifted the stay. Congress were deflected by the FDA with the
The drama moved to Washington, D.C., argument that the matter was in the courts. for general
to a meeting with officials of FDA’s Offices The FDA was at war not just with Vitek and applications.
of Medical Devices and of Compliance and Novamed but also with surgeons and their
their lawyers. I had volunteered to attend patients. The FDA apparently paid attention
with my counsel to work out some sensible only to lawsuit allegations or other commu-
solution to the matter. While that meeting nications from the plaintiffs’ attorneys and
was in progress the FDA obtained another their clients.
stay of the rescission from the Fifth Circuit In 1995 I learned from one of the firms
Court of Appeals in New Orleans. As the that had audited the FDA’s inspections of
FDA’s lawyer acknowledged, the object of the Novamed that
seizure was to shut down Novamed.4 1
Unfortunately, a year passed before the Fifth two members of the FDA team that
Circuit decided that the federal court in “went after you” expressed their
Houston had erred in not providing eagerness not to be associated with
Novamed a quick trial. the way things worked out. I am per-
In the end the seizure was held to be legal suaded that individually most of the
on the basis of a single transgression of the people within FDA who were
FDA’s Good Manufacturers Practices guide- involved in your case recognize what
lines that did not involve the safety or effica- they have done but the agency is not
cy of the products.4 2 The judge might not capable of a retraction or even loss of
have wanted another of his decisions in the face. Individually, they feel com-
case overturned.4 3An FDA official is reported pelled to continue their position for
to have said, “We have depended on the abil- fear of the consequences if they show
ity to selectively target companies . . . and to any weakness.4 6
issue findings without fear of being second
guessed by some tinhorn judge.”4 4
The FDA had to be aware that its claims The Battle Moves Offshore
were false. Charles McConachie, a former prin-
cipal of the Department of Justice, Office of The FDA not only persecuted Proplast in
Consumer Litigation, wrote to John Fleder, the the United States, it also acted against
then-director of that office, in March 1991: Proplast products overseas. While the
Proplast issue was before courts in the
The information relied upon in United States, Novamed officials were trying
the enforcement decision [seizure of to obtain approval from European authori-
Novamed’s products the prior ties to sell various Proplast products in that
month] is flawed, fabricated, factual- market. But the FDA was able to block me
ly wrong, or based on the false from taking experimental hip implant sam-
premise that the subject observation ples to Europe for a technical meeting with a
is required in law or regulation. distributor who was sponsoring a clinical

evaluation of the implant under Dutch gov- In many patients these underlying
ernment approval. problems were not treated and lead
The reason for the meeting was to to failure of their own natural menis-
respond to the FDA’s general prohibition on cus tissue. Attempting to reconstruct
export of any company’s implants for clinical a TMJ following a meniscectomy
study abroad when they had not already with any interpositional implant sys-
received FDA approval for use in the United tem is doomed to failure if untreated
States. This bizarre policy was reversed in external articular problems are not
1993 by specific action of Congress. But in corrected. This is likened to replac-
1990 the Dutch distributor needed the sam- ing worn out parts on an overworked
ples to decide if the device could be manufac- piece of machinery. Without
tured in Europe. They were labeled “Not for attempting to reduce the work load
Clinical Use,” and their transfer was of the machine more parts will
approved by Novamed’s counsel, Hogan & require replacement with each repair
Hartson, a premier Washington, D.C, law becoming more complex.4 8
firm specializing in FDA matters. A Swiss
company, Promotus S.A., was founded by In other words, the devices could not be
The import ban Dutch and Swiss investors in large part to blamed for problems if the underlying condi-
repeated the mis- manufacture the hip implant. The wife of tions or causes were not treated. The FDA
statements of the one of the Swiss had received one of the hip knew that but still pressed its vendetta over-
implants as part of the ongoing prospective seas against Proplast.
December 1990 clinical trial. The FDA notified the World Health
Safety Alert. In February 1992 I gave up on manufac- Organization and the Swiss health authori-
turing in the United States and took employ- ties of its import ban. In his letter, Stuart L.
ment as scientific director of Promotus S.A., Nightingale of the FDA focused on “a highly
the Swiss company that was to manufacture problematic product called Proplast.”49 That
Proplast facial implants, block, and sheet. I focus was ludicrous since the FDA had issued
also continued development of a new marketing licenses for Proplast in the United
implant for hip replacement and implants States and since the product’s Class II status
for the urinary system. remained in effect. The WHO accepted the
In May 1992 the FDA placed an import FDA’s advice to issue a worldwide alert on all
ban not only on TMJ implants but also on of those products.5 0 It referenced the FDA
the unblemished Proplast facial implants, domestic Safety Alert and repeated its mis-
block, and sheet used for plastic and recon- leading language. The WHO repeated the
structive surgery. The import ban repeated same misstatements that confused the then
the misstatements of the December 1990 long-defunct IPI with other unblemished
Safety Alert.4 7 In this alert the FDA confused products, formed entirely of Proplast, used in
the IPI, of which Proplast was a component, plastic, orthopedic, and general surgery.
with all Proplast implants. Thus, the wrath of The Swiss health authorities responded
the FDA was directed away from the IPI, with a special inspection of the Swiss factory
which in any case it had approved for mar- and certified that it was in compliance with
keting, to Proplast, which it had decreed a operative international standards. But the
Class II, safe and effective, implant. WHO alert greatly damaged the Swiss com-
Interesting also, the 1990 FDA Safety pany’s business. Its attempts to correct the
Alert stated that the TMJ implants “may be WHO’s errors were unsuccessful. The WHO
associated with implant perforation, frag- stated that all it does is transmit information
mentation . . . which may result in progres- from the FDA to member states; thus, it
sive bone degeneration.” But the source cited would not question the FDA’s probity.
for this statement contained the following: In August 1995 Swiss company officials

met with FDA officials and subsequently FDA was invited to inspect the Swiss factory.
submitted to them a letter specifically identi- The director of the FDA’s Office of Science
fying their concerns about the FDA’s errors, and Technology, Donald E. Marlowe, stated
promulgated through the WHO alert, equat- that he had no problems with the implants.
ing Proplast itself with the TMJ implants. But the representative from the FDA’s
But in a January 17, 1996, letter the FDA Office of Compliance continued to reiterate
summarily rejected those complaints and the same old concerns about the IPI, which at
stated that it had grave concerns about that time had not been made for a decade,
Proplast in all product forms, again referenc- and the alleged manufacturing deviations
ing its concern about TMJ implants. The that had produced the “uncontrovertibly
FDA ominously stated that it was going to excellent Proplast products.”5 2 The FDA
rescind the American marketing licenses for dragged its feet for months on setting a date
Proplast non-TMJ products. to inspect the Swiss factory. Unable to out-
In support of the attempted rescission, last the FDA’s intransigence, the Swiss com-
the FDA presented more than 500 reports of pany went into bankruptcy in June 1999.
alleged problems with all Proplast non-TMJ Thus, the Compliance Division had settled
implants. But only 9 reports were about such the old score with Novamed for showing the
implants. The rest had to do with implants FDA’s cupidity in open court.
that did not include Proplast or were TMJ
implants, and the large majority of the latter
were made by manufacturers other than Who Is Harmed?
Vitek. The Swiss company, pointing this out
in an October 1997 letter, observed that The FDA’s efforts to drive products off
the market, with little regard for whether
the FDA has exceeded the agency’s those products are truly dangerous or not, as
statutory authority, violated the . . . well as media hysteria and predatory law-
[license] holder’s right to due suits, ultimately harm the patients who are
process, contravened the Agency’s deprived of the products.
own policy and reversed its own deci- For example, from the mid-1970s to the late
sion on substantial equivalency with 1980s oral surgeons made great strides in the
absolutely no basis in the record or use of TMJ implants. A major lesson that they
in science for doing so.5 1 had learned from years of treating patients was
that conservative treatment of TMJ dysfunc-
The FDA backed off; the marketing licens- tion was not very effective because of the com- In spite of the
es and the Class II safe and effective status plexities of the disease and patients’ difficulties
continue in force today. in complying with treatment plans. FDA’s campaign
In 1996 and 1998, respectively, in spite of In light of those facts, surgeons realized of misinforma-
the FDA’s campaign of misinformation, that the next step after failed conservative tion, Canada and
Canada and the European Union granted treatment should be replacement of the
regulatory approval for the importation of entire joint. This is analogous to what ortho- the European
Proplast products made in the Swiss factory. pedists came to understand regarding hip Union granted
And, since valid American marketing licenses dysfunction. Partial hip joint replacement
for non-TMJ Proplast products still existed, has been displaced by the total hip implant.
Swiss company representatives met with Dr. John Kent of LSU and Dr. Kevin McBride approval for the
FDA officials in October 1998 to discuss the at Vitek developed the most successful total importation of
company’s desire to sell Proplast implants in TMJ replacement.53 But the TMJ product
the United States. The regulatory summary from Vitek was removed from the market by Proplast
and labeling information required by the litigation and the FDA’s dysfunctional regu- products.
FDA were provided for public release, and the latory regime. And the threat of such actions

The ultimate against new products has discouraged med- widely used in surgical repairs and other
losers in the ical and scientific researchers in the United applications remains in jeopardy. The
States from taking the risks involved in try- Biomaterials Access Assurance Act of 1998
Proplast case are ing to improve TMJ surgical treatment.5 4 was passed to provide some protection for
the patients who Many of the Proplast products have no manufacturers against unfounded liability
comparable substitutes. Surgeons continue to claims. The law limited the liability of suppli-
are deprived of request them since the bankruptcy of the com- ers to “genuine fault” and established an
devices or panies that produced them. The Proplast- expedited procedure so that suppliers could
implants that coated hip implant, which has undergone avoid litigation and incurring heavy legal
clinical trials in the Netherlands for seven costs. But Du Pont still will not sell to
could ease their years, has proven itself to be a major advance implant manufacturers because the “genuine
suffering. over the technology available in the United fault” limitation does not, in fact, prevent
States.5 5The FDA itself approved clinical trials enormous and unrecoverable legal costs.5 8
of artificial bladders that depend on Proplast Again, the ultimate losers in the Proplast
for the tissue interface; the prospective clinical case and many other cases concerning med-
trials have been under way for several years ical devices are the patients who are deprived
with the express permission of the Urological of devices or implants that could ease their
Devices Division of the FDA.56 suffering and allow them to live more nor-
The reports that the FDA sent to the Swiss mal, comfortable lives.
company making Proplast products were
revealing. They recorded the dreadful conse-
quences of the use of total replacements The Litigation Problem
using the TMJ alternative to the Vitek prod-
uct. Today many surgeons have returned to The litigation problems faced by medical
the old procedure for joint replacement, device manufacturers should be clear from
which involves transfer of a rib. By steamrol- the Dalkon Shield, silicone breast implants,
lering Vitek, the FDA set back the care of and Proplast cases. Nicholas Wade of New
patients with severe TMJ disorders. York Times Magazine observed:
The TMJ Association, formed to advocate
patients’ needs, recently has been upset Science and law are two different sys-
because a National Institutes of Health panel tems of inquiry that diligently seek
has poured cold water on the idea of estab- truth. It is distressing enough when
lishing a registry to identify the location of they arrive at discordant answers. But
every implanted device. 57 The NIH panel in a number of recent cases (silicone
believed that such a registry was not feasible breast implants, contraceptive sper-
for reasons of logistics and the threat of liti- micide, Agent Orange, Bendectin
gation. More problematic is that the physi- morning sickness drug), courts have
cian/surgeon is the “gatekeeper” in the trans- endorsed legal theories of causation
mittal of information regarding patients. that merit credence only where the
Vitek had complete records of surgeon cus- earth is flat.5 9
tomers, and the FDA accessed those records
during inspections so patients could be con- In The Litigation Explosion, Walter Olson
tacted during the FDA’s recall and notifica- stated, “For all the many successes of
tion procedures. Of course, Vitek, as well as American society, our system of civil litiga-
Novamed, is now out of business. tion is a grotesque failure, a byword around
Many producers of materials required by the world for expense, rancor, and irrational-
implant makers, including Du Pont, discon- ity.”6 0 Peter Huber and Robert Litan suggest
tinued all sales to the permanent implant in The Liability Maze that “the uncertainty of
industry after 1993. The supply of implants the tort system is its greatest vice, magnifying

risks of liability while disconnecting them defend against the same charges in many
from unduly risky conduct.”6 1 cases, which drives up legal bills and drives
In an extensive survey of the legal profes- manufactures into bankruptcy.
sion, The Economist noted: The operation of current liability laws and
the functions of the FDA also constitute a
Japan . . . having studied the American serious contradiction in public policy. The
product liability system, thought it an FDA must certify that medical devices are
unsuitable model. “America”, says Mr. safe and efficacious. Those determinations
Hamada, a commercial law specialist, are based on years of clinical tests. And the
“believes that justice will somehow FDA tends to err on the side of conservatism,
come about through a free market in requiring more rather than less documenta-
accusation.” tion. Yet even with a government seal of
America does have the world’s approval, a manufacturer of a device can still
freest litigation market. The crucial be subject to liability lawsuits based on the
difference with other countries is charge that devices are not safe.
that juries decide cases and set dam- One way to deal with this problem would
ages. “Pain and suffering” and, to a be to return to the tried and true method of
lesser extent, punitive damages, have enforceable contracts. When competent, One way to deal
made America’s legal system at once prospective patients authorize a doctor, in with this prob-
more costly and more unpredictable. writing before a witness, to use devices certi- lem would be to
Coupled with minimally restrictive fied by the FDA for treatment, and when the
civil procedures (called “deregulated devices are implanted by a surgeon duly return to the
combat”), they create a legal struc- licensed and trained to perform the proce- tried and true
ture that practically invites abuse. dure, the law might mandate arbitration
before litigation. Surgeons, their scientific method of
The Economist concluded that and engineering colleagues, their institu- enforceable
tions, and the manufacturer could be made contracts.
discovery accounts for 60% of the time immune from a personal injury lawsuit until
and money spent on lawsuits. . . . All this arbitration among the patient’s representa-
might be acceptable if the American tive, bioengineers, physicians, scientists, and
legal system proved, in the end, to be an manufacturers concludes that malpractice by
efficient means for resolving disputes the surgeon or malfunction of the device, or
and compensating injuries. But it isn’t. both, has occurred. Further, tort law might
Of the billions of dollars paid out each be changed to place the cost of the arbitra-
year for liability, just half goes to plain- tion on the party declared to have responsi-
tiffs. The other half—or two-thirds in bility for the injury. Any party not liable
complicated cases such as asbestos— could have its costs reimbursed by the parties
pays for “transaction costs” for which held liable.
read “lawyers’ fees.”62 If no party is held liable, the plaintiff
could be required to pay for the arbitration.
Litigation can result from errors in design, The right to file a lawsuit is preserved, but at
materials, and manufacture of a medical trial the jury would be told the results of the
device or from surgical mistakes. However, in arbitration. The plaintiff would pay litiga-
the United States frivolous litigation is fos- tion costs of all parties if the jury awarded
tered by easy access to the courts, the low cost less than the sum recommended by the arbi-
of filing a lawsuit, and contingency-fee com- tration panel.
pensation with little cost penalty to the plain- This is not a new idea. When the rule of
tiff for failure to prevail. Plaintiffs’ lawyers can law was first emerging in Mesopotamia,
easily clone lawsuits, forcing manufacturers to some 4,000 years ago:

The best element of Hammurabi’s design verification and validation; labeling;
famous code was a plan to avoid liti- risk analysis; employee competence and
gation. Every case was first submit- training; complaint handling; and postmar-
ted to a public arbitrator whose duty ket surveillance. Moreover, compliance with
it was to bring about an amicable set- the directive must be demonstrated at least
tlement without recourse to law. It is yearly.
a poor civilization from which we Unlike the system in the United States,
may not learn something to improve the certification of compliance is performed
our own.63 by private firms that themselves have been
certified by the EU to perform this task.
This basic principle would help protect pro- These firms are companies long established
ducers of medical devices as well as other cit- in the field of quality assurance consultation.
izens and businesses that find themselves vic- Device manufacturers thus can choose a cer-
tims of nuisance lawsuits. tifying company with particular knowledge
of the medical problems that their devices
address. The EU mandates that at least one
Routes to Reform member of a certification team must be a
professional bioengineer with experience in
The FDA’s system for approving medical the general area of the company’s business.
devices is seriously flawed. The FDA delayed By contrast, FDA inspectors often do not
years before classifying silicone breast have expertise to match the facilities they are
implants and Proplast TMJ products. Further, certifying. Genatis S.A. (successor to
even after the FDA certifies a product for sale, Promotus S.A.), the Swiss company making
it can still harass manufacturers if it has pub- Proplast products, chose a Dutch certifica-
lic relations or institutional reasons to do so. tion firm, TNO, which had an inspector who
Part of the problem is that the FDA’s powers had been both an academic and an industri-
are broad and open to arbitrary use by vindic- al bioengineer and who had direct experience
tive agents. Thus, instead of ensuring that safe in studies with the Proplast products of the
and effective medical devices get to patients as Swiss company. There was only a limited
quickly as possible, the FDA’s approach can learning curve for that inspector.
deprive patients of such devices. TNO’s certification team made a prelimi-
The European Union, by contrast, has an nary visit to assess Genatis’s overall docu-
approach that provides at least some checks mentation of its quality system. This visit
The FDA’s system on the arbitrary power of government offi- allowed the company to make certain that it
cials. The EU maintains a set of rules for reg- had an adequate format for the necessary
for approving ulating devices in a clearly written and highly documentation and gave inspectors a chance
medical devices is specific Medical Device Directive.6 4 By con- to make suggestions on how to improve the
seriously flawed. trast, FDA guidelines often give great leeway quality system itself. The actual certification
and thus opportunities for FDA bureaucrats inspection was a thorough three-day affair.
The European to make subjective judgments. The Medical Some deficiencies in organization of the
Union has an Device Directive is based on widely accepted quality system were noted but were noncriti-
international standards and requires device cal and easily corrected, eliminating the need
approach that manufacturers to demonstrate conformity for a return inspection. Proplast implant
provides at least with its requirements for a full-quality sys- materials were certified on June 12, 1998.
some checks on tem. This covers all aspects of manufacture: Under the EU system, limited inspections
certification of raw materials; factory design; occur annually after certification and are
the arbitrary manufacturing and quality assurance proto- mainly concerned with postmarket surveil-
power of govern- cols, including periodic and timely audits lance. The specific certificate number and
both internal and by third-party consultants; logo for any approved device must be dis-
ment officials.

played on all packages of the product sold in percent of device companies with fewer than The FDA’s
an EU nation. The certificate number and 50 employees.66 This is a sharp decrease from approval regime,
logo announce that the product meets the 10 years ago.
rigorous EU standards For the device industry, and the patients threats of liability
In the case of Genatis, the cost for TNO’s who may benefit from its products, the bell is suits, and
services was a reasonable $20,000, borne by tolling; the ringing lesson of their plight is
the company itself. This cost was limited by that reform of the system is needed now.
unfounded media
the large number of positive articles on the Robert Higgs writes, horror stories
Proplast implants in publications that deal have a particular-
with several areas of medical specialty. The The FDA’s follies are precisely the
entire process was devoid of controversy or sort of actions that one expects a ly adverse effect
rancor because the requirements were clearly powerful government bureaucracy on smaller, inno-
set out as was the format for showing com- to take—self-serving, irresponsible, vative companies.
pliance. Those features greatly enhanced the heedless of injuries it causes so long
efficiency of the inspection and eliminated as they are ignored by the news
ambiguity. Subjective interpretations by the media, and vindictive against whis-
inspectors were absent, in sharp contrast to tle-blowers.6 7
my experiences with the FDA.
Until the FDA and the liability system are
changed, this sad situation will continue.
W. W. George, president of Medtronic Inc., Notes
one of the great medical device innovators, 1. Robert Higgs, “Wrecking Ball: FDA Regulation
wrote: of Medical Devices,” Cato Institute Policy
Analysis no. 235, August 7, 1995, p. 2.
Unfortunately, the U.S. is currently
2. Marcia Angell, Science on Trial—The Clash of
suffering a steady depletion of its Medical Evidence and the Law in the Breast Implant
medical technology base that has for Case (New York & London: W.W. Norton, 1997),
so long dominated the world mar- chap. 4, pp. 69–70.
ket. This trend is evident in the
3. Mary Ann Glendon, A Nation under Lawyers (New
movement of research, development York: Harper Collins, 1994), quoted in ibid., p. 70.
and manufacturing operations to
overseas locations—the end result of 4. Ibid., p. 71.
U.S. export restrictions, reimburse- 5. Ibid., p. 72.
ment policies, product liability, and,
most of all, a regulatory system that 6. FDA, Press release 74-63, December 20, 1974.
is perceived as unpredictable and
7. This section is based on S. D. Mumford and E.
unfriendly to innovation.65 Kessel, “Was the Dalkon Shield a Safe and
Effective Intrauterine Device? The Conflict
Medtronic shifted its research and develop- between Case-Control and Clinical Trial Study
ment and manufacturing operations over- Findings,” Fertility and Sterility 57 (June 1992):
seas, as have many other important medical 1151–76.
device innovators. 8. R. T. Burkman, “Association between Intra-
The FDA’s approval regime, threats of lia- uterine Device and Pelvic Inflammatory Disease,”
bility suits, and unfounded media horror sto- Obstetrics and Gynecology 57 (1981): 269–76.
ries have a particularly adverse effect on 9. N. C. Lee et al., “Type of Intrauterine Device
smaller, innovative companies. A Standard and Risk of Pelvic Inflammatory Disease,”
and Poor’s database recently showed only 2.8 Obstetrics and Gynecology 62 (1983): 1–6.

10. “Birth Control Device, Court Case Nears Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 80 (1987): 377–46;
End,” Financial Times, December 17, 1999. J. N. Kent, R. L. Westfall, and D. M. Carlton, “Chin
and Zygomaticomaxillary Augmentation with
11. R. A. Kronmal, C. W. Whitney, and S. D. Proplast, Long-term follow-up,” Journal of Oral
Mumford, “The Intrauterine Device and Pelvic In- Surgery 39 (1981): 912–19; H. W. Hörl, M. Klöppel,
flammatory Disease: The Women’s Health Study and E. Biemer, “Prefabricated Free Flaps with
Reanalyzed,” Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 44 Vascularized Polytetrafluoroeth-ylene (Proplast
(1991): 109–22. II),” European Journal of Plastic Surgery 17 (1994):
144–50; F. B. Kessler et al., “Proplast Stabilized
12. Mumford and Kessel. Stemless Trapezium Implant,” Journal of Hand
Surgery 9A (1984): 227–31; G. G. M. Keet and W. C.
13. R. M. Pitkin, “The Return of the IUD,” Runne, “The Anaform Femoral Endprosthesis: A
Obstetrics and Gynecology 72 (1988): 119. See also Proplast Coated Femoral Endoprosthesis,”
D. L. Sackett, R. B. Haynes, and P. Tugwell, Clinical Orthopedics 12 (1989): 1185–90; D. P. Griffith and
Epidemiology: A Basic Science for Clinical Medicine M. J. Gleeson, “The Prosthetic Bladder—Perhaps
(Boston: Little Brown, 1985). the Technology Has Arrived,” Scandinavian Journal
of Urology and Nephrology, Supplement, 142 (1992):
14. R. J. Beerhuizen, “Pelvic Inflammatory Disease 109–22; R. P. Clark et al., “Closure of Dural
in Intrauterine Device Users,” European Journal of Defects with Proplast,” Annals of Otology 5 (1984):
Contraception and Reproductive Health Care 1, no. 3 179–82; and R. W. Neuhaus, B. Greider, and H. I.
(1996): 237–43. Baylis, “Enucleation with Implantation of a
Proplast Sphere,” Ophthamology 91 (1984): 494–96.
15. S. L. Kimble-Haas, “The Intrauterine Device:
Dispelling the Myths,” Nurse Practitioner 23, no. 11 25. FDA, Office of Medical Devices, Letter to
(1998): 58, 63–69, 73. Charles A. Homsy, March 23, 1983.
16. Anita Baker v. Dalkon Shield Claimants Trust, Appeal 26. Federal Register 21 (April 1, 1992): 317.
from the United States District Court for District of
Massachusetts, No. 98-1214, to the U.S. Court of 27. L. N. Estabrooks et al., “A Retrospective
Appeals for the First Circuit, Evaluation of 301 TMJ Proplast-Teflon
1circuit/sept98/9811214.01a.html. Implants,” Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, and Oral
Pathology 70 (1990): 381–86.
17. 90 U.S.C. § 539 (May 28, 1976). In the statute,
the powers to regulate medical devices (implants) 28. “Dear Doctor” letter from Vitek, Inc., to all
are vested in the secretary of health, education, members of the American Academy of Oral and
and welfare. In practice, the powers are delegated Maxillofacial Surgeons, July 31, 1987.
to the secretary’s subordinate, the commissioner
of food and drugs, who heads the FDA. In both 29. See 90 U.S.C. §539.
cases, the powers are vested in persons selected by
the executive branch of our government. Thus, 30. C. Bennett, D. Collins, et al. v. Du Pont, Consolidated
Congress (i.e., the people) immediately looses cases Nos. 241189, 242272, 244377, 247830, 245695,
direct control of the agency that it has created. 257137, 254353, 226189. Superior Court of the State
of Arizona, County of Pima, November 29, 1989.
18. Angell, pp. 156–57.
31. D. Collins v. E.I. du Pont de Nemours Inc., Case C-
19. Face to face with Connie Chung, December 10, 244377, Superior Court of the State of Arizona,
1990, transcript available from Burrelle’s County of Pima, September 18, 1992. Case select-
Information Services. ed to represent all consolidated cases.

20. Tribune de Genève, March 31, 1994 32. “A Discovery by Du Pont: Hidden Costs of
Winning, The Teflon Maker Has Won Summary
21. Richard Tomkins, “Implants ‘Not Linked to Judgement in 47 Jaw Implant Suits—-and Learned
Illness,’” Financial Times, December 2, 1998. It’s Too Risky to Be a Supplier,” Business Week,
March 27, 1995. Ross Schmucki, attorney for Du
22. Peter Haynes, Letter to Charles Homsy, June Pont, said that he did not foresee the company’s
12, 1995. selling Teflon to the medical implant industry for
fear that a relationship once again would make it
23. Federal Register 47, no 12 (January 19, 1982): 2818. part of the litigation chain.
24. Some of those are L. A. Whitaker, “Aesthetic 33. D. Jacobs et al. v. E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co.,
Augmentation of the Malar-Midface Structures,” U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit (file

95a0312p.06), October 19, 1995, http://www. 44. Higgs, “Wrecking Ball,” p. 24.
45. Charles R. McConachie, Letter to John Fleder,
34. Opinion of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the March 18, 1991.
Ninth Circuit in Kealoha v. Du Pont et al. and Wolfe v.
Vitek et al., May 3, 1996, Fed- 46. Thomas K. Shotwell, president of Shotwell &
Ct/9th/opinions/9415688.htm; and Opinion of the Carr Inc., Letter Charles Homsy, June 14, 1995.
U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit in
Styke v. Du Pont, November 18, 1994, http:// 47. “Serious Problems with Proplast-coated TMJ html. implant,” FDA Safety Alert, December 28, 1990.

35. “Methodist Will Pay $30 Million to Settle Jaw 48. K. L. Westlund, “An Evaluation Using
Implant Claims,” Houston Chronicle, May 4, 1995. Computerized Tomography of Clinically
Asymptomatic Patients following Menisectomy
36. Federal Register 47, no 12 (January 19, 1982): and Temporomandibular Joint Reconstruction
2818. Using the Proplast-Teflon Interpositional
Implant” (Thesis, University of Iowa, May 1989).
37. FDA, Certificate of Products for Export,
signed by Ann Holt, associate director of compli- 49. Stuart Nightingale, M.D., associate commis-
ance, May 26, 1988. sioner for health affairs, FDA, Letter to John H.
Dunne, M.D., director, Division of Drug Manage-
38. “Uncontroverted evidence was presented by ment and Policy, World Health Organization,
physician consumers of the devices in question September 10, 1993.
that the products manufactured by Novamed
and OSMI were above average products which 50. World Health Organization, “Temporo-
failed at a lower rate than other similar products.” mandibular Implants (Proplast®): Warning
Finding of fact, U.S. v. Novamed, Case H-91-610, Concerning Implant Failure,” Alert no. 41, January
U.S. District Court for the Southern District of 28, 1994. The title mimicked the FDA’s language.
Texas, February 1992. In spite of this finding the
judge felt that the medical device statute gave the 51. George M. Burditt, counsel for the Swiss compa-
FDA the right to seize the products of a company ny, Letter to Philip J. Phillips, deputy director, Office
for only a single alleged violation of the Good of Device Evaluation, FDA, October 30, 1997.
Manufacturing Guidelines. Those guidelines per-
mit an inspector to find infractions where there is 52. See Higgs, “Wrecking Ball,” p. 24.
only a difference in opinion and are therefore
open to easy abuse. 53. K. MacBride, “Total Temporomandibular
Joint Reconstruction,” in Modern Practices in
39. Shotwell & Carr, Inc., and Kadow Associates, Orthognathic and Reconstructive Surgery, ed. W. H.
Ltd., Letter to Novamed Inc., May 24, 1991. Bell (Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders, 1992), chap.
27, pp. 736–828.
40. Emergency Motion to Rescind Order and
Warrant for Arrest, Request for Temporary 54. C. A. Homsy, Letter to the editor, Chemical &
Restraining Order and Request for Preliminary Engineering News, April 3, 2000.
Injunction, U.S. v. Oral Surgery Marketing and
Novamed Inc., No H-91-610, U.S. District Court 55. G. G. V. Keet and W. C. Runne, “The Anaform
for the Southern District of Texas, Houston Femoral Endoprosthesis. A Proplast Coated
Division, March 11 1991, transcript of proceed- Femoral Endoprosthesis,” Orthopedics 12 (1989):
ings before the Honorable David Hittner, March 1185–90. See also W. C. Runne et al., “Mechanical
13, 1991. and Histological Analysis of Cementless Femoral
Endoprosthesis with a Soft Interface,” Abstracts
41. “Our action in seizing everything has, in of Case Reports of Retrieved Specimens, 11th
effect, according to what they said, shut them Annual Symposium of the International Society
down.” Ibid. for Technology in Arthroplasty, Marseille, France.
42. U.S. v. Novamed, Case H-91-610, U.S. District
Court for the Southern District of Texas, 56. D. P. Griffith and M. J. Gleeson “The Prosthetic
February 7, 1992, Defendants’ Proposed Findings Urinary Bladder,” in The Bladder (New York:
of Fact and Conclusions of Law. Churchill Livingstone, 1995), pp. 475–92. See also
C. A. Homsy, “Soft Porous PTFE-Composite
43. L. G. Marshall, counsel to Novamed, personal Alloplasts: Tissue Bonding Characteristics,” Journal
communication, April 1992. of Endourology 14, no. 1 (February 2000): 25–32.

57. “Disappointment for Victims of Failed (Washington: Brookings Institution, 1991), p. 21.
Implants,” Chemical and Engineering News,
February 28, 2000. 62. “Survey: The Legal Profession,” The Economist,
July 18, 1992, pp. 8, 11.
58. “Biomaterials Supply Remains Tight,”
Chemical and Engineering News, September 13, 63. W. Durant, Our Oriental Heritage, part 1 of The
1999. According to attorney Schmucki of Du Story of Civilization (New York: Simon and
Pont, the law limiting the liability of suppliers to Schuster, 1954), chap. 7, p. 127.
genuine fault does not solve the underlying prob-
lem: the enormous and unrecoverable costs of 64. European Economic Community, Council
legal transactions. It costs to file dismissal Directive 93/42/EEC, June 14, 1993, concerning
motions and defend appeals for years. That cost medical devices.
alone “is sufficient to deter a company.”
65. W. W. George, “Medical Technology and
59. N. Wade, “Method and Madness, Trials and Competitiveness in the World Market: Reinvent-
Errors,” New York Times Magazine, July 24, 1994. ing the Environment of Innovation,” Journal of
Applied Biomaterials 6 (1995): 147.
60. W. K. Olson, The Litigation Explosion, What
Happened When America Unleashed the Lawsuit (New 66. Standard & Poor’s database, Rice University
York: Truman Talley, 1992), p. 339. Business Information Center, February 10, 2000.

61. P. W. Huber and R. E. Litan, eds., The Liability Maze: 67. Robert Higgs, “An FDA Fable,” Reason,
The Impact of Liability Law on Safety and Innovation October 1994.

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