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VOLUNTEERING There are two types of working styles which are prevelant at the moment.

The first is the tra itional mo el! the "pay #efore yo$ get% mo el. The secon mo el is "get an then pay if yo$ can&want to%. There are these attention gra##ing hea lines like "Open 'o$rce is taking over the worl %. In the comp$ter in $stry now! there is a very ifferent mo el of #$siness which is forging a #each(hea for itself against all the haters. )hat this mo el is is very simple an the f$n amental ifference is that it is *incl$sive* rather than *e+cl$sive* in its approach. The commercial worl is e+cl$sive! yo$ have to pay me ,-. po$n s #efore yo$ can have the #asket of fr$it. If yo$ haven*t got the ,-.! yo$ are e+cl$ e .)hat has now happene in IT an with organisations like "Open 'o$rce /atters% is that it has change to a more incl$sive mo el. The premise is as follows. 0 eveloper says! "1o$ can $se an ownloa my software free of charge! I sweate an toile to make it. I o! however! have to eat! I wish I i n*t! so! if yo$ $se my software an it a s #enefit to yo$! then please! if yo$ can affor to! make a onation! so that I can contin$e to evelop an improve my software for yo$.% This is a whole ifferent mo el. In the real worl ! this wo$l #e analogo$s to when yo$ go foo shopping! 2$st walking o$t of the store with yo$r foo an if yo$ en2oy eating it! an yo$ can affor to! make a onation to the shop to help make s$re it is still there in 3 months time. 'o! yo$ see! people still have to pay! #$t the ifference is! they pay if they can. Now I*m not a vocating this as s$ch! I am 2$st pointing o$t to people who may not have seen it what is happening in the comp$ter in $stry an what is likely to spill over into other omains also. It is a power iss$e at it*s heart. Tra itionally money has controlle society what we are trying to move forwar into is people controlling society. To ay! yo$ can make very very sofisticate systems $sing p$rely open so$rce pr $cts. If yo$ on*t #elieve me! 2$st try open office. http4&& ownloa &in e+.html It is a f$lly f$nctional open so$rce! in other wor s! there is no fro5en price to pay #efore yo$ can get yo$r mitts on it pro $ct. This is the way the worl is changing an instea of the price ictatorship system! people are given the power to pay what they can! in other wor s! if yo$ have a lot of money yo$ sho$l feel compelle o$t of a sense of ecency an social 2$stice so that yo$ on*t #ecome a social criminal! to pay or onate a little more. This is partly what they mean with that i eal of "Government #y the people%. 6eople are far smarter than they are given cre it for. They $n erstan that if they on*t s$pport the stores&o$tlets that they $se! that they will close. In this way! people can eci e what oes an oesn*t flo$rish! not fiscal overlor s who eci e what to or what not to invest in. )hat is happening then is that in an incl$sive worl ! people work 2$st as har as commercial g$ys an it is getting to the point where pro2ects 7 see lin$+ mint! 2oomla an so on are as goo if not #etter than the commercial offerings. If it wasn*t for the vol$nteers who make themselves v$lnera#le #y not p$tting the cart #efore the horse which means yo$ have to pay #efore yo$ can $se when yo$ on*t even really know what yo$ are getting! then! then too m$ch of the power is in the han s of the ven or an not the cons$mer an that is not healthy. This mo el is a e+tension of the *tipping* system. 'ome criminals who co$l wo$l not tip a waiter on 83 an ho$r #$t then other people wo$l an so it wo$l #alance o$t. The i ea then is that people can tip corporations when they think they are oing a goo 2o#. This is not some fantasy here! this is happening right now to ay an I #$ilt a sophisticate we#site which is in $se to ay $sing mostly open so$rce non commercial software we#site. I on*t have money so I i n*t pay where I i n*t have to an what yo$ haven*t got! yo$ can*t give! #$t others have an they o an that keeps the pro2ects going an healthy. If I get money! I know what pieces of software have a e val$e to me an my pro2ect an so at that point I will onate to them! for s$re. 'o! this in a large way is what is happening in the comp$ter worl an the pro2ections are that it is going to spill over into the wi er #$siness worl ! #eca$se simply! as a mo el it is more #ase on tr$st than istr$st an as we all s$ffer from 6T'9 from the worl wars! then! we nee some of that

tr$st. The tra itional mo el! o$t of fear! has always trie to control everything. Everything #o$n in contracts means that yo$ can*t move an there is a rigi infle+i#ility 2$st like an $nfit person trying to o yoga. )hen we are fit! things are more ynamic an free flowing. )hy on Earth we have all these contracts an laws an crap that I personally have no cl$e what they mean is #eyon me. 'o! when people #$il we#sites! make software an o other ee s an the fiscal si e of it is an after( tho$ght! that t$rns the ti e. Getting to the point where people are the masters of money! not money the master of people is where we are all trying to get too. Only once people stop #owing own to fiscal yearnings will we ever #e free of the money whip which forces people to o things an that is what is wrong! the fact that people are force thro$gh lack of it to o things for it. 'o! 2$st oing st$ff an allowing for the ivine win to #ring yo$ what it may is the healthy mo el $se #y people who want to live in a free worl rather than a contract$ally #o$n an controlle one. )e may see this one ay yet! #$sinesses saying! money not accepte here. They*re calle po$n s for a reason! it is like a gym! whilst yo$ can*t lift them! yo$ are $n er their control! #$t once yo$ are strong eno$gh to lift them! yo$ are free an strong. )riting these #logs! then! money is not accepta#le recompense! yo$ can pay me with a like or a share.

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