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Lovely Professional University, Punjab

Course Code CAP323 Course Category Course Title MULTIMEDIA SYSTEMS Courses with skill focus Course Planner 13544::Rajeev Kanday Lectures 3.0 Tutorials Practicals Credits 0.0 0.0 3.0

TextBooks Sr No T-1 T-2 Title Multimedia: Making it work Fundamentals of Multimedia Reference Books Sr No R-1 R-2 R-3 R-4 Other Reading Sr No OR-1 OR-2 OR-3 Journals articles as Compulsary reading (specific articles, complete reference) Journal of Multimedia (JMM)-- , Advances in Multimedia : , Multimedia System Journals: , Title Principles of Multimedia Multimedia Handbook Multimedia: Computing, Communications Applications Multimedia System Design Author Ranjan Parekh Keyes Ralf Steinmetz and Klara Naharstedt K. Andleigh and K. Thakkar Edition 6th 4th 3rd 4th Year 2008 2000 2001 2000 Publisher Name Tata McGraw Hill Tata McGraw Hill , Pearson Education Publications PHI (Pretice Hall India) Author Tay Vaughan Ze-Nian Li and Mark S.Drew Edition 7th 3rd Year 2008 2005 Publisher Name Tata McGraw Hill , Pearson Education Publications

Relevant Websites Sr No RW-1 RW-2 RW-3 RW-4 (Web address) (only if relevant to the course) Salient Features Magazine covering technical information on a broad range of issues in multimedia Explores various aspects of Multimedia Multimedia Applications in Real Life Multimedia in Science and Technology

Software/Equipments/Databases Sr No SW-1 SW-2 (S/E/D) (only if relevant to the course) Flash MMX Windows Movie Maker Salient Features Tool used for creating animations, effects, components used in forms. Tool used for creating and editing movie/presentations.

LTP week distribution: (LTP Weeks) Weeks before MTE Weeks After MTE Spill Over 7 6 2

Detailed Plan For Lectures

Week Number Lecture Number Broad Topic(Sub Topic) Chapters/Sections of Text/reference books Other Readings, Lecture Description Relevant Websites, Audio Visual Aids, software and Virtual Labs RW-2 OR-3 Learning Outcomes Pedagogical Tool Demonstration/ Case Study / Images / animation / ppt etc. Planned

Week 1

Lecture 1 Lecture 2

Multimedia(Meaning and its usage) Multimedia(Stages of a Multimedia Project)

T-1:CH1 T-1:CH2

Definition of Multimedia Know about the Slide show by Teacher Multimedia and usages Four basic stages of Multimedia project we will easily learn how web projects are different for other application projects Slide show by Teacher

Lecture 3 Week 2 Lecture 4 Lecture 5

Multimedia(Multimedia Skills required in a team) Text(Fonts & Faces) Text(Using Text in Multimedia)

T-1:CH3 T-1:CH4 T-1:CH4


Talking about skill sets for multimedia Various fonts used in Multimedia designing

To improve the Quality Slide show by Teacher Formatting the text Slide show by Teacher Slide show by Teacher

Various fonts used in Formatting the text Multimedia designing for text designing OR-2 How to edit the Fonts, Formatting the text create new fonts by using some tools

Lecture 6

Text(Font Editing & Design Tools) Text(Hypermedia & Hypertext)


Slide show by Teacher

Week 3

Lecture 7


Role of Hypermedia and Using both we will Slide show by Teacher Hypertext embedded video, audio etc in the project What is System Sound OR-2 Difference between digital vs analog Learn about various sounds in our system We will understand about digital audio Slide show by Teacher Slide show by Teacher

Lecture 8

Sound(Multimedia System Sounds) Sound(Digital Audio)

T-1:CH5 T-1:CH5

Week 3

Lecture 8

Sound(MIDI Audio)


How to implement different different formats of MIDI Discuss about different file formats MP3, MP4, MPEG etc RW-2 Differentiate between MIDI and Digital To discuss the application and use of Voice Recognition

We will understand how to implement MIDI sounds in multimedia projects Student will know about the different file format Students will learn about the basic difference Students will learn about the different voice recognition techniques

Slide show by Teacher

Lecture 9

Sound(Audio File Formats)


Slide show by Teacher

Sound(MIDI vs Digital Audio)


Slide show by Teacher

Sound(Voice Recognition & Response)


Slide show by Teacher

Week 4

Lecture 10

Images(Still Images Bitmaps)


To discuss about the still Students will learn images generated by the about the Images computer in the form of bitmap

Slide show by Teacher

Images(Vector Drawing)


To discuss about the Students will learn Slide show by Teacher vector images generated about the various image by the computer formats Term Paper,Test 1 OR-2 Difference between 2D vs 3D Students will learn how Slide show by Teacher to implement 3D images in Multimedia projects Students will learn about the effects of natural lights Students will learn to implement computerized colors and images Students will learn to implement computerized colors and images Slide show by Teacher

Lecture 11 Lecture 12 Images(3D Drawing & rendering) T-1:CH6

Week 5

Lecture 13

Images(Natural Light & Colors)


Discuss about different different color formats Discuss about difference between natural and computerized colors palettes Discuss about difference between natural and computerized colors palettes Discuss about different file formats Difference between Macintosh Windows Formats Discuss various Cross Platform formats

Lecture 14

Images(Computerized Colors)


Slide show by Teacher

Lecture 15

Images(Color Palletes)


Slide show by Teacher

Week 6

Lecture 16

Images(Image File Formats)


Students will learn to Slide show by Teacher distinguish between different image formats Student will learn about Slide show by Teacher Difference between Macintosh Windows Formats Learn different different Slide show by Teacher formats

Lecture 17

Images(Macintosh & Windows Formats)


Lecture 18

Images(Cross Platform format)


Week 7

Lecture 19

Animation(Principle of Animations)



How to create an Animation

Student will learn how to implement Animations in multimedia projects

Slide show by Teacher

Lecture 20

Animation(Animation Techniques)


What are the various Animation techniques What are the various Animation file formats

Student will learn Slide show by Teacher different techniques for Animation Student will learn Slide show by Teacher various file formats for Animation

Lecture 21

Animation(Animation File Formats)


Week 8 Lecture 22 Video(How Video Works) T-1:CH8 OR-3 What is video Student will learn how to introduced video in Multimedia Projects Student will work on different standards to achieve the quality Student will learn different technical aspects Slide show by Teacher

Lecture 23

Video(Broadcast Video Standards: NTSC, PAL, SECAM, ATSC DTV) Video(Analog Video)


Understand the video standards Term Paper,Test 2

Slide show by Teacher

Lecture 24 Week 9 Lecture 25 T-1:CH8 RW-1

Technical aspects of Analog video What is Digital video

Slide show by Teacher

Video(Digital Video)


Student will learn Slide show by Teacher difference about analog vs digital Student will learn different different standards and their implementation Slide show by Teacher

Video(Digital Video Standards ATSC, DVB, ISDB)


Various standards used in Digital video

Lecture 26

Hardware(Macintosh versus Windows)


Difference between Macintosh Windows Formats in the form of video implementation

Student will learn about Slide show by Teacher Difference between Macintosh Windows Formats Slide show by Teacher

Lecture 27

Hardware(Connections: IDE, SCSI, UIDE, ATA, USB, Firewire etc.) Hardware(Storage devices)


What are the Hardware Know about the requirement for different connection connections requirements

Week 10

Lecture 28


Usage of storage devices Student will learn about Slide show by Teacher different storage devices How can we implement Input output devices for multimedia projects RW-2 How to edit text and word for multimedia Functionality of OCR software Student will understand Slide show by Teacher the role of peripheral devices Student will know about different tools used for editing Slide show by Teacher

Lecture 29

Hardware(Input , Output devices for Multimedia Projects) Multimedia Software Tools(Text Editing & Word processing tools) Multimedia Software Tools(OCR S/W)


Lecture 30


Week 11

Lecture 31


Student will understand Slide show by Teacher the functionality of OCR

Week 11

Lecture 32

Multimedia Software Tools (Painting & Drawing Tools)


How to use paint and drawing tools in multimedia How to use different movie tools OR-3 How to use different User Interactive tools

Student will know about different tools used for painting and drawing Student will know about different tools used for movie Student will know about different tools used for Multimedia Authoring

Slide show by Teacher

Lecture 33

Multimedia Software Tools(Video & Digital movie tools) Multimedia Presentation and Authoring(Multimedia Authoring Tools) Multimedia Presentation and Authoring(VRML) Multimedia Presentation and Authoring(Recent Tools) Multimedia tools for World Wide Web & Designing for World Wide Web(Plug Ins) Multimedia tools for World Wide Web & Designing for World Wide Web(Text & Images for the web) Multimedia tools for World Wide Web & Designing for World Wide Web(Sound & Animation for the Web)


Slide show by Teacher

Week 12

Lecture 34


Slide show by Teacher

Lecture 35


Functionality of VRML software Discuss about various presentation tools

Student will understand Slide show by Teacher the functionality of OCR Student will understand Slide show by Teacher the various presentation tools Slide show by Teacher

Lecture 36


Week 13

Lecture 37


Basic concept of plugins Student will learn how to implement plugins Usage of designing web pages Usage of designing web pages Student will learn designing of text and images

Lecture 38


Slide show by Teacher

Lecture 39


Student will learn Slide show by Teacher implementation of sound and animation in web page

Week 14 Lecture 40 RW-3 Multimedia Applications Various real time in Real Life applications will learn by the student Animation Movies Student will learn the making of animation movies Slide show by Teacher

Lecture 41



Slide show by Teacher

Scheme for CA:

Component Term Paper,Test Frequency 2 Total :Out Of 3 Each Marks Total Marks 10 10 20 20

Details of Academic Task(s)

AT No.


Topic of the Academic Task

Nature of Academic Task (group/individuals/field work Group

Evaluation Mode

Allottment / submission Week 4 / 11

Term Paper 1

To analyze the data As per the given topics for a given problem, and then write it up coherently. to test the performance of the students to evaluate the students test to be taken in the class

The organization and the quality of written report also on the basis of viva or presentation. based on the performance in the test based on the performance in the test2

Test 1



Test 2

test2 to betaken in the class


8 / 10

List of suggested topics for term paper[at least 15] (Student to spend about 15 hrs on any one specified term paper) Sr. No. Topic 1 Compare Multimedia Features of Windows XP and Windows Viesta. 2 MMX 3 Can Multimedia be used in Science. If Yes discuss with illustrations and examples. 4 Discuss technology behind Multiscreen. 5 Multimedia have diverst applications.In this context discuss Moral Development through the use of Multimedia. 6 Multimedia improves learning. Prepare a case study on Multimedia Learning. 7 Multimedia Signal Processing and Communications 8 Distributed Multimedia Systems. 9 Internet Multimedia 10 Mobile Multimedia. 11 Intelligent Multimedia Interaction. 12 IBM MPEG - 4 Technologies. 13 Multimedia Networking and System Support. 14 Prepare a case study of Multimedia Features of Samsung Multimedia Handsets. 15 Prepare a case study of Multimedia Features of apple i-phone.

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