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2.18.13 BOS Reg. Mtg.

Town of Milton Board of Selectmen Regular Meeting Monday February 18, 2013 Milton Town Hall 6:00 P.M. Meeting Minutes
Members in attendance: Chairman Bob Srnec, Tom Gray and Bob Bridges. Also in attendance: Joe Ryan-Town Administrator, Wendy Keane Recording Clerk. Public in attendance: Cynthia Wyatt, Emery Booska, Steve Panish, Mike McDonnell, John Nolan, Virginia Long, and David Levin.
Meeting was called to order at 6:10pm. Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Discussion with the Conservation Commission (Con Com). Bob Bridges stated that at the last meeting he requested that all Boards and Committees come before the Board of Selectmen (BOS) so that they could get to know them and discuss how they operate. With items being on the Warrant Article this year in regards to the Con Com specifically he apologized that they were not notified. He continued to state that he did a review of the Con Com and how they came to be and the items previously on Warrant Articles in regards to funds and operation and found the information to be somewhat confusing. At some point the Con Com budget was placed within the Planning and Land Use budget. Bob B would like to see the Com Com at least quarterly so that communication can be kept open. Tom Gray stated that we need to communicate more openly with all boards and what happened at the Deliberative Session should not have happened without prior conversation with the Con Com. Bob B stated that there was no malice on the part of the BOS. Chairman Cynthia Wyatt of the Con Com agreed that there needs to be better communication and will make an attempt to meet with the BOS quarterly and requested that a member of the BOS sits on their Board so that they (BOS) knows what is going on. There was lengthy discussion with input from Cynthia Wyatt, Steve Panish, Emery Booska, Mike McDonnell and Virginia Long on the positive aspects of conservation. It was noted that the cost to the town for development of residential areas is not always beneficial in a fiscal sense as it costs approximately $150 in services for every $100 gained in revenue from residential tax base. It was also noted that development could have a negative impact on the Milton Three Ponds which is already in a precarious position as there have been marked changes in the quality of the water over the years, many which can be attributed to development and water runoff reaching the tributaries and water bodies directly. Steve Panish stated that he envisions Milton becoming a smaller Wolfeboro and attracting tourists by way of hiking trails, outdoor recreation, shops and restaurants. 1

2.18.13 BOS Reg. Mtg.

Chairman Cynthia Wyatt of the Con Com made the BOS aware of a parcel which is being considered for an easement and the costs associated with doing so. She stated that the overall costs will be in the range of $15000.00 due to legal and physical work (surveying, baseline study, etc) that will need to be completed. The parcel will have to go into a perpetual monitoring by law which creates a heavy burden of cost. Cynthia Wyatt noted that Milton does not even have 20% of its land in conservation. People are here for the rural feel of the town. We do not have an infrastructure for conventional industrial development. Emery stated that there are a few questions going on at the same time. In regards to tax revenue, not all land that the Con Com looks at is endorsed by the Con Com. There have been parcels that the Con Com has declined working with in the past. The water quality, in that context, years ago when there were individual budgets and line items and one of the items in the Con Com was for water quality and lake monitoring. Regular monitoring helps to track and initiate actions to mitigate problems. We do have resources and not all land should go into Conservation and we want to protect the resources that we do have as much as we can. Discussion was held on what the BOS owes the Con Com and what needs to be addressed is where we are to where we need to be and not bankrupt the towns operating fund. The dollar figure does not take into account the property transferred. Cynthia Wyatt stated that she is aware there is $2million in the account. Joe explained that the money that is there has to take the town through the month of June and a check for the amount cannot just be written for the full amount. Dave Levin inquired if towards the end of fulfilling the statute is it possible to set up a simple mechanism and assume the tax collector can call the Con Com when a land use change tax comes in? Joe stated that it is not always that clear. Joe suggested that $24618.51 be transferred now and then we will reexamine the town funds in August to get an idea of what will be available for a future transfer. MOTION: Bob Bridges moves to transfer $24619.00 to the Con Com at this time and for a review in August for future amounts to be transferred. Seconded by Tom Gray. Bob B aye, Tom Gray Aye, Bob Srnec against. Motion carried 2-0. Emery asked if there was any way that in the future that we could go back to a time when the Con Com had its own budget. Emery helped to create the testing style that is used almost worldwide that was developed at UNH. He would like more detail as to what is allowed to them in the budget. It was agreed that a separate budgeting will be looked into for future budget seasons. Joe Ryan stated that he has received notice that the perambulation of the town boundaries needs to be done and will look into this. . Bob Bridges represented the Fire Chief who had a meeting in Ossipee this evening at 7. The FD Assoc, Friends of Fire Dept has purchased a $1600 light that goes on the front of the fire truck that flashes into the cars in front of them and allows for vehicles to be seen. The Fire Department is requesting that the gift of $1600 be approved with the note that the installation was no cost to the Town. Tom asked why the association paid for it when the 2

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vehicle belongs to the town. Bob B stated the light is not a requirement and is an extra so instead of asking the taxpayers the association made it a gift. MOTION: Bob B moved to accept the gift from the Town Firefighters Association of a Roto Rays warning light in the amount of $1600. Seconded by Tom. Motion carried 3-0. Bob B. stated that Comstar wants an increase in the way they charge and he and the Chief would like a representative from Constar to come explain this to the Board because he does not feel it would be fair to the taxpayers. He would like to table discussion until a representative can speak with the BOS. MOTION: Tom moved to accept the manifest. Seconded by Bob Bridges. Motion carried 3-0. Joe Ryan stated that the individual regarding the contract buy out as discussed in a recent Non-Public session has not been back in touch. As previously discussed, Joe Ryan met with Jim Sessler regarding the Fitzpatrick property and Mr. Fitzpatricks letter requesting reimbursement of the property. Two amendments discussed at Deliberative session have been passed thorough LGC and DRA; the library amendment is questionable and may have legal concerns. Joe submitted the voter guide to the BOS for review and he noted that what is not in there is the piece that was written up by the fire station. Keeping inline, the School Board asked if they could include a page in our voters guide to which Joe feels would be appropriate. Last meeting the Board voted to in accordance to the courts to pay for the Heighton case. The vote was for $4000 and the amount is for $4237.50. MOTION: Bob S moved to pay the amount of 4237.50 to Jim Heighton. Seconded by Tom Gray. Motion carried 3-0. Discussion was held on a particular check presented for payment. Joe explained that the $1000 is for 1.5 months payment and the Town does not have much leeway in this being paid. Question on electric bill for the sewer department which is consisten with the useage for last January. Joe stated that the welfare person who agreed to stay on temporarily is leaving. One of the applicants is a current employee of the town. She has indicated her interest and has worked with Terry and Terry has stated that she has done well in learning the steps. Joe recommended that we pay her $3.00 less an hour than the current person. She will not be considered a new employee, just expanding her roll. Her rolls will be separated by department. Joe is working with treasurer, police and tax clerk on the recommendation of the auditor and will continue to do so. Notice from DRA that the Median 105% for 2012 tax year.

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Milton NH emergency operation plan needs adoption and signature of the BOS. Bob B stated that there is a 234 pg report and this letter shows we accept the plan and it will need to be maintained, signed and sent into the state yearly. MOTION: Tom moved to adopt the emergency operations plan. Seconded by Bob B. Motion carried 3-0. Joe stated that the Committee appointed by the Board for the TA search interviewed 9 out of 10 candidates last week. Of the 9 they have recommended 4 to be interviewed by the BOS and one of the 4 has decided to opt out of the process due to the Town not being able to meet her requirements. He asked when they would like to meet with them. Tom said as soon as possible. Tom asked for the copies of the resumes to be reprinted for their review. Joe stated that a member of the interview committee asked if they could be present, not involved, but present for the interview. It was the general consensus to deny the request. It was also the general consensus that they meet on Friday for 4, 5, and 6 pm meetings with the final applicants. Bob Bridges stated that there was a complaint in reference to the last storm that Milton Mills being treated different than Milton in the road clearing. It was stated on Facebook which is not the appropriate venue. Public comments opened: David Levin thank the Board for their actions in regards to the Conservation Commission and the session closed. MOTION: Bob S. moved to enter into non public under RSA 93 A 1-3 a & c. Seconded by Tom Gray. Motion carried 3-0. MOTION Bob B. moved to adjourn. Seconded by Tom Gray. Motion carried 3-0. Meeting adjourned at 8:00PM Respectfully submitted, Wendy L. Keane Land Use Clerk

______________________ ______________________ ______________________ Chairman Bob Srnec Tom Gray Bob Bridges

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