Devotion Week of April 14 2013

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Prayer Requests
Y Y Pray for Gina Irlbecks parents whose house was burned this week in the ice storm. Pray for the Maschman Family (friends of Jennifer). Terry Maschman was a high school teacher who lost his battle with brain cancer on Wednesday. Pray for Jon & Jodi Blacks friend Joanne Seeman Benick who has cancer. Bakia Ndip is requesting journey mercies as he undertakes a 3 week vacation to Cameroon, Africa to visit with family. Pray for Maureen Paulson & family (George & Dianne Blacks friend) on the unexpected death of their son. Als father, Rocci Norcia cancer has returned and is starting Chemo treatments. Please pray for him. For Cathy Smith who is struggling with mental illness and is participating in an outpatient treatment program at Ramsey County Hospital. Pray for Jennifers neighbor, Jenna Undersander, who was just diagnosed with cancer and has started chemo. Pray for Kate, friend of Sally Leitch, who is on bed rest. Steven Van Meter, son of Kevin & Pam Van Meter, who is serving our country in Afghanistan. A.J. Pratt, wife of Gwin Pratt. Gwin is the pastor of St. Luke Presbyterian Church. A.J. is suffering from a serious disease. Pray for Jerry Hermsens brother, Vern, who is in a home for Alzheimers. Pray for Jerry Hermsen who was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. Pray for Rose Tendoh to find a job with Gods guidance. Pray for John Thiessen as he lives with cancer. For Bobbie Pearson, friend of Gloria Ivers, has completed chemo and is on her way to recovery. Thank you for the prayers. (remove 4/21) Pray for Beverly Dols, John Ivers sister, completed chemo and is on her way to


recovery. Thank you for the prayers. (remove 4/21) Pray for David Schwartz (friend of George & Dianne Black) as he is suffering from cancer. Pray for Ward Sessing, member of the Presbyterian Church of the Way, who is in the final stages of cancer. Pray for Donna McCullen, wife of Ken McCullen, who is suffering from cancer.


God has deep desires for us. As well read this week God sees us as very good people. Unfortunately our own guilt can prevent this goodness from being lived out. As well read this week our guilt is justifiedwe should feel guilty when we sin. However our guilt puts an obstacle between God and us. This obstacle is the result of our own action. Our own guilt can stop us from relying on God. Fortunately God always welcomes us into relationship with open arms. No matter what weve done God loves us and wants us to be in relationship. The readings this week share a picture of how guilt workshow it reveals our sinful ways, how it scares us from approaching God AND how Gods love is more powerful than our own guilt. We never need to not approach God. Enjoy! Comments about the devotion can be E-mailed to Monday, April 15 Read Genesis 1:26-31 You and I were created in Gods image and likeness. When God looked at us God saw that we were very good. Gods intention for us is to be very good. Good here doesnt only mean in a moral wayGod sees in us beauty and love and compassion and ultimately grace. Or as Babbie Mason put it, you are Gods favorite.



All of us are Gods favorite (we are tied for first!) because God sees our own goodness. Think today how you could carry this goodness with you in a humble way. Perhaps you could say a prayer at the top of every hourLord, thank you for the goodness in me. Perhaps you could carry something in your pocket to remind you of your goodness Perhaps when you see your favorite color you could give thanks for your goodness Perhaps when you see yourself in the mirror today you could say, you are good! Connecting to our own goodness is a way to connect to the design that God has for us! Prayer: Good God, help me connect to the goodness youve place within me today. May my connection be in a humble way. Tuesday, April 16 Read Genesis 3:7-21 When Adam and Eves eyes were opened they experienced guilt. The sin was eating of the fruit of the tree in the middle of the garden; the guilt was the emotion they experienced as a result of their sin. Guilt always has a moral dimension. As a result of their sin and corresponding guilt Adam and Eve hid themselves from God. They were afraid. Adam and Eve should have felt guilty. If they hadnt felt guilt, they would have been oblivious to the seriousness of their actions. Guilt can be our ally, because the emotion lets us know that weve crossed a line that we should not have caused. Prayer: Lord, I dont want to feel guilty, but when I do may help me see how Ive crossed a line. Dont let my guilt lead me to be afraid of you. Wednesday, April 17

Read Genesis 4:8-16 This is a fascinating story. God punished Cain because Cain had killed his brother, Abel. Cain experienced tremendous guilt because of his action. Then God put a mark on Cain. This mark protected Cain from others. Every day Cain would see this mark that God put on him. The mark was a consequence of his sin AND the mark protected him. What a contrast! What emotions do you think Cain felt when he saw the mark? He probably felt guilty because it reminded him of what he had done; he also probably felt a sense of relief. Sorting through these emotions was probably not easy. Prayer: The journey of faith is complicated at times! I dont want to fall, but I want your protection too. Help! Thursday, April 18 Read Psalm 51:1-12 David had committed a terrible sin. He raped Bathsheba and then had her husband, Uriah, killed. He then covered up his acts. God had seen all that had taken place. He sent the prophet Nathan to rebuke David. As a consequence of his sin the child of David and Bathsheba died. Most people believe that this Psalm was written by David after this incident. Despite his guilt, David poured out his thoughts to God in this Psalm. He desired truth in his inner being; he wanted a new and right spirit, a clean heart. The guilt that he experienced didnt lead him away from God like Adam and Eve; instead it caused him to turn to God with passion. No matter what we do, we never need to be afraid of God. We can always turn to God. God might not like some of what we do, but God will always receive us. Prayer: How amazing that you would accept David despite his terrible sin. How amazing that you accept me. Help me understand that you will always receive me.

Friday, April 19 Read Isaiah 6:1-7 This is a famous call story of Isaiah. Isaiah was praying in the temple when he had a vision of God. Note verse 7: The seraph touched my mouth with it [a piece of coal] and said: Now that this has touched your lips, your guilt has departed and your sin is blotted out. Isaiah felt a sense of unworthiness in front of God. This vision he received in the Temple accentuated his own sense of unworthiness and guilt. God forgave Isaiah through the actions of the seraph. God removed the guilt that Isaiah felt. What a powerful story of forgiveness! We receive this same gift too. We might not have such a powerful vision of Godthough some people do receive these visions. But we do receive forgiveness. Our guilt is removed! Hallelujah! Prayer: Thank you for your forgiveness. If I am feeling guilty about anything, remove that. May I be free! Saturday, April 20 Read Luke 24:28-35 The two disciples had been walking with Jesus, but hadnt recognized him. Just as Mary Magdalene didnt recognize Jesus on the day of the resurrection, these two men didnt either. They saw him in the breaking of the breadwe would call this Communion. They suddenly had a clear vision of Jesus. He was not dead after allhe was alive. This story doesnt talk about guilt, but it does describe what happens when we have a clear picture of understanding of Jesus. The two men werent experiencing guilt when they saw Jesus breaking the bread. They were librated and excited. They experienced the freedom that God desires for us and the freedom that guilt can cover up!

May we experience this freedom today. Let go of guilt and hold on to a vision of God! Prayer: Id like to be able to see you like the two men on the road of Emmaus saw you. Give me such eyes today!

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