Disraeli and Henderson Photo Enforcement

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Disraeli/Henderson Photo Enforcement

The City of Winnipeg has a long history of focusing aggressive speed enforcement on roads with missing signs. Henderson Hwy and the Disraeli Freeway are examples.

Disraeli Freeway
Throughout 2012, the Disraeli overpass was rebuilt. During construction, signs were removed. On completion of the project all four speed signs on southbound were not replaced while other signs were put back.

Up until 2012, the Disraeli Freeway had speed signs on the southbound direction.

In 2013, the same locations are no longer signed.

Speed signing is especially important on Disraeli due it being Winnipeg's only freeway, and a location that appears to be (and arguably could be) a 70 or 80 km/h zone. At the south side of the Disraeli Bridge is Argyle High School with a minimum age of 16. Previously, Winnipeg did not sign school zones at high schools. This became a practice in 2002; the year photo radar was introduced and only allowed in school and playground zones. Creating school zones around high schools greatly increased the number of roads that are photo enforceable. Other cities such as Calgary and Edmonton still do not put school zones at high schools. The Disraeli Freeway at this location lacks intersections and has a pedestrian overpass keeping people off the road. A school where all students are old enough to drive and on a highway with a pedestrian overpass should be the last area requiring a school zone. Southbound traffic coming off the bridge is farthest from the school. With the lack of any speed limit signing and downhill, this section of road has become Winnipeg's newest mobile photo enforcement location where units are now seen daily issuing hundreds of school zone speeding tickets.

Henderson Hwy
Henderson Hwy south of McLeod, Pembina Hwy south of McGillvray and Portage Ave west of Century were all areas that had missing speed limit signs. These areas were aggressively targeted daily by photo radar. The city initially refused to replace the signs and only did so after receiving a strongly worded letter from myself following a fatal collision. The Henderson Hwy playground zone south of Munroe is just north of Disraeli and previously had playground zone signs on both sides of the road. The median sign went missing in 2011.

Henderson Hwy Before

Henderson Hwy After

Speed limit signs are required after large intersections and after route markers. The speed limit sign located after the route marker for southbound traffic leaving the intersection of Munroe is missing. This is immediately before the above mentioned playground zone. The speed sign for northbound traffic leaving Munroe is present and isn't followed by photo radar.

South of Munroe, the route marker is present, but the speed limit sign is missing. The playground can be seen in the background. With the speed sign now present at McLeod, photo radar has moved their daily enforcement to this playground zone. Is it going to take another fatal accident before the city replaces the missing signage forcing photo radar to once again move to the next location with missing signs?

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