Energy Alarmism: The Myths That Make Americans Worry About Oil, Cato Policy Analysis No. 589

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589 April 5, 2007

Energy Alarmism
The Myths That Make Americans Worry about Oil
by Eugene Gholz and Daryl G. Press

Executive Summary

Many Americans have lost confidence in their or military policy. Peak oil predictions about the
countrys energy security over the past several impending decline in global rates of oil production
years. Because the United States is a net oil are based on scant evidence and dubious models of
importer, and a substantial one at that, concerns how the oil market responds to scarcity. In fact,
about energy security naturally raise foreign policy even though oil supplies will increasingly come
questions. Some foreign policy analysts fear that from unstable regions, investment to reduce the
dwindling global oil reserves are increasingly con- costs of finding and extracting oil is a better
centrated in politically unstable regions, and they response to that political instability than trying to
call for increased U.S. efforts to stabilizeor, alter- fix the political problems of faraway countries.
natively, democratizethe politically tumultuous Furthermore, Chinese efforts to lock up supplies
oil-producing regions. Others allege that China is with long-term contracts will at worst be econom-
pursuing a strategy to lock up the worlds ically neutral for the United States and may even be
remaining oil supplies through long-term pur- advantageous. The main danger stemming from
chase agreements and aggressive diplomacy, so Chinas energy policy is that current U.S. fears may
they counsel that the United States outmaneuver become a self-fulfilling prophecy of Sino-U.S. con-
Beijing in the geopolitics of oil. Finally, many flict. Finally, political instability in the Persian Gulf
analysts suggest that even the normal political poses surprisingly few energy security dangers, and
disruptions that occasionally occur in oil-produc- U.S. military presence there actually exacerbates
ing regions (e.g., occasional wars and revolutions) problems rather than helps to solve them.
hurt Americans by disrupting supply and creating Our overarching message is simply that market
price spikes. U.S. military forces, those analysts forces, modified by the cartel behavior of OPEC,
claim, are needed to enhance peace and stability in determine most of the key factors that affect oil
crucial oil-producing regions, particularly the supply and prices. The United States does not need
Persian Gulf. to be militarily active or confrontational to allow
Each of those fears about oil supplies is exag- the oil market to function, to allow oil to get to
gerated, and none should be a focus of U.S. foreign consumers, or to ensure access in coming decades.

Eugene Gholz is assistant professor of public affairs at the LBJ School of Public Affairs at the University of Texas at
Austin. Daryl G. Press is associate professor of government at Dartmouth University.
U.S. oil interests price spikes. U.S. military forces, those analysts
do not require the Introduction claim, are needed to enhance peace and stabil-
ity in crucial oil-producing regions, particular-
United States to Many Americans have lost confidence in ly the Persian Gulf.
spread democracy their countrys energy security over the past Each of those fears about oil supplies is
several years. Oil prices were already high by exaggerated. Peak oil predictions about the
across the Persian historic standards in 2005 when Hurricane impending decline in global rates of oil pro-
Gulf, confront Katrina ravaged the Gulf Coast and temporar- duction are based on scant evidence and dubi-
China, or even ily shut down the refineries, pipelines, and ous models of how the oil market responds to
offload terminals at the large Gulf Coast port scarcity. In fact, even though oil supplies will
maintain a peace- complex, highlighting the apparent vulnera- increasingly come from unstable regions, the
time military bility of U.S. oil infrastructure. Furthermore, ongoing investments designed to reduce the
presence in the growing chaos in Iraq reminds Americans of costs of finding and extracting oil are a more
their countrys limited ability to control events effective response to that political instability
Persian Gulf. in the oil-rich Persian Gulf region. Finally, the than trying to fix the political problems of far-
reliability of even Americas domestic oil sup- away countries. Furthermore, fears of China
plies was called into question last year when are also overstated. Chinese efforts to lock up
poor maintenance temporarily closed the supplies with long-term contracts will at worst
pipelines that carry oil from Alaska to the con- be economically neutral for the United States
tiguous 48 states. That a foreign company and may even be advantageous. The main dan-
(British Petroleum) manages the Alaska ger stemming from Chinas energy policy is
pipeline only reinforced the overarching feel- that current U.S. fears may create a self-fulfill-
ing that the United States has little control ing prophecy of Sino-U.S. conflict. Finally,
over the energy supplies it vitally needs. political instability in the Persian Gulf poses
Because the United States is a net oil surprisingly few energy security dangers, and
importer, and a substantial one at that, con- the U.S. military presence there actually exac-
cerns about energy security naturally raise for- erbates problems rather than helps to solve
eign policy questions. One set of arguments is them.
based on fears about dwindling global oil Those arguments do not mean that the
reserves and their increasing concentration in United States can ignore energy concerns.
politically unstable regions. Those so-called Global demand for energy is soaring and
peak oil concerns have led some foreign policy shows no sign of relenting. Furthermore, oil
analysts to call for increased U.S. efforts to sta- supplies, though currently abundant, will
bilizeor, alternatively, democratizethe eventually begin to run low, and the world will
politically tumultuous oil-producing regions. eventually need to develop other energy
A second concern focuses on the rise of China sources. But neither of those problems
and Beijings alleged strategy for locking up requires the sort of activist military policies
the worlds remaining oil supplies through that many foreign policy analysts suggest:
long-term purchase agreements and aggres- specifically, U.S. oil interests do not require the
sive diplomacy. According to some analysts, United States to spread democracy across the
the United States must respond to Chinas Persian Gulf, confront China, or even main-
energy policy, outmaneuvering Beijing in the tain a peacetime military presence in the
geopolitics of oil, or else U.S. consumers will Persian Gulf.
find themselves shut out from global energy The arguments in this paper do not rest on
markets. Finally, many analysts suggest that the (unreasonable) assumption that countries
even the normal political disruptions that always act rationally, or that profit motives
occasionally occur in oil-producing regions always determine foreign policy choices.1 Our
(e.g., occasional wars and revolutions) hurt overarching message is simply that market
Americans by disrupting supply and creating forces, modified by the cartel behavior of

OPEC, determine most of the key factors that sive they are to discover and tap. But geology
affect oil supply and prices. The United States merely creates the playing field for oil explo-
does not need to be militarily active or con- ration and extraction. The amount of oil that
frontational to allow the oil market to func- can actually be produced at any given time,
tion, to allow oil to get to consumers, and to that is, extracted from the ground, transport-
ensure access in coming decades. ed to refineries, refined, and then transported
in various forms to end users, depends on how
much money oil companies have invested in a
How Oil Markets Work given field.
Prices drive fluctuations in oil supply.
Oil markets appear more mysterious than High prices encourage producers to pump
they are. The details of the oil business are very their working fields at a higher rate to maxi-
complex (e.g., the various grades of oil, the mize profits before prices drop; lower prices
complex contracts used to buy oil and hedge lead them to reduce production. And compa-
against volatility, and the benchmarks that are nies with large inventories of oil generally
used to negotiate prices), but few of those respond to high prices by selling their stocks,
details matter for a discussion of the links unless they expect prices to rise even higher
between oil and foreign policy. Oil companies in the future. Price troughs encourage them
Oil markets
care about those details because they are try- to hold (or expand) their inventories, reduc- appear more
ing to earn a profit on each individual con- ing supply in the short term. mysterious than
tract, but national policy depends only on the Similarly, expectations about future petro-
general availability and overall price of oil. leum prices shape long-term trends in oil sup- they are.
Because of the markets complexity, media ply. Oil companies, some of which are owned
accounts often suggest that oil markets move by the governments of countries with large
without a clear connection to economic fun- reserves, decide how much to invest in explo-
damentals and that irrational fears or the ration, new extraction technologies, and refin-
actions of shadowy governments drive price ing and transportation infrastructure and
and product availability. Although con- whether to pay large up-front costs to tap dif-
sumers fears and suppliers political decisions ficult-to-reach fields (such as those under
surely matter, their effects can be understood deep water). Those major decisions, far more
within a fairly traditional market framework. than geologic constraints, determine how
Two main processes determine oil prices: (1) much oil can be produced in the coming
the forces of supply and demand and (2) con- decades.2 And in the oil industry like all others,
straints on those forces created by political investment decisions are driven by expecta-
risk and cartel behavior. tions about future prices: if the companies
expect oil prices to be high, they will invest
Market Forces more heavily today since the enormous up-
Geologic features determine the location front expenditures will be recouped by high
and quantity of oil deposits, but they do not per barrel prices in the future.3 But if they
determine oil supply in any meaningful expect prices to be low, they will trim invest-
sense. Supply depends on the difficulty (and ment, reducing future supplies.4
hence cost) of oil exploration and production Oil prices do not merely affect oil supply;
and on companies economic decisions about they also play a key role in determining global
how much money to spend looking for new demand. In the short term, demand does not
oil fields, developing pumping capacity from change much in response to price fluctuations.
the fields they find, and filling pipelines with People need to drive to work and heat their
oil. In any given region, geologic factors, such houses even if oil prices soar, so they tend to
as the porosity of the rock, determine whether cut expenses elsewhere rather than go without
meaningful oil deposits exist and how expen- oil. But higher prices still reduce long-term

demand: as prices increase, companies spend rorists destroy key equipment, or will a war
money on more efficient equipment and pro- disrupt the flow of oil to markets? In essence,
duction processes, and individuals buy more companies explore and drill less intensively
efficient cars and improve the insulation in in unstable regions than they would other-
their houses. Finally, high prices spur invest- wise because the expected costs due to politi-
ment in equipment that uses nonpetroleum cal risks must be added to the purely eco-
energy sources, reducing the demand for oil. nomic costs. Companies must expect oil
Although rising prices generally dampen prices to rise by an extra margin before they
demand, in the short term climbing prices are willing to invest in volatile regions.
may actually spark additional demand. If the Oil companies understand political risk;
factors pushing up prices seem likely to con- they have made their profits by dealing with
tinue, then consumers, brokers, and produc- political risk for their entire history.7 The big
ers may decide to fill their inventories so that corporations manage portfolios of invest-
they can profit from the even higher price ments in different parts of the world, increas-
they expect in the future. Such speculation is ing the likelihood that at least one of their
the principal mechanism at work when fears investments will be affected by political
of war or political instability drive up oil events at any given time but reducing the
prices.5 But this dynamic occurs only in the probability that a substantial fraction of
short term: eventually inventories become their oil revenue will be disrupted all at once.
full or the price rises sufficiently that specu- Because oil companies investments account
lators start to sell their inventories. Demand for a baseline level of political risk, that base-
returns to a level commensurate with actual line is built into the overall level of todays
consumption, and the price is temporarily available oil supply.8 But in especially lucky
depressed because the market draws supply times when little goes wrong politically, an
both from ongoing extraction and from the unexpectedly high level of oil will be available
excess inventory. Day-to-day prices may on world markets, and oil prices may fall;
bounce around quite a bit as consumption, conversely, in especially unlucky times, oil
extraction, and inventory strategies adjust, prices may temporarily rise.
but that volatility is centered on a price level Market adaptations to risk are slightly
determined by real supply and demand.6 more complex than implied by this picture of
The overall point is that the oil market has portfolio management. A decision by a
its idiosyncrasies and arcane details, but it gen- nationalist or populist government to raise
erally functions like other markets: Rising taxes on oil extraction or to take over an oil
prices increase supply, stimulate investment, field will not always disrupt supplies much,
and reduce demand. Price fluctuations match because the oil firm may still continue to
up the amount of supply on the market at any pump despite the higher taxes, and presum-
given time with the amount of demand, such ably a government that seizes a field does so
that there are no gaps between supply and with plans to sell the oil. As a result, short-
Oil companies demand on a day-to-day basis. term world oil supply will not change much in
this scenario.9 However, the risk of national-
understand Political Risk and Cartels ization or ex post facto renegotiation of fees
political risk; they Market forces shape oil prices, but they do and taxes depresses investment by interna-
have made their not act alone. More than in most other tional oil firms, so an increase in the estimated
industries, political risk tempers companies level of that risk can have a significant effect
profits by dealing enthusiasm for making expensive invest- on investment and medium-term supply.10
with political risk ments because many oil-producing regions Similarly, any increase in the expected fre-
are politically volatile. Will local governments quency of physical disruptions at oil facilities,
for their entire nationalize companies investments or raise such as those caused by terrorist attacks or
history. taxes and fees for future extraction? Will ter- wars, will depress investment levels.11

In sum, political risk affects the overall and market conditions in the OPEC member Like political
level and geographic location of investments states determine how much each country will risk, cartel
in the oil industry, but it does not change the sacrifice for future gains.18 Each time the
fundamental supply dynamic: The quantity global oil supply-and-demand situation behavior does
of oil available today depends on the invest- changes, OPEC members have to adjust their not change the
ment decisions made in previous decades. cartel agreement. Given that before the dis-
Future levels of supply hinge on current ruption the cartel was at least somewhat
investments. effective at increasing profits above the nor- importance of
Supply disruptions and political risk are mal competitive level, most disruptions supply and
not the only necessary adjustments to the basic should hinder cartel cohesion.19 Each market
supply-demand framework in oil markets. The disruption is an opportunity for intracartel demand in oil
worlds major oil exporters have formed a car- conflict, hence an opportunity for the markets.
tel, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting amount of oil flowing onto world markets to
Countries, to try to affect prices by controlling increase compared to the level that OPEC
supply. The cartel members negotiate agree- had preferred to offer in the past.
ments to mute the normal, competitive market Like political risk, cartel behavior does not
pressure to produce up to the point where change the underlying importance of supply
price equals marginal cost.12 and demand in oil markets. Political risk and
Although the logic is simple, making a car- cartel behavior merely modify the expected
tel work is difficult. First, even monopolists responses across the oil industry to price
are uncertain about the actual strength of changes and to political shocks. Overall, the
demand for their product, and OPEC mem- framework we have described above for under-
bers often disagree about how much to restrict standing the oil industry allows us to assess the
supply.13 They also often disagree about how likely effects of important trendsincluding
much production to expect from countries the possibility of peak oil, Chinas new energy
that are not members of the cartel.14 Second, policy activism, and instability in the Middle
even if the members can agree about the ideal Easton the prices that Americans pay, and
level of production, they have to allocate mar- that analysis should inform Americas foreign
ket shares among themselves. Huge sums of policy.
money are at stake in this zero-sum negotia-
tion; not surprisingly, agreements are often
hard to reach.15 Finally, even when OPEC The Perils of Peak Oil
members completely agree about total pro-
duction and the allocation of production quo- In the past decade, the authors of several
tas, each has a short-term interest in cheating, widely read books and articles have raised
because each producer can increase its own alarms about the quantity of the worlds
profit by exceeding its quota.16 remaining oil reserves. According to the peak
OPECs difficulty managing oil supply oil hypothesis, the world has recently passed
varies depending on political and market an ominous milestone: half of the recoverable
conditions. If investment and production oil has already been consumed, and the rate of
patterns or political events change the num- global oil production has therefore begun, or
ber of key players in the OPEC negotiations, will soon begin, an irreversible decline.20 The
the cartel management task will change, too. implication, according to proponents of that
Agreements are easier to reach and cheating hypothesis, is that in the coming decades oil
is easier to detect and punish if fewer players prices will soar as supplies dwindle and
are involved.17 Moreover, cartels work better demand grows.21 Some observers argue that
when the members are willing to sacrifice the United States should use foreign policy
some of todays profits for the long-term tools to ensure access to the American share
benefits of a strong cartel, and the political of oil supplies in that difficult environment;22

others ominously warn that it is exactly that investment in exploration and development of
sort of mercantilism, which they view as an oil fields, which could increase prices.29
inevitable consequence of passing the oil sup- Moreover, the pessimists argue, unstable future
ply peak, that will draw the United States into oil production could leave the United States
resource wars.23 vulnerable to sudden supply shocks.30
The pessimistic claims about peaking oil Concern about the effect of peak oil on the
supplies should be treated with skepticism. geographic concentration of oil supplies has led
For decades, analysts have argued that oil sup- foreign policy analysts to advocate costly poli-
plies were dwindling and that the peak rate of cies to attempt to mitigate the instability in key
production would soon been reached. In fact, oil-producing regions. One proposal is for the
the most eminent advocate of that argument United States to do more to police the Persian
today once predicted that the global produc- Gulf and the oil-producing regions of Central
tion peak would occur in 1989, but since then Asia.31 More ambitious policies would aim at
global crude oil production has grown by 23 directly addressing the underlying political
percent, and oil supply (crude oil and other instability. Traditional realpolitik logic might
petroleum liquids) has grown by more than 28 suggest that the United States should support
percent.24 More telling, the worlds ultimately authoritarian leaders in oil-producing regions
The pessimistic recoverable resources (URR) have been growing and even help them to quash unrest, although
claims about over time, largely because many fields contain that option is rarely expressed openly.32
peaking oil substantially more oil than was originally Alternatively, the United States could sacrifice
believed.25 the short-term stability provided by regional
supplies should One reason URR are growing despite the dictators in the hope that robust U.S. democra-
be treated with worlds continuing consumption of oil is that cy-promotion efforts might enable peaceful
improved technology has allowed a far greater democratic regimes to provide long-term stabil-
skepticism. fraction of reserves to be extracted from oil ity.33 All three strategies are based on the view
fields. In 1980 only 22 percent of the oil in the that the growing concentration of the worlds
average field was recoverable, but with better oil reserves in unstable regions requires an
extraction technology average recovery is now enhanced U.S. effort to reduce that instability.
up to 35 percent, effectively increasing URR by Those foreign policy prescriptions for
more than 50 percent. The results of the grow- responding to instability in oil-producing
ing URR and recovery rate are striking: in 1972 regions are unnecessary and unwise.34 If oil
the life-index of global oil reserves, the production becomes increasingly concentrat-
length of time that known reserves could sup- ed in politically unstable regions, suppress-
port the current rate of production, was 35 ing investment in the oil industry (raising
years; in 2003, after 31 more years of accelerat- prices) and increasing the frequency of sup-
ing oil extraction, the life index stood at 40 ply disruptions (also raising prices), then pos-
years.26 In short, no one knows how much oil sible policy responses should be evaluated on
is ultimately recoverable from the earth, but the basis of their ability to enhance supply
there is no compelling evidence that reserves and reduce price. Using that metric, invest-
are running out or that production is near the ments in oil exploration and extraction tech-
peak.27 nologies are far more attractive than foreign
Although the simplest version of the peak policies that support dictators or attempt to
oil hypothesis exaggerates the likelihood of police or democratize violent regions.
impending oil shortages, there is a subtler cause Oil industry research and development has
for concern that has some merit: the worlds a good track record for increasing oil supplies.
remaining oil supplies are increasingly concen- Decades of investment in exploration technol-
trated in politically unstable regions, particular- ogy have made it easier to find deposits, and
ly the Persian Gulf and Central Asia.28 Fears of improvements in extraction technologies have
instability in those regions could suppress made it possible (and economically feasible) to

recover oil from locations that were once inac- are tricked into settling scores, which esca-
cessible, such as under deep water. Improved lates instability instead of ameliorating it.39
extraction technology has also increased the Efforts to democratize countries or regions
fraction of the oil that can be recovered from are also a dubious solution. The level of diffi-
fields. As a result, the average finding and culty the United States has faced in Iraq is typ-
development cost of a barrel of oil (adjusted ical. In fact, the United States has led 17 efforts
for inflation) plummeted from $21 in at democratic nation building since 1900. Two
197981 to $6 in 199799.35 The steady of those cases, Iraq and Afghanistan, are still
stream of technological innovation in the oil under way, though neither appears promising.
industry explains why URR has grown over Of the other 15 cases, only 4 resulted in democ-
the past half century. racies lasting 10 years or longer.40 The current
In contrast, past efforts to increase stability 27 percent success rate will drop if Iraq and
in oil-producing areas by supporting dictators, Afghanistan continue to spiral downward.
policing violent regions, or spreading democ- Meanwhile, the democratization process itself
racy have a dubious track record. Supporting may increase instability that interferes with the
dictators requires paying large ethical costs up flow of oil, and even a successful democratiza-
front in the hope that those dictators will tion would not promise a smooth flow of oil: a
retain power and keep the oil flowing. Weighed democratic oil exporter might well find it in its
against those guaranteed costs, the alleged national interest to cooperate with OPEC to
benefit of supporting dictators is a gamble. keep the price of oil high.
The dictator might lose power anyway, or The difficulty of creating stability in oil-
rebels might disrupt the flow of oil despite producing regions is even more striking when
American support for the dictator. Even if the compared with the relative ease with which
dictator does stay in power, the United States the market deals with instability and political
might need him more than he needs the risk. Oil companies have access to the normal
United States, meaning that U.S. aid would array of tools to protect their investments:
free him to cooperate with OPEC to raise oil diversification and insurance. For example,
prices. If, on the other hand, revolutionaries because political risk in the Persian Gulf is rel-
seize power, they will blame the United States atively high, oil companies wisely diversify
for the atrocities they suffered under the old their investments across the region as well as
regime. The United States still pays for its role in other oil-producing parts of the world;
in returning the shah of Iran to power in 1953 through diversification they reduce the proba-
and for supporting his brutal government for bility that violence or unrest will shut down all
decades.36 The close American relationship their profitable operations, and they can pay Past efforts to
with the Saudi royal family, accepting the for the expected costs of localized shutdowns increase stability
regimes authoritarian side, has probably con- with their worldwide revenues. Furthermore, a
tributed to virulent anti-American Islamic rad- temporary spike in prices following a supply in oil-producing
icalism, too.37 disruption in one oil producer increases the areas by
Policing the oil-producing regions using value of undisrupted oil investments, giving
U.S. military force is an even more suspect oil firms an especially strong incentive to
strategy. Policing missions are expensive diversify their investments globally. Finally, oil dictators,
because they require enormous force deploy- companies can simply take the standard step policing violent
ments, which typically number 1 percent of for dealing with low-probability, bad-outcome
the policed population.38 Furthermore, effec- events: purchase insurance. Insurance and regions, or
tively policing unfamiliar countries is espe- diversification allow firms to cope with the spreading democ-
cially difficult, because local groups often effects of instability and to maintain a normal racy have a
embroil the outside power in their complex rate of investment.
ethnic, religious, regional, and personal In sum, the simple peak oil argument that dubious track
antagonisms. Too often third-party police suggests that the world is running out of oil is record.

Fears about the unconvincing; oil will remain the foundation of leap into the oil exploration and extraction
implications of the global economy for decades to come. As business will either be economically neutral
demand for energy continues to increase, oil for the United States or, if Chinese invest-
Chinas energy prices will likely rise in the long term, increasing ments increase aggregate global supplies, pos-
policy are greatly incentives for new oil exploration, technology sibly advantageous to the U.S. economy.
development, energy efficiency, and research on Chinas soaring demand for energy, and its
exaggerated. alternative energy sources. Meanwhile, concen- implication for global oil prices, will adversely
tration of oil production in unstable regions affect the United States and all other oil con-
does pose a certain danger, but market process- sumers (just as our consumption of oil also
es, including diversification of sources of sup- drives up prices). But there is little to fear from
ply and investment to reduce the economic Beijings energy policy and no reason for U.S.
costs of finding and extracting oil, respond to policymakers to expect, or initiate, the type of
the danger better than ambitious foreign policy competition with China that analysts envision
options. when they describe an international scramble
over the geopolitics of oil.
More broadly, U.S. policymakers should
China and the Geopolitics make sure that unwarranted fears that ener-
of Oil gy competition will breed a Sino-U.S. conflict
do not become a self-fulfilling prophecy. In
Chinas soaring demand for oil is one of reality, no American interest in oil requires
the biggest changes to affect energy markets in hostile relations with China.
recent times. Chinas growing thirst for oil, Until the mid-1990s, China produced
part of the broader global surge in energy con- more oil than it consumed; since then, Chinas
sumption, will drive up prices, imposing costs consumption has greatly outpaced domestic
on the U.S. economy.41 Some analysts see an production. Chinas economic growth creates
even graver threat ahead stemming from a voracious appetite for oil, especially because
Beijings energy policy: China is negotiating much of the manufacturing investment that
preferential long-term purchase agreements fuels the Chinese expansion is energy inten-
that could deny Americans even the opportu- sive, and Chinese consumers view personal
nity to bid for some oil.42 Those analysts fear cars as a symbol of their middle-class status.44
that competition for oil supplies will lead the Each unit of Chinese GDP increase therefore
United States and China into a struggle they bumps up global energy consumption more
describe as the geopolitics of oil.43 They than a comparable GDP increase in many
implicitly recommend that the United States other countries. Many oil analysts believe that
shift its foreign policy to work against the Chinese demand accounts for a substantial
Chinese strategyin essence, creating our own part of the oil price increase since 2000.45
preferential agreements to guarantee U.S. Meanwhile, as the appeal of communist
access to oil and perhaps exclude China. ideology has faded, Chinese leaders have
Fears about the implications of Chinas staked their political future on the countrys
energy policy are greatly exaggerated. First, on economic performance and the ongoing rise
the demand side, Chinas efforts to reach long- in living standards. As a result, they have used
term oil purchase agreements will not affect price controls to insulate domestic con-
aggregate global demand for oil; the prepur- sumers and industries from price increases
chase agreements will merely change the pat- for petroleum products.46 Protected from ris-
terns of global oil trade (i.e., which specific bar- ing prices, Chinese consumers and industries
rels of oil China consumes) but not the overall unabatedly increase their consumption.47
level of consumption. The long-term agree- The traditional geopolitics of oil argument
ments, therefore, will not significantly affect goes like this: without a fundamental shift in
oil prices. Second, on the supply side, Chinas Chinese political strategy, Chinese demand for

oil may threaten the energy security of other Energy study mandated by Congress in the
consuming countries, notably including the wake of the CNOOC affaira study prompted
United States. Because the Chinese recognize by an overwhelming congressional vote to
their sustained need for oil, the government protect American energy securityfound
encourages companies to sign long-term con- that the consequences of the Chinese oil strat-
tracts to buy large quantities of oil from pro- egy are economically neutral.56
ducers around the world, allegedly establish- Defenders of the geopolitics of oil argu-
ing preferential relationships.48 They have ment attack those rebuttals by questioning a
also bought access to overseas fields by invest- key assumption of the economic view. They
ing in established foreign oil companies and ask, what if the Chinese government were will-
obtaining concessions to develop oil fields and ing to sacrifice profits to keep oil for the
rights to explore for new fields.49 Those acqui- Chinese marketthat is, what if China import-
sitions give the Chinese decisionmaking con- ed all of the oil from its foreign concessions,
trol over future oil supplies. holding down oil prices on the Chinese domes-
Meanwhile, Chinese diplomats cultivate tic market, and refused to resell its oil, even if
relationships with the governments of coun- world market prices soared above the Chinese
tries with large oil reserves.50 Some analysts domestic price?57 That would reduce the sup-
allege that such statecraft is especially helpful ply of oil available to non-Chinese consumers,
Some Chinese oil
in the oil industry, because government- dramatically driving up oil prices outside policy initiatives
owned oil companies control the fields in China. Current Chinese price controls on are even good for
many countries, and perhaps those govern- petroleum products, after all, demonstrate the
ments will be persuaded to sell to the Chinese Chinese governments willingness to sacrifice U.S. consumers.
at below-market prices, especially during an economic efficiency for noneconomic goals,
oil shock.51 And, finally, the Chinese govern- such as the political stability that they think
ment and oil companies are negotiating over- cheap oil enhances.
land pipeline deals to bring oil to China from What the pessimistic analyses overlook,
Russia, the Caspian basin, and even the however, is that a Chinese decision not to resell
Middle East.52 Other analysts and a number the oil China pumps (whether from foreign
of American politicians fear that all of those concessions or domestic production), despite
moves reflect a coherent Chinese national the opportunity to make big profits, would be
energy policy, one that might lock up sources the same thing as China deciding to pay more
of oil supply, leaving less oil on the world for oil than other consumers.58 In other words,
market for relatively laissez-faire countries Chinas hypothetical decision not to sell oil to
like the United States.53 Americans even if world prices rose dramatical-
The economic arguments against those ly (e.g., during a supply disruption) would cost
fears are compelling.54 Whether or not China the Chinese the same amount of money that
arranges its oil purchases years in advance, it they could use to outbid Americans in a free
will consume the same amount of oil. If China oil market in which China had not made long-
buys concessions from foreign governments term deals with suppliers. The point is that
to pump oil from their wells or to prospect for Chinas current activities, whether or not they
new fields on their territory and then chooses are characterized as mercantilist efforts to lock
to ship the crude to Chinese customers rather up oil supplies, make no difference to
than to sell it on the open market, the Chinese Americans long-run ability to buy oil in the
actions will simply free up oil pumped by market. What might hurt American consumers
other companies so that they can then sell to is Chinas growing demand for oil, because that
non-Chinese consumers.55 In other words, the demand drives up prices. Chinese ownership of
Chinese arrangements may lock up supply, oil does not matter much.
but they also sate a substantial portion of Some Chinese oil policy initiatives are even
world demand. Even the Department of good for U.S. consumers. In recent years,

Chinese firms have spent billions of dollars to future, however, as the Chinese gain experi-
purchase concessions in Angola, Canada, ence in the international oil business, coer-
Ecuador, Equatorial Guinea, Kazakhstan, cive efforts will require agreement in Beijing
Kenya, Nigeria, and Peru (among others). as well, because Chinese oil companies will be
Compared to Western oil firms, the Chinese able to move in and provide services denied
seem willing to overpay for oil fields.59 Some by the West. Similarly, economic sanctions
areas that the Western firms wouldnt consid- against oil exporters will be merely symbolic
er likely to have a high enough return on unless Beijing is on board. China now
investment still attract Chinese drilling. If imports enough oil to bust the sanctions: a
those prospects pay off, more oil will enter the unilateral Chinese decision to import oil
world market, driving down prices for all con- from a sanctions target would probably
sumers; if the prospects fail, Chinese rather involve sufficient volume to use up the tar-
than American shareholders will cover the gets entire export supply, meaning that the
losses. Meanwhile, American investors can put sanctions would have essentially no effect on
their money into other projects (perhaps even their targets economy. Finally, convincing
outside the oil industry) that they judge more Beijing to support economic sanctions will
likely to be productive. grow increasingly costly as Chinas oil con-
In sum, Chinas oil policy will not hurt the sumption rises: if a U.S.-led embargo triggers
United States, and it may even benefit the U.S. any increase in the global price of oil, China
economy. Chinas prepurchase agreements will pay that premium for each barrel it con-
mainly move oil around: they alter trade pat- sumes; Chinas growing demand, therefore,
terns and dictate which specific barrels of oil makes it more costly for Beijing to agree to
arrive at Chinas ports; they do not affect the sanctions, hence more costly for Washington
total amount of oil consumed or the market to induce China to cooperate.
price determined by supply and demand. However, concerns that Chinas energy
China may end up being disappointed by its policy could blunt the effectiveness of U.S.
investments in foreign oil fields: Western economic sanctions are often exaggerated.
firms may be unwilling to pay as much as First, to increase the political resonance of
Chinese oil companies to explore and develop their claims, analysts often link the argument
those concessions for good reasons. On the about economic sanctions to American
other hand, if Chinese investors were shrewd energy security, even though the issue here
or they simply get lucky and their prospecting is not the price and availability of energy to
expands the world oil supply, the price of oil Americans but is instead something quite
Concerns about will drop for Americans, too. In effect, different: the effectiveness of one tool of U.S.
the future overzealous Chinese exploration could subsi- foreign policy. The concerns about the future
dize the rest of the worlds consumers. effectiveness of U.S. economic sanctions do
effectiveness of But makers of U.S. foreign policy may face not suggest any threat to U.S. energy security.
economic another problem stemming from Chinas Second, concerns about the future effective-
sanctions must be growing energy consumption and role in oil ness of economic sanctions must be tempered
exploration and extraction: those trends may by the fact that sanctions are not a particularly
tempered by reduce the effectiveness of U.S. economic effective instrument of foreign policy.61 Eco-
the fact that sanctions against oil-producing countries.60 nomic sanctions usually fail. Frequently the
sanctions are not In the past, Western countries could try to target regime cares more about the issue at
coerce oil-producing nations by prohibiting stake (say, regime survival) than about the
a particularly Western corporations and citizens from pro- greatest possible economic cost that foreign
effective instru- viding them with critical oil technology or powers could impose. Furthermore, Americas
engineering services. Those prohibitions had efforts to impose effective sanctions often fail
ment of foreign real teeth because the major oil companies because other countries refuse to sign on to the
policy. were American or European firms. In the sanctions regime, which allows the target to

simply adjust its trade pattern to mitigate the lysts worry that political disruptions in oil-pro- In the five major
pain. And target states are not passive as they ducing regions might impose significant costs oil supply shocks
are being sanctioned; they often work to create on major oil-consuming countries like the
and then exploit divisions among the sanc- United States. Wars, terrorism, and revolutions caused by
tioning states.62 Many factors already make interfere with oil markets, interrupting sup- political disrup-
sanctions a dubious tool of statecraft; adding plies and elevating short-term prices.65 As a
one additional hurdle, increased Chinese resis- result, some analysts suggest that promoting
tions in the past
tance to cooperating due to Chinas demand stability in oil-rich regions is an important U.S. 30 years, market
for oil, would not lead to an appreciable drop national interest.66 Given the logic that governs dynamics quickly
in sanctions effectiveness. supply, demand, and investment decisions in
Finally, the United States cannot do very the oil industry, however, concerns about polit- mitigated the
much to reduce Chinas ability to bust oil em- ical disruptions are exaggerated. Furthermore, costs borne by
bargos, and any efforts in this direction would maintaining U.S. military forces in the Persian consumers.
risk a major deterioration in Sino-U.S. relations. Gulf to reduce political instability, a common
Chinas growing demand for oil is driven pri- proposal from analysts concerned with energy
marily by its rapid economic expansion. Even if security,67 is unnecessary and would actually
Beijing were to eliminate energy subsidies, increase the danger of political disruption to
Chinas economic growth would push its ener- oil markets.
gy consumption ever higher. The only way for In the five major oil supply shocks caused
the United States to stem Chinas energy con- by political disruptions in the past 30 years,
sumption would be to significantly slow market dynamics quickly mitigated the costs
Chinas economic growtha goal that would borne by consumers.68 Figure 1 tracks the
trigger enormous bilateral tension and, given decline and recovery of world oil production
the importance that the Chinese government in the five cases: (1) the Iranian oil industry
attaches to steady economic growth, possibly strikes in 1978, (2) the collapse of the Iranian
war. It would be hard to imagine a more hostile oil industry in 1979, (3) the start of the Iran-
and provocative U.S. policy toward China.63 Iraq war, (4) the 1990 Iraqi invasion of Kuwait,
Overall, the United States should not and (5) the 200203 strikes in the Venezuelan
worry that China is locking up oil supplies oil fields.69
with prepurchase agreements or that China The cases reveal four key findings. First, in
is investing to develop overseas oil reserves. four of the five cases (the exception is the 1979
The real energy problem that China poses Iran disruption), major reductions in any
for the United States is more quotidian: countrys oil production quickly triggered
Chinese demand for oil is rapidly increas- compensating increases elsewhere.70 In all
ingin fact, worldwide demand for oil is cases, the disruption triggered intense efforts
rapidly increasingand that drives up global in the disrupted country to restore its out-
prices.64 But because of the flexibility of the put.71 For example, in 1978 strikes in the
global oil market, there is no reason for the Iranian oil industry deprived global markets
United States to copy Chinas energy policy; of nearly 5 mb/d, which was then more than 4
to try to block the development of Chinas oil percent of world production. But the world
industry; or, worst of all, to adopt policies to responded quickly, and global production had
weaken the Chinese economy. fully recovered in six months. The outbreak of
the Iran-Iraq war removed 3.4 mb/d of Iranian
and Iraqi oil from global markets (5.8 percent
Oil Shocks and U.S. of global production), but total global supply
Military Policy did not fall by that full amount. Other pro-
ducers increased their output within the same
In addition to their fears about peak oil and month, so net global supply only dropped by
Chinas energy policy, many foreign policy ana- 4.2 percent. As adjustment efforts continued,

Figure 1
World Oil Production after Major Disruptions

Iran 1978 Iran 1979

0% 0%

% Production Drop

% Production Drop
-2% -2%

-4% -4%

-6% -6%

-8% -8%
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Months after Disruption Months after Disruption

Iran-Iraq War Gulf War 1990

0% 0%
% Production Drop

% Production Drop
-2% -2%

-4% -4%

-6% -6%

-8% -8%
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Months after Disruption Months after Disruption

Venezuela 200203

% Production Drop




0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Months after Disruption

Note: All data are from the U.S. Department of Energys Energy Information Agency. Figures reflect total world
oil production.

Concerns the losses to the world market were nearly Kuwait, United Nations sanctions eliminated
about political replaced in three months and fully replaced in 5.3 mb/d of Iraqi and Kuwaiti oil from world
five. markets, a loss of 8.8 percent of world pro-
disruptions are In the most serious disruption of all, duction. Again, total world supply did not
exaggerated. which stemmed from Iraqs 1990 invasion of drop that far, because other producers quick-

Figure 2
Price Shocks and Recovery after Major Disruptions

Iran 197879 Iran-Iraq War

100% 100%
80% 80%

Price Increase
Price Increase

60% 60%
40% 40%
20% 20%
0% 0%
0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21
Months after Disruption Months after Disruption

Gulf War 1990 Venezuela Strikes 200203

100% 100%
80% 80%
Price Increase
Price Increase

60% 60%
40% 40%
20% 20%
0% 0%
0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21
Months after Disruption Months after Disruption

Note: Price changes are measured in real terms.

ly ramped up their output. One month after Iraq war triggered a jump in oil prices, but
the Iraqi invasion, net world production was they returned to prewar levels in about 18
down by 5.9 percent, but a month later it was months. (Furthermore, during the Iran-Iraq
short by only 1.7 percent, and two months war, the repeated attacks on shipping during
after that total global production had fully the tanker war phase had no discernible
recovered. In the most recent case, it took effect on global prices.) Even after the Iraqi
only three months in 2003 to replace the 2.3 invasion of Kuwait and the subsequent UN
mb/d of Venezuelan production disrupted by embargo, oil prices dropped nearly to prewar
strikes. levels in eight months. And the Venezuelan In four of five
Second, in four of five cases (with the oil strikes caused only a brief spike in oil cases, oil prices
same exception), oil prices either remained prices; within five months prices were back to either remained
nearly constant or quickly returned to pre- their prewar level. Figure 2 shows the increase
disruption levels. The 1978 Iranian oil strikes in oil prices after each of those disruptions nearly constant
did not have a significant effect on prices; and their recovery over time. or quickly
they remained in the $27$28 per barrel level Third, international oil markets appear
(in constant 2000 dollars) until the disrup- increasingly efficient at replacing disrupted oil
returned to pre-
tion was resolved.72 The outbreak of the Iran- supplies, thereby reducing the duration of disruption levels.

The invention of price spikes. Figures 1 and 2 show that the observers can make reasonable estimates of
new international three most recent disruptions required the current production levelsfor example, by
least time for markets to adapteven though counting the number and size of the tankers
financial and one of those three (the 1990 Gulf War) that dock at a given oil terminalthey cannot
investment tools involved the greatest immediate shortfall. tell how full producers inventories are or
Specifically, the invention of new internation- how aggressively the producers are drawing
since the 1970s al financial and investment tools since the oil out of underground reservoirs.76 And only
has enabled 1970s has enabled sophisticated spot and producers can do the advanced scientific
sophisticated spot futures markets for oil, facilitating quick mar- tests to try to determine the maximum flow
ket adjustments and allowing producers, rate that a given field can support using cur-
and futures wholesalers, refiners, and major consumers to rent technology.
markets for oil, smooth risks.73 Second, assertions about the lack of slack
facilitating Finally, the long Iran-Iraq War provides oil production capacity are inherently suspect
especially clear evidence about the intracartel because members of a cartel, and especially
quick market bargaining problems that price spikes trigger. large cartel leaders, should generally maintain
adjustments and Five months after the wars sudden beginning, slack capacity. The entire purpose of a cartel is
worldwide oil production matched prewar lev- to help members produce less than the maxi-
allowing produc- els and then immediately exceeded them; mum amount possible in order to increase
ers, wholesalers, OPEC proved unable to reverse the sustained price. Furthermore, the enforcement mecha-
refiners, and price decline that followed. From 1981 to nism that (imperfectly) holds the cartel
1985 Saudi Arabia tried in vain to reestablish together is the threat to respond to cheating
major consumers cartel discipline, but as war raged in the Gulf, with additional increases in output.77 The
to smooth risks. as the belligerents pumped oil as quickly as same slack capacity that cartel members need
possible, and as the other OPEC members to keep their partners in line can also be used
chose sides, reaching OPEC agreements that to respond to a supply disruption.
the cartel members would keep became Finally, the more the United States relies
impossible. The West enjoyed the benefits of on market mechanisms to mitigate disrup-
those disputes in the form of several years of tions in the oil industry, the greater the
cheap oil.74 incentive producers will have to create addi-
Critics might reply that those examples all tional slack capacity. If the odds of supply
come from a time when oil producers had disruptions increase, producers will be more
slack production capacity, that is, when past willing to pay to maintain additional slack
investment in exploration and oil field devel- capacity so that they can pump more at post-
opment enabled them to pump more oil than disruption high prices. Similarly, large oil
consumers demanded at the preshock price companies will maintain larger inventories
level. At present, those critics fear, the increase because they, too, will want to be positioned
in worldwide demand (especially from China to profit from a spike in prices. The result of
and India) has taken up the slack, so produc- those profit-driven responses is to create the
ers could not increase output, even if a disrup- slack that will mitigate the disruptions.
tion were to create a price spike.75 There is clear evidence that slack capacity and
That criticism is misguided for three rea- inventory buildup are driven by expectations
sons. First, data on slack capacity are notori- of future disruptions. Whenever political
ously unreliable. Slack production capacity is crises that could affect oil supply loom on
sometimes reported as a static figure (e.g., 2 the horizon, wholesalers fill their stocks,
mb/d), but any reasonable measure must essentially creating slack capacity above the
report the amount of extra oil that could be ground that they hope to sell when supply
brought online in a given period of time and drops and prices rise.78
at what cost. Such details, unfortunately, are Overall, as the historical cases suggest, mar-
closely guarded secrets. Although industry ket responses limit the costs that the United

States should pay to try to control instability strikes in the oil industry or attacks on oil
in oil-producing regions with military force. In facilities. Although intrastate violence in
two specific situations, however, the market another oil producer might temporarily
adjustment to political disruption would be affect global oil supply, as it did in Venezuela
painful enough to make energy supply a first- in 200203, other countries could make up
order national security concern.79 But even in the gap in output. But a major civil war in
those scenarios, a peacetime forward military Saudi Arabia could disrupt enough of the
presence is not the best strategy to protect worlds oil supply that other producers could
American interests. not expand output sufficiently to make up
The first scenario is a large-scale conquest for the disrupted Saudi share.82 That disrup-
in the Persian Gulf. One power dominating tion would impose a significant cost on the
the Persian Gulf region would limit market United Statesenough cost that U.S. foreign
adaptation, because a regional empire could policy decisionmakers should consider this
lead OPEC more effectively than the current scenario a serious threat.
loose oligopoly and because other oil pro- Whether or not a Saudi civil war would jus-
ducers would not have enough capacity to tify U.S. military intervention, it makes no
compensate for a reduction in the empires sense for the United States to position its mil-
output. The majority of the worlds oil itary in the region before a Saudi civil war
In the unlikely
reserves appear to be located in the Persian breaks out.83 The forces required for on-the- event that a coun-
Gulf, close enough together that a regional ground intervention in a civil war would be try seemed poised
empire could, conceivably, seize most of vastly greater, and of a different type, than the
them. The good news is that the risk of major forces that the United States has deployed to to make a bid for
conquest in the Persian Gulf is at its lowest the Persian Gulf during peacetime.84 An oper- regional empire
point in decades, and preventing that contin- ation designed to pacify and stabilize Saudi
gency does not require any peacetime mili- Arabia could be an even greater undertaking
in the Persian
tary presence in the region. than the deployment of 130,000-plus Gulf, the United
In the unlikely event that a country seemed infantry-heavy forces in Iraq.85 States could issue
poised to make a bid for regional empire, the Even worse, U.S. military presence histori-
United States could issue a clear deterrent cally has been more likely to foment attacks a clear deterrent
threat to the aspiring regional hegemon: if you on pro-American governments than to pre- threat to the
try to take over your neighbors oil, the United vent them, and that problem would presum- aspiring regional
States will make sure you fail. That U.S. threat ably be worse if the peacetime deployment
should be very credible because the United were expanded to make it relevant to the civil hegemon: if you
States has a powerful interest, as does any war scenario. For example, the shah of Irans try to take over
major oil importer, in Persian Gulf oil remain- close association with the United States and
ing divided, and that interest is evident to the large number of Americans in Iran dur-
your neighbors
regional actors.80 Second, if deterrence fails, ing the shahs reign contributed to the popu- oil, the United
the U.S. military could halt an offensive quick- larity of his opponents.86 More recently, al- States will make
ly, even if the United States had no peacetime Qaeda declared war on the House of Saud
forces in the region. Destroying armies on the because the Saudis invited U.S. military sure you fail.
move is one of the things that the U.S. armed forces to remain in the kingdom after the
forces do best.81 For example, an army advanc- 199091 Persian Gulf War.87 Not only would
ing down the Saudi coastal highway would be a U.S. military presence in the region be
highly vulnerable to U.S. carrier-based airpow- unhelpful in the event of massive civil unrest,
er and long-range bombers. but the presence might increase the likeli-
In the second scenario, the global econo- hood of that scenario. The bottom line of
my and with it American national interests this economic, military, and political analysis
could be harmed by large-scale instability in is that forward deployment of the American
Saudi Arabia: civil disorder could trigger military in the Persian Gulf region is a poor

response to the threat of civil war in Saudi supply (which would benefit all consumers).
Arabia. And there is no need for U.S. military forces to
More broadly, market adjustment to polit- maintain peacetime deployments in the
ical shocks makes the magnitude of their cost Persian Gulf region to protect Americas access
to the United States low enough that military to oil. At most, U.S. energy interests require an
force is unlikely to be a wise policy response. offshore air and naval presence nearby. Even
Even in the few instances in which market imperfect markets like the oil market, threat-
dynamics are likely to be insufficient, peace- ened by political risk and distorted by cartel
time military deployments will not protect the behavior, adapt to disruptions, and the adjust-
United States from the risk and, indeed, may ment process reduces the burden on the imper-
even increase the risk of an oil market crisis. fect instruments of statecraft such as military
The best foreign policy strategy for energy intervention and peacetime presence.
security is to rely on a combination of the flex-
ibility of markets and over-the-horizon mili-
tary forces, which would be used only under Notes
certain, very narrowly specified conditions. 1. It is conceivable, for example, that Iran would
respond to a U.S. air attack on its suspected
nuclear facilities by intentionally reducing its own
Conclusion oil production to punish the United States, even
though that response would cost Iran tens of mil-
lions of dollars.
The coming decades may present serious
energy-related challenges to the world. Global 2. Economic decisions about past production rates
warming may require collective action on a also affect current production capacities. Pumping
oil too rapidly from a field can reduce the future
global scale to reduce emissions, a daunting flow rate (or raise production costs tomorrow) and
task. Furthermore, even though oil is nowhere can even cut down a fields long-term total output
near running out, the worlds growing (using current technology). For an accessible dis-
demand for energy and the finite nature of the cussion of some of the technical background on
investment and production, see Norman J. Hyne,
petroleum reserves suggest that in the long Nontechnical Guide to Petroleum Geology, Exploration,
term petroleum prices will rise. People will Drilling, and Production, 2d ed. (Tulsa, OK: PennWell
therefore need to develop alternative energy Corp., 2001), esp. pp. 40512, 42226, 43949.
sources to supplement the energy reaped from
3. Other factors such as interest rates and envi-
current sources. Dispelling the myths that ronmental regulations also affect investment
make Americans worry about the wrong ener- decisions.
gy issues is the first step toward confronting
those real concerns. 4. Many analysts partly attribute the current high
prices to the low rate of investment in the 1990s,
The United States does not need an activist when oil prices were low. See, for example, Daniel
foreign policy to ensure U.S. access to afford- Yergin, Ensuring Energy Security, Foreign Affairs
There is no need able energy. There is no need to pacify or 85, no. 2 (MarchApril 2006); and Philip E.
democratize tumultuous oil-producing Auerswald, The Myth of Energy Insecurity, Issues
for U.S. military regions to ensure that they will sell us their in Science and Technology 22, no. 4 (Summer 2006).
forces to maintain crude. Large oil firms compensate for the risk 5. Countries often do the same thing: if a crisis
peacetime of supply disruptions through diversification looms (and especially if those fears are driving up
and insurance, which allow them to invest and oil prices), governments sometimes try to insure
deployments in provide a steady flow of oil despite periodic dis- against further increases by filling their reserves
(e.g., the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve). The
the Persian Gulf ruptions to particular sources of oil. The ironic result is that governments often buy high
region to protect United States also does not need to confront and sell low because they become motivated to
China because of its energy policy; Beijings spend scarce resources on oil when threats have
Americas access efforts will either merely shift around global heightened prices. See Jerry Taylor and Peter Van
Doren, The Case against the Strategic Petroleum
to oil. consumption or perhaps even expand global Reserve, Cato Institute Policy Analysis no. 561,

January 12, 2006; see also Steve H. Hanke, Over a 15. M. A. Adelman, World Oil Production and
Barrel, Wall Street Journal, October 21, 2004. Prices 19472000, Quarterly Review of Economics
and Finance 42 (Summer 2002): 177; and James M.
6. Kevin G. Hall, Analyst Predicts Plunge in Gas Griffin and William S. Neilson, The 198586 Oil
Prices, Seattle Times, September 14, 2006; and Price Collapse and Afterwards: What Does Game
Philip K. Verleger, Explaining the Unexplainable: Theory Add? Economic Inquiry 32 (October 1994):
Crude Oil PricesA Review of Theoretical 54445, 54849, 55658.
Hypotheses, 19502006, and Empirical Evidence,
Petroleum Economics Monthly, November 2006, sum- 16. Simon J. Evenett, Margaret C. Levenstein, and
mary available at Valerie Y. Suslow, International Cartel Enforce-
PEM-WEB.PDF. ment: Lessons from the 1990s, World Economy 24,
no. 9 (September 2001): 1223; M. A. Adelman, The
7. Daniel Yergin, The Prize: The Epic Quest for Oil, Genie Out of the Bottle: World Oil since 1970 (Cambridge,
Money, and Power (New York: Simon & Schuster, MA: MIT Press, 1995), pp. 45, 30; and Griffin and
1991); and Gregory P. Nowell, Mercantile States and Neilson, pp. 545, 55758. The decline in oil prices in
the World Oil Cartel, 19001939 (Ithaca, NY: Cornell the early 1980s is generally explained as a result of
University Press, 1994). widespread cheating among OPEC producers. The
Saudis tried to compensate for that cheating by cut-
8. Fiona Hill, Pipelines in the Caspian: Catalyst ting back their own production until 1986, when
or Cure-All? Georgetown Journal of International they gave up and opened the taps.
Affairs, WinterSpring 2004, p. 24.
17. Debora L. Spar, The Cooperative Edge: The
9. Over the longer term, supply may decline, if the Internal Politics of International Cartels (Ithaca, NY:
state oil company is inefficient or technically Cornell University Press, 1994), p. 5; and Evenett,
unsophisticated. Levenstein, and Suslow, p. 1223.
10. Henning Bohn and Robert T. Deacon, 18. Spar, pp. 2023; and James M. Griffin and
Ownership Risk, Investment, and the Use of Weiwen Xiong, The Incentive to Cheat: An Empiri-
Natural Resources, American Economic Review 90, cal Analysis of OPEC, Journal of Law and Economics
no. 3 (June 2000): 52649. 40, no. 2 (October 1997): 302, 304, 30708.
11. For a useful discussion of different types of 19. Douglas R. Bohi and William B. Quandt,
political risks in the oil industry and firms adapta- Energy Security in the 1980s: Economic and Political
tion to them, see Jedrzej George Frynas and Karnel Perspectives (Washington: Brookings Institution,
Mellahi, Political Risks as Firm-Specific (Dis) 1984), p. 18.
Advantages: Evidence on Transnational Oil Firms
in Nigeria, Thunderbird International Business Review 20. According to the theory of Hubberts peak, the
45, no. 5 (SeptemberOctober 2003): 54165. rate of oil production will begin an irreversible
decline when half of total reserves are consumed.
12. Cartels increase profits for producers by coop- That theory was originally published in K. M.
eratively reducing production below the level pre- Hubbert, Nuclear Energy and the Fossil Fuels,
dicted by competitive behavior, thus driving price Drilling and Production Practice series, American
up above the marginal cost of production. Petroleum Institute, 1956. More recently, see Kjell
Producing an additional unit would be profitable Aleklett and Colin Campbell, The Peak and
on a one-off basis, but the increase in output would Decline of World Oil and Gas Production,
drive down the price of all units sold, so combined Minerals and Energy 18, no. 1 (2003): 520.
profits of all cartel members would drop if a mem-
ber used its excess production capacity. 21. Matthew R. Simmons, Twilight in the Desert: The
Coming Saudi Oil Shock and the World Economy (New
13. Dermot Gately, A Ten-Year Retrospective: York: Wiley, 2005).
OPEC and the World Oil Market, Journal of
Economic Literature 22, no. 3 (September 1984): 1109; 22. For a description of politicians motivations
Paul Stevens, The Determination of Oil Prices along these lines, see Erich Follath, Natural
194595, Energy Policy 23, no. 10 (1995): 86768; Resources Are Fueling a New Cold War, Der
and Theodore H. Moran, Managing an Oligopoly Spiegel, August 18, 2006.
of Would-Be Sovereigns: The Dynamics of Joint
Control and Self-Control in the International Oil 23. Matthew Yeomans, Crude Politics: The United
Industry Past, Present, and Future, International States, China, and the Race for Oil Security,
Organization 41, no. 4 (Autumn 1987): 602. Atlantic Monthly, April 2005, p. 49; and Michael T.
Klare, Blood and Oil: The Dangers and Consequences of
14. Stevens, pp. 86364. Americas Growing Dependence on Imported Petroleum

(New York: Metropolitan Books, 2004). 59ff; and Sebastian Mallaby, The Reluctant
Imperialist: Terrorism, Failed States, and the Case
24. The prediction of the 1989 peak is from C. for American Empire, Foreign Affairs, MarchApril
Campbell, Oil Price Leap in the Early Nineties 2002.
(Kingston-upon-Thames, UK: Noroil, 1989). Ac-
cording to the U.S. Department of Energys Energy 32. That logic was openly articulated during the
Information Agency (EIA), worldwide crude oil pro- Cold War, when prominent American conserva-
duction grew from 59.8 to 73.6 million barrels per tives argued that the United States should sup-
day (mb/d) from 1989 to 2005. In the same period, port anti-communists in the developing world,
oil supply expanded from 65.5 to 84.4 mb/d. See even authoritarians. The current U.S. relationship
International Petroleum Monthly, February 2007 with oil-rich (and politically authoritarian)
update, Tables 4.1C and 4.4, http// Kazakhstan provides an example of the sort of
emeu/ipsr/supply.html. difficult choice faced by American leaders today,
if they make oil market stability their top priority.
25. A study of 186 giant oil fields revealed that from Steven Lee Myers and Ilan Greenberg, Balancing
1981 to 1986 estimates of the oil in those fields Act: U.S. Welcomes Kazakh Leader, New York
jumped on average by more than 25 percent. Times, September 28, 2006, p. A1.
Leonardo Maugeri, Oil: Never Cry WolfWhy the
Petroleum Age Is Far from Over, Science 304 (May 33. Again, few sources openly acknowledge the
21, 2004): 1115. For a good description of the theo- tradeoff with short-term instability implicit in
retical weaknesses of the peak oil argument, see, for proposals that emphasize political development.
example, Michael C. Lynch, Crop Circles in the For some examples, see Council on Foreign
Desert: The Strange Controversy over Saudi Oil Relations Independent Task Force, National
Production, International Research Center for Security Consequences of U.S. Oil Dependency, pp. 9,
Energy and Economic Development Occasional 27, 46, 51; and Amy Myers Jaffe and Robert A.
Paper no. 40, 2006, Manning, The Shocks of a World of Cheap Oil,
LynchM%2006%20(Crop%20Circles).pdf. See also Foreign Affairs, JanuaryFebruary 2000. Ian
Peak Oil TheoryWorld Running Out of Oil Rutledge suggests that the U.S. regime change
SoonIs Faulty; Could Distort Policy & Energy policy in Iraq was motivated in large part by the
Debate, Cambridge Energy Research Associates, expectation that only a democratic Iraq would
news release, November 14, 2006, http://www.cera. allow enough investment in Persian Gulf oil pro-
com/aspx/cda/public1/news/pressReleases/pressR duction to keep up with American oil consump-
eleaseDetails.aspx?CID=8444. tion. See Rutledge, pp. 17577.

26. Maugeri, p. 1115. 34. Any changes to U.S. domestic energy policy
that may be warranted to hedge against the possi-
27. This does not suggest that oil production will bility of dramatic increases in energy prices or to
grow fast enough to satisfy growing demand respond to concerns about climate change should
without prices rising. But high prices do not sug- be evaluated separately from the foreign policy
gest that oil supplies are running out. They mere- proposals assessed in this paper.
ly suggest that demand is growing faster than
past investment is increasing supply. 35. These figures are in 2001 dollars. Maugeri, p.
1115. Adelman, The Genie Out of the Bottle, pp. 1928,
28. Klare emphasizes this argument. also argues that the development cost for an addi-
tional barrel of oil has declined dramatically over
29. Ian Rutledge, Addicted to Oil: Americas Relentless time.
Drive for Energy Security (London: I. B. Taurus, 2005),
pp. 1112, 13849. 36. Kenneth M. Pollack, The Persian Puzzle: The
Conflict between Iran and America (New York:
30. Joseph J. Romm and Charles B. Curtis, Random House, 2005), pp. xxvxxvi, 6871, 32223.
Mideast Oil Forever? Atlantic Monthly, April 1997,
pp. 5760. 37. Rachel Bronson, Thicker Than Oil: Americas
Uneasy Partnership with Saudi Arabia (New York:
31. Council on Foreign Relations Independent Oxford University Press, 2006).
Task Force, National Security Consequences of U.S. Oil
Dependency, uncorrected proofs of report posted 38. The seminal article is James Quinlivan, Force
to the Web, October 2006, pp. 5, 9, 5051, http: Requirements for Stability Operations, Parameters,
// Winter 1995, pp. 5969. Quinlivan shows that, his-
ta/EnergyTFR.pdf; Steve A. Yetiv, Crude Awaken- torically, policing has required 620 soldiers per
ings: Global Oil Security and American Foreign Policy thousand population. If 10 per thousand is taken
(Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2004), p. as an average case, that is 1 percent.

39. Daniel L. Byman, Keeping the Peace: Lasting Beating Big Oil for Reserves, Montreal Gazette,
Solutions to Ethnic Conflicts (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins February 8, 2006, p. B6; Mure Dickie and Dino
University Press, 2002), pp. 18788, 198203; and Mahtani, Nigeria Turns to China As It Claims US
Stathis N. Kalyvas, The Logic of Violence in Civil War Defence Aid Falters, Financial Times, February 28,
(New York: Cambridge University Press, 2006), esp. 2006, p. 1. Although those deals have been signed, it
pp. 17381, 209, 346, 37681. is yet to be determined whether they will end up
being preferential for China in any meaningful
40. Minxin Pei and Sara Kasper, Lessons from sensespecifically, whether China is getting oil at
the Past: The American Record on Nation below-market prices or whether China is ensuring
Building, Carnegie Endowment Policy Brief, secure access to future supplies that could not be
May 2003. See also Francis Fukuyama, ed., Nation- acquired more cheaply, even during crises, by sim-
Building: Beyond Afghanistan and Iraq (Baltimore: ply bidding for oil on the open market.
Johns Hopkins University Press, 2006).
49. China National Overseas Oil Corporations
41. Robert J. Samuelson, Is There an Oil failed attempt to buy Unocal is the best-known
Bubble? Washington Post, July 26, 2006, p. A17. such deal in the United States, but Chinese firms
have successfully bought into oil companies and
42. U.S.-China Economic and Security Review fields in many other places, including Kazakhstan,
Commission, 2006 Report to Congress (Washington: Indonesia, Angola, and Sudan. Jaffe and Medlock
Government Printing Office, November, 2006), pp. discuss a range of investments on pp. 27780. For
9596, 107; Council on Foreign Relations Indepen- CNOOC and national security concerns, see Brad
dent Task Force, More Than Humanitarianism: A Foss, Experts: CNOOC Bid Implications Unclear,
Strategic U.S. Approach toward Africa, Report no. 56, Associated Press Online, June 28, 2005; and James A.
2006, pp. 4041, 53; and Phillip L. Swagel and Dan Dorn, U.S.-China Relations in the Wake of
Blumenthal, Chinese Oil Drill, Wall Street Journal, CNOOC, Cato Institute Policy Analysis no. 553,
June 8, 2006. November 2, 2005.
43. Dan Blumenthal and Joseph Lin, Oil Obsession: 50. David E. Sanger, Chinas Rising Need for Oil
Energy Appetite Fuels Beijings Plans to Protect Vital Is High on U.S. Agenda, New York Times, April 19,
Sea Lanes, Armed Forces Journal, June 2006; Yeomans, 2006, p. A1. For examples in Africa, see Council
Crude Politics, p. 49; and Minxin Pei, Chinas Big on Foreign Relations Independent Task Force,
Energy Dilemma, Straits Times, April 13, 2006. More than Humanitarianism, pp. 4145.
44. Amy Myers Jaffe and Kenneth B. Medlock III, 51. Oils Dark SecretNational Oil Companies,
China and Northeast Asia, in Energy and Security: The Economist, August 12, 2006.
Toward a New Foreign Policy Strategy, ed. Jan H.
Kalicki and David L. Goldwyn (Baltimore: Johns 52. See, for example, Blumenthal and Lin; Jan H.
Hopkins University Press, 2005), p. 269. Kalicki and Jonathan Elkind, Eurasian Transport
Futures, in Energy and Security, pp. 158, 16364;
45. Auerswald; Yergin, Ensuring Energy Security; and Julia Nanay, Russia and the Caspian Sea
and Philip K. Verleger, Energy: The Gathering Region, in Energy and Security, pp. 13233.
Storm, Institute for International Economics,
September 29, 2004, p. 4, http://www.pkverleger 53. The March 2006 version of the National Security Strategy of the United States points to the danger of
the Chinese trying to lock up oil supplies (pp.
46. Enid Tsui, Sinopec Warns of Tough Year in 4142). A number of senators and representatives
Midst of Inflation Battle, Financial Times, April 4, also used similar phrases during the debate over
2006, p. 18. CNOOCs bid to buy Unocal. See also National
Security, China, and the Unocal Deal, Washington
47. Chinas price controls have not led to a reduc- Times, July 5, 2005, p. A18; Steve Lohr, Whos
tion in supply on the domestic market because Afraid of China, Inc.? New York Times, July 24,
the Chinese government has subsidized firms to 2005, sec. 3, p. 1; and Steve Lohr, Unocal Bid
make up for their price controlrelated losses. Denounced at Hearing, New York Times, July 14,
Eric Ng, Beijing Hands Sinopec a 5b Yuan 2005, p. C1.
Surprise; Unexpected Payout for Price Control
Losses Sparks Rally in Companys Shares, South 54. See, for example, Pei; and Swagel and
China Morning Post, December 28, 2006. Blumenthal. Cato Institute analyst Jerry Taylor
also made these points at a July 13, 2005, congres-
48. For example, Chinese firms have recently signed sional hearing on the CNOOC deal, but his com-
such agreements in Nigeria and Venezuela. See Jim ments were sadly overshadowed by alarmist testi-
Kennett and Manash Goswami, State Firms mony from James Woolsey, Richard DAmato, and

Frank Gaffney Jr. Lohr, Unocal Bid Denounced at are partially intended to protect China from U.S.
Hearing. military coercion. It is critical to note, however,
that few of Chinas overseas investments would
55. Texas A&M economist Jim Griffin provides a help China in such a scenario. If the U.S. Navy
clear demonstration of these economic facts in a successfully prevented oil tankers from reaching
simple numerical model in an unpublished paper, Chinese ports, China would be unable to access
The Myth of Petro-Nationalism, May 2006. the oil it owned in (for example) Sudan or
Manuscript in authors possession. Venezuela. As a result, Chinese overseas invest-
ments need not precipitate any American foreign
56. U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Policy Act of policy response. The main elements of Chinas
2005, Section 1837: National Security Review of Inter- energy policy that would reduce the effectiveness
national Energy Requirements, February, 2006, p. 3. of a U.S. naval blockade are Chinas new strategic
petroleum reserve and the pipelines it is building
57. Foss; and U.S.-China Economic and Security with its neighbors to transport Caspian basin oil
Review Commission, pp. 9798. to China. For a short review of these arguments,
see U.S.-China Economic and Security Review
58. In other words, China may be able to accom- Commission, pp. 9899, 1034. Overall, any con-
plish the same thing by simply buying as much oil cern about the effect of Chinese energy policy on
as it can in world markets today and hoarding it. American military leverage should be tempered
by consideration of the (low) likelihood that the
59. Even in the Unocal auction, CNOOCs losing United States would apply military coercion to
bid was substantially higher than Chevrons. In China and the enormous costs of such a military
other recent cases, the Chinese have won by action.
spending more than Western oil companies
thought a property was worth. Kang Wu and Shair 64. Of course, a price increase would also stimu-
Ling Han, Chinese Companies Pursue Overseas late additional exploration and exploitation of oil
Oil and Gas Assets, Oil and Gas Journal, April 18, fields, which would increase medium-term supply
2005; and U.S.-China Economic and Security and mitigate the price increase. Over time, the bal-
Review Commission, pp. 9798, 100104. ance of shifts in both demand and supply deter-
mines the price of oil.
60. See, for example, Council on Foreign Relations
Independent Task Force, More Than Humanitarian- 65. Chip Cummins, As Threats to Oil Supply
ism, pp. 41, 4952. Grow, A General Says U.S. Isnt Ready, Wall Street
Journal, December 19, 2006, p. A1.
61. For a critical assessment of the effectiveness of
economic sanctions, see Robert A. Pape, Why 66. For example, Daniel Yergin notes that oil is
Economic Sanctions Do Not Work, International abundant underground; he argues that the pri-
Security 22, no. 2 (Fall 1997): 90136. Even sanctions mary threat to U.S. oil access arises from political
optimists acknowledge that sanctions do not disruptions rather than resource scarcity. See
cause significant political change in target regimes Yergin, Ensuring Energy Security. See also Joe
very often. Kimberly Ann Elliott, The Sanctions Barnes, Amy Jaffe, and Edward L. Morse, The
Glass: Half Full or Completely Empty? International New Geopolitics of Oil, National Interest, Energy
Security 23, no. 1 (Summer 1998): 5065. Supplement, November, 2004.
62. Daniel W. Drezner, Bargaining, Enforcement, 67. For example, see Council on Foreign Relations
and Multilateral Sanctions: When Is Cooperation Independent Task Force, National Security Con-
Counterproductive? International Organization sequences of U.S. Oil Dependency, pp. 28, 5051.
54, no. 1 (Winter 2000): 73102.
68. For a more detailed analysis of oil market dis-
63. There is one other concern that may fan U.S. ruptions and their implications for American mil-
fears about Chinas energy policy, though it is itary policy, see Eugene Gholz and Daryl G. Press,
rarely articulated publicly. U.S. military planners Protecting The Prize: Oil and the U.S. National
may be concerned that Beijings efforts to Interest, manuscript, June 2006. Manuscript in
improve relations with foreign oil producers and authors possession.
purchase foreign oil concessions may partially
protect China from a U.S. blockade during a 69. To varying degrees, each event described here
future military conflict (not necessarily caused by surprised world markets, so the disruption and
tensions over access to oil). In a war over Taiwan, adjustment can be observed using aggregate data
for example, the United States would likely use its on oil production and price. In contrast, the 2003
naval power to try to sever Chinas energy supply U.S. invasion of Iraq was widely anticipated, so oil
lines. Perhaps Chinas foreign energy investments markets gradually adjusted prior to the attack,

and the precise effects of the invasion on oil mar- OutputChance of a Reduction Dims, But New
kets are therefore harder to tease out. Focus on Stockpiles Could Keep Oil Prices Aloft,
Wall Street Journal, December 8, 2006, p. A4; and
70. The surprise in the 1979 case was that Saudi Stanley Reed, Will Oil Stay Soft? Business Week
Arabia responded to the Iranian output cutback Online, September 12, 2006.
by cutting Saudi production rather than increas-
ing output. One plausible hypothesis is that the 79. Gholz and Press consider these two important
Gulf monarchs were stunned by the Iranian revo- scenarios in detail along with a third important
lution, and increased concern about their own scenario, a blockade of the Strait of Hormuz,
domestic stability made them, particularly the through which a large fraction of the worlds oil
Saudis, susceptible to pressure from Islamic fun- supply passes each day. The analysis presented
damentalists or Palestinian groups to punish the there shows that the United States could respond
West by raising oil prices. William B. Quandt, to any threat to the strait without prepositioning
Saudi Arabia in the 1980s: Foreign Policy, Security, and military forces on the ground in the Persian Gulf.
Oil (Washington: Brookings Institution, 1981), That scenario is not included here because it main-
pp. 13032; and Yergin, The Prize, p. 704. ly draws on military analysis rather than the logic
of market response emphasized in the second sec-
71. All data on oil production levels and prices are tion of this paper. From the perspective of the mar-
from the U.S. Department of Energys Energy ket response, the blockade of the strait would look
Information Administration. Prices reflect the very much like the case of a Saudi civil wartoo
refiner acquisition cost of oil and are quoted in large a disruption for the market to replace.
2000 U.S. dollars.
80. The bias in the region tends to explain most
72. The 1979 collapse of the Iranian oil industry U.S. actions as attempts to secure (or steal) Gulf
closely followed the 1978 strikes, so those two inci- oil, so it should be easy to convince would-be
dents are combined into a single panel of Figure 2. aggressors that the United States would fight over
The initial strikes did not have a significant effect the division of oil reserves.
on prices, but the later disruption (which became
serious in the spring of 1979) is the exceptional 81. Barry R. Posen, Command of the Commons:
case of a sustained increase in oil prices. The Military Foundation of U.S. Hegemony,
International Security 28, no. 1 (Summer 2003):
73. Douglas R. Bohi and Michael A. Toman, The 546. Even analyses that highlight the limitations
Economics of Energy Security (Boston: Kluwer of U.S. airpower agree that American airpower
Academic Publishers, 1996), pp. 37, 8187. can utterly destroy ground forces advancing in
the open. For example, see Daryl G. Press, The
74. Yergin, The Prize, p. 748. Myth of Airpower in the Persian Gulf War and the
Future of Warfare, International Security 26, no. 2
75. Bushan Bahree and Chip Cummins, In Oils (Fall 2001): 9, 12, 40.
New Era, Power Shifts to Countries with Reserves,
Wall Street Journal, June 14, 2006, pp. A1, A12; and 82. Russia also produces enough oil that it would
Jason Grumet, executive director of the National be difficult for other producers to provide substi-
Commission on Energy Policy, Testimony before tute supply rapidly, so if Russia were consumed
the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, by civil war that interrupted oil production, the
Hearing on Energy Security and Oil Dependence, United States and other oil consumers might face
May 16, 2006. a steep and extended price hike. Russias size and
nuclear arsenal would preclude American mili-
76. Matthew Simmons tries conscientiously to tary intervention in a Russian civil war.
figure out the technical details of Saudi produc-
tion capacity in his book, Twilight in the Desert, but 83. In most cases, the overthrow of the Saudi
the data for a full, reliable assessment are simply monarchy by domestic Saudi groups would not
not available, as Simmonss heroic but ultimately warrant U.S. military intervention to protect oil
unsatisfying attempts to divine information interests: the new government would be very like-
about Saudi production capacity make clear. ly to sell its oil. Two circumstances, however,
might require intervention. First, if a pro-al-
77. Griffin and Xiong, pp. 3078. Qaeda group were winning the civil war, interven-
tion might be justified to prevent such a govern-
78. Pressure to fill inventories contributed to the ment from obtaining the huge cash inflows asso-
run-up to the peak in oil prices in the summer of ciated with Saudi oil sales. Second, if the Saudi
2006, and drawing down those inventories then security forces lost the ability to protect the coun-
contributed to the price drop in the fall of 2006. trys critical oil infrastructure, U.S. help might be
Bhushan Bahree, OPEC Likely to Stand Pat on appropriate.

84. From 1994 to 2003, the United States main- might be adequate (e.g., 35,00070,000), though
tained approximately 150 combat aircraft, 5,000 the U.S. deployment might cause the uprising to
Air Force personnel, and 8,000 U.S. Army soldiers spread to other regions of the country. And even
on the Arabian Peninsula. the latter low-end estimates vastly exceed the
peacetime U.S. deployment in the region, suggest-
85. The seminal article on calculating force ing that the peacetime deployment cannot be jus-
requirements for stability missions is Quinlivan. tified by the need for rapid deployment during a
Using Quinlivans method, which calculates force Saudi civil war.
requirements as a function of population in the
area of hostilities, a mission to stabilize all of 86. John D. Stempel, Inside the Iranian Revolution
Saudi Arabia (whose population is roughly 27 (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1981),
million) might require more than 270,000 U.S. pp. 5, 10, 120, 321.
troops, which is roughly twice the current deploy-
ment in Iraq. If the uprising in Saudi Arabia were 87. Eugene Gholz, Daryl G. Press, and Harvey M.
confined to the oil-rich Eastern Province (popula- Sapolsky, Come Home, America, American
tion roughly 3.5 million), then a smaller U.S. force Conservative 3, no. 11 (June 7, 2004): 1519.


588. Escaping the Trap: Why the United States Must Leave Iraq by Ted Galen
Carpenter (February 14, 2007)

587. Why We Fight: How Public Schools Cause Social Conflict by Neal
McCluskey (January 23, 2007)

586. Has U.S. Income Inequality Really Increased? by Alan Reynolds (January 8,

585. The Cato Education Market Index by Andrew J. Coulson with advisers
James Gwartney, Neal McCluskey, John Merrifield, David Salisbury, and
Richard Vedder (December 14, 2006)

584. Effective Counterterrorism and the Limited Role of Predictive Data

Mining by Jeff Jonas and Jim Harper (December 11, 2006)

583. The Bottom Line on Iran: The Costs and Benefits of Preventive War
versus Deterrence by Justin Logan (December 4, 2006)

582. Suicide Terrorism and Democracy: What Weve Learned Since 9/11 by
Robert A. Pape (November 1, 2006)

581. Fiscal Policy Report Card on Americas Governors: 2006 by Stephen

Slivinski (October 24, 2006)

580. The Libertarian Vote by David Boaz and David Kirby (October 18, 2006)

579. Giving Kids the Chaff: How to Find and Keep the Teachers We Need
by Marie Gryphon (September 25, 2006)

578. Irans Nuclear Program: Americas Policy Options by Ted Galen

Carpenter (September 20, 2006)

577. The American Way of War: Cultural Barriers to Successful

Counterinsurgency by Jeffrey Record (September 1, 2006)

576. Is the Sky Really Falling? A Review of Recent Global Warming Scare
Stories by Patrick J. Michaels (August 23, 2006)

575. Toward Property Rights in Spectrum: The Difficult Policy Choices

Ahead by Dale Hatfield and Phil Weiser (August 17, 2006)

574. Budgeting in Neverland: Irrational Policymaking in the U.S. Congress

and What Can Be Done about It by James L. Payne (July 26, 2006)
573. Flirting with Disaster: The Inherent Problems with FEMA by Russell S.
Sobel and Peter T. Leeson (July 19, 2006)

572. Vertical Integration and the Restructuring of the U.S. Electricity Industry
by Robert J. Michaels (July 13, 2006)

571. Reappraising Nuclear Security Strategy by Rensselaer Lee (June 14, 2006)

570. The Federal Marriage Amendment: Unnecessary, Anti-Federalist, and

Anti-Democratic by Dale Carpenter (June 1, 2006)

569. Health Savings Accounts: Do the Critics Have a Point? by Michael F.

Cannon (May 30, 2006)

568. A Seismic Shift: How Canadas Supreme Court Sparked a Patients

Rights Revolution by Jacques Chaoulli (May 8, 2006)

567. Amateur-to-Amateur: The Rise of a New Creative Culture by F. Gregory

Lastowka and Dan Hunter (April 26, 2006)

566. Two Normal Countries: Rethinking the U.S.-Japan Strategic

Relationship by Christopher Preble (April 18, 2006)

565. Individual Mandates for Health Insurance: Slippery Slope to National

Health Care by Michael Tanner (April 5, 2006)

564. Circumventing Competition: The Perverse Consequences of the Digital

Millennium Copyright Act by Timothy B. Lee (March 21, 2006)

563. Against the New Paternalism: Internalities and the Economics of Self-
Control by Glen Whitman (February 22, 2006)

562. KidSave: Real Problem, Wrong Solution by Jagadeesh Gokhale and Michael
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561. Economic Amnesia: The Case against Oil Price Controls and Windfall
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558. The Birth of the Property Rights Movement by Steven J. Eagle (December 15,

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