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626 November 12, 2008

The Durable Internet

Preserving Network Neutrality without Regulation
by Timothy B. Lee

Executive Summary

An important reason for the Internet’s remark- network owners are likely to find deviations from
able growth over the last quarter century is the the end-to-end principle unprofitable.
“end-to-end” principle that networks should con- New regulations inevitably come with unin-
fine themselves to transmitting generic packets tended consequences. Indeed, today’s network
without worrying about their contents. Not only neutrality debate is strikingly similar to the debate
has this made deployment of Internet infrastruc- that produced the first modern regulatory agency,
ture cheap and efficient, but it has created fertile the Interstate Commerce Commission. Unfortu-
ground for entrepreneurship. On a network that nately, rather than protecting consumers from the
respects the end-to-end principle, prior approval railroads, the ICC protected the railroads from
from network owners is not needed to launch new competition by erecting new barriers to entry in
applications, services, or content. the surface transportation marketplace. Other
In recent years, self-styled “network neutrality” 20th-century regulatory agencies also limited
activists have pushed for legislation to prevent competition in the industries they regulated. Like
network owners from undermining the end-to- these older regulatory regimes, network neutrality
end principle. Although the concern is under- regulations are likely not to achieve their intended
standable, such legislation would be premature. aims. Given the need for more competition in the
Physical ownership of Internet infrastructure does broadband marketplace, policymakers should be
not translate into a practical ability to control its especially wary of enacting regulations that could
use. Regulations are unnecessary because even in become a barrier to entry for new broadband
the absence of robust broadband competition, firms.

Timothy B. Lee, an adjunct scholar at the Cato Institute, is pursuing a Ph.D. in computer science at Princeton
Too much Bell system will regain control over the nation’s
centralization Introduction communications infrastructure and transform
the Internet into a proprietary network. Dereg-
and bureaucracy The 1970s saw two revolutions that would ulationists, on the other hand, worry that
is detrimental to transform the American economy for decades Washington bureaucrats will gain control over
to come. One was the early development of the the Internet, returning the country to the bad old
innovation. Internet. The other was a wave of deregulation days when government bureaucrats, not market
that freed the nation’s transportation and forces,determinedtheshapeofcommunications
communications infrastructure from micro- markets.
management by federal bureaucracies. These two movements have come to regard
Each of those revolutions was tied to an themselves as implacable foes, but they have
intellectual tradition that has profoundly more in common than they like to admit: they
shaped the modern world. In the 1980s, the share the fundamental insight that too much
Internet was one network among many, and centralization and bureaucracy is detrimental
most of its competitors were built on propri- to innovation. But each is convinced that the
etary standards. Partisans for the Internet other’s agenda will bring about these unfortu-
tended to be partisans for open technologies nate circumstances. Each camp has sometimes
more generally. As the Internet has emerged as overstated its case and failed to take the other
the undisputed winner of the networking side’s concerns seriously. And each camp has a
wars, it also became the poster child for “open- great deal to learn from the other.
ness,” the now-dominant ideology of Silicon The openist camp includes Internet pio-
Valley. neers like World Wide Web inventor Timothy
Similarly, the deregulations of the 1970s Berners-Lee,2 who is intimately familiar with
were brought about by a sea change in scholar- the prerequisites for online innovation. It
ly attitudes toward government regulation. would be a mistake to dismiss too lightly this
Public policy scholars in the early 20th century camp’s concerns about the problems that
had imagined that neutral bureaucrats could could be created by network discrimination.
manage the economy and society. That naïve The deregulationists include prominent
optimism gave way to a more sophisticated economists such as Alfred Kahn, who oversaw
and skeptical view of the regulatory process in the deregulation of the airline industry under
the decades after World War II. Economists President Jimmy Carter. Kahn possesses a
began to suggest that regulatory processes were deep understanding of the unintended conse-
vulnerable to “government failures” akin to the quences of government regulation. Ignoring
market failures often cited to justify govern- his concerns about the unintended conse-
ment regulations. Scholars articulated theories quences of government regulation would be
of “regulatory capture” in which regulated equally misguided.3
industries manipulated the regulatory process “Network neutrality” has been given many
for their own benefit. And they began to recog- meanings, but the core dispute is over whether
nize the frequency with which regulatory network owners will alter the Internet’s end-
schemes produce harmful, unintended conse- to-end architecture. Openists fear this out-
quences. come while some deregulationists welcome it.
In “The Broadband Debate: a User’s Guide,” Other deregulationists flatly deny that the
Columbia law professor Tim Wu dubbed these end-to-end principle has ever been the norm
two schools of thought the “openists” and the on the Internet. But in fact, the end-to-end
“deregulationists,” respectively.1 The network principle has been the central organizing prin-
neutrality debate has put the heirs of these tradi- ciple of the Internet for a quarter century. And
tions on a collision course. Each camp views the both sides overestimate the power of the net-
other as a threat to the gains of the last quarter work owners. The natural inertia of the
century. Openists worry that the remnants of the Internet’s architecture, together with the vigi-

lance and technical skill of the online commu- roads, but in practice it reduced competition
nity, is likely to provide an adequate counter- in the railroad industry, effecting transfers of
weight to network owners’ efforts to trans- wealth from the general public to the railroads
form the Internet into a proprietary network, and other politically connected groups. Over
regardless of the actions of government regu- the course of the 20th century, the ICC trans-
lators. Network owners who try to profit from formed virtually the entire surface transporta-
discriminatory practices will encounter stiff tion industry into a government-run cartel.
resistance from an army of tech-savvy users This and other examples suggest that policy-
who rapidly develop and disseminate counter- makers should be extremely cautious about
measures and workarounds. Network owners enacting new regulations when nonregulatory
will find that they lack the leverage to effec- approaches might achieve the same goals.
tively control the behavior of online firms and If there’s one thing that almost all sides of
users and that efforts to limit the activities of the network neutrality debate agree on, it’s that
their own customers are financial and public- there is inadequate competition in the broad-
relations disasters. Network owners who try to band marketplace. Given that consensus,
construct a “walled garden” of proprietary openists should think twice about demanding
applications and content are likely to be simi- new regulatory regimes that could create barri-
larly disappointed, as proprietary services fail ers to entry for new market entrants. Comply-
ISPs are likely to
to keep pace with the open Internet. ISPs are ing with regulatory regimes requires the ser- respect network
likely to respect network neutrality not vices of lawyers, lobbyists, accountants, and neutrality not
because they want to but because economic other highly paid professionals. Every dollar
and technological constraints leave them little spent on these activities is a dollar that cannot because they want
choice. be spent on R&D or new infrastructure. to but because
Concerns that network owners will under- Regulations designed with today’s technolo-
mine free speech online are particularly mis- gies in mind could in practice bar new entrants
economic and
guided. Network owners have neither the tech- with innovative business models and technolo- technological
nology nor the manpower to effectively filter gies. Congress should therefore be reluctant to constraints leave
online content based on the viewpoints being impose regulations on a sector of the economy
expressed, nor do profit-making businesses that has, until now, been largely free to do busi- them little choice.
have any real incentive to do so. Should a net- ness without government regulation.4
work owner be foolish enough to attempt The existence of significant constraints on
large-scale censorship of its customers, it the power of individual network owners and
would not only fail to suppress the disfavored the risks of unintended consequences sug-
speech, but the network would actually in- gest that enacting prospective network neu-
crease the visibility of the content as the effort trality regulation would be premature and
at censorship attracted additional coverage of probably counterproductive. There is little
the material being censored. danger that network owners will fundamen-
The openists have a tendency to underesti- tally transform the Internet’s architecture,
mate the unintended consequences that can and so it would be unwise for policymakers
occur when governments regulate. History to enact new regulations to deal with vague
suggests that regulatory efforts to protect the or speculative threats.
customers of major infrastructure owners
often end badly. The first such effort was the
creation of the Interstate Commerce Commis- The Internet and
sion in 1887. The language of the Interstate End-to-End
Commerce Act was strikingly similar to the
network neutrality language being considered The Internet owes its extraordinary success
today. The ICC’s backers touted it as a way of to a set of technical principles that have been
protecting the public from abuses by the rail- implicit in its design since it began life as an

experimental network called the ARPANET in and managed the ARPANET, developed the
1969. The most important of these principles first e-mail program. E-mail rapidly became
is the “end-to-end” principle, which holds that the Internet’s “killer app.” Prior to the intro-
computer networks should be decentralized, duction of e-mail, ARPANET was little more
with most of the “intelligence” of the network than an interesting research project. But once
residing on computers at the network’s end- the head of ARPA, Stephen Lukasik, started
points, rather than with routers at the core of using e-mail to manage day-to-day ARPA
the network. The end-to-end principle gave business, it became an indispensable com-
the Internet important technical and econom- munications tool for military researchers.6
ic advantages that helped it to outpace its Indeed, a study commissioned just a year
rivals and become the world’s dominant com- after the debut of e-mail found that it already
munications network. accounted for three-quarters of all traffic on
The military’s Advanced Research Project the ARPANET.7
Agency (ARPA) was tasked with funding sci- Crucially, Tomlinson didn’t need to ask the
entific research that might have military appli- permission of the ARPANET’s operators to
cations. During the 1960s, it provided signifi- develop his simple e-mail program, nor did
cant funding to computer-science researchers. ARPANET users require anyone’s approval to
One of the most important projects it funded begin using it. All that was required to add e-
was an experimental packet-switched network mail functionality to ARPANET was for the
called the ARPANET. The networks already in sender and receiver to each have compatible
existence at the time of the ARPANET’s software installed on their computers.
founding were centrally managed, special- ARPANET differed from the modern-day
purpose networks. The telephone system, for Internet in at least one important respect: the
example, was optimized for carrying phone network was responsible for guaranteeing that
calls and little else. Indeed, AT&T strongly dis- every packet made it from source to destina-
couraged users from using it for other pur- tion. In the event of congestion or other prob-
poses. Adding a new capability (or “function- lems, the network would store the packet and
ality”) to the phone network was a costly resend it at a later time, ensuring that it would
proposition because it often required a com- eventually be delivered. That design worked
prehensive overhaul. well on a homogenous network with extreme-
In contrast, ARPANET was designed to ly limited computing power at the endpoints.
accommodate a variety of different applica- ARPANET’s reliability guarantees reduced the
tions without modifications to the network. burden on the programmers developing new
By transmitting generic packets, rather than applications because they didn’t have to worry
phone calls or telegraph messages, it left the about lost packets.
sender and receiver free to decide for them- However, as packet-switched networks
selves what kind of information would be became more popular, it became clear that the
ARPANET was transmitted and how that information would ARPANET design had a serious weakness: the
be interpreted by the recipient. That gave the ARPANET protocols were not well suited for
designed to system unprecedented flexibility. The net- combining heterogeneous networks. Because
accommodate work’s designers initially envisioned the cre- ARPANET applications depended on the net-
a variety of ation of file-transfer and remote-login applica- work’s reliability guarantees, all parts of the
tions (the predecessors of today’s FTP and network had to be designed to support them.
different Telnet protocols5), but they wanted to make it Researchers experimenting with new types of
applications easy for users to develop additional applica- networks (such as wireless) in which packet
without tions that were not envisioned by the net- loss was more common became convinced
work’s creators. that a new set of protocols was needed to join
modifications That foresight paid off in 1972, when Ray together networks with diverse operating
to the network. Tomlinson, an engineer at the firm that built characteristics.

TCP/IP and as a result the initial effort to develop the Placing
The result, developed over the course of the World Wide Web was a shoestring affair with functionality at
1970s, was the TCP/IP protocol suite (that is, only a handful of collaborators.11 Luckily, the
the collection of protocols) that forms the Internet’s decentralized design meant that no the endpoints of
foundation of today’s Internet.8 TCP/IP special modifications to the Internet’s architec- a network, rather
achieved unprecedented flexibility by shifting ture—or even permission from its operators—
even more responsibility to the network’s end- were needed to deploy the Web around the
than within the
points. Unlike the ARPANET, TCP/IP-based world. As soon as Berners-Lee completed work network itself,
networks offer no guarantees about reliable on the first Web server, anyone who had an both lowers costs
packet delivery. When an IP-based router Internet connection and a copy of his Web
encounters congestion or other problems, it browsing software could access it. Thanks to and increase the
simply drops any packets it can’t deliver in a the end-to-end principle, Berners-Lee and flexibility of the
timely fashion, making it the responsibility of dozens of others were able to launch new system.
the sender to notice that a packet hasn’t been Internet applications that could reach a world-
acknowledged and re-send it.9 wide audience at minimal cost.
A seminal 1984 paper by three MIT com-
puter scientists made explicit the end-to-end The Limits of Closed Networks
design principles implicit in TCP/IP. In their The current market for software on mobile
paper, “End-to-End Arguments in System Des- phones provides a stark contrast to this happy
ign,” J. H. Salzer, D. P. Reed, and D. D. Clark state of affairs. In many cases, mobile applica-
pointed out that placing functionality at the tions can only be brought to market with the
endpoints of a network, rather than within the explicit permission of the major wireless oper-
network itself, could both lower costs and ators. Tim Wu has argued that developing soft-
increase the flexibility of the system.10 The ware for mobile phones can be extremely frus-
developer of any given application will have a trating, because on most mobile platforms,
better idea of the appropriate level of function- developers have to spend as much time dealing
ality than will the designers of a network that with the carriers’ bureaucratic approval process
might be used by many different applications, as they do actually developing their software.
so the end-to-end approach avoids adding Wireless carriers routinely impose elaborate
unnecessary (and costly) functionality to a net- testing requirements, demand a cut of applica-
work that won’t be used by many applications. tion developers’ revenues, and even ban soft-
Although the original end-to-end paper didn’t ware functionality that might conflict with
focus on TCP/IP networks specifically, the their existing business models. The result is an
Internet has since become the paragon of the anemic market for phone-based software.12
principles described in the paper. On a TCP/IP Wu overstates his case in some respects. It is
network, a router’s only responsibility is deliv- possible to get smart phones that are relatively
ering individual packets to their destination. free of carrier restrictions, although those
Decisions about what to do with those packets phones tend to be unsubsidized by the carriers
are made by applications running at the net- and therefore are significantly more expensive.
work’s endpoints. Phones based on Microsoft’s PocketPC plat-
The advantages of this decentralized form, for example, place relatively few restric-
approach to network design is best illustrated tions on software development. And recent
by the birth of the World Wide Web, an appli- developments including the introduction of the
cation that many now regard as synonymous iPhone,13 the unveiling of Google’s Android
with the Internet itself but which was not mobile operating system,14 and Verizon’s
invented until 1990. The Web was developed by announcement that it will make its network
computer scientist Timothy Berners-Lee at the more open,15 suggest that competitive pressures
European physics laboratory CERN. Berners- may continue to push wireless carriers toward
Lee received limited support from his superiors, greater openness. As Wu himself acknowledges,

the predominance of closed cellular platforms based on their contents.
is not necessarily an argument for government
But Wu’s paper powerfully illustrates the The Underwhelming Case
downsides of closed networks. At present, it is for Network Discrimination
not as easy as it should be for a smart pro-
grammer to release innovative new mobile A representative example of the argument
software on a shoestring budget the way for network discrimination was put forward
Berners-Lee did with the Web two decades ago. by economists Robert Hahn and Scott
Developers that wish to release software for Wallsten of the (now-defunct) AEI-Brookings
the most widely deployed cell phone platforms Joint Center for Regulatory Studies.16 Hahn
must run the gauntlet of the major carriers’ and Wallsten view network neutrality regula-
approval processes. There are probably talent- tion as a kind of price regulation, requiring
ed software developers who are being excluded that “last mile” broadband providers charge
(and consumers being denied innovations) content providers a price of zero for access to
because of these barriers. We should, therefore, their networks. They suggest that under a net-
be concerned at the prospect of the Internet’s work neutrality regime, application developers
The Internet becoming more like a closed wireless network. would have no incentive to “take into account
succeeded Recently, legal scholars have begun using potential congestion costs of bandwidth-
because, the term “network neutrality” to denote a intensive applications.”
principle roughly equivalent to the end-to-end This argument is based on a flawed under-
thanks to the principle. The concept of “network neutrality” standing of the Internet’s basic structure. The
end-to-end is rarely defined precisely, and network neu- Internet is a collection of thousands of net-
trality advocates sometimes disagree among works that agree to carry one another’s traffic.
principle, themselves about precisely which activities Any pair of networks that wish to exchange
it harnessed violate it. For purposes of clarity, this paper traffic negotiate an agreement specifying the
the power of will mostly use the slightly narrower concept terms of interconnection. If one network is
of “end-to-end.” There are a few examples of significantly larger than the other, the smaller
decentralized network policies that arguably violate network network will typically pay the larger network
innovation. neutrality but not the end-to-end principle. for connectivity, an arrangement known as
These are considered explicitly later in this “transit.” If two networks are roughly equal,
paper. But the end-to-end principle is a precise they will typically carry each others’ traffic
technical concept that encompasses the great without charge, an arrangement known as
majority of the behaviors that concern net- “settlement-free peering.”17 Because these
work neutrality advocates. agreements are negotiated in the context of a
The Internet succeeded because, thanks to competitive market, they tend to reflect the
the end-to-end principle, it harnessed the pow- full cost to each network of carrying the oth-
er of decentralized innovation, allowing any- er’s traffic.
one to add functionality to the network with- The price that an Internet firm like Google
out centralized decisionmaking. Today, the pays for bandwidth includes the costs of secur-
importance of the end-to-end principle has ing “upstream” connectivity to other networks.
become the conventional wisdom, but there The costs of delivering traffic to a “last mile”
are dissenters from this networking ortho- broadband provider like Comcast or Verizon is
doxy. In recent years, several important econo- implicitly included in the price Google pays for
mists, legal scholars, and technologists have connectivity. Hence, Hahn and Wallsten’s sug-
argued that the emergence of new applications gestion that network neutrality allows Internet
and growing Internet congestion have companies to “use [network owners’] property
strengthened the case for “smarter” networks for free” is mistaken. Network owners do not
that give differential treatment to packets receive direct payments from all of the parties

whose data they carry, but the network of con- and social networking websites. The average
sensual interconnection agreements that binds Internet user has no clear sense of the type or
the Internet together ensures that each Internet amount of data any given application gener-
user pays a fair share of the total costs of run- ates. Any pricing policy complex enough to
ning the network. distinguish among the many categories of
With thousands of network owners and Internet content is likely to be incomprehensi-
hundreds of millions of users, it would be pro- ble to most customers.
hibitively expensive for every network to Tech-savvy users would present an even
charge every user (or even every online busi- bigger headache for a network owner with a
ness) for the bandwidth it uses. Transaction discriminatory pricing strategy. If different
costs would absorb any efficiency gains from types of data were billed at different rates,
such an arrangement. It would make no more users would have a powerful financial incen-
sense than an automobile manufacturer tive to camouflage their high-priced bits to
requiring its customers to make separate pay- look like lower-priced bits. That would spark
ments to the manufacturers of every compo- a technological arms race in which the ISP
nent of a new automobile. One of the services developed more sophisticated filtering tech-
an ISP provides to its customers is “one stop nology and users developed better evasion
shopping” for Internet connectivity. This techniques. Network owners would almost
arrangement has important economic advan- certainly lose this arms race, but not before
tages and is unlikely to change in the foresee- spending millions of dollars on unnecessary
able future. hardware and software.
If additional measures are needed to con-
Application and Content Discrimination trol congestion, it’s likely to be far more effec-
Another prominent critic of network neu- tive to instead impose content-neutral restric-
trality is Christopher Yoo, a law professor at tions on bandwidth consumption. These
Vanderbilt University. Yoo correctly argues could take the form of bandwidth caps, meter-
that we should be cautious about enacting leg- ing, or limits on average throughput. Any of
islation that might foreclose beneficial evolu- these strategies could relieve congestion with-
tion of networking technologies. But Yoo goes out the problems of discriminatory traffic fil-
beyond that general note of caution to offer tering.19
some specific arguments for abandoning the
end-to-end principle. Yoo’s arguments on this Quality of Service
score are unpersuasive. Some applications, such as Internet tele-
Yoo contends that discriminating among phony and online gaming, are extremely sensi-
bandwidth-hogging applications could be an tive to delays in packet delivery (known as
effective way to minimize congestion.18 He latency). Yoo suggests that it could be benefi-
suggests that by charging users different cial for networks to give packets from these
prices depending on the types of applications applications higher priority than packets from
they wish to use, or prohibiting the use of cer- applications like the Web and e-mail that are
tain bandwidth-hogging applications alto- less sensitive to latency.20 Most Internet appli-
gether, ISPs could avoid network gridlock cations, including the Web and e-mail, are not
and improve the experience of ordinary users significantly disturbed by short delays in pack- The Internet is a
who use standard Internet applications like et delivery. However, some applications can be
the Web and e-mail. significantly degraded by what network engi- collection of
There are two major problems with this neers call “jitter,” or random delays in packet thousands of
approach to managing congestion. One is that delivery. Probably the most significant latency- networks that
novice users are likely to find it confusing. sensitive application is Internet telephony. An
There are thousands of Internet applications, occasional one-second delay in packet delivery agree to carry one
including online games, business applications, can dramatically degrade the quality of phone another’s traffic.

The Internet calls using a VoIP application (Voice over that the costs of QoS architectures are high-
was deliberately Internet Protocol) such as Vonage or Skype. er than the benefits and would “threaten the
“Quality of service” (QoS) technologies scalability and flexibility of the Internet.”22
designed without attempt to guarantee a latency-sensitive appli- The fundamental problem is economic as
a centralized cation such as Vonage a minimum amount of much as it is technical: introducing QoS fea-
bandwidth at all times. This obviously involves tures makes network interconnection much
authority that routing packets from certain (latency-sensitive) more complicated. It’s relatively easy to imple-
could allocate applications in preference to packets from oth- ment QoS guarantees on an integrated net-
bandwidth er applications, and as such it would appear to work owned entirely by one network provider,
be a violation of the end-to-end principle. because the network can have centralized
to favored Yoo contends that the need for QoS guar- management infrastructure that allocates the
applications. antees is a strong argument for relaxing the necessary bandwidth to each application. But
end-to-end principle. But Ed Felten, a com- Internet traffic almost always traverses more
puter scientist at Princeton University, offers a than one network, and a QoS guarantee for
couple of reasons why QoS guarantees may half of a network path isn’t worth much. The
not be as necessary as they seem at first glance. Internet was deliberately designed without a
A latency-sensitive application can sometimes centralized authority that could allocate band-
be converted into a non-latency-sensitive width to favored applications. Nor is there
application through clever engineering. For anything resembling a billing infrastructure
example, streaming video is latency-sensitive, that would allow applications to purchase
but newer video applications such as YouTube guaranteed bandwidth on other networks.
employ buffering, so that on a fast enough If effective QoS technologies are developed,
network connection they almost always dis- they are likely to be implemented in a decen-
play the video smoothly. Second, QoS guaran- tralized manner that is consistent with the
tees are not needed on a network with a lot of spirit of the end-to-end principle. For example,
spare capacity. If an application’s bandwidth one of the most prominent schemes for packet
needs are significantly less than the average prioritization is DiffServ, developed in the late
bandwidth available on the network, short- 1990s.23 Under this scheme, network end-
term fluctuations in available bandwidth may points mark each packet with one of a small
not cause problems because the throughput number of priority classes. When routers
may never drop below the application’s mini- encounter congestion, they drop lower-priority
mum rate. Felten suggests that some fast net- packets before higher-priority ones. To prevent
works may have reached this point for voice cheating, routers at network boundaries limit
applications.21 the number of high-priority packets the net-
Quality-of-service guaranties may prove work will accept per user, reclassifying or drop-
so expensive to implement that it would be ping packets to enforce pre-existing limits on
more cost-effective to focus on increasing the number of high-priority packets the net-
total capacity instead. QoS guarantees are work will accept.24
hard to implement on a heterogeneous net- A more ambitious proposal was laid out
work like the Internet. From 1998 to 2001, a in a recent paper by Lawrence G. Roberts, the
group of researchers associated with the man who led the original ARPANET project,
Internet2 project conducted a series of exper- and two other researchers. It proposes a QoS
iments with QBone, an experimental QoS architecture for the Internet that would allow
architecture. In 2002, they released a report any network endpoint to request bandwidth
concluding that QBone suffered from “poor guarantees using a standardized protocol,
incremental deployment properties, intimi- with intermediate routers indicating whether
dating new complexity for network opera- they have the spare capacity to guarantee the
tors, missing functionality on routers, and requested bandwidth.25
serious economic challenges.” They argued These designs may be inconsistent with the

end-to-end principle narrowly conceived, but which channels to carry. He suggests that
they are consistent with the end-to-end princi- such content selection by network owners is
ple in the sense that they leave network end- analogous to the editorial policies of websites
points with the ultimate authority to decide such as Google or Sports Illustrated. Yoo worries
which packets should get priority treatment. that consumers will be harmed if they cannot
Under these schemes, networks do not attempt be provided with “editorial filters.”
to classify packets based on their contents or This critique seems to miss the fundamen-
prioritize based on the network owner’s judg- tal difference between traditional cable net-
ments about which applications or content works and the Internet. Analog cable net-
merit priority treatment. Rather they allow works broadcast all of their channels over the
users and application developers to decide wire simultaneously. As a consequence, there
which applications are latency-sensitive. is a limit to the number of cable channels that
There would be no real advantage, and can be made available to the user. It is there-
considerable disadvantages, to having net- fore unavoidable that someone will decide
work owners try to recognize latency-sensi- which cable channels will be provided. In con-
tive traffic based on packet contents. First, trast, Internet content is transmitted only
such a scheme would undermine one of the upon user requests. As a result, there’s no
Internet’s core strengths: the ability of new need for ISPs to pick and choose among
There would
applications to be deployed without consult- Internet content. They can make all the appli- be no real
ing the hundreds of companies that manage cations and content on the Internet available, advantage,
various parts of the Internet. If network own- and let the user choose.
ers adopted lists of latency-sensitive applica- Yoo is right about the importance of editors and considerable
tions that would receive higher priority, a to filter the avalanche of information available disadvantages, to
company launching a new, latency-sensitive on the Web. But he misunderstands the funda-
application would need to lobby dozens of mental division of labor between the routers in
having network
network operators for inclusion on their lists. the core of the network and servers at the end- owners try to
Second, if packets were prioritized based on points. No large network owner could build a recognize latency-
the type of application, applications that did- filtering regime that would satisfy each of its
n’t make the cut would have a strong temp- millions of customers. At the same time, if net- sensitive traffic
tation to boost performance by camouflag- work owners respect the end-to-end principle, based on packet
ing their traffic so that it looked like the users can choose from among the thousands of contents.
traffic of a high-priority application, once filters already available on the Internet. Web-
again sparking an unnecessary arms race. If sites like Google, Digg, Sports Illustrated, or
prioritization is the goal, it makes more sense ICanHasCheezburger help users find content
to allow users themselves (specifically, the they’re interested in and weed out the rest.
applications they choose to install and run) There are no good reasons for ISPs to try to dis-
to explicitly mark the priority of their packets place this abundance of filtering options, and
rather than having the network try to guess good reasons to hope they don’t.
the appropriate values. The end-to-end principle ensures that end
users have maximum control over their Inter-
Editorial Filters net experience. Deviations from end-to-end will
Yoo argues that the explosion of content generally reduce user autonomy by substituting
on the Internet has made it necessary for the network owner’s judgment for the user’s
“telecommunications networks to exercise own judgment. The arguments in favor of
editorial control.”26 Analogizing the Internet doing this are unpersuasive. But Yoo and other
to a cable television network, he suggests that scholars have also argued that the end-to-end
network owners need the ability to decide principle has already been abandoned online.
which websites their customers visit for the We turn to these arguments next.
same reasons that cable operators decide

thousands of servers distributed around the
Is the Internet world that cache frequently-accessed content
Neutral Now? on behalf of clients. For example, CNN might
arrange for Akamai to host its video content.
Yoo cites the “emergence of beneficial prac- Instead of downloading videos directly from
tices, such as backbone [i.e., settlement-free] CNN’s web server, the user’s web browser
peering, content delivery networks like Akamai, downloads the content from an Akamai-
network-based spam filtering, and blocking owned server close to the user’s location.
websites known to be sources of viruses”27 as Yoo’s argument regarding content-delivery
examples of current networking practices that networks stems from a misunderstanding
violate the end-to-end principle. But with one about the nature of those networks. The word
possible exception, these examples do not offer “network” has a number of distinct meanings
compelling arguments for relaxing the end-to- in computer science, and a content-delivery
end principle. To understand why, it is impor- network is not a “network” in the same sense
tant to recognize that the end-to-end principle that the Internet is a network. It is a network
constrains only the routers “inside” the network only in the more general sense of a group of
that are responsible for routing the packets of computers working together to achieve a com-
other computers. The end-to-end principle does mon purpose. Given the confusing terminolo-
not constrain the behavior of network end- gy, it’s understandable that Yoo would assume
points, which never handle any packets other that “intelligence in the core of the network” is
than their own. required for Akamai to work properly. But in
As discussed above, settlement-free peering practice, Akamai’s servers communicate via
is an arrangement in which two networks agree ordinary TCP/IP connections, and Internet
to carry each others’ traffic without charge. routers route Akamai packets exactly the same
This typically occurs when the networks are of way they route any other packets.
roughly equal size, and so the benefits of peer- To understand how Akamai manages this
ing to each side are approximately equal. On feat, it’s helpful to know a bit more about what
the other hand, when networks of unequal size happens under the hood when a user loads a
connect, the smaller network will often be document from the Web. The Web browser
required to pay the larger network to carry its must first translate the domain name (e.g.,
traffic. “”) into a corresponding IP address
Yoo’s concern seems to be that the different ( It does this by querying a special
financial treatment of large and small net- computer called a domain name system (DNS)
works violates the principle that all traffic be server. Only after the DNS server replies with
treated equally. But it must be remembered the right IP address can the Web browser sub-
that the end-to-end principle, and network mit a request for the document. The process
neutrality more broadly, are focused on the for accessing content via Akamai is the same
technical, rather than contractual, behavior of except for one small difference: Akamai has
network owners. The end-to-end principle special DNS servers that return the IP address-
requires that a network’s routers give equal es of different Akamai Web servers depending
treatment to all packets that traverse the net- on the user’s location and the load on nearby
Backbone peering work. It has nothing to say about the prices servers. The “intelligence” of Akamai’s network
simply doesn’t networks charge each other for interconnec- resides in these DNS servers.
tion. Backbone peering simply doesn’t violate Because this is done automatically, it may
violate network network neutrality or the end-to-end princi- seem to users like “the network” is engaging
neutrality or ple, if those terms are properly understood. in intelligent traffic management. But from a
the end-to-end network router’s perspective, a DNS server is
Akamai just another endpoint. No special modifica-
principle. A content delivery network consists of tions are needed to the routers at the core of

the Internet to get Akamai to work, and legislation, sponsored by Sens. Olympia Large-scale
Akamai’s design is certainly consistent with Snowe (R-ME) and Byron Dorgan (D-ND), violations of
the end-to-end principle. would have prohibited only interference with
“lawful content, application or service.”29 the end-to-end
Spam and Viruses Viruses would likely be considered illegal principle have
The same point applies to Yoo’s example applications under this definition. The need to
of spam filtering. To see why once again combat the spread of viruses, therefore, does
certainly been
requires a brief discussion of Internet archi- not seem to be a compelling argument against rare and have
tecture. From an architectural perspective, e- leading network neutrality proposals. almost always
mail servers are network endpoints, just like
Akamai’s Web and DNS servers. Internet Misreading RFCs generated
routers route e-mail packets the same way Economists Robert Hahn and Robert Litan controversy.
they route any other type of packet. Although have also claimed that adherence to the end-to-
e-mail service is sometimes bundled together end principle is far from universal. In a paper
with Internet access, there is no necessary con- for the AEI-Brookings Joint Center on
nection between the two. Indeed, many Inter- Regulation they argued that the Internet does
net users use third-party e-mail access that is not follow the end-to-end principle and never
not affiliated with their ISP. did.30 Their major evidence is found in techni-
One advantage of this arrangement is that cal documents called “requests for comments”
users of neutral networks can choose third- (RFCs) that define basic Internet protocols.
party e-mail providers if they are dissatisfied Hahn and Litan argue that at least four RFCs
with the e-mail service provided by their own appear to countenance nonneutral routing of
ISP. In contrast, filtering e-mail at the network Internet packets. However, closer inspection of
level imposes one anti-spam policy on every these documents gives a very different picture.
user, whether or not they appreciate this “ser- One document,31 written in 1994, does not
vice.” Some ISPs do engage in network-level describe the existing TCP/IP protocols, but a
spam filtering, but this activity is not essential “proposed extension to the Internet architec-
to anti-spam efforts and is arguably counter- ture” that has not been widely adopted for
productive.28 public Internet connectivity.32 A second, writ-
The end-to-end principle does not preclude ten in 1974,33 advises host machines imple-
an ISP from offering spam filtering services on menting the TCP protocol to “treat incoming
its own mail server. But it does require net- packets with higher priority than outgoing
work owners not to interfere with users who packets.” But remember that the end-to-end
wish to use a mail server provided by a third principle constrains the behavior of routers in
party. This ensures that users who are dissatis- the core of a network, not hosts at its end
fied with the anti-spam policies of their ISP’s points. The third, published in 1981,34 specifies
own e-mail service can choose another one. that packets in the IP protocol should include
Virus-infested websites are a rare case where a field for priority and that this field could be
a strong argument can be made for deviating used for prioritizing packets. However, the
from the end-to-end principle. But it’s not dif- RFC doesn’t specify how routers should use
ficult to draw a principled distinction between this information, and the field is generally
efforts to combat viruses and most other devi- ignored by modern Internet routers. Finally,
ations from end-to-end. Anti-virus efforts are Hahn and Litan cite another 1981 paper by
typically designed to protect users against Internet pioneer Vinton Cerf that did indeed
malicious strangers. That seems fundamental- describe a nonneutral networking scheme.35
ly different from run-of-the-mill violations of However, the document concerns AUTODIN,
network neutrality that prioritize some legiti- an early alternative to the TCP/IP protocol suite
mate users or applications over others. In any that never caught on. That a failed early com-
event, the most prominent network neutrality petitor to TCP/IP did not observe the end-to-

end principle is certainly not evidence that the Yet example after example suggests that,
modern Internet violates it.36 in practice, the owners of large, open techno-
It would be overstating the case to claim logical platforms have only limited control
that the end-to-end principle has never been over the use of those platforms. As Apple has
violated. But large-scale violations of the end- discovered with its ongoing attempts to lock
to-end principle have certainly been rare and down its iPhone platform,38 customers can-
have almost always generated controversy. not be counted on to passively accept artifi-
Neutral treatment of packets by “dumb” net- cial limitations imposed by platform owners.
works has been the norm for a quarter centu- To the contrary, customers actively resist
ry, and there are good reasons to preserve that such restrictions, and in many cases, plat-
arrangement. Respecting the end-to-end prin- form owners find themselves almost power-
ciple ensures that end-users are in control of less to prevent it. An example will help to
their Internet experience, and it provides a fer- illustrate this point.
tile environment for online innovators, who
are able to quickly and easily reach a global 09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63
audience with new content and applications. 56 88 C0
There is a widespread assumption on both In early 2007, hackers extracted a previ-
The owners sides of the network neutrality debate that the ously secret “processing key” that could be
of large, open Internet’s end-to-end architecture is quite frag- used to unscramble commercial HD-DVD
technological ile. Many people believe that network owners and Blu-Ray discs without the permission of
have broad powers to reshape the Internet, or copyright owners. This 128-bit key, which
platforms have at least their own customers’ experience of it. can be represented in hexadecimal notation
only limited But this is far from true. as “09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63
56 88 C0,” began to circulate on the Internet.
control over the In April, the “licensing authority” in charge
use of those Customers Gone Wild: of the copy protection built into Blu-Ray and
platforms. Why Ownership Doesn’t HD-DVD discs began sending threatening
letters to website operators demanding that
Mean Control the key be removed. This effort backfired, as
Debates over regulatory policy are replete the threatening letters generated more pub-
with claims that network owners will—a few say licity for the key, and more people began
“should”—allow, prohibit, promote, or dis- hosting the key on their websites.39
courage a variety of applications, devices, and Soon the key appeared on Digg, a popular
content on their networks. They can, it is imag- online news site. Digg is unlike most other
ined “speed up” favored applications and “slow news sites because its content is created and
down” disfavored applications, make some selected almost entirely by Digg readers. They
content more prominent than others on users’ submit stories to the site and vote on which
screens, and tilt the direction of the online con- stories should appear on the front page. The
versation in ways that are congenial to network results reflect the quirky tastes of the site’s
owners. Proponents of network neutrality reg- largely young, male, tech-savvy audience, with
ulations warn that this outcome will lead to a a mixture of technology and gadget news, pol-
less innovative, less useful, and less democratic itics, celebrity gossip, and sophomoric humor.
Internet. Some opponents of regulation wel- Like other sites, Digg received legal demands
come it, suggesting that deviations from end- that the keys be removed from the site. In a
to-end can increase the efficiency of the net- blog post on May 1, Digg CEO Jay Adelson
work, reduce congestion, and accomplish other announced that Digg would comply with the
worthwhile goals. But hardly anyone questions demands.40
whether companies would be able to under- Digg users regarded this decision as censor-
mine the Internet’s end-to-end architecture.37 ship. Over the next eight hours, thousands of

Digg users began submitting stories contain- cally defined criteria. Yet as long as Digg
ing the key and voting those stories onto the retained the user-generated editorial strategy
site’s front page. At one point, Digg’s entire that had been responsible for its success, Digg
home page was filled with stories about the had no choice but to permit the stories its
key. Digg’s staff attempted to delete the stories users wanted to put there. Ownership of the
but they were simply unable to keep up. Nor physical platform was no grant of the power to
would software filters have been an effective control its use.
solution because users began posting the key in
a variety of formats that couldn’t easily have Third-Party Instant-Messaging Clients
been blocked by filters. One user picked up his Another good example of the kinds of chal-
guitar and turned the key into a song. Another lenges a network owner can expect to face if it
user registered the key as a domain name and engages in wide-scale network discrimination
posted a link to that. Others posted images and can be found in the long-running battle over
videos featuring the key. T-shirts with the key interoperability between the major instant-
printed on them were offered for sale. messaging networks owned by Microsoft,
Just eight hours after Adelson’s initial AOL, and Yahoo! and the developers of third-
announcement, Digg threw in the towel. In a party instant-messaging applications. As the
later blog post that same day, Digg founder name suggests, instant messaging is a class of
Kevin Rose wrote that, “after seeing hun- applications that allow users to see when their
dreds of stories and reading thousands of friends are online and chat with them in real
comments, you’ve made it clear. You’d rather time. Yahoo!, Microsoft, and AOL all offer
see Digg go down fighting than bow down to clients free instant-messaging software and
a bigger company.”41 Rose put a brave face on maintain servers that allow these clients to
the situation, but the reality is that Digg had communicate.
no real choice. Its users had demonstrated A variety of third-party developers have
their determination to keep the key on Digg’s developed competing instant-messaging appli-
front page. Digg’s users vastly outnumbered cations designed to be compatible with these
its employees, and their ingenuity and deter- networks. Yahoo!, AOL, and Microsoft would
mination were no match for any software prefer that users use their own client software
Digg could reasonably have developed. instead. On several occasions in 2003 and
Of course, Digg could have overhauled the 2004, Yahoo! made changes to its instant-mes-
site to make it more like a more traditional saging protocol designed to shut out third-par-
news site, in which Digg employees reviewed ty applications.42 Microsoft and AOL made
stories before they were posted. But that similar efforts to block third-party IM clients
would have been financial suicide. Digg’s spec- from their IM networks.43 In each case, the
tacular growth over the last few years was developers of the third-party applications
largely thanks to the site’s unique story-selec- reacted swiftly, releasing software updates
Although Digg’s
tion technology. Converting Digg into a tradi- within a matter of days, if not hours, that re- executives had
tional news site would have alienated the vast established compatibility. Indeed, over time, complete physical
majority of Digg’s users and severely restricted the responses of the various third-party appli-
the site’s potential for continued growth. cations became more sophisticated and better- control over its
The paradoxical result was that although coordinated. They increasingly used shared servers, it faced
Digg’s executives had complete physical con- libraries so that workarounds could be devel- significant con-
trol over its servers, it faced significant con- oped once and then deployed to all clients
straints on its ability to control what appeared simultaneously. straints on its
on its home page. Digg could remove any giv- Ultimately, AOL, Microsoft, and Yahoo! all ability to control
en story, ban any given user, and even install relented. The constant software updates were
software filters that automatically removed a source of irritation for users of their official
what appeared on
content that matched certain programmati- client software, and it became clear that users its home page.

Workarounds can of third-party clients were not going to give up. stunt the adoption of new, cutting-edge tech-
often be quickly Today, third-party clients such as Trillian, nologies. They worry that if only hard-core
Pidgin, and Adium (and newcomers like hackers can take advantage of workarounds,
integrated into Meebo) support all major instant-messaging the effect will be little different than a total
user-friendly networks with the grudging acquiescence of block.
the networks’ operators. But one lesson of the instant-messaging
consumer To be clear, Digg and instant messaging wars is that workarounds can often be quickly
products that are operate at the edges of the network, so these integrated into user-friendly consumer prod-
accessible to controversies are not network neutrality issues ucts that are accessible to ordinary users. Even
as such. But the stories suggest the kinds of the ragged band of volunteers and small start-
ordinary users. problems that ISPs would be likely to en- ups that developed alternative instant-messag-
counter if they attempted to restrict their cus- ing applications early in this decade managed
tomers’ use of their Internet connections. The to quickly develop and distribute reasonably
TCP/IP protocols, like Digg’s editorial process, user-friendly applications that incorporated
place a great deal of power in the hands of end the latest workarounds. Users only needed to
users. That power cannot be withdrawn by fiat. download an installer and double-click on it.
For almost a decade, broadband ISPs have While there are certainly some users who can-
accepted a basically passive role, transmitting not manage this feat, there are tens of millions
the users’ packets without interfering with who can.
them or even knowing what they contain. This More important, a network owner launch-
decentralization of responsibility has made ing a concerted assault on network neutrality
possible a breathtaking variety of interesting would face much larger, better-funded, and
and useful applications, including Google, more determined opponents. Major Internet
Wikipedia, World of Warcraft, AOL Instant firms such as Microsoft, Apple, and Google
Messenger, the iTunes store, and millions of have a strong incentive to preserve the open
others. Internet. It’s not hard, for example, to imagine
The assumptions of the open network are Google bundling circumvention software with
deeply embedded in each and every one of the Google toolbar that’s already on millions
these applications. They are not designed for of Americans’ computers. And, of course,
centralized control or administration. In the Windows and Mac OS already have automatic
short term, network owners certainly have the software update features that could be used to
power to block any given application, just as distribute workarounds. These companies
Digg has the power to delete any given story or clearly understand that the erosion of the end-
AOL has the ability to block any given user to-end principle could leave them at the mercy
from its IM network. But such blunt instru- of network owners. They therefore have every
ments aren’t likely to succeed or to serve the incentive to design their products in ways that
network owner’s interests in the long run. As shift power toward themselves or their cus-
we will see below, network owners’ efforts to tomers rather than to network owners.
manipulate users’ online activities are far more
likely to generate ill will and spur the develop- “More Is Different”
ment of workarounds than they are to foster Another challenge facing platform owners
docile acceptance and higher profits. wishing to control their users’ behavior is that
platforms become progressively harder to con-
Evasion for the Masses trol as they become larger and more complex.
Some advocates of government regula- In his recent book, Here Comes Everybody,44
tions requiring network neutrality are worried Clay Shirky writes (quoting physicist Phillip
not that cutting-edge technologies would be Anderson) “more is different.” That is, the
blocked entirely but that network owners behaviors of large, complex systems cannot
might dissuade enough nontechnical users to easily be predicted from the behaviors of sim-

pler systems. would mean inconveniencing the millions of
Should they try to implement new, more customers who use one or more uncommon
discriminatory policies, the owners of net- applications.
works are likely to find that managing a com- As in the Digg incident, any effort by a net-
plex platform with tens of millions of users is work owner to exert more control over its por-
very different from managing a simple plat- tion of the Internet would face determined
form with tens of thousands or hundreds of resistance from geek-activists who would
thousands of users. As a network becomes develop creative ways to evade the filters. Just
larger and more complex, a larger, more hier- as Digg users transformed the AACS key into
archical, and (inevitably) more bureaucratic songs and pictures to evade text-based filter-
organization will be needed to manage it. And ing, so hackers would develop software to
the more control the organization attempts to camouflage disfavored traffic. The sheer num-
exert, the more personnel it will require and ber of potential adversaries would make orga-
the more acute the organizational challenges nizing an effective response a monumental
it will face. challenge.
We have already seen the difficulties faced In short, ISPs that attempt to limit their
by Digg and the various instant-messaging users’ online activities are likely to learn the
networks when they tried to limit their users’ same lesson that Digg did: openness is a one-
Once a firm
activities on those platforms. The Internet as way ratchet. Once a firm cedes control to its cedes control to
a whole is an incomparably larger, more com- users, things evolve in a way that makes it its users, things
plex, and more decentralized system. If extremely difficult to reassert control. On a
blocking unwanted news stories from Digg closed network, most users are unaware of the evolve in a way
or unauthorized clients from AOL’s instant- limitations being imposed on them, so they that makes it
messaging network was difficult, blocking may not agitate for more openness. But once
undesired content or applications from the users have had a taste of freedom, they become
Internet as a whole may be virtually impossi- acutely aware of any new restrictions and will difficult to
ble. stubbornly resist efforts to impose them. reassert control.
Of course, this isn’t to say that the major
network owners are completely powerless. In
the short run, they can certainly block any giv- Network Discrimination
en application or website. But randomly in the Real World
blocking a handful of websites or applications
is unlikely to be a profitable business strategy. There is a common, but unstated, assump-
The discriminatory business models that net- tion in much writing about network neutrality
work neutrality advocates fear require a that the Internet’s open architecture is a fragile
sophisticated and comprehensive regime of system that could collapse at the first sign of
price discrimination, and it is far from clear pressure. Advocates of new regulations point to
that it would be feasible to enforce such a scattered examples of network owners violat-
scheme for the Internet as a whole. ing the end-to-end principle and suggest that
There are millions of small websites, appli- these violations presage a more general retreat
cations, and content providers. For any strate- from a nondiscriminatory network.
gy of network discrimination to succeed, it But such pessimism is unwarranted. On a
would require, at a minimum, software that network with thousands of firms and hun-
can identify and classify this heterogeneous dreds of millions of users, it is not surprising
traffic in real time. But the sheer number and that we see occasional deviations from the
variety of applications would make the devel- end-to-end principle. But such discriminatory
opment of such software extremely costly. In policies have tended to be haphazard and rare.
practice, the software would have to simply They have been minor headaches for a small
block any traffic it didn’t recognize, which number of broadband users rather than a

threat to the Internet’s fundamental architec- prohibiting the use of WiFi to share Internet
ture. And despite the recent bluster of some access with anyone outside of the customer’s
telecom executives,45 efforts to undermine the premises. Yet there’s no way broadband
end-to-end principle do not appear to be providers could possibly enforce these restric-
growing more frequent or more ambitious. tions in a systematic manner. Indeed, open
Indeed, the Internet has a rich history of WiFi networks have become quite common,
being used in ways that were officially prohib- and broadband providers do not appear to be
ited by the network’s owners. This has been taking action against their owners.
true since the early days of the ARPANET. In In addition, Comcast’s current acceptable
1972, a single connection to the ARPANET use policy does not allow users to “post, store,
could cost more than $100,000—half a million send, transmit, or disseminate any informa-
2008 dollars.46 Much of that cost was born by tion or material which a reasonable person
ARPA itself, and at least on paper, use of the could deem to be indecent, pornographic,
network was to be restricted to ARPA-related harassing, threatening, hateful, or intimidat-
research projects. Yet by the mid-1970s, there ing.” Although hard data on pornography
were unsanctioned mailing lists on the dissemination by Comcast’s customers is
ARPANET devoted to weighty topics such as hard to come by, anecdotal evidence suggests
science fiction. Some such activities may have that this restriction is not being enforced.
had the tacit approval of ARPA as a way of gen- One hundred percent of cable providers and
erating useful test traffic.47 But when day-to- a third of DSL providers limited the operation
day operation of the network was transferred of servers in 2002, a restriction that continues
from ARPA to the Defense Communications to appear in Comcast’s latest acceptable use
Agency, military bureaucrats made a serious policy. And it has been at least sporadically
effort to crack down on “frivolous” uses of the enforced. However, there is little reason to
network. For example, one 1982 message from think this restriction has been a significant
DCA threatened to cut off sites that forwarded obstacle to the development of innovative serv-
an “e-mail chain letter” that had been making er software. First, there is a vibrant market for
the rounds.48 However, those efforts had limit- third-party hosting services, with prices as low
ed success. Thanks to the network’s decentral- as $10 per month.50 This is well within the bud-
ized architecture, DCA’s ability to monitor and get of anyone wanting to host his or her own
control the use of its network was extremely content. Second, even those ISPs that ban the
limited. use of traditional servers generally permit (with
In a 2003 paper, Tim Wu documented a some exceptions discussed below) the use of
variety of restrictions that broadband providers consumer applications, such as peer-to-peer
placed on their users earlier in this decade.49 applications, that have server-like characteris-
Wu’s thesis was that these restrictions were a tics. Most users do not want to run their own
threat to open architecture of the Internet. But Web or e-mail servers, and would be unlikely to
Once users have five years later, a different conclusion suggests do so even if it were permitted. But when a sig-
had a taste of itself: these restrictions, while irritating to indi- nificant number of users have begun to use
vidual customers who have been subject to applications that perform server-like roles, ISPs
freedom, they them, have been too sporadically enforced to have generally not classified them as servers or
become acutely have had any real effect on the open character of attempted to restrict their use.
aware of any new the Internet.
For example, several cable providers pro- The Comcast Kerfuffle
restrictions and hibited customers from installing home net- Probably the most clear-cut example of a
will stubbornly working equipment or sharing their Internet recent attack on network neutrality was last
access with others outside of their premises. year’s revelation that Comcast had been
resist efforts to The current (as of July 2008) Comcast accept- interfering with peer-to-peer file sharing traf-
impose them. able use policy includes a similar provision fic. In October, the Associated Press con-

firmed rumors that had been circulating on traffic in the future.56 Discriminatory
the Internet for months that Comcast was But the most important development was policies have
actively interfering with its customers’ use of the reaction of BitTorrent users themselves. In
BitTorrent and similar peer-to-peer file shar- early 2006, BitTorrent developers began tended to be
ing applications. The AP reported, and others adding encryption features to BitTorrent haphazard
subsequently confirmed, that Comcast’s net- clients to defeat traffic-shaping tools.57 Within
work would sometimes send forged “reset” days of the AP story, BitTorrent users began
and rare.
packets to both ends of a peer-to-peer con- swapping tips for evading Comcast’s blocks.
nection, effectively telling each end of the Most BitTorrent software supports a tech-
connection that the other had hung up.51 nique called “header encryption” that makes
Comcast is reportedly using software manu- BitTorrent packets difficult for filtering soft-
factured by a company called Sandvine to ware to identify.58 The primary long-run effect
perform this feat.52 of Comcast’s interference with BitTorrent traf-
Comcast’s defenders argued that this poli- fic won’t be a reduction in that traffic, but
cy is necessary to combat congestion on its simply more rapid adoption of encrypted ver-
network. Those arguments weren’t totally sions of the BitTorrent protocol.
implausible. Peer-to-peer activity constitutes a For a variety of reasons, including user
large fraction of online traffic, and the net- resistance, negative publicity, and regulatory
working technology currently in use by pressure, Comcast backed away from its dis-
Comcast is designed for fast downloads at the criminatory policy in March. It reached an
cost of slow uploads. Comcast argues that agreement with BitTorrent, Inc., the company
peer-to-peer traffic can place unique stresses founded by BitTorrent creator Bram Cohen,
on its asymmetrical network. to stop interfering with BitTorrent traffic. In
Comcast’s blocking didn’t just affect the return, BitTorrent agreed to work with Com-
heaviest BitTorrent users who were download- cast to make the BitTorrent protocol “more
ing gigabytes of illicit movies and music. Even efficient.” Comcast pledged to implement an
BitTorrent users engaged in totally innocuous end-to-end-friendly traffic-shaping regime by
(and relatively low-bandwidth) activities like the end of 2008.59 By the time the FCC
downloading the latest bug fixes for the online released a ruling on Comcast’s behavior in
game World of Warcraft could be affected.53 July, the issue had already been rendered a
And in an apparent misconfiguration, Sand- moot point by technological and market
vine also appears to have interfered with the developments.60
popular Lotus Notes business software.54 For all of its technical sophistication,
Comcast’s activities attracted considerable Sandvine is still a relatively blunt instrument.
public attention. Comcast scrambled to ex- No doubt some of its specific flaws will be
plain its actions and insist (somewhat mis- fixed. But no amount of tinkering with a tool
leadingly) that customers will continue to like Sandvine could give Comcast the kind of
“enjoy unfettered access to all the content, ser- comprehensive control over its network that
vices, and applications that the Internet has to network neutrality advocates have warned
offer.”55 Comcast’s competitors have relished about. Sandvine requires Comcast to describe
the opportunity to tout their own, less dis- the types of traffic it wishes to block in specif-
criminatory, network policies. Verizon, whose ic, technical terms. Yet the types of control net-
recent investments in fiber-optic lines give it work neutrality advocates hope to trump with
significantly more bandwidth than Comcast, regulation—“don’t waste bandwidth,” “don’t
has crowed that its “more robust” network share copyrighted files,” or “don’t use content
makes such filtering unnecessary. Verizon also or applications that compete with our affili-
took a shot at Comcast’s secretive policies by ates”—are not based on technical criteria. They
pledging to let customers know before it filters are business criteria that would require con-
stant tweaking by an army of network engi-

neers to implement and maintain. Regulation company for the privilege of reaching SBC’s
is not needed to frustrate such controls. The customers. In an unusually candid moment,
open architecture of the Internet is sufficient. Whitacre stated “what they would like to do is
Interfering with BitTorrent may have given use my pipes free, but I ain’t going to let them
some short-term relief to Comcast’s aging net- do that because we have spent this capital and
work while the company upgrades to a new, we have to have a return on it. So there’s going
higher-speed networking technology called to have to be some mechanism for [firms like
DOCSIS 3.0.61 But as Comcast evidently real- Microsoft, Google, and Vonage] who use these
ized, it would not have worked as more than a pipes to pay for the portion they’re using.”62
stop-gap strategy. Over time, the vast majority One model of this kind of network discrimi-
of peer-to-peer users would have either learned nation was fleshed out by Harvard law professor
how to evade Comcast’s filters or shifted to Yochai Benkler in his widely cited 2006 book,
competing firms such as Verizon that offer The Wealth of Networks,63 which examines the
unfiltered Internet access. social, economic, and political consequences of
At a minimum, it’s clear that Comcast’s the growth of the Internet and digital technolo-
practical ability to control its users’ online gies more generally. He argues that private own-
activities is sharply constrained by technical ership of communications infrastructure—even
By the time and economic forces. Comcast’s ability to exert in a competitive market—threatens the open
the FCC released fine-grained control over its users is much character of the Internet, which in turn threat-
a ruling on more limited than some network neutrality ens both innovation and free speech.64
advocates fear. Figure 1 illustrates Benkler’s simple model
Comcast’s for a world without network neutrality regula-
behavior in July, tion. In this model, D might be a major
the issue had Assessing the Threat to Internet service provider, A might be a residen-
End-to-End tial broadband customer, and B and C might
already been be competing website operators. Benkler
rendered moot by One of the challenges of evaluating the argues that this setup gives D control over A’s
case for network neutrality regulation is that “information environment,” raising three fun-
technological every supporter of new regulation seems to damental concerns about this arrangement:
and market have a different idea about the types of dis- First, D is in a position to charge B and C
developments. crimination that network owners are most unreasonable prices to communicate with A.
likely to undertake. Some analysts suggest Second, D is in a position to sign an exclusive
that network owners will focus narrowly on contract with B guaranteeing that B’s messages
degrading applications, such as Internet tele- reach A but some or all of C’s do not. Finally, D
phony, that compete with their legacy busi- may be able to alter messages to or from A as
nesses. Others suggest that they will under- they pass through D’s network, thereby mis-
take a broad scheme of price discrimination leading or manipulating A for the benefit of D
in which virtually every online application or another party’s benefit.65
would face a choice between degraded service In this simplified model, it seems self-evi-
and higher fees. Still others are worried about dent that D has almost unlimited power over
risks of censorship. A’s online experience. If B or C wants to
One of the clearest statements of the sce- transmit a message that D feels is contrary to
nario network neutrality advocates are con- its interests, D can fail to deliver the message
cerned about was voiced by Ed Whitacre, then or even alter the message to suit its purposes.
the CEO of SBC (which soon became AT&T). No doubt, Benkler would acknowledge
In a 2005 interview with Business Week, that this is a greatly simplified model for the
Whitacre created a firestorm of controversy real-world Internet. He recognizes that D’s
when he argued that large Internet firms like ability to manipulate A is limited by “the
Google, Vonage, and MSN should pay his degree to which it is hard or easy to get around

Figure 1
A Simple Model of Communications Networks Inspired by Yochai Benkler

Source: Cato Institute.

D’s facility,” and he also argues that the “the were blocking traffic and how they were
degree of transparency” of D’s manipulations doing it, and that information was picked up
is important.66 by the mainstream media and widely publi-
But Benkler nevertheless underestimates cized.
the ability of users to detect when a network Benkler also suggests that D’s control over
owner is manipulating their traffic. He writes A’s “information environment” would be so
that complete that D could prevent nontechnical
users like A from even learning about D’s
there are many reasons that different manipulation. But in the real world, even a
sites load at different speeds, or even fail broadband monopolist won’t have a monop-
to load altogether. Users, the vast major- oly on the spread of information. People have
ity of whom are unaware that the dozens of information sources, including Comcast’s
provider could, if it chose, regulate the broadcast television and radio, newspapers,
flow of information to them, will as- magazines, cable and satellite television, tele-
practical ability
sume that it is the target site that is fail- phones, and face-to-face conversation. In the to control its
ing, not that their own service provider is real world, D’s ability to control A’s “informa- users’ online
manipulating what they can see.67 tion environment” is destroyed by the multi-
plicity of alternative information sources. activities is
As we have just seen, Comcast’s actions Theoretical models can be useful when sharply
were relatively subtle and narrowly targeted they remove extraneous details and focus the
BitTorrent, a relatively obscure and unpopu- reader’s attention on the essential characteris-
constrained by
lar protocol. Yet it took only a handful of tics of a problem. And at first glance, it seems technical and
tech-savvy users to pinpoint which carriers obvious that party D in Figure 1 (say, AT&T) economic forces.

Figure 2
A More Realistic Model of the Internet

Source: Cato Institute.

It took only a
can charge party B (Google, Microsoft, or a provider like AT&T, and E and F might rep-
handful of Web startup) for access to A (a broadband cus- resent competitive backbone providers like
tech-savvy users tomer). But the simplifications of Benkler’s Global Crossing or Level 3. At first glance,
to pinpoint which model obscure more than they illuminate. this might not seem to change D’s bargain-
A more realistic model of the Internet is ing position at all. D is still the exclusive gate-
carriers were presented in Figure 2. Two new parties, E and keeper for traffic to A. D can still selectively
blocking traffic F, have been added, and B and C have been block messages from B to A, and D can still
moved so that they now receive their connec- accept payments from B to block messages
and how they tion to D (and, indirectly, to A) through from C to A.
were doing it. them. Here, D might represent a broadband However, the picture has changed in sev-

eral important ways. As noted previously, become credible until a significant number Even a broadband
more is often different. If F had only a hand- of F’s other customers have paid the fees D monopolist won’t
ful of customers, it would be feasible for D to has demanded. So although D may make a
approach each of them and credibly threaten lot of threats, it will be relatively obvious that have a monopoly
to disconnect them from D’s customers if D can never actually pull the trigger and cut on the spread of
they didn’t pay up. But as the number and its own customers off from thousands of
variety of F’s customers grows, logistical con- websites.
cerns become more and more significant. D The graph in Figure 2 has an important sym-
doesn’t have a direct contractual relationship metry. D, E, and F are “Tier 1” backbone pro-
to C, and C’s traffic to A is intermingled with viders. The Internet has approximately nine
the traffic of F’s other customers. F has no “Tier 1” network owners that peer with one
particular reason to inform D when C joins another on a settlement-free basis.69 Smaller net-
the network, nor to furnish D with contact or work owners pay one or more of these carriers to
billing information for C. carry at least some of their traffic. A randomly
To illustrate, this author contributes to the selected pair of Internet users will most often be
Technology Liberation Front,68 a small group connected via different backbone providers, and
blog that is administered by a friend who runs the path between them will therefore traverse a
a small web-design business. The site generates settlement-free peering point. So it is reasonable
a negligible amount of advertising revenue and to take this as the typical case.
has no employees. The amount of revenue a D needs access to F’s customers roughly as
major backbone provider could extract from much as F needs access to D’s customers.
the blog would be too small to even recoup the Moreover, F has a strong incentive to thwart
costs of classifying the site, identifying the site’s any effort by D to charge its own customers
owner, obtaining contact information, dis- for interconnection, because that would put
cussing the payment options with the site’s F at a serious competitive disadvantage in the
owner, and so forth. Not only would it be a competition for the business of customers
waste of money for a network owner to try to like B and C. F will be strongly motivated to
extort money from the blog, the site’s contribu- organize a “common front” with E against D.
tors would respond by publicly ridiculing that If necessary, F is likely to provide legal, public
network provider. relations, and perhaps even direct financial
This small example would be multiplied support to any customers that are targeted by
hundreds of thousands of times if a network D in order to ensure that D’s efforts fail.
owner were to approach sites with a wide In the face of well-organized opposition, it
variety of business models, organizational is extremely unlikely that D would be able to
structures, and financial situations for pay- extract payments from enough of F’s cus-
ment. A lot of sites, especially the small ones, tomers to make credible a threat to cut off the
would credibly refuse to pay a dime. rest. And that, in turn, means that C will have
That would create a chicken-and-egg no particular incentive to comply with D’s
problem. To return to Figure 2, D’s primary demands. This is especially true because C
revenue source is A and A’s cohorts, who pay would know that if it agreed to pay D for
D for the ability to communicate with C and access to D’s customers, numerous other ISPs
other customers of F. D cannot block all of would demand similar terms for themselves.
F’s customers (who might collectively repre- From C’s perspective, being temporarily cut
sent a significant fraction of all content on off from D’s network would be far preferable
the Web) from reaching A without sparking to signaling to the world that it was suscepti-
cancellations—if not lawsuits—from its own ble to such bullying.
customers. But C won’t be inclined to pay D In the event of a prolonged standoff, in
unless C believes D’s threat to cut off C is which D blocked C from access to A, it is almost
credible. C knows that D’s threat won’t certain that D would blink first. Such a move

would generate enormous amounts of positive anyone offering a site that competes with B. If,
publicity for C and negative publicity for D. It for example, B is an online video site, B will want
would likely spark customer cancellations, and to ask D to block all competing online video
perhaps even lawsuits based on false advertis- sites. Initially, that will be easy: B can just provide
ing, breach of contract, or the like. A prolonged D with a list of the major competing video sites,
standoff would do tremendous damage to D’s and D can institute a block based on the rele-
reputation and considerable damage to its bot- vant IP addresses. But preserving B’s monopoly
tom line. Indeed, if C were significantly smaller on online video would grow more difficult over
than D, C might even relish the opportunity to time. B’s competitors are likely to begin looking
be cast in a David-and-Goliath battle with D. for ways to route around D’s block. B or D
Anyone who got their Internet access from would need to expend considerable resources to
someone other than D would still be able to track and counter those efforts and ensure that
reach C, and it’s likely that C’s total traffic competing video services remain inaccessible.
would grow as thousands of people came to Not only would preventing the emergence of
learn more about the site D was so determined new video applications likely be far more trou-
to block. ble that it’s worth in the long run, but each time
Whitacre’s successors at AT&T would no a new site got blocked it would create a new
A randomly doubt love to charge the Googles and eBays of wave of negative publicity highlighting the
selected pair of the world for the privilege of accessing AT&T’s inadequacies of B’s product.
Internet users will broadband customers. But the structure of the
Internet simply doesn’t give AT&T the leverage Free Speech
most often be to do so. AT&T needs Google and eBay (and Benkler also worries that by interfering
connected via millions of smaller websites) as much as they with a customer’s communications, a network
need it. provider would be able to manipulate that
different back- customer’s “information environment” and
bone providers, Exclusive Access thereby skew the user’s view of the world.70 For
and the path Another way Benkler suggests D might example, a conservative network owner might
profit from its exclusive connection to A is by arrange things so that it would be easier for its
between them will accepting payments from B to limit commu- customers to reach conservative-leaning blogs
therefore traverse nication between A and C. In this case, B and and news sites and harder for customers to
a settlement-free C might be competitors, and A might be an reach liberal-leaning ones. However, Benkler
existing customer of C’s online service. B never explains in any detail how the network
peering point. might calculate that it could pay D to cut off owner would accomplish such a feat, and the
(or slow down) A’s connection to C and there- Internet has strong built-in safeguards against
by win A’s business. network owners manipulating online content
Just stating the proposal in those terms without the user’s knowledge. The fundamen-
makes the first difficulty clear: A is going to tal safeguard is the vast amount of content
wonder why he is suddenly unable to reach C, available on the Internet. Manipulating
and once the media report that it’s because B human communications effectively can only
paid D to cut off access, he’s not going to be be performed by other human beings, and no
enthusiastic about becoming a customer of B. company in the world has enough manpower
Indeed, it’s likely that such a move would lead to review every blog post, YouTube video, pod-
a significant number of B’s customers who are cast, and e-mail on the Internet. Even evaluat-
not connected through D to switch to C in ing every website in order to create a content-
protest. As in the previous case, becoming the based blacklist would be a Herculean task.
target of a deliberate block by D would be a Moreover, even if a company had the man-
tremendous publicity coup for C. power required to evaluate all the content on the
Moreover, B doesn’t simply want to block Internet, it’s not at all obvious what techniques
access to C. B probably wants to block access to would be available to manipulate customers.

Benkler suggests that network owners might Verizon to back down a week later.75 This was
“make some sites and statements easier to reach not a true network neutrality issue, but it’s a
and see—more prominently displayed on the good illustration of the potency of public opin-
screen, faster to load.”71 But that wouldn’t make ion when large companies are perceived to be
a lot of sense. Slowing down a user’s access to interfering with free speech. The backlash
Paul Krugman is unlikely to cause the user to against a company engaging in deliberate, wide-
read Michelle Malkin instead. And there’s no scale censorship on the Internet would be even
obvious way to gracefully yet surreptitiously more severe.
make a website “more prominently displayed on
the screen,” since users directly control which The Role of Competition
websites they visit. Users would surely notice if It’s worth noting that none of the argu-
their ISP somehow began causing unwanted ments in the preceding sections require a sig-
websites to pop up on their screens. nificant amount of competition in the residen-
Even if all of these technical and logistical tial broadband industry. Most of the difficulties
hurdles could be overcome, there remains a that network owners would encounter if they
fundamental problem of backlash. Benkler deviated from the end-to-end principle would
suggests that such techniques would be “sub- exist even if they had a monopoly of Internet
tle,” but they would in fact be nothing of the access. Monopolists generally seek to maximize
sort. No widescale manipulation would go profits. Discriminatory strategies that reduce
unnoticed for very long. There are a variety of the value of the network without generating
network diagnostic tools that can be used to significant revenues are going to be money-
analyze response times from various parts of losers whether or not the network owner holds
the Internet and determine the source of the a last-mile monopoly.
interference.72 Of course, these arguments are even stronger
As we saw with the Digg/AACS incident, in places where there is a broadband “duopoly.”
when a powerful individual or organization And they will be stronger still if new technolo-
tries to suppress speech it dislikes, it tends to gies—for example, broadband over power lines,
trigger what Techdirt blogger Mike Masnick WiMax, or higher-speed Internet access via the
has dubbed the “Streisand Effect,” named after recently auctioned 700 MHz spectrum—intro-
an aerial photo of actress Barbara Streisand’s duce a third or fourth broadband option to a sig-
house that became famous after the media nificant number of consumers. But even in the
extensively covered her lawsuit seeking to have current market environment of relatively limited AT&T would
it removed from the Internet.73 In 2006, dozens competition, broadband providers would still
of high-traffic blogs reported on allegations find it difficult to undermine the end-to-end love to charge
that Kentucky state employees had been principle. the Googles
blocked from viewing a liberal-leaning blog on Some of the arguments above do assume a
state computers.74 The outrage over that rela- robust and competitive market for wholesale
and eBays of the
tively petty censorship pales in comparison to access to the Internet backbone. Luckily, there world for the
the firestorm of controversy that would be is ample competition in this market, with com- privilege of
unleashed if a major network owner embarked petitive “tier one” backbone providers such as
on a systematic campaign of censorship on its Level 3 and Global Crossing competing on a accessing AT&T’s
network. roughly level playing field with the largest “last customers, but
We don’t have to speculate on what such a mile” broadband providers. the structure of
backlash would look like. We have only to look
at the controversy over Verizon Wireless’s deci- End-to-End and the Incentive to Innovate the Internet
sion to deny a pro-choice group access to an Hundreds of Internet-based startups are simply doesn’t
SMS “short code,” a number used to send and founded each year in the hopes that they will
receive text messages. The decision attracted be the next Yahoo!, eBay, or Google. Startup
give AT&T the
near-universal condemnation that forced founders work long hours and take great per- leverage to do so.

The backlash sonal risk to build their firms. Many network be profitable for network owners. We now
against a neutrality advocates worry that Internet dis- consider the flipside of this strategy: an ISP
crimination could deter the creation of new that maintains a baseline level of connectivi-
company startups and slow the pace of high-tech inno- ty for all applications and content, but selec-
engaging in vation.76 As mentioned previously, the Inter- tively provides enhanced connectivity for
net’s open architecture allows firms to enter applications or content owned with the net-
deliberate, wide- the market without seeking the approval of work owner or its partners.
scale censorship the hundreds of companies that control the In this “fast lane” scenario, colorfully de-
on the Internet various networks that collectively make up the scribed in dozens of popular accounts over the
Internet. If the Internet were transformed into last two years, the Internet would be divided up
would be severe. a proprietary network, that would certainly into two “lanes.”77 The Googles and Microsofts
slow the creation of online startup firms. of the world would enjoy speedy delivery in the
But it is overstating the case to suggest that “fast lane.” Everyone else’s traffic would be rel-
even sporadic interference with the end-to-end egated to the “slow lane.” Activists worry that
principle, such as Comcast’s interference with this will stifle innovation, as only the select few
BitTorrent, significantly reduces the incentives who can pay the freight on the “fast lane” will
for online innovation. The sheer number of be able to deliver next-generation services,
startup firms gives them a kind of “safety in while everyone else’s online offerings stagnate.
numbers.” The typical startup’s odds of being Such a strategy would not pose a short-term
targeted by a major network provider are quite threat to the Internet’s end-to-end architecture.
low. Moreover, the fact that dozens of different Existing applications would enjoy the same lev-
companies own significant parts of the Inter- el of bandwidth they had always enjoyed and
net’s infrastructure means that even those would continue to operate normally. New
firms unlucky enough to be targeted by one applications that required only today’s level of
network provider will still be able to reach the network performance would be able to launch
vast majority of Internet users via other net- without difficulty. That, in turn, means that if
works. To be sure, such discrimination would a “fast lane” strategy required regulatory inter-
be a headache for these firms, but a relatively vention, policymakers would have plenty of
small chance of being cut off from a minority time to study the problem and craft a response
of residential customers is unlikely to rank very after the fact.
high on an entrepreneur’s list of worries. The fundamental difficulty of the “fast
There is, in short, little reason to believe lane” strategy is that a network owner pursu-
that network owners will find it profitable to ing such a strategy would be effectively forego-
block or degrade content or applications on ing the enormous value of the unfiltered con-
their networks. Openness is a one-way ratch- tent and applications that comes “for free”
et, and the end-to-end principle has devel- with unfiltered Internet access. The unfiltered
oped sufficient inertia over the last three Internet already offers a breathtaking variety
decades that it will be extremely difficult for of innovative content and applications, and
network owners to displace it. there is every reason to expect things to get
even better as the available bandwidth contin-
ues to increase. Those ISPs that continue to
The Fast Lane and provide their users with faster, unfiltered
the Walled Garden access to the Internet will be able to offer all of
this content to their customers, enhancing the
Thus far, we have considered scenarios in value of their pipe at no additional cost to
which incumbent broadband providers themselves.
could intentionally degrade the performance In contrast, ISPs that choose not to upgrade
of disfavored applications or content, and we their customers’ Internet access but instead
have seen that such degradation is unlikely to devote more bandwidth to a proprietary “walled

garden” of affiliated content and applications value of its online offering.
will have to actively recruit each application or Of course, in some areas, consumers may
content provider that participates in the “fast not have the option of purchasing unfettered
lane” program. In fact, this is precisely the strat- access to the Internet, either because they have
egy that AOL undertook during the 1990s. AOL only one broadband provider, or because both
was initially a proprietary online service, charged broadband providers in their area are pursu-
by the hour, that allowed its users to access AOL- ing “walled garden” strategies. But even in
affiliated online content. Over time, AOL gradu- those areas, several factors will create pressure
ally made it easier for its customers to access on ISPs to provide full-speed Internet access
content on the Internet, so that by the end of the alongside their “walled garden” services. First,
1990s, it was viewed primarily as an Internet even a monopolist has an incentive to maxi-
Service Provider that happened to offer some mize the monopoly rents he can extract. If a
proprietary applications and content as well.78 high-speed connection to the unfiltered Inter-
The fundamental problem requiring AOL to net is significantly more valuable to customers
change was that the content available on the than access to the walled garden, then offering
Internet grew so rapidly that AOL (and other unfiltered Internet access will be a revenue-
proprietary services like CompuServe) couldn’t maximizing strategy even in the absence of
keep up. AOL finally threw in the towel in 2006, competition. Indeed, the incentive is likely to
ISPs that
announcing that the proprietary services that grow over time, as the content on the unfil- continue to
had once formed the core of its online offerings tered Internet gets further and further ahead provide their
would become just another ad-supported web- of what is available within the “walled garden.”
site.79 A “walled garden/slow lane” strategy has This is even more true in a “duopoly” situa- users with faster,
already proven unprofitable in the marketplace. tion, in which an area is served by both a cable unfiltered access
Regulations prohibiting such a business model and a phone incumbent, and both are pursuing
would be surplusage. a “walled garden” approach. Each firm would
to the Internet
Large, hierarchical organizations face great have a powerful incentive to “break ranks” and will enhance the
difficulties keeping up with the innovation of increase the speed of their unfiltered Internet value of their
a decentralized, open platform. The inherent access, thereby attracting a significant number
frictions in managing and expanding a propri- of customers from the other carrier. Moreover, pipe at no
etary online service makes it virtually impossi- because of the patchwork nature of the cable additional cost
ble for the owner of a “walled garden” to inno- and phone companies’ service areas, almost to themselves.
vate as rapidly as thousands of companies every large incumbent phone company has sev-
competing on an open platform. Even a firm eral cable competitors in parts of its service ter-
as large and well-capitalized as AT&T, Verizon, ritory, and vice versa. For a variety of practical
or Comcast will have difficulty developing a reasons, ISPs are unlikely to offer unfiltered
stable of content and applications that will be Internet access to some of its customers and
as appealing as the content and applications limit other customers to a “walled garden,” so as
available on the unfettered Internet. long as they face competition from the unfil-
Indeed, as Chris Yoo has pointed out,80 the tered Internet in a significant number of mar-
merger of AOL and Time Warner in 2001 was kets, they will have good reasons to continue
conceived as just such a vertically integrated offering it across their service areas.
network/content juggernaut. The merged firm
proved to be an anemic competitor. As impres- High-Definition Video
sive as Time Warner’s stable of content was, it The “walled garden” strategy is almost al-
was dwarfed by the content already available on ways described in terms of high-definition video,
the open Internet. AOL’s dial-up division simply because that’s currently the most important
could not have afforded to cut off its customers’ application for which existing Internet connec-
access to unaffiliated Internet content, because tion speeds are inadequate. Those who fear a
doing so would have dramatically reduced the “two-tiered Internet” worry that carriers will find

it more profitable to devote most of their band- bandwidth devoted to proprietary—and net-
width to a handful of large media companies— work-neutrality-exempt—video services.
whose content can be sold at a significant It would be overstating the case to suggest
markup—than to allow consumers to use that that no ISP will attempt a “walled garden”
bandwidth to freely access any content on the strategy and construct a “fast lane” to promote
Internet. its success. But the Internet is not so fragile that
The problem with this theory is that many a few “walled gardens” pose a threat to its vital-
broadband networks already have a proprietary ity. The Internet is much bigger than any one
“fast lane” for video: cable television. Cable firms network owner, and under any conceivable sce-
have always allocated the bulk of the bandwidth nario, there will continue to be hundreds of
on their coaxial cables to video transmission, not millions of people with unfettered, high-speed
Internet access. Recently, Verizon and AT&T access to the open Internet. Walled gardens are
have been rolling out proprietary video services likely to prove anemic, unprofitable, and (as a
of their own. While originally, cable television consequence) short-lived. And because a “fast
was an analog service that was dramatically dif- lane” strategy is unlikely to interfere with exist-
ferent from modern data networks, cable opera- ing Internet applications, policymakers can
tors have been steadily moving to Internet-based afford to wait until any problem manifests
technologies. AT&T’s U-Verse video service, for itself before taking action.
example, will reportedly be based on TCP/IP To summarize, network neutrality support-
networking technologies. ers have suggested two basic ways that network
We have a lot of experience with the eco- owners might profit from undermining the
nomics of proprietary video networks, and there end-to-end principle. One strategy involves
is no reason to think that broadband firms threatening to degrade or block applications or
could generate significant revenues by selling content as a way of getting Internet firms to
“fast lane” access to HD-video producers. In- pay extra for unfettered access to their cus-
deed, on cable television networks, the money tomers. The other strategy involves selling ac-
flows the other way, with the network owner cess to a proprietary “fast lane” that gives pref-
paying the content provider for the privilege of erential treatment to affiliated applications or
carrying its content.81 There’s nothing about the content. While it’s not inconceivable that net-
transition to TCP/IP-based content delivery that work owners will try either or both of these
If a high-speed would strengthen the network owners’ bargain- strategies, they are likely to prove unprofitable
connection to ing position enough to cause the payments to and as a result will be short-lived.
begin flowing in the opposite direction. Government regulation to protect the Inter-
the unfiltered Of course, partisans for open networks net’s end-to-end architecture is unnecessary
Internet is more would prefer that 100 percent of the available because a variety of nonregulatory forces are
bandwidth be allocated to unfiltered Internet sufficient to prevent it. But if network neutrali-
valuable to access. But cable and telephone incumbents ty regulation were merely unnecessary, it might
customers, have already invested billions of dollars in make sense to enact it anyway just to be on the
then offering video-on-demand infrastructure. Legislation safe side. History suggests that regulation is
requiring all cable and telephone bandwidth likely to prove not only unnecessary but harm-
unfiltered to be reallocated to public Internet connec- ful as well.
Internet access tivity would be a nonstarter politically as a
will be a revenue- transparent seizure of private investment.
The leading network neutrality proposal of The Deregulation
maximizing 2006, known as Snowe-Dorgan,82 explicitly Revolution
strategy even in exempted cable television services from net-
work neutrality requirements. Legislation In the first half of the 20th century, the
the absence of requiring data networks to be nondiscrimi- study of government regulation was domi-
competition. natory will have no impact on the amount of nated by a collection of ideas that came to be

known as the “public interest” theory of reg- This was intended to protect consumers and Government
ulation. Under the influence of Progressive the public from powerful companies. regulation to
theories of political economy, New Deal–era But the man President Cleveland chose as
economists and policymakers had great con- the first ICC chairman, Thomas M. Cooley, was protect the
fidence in the ability of expert government a railroad ally,84 and ICC regulation of the rail- Internet’s end-to-
regulators to correct perceived market fail- roads was relatively weak under his tenure.85
ures through active intervention in market The ICC was rendered even more impotent by a
end architecture
processes.83 wave of litigation that engulfed the commission is unnecessary
They created or strengthened numerous in the 1890s. Courts began second-guessing the because a variety
regulatory agencies; three of the most impor- rates the ICC tried to impose on the railroads,
tant are the agencies that collectively oversaw and Cooley began to worry that the railroads of nonregulatory
the nation’s transportation and communica- would ignore the ICC’s decisions entirely.86 The forces are
tions infrastructure: the Interstate Commerce commission reached a low point in 1897 when sufficient to
Commission, the Federal Communications the Supreme Court denied that it had been giv-
Commission, and the Civil Aeronautics Board. en the power to set rates at all.87 The ICC was prevent it.
But then in the 1960s and 1970s—at the same regarded as basically toothless for the next few
time that computer scientists were developing years.88
the infrastructure and ideas that would power Congress beefed up the commission’s
the Internet—another intellectual revolution authority in 1903, 1906, and 1910.89 But even
occurred in the public policy world. The result after doubts about its legal authority were
was a dramatic deregulation that has had pro- laid to rest, the ICC pursued a policy of gen-
found effects on the American economy. eral timidity, leaving in place discriminatory
A bit of history about these agencies is rate-making policies that had become long
crucial to understanding the intellectual rev- established and that had the support of pow-
olution of the 1970s and its implications for erful interest groups. The commission did
today’s regulatory debates. reject a few rate increases in the years leading
up to World War I, but in general, the ICC
The Interstate Commerce Commission used “its considerable strength to preserve
The Interstate Commerce Commission the status quo.”90
emerged from a debate strikingly similar to Things got much worse after the war, as fed-
today’s network neutrality debate. In the 1880s, eral railroad regulation took on an overtly pro-
the railroads were a new, vibrant industry in the tectionist cast. In 1920, any pretense of protect-
process of transforming the Ameri-can econo- ing consumers was dropped, as Congress passed
my. Activists became alarmed at their rapidly legislation giving the ICC the power to establish
increasing size and power. minimum as well as maximum rates.91 In 1935,
Congress responded in 1887 with the Inter- Congress reacted to “cutthroat” competition
state Commerce Act, which created the first from truckers by extending the commission’s
modern regulatory agency, the Interstate Com- authority to that industry as well.92 ICC author-
merce Commission. Using language strikingly ity was extended to water shipping in 1940.93
similar to modern network neutrality propos- For the next 40 years, the commission effec-
als, the ICA prohibited the railroads from tively operated a cartel for the benefit of trans-
charging different rates for “like and contem- portation interests. In 1970, a report released by
poraneous service in the transportation of a like a Ralph Nader group described the commission
kind of traffic under substantially similar cir- as “primarily a forum at which transportation
cumstances and conditions.” It also prohibited interests divide up the national transportation
giving “undue or unreasonable preference or market.”94 Not only were consumers harmed by
advantage” to any particular customers. Com- unnecessarily high prices, but economic effi-
plaints regarding violations of these rules could ciency was undermined because the ICC micro-
be directed to the ICC or directly to the courts. managed the firms’ activities, dictating which

routes they could serve and what cargo they had a de facto monopoly on telephone service
could carry, meaning that competition could in the United States. This monopoly was for-
not drive down price and drive up quality. In malized with the passage of the 1934
many cases, trucks would carry cargo to a desti- Communications Act, which put the newly cre-
nation and then return empty because they ated Federal Communications Commission in
were unable to secure permission from the ICC charge of regulating the Bell system.97
to carry cargo on the return trip. In 1942, the FCC responded to what it
regarded as AT&T’s excessive long-distance
The Civil Aeronautics Board profits by requiring AT&T’s long-distance
The ICC approach to regulation was at its operation to make payments to the Bell sub-
zenith during the New Deal, and the commis- sidiaries that provided local service.98 Over the
sion served as a model for other regulatory next three decades, the FCC required long-dis-
bodies created during the period. One example tance customers to bear an increasing share of
is the Civil Aeronautics Board, which governed the costs of local telephone infrastructure,
commercial aviation, taking a protectionist effectively forcing long-distance customers to
stance almost from its creation in 1938. In subsidize the cost of basic phone service.99
1941, “the board first enunciated what was to The growing gap between the cost of pro-
New Deal–era be its philosophy on new entrants: the present viding long-distance service and the prices
economists and number of carriers in air transportation was AT&T charged to consumers created a large
policymakers had deemed sufficient to protect against monop- profit opportunity for any firm that could pro-
oly, and any future expansion of air trans- vide competitive long-distance service. To ward
great confidence portation would be best accomplished by the off this danger, the FCC strictly regulated entry
in the ability certification of presently operating air carri- into the long-distance market between 1942
ers.”95 In short, the CAB worked to exclude new and 1969. When new wireless communications
of expert competitors. technologies were developed that could have
government For the next 40 years, the CAB regulated offered new competition, the FCC dragged its
regulators to the airline industry much the way the ICC feet on approving their use. It approved the use
regulated surface transportation. Both agen- of wireless microwave links for private lines (i.e.,
correct perceived cies were charged with the seemingly impos- lines owned and used by a single firm) in the
market failures. sible task of simultaneously promoting the 1959 Above 890 decision, but insisted that
interests of consumers and incumbent firms. AT&T maintain its monopoly in offering long-
More often than not, consumers lost, as reg- distance service to the general public.100
ulated firms cultivated cozy relationships In 1963, a startup firm called Microwave
with the regulators and used their influence Communications Inc. (MCI) applied for per-
to limit competition and raise prices. mission to build a microwave link between
Chicago and Saint Louis and lease access to
The Federal Communications other companies, which would make it a direct
Commission competitor to AT&T’s long distance business.
A more complicated case is the story of After six years of foot-dragging, and in a polit-
the telephone industry, but there too regula- ical climate that was beginning to favor com-
tion ultimately worked as a barrier to compe- petition over monopoly, the FCC finally
tition. The FCC’s efforts to protect telecom approved MCI’s application. In the 1970s,
incumbents from competition took decades MCI applied for permission to build hundreds
to break down. more links, creating what became the first
Scholars disagree about the extent to which competitive long-distance firm.101
government regulation contributed to AT&T’s The FCC’s foot-dragging most likely delayed
initial dominance of the telephony market,96 the introduction of long-distance competition
but all agree that after the nationalization of the by a decade or more. MCI had to wait seven
telephone network during World War I, AT&T years to get approval for its initial link between

Chicago and Saint Louis, and several more years Alfred Kahn to head the CAB. In a virtually
after that before it could offer service to a sig- unprecedented development, Kahn began dis-
nificant fraction of the country. Like the ICC mantling his own agency’s regulatory author-
and the CAB, the FCC protected a client indus- ity, steadily increasing the airlines’ freedom to
try from the vagaries of markets and competi- choose routes and set prices. Congress fol-
tion. As a result, they foreclosed new innovation lowed his lead in 1978, passing legislation that
and improvements in consumer welfare. ratified the liberalization he had already
undertaken and authorizing further move-
Deregulation ment in the same direction.106 The result was
The deficiencies of these alphabet-soup increased competition and greater airline effi-
agencies inspired a growing body of literature ciency. From 1976 to 1982 alone, real fares fell
in the 1960s and 1970s that questioned the by 8.5 percent despite fuel cost increases of 73
optimistic theories of regulation that had percent over the same period.107
prompted their creation.102 A new generation The trucking industry was deregulated in a
of economists began to realize that real-world similar fashion. The ICC acted on its own
regulators cannot be assumed to be either self- authority to increase competition in the late
less or omniscient. Because regulators possess 1970s, and many of these reforms were rein-
limited information, they are prone to many forced by Congress with the Motor Carrier Act
of the same types of errors that can degrade of 1980. Deregulation dramatically increased
the performance of markets. Moreover, while competition and improved economic efficien-
there are certainly honest and public-spirited cy by reducing the number of trucks that
regulators, these economists questioned the made empty return trips due to regulatory
common assumption that regulators will con- restrictions, for example.108
sistently be selfless advocates for the interests Telecommunications is a more complicated
of the public.103 The “revolving door” between case. Full-scale deregulation of telecommunica-
regulators and the firms they regulate is elo- tions has yet to occur, but the trend toward
quent testimony to the potential for corrup- deregulation did reach the industry in the late
tion of the regulatory process. 1970s. The FCC continued to loosen restric-
Economists began to articulate theories of tions on long-distance service throughout the
“regulatory capture,” in which regulators in- 1970s, and Congress rebuffed AT&T’s efforts to
creasingly come to serve not the public but orga- secure legislation reestablishing its long-dis-
nized interests with business before them.104 tance monopoly. Then, under the combined
They had little trouble finding examples, with pressure of the FCC, Congress, and a Justice
the ICC, CAB, and FCC playing starring roles. Department antitrust complaint, AT&T agreed
These academic critiques of regulation in 1982 to divest its local operating companies,
began to percolate in Washington, D.C. An ear- creating a competitive long-distance market for
ly leader on the issue was Sen. Edward M. the first time.109
Kennedy (D-MA), who chaired the Senate After nearly a century of regulation that
Subcommittee on Administrative Practice and did more to prevent competition than to serve Regulated firms
Procedure of the Judiciary Committee. He hired consumer welfare, Washington policymakers
future Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer, finally began taking steps to repeal some of cultivate cozy
then a Harvard law professor and an advocate the most egregiously anti-competitive regula- relationships
of deregulation, to advise the committee. tions in the 1970s. with regulators
The absurdity of the CAB’s oversight of the Although we should be cautious about
airline industry made it an ideal poster child, overstating the similarity between past regula- and use their
and Breyer organized a series of hearings in tory schemes and proposals for “network neu- influence to limit
1975 to highlight the CAB’s anticompetitive trality” regulation, the failures of past regulato-
policies.105 When President Carter took office ry schemes should cause today’s policymakers
competition and
in 1977, he appointed respected economist to be wary of enacting new regulations that raise prices.

Real-world could cause similar problems in the future. poker machines. Live entertainment
regulators cannot proliferated, with musicians, magicians,
wine-tasters, and Playboy bunnies.111
be assumed to be Lessons of Deregulation
either selfless or Congress hoped that the creation of the
The most fundamental lesson of 20th-cen- Civil Aeronautics Board would create a more
omniscient. tury regulatory policy is to beware of unintend- rational, efficient structure for the airline
ed consequences. It is unlikely that in any of the industry. But the reality was just the oppo-
three cases we have just examined, Congress site: the perverse incentives of the regulatory
intended to bring about the wasteful and anti- process caused airlines to undertake wasteful
consumer results that actually occurred. The activities they never would have undertaken
Interstate Commerce Act produced a decade of in a competitive market.
uncertainty as the courts struggled to interpret
its provisions. The ICC did little to control the Bureaucratization
railroads over the subsequent two decades. Another lesson of these examples is the
Then, from 1920 until the late 1970s, it pursued capacity of regulators to bureaucratize an
policies that overtly aided railroads, trucking industry. The original Interstate Commerce
companies, and other politically connected Act included nondiscrimination language
interest groups at the expense of the general strikingly similar to today’s network neutral-
public. Those outcomes surely were not what ity proposals. The problem was that applying
Congress had in mind in 1887. seemingly simple rules to the real world—
Perhaps Congress should have known bet- with hundreds of railroads, routes, and cate-
ter by the time it created the Civil Aeronautics gories of cargo—was much more complicated
Board in 1938. Congress felt that restricting than anyone had expected. It wasn’t always
competition in the airline industry would aid clear how to apply the broad language of the
the establishment of a new, struggling indus- ICA to specific cases, and the rapid pace of
try.110 Whatever the merits of this initial ratio- change in the railroad industry made it a
nale, the CAB continued to restrict competi- challenge for the ICC to keep up.
tion long after flying had become a mature The commission responded to these chal-
industry fully capable of standing on its own lenges in three ways. First, it pressed Congress
two feet. Moreover, the inability to cut prices for more power and resources. Congress
caused airlines to engage in wasteful activities repeatedly expanded the ICC’s power during
in order to attract customers. Prohibited from the early 20th century and gave it stronger
competing on price, airlines competed instead powers to punish railroads that failed to com-
by spending lavishly on capacity expansion. ply with its orders. The ICC’s staff swelled
Airlines purchased more planes and flew their from 104 people in 1890 to 527 in 1909. By
routes more frequently. As a result, by 1971, 1909, the commission was fielding 1,097 for-
fewer than half the seats on an average airline mal complaints and roughly 4,500 informal
flight were filled. Rather than allowing price ones per year.112
reductions to fill those empty seats, the CAB Second, ICC regulation increasingly shifted
worked to reduce the number of flights. from a complaint-based regulatory process to
Airlines, now unable to compete on either one based on prior approval of rate changes.
price or convenience, responded by initiating During the ICC’s early years, the railroads were
the so-called “lounge wars”: free to set their own rates and the ICC and the
courts would rule on the appropriateness of
On wide-bodied aircraft, lounges were those rates after the fact. Increasingly, howev-
introduced in first class, then in coach. er, the ICC acquired the power to review rates
When American installed piano bars, before they would go into effect, preempting
TWA countered with electronic draw- those rate changes it felt were inappropriate.

This forced the railroads to slow down to the irresistible temptation to use it for purposes
ICC’s stately pace of decisionmaking, which beyond those in the original legislation or to
was the only way the commission could hope expand its scope to new sectors of the econo-
to keep up with the vast and dynamic railroad my. The FCC, CAB, and ICC all used their
marketplace. power over pricing to compel the firms they
Finally, the ICC felt constrained by political regulated to subsidize favored customers at
realities not to disturb long-established pric- the expense of nonfavored customers. The
ing policies, even those that seemed to run FCC would become embroiled in messy
counter to the commission’s broader policy debates about the filtering of spam, viruses,
goals. Historians Ari and Olive Hoogenboom pornography, copyrighted material, gambling
write that in order to reform the deeper prob- applications, and other issues. The FCC’s deci-
lems with the railroads’ rate structures, it sionmaking would likely be influenced by
would have needed to “disturb many powerful considerations not specifically mentioned in
elements of the economy.” And this it was statute. For example, a conservative majority
unwilling to do.113 of the FCC might go easy on ISPs that tried to
It’s easy to imagine a similar fate befalling the filter out content that the majority regarded as
FCC should Congress give it authority to police immoral, such as pornography.
Internet routing policies. The Internet is made There is ample precedent for this kind of
up of thousands of privately owned networks political manipulation in the FCC’s recent seemingly simple
that interact with one another in a variety of decisions. FCC chairman Kevin Martin has rules to the real
complex ways. Filing a discrimination com- long been on a crusade to require “à la carte”
plaint with the FCC could become a common pricing of cable television channels. As a New world was much
tactic in business disputes between network York Times columnist describes the situation, more complicat-
providers. There are enough ambiguities in the “Mr. Martin has long said that he favors à la
basic concept of nondiscrimination (some of carte because it’s pro-consumer, but most peo-
ed than anyone
which are discussed below) that it would not be ple in the cable industry . . . are convinced that had expected.
difficult for a determined firm to find a plausi- he favors it [because] it will allow parents to
ble example of discrimination in its adversary’s keep MTV and its ilk out of their homes.”114
policies. And given the complexity of modern The cable industry has attempted to mollify
network infrastructure, the FCC would often be Chairman Martin by introducing a “family
required to conduct extensive investigations to tier” that leaves out channels that social con-
determine which complaints had merit. servatives find objectionable.115
It is likely that an overwhelmed FCC would We have seen how the ICC’s authority,
respond to its overflowing docket much the which initially extended only to the railroad
same way the ICC responded to the flood of industry, was expanded to the entire surface
discrimination complaints a century ago: by transportation industry in the early 1930s.
pushing a lot of the work onto the firms they By the same token, once the FCC had gotten
regulate. The commission would pressure ISPs comfortable in its role as Internet neutrality
to standardize their business practices and cop, it might seek expanded authority to reg-
network configurations to make it easier to ulate the “neutrality” of search engines, oper-
judge whether Commission rules were being ating systems, middleware platforms, e-com-
followed. Carriers might be required to make merce services, and the like.
detailed filings describing their network archi-
tecture and routing policies, and to file notices Thwarted Competition and Innovation
with the FCC if these changed. Another clear lesson from the histories of
the ICC and the FCC is that regulations can
Mission Creep often be a powerful tool in the hands of
Once the apparatus of regulatory control incumbents to keep out new competitors. As
has been put in place, there will be an almost discussed previously, the railroads lobbied to

extend the ICC’s jurisdiction to the trucking regulators in states like New York, Texas, and
industry in order to limit competition from Minnesota.120
that sector. Similarly, the FCC slowed the There may be good policy arguments for
introduction of microwave communications each of these requirements, but the combined
technologies in order to protect AT&T’s long- result has been to force Vonage executives to
distance business from competition. In recent spend a great deal of time in federal and state
years, the cable industry has used franchising courts and before federal and state regulators
law as a weapon against Baby Bells seeking to rather than focusing on their business. In addi-
offer competing video services, arguing that tion, the expenses of compliance—and of filing
AT&T and Verizon must submit to onerous paperwork to demonstrate compliance—have
city-by-city franchising requirements before limited Vonage’s ability to compete on price,
being allowed to offer video service in their which would otherwise be a key competitive
existing service territories.116 advantage. Any system of regulation, no matter
In each case, the incumbent firm has made how well-intentioned, inevitably creates barriers
the plausible argument that fairness requires to entry that hurt small challengers more than
regulatory parity. But in practice, parity is large incumbents. And limiting competition
inevitably more burdensome to the new ultimately hurts consumers.
entrant than to the incumbent. There are typ- This is a particular reason for concern
ically economies of scale to regulatory com- because there are a variety of wireless tech-
pliance, and experienced players generally nologies on the drawing board—including
have an advantage in practicing before a regu- WiMax and the recently completed 700 MHz
latory agency. wireless auction—that have the potential to
More important, complying with old regu- shake up the market for residential broad-
lations often constrains a new entrant’s tech- band service. It’s conceivable that some of the
nological options. New entrants often achieve competitors could be small, entrepreneurial
competitive advantages by rapidly deploying firms like MCI circa 1965. The broadband
new, lower-cost technologies. To the extent incumbents will certainly take every oppor-
Once the FCC got that regulation requires all market partici- tunity to place regulatory obstacles in the
pants to roll out “gold plated” services in an path of these new firms. Network neutrality
comfortable in its orderly fashion, it will inevitably redound to rules could be turned into just such a barrier.
role as Internet the benefits of incumbents. MCI would have The advocates of network neutrality regu-
rolled out its long distance service differently if lations mean well. But history suggests that
neutrality cop, it hadn’t been forced to spend its first decade good intentions are not sufficient to ensure
it might seek begging the FCC for permission to compete. that a regulatory regime will serve, rather
expanded A current example of this is the regulatory than hinder, competition and innovation.
challenges faced by Vonage, the pioneering Problems are particularly likely when, as in
authority to Internet telephony firm. One of the ways that this case, the rules under consideration are
regulate the telephone incumbents have slowed Vonage’s complex and ambiguous.
progress is by lobbying for strict enforcement
“neutrality” of of a wide variety of regulatory requirements
search engines, that already apply to incumbent telecom The Ambiguity of
operating firms. In recent years, the FCC, at the urging of Neutrality Regulation
the Baby Bells, has demanded that Vonage
systems, middle- offer emergency 911 service,117 redesign their All the disadvantages of network neutrality
ware platforms, networks to facilitate government eavesdrop- regulation discussed above are increased by
e-commerce ping under CALEA,118 and pay into the the inherent fuzziness of the concept.121 The
Universal Service Fund that subsidizes rural Internet is sufficiently complicated and fast-
services, and telephone access.119 Vonage has also had to changing that reasonable people disagree
the like. beat back demands that it file paperwork with about exactly how to apply the concept in par-

ticular situations. History demonstrates that used for copyright infringement. Given that History suggests
when Congress enacts a new regulatory Snowe-Dorgan only protects “lawful” content, that good
regime, it typically leads to rulemaking and the FCC might have permitted Comcast’s pol-
associated litigation that can drag on for the icy based on a showing that the vast majority of intentions are
better part of a decade. In a marketplace that is BitTorrent traffic consisted of copyrighted not sufficient to
evolving as rapidly as the online world, such works. On the other hand, the FCC might have
delays can impose significant costs. been swayed by the argument that BitTorrent
ensure that a
users consumed a disproportionate share of regulatory regime
Snowe-Dorgan traffic and that Comcast’s actions were neces- will serve, rather
The network neutrality legislation that has sary to maintain the quality of other users’
come closest to being approved by Congress is Internet experience. than hinder,
the Internet Freedom Preservation Act of In any event, it seems probable that the competition and
2006, sponsored by Sen. Olympia Snowe (R- FCC’s decisionmaking process would have innovation.
ME), Sen. Byron Dorgan (D-ND), and oth- been overtaken by events. Comcast has already
ers.122 It provided that a broadband provider announced changes to its filtering policies
could not “block, interfere with, discriminate that would have likely rendered any ongoing
against, impair, or degrade the ability of any proceedings moot. There is little point in hav-
person to use a broadband service to access, ing a regulatory process that moves so slowly
use, send, post, receive, or offer any lawful con- that its decisions are irrelevant by the time
tent, application, or service made available via they are announced.
the Internet.” It also prohibited restrictions on
device attachment, special treatment for affili- Verizon and DNS
ated content, and charging different rates for Another example of ISP activity that some
different types of content, applications, or ser- have characterized as a network neutrality vio-
vices. Snowe-Dorgan included exceptions for lation is Verizon’s policy of redirecting failed
network security and parental controls. DNS queries to Verizon’s own search engine.
All of these terms are rife with ambiguities. As discussed previously, DNS servers translate
Such ambiguity is problematic when violations a domain name (such as into a corre-
of network neutrality carry stiff legal penalties. sponding IP address. When a user attempts to
It’s important that those subject to the law access a domain name that does not exist (per-
clearly understand what the law requires of haps because of mistyping) a DNS server is
them. Applying concepts in Snowe-Dorgan to expected to return an error message and allow
Comcast’s filtering of BitTorrent illustrates this the application to decide how to handle the
well. error. Instead, Verizon’s DNS servers return
the IP address of its own search engine, allow-
BitTorrent Filtering ing Verizon to generate some ad revenue.
As discussed above, Comcast’s network As we’ve already noted, DNS servers are
recently dealt with congestion by transmitting just another network endpoint, architec-
packets that misled BitTorrent and other file- turally speaking. Users who are dissatisfied
sharing applications into thinking that the with the behavior of Verizon’s DNS server are
computer at the other end of the connection free to use a different one. There are a num-
had hung up. Would the FCC have found this ber of reasons to criticize Verizon’s DNS pol-
policy to be a violation of Snowe-Dorgan? It icy, but network neutrality doesn’t seem to be
seems likely, but far from certain, that it would. among them.
While Comcast wasn’t technically blocking any Some experts disagree. When Ed Felten dis-
packets, Comcast’s actions clearly had the cussed the incident on his Freedom to Tinker
effect of “interfering with” and “degrading” blog, he characterized Verizon’s actions as “a
BitTorrent traffic. more clear-cut neutrality violation” than Com-
On the other hand, BitTorrent is widely cast’s interference with BitTorrent, because

Verizon is “interfering with the behavior of the loophole to do many of the things that con-
DNS protocol.”123 Comments on the post by cern network neutrality proponents. Digital
Felten’s tech-savvy readers were evenly divided cable services already have video-on-demand
on whether Verizon’s actions implicated net- services, digital channel guides, and picture-in-
work neutrality. picture support. They could syndicate content
How would the FCC have applied Snowe- from an Internet-based video service like
Dorgan in this example? The language of the YouTube, or roll out enhanced digital services
bill doesn’t do much to answer the question. such as video games, to evade the spirit of leg-
The only thing we can predict for sure is that islation like Snowe-Dorgan.
a lot of lawyers would have been involved. That would put the FCC in the awkward
position of deciding how much functionality a
Free WiFi cable system can have before it becomes a full
It is also unclear who would be subject to blown broadband service. Snowe-Dorgan
network neutrality rules. Snowe-Dorgan de- relies on the definition of cable television
fined a “broadband service provider” as any found in the 1996 Telecommunications Act.
person who “controls, operates, or resells and Given the rapid pace of technological progress
controls any facility used to provide broadband since then, there are good reasons to doubt if
Ambiguity is service to the public, whether for a fee or for this definition would be up to the task, and if
problematic free.” This seems to suggest that coffee shops, not, another years-long inquiry by the FCC
when violations hotels, and other businesses that offered WiFi would have to be undertaken.
access as an incidental part of their business
of network would be subject to network neutrality require- Jitter
neutrality ments. If such a provider happened to run a As previously discussed, random delays in
poorly configured firewall, for example, such a packet delivery (called “jitter”) degrade the per-
regulations business could be hauled before the FCC to formance of latency-sensitive applications. Of
carry stiff legal justify its network configurations. course, some of the major broadband providers
penalties. There is no good policy rationale for sub- are also telephone companies, and these firms
jecting every small consumer business in may be tempted to increase the jitter of their
America to network neutrality rules. And of networks in order to discourage competition
course, the FCC is unlikely to go out of its way from VoIP services. Such a strategy would side-
to harass small businesses. But the literal step some of the difficulties that would come
meaning of Snowe-Dorgan would have it do with a strategy of explicit packet filtering
so. Had it passed, the FCC would inevitably because it could be applied indiscriminately to
have received a complaint about a small busi- all traffic without significantly degrading the
ness’s WiFi service, and the commission would quality of non–latency-sensitive applications
have had to issue rules about who is subject to such as websites and e-mail. On the other hand,
network neutrality regulations. it would degrade the quality of latency-sensitive
applications like network gaming and remote
IPTV terminal sessions, so the strategy would not be
Snowe-Dorgan explicitly exempts any ser- without collateral damage.
vice regulated under Title VI of the Communi- In either event, Ed Felten has pointed out,
cations Act from network neutrality regula- this could be an especially difficult case for
tions. This is the section governing cable regulators to deal with.124 Some networks
television. That suggests a potential loophole have jitter for reasons beyond the control of
for network owners wishing to skirt network the network owner. In other cases, jitter may
neutrality rules: offer video as part of the ser- have innocent explanations, but network
vice and characterize it as a “cable service” owners may choose not to perform network
rather than a broadband service. Cable and upgrades that would reduce it. In still other
telephone companies might use this cable cases, a network owner might deliberately

introduce jitter but pretend it had made the resolved.
change that caused it for unrelated reasons. Economic efficiency requires clear legal rules.
It could be quite difficult for a regulator When rules are overly complex or ambiguous,
to distinguish among these cases. Of course, entrepreneurs are forced to spend time on
a network owner under a network neutrality unproductive activities like lobbying and litiga-
regime will never admit that it is increasing tion, instead of on serving their customers. The
jitter on its network. So the FCC could be Snowe-Dorgan bill was full of unnecessary
forced to second-guess the complex network- ambiguity and complexity that would have
management decisions of network owners. forced high-tech companies to hire lobbyists
and lawyers instead of engineers. Given the
The Consequences of Ambiguity lessons of history, we are fortunate that Con-
It took 10 years for the Supreme Court gress did not enact such regulations into law.
finally to resolve questions about the Interstate
Commerce Commission’s authority in 1897.125
MCI had to wait close to a decade for permis- Conclusion
sion to build a competitive long-distance net-
work. Things haven’t gotten any better in For all the passionate disagreement that
recent years. As Christopher Yoo has pointed has characterized the network neutrality
out,126 the 1996 Telecommunications Act debate in recent years, there may be fewer dif-
prompted a flurry of legal wrangling before the ferences than either side is willing to admit.
FCC and the federal courts, which culminated Both sides hail the rapid growth of the
in the Supreme Court’s 2002 decision Verizon Internet and the fiercely competitive online
Communications Inc. v. FCC127 and its 2005 deci- marketplace it has produced. Both seek to pre-
sion in National Cable and Telecommunication vent a return to the monopolistic communi-
Association v. Brand X Internet Services.128 cations market of past decades, in which large
During this nine-year period, neither companies and government regulators collud-
incumbent firms nor potential challengers ed to maintain the status quo to the detriment
knew what rules would govern any new infra- of consumers.
structure investments they might make. This Yet many deregulationists underestimate
made incumbents less likely to upgrade their the importance of the Internet’s end-to-end
facilities. But it was much worse for compet- architecture and are too cavalier about aban-
itive firms whose business plans depended on doning the neutral network for a tiered, fil-
the outcome of these cases. Because many tered, more centrally managed one. The decen-
such firms were bleeding red ink, the incum- tralization made possible by the Internet’s
bents needed only to drag out the proceed- open architecture is the key to its astonishing
ings long enough for the new entrants to run growth, and there is little reason to think that
out of money. it would be improvement for the Internet’s
The same could easily happen if Congress decentralized “dumb” architecture to be
enacted network neutrality regulations. The replaced by a more centralized “smart” one.
FCC would likely receive a flood of complaints For their part, the “openists” are unduly pes-
about the behavior of various network owners. simistic about the durability of the open net-
It would take months, if not years, for the FCC working architecture they have championed for
to rule on these complaints, and many of them the last quarter century. In the 1980s, the
would then be appealed to the courts. At best, Internet triumphed over proprietary networks
The only thing we
this would be a distraction for firms that precisely because the partisans for open net- can predict for
ought to be focusing on developing innovative works were right about the fundamental advan- sure is that a lot
new products. At worst, the lack of clarity tages of open technologies. Now that the
could cause some firms to delay entry into the Internet is the world’s dominant communica- of lawyers would
market until the uncertainty had been tions network, those same fundamental advan- be involved.

Any effort tages will make end-to-end extremely difficult to 5. A protocol is a language that two devices use to
dislodge. Any effort to introduce centralized communicate over a computer network.
to introduce
control over the Internet will be stymied by the 6. Katie Hafner and Matthew Lyon, Where Wizards
centralized simple fact that centralized control is inefficient. Stay Up Late: The Origins of the Internet (New York:
control over the That, along with the vigilance of rank-and-file Simon and Schuster, 1996), pp. 192–93.
partisans for open networks, will be sufficient to
Internet will be maintain the Internet’s open architecture.
7. Ibid., p. 194.
stymied by the Only one institution in American society 8. TCP and IP stand for Transmission Control
has the size and power to bring about a return Protocol and Internet Protocol, respectively, but
simple fact that the phrase “TCP/IP protocols” refers to a broader
to the bad old days of monopolistic communi-
centralized cations markets: the federal government.
suite of networking protocols, including UDP
(User Datagram Protocol), ICMP (Internet Control
control is Government regulation of private industry fre- Message Protocol), and others, which form the
quently leads to unintended consequences, foundation of the Internet.
and industry incumbents often find ways to
9. The initial version of the protocol that emerged
turn the regulatory system to their own bene- from a seminar at Stanford held in 1973 proposed
fit. It would be unfortunate if a hasty effort to a single protocol called TCP that would be respon-
enact network neutrality rules led to decades of sible for ensuring that packets were transmitted
litigation and regulatory battles over the mean- reliably from source to destination. A subsequent
revision, developed in 1978, split the original pro-
ings of network neutrality concepts when the tocol into two layers: an IP layer that was responsi-
focus should be on developing new and better ble for delivering individual packets, and a TCP
technology. And it would be especially ironic if, protocol that was responsible for error correction.
in their effort to protect the Internet against In addition to simplifying the process of imple-
menting TCP/IP on a variety of different networks,
centralized control by major telecom compa- this had the added benefit of allowing applications
nies, the openists laid the groundwork for a that didn’t need the error-correction features of the
regulatory regime that telecom incumbents TCP layer to avoid the overhead by using lighter-
ultimately used to limit competition in the weight protocols such as UDP. See Janet Abbate,
Inventing the Internet (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press,
broadband industry. 1999), pp. 127–30.

10. J. H. Saltzer, D. P. Reed, and D. D. Clark, “End-

Notes to-End Arguments in System Design,” Second Inter-
national Conference on Distributed Computing Systems,
1. Tim Wu, “The Broadband Debate: A User’s Paris, France, April 8–10, 1981, pp. 509–512.
Guide,” Journal of Telecommunications and High
Technology Law 3, no. 1 (2004). 11. At its inception in late 1990, the project team
consisted of Berners-Lee, his colleague Robert
2. Tim Berners-Lee is no relation to the author. Cailliau, and a student, Nicola Pellow, with part-
time assistance from Bernd Pollermann. Berners-
3. See, for example, Alfred E. Kahn, “Network Lee and Cailliau “argued tirelessly for resources
Neutrality” (Working Paper no. RP07-05, AEI- from CERN but never got quite what they asked
Brookings Joint Center, March 2007), http://ssrn. for.” As a result, the team remained woefully under-
com/abstract=973513. manned, and much of the Web’s early development
was due to volunteer contributions from outside of
4. Paul Kouroupas, vice president for regulatory CERN, most notably NCSA’s Mosaic browser. See
affairs and security officer at Global Crossing, a James Gillies and Robert Cailliau, How the Web Was
“tier 1” Internet backbone operator, submitted Born (New York: Oxford University Press, 2000), pp.
comments to the FCC in response to Vuze Inc.’s 199–235.
“Petition to Establish Rules Governing Network
Management Practices by Broadband Network 12. Tim Wu, “Wireless Carterfone,” International
Operators” (Docket no. WC 07-52). Kouroupas Journal of Communication [online] 1 (2007): 389.
noted that the Internet backbone has traditional-
ly been beyond the jurisdiction of the FCC and 13. David Pogue, “The iPhone Matches Most of Its
that this flexibility will be needed as the backbone Hype,” New York Times, June 27, 2007, http://www.
providers rapidly upgrade their facilities to cope
with a flood of high-definition video traffic. /27pogue.html.

14. Miguel Helft and John Markoff, “Google Enters /en/US/technologies/tk543/tk766/technologies
the Wireless World,” New York Times, No-vember 5, _white_paper09186a00800a3e2f.html.
/05/technology/05cnd-gphone.html. 25. J. L. Adams, L. G. Roberts, and A. Ijsselmuiden,
“Changing the Internet to Support Real-time
15. Laura M. Holson, “Verizon Plans Wider Options Content Supply from a Large Fraction of Broad-
for Cellphone Users,” New York Times, November 28, band Residential Users,” BT Technology Journal 23,
2007, no. 2 (April 2005).
26. Yoo, “Network Neutrality and the Economics
16. Robert Hahn and Scott Wallsten, “The Eco- of Congestion,” p. 1907.
nomics of Net Neutrality.” Economists’ Voice 3, no. 6,
(June 2006), 27. Ibid., p. 1854.
28. While the point is tangential to the paper, I
17. An excellent overview of the history and eco- can’t resist pointing readers to John Gilmore’s
nomics of interconnection on the Internet is Geoff provocative but surprisingly persuasive argument
Huston, “Interconnection, Peering, and Settle- against server-side spam filtering. Gilmore’s argu-
ments,” (address, The Internet Society’s, INET’99 ment goes beyond the position taken here, con-
conference, San Jose, CA), tending that the end-to-end principle should be
99/proceedings/1e/1e_1.htm. applied to the routing policy of mail servers as
well as Internet routers. This is, to be clear, a
18. Christopher S. Yoo, “Network Neutrality and broader conception of network neutrality than I
the Economics of Congestion,” Georgetown Law advocate in this paper. See “Verio Censored John
Journal 94, no. 6 (August 2006): 1873. Gilmore’s Email under Pressure from Anti-spam-
19. See, for example, Gigi Sohn, “Time Warner ship.html.
Steps Up to the Plate on Bandwidth Usage,” post-
ing on Public Knowledge’s Policy Blog, January 29. Internet Freedom Preservation Act, S. 2917, 109th
17, 2008. Cong., 2nd Sess.,
/1356, and Adam Thierer, “Broadband Metering /cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?dbname=109_cong_bills&
Experiment in the Works in Texas?” Technology docid=f:s2917is.txt.pdf.
Liberation Front, January 16, 2008, http://tech 30. Robert W. Hahn and Robert E. Litan, “The Myth
ing-experiment-in-the-works-in-texas/. of Network Neutrality and What We Should Do
About It,” AEI-Brookings Joint Center for
20. Christopher S. Yoo, “Beyond Network Neutral- Regulatory Studies, related publication 06-33, No-
ity,” Harvard Journal of Law and Technology 19, no.1 vember 2006,
(Fall 2005): 21–22. ticle/view/161/87.

21. Edward W. Felten, “Verizon Violates Net Neu- 31. Robert Braden, David Clark, and Scott Shenker,
trality with DNS Deviations,” Freedom to Tinker, “Integrated Services in the Internet Architecture: An
November 12, 2007, http://www.freedom-to-tin Overview,” RFC 1633, June 1994, http://www.ietf. org/rfc/rfc1633.txt

22. Benjamin Teitelbaum and Stanislav Shalunov, 32. RFC 1633 has been supplanted by RFC 2205
“Why Premium IP Service Has Not Deployed (and and RFC 3209, and these protocols are sometimes
Probably Never Will),” Internet2 QoS Working used for private IP-based virtual networks, but
Group, Informational Document, May 3, 2002, http: RFC 1633 and its successors have not been wide-
// ly deployed on the public Internet.
33. Vinton Cerf, Yogen Dalai, and Carl Sunshine,
23. S. Blake et al, “An Architecture for Differenti- “Specification of Internet Transmission Control
ated Services,” Request for Comments: 2475, Program.” RFC 675, December 1974, http://www.
December 1998, Network Working Group, Inter-
net Engineering Task Force,
rfc/rfc2475.txt. 34. Information Sciences Institute, “Internet Proto-
col,” RFC 791, September 1981,
24. A good overview of this architecture can be found /rfc/rfc791.txt.
in “Diffserv—The Scalable End-to-End Quality of
Service Model,” Technology White Paper, Cisco 35. Vinton Cerf, “Pre-emption,” RFC 794, Septem-
Systems, August 2005, ber 1981,

36. I am indebted to the blogger “Cog” (pseud.), 2003,
whose blog post is the basis for this paragraph. See 12.html.
“Notes on (Hahn Litan 06): Network Neutrality
Part 1: Requests For Comments,” The Abstract 44. Clay Shirky, Here Comes Everybody: The Power of
Factory, January 24, 2007, http://abstractfactory Organizing without Organizations (New York: Penguin Press: 2008).
45. Roger O. Crockett, “At SBC, It’s All About ‘Scale
37. Bill D. Herman, for example, writes that “The and Scope,’” Business Week online extra, November
broadband providers’ candor regarding their inten- 7, 2005,
tion to begin discriminating should be proof *IUQu7KtOwgA/magazine/content/05_45/b395
enough that today’s generally discriminatory 8092.htm.
Internet is in danger.” He does not seriously enter-
tain the possibility that network owners might lack 46. Abbate, p. 84.
the power to undermine the Internet’s end-to-end
architecture. See “Opening Bottlenecks: On Behalf 47. Ibid., p. 85.
of Mandated Network Neutrality.” Federal Com-
munications Law Journal 59, no. 1 (2006): 127. Paul 48. Ibid., pp. 136–7.
Misener, vice president of Global Public Public
Policy at, wrote in a December 2, 2002, 49. Tim Wu, “Network Neutrality, Broadband
FCC filing that it was “highly likely” that broadband Discrimination,” Journal of Telecommunications and
service providers would impair delivery of content High Technology Law 2 (2003).
based on “easily obtainable knowledge of the source
and nature” of that content. See filing 50. For example, advertises web
in Matter of Appropriate Regulatory Treatment for and e-mail hosting, shell access, and 500 GB of
Broadband Access to the Internet over Cable Facilities, FCC storage space for $9.95 per month with a one-year
CS Docket no. 02-52; FCC 02-77. contract.

38. David Chartier, “Preliminary iPhone 1.1.1 jail- 51. Jacqui Cheng, “Evidence Mounts that Com-
break announced,” Ars Technica, October 8, 2007, cast is Targeting BitTorrent Traffic,” Ars Tech- nica, October 19, 2007,
0/08/preliminary-iphone-1-1-1-jailbreak- news.ars/post/20071019-evidence-mounts-that-
announced. comcast-is-targeting-bittorrent-traffic.html.

39. Edward W. Felten, “AACS Plays Whack-a-Mole 52. This was reported by user “funchords”
with Extracted Key,” Freedom to Tinker, May 1, (pseud.) on the DSLReports forums on May 12,
2007, 2007. See
40. Jay Adelson, “What’s Happening with the HD- age-P2P-Connections.
DVD Stories?” Digg the Blog, May 1, 2007, http:
// 53. This was reported by user “Deluxe05” (pseud.)
on the DSLReports Forums on November 11,
41. Kevin Rose, “Digg This: 09-f9-11-02-9d-74-e3- 2007. See
5b-d8-41-56-c5-63-56-88-c0,” Digg the Blog, May 386386-Comcast-Sandvine-and-the-latest-WoW-
1, 2007, patch-v230.

42. Matt Hines, “Yahoo IM Update Shuts out 54. Eric Bangeman, “Comcast Traffic Blocking:
Third Parties,” CNet, September 17, Even More Apps, Groupware Clients Affected,”
2003, Ars Technica, October 21, 2007, http://arstechni-
html; Jim Hu, “Yahoo Walls out Trillian,” CNet, September 26, 2003, http://www. blocking-even-more-apps-groupware-clients- affected.html.
3-5082812.html; Jim Hu, “Yahoo to Trillian: Talk
to the Hand,” CNet, June 23, 2004, 55. Comcast Website, “FAQ,” retrieved on February 12, 2008 from
html. index.jsp?faq=Hot118988.

43. Lisa M. Bowman, “AOL Blocks Instant 56. Anne Broache, “Verizon: No ‘Need’ to Degrade
Messaging Start-up,” CNet, January P2P Traffic . . . Yet,” CNet, February 11,
30, 2002, 2008,
25.html; Jim Hu, “MSN Messenger Upgrade 9327-7.html.
Blocks Trillian,” CNet, August 20,

57. “Ernesto” (pseud.), “Encrypting BitTorrent to using such tests. Peter Svensson, “Comcast Blocks
Take out Traffic Shapers,” TorrentFreak, Febru- Some Internet Traffic,” Washington Post, October
ary 5, 2006, 19, 2007,
bittorrent-to-take-out-traffic-shapers/. yn/content/article/2007/10/19/AR20071019008
58. Ibid., “How to Bypass Comcast’s BitTorrent
Throttling,” TorrentFreak, October 21, 2007, 73. Mike Masnick, “Since When Is It Illegal to Just Mention a Trademark Online?” Techdirt, Jan-
bittorrent-throttling-071021/. uary 5, 2005,
59. Brad Stone, “Comcast Adjusts Way It Manages
Internet Traffic,” New York Times, March 28, 2008, 74. Markos Moulitsas, “Liberal Blogger Blocked from Kentucky State-Owned Computers,” Daily
gy/28comcast.html. Kos, June 21, 2006,
60. The FCC’s decision, coming as this paper was
going to press, raises important legal issues that 75. Adam Liptak, “Verizon Reverses Itself on
are beyond its scope. Abortion Messages,” New York Times, September
27, 2007,
61. Joel Hruska, “DOCSIS 3.0, Possible 100Mbps business/27cnd-verizon.html.
Speeds Coming to some Comcast Users in 2008,”
Ars Technica, November 30, 2007, http://arstech 76. Lawrence Lessig made this point in a presen- tation at Stanford University on April 17, 2008.
possible-100mbps-speeds-coming-to-some-com His talk can be heard at
cast-users-in-2008.html. /2008/04/testifying_fcc_stanford.html.

62. Crockett. 77. For example, Michelle Kessler, “Internet Fast

Lane Plan Worries Small Companies,” USA Today,
63. Yochai Benkler, The Wealth of Networks: How June 18, 2006.
Social Production Transforms Markets and Freedom
(New Haven: Yale University Press, 2006). 78. Matthew Broersma, “AOL 4.0 Assimilates the
Net,” ZD Net, Sep 26, 1998, http://news.zdnet.
64. Ibid., p. 158. com/2100-9595_22-512081.html.

65. Ibid., pp. 155–6. 79. Elinor Mills, “AOL: You’ve Got Free E-mail.”
CNet, August 2, 2006, http://www.
66. Ibid., p. 156.
67. Ibid.
80. Yoo, “Network Neutrality and the Economics
68. of Congestion,” p. 1851.
69. Because peering agreements are confidential, it is 81. ESPN, generally cited as the most expensive
difficult to assemble a definitive list of Tier 1 net- cable channel, cost more than $2.50 per sub-
work providers, but as of early 2008, Wikipedia list- scriber in 2004. See Sean Gregory, “Why ESPN Is
ed the following as Tier 1 carriers: AOL Transit Data The Crown Jewel,” Time, February 23, 2004.
Network, AT&T, Global Crossing, Level 3, Verizon,
NTT, Qwest, SAVVIS, and Sprint. See http://en. 82. Internet Freedom Preservation Act, S. 2917, 2006. An excellent in-
troduction to peering in Ars Technica estimated that 83. For an overview of the progressive legal theories
there are seven Tier 1 providers. Rudolph van der that made increased government regulation possi-
Berg, “How the ’Net Works: An Introduction to Peer- ble, see Richard Epstein, How Progressives Rewrote the
ing and Transit,” Ars Technica, September 2, 2008, Constitution (Washington: Cato Institute, 2006), pp. 52–110.
84. Gabriel Kolko, Railroads and Regulation, 1877–
70. Benkler, p. 158. 1916 (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press),
1965, pp. 47–48.
71. Ibid. p. 240.
85. Ari and Olive Hoogenboom, A History of the
72. The Associated Press confirmed reports that ICC: From Panacea to Palliative (New York: W.W.
Comcast was interfering with BitTorrent traffic Norton, 1976), p. 26.

86. Ibid., p. 30. 105. Martha Derthick and Paul J. Quirk, The
Politics of Deregulation (Washington: Brookings
87. Interstate Commerce Commission v. The Cincinnati, Institution, 1985), pp. 40–44.
New Orleans and Texas Pacific Railway Company et
al., 167 U.S. 479 (1897). 106. Thomas Gale Moore, “U.S. Airline Deregu-
lation: Its Effects on Passengers, Capital, and Labor,”
88. Hoogenboom, p. 39. Journal of Law and Economics 29, no. 1 (April 1986):
89. Ibid., pp. 44, 52, 60.
107. Ibid., p. 8.
90. Ibid., pp. 55–6.
108. John C. Taylor, “Regulation of Trucking by
91. Ibid., pp. 94–6. the States.” Regulation 17, no. 2 (Spring 1994).
92. Ibid., pp. 130–1. 109. Temin, pp. 113–31, 217–276.
93. Ibid., p. 137. 110. “Civil Aeronautics Board Policy: An Evaluation.”
94. Robert C. Fellmeth, The Interstate Commerce 111. Richard H. K. Vietor, “Contrived Competition:
Omission, the Public Interest and the ICC: The Ralph Airline Regulation and Deregulation, 1925–1988,”
Nader Study Group Report on the Interstate Commerce Business History Review 64, no. 1 (Spring 1990).
Commission (New York: Viking Press, 1970).
112. Hoogenboom, p. 55.
95. “Civil Aeronautics Board Policy: An Evalu-
ation,” Yale Law Journal 57, no. 6 (April 1948). 113. Ibid., p. 55.

96. For example, Adam Thierer has argued that fed- 114. Joe Nocera, “Bland Menu If Cable Goes à la
eral and state regulation was essential to the con- Carte,” New York Times, November 24, 2007.
solidation of the Bell monopoly. See Adam D.
Thierer, “Unnatural Monopoly: Critical Moments 115. Ken Fisher, “First Peek at a ‘Family Cable Tier,’”
in the Development of the Bell System Monopoly,” Ars Technica, December 15, 2005, http://arstechni
Cato Journal 14, no. 2 (Fall 1994). 82.html.

97. John Brooks, Telephone: The First Hundred Years 116. Jerry Brito and Jerry Ellig, “Video Killed the
(New York: Harper and Row, 1975), p. 196. Franchise Star: The Consumer Cost of Cable
Franchising and Policy Alternatives,” March 2006.
98. Peter Temin, The Fall of the Bell System: A Study Available at the Social Science Research Network,
in Prices and Politics (Cambridge: Cambridge Uni-
versity Press, 1987), p. 22.
117. Marguerite Reardon, “Net Phone Operators
99. Ibid., p. 26. Reach E911 Deadline,” CNet, November
28, 2005,
100. Ibid., p. 29. tors-reach-E911-deadline/2100-7352_3-5974196.
101. Ibid., pp. 47–54.
118. Declan McCullagh and Ben Charny, “Feds
102. A good overview of this literature is Sam Back Wiretap Rules for Internet,” CNet,
Peltzman, “The Economic Theory of Regulation August 4, 2004,
after a Decade of Deregulation,” Brookings Papers wiretap-rules-for-Internet/2100-7352_3-5296
on Economic Activity, Microeconomics 1989. 417.html.
103. G. Stigler, “The Theory of Economic Regu- 119. Anne Broache, “Appeals Court Ruling Up-
lation,” The Bell Journal of Economics and Manage- holds Net Phone Taxes,” CNet, June 1,
ment Science 2, no. 1 (Spring, 1971). 2007,
104. Further discussion of regulatory capture and 23.html.
network neutrality can be found in Adam D.
Thierer, “‘Network Neutrality’: Digital Discrimin- 120. Ben Charny, “Vonage Beats Back New York Rul-
ation or Regulatory Gamesmanship in Cyber- ing,” CNet, June 30, 2004, http://www.
space?” Cato Institute Policy Analysis no. 507,
January 12, 2004, pp. 17–19. /2100-7352_3-5253841.html. Ben Charny, “States
Gang Up on Vonage,” CNet, April 11,

2005, nology Policy, Princeton University, July 6, 2006,

121. Adam D. Thierer, pp. 6–7. 125. Interstate Commerce Commission v. The Cincin-
nati, New Orleans and Texas Pacific Railway Company
122. Internet Freedom Preservation Act, S. 2917, et al., 167 U.S. 479 (1897).
126. Christopher Yoo, “Beyond Network Neu-
123. Edward W. Felten, “Verizon Violates Net Neu- trality,” pp. 41–42.
trality with DNS Deviations,” Freedom to Tinker,
November 12, 2007, http://www.freedom-to-tinker 127. 535 U.S. 467 (2002).
128. 545 U.S. 967 (2005).
124. Edward W. Felten, “Nuts and Bolts of Net-
work Neutrality,” Center for Information Tech-


625. High-Speed Rail: The Wrong Road for America by Randal O’Toole
(October 31, 2008)

624. Fiscal Policy Report Card on America’s Governors: 2008 by Chris Edwards
(October 20, 2008)

623. Two Kinds of Change: Comparing the Candidates on Foreign Policy

by Justin Logan (October 14, 2008)

622. A Critique of the National Popular Vote Plan for Electing the President
by John Samples (October 13, 2008)

621. Medical Licensing: An Obstacle to Affordable, Quality Care by Shirley

Svorny (September 17, 2008)

620. Markets vs. Monopolies in Education: A Global Review of the Evidence

by Andrew J. Coulson (September 10, 2008)

619. Executive Pay: Regulation vs. Market Competition by Ira T. Kay and Steven
Van Putten (September 10, 2008)

618. The Fiscal Impact of a Large-Scale Education Tax Credit Program by

Andrew J. Coulson with a Technical Appendix by Anca M. Cotet (July 1, 2008)

617. Roadmap to Gridlock: The Failure of Long-Range Metropolitan

Transportation Planning by Randal O’Toole (May 27, 2008)

616. Dismal Science: The Shortcomings of U.S. School Choice Research and
How to Address Them by John Merrifield (April 16, 2008)

615. Does Rail Transit Save Energy or Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions? by
Randal O’Toole (April 14, 2008)

614. Organ Sales and Moral Travails: Lessons from the Living Kidney Vendor
Program in Iran by Benjamin E. Hippen (March 20, 2008)

613. The Grass Is Not Always Greener: A Look at National Health Care
Systems Around the World by Michael Tanner (March 18, 2008)

612. Electronic Employment Eligibility Verification: Franz Kafka’s Solution

to Illegal Immigration by Jim Harper (March 5, 2008)

611. Parting with Illusions: Developing a Realistic Approach to Relations

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610. Learning the Right Lessons from Iraq by Benjamin H. Friedman,
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609. What to Do about Climate Change by Indur M. Goklany (February 5, 2008)

608. Cracks in the Foundation: NATO’s New Troubles by Stanley Kober

(January 15, 2008)

607. The Connection between Wage Growth and Social Security’s Financial
Condition by Jagadeesh Gokhale (December 10, 2007)

606. The Planning Tax: The Case against Regional Growth-Management

Planning by Randal O’Toole (December 6, 2007)

605. The Public Education Tax Credit by Adam B. Schaeffer (December 5, 2007)

604. A Gift of Life Deserves Compensation: How to Increase Living Kidney

Donation with Realistic Incentives by Arthur J. Matas (November 7, 2007)

603. What Can the United States Learn from the Nordic Model? by Daniel J.
Mitchell (November 5, 2007)

602. Do You Know the Way to L.A.? San Jose Shows How to Turn an Urban
Area into Los Angeles in Three Stressful Decades by Randal O’Toole
(October 17, 2007)

601. The Freedom to Spend Your Own Money on Medical Care: A Common
Casualty of Universal Coverage by Kent Masterson Brown (October 15, 2007)

600. Taiwan’s Defense Budget: How Taipei’s Free Riding Risks War by Justin
Logan and Ted Galen Carpenter (September 13, 2007)

599. End It, Don’t Mend It: What to Do with No Child Left Behind by Neal
McCluskey and Andrew J. Coulson (September 5, 2007)

598. Don’t Increase Federal Gasoline Taxes—Abolish Them by Jerry Taylor and
Peter Van Doren (August 7, 2007)

597. Medicaid’s Soaring Cost: Time to Step on the Brakes by Jagadeesh

Gokhale (July 19, 2007)

596. Debunking Portland: The City That Doesn’t Work by Randal O’Toole
(July 9, 2007)

595. The Massachusetts Health Plan: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly by
David A. Hyman (June 28, 2007)
594. The Myth of the Rational Voter: Why Democracies Choose Bad Policies
by Bryan Caplan (May 29, 2007)

593. Federal Aid to the States: Historical Cause of Government Growth and
Bureaucracy by Chris Edwards (May 22, 2007)

592. The Corporate Welfare State: How the Federal Government Subsidizes
U.S. Businesses by Stephen Slivinski (May 14, 2007)

591. The Perfect Firestorm: Bringing Forest Service Wildfire Costs under
Control by Randal O’Toole (April 30, 2007)

590. In Pursuit of Happiness Research: Is It Reliable? What Does It Imply for

Policy? by Will Wilkinson (April 11, 2007)

589. Energy Alarmism: The Myths That Make Americans Worry about Oil by
Eugene Gholz and Daryl G. Press (April 5, 2007)

588. Escaping the Trap: Why the United States Must Leave Iraq by Ted Galen
Carpenter (February 14, 2007)

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586. Has U.S. Income Inequality Really Increased? by Alan Reynolds (January 8,

585. The Cato Education Market Index by Andrew J. Coulson with advisers
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